HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12511 P 229 jJ ;;;..~/ I P cl~ / I I , SQ-3jo "':lCard N. Y.B ':.U Fem 1IlO2.20M _81'llIp..~ SlI, De.d. wnh c.....".n~ aaaiiUL Cru&a,'. Ac....lrwti""II".I.r Ca~.t_ l'ln'" Ihu\' CONSULT YOUR LAWVER BEFORE IIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT. THIS INSTRUMENT SNOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY I~ THIS INDENTURE. mlde the BETWEEN STEPHEN PUTZI, individually and as surviving spouse of Angela L. Putzi, deceased January 6, 2003, residing at 2S 75 Lighthouse Road, Southold, New York 11971. deyoC ~U^<. ,'-0.:11 perty or the lirst plrt, ane! 'I JEFF BONILLA and LISA WOLF, as Husband and Wife. residing at 62 West 62nd Street. Apartment 19A. New York, New York 10023. plrty of secone! ~art, WITNESSETH, that the party oC the lirst part, in consideration oC ten dollars and other yaluable consideralion paid by the perty of the second part, does hereby roaot Ind release unto the Plrty of the aecond part, lhe heirs or lucceaaors and assienA of the party oC the lecond part foreyer, ALL that certain plot, piSC8 or parcel aila:ld, with the buildingl and improyement. thereon erected, .ituate, lying and beine in the . Town ofSoulhold. II Peconic. CounlY ofSulTolk and State of New York, bemg bounded and described ;IS follows: BEGINNING al a poinllocated at Ihe intersection oCthe wesll'rl!, side of Lighlhouse Road and Ihe northerly side ofSoulhyiew Avenuelll1d proc.~ding lhcn...: I) along Ihe northerly side ofSoulhyiew Ayenue course: Soull16O degrees 3\ minutes 30 seconds West. distance: 476.88 feel; 2) along Ihe property form.rl!, of Mary Conway, cours. Norlh4\ degrees 46 minut.s 40 seconds Wesl, dislanc.:2S6.00 feel; 3) along the prop.,rty formerly ofDunDyan. course: Norll149 degrees 56 minul.s 10 s.conds East, distanc.: 15.00 f..t; 4) along Ih. property form.rly of Donovan, cours.: South 41 degrees 46 m~nulCs 40 seconds ~I: 2~.00 feel; 5) alonlllhc propeny fonnerly uf DonoYdn, course: NOrlh49 degrees 56 mmul.s 10 seconds Easl, distance: 454.46 fcetlo Ihe w.slerly sid. of Lighll10usc Road; . . 6) along the ....esl.rl!' sid. of Lighll10use Road course: Soull141 d.gre.s II mmules 00 seconds F..nsl, dlStanc.: 318.61 fcellO the poinl or place ofbegiming. I II I I BEING and intended to be lI1e same premises conv.yed in deed dated October 9. 1997 in Liber 11858 page 544. The Granlor herein being Ihe sam. person as on. oflhe named Granlees in deed dated, October 9. 1997, in Liber J 1858 page 544. Th. Gran1eC Angela L. Putzi haying died on January 6. 2003 TOGETHER with oil rieht. title and interest, If ony, or the porty or the first port in and to any streeu end raeds abutting the obaye doscribed pren,i... to the cen:"'r lines thereof: TOGETHER with the oppurtenancee end ell the estate and rignto or the party of the fint port in end to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOt.D the premises herein granted unto the party oC the second part, the heir. or successors and assiens of the party of the second port forever. AND the tl8rty or the first part covenants tha~ the party of the first part has not do:'!e or suf'ered anything whereby the Slid premises have been encumbered in 8ny way whatever. Ixc::ept 85 aroresaid. AND the perty ofthelirst part, in camplionce wit!t Sec,ion 13 of the Lier. t.aw, coYer.ento tnat tne party of the lirst part wHI rece:ve t!te considaratian Car this canveyance and will hold the rill'ht to receiye such consideration es a trUst fund to be applied first rar the purpose or payine the cast of the improvement and will apply Ihe some first to the po)ment oCthe cost of the impraysment berare us:ng eoy part orthe total of the same far any other p~rpo.e. The ward 'party' shall be conatrued es ,fit read 'perties. whenever the sense oithi. indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party or the first part has duly executed tn:s deed the day and year :.rst aboye written. ~~ U''''''',",U'I'WI.lU/hM,..lY1 N'HMIII:IJ"., ""IIIIINIVm., I(lH""'l"ll~.VIV/~r.. Slate ofl'iew York, Counly of ~.....~\~ 155.: 2007 On ~IC ISdny nu"\ l'CJune l..oc' ;" ~IC year hefore me, the undersigned, personally appeared steDhen Putzi , pcmlnally known nfinc or proved to me on the basis of satisfac-.ory cvillcllcc In be Ihc individUllI($) whllsc namc(s) is (Il/C) subscribed In the within inSl/lJ1lICI11 and'adUlowlcdgcd lO me Ibal helshellhey clec:uuxf the ~me in hij;/hcrllbeir eDpneityCics), and thaL by hislhcrllheir signa[1Jre(S) on the in.~lI\Imen~ the individual(s), or the pmon upon hel1aJr or which lIle individuales) acted. executed the instnunenL CHRYSA FASQUALONE Notary PlJbliI; . Sl:l13 01 New York Nil. Ci.::1>..6<,)i!o544 QuaJbi&.j PI Syllc~~ County My Cornmisslo.1 Expires August 5, 2().t) No Ii' ~.o 5 -to IICKNowLEDGMIJN1' FORM FOR USE WITHIN NEW YORK STATE ONLY: fNww Y"r4Sub'.:-,;hil1Jf W;'"..rJ'A~'bn""'_""~1I1 c.rtiJk'tll.J Slale of New York, Counly or I ss.: On lIle day of in the year hefo.. me, tlfe undersigned. personll.Uy appeared the ~ubscribing wilnC,l,' kl lIle foregoing insll\lmen~ with wbom I ~ personally acquainllld, wbo, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say thaL helsho!lhey rc..ide(s) in (irlh~ (llu""ifr..,id",,'~ L' in Q city, indud~ tlli! 'I,,~t und strul number. if uny. th~"'1fl; lIlal helJholthey know(s) III he the individual lk:.o;crihaJ in and wbo exccuLCd the rlll"llning in>1nnncnL: ~I"l .uid ~uh....,.ihin8 wilnc...~ WUN rx=nl und IUIw,aid "'""ute the sime; and thal said willlC55 II the same time subscribed hislherltheir name(s) 85 a WilnCiS theRlO. BARGAIN" SUE DEED WITH COVEN'...,." AClAIKIT0JI4IfTOJI'S ACTS TITLE No AAl474-S PllTZI TO BONILLA/WOLF FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE 81t COMPANY OF NEW YORK 1IIt"r1.I'lIhTlIJ '''2~ .. c"W...w.Aotll. Fidelity ~_I' ".....l4wtlri"."".,.,"*~ U,\IiA(:KNlIW/JiJl':M~:Nr "'IHM /l1i/J1IY WI"IIIINIV/iW IUHK ,,.rAl/WIVI.r Slate or "'ow York, County or 15.\ On ~lC day or in 1hc )'C2t before nIC. the undcr.;igncd, personally appeared personally known LO Ille III' proved to mc 011 the b85i~ or s.itisr~C1o cvidcllt.'C III he ~IC individual(~) whnsc natnC(s) is (are) suh.ocribed LO ~ within inSll\lmenl and acknowledged 10 me rIIll helsho!lhef exocu~ the lime in hislherJtheir eapaeity(ics), and thll by hislhctllhc signalUrc(S) on the il1SU1lmen~ the individual(s). or the person UJX behalf of which tllC individual(s) aelcd. execuLed the inslI\IlT1cm. ~ PA ItJ07iSI./(/ 'AC/lNOWI.EDGMENr FORM FOR USEOurstDE N6W YORK STATE ONLI fOu, If SIIII'''I' FUNlt" GttI,,., Ac.uw-'''d,,,,..1I1 c'"iJlc;'"'1 ..................................................js.5 fC""Y"tur VI"'" ..of,h S"",., ernull".. PltJvillCf tIl"N""ic/ilGlIryJ On the day or in the year before me, the undersigned, personally appealed personaUy known LO me or proved 10 me on !he basis of satisfactOI evidence III be !he individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed 10 lh within insll\llllC/ll and aeknowled,P!lIO me thai hclsholthey execute :he same in hislherltheir capacitY(lcs). that by hislhcrl their slgnalUtc(l on the insuumen~ the individual(s), or Ibe person upon behalf or whic the individual(s) aeLcd, cxccuted Ibe in5l1\1men~ and tlia: such indivi~ul mille such aPl'c:mulcc herore the und~ignod in the ("IJi~n IIIi! ci/)' 'IT lJ/t~r pt,lilktJl sllbdivLdmlwui IIIi! Slult lIr <YIUlllty II tJ/J~r pluc~ lhe Qckm/Mlltdgl/l~nt W4' luUlI). DISTRICT 1000 SECTIOS 050.00 BLOCK 03.00 LOT 006.000 COUf"TY OR TOWN SUFFOLK RECORDEOATREQlJESTOF Fidellly Nationall1l1e Insurance Company of New Yor~ RETURNaYMMI. ro Joseph Salvi, Esq. 295 North Sea Road Southampton, NY 11968 i o " z is a: ~ a: u. o lil :> a: ~ w u C a. u). !!l j: ~ a: III w a: This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. RECORDED 2007 JUIl 27 02: 34: 55 PM Judi lh Il. Pascale CLERK OF sumu COUNTV l Doool2511 P 229 DTi 06-37786 Number of JlIll!es Deed' Mongage Instrument Deed, Mortgage Ta.'t Stamp FEES Recording' Filing Stamps 3 EA-5:! 17 (County) EA-52l7 (SllIlt:) R.P.T.S.A. )" IS- - ~ Sub Total 2.4 - f." Mongage Ami. 1. Basic Tall 2. Additional Tax Sub Toml Spec.lAssiL or Spec. 'Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment TransferT811 ~ _ Mansion T811 The propeny covered by this mongage is or will be improved by a one or twO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriDlt: tall clause on page # of this instrwnent. Pagc , Filing Fee Handling TP-584 - 5. 00 5 Notation Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15. 00 Sub Total --1? S- - Grand TOlal ~ Real Prope Tax Senic Agency Verificatiol BI~'O\:) LOt'OOO 1000 05000 0300 00-6000 5 Community PreservatioD FuDd 6 Satisf \ddress Improved Vacant Land _ IU.\..UKU Co: KJ:.ll.JXN 'IU: -SD~-e.\f'JVl ~\v~ a C1. 5"" f\Jo-r-~ S-ec.. ~O\) fs VLld TO TO TO Mail 10: Judith A. Pascale. Suffolk County Clerk 310 Center Drive. Riverhead, NY 11901 www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk (I.{"1\.( .. ~ Suffolk County Recordinf! & Endorsement Page bo~d (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Co. Name Title # ~ This page fonns part of the attached made by: S1-t'~~ YI/"h., The ptemises hetein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. SJ,kvJ.j - e .)e~ &VlLl 'i St'\.. c..ud\~ hlA.'c/ In the TOWN of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLo\CK r.iK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 StJP'FOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Iustnuaentl DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages I 3 Receipt NUmber : 07-0060292 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-37786 Recorded: At: 06/27/2007 02134:55 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012511 229 District: 1000 Deed Amount I Section: 050.00 EXAMINED JUlD $921.000.00 B10ckl 03.00 CHARGBD AS LotI 006.000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transfer tax $3.708.00 NO COIIIID.Pres $15.540.00 NO Fees Paid $19.397.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-31786 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk. Suffolk county PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FO:~~=::E ONLY 14 ,7 . 3.~, R~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT cz. D... _ "-clod I a 1 ;. 71 0;;; M1"" ".., v... I ~c:; C3. _k I /;;. '')7 ,/ I C4. Pop I . ;l f?"" 1 I STAlE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL ~I' SBIVICU RP - 5217 .N2I7-..m PROPERTY INFORMAnON to "-'" I 2575 LocatIon ITIlIIT NUMI!fI Southold crrr..._ L~thou8e Road -- - 111971 .""" 2.&_ Nom. Bonilla LAIT...../~ Jeff ..., NAIll Wolf Lisa ""NAaa/~ _T_ 1 Tu IndaII when fuIure T.. Bill.... to blllm I BIll.. . _..... buvor _101_ 0I1onnl . - LUI' IIMIE I CDIIMJIY fIIIITNMlt snerr........... Ale) STRKT.... 4. 1.......l1li nurnIter .. A__ ....t I 0 l1oi1......_011...._ . cnv..._ IIAI. zw aa. &'~I - FlIONllFiET Ixl 011'. lOR I . 3.0.0 I ..... IllnIr.... 01. ~ _......,.....,. 4A. PlannIng _ _ SuIldMolon AlOhorIIy ExIIOo 0 411._ivision~_~for_ 0 OC'P_All.......forSubcll____ 0 0.1 I '0'_ OR D PattofaP..... .. SaIl.. -- Putzi I.AlTNMIE/COIIPMY ste~n ..., LAIT NAME ICOMNNY -.- 7. CMck tile boa baIaw will. moll: __WIly dlNCrtbn the ... of the propIrtJ -' IhIt 11m. of ..... A~ OnaF.mlly_'" II 2 or S FomIIv _nIlol C Ru_ v..... Land o Non-RIIidInIiII V.Clnt LInd I SAlE INFORMAnON l II. _ _... 00.. E ~ AgrI....lU... I ~ Com""'rOty Sorvloo F CommordaI J I_I o Apartmllnt K _Sa..... H Enllnainmtnt I AnuumInt L Fal'llt -...--.....,......." I. Owna....1p 1YPo .. Condominium .. _ ConII_ on V..... LInd 1M. P_ L-.cI_1o Oft AQricu....._ _Suvor_hIodo_ _..-ng 11101"" p_1o In an AgrkuJbnI_ o o o o '..CheI*:DII8.........DI_........ .... .. - LO tolt'8lllfer.: 04 ,23 ,20011 .... DIr 'Y.. A R C D E F G H I J Sale s.tw.n ReId.Ivw or FonT*' fW.w. _ _ _ Componlao co _In SuoI... Dna 0I1llo ...... .. .... . SoIIor IIuyor or SOIIor io -..... Aeonc:Y or I.ondIng -..,"'" 000cl T_ ... -.my co "goIn .nd _ (Spodfy 80'-1 _01 F_ or~""" Fn _lSpoclfy-.ol Slgnlllcanl CIl_1n P_ _ T_ SIolUo.nd _ 001 Sola 0' 8....... 10 lncIudod 10 _ Prioo 0Ihar Un...... F...... ~ _ PrloolSpoclfy,- Nono tz.Dna oI_/T_ ftJ ,/<;>,67 I ManII DIy v_ '3. FuU .... PrIDIt ,9.2 .7,0 .0,0 ,0.0 I , , . IFull Sola PrIco 10 1llo...1 amount paid 'orlllo _",Including ........1 pnlpOfty. this p.ymenl "..., ~ In the form at ....... oIh8r propertv ar goadII. Dr Iha UlUlnplian or mortpg.. or other obIiQetionIJ ,.,... round 10 1M IIUIIlIt ""'011 dallM lII1ounr. 14._...._01_ I ,0.01 --......... . ASSESSMENT INFORMAnON . Doto should reflecttheloteot Finol AaMomont Roll ond To. Bill tl.~oI~=_1 06/0017.T__V....IoI..I........In_1 , , 9.6 0,0 , . ,1.",-_ I 2. 1. n I-U ,..___ I Southold 20. Tax Mop _11/l1oi_111......_.... _ _ with _nalldantlllorftll 1000-050.00-03.00-006.000 I I CERTlFICAnoN I I ~ ..... ell "'........... 01_ .....rId..1Ido form......... 0IId _ 110 .... boll oIllI,!" _JocIp tad _ 0IId I __1Ilol .... ....... 011111 wUIlW -- or_fad........ wtlllIIIIJo<t _10.... __01Il1o..... .... _10 Il1o 0IUI0a1lllll1llDa at___ ~ I~~) Sal~_ ~n-:-e Jef ailla -2~bi;; I Liaht:house Rd. ---.. T "m'iiT_..........., 631 283-5100 ....0ll0I ......- ....... -.. - INY ..... 11971 r Southold "''''''' ~~,~7 ~ Steuhen Putz1 (p -I C;?Yc:n NEW YORK STATE COpy "\.. ~ .."