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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12509 P 122 Li l-~1?c;.. . . r . I J.- d- @ District: 1000 Section: 038.00 Block: 02.00 Lot: 011.000 3 f - 01 - / /---/}L-' :1-8 D t.f). . ~ NY 005 .lIarpIa.... _Deed willi CoveaIIll apiDII llroaJor', AeIJladividllll or C_lli... (Sinp. Sheet) (NYBnJ lIOO:!) OOlCSlJl,T YOUIl LAWYER BEmRll SIGNING TillS r.."5TIlUMF.'T -TIllS L'ISTIlUME,'\;T SJlOCLD BI! USED BY LA"'l~ D:'II,Y THIS INDENTURE, mllde the 17th day of MAY. in the year 2007 BETWEEN PAUL A. ROSCIGNO AND DIANA M. ROSCIGNO, bis wife, botb resldlnK at 40 MOUNTAIN AVENUE, BA YVILLE, NEW YORK 11709 ! . pany ofthe fir.a pan, and C. MATIHEW WEBER, residing at 146 YALE STREET, ROSLYN HEIGHTS, NEW YORK 11577 pony of the second pan, WITNESSETH.chal the party ofthe firsl part, in consideration ofTen DoIlm and olher valuable consideralion paid by the party of the 8eCOII(\ pan. does herdJy gram and leJeuse unlO the pony of the second pan,lhe heirs or.UCCOliSOI'5 and ....igns of the party of lhe ~ part f"",vcr. ALL dUll a:nain plol. piece orpan:el orland. wilb the buildi"l!Sand improvements thereon en=d, silwue,lyillll and being in die SEE SCHEDULE" A" ANNEXED HERETO. Being and Intended to be tbe same premises conveyed to the party or tbe Ont part by Deed In Lfber 12322 at Page 64. Tbe Grantor(s) lsIare the same penon(s) described as Grantee(s) In Deed recorded In Lfber 12322 at Page 64. SAID PREMISES are more commonly known as: 1040 GUlette Drive, East Marlon, New York. Set.A....: OJ,. 00, SloCfS.l 01,00, to,.: 0/1'00" TOGETHER wilb all rillhl, title and inlereal, iflll1Y. of the pony oflhe rllSl part nf. in and lOony streets and roads Dbuuinll the above-cleacribed pRmi....1O the center lines thereuf; TOGETHER wirh the appunenancex und aU the estale and rights or the party of the fin;! part in and 10 said !>R'miSCll; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein ll/'DIIlc:d unlllthe JlOI1y of the second pan. the heirs or .uca:a..... and ....i&na of !he party of the _and pun forever. AND the puny of the filSl pan covenants lhallbe puny or Ihe lilll pun has DOl done or suffered anything wheRlby the said ptemiaea have been incumbered in any way whatever, """"pl us uf"",said, AND the puny of the firsl pan. in compliance with Sec:\iOllI3 ohhe Uen Law. covenanlS lhaI the party of the fin" pun will oeceivc theeonsidor.dion fo< Ihis conveyance and will hold the rillhtlll receive ouch consideratinn ""IlWo~ rund III be applied r.... for !he purpose of payillll the coal of !he imptuvc:menl and will :tppJy the same lirslto lbe payment nf the COSI nf the improvemenl before usillll any part of the total of Ihe SIIIIIC for any other PUI"JlO'"'. The word "party" shoJI be COIISINed as if il lend "Jl'Ini<:.- whenever !he sense of Ihis indenlole "" n:qui..... IN WITNESS WHEREOF. lbe puny of the first pun has dilly cxccuted Ihis deed the day and yeoz fil'll above wrilten. IN PIIIlliE/iCE 0.', If 1 ", T '. . . o. SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION Title Number: AL-28042 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at East Marion, in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York known and designated as Plot No. 23 on a certain map entitled "Map of Marion Manor siluat8d at East Marion, Town of Southold. Suffolk County, New York, surveyed November 25. 1952, by OIto W. Van Tuyl and Son Licensed Surveyors in Greenporl, New York, owned and developed by Peter Blank & Son, East Williston, Long Island, New York" and Died in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 18, 1953 as Map No, 203B, which lot is bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Gillelle Drive which the same is intersected by the division line between Lot 23 and Lot 24 on said map; RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Gillette Drive South 25 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds East, 100.00 feet; THENCE South 64 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds West, 100.00 feet; THENCE North 25 degrees DB minutes 50 seconds West. 100.00 feet to the ebovementioned division line; THENCE along said division line North 64 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds East, 100.00 feet to the westerly side of Gillette Drive the point or place of BEGINNING. USBACIiNOW/J!DGMEN1FtJl1M BHlDWwrrHl,Y NIMYou:SJ'AIEONU: S_ofNewYorll.CauDt)'ot NASSAU Jss.: On the I ~ of MAY in the year 2007 tpr.wL,teR~o&'iflA~. ROSCIGNO , pon;onaIIy "'- 10 me or proved to IDC on the basi. or lIllIisf'lII:Iory evidmc:c 10 be the indiYidualC') whooc namc(.) is l....).uboc:ribed to the wilhin in>DumenIlIId ocIclIow~ to me thallIr.IsIWthey e_ured the SIIIIIe in hisIhedIIIoir c:apaaly(ics), 8IId that by hi5IhcdIheir signalurel.) on the iDsuumem, the indiYidual(sl, or the per.IIlII upon behalf of whidt the individual(.l ICIod, ClUlCUledlhe InstrumcIIL ~. ~ Barr! Gordon Noury PuNic State of New Yolt No. 02006102904 QuallfIecIln KIngs County CommIssion Expires 10 I 28 I 07 ACIlNOWI.EIX'0J4/!1iT /o"oRAl "OIl USE WrrHIN New )'_ STAlE ONl.r: ,,... r,ri S%~ Wi",." IoriJo'''''IJll..... S_ofNewYorlI.Caunlyof J...: On the day or in lh. y.... before me, .he undmigned. per..onally ~ the subscribing willlCS5 to the foregoing inOUllloclII. wilb whom I .ni pclllOll8lly lIClpIlIin..... who. being by me duly sworn, did depose and say thallielshehhcy n:side(s) in lifm. p/Dceofn!.id......, i.r /no city, illl:luJe ,'''' ,'ru' ond "","lIIImbe" if any. dwreoj); dI3I hel5heIIbcy know(s) to be lhc individual dtscribccJ in and who eXCCllbld \he foregoing illSllWl1tn~ thai Sllid subscribing witnc... .....IJRSCIII and ilIW lIIiiI eXllCUle lhc same; aad thai Sllid wilRCSS aI \he 5lIIIIO rime subscribed bisIherIlhl:ir name(s) as. wilnC55lberetD. BAIIGA.,. II SAIJi: DtJW WHCOYI.NANTI MJ.\IIIiSTroltA.'TOR"S A(.'"ni Tr1u No, AL-28042 PAUL A. ROSCIGNO AND DIANA M. ROSCIGNO TO MATIHEW WEBER FIDIlLITV NATIONAL TITLE . INSURANCE COMPANY .. 1laJtlf1llA'fID 19.,'" b tII, "'~.,. 41. Fidelily Jt)l:wMY</' ...."..~.....r..I...~ . U5EACINOWI./iDOMENI'I'OIlM BFLOWl/I'I71II,Y NEW YouS'M71lONU: StateofNew Yorll. County of ,.., On lhc day of in the year before me. Ibe undersigned. pcISOIlAlly appeaml personally known to me or pIDVCd '" me un the basis or 5IIisflIctorY evidonce to be the individual(.) ..1Iooc name(s) is I....) subscribed 10 the wilhin instrumcnl and acknowlcdgod ID me that helshdthey ex.aued lhc ...... in hi.<lbcdtheir c:apacily(ies), lIIId that by hislhcdtheir signalwe(s) 011 lhe instnJlDOII~ Ihe indiYidual(s). or Ibe penon upon behalf of which lhe individual(s) acted. exccuIcd !be ioslrument. \ . ACliNQl/I'UiDGMI1N1' FOIIM I'OIt USEO/m1lDl!. NIM You S'rATEO,YLY: IflIII.ls_"'F...,~.c;.....,,,,*,-,,,,,,,c.,,,,,,,,,,, . ,', , . ................... ........,.. ...................; ,&:. Ie...,.,... V,__SlIIJ" ~ P",,_..II...../p4IIlyJ On Ibe day of in the )...... before me. the undersiJncd, pcn;onally appcazed pcn;onaIIy known to me or proved '" me on the bosi5 or IOIIisf...."y cYidcJu:e to be lhe Indi\idual(s) ~ namc(s) is 1_) lIUbscribed to Ibe wilhin instnm1cnt lIIId acknowledgcd to me lhat heIshllIlhcy execuIcd \he same In hiVbcdlhcir .."""ity(ies), thai by hWhed their Iignoturc(s) on the inslrumell~ the individua](s), or \he person upoo beha1f ofwhich IIIe individual(sl ""..... eXCCllbld the hL<llUmcnl, 8IId that such indiviclual IIIlIdc such appcar.IIICO bcfOle the uadcrsigned ill the (llIUrlW city or OIM' po/ilira/ SlIbdMsion ond ,'''' .IDI. or .'tlU1IIf)! or OllIe, ""'" ,"" trlJlO..1edt/nwru .....IiJken~ DlSTRlcr 1000 SECl'JON 038.00 BLOCK 02.00 LOT 011.000 COUNTYORTowN SUFFOLK RECORDEDATlIE(llJESTOF FldeUty NalIonal Tide Insu........ ComJl8D1 RErVRN BY MAIL TO BERKMAN, HENOCH, PETERSON & PEDDY, P.C. 100 GARDEN CITY PLAZA,3rd FLOOR GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK 11530 (516) 222-6200 rl a:: l!s I II! l!s III ! ~ rl ~ ~ J I lW ; Numbcr of pages TO~S l( . '. . .'.. " "'.. .~. '. . Prior 'Clf. /# '. RECORDED 2007 Jun 12 11: 19:56 RI1 Judith A. Pascale < . ClERK OF' .SUFFW< COlJ{TY L ??oo12509 PI2;2 Seria1/# Certificate 1# Deed / Moltgage Ins~ment Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES - Recording / Filing Stamps 3 Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 ~~ S. ...QQ:... )' Grand Total 15) - uh-. Mortgage Aml I. Basic Tax 2. Additional'Tax Sub Total S~cJAssit. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG:TAX. . Dual T~wn,.-- ~al County _ Held for Appointmc.Dt ' , . .Tni1~fcrTax . ~ .it"oO I ()() _ 'Mansion Tax .The propclty covered by this mortgage is or wiD be' improved by i one or two family dwelling.only: .' YES or NO If NO. see appropriate laX clause on pag~ II of this insb'Um nL Notation' EA-S2 17 (County) . EA-S217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Ccrlificd Copy NYS Surcharge Other r -7J"'- .cJ}cP, S. ..Q!L . Sub Total IS...QQ.... Sub Total 4 D. /000 1st. 038. Section BI~k ~,CXl Lol 0/1. 000 1000 03800 0200 011000 . , 5. CommUDity Pre~rvatioD Fund . asz.. Consideration Amount $ ~O,ooO. CPF Tax Due. . S . 5/il~- Improved ~ Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Vacant Land 6 SatisfactionslDisc:hargesIRclcascs List Propclt(Owncrs Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: ~ '\ no, f/cJ.. .\P.~ '" p~ P.c. . n, '...., ) (00 .G o-.Jb- ~ ... ~ 13 F/rw- G~~ ,~'1IIS-30 TO --1D-.- . TD TO 8 Suffolk Count 7 Title Com an Infonnation Co. Name ~ (,..Jl ~ Title 1# L- Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached --b ~O./J (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: ~,~. .The PfCmiscs herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. .In the Township of _<:::A..~ . In lhe VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED C?R ~ IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. (over) \tJ~ TO v r 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COtlNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 07-0055467 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-36202 Recorded: At: 06/12/2007 11:19:56 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012509 122 District: 1000 Section: 038.00 B7.AHINED AND $400,000.00 Block: 02.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 011.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received. the Following Fees For Above Instrument Bxempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RP'1' $30.00 NO SC'l'M $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,600.00 NO CODIIII.Pres $5,000.00 NO Fees Paid $6,752.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-36202 '!'HIS PAGE IS A PART OF '1'HB INSTRUKENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR-PRESS FIRML\' WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:J1 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~ cz.____ I V ,\')..,01, CI. - L\ ,rl.S:~'~. P: L\. ~d;- Cl. SWIS CMe PROPERlY INFORMATION ""'-1 Laallan 1040 S'Mn .,...,. GILLETTE DRIVE ...... -- / II r i I ...... MATTHEW F\fIIINAME ' c. 2........ Nom. .i~MARION WEBER IAITNMlE/COIII'MY REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAlE OF NEW YOllIl STAlE IOARD OF REAL ~__ RP ~ 5217 1II'.'~I7I1nJlf1l ]~ ...1 NMIi ICCM'M'f I'IIlIT ..... I. Tu 1ndicI1I where futUll Tax BiI.. "110 be..". I IIlIIInt W__buyar'-laI_allorrnJ. -- lAIlNAlCII;QMI"AfIY rIllS' NNH. ITIlUT NUMIlIl AND STNIT ..,... 4. IncIIate the ftUII'lbw '" Aun...... _....._on...._ ClrvQR1GWH ~ ' d. Parcell OR D PINt 01 . Paral .._ "",po,,, I S1z. IORI 'o\GIlI&' . t.> I Ix 1 ...... fllONTFttT ........ ~~~p - PAIH. ......... ROSCIGNO l.AIT ......,toMMJAf DIANA ....TIMME J. CII_ 'M bOJl IMIow whidI molt .ec:um.... ........ .... .... of .... prop.rty ., the 11m. af ..... A~ 0.. FomIIy R_ 8 2 Of S F.mlly Ro_ C _denUoI V.... lind D Non-ll_1al VICI/ll lind I SALE INFORMATION l II. '010 Conlnct _ F.~ Agrlcul....1 I ~ CommuniIy....1oo I' C..........I . J IndUllriol o A_ K Public Sorvlco H EM..........'_ L F..... . aTAI[ ZPOOOI: 1Onlr.'.....__..__ ...._nlng_wilh__ExiIIo D. ... s_ """'_ _ Roqu;rod" T._ 0 oc.__...__....._ 0 -....--..-- I. Oomorlhlo Typo II Condominium t. Haw ConIaruc:rlon on V-n Land .lIA.l'rcl>orly LocoIod within on AgrlcuIIu.oI _icl ICIILBuyo._._..noIico~ II1II""_10 In.. AIIrtcuII.... DIIIricI o o o o .2j 10i" I OJ. ,.. CItIGII _... ..... DI..... MwIIIL.._ . -.1'1' .... to tranIfer: . . A II C D E I' G H I J .2. Dm of Solo , T.__ 05 I 17 ....... ""' 107 v_ .4.0.0,0,0.0.0,01 , , . IFull &.I, Pricl is the &cUI amoum pIid 'or the pr&:ll*tY InGludlng poIIOAII property. ThlI PlYmenI may be In.... farm of cull. DIher PIVPIfIY or gaadI. Dr the IIIUIIlpIiDn of rnongag.I Dr anr obIlultlonL) PluM round ro 1M n.... wfJoIe doIUr MJDCUJt 1.3. Full Bal. Pr.. Sill, BICweIn Relldvw Dr Former ReIeI.i~ Solo _n _ c..nOlnl.. Of P....... In IIuoinaoa Ono ...... Buy... 10 .... . SolI_ ~ Of SoIlor 10 __ All...., Of Londlng InsdluIion Dood T'yoo ... W......., Of 8o'lloln ond Solo ISooci~ 80...... Sol. .f FroctIonol Of Laoo !bon Faa -lS-"v IIoIawI Signl-' ChonIlO In ""'_ -.. T_..... ond Solo 0. of Business IllnoJudod in 5810 Prfce OIhor Un...... _ A_, Solo Prlco lSoocJly_ None 1.. - .110 ........ pononoI I 0 0 1 __In...._ . ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DIl. lIhould ..noct th. lotH' Final_lmen! Roll Ind TI. Bill II. :....~:- I D . rl ". T__V_loIol1,-oIn lronof_', .1. ""'..... CIou ~-u 1I._oID101r1o1Nomo I tJyc~ 28. TuMoO_orloJ' __or(o' 111___. ..................._1_11 DISTRICT: 1000 St..(~L j PtMJ-s 5"7.001 , j SECTION: 038.00 I 8LOCK: 02.00 LOT: 011.000 l CERTIFICATION I I emit)' lIIIM III III U. iIftn. 01 iaI',1IIIn&IIk1ll L'llltnd on ..... Conn art' Inll! WId ,'aI"nCl11U dll ..... or DIJ' lulu".... .... _&rn and I u"n.&and IhIII.. ..umK "'''1 willCullld... __ '" _ rod ........ wiD ~ ow ...... """kl.... "'.... ..nallaw _",."" ......... ODd lIIInR '" roIoo -.. ~ BUYEII"S ATTORNEY 05/17/07 .... FRIEDMAN lAlI'_ 1040 GILLETTE DRIVE 11111[1"-' STJIUTNAIR'IAPT"~ 516 ....CllllI EAST MARION NY aJY~IOWN ITAI' 11939 ..- .... SELLER 4.t//~ .......-- PAUL A. ROSCIGNO 05/17/07 .... I VINSON .....- 222-6200 --- /' NEW YORK STATE COpy \..