HomeMy WebLinkAboutPerry-Lindsay, Robyn 3 february 2006 Dear Mr Russel, ~ ~ ~'~B ~ ,I: ~ ~ Sl'PERVISOR'S OFFICE TOWN Of SOUTHOLD After reading this weeks story in the Suffolk Times 'Arguing Affordables' (P.3, Feb. 2, 2006), I find that one point has yet to be made. First off the intersection of Factory Avenue and Main Road is typically backed up to the entrance to the Waldbaums Shopping Center (aka A&P) with the relatively small amount of traffic from the shopping center on any given wintertime weekday morning or afternoon. Second, the trucks and delivery vans make it nearly an impassable road during the peak moring and afternoon hours with the abundance of vehilcles littering the roadway with deliveries to the shopping center- evidenced by the new paving, fencing and NO TRUCKS sinage at the Baptists Church on Factory Avenue. So where does that leave not only all of the construction vehicles and machinery to build not only the 36 homes and accesoty apartments, but also all of the traffic coming to and from 36 homes with accessort apartments once built? Westphalia and Cox Neck Roads and Route 48. Anyone familiar with the intersections of route 48 and Westphalia and Cox Neck Roads knows how dangerous those two crossings currently are. Regualar accidents are a reality to anyone who lives within earshot of either intersection and those who find it necessary to dodge traffic daily to hopefully make it to their homes and families safely.. With the new run-off basin at Westphalia, added traffic in the form of U-turns by vehicles pulling boat trailers are a necessity for anyone leaving the inlet and heading east. Add to that the additional traffic on a small, already extremely busy road from an additional 36 homes with apartments- if only half the homes had apartments and the homeowners had 2 cars per household, this would mean an additional 90 cars per day attempting to find their way through these dangerous intersections. Please note that factory Avenue itself is not long enough to accomodate half of those cars. To consider additional and overly dense housing when the intersections affected by said developement are currently unsafe and long overdue for proper traffic control is completely irrisponsible and unfair to the residents of the area. Please consider how the people who live in the immediate areas are affected by this monterous plan before giving thought to allowing this project to move forward. With Respect. ~ Robyn. Perry-Lindsay and family IT~~ ~~~Q:",- RJ. rn~ .QCl~ - -"] o~ '2..