HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5546 P 192 io B.nmtb Nqm OW'LY mhxlW bewr<nm,4Pol.hnrt.m vxNe u/,.clre apmimntlm WEavmeon.eeNa rtL ene. ' Yae-6lammr MmE S.eobf.pmy tvJlxtW oe fiepon.yu, • ouuu.o or .VYNeO.l4.,lAW eyxe PUWW4• Pe.wxas eu wx.Pnwowl.xsw voxx Afade the - 9th day of May nineteen hundred ad sixty-four HELEN Be LACY CATO, Administratrix CTA under Will of IIAURA UPRIGHT E* LACY, deceased J RAministratrix '.. aSAom¢tx of the Estate of LAURA UPRIGHT De LACY under the last will and testament of LAURA UPRIGHT DE LACY late of Suffolk County, New York deceased, rt Pa y of the first part, and HED;N De LACY CATO, Guardian and Dene* of a Power in Trust for WILLIAM De LACY CATO and GENE FREDERICK CATO, infants and each one-half remaindermen under the Will of LAURA UPRIGHT DOLACY,DAeeaeed 11 i Party of the second part ittteg�ett, that the party of the first part, by virtue of the power and authority to her given in and by said last will and testament, and in consideration of ONE *** * x i***** *n*** ** ** ***** * * * Dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, do*8 hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, and assigns forever, and imM that certain plot* piece or parcel of land with the buildings provements thereon erected, the aituate,lying-and being at Laurel in entitled ied v of Suffolk and Stat* of New York, as allown on a certain map Map of sub-division of Lots nos. 52 and 53 "Laurel Park" and otherproperty of Ravatone Realty Corporatlon;Laurel, Town of-Southold, L. I., N. Y., Daniel R. voung, P. E. and Le S. RiverheadN.Y." dated Sep tember 20th, 1930 and which said map is on file S. , Riverhead the office of the Clark of the County of Suffolkand which said premises are more particu- larly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the easterly line of North Oakwood Road, as shown on sold map which said point forme the point of Intersection of the.eolith- westerly corner of lot No. 9 with the'northwesterly corner of lot No. 8 (eight) where same adjoins the eastorly line of North Oakwood Road, and from said point of beginning running in n northwesterly direction along the easterly line of North Oakwood Road a distance Of One Huddred and Twenty (120),fest- to & point; running thence easterly at right angles to the easterly line of North-Oakwood Road, a. distance of One Hundred end Eighty Five (185) feet more or less to the center line of Brushes Creak. running thence south or southeasterly through the center line of Brushes Creek adistanoe of One Hundred and Twenty (120) feet more or less to the division line between lots Nos. eight and nine on said map and run- ning thence westerly or nearly so and along the division line.of said . .. .... . . .. .... .. _ _ _ liBER5546 PAG493 lets eight and nine a distance of One Hundred and Eighty (180) feet more or 1eas,to a point.in the easterly line of North Oakwood Road at the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest of the Sellers, of, in and to that portion of North Oakwood Road lying in front of and adjacent to said premises, Subject to the right of other owners on said map to Pass over and use the same. TOGETHER with allthe bight, title and interest of the parties of the first part of, in and to the strip of land lying between the westerly boundary of the premises hereby conveyed and the easterly line of land now or formerly of George woodhull.subject to the right of subsequent owner or owners of the balance of "parcel A" as laid out on said map to Pass over and use the same, it being intended to cover in this strip Plot 20 feet x 80 fest which would be included in North Oakwood Road, _ I f,. as andwhensaid Road were extenden northwesterly an additional sixty feet. TOGETHER with the right to the use of the North Oakwood Road to pass _ over same as a means of access to said premises, together with a right of wayto.pasy over and use the SQuth Oakwood Roadandalso.a right to _ pass offer an upon and to Ilse a strip of land along the shore between Nes, one to four, both inclusive, Map of Laurel Park, for the purposes of boating, bathing and outdoor sports and for ingress to and egress from the waters of Peconic Bay Being the same premises conveyed to WILLIAM J. DE LACY and LATTRA DE LACY, his wife, by F3F,D A. SCHEUBLEIN, also known as FREDERICK A. SCHEUBLEIN and BETTY A. SCHEUBLEIN, his wife, by deed dated June 9th, 1955 and recorded in the offices of the Clerk of Suffolk County in Liber 3910 nage 153. WILLIAM J. DE LACY PREDECEASED LAURA DE LACY,NEW YORK COUNTY.