HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoisseau Avenue To\\.n Attorney /SO/SSE" ~ t$ s\\ ,Jet<. t; '-... ...1'_ ~ v~_-:>-, . ~ ~ 4 , .."'V' Ie :~,;;,t:,;'i:t.': !b OFFICIS @!-:;':J\~~ORNEY TOWN OF,SOUTHOJ,:D .~"....., ,. -' -"'JW- V~,":::"~_--'.:.:.Y'&... :\ '':',4/1- ':,- ,,-..f!j) .:Uj;'cI I' Q.~'"'aJP 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 'R:;0...."""<:.a-<-u U."",", , '>hr. ~~~ .. <. . . ., . " . . ROBERT W. TASKER TELEPHONE (516) 417-1400 March 12. 1979 Hon. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Town Hall Southold. New York 11971 Re: Town of Southold wI Meyer f i Dear Judy: Relative to the above captioned title closing, I enclose herewith the following: (1) Deed from Peter J. Meyer, Jr., Stella Meyer and Peter Meyer III to the Town of Southold dated February 26, 1979 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on March 5, 1979 in Liber 8591 of deeds at page 37. (2) The Title Guarantee Company policy of title insurance No. 1205103 dated February 28, 1979 in the amount of $8, 000 naming the Town as the insured. (3) Copy of the Contract of Sale. (4) Closing Statement. In order that I may have a record for my files, will you please acknowledge receipt of the enclosures by signing and returning to me the copy of this letter enclosed for that purpose. Yours very truly, ~ ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:MY Enclosures _I'"" ,'I .. < , I ". . . . . . RESOLUTION At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, held n January 30, 1979. WHEREAS, a serious drainage problem exists on Boisseau Avenue at or near its intersection wi th the Long Island Railroad right of way, and WHEREAS, PETER J. MEYER, JR. and others are the owners of property on the east side of Boisseau A venue and will sell a 40,000 square foot parcel thereof to the Town of Southold for the sum of $7, 500.00, and, (; WHEREAS, this Board deems it in the public's interest that the Town of Southold acquire said 40, 000 square foot parcel of land for the purpose of constructing a recharge basin thereon to alleviate flooding con- ditions in the area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of South- old acquire the parcel of land herein-described from Peter J. Meyer, Jr., for the sum of $7, 500 and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is author- ized and directed to execute a contract for such purchase on behalf of the Town of Southold, said contract to be in such form as is approved by the Town Attorn.ey~:1. Said real property being described as follows, ~to wit: " // / . " . . . . ." '.. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of Boisseau A venue, 1395.96 feet northerly along said easterly line from the Main Road: said point of beginning being the southwesterly corner of land of Barzac: from said point of beginning running along said land of Barzac, 2 courses as fol- lows: (1) south 87 degrees 29 minutes 5.0 seconds east 200.0 feet, thence (2) north 2 degrees 30 minutes 10 seconds east 112.51 feet to land of Knutson Marine Center, Inc., being also the southerly line of a 25-foot right of way: thence along said land of Knutson Marine Center, Inc., being along said southerly line of said 25-foot right of way, south 81 degrees 55 minutes 50 seconds .East 96. 70 feet; thence along land of the party of the first part, 2 courses, as follows: (1) south 2 degrees 30 minutes 10 seconds west 203.13 feet: thence (2) north 87 degrees 29 minutes 50 seconds west 296.24 feet to said easterly line of Boisseau A venue: thence along said easterly line, north 2 degrees 30 minutes 10 seconds east 100 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 40,000 square feet. " // _0- , .' .--.- . !ftott7U~:rr- ~iev ATTORNEY AT LAW ..0: ~~ 1', 'Jj .mc\:~~~:. 425 MAIN STREET ....:...-"".....~. GREENPDRT, NEW YORK 11944 lANl " r f17Q t, .' (., \. _.'i V 516-477-1400 ._..-"onl $1.t1 ~~ h-. ~ January 26, 1979 ; 0\.: ii Mr. Albert Martocchia, Supervisor Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Martocchia: Re: Town of Southold w/Meyer Enclosed herewith is a copy of the proposed contract for the purchase of a parcel of land on the east side of Boisseau . Avenue- in Southold, New York from Meyer at a price of $7, 500. The contracts have this day been sent to the attorney for the sellers for their execution and retur-n to me. Also enclosed herewith is a proposed resolution which should be presented to the Town Board at its meeting held on January 30, 1979. This resolution authorizes the purchase of the Meyer property. Y o.urs very: truly, /7l ~~C;;~ Ro~iASKER RWT:fae Ene. v " \' I'\;: 0' V ,\) ,)' N' v "\~ "-J Jist. ,1000 3ec. 63 Blk. 3 Lot plo 1 M C C\! '<:l' c-':) ,I ~ ')...' ~ SunJHJ N. Y.B. T. U. Form !Ioor ll-n-20M -BUg.lill .111d S~ll!! Dc~J, with Co\'cnml ~SJillH {jr.l,,[Oc'$ Acn-lmluiJuJI oc CorporJfiol CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SaG THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT .LD BE USED'BY LAWYERS ONLY, UBER8591 rACE 37 .., /J F:1lA- ' THIS INDENI1JRE, made the L.J.;::Y day of February BElWEEN , nineteen hundred and Seventy- Nine PETER J. MEYER, Jr. and STELLA MEYER, his wife, and PETER MEYER, III, all residing at 121 Piquet Lane, Woodbury, New York, 11797, party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having its office at Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, 24651 RE~ED $ REAL' ESTATE" MAR party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of 51979 TRANSFER TAX SUFFOU< COUNTY paid dollars, lawful money of the United States, by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the 'party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being ifl-the- at Southold, in the Town of Southo1d, County of Suffolk and State ( New York, bounded and described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: i . ' BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of Boisseau Avenue, 1395.96 feet northerly along said easterly line from the Main Road, said point of beginning beil the southwesterly corner of land of Barzac; from said point of beginning running along said land of Barzac, 2 courses as follows: 1. South 87 degrees 29 minutes 50 seconds East, 200 feet; 2. North 02 degrees 30 minutes 10 seconds East, 112 feet to land of Knutson Marine Center, Inc., being also the southerly line of a 25 foot right of way; thence along said land of Knutson Marine Center, Inc., being along said southerly line of said 25 foot right of way, South 81 degrees 55 minutes 50 seconds East, 96.70 feet; thence along land of the party of the first part, 2 courses as follows: (1) South 02 degrees 30 minutes 10 seconds West, 203.13 feet, (2) North 87 degrees 29 minutes 50 seconds West, 296.24 feet to said easterly line of Boisseau Avenue; thence along said easterly line, North 2 degrees 30 minutes 10 Seconds East, 100.00 feet to the point of BEGINNING. '6 It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the purchaser proposes to use the above~described premises for the construction thereon of a recharge basin and! or other surface water drainage facilities to alleviate existing flooding conditions on Boisseau Avenue and the area in the vicinity thereof. The purchaser agrees that it will construct such drainage facilities in such manner that no surface water will flow from Boisseau Avenue onto other prop,erty of the sellers adjacent thereto. It is further agreed tlBt the deed to be delivered pursuant to the terms of this agreement grant to the sellers and their assigns the right to,drain surface water from all or any part of their remaining premises (shown and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1,000, Section 063, Block 3, Lot 1) into the recharge basin or other drainage facilities construct on the premises being conveyed hereunder. s,':,:" , " - , -, 'eel . lIBtR8591 PAGE 38 . 'pPRr o~ BEING" the same premises conveyed to the sellers herein by deed dated April 10, 1969, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on April 16, 1969, -'in Liber 6535 of Deeds, Page 101. r ' .. . ~-;~~""~.~, -"-,~ ~....;-, .,- t"'o....~:~ ....~..-"7 ,. "..,'". ~. .t'~ . -;:.. '.,' ""'/ ';-"/j, it ., . , 1I8Ep.8591 PAGE 39. . . TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. l AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. ~:.PRESENCE OF: ~-<(Z2 ~ ~U;~!.:'9~~FSOUTHOLD . ';~7. 0:- By /~. " '-'J-t-i--' , -"''''7 a::-vr.. /.' $-,':' ~'/-''' r)' upervisor I,~ _.~-~~- '.~" \.'\1\:" /.~/tz. ;J7~ 4- Peter J. Meyer, Jr. y!t~ ~~/ Stella Meyer ;u;:. /J2qt-< 771 Peter Meyer. /III ; ~ tl~>"OtJv I rv" ~i i 'STAn OF NEW 1&1C. COUKl't'OF NASSAU, u: ~ On the 'l.k 11' day of F e b ruary . 19.] ,before me personally came PE TER J. MEYER, JR.. STELLA MEYER and PETER MEYER. III to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and aclmowledged that th ey executed the same. ',~~ ~ - ~KAmQ llowr Public. S\:l.~e of New York C<rt" >E',:D::,,~~:'~:;' :~~;;:~ Yotk 'Icnn ~piru :.i:uc:b ~O. -'.'-,;/ .". . - .... /1(>un" ru~h.~ Ut:l .~ j\e,\' I ,,"il Xa. J(o..,'l;!lljO Qualifio:d in }:';,~.~.u l~"'JlY A-rt8.FjJ~wjth~l1c('m:, Hillh'=>t ~ew "i..il Cmmty Cl('rh~ llnd n,;,<Ji,:"'(i;:", Ta1" E~l'i~t.J ~,hl ~~ :~'_' i l!I'" STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF .$v,F.-=",,;./< ..: On the ':-'f'd day of "'::;;dr<'cJrY 197;>, before me personally came Jr/;,mc:'""S ~ //'&/>?I'lN to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at Ho./~,v4T&!Rl',<J LJ HvCI',r,,"'b'~ e" -rc -9'.0 7f/--J "70<-<11'/<'-1" :5",~4.Ld ; that he is the .tJE,Pc;,TY :Su.?t:RVIS.R of 7"l/c -?"7JGV~ o,c :::S'6CT 7//cL/J , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that. he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrumelJ1. i~ such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order df"'tllS;'board sf f1if" I ., of said corpora- "":' =d ili.. ;;2 cp-?I::-' ROBERT VI. TASKER t>:OTARY PU3L1C, State of New York Sulfolk County No. 52.3933725 Term Expires March 30, 1979 ~argain anb ~a[e 1iBetb WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TITle No. Irl.O'5(O,,~ T. G. T. PETER J. MEYER, JR., STELLA MEYER and PETER MEYER. III. TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STAHDAlD fORM OF NEW YOk)( IOARD OF nnE UNDERWRITERS Dillrib"uJ by ~ TITLE GUARANTEE. NEW YORK A TlCOR COMPANY STATE OF NEW YOIIC. COUNTY OF . u: 19 , before me On the day of personally came to me known to be the individual executed the foregoing instrument, executed the same. described in and who and aclmowledged that STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF 'I: On the day of 19 , before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it. was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN Recorded At Requesl of The Tille Guarantee Company RETURN BY MAIL TO, Robert W. Tasker. Esq. Town Attorney. Town of Southold 425 Main Street Greenport. L. I. N. Y. Zip No. 11944 ~ u 1r,) 0: ~ C) 0 " ',., z ~ Q '" 0 I u ~ I '" ~ 0 ~ ~ 1.1' "' :::> :> " '" c- o 0 ~ '-" ~ "'" u .. c:. ... "' "' :c ... ~ > '" ~ "' ~ '" 0-> .-- ~ -c. c.- r' VI ~ \~l ~ (-' .;:. :JI'_? \~IQC;; ''-.'' ,,, -;~.;.: -.:~, rf;,~7"~ :c C' '-;:" ~ .- ? i~~ u1 '2 -;;:: lo' -. < ' . . . 1 .\ " , I I I I I I I I . I I I I i I I I I I I . . /\\/cr'L!-::"' ,--. "- . J_ IDO.O +>- ~ ~o 0 7 (0) 0 b -" \!) 0 fl) ~ 0 .r. r\i ,. ~, eft ~ ....a ....., :.. ;' a03.13 MeLJey BO\"''''"t::"t: I r . --,->_.-\- ~ 1~~5.% to M:.... Road _______ I 1) 0' 'fJ <' 0 <: ~ \J Cl !) Ci ~ " 1'1 (j) 0 0 :'J 0 C (j) -l I C 0 r '7 .... 0 .,... .. U:J ':l -< .." !l () \ I I I NI /_./ ~f rl .~ ~/-."-~-:'- ;:l I '" , , ~I 0' ~I , I ,- 1----- II Ila.SI " (Jl () c.. n Q Ib .. - ~ ~ 0 ..1: 0 (\I ~ ..:. lJ -I '. ...0.----- ..- .-, I' .. L. ...~ r I I I i II , , I I I i i\ i , , , II " ~ " Ii Ii ., 'I I, II 'I I \ Ii 'I , ,. .~o l:lseiU)rVE Hl!!'" "~-- -' '-ji--"- '---~:,' '--'-'-~-' V.- . ';, ~'~\'5itm,;i JI\N 29 i979 \ PF 28 6/751 Standard N.V.B.T.V. Form B041.Contract of S.lle CONSULT YOUR LAWYER DEFORE SIGHING THIS mSTnUMENT-THlS INSTnUM~NT SHOULD BE U5!i'1.~'LO"."'wn~s O:iL', , !>O\J.(nU.w'J In1 : '1 NOTE: FIRE LOSSES. This form of contract contain, no e"prc," provision as to riskiofloss by fire or other casualiy b~,' fore delivery of the deed. Unle:is express provision is made, the provisions of\Scction 5.1311 of the General Obligations Law will apply, This section also places risk of Joss upon purchaser if title or possession is transferred prior to closing, TIns AGREEMENT, made the day of ,ninetun hundred'and BETWEEN PETER J. MEYER. JR. and'STELLA MEYER, his wife and PETER MEYER. III, all residing at 121 Piquet Lane, Woodbury, NeW' York hereinafter described as the seller, alld TO\VN OF SOUTHOLD. a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having its office at Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 hereinafter described as the purchaser, i WITNESSETH, that the seller agrees to sell and convey, and the purchaser agrees to purchase, aJI that Ce{tain r,lot, piece ,: or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erecled, situate,lying and being~"m~ at Sout 101d, I in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York bounded and I described as follows: . BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of Boisseau Avenue, 1395.96 feet northerly along said easterly line from the Main Road; said point of beginning being t.he southwesterly corner of land of Barzac; from said point of beginning running along said land of Barzac, 2 courses as follo\'","s: . (l) S. 87"29'50"E. -200. 0 feet, thence (2) N. 2" 30'10"E. -112. 51 feet to land of Knutsory'Marine Center, Inc., being also the southerly line of a 25' right of way; therice along said land of Knutson' Marine Center, Inc., being along said southerly line of said 25' right of way, S. 81" 55'5{)"E. -96. 70 feet; thence along land of the party of the first part, 2 courses~ as follo\vs: (1) S. 2"30'10"W. -203.13 feet; tr-.znce (2) N. 87"29'50"W. -296. 24 feet to said easterly line of Boisseau Avenue; thence along said easterly line, N. 2" 30'1 O"E. -100. 00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 40, 000 square feet. ~ ~ Ii i1 Ii jt ~ II it !I I I I I I, II II I It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the purchaser proposes to use the above-described premises for the construction thereon of a recharge basin and/ or other surface water drainage facilities to alleviate ex- isting nooding conditions on Boissea.u A venue and the area in the vicinity thereof. The purchaser agrees that it will construct such drainage facilities in such mannel that no surface water will Dow from Boisseau Avenue onto other property of the sellers adjacent. thereto. It is:further agreed that the deed to be delivered pur- suant to the terms of this agreement grant to the sellers and their assigns the right to drain surface water from all or any part of their remaining premises (shown and designated on the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1,000, Section 063, Block 3, Lot 1) into the recharge basin or other drainage facilities con- struCted on the preinises bei1'igconveyed 'hereunder. - - ,- -- -- . , -' I. This sale includes all right, ,title and interest, if any, of the seller in and to any bnd lying in the bed of any street, ro; or avenue op:ned or proposed, In front of or ndjoining SJid premises, to the center line thereof. and all right. title and intN( of \h~. seller In and to any award nwde or to be made in lieu thereof 3nd to :}nd to any unpaid award for damage to S:l p.r~nm.', .~y reason of c,hange of grade: of .any street; 3,!1d the seller will execute and deliver to the purchaser, on c1c.s!I;i; , ,." .~_~,r.~. _-" .....,..,.,.~ ~11 _~",__~.. ..-"~...,......,,....'.. ~,-,r 'i'''",,",~v~v:mccofsuchtitleandth(''a<:,,i,,.''',,, , .. ~, . , '" , ~ , . r ~ '. '. , , (l C) :~ " '. ') ~ ~ .'~ '< .r' .~, . ~ ~J ?I. II se 8 if 'I properly :;), in ..' :iry 01 'c York II so 9 is '! Iy '. .d " I' ~ )ro~~"., I ! !;,;' -, ~ 1 Y"", ~ II \ ,. , . . ............. _....~'-'"'-.,~~......;. ",-'--'--'.-- . _ .""....' ___ .......___._...._'-"--____J_....."".____.. . . __,..._n '- .._......---~..__.._..- --- .~_..,~.-".-...-,.....- :1' II ~ , , ,. SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND 00/100 :~ _ _~~ ~~~e~~_ __ _ _ = _ __ _ _ _ __ _ --..{$7. 500. 00)- _ __ _ __ __ _ ____ - -- - - Dollars. payable as follows: mm HUNDR ill AND 00/100 ($100, OOr Dollars, I 1 ,i ti ~ i h t \ ~ on the signing of this contract, by check ,ubjectto collection, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; _ _ ___ _ _ __ __ _ _ __~~y~~ :~!:lQ\!~~9, ~OO~t}oW~0'P-~.P. !'}i!?_QQL! QQ _ __ _ _ --- - - - )Jollars, in cash or good certified check to the order of the seller on the delivery of the deed as hereinafte~ ,provided; lDcll"", .llJ<:l:rldog1iHo::sa:l:ljco:tXcrx: XDJXtg:lg<"'_xj;=ll'SXi>lop~:ihat:~:tll<:!Iinl>iD1ewSI<at:tb= :rJI((J{O:fxxxxxxxx"l""'Ire<l1Cl1llt:llIm<l>UPhe'l"'irnXpoktIl:ingxl:u=IDj1<llOIblc :ll3:l<,.tt:i~, }btXtllX:p1ltcll~~'!1~lC<!&'Iil!~:lI~N'u!ag\llll"JW;&1!X:.'iifj;}lb'lll!'sei!ct:OW~r,':l{:m:e'<5fil"l}il:lWtli<.XSi""'I"""~ Ji.<:l:tm:d:\r",3.:\lllrGIra=lJ!NY' =ong'J~QXl;{i=bflWPXcmi3e~;:m,:t~nt)::p;ly;Wl.iX ", X~~I=t;;rt::1bex:wulli:xxxxxXx..~;rt.; 1lQrnJll\l(!J}.~~bI.ol: }d;:X}..~~mkl:llXIKt'tlX:m:dxnlKtpg(:to;:~~n:ltil<mmlev>ICllbbl[nro-lSln::1ll~xtll~m:s;nf:l:;.'tWitlo~ '. ----Un<!' iters for mortgages of like lien; and shall be drawn by the aHorneY,lOr the sel.er at the expense purchaser, who shall a he mortgage recording tax and recording fees. 4. If such purchase mo rtgage is to be a subordinate mortgage on the pr~!'}i," a 1 provide that it shall be subject and subordinate to the lien of tl~stinlL mortg;u:e----<if S , , . . ,', any exten. , Ih f nd to any J110rtga"e or cons~fl.d..Illort:;age--~ which m:lj' be placed on the premIses 1f1 lieu thereof, slons ereo a t> " -,"-'.:. I I I ' ' ~m' "0 ;m>. cxtell..ions thcreof provided (:1) th:at t_ht:.uHe-rC'~q r.Tre-".UIC~~~F shall not )c. r.rcJtcr tun, . pc.:r l,;r:n~ pet .:Ill'HUn :\lh! (Il) tJut, ir the l':i!1CI;1:\l.;UT1.,\!j~t t~;~r!:'ol s!nll n:~'cCLT !t:;::-a::.l.~l_~;":::~ ,1l jHiJh~li,.ll i)'J.Il1~: ~~J Un~Jh! on ~.1ht_ (,,"'l"l''':~ "hurf:"!~C ."1t 1110.: ci~~_o.f pl::tt'lllg.such new Tll?tlf..l~C: or ct)n~olll.b~cu ItlOTt~:~.~.th~.:~ccS'i. b~ p:ud to t!lt:: holder ot such purchase mo~~rtgage In reduction of the pnnclpal thereof. Such purchase money mon:gagc:_s.h::lH also provide that such paY.l)1ent-to tne holder thereof shall not alter or affect the regular installments, if any, of principarp~Y3ble ,hereunder and'sliall further_p_r~vide that the holder thereof will, on d~mand and without charge ther~for, execute, acknowledge and &'l;'~~?lfi(greeiherliJ&1l1g'Fe'8'ne;m:fu,}!lil>r}l<>~~Thl~I~OOHi1lfJfiOO:. 5. If there be a mortgage on the premises the seller agrees to deliver to the purchaser atlhe time of delivery of the deed a proper certificate executed and acknowledged by the holder of such mortgage and in form for recording, certifying as to the amount of the unpaid principal and interest thereon, date oi maturity thereof and rate of interest thereon, and the Seller shall pay the fees for recording such certificate. Should the mortgagee be a bank or other"institution as defined in Section 274.:!, Real Property Law, the mortgagee may, in lieu of the said certificate, furnish a letter signed by a duly authorized officer, or employee, or agent, containing the information required to be set forth in said certificate, Seller represents that such mortgage will not be in defa~lt at or as a r~~ult of the delivery of the deed'hereunder and that neither said mortgage, nor any mod,ficahon thereof contallls any provISIon to accelerate payment, or to change any of the other terms or provisions thereof by reason of the delivery of the deed hereunder. 6. Said premises arc sold and arc to be conveyed subject to: a. Zoning regulations and ordinances of the city. town or village in which the premises lie which are not violated by existing structures. b. Consents by the seller or any former owner of premises for the erection of any structure or structures on, under or above any street or streets on which said premises may abut. c. Encroachments of stoops) areas) cellar steps, trim <!nd cornices, if any, upon any street or highway. d. Any state of facts an accurate surveyor personal inspection of lh0 I)['f'nlisp~ "v'''lIlt} r0v....al. pt.ovic1....d t_h:,1 tl"l.... R:l.T"l"lC" dn not "'-"!1<I..r. titl." lInnl;'J.J.;ct;tbl.... 7. ,,\ll r.ot<'s. elf n......tl.:t'~ .ofvi<JtJti~ns l1fI.Jw N nluni.:ipJI or~jn':!nc(,s, \')rd~rs or requirc;;lents ntll::d in or lSSUC,J by the DC':"lJrt_ ~It:'~l.b. of Housmg J.nd lluilJlI1gs, Fire, Labor, Health, or other State or Municipal Dc:pJrtment h,winf'l J'urisd"ct"o _ l .J It dHlg t!Ie premises at the date hereof, shall be complied with b th II d h" r' (:> I 1 n. ::lgJtnSt Or I~"'~ame, and this pr,ovis.ion of this contract shall survive deliver! of ~h~e d~~da~,,,;U~d~~C1~i.~:'s~~:~l st~'lIc~nvey~d ~~ee of (; 1.I\Cr wuh an authOrIzatIOn to make the necessary searches therefor. ' .... ~ . urms 1 t t: pur. Xl;.; x '^lbc~iomorffuc}illg<}lrexprlltlti=x=M"*t\Illl'.I{lh~}Q'.W"T.1iM~,"""'W.""'.1>vt. . , . .. "V . 01 Ihe City of NelV York (Sections 564.18,0, ete,) prior to the deliv 8 ":C- "r~" r . ,'l"'....:.>l'l>l1~~illhll1"'~W Ice upon the dcl~very orthc deed. This provision shall survive the dc1ivc~70~tl~~1~~~-w..d-tsdr~rged by thesel-' 9.- -lr....~Lthe lime of the delivery of the deed the pf"mises or an ' ~ assc"smcnt or;js!:cssmt"llu._w '.ch are or m3.}' b~come ~l_1r__~_l~eof shall be or shall have been affected by 3n charge or lien, or h:ls been p~id then '1,q~<"... (1(....'I"~ .1nnUJ Installments, of which the first inst.:!lIment i!: then a . I J I I . . _.-- 1- -T........~!Il1j contract :t11 th.... un "J'. II f mc U Illr. tlOse \1,' \Ich 3r~ lO-h~CJTllC due and p:wJbl:o J.f[::~ . _ . pJI. IIb[J men[s 0 an)' such assessment d t I .-.- ".' c .... 1~ u:"I'~\'-OL1l1~_~r'ed 13.11 b d d b 3n !o 1e 1~'Il~ uron the premises affc.:tcd therc~\' Jnd Sllll b.' '"J ''':''~ c ceme to c duc and payabl" cC.:}{jo:.k!!.1:xx .... ' J. . pJI JnJ UIS(nJI~:.:j-l'ty-:-.'1c......s.cU~ upvn Ihi: dcli.....cry. ~'- 10. Th" full\).....in; Jle (0 be JprorlinaeJ: ~-- --"~ ~~j!Jr.xX~-oI:>:'~~K.'(J{xx..'I!Xit):rn:r.,"-'tI'I>;""'~ '. ~ ' . :NKll::':XJ;~,:Q1;":-CXi"liil;i';>il\"'~Xll~~i'i'<;f\.1'\lf) Ta,-,.;7~i~~~~Z;;~X.~Kt::;g<MI:1'i,1<N>1ii?"'IEiifu"~"i'Jj:K';;;"(;rX~. ~s;eSS"~'.,(~),~~a,t<r c1:a:.ses on II~e ,~asisoflhe denG" year. <B:~~~jX*?Y: on the baSIS of tpeff'C'tt"year for which ;, ... ~ Omit CI<l/lJcJ5/f till: prtJl'crry if flV! ill t!teei!)' of N~w York. --. Ojo.... ~; :':' ;~},. , " c.~~ ;it" . .~-~._~. -,- ~ .~ . ....,'-.. ,.,.'. ~ '~,,",'-"" ._-"''''''''~~-'''''-~''''''''''''-~-'- . . I Ii I: 'i I' ,i l: I. I, 12. If .there be a water meter on the poemises 1'1' s"I- I II f _ 1 . t tI r I . fl" . . I c.: 1,.;. c.:f S 13 urrll'i.! J rC:1dInl! 10 J dJlc nut .....('I~ ".~~ ,:..o;y 'o!" ;; .le Ime .lcrc~n se\ or C osmg tItle, and the un!1xcu mt::tt::r dlJr"e .:w,j th,~ unl~~~J .c.......r "C'lt "1'[ J.-::'-~J-"~'; ~,.~.~ lC1Iltcr\'~nlllgtullcSlillbeJpportioncuonthebJSisofs1Jchb:it';CJJ;1l:~. ..- ~ ~ ". ":.. ....... '.", 13. The lL.'cd shall be the usual Bargain ~nd Sale~ WiLh (\J':t:'r:~nt :\.:::;'Jir-::.:t C:-:1;.~\'!.': :',>::.' diced in tr(\?~'r ~tat~lOr~ short form for !c':'..1rJ :!nJ ~h.dj h,.- Jul'.' ""'.'. ."::.:[i .~:;~! :F~.~..,",:,: !:-':"! 'r. :-...:". C lJs:r LIt: lC~,:'I[.nl.l.t: 01_ th: s:!icl .ilf:::lli3~~ h.x (I;" J:! -":::":t::::h!.m'.:~.... ..: ,.,:;'~ ..., __' . -' required by ~U,-'JI"J'.,lulI.) 01 S~'(!i,)n I~'{lf!:;;." L..:n L1,..... ' -', ::c;~. ..-...... ... ~f Ih:: ~~Ilt:r i-; .! l'orporJtilJll. it ....111 ~'::l".':i 1,1 ;':~ ;'~J:,::~.l~.c'':1 ::~.: ::::-.1",. ,! ~~_~ '~':;l~:" ,_! ::-.:- .::~~.:: {':.' _ "',: (' Ilj BdJfJ p! 1.\i!::Clor:; .1UI;:\Jflli~1~ :;:.~ :..:.::\,'" J::~; \1.1..,....._ ,.f ."._ '._ \ ... I _"'. _. .'__' "_ ,"." ..'- of I !lo.: .;V! jll-r.ll :'):1 ':l.UI fyrn '':: ~;;..:h ~'C"_'ll.n: :1:1 .!:~.j ;;; ~ ~>':: 1 ~ ~~ ;'~,":':.' '. -..... J:.. : ....1.:'.~ :.~.- -'_.. t " ;.....,: ~ ~ ~; ~ . . ,',. \.': r-..:, ;'J::',:!ll':il: \ ,,1 So:~ !il'it '/t,i',' ,.: I::... H,;' ...,...... C .1;,"" f ..:., ;1 I ~.... _ f ,(' :': c': ;.1 .~..1 . ~." :"._ j . .:-: ~ __:"1 c:,:~!\h\h ":":~lj';:J!'''::.: \\ll!l - ud ~~:i"H:'."".. I.;. Al lil..: ,:,':':1:': u{ i::~ ..i;.,: I);\,'" '-c;;':r :.::.:.: ,j..::..:r ~, ~. _ ... .__.... ~..,.., .t. ~. ~.i,~;:'e';',> "~I;' '~~,~:;,';'.~',:~/:,,';.i,\'r:~;;i~ 'i7",,'/ ii", Ii ;~-\~,.:.:.,j ,~>'';; ::. ;'"j.': :~:,; ';:: ,1.,., !'_, - . f.lr :!ny l.lbl.:l l:J... j"n-.Jhlc h.. l',::!',ufl \.'( iLl: J~'::'.c:'.' ul 1:1<; ~~'C'J. ~I'-~.l h-L:::1,1:- .:.n', t--;:" :O;":\.ll,- J..; ;~. _., hy llll.: :,..:IIl..'f. ~:i(j 1Jl\':-I,.H...lt;I~,~.r JI~u ;1:':1L't:. t,-, '...:n J'nJ !o\\~''':l to Ii:.,: ,..:I.1I:1 .1:1.1 I,) ,-,Jc:>\7 :i).: ...L..:.:;. .l~-,,! ..': :~.:.::;1 ddi"'CfCd hI lliL. Jpproj1riJk lIffi..:Cf pru';llptly a:'t~r [Ii:: dmln;.: of lith:, 15. In addition, th~ seller shall at tile S~I11C time ddivcr to the JHlh:hascr a certified l..'hc;.;k to the- l,rJL'f uf tlL..' 1 Adillinistrator fur the ;lIllOunl of the RL';d Property Tr:'lllsfcr Ta.'{ irnpllsc-u by Title JI'of Ch~ptcr 46 of the Adnlllll', Cod~ uf the City of New York and will also deliver to th~ purchaser the return required hy the said :.tatutc and t ubtions issued pursu~J:\t tu the ~uthorily th'~reof. duly sign~d ~nd sworn tv by the seller; thc pun;h~s~r :If'('\,'S Iv Sl S\\'~:.H to tlit: retum and to cause the chcLl,( and Ille return tll be d.:Ii....l.r.:d tu the City Register l'illlllplly ,lfl.:r 11l~ dnslil~ titl~. J,G. 11:..: sdk'r \h:dll'.I~e In,! II...: pu: _L:L:r :.I:..:!! .!.:...,'Pl.1 !ifL: :'~I,:h.J. any title cornp3ny doing', husincs Suffolk Count.Y~ ..1 :.t:::~~l::: ,.: 1::r: :-\C'.~ Y"j;'" l~'~:J (,( r!:!c-l..i1Jcr."':IC[~. ,,;;; _1;'11.1\" .~::,! I , II ! JI~~:. ~;;II.; ~~~l:;;:cl~~;~'l~~.r~ IIJ~l~;'::l:\\l.;,!~;~ :},'::, ,~: ~':~!,f:~~ ,I,; :~~~:; ,:~.~~~ ~,l ~;i;JI~~C~I~:~~ /:~ ~~~~~~~ ...-.;~j~ ~_~~: ~~~~r.;~~~~:~::;:~~!~~ ~;;~:'I!;:!il,4: ~~~"' ::~,:_~ "\"'1."'1" -.,. -, .' ....u.,(.II,. ,I..: ..... I" -. "" 1., ,,:.. I'T'" -. I ..., , .... n. .'-1.. .. ".. I"" >......... ..c.., ." > '. . ...~.. IS. All {!\{~J{""'. JilJ .lII !":!.". .d i....':....:;.;:l i'l ';.:r:',- .::..::.:;':-.1 ." .);';"'-;:~:~~"!~" -.',,:1 1,' ....'""-:'""'.,;~H__.... --..:'>, ~.;=,~ ;~~,.. Iq)f"::'~'lIkd h b-: 1.l'.'.j1.:~11;'. ::.: :.-;;;-:-: :.:, I:, j~l .:::; ;;-:~~~ ...:..J ',',_..::,l...:'.-l ". ';~ ~~ t_,~:.;. ::;.!....~ ;',-,; , llil'. \.,10:; \'.rli ',jt !J:;;~'.I:L: l~: .':::,r..l:::'. .,: ;':: :"1-:~-,.1...~ ~.;~:.!,\.\.;:.. '_~;::.__C ..;C'.~,...~;:.~..,:~~. .4'. .~_ hL':ILfll:. h~::','l,:: .\;:.! ,....:~.:::: :....1;:0:-. ..:: ~,,:,:.:.,;,1: ,.\.:;:':.~;.:~.~_,.. .~.,. ~..~l;~:~:..,;...;..:;.....,~-_.~ ~>:'t;."..~. bJlh;';\llll'.::h:~.l:..:i;':Il~.J!'I:~':; r::,::1:_ '-,....... ',:;.~:.:.1~':..:.:: _'." ......, ~""-,~:::.::':-~"';~<,__...~ y b()\(;~. ~:\Jr;:' .!...,.t'.. I:.....ld b..,tc:.. \"'-~:;a'T ,~:;.:~, t:.::,'," ,,-~. . ::~7"~. ::,~..;l.~",\,,~'.' .:.::J ',':;:~~-:"1:: ': ;~:.:..H! '. , . '-~ ; "j:...: ;'...:. ; ..;l! .~. ;'~_'! :..'~~ ,,:,:,,::,-,"'-:l -",_':: .. 1,,'-. "'.:0 ;,,:',.'. , '. 'I ~ .. ~ ;' ';"' - '...:' "-, .....;, ",., , _t ., ; . ',,,,', ~,...... ., ,. ..... .....-. ,""": ....,., . ;.." ~.~ '.,.-.." "', " . . -.... .': .....~..~ t ~ ". ,." ;. -. j. . ',", 'e">'''' ...._ . ' j " . , . "'~';.:I ',~. :1',,";(' ..l1'''''r.-''''~'';l!~ __,~. I:... L: . "":j'~',.,,,, "". .'_,~ .... :: l~ ',~~.(': to: ':";';"h.,~ ..1, '\.;".':-. '_"..,; ...".l.:.-.... .. ~.IJ,: ,- .;:1;'.1:;:. ','d:.. ;(1:1 ::;"1.:.., .I_"~'j.:.;~'k tll ,:::~IIC';'I;:('.j 11:. II I,. J:, .,I:C ""l.lll';:::: .11~J Ii:,' ,,~.,t...!:::....:. .. ,',.l.: .lIld 1!1'" !\)llJ:kl. 01 hili: 1l\',1JU!:.1..' Iv Ihe: i':Jf~h.J:,t:f t,..lll.l'r IlL''': vf Jll)' \\1..11 1:,'iI\ ;Inu c:n\.-:;:.l;~r':'I~..'r.:\. nr \..:Iil 1;;\. :u..lIfJ\1 \.'11 h.lr":l.'::l'll I or S.I/Ill' .'(I[ of lhe ilhUfl'J IHl.:JJ:J','~'s. Th~ pur..:h.l'>L'r, 11' t\,:'jllt::-.t 1\ llI;Hk wllh:n a rl'.l~.l)Il.lhlt: 11::1..' I:; ,Ill.: d,ltr.: vf du~illg llf lilk:;IL;[L'l'S tu prll\'iJ~ al 111(; du,>ill~ SCp:u.:Jk "':l'l tifio:d ..'he..:hs :l~ rt:qu..'s!\.'J. ag!!t\.'rJI11'g I hl' .1: of the b:l1:lrICC' of lhe purcha\t: price. tu fJcilit:lte the satisfaction of ~IIlY SHch liclls ur cm:ulllur:.tnl.:cs. TI:t: l':\I",tl'n.::.: , !-olll.:h taxl~ or olh(;r liens :wel em:umbrances shall not be deemed objL'dions to title if the selkr sh.::t!l comply with till J~oillg rcquilt:I1IC'llts, 21. If a scardl of the title discloses judgments. bankruptcies or other returns ~gJinst other persons hJving IlJmes the 5: or siJllilar to th:.1f of the scllcr. the seller will on request delivcr to the purchaser an affidavit showing th;.t[ SUl.:!J judgr h;lllf..:.Wplcics or other rclurns arc not against the seller. 2~. In the evcnt thJt the seller is ullable to convey title in accordaJlce with the terms of this contract, the sule li3bil till.' ~dkr wII! be to refund to LIlt: pUrcllJSCr the ~moul1t paid on ac..:ount of the purL:hase price and tv pay the f1l't c L'.\:llllllliug the title, which cost is 110t to exceed lhe charges fi.'i:ed by thl~ New York Board of Title Unc.!":Iwriters, ,no [/ \.'ll:;t or Jny sLlrvcy lll:ule in COIIIIL'l:tion therewith incurred by the- pur(h:'=,~r. ;mJ upon slJch refund and P;J}'lHl'Jl~ t~fHl~: Illl~ c\)ntrad Sh,lll ht: considered C;lllcckJ. 2_1. '1 Ill. d\.'cd ~h;dl h.: dehvcr\.'d IIpun the h:..:cipt of :;,)i~1 p.J~dlH-'IIIS .11 the of:'i..:c l'( .A bby A. ..;..-)0 .1 "17ichu l'U1TlIJik(". .J '.'l'i(~ho. :\"'W Y u%"l.o: 117 ;i] , "'..:,....\....'" ha!7.n~:l::~ Fsq. ,. e -'" . '.., '!'" ,_~_., ',( ",1,...,' ~.l.'...~~..~'.~ ->-:.,.",..t :.1,'_"" ::..;:.'1.:, .._.... ~.. ..... .... ....._..Il. _'!to......,. ...__ ............... """"""_.. .._..._..........~_.~wlL"~ .... ~'l", ..~...... .,'.'" ... lI"; I,: ....... ~ , ." ,,; I..,.... ,', .........:... "'u. .';..~.;;t.a.'. "..'.. .., .,-. t,...o:. .~..-'''''...,.. ':;.a ,," :,. y". ." : .~>, 1..'-' ..',-n,."..., -.' . "."- ;" -Iot-.....,~,' 1-;>'''' .,1..: . '.J. ."~.~,,. 't .~" "...~ 0'"--"" , ~ - ;. " . ..:- ..,', ,:--., -.-.: c. .'_ :. h.....;..I ~ '''; .. " .;.,- ~ ;--;..: "-' ... . .,: ,c~-_ '; t;.<_ , .~-,;a.;.. ~ ..' ~. .".~:.. ---....... ';:...;;J;'~;~'::'~:;':"~:~~!'A,>...!).j~~"t_;;.,-:.:r~.::;il'J(;:';'.~,,~ r;.~ "!.~I~'O !.. :. ~.C' !'1:<." ".H 1..00 .1::., la ;;.,':; ;':~."-::1: ""::":::;1.-',1 .Jfj.J :....!'jC: tJ :::':'."';~l~']c ~:.c. \loC'.1t.lC.l:. .);~..: n~~..;.\; ~~C:ct Il.>!; f....!..~..l.ll tlie d.l!L' rhetl."{ .wJ tL~' (iL'.lJ:l~ LII tllk. :('. ., rm ~'~rCClllcllt lIlay Ilnt be dlJllp..J or '[crrnin:!t('J l)fJlly. The stljlt:LillUn:i aforesaid. :lIe to apply tl) JnJ On] Jlf,'Il~, L'.\.C..'utl'rs. JrJmillislr:Itl.Jfs, SU":ccssurs :Iud aSSi!;I1S of tlIt:: rc:::>pcctivc pJ[II~~. 27. If lWll ur IllLlre persons constitute cithc:r the seller or the pUrdlJSer, the word "seller" or th~ \','oId "purclL shJIJ bl' t:llIlSlrlll'd ~I$ if it reJd "sellers" or "purclIJSers" whercycr th~ sense of this ~grC'ell1ent so n:quires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement has been duly execuled by the parties hereto. In }HC:icru.:e of: l'eter J. Meyer, Jr. btella Meyer Pete! Meyel HI TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD Bv