HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5492 P 401 297eletub Farm p. w pe,axxxee au eve oar Rererte' MJI Portebevn. m�w ewweeee p Q 3.1 A 9../��n7..✓O LIP-1549? P:F4o1_ 1 "Made the IT& day of January nineteen hundred and sixty-four _ • etmern RENSSE14AER G, TERRY JR., residing at no number s ~ Oaklawn Avenue, Southold, New York, duly appointed in the action hereinafter mentioned,Grantor Snb ROOSEVELT SAVINGS BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, a domestic I ' corporation, having its principal office and place of business at 1024 Gates Avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, City and State of New York, _ Grantee �Ihltg5Edh that the Grantor.the Referee appointed in an action between ROOSEVELT SAVINGS BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK - 4 - plaintiff ! and HAROLD C. FLEISCHMAN, DOROTHY H. FLEISCHMAN, his wife, AETNA i CASUALTY& SURETY COMPANY, ARMSTRONG CORK COMPANY, ALUMINUM COMPANY OF AMERICA, OTTO HERMANN INC„ STATE TAX COMMISSION, NEW YORK METAL MOULDING CO, INC., ACADEMY PRINTING ENTERPRISES INC, and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA defendants. foreclosing a mortgage recorded on the 22nd day of July nineteen hundred and sixty in the ofbce of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk in liber 3460 of mortgages, { nn,,,,��ooa iiTT i at page 353 ,in pursuance of a judgment9ghW1 a special to mlo/tF Supreme Court held in and for the County of Suffolk - I on the 4th day of November nineteen hundred and sixty-three - and in consideration of one thousand($1000,00) Dollars paid by the Grantee, i being the highest sum bid at the sale under said judgment does hereby grant and convey unto the Grantee. its successors and assigns i I �Iq_r�R�3 pArF'3L!( l� that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, prow; of �'I Stirlfolk and State of New York, bouhfled and described as follows:- ' BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Bray Avenue 25 feet southerly 'along said easterlyline from the southerlypoint of the cu P rued intersection of said line wifiithe southerly lin . - y e of Wells Road; running thence along said easterly line of Bray Avenue north 20 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds west 25 feet to the said point of inter- - section; thence along said southerly line of Wells Road on a curve to the right whose - radius is 25 feet, 39.27 feet; thence continuing along said southerly line of Wells Road and at right angles to said line of Bray Avenue north 69 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds east 100 feet to the westerly line of a 20 foot right g t of way; the on said westerl g line of said right � Y t oS ,Q,�} g way and parallel to said line of Bray Avenue-/20 de degrees 46 minutes 50 g seconds east 50 feet; thence on a line a t right angles to said line of Bray Avenue 'south 69 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds west 125 feet to the point or place of beginning. TOGETHER with a right of way over said 20 foot right of way from the south- easterly corner of the prdmises herein described northerly 50 feet to said southerly line of Wells Road, !, - TOGETHER with the privilege in common with others to use a right of way ! leading from the Boulevard, so called, to Peconic Bay, which said privilege is contains and recited in deed to George I. Tuthill at al from Frank Bray et al, dated April 17, - 1928 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County August 13, 1928 in Liber - 1368 of conveyances, at page 24,