HomeMy WebLinkAboutPurchase of Road Equipment Form A.0 142-T.11,19 J�� CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment........................................................................................... ......... One (1) 1965 Model 16 two dun all purpose line marker. .. ........................ ...................................................................... ..bi&,...........aar......................................................... (Set forth Lenin or attach detail apeeificatipns upon which bila were baxd.) .............. SEE.A TTe1G kA...SP G.Tk 1G rz aa)................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................... entered into this.....16thdaof April 6 between Harold D. Price y ........................ 19.....5., ) Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of,............5.Qatho.)-d................................. .. ........................ in the County of .............. .............................................. New York, and .....klll.I,i plan,...1japhijuery...Cm......Ing............................ the Vendor, whose principal office is located at ..RO!xte..2S....�Qxai!la...�r......1.......N.e.u..YQrk.............................................. (F.O.Address) for a total price of Four„thousand„four„hseventh!-Sive„&....()0119.bollars ($...4.: 75.a.nQ...........). ............................. This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public adver- tisement for such bids in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town of ........$9??:.hQ1d....................................................................... at a meeting held ....APr.i ...h.,....................................... 19...6.5. The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Super- visor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per list on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of (Strike out if not applicable) (2) By a check for $.. '.t.4:75.00.....................:.... drawn on the machinery fund. (Strike out if not applicable) (3) By delivery to the Vendor of a check for$..................................................... (Strike out if not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at"(1'I” above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present,normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of ...........90...........days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at......... .r....xa...................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. not later than the.....16tk?day of............... Y................................ 19.....65 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 303-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that capon the refusal of a person,when called before a grand )ury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state,any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department,agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority,to sign a waiver off immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract (a) such person, and any firm, partnershiy or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services,for a period of live years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law,by such person,and by any firm,partnership,or corporation of which be is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, coney or otherwise dialogs of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes Included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Highways have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. Approved: .. .. .a. . .a.'......(SE ) /.. .. �`:... .....oi.... Its ..........................1i'.1<oullimR.... ... ... ... .t.................... . Dunt Supsrintendext o to ways y� /� Y / y � (IMlcate whetLetolrk�er or agent) �'^,j ...... ... + /}` � L1�L.�_ (SEAL) Town Supe .................. endent of Highwaya Noxa: This contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and delivered to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. �. Contract For V Purchase of Machinery and Equipment q .w 7 Town of ......._Sp'lthll A rrz FCounty of .......wqv-- .o.lk..................................._............. .x Y A Dated ................April...16.,...................._._.., 196; .. , a N If any machinery or equipment is accepted by the ? o Vendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price Va named herein, the following describes machinery or 3 A p equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. f d 7 DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY VALUE 2 0 m F C Y H b � � 7 ai ,m ..........._................................................. $_....._._......._._.. m`M av m " a ; � m o � d � H y UApproved: ............_......................_._.................. a P Fp�fO�k...................... ....... County ti c Superintendent of Highways. ' m Y l b o � B Filed: .......................................... . . . 19........ .a mx W O z ............................................................................................._ i 1905 I-wDLI 16 A-1, �";iQ t-V, or equal s irarVer shall be power propelled by an 18 air cooled enine. ALal,!. be self-contained, transmission shall be 3 specds for-,;ard and one reverse; of automotive type. 1.e rijar axle drive shall have a differential, aixi iiave internal expandi.r.-g brakes on both rear wheels, foot ::and hand controls. Unit to be equipped with a minimum of 30 �, cowpre:;sor, air-cooled with autv,,iatic unloader and pulsation damping ciaifiber. Aaeriiq shall be of worm and cam automotive type or, two (2) front ws,t:els, 4r;d n=ave anti-friction bt,4ri ,gs an all wheels. All tires to c,e 4:W x 8 four ply. lf;e Darker shall be capable of laying 2 solid lines, and Have two 16 z;,tllon safety approved tanks with raanual pacialt tj,,.E; a,itators. taus shall bt, piped L,-. the system Att. air i)rt,5aure on' ti,c tank tokiruvidc cot:trolled cleaning of hose and ;1,uns. Two ;urns �4 t"�e internal mixed type air controlled capable of applying all standard pai..tu and appljltng? variable liiies from 3 to 8 inches from bac1i aun. j-ach gun z::all be controlled by fast acting. non- corroding bleeder type: air valves. Unit to be equiped with improved type T-613 tixier, or equal , to ciark eith,>r or "Oth lines intermittently at operators option. Timer to have return to zero feature to ins!ire full dash lines, variable paint to skip ratio, and an advance or retard of cycle for accurate re-tracLn-1. Unit shall be delivered comPlete as specified fully serviced. 48-62.5D3 (1133.139) Form A.C.143-T.H.20 Department o4 Audit and Control Suggested Form of Resolution For Town Highway Machinery Purchases Resolution by (JdMtK74e) (Town Councilman) .......Yallntlne----------.- Seconded by (Justice of Peace) ('hCVJVKgnc =)K ....................Clark..............----------------------_------ .... . Whereas, the Town Superintendent of Highways did, on the ------- ------ day of -----------—L r:'.1-----------------------­---- 19...-'-1, duly recommend the purchase of certain (machinery) (equipment) (tools) pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, Nova Therefore, Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, the following: 11na /i ) lair, >f�c_l l!, tic -llr n J. rkr � ................. .....^........ ......... ......_ .. .......--. .r:.,.. -........,..a. . ....... .. -............... . .. .. ............ (SEEAT.TAC13ED__SPECIFICkTIQNS_)................................. - - ...... -----------------------------.......-...... ....-----------------------------------. ............................. --- .....................-.....-..... ..................................... ..---------.------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------......................... ....................................................-- ........-..........-- ----------...----........---------......-----------------......--------------------------------------- ---- - ----. .........I...................._....... ----------........................... .........----------............................. ...--- -- ---- . . .-------........ ............................................................ .._.......------....._......................... ---........................--..._.................................. .......... ......................-------------------.....---- --------- --- ....----- .................-------.......--.........................---- ...--.............- --------------­­ -----------------------------------------------------........._--------------------------------------- ----------- ---- - .........................................------...............................--------------------------------------------- for a maximum price of 'f"r cr'�:n-a.*�� f rn, , h i ,.�,- -d t _r ,� ?„�I _)1/10('. -..-----.. Dollars - --- . ..... ....... ... . - - ----- --------------._ .. r t ($. ,....,.._........... ), delivered at ....................... .. I.C,' - - ------------------------------------ • N. Y., and to be delivered on or about - - -- - rr= Y---1'”-- ..-------------------.....------------• 19..h:.. The Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized, subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, to surrender to the vendor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..-----------------------------------------------------------..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------............... ................ ----------------- -----_------------------------------- ........ ----------------------.---------------------- as part payment for the above (machinery) (equipment) (tools) to be purchased. The terms of payment will be as follows: Trade-in allowance $----------------------------.----------------- Check drawn on Machinery Fund ,11,2 n n() Check from. proceeds of obligations ----------------------------..-------------.--- ---1. o ti7c'�-n Total $- L-'--'--`-----'- A contract of purchase for the item(s) purchased shall be duly executed betw.en the Town Superintendent of High- ways and such vendor, and when duly approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When such contract has been duly executed and approved, the Supervisor is authorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the item(a) purchased in accordance with the terms of such resolution and such contract, and to pay the above amount(s) specified to be paid by check or checks (1) by a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (Item 3) for ---------------- r) (2) by a check in the amount of $----................_-_---.._-------------- --..,drawn on the account established from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations will be authorized to be issued by this Board by a separate resolution. (over) 110. Vote of Town Board---------------- (Aye) (NiY) ------------------ ----------::--- - .. .----- .------- --------------- Supervisor Vote of Town Board._._-._--- -- (Aye) (—MaD ------ Justice of Peace .......:.....: ....... ---- ...------------ -- YdfWii'L°Uifie'ilal%n Vote of Town Board (Aye) (Nzy) --- t Justice of Peace _ Tetvsrt f3ouneihnan Vote of Town Board--------------_ (Aye) (iJ'ay) "' ....... .. ....... jown Councilman �It Vote of Town Board---------------- (Aye) (Ida ) --- --- __-- IMcxrv&Pea'e — --- -- Town Councilman (Type or write in names of Town Board members and indicate how they voted) State of New York County of :f `.::.: -^------------------ ss.: Town of ---- ."''` I [".. Town Clerk of the Town of ----------- -- ,,in the County of - --------------- --F. �.. .. ...... - - N. Y. do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of a resolution with the original thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a (regular) (special) meeting of such board held on .__ ,.._., '.}4.......-;..�_:, 19--------- and that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution and of the whole thereerf.- In Testimony �1e�r3of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this . ----- 1 1 day of ------------- z..``1----------------------------- 19..:a)_ _ -/ « '_ ------------ (Town Seal) Town Clerk of the Town of -----------.:- ---- ------------------------------------------ -- N. Y. (The foregoing is a suggested form of resolution to be used at a town board meeting in connection with the purchase of town highway machinery, equipment, or tools, under Section 142 of the Highway Law. It does not have to be fol- lowed in the exact language used. If it is followed, it should be changed, where necessary, to fit the circumstances.) i i sP$cincATZUNs FOR ONE 1965 MEILI-SLUM$ERG MODEL 16 f TWO GUN ALL FtW-VOSE LINE MARKER, or equal H.P. This marker shall be power propelled by an 1$ air coaled engine. Shall be self-contained, transmission shall be 3 speeds forward and one reverse, of automotive type. The rear axle drive shall have a differential, and have internal expanding brakes on both rear wheels, foot and hemi controls. Unit to be equipped with a minimum of 30 CF compressor, air-cooled with automatic unloader and pulsation damping chamber. Steering shall be of worm and cam automotive type on two (2) front wheels, and have anti-friction bearings on all wheels. All tires to be 4:00 x 8 four ply. The marker shall be capable of laying 2 solid lines, and have two IS gallon A.s.M.E. safety approved tanks with manual paddle type agitators. Nose and gun flushing tank shall be piped in the system with air pressure on the tank to provide controlled cleaning of hose and guns. Two guns of the internal mixed type air controlled capable of applying all standard paints and applying variable linea from 3 to 8 inches from each gun. Each gun shall be controlled by fast acting, non- corroding bleeder type air valves. Unit to be equipped with improved type T-6$ timer, or equal, to mark either or both lines intermittently at operators option. Timer to have return to zero feature to insure full dash lines, variable paint to skip ratio, and an advance or retard of cycle for accurate re-tracing. Unit shall be delivered complete as specified fully serviced. LEGALiNOTICE j Please take notice that pursu-I ant to resplutibn of the Town I / Board of Me Town of Southold,I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 Suffolk County, New York, sealed j STATE OF NEW YORK, bids for the purchase of one used 1965 Oldsmobile Delta 68 four-door Holiday sedan, mileage not to ex-I .¢. z, ceed 12,000 miles, or equal, will be' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' being duly Sworn, received at the office of the Su- says that is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK pervisor, 16 Youth Street, Green- port, New York, until 3:00 P. M. WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper ,published at Greenport, in said on the 7th day of December 1966,j� at which time they will be pub- county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed licly opened and read aloud. Bids are to be submitted in seal- copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times ed envelopes and shall bear on the face thereof the name and once in each week, for . . . . . . . . C:�. .. . . . . . . . . . weekk address of the bidder and be plainly marked "Bid," and shall) successively commencing on the . ..a:.t.r:�•+-4�. , -.�-:�-:��-, be signed. Each bid must be ac- companied by a certified check in day of the amount of $100..00, made pay- ,�,N�� able to the Town of Southold. Spe- .`. \-,`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cifications are available at the of-I Sworn to before me thl �(_ fice of the Supervisor. All de- 1 - 1 posits except that of the success- day of . . ii aµ. ! ! - 19.E ) ful bidder will be returned. Upon acceptance of his bid, if the suc- cessful bidder fails to enter into . . . . . . . . . . . . .I X-) • • • • • • • • • • • • • n y !a contract pursuant to the re- • • • • • • `.• •L: :• • • • quirements of the Town Board, then the check deposited as afore- said, and the moneys standing to the credit of the same shall be forfeited to the Town of Southold as liquidated damages: If the snecessfuhpidder enters into the I _ contract and delivers the car, the deposit shall be returned. The Town Board reserves the right to waive any and all bids, and to waive airy defect or infor- mality in any bid, should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. By order of The Town Board of the Town of Southold, N. Y. December i , 196S Koke Bros. Southold, New York Gentlemen: In accordance with the terms of the advertisement for a second hand car, on which you bid, and ,which you have delivered, I am returning herewith your certified check num- ber 2506 in the amount of $100.00 :hich accompanied the bid. Yours very truly Lester M. Albertson Supervisor Encl : i KOKE BROS. Inc. Telephone 5-3523 Traveler St. SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK O L.I=1S MOE3I L_F= ina class by itself December 7, 1965 The Town Board The Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York Ger tlemen: We are pleased to bid on one (1) used 1965 Oldsmobile Delta 88, four-door Holiday sedan, with 11,475 miles , with the following specifications : 1 . De:Luxe front seat belts with retractors 2. Auxiliary front floor mats 3. Two-speed wipers withvEsher 4. Rear window defroster 5. Glare-proof rearview mirror 6. Anti-spin rear axle 7. Power brakes 8. Turbo-Hydramatic transmission 9. Power steering 10. 8.55 x 14 whitewalled tires , with spare tire 11. Back-up lights 12. Safety sentinel 13• Electric clock 14. Deluxe radio 15. Power radio antenna 16. Rear radio speaker 17. Luggage compartment lamp, underhood lamp and glove box lamp 18. Heater and. defroster 19 . Outside rearview mirror 20. Wheel discs 21. Padded dash 22. Deluxe steering wheel Price $2885. 00 Less trade-in allowance on one (1) 1961 Ford V8 - 2 door sedan 320, 00 Delivered price We enclose our certified check in the amount of $100. 00, made to the order of the Town of Southold. Si e ely, -.Clwca- 9 � -Z JAB mmb Ja s A. Baker, Sales Manager Ko e Bros , Inc . SPECIFICATIONS FOR USED CAR - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N.Y. One (1) 1965 Oldsmobile, model Delta 88, Holiday sedan, with less than 12,000 miles, with the following specifications: 1 . DeLuxe front seat belts with retractors. 2. Auxiliary front floor mats 3. Two speed wipers with washer 4. Rear window defroster 5. Glare-proof rear view mirror 6. Anti -spin rear axle 7. Power brakes 8. Turbo-Hydramatic transmission 9. Power steering 10. 8.55 x 14 whitewalled tires, with spare tire 11 . Back up lights 12. Safety sentinel 13. Electric: clock 14. Deluxe radio 15. Power radio antenna 16. Rear radio speaker 17. Luggage compartment lamp, underhood lamp and glove box lamp 18. Heater and defroster 19. Outside rearview mirror 20. Wheel discs 21 . Padded dash 22. Deluxe steering wheel OR EQUAL The cost of the car shall be paid in part by the surrender to the Vendor of one (1) car, 1961 Ford V8 2-door sedan, serial #1E31W156181 , presently owned by the Town of Southold, less short: wave radio now in car. Said car may be examined by bidders at the Office of the Town of South- old building inspector, at Southold, New York. r' Form AG 142-T.H.19 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS (�� FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment....................... ............................................................................. tqp......Roll.er............................................................... . ......................... .................. (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based.) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .......... .............................................................................................................................I.......... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................I............ entered into this...?,15t..day of..�',ay............................... 19.65.., between ILLZOLD D. PRICE Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of..............................5.0)xtk)old............................................ in the County of .................Surf alk............. ............................. New York, and Municipal„Marllir}e..rJ:..�4,.r...IIS.,................................ the Vendor, whose principal office is located at .........Qr.:1rr'�l!?,..T.w...T..,...n1eF.'..tirS�S. .................................................................. (P.O.Ad&=) for a total price of .2n... housand six hundred. seventy-five & 00�10Q„Dollars ($.....�:,�(�.r.0�..........). .......................................... .. . . . This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public adver- tisement for such bids in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town of .........Southold.... .......... at a meeting held ........Max..77................... 19....6 ....... .... The resolution further directed that when this..... cont.....ract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Super- visor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per list on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of . (Strike out if net applicable) (2) By a check for $......2,k7..5.,.QQ...................... drawn on the machinery fund. (Strike out if not applicable) (3) By delivery to the Vendor of a check for $..................................................... (Strike out if not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said macbinery or equipment mentioned at"(1)” above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then beaccepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear,tear and usage excepted. (Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) 'The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of .......9.9...............days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at.......... ......New-Yomk.......... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. not later than the...39t.h..day of.........JMP.................................. 19........65 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person,when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state,any political subdivision thereof,a public authority or with any public department,agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal Prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services,for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof,since the effective date of this law,by such person,and by any firm,partnership,or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. :IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Highways have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. Approved: MUNICIP Me?aCif .. ......C.... ....... AL) If . . t �� ... ... n............................ ...... /.1/...1:.:....u...�. .... ..................... Its President v p f a lr � ................... .. Count Su erintendent o Hi a s (Ivduate c a�Cer or nt) 14 /...r... 4::...G . ..0 _ ° ::.......(SEAL) Town Superintendent of Highways NOTE: This contract to for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and delivered to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. o Contract For Y V Purchase of Machinery and Equipment a a outt!old a Town of ._....-........:.:........�..._ m H County of .....3Llffolk a.................................................. 0 aDated ........... ..............................._....., 1965.. b ai mo If any machinery or equipment is accepted by the m Vendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price v ;2 named herein, the following describes machinery or .a equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. ro o S DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY VALUE O m m � r Y cG F ................................. $.___......_._.... v Cd a M aw ___...... ........... .....__.._.. $.__...__. a Nro o h e o Y a M M d 03 U Approved: ._........................... ,................._........ 19........ a d o N Y Superintendent of Highways. M Y b N v �3 Filed: ..................._..._......................................_, 19........ � x .. ........................................... ..........................I........................ W 1 O iZ .........................................................................I..................... TAMMM KOLLEK WPACIIIC-ATIOMF STEERING ROLLS: 24-5/8" diameter x 30" wide steel weldment., :rater ri Vit, two sections. bTEERING ROLL AXLE: steel weldment, box and channel sections. STEERING ROLL KING SIN: Steel, Supported on Tiakan roller bearings. STEER NG: Heavy duty autoototive type, dual ratio c:aa, and lever. CON U56LON ROLL: 330-3/4" diameter x 36" wide steel weldment, water tight. CONPRESSION ROLL AXLE: Stationary with roll revolving on Timken roller bearings. FRAME: l/2" side plate - structural evess members. POWER; One cylinder 8 M.P. air cooled engine, Asconsin AM, or equal. Equipped with electric starting complete with generator and battery. TRA1SMISSION: Completely enclosed with dual multiple disc clutches running in oil. Taper roller bearings. Single lever to control forward and reverse motion. FINAL DRIVE: 1" pitch heavy roller chain. ROLLING %FWS: 1 to 2.5 MPH, either direction. BRAKAS: Two shoe internal expanding with foot control and locking device. ROLL SCRAPER&: Nigh carbon spring steel, two on each roll. COCOA MATS: One on each roll. atrLK IANKs 44 gallon capadW with sprinkling system to both rolls. SEAT: '"other proof operator's seat and tool box. COWRI$SION PSR ly lU AL INCH OY ROLL 'WIDTH. Compression roll unballasted --------------- 78 lbs. Compression roll ballasted ---------------- 107 lbs. Steering roll uobalLasted ----------------- 33 lbs. Steering roll ballasted ------------------- 48 lbs. SIQ OVERHANG: 3/0 on operator's side GROUND CLEARANCE; 10-1/2" below side frame. ASELS"E: 56 inches TURNING RADLUS: 12 feet JVXR.:LL DIAZNSiOW>: Aelght 501, o3.dth 40" Length 90E. +:Wr1T: Net unballasted 3&1O pounds Gross water ballast 5300 lbs. •618-62-51!1 (1113-138) /yG/ Form A.C.143-T-H.20 Department of Audit and Control Suggested Form of Resolution For Town Highway Machinery Purchases Resolution by (Justice of Peace) (T�tnan) ............. ..: �� y4: --.--- Seconded by (Justice of Peace) ( +eilman) ..........�r�..�-.�cv:c...l"v.1.:.._....................... -- -- ----------------------- Whereas, -- ---Whereas, the Town Superintendent of Highways did, on the ..........b........ day of ............ .. 19_:: .., duly recommend the purchase of certain (machinery) (equipment) (tools) pursuant to the provisions of Section. 142 of the Highway Law, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5•A of the General Municipal Law, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways; the following: .......... it (l 1 h,�H.rr }4¢] 1.n?'i RQ� G,.:Y'.e...--------..__...................................................................... ------------..........._...................................._.-------------------------------------..............................--------------------...--------.......................................... i T ... .....................----..................................................-----------------............................................................................................................I--- ---------------..................................................................................................._............................................................................. .....---------------------------------.....................................................................................---------............................................__....................... ...........................................................................----------------------------------------------------------------------------------........-.....---------.---------------------' ................................................................................................................................................................................_..---- ------------------. .-.. ..... ... _.... ... for a maximum price r n ° ' } f" n � - - - Dollars ($-:_1..:i..._._.r...............), delivered at ----- -`' - = ...:.'----------------------------------- ----------------- N. Y., and to be delivered on or about ." o n <,r -.....,.. - . .--....... - 119-------------------.... 19. The Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized, subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, to surrender to the vendor .----------- -- . .......---------------- -------- ----------------- ------_ ___------------------------------------ ------------ as part payment for the above (machinery) (equipment) (tools) to be purchased. The terns of payment will be as follows: Trade-in alilowance $--------------------------------------------- Check drawn on Machine Fund -_ nn Check from proceeds of obligations --------- _........._.._._......... ....... Total ' r''K 1` A contract of purchase for the item(s) purchased shall be duly executed between the 'Town Superintendent of High- ways and such vendor, and when duly approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When such contract has been duly executed and approved, the Supervisor is authorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the item(s) purchased in accordance with the terns of such resolution and such contract, and to pay the above amount(s) specified to be paid by check or checks (1) by a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (Item 3) for ---------------- 8---- v-.0`:------------------------ (2) by a check in the amount of $....................... ............................drawn on the account established from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations will be authorized to be issued by this Board by a separate resolution. (over) Vote of Town Board---------------- (Aye) (111$y) ---------------'----'---- !`------------------..... -----------. -- Supervisor Vote of Town Board. __-- (Aye) (Nay) Justice of Peace ......... -.-"" _ __ - - Ta53tn Ctxineitman Vote of Town Board__._--------- (Aye) (Nay) :'..._CJustice of Peace 3'rnun oun 'nzan .. T1i6dce'ef Peace Vote of Town Board------....._ (Aye) (Nay) --------------- - - --- ....::.....:...... - ..__........_._..._-----------� own Councilman Vote of Town Board---------------- (Aye) (1,hy) --- _._ - JJuStice of'Pe�ace lTown Councilman (Type or write in names of Town Board members and indicate how they voted) State of New York Countyof ... -------------------------I------------------�. ss.: Townof -- -------------------------------- -------� I. -------._-------__--------------------------------------._-------- - - -------' ------ --------------------------------------, Town Clerk of the Town of --- _- - -- in the County of . _ . ----- - - -- - N. Y. do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of a resolution with the original thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a (regular) (spMal) meeting of such board held an _----.__�'__ _--_-...-- 19......... and that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seat of said Town this ___............ ...... _._.._..__ dayof _ ------ ------ --------- ----------.... 19- ------ -if le (Town Seal) Town Clerk of the Town -`--------- --------------------------- --------- N. Y. (The foregoing is a suggested form of resolution to be used at a town board meeting in connection with the purchase of town highway machinery, equipment, or tools, under Section 142 of the Highway Law. It does not have to be fol- lowed in the exact language used. If it is followed, it should be changed, where necessary, to fit the circumstances.) TANDEM ROLLER SPECIFICATIONS STEERING ROLLS. 24-5/8" diameter x 30" wide steel weldment, water right, two sections. STEERING ROLL AXLE: Steel weldment, box and channel sections. STEERING ROLL KING PIN: Steel, Supported on Timken roller bearings. STEERING: Heavy duty automotive type, dual ratio cam and lever. COMPRESSION ROLL: 30-3/4" diameter x 36" wide steel weldment, water tight. COMPRESSION ROLL AXLE: Stationary with roll revolving on Timken roller bearings. FRAME: 1/2" side plate - structural cross members. POWER: One cylinder 8 H.P. air cooled engine, Wisconsin AENL, or equal. Equipped with electric starting complete with generator and battery. TRANSMISSION: Completely enclosed with dual multiple disc clutches running in oil. Taper roller bearings. Single lever to control forward and reverse motion. FINAL DRIVE: 1" pitch heavy roller chain. ROLLING SPEEDS: 1 to 2.5 MPH, either direction. BRAKES: Two shoe internal expanding with foot control and locking device. ROLL SCRAPERS: High carbon spring steel, two on each roll. COCOA MATS: One on each roll. WATER TANK: 44 gallon capacity with sprinkling system to both rolls. SEAT: Weather proof operator' s seat and tool box. COMPRESSION PER LINEAL INCH OF ROLL WIDTH: Compression roll unballasted --------------- 78 Lbs. Compression roll ballasted ---------------- 107 lbs. Steering roll unballasted ----------------- 33 lbs. Steering roll ballasted ------------------- 48 lbs. SIDE OVERHANG: 3/4" on operator' s side GROUND CLEARANCE: 10-1/2" below side frame. WHEELBASE: 56 inches TURNING RADIUS: 12 feet OVERALL DIMENSIONS: Height 50" Width 40" Length 90" WEIGHT: Net unballasted 3800 pounds Gross water ballast 5300 lbs. ,,.Form A.C.142-T.H.19 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS M((� FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment.................................................................................................... QxuE r...Model..D6B.Crawle>•...mac#or,...with..!aaterpillar...Eo...163...................... (set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were base ) .Hydraulic..Control...ifnit..and..a...CaPER.n.lsr..No,f,,,6$...$ 1dowr...B .e...4Q>aRlete.xi�}?................. tilt.,,cylinder,,..as..,per„attached Specifications. ................................................................................................... .............................................................................-............................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. entered into this...1M. -day of.Algapt,....................1 196. ..., between ,Harold D. Price, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of.............awthq.ld....................,....................................... in the County of ...............Suf ca............................................. New York, and ........11f...Q...-ASIA..,e)r3Gk3'.1.[)e 7..G.c1Ap&gX.}...IUQ*}......... the Vendor, whose principal office is located at ... : '::!.. tr...&... §1,@:te..Urmr.s...N.vIT..Tork.S.4a...NOW. ... ork........... (P.O.Address) for a total price2fent,yn,£our...thousand..nine...hundred..sixty..six..&...$D/1AMllars (s.24.,966.5.o........... This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public adver- t for such bids in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town Of .........SOULhOld..................................................................... at a meeting held .......J?>I.Y....1 .0..................................... 19...65. The resolution farther directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Super- visor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per list on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of 4 P66 CO (Strike out if not applicable) (2) By a check for $ ggd. 0.A0.................... drawn on the machinery fund. (Strike out if not applicable) (3) By delivery to the Vendor of a check for$..................................................... (Strike out if not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at"(1)” above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear,tear and usage excepted. (Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of .......9.9................days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at...........ftco 1i.a4...Now...York...,....................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................. not later than the....15th-day of.....SaR&MbV '....................... 19..65. The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person,when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state,any political subdivision thereof,a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, i(a) such person and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall he disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods,work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof,since the effective date of this law,by such person,and by any firm,partnership,or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same,to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that be is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Highways have hereunto set their hands and suds in triplicate on the day and year first above written. H.O.PENN MACItENERY OMPANY, Inc. (SEAL) Approved: ...............................�. .............. . ................................ endor) By .................Z................. �� ..................... Its .....Vice President -. Sales ...............,r' .................... . . .. ... . . .................................. County Superintendent of Highways (lndimta whether odrecror nt) / .........(SEAL) :w. ............. . l�. Town Superinte ant of Highways Noxa: This contract is for use when the purchase pprice of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in replicate and delivered to the county superintendent of highwaye. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk / shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. Iw ° Contract For p Purchase of Machinery and Equipment 4 Y d Town of .. .. , County of .__..Wf41k F Y a Dated ......... ...AAVet.. Q$. __ _....._..... ..... ., 1965. d oIf any machinery or equipment is accepted by-the .. W Vendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price v named herein, the following describes machinery or A q equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. b � G DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY VALUE � P Y Y "> (1)..Wed...Caterpillar..D6. ___ g N d Y ° w tractor,_pfi 9U- 966,. . _ . g_4*066.50_ r 3 0 ° F .................... o ° +> a a $ d U a ' moi:� Approved: 1�6.,� -. 6 1 _.. .. .._...., 13.....5. 3 �.......S : C > E" . _... . ....... ...County i N Y o Superintendent of Highways. Cq m / 'b 3 _Filed „ ...... zee /. rn x s �L z ....................................Iz. 1� .......................... 6-18-62-5N[ (1133-139) Form A.C.143-T-H.20 Department of Audit and Control Suggested Form of Resolution For Town Highway Machinery Purchases Resolution b Town Councilman Louis Deuoarest •------- Y (� ( ) ---Louis --'------------------------------------------------------...-'--......................... Seconded by (Justice of Peace) ----------------------- W 'e the Town Superintendent of Highways did, on the ..._13th y J 66 da of ........ ---._....... ------------------------------ ------- ... - ' 19.....5, duly recommend the purchase of certain (machinery) (equipment) (tools) pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, Nowa, Therefore, Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways. the following: One U) New Caterpillar Modal D6B Crawler Tractor, with Caterpillar No. 163 - -...._..... _... ........... --- - - - - ' -' - ........_.... - -.._.-.. ..........._..... - ...- ........... .... i�pdraclic Control Unit saki a Caterpillar No 6S Bulldozer 13lade complete with. ........................... .. ..---- '---........... ------'---...--•----.........-------................................ ... .. ............. tilt cylinder, ----......................................................- ----------------.................... ------... . -----------....... . ..................---- '---. ........-.-..------ . ............................'------------.......--------......................................-----' ----------------------------------- .......--"--- '--... ---' '---.........------- ...--- ......-.._.....---......................................---------- '--........ ..............---....._.._.....---'-- '....................-------................................ ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------................................ ----------------------"--------------------- ..........-.....------------------.....------...-------------------------------------------- -----------------­-------------------------------------- ---------._-- -------------------------------------------_---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- TwOnty-Sour thousand nine hundred sixty.six & 50/100 - - -----------------------................................ .......... '-- .. ---- for amaximum pace of ._._.......__.....-. Dollars (r...1.�9�•50..............), delivered at -----P6aorliC0 and to be delivered on or about .....-------......� _40------------------------------------------------------- 19..65.. The Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized, subject to the approval or the County Superintendent of Highways, to surrender to the vendor ..- Ona (1) used-Caterp -illar D6 Trac --- 9.66) .-_ - --- ------------------------- ------- ------ - ---- --------- - .-- ...... as part payment for the above (machinery) (equipment) (tools) to be purchased. The terms of payment will be as follows: Trade-in allowance $-----...4',066.50....................... Check drawn on Machinery Fund ------20.9999.•.00........... Check from proceeds of obligations ---------- ----------- ----------_--------.--- Total $------"11. +.e.W5O A contract of purchase for the item(s) purchased shall be duly executed between the 'Town Superintendent of High- ways and such vendor, and when duly approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When such contract has been duly executed and approved, the Supervisor is authorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the item(s) purchased in accordance with the terms of such resolution and such contract, and to pay the above amount(s) specified to be paid by check or checks (1) by a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (Item 3) for ---------------- 5..2Q.eQ !�..__. (2) by a check in the amount of $-._----_--------------------------------_-----drawn on the account established from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations will be authorized to be issued by this Board by a separate resolution. (over) (Aye) ( Le-ater 11-4 Albertson Vote of Town Board---------`-_ ,�pap� ---------"-----------------------------------.....------------------. Supervisor Vote of Town Board. (Aye) (Nay1 ...-----.xal--h.-Ttlt .-----------------._..._......__.. own ounce mi man. C""an ��7( Henry Clark �}1�t Vote of Town Board------------- (Aye) (i�ay) ----- ------------------------------------------_....__....._....__........__fTdtvk4 9�a t Howard Valentine us ice o eaX7°cetX Vote of Town Board--------------- (Aye) ( Y a ----- - ----------- .------_--------------....------._------------------1Town Councilman - -- I fpuy� LOUIS. Deireat c�� Vote of Town Board - - (Aye) (l ay - -- ...-- — — — - --- -- - -------------- -- {Town Councilman (Type or write in names of Town Board members and indicate how they voted) State of New York Suffolk. Countyof - -----------........--------------------------- ------ -------- -j ss.: Town of Southold.------------------------------------ --- J\ Albert ld. Richmond --L -------------- ----- ---- - -------------'---------...-------- --- - Town Clerk of the Town of Sou'thold... -- - '-- Wf olk- ------------------- in the County of ---_..._ _ - .... . --- ------------.._ N. Y. -- ...... ----- - do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of a resolution with the orig"I thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a (regular) (speeiai) meeting of such board held on . ------- -Z-(111—--------.i._.:.___-, 191-1-, and that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution and of the whole thereof. In Testir�iony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ____--- ....__.. ......... ___. day of ..(.,_�.cdc. :---------1-`------ ------ (Town ---(Town Seal) Town Clerk of the Town of/ Southold --------------- ------- -- - ------------------- N. Y. (The foregoing is a suggested form of resolution to be used at a town board meeting in connection with the purchase of town highway machinery, equipment, or tools, under Section 142 of the Highway Law. It does not have to be foL lowed in the exact language used. If it is followed, it should be changed, where necessary, to fit the circumstances.) • SPEOIFICATICNS FOR CATERPILLAR D6B TRACTOR WITH HYDRAULIC CONTROL BULLDOZER. or EQUAL: [snits offered under this advertisement shall be new, standard production models of the Latest design :in current production. Materials shall be of good commercial quality for the intended service and shall be produced by use of current manufacturing processes. Material shall be treated to resist rust, corrosion and wear. The design of the mechanical members shall be such that the: stress imposed through normal shock loads at maximum engine torque shall not cause. rupture or permanent deformation or undue 'wear on any member. Bidders must submit with their bid the latest printed specifications and adver- tising literature on the units they propose to furnish. Bidder shall supply one (1) parts book, one (1) service and repair manual, and one (1) operator's manual with each unit. Bidder shall be prepared to give a complete demonstration of the merits of the machines offered as directed by the purchaser. The machines so demonstrated shall be complete as offered by the bidder for this bid. The bidder shall list on a separate sheet of paper any varj.ations from, or excep- tions to, the conditions and specifications of this bid. This sheet shall be labeled "Exceptions" to Bid Conditions and Specifications," and shall be attached to the bid. The price or prices quoted shall include all transportation charges fully pre- paid to Peconic Lane, Peconic, N. Y. Awards will be made to the lowest responsible bidder, delivery to be completed within .30 days from date of award. The quality of the art=-cies to be supplied, their conformity with the specifications, their suitablilty to requirements, and delivery terms shall be taken into consideration. The Superintendent of Highways reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive any informality in any bid, and to accept in whole or in part such bid or bids as may be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold, to do so. GIIVEh�.i The tractor shall be a new currently advertised and produced product mf a well- established manufacturer of crawler type tractors. The tractor shall be an industrial crawler powered by a diesel engine. The successful bidder shall have provisions for storing a representative supply of parts for this machine and provisions for securing parts within a reasonable length of time. ENGINE The engine shall be a commercial diesel engine of 4 cycle design capable of producing at least 93 horsepower, equipped with fan and all standard accessories. Manufacturers certified tests shall be acceptable proof of horsepower rating. The engine shall be of six cylinder design with a minimum displacement of 500 cu. in. The engine shall be equipped with a mechanical governor and engine speed shall be governed at no more than 1700 rpm. The engine shall be equipped with fuel oil filter system, a lubricatimg oil filter system and a dry-type air cleaner. The lubrication system shall be full pressure, full filtered system with recommended oil change period of at least 250 hours. The fuel system shall be designed and built by a reputable, experienced firm, and must be approved by the purchasing agent. MASTER CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION The master clutch shall consist of metallic faced discs, pressure cooled and lubricated by full-flow filtered oil. The transmission shall be of sliding gear design. A minimum of 5 speeds forward and 4 speeds reverse shall be required. The tractor shall be capable of speeds at least 5.5 mph in forward and 5.0 mph in reverse. The clutch and transmission shall be removable separately without disturbing other components. - 2 - STEERING Steering shall be accomplished by multiple disc steering clutches and band-!type brakes. The steering clutches shall be hydraulically boosted and require no adjustment during service life. The steering clutches and brakes shall be removable separately without disturbing other components. FINAL DRIVES AND MAIN FRAME The main frame and final drive case shall be integral, welded construction. The final drive unit shall be fully enclosed and protected from foreign matter. Final drive gears shall be heat treated and capable of withstanding full engine torque when operating in low gear. The final drive system shall be of single reduction desie.p. The final drive will be sealed with metal-to-metal seals or equivalent, to ;prevent the final drives from foreign matter. UNDERCARRIAGE Tractor gauge shall be 74". The track roller frame shall. be of reinforced box section construction. The carrier rollers shall be inside-mounted and permanently lubricated. The tractor shall be equipped with at least 6 track rollers on each side. Track shoes will be at least 16 inches wide and provide a, minimum of 2700 sq. in. of ground contact area. The tractor shall be equipped with an equalizer spring or similar suspension mechanism that permits track oscillation of at least 10 inches. Hydraulic track adjusters shall be available equipment for the tractor. Track components shall be of heavy-duty, heat-treated steel construction. Track links shall be equipped with metal seals to prevent the entrances of foreign matter. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM The hydraulic system shall be a closed circuit system fully protected from dirt and contamination by a full flow filter. A three valve hydraulic system must be available. The hydraulic tank must be mounted so that it doe& not restrici air flow through the radiator. The hydraulic pump shall be vane-type and wear compensating to prevent efficiency loss. The pump shall be driven from the engine to provide "live hydraulics." - 3 - BULLDOZERS, GENERAL The bulldozer shall be a straight blade and shall be hydraulic. The cutting edges must be heat-treated and reversible. A hydraulic tilt cylinder controlled from the operators compartment shall be available. The straight blade shall be at least 9t6" wide and 38" high. Tilt adjustment must be at least 20 inches for the straight blade. The following equipment must be provided on the machine delivered:- 2011 tracks crankcase guard 24 volt direct electric start fuel priming pump canopy top 24-volt lighting system with four (4) white lights. rain •trap allay available cap locks track guiding guards. /sus TEL.YAPHA.NK 4-3451 -3452 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS H. F. BISHOP, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK, 11980 WILLIAM S. MATSUNAYE,JR. L.ESTER C. ECKART (THIEF ENGINEER OEF.UTY COMMISSIONER March 26., 1965 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, r;ew York Dear Sir: We are enclosing two approved copies of Contract and Specifications for the Purchase of Road Equipment for the 'Town of Southold, covering the purchase of one 1965 ]International Dump Truck. :Please deliver one copy to Vendor. Theectra copy is being mailed to Supt. Harold Price. Very truly yours, H. F. Bishop Commissioner of Public Works h]. enc. cc. Supt. Harold Price ' 6-l"251V[ (1133-139) Form A-C.143-T-H.20 Department of Audit and Control Suggested Form of Resolution For Town Highway Machinery Purchases Resolution by (Jusfiaw*f=?i%8ce) (Town Councilman) ..... ,-L Seconded by (Ju6tiss$£5P-e&ce) (Town Councilman) ---------- .............. .................................................... Whereas, the Town Superintendent of Highways did, on the ......5+h....... day of .....IaT11a.n.........---------------------...... 19... duly recommend the purchase of certain (machinery) (equipment) (tools) pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance with the provisions of Article S-A of the General Municipal Law, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways. the following: 1.).. ... .tE,rna`d.:.n � unit' :rtick..-i n__°.1 ;c�.�_�. ocm lac J.th iE,a -----------------------cr ocl ''At pl f'pnp t,ird rn'g{I) bor3vN � W t � P Irj A .40 I(' fnr) r� -.CJ�IV_.............. .....-- .. Y. ....... .. .. .. ......... ........................................................................................................................................................................------ -.__.........-.......... ............................................................................................................................................................................................. ......-------- ------------------------------------------........................................................................................................................................................ ...............................................................-.........-.--....--..-...............-....-..........--.........-..--.....-......-..................-.......-.....--------.-------------.---- ...........................................................................-....-...-.......-...---........--.................-.............-.......--...........-...........-------------------------------- for a maximum price of ...-63ven-_t1:;n,.a.,;2Pc...SF Yen-.]'.iS!C GI'e2-.r117.!FaJ:rt.1�7:_f'.f;_fi..:l��/1.�.rL - -.-..r...... Dollars ($ 7 "Cam (1O x , ,r. ` '' '1 s ), delivered at .... - ------- -f-------- - -------------- ---------------------------------I N. Y., and to be delivered on or about ----------------------------- --------------------------_-- 19.....^S The Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized, subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, to surrender to the vendor ......._._............._------_----.__.-.------ - ---------- ----------------------------------- ---.....-----------------------------------------. ---------------------- ----------­-------------- part :oayment for the above (machinery) (equipment) (tools) to be purchased. The terns of payment will be as follows: Trade-in allowance $---------- -------------------- ............. Check drawn on Machinery Fund T...La1 A.''00......................... Check from proceeds of obligations ----------_--------------------_...__..._.. Total $- %-t-i'4`;•0(1 A contract of purchase for the item(s) purchased shall be duly executed betvveen the Town Superintendent of High- ways and such vendor, and when duly approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When Such contract has been duly executed and approved, the Supervisor is authorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the item(s) purchased in accordance with the terms of such nsolution and such contract, and to pay the abode amount(s) specified to be paid by check or checks (1) by a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (Item 3) for ---------------- S..-7 'i �.,.o.L-,;.o...QQ_._..-.__......-.._._..; (2) by a check in the amount of $..............--------------------------------------drawn on the account established from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance Stich purchase. Such obligations will be authorized to be issued by this Board by a separate resolution. (over) r'� Vote of Town Board----------- (Aye) (1-by) -------------------- -- -----------_- ---------- ------- ----- .. Supervisor Vote of Town Board__----------- (Aye) (Nay) - . 1 Justice of Peace- - _ T8v✓n:d'1 ititHman Vote of Town Board- (Aye) (Na'y) __ 1Justice of Peace -- ---�---�---lTb*h C3oilncfl3ii>!n )Usike o€ Peace Vote of Town Board - (Aye) (Nal) --------- - -- own Councilman Vote of Town Board--------------- (Aye) (i4ay) --- ez (Justieeibb'Bt NX -- S` �� � �� � Town Councilman (Type or write in names of Town Board members and indicate how they voted) State of New York County of --------��n�t_ k, Town of ------`--`-----------=-`--------- I' -- --- — <- - --.. - ------------------ ---------- - - Town Clerk of the Town of ---- ------- f --- -- -- ------ -------------- in the County of . N. Y. do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of a resolution with the original thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a (regular) (special) meeting of such board held on and that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this .. ...... day oft' (Town Seal) Town Clerk of the Town o '°-s-==-------------- - -------- - N. Y. (The foregoing is a suggested form of resolution to he used at it town board mceting in connection with the purchase of town highway machinery, equipment, or tools, under Section 142 of the Highway Law. It does not have to be fol- lowed in the exact language used. If it is followed, it should be changed, where necessary, to fit the circumstances.) +� •,. Pbttn AC 142-T.H.19 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment.................................................................................................... .........1...-:..1Q65 international cumP...txnxck............................................................................................................................ (Set forth herein or attach detail specification upon which bids were based) AS PER ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. enteredinto this...l5t1}„day of..4n112.rY.................... 19....x.'.5, between Harold D. Price, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of...........S.QUtbQ1d.............................................................. in the County of ..............Suffolk................. ............................ New York, and .......T..rYao...Truck.. Inc.A.e.............. the Vendor, whose principal office is located at ...........H,1.Y.£xhQ.?,S).e...N.G'Td..Y.Qr)!........................................................................ (P.O.Address) for a total price of .$eyell.,thpuand,,,seyen hunded.. le�y,- he„&„00%re ($..7,.7.9.3.,..QQ............). This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public adver- tisement for such bids in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town of .......Southold .......... at a meeting held ...Januanv..5.2_................................. 19.......65 ............ .. The resolution further directed that when this contraM has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Super- visor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per Bat on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of .• (Strike out if not applicable) (2) By a check for $...7.r.79ltQP......................... drawn on the machinery, fund. (Strike out if not applicable) (3) By delivery,to the Vendor of a check for $..................................................... (Strike out if not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at"(1)” above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned,and further that said machinery and equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present,normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out the above paragraph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of .......9Q................days and that it will be delivered in fist class condition at............, ..YA.xk......................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... not later than the. nSt......day of.............AP. :l......................... 19......65 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person,when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state,any political subdivision thereof,a public authority or with any public department,agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods,work or services,for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law,by such person,and by any firm,partnership,or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled) or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same,to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Highways have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. Approved: Tryso Truok & EkuiFment Go. Inca ................. ks (SEAL) ..... .. .. / ....................... Its .................. ......-..............Treasurer... ............................ County Superintendent of HigKways Endreaee whether er'e"ect) ............e:'. .::L.L..7Cl..f'r� ::4:C.........(SEAL) ' Towa Sup,mntendent of Highways NOTE: This contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and delivered to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILET?WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 1040, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. c Contract For Purchase of Machinery and Equipment 3 d � k IaTown of .......S.Q.ut old.............................._................. r 0 County of .... }�s._........................._................... d Y �A Dated Jar.-. 15., - . ............... 19....65 v v u oI£ any machinery or equipment is accepted by the m Vendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price v ;c named herein, the following describes machinery or a' q equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. b N c � DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY VALUE m F V 4i 7 $.. }Vi F Cd �A y Y F ,d a � tib a , o � ya � o _ $ dx F y i Approved: .........................._.......................,......, 19........ !i m B v c P [� Cu...... k........... ............County dd d Y 0 ,�" / Superintendent of Highways. '0 q Filed: ... .. .. . . .............. . . . ......... 19........ rn x ........................ ........................... . ...... ...... . .......... z / �v s -',p r Mr. Martin C eesemer Agway Inc. Terrace Hill , Ithaca, N.Y. )ear Mr. Besemer : Thank you For your bid on gasoline-, in ans;:e- to the advertisement of the Town Df Southold. The Town Board has decided to reject all bids. i Yours very truly Lester M. Aloertson Supervisor '.. i i Agway March 17 , 1965 i Mr. Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor Town of Southhold 16 South St. Greenport , L. I. , N.Y. Dear Mr. Albertson: We are pleased to quote on furnishing Agway premium grade gasoline to your township for the period April l. , 1965 through March 31, 1966. Our bid is a discount of $ .0705 per gallon off the posted consumer tank wagon price. The posted price, excluding state and federal taxes, is $. 21 per gallon. Therefore, with the discount, this makes a delivered price today of $ . 1395 per gallon. Arrangements for delivery will be made with our bulk plant at Riverhead whose telephone number is PA7-3012. Sincerely yours, M tin C. Besemer W olesale Accts. Representative MCB:kc ii i MObi l Fourth Street R . A . M e C A L L U M, INC . East Main Street Greenport, L. I., N. Y. AGENT Riverhead, L. I., N. Y. GReenport 7-0147 MOBIL OIL PRODUCTS PArk 7-4336 March 22, 1965 Town Board of the Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York Supervisorts Office 16 South Street Greenport, L.I. , N. Y. Gentlemen: In reference to your bid, dated February 16, 1965, regarding the purchase of seventy—five thousand (75,000) gallons of Special grade gasoline (or as much there of as may be required during the period from April 1, 1965 to March 31, 1966) for the use of the Town of Southold: we wish to submit the following bid: .1427¢ per gallon delivered to tanks presently maintained by the Town at Peccnic, in the Town of Southold, New York, for the period of April 1, 1965 to March 31, 1966. We wish to thank you for this opportunity to bid and trust that we may h€eve the pleasure and privilege of serving you. Very truly yours, R. A. McCallum, Inc. E. A. McCallum, Agent for Mobil Oil Company IL8X:d i April 7, 1965 R. A. McCallum, Inc. Fourth Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen: Thank you for your bid for gasoline for the Town of Southold. The Town Board has decided to reject all bids. I Yours very truly f Lester M. Albertson Supervisor i I LSGAL MMUE xOTack TO BIDDERS STATE OF NEW YORK, 1 M41WE is HiY GIVEN in I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Muni- -01W Jaw, that sealed bids will .......... _u�' -r. .c ..._��Q-! i ........ being duly Sworn, be reeerred by the Town..Board, p Town of Southold, Suffolk noun- says that .... .`4 ....... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFh'OLK ty, New York, at the office of the 9113iirvis0r, 16 South street, TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; 0106hpor6, New-York, until 3:30 o'e*k p. AL oh March 23rd, 1%5, and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, at which thne they will be pub- licly opened and road aloud, fed has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each the purchase of seventy-five thou- week, for ................................. weekk sand gallons (75,000) of special ............ .................................-----__ . 'grade g8ealihe (or as much there- successively commencing on the ..............: L. ia:..................__... of as may Tie required during the period from,April 1, 1965 to Ma-ro 1 day of - .. 19,c -- 311'IWO), for the use of the Town of Wthold;. The successful ibid- der shall 'be required to deliver said gasoline to the Town of Sworn to before me this ....l.o_.-_'_:... SouftAd at the . .tanks presently �. mal4Wnea by the Town at pe- co e- day of .. ............ 19.4 5: co,4*, hi the Towyn of Sout`badd, . New York, in such quantities and ...... .. E4 such tines as may be required ibar the Town. The Town Board of --- ..---- .. . ..._................. :.. ...... . /.. the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject auy and all blds and to waive any and all infor- mality in any bid, should it be deemed in the best interest of the - I'cgwn of Southold to do so. Dated: February 16: 1965 i By order of the SOUTHOLD. 'PAWN.BOARD I Lester X Albertson Supervisor ltM5 April 7, 1965 Vail Bros. Inc. Peconic, New York Attn: Joseph Booker, Tire Dept. Dear Joe: Thank you for submitting a bid on tires for the police cars for the Town of Southold. The Town Board has decided to reject all bids. Yours very truly Lester M. Albertson Supervisor I I I VAIL BROTHERS, INC. MOTOR SALES AND SERVICE TELEPHONE PECONIC 4.8774&$OUTNOLO 93050 PECONIC, NEW YORK 1�� rch 11, 1965 J. own Board c the gown of outhold. 16 :'ouch Street Sreenl0ort , hew `fork 75i-1 for Policc -I ,, Tir s nk ; of -ox th, o -jporcunit;r fcr bid 4 rn ;olice Ctrs, Th- tirt , will be bleck, 4r�ly, Q'uueless , 775x15. 7:hE: idce of tlr:?9 will be 75 fle-ul&r i ra6d, `.n: 12, 3ziol; tires, which wIll include mounting, installing; end trade- The price will be $19.00 etch. ?ery true 'yours, tJz , bo el i i VAIL BROTHERS, INC. It MOTOR SALES AND SERVICE TELEPHONE PECONIC 4-6774 &SOUTHOLD 5-3050 PECONIC, NEW YORK March 11, 1965 Town Board of the Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, low York Gentlemen: Bid for Police Car Tires Thank you for the opportunity for bidding on the tires for the Police Cars. The tires will be black, 4ply, tubeless, 775x15. The No. of tires will be 75 Regular treed, and 12 Snow tiresg which will include mounting, installing and trade- ins. The price will be $19.00 each. Very tyours, Ji�bb Byb�ltor (T17 Dept. ) I I LCL STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, 1 ss: NOTICE TIC h3EDDFiR$ NOTICE 19 EKY OATEN, in � ..�ct... s,-cct�- . being duly Sworn, accordance with the provisions of ....... . •.. .�+:. .: ........ ............................. Section 103 of the General Muni says that .... . �.... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK cipel Law, that sealed bids will f be received by the Town Board TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county; of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Oouuty, New York, at the Super- and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, j visor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, until 3:30 has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each o'clock P. M{ March 23, 1965, at which time they will be publicly week, for ._._...... .... ........................... .....�:�'��c..............._............... wee1e4i opened and read aloud for the purchase of automobile tires for successively commencing on the ----------------- ......d�.._........ ..... j :.. . .....__ use on Town police cams. - Specifications for said tires may day of ..__.__.�.]r.�-.4t.�w�.L.................. 19.--.5..... be obtained at the office of the, �y`�. _� _. Town Clerk, Southold, New York.•. --��.....-..... ..'. -......:......_ ::.._'..:�_...:_.........I............. The Town Board of the Town of Sworn to before me this ..../0--- Southold reserves the right to re- ject any and all proposals and to .......... 19 :.5- F waive any and all informality in day of ......._.. . .�4c�� . any ,proposal should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town ..............----........... .............. . .... of Southold. . ................ f Dated: February 16: 1985 ......................._.......................................... .... . ,D By order of the CORNFLIA C. KEOGH 90UMNOM TOWN BOARD NOTARY PUBLIC, State ci New York Lester X Albertson N_ Z .'.;9.890 Supgrvisor 1,tm Qualified ir: Sufto!k County Term unpins !a.uh 30, 1904 I I II i f l 'I J April 7, 1955 I Long Island Produce Company Agway Inc. Southold, New York Gentlemen: Thank you for submitting a bid on tires for the Town of Soubhold. The Town Board has decided to reject all bids. Yours very truly Lester M. Albertson Supervisor i SII it it I� �I� Agway PRODUCE COMPANY AGWAY, INC. SOUTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. T.L.90 1-8693 larch i Tu,;r Board of the Town of Sout-(cld 1b South Street Greenport , New York Gentlemen: 'We would like tc sibmit t'ie following bid cn tires ccmrlying with y,;ur s:_ecificat -cns : 75 7 .75 x 15, 4 �-ly, nylon , tubeless autcmeb.le tires t 12 7 .75 x 15 , 4 ly, nylen, traceless 9no,,%, tires ( or such numbcr thereof is Lr, T be reruired. fcr oclice :;-1trc.l tires °er -?re y,eri od fr m A .r11 ? , 19C5 t, P+l:rrch The bid prdce is flet rate , out we will credit the Police Der,artmont for whatever tiie �a3 casing is north. These t_res e e: viva cnt c p crior• tc. cr im---1 equipment . J _ c u i e-Ly, J,.ivl r;r;;e , Tula _er Iris . . �m Town Board of the Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York Gentlemen; 4\ We wou4 like tc submit tis fcllowLag bid on tires j oumplying with your specificationst 75 7.75 x 15, 4 ,,ly, nylon, tubeless autc:mobile tires �I eD;18.7 � 12 7.75 x 15, 4 ly, nylon, tubeless snow tires ®S19.64 I (or such aumb� r thereof as may be re(jaired for police patr�l tires for the rericd frLm April 1 , 1965 to March 30, 1°986 ) The bad Trice is fl,st rate, but we will credit the ?ulioe Dep=artment for whatever the eld cueing is worth. These tires ire scluiv4lent or superior to original equipment. Si ,cerely, David N rss, YAnager r LLICU—AG1 iAy, Inc. djm