HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6463 P 233 ye alb n�,eaw,Ge ca,enm� ��i^� a IS EXCHANGE INC..uweux.vueuex.n. IUew-HOARG, e.o.v...,NEW ro.. Lru,,6463 **[233 Made the 24th day of October nineteen hundred and sixty-eight jBtt Mtj RICHARD VOLLMER, ROBERT ADAMSON and DIAD ADAMSON, his wife,, residing at Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel, County of Suffolk and State of New York parties of the first part, End ROBERT ADAMSON and DIAPE ADAMSON, his wife, both residing at Peconic Bay Boulevard, laurel, County of Suffolk and State of -ow, ' York bTE Ofd T(�AL FtATE - ,"„ TRANSFER TAxr[w YORK I , �NAYptp z03. 8 5 * parties of the second part, .a^•,a� _i iy�_e,�8fmhnti�°: ra meas. # WitiCd$'9CTIJ, that the parties of the first part,in consideration of tj TEN ($10.00) Dollars, ZI lawful money of the United States, and other valuable consideration paid by the part les of the second part !II do hereby grant and release unto the part iesof the second part, their heirs !I and assigns forever, I A��/fvv .AU that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buil.dinps and ! improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the '"own of I� !i Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwesterly corner of premises about to be des- cribed said point of beginning being the following two courses and dls- tances from the point where the Easterly line of land as shown on "Map 11 of Laurel Park", and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on Oc- �� tober 5th, 1925 as Map Number 212, intersects the Southerly side of Pe- conic Bay Boulevard; 1) South 200 07' East 415.39 feet along the Easterly side of land h� as shown on Map of Laurel Park; 2) tdorth 75° 45' 40" East 6.03 feet to the point or place of be- ginning; o running thence from said point of beginning ;'orth 75 45' 40" East along the Southerly side of a 12 foot right of ¢:ay, 55.57 feet; running thence South 20 21' East 374 feet more or less to the ordinary high water mark of Great Peeovic Bay; running thence in a Westerly dlrectior. along the ordinary hlph water mark of Great Peconic Bay 100 feet more or less to the point where a line drawn on a course bearing South 20° 07' East from the point or place of beginning would intersect the Great Peconic Bay; running thence _`forth 20° 07' West 390 feet more or less to `he point or place of '=INNING. Itree6463 PA034 TOGETHER with an easement for ingress and egress over a 20 foot private road, a portion of which Is a 12 foot right of way, which said �0 #too$ road and portion of. 12 foot right of way are bounded and des- ribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of Peconic Bay Boulevard where same is intersected by the Easterly line of land as shown on Map of Laurel Park, filed October 5th, 1925, in Suffolk County Clerk's Offic i as Map Number 212; running thence along the Southerly side of Peconic Bay Eoulevard North 690 13' East 20 feet; running thence South 200 07' East 405.62 feet; running thence North 750 45' 40" East 43.56 feet; running thence South 260 21' East 12.27 feet; I running thence South 750 45' 40" :Fest E5 feet to the Easterly line of land as shown on Map.of Laurel Park; I I running thence tllong the Easterly 11re of land as shown on Map of Laurel Park North 20 07' West 415.39 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with an easement of ingress and egress by foot over a E foot right of way adjourning premises being conveyed on the ::est for the whole length thereof. it SUBJECT AND TOGETHER WITH a Right -of-Way with others, for egress and ingress onlyy, along the northerly line of the_property now or former- ly owned by ROSE EAMOOD and the southerly line of property owned by CENE EVERETT TMEINSMITH; extending easterly over land now or formerly- of BEATRICE M. WASSON and/or ELINOR G. BEST, to 'rush's Creek; and being 20 feet in width at the aforesaid private road and 10 feet in width ati, Brush's Creek; the northerly line of said ight of-Wa} being tl-,6 norther- ly line of land now or formerly of BEA..FICE r% Y'A SOT_ and/or ELTYM, C. BEST, and the southerly line being the northerly line of the premises herein described and a line from the northeasterly corner of the premises. to a point on the westerly shore of -,,rush's Creek 10 feet southerly from the northeasterly corner of land now or formerly of BEATRICE-. '�. 4:ASSON and/or ELINOR G. REST. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as were conveyed by MICHAEL I. KALCOLMSON and CERISTIF. G. MALCOLMSON, his wife, to the par- ties of the first part, by deed dated February 2nd., 19EB and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 6302 Page 511.