HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5970 P 99 LILEF�Srr� i J9 M � I � - DIS't'l2ICT DIRECTOR'S DEED I ll r„ THUS DEED, made the l'� day of nineteen hundred and sixty siX between CHARLES A. CHURCH, District Director of Internal Revenue, i F 35 Tillery Street, Brooklyn, New York. party of the first part, and Richard L. Hammel, Sox 140, North Oakwood Road, Laurel, hew York, tarty of f the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of "<} o Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350) Paid by the party of the second part, does here Y party pa 0 0 by grant and convey unto the rt of the second rt, his heirs o z ti and assigns forever, ALL the right, title and interest which the ta,•cpayer, ➢:i iliam-F. Hammel, had in and to the real property, hereinafter described at the time the liens of the United States attached thereto, said premise being, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the b,:ildings and ^.' improvements thereon erected, situate, lving and %zing; at Laurel, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, being the westerly part. of Lot -,47 on a map entitled "Nap of Laurel Fark, Property of Ravatone Realty Corporation, Laurel, L.LN.Y., made by Daniel R. Young, F.n:. and 7-3.. bier, 'ray-k State License ,x1404", filed in Suffolk County Clerk's officat Riverhe� , Lew York, on October 5, 1925. under Map 4212, more 1srtioularly Counded ano described as follows: I... CIX+ IENCING at the northwest corner of said Lot irL z+ e point foz.ed by the intersection of the northerly lire of said Lot r , and the easterly line ' of North Oakwood Road, running thence easterly by and orlon- *,re norther]y line of said Lot 47, 200 feet to a point and land of i!ina Alcino; running thence southerly by and along the westerly lane of hina Alcnro (which line is at right angles to the northerly line of Lot 4 ) 3C .at .2e or less to a point in the southerly line of Lot 147; rumen- tLenc esterl.y alone the southerly line of Lot !x47, which lane is also the ootnerll line of orth Oakwood Road 160 feet more or less to a -:lint at shich a Cve begins; running thence along the boundary lire of Lot -47 and '.he northerly and i easterly line of Horth Oakwood Road on a c;mve hating R radius of 40feet and a chord of 56.5 feet to a point; running thence northerly along the esterly lire of Lot >j47 and the easterly linea' Porth (ak coo F:oau µr tett mac.. or pass to the point or place of beginning. I EXCEPM From Above the following described. property: ALL that certain plot, piece or parc,l of land, with the b,,.i idicee and improvements thereon erected, situate, lyinc and t=_ine at Laura:'_, Southold Town, Suffolk County, Plebe York, being the westerly cart of Lot _47 on a map entitled "Pap of Laurel Took, Property of Ravatone4-Lo-,,:t, Corper_ti cr, Laurel, L.I., N.Y., made by Daniel R Young, P.E. .*n1 L.S., Pas-York State License fl404", filed in Suffolk County Clerk's of"lice at Riverhead, `dew York, ''. on October 5, 1925, under ti,ad ,212, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Myl!2dCING at the northwest corner of Said Lot s47 at a point formed by the intersection of the northerly line of said Lot 47, and i,,e easter-y line of North Oakwood Road, running thence easter ly by and er the r,- reply I. LIHR5970 FACE100 line of said Lot 147, 160 feet to a point and other land of the first party; running thence southerly by and along the weeterly lice of other land of the party of the first fait (which line is at riLht an_les to the northerly line of Lot X47) 80 feet more or less to a point in the southerly line of Lot 447; running thence westerly along the southerly line of Lot n47 which line is also the northerly line of Sorth Ga4ycod Road 120 feet more or less to a point at which a curve bens; running thence along the !. boundary line of Lot iW( and the northerly and easterly line of 7orth ! Oakwood Road on a curve having a radius of 40 feet and a chord of 56.9 feet to a point; running thence northerly along t*,e iaterly line c£ Lot ,:47 and the easterly line of ;forth Ca}.wood Read +0 feet more or less to the point or place of beginning. The said realty was seized by the District Director of Internal RevEnue, ! i Brooklyn, E!. Y. on February 2, 1965, pursuant to Section 6331 c£ the ' Internal Revenue Code of 1954 for nonpayment of federal. taxes which were assessed against the taxpayer, William F. d7.-1, on August The said realty was sold to said Richard L. -Tamnel on 3arci; 'f, 1965. at a public auction sale held in accordance with the provisicros of pub- chapter D, Chapter 64 of the Internal Revenue Cade and the regulations thereunder, public notices having first beon give, o£ the tice and place J of such sale by advertising the same according to law. The said District Director of Internal Revenue br Peter — Giordano, a Revenue Officer duly authorized so to dc, did, pursuant to Section 6338(x) of the Internal Revenue Code, on Larch 30, 1955, issue to said aichard L. Remmel a Certificate of Sale of Seized Froperty upon payment in -ull of the sun of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350), the highest bid received at said sale. Said Certificate recited all the aforestated £_ets and i>rovided inter Alia, that if the real property therein descriocd s-.ould net be redeemed in the manner and within the time prescribed in Section 6:37 of said Internal Revenue Code, said District Director would, upon surrender of said I' i. Certificate, issue a deed of the property se purchased and described (being the same property as is by this instru ent being conveyed) to said I i .. Richard L. Hammel -.orhis assigns, which deed would operate to convey the right, title and interest of said William F. Hammel in and to the property j 'sold as aforesaid. �. Thesaid real property has not been redeemed within the one-year ;ariod provided by Section 6337 of the 1954 Cede and this dead is e_:acuted pursuant I!! to Section 6338 of the 1954 Code. I