HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12510 P 595 _ p ~y~' . i Standard N.Y.B.T.U. Fonn 8002 -Bargain arW Sab Deed, wits Covenant ogainst Grantor's Aps -Uniform Atlcnowbtlgmanl Form 5280 C,ONSULf YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING TN181NSTRUMENT-TNIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY a~~ THIS INDENTURE, made the day of April, 2007 Aar ~ld JEP.>Ka o N 7oa~ I `l, ~ ~ ~a~ BETWEEN EDWARD R. FOX AND SHARON G. FOX, his wife, residing at 4025 Coastal Highway, Crawfordville, Florida 32327, party of the first part, and WILLIAM MYERS AND MARIE MYERS, his wife, residing at 47 Pine Drive, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten and 00/100--($10.00)-Dollars, and ,"j other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release ~ unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part O ~ forever, ~ M ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, ~ lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded ~ and described as follows: v BEGINNING et a point marked by a monument on the westerly side of Ole Jule Lane at the northeasterly ~ comer of the premises herein described and the southeasterly comer of land now or formerly of Colon ~ (which point is SDUth 07 degrees 32 minutes 40 seconds West, 242.82 feet from the intersection of the southerly side Dt New Suffolk Avenue with the westerly side of Ole Jule Lane): ~ RUNNING THENCE South 07 degrees 32 minutes 40 seconds West, 316.57 feet; ~ THENCE North 69 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds West,39~~28 feet . ~ THENCE North 50 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds East, 140.00 feet; ? THENCE North 88 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds East. 45.65 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds East, 112.68 feet to a point marked by a monument; ~ THENCE along land now or formerly of Addy, South 54 degrees 47 minutes 10 seconds East, 107.09 feet; THENCE North 00 degrees 34 minutes 30 seconds East, 72.00 feet to a point marked by a monument; THENCE along land now or formerly of Colon, South 68 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds East, 106.68 feet ~ to a point marked by a monument; -a- ?t THENCE still along land now or formerly of Colon, North 88 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds East, 60.09 feet to a monument at the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated 8/9/02, recorded 8/28/02 in Liber 12205 page 921 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereot; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first paR will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement txsfore using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party' shall be construed as 'If it read -parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~ k Edwa R. Fox i f/devd4 on ox BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Stale of New York, County of Suffolk, ss: State of New York, County of Suffolk, ss: On the day of in the year 2007. On the day of in the year 2007. beforo me, the undersigned, personally appeared before me. the undersigned, personally appeared pssonally known to me w proved to me on the bests of personally known to me ar proved to me on the basis of ~ satisfactwy evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is satlsfecrory evrdence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (aro) subaatibed to the within instrument and adcrrowledged to (are) subscribed to the within inatrunrerd end acknowledged to ma that he/ahaAhay executed the same in his/frerAheir me that hershetthey executed the same in hisrtrerMeir capaaty(ies). and that try hlsArerAhetr signature(s) on the capadty(ies), and that by hisArerAheir signaWre(s) an the instrument, tyre individual(s), w the person upon behalf of which instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon beheH of whirh the Indlvidual(s) acted, executed the insWment. the individual(s) acted, exearted the instrument. (signature arW office of Indvidual taking acknoxrledgmen0 (signature and office of individual taking acknowkdgment] Notary Public Notary Public T_O BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE ~ State (or Dlatdd oT Columbia, Territory, or Foregn Counvy) of FLORIDA County of ~~J ss: On the L'~~. day of April. in the year 2007 , before me. the undersigned. personally appeared EDWARD R. FOX AND SHARON G. FOX personalty krrown W me w proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) ~ subscribed to the withm Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sheAhey executed the same in hisArerdheir capaGty(rea), and that by hisArerAheir signaWre(s) on the Instrument, the individual(s). or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) ailed. executed the' In_sWJmant, a'ned -that such individual made such appearance before the underslgned in the _ in F ri (insert The City w other political wbdrvisbn) land insert the S or Country w other p the acknowledgment was taken) I (srgnaW and of(lOSr f Nklyal taking edcnowledganeml Notary Publir~`~ p, S. P(/TN i~~~~i `;Notay BARGAIN AND SALE DEED ~%.`~~~~!r~~~.~~~~ ~~~t#NF~~.``` WITH COVENAFI_T gGA~INBT CaRIWJO`RO I ~ B r(~nuurtt~~~ TitN No. J~'~ K ~ :l LOT EDWARD R. FOX AND SHARON G. FOX, his COUNTY OR TOWN wife TO WILLIAM MYERS AND MARIE MYERS, his wife Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY M.K.M. ABSTRACT SERVICES INC. Wt t_L ft~ ~yr~E.RS I FSQ 238 MINEOLA BOULEVARD EX pRkss wky ~~k ti~ o~ k P.O. BOX 427 S~ t ~ ~ a..o MINEOLA, N.Y. 11501 - - - - (516) 742.4700 - - I s ~y,J ~g f~Ts, n? i S ~ 0 8 W 1C WgO aJ W4LL C 1 2 . Number of pages' 3 RECOR6tD 2007 Jun 22 09:44:36 RII JUDITH R. PRSCAL.E This document will be public s , record. Please remove all ~ twootzslo Social Security Numbers P. s9s DTtt 06-37292 prior to recording. Deed /Mortgage Instmment Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fee Mortgage Amt - 1. Basic Tax _ handling 5. 00 2. Additional7>rx _ TP-584 Sub Total _ 'Notation Spet:JAsait. or EA-5217 (County) Sub Total Ste. /Add. - EA-5217 (State) ~ T TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town - Dual'Couaty _ R.P.T.S.A. ~ Held for Appointment Comm. of Bd. 5. 00 ~ TYansfer Tbx ~ aO - , Affidavit ' • Mansion - The wvered by this mortgage is CeRitied COPY or will improved by a one or two ' NYS Surcharge IS. 00 family d lling only. Sub Total yFS or NO Other if NO, see ppropriate tax clause on Grand Total page # of this insirrtment. 4 Dis 07018$gq looo iiaoo 1200 ol3ooi-~~~ 5 Commuai Preset;vat3onP~nad Real ProP~Y P T S Consideration Amo ~ $ Tax Service F2 VIT A Agency t'`tu CPF Tax Due S G~~o _ Verification , - Improved 6 Satisfactions/Diachargea/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land ~,x(',(~SS~by P~-hZ/~ DBE TD' ~JtT~- (ao ~$~.yN ~.~~~Ts ~y l~S~? ~ Mall to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk Courtty Clerk 7 1Ytle Coin an InYormat3on 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co. Name l~ eT'~ www.suffolkcountynygov/clerk .~Ba # , ~ , C 8 Suffolk Coun Rec~or~dinj~ & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached 1 ~J~f~ ~ 1' by; . (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) - The premises herein is situated in ~ I,}A,(~ p ~ ~ /O~ SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK W 1 i..l. i ~ Y' ~ 1 In the TOWN of ~o T ~ V D y J In the VII.I.AGE - ?~.(t.1 ~ y - or HAMLET of ~`r'r lT~ ~ k BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR T'O RECORDING OR FII.ING. (otror) 1111111 IIII IIIII IIIIIl1111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII Ill! IIII 11111111111111111 I I I I I I I I SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 06/22/2007 Number of Pagea: 3 At: 09:44:36 AM Receipt Number 07-0058724 TRANSFER TAX NUNl$ER: 06-37292 LIBER: D00012510 PAGE: 595 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 114.00 12.00 013.001 ERANiINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $605,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Iastrumsnt 8xempt Exempt Page/Filiaq $9.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,420.00 NO Camm.Pres $9,100.00 NO Seas Paid $11,669.00 TRANSFER TAX NIB~ER: 06-37292 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUI4ENT IBIS IS NOT A SILL JUDITH A. PASCALS Couaty Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESfi FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM ' INSTRUCTIONS: httpy/ www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE 1516) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY f~ cT. awls coo. Ir~r 3r ~ ~ ~ ~ / I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE of eaiW rows C2. Mp Dffd Reewtied STATE BOIIRO OF REAL PROPERTY ItEatrICEB Bealt I / ~ ~ / , ~1 cf. P.E. s S RP - 5217. moan n.. en PROPERTY INFORMATION I 400 I Ole Sule Lane I attrerxwwe maerrtur I Southold I Mattituck I 11952 I OM m maa p, z Buyr I Myara I William _ J Name -u"OT tmrrAar rrer neaa I Myere I Marie I lea roar /CaMAMY roue a Tax lrtdlyer rrtrre futre Tae atla w m ha Sant Bmhrp E arM4Wn [mla.ddran IK~6iouom d mrm[tl I A ~ !I Qy[p ~/f I Adds`. Pt 1`~' S ~~V' '~'~T r/W' I~~I ~~Y~Y, 0. RW prads~ unWwnd on I 1 I f of Pnmb OR ~ Pert o(e Pneal IOMI E hR d e Paaa Cwt a Yrp •pplr k PrnNnp Bard ash SuheMbbn Austasy Farr ? a Deed I k SrrmN4lm APptonl area Regttted rr Tratdar Properly l x ~N I oR I 1 . 7 . 9 I .c Prod AFVra..a mr suemwmn.dm N.P nowl.a ~ sr. a Sesr mrrraer I Edward R. I Nmn. II Pox I Sharon G. I `~I rYrlr rmraeNY rwr xwe 7.OMer the hw helew wNdr mod aeeuretely deeerlbee the w d 1M IroPertY et the tlma d aer: Clreeh the hoaw haler r they apply: l OwnereFtip Type r CaMaNriwn A x~ Om Fanrfy Reetdemhd 6 ~ ApkulmrM I Communsy Senip 0. New t:orntrrretlorr an Weem lend ' B Z «9 FarMq Rearentrl F Cenuerrai4 ~ bduRdal 78A Properly hard witldn en ApdaAurel Obalet C Reerentbl VeW lerM G ApamNnt Publb Banriq 1E8. Burr nutted a dlmreue node hdlredrrp D Non-haldwW Wram Lad H Edrterrua / Amuewnwrl L F«wl thm the properly b m en Aprkulud Olrrlo SALE INFORMATION to Crerh one a men d eheae aondtlarn w eppBo.hr m trreder. Seb Caroeet (+df I 3 / 9 / 07 I A Sale Beaxwn Irlwv» «Forrter Rohtseea ~"~4e.~ B SW Wareerr Rend Canpatlw «PaNwe in Buettra C ono d the euyw b ehe a SNbr 12 Dde d Sat / Trenebr i r+ / / / / 07 I U BWer «Salw L OowrmwY ABr¢y m LondlnB 4relloniun uew [br Yrr C• Dud Tyo. net Wenardy «Berpem and SW ISpeoily BelB'w1 • ' F Seb d FrsorrW « We then Fn Ittterer ISPm1Y Belowi . ti Frdl Set Riau I 6 ~ 0 ~ 5 . 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 I G stpndrw Chanpo r Property Betwun Taeahr Stettr aM SW Oat ! ! • 11 Bab d Brahwe r tndudtl In Bar Prke (Full s.r Prke b tM torl emouM paid f« Ute property Inrludtnp penoul properly, 1 OtMr UnuaW Facture ARedhp Sw Rieo ISPeriM Baoal fhb payment mry hs m the loan d ooh, other prolwry «pootr, «me aewmpdm d / tnortpapr «otlwr oblipedmel Prue round ro the nrrm aAON dofar amount 14lndluu 1M relw d pegonY I ~ 0~ 0 I property rrlrrded r tM eels • . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Defe ahouW 1tMrel the Ateft Find Aweratmant Roll'drM Taz Bill to tea d Aaararwtt Ras ram 06 07 7T. Tam Aeeewd veha lol eu parer m trerrderl I . 9 - 6 .0 0 1 whkA rdarrneaon taken f 7 ! • +a Rapatya.~ 2I • 1 • O I-L• J ts. Batoal Brun N.n. I Mattituck-Cutchogue I 20. Tee Map WedmerlN / Rop lderrUBerW C mon than far. eneeh abet rdm addsiorW ldardfrrWl L.1000-114-12-19.1 , I I I I I 1 CERTIFICATION 1 eerd7 Ihel ell d the Iteees d lorormatlm sewed m thr frrm ore 4ee Sad aaeeta (m Wa heal d m~' kanrledpr std hdlel) and 1 mdrYOOd thal the ~ d eq wiBrd Noe rdetneu d materW bat hereto wm au4ltol rrK m the prmlldlees d the a!W rN reletlte b the ra•ItmB ed IIIIoB d Wr tatrtameda BUYER (y . „ O BUYER'S ATTORNEY Myara I William T. Wil 8m40~yera Marie Myei~~c1 ' 1AeT n"" nsrrWe I 1`~~-•~ ~N 516 I 625-9850 enmrxuwm n~naT NNYWMaYar rrA COS! letau0y nneM Ala--r-r i rf~ r? ~ I M1~`{I l l`~a tm a row tune aroma EVER NEW YORK STATE l~~L„/C~~ L%~ ~ COPY Edw 'I~""nllbx Sharon ~ ,