HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12511 P 361 ~ ~ ~ aSI~' BARGAIN AND SALE DEED ~Tg COVENANT AGAINST GRANTORS 0 3~/ •f ACTS (IIVDIVIDUAT, OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 / CAU170N: Vtp6 AGREBafEh7S110U1.D 8EPREPAR~D BY AN ATt'ORIVEY AtVD REVB3WEp BY ATTORNEYS POR SELLER AND AIRCIIAtiER BBRORE BIGWINC. TH/SlNDENTl/Rg, made the day of Junc, two thousand and seven, behreeR )PETER V• IZZO rood GLORIA F.1iZZ0, residing at 1435 Vanston Road, Cutchogue, New York Party of the first part and RICIEIARD FEVOLA, residing at 1435 ~ y~.n Cutchogue, New York Parry of the second pan, W/TNLSSL~"J'y, that the parry of the first pan, in rnnsidemtion of Ten dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second pan, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the i second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever, ALL shat certain plot, piece or erected, situate, lying and being at Cutchog lI tlTown of Southold, Comy of Suffolk and Statle oNew i n York J/ . SEE SCHEDULE "A•' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF .1000 j S Being and Intended to be the same premises described in dced rcrnrded in Liber 9775 Page 252. I 11~ T1UG8'7'HER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the tiro pan in and to any . streets and roads abutting the above described prcmices to the center lines thereof, TOGBTHis"R with the a one Y and to said PP nances and all the estate arul rights of the parry of the first part in promises, L ~ HAV6AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the parry of the second part, the 3 heirs or succeswns and assigns of the party of the second pan forever. I AiVD the party of the first pan, covenants that the party of the first pan has na done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforcsnid. AND the party of the first pan, incompliance with Section I3 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a wst fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will s~ply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any Part of the total o! ;,se same for any other purpose. The word "pat,,; - shall be constrttcd as if it read "parries" whenever the sense of this indcnmrc so requires, IN WlTNrTSS Wry.,. {7F, the party of the first part has duly executed this decd the day and Year first above wriucn. i°.r-r~.~.,,. v. PETER V.IZZO , GLORIA F. 171.0 A'~'SAA t'RACnCE FORMS 3/03 RMT067.16 • FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY File Number: SP 20361-S 508-5.4803 A.1IENDED 5/23/2007 SCHEDULE A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, pieta or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of SutTollc and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 334 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Section D, Nassau Point Club Properties, Inc." filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk oa May 7, 1925 as Map No. 806, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Vanston Road distant 91.22 feet easterly from the extreme easterly end of an arc of a curve connecting the easterly side of Haywaters Road and the southerly side of Vanston Road; RUNNING THENCE easterly along the southerly side of Vanston Road, 103.03 feet to the division line betwern Lot No. 334 and Lot No. 335 on above map; . THENCE along said division lint South 31 degrees ! 6 minutes 00 seconds East 253.00 feet; THENCE S~ruth 58 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds West 103.00 feet; THENCE North 3I degrees l6 minutes 00 seconds West 257.54 feet to the southerly side of Vanston Road at t}re point or place of BEGINNING. i I i Issued by: Spwwo ABuraty Serritet Cerp 370 Old Country Road Suite 100 www.SPanoAbstraet.com Garden Ciry, NY t 1330 _ Tek9twne:(316)294-7037 Fax: (516)742-9373 Title RTirle R ~ y State of NEW YORK as.: County of SUFFOLK 1 On the a~f / dayof ~ V7P in the year 2007 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared PETER V. ITlO and GLORIA F.127A personally known to me w proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to 6e the individual(s) whose name(s) is (arc) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shr/thcy executed the same in his/herhhcir capacity(ies), and the[ by hisAter/their signawre(s) on the instrument, the i 1(s), w the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acre!, executed the instrument. (signature sad office of individual tak' knowledgment) tterrrwa ~aw.urs Don ~'orchElli tt,...m4w.?.m.r°° r r.era Acknowledgment by a Subscribing Witness Nt!'dFObCY+~3 E.cp ~ -1"1-l O State of ) County of j u.; i On the dayof in the year before me, the undersi ed appeared gn ,personally with whom I am ~ subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument. personally acquainted, who, being by me duty sworn, did depose and say that he/she ~ resides m (if the place of residence is in a city, include j the street and street number, if any, thereon; that he/she knows be the individual(s) described in attd who executed the foregoing instrument; that said subscribing to ~ witness was present ;md saw said ~ execute the same; and that said ~ witness at the same time subscribed his/her name ns witness thereto. I (signature and office of individual taking acknowledgment) RECORD AND RETUitN TO: J RET067.16 ~ NYSIM PIUC77CE FORMS 3/03 • ~ 2 Numberofpages - RECORDED 2007 Jun 28 11: 16: a2 RM Judith p. Pascale This document will be ~c ~ public ~ ATV record. Please remove aU L 600012511 Social Securi P 351 ry Numbers brr 06-37890 prior to recording. • Deed / Mon9age Instrument 3 Deed/Mort9ageTax Stamp . ReWrding/Filing S~ Page/Fl11ngFee _ FEES ~ Ps Handling TP-Sit4 Basic Amt ~1-~ Z Additlonal Tax~~ Notatlon Sub Total ~ EA-5217 1~` (County) SPeUAssit . EA-5217 (5p ~ _ Sub Total ~ or ~J RP.TS.A. SPec/Add. TOT, fyl'rG, TAX Comm, of Ed. ~ Dual Town HeldforA `County AfRdavit ~ ~ PPolntmant s_. Transfer Tax 7~"/y~~ Certified COPY ~ ' ~'~4L ~ Mansion Tax NYS Surcharge 1~ t S. 00 The Proper0' covered by this mo 9e 4 Other or will be Improved by a one Sub Total-~ famllydwelling only. o< two Grand Total I~Z ~ Y~~~orNO~~ tJ~ If NO, see approprate tax da 4 pp O7O195~I` lac,; 11100 0400 013000 J, ~geif ~ on 7- ofUris tnatrument RealPra RP S TaxScn B81 A' 3r~V 5 CommunityPreservatlonFUnd A9en: .JUN•0 gerifiq atioa Aatount $ ~ -t ti ails actiorts,/p ~ CPF Ta;t ue• $ _ kcF:n+9e SPA1Y 9t..... ~~~'O~w ~a~ng reu O A r• i RA t Improved,_)~ ~ ".VICE Cc. <.p Co;:'nh4 Titielnsu, Vaca:~t;~d 370 Old Colulr, . , Tp'~-=` Ganlen Cm: N.V ' 1J~ . iuu Fax 81294-7037 ' . ww, ' 742.9375 TD ~Penoabstracl.cxxi~ Mail to:Judith A P _--r.. ~ 310 a de, Suffolk County Clerk Cents Drive, Riverhead ' Title Com t"evwsuffalk. untynY•gov/clerk ~ NY 1i901 eo. j pony Inl. .:anon g ~ SPano Abetrac Su~Folk 'o-~.tY Record ~ : nee. ~ x35 This 9 ~ Enc rse~t F by. Page fonrt• rt of the a• ed (~~'F~O ~e C! Vr (52ECIFYTYPE ;~tsfHUMS?g E;,;~ made ? 2.~ The s Premise. xeln 4 SiG: ' in SUFF,,...Ci.~wf'Y,NEYYYptyL 1 QfG TO • ~aI In the TOWN of S p -I-~ ~ In the VILLAGE • BOXES6THRU8MUSTBETYPEDORP °r~M~fof Cit-tc%o ANTED IN BLACK INK ONLY P e' AIOR TO RECORDING OA FILING. 11111111 IIII VIII IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllll SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PADS Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD i Number of Paga®: 4 Recorded: 06/28/2007 Receipt Number 07-0060556 At: 11:16:92 AM ~ TRANSFER TAX NU~ER: 06-37890 LISSR: D00012511 District: Section: PAGE: 361 ~ 1000 Hlock: Lot: ~ 111.00 04.00 013.000 Deed Amounts EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS POLLOP43 $625,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Paga/Filing Exempt $12.00 NO g Ex t ~ECTY $5.00 NO NYBdSRCHG $5.00 NpemP $15.00 TP-584 $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 p RPT $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO Transfer tax $30.00 NO SCTM $2,SOO.OO NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $9,500.00 NO TRANSFER TAX NLMHER: 06-37890 $12.152.00 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRIIMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stste.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 rP_ a o 3 J' ' FOfl COUNTY USE ONLY / / G J L cT. swls Coda 7 ~ O REAL PROPERTY TRgNSFER REPORT r ~ ~ a STATE OF NEW YORK CL DaN Dtlad Rat:orded d STATE BOABD OF REAL PROPERry BERNCE6 r p. BooK I ~ G,, ,,o, ~/J K ' , RP - 5217 PROPERTY INFORMgT10N anein a.r sw~ ~ qh QJ. s ) ) Q arc O ~ h 0! (r' ~ 1 vo Nina I r teMMv uer , r xwC a. Tax Nrdiuta whxa fume Tax BBS an to b sw ~ A°10aar~N• o oaw tbn huysr adther lae btlam d torml 1-~_ F{V dl Q I /L f c ~ ar a I ~ y 3S ~ eta r }.n a J -mil x~te I i - I C I.T c ~.o rv~ I NCI 119 arywrawx l Indieate the rwmbr d Astntmxrt 1 / I ran ~ RW Pareela toaMxnxl tm the aeW I - / I . of Pamey OR ~ part of s PareW I0~ B PaR d a PrmB CJrarh as they apply; 0. otae ~ r'~(Jv1 v ew PynNro f1oYd with subdniapn Auhwey Fsiay ? Praprfy I Taoxr aer I x (L--~ J oR I I ~B. SubdiY6ion Appovol wva RWUirod fw Tramhr Sha sC. ParW Approwrl lar Subdieyyn wuh Myt ProrfdM 0. Blax Nam. r M MaA/ 1 / I curt 7. Cheah tb bsx bhwr whhlh mou aaewNan dueribae tb aaa d tlu puperly n u. tyw of ..y: tlrrlat etra bxu bhmr u tlry apply: a Ownaraltlp TYPO y CaMwnlNum q One FamllY Ralawn E AonouhurY I Community Sorvko 0. Nwv Coexmuctlan on Vanm LaM . D 2 w 3 FamYy Raldemiel F ~ J h~tl~ 1BA propeay laeayd wildrr an Apicumd.l OWrin C Rxidandd V.wrl land G AParmienl IC Pahae Sxvle. U NoMissidsntyl Vacant Land H EmsneinmW / Amotement BnYer a Aarloerrra natlca Irtdkalyp L. fonx mat ab tvopxty y fn an ApricWlwal Ohtrkt ? _ SALE INFORMATION ~ ,/f 10. arr w mere d theta 11. Bela ponUeal D1te `l~~O~ earrdltlom tl b tmn.yr: d A Stla Balwam Rd+tiuw wWmx RolaWs D Say BoMCan Reletad CantPSNos w Panrwra In flusnw ta. pate dSala / hatrelw C One of eha Ruyan Is ayo s Sollx U Bayx w Sallx Ia Gwxnmom Apsnry or LwxWp InNtutlon Itwyr tMy Yw Ti Daad T Ypo not YYxramy w Bargain and s.y ISpeNly Baywl f say d Fragional w Lau tltan Fw haeraq ISpadfy Beyw1 fa. PuU s.y fAlp I 1~ ~ n n t G sipnifiam Uanpo ;n Propxty B.mnx, rauby Sfams ana sw pai ! • H SNa d Suanau y hxdudod n Solo Prya IFUII Sals Prim V tb toyl amoum p. 1 fw tM taoParry ineludinB personal property. 1 ONx llnuaual Feppn Afyuy Say Prig f5 Thy pwmsm nnY 6a in tM form d ~ ah, atbr progrty w Rood., w tb awumgion of nB PedN Beywl mxtatOp w atlMr oblipu;oru,l Pk ar rpaW m dar rteareG whWa ad4r amount 1 Nona 14, pra~ltaxu tb ~ ~ l I L ~ 0 o B ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Dam amwd rofleot the yt.u Fmel Aucsamem Roll and Tax Btll t0. Vw d Agpynera NoN freln l eatlolt Hxnratlon ahxr '-i r. Tool Awaaaa Vafue lar w wrgl. H vandx) IJ J.7~S' D O I 10. Pmparty tam ~'.f-U t. ..,y o+wloe N.nt. I l'`01 ~1;7`".'. ~ ~ ~~~~A~~ m ra. tYyp laxrwyri¦I r Roo la :.-+w IB mx. atueh ahM whh aadltloeW IdaneRlxfNl I lodo- J.r,oa! .ed- o13,ip~_ - I I CERTIFICATION ..~J I I 1 eeNfy ebt aN d Ilrr BtnY or In .notion ewer, ehk farm ate lrur cnd eon.re its the huY d of tl7 wYlfd robe W W ar mtlnLll srtl 6rr~ a r~a7 me r et..: or,. ;,r Rr mul I.w~ v u~lhe~ IrSd) eaa l anaer~rvd Wt the makloA ` - C mahhpt and ~ d , »i datmneot. y BUYER'S ATTORNEY e~ ~e,,,,,,,,. 6 is j eg~~- wn - ust a,e, l Y3S , yan.i ,lay ~ d »w. inaaranea 31~ I 3.7 p ~,25 y1j ~a,.,.a_ c ~o t N`'t l19 m w IgYlr STeTe aPdoaC ,,Q~ ELLER NEW YORK STATE /.~Z~L.7~;x ~a!/ COPY an+wr wa.rur I an