HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12507 P 836 53-~fo- f 6) CClNIULTYClURLAW'tEII BEFOM _1H8 INlIIRIlIlElll' -'MIIINlII'RUIlENT IHOUID BE UIED BY LAWI'EIllIlIN.Y tHIS INDENTURE, mldethe 2511 day or Ap1I 2001 BE1WEBI DAHNA If.. BASLICE. REaDING AT 32fiIl BAYSHORE ROAD, GREENPORT. HEW YORK 11944 PMY or the 11"11 pM, ..d DAHNA M. BASILICEAND VIllCEHTP. BASLICE. HUSBA/C)AND WIFE. REaIDNGAT 32IXi BAYSHOREROAD, ClRfEHPORT. HEW YORK t 1944 party rIIthe _d pM, WTNESSI!1K, that Ihe party of the 11"11 part, In cansidarallon or TEN (10) dallars paid by lIle party dill. NCCIIId part, daaa hanlby IlI1III Ind ._ lI'IIo IIle party rIIlhe aecand pili, the heirs cr 1"_'" and 18Il~. oflhe PA'IY dthe _d part~. ALL lIlat corIain pic!, piece cr parooI of land, willl lIle buildillls ancIlmprollmlel'U IIlll8llll erecUd. siluate, Iyilg .,d being hili . ... SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNEXED HERETO SAID PREMISESAlSOKNOWN AS: 3215& BAYSHORE ROAD. GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 TOGETHER with IIiI rfghl. tiUe and Interest, If "y, althe party allhe lIrsI part In and to any IIr8II8 and raeds mulling th. IlbcNot .-crtbsd P/'llIllIIes to lIle __ IiIes IIlIl'llOl; TOGEllfER wIIh lis 1IIlPU'llIIWI_ and d the "II and rfghla of IIIe party of lhe lIrwI part In and to ..lei pnanisss; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pram_ herlIIn IP1Inled unto the party of the NCCIIId pari, lIle heh ClI' "'COI..ers and ....gns of the party of lIlellllCCllld part ""-r. AND the pllr\y of lhe 11"11 part CCMIlanlS 1111 Ill. party althe Ii'lII paIIllas nol dcne or sufared snyIhIlll ........y lhe said prsn_ hew been encurnbsntd In any WIlY ~, _pt.. Bt:nuId. AND the party or lIle lIniI PM. In compliance ,.;th Sec:Iian 13 or lIle U... ~, CllIIlNI1I8thlllhe party of the Ii'lII part wiB rscIIiw lIle ccnsldsnllan fDr IhIIlllClNlyl/lCll .,d wiD hokI II. rt.-. to ......... such cansidarallan .. I lNlt tIIlIIto be appled tnI far Ihe p_ of paying the c:osI "'the in_1IiI and will apply the 81m. Ii'lIIID the paymllil of the CDII of the ImPl'll\o'8lll8llI bebv using any part or the IcIII or the _e fDr My dIw 1lUlP0IIII. The ~ "paJIf shall be CCIlIIrued IS If I read 'pall.." ""en ... the ..... or this ndtr4In 10 requires. IN WITNESS WlEIl&OF, the plUly of the lIniI PM has duly lIICecuIed this deed the day and ~ In! lbooIe WI\tIen. IN PRESENCE OF: ~~~ _N.YS:r.U. Form 1002 -lIoIgo/n ""dS'" Dold, willi c:o.on.nt "lloinll G..nIllf.Aai-UnlfDrm_d,,"lIItI11 Farm 32110 . Stewart Title Insurance Company Title No: 278S09716 Policy No.: M-lIB..U-!l7!1I56 Schedule A Description ALL that a:rtain plot. picce or parcel of land, situate, lying and being ncur Grecnport in the Town of South old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as the southerly half of Lot 56, and all of Lot 57, on a ecrtain map entitled, "Amended Map A, Peconie Bay Estates, situatt:d at Arshamomaque, Town of Southold, New York, Otto W. VanTuyl,. Land Surveyor, and tiled in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on Map 19, 1933 lIS Map Number 11424. and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Bayshore Road. where the same is intersected by the division I!ne b~'\w~'t.'11 Lots 57 and 58 as shown on said map; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of Bayshore Road, Nonh 23 dl:grCCS 51 minutes West, 75 feCI; RUNNING THENCE through Lot 58 a.~ shown on said map, North 68 degr~'C:S 09 minutes East, 155 feet to Pcconie Bay: RUNNING THENCE along said Pcconie Bay. South 23 degrees 51 minutes East, 75 feet to the division line between Lots 57 and 58 as shown lln said map; RUNNING THENCE along said division line, South 68 degrees 09 minutes W~'St. I SS tl'Ctto the easterly side of Bayshore Road allhe poinl or place of BEGINNING. . /200717:30 91 +997-9088 AaaoIowu:DGI!'.MENT TAlCI:.'lIN NEW Y()IlI( IIl'ATE _.afNewYfrt,CalIlII1" '3Ut{<>\1c. .... OllIlloJS *7" n,,:.\ InIll.y....Ja)'1 .bor... ....1Il....dmIpod,...-OJ~ I' Oc.h~ r\ :&;'5' 'C..G .ponIlIIIIIlJ- to_..pond to_...lIlellui.af IIIIlfacllllY"'_ to bollle_4III(1) _.IDC(I) lie..) ._10 1II.__IIld'-lllpdlam. IIld -.y._"'_.Ia_~Iy~.dlllll by b1*"'1bo1r .....1Dn(1) emlloe 1IIIInImem,...1ad (.~ ...__.......'af_1IIo . ... ............ TAKE,."JNNZWYORB:ITATE SleafNewYmt, CoWIty'" , n: Oatbl.,of fa Iller'" .berare m..IIIo............... NaIaIy !'ubll. Ia IIld rcollld__oIIy ~ ,1Ile -.. wlto.. to lIIe reo......-. ,,11II .......1 aD pomIIIIlJ........."'" wIul, bdq by m. mty _, old dop_a ooylllel_..,.",....*(o)I. ~(..._ dnlli.....ia .aIJ'.~"" ...........ir.,.1baoO. 11I11 bo/lIllllbl1l1Jow(o) to be lbo lDolvlciW _bed iD ODd _ ......d IIae _... ........11II; llIIlllldlllbllriblus wl_ ...._a.d_1IId __.III._IDlI.....lIld_..... _.Ilm..llribell --0(.)... __IbeniI. Bargain and Sale Deed with Covenants TfII.No. ~'l S~OG'1IG:. TO IIIIlRlIIU1D BY ~ .OUI. llTLE 1,\'..'" 'IIlo JudlcIllI1IIIelnllnnce Agency LLC 8OD-2I1-1I1U! (Mal PAX: 8OlH'AX-13lII ACICI<O\Vl.EDGDlO<TTAKENIN NEW YOJU( IIl'A1:Z 8IIIeGfN"YCllk.~of ._ 0.11Io *7 af lu 1lIe,... . befan _.IIlo...donIpad,p.-uy ~ .plnlIIIIIlytDlnm tomo.. _Ill tome aa llaeblli.af IIII-..,...._tobelllellllllvlcml(o) ,,__.) 1.(..) -..s t." wilblu ..........1Id .duundodpdID..1IIII b_oy"_".m.III_~ODdIbll by b1....lIbdr-......co) em 11I.-"" Ibe buhldllll(a). . 11I0_ _lMIlIUafwlddllllollllhrldlll(.) -'_11I. 11I__ '/ I 1/01 . ACItNOWLEDGDlENTTAKEH OU1'SlDF. NEW YOJIK ITATE OSIaIA:af . COlJ!I1.... . II: "(Or &uerl Dilllllcl of CClllDDbIo, Tmllay, _DO .. ...... CaDy) 011 lb. *7 af I.llloytll __11I.,-"04 ......,.ay _.ed P_lI1ybnD tolU..pnrvedta...OIIItbebullof-tl.. . ~ _..lobe'" iDdridulJ(o) wb_MmI(o)1o (ore)_1o 11Io wilblDl_ IDdod:u-'odpd 10 ...1hII ~ __lilt _.11I b1..._ClplCllylJt4, IbIIby~oIr .....11Io(0) ..11Io 1DIlrum.~ IllIIaclvIdIIIOO 11"...__ bIIlllforllbidlllltllllllvllbllOO_d, __III.I--..d 11I11 mdJlllclriciW .......d1_.bIIlnlllt_...adlll 11I0 (.cIdlbl dIy .palilicll IlbdivlliaalDlllllo _..CDIIDlIy.._ pIaoe" -04I__1It1ll). 8EC'l1O>I Osa, 00 IlLOCI<. OW. 60 1m. 00'1,000 COll'Iln'OIlTOWN So..~o\J RETURN BY MAIL TO: .' I ./ i Number of pages TORRENS RECORDED 2007 Jun 04 11:07: 10 All Judi th A. Pasale a.ERKOF Sl.f"FOLK COUNT'! L ??oo12507 P 836 D1I06-35190 Seria] # Ccnificll!C # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mongage InsbUment 3 Deed I M()ngage Tux Stamp FEES Recording I Filing Stamps Page I Filing Fee Handling Tp.584 I) ;' Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Cenified Copy NYS Surchargc Other 5. 00 Mongage Amt. I. Basic Tu 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Cuunty _ Held for Appointment Transfer Tax j Mansion Tax 5 . J!Q.... )- Notatiun EA-52 17 (CoUnty) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. ) 1{= ~- Sub Torol Real Propeny Tax Senice Agency Verification Gnuid Total 15)- ... The propeny covered by this mongage is or wiII be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see approprill!C tax clause 00 page # of this insbU ;~ 15. 00 Sub Totul Commllllity PreservatioD FuDd 05300 0600 008000 Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due, S Improved Vacant Land TD -1JJ 4) SntisfactionslDisc;hargeslReleascs List Propeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD &I RETURN TO: . Stewan Title Insurance Company . 300 East 42nd Street, 41h Floor New York. New York 100]7 Attu: Recordings Department TD TD DA,hro. . - tlL..J!;ac, II rf .sse Recordin & Endorsement Pa Detd (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Suffolk Count This page form.. part of the attached made by: The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO . ~~~ -l- 00 . (J . ~~'f .- In the Tllwnship of -..Et yl'" P* In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of S ll.4.\..-lllA BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. ~\ (over) 11111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SOFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number : 07-0052802 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-35190 Recorded: At: 06/04/2007 11:07.10 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012507 836 District. 1000 Section: 053.00 EXAMINED AND $0.00 Block: 06.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 008.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO SA-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATE $7~.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RP'l' $30.00 NO SC'l'M $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 06-35190 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNlY USE ONLY I L{ 1-2 ~~~ ..--- ~ I~~ C3. Book I I ,2;5:0 C4. Pog. ~, "R~ - PLEASE TYPE 'OR PRES~ FIRML V WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:/I www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE IIOARD OF REAL PIIlIPEII1V lIEJIVICES C1. SWIS Code RP - 5217 1N11'....JIft .....,.. Nomo PROPERlY INFORMATION "=:I Il~~ 1 WO(Q. ~L~vt gr't .....~ \ a. e.. ~~h<.e ........., ......... VI L.lc.e......~ -..... ~~ ~ ~. fY). I. T.. _ .......,...... TI. BUIt "" 10 III _ I _ i1_1I1In"'ylII_Iol_0I1Dm11. M_ LAIr ItAMI: I COMMII'Y flft5INAM. ,T"'T N.IIiIIUI MO....... NAW CRY OIIIOWN \ I , 0I1'arc11l OR 0 PIIl.I. Plrcol irATI .COPl: ..- "- IliH Ixl """T FUr B~(\~. lAIT.....' lO'" IllIIl .~. .O.~I th"'~ c.. flUI .... COnIr. PIrl 01. _ _ -Ihev apply: 4A. Planning IloIrd _ _Aumny_ ... _ion ~.... Raqulrad lot Trani"" cc. .......__Ior Subdlvislan _ Map_ o o o ... tndIate tM nu~ at AueIImM1 RoD ....-__ .n...._ ....I.. Na... In LMT NMII/COMPNn' fUll' NMII A~na Family Roald"";" B 2at3Foriy_ C _nlill V..... lind D __I V..... Land I SALE INFORMATION' n. .... ConIr_ DMe F. ~ Agrlcullur.1 I ~ Communily Sorvk:o .' C.....n:il1 J Ind.....1I1 o """""'"" K Public _ H Enmtllnmtnt I AmLrHmtnt I.. Forast -.... _ boIow -Ihev apply: .. 0wn0n/lIp Typo II Condoml...... I. _ Conatructian an Vacont Land ,QA. Proparty....- _.. AgolcuIoo" DiIIriCI I. Buyat r_hrad. _.. _ hIiaIlJnQ ........_..In.. Agriau......_ o o o o 7. Cheok the bill: below which ..... _Intel, ........ .... .... at tM 111''''''' at the dIM at ..Ie: 12. _ aI "I. 1 T...... t.J I ~) I O-=h D8y y- 'I I ..o~/(')7 - .... V.. 11.a.clloneormorll__"V-. ..W" .. .......-...: '1. Fill .... _ 511e B8tween RaIIlIYII or Former "-IItiw. SI" BItwIIn RIIItIcI CompenieI or ............ in BUlIn.- OnoollhaBuyorsIl_.SalI. IluyIt .. SalIat II _....... Agoncy.r LandIng _don Iload Typo not w..._ 01 &orp;n ond SIIa ISpeciIy _ SaIa 01 F,_II at Lou....n Fea _ISpocify _ SIgnIIlcont Chango In I'lopeny _T_ _ _.... CiII 8oI0olllusl_lI_inSlla_ DIhar linuouII_.. A~ Solo Prica _IV _ . , .0,0 I , , . (Full Solo _.. ........._ paid lor Iha poo_ ~ ........ INopllty. ThillW\"'ftlnl rnIY be In h form of cult. DINt' propeny or goodI. or the uaampllon of _at_obIlga11ono.l __..""'___am..... 14.==~=-..: I , , . , . O~ 0,0 I ASSESSMENT INFORMATlON . Data should to_the Iotall Final A_ent Roll end T.. Bill II. '_al" ....11Ilol_ ~17. T....I_ VII_lalollp.-o"Ir_11 whIIh ....... lion..... I" ....._ CIaII tJ. \ ,O-LJ II. Sdloal _Nom. ~O- ; ; C"rrp.,.......~....~ .~.O.CI , 20. T.. ""'_11/__11 U1manlllanlout.__ __ _loll LIQno 1 06:3, ~Q 0'-. f\O OO<uMJ -- . I I CER11FICATION I l..rdIY .... all '" Ibo _ urtar............ ........ _ lido"'" Oft 1nIo.... ......... 110.... _ or..y _.......... bdIIfl.... I __ _ Ibo IIIIkIIIIl .... "'lIllY........- _01_ flod _ wW IIlIbJo<t _101bo o",,"""'rllbo ......10.. ........10.... -..._ r_oI_l_ BUYER EA' AnORNEY li- ~ ~ fJ( -- I i ')"q,,' IUVI" -.'UM ....,. ~ j253 I ~~hore. ~ .-rMlT ....... IMMi IAF1'P II'l.!I r"I'9Jeo.~j1.. I ~ I I \<1 ~ c:nvClR IOWN II: Tt P'COIII m!..m ~~~ lfL~/O'7 LAST NAIll ,..,. NMIf AftUo CIDOIE 1I:LUHOre: IiIIUMIEft r NEW YORK STATE COPY