HomeMy WebLinkAboutResidential Repair - Office for the Aging
DOC ID: 3017
JULY 3, 2007:
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute an Al!reement with the Suffolk Countv Office of the
Al!inl! for communitv services for the Elderlv Residential Repair Prol!ram, IFMS No. SCS
EXE 0000000 No. 001-6777-4980-95285 from April I, 2006 through March 31, 2008, subject to
the approval of the Town Attorney.
f'~.( ~Cl.r{erxll""
Elizabeth A. Neville
South old Town Clerk
MOVER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman
SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice
AYES: Krupski Jr., Edwards, Ross, Wickham, Evans, Russell
County of Suffolk
i5), ~ (i; ~ ~ \19 ~ ~
lnl AUG 2 1 2007 19J
Steve Levy
Suffolk County Executive
Office for the Aging
Holly S. Rhodes-Teague
August 16, 2007
The Honorable Scott A. Russell
Town of Southold
53095 Main Street, PO Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
RE: Community Services for the Elderly - Residential Repair
IFMS No. SCS EXE 07000000605
Dear Supervisor Russell:
The fully executed Agreement referenced above is enclosed for your files.
Attached is a copy of All Department Heads Memorandum 30-97 explaining budget
modification requirements. Any budget modification not meeting these requirements may
be delayed or rejected by the Budget Office.
Also enclosed find the Notification of Rights, which must be posted as part of your
compliance with Local Law No. 12-2001, the Living Wage Law.
If you require any further information, please contact Mary-Valerie Kempinski at 853-8209.
Sinc~rely, ~
U ;t,(j~ -Y--<4.--J
Leonor Hunter
Fiscal Administrator
cc: Karen McLaughlin
G:ISLEVlMVKformletterslLtr4Bfullyexec.ADH.NOR. TownCC.doc
(631) 853-8200
H. Lee Dennison Building. 100 Veterans Memorial Highway. P.O. Box 6100 . Hauppauge, New York 11788-0099 . FAX 853-8225
Over 30 years as the designated Area Agency on Aging Providing Services for Older Citizens
DATE: June 10, 1997
.TIlls memorandum applies to those departments who pay contract agencies from the Operating
Budget 4770 or 4980 objects.
On August 29.1995, ADH 47-95 was issued to resolve problems whicli had developed regarding
the procedures and reqUirements for modifying confract agency budgets. In early 1997, there
were again problems with timeliness and the reasons for modifications for certain dep~ents
involving 1996 contracts.
Departments who .deal with contract agencies have a major responsibility ~ the processing of
contract budget modifications. Therefore, the attached procedures, which take effect with all
1997 contracts should be closely followed. Please. distribute these procedures to all of your
contract agencies.
If there are any questions regarding this ADH, please contact your departmenfs Budget
Chief Deputy County Executive
Department Heads
, <
-. .
I. Non-equipment requests for contract budget modifications must be received at the County
Executive's Budget Office no later than 45 calendar days prior to the end of the contract
fiscal year. Equipment modifications must be received 90 calendar days prior to the end
of the contract fiscal year. .
2. Under no circumstances can expenditures for which a budget modification is being
requested be made prior to the approval of the modification by the Budget Office.
3. An agency will be restricted to three approved modifications per year.
4. Each line item requested to be modified must befuUy justified and must be directly
related to the intent of the program. -
5. Any transfers to increase saI81j' rates of contract employees, create new positions, or
change the title of a position, must be submitted prior to the rate increase being given or
the position being filled. The Budget Office will not approve retroactive salary increases~
The only exception applies to a retroactive labor agreement between an agencY and their .
. union bargaining unit(s).
6. Budget modifications cannot increase the dollar amount of the contract.
I. !?our copies of the proposed budget modification and one copy of the justification,
including a letter from the agency requesting the change, should be forwarded to the
Budget office with the depar1ment's recommendation within fifteen (IS) calendar
days of receipt of the request by the department. 0- -
2. Thejustification must include the effect of the modification on the program;changes in
the available reimbursement to the County, ifany, the additional dollar amount which
will be paid to the agency, and the dollar amount of reimbursement to the County, ir"the
modification is approved. ./
3. If the contract is funded under a Federal or State grant. or State reimburse1f1ent, the
Department Head must advise in the transmittal memo whether State or Federal approval
for the modification is required and whether the attached documentation showing the
change has been approved by the funding agency.
4. The budget modification fonnat must indicate the line item, the current budget amount.
the amount spent year to date, the new amount of the line item and the dollar amount of
the change.
According to the provisions of Local Law #12-2001 (the Living Wage law) enacted
by Suffolk County in July of2001, a living wage rate was established. The Living
Wage shall be adjusted each year in proportion to the increase of the area
Consumer Price Index. The increase in the area Consumer Price Index for 2006 is
3.8%. Effective July I, 2007, the Living Wage will increase to $10.40 per hour
with health benefits and $11.84 per hour without health benefits for covered
employees of an agency receiving financial compensation through the County.
The law also mandates that full time workers receive at least 12 compensated days
off per year through any combination of sick, vacation or personal leave and
includes paid holidays provided by the employer.
The Suffolk County Department of Labor has been designated as the agency to
administer this law and to this end has established a Living Wage Unit. Further
information concerning the parameters of the Living Wage law may be obtained by
contacting this Unit (631 853-3808) or accessing the Suffolk County web page at
www.co.suffolk.nv.us/labor and following the link to the Living Wage section. All
inquiries will remain confidential.
Law No. AG006M/0029-11 RA
Rev. 6/25/07
Community Services for the Elderly - Residential Repair
IFMS No. SC EXE 07000000605
No. 001-6777-4980-95285-0605
First Amendment
Amendment of Agreement
This is a First Amendment of an Agreement, (Agreement), last dated June 30, 2006,
between the County of Suffolk (County), a municipal corporation of the State of New York,
having its principal office at the County Center, Riverhead, New York 11901, acting through its
duly constituted Office for the Aging (Aging), having its principal office at the H. Lee Dennison
Building - 3rd Floor, 100 Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge, New York (Mailing address:
P.O. Box 6100, Hauppauge, New York 11788-0099), and the Town of Southold (Contractor), a
New York municipal corporation, having its principal place of business at 53095 Main Road, P.O.
Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971.
The parties hereto desire to make modify the Agreement to extend the term of the CSE
Residential Repair Program from March 31, 2007 through March 31, 2008 (the period
April 1 , 2007 through March 31, 2008 being hereinafter called the "2007 Budget Period") and to
amend other contract provisions to comply with current County Standards, as set forth herein.
Sufficient funding exists in the 2007 Suffolk County Operating Budget.
Term of Agreement: Shall be April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2008, with three one-year
extensions at the County's option.
1,200 Units of Residential Repair Service
Total Cost of Agreement: Shall not exceed $ 40,800 (of which $20,400 is for the 2007 Budget
Shall be as set forth in Exhibit A-2007, C-2007 and the Exhibit
entitled "Suffolk County Legislative Requirements Exhibit for
Contracts" revised 1/04/07, attached.
In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this First Amendment of Agreement as of
the latest date written below.
By: ~""fL.b/
Scott A. Russell
Units of Service:
Terms and Conditions:
County of Suffolk
f 10- S~
u y couZ Exec,ve
B 1M
Fed. TaXpayer~:~6001939
Date: 'J I.J 47
, ,
Approved as to Form, Legality:
Samantha N. cEachin
Assistant County Attorney
By: ~.,-q~~.71~/()?
Holly ho es-Teague Date
Director, Office for the Aging
. Recomme~d:
Date67 By: . ~;A P-- l~ Jl PI ()
Regina eTuro
Administrator I
'7(;M~6 ?
AG6 CSE Res Rpr Sohld exl 07
Law No. AG006M10029-11 RA
Rev. 6/25/07
Community Services for the Elderly - Residential Repair
IFMS No. SC EXE 07000000605
No. 001-6777-4980-95285-0605
First Amendment
Exhibit A-2007
Whereas, the County and Contractor have entered into an Agreement (Law No. AG006M/0029-
11 R), last dated June 30, 2006, for a term from April 1 , 2006 through March 31, 2007 for a CSE
Residential Repair Program for the elderly at a Total Cost of $20,400; and
Whereas, the parties hereto desire to modify the Agreement to extend the term from
March 31,2007 through March 31,2008 (at an additional cost of $20,400) and to increase the
Total Cost of the Agreement to $40,800, as set forth below;
Now, Therefore, in consideration of the covenants, promises and consent herein contained,
the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Term of Aoreement:
The Term of Agreement paragraph on page 1 of the Agreement is amended to read
April 1 ,2006 through March 31, 2008 as set forth on the page 1 of this First Amendment of
2. Pavment of Services:
The Total Cost of Agreement $40,800 is comprised as follows:
(a) $20,400 for program year 2006/2007;
(b) $20,400 for program year 2007/2008;
3. Poverty Threshold:
For the 2007 Budget Period, the Poverty Threshold in Exhibit B to the Agreement, the
paragraph entitled "Reporting Requirements, Low Income" is hereby amended to read as follows:
Size of Familv Unit
150% of Poverty Threshold
4. Budoet:
The Budget annexed hereto as Exhibit C - 2007, including advance payment schedule,
if any, is made part of the Agreement.
5. Paragraph 17 to the Agreement, "Suffolk County Living Wage Law" is amended in its
entirety to read as follows:
Suffolk County Living Wage Law
This Agreement is subject to the Living Wage Law of the County of Suffolk. The
law requires that, unless specific exemptions apply all employers (as defined) under
service contracts and recipients of County financial assistance, (as defined) shall
provide payment of a minimum wage to employees as set forth in the Living Wage Law.
Such rate shall be adjusted annually pursuant to the terms of the Suffolk County Living
Wage Law of the County of Suffolk. Under the provisions of the Living Wage Law, the
County shall have the authority, under appropriate circumstances, to terminate this
Agreement and to seek other remedies as set forth therein, for violations of this Law.
AG 6 (3/02)
Page 2
AG6 CSE Res Rpr Sohld exl 07
Law No. AG006M/0029-11 RA
Rev. 6/25/07
Community Services for the Elderly - Residential Repair
IFMS No. SC EXE 07000000605
No. 001-6777-4980-95285-0605
First Amendment
The Contractor represents and warrants that it has read and shall comply with the
requirements of Suffolk County Code Chapter 347, Suffolk County Local Law No. 12-
2001, the Living Wage Law.
Required Forms: Suffolk County Living Wage Form LW-1; entitled "Suffolk County
Department of Labor - Living Wage Unit Notice of Application for
County Compensation (Contract)"
Suffolk County Living Wage Form LW-38; entitled "Suffolk County
Department of Labor - Living Wage Unit Living Wage
CertificationlDeclaration - Subject To Audit"
6. Lawful Hiring of Employees Law
This Agreement is subject to the Lawful Hiring of Employees Law of the County
of Suffolk (Local Law 52-2006). It provides that all covered employers, (as defined),
and the owners thereof, as the case may be, that are recipients of compensation from
the County through any grant, loan, subsidy, funding, appropriation, payment, tax
incentive, contract, subcontract, license agreement, lease or other financial
compensation agreement issued by the County or an awarding agency, where such
compensation is one hundred percent (100%) funded by the County, shall submit a
completed sworn affidavit (under penalty of perjury), the form of which is attached,
certifying that they have complied, in good faith, with the requirements of Title 8 of the
United States Code Section 1324a with respect to the hiring of covered employees (as
defined) and with respect to the alien and nationality status of the owners thereof. The
affidavit shall be executed by an authorized representative of the covered employer or
owner, as the case may be; shall be part of any executed contract, subcontract, license
agreement, lease or other financial compensation agreement with the County; and shall
be made available to the public upon request.
All contractors and subcontractors (as defined) of covered employers, and the
owners thereof, as the case may be, that are assigned to perform work in connection
with a County contract, subcontract, license agreement, lease or other financial
compensation agreement issued by the County or awarding agency, where such
compensation is one hundred percent (100%) funded by the County, shall submit to the
covered employer a completed sworn affidavit (under penalty of perjury), the form of
which is attached, certifying that they have complied, in good faith, with the
requirements of Title 8 of the United States Code Section 1324a with respect to the
hiring of covered employees and with respect to the alien and nationality status of the
owners thereof, as the case may be. The affidavit shall be executed by an authorized
representative of the contractor, subcontractor, or owner, as the case may be; shall be
part of any executed contract, subcontract, license agreement, lease or other financial
compensation agreement between the covered employer and the County; and shall be
made available to the public upon request.
An updated affidavit shall be submitted by each such employer, owner,
contractor and subcontractor no later than January 1 of each year for the duration of
any contract and upon the renewal or amendment of the contract, and whenever a new
contractor or subcontractor is hired under the terms of the contract.
AG 6 (3/02)
Page 3
AG6 CSE Res Rpr Sohld exl 07
Law No. AG006M/0029-11 RA
Rev. 6/25/07
Community Services for the Elderly - Residential Repair
IFMS No. SC EXE 07000000605
No. 001-6777-4980-95285-0605
First Amendment
The Contractor acknowledges that such filings are a material, contractual and statutory
duty and that the failure to file any such statement shall constitute a material breach of
this agreement.
Under the provisions of the Lawful Hiring of Employees Law, the County shall
have the authority to terminate this Agreement for violations of this Law and to seek
other remedies available under the law.
The Contractor represents and warrants that it has read, is in compliance with,
and shall comply with the requirements of Suffolk County Code Chapter 234, Suffolk
County Local Law No. 52-2006, the Lawful Hiring of Employees Law.
Required Forms: Suffolk County Lawful Hiring of Employees Law Form LHE-1;
entitled "Suffolk County Department of Labor -"Notice Of
Application To Certify Compliance With Federal Law (8 U.S.C.
SECTION 1324a) With Respect To Lawful Hiring of Employees"
"Affidavit Of Compliance With The Requirements Of 8 U.S.C. Section
1324a With Respect To Lawful Hiring Of Employees" Form LHE-2.
7. Non Responsible Bidder
The Contractor represents and warrants that it has read and is familiar with the
provisions of Suffolk County Code Chapter 143, Article II, 99143-5 through 143-9. Upon
signing this Agreement the Contractor certifies that he, she, it, or they have not been convicted
of a criminal offense within the last ten (10) years. The term "conviction" shall mean a finding
of guilty after a trial or a plea of guilty to an offense covered under the provision of Section
143-5 of the Suffolk County Code under "Nonresponsible Bidder."
8. Gratuities:
The Contractor represents and warrants that it has not offered or given any gratuity to any
official, employee or agent of Suffolk County or New York State or of any political party, with the
purpose or intent of securing an agreement or securing favorable treatment with respect to the
awarding or amending of an agreement or the making of any determinations with respect to the
performance of an agreement, and that he has read and is familiar with the provisions of Local
Law No. 32-1980 of Suffolk County (Chapter 386 of the Suffolk County Code).
9. Except as herein amended, all other representations, terms and conditions of said
Agreement, including any and all amendments or budget modifications executed prior to the
date hereof, are hereby ratified and confirmed to be in full force and effect.
-End of Text-
AG 6 (3/02)
Page 4
AG6 CSE Res Rpr Sohld exl 07
Law No. AG006M/0029-11 RA
Rev. 6/25/07
Community Services for the Elderly - Residential Repair
IFMS No. SC EXE 07000000605
No. 001-6777-4980-95285-0605
First Amendment
Exhibit C-2007
Town of Southold
CSE Residential Repair Program
April 1 , 2007 - March 31, 2008
Mechanic I 13,500
Mechanic I 7,200
FRINGE 1.500
TRAVEL 2.200
TOTAL ~24,400
Less Anticipated Income (4,000)
Suffolk County Legislative Requirements Exhibit for Contracts; last rev. 1/04/07
Suffolk County Legislative Requirements Exhibit for Contracts
This exhibit is attached to and is made part of the contract executed with the County.
Suffolk County Living Wage Requirements
Suffolk County Department of Labor - Living Wage Unit
Notice of Application for County Compensation Form LW-1 (consists of 1 page)
Suffolk County Department of Labor - Living Wage Unit
Certification/Declaration - Subject to Audit Form LW-38 (consists of 1 page)
II Contractor'sNendor's Public Disclosure Statement Form SCEX 22; rev.
3/30/04 (form consists of three pages; requires signature & notarization)
Note: The Contractor'sNendor's Public Disclosure Statement Form SCEX 22;
rev. 3/30/04,
III Union Organizing Certification/Declaration - Subject to Audit; rev. 6/05
Form L01 (consists of 2 pages)
IV Lawful Hiring Compliance Requirements
Notice of Application to Certify Compliance with Federal Law (8 U.S.C.
Section 1324A) with Respect to Lawful Hiring of Employees (consists of 1
Affidavit of Compliance with the Requirements of (8 U.S.C.
Section 1324A) with Respect to Lawful Hiring of Employees (consists of 1
Suffolk County Living Wage Documents
Suffolk County Living Wage Requirements Exhibit
As Last Revised by the Suffolk County Department of Labor on 5/12/04
Suffolk County Living Wage Requirements Exhibit
As Last Revised by the Suffolk County Department of Labor on 5/12/04
Pursuant to Section 6 of Chapter 347 of the Suffolk County Local Law No. 12-2001, "A
Local Law to Implement Living Wage Policy for the County of Suffolk" (the "Living Wage
Law"), all RFPs, County contracts and financial assistance agreements subject to the law
shall contain the following two paragraphs or substantially equivalent language:
This Agreement is subject to the Living Wage Law of the County of Suffolk. The law
requires that, unless specific exemptions apply all employers (as defined) under
service contracts and recipients of County financial assistance, (as defined) shall
provide payment of a minimum wage to employees as set forth in the Living Wage
Law. Such rate shall be adjusted annually pursuant to the terms of the Suffolk
County Living Wage Law of the County of Suffolk.
Under the provisions of the Living Wage Law, the County shall have the authority, under
appropriate circumstances, to terminate this Agreement and to seek other remedies as
set forth therein, for violations of this Law.
Suffolk County Local Law No. 18-2002, "A Local Law to Implement Living Wage Policy for the
County of Suffolk" provided for certain amendments to the Living Wage Law.
Forms for Completion and/or Signature (as applicable)
· Suffolk County Department of Labor - Living Wage Unit
Notice of Application for County Assistance (Contract)
Form LW-1 (consists of 1 page)
· Suffolk County Department of Labor - Living Wage Unit
Certification/Declaration - Subject to Audit
Form LW-38 (consists of 1 page) (Replaces LW2, LW3 and LW33)
· Suffolk County Department of Labor - Living Wage Unit
Request for General Living Wage Exemption
Form LW-4 (consists of 1 page)
· Suffolk County Department of Labor - Living Wage Unit
Request for Specific Living Wage Exemption
Form LW-5 (consists of 2 pages)
1 of 2 pages
Suffolk County Living Wage Requirements Exhibit
As last Revised by the Suffolk County Department of labor on 5/12/04
Note: Pursuant to Section 7 of local law NO.18- 2002, "A Local Law to
Implement Living Wage Policy for County of Suffolk", all covered employers
subject to the provisions of the Living Wage Law shall submit a completed and
sworn (under penalty of perjury) Certification/Declaration - Subject to Audit Form
LW-38, signed by an authorized representative, as part of an executed contract
with the County of Suffolk. The complete CertificationlDeclaration - Subject to
Audit Form LW-38 shall be made a part of any executed contract or project
agreement and made available to the public upon request.
. To certify Living Wage compliance: Return Forms LW-1 and LW-38.
. To certify non-applicability of Living Wage law: Return Form LW-38.
. To request and document a general living wage exemption: Return Forms LW-1,
LW-38 and LW-4.
. To request and document a specific living wage exemption: Return Forms LW-1,
LW-38 and LW-5.
. In the event that there is a change in circumstances, it is the Contractor's
responsibility to submit to the County additional Living Wage forms which
either replace or supplement prior submissions of Living Wage forms.
. Living Wage Law Information Fact Sheet, text of the Local Law, Frequently
Asked Questions, Forms, and Rules and Regulations can be found on the Suffolk
County web site at www.co.suffolk.nv.us
Click: Department Directory
Living Wage Law Info
. Suffolk County Department of Labor Living Wage Unit Tel. (631) 853-3808
End of Text for Suffolk County Living Wage Requirements Exhibit
As last Revised by the Suffolk County Department of labor on 5/12/04
2 of 2 pages
Contractor'sNendor's Public Disclosure Statement
Suffolk County Form 22
Contractor'sNendor's Public Disclosure Statement
Pursuant to Section A5-7 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, this Public Disclosure Statement
must be completed by all contractors/vendors that have a contract with Suffolk County. In the event
contractor/vendor is exempt from completing paragraphs numbered I through I I below, so indicate at
paragraph number 12 below setting forth the reason for such exemption. Notwithstanding such exempt
status, you must execute this form below before a notary public.
Contractor'sNendor's Name
Address ( .
City and State Zip Code {( 9: '1 ( - 0 (57
Contracting Department's Name ~~~ )I?~) r'7l;...r
Address 1"')0 ~ c:.i-f'.,'c S+: rK . ~+'''f,''fu(L. AlYa(0o?,
Payee Identification or Social Security No. r
Type of Business_Corporation _Partnership_Sole Proprietorship_Other
Is contractor/vendor entering into or has contractor/vendor entered into a contract with Suffolk
County in excess of $1 ,OOO? _Yes_No.
Has contractor/vendor entered into three or more contracts, including the one for which you are
now completing this form, with Suffolk County, any three of which, when combined, exceed
$I,OOO? _Yes_No.
Table of Organization. List names and addresses of all principals; that is, all individuals serving
on the Board of Directors or comparable body, names and addresses of all partners, and names
and addresses of all corporate officers. Conspicuously identify any person in this table of
organization who is also an officer or an employee of Suffolk County. (Attach additional sheet if
necessary. )
List all names and addresses of those individual shareholders holding more than five percent
(5%) interest in the contractor/vendor. Conspicuously identify any shareholder who is also an
officer or an employee of Suffolk County. (Attach additional sheet if necessary).
Does contractor/vendor derive 50% or more of its total revenues from its contractual or vendor
relationship with Suffolk County? _Yes_No.
If you answered yes to 8 above, you must submit with this disclosure statement, a complete
financial statement listing all assets and liabilities as well as a profit and loss statement. These
statements must be certified by a Certified Public Accountant. (Strike this out if not applicable.)
The undersigned shall include this Contractor'sNendor's Public Disclosure Statement with the
contract. (Describe general nature of the contract.)
Page I 00 Public Disclosure Form
11. Remedies. The failure to file a verified public disclosure statement as required under local law
shall constitute a material breach of contract. Suffolk County may resort, use or employ any
remedies contained in Article II of the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of New York. In
addition to all legal remedies, Suffolk County shall be entitled, upon a determination that a
breach has occurred, to damages equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the amount of the contract.
12. If you are one of the entities listed below at a) through c) or you qualify under d) below, you are
exempt from completing paragraphs numbered I through I I herein:
_ a) Hospital
=:2b) Educational or governmental entities
_ c) Not-for-profit corporations
_ d) Contracts providing for foster care, family day-care providers or child protective
Please check to the left side of the appropriate exemption.
13. Verification. This section must be signed by an officer or principal of the contractor/vendor
authorized to sign for the company for the purpose of executing contracts. The undersigned
being sworn, affirms under the penalties of perjury, that he/she has read and understood the
foregoing statements and that they are, to hislher own kn edge, true.
Dated: ~li"G7
Printed Nam of 8'lgner:
Title of Signer:
Name of Contractor /Vendor:
~~A:::L'r~ _
T 1 ;{2.-- r) cA. H n IC/
(Within New York State)
COUNTY OF5u.ffbLt.:-) ss.:
On the / Z ~ of ---I...J (..( ~,r in the year 2007 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared
\;-.::otf.4. <..(m/( per onally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence
to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged 10
me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies) and that by hislher/their signature(s)
on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed
the instrument.
~'L..-() ~
(signature and offictlof individual taking acknowledgement)
~O. 01C04822563,t;l~f?;'~~W York
erm EXPires December 31, 2~~
Page 2 of 3 Public Disclosure Form
(Without New York State)
On the day of in the year 2007 before me, the undersigned, personally
appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of
satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument
and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their capacity(ies) and that by
hislherltheir signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the
individual(s) acted, executed the instrument, and that such individual(s) made such appearance before
the undersigned in
(Insert the city or other political subdivision and the state or country or other place the acknowledgement
was taken)
(signature and office of individual taking acknowledgement)
Contractor'slVendor's Public Disclosure Statement Form (Rev. 3/04)
Page 3 of 3 Public Disclosure Form
H:\TBlumenauer\masler forms,labels\pub disc form22.doc
Union Organizing CertificationlDeclaration-Subject to Audit
Suffolk County, New York
Department of Labor
If the following definition of "County Contractor" (Union Organizing Law Chapter 466-2) applies to the
contractor's/beneficiary's business or transaction with Suffolk County, the contractor/beneficiary must complete Sections I,
'", and IV below, If the following definitions do not apply, the contractorlbeneficiary must complete Sections II, III and IV
below, Completed forms must be submitted to the awarding agency,
County Contractor: "Any employer that receives more than $50,000 in County funds for supplying goods or services pursuant to a
written contract with the County of Suffolk or any of its agencies; pursuant to a Suffolk County grant; pursuant to a Suffolk County
program; pursuant to a Suffolk County reimbursement for services provided in any calendar year; or pursuant to a subcontract with
any of the above,"
Section I
The Union Organizing Law applies to this contract Ilwe hereby agree to comply with all the provisions of Suffolk
County Local Law No, 26-2003, the Suffolk County Union Organizing Law (the law) and, as such shall not use
County funds to assist, promote, or deter union organizing (Chapter 466-3 A), nor seek reimbursement from the
County for costs incurred to assist, promote, or deter union organizing. (Chapter 466-3 B)
Check if IIwe further agree to take all action necessary to ensure that County funds are not used to assist, promote, or deter
Applicable union organizing. (Chapter 466-3 H)
~ I/we further agree that if any expenditures or costs incurred to assist, promote, or deter union organizing are made,
IIwe shall maintain records sufficient to show that no County funds were used for those expenditures and, as
applicable, that no reimbursement from County funds has been sought for such costs. Ilwe agree that such records
shall be made available to the pertinent County agency or authority, the County Comptroller, or the County
Department of Law upon request (Chapter 466-3 I)
Ilwe further affirm to the following:
. IIwe will not express to employees any false or misleading information that is intended to influence the
determination of employee preferences regarding union representation;
. Ilwe will not coerce or intimidate employees, explicitly or implicitly, in selecting or not selecting a bargaining
. Ilwe will not require an employee, individually or in a group, to attend a meeting or an event that is intended to
influence his or her decision in selecting or not selecting a bargaining representative;
. IIwe understand mylour obligation to limit disruptions caused by prerecognition labor disputes through the
adoption of none on fro ntationa I procedures for the resolution of pre recognition labor disputes with employees
engaged in the production of goods or the rendering of services for the County; and
. IIwe have or will adopt any or all of the above-referenced procedures, or their functional equivalent, to ensure
the efficient, timely, and quality provision of goods and services to the County. IIwe shall include a list of said
procedures in such certification.
IIwe further agree that every County contract for the provision of services, when such services will be performed on
County property, shall include a requirement that IIwe adopt a reasonable access agreement, a neutrality agreement,
fair communication agreement, no intimidation agreement, and a majority authorization card agreement.
Ilwe further agree that every County contract for the provision of human services, when such services are not to be
performed on County property, shall include a requirement that Ilwe adopt, at the least, a neutrality agreement.
I1we understand that the efficient, timely, and nondisruptive provision of goods and services is a paramount financial
interest of the County of Suffolk and as such, the County expects the potential County contractor to protect the
County's financial interest by adopting nonconfrontational procedures for the orderly resolution of labor disputes,
including, but not limited to, neutrality agreements, majority authorization card agreements, binding arbitration
agreements, fair communication agreements, non intimidation agreements, and reasonable access agreements.
DOL-LOI (6/05)
Suffolk County. New York
Department of Labor
Section II
The Union Organizing Law does not apply to this contract for the following reason(s):
Check if
See lion III Jl _ c' /1 / I
Contractor Name: '-;,')11 nT ') ~ u-fil0 ((j Federal Employer ID#:
Contractor Address: c:; '3 () (j)./ oJ. f/ ,(./.; to 15 (( '7 '1 Amount of Assistance:
~ u+h~/rI" /.Jy u?1(- 0'1.)1 Vendor#:
ContractorPhone#: 0-7/ 1t>.F r'bt? IY1 tj,)/-,)('{r- fcf60
Description of project or service: C);f: Kf?,;jen{;ct ( /&'fAA ~Jro,ri.-1.-hn
{(-(POOl r.J'(
J'fO K'CO. Do
Section IV
I declare under penalty of perjury under the Laws of the State of New York that the undersigned is authorized to provide this
cenification, and that the above is tr::zect.
4:7 '4 ~A.UA/-t/
Authorized Signature
DOL-WI (6/05)
Lawful Hiring Compliance Requirements
. .
IV Suffolk County's Lawful Hiring of Employee's Law Compliance
The following forms may be necessary for certify compliance to with
Federal Law (8 U.S.C. Section 1324A) with Respect to Lawful Hiring of
Employees Suffolk County's Lawful Hiring of Employees Law.
. LHE-1-Lawful Hiring of Employees
. LHE-2-Affidavit of Compliance
. LHE-3-Submission
. LHE-4-Complaint
. LHE-5-Appeal
. LHE-6-Non-Applicability
. LHE-7-Sign-in Sheet