HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5428 P 451 I~-i. . . ' I \: .. '.lld ~.:. ~.'.' -~t ,. ~J o 0 o 0 ;<'4\'!.:i ia{ u S"nd..d N. Y.8. T.U. Fotm 1i007. 3.6J-20M-B1f8.ln .nd 51\. Deed, wi'" eovonm. 'pUI1< G"n"',", A<u-lndiyi,du.J a, CONSULT YO" LAWYER B.ORl SIGNING THIS.lNlTltUMINT_THIS INSTRUMINI' SHOULD. USID U' LA~ ONLY. UBER5428 PAGE451 U. S. I. R S. ..AtZ1...~ THIS 1NDENTtJRF. made the ~ /.! day of :9ct-ober. nineteen hundred and sixty-three BE'IWEEN ELIZABETH CAMPBELL of 4 Kingston Street, New Hyde Park, New York, formerly known a8 Elizabeth M. Cummings, partyofthefirstpart,and CHARLES DOERNER and MARIAN E. DOERNER, his ,wife, both of 14 Cliff Avenue, YOnkers, New York, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of One end 001100 <.1.00) -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other valuable oonsideration pWd by the party of the secondpart~ does hereby grant and release unto the ,party of the second part, the heirs ,or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, , ! ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buH,dings and improveme;1ts.thereon ,erected"sitUate, ":'-.1 lying and being .... near Mattituck, Southold Tow;., Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as tallows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe set on the easterly line at Marlene Lane, 668.44 teet southerly along said easterly line trom the south~ easterly line at the Main Road (Route25), being William F. Abitz and corner at land conveyed.bll the southwesterly an.other ;to Mary McAssey and running along said land at McAssey, N. 690 201 50" E. 151.10 teet to land at Chas. Price; thence aleng said land ot Price, S,jj121~ 491 50" E. 3.34 feet to, a monument; thence along land of Mellinger S. 210 581 20" E. 71.67 feet; thence along land conveyed William F. Abitz and another bllIAA7R'X~i..xa~~ to Sheehan S. 690 20' 50" W. 152.84 teet to said easterly line of Marlene Lana; thence along said east- erly line at Marlene Lane, N. 200 391 10" W. 75.0 feet to the point at beginning~ TOGETHER with an easement for passage ~etween PeconicBay Boulevard and Peconic Bay over a certain 10 toot right at way, in cOllDlOn with all others now having such right of way and those to who~ hereafter such right of way and easement may.be granted, which right of way is more particularly described as tollavs: ALL that parcel at land situate near Mattituck, Southold Town, Suffolk County, ~ew York, bounded and U ER5<128 PAGE<152 described as follows: The Easterly line or subject 10 foot right of avis described as follows: Begl~lng at a point on the southerly line of PeconicBay Boulevard, 200.20 feet westerly along said line i'J- '<:1."" from the northeasterly corner of land of Haggerty Estate; and running along said land of Haggerty Estate on a line ,parallel to the easterly line of said land of Haggerty.Estate and 200.0 feet westerly therefrom South 20023' 00" East 500 feet, more or less, to ordinary high water mark of Great Peconic Bay; tbe weste~ly line of. said lOfoot right of way is parallel to and 10.0 feet wesberly from the easterly line herein described, and runs frompeconic Bay Baulevard,to Great Peeonic Bay. Said easement,is ,SUba8Ct.to the following covenants and conditions: 1. Said ease~ent is root travel only. 2. .. It ahall not be obstructed in any way snd, the aaintenance thereof shall be the joint responsibility or all those having-a right to use said.right of 'way for the time being. 3. Said aasement shall be perpetual and shall run with the land but no easement or rights in said right of way shall vest in the gen- eral public. It shall be a private right of way. . Sub ect to covenants, and restrictions, BI......~.........~ of record. .The conveyance herein is subject to a certain mortgage executed by Elizabeth M. Cummings as mortgagor to Riverhead Savings Bank as mortgagee, which mortgage is dated Harch 30, 19.55, and was recorded on April 4, 1955 in the office of the Clerk of the County of Sufiolk in Liber 2383 of mortgages~ at page 526, and on which mortgage there is now due the sum of ~6,08.5.58 with interest thereon at the rate of five (5) per cent per annum and. that the grantee here- by assumes and covenants to pay such mortgage debt and interest as part of the consideration of this conveyance.