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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12508 P 225 / a~~o~ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE BIO WNO THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUNENr BHOULn aE USED aY uurrERa ONLY THIS INDENTURE, rnede the ~ Cn~~ /1 ~ day of May. 2007, BETWEEN EUGENE F. KELLY and iSARRIE J. KELLY, hu::: ~ and wife reskling at 2370 Wunneweta Road, Cutchogue, h York 11935 , party of the Feat part, and OARRETT A. STRANG and BARBARA A, g~A. ,husband and wife rosiding at PO Box 14121 So old, New York 119 4ras ~tGt~s~D"' f Aerty of the second part, t WITNEtSSETH, that thepartyafthe flretpart, in consideretion of ten (510.00)d~.;lars paid by are partyof8te second Pert, does hereby grant and release unto the party of tlta second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forepgr, ALL that certain pbt, Piece or parcel of land, situate. lying and being in Nassau Point In the Town of Southold, County of 3uffotk and State of New York, and shown and designated as and by Lot No. 388 on a certain map entltled,'Map of Sectlon'D", Nassau Point Club Properties, tnc ',end filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of SutfWk on May 7, 1974 as Map No. 808 and said lot being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Wunneweta Road at the division line between Lots 387 and 388 on the above mentioned map; THENCE North 82 degrees$ minutes 00 seconds West, 211.00 feet b a poinh THENCE North 2 degrees 01 minute 00 seconds West, 78.00 feet to a point; THENCE North 88 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds Eest,along the divison line between Lots 388 and 389, 293.18 feet to the northwesterly side of Wunneweta Road; THENCE southwesterly along the northwesterly sitle of Wunnewefa Road. along the arc of a curve, having a tle line course of South 35 degrees 59 minus 10 seconds West, 137.88 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. District: 1000 Sector: 111.00 Block; 07.00 Lot: 017.000 Premises Address: 2370 Wunnewefa Road, Cutchogue, New York 11935 BEING AND IN TENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by deed dated April 5, 1990 and recorded In the Suffolk County c:lerk's office on May 7, 11I901n Leer 11082 at Page 293. TOGETHER w i atl right, tltle and Interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets end roads abutting the ~ 'tom bed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and d party of the first part do and to said premises; TO HAVEAND TO HOLD the granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the Premises herein forever. Party of the second part the safe Ply of th,, first Pert covertents that the Party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby Premises have t '~cr+mbered in any wet, whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the fret p, ,n co+r;,tience with Section 13 of the Lion Law, covenants that the party of the lust Part will receive the .xtskle wn for frr4 oorlveyanceand wHl hold the right to receive such corlskterefion as a trust fund to be applied r,: t for .purpose of payva~ Me cost of the improvement and wal apply the same first to the Payment of the cost . twemerk t>afare ~sing any Part of the total of the same for an other u word "Party' shall be , des if it rasa _ , !aa" when ever the sense of this Indenture so P rPOSe. The IN WITNESS WHERE requires. aertyofthe ftret p:,: ; r~:-.s dulyexecuted this deed the day and year first above wrttten. IN PRESENCE OF: EUGENE F. LY Ouut~ BARRIE,A, BELLY Standard N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8002 -Bargain and Sale Geed, vAlh Covenant epeeist Cxantofa Acts - Uniform Adcrxrtsbdpront Form 3290 , TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLF~ENT IS NLAAE IN NEW YORK STATE Efate of NTaeYOrk, Counlyof Suffolk ss: State of Mew York, Courrty of gg; On they 1 day of Way, In the year 2007 On the year bebro me, Ere undarsgned, personaly appeared before me, the~ttnd~eregned, peraortally aPP Bred EUGENE F. KELLY and NIARRIE J. KELLY personally known b me or proved b me on the basis of satiafadory evidence b be the indivWual(s) whose name(s) is perecnagy known b me or proved b me on the basis of (are)w6fcdbedblhawNdninstrumentarWaeknowledgedbme satls}acbry evidence b be the trrdtWduab whose names are t~ fra/sttaRhey executed the same In hMlher/Ihelr tapacily(les), subatxbed b the wMhin lostrurnent and atdutowledgad b me that and that by hlsllrerAhetr sgnause(s) on the instrument, the They executed the same b areir capedtles, and that by lhetr Indlvldual(s), or the person upon bohalf of wfrleh the hdividual(s) agnaturos InetrumertL the IrWlviduab, orthe persona upon acted. executed the InslrumenL behaM of wh k,divki tad, exe,xYded the Inay,xnenL ~ • ~d,,~~ (signeWre and office of indlvidual taWnp adarowledprrrerd) (sgnature and oflke of individual taking a ed •L C. ROSS DAN C. OSS State of New Yak Nomry Ptr`~ 176~~ Coon Oua A~ ~~yavM , IDE NEW 3 State (or Dlatrid of Cc ..a:~, Tembry, or ForNgn Country) of as: On the In the year betas me, the underegned, peraonatiy appeared pertwnaayktawnbme udtomeonthebaslsofsetufactoryevidencetohethelndivldual(s)wlgaename(s)le(are)subscrlbed h~ArerAhelr Instrument ;.krwwledged b me that Ireishemtey oxecuted the same in his/herAhetr capadly(ies}. aruf Ihat by sgnature(6} +rutrumenL the Individual(s), or the person upon behaH of wfridr the IndNWusl(s) acted. executed the inaWrrrerd, and Iha~ ~auch ,,.-.;,..;Joel made suds appearance before the urWeregned b the ('ns~ oaw dkiral whdivisbn) b (and insert the Slab a Counry or other place dre aderowledpment was taken) . . (signature and oma o(indHWual 4klrp scWgadadgnrerrt) BARGAIN AND SAL DEED SECTION 111.000 WITH COVENANT AOAINS 'GRANTOR'S ACTS BLOCK 07.00 LOT 017.000 TIUe No. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STREET ADDRESS 2370 Wunneweta Road Cutchol;ve, NY 11935 Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH L/WD TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BTANWIRD FORY NEINOF~yp,. ~pµppr. r aerxed ~ Deborah Doty, Esq. 670 Weat Creek Avenue PO Box 1181 On" . @a~' G~wr,;;~ue, NY 11935 A L1wAltt]uG ANY AaaetlYe Tlaa VALE Fq( U9E OF k...i'ORpINt „g t. 1 2 Number of pages RECDRDED TORRENS 2DW Jun 06 09;42:01 RN Judith R. Pascale Soria! # CLERIC DF SUFFDLk CAUNTV Certificate # L D00012506 P 225 Prior Ctf. # DTR D6-35504 Deed /Mortgage Instrument Decd / Mortgrgc Tux Swmp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page / F"`ng Fee This document will be publiCt M~g~sc Amt. Handling g, DD u I. Busic'Ihx record. Please remove a t TP-sga Social Security Numbe " Add't:onal Tax Sub Tuwl _ Nowtioo priortorecordtng• SpecJAs.¢it. EA-52 17 (County) - Suh Towl or Spec. /Add. _ EA-5217 (Swtc) TOT. MTG. TAX _ R.P.T.S.A. ~ ~ Dual Town _ Dual County Comm. of L'd. 5, DD 5 Hcld for Appointm 1'nmsfer Tax Affidavit ~ _ • Mansion Tux CertifiM COPY The property covered by this mortgage is NYS Surcharge 15. (10 or will be improved by a nne ur two - Sub Total family dwcllirtg only. Othrr YES or NO Grand Towl If NO, see appropriate tax clausr on Page # of t)tis inswment. 4 1. ~t ~ i 7 5 Coa~muaitY Preearvattoa Pad Real 0701 980 iooo iii+o o~oo oi~ooti Tax ; P T J Consideration Amount $ FS~ p Agetu;y ~ RINMA A Verification CPF Tax Du S T1 J`-,U!) .tUN-0' Improved t/ 6 SatisFrctions/Discharges :elettses Liat i9vperty Owners Mailing Address Vacant Land RE< 'tD di Ri rURN TO: TD X70 v~Ja,s+ ^ rp eK ~ n U.e 3ox ~ t ~ TD Cu-i-c.~to~t,e ~ ~ t ; t 435. ~ 7 Title Com n Information Co. Name Qj-t'~j} Title # ~ Suffolk Coi Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the a i _~,t CrQ.(V1 Q.~td ~„($~Qd ~ ~ Q,S'a (SPECIFY TYPI OF INSTR MENT) nwdc by: ~Q.r-tQ F K-etly ~'~-~~P r ~~,t 71rc premises ha~;n is situau:d in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ~ In the Township of Sotrf~, al ~(/P ~ ~ ~YQ~~--_.__. In the Vll,LACE ' or HAMLET of ~ `~-1~-+'1 ~V ~ BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED O pRINTEp )N BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. ' (over) - - 11111111 Illl IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilllll 3IIFFOLK COIINTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGL type of Instrument; DaaDB/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Recorded: 06/06/2007 Receipt Number 07-0053620 At° 09x42:01 AM TRANSFER TAX NIII~IDER: 06-35504 LIBER: DOOOi2508 District: PAGR: 225 1000 Section: Block: Lot: 111.00 07.00 017.000 SXAMINSD AND CHAROSD A8 80LLOaTB Deed Amount; $688,750.00 Received the 8ollowiag Feea For Above Instrument Page/Filing Sxampt COS $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 Np~t SA-~ $5.00 NO NYS SRCHQ $15.00 NO $5.00 NO SA-$TATS i TP-584 $5.00 NO $75.00 NO gpT Cert.Copies $0.00 NO i $30.00 Np SCTM . Transfer tax $2,756.00 NO $0.00 NO Connn.Prea $10,775.00 Np T~SFSR TAR NOFIDxk: 06-35504 Fees Paid $13,680.00 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF TH8 INSTRUNSNT THI3 IS NOT A SILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN YYRITING~ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpy/ or PHONE (57Q) 473.7222 ' FbR COUNTY USE ONLY O C7. SWIS Code Ly, ~ Q ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT © STATE OF NEW YOIIK C2. flab lined Recorded STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY BERVN:EB ,prnm r ey ~.Il~ d,S, ~a IC4.P.y. d5 RP - 5217 PROPERTY INFORMATION °wm rw' ~rer i ~ a3~0 I V~/Ua/n/ E ti?t rq R a~D I ' (50~~d I c c~Te+~o~ v£ 111435 --sit r mug I-gTRAI~IG I C' ERR ETT k. a~ Nina usexw reorsur Nrrrreta I ~ S`rR/4 ~ G- I A R ~3~h h ur rrarrrwrrraxv rwm rraue I 9. Tax Irtlieue vAren bean Tex thW an 0o a eem aba N aurr urrr txryw eadrma let bosom or krm) ~_~i~/J~N /'•r "G ~d J~ tJt D/j '~AxI~ A ( Addraw Tr'1ii wrv ~ er ~ xan „~N~ pia I ~!'av~v~ Iny ,~//y~ anaataex • Indicate the mmUrr el Aeapanrm IOMy E PM of a Parap Clrerk a 1My applY• RW ~0°N trmrMewW on ~ 4ad ~ f of PereNa OR ? Part o! s Pants 8. Ged eA fLmirp BoeN with Ruhdeiakn Awhoriry Exbu ? AoWgY ~ I J(( I aB. Suhdrvfuon MDroval uae flagrJnd for Trene(er tl~ naxr sir oR ( 5 a ( ~ Percel aPprer.d for sabdiriaion wilh FAap noaid.d ? a ~ ~ y I EuC FrYE F , Nam. r ~I ~~~y I B~RRrE T r.,... ~ 7. Cueh its box below which moH eeprraWY deawbee tM rme m the property m tM time M ula:. tiraak Ure Ewa below u 1Mp apply: 6 OwmnhlP Type's Oondmnlnium ? A Orr Femih Rmidereiel E Aprkuawel I Community Sarvke e. Now ConmueGOn on Vacant Lend ? R 7w9Femih RpidonWl F Commercial J InAreMY C Reddentlel Veram land 0 Apulment K PuWk SorMeo 70A' Propgry lawud whlJn en ADrkuhurY DlUrict O Non•RmldenWl Veeam Laml teL Buyer rocaivad ¦ dirJmun naua ardutlng ? H FMerLlnment/Amuaemrnt L FweU SALE INFORMATION trot t1f0P°^v b o en AerkWwal Dlaria 10. PlrrA orr or nwe d thrr mnNdmm r ~rpaoBM m y~ lt. sM. Data I a3 ~ o/ ~ 07 I A Solo &twucn RWtlvae a Farmer RWthre Y • B SsN Baleraen RsWed CompeNa or F'ertrren N Sruirrna 1i wee of Sao / Tram4r , C Orr of tho Suvme d etm a Boller rtaw ~ ~ D Buyer a SelNr is taowrm; wx Aeorx.Y or Lomlirre tnatimUon t lyoed TYPe net Wenenry or wreeN mM SW ISpmih aolowl / F SW of FreWOnal a lna [hen Fae Intmau ISgeify aMow1 1a. FWt >Lt. prig I . /Q ~ ~ 7 ~1! n r G SgNSum Chenpe In Propmry Botwoen Taxable Straw entl SW wl ~ f . H Ssb or 8ueinam k Included in Bak Prim bull Bak Prke b the Ltel amoum paid for tlr property Indutlkp permMl popM• 1 Otlrer Umruel Feeton Thu prymem may W In iho loan of cash, other properly a anode. a the eaeunption of B Re4 Prka ISpecpy Babw1 monpepm or othw oWipadoro.l Pkms round ro ota rranp wlru doper amowx. J Nary 1{. Indkale the velw d prwrl ~rn~ PnPmly bxduded H Le aW f y y (ASSESSMENT INpnpuen - - - m renac[ [ne latent Flnsl Aeeaamont Roll and Tax adl 70. Yer of Aaaermem Rop hom G ^ ' wNch frdmmedpA Li/e~n 07 17. TaLI Ammaed Valrr (of W pmcN M trenped L [J O I 1t. hofmrtF Clam I V - ' ' (---~J LJ 18. aolrool tmbfm Nmne L SQ rJl I 1 U(d 2a. Tex Map IdantRyrW /Roe Idemplar(a1 W man Urn four. much Nwt wkh additlonel WentewWl L~ l_5-IYi c~ i QQ7 I t_ ~r _~OV1 11 ~.Oy ~locf( o7~po I _ r,,,.~ ~1~1~y I CERTIFICATION L W I ~ r~ J I 1 eerliPJ Not dl d dr Uems d bd4toedon rntend uo Ude frxre err trtr cod mrraaY Ib the box d n of ouy wiW[I faNe rauteraerd of ew4rfol fart herxie will whJa1 ree L t4 prrwidrm of Ur rrw~l Lw rrWlre to fheln the ~ ~ 1 oMenteod thM Un mukiryt BUYER ~ art ~"I°°^usm°~ DYER'S ATTORNEY ru-"'• •~.di~tr{//V f!" aR eorr~wru I ~ wrur[ - a 7~ I l/~/I~/r A/C?70 -7~ l L/ r` I p Nm[rwuru anar*aarwneeaur ~l___ I /~7~V~p`Ja ML Ooae rrrrxrrerre xuuma r a owx sryc aruror ELLER - ~ NEW YORK STATE D.l'tJV~ • / I ~ ~ e1 l I D1 COPY oen