HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12508 P 755 1/ ;)"~Ol . ~Y025 '_'1 Deed-I.divid.... crCorponIioa lSi....SheeIl(NYBlU IOOSl 1~S' h:2- /-1; CONSUJ.T YOUR LA WYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS L'lSI"RUMDl'T . THIS INSTRUMDo'T SHOJilJ> BE IlSED BY LA WYEIIS 01'01.. Y THIS INDENTURE, made Ihc 2 ~ day of May . In Ibe year 2006 BE11NEEN NORMA SLAVONIK, residing at 315 Boisseau Avenue, Southold, New York 11971 as ~ (executrix )of the laslwill andlCSlamClllof. FRANK SLAVONIK . late of 315 Boisseau Avenue, Southold, New York 11971 ,deceased. pany ofllle fUSl pan. and NOWlA SlAVOOIK, residing at 315 Boisseau Avenue, Sou'thbl.c;l, New York 11971~ ALICE BYRN!;:, residing at 1221 Bullshead Read, Clinton Corners, New York 12514 and PA..'"RICIA DINIZIO, residing at 562 Brown Street, Greenport, New York 11944, as Trustees of the Trust created U/LIW/T of Frank Slavonik party of the second pan, . WITNESSETH, thallhe pany oflbe first pan. by virtue oflhe power and authority given in and by said last will and tcstament,andinconsideralionof the distribution of the Estate tIoitIrs:' paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grant and release unto the panyoflhe second pan. the heirsorsu~ 8I\d asslgllS ofllle party of the second pan forever, ALL that ccnaIn pIot. piece or parcel ofland. with the buildings and improvements lhereon erected. siluaie.lying and being In the Village and Town of Southbld, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Northerly by land late of Benjamin Wells, deceased, two hundred and thirty-nine and three tenths (239.3) feet~ Easterly by Boisseau Avenue, thirty~nine and eight tenths (39.8) feet; Southerly by land now or forme~ly of Georgia I. McNish, one hundred twenty-six and five tenths (126.51 feet~ again Easterly by lar,d now or formerly of Georgia I. MCNish, fifty-six and nine tenths (56.9) feet; again Southerly by land now or formerly of Louis Bednoski and wife .one hundred and eighteen (118) feet~ and Westerly by land now or formerly of Henry F. Van Wyck, ninety-two and five tenths (92.5) feet, The said Frank Slavonik.died a resident of 315 Boisseau Avenue, Southold, New York on January 10, 2007. His Last Will:and Testament was admitted to Probate in the Suffolk County Surrogate's Court on March 14, 2007 under 'File NUmber 261 ~ 2007. The said Frank Slavonik owned a one-interest interest as Tenant-in- Common with Norma Slavllmik in the above-described prernises;;at the time of his death. TOGETHER willl all right. litle and illleleSI, if any, of the pany of tile firsl pan In and to any streets and roads lIbUlling the above dCSaIbed premises to Ihc eenler lines Ihcreof: TOGETHER willl Ihe appunenances. and also all Ihe estate whlcl! Ihc sald dcccdcnt had 8llhe lime uf dccedclll'S death in said premises. and also the estate therein. whlch the pony ofllle first pan has or has power to conveyor dispose of. whether IndiVidually. or by Vinue of said will or oIhcrwise; TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premises bereln granted URIO tile party of the second pan,lIle heirs or 5UCCCSSOIS and assigns oflhe pany of the secoDli pari forever. AND IIle panyofthe first partcovenanl5 that Ihcparty ufthc first part has nut done or 5uffcredanythlng whereby tile said premises have been Incumbered in any way whatever. except 85 afol"Cliald. ANDIhe panyofthe first pan, incompliance with Section 13 ofllle Lien Law. COVC08ms thai thc partyoflhc first part will receive Ihe consideration for IhIs conveyance and wiD hold tile righl 10 receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for Ihe purpose of paying the coo of the hnprovemem and wiD apply lhe same first to Ihc payment of the cost of the ImprovcDlCIII before using any part of the total of lhe same for any uther purpose. 100 word "pany" shall he construed as ifll read "parties" whenever Ihc sense of this Indemure so requires. IN WITNESS WHERF.oF, the patty ofllle fJlSt pan has duly execUled this deed the day and year first above wrillen. d1f-t ESTATE OF FRANK SLAVONIK ~~..-v:- 4.k....... c:.tT NOR~A SLAVONIK, EXECUTRIX L.S. IN PIlIlSI:SCE OF. By: liSBAL:KNowLliDGMR.YTFOI/M B/lLOWWtnllNNBwYORK~'TAlEONLY: . Stole 01 New York, County of S u~ folk I I&: On dIe:lS' day 0( Ma Y In tbc year 2007 bcfOl1l me, IIle undenitlncd, penonaIly lIppClIRld NORMA ~~~~n 10 me or proved II> me llD tIJc bIIsia of saIisf~ evidolDce 10 be d1c indiYldlmKSI wbosc I18D1C(S) is (811:) subsaiblld 10 !be within insUumcnllllld actnowledged 10 me lba1 beIsbcI1bcy cleaned tbc same in hisIbembeir arpaeity("les). and dIlII by bIsIbrdIbeIr signallIRCs) llD IbI: inslnlDlelll, 1bc individuaJ(sJ. or d1c penon upon Ix:baIr 0( wbicb d1e individuaJls) aclCd. execwcd IIle insIrumeDI, If" .......... . (t:~ .~~ j Notar ul)lic Aa.voWUJJGMENTFOllM I:OR VSB WmllN NBW YORKSTAT1ION1.Y, (N,., YmtSobs<libiaI Wi..... ~ Cortif_l Slate or New York, County or la,: On tbc day or In 1bc year bcfom me, !be IIIIlIenigned, pelSOIIlIIly lIJlPClIIIlCI Ibe sublaibina wibICSS 10 tIJc forqoing 1ns1nlmel\/, witb wbam I ani p:nonaUy sc:quainled, wbo. bcmg by me duly swum, did depose IIIId say dial beIsbd1hcy n:side(s) In (/lIhe pIact ofrnidsu:t is in a city, includt Iht Slrrtl and Slrttl number, if 1lIr)', lhertOjJ; lhal bcI&beItbcy know(s) 10 be tbc iDdlYiduaI llesaibed in and who CXCIl:UIlld 1bc rcngoiD& insUuIncn1: IbsI said subsaibIng wibICSS was paenllllld saw said execwe d1e 5III1IC; and tba1 said wilnl:ss III !be same lime subscribed bislbedtbeir name(s) as a wibICSS 1bcn:IO, F.xECl.70R'S DEm L"''UlYIDUA1.OI.COI.POIAno.~ TmENo. NORP~ SLAVONIK, as Executrix UILIWIT of Frank Slavonik TO NORMA SLAVONIK, ALICE BYRNE, PATRICIA DINIZIO, AS TRUSTEES 01" TilE TRUST CREATED U/J./W/T OF FRANK SLAVONIK VSBALVIOWUJIX"JdliNf lTJI/M BELOW wmll.Y NBwYOU STAlE ONLY: SlDtBofNewYork,Colmtyof II&: On tbc day of in tbc >"lUI' bcflR me, tbc UIIIIersl&ned. plDIlIIllIJy appc:an:d , JXlISOIIIIIIy known 10 me or prowx110 me (111 !be basis of ...i.......OI)' evidena: 10 be lbe individuaIls) wbose namels) Is 1811:) aubsaibcd 10 Ihc wi1bin insInunenl and acknowIcdgcd 10 IIIC tbal bclsbeItbey exec:ut&ld lbe sume 10 bisIberItbeir aIpIICiIy(Iea). 8Dd dIlII by bisIbcrhbeir ~s) 011 the IIlSlllD1ll:lU. Ihc individual(s), or d1e person upon beba1C ofwbic:b 1bc individual(s) ldd, exewlrd lbe inslIwncnL AClINOWI.EDG!tlENT Jo'ORM FOlIlIsliOU1"SlDll NBW YOlIK STAn ONLY: (OIl, ofSrdr'1K Fo,.;,. Gttlllrvl Ad:nowl"'-lAl1l/iaIl<1 .,..,.......,.,.,.,........,."""......",."...la-: IC~" v.... widJ S""., eo....'l< P"",iIfn 0' Mllllit:ipoIlly) On d1e day of in d1e year Ix:I'lR me. tbc undersigned. personally appc:arod , penona11y known 10 me or prova!lO me on !be blIsIs of on';d'ftao<y cvidaIce 10 be Ihe individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) sublaibcd 10 tbe witbio inslnImenl and acknowledgIld 10 me tbaI btIsbeItbey exewled tbe same in bislher1lllcir capacily('1IlS). tbaI by hisIhed Ibcir sipa&un:(s) on !be insInimenI, tbe individulll(l). or !be peISOII UJlOII bebaIf of wbidI du: individual(s) lI:IIld, c=uICd d1e inslnDnent, and tballIUCb individual made IIUCb apptIII'8IICl! berore Ibe undersigned in Ibe (Instrt lhe city or (llher po,/ilical suIJdMsiM Il1IIl 1M MtJIt or cOlUllry or OIher pIllet Iht acktroM'U/IgmIIU WIlS 1tIktn), DlSTRlcr SEC110:-l BLOCK LoT CouN'l'Yox TOWN RECOIlDED AT 1IB(!UliSTOF FideUly National TIlle IDAanmce Compm)' at New Yark 1U.7TJ1lN SY MAlL 10 CHARLES E. RAFFE, ~SQ. 747 East Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 ~ Ii IS B II: l!i ~ ~ III : .. ~ ~ ! II: . ., .- Numbctofpages 'IORllliNS 3 Serial # Ccrtilicale # l'rior Clf, # Deed , Mortgage Insuument 3 - i Page / f'illng Fcc Handling 5..illL '5~ '11'-584 Nlllution 5/ fJf =- D\r' 13A-5217 (County) EA-5217 (Slate) R.P"I:S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5...QlL Affidavll Certilied Copy Reg. Copy OUler 06200 1000 4 District Iteal Property 'Iax Service Agency \'\:rIficatlun IleeI.I/ Mongage '11Ix Stamp FEES Sub 101al ;;~ 6 SatisfactionIDlschargeslReteasc IJst Property Ownel'5 Mailing AdlIR:ss RECORD & RRTURN 'CO: CHARLES E. RAFFE, ESQ. 747 East Main Street Riverhead, NY 11901 7 Co. Name 11Ue # 2001'1ft1t5P~ PM SUFFOlK COUNTY L 000012508 P 755 Dill 06-35910 Recording /l'Illng Stamps Mortgage AmL I. Dasic 'lluI 2. Adililional 1l1x Sub 'liltal Spec./ AssII. or Spec./ Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual1bwn _ Dual County _ Held for AppolDunent ~ Transfer Tax ~ Manslon'llIx '100 property covered by tllls motgage Is or will be Improved hy a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO tr NO, see appropriale tax clause on page ~ of tlus IlIStrument, 5 Communi l'rcservallOl ulld ConsllleraUon Amount $ CI'I' Tax Due Vacant Land TO ID 'm 'm l1de Company Inrormadon 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page '11lis page fonns part of UIe allachcd NORMA SLAVONIK. AS EXECUTRIX DEED (SPooFY TYPE OF INS'IRUMEN'O made by: UILIWIT OF FRk~K SLAVONIK 'Ille premlsls herein is situaled In In UIe Townslup of SUfFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK, SOUTHOLD TO NORMA SLAVONIK, ALICE BYRNE..and PATRICIA DINIZIO, AS TRUSTEES OF THE TRUST CRF.AT-o:n Il/T./IUT n1' FRANK SLl\VONIK DOXES 6 "I1IROUGH 8 MUST DB nl'liD OR PRlN'llID IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1'0 RECORDING OR FILING In'..r\ In tlle VILLAGE or HAMU!T of SOUTHOLD 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of InstrumeDt. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number I 07-0054734 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-35910 Recorded. At. 06/08/2007 01.15.29 PM LIBER: PAGE: D0001250B 755 District. 1000 Section. Block. 062.00 01.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 019.000 Deed Amow1t. Received the Following Pees Par Above Instrument Exlllllpt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO HlIIldling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 06-35910 THIS PAGE IS A PART OP THE INSTRmmNT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUdith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNlY USE ONLY Cl. SWlS Codoo I Lt,."1.3. c! <f. ~ cz. illite Deed .......ded I It I ~ I tJ 7, MonIh DGot VIM C3.Book I /. /(,.5,(),~'cc.Pe..I-?,..!5,$. 'pnASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WHiliNG UN ~UItM INSTRUCTIONS: hltp:ll www.orps.state.ny.u8 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT PROPERTYINFOR~nON STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PllOPERTY SERVlCE8 RP - 5217 ILI'-IJI'....JM 1......_1 ~ 315 I11UT ...... Boisseau Avenue .....T ..... 2.""'" - so_uthold em 011 rOWN TRUST CREATED LAIr NMII/CQMPMv l'lnuthnld - I 11 971 :ItI.... U/L/W/T OF FRANK SL4VONIK (See Attached Schedu1el ~ ....I~ LAaT~_'CGIH'ANY ,.., ... 3. T.. Indkate wl'leN fuc,," TIJI .1, are 10 be ... I ".8 W__bu\'W__C__ol_. Ad_ I 315 Boisseau Avenue I... _II AJID InlHT NAIIf c/o SLAVONIK LMI1lIAME1COMHHl' NORl1A F_r NAM. P. O'IBox 143 c:m OIIllMN Southo1d I N~ 'TAft I 11971 ",cow 4. Indieate 11M ....mber 01 AWMSC .....1 RoU.........__..._dud .11'.or~ OR 0 Po~oI'_. &.~I - 1IIWJl,'T"" Ixl ..... 'ORI 'M:M" . 1.2 I COnly. Pad of a _ _ n..., oppIy: 4A. PIInring _d _ _ _Iy ElUIIo 0 .. SulxIvioion AA>..... wu RoquIrocl far T...- 0 4C. _ APII'ovod "" SuIldivlIion willi Map - 0 ..- Noma SLAVONIK* ~ NAM lcaMNIn' *AS EXECUTRIX UILIWIT OF LAlT NAIll 1 COIIIWIV I FRANK I NOJl.MA _T..... SLAVOSIK I. NIII NAllIi 7. Ch.GIr; the boa below which moll ~M:1Iy ~... uu of the property I' .... 111M of ..Ie: A~ 0.. F.mlly _";"1 B 2or3F..,;Iy_ C _II V..... Land o N__I V..... Land I SALE INFOR~nON I 11, .... eon".. ~. E~"'rlcullu"l F Commorolal G Apor\men. H Erurtalnrnent I AmUlOmenl I ~ Comm..... S.rvlco J - K P1Albc SoIvIco L Fomt _tII.__ntlloyOllllly: .. Dwnorohlp Typo 10 eon_lurn II. New eoMtruction on VlCarlt Land tllA. Propony Loca.. wilhin In "'_.. D_ ,1III.1Iuyor _ I _1lCll......EIIing dlIllllll ...poIIy II In on Agrlcu\lurol lliII<lcl o o o o 1L 0.11 one....... 01_ _ -. . _ _ppJl--&.a- to ~ - IN(: I YOlO A B C I) Ii F G H I J Sale Betwuan RuIlllVlll or Formar RDIaclYOI Solo 80_ _ Componln or _In__ One of Iho Buvetlla Il1o . Sellar Buyer or Seller I, Governmenl Agency or Lending Institution Dood Typo _ Worrwuy or IIIIrgaIn and Solo cs-Hy _ Solo 01 F_oI or LaM lhon FDO 1..._ CSpodly _ Signn_t Chona. In P\'oporty _ T_ _ and Solo Do Sale of 8uainDu illnduded In Sale Price Ol/lor Un...... FOCI... -..sa Solo Pr.. ISpoclIy 1IoIow) No.1 '2. Data 01 Solo I 'fro_ 5 I ~, I 07 MDnIh 01, v.... , ,,0,0.0 I , , . IFuIl &.I. Price lithe IOlII .mount PlId tor 1M property lACIIuding penanaI IRperrv. Thll peyrnenl ""f bIIln tho form of cull. Glher propolty or good.. or the nsumpllon of """'- or.... obligoIionoJ PUN n>und1O IiMlnu.... ""',. do/IMomolHl/. '4._Il1o._01....-. I 0 .0,0 I ___"Il1o" . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 0010 .hould ,efIOC1lhe 'A.... FinolAaellllTlon. Roll end TI. Bill ,3. Foil Solo PrI.. '1. V_oI_Ra11ITom I 0 51 I ___. '7.T...._V_lallll~In_I.., ,1.",,-_ 12 1 . Ol-U ,1._001__1 ~bv~\~ ; 4 3 0 0 I ; 20. Tu___IoI' """_111..............'.__ __..__,." 1000-062.00-0L.00-019.000 I I CERnFICATION I l I ""ur,_1III of thr -.. of iaromllllloJn __ ... .... form ............ ......... ,.. .hr..... of III)' ......Iodjlo oad _ ODd . ............. ..... tIw IllIlkIIlJI ^~"f"! ...... - of lllIIIrItoI ..... IIonIn ..W IUI>J<<t ... 10.... D......_ '" lh. ......... ......h~ 10 tbr IIIIIIdnA and IiIiaa of ......1nII....-.. ~ T~UY ~Q '" BUYER"S.AnORNEY BYR'iE, ~ IA DINIZIO, ...c:- 51 Zoj 107 IlMJIIIllNAIUM RAFFE .... - CHARLES Eo ,-- 315 Boisseau Avenue IrllUllt.wI&AI'TlIIloAUl 631 IlN'PT'IUMIlOI ....cooc 727-3662 ..........-. Southold em OR IOWN NY 11971 " SIAn: "''''''' SELLER ESTATE OF FRA."H< SIAvai[K ~~Ci...M~.':"~ I 51l;i/07 ""'0__ NOIlMl\. SLi\.vtJ<<K, ~y. NEW YORK STATE COpy " ,