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HomeMy WebLinkAboutFI Wastewater Treatment Facility POTW RESOLUTION 2007-526 ADOPTED DOC ID: 2944 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-526 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JUNE 5, 2007: RESOLVEDauthorizes and directs that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Annual Certification Form between the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and the Town of Southold for the POTW Design, Planning and Flow Management of the Fishers Island Wastewater Treatment Facility , subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Daniel C. Ross, Councilman SECONDER: William P. Edwards, Councilman AYES: Krupski Jr., Edwards, Ross, Wickham, Russell ABSENT: Louisa P. Evans .. 2:07PM NO.701 P. 2 ~. NEW YOllK STATJi DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION l'OTW DESIGN, l'LANNINGAND FLOW MANAGEMENT ANNUAL CERTiFICA'l10N FO:QM I'OTW NYSDItC SPDES CALENDAR PERMlTIEE NAME. REGION PERMIT NUMBER YEAR FISHERS ISLAND WW1l' 01 NY0199214 2006 1. FLOW - Compare the annual average flow to the flow limit in the permit: Ail floW calculations must be made based on total flow. For pLmts with ODO monthly aVetage flow limit, calculate the average annual flow by aver.ging the 12 monthly .verage flows for calendar year 2006, For plants with llllliua1 average flow 1iinIts or rolliDg 12 month ,veragelimits, use the aIlllual average flow calculated for the calendar year. For plants with seasonal flow limits, calculate the average flow for each of the seasonal flow limits based on the data collected during calendar year 2006. Season 1 Season 2 (if tlppli<Dbls) . - Indicate dates that seasonal limits apply: a. What was the actua1 amwal ave.rage flow, using the appropriate method above? .b, Wbatis th~ designflo"; oftha treatD1elltV,{~plied by 95% (0.95)? c. Did the annual average flow exceed 95 % of the design flow? Dyes [!] No If the answer is yes, a flow management plan must be prepared in a""oi-dauce with 6 NY~l'art 7S0-2.9(c)(1) and be sUbmitted to the Regional Water Manager 110 later than A~l!ust 1. 2007. . 0.020 0.011 0.019 MGD MGD 2. PLANNING: Compare the design BOD and TSS influent loadings to the actual BOD and TSS loadings: Se.son 1 Season 2 (if "l'pli..bls) a. The Design montbly influent loading for BOD (or CBOD if applicable) is b. The Design monthly average influent loading for Total Suspended Solids is . N/A* N/A* lbsld Ibsld c_ Did the actual influent loading for either BOD (or CEOD) or TSS, as determined from plant oper.tional data as submitted on 1he DMlts exceed the monthly average design influent 10adiIlg for any eight calendar months during 2006? DYes [!] No *Th~ flow ~s to a large subsurface disposal sysrem. lUbe actual Inlluentloading for either HOD (or CBOD) or"TSS exceeded the desigB influent loading for any eigbt Clllendlll' months. dumg 2006. In. accordance with 6NYCRRPart7S0--2.9(c)(2j, a plan for future growth must be Sllbmitted to the Regional Water Manager no later.than Aup-un 1. 2007. Explanations for these exceedances, if desired, shan be attached to this form. 3. IMPLEMENTATION AND SEWER CONNECTION MORATORIUM Has the POTW discharge exceeded a SPDES permit effiueDJ: limit for BOD, eBOD, Ultimate Oxygen Demand (iIlc1udiIlg 28 day BOD), or Tot.l Suspended Solids for any four or more months <luri:Dg two cowecutive calendar qullIters ? D Yes ~ No In accordance witb 6 NYCRR 750-2.9(C)(3), If 2.c. and 3 are yes, the plan for future growth must be implemented and the approval of sewer connections to the POTW must cease immediately. Certification Statement "[ certify under penalty of/ow that this document and all attachments were ptepared unde, my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed 10 assure that qualified personnel properly gatheted and evaluated the infonnation submitted_ Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, 07 those persons directly responsible for gathering the information. the information submitted is. to the best of my knowledge and beli~ true, accurate, and complete. [am aware that there are significant penalties fat submitting false information, including the possibility affine and imprisonmentfor knowing vir;/ations.. ., Signature: ~C'A&E~L . I""f? '6~-(; Title: ~<;UPGltVI~() ~ IIOWN DP SoV>>l!!..LD prmtName, Date: m~3ClI ~DVl This form_st be signed by the chiertiscsl officer or the permittee. ~ IUN. 12007 206PM NO. 701 P - SCO'lT A. RUSSELL SUPERVlSOR Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971.0959 Fax (631) 765.1823 Telephone (631) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 30, 2007 Mr. Koon S. Tang, P.E. Chief, Bureau of Water Compliance Division of Water, NYS DEe 625 Broadway, 4th Boor Albany, NY 12233-3506 Dear Mr. Koon: Enclosed please fmd the completed POTW Design, Planning and Flow Management Annual Certification Form which has been completed by our engineering firm, Diversified Technology Consultants. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact DTC directly at 556 Washington Avenue, North Haven, CT 06473, attention Michael A. Home, P.E. Sincerely yours, ~~A .L) .ii ~ ~;--~ Scott A. Russell Supervisol" Enclosure I' , it~ ;i;,;_"ri i: "r lU I.,. ", "'. co' I- ~ '~ MAY 3 1 2007 . (. \,." ' . , 'n" ~.;.., .:. "~'~',":~:';7.:~, ::>.,' /::.> -:;2 \.' ,,',.',. ,C' "p- '.,." SOLUTIONS .-"'~ '" . /" .~... f --~,-- ~~- - =~"">- /-- dtc -'""", LAND ENGINEERED STRUCTURES 'It' ATE R May 23, 2007 Supervisor Scott Russell Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 RE: POTW Design, Planning and Flow Management Annual Certification Fishers Island WWTF - NYO 199214 DTC Project No. 07-1 17-300 Dear Supervisor Russell: Dr. Murali Atluru, P.E. and I reviewed the certification preparation during March. It was also discussed with Attorney Louisa Evans of the Fishers Island Sewer District. At that time, it was the opinion that since the Fishers Island wastewater disposal system is a septic system, the flows only are applicable. They were shown in the cover letter (see March 21, 2007 letter enclosed). We have entered the flow information on the form. The appropriate person should sign the enclosed form and send this form to Mr. Koon S. Tang, P.E. (see his letter enclosed). If there are any questions, please call me. Sincerely, DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS C-~...A--oJa. 7~ Michael A. Horne, P.E. Associate Enclosures: Certification March 21, 2007 letter and Certificate cc: The Honorable Louisa Evans (with enclosures) c.-Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (with enclosures) Office of the Town Clerk Town of South old 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971 S:\2007\07117 Fishers Island\Letters\05-23-Q7 RusselLdoc DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06473 203 239 4200 2032347376 FAX New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Water Bureau of Watershed Compliance, 4th Floor 625 Broadway 4th. Floor, Albany, New York, 12233-3506 Phone: (518) 402-8177 FAX: (518)402-8082 RECEIVED "TIS 7", DTC. .. -.. ......,. May 14,2007 Alexander B. GrannIs Commissioner MAY 2 1 2007 SOUTHOLD (T) 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 Sou/holn Town C1erl Re: POTW Design, Planning and Flow Management Annual Certification FISHERS ISLAND WWTF 1'11'0199214 Dear Permittee: The Chief Fiscal Officer of your municipality is required to certifY, in writing to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (the Department), that the municipality is complying with the provisions of6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c). On or about March I, 2007, a letter was sent to your attention reminding you of this regulatory requirement. The deadline to submit the required certification form, for calendar year 2006, was March 28, 2007. This certification requirement must be met by the permittee on an annual basis. To date, the Department has not received the required certification for your facility. This letter is a second notice reminding you of this regulatory requirement. Please be advised that failure to submit the required certification form is a violation of Article 17 of the Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York and the respective regulatory provisions found at 6 . NYCRR Part 75lr.-2.9(c). Non-compliance with the certification requirement may subject your facility to formal enforcement action. The enclosed form and instructions have been developed to assist you in completing the certification form. The completed form with the authorized signature should be submitted to the address listed above in the letterhead with a copy to your Regional Office listed on the enclosed instructions. Please contact your Regional Office with any questions that you have regarding this requirement. Koon S. Tang, P.E. Chief, Bureau of Water Compliance Division of Water, NYSDEC cc: RWM enc. NEW VORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERV AnON POTW DESIGN, PLANNING AND FLOW MANAGEMENT ANNUAL CERTIFICATION FORM POTW NYSDEC SPDES CALENDAR PERMITTEE NAME REGION PERMIT NUMBER YEAR FISHERS ISLAND WWTF 01 NYOl99214 2006 1. FLOW - Compare the annual average flow to the flow limit in the permit: All flow calculations must be made based on total flow. For plants with one monthly average flow limit, calculate the average annual flow by averaging the 12 monthly average flows for calendar year 2006. For plants with annual average flow limits or rolling 12 month average limits, use the annual average flow calculated for the calendar year. For plants with seasonal flow limits, calculate the average flow for each of the seasonal flow limits based on the data collected during calendar year 2006. Season I Season 2 (if applicable) Indicate dates that seasonal limits apply: a. What was the actual annual average flow, using the appropriate method above? b. What is the design flow of the treatment ~(fuwtiplied by 95% (0.95)? c. Did the annual average flow exceed 95 % of the design flow? DYes QC] No 0.020 a.Oll 0.019 MGD MGD If the answer is yes, a flow management plan must be prepared in aecordance with 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c)(I) and be submitted to the Regional Water Manager no later than AUl!:ust 1. 2007. 2. PLANNING: Compare the design BOD and TSS influent loadings to the actual BOD and TSS loadings: Season I Season 2 (if applicable) a. The Design monthly average influent loading for BOD (or CBOD if applicable) is b. The Design monthly average influent loading for Total Suspended Solids is N/A* N/A* lbs/d Ibs/d c. Did the actual influent loading for either BOD (or CBOD) or TSS, as determined from plant operational data as submitted on the DMRs exceed the monthly average design influent loading for any eight calendar months during 2006? DYes ~ No *Thp. flow is to a large subsurface disposal system. If the actual influent loading for either BOD (or CBOD) or TSS exceeded the design influent loading for any eight calendar months during 2006, in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c)(2), a plan for future growth must be submitted to the Regional Water Manager no later than AUl!:ust 1. 2007. Explanations for these exceedances, if desired, shall be attached to this form. 3. IMPLEMENTATION AND SEWER CONNECTION MORATORIUM Has the POTW discharge exceeded a SPDES pennit effluent limit for BOD, CEOD, Ultimate Oxygen Demand (including 28 day BOD), or Total Suspended Solids for any four or more months during two consecutive calendar quarters? DYes El No In accordance with 6 NYCRR 750-2.9(C)(3), if 2.c. and 3 are yes, the plan for future growth must be implemented and the approval of sewer connections to the POTW must cease immediately. Certification Statement "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. J1 Print Name: Title: Signature: Date: This form must be signed by the chief fiscal officer of the pennittee. NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION POTW DESIGN, PLANNING AND FLOW MANAGEMENT ANNUAL CERTIF1CATION FORM INSTRUCTIONS Please complete the attached form in accordance with the instructions below. If you have any questions regarding the infonnation to be submitted or the calculations required for this form, please contact your regional Division of Water SPDES contact or Regional Water Manager at the address and phone number listed on the RECORDING, REPORTING AND MONITORING page of your Permit. 1. FLOW - Comnare the annual avera!!e flow to the flow limit in the nermit: All flow calculations must be made based on total flow. For plants with one monthlv avera!!e flow limit. calculate the average annual flow by averaging the 12 monthly average flows reported on your monthly DMRs for calendar year 2006. For plants with annual avera!!e flow limits or rollin!! 12 month avera!!e limits. use the annual average flow calculated for the calendar year. For plants with seasonal flow limits, calculate the average flow for each of the seasonal flow limits based on the data collected during calendar year 2006. For example, if your facility has seasonal limits that apprly from May through October, Season I would be the average flow from May though October, while Season 2 would be the average flow from January through April and November though December. The dates used for the seasonal flow rate calculations should be included on the form in the space provided. If either of the seasonal calculations exceed 95% of the design flow, the "Yes" box must be checked. The design flow of the treatment plant shall be in accordance with that listed in the most recent design documents or treatment plant rating submitted to and approved by this Department. The requirements for the flow management plan contained in 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c)(I) are attached for your reference. 2. PLANNING: Comnare the desi!!n BOD and TSS influent loadin!!s to the actual BOD and TSS loadin!!s: The design influent loadings are not included on your preprinted DMR. These numbers iDay be found in your plant's engineering design documents, O&M plans, or in more recent engineering reports if your treatment plant has had a recent upgrade. Use the most recent design loading data available for purposes of this calculation. If you cannot locate your plant's design influent loading criteria, please contact your plant engineer. . If your plant uses Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) as a measure of treatment system performance, use BOD loadings in these calculations. If your plant uses CBOD as a measure of treatment system performance, use CBOD loadings in these calculations. To calculate the actual influent loadings in Ibs/day, facilities that perform daily sampling should multiply the average monthly concentration on the DMR (in mg/l) by the average monthly flow (in MGD) and a conversion factor of8.34. For facilities with less than daily sampling, i.e., monthly, weekly, etc., the daily flow from the POTW on the date that the sample was collected shall be used to determirie the loading. These individual daily loadings should be averaged for the monthly actual influent loading. If either of the seasonal calculations exceed the design loading, the "Yes" box must be checked. Should the actual influent loading for either BOD (or CBOD) or TSS exceed the design influent loading, you may include an explanation for these exceedances. The written explanation should be attached to and submitted with the Annual Certification Form. The requirements for the plan for future growth contained in 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c)(2) are attached for your reference. 3. IMPLEMENTATION AND SEWER CONNECTION MORATORIUM: Review your facility's DMRs to determine whether the discharge from the POTW has exceeded a SPDES permit emuent limit for BOD, CBOD, Ultimate Oxygen Demand (including 28 day BOD), or Total Suspended Solids for any four or more months during two consecutive calendar quarters during 2006. If you answered "Yes" to this question, an inunediate moratorium on additional sewer connections shall be imposed and the approval of sewer connections to the POTW must cease inunediately. The requirements for the sewer connection moratorium contained in 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c)(3) are attached for your reference. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: This form must be signed by the municipality's chief fiscal officer, such as the mayor, comptroller, treasurer, city manager or chief fmancial officer. This person may differ from the person who signs the facility's DMR. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please submit copies of this form by March 28. 2007 to the NYSDEC Bureau of Water Compliance, SPDES Compliance Infonnation Section, 625 Broadway, Albany NY 12233-3506 and the Regional Water Manager at the address listed on the attached table. Part 750 -2.9 (c) POTW DESIGN, PLANNING AND FLOW MANAGEMENT (1) Flow Management Plan (i) Within 120 days of when the permittee 4etermines in accordance with paragraph 4 of this subdivision that the annual average flow value for a calendar year to a POTW has reached or exceeded 95 percent of that POTW' s design flow, the pemrittee shall submit to the Regional Water Engineer a flow management plan to identify and implement reductions in hydraulic loading to the POTW treatment plant or failing that, approvable engineering reports, plans and specifications and/or capital improvements as necessary to stabilize annual average flows below the POTW treatrnentplant design flow. This plan shall be certified by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of New York and endorsed by the chief fiscal officer of the municipality. The provisions of the plan may reflect new efforts or may refer to existing, ongoing efforts. The flow management plan shall, at a minimum, include provisions for: (a) A statement to the effect that the pemrittee has the authority in all parts of the POTW service area to implement or cause to be implemented the provisions of this subdivision or, if the permittee does not have such authority, a proposed schedule, not to exceed three years, to obtain such authority or a statement from the permittee's designated legal representative that existing law precludes the permittee from obtaining such authority; (b) An inventory of all known facilities/projects that have applied to connect to the sewer system and a determination if there is capacity for connection; ( c) A. sche4ule of implementation for all flow reduction measures identified herein; (d) A map delineating the service area as defined; and (e) A description ofinforrnationthat will be reported during implementation of the plan to the Regional Water Engineer an4 a schedule for such reporting. (ii) The flow management plan require4 by subparagraph (i) of this paragraph shall also incluoo provisions for implementation of any or all of the following that are necessary to stabilize inf1ueni flows below design flows: ( a) Water conservation measures to reduce customer usage by measures including but not limited to custo= metering, meter calibration, retrofitting existing plumbing fixtores with water conservation fixtures and revision of water rate structures; (b) Reduction of infiltration and inflow throughcontihuous measures including but not limited to sewer system metering, evaluation and rehabilitation, removal of roof leaders and footing drains from separate sanitary sewers and installation of separate storm sewers; (c) Prevention of future sources of infi1tration and inflo~ where feasible through measures including but not limited to implementation of standards for sewer installation and requirements to provide for adequate drainage fromroofleaders and footing drains in new construction; (d) Measures to maximize sewer system and sewage treatment works capacity at a minimurncost; and/or (e) Approvable engineering reports and/or plans and specifications to assure annual average flows do not exceed 95 percent of the POTW treatment plant design flow. (f) Capital improvements necessary to assure annual average flows do not exceed 95 percent of the POTW treatment plant design flow. (iii) Within 90 days of submittal to the Regional Water Engineer of the plan required under subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of this paragraph, the pemrittee shall begin to implement the provisions of said program in accordance with the proposed schedule or cause the provisions of said program to be implemented by another party. (iv) The Regional Water Engineer may objectto the plan, or implementation of the plan, submitted in accordance with subparagraph (i) and (ii) of this paragraph if the plan does not provide for substantive and effective measures to reduce hydraulic loading to the POTW. Within 90 days of receipt of written notification from the Regional Water Engineer documenting the aspects of the plan that must be revised, the pemrittee shall submit a revised plan that addresses the department's objection(s). SOLUTIONS ~ - - - ~ LA II! 0 ~~~~n ENGINEERED STRUCTURES ""ATE~ March 21, 2007 Supervisor Scott Russell Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 RE: POTW Design, Planning and Flow Management Annual Certification Fishers Island Sewer WWTF NYO 199214 DTC Project No. 07-117-300 Dear Supervisor Russell: Dr. Murali AtllDU, P.E., and I have reviewed the enclosed certification form appears to apply to standard secondary and tertiary wastewater treatment plants which outfall into water bodies. The Fishers Island wastewater system is a large septic system. The capacity is 20,000 gallons per day. The septic tanks are conservatively oversized at 30,000 gallons. The leaching field is conservatively designed. The septic tanks remove constituents prior to the leaching fields. The system provides tertiary treatment The system serves residences only. No industrial waste is allowed nor discharged into the system. The two present discharge monitoring requirements are annual flow monitoring and sludge disposal, when the system sludge accumulates to the point it could harm the system. The wastewater flows and sludge depths have been reported to the N.Y.D.E.C. annually for 22 years. The annual average flow estimate based upon flow monitoring is estimated to be 0.011 MGD. The design is .020 MGD and 95% of the design flow is .019 MGD. Based upon this information, the flow is well below the capacity of the treatment system. The septic system does not have a surface discharge. Therefore, it does not have BOD, CBOD nor total suspended solids requirements. Because of the small number of users, monitoring these constituents would be cost prohibitive. Based upon the above system characteristics, we think the enclosed form is not applicable to the Fishers Island septic system. If any more information about this system is needed, we are prepared to provide it Sincerely, DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS --;'~7~ajJ~ Michael A. Horne, M.S. Associate Enclosure: POTW Design, Planning and annual Flow Monitoring Form cc with Enclosure: The Honorable Louisa Evans, Fishers Island Murali AtIlDU, Ph.D., P.E., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, DTC S:\07J 17 Fishers Island\Leners\Ol-IS-(l7 RuueW.dae DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06473 2032394200 2032347376 FAX ~ -.. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation ~ DMslon of Water Commissioner Bureau of Water Compliance, 4110 Floor 625 Broadway, Albany, New York 12233-3506 . Phone: (518) 402-8177 . FAX: (518) 402-8082 Website: February 27, 2007 SOumOLD (I) 53095 MAm ROAD SOumOLD, NY 11971 rBJ~~~~~~rm I1ll MAR 2 2007 lW SUPERVISOR'S OffICE TOWN OF SOUTHOUl . R,e: POTW Design, Planning and Flow Management .. Annual Certiiication FISHERS ISLAND WWTF NY0199214 Dear Permittee: The Chief Fiscal Officer of your municipality is required to certify in writing to the Department, that the municipality is complying with the provisions of 6 NYCRR Part 750 2.9 ( c). The enclosed form and instructions have been developed to assist with that certification. The completed forms should be submitted to the address listed above with a copy to your Regional Office. Please contact your Regional Office with any questions that you have on this, Sincerely, . CL1 S. ~ }..r.E. Charles S. Haugh, P.E. Bureau of Water Compliance SPDES Compliance Information Section Division of Water ~-,...n ~......~............~.___._~_.._.- -. -..- . POTW DESIGN, pLANNING AND FLOW MANAGEMENT ANNUAL CERTIF1CATION FORM POTW NYSDEC SPDES CALENDAR PERMITTEE NAME REGION" PERMIT NUMBER YEAR FISHERS ISLAND WWTF 01 NYOl99214 2006 1. FLOW _ Compare the annual average flow to the flow limit in the permit: All flow calculations must be made based on total flow. For plants with one monthly average flow limit, calculate the average amma1 flow by averaging the 12 monthly average flows for calendar year 2006. For plants with llIlI1ua1 average flow limits or roIliDg 12 month average limits, use the annual average flow calculated for the calcndar year. For plants with seasonal flow limits, calculate the average flow for each of the seasonal flow limits based on the data collected during calendar year ~OO6. Season I Season 2 rif trpplkDble) Indicate dates that seasonal limits apply: a. What"was the actualllIll1ua1 average flow, using the appropriate method above? b. What is the design flow of the treatment plant, IIJIl1tiplied by 95% (0.95)? c. Did the annua:l average flow exceed 95 % of the design flow? DYes D No MGD MGD If the answer is yes, a flow management plan must be prepared in aceordance with 6 NYCRR Part 750-%.9(0)(1) and be submitted to the Regional Water Manager nO later than Awrost 1. %007. ' %. pLANNING: Compare the design BOD and TSS inilnent loadings to the a.~al BOD and TSS loadings: Season I Season 2 rif trpplicDbk) a. The DesIgn monthly average influent loading for BOD (or CBOD if applicable) is b. The Design monthly,average influent loading for Total Suspended Solids is lbsfd lbsfd c. Did the actual inflnent loading for either BOD (or CBOD) or TSS, as determined from plant operational data as submitted on the DMRs exceed the monthly average design inf1uent loading for any eight calendar months during 2oo6? DYeS D No If the actual influent loading for either BOD (or CBOD) or TSS exceeded the design influent loading for any eight calendar months during %006, in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 750-%.9(c)(%), a plan for fulure growth must be submitted to the Regional Water "Manager no later than Aul!1lSt 1. %007. Explanations for these exceedances, If desired, shaD be attached to this fOnD: 3. IMPLEMENTATION AND SEWER CONNECTION MORATORIUM Has the POTW discharge exceeded a SPDES permit emnentlimit for BOD, CBOD, Ultimate Oxygen Demand (inclnding 28 day BOD), or Total Suspended Solids for any four or more months during two consecntive calendar q\IirterS ? D Yes DNO In accordance with 6 NYCRR 750-%.9(C)(3), If %.Co and 3 are yes; the plan for fulure growth must be implemented and the approval of sewer connections to the POTW must cease immediately. Certification Statement "[ certify under penalty of law that this document and aD attachments were prepared under my direction or mpervision in oa:ordance with a system designed to assure that qualified perSOMel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the penon or persons who ma7lDge the system. or those peno71S directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knrrwledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for Submitting false information, inCluding the possibility of fine and impris01l1llent for knoWing violatio7lS. . Print Name: Title: Signature: Date: This form nmst be signed by the chief fiscal officer of the permittee. - -- ........ CV.L ,...V U~~.lU"J."'.c .LI.t'LJ.'.1'LJ."l'-7 .l"'.L"'~ .....L.J....", oI.,.a...n.".'.n.._~,i:.~...~... ANNUAL CERTIFICATION FORM INSTRUCTIONS Please complete the attached form in accordance with the instructions below. If you have any questions regarding the information to be submitted or the calculations required for this form, please contact your regional Division of Water SPDES contaCt or Regional Watr;r Manager at the address and phone number listed on the RECORDING, REPORTING AND MONITORING page of your 'Permit. . 1. FL?W -Comnare the annnal avera!!:eflow to the flow limit in the oermit: . All flow caIculatiODS must be made based on total flow. For plants with one monthlv avera2e flow limit. calculate the average annuaI flow by averaging 1j!e.12 moDtbly average flows reported on 'your monthly DMRs for ca)""~"T year 2006. For plants with llIlDIIaI averal!e flow limits or ro1lin2 12 month avera2e limits. lISe the ammaI average flow calc:wated for the calendar year. For plants with seaSonal flow limits. calculate the average flow for each of the seasonal flow limits based on the data coll~ during ~cl1dar year 2006. For example, if your facility has seasonal limits that' apprly from May tlJrough October, Season 1 wowd be the aVerage flow from May though October, while Season 2 woWd be the average flow from January through Aprillllid November though December. The dates used for the seasonal flow rate .caIculations showd be included on the form in the space provided. If either of the seasomI caIculations exceed 95% of the design flow, the "Yea" box must be checked. ~ design flow of the treatment plaDt shall be in accordance with that listed in the most recent design documents or treatment plant rating BDbmitted to and approved by this Department. . The requirements for the flow management plan contained in 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(c)(I) are attached for your reference. . '. 1. PLANNlNG: Comnare the desim BOD and TSS inflnent 10adinl!S to the actual BOD and TSS 10adinl!S: . The'des1P intluem lOadings are not included on your preprinted DMR. TheSe numbers may be found in your plant's engineering design documents, O&M plans, or in more recent engineering reports if your treatment plant has had a recent upgrade. Use the most recent design loading data available for purposes of this caleu1ation. If you cannot locate your plant's design influent loading c:riter:ia, please contaCt your plant engineer. . If your plant uses BiochemicaI Oxygen Demand (BOD) as a measure of treatment system performance, use BOD loadings in these calculations. If yourplant uses CBOD as a measure of treatment system perfonnance, use CBOD 10aOings in these calc:u1ati.ons. To ca1cu1ate the actual influent loadings in lbslday, facilities that perform daily sampling should mnltiply the average monthly concentration on the DMR (in mgIl) by the average monthly flow (in MOO) and a conversion factor of 8.34. For facilities with less than daily sampling, i.e., moDtbly, weekly, etc., the daily flow from the POTW on 1he date that the sample was collected shall be used to determi:ne the loading. These individual daily loadings showd be averaged for the monthly actual influent loading. ' If either of the seasonal calculations exceed the design loading; the "Yes" box must be checW Showd the actuaI influent loading for ei~ BOD (or CBOD) or TSS exceed the design influent loading, you may include an explanation for these exceedances. The written explanalion should be attached to and submitted with the AlmuaI Certification Form. . The requirements for the plan for future growth contained in 6 NYCRR .Part 750-2.9(cX2) are attached for your reference. 3. IMPLEMENTATION AND SEWER CONNECTION MORATORI1JM: Review your faCilitY's DMRs to determine whether the discharge from the POTW has exceeded a SPDES peimit effluent limit for BOD, CBOD, Ultimate Oxygen Demand (including 28 day BOD), or Total Suspended Solids for any four or more months during two . consecutive calendar quarters during 2006. If you answered "Yes" to this question, an immediate moratorium on additional sewer connections shall be imposed aDd the approval of sewer connections to the POTW must cease immediately. The requirements for the sewer COlIDectiori moratorium contained in 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.9(cX3) are attached for your reference. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: This form must be signed by the municipality's chief fiscal officer, such as the mayor, comptroller, treasurer, city manager or chief financial officer. This peI1'on may differ from the person who signs the facility's DMR. SUBMITTAL lNSTRUCTIONS: Please BDbmit copies of this form by March 18. 1007 to the NYSDEC Bureau of Water Compliance, SPDES Complisnce Information Section, 625 Broadway, Albany NY 12233-3506 and the Regional Water Manager a) the address listed on the attached table. (c) PO'fW DESIGN, pLANNING AND FLOW MANAGEMENT (1) Flow Management Plan (i) Witlrin 120 days ofwl:;en the p=ittee deterniines in accordance with paragraph 4 of this subdivision that the annual average flow value for a caI~ndar year to a potw bas reached or exceeded 9S percent oftha! POTW' s design flow, the permittee shall submit to the Regional ,Water Engineer a flow management plan to identify and implement redUctions in hydraulic loading to the POYW treatment plant or failing . that, approvable engineering reports, plans and specifications and/or capital improvements as necessary to stabilize annual average flowS below the POYW treatment plant design flow. This plm shall be certified by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of. New York and endorsed by the cbief fisca\ officer of the Dl!lIlicipality. The provisions of the plan may reflect new efforts or may refer to . existing, ongobig efforts. The flow management plan shall, at a m;n;,nnm. include provisiol;lS for: . . (a) A st:atemenl to the effect that the permittee bas the authority in all parts of the POTW service area to implement or cause to be impleJT1""lP.d the provisions of this subdivision or, if the permittee does not have such anthority, a proposed schedule, not to exceed three years, to obtain such authority or a statement from the permittee's designated legal representative that existing law precludes the p=ittee from obtaining such authority; (b) An inventory ofaIl known facilitieslprojects that have applied to connect to the sewer system and a determination if there is. capacity for connection; . (c) A schedule of implementation for all flow reduction measures identified herein; (d) A map delineating the servicc.area as defined; and (e) A description of information that will be reported dnring iml?lementation of the plan to the Regional Water Engineer and a schedule for sucl1 reporting. (n) The flow management plan required by Subparagraph (i) of this paragraph shall also include provisions for implementation of any or all of the following that are necessary to stabilize influeD1 flows below design flows: . (a) Water conservation measures to reduce customer usage by measureS including but not limited to customer metering, meter calibration, retrofittiilg existing plumbing fixtures with water conservation fixtures and revision of water rate structures; . (b) Reduction of infiltration and inflow through continuOus measures including but not limited to sewer system metering, evaluation and rehabilitation, removal of roofleaders and footing drains from separate sanitary sewers and installation of separate storm sewers; (c) Prevention offirture sources ofinfiltraticin and inflow'Wbere feasible through measures including but not limited to implementation of standards for sewer installation and requirements to provide for adequate drainage fromroofleaders and footing drains in new construction; (d) Measures to maximize sewer system and sewage treatment works capacitY at a mln;mnm cost; and/or (e) Approvable engineering.reports and/or plans and specifications to assure anmxal average flows do not exceed 9S percent of the . POTW treatment plant design flow. (1) Capital improvements necessary to assure anDJJal average flows do not exceed 9S percent ofthePOYW.treatmcDtplant design flow. (ili) Within 90 days of sclmnttaI to the Regional Water Engineer of the plan required UDder subparagraphs (i) and (n) of this paragraph, the pt;uui= shall begin to implement the provisions of said program in aCcordance with the proposed schedule or cause the provisions of said program to be implemented by another party. (iv).The R.e~onal Water Engineer may object to the plan, or implementation of the plan, submitted in accordalice with subparagraph (i) and (n) of this paragraph if the plan does not provide for substantive and effecti~e measures to reduce hydraulic loading to the porN. Within 90 days of receipt of written notification from the Regional Water Engineer docnm""m,g the aspects of the plan that must be revised, the permittee shall submit a revised plan that addresses the department's objection(s).