HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5453 P 555 1I.1~ llBf1l5453 PAGE555 Icaftd&nI N.Y. I.T.U. P_ 1001_ ,.n - .......ud lldoDood...c:..-e Opio. 0-....', Aao_!ftoI;.u...t I>f Coii>oml<iO. (.;n.l~ ....) CONSULT YOUJ: LAWYER BeFORI S1GNJNG THIS INSTRUMENr-THI, INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. J2I / j; :N:, ;ri THIS INDENlURE, made the 14VmS/a:~r' '''N'oveDibe~ineteen hundred and sixty-three r? I BETWEEN JACK DRISCOLL and MOLLIE DRISCOLL his wire both residing "e , at 7';-19 bOth Lane,Ridgewood,lf.Y., l)OllA~'DRISCOLL'and DORIS .' r DRISCOLL,his wire, Doth resid;!,1)g &1> (no F.9JWlage Circle, ~\ l' J Bunti~tontN...Y. and WILLIAM ZEn and DOR ~,hia wire, both v t f residing &1; 02-26 168th Street, Jamaioa, N.Y., C) ': f party of the first part, and JAMES C. MOFFETT and JOHN G. AICHER, both or ~. f 31$ Wyokot.f Avenue, Brooklyn,N.Y., as joint tenants with right of' " ~"" survivorship, ." ~ . J:g "'''' '.. party of the second part, WITNESSETH. that the party of the Jint part, in consideration of Ten DoUara and other valuable couideratioa paid by the party of the second part. doa hereby IWlt aDd re1cue unto the party of the second part, the heirs or suecesson and auigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildinp and improvemea.tI thereoa erected.. situate, lying and beingDdta: at Laurel, Town or South old , Suf'rolk County,New York, bounded and desoribed as :follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the southerly side o:f the Peoonio Bay Boulevard, distant 100 :feet westerly from the Northwest corner or land now or :formerly belonging to George B.Woodhull; and running thence a oourse South 20 degrees 37 minutes 40 seoonds East through an eleotric light pole and through two monuments placed by Wallace H.Halsey, surveyor, Southampton, New York 555.30 feet to high water mark:o:f Peconio Bay; ~henoe southerly or southwesterly along the high water mark of Peoonic Bay 97.83 feet more or less to the land now or :formerly of D.Stanley Raynor and May S. Raynor, his wire; :thence northerly and along the said land now or formerly owned by D.Stanley Raynor and wife to the southeasterly side or Peconic Bay Boulevard; thence along said Peconic Bay Boulevard North 38 degrees 51 minutes East 38.80 feet to a granite monument; thence still along said Peconio Bay Boulevard North 45 degrees 30 minutes East 61.20 :feet to the monument at the point or !lace of beginning. TOGETHER with an easement or right or way over a strip or land 10 reet in wfdth over the premises immaiately a9joining the premises herein desoribed_ontp.e East. to be used rot' the nllt'nn!'lA nf' in<M"''''_'HI