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Purchase of Road Equipment
A.C.142 - T.H.19 . 1966 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT This is a. contract to purchase the following road equipment —(,n)_UCRTI 19.6j1 Chevrnl of ^1 O^ e=gg]1 _ peluxe SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS) (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based) entered into this day of December,. , 19_69 , between the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of SOif�hOld , in the County of _ Suffolk _- New York, and O'Keefe a,evrolet-Olds, Inco the Vendor, whose principal office is located at E, Main Ste, Route 25Riverhead New York 2_ (p. 0• Address)for a total ptoelliree thousand three hundred and 00/100 - - - - - - - Dollars ($ 3300,00 ) This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously it a public advertisement for such bids in accord- ance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above-named equipment was passed by the Town Board at a meeting held No_YS'Itl�er 250 , 19 69• The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county,it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the egnipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of highways, the S uperviser shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) Lay delivery to the Vendor, as a trade-in, the equipment described at the agreed value of: (2) fl payment from current appropriations 3.300,00 (i) By payment from proceeds of obligations __— TOTAL g 30300100__ It is agreed that the title to said trade-in equipment mentioned at ^(1)9' above shall remain in the 'Town until delivered to the Vendor m: the time mentioned, and further that said equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such rime it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value ruentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out(1) and this pwagmph if not applicable). 'Che Vendor guarantees the above described equipment purchased under this contract against defects of workmanship and material for a period of _ days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at __Be mac, N. Y. not later dean the __day oR DPnembe,L'., 1909 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Scction 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political sub- division Thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof cr of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question con. corning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be dis- qualified from thereaft-er selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five vents after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages n account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agreesnot to assign, trans",r, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any ether person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire c act between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the prop. city he reiit__JZ)sc ri bed, / i r i�:erri r-cl 1r!C. Town Superintendent of Highways (Vendor) , By APPROVED: _— .f__ � � Its—_�_ _ County Superintendent Highways (Indicate w hethet officer or agent) r IOTF: This contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over Pr 1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and de ivered to the county superintendent of highways. if approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file twe copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy, to the Vendor. WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW, A COPY OF THIS F011M MUST BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER. SPECIFICATIONS - - Used 1969 Chevrolet "10" Carryall, Deluxe Equipped- 350 cubic inch V-8 engi"c Turbo-hydromatic transmission Power brakes Power steering Radio All gauges including tachometer Approx. 10,000 miles at 11/20/69 3 seats with seat belts in cont 9 passenger A.C. 143.T.If.20. 1966 Suggested Form of Resolution For Town Highway Equipment Purchases Exceeding $1,000 Resolution by (justice of Peace) XTX3C3VCOCXXXXC°.,, X Martin Suter . . ........................... ............................................................I............ Seconded by (4wakonadc3bmw) (Town Councilman) .....Howard„Valentine.......................................................................... Whereas, the Town Superintendent of Highways did, on the 2.5th............. day of ..................November . . ...... .............................. 19,69 duly recommend the purchase of certain equipment pursuant to the provisions of'Section 142 of the Highway Law, Now, 'I herefore, Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Superintendent of High- ways is hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, the following: ........�±�e...�1�..USED... 969..�heyrglet„"10"„Carryall a..Delu�e......................................................................................... ................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................. SEE, AZTA.C .D..SPEC[P.SCAT.xQN$)......................................................................................................................................... ................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................. for a maximum price of Thr.C.e...thQ,gsand„thrge..h+sndred.„and..00(100,,,-,,. _„ ........ Dollars ($ ..3300.00................ ), delivered at .....P.ectonic.................................................................................................................. , '.V. anc'. to be delivered on or about ................................................................ 19 .6.9. The Town Superintendent of Highways is authorized (subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways if value exceeds 91,000.00) to surrender to the vendor the following equipment at an agreed trade-in value of $..................: .........I............. .................................................................................................................... ......................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................... A contract for the items) purchased shall be duly executed in triplicate between the Town Superintendent of Highways and such vendor, and when approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When the con- tra,;'t has been executed and approved, and upon delivery of the items) purchased, the supervisor shall pay the following amounts as specified: (11 s 3300.e.00. .............. from current appropriations (Item 3) . .. (21 $ from the proceeds of obligations issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law, .................................. (Issuance of such obligations ?i ill be authorized by a separate resolution.) Vote of Town Board ............ (Aye) PR6vy) Albert Me Ma£toCchaa . Supervisor ............ . .. ............................. ...................................................................... o � ' xK Vote of Town Board ............(Aye) O ........ Luis Demarest ........__.............._.................................................................... Town Councilman Vote of Town Board ............ (Aye) GbkW) .........Howard Valentine 11XXX*-- WXR _....................................................................................... Town Councilman Vote of Town Board ............ (Aye) fNcD)x) .........ISE”.t21CY...Cra.d1[k.:.................................................................. {( justice of Peace l 731CiNfXRl6pId4J414�lrir`C Ma--tln Suter �(({( justice of Peace Vere of Town Board ............ (Aye) ) ........................................................................................................ �.7PJ[%Wff477DtLCOIJOM l'ype or write in names of Town Board members and indicate how they voted. (The foregoing is a suggested form of resolution to be used at a town board meeting in connection with the purchase of town highway equipment under Section 112 of the Highway Law. h does not lanve to be followed in the exact language used. If It is followed, it .tihuuld be changed, where necessary, to fit the eireumstnnoe.s,) - SPECIFICATIONS - - Used 1969 Chevrolet "10" Carryall, c cxe Equipped- 350 cubic inch V-8 engine Turbo-hydromatic transmission Power brakes Power steering Radio All gauges including tachometer Approx. 10,000 miles at 11/20/69 3 seats with seat belts in front 9 passenger .FORM+A.C. 142-T.H. 19 � 5.25.85-BM 1493-731 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS IG FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT By Authority of Sections 142 and 266, Highway Law This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment .................................................................................................... One (1) New 1960 7rnternational Model 13001) *ct,cic ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upoe which bids wen band.) .................CSF..£..AMMIM...SRr—MF£CATIOM).................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ entered into this...?Ff!S..day of..M1IF.i:...............................19. '.°..,between R;;grrrul ^. 'dean' perm ig ye SnutT J el ...................................... in the County of Town Superintendent of H' hwa of the Town of........................................................... . ........................Suaolk....................................., New York, and ......Tr2'.:::5:...T..?:'.•ae!:i..°'r,. >'h<:a^®ent Co. Tnc. ......:....s:..................................................... the Vendor,whose principal office is located at.....................................R.iuc.rlac.arh...Eleu...Y.:rk.................................................... (P. I Ad&=) for atotal price ofThXC£...:kh!=a.A7zt)...tl:r C...f�,tnj�f;'i...t;£C�?1'.`„'...... . r.��tnn '` .......Dollars 0enn...........J. This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a public advertisement for such bide in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal.!Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above named equipment was passed by the Town Board of the Town 01 .......................:SPttttmld ...........................I... at a meeting held `D+�i.... .y.........................................., 19.� .. The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways,the Ven- dor or his agent, andapproved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county, it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Supervisor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor of machinery or equipment as per list on reverse side hereof at an agreed value of (Strike out if not applicable) ......................................................... 2 B a check for z' - z ( ) y $....:.a.:, :k.x.•:.:. t.k drawn on the machinery fund. ���������������(Strike out it not applicable) (8) By delivery to the.Vendor of a check for$......................................................... (Strike out H not applicable) It is agreed that the title to said machinery or equipment mentioned at"(1)"above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said machinery end equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present,normal wear,tear and usage excepted. (Strike out the above parasaph if not applicable) The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment against defective workmanship and material for a period of 13 ........montt!s� g and that it will be delivered in first class condition at.....T.v:;coq.i,yr...mew..Ynxk.................................. ................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... not Taber than the..!rth....day of......h1a ...................................... 19....x.... The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 108-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person,when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state,any political subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department,agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning sucit transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof since the effective date of this law,by such person, and by any firm,partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancel- lation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there are no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This contract comprises the entire contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the property herein described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Vendor and Town Superintendent of Highways have hereunto set their hands and seals in triplicate on the day and year first above written. Approved: .. .. ... .. .... .... 1 x �.: "!' /�j^y ... ..ni.(SEAL) .... ...: ..... . ......................................... Ita ............. � ....................................................... Coua.y erin'ter/dant of Highways Oneteaa weatsu omror or COMMIssianer of Public Works S,zpetia of Hip may. NOTE: This contract is for use when the purchase pric the equipment is over $1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and delivered to the county superintendent of high ye. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one e4y in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall Ale one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. A COPY OF THIS FORM IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER EXCEPT WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 8, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW. o Contract For Y ,b Purchase of Machinery and Equipment c y YM F pTown Of...............:...:.........:.::.a.......................................... Go H Countf .......... ............ m Dated ..................ue.y...x.&V................................. i�rx.... d u If any machinery or equipment is accepted by the Vendor in lieu of any part of the purchase price 'v m named herein, the following describes machinery or equipment so accepted and the amount allowed. A M DESCRIPTION OF MACHINERY VALUE J7 m m y {m :............................................................. $.......................... a bb m .....................:........................................ $.......................... a•e A .............................................................. $......................... m o � - a a.......................... m - mU Approved: ..........:.................................................. 19........ a ...'. F .............:.:............ ..................................County m m $ Superintendent of Highways. m BFiled: .................................................................... 19........ tq O ................................................................................................ z i ::PHCIFI=I0N3 FOR A NZI 1969 =2L 1300D INT1MMMONSHLTRUCK - OR EOUAL3 134 Inch 11heelbase 3,.;00 ib. Front Axle 7,503 ib. Rear Aide - - - 4.30 to I Ratio Mavy duty Rear Springs with Auxiliary V-:04, V3 EnSine - 304 Cu. Inch Displacement CIC;ar LiChter Nve Front Cab Lights 11 Inch heavy Duty Clutch Over size Radiator lgaraulic Erakes with Dual Operation System with Warning Light Presla Air Heater and Defroster Outside and Inside Rear View VIrrora Padded Sun Visors, Dash and Arcs Resta Electric %lindshield washer Seat Delts 12 Valt, 37 Azip. Alternator Li.-ht, rackup Lights, Prort Side Marker Lights Directional Signals, Traffic e:azzard Switch, Reflectors 4 Sneed Heavy duty Synchronesh 'transmission 7.50 x 10-6 ply Tires with IMOC i-,Stoat 7.50 x 16-6 Ply Tires with Tubes-Dual Rear 3 loot x 6 Foot Steel Duren Body - 2 to 3 Yard Capacity 13 Inch Sides with 19 Inch Enols 6 Ton Hoist Painted Red A t I I 11 20 - 1966 Suyaeated Form of Resolution For Town Highway Equipment Purchases Exceeding $1,000 11,"'r.nnn by (lustirc of Peace) (W-x=x3ta mVzme) ,,,,,Henry (;lark .•ori. n by fiamtn xxffoJCffxxfns x. ( loan Councilman) .....HQWard..XaleAtine............. U 1,rn hr Down Superintendent of Highways did, on the 15th day of ....... , July .0 vlt onio err, onnocnd cite purchase of certain equipment pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Il ighway Law, ',..m, i w i, fon-, lie it ifvsolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the highway Law the Town Superintendent of fligh- �• �•; i.r r. i.v ;al.hori7ed to purchase, in accordance with the provisions of Article S-A of the General Municipal Law, �• ��� J., ..1 I ......I oI lite Clnuny Super i lite ndent of Ilighways, the following: O'rk: oo,.,1 Na er 190' Modsl-2QZ.QA...fIfeetatar..;Wtarnational..Truck...(Massis..and..Cab.................................... __. ........... ........ .................................................................................................. .............................I.........................._. (F,;.i A'i'iAQHil..SYiClp.TCAT.IOhLS�................... .................................................................................. ............... .. ..... ,_ ...... .. .................................. ...........................................................................................I.................. ..,....... I... .. ... .....int price of ..$f1.V.eAAhQ.Nsdnd..six..bli;ndrgd..tWeAtY.-fiV.e..&..QCVIQO..C...tt..M..?M..r....tf..r....nw,.n._. Dollars 1t 7,0i>J.001............... ), delivered at ...........X.e.C.Qfk7,C.r..........................................................,...................... , N. Y., .11,11 .„ be drltvercd on or about ......................Nqr mUgr. .s................ 19.49.. - 'I Lr 'I own S,..perintendew of Highways is authorized (subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways 1I v..ltr cxcecds S1,000.00) to surrender to the vendor the following equipment at an sgrcea trade-in value of S.................: .... .. ........................................................................................................................ ........................................I....... .........I........... .... ... .. _. ..... ........................................................................................................................ ............ ....,........,..........I....... A r.•nita. 1 Ior till. item(s) purchased shall be duly executed in triplicate between the 'town Superintendent of Highways n..1 s.n ir v. n. o1, nu.I when approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When the con- .. . 11l lir. n executed and approved, and upon delivery of the item(s) purchased, the supervisor shall pay the following .un anal, or, vvt" tinct! . I Si . .7'.6z5..UO.......... from current appropriations (Ilam 3) 121 aifrom the proceeds of obligations issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law, ................................. (rssuanre of such obligations will be authorized by a separate resolution.) � .... ,d town Hnani ............ (Aye) j,;jiW) .........Alt) M.arto.Gfk17.F1.. . r•rvicnr ................... ................. .... Sup J )�uvlirr of Prnrc c�... of Town Board (Aye) . .....,Henry Clark 1 'lixxlxXkrcinrcNrnnx j e ,.I I nuOruro'n nnru ............ (Aye') *NW) .........Mar..... tin.. _.....Sut ..........er J Istirr nl Polic .............................................,...................... (l xartotxxrcxNwxX \ ........Looms. Voliare.at.............................................................. Iw.tkxxai•rtmrxx.ar ..I lawn If n.lni ............ (Aye) �xxy) � ( fawn { onsi , lntnn Howard Valentine v� XX'ocN#fXXxx .,.r .•I 1 "1 n Board .....�..... (Aye) f�4') ......... . . ........................................................................................ ( -Town Councilman t 4, for to rite ire names o/ 'l'mrn f{oard members and indicate hou, They voted. 1.... uo..yt iN or faun of wsiolutlan In b.• ilo at a town board meeting in cenneetion with doe lour.-has.• of town Ioigbway yip.,.. n. aro. r Vie. .ion LI2 of Ibe Ilighway Law. It does not have to Ire followed in the exact language used. If it in fnllnwed, It ti.......l L.' PlttrlgP.I, whrre nevemeary, to fit the clrcumeteneee.) ^1` M` r A,C.142-T.H.1.9 - 1966 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS Y lits is a contract to purchase the following road equipment ¢;,e (1) New 19E9 Model 2010A Pleetstar l,i'ia:ruational Truck Chassis and Cab. (" Forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based) --"-SFi�J1,'1'lfiCiiGiL�F�CZcYS:dTIONS - entered into this29th day of July - — — 19 69 between the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of__ Southold in the County of Suffolk New York, and —Tryac Truck_& Pg, uipMent _ whose principal office is located at the Vendor, Riverhead_,__New York (PZ)-A3aie s s for a total price of Seven thousand six hundred twenty-five & 00/100 - - Dollars (g 71625,00 ). This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of scaled bids which vrere publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in it public advertisement for such bids in a Baled once with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above-named equipment was passed by the Town Board at a meeting held __July 1$1 tiup�crintendent of {highways, the 19 69 The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town , Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county,it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Supervisor shall pay for it in the following manner: (i) By delivery to the Vendor, as a trade-in, the equipment described at the agreed value of: (2) By payment from current appropriations (3) By payment from proceeds of obligations TOTAL It is agreed that the title to said trade-in equipment mentioned at ^(1)tr above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at tine time mentioned, and further that said equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out(1) and this paragraph if not applicable). The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment purchased under this contract against defects of workmanship and material for a period of _ 360 days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at Peconic, N. Y, not later than the _-I %I, day of _-NoV mber� , 19 69 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 103-a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a. person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any political sub- division thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public. authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question con- cerning such transaction or contract, I;a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be dis- qualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any muai:-tpa1 corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for geods, work or services, for a period of five Years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be by or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, tide, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that th a no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only iutermed lacy between the manufacnue nd purchaser. us cont ct comprises th tj' e c tract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the prop- herein de Bribed. `--� Town S pe nt enc o/ Highway (Veodbr/)J vnPVIROV F. � � By /7��� County Superintendent ^Highways (Inds'me whether officer or agent) jThis contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over$1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and de- IuFd to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office :nit ht bin ten dans of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. Wlil?RF. APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW, A COPY OF t itti FORM MUST BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER. _ ew 1909 Tn_e,rnational Truer - C:3b_-- --s' , OR, EQUAL - _'iodcd 21161- International Flootstar- 7,00 lb. front axle 18,500 lb. 2 speed rear aric, 6.502.87 to 1 ratio io inch wheelbase - 72 inch cob to axle 14 inch 15 spring clutch 6 cylinder in line ongine - replaceable cylinders 450 cu. in displacement .- !99.3 r? © 3000 `r .lo lb. Torque 0 1600 PE14 2 front towing eyes Oil base air cleaner - replaceable type oil filter .ir brakes with low pressurc indicator Tachometer, voltmeter, oil nrassure, full and water temperature gauges Cab gzab handles .:divi.dusl driver and passu5ger seats 5+0 gal. left side fuel tank with canto stop :rash air heater and defrostar `t:1ndsiield wa3hers, dual padded sine viso_L, dual Edi wi'perii Siva (5) front cab lights - dome light Doubia face f'ron't directional signals with hazzard switch Dual stop and tail lights with tu•:a signals and integral reflectors 10.00x20 12 ply front tiros and tubes - cast wheels 10.00,:20 12 ply dual rear tiros and tubes - cast wheels I- verted L-type full length heat treated frame reinforcement .6421" ,cont brakes l6f46" roar brakes 'owar Steoring 12 Volt 55 Lop. klternator H.D. front and rear springs with auxiliary .`.steel butterfly hood with romovablo :Cn(lers 5 Speed direct in 5th transmission Dual east Coast type mirrors Color: GRR.MEE 5-63-5M (2B3-109) Form A.C.143-T.H.20 Department of Audit and Control Suggested Form of Resolution For Town Highway M ichinery Purchases Resolution by (Jus6e&4-ftace) (Town Councilman) ............. -----—------------------------- ............................... Seconded by (justice of Peace) (Town -Councflmn) ........... .. ................ ...........—------------------ ------------- Whereas, the Town Superintendent of Highways did, on the -................... day of ............................_....-..--------------------- 19. ' '..-, .....................------------------------ 19... ..... duly recommended the purchase of certain (machinery) (equipment) (tools) pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5,A of the General Municipal Law, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, the following: ............................ ....................................................................................................--------------- .............................-------- ...............-............ ...............-............................................I--.................-............................................. .................... ----------------------.................. . -------- ... .....I...........I.,.......... .. ..........4............I ....................................... ...... ....... .............------.............I----------------------------------------------------------------------------------............ ...........................................1---.-...........................-1--......----------------------------------------------........ ............................................ ...............................-........................-.....-....................... .........I............................................................................I--............... ........--.................. ............... ...............................1-1........---------......-----------.......I....I...................................................-....... .......... ................................................I-----........-................. -------------------------------------.....................................................- .....................-1-........................................................................ -----------------------------.........I-------------------- .................................. 4t - for a maximum price oir*"-.......... --- --- -- . ....... Dollars ---------------------------....... ....... ($---..-..: ................), delivered at ................. ...... ---------------------------.' N. Y., .................................................................. and to be delivered on or about ................ ...........................................................119.... The Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized, subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, to surrender to the vendor ..........................................................................................----------------........................... ................. ...............................----•-------.............................11...........I......................................--......-1........................--......----- ---------------_...•- ....................................-.................... ...............................................................-..............................-------------------------------- ................... as part payment for the above (machinery) (equipment) (tools) to be purchased. The terms of payment will be as follows: Trade-in allowance $....------....... ......................... Check drawn on Machinery Fund ------------=-'--- ........ ........-...... Check from proceeds of obligations ------------ ................................ Total $............L)... - A contract of purchase for the item(s) purchased shall be duly executed between the Town Superintendent of High- ways and such vendor, and when duly approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When such contract has been duly executed and approved, the Supervisor is authorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the item(s) purchased in accordance with the terms of such resolution and such contract, and to pay the above amount(s) specified to be paid by check or checks. (1) by a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (Item 3) for ................ $--__'--....:'-_.-.-.........................: (2) by a check in the amount of $........_......._.-----------------------_-------drawn on the account established from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations will be authorized to be issued by this Board by a separate resolution. (over) 11 , Vote of Town Board........_...... (Aye) (M�y ......—......... ... ... ........................ ............................-----.. Supervisor Vote of Town Board................ (Aye) (1,%T:...............T-,,; _ histiee of:Peace- Town Councilman Vote of Town Board........--.... (Aye) (MV)"............... .......... gubti&of-F6ace------- Town Councilman Vote of Town Board................ (Aye) (3dii/).........I.......TT,..-� .... ........ Justice of Peace Vote of Town Board--............ (Aye)\tJ4 ................. ............................... Justice of Peace (Type or write in names of Town Board members and indicate how they voted) State of New York County of .......... ..........t...................... M: Townof .----------..:••-----_.:.?----....._........... ......W.............................. ...................................---------------------------------- ------------- Town Clerk of the Town of ............-.... 7 .0�1 . ............... . .................. in the County of ----- ----------------- - .............. -------------------I N. Y. do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of a resolution with the original thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a (regular) (special) meeting of such board held on ------- I-- --------------------- 19..... -- --------*-------- -- and that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution and of the whole thereof. In Testimony VArreof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ........_ll dayof ................. .............................. • 19---a.. g (Town Seal) Town Clerk of the Town of .................................................................. ....... N. Y. (The foregoing is a suggested form of resolution to be used at a town board meeting in connection with the purchase of town highway machinery, equipment, or tools, under Section 142 of the Highway Law. It does not have to be fol- lowed in the exact language used. If it is followed, it should be changed,where necessary, to fit the circumstances.) SPECIFICATIONS FOR A NEW 1969 =91, 1300D INTEUMIONABLTRUCK - OR EQUAL, 134 Inch Wheelbase 39800 lb. Front Axle 70500 lb. Rear Axle - - - 4.30 to 1 Ratio Heavy duty Rear Springs with Auxiliary V-3040 V8 Engine - 304 Cu. Inch Displacement Cigar Lighter Five Front Cab Lights 11 Inch Heavy Duty Clutch Over size Radiator Hydraulic Brakes with Dual Operation System with Warning Light Fresh Air Heater and Defroster Outside and Inside Rear View Mirrors Padded Sun Visors# Dash and Arm Rests Electric Windshield Washer Sent Delta 12 Volt, 37 Amp. Alternator Lone Light, Backup Lightal Front Side Marker Lights Directional Signals. Traffic Hazzard Switch. Reflectors 4 Speed Heavy duty Synchromesh Transmission 7.50 x 10-6 ply Tires with Tubes-Front 7.50 x 16-6 Ply Tires with Tubes-Dual Rear 8 Poot x 6 Foot Steel Dump Body - 2 to 3 Yard Capacity 13 Inch Sides with 19 Inch Ends 6 Ton Hoist Painted Red TEL. YAPHANK 4-3451 - 3452 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK h DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS I q /TpJI R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK, I Sao LE:STER C. ECKART WILLIAMS. MATSUNAYE. JR. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER CHIEF ENGINEER October 10, 1969 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Sir: We are enclosing two approved copies of Contract and Specifications for the Purchase of Road Equipment for the Town of Southold, Covering the purchase of one (1) Used 1966 Model V-202 International Truck Cab and Chassis as specified. Please deliver one copy to vendor. The extra copy is being mailed to Supt. Raymond Dean. Very truly yours, it" M�Kammerer Commissioner of Public Works hl enc. Co. Supt. Raymond Dean A.C 143-T.H.20- 1966 Suggested Form of Resolution For Town Highway Equipment Purchases Exceeding $1,000 Resolution by (Justice of Peace) 0V6wXFX4%M1QQ;; % Martin Suter . ........................................................................................................ Seconded by (Justice of Peace) (*XXiX]bbLTft0Vft......Heary...Clask..................................................................................... Whereas, the Town Superintendent of Highways did, on the 9th day of .. Septembe. r . . ................................................. 19 69 , duly recommend the purchase of certain equipment pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Superintendent of High- ways is hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, the following: One (1) Used.,1966 Model V-202,.International Truck Cab & Chassis. OR ...................................... .. . ...... .......................... .... ......... . ............. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... -ME. SP.ECIFTCATIONS)...............................................................................................................I............................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... for a maximum price of ..1tvO..thpUsan,¢„eight„h11J,{(lj',X41,,,4.0.0..Q.Q�l.4.Q....:...:...-...r...-...-..-...-....:..-...-...-...-..-.... Dollars ($245.00...01)................. ), delivered at .............Peconic.a........................................................_............................_ .............. , N. Y., and to be delivered on or about .......O...ctob.. . . er..A1 p. ............................ 19 69... The Town Superintendent of Highways is authorized (subject to the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways if value exceeds $1,000.00) to surrender to the vendor the following equipment at an agreed trade-in value of $.................1: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................I......... A contract for the item(s) purchased shall be duly executed in triplicate between the Town Superintendent of Highways and such vendor, and when approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When the con- tract has been executed and approved, and upon delivery of the item(s) purchased, the supervisor shall pay the following amounts as specified: (1) g 2$800.00 from current appropriations (Item 3) (2) $ from the proceeds of obligations issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law. .................................. (Issuance of such obligations will be authorized by a separate resolution.) Vote of Town Board ............ (Aye) (NN*) ...ALbert..M....Martacchia...................................................................... Supervisor (Aye) {7�.3mummirmMe Vote of Town Board ............( V ) (xxr _ Loui.a..Aemarest.................................................................... Town Councilman nxntaODDIX.Mac Vote of Town Board .........._ (A;ye) (' ivy) ...FiaWard...)(aa,eritirie............................................................... { Town Councilman Vote of Town Board ............ (Aye) (MgX) ...Henr.Y... 1. k........................................................................... I Justice of Peace l ISis� ( Justice of Peace Vote of 'Town Board ............ (Aye) (36M) ...Mart.in..Sut.er......................................................................... l itx�b7hi@414�Fd4if I' pe or write in names of Torun Board members and indicate horn they voted. (I he foregoing is a suggested form of resolution to be used at a town board meeting in connection with the purchase of town highway equipment under Section 142 of the Highway Law. It does not have to be followed in the exact language used. If it is followed, it 1,hould be changed, where necessary, to fit the circumstances.) V 1 - Used 1066 - Model V-202 - International Truck Cab & Chassis 175 Inch Wheel Base, 102 Inch Cab to Axle - Ser. # FI) 112534H G.V.W. 35,000 lbs. 12100 lbs. Mont axle 23,000 lb. 2 speed rear axle - ratios 6.50/8,56 to 1 V-1,61 - V8 En gin e 461 Cu. inch Displacement, 226 H.P. ® 3600 R.P.M. Air Brakes w/Piggy back parking brake 14 inch H.D. clutch Ammeter, fuel, wator temperature, air and oil pressure gauges Tachometer 5 speed direct in 5th Transmission Bucket type, individual driver and passenger seats Signal lights, front cab corner and marker lights West Coast type mirrors 11.00x20 tires-dual rear w/7.5 inch rims • A.C.142 - T.H.19• 19664 CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ROAD EQUIPMENT This is a contract to purchase the following road equipment One (1) Used 1966 Model V-202 International Truck Cab & Chassis - (Set forth herein or attach detail specifications upon which bids were based) SEE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS) entered into this 25t_Way of--September 19 69 , between the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of__Southold , in the County of Suffolk New York, and Tryar Truck & Equipment CO , Tnc , the Vendor, whose principal office is located at Riv_erhead,New York Address) for a total price ol'<vo thousand eight hundred Ft 00/100 - — — — — —Dollars ($ 22800.00 ). This contract has been awarded to the aforesaid Vendor who was the lowest, responsible bidder determined by receipt of sealed bids which were publicly opened and read at the time and place stipulated previously in a publicadvertisement for such bids in accord- ance with the provisions of Article S-A of the General Municipal Law. A resolution authorizing the purchase of the above-named equipment was passed by the Town Board at a meeting held September 9, _ , 19 69. The resolution further directed that when this contract has been signed by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Vendor or his agent, and approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, of the above county,it becomes effective and that upon delivery of the equipment named and its acceptance by the Town Superintendent of Highways, the Supervisor shall pay for it in the following manner: (1) By delivery to the Vendor, as a trade-in, the equipment described at the agreed value of: — _ a (2) By payment from current appropriations n,Ron.00 (3) By payment from proceeds of obligations TOTAI. $__24_800 00 It is agreed that the title to said trade-in equipment mentioned at tt(1)" above shall remain in the Town until delivered to the Vendor at the time mentioned, and further that said equipment may be used by the Town until delivered to the Vendor and at such time it will then be accepted by the Vendor at the value mentioned providing that it is in as good condition as at present, normal wear, tear and usage excepted. (Strike out(1) and this paragraph if not applicable). The Vendor guarantees the above described equipment purchased under this contract against defects of workmanship and material for a period of 9 months _ days and that it will be delivered in first class condition at — Peconic, New York nor later than the 15th day of 0r•tnhPr,_ , 19-69 The Vendor hereby agrees to the provisions of Section 303•a of the General Municipal Law which requires that upon the refusal of a person, when called before a grand jury to testify concerning'any transaction or contract had with the state, any political sub- division thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or of a public authority, to sign a waiver of immunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question con- cerning such transaction or contract, (a) such person, and any firm, partnership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be dis- qualified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, for goods, work or services, for a period of five years after such refusal, and (b) any and all contracts made with any municipal corporation or any public department, agency or official thereof, since the effective date of this law, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the municipal corporation without incurring any penalty or damages on account of such cancellation or termination, but any monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid, The Vendor hereby agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or his right, title, or interest therein, or his power to execute the same, to any other person or corporation without the previous consent, in writing, of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Vendor hereby certifies that there we no Federal or State taxes included in the above purchase price and that he is the only intermediary between the manufacturer and the purchaser. This,'contract comprises the-7fiilr� contract between the parties and supersedes any and all other agreements respecting the prop- erty hyrein Rescribed. ,f SIC TWK & ZQVVMT W.a INC. / Town Superintendent o/ Highways Q doe) APPROVED: � _/�� - t•y� '- �� as MM / l Its ?BS3ffiiBEt —�ounty Superinte eat of Highways (Indicate whether officer or agent) NOTE: This contract is for use when the purchase price of the equipment is over$1,000. It must be executed in triplicate and de- livered to the county superintendent of highways. If approved by the county superintendent, he shall file one copy in his office and within ten days of the date of his approval file two copies with the town clerk. The town clerk shall file one copy and deliver one copy to the Vendor. WHERE APPLICATION IS MADE PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.10, SUBDIVISION 3, OF THE LOCAL FINANCE LAW, A COPY OF THIS FORM MUST BE FILED WITH THE STATE COMPTROLLER. I - Used lo66 - Model V-202 - International Truck Cab & Chassis 175 Inch Wheel Base, 102 Inch Cab to Axle - Ser. # FD 112534H G.V.W. 35,000 lbs. 12,OOn lbs. front axle 23,000 lb. 2 speed rear axle - ratios 6.50/8.56 to 1 V-461 - V8 Engine 461 Cu. inch Displacement, 295 H.P. 0 3600 R.P.M. Air Brakes w/Piggy back parking brake 14 inch H.D. clutch j=meter, fuel, water temperature, air and oil pressure gauges Tachometer 5 speed direct in 5th Transmission Bucket type, individual driver and passenger seats Signal lights, front cab corner and marker lights W=st Coast type mirrors 11.00x20 tires-dual rear w/7.5 inch rims