HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/31/2005 & 2006 I ,J-/3-a7 RECEIVeD FER 9 2007 SouH,old Tl,\,/II Cler. NORTH FORK. ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE FLNANCIALSTATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2005 IRWIN & ODELL, CP As LLC 6 Sterlington Commons Greenport, NY 11944 (631) 477-3011 (631) 477-9533 (Fax) February 7,2007 North Fork Animal Welfare League Peconic Lane PO Box 297 Southold, ny 11971 We have compiled the accompanying statement of financial position of North Fork Animal Welfare League, as of December 31,2006 and 2005 and the related statements of income the years then ended, in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures required by generally accepted accounting principles. If the omitted disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the Company's financial position, results of operations, and its cash flows. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. Joseph W. Irwin, CPA ~;1A /ij.)~ Irwin & Odell, CP As LLC NORTH PORR ANIMAL WBLPARB LBAGUB COMPARATIVB BALANCB SHBBT Assets Cash-SCNB General Checking DBS Pinancial Services-Regular DBS Pinancial Services-Restricted NPB&T-Savings Petty Cash Security Deposits Prepaid Insurance Loans & Bxchanges DBC. 31, 2006 $ 66,957 392,399 270,577 5,485 230 o 6,584 o --------------- TOTAL ABBBTB 742,232 ----....--------- LIABILITIBS Accounts Payable Deferred Income SWT Payable Payroll Taxes Payable Disability Withheld 9,265 14,623 617 205 2) -----------.....-- TOTAL LIABILITIBS 24,708 Fund Balance League Pund Balance Restricted 446,943 270,577 -----------..--- TOTAL POND BALANCB 717,520 TOTAL LIABILITIBS & BQUITY 742,228 --------------- BXHIBIT A PAGB 1 DBC. 31, 2005 $ 54,678 397,598 o 5,464 230 600 6,036 192 --------------- 464,798 -----oo--------- 5,796 14,061 283 132 2) ---.....---------- 20,270 444,524 o --------------- 444,524 464,794 --------------- NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE COMPARATXVB XNCOMB STATEMENT FOR THE PERXODS EXHXBXT B PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2006 TO DEC. 31, 2006 JAN. 1, 2005 TO DEC. 31, 2005 RBVBNUBS Dues Donations Bequests Trust Fund Xncome Interest Income Accrued Xnterest Paid Dividend Xncome Net Capital Gains(Losses) Fundraising Events Dogs S-N Cats Cats S-N Memorials Guardian Angels Rabies Clinic Town Contract Katrina Relief TOTAL RBVBNUBS $ 0 $ 6,260 88,211 69,831 267,029 20,500 14,392 14,544 15,128 9,367 983) 0 9,565 5,005 2,507) 909 26,825 39,521 577 450 590 811 2,140 907 5,715 6,135 2,043 0 656 214 168,730 162,240 63 2,825 --------------- .........-----...-........- 598,174 339,519 --------------- --------------- 163,370 137,595 14,221 12,484 14,952 18,173 21,910 17,735 15,526 14,177 217 671 2,738 1,460 914 1,044 3,187 4,028 1,537 541 4,765 2,512 12,440 6,888 1,550 4,378 495 125 8,511 21,242 2,000 2,000 7,200 6,700 80 156 959 2,265 2,566 2,908 2,834 1,531 EXPENSES Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Kennel Supplies Dog Veternarian Repairs & Maintenance Auto Expense Travel Bxpense Telephone Utilities Office Bxpenses Insurance Advertising Liseenaes & Pees Professional Fees Accounting Fees Bookkeeping Fees Bank Charges Miscellaneous Bxpenses Garbage Removal Postage/Mailings Bducation & Training Katrina Expenses Cat Veternarian Cat Food l!'undraising Expenses TOTAL EXPENSBS NET PROFIT (LOSS) NORTH FORK ANIMAL WBLFAlU!: LEAGUE COMPARATIVE INCOME STATBMBNT FOR THB PERIODS BXHIBIT B PAGB 2 JAN. 1, 2006 TO DBC. 31, 2006 JAN. 1, 2005 TO DBC. 31, 2005 $ 5,142 1,659 16,193 8,620 11,592 $ 477 o 15,611 5,931 25,057 325,178 305,689 272,996 33,830 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LBAGUB COMPARATIVE DBPARTMENTAL INCOME STATBMBNT llNRBSTRICTBD FOR THB PBRIODS JAN. 1, 2006 TO DBC. 31, 2006 RBVBNUBS Dues Donations Bequests Trus t Fund IncOllle Interest IncOllle Dividend Income Net Capital Gains(Losses) Fundraising Events Dogs S-N Cats Cats S-N Memorials Guardian Angels Rabies Clinic Town Contract Xatrina Relief $ o 88,211 2,833 14,392 7,764 9,565 2,507) 26,825 577 590 2,140 5,715 2,043 656 168,730 63 ( --------------- TOTAL RBVBNUBS 327,597 --------------- EXPENSBS Salaries Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Xennel Supplies Dog Veternarian Repairs & Maintenance Auto Expense Travel Bxpense Telephone Utilities Office Expenses Insurance Advertising Liscenses & Fees Professional Fees Accounting Fees Bookkeeping Fees Bank Charges Miscellaneous Expenses Garbage Removal Postage/Mailings 163,370 14,221 14,952 21,910 15,526 217 2,738 914 3,187 1,537 4,767 12,440 1,550 495 8,511 2,000 7,200 80 959 2,566 2,834 PAGE 1 JAN. 1, 2005 TO DEC. 31, 2005 $ 6,260 69,831 20,500 14,544 9,367 5,005 909 39,521 450 811 907 6,135 o 214 162,240 2,825 --------------- 339,519 --------------- 137,595 12,484 18,173 17,735 14,177 671 1,460 1,044 4,028 541 2,511 6,888 4,378 125 21,242 2,000 6,700 156 2,265 2,908 1,531 NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARB LEAGUE COMPARATIVE DBPARTMENTAL INCOME STATEMENT UNRBSTRICTIm FOR THE PBRIODS PAGB 2 JAN. 1, 2006 TO DBC. 31, 2006 JAN. 1, 2005 TO DBC. 31, 2005 Bducation & Training Katrina Expenses Cat Veternarian Cat Food Fundraising Expenses $ 5,142 1,659 16,193 8,620 11,592 $ 477 o 15,611 5,931 25,057 TOTAL EXPENSBS 325,180 305,688 NET PROFIT (LOSS) 2,417 33,831 NORTH PORK ANIMAL WllLPARB LBAGUE COMPARATIVE DBPARTMBNTAL INCOME STATEMENT RBSTRICTBD FOR THB PBRIODS PAGB 1 JAN. 1, 2006 TO DBC. 31, 2006 JAN. 1, 2005 TO DBC. 31, 2005 RBVBNt1BS Bequests Interest Income Accrued Interest Paid $ 264,196 7,364 983) $ o o o TOTAL RBVBNUBS 270,577 o --------------- EXPUNSBS TOTAL EXPUNSBS o o NET PROFIT (LOSS) 270,577 o