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CON9ILT YOUR L.AYYYFlt BEFORE SIONBq THB W9TRUAENi-THIS WSiRWB4T BttOUIJ) BE USFD BY LAVYYHZ4 ONLY l° / ~ THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ day of JUNE 2007 BEf WEEN WILLIAM CLAUDIO and JANICE CLAUDIO, his wife, both residing at 1105 Westwood Lane, Greenport, New Yark 11544 party of the first parR and FREDERIC HERBS and CAROLYN HERBST, Ns wife, both residing at 38 Chestnut Street, Garden Cilw Y 11530 A i~~ party of the second paA, I WRNESSETH. that the party of the Rrst pert, in wnaderetion of do8ers peld by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and role~e unto the party of the second part, the heirs or suoceasors and asatgns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain pbt, piers or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE'R' ATTACHED HERETO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first pert by deed dated Bf28fS1 and recorded 9/4x81 in Libor 11327 page 87 ~ TOGETHER with all right, title end interest, ff any, of the party of the first part in end to any sheets and roads ~ abutting the above described pramlaea to the center tines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premlaes; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and asalgna of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or sugared anything wheroby the Bald premises have !wart encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the firot pert, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, wvenents that the Part of the i first part will receive the conaideretion for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such coneideretion I as a trust fund to be apptled first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will appty the same first to the payment of the cost of the urrprovemeM before using any part of the total of the same for aryr other purpose. The word "party' shall be construed es ff ff read 'parties' when ever the sense of fha indenture so ~ requires IN WRNESS WHEREOF, the party of fhe first part has duly executed Chia deed the day and year first above wdtlen. IN PRESENCE OF: WILLIAM CLAUDIO E CLAUDIO ~ SWdard N.Y.&T.U. Fam 8002 - Berpain and Sala Daed, wilhh Covenant against Grantote Acts- Uniform Atlurowledyrtnnt Font 3280 Stewart Title Insurance Company Title No: ST-5-8984 Schedule A Description ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being near Greenport Village, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot 73 on a certain map emitted, "Map of Eastern Shores at Greenport, Section 2"and filed in the Oilice of the Clerk of the County of ~ Suffolk on August ] 0, 1965 as Map No. 4426, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: i ~ BEGINNING at the comer formed by the intersection of the Northerly side of Lilet Road and the Westerly side of Westwood Lane; RUNNING THENCE along the Northerly side of Inlet Road, South 86 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds Wcst 150.00 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 3 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds West 130.00 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 86 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East 150.00 feet to the Westerly side of Westwood Lanc; RUNNING THENCE along the Westerly side of Westwood Lane, South 3 degrees 53 minmcs 00 seconds East 130.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest of the party of the first part, in and to the land lying in the street in front of and adjoining said premises. - ~ ACKNOWLEDCEMENTTAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTTAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE Suue of New~ork, County of 1lYFOt.K , ss: Sutc of New York Coumy of , ss: On the day of auS •'v io the yev=oor Oo the day oP in the yar , before mc, the ly appeared before me, the mrdenigned P~IY oPP~d WIW.IAM CLAUDlO ¦d JA 10 , pesonally known m proved a me the basis of satisfactory • personally kmwn a me a proved a me on the basis of etiafactory cvidettrx a be the' vidtW(s) wbose is (are) subscribed w evidence a be the individual(s) whose ttame(s) is (ate) subscribed a the within i ant and eclDwwledged a that hdshehhey the within iNWmem end acknowledged a me thn hrJahr/they executed the in hislheNtheir apacity(ies and drat by execmed the same in hiaAredthcir rnpnciry(ies>, and thm by h[sAa:ddre4 si a) on the itmrument. the IvitWsl(a1, a the hisTherNreir signatae(s) on the iDSlrantetrt, the individual(al, a the 6ich the individwl(a~ upon behalf of wbich the itdividtul(a) acted, executed the MOMryRublq,gpay gytaltgpL•ltwyer(c ~ A WLEDGEM T BY SUBSCRIBING WITNESS ACKNb~LEDGEMENT TAKEN OUTSIDE NEW YORK TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE STATE State of New Yak County of , ss: 'State oP , County of , ss: ~(Or inarrt D'uuict of Cdumbie, Territory, Possession a Foreign On the day of in the year County) balsa me, the undentigtted a Notary Public in end Por said Stetc, personally appeared On the day of in the year the strbseribing witness a the foregoing iasttumen4 widr whom 1 am bePorc me, the undersigned, petaaully appeared pa¦orcdly ecyuolnled who, being by me duly sworn, did depou and say slut he/shelda:y reside(s) in Personally known a me a proved a me on the basis of sstisfactury evidence a be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) wbscribed a the within iastmment and acknowledged a me that hdsheflhey prmep¦w,r,®dwr.k.u¦rlry.+eduaemerrm.dmmaw.bckr¦oy.mmuq: exeatedthesemein 6iaTher/thdrapacityyial, thmbyhWlkerhheir Uut hdsheltltey know(s) signature(s) on the ioawment, the Individual(s) a the perwn upon behalf of which the individwl(s) aged exautcd the ittatrument• and a be the iodlvidud described in and who executed the foregoing that such individual make weh eppcnance before the unrkrsigtted in iastrutnem: that sold wburibing witness war present and saw avid the execme the same: and that said wimas m the acme time stkbscn'bed ladd tike airy a political wbdivision and Ute amte w country a other hisTherhheir name(s) as a wilnem thereto Plan the ackaowkdgement was token). Bargain and Sale Deed with Covenant • SECTION: atsm Title Na ST-5-8984 BLOCK: Es.ao CLAUDIO I.OT; Oaa.OaD ~ ~ COUNTY OR TOWN: 1 tea wTSlwooD LAet[, ca[[nvottr ngaesr RETURN BY MAIL TO: DISTWBUTED BY GT~u~' ~ (-W'+'~ ~ ~a~to ~•)-Q /~~Il~i~ Nay ar,aetd ual~ ~J, ~t}~ 330 YOU[ TITL[ Ex/[[TS r'''klurl~[ k ~ f~]~ Tars Judlelal Tltls Ittsunncs ApancY LLC 800.287-TITLE (8188) FAX: 800-FAX•839g . . ' ao ~E~~ ia,nnber ur pages 20W Jun 19 02:59:44 PM ' 'f'ORRL•NS Juditft R. Pascale _ CLERk OF SUFFOLK COUNTY `:trial M _ L D00012510 •P 1d5 ~.eruhcatr N _ DTs OK-36968 I'iforCll: q . Drrd / Mortgage Instrumcnl DceJ / A9ortgage'ILx Stamp Rrtxxding /Filing Stamps g I~GGS ' Mtortgage Amt. Page /Filing Fen _ - 1. Basic 7'ax I~Inndlin~. 5. UO 2. Additiunr17ax _ ~;•p_Sg.l Sub 7btal IJOratiun Sprc./Assn. ' I:A-52 17 (County) Sub 7bta1 'Spec. /r\dd. I;A-5317 tStale) TOT. MTG. TAX . ' ~ Dual Town _ Duat County 1:.1'.'1'.5..4 Held tur Appointr~ i~ ~:ouun.olErl. 5• ~ ~ '1'rausfrrTax .~flldavit ~ • • Marrsinn'lax ' .~ID~~' The pmpcny cavereJ by Ibis mortgage is r'ertilie~ICt'P)' - ~ ur will be improved by a one or two iJYS 5urchargo I5. 00 family dwelling only. . ' Sub Total YES ur NO ttr~tr _ Q - - Grand 7~t•.rl isa Jam` i . srt appropriate tax cluusa an •rge of this instrument. _ N ~ -tl'a7 07018298 1000 03300 0200 005000 '.t 0~ 5 ommunity Preservation Fund P T S cc~~ I;call'n~ Rggl A CunsirlerationAmounl$~~r~v~. ''7ia Serr 1SJU Agen~~ CPF Tax Duc s _~/.(oS~ ~'erific:~ti Improved Vacanr Land - ~ Sau.iactirnts/Diatihrrgebkclcases List Ikopu•ty Owners Mailing Address Rk:CORU & RETURN 7'O: TD TD q~; 'tl~ holy •~ootcQ ' ~,~J~~,~, l 1~~~1 ~ •r~i tion a'y. Cn. Name tJi~`L (-~oLS8oa6 Titles 1-5- q K Su olk Count , Recordin & Endorsement Pa e 'I'bis page funns pan of therttachrrl „ , made by: ~ ~ (SPECIFY •rYPE OF 1NS'1'RUhIC:N'f) SDlO Tht prcuuses herein is situated in SUFFOLK CUUNTY, NL`•W YO~R~K~.( TU Indie'fi~wnshipuf ~0~0~ In the VILLAGE n ~~_.7J' ~ ur HAD•t1.ET of ~~1 ~ ~L' _ i HOXI-:ti ti'PHKU g MUST 1tE'fYPED OR PRINTED IN (SLACK IN'K ONLY PRIOR'I'0 KF.CORDING OR FILING. 11111111 IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII 1111111 IIIII IIIII IIII IIII I SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Iastrvmeat: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 06/19/2007 Number of Pagese 4 At: 02:59:44 PM Receipt Number s 07-0057783 TRANSFER TAR NUi+ffi8R: 06-36968 -LIBER: D00012510 PAGE: 145 District: Section: Blocks Lots 1000 033.00 02.00 005.000 EXAMINED AND CHA&GED AS FOLL09P3 Deed Amounts $732,500.00 ~ Received the Following Fees 8or Above Iastrumeat i Exempt 8xempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO i EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,930.00 NO Comm.Prea $11,650.00 NO Bees Paid $14,732.00 TRANSFER TAX NOMBER: 06-36968 I THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRUb03NT THIS IS NOT A HILL Judith A. Pascale County Clark, Suffolk County i • - PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpy/ www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 47&7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY d Q ' ct. Bxns cod. I 7; ~~J., O ~ 7 I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK CY. Date o«d Reeorded ~ ~ D BrATE IKJARD a IIFAL PRDPEAIY srdtvlcEs RP - 5217 C9. Book - S ca Pape I• / ~Y S ~ ~ I 6 .Ran rr.ro PROPERTY INFORMATION I 1105 ~ WESTWOOD LANE I sn euRee man moue L SOUTHOLD I GRT?E~PGR IT Q44 I err r moue a 2. Wryer I HERBST I FRFDFR7CK I Name rraerrtv.Yrrr ~ HERBST I CAROLYN I wrrwrrmvwm rwrraee 3. Tee Ydioer rear IWn Tr Sdb ro m ho aem BIWy If a[hw ihr boyar adder W ho0om d forml ~ I I yyyyar wrwrerwrwn _ rrwr sn[[r /woman mr ar. aooor L Irrdkam elr nrrbr d Arrmrt ' t ' (Ordy B Part d • tiaab Clraak r Ory apply: Ran paroW Trarrdarred en tlr dead 1~ Y of Parap OR ? Pen of a Parcel ati PbnNq Surd wdh SubdlWabn Autlwdty Edm & Aepeep f (x I ~x I oB I I a sW,aYiYrr AFP~•r.l w.e Raa:aa kr Trrmr ..'°C J, ac. rra Appr«ed r« s~hawrm .mk Mrp Prwmed tRr a BaW I CLAIIDIO I W7T.T TAM I Nelna wrxarrermurexr nnrr xeer I CLAUDIO ~ JANICE I ~I rUlerrWeaArm nrl xerra T. Greek the hrl below whbh mat eavatah daeerlkr Ow ur d Ow property et Ow tlma d rM: Cheri Ow bare 6aNw r Ouy apphc . . a Owiwnhip Typ. b C«domlNUm A Or Family Rridandel G ApkWWrY 1 t.rrumudty 5anria a New l.onauuNon an Yeeem W W B 2 «7 Frwh RaeWanW I F fanmemlel J 4~R~.1 krlroial 10i i'ropuN Larafd wkhN r Ayip~ltwal Dklrkt C RaaidarrW Vram lan0 G Apartrrnt KI 1 Puhlle Santa 1aL &ryr reeahad a atrbrpe notka kw9eellnp ? D Non-RridemiN Veeam land H Emm~ainmam/Amwemat 1.1L'tl Forcer tlut llr pmprlykln an ApirtlWrei DirWK SAIE INFORMATION to fJtaei or «mre d tbra eondlller r epptirbla m airrir. ttaY Carted Dar I 04 / Ob / 7 I A Ssr Betera.n Rdethrr «Former RNadvaa r~ai -'6r~~ir B Sab Balwsrt Related Cortgrir « PeAnan in BwMrr C One d the Buyna k ab a Satlar 1t Dde d SeY J TrerMar I Ob / 11 / 0 7 I n saw «Salw ie Government ASanry « I.iwbp hadrNOn rrrr ow rrr E Dead Typ. nd Warromy « Barpaln and S.M IBVadN Bekm~l F SW d FraaiorW « Leea dw Fr Irrnet Olpadh Below) G SISniRmN GianW N AuPortY Baterarr Tekable Sorer end Srls Der t>.FraswAW ~ I ~ 7 , 3, 2 . 5, 0 ~ . o I f 7 • H 9W d Buelnar h Induded N SeM Alt IFWI Sala Afa b mo mrl amour paid for tM progrry krlu6ep pairrl property, 1 Otlw Unmoral Feamra ARrakrn Sala Ala ISpaony Baknv) Thk pewrt mM ba in the form d raeh• other MopeM or peada• «tM awmpdon d J elorr martnepr «ethr oMISWrrI FYrr rprW m a+. rreren whole doer amount 74. krdrar tM ralr d prerW 0 0 I ProPre? kvludad b tlw eW ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dau ehoJkl repeat tM lataet Final Aesrawrd RoR end 7u Bill 16 Yrr d Aaae~rwr Ran rrm I 0 • ]I ,y. Tdr A..r.d vk.ld aA p.roal. In ard.d ~ ~ . 9 7 . n. n wNeh tdonrrdlea eaten to Aaprp Gr. IZ ~ 1, 01.(J to BMoel Dbrlot Nrrr I GREENPnRT I 10. Ter May ldanWerlel I Rd ldentKirlfl R na«e thr hit. etmdr shat wkh addinrW identKlarlW I 1000 - 033.00 - 02.00 -005.000 I I I I I I I ceRnFJCAnoN 1 enUfj Oar aB d tke Ilan d 4rfmmatloe trlred a tkk form ere trtw am wren lm the hW d nq krwwledne erd 6e1i0 eed 1 rrdastrd the the mekleR d eqy wIW flihe ret®ed d eeWerhl 6W hreL ~ erWeet w m lbr rmrkirw d Or oerol hw reYtivs m the aookfnR rod Burry d hke kstrmetla. 1lUYER'S ATTORNEY G /.Y) /(I r I ewes rurK an wrrrr nwr xere //DJ I ( 1~ (k~ I maeratrrre amenrweurraewn I +rAwaa nunawE«iwam I•v 71 llg~/~/ r rte rao[ /IJJ?R NEW YORK STATE GU'y'~~ ~,r~ I l I _O 7 COPY awn avurua an