HomeMy WebLinkAboutIncorporation Papers I I I I I I I I , I I .MFlS. eA~OLlN2 K. SIMON .leC"~TA"1' "'" STATI. "'.RAHA"'" N. OAVIS- .X.CUT'lfle DII:PV'/'Y c ., Lefferts Paine Edson, Main Road, Southold, ,N.Y. .-.. l" . STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE Albany, N. Y. 4:-.. " Certificate"'of ...... Inoorporation ~:.'O.. .. has been flIed today. of "', ........ ...,.....'.. ............N.<?f!~II,. !.OI1,ll:...A~.I.~J;J:,...~I;!<'~FlE..,.~(}tr~, ,..~IiP.~. -.- - -..~...:- ". Fees and/or tax paid aa follows: Filing Tax ........ Certified copy, Ce,rtificate ." County SUFFOLK Form co.j'tt 3-63-20M C2.B'~) JOHN ,J. JPftOMI'R gJl;"UTT ..c..crAIt~ . " ..... .... July 19, 19 63 " . ..... , .....,...$ .......$ ..........$ ......... .....$ 50.00 [2l: Ch. 0 Mo. 0 Cy.;..';...... ................ $ 50.00 CAROLINE K. SIMON Secretary of State BY:~~/ Total $........50...0.0 Refund $......... (/J , , . CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE. ~'R. \ \ I MEMBERSHIP CORPORATIONS LAW I i PURSUANT TO THE _n___,\ \ I .1 Ii il \ I ! I' I I II I I I I Tho Tuttl,-~;:;:~~l;'~~';;~ J LEFFERTS PAINE EDSON ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ROA.D SOUTH OLD. N, Y. CEa~IFICATE OF INCORPORAfION 1 '.~ OF NORTH I'OJU{ ANIMAL WELFARE LEA.GW, I5e. \"":"'~ ~::''-:- ,.~,',.'..-,1':" :'.- ,.",.<_~t' -; '. ~-"" PURSUAN'r '1'0 TIiE MEMBERSHIP CORPORATIONS LA1I o~ WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, for the purpose of formIng a membership corporation pursuant tv the MemberShip Corpor.t!ona Law of the State of New York, hereby certify. 1. The name of ~he proposed corporation shall be North Fork Animal Welfare League, Ins~rpor~tQd. y 2. The purposes for which it "is to be formed are to provide, promote and advance humane and other prot.ctive -. care and treatment of animals bJ any and all proper and ef- fective means throughout the territory in which it is authorh:ed to operate: to foster kindness to animals and to promote animal welfare by humane education and otherwise; to purchase, pri~t, .. pUblish and circulate literature relatinq t.:) kindness to animals and the work of the Society; to act a~a.dog protective a..ociation in the protection of dogs and particularly in the protection, care and disposition of lost, strayed O~ '~., homele8s dogs and as a l~rt of or incident to such dog protective purposes to establish and proviceoy purchase or 4~ , ,/"'~-->'\ (; I i I 'I :t " :j " ~. ,7'\ ,,' ""', ot:her~d... and t.o lDAintain II allelter or ahelt;er. for; d~,';:,or other animals and other nece.sary buildings, lands and equipment therefor ana to operate the same and to perfo~ all such acts as may be customary or advisable in the operationo:t,;an,ll~l shti!,).tA:r;t.o contract under Sections ",,' .~. ".' ..'. ...,....:..,"'-"',...... .-:,.,.',>-,:..'''~.;.';'''''.,,;.,.:.;':'':.~ ".:,,:,,".;'~-~ 120 and l20-a of the Agriculture and Markets Law or under ',' any other law providing for contracts for similar purpose. and to perform such contract or contracts and to provide for dest~uction or other disposition of seized dogS as t:here- in provided and in general to do any and all proper acts re- lating to the humane and animal protective purposes of the r----- League.1 The purposes do not include direct law enforcement .."- powers and the League is not incorporated as a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals but rat~er as a dog "","c", protective, animal welfare and humane socie!ty. t" \ ;;:---- . ,~ J 'f: 3. The territory in which its operations are principally to be conducted is Southolc, ~own of SQuthold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. 4. 'rbe town and county in which. its office is to be located' are Town of southold and County of Suffolk. 5, The number of its directors shall not be less than three nor more than twelve. , II '-'i:~'~_:<; '~~c~ t J~i 'L,,~ t f 6. 'the fI"...... and Z'..1c'ef'C- ot t:;he 41J:ec~OJ:. ~U1 tJw f1J:.~ aDIlaal. ...t.1D9 ue. I>. ,,' '~~_,,,;~':~#ii-~".,....,,,:,:,:,;,:::,..;,,,.,:;i~~~~~i":'~-:;'"i";:' Ba~~. aoac1, OZ'eenpon,. II"" ..1tcn:tC.. ",,,,,,-,,' ..i.Ae ..c1c aoad" JoUtholc1, MeW y~k GU Lane. South014,.ew y~ BayV1evaoad. Sout;hold,.ew York IJ~. CIJ...~. c. .Caajko JtP A. Jo4eYD L11Uan JacobSOll AlIA B. Davia Addr..... 7. 'rAe ..et.Ug. of the Board of Direct.or. lIha11 - held onlY w1t.h1n the State of H8'II york. 8. All. the subscribers to thia certUicate are of fll11 age, at. least. t.wo-thirds of them are cit:l.zeM of the UDiU4 .~t..., at. l"'~ 'One of them 1s a resident of the State of Bev yorJr.. Of t.he persona IUlJll,...! .a 41:r:ect.ora. .~ least 0A8 ia a o1tbeD of the United 8~tea and a res1.dent. of the StAt.eofl" Y~k. III WITIl1ESS WHERBOr, we have made, subscribed, and ac- . J 1mov1e4gsd this certifica.te. this 11th day of June, 1963. ;l~fi--rt-CY! i O~ . J':r:ancel L. Allen' . ~-&~,,~ ~"jltO / '. ~ fi. ,,_O~ Ann E. pavis ~~- Lillian J""L . r'.L.~~- ~~..:IL/),;j7 ~l~or sweet. LeBa:!. ,/'kccVyt/ a ' C e A. podeyn j; I l..-P BwLic:e B. Prellw!" , ~ Lillian Redden ~" Carrk~ cP , - -/1-v Allce P. ll.obineon . ~' ~~ ~ ce~ve1 '0 ~~"" ';;',",.-.L',,'-" ''''''. ...1.'~ ~~~:"",-,,,,,\,,.,-,~.... .',' c: p. Terry j to UJ .I)aw lri. W. Van Hoatrand ~ J~ uJa....~/ Ann L. Waitz . STATB or D1f Yoax ) ) SS.I COUIr1'Y or Surl'OLK ) .J OIl ~1a 11th lky of June, 1963, b.fore me peraQllAl1y C&M France. L. Allen, BAalu G. Cochran, GladY8 c... Caaj1c,o; ADJl B. Day LUUu Jacobaoo, nean= SW.8t LeBUlly, Jean A. >>odeyn. zwu.oe 8. PJ:el1vlu, Lillian Redden, Caroline ll.o1t08, Alioe .P. Pt'bt"~oD, Alice K. Lovell, Joyce p. Terry, lr1. W. VlU1 l\lo.t.xlUld alld ADD L. 1I'4i t:, W %IIllI known :&D4 known to me to bo the aame peraOlUl 4..- cdllea 1IllUld who executed the foregoing certificate ~ incor- poration, and they thereupon severally duly acknowledged to 11I8 .... .... _~.... the ....~ LEFFERTS P....INE EDSON .. . NOTAAY PUBLIC. Stgt. gf New YO'k. ~ ~~ No. 52.I07168S.Sutfo1k. Countr- ~ T.nn EXPires Mgrdl 30, .196 , 1, :1 v-iL.~ if. C 0--"<:'- ......e......,v ~. .. JUlltice of the I ~~ {/ '''PI'-- c:ow:t of the Judicial Diltdet, hereby approve the foregoing certifieate of II () I V'>-T~,G, //A{O-{( b 11C?:i... //('3 incorporation. / j L/~ L' /-.t> e~ ~ /' ~ t' ,4 Q, In the Hat.'-U of the Incorpa:caUOD of '1;'>~f ~'"- , ). _ 'C~' <. .00000BI'oaK .l\l!1TIIU, WBLl!'AliB LBAGUB,7f'/C., " ~ UPCiu She P:covis.!OWI of the .N-"''"'1ar- '-","'-, Jlhip Co:cporaUol18 lAw _____-------------x S'l'A'l'B OJ' tmW YOlU{ ) ) SS. I COUJl1'1'V OF S~POLK ) I'rancea L. Allen. Belen G. Cochran, Gladys C. CAjko, Ann B. Davia, L.!llian Jacobson. Bleanor Sweet. I.~.il1y, "elUl A. Po4~, Eunice B. Prellwitz, Lillian Redden, CaroB". RO"~, AlLce P. RobinaOD, Alice K. Lovell, Joyoe P. Terry,Xrl. W.Vlt.A N08UaJ14 aJI4 Ann L. Wait... uob be1nq cSuly 8wo:cn. depaa. ~ .-y, anG _ch tor herself d.epases and says. tha.t. 8he 1. 0DAa of the ptI:r80na cSucribed in and who execute4 the toregoin9 ~Uf!c:au of iDoo:cpox-atiOD. and that she 1s of full aqe, a aiUzeA ot the UnJ,t.ec1 8ute., and .. rea1dent of the State of New Yor~. ;fA ,~~ .,fl. aR..f..p ~ Frances L. Al1~ ~ ~ _~A ..... Hele . Cochran / tV . ./ ladys sajko . (2(A-A/ G'ItO~ Ann E. Davis _ ;f~~ ~ Lillian JaiObsOD L r:t-~..v~~ J3;~~ 21 or'Sweet LeBa / Wz'- r-::- SWOJ:P t;o befOJ:. me this 11th day ot June, 1963. " 4~~ ~. ~J:Ol.i.ne ~ok~ n 17 \ ., (}p, <'f?~~ .u.1.ce 5'. 1l.ob1nsop Q , -. ",;",,,,!,~,;,;,'''''';N;~_ ~~ell~<:rq " , L rye P. Ter;ry SJu:,. W. () (Uk au>J- ria w. Van Ho.s1;;l:and Ann L. wa~~ -7- LJ a-:~ ~r7~5~ UfFEltlS PAINE EDSON NOlAAV PUBLIC. S10te of N.w 'fork 1'10, . 52-1071685. Suttolk Count~ Term ElqJires Maf'Ch 30, -'96 ~ . , 'i);~; f: ~:, ; \')-, A J ';;;"~>~",--" . .', .~ . , ------------------x ID the 1I&t.~ ~ <<:be Xnc~at.ion o~ orq,oq.wgg ....~~.li UW'.\Q .L~~.;f,:'O:~........ UladW ~ hlwia1.cma of the M~-""rahJ.p Co.I:poraUODIt Law ------------------x 8TUII Oi' UW YOllK ) ) SSe I COUlllTlC 06 1iUi'J'0LK ) Leffert. p. Edaon, Eaq.. bGl1n'1 duly .~. depOtl.. &J&d' .aye that> he b attoru.y for ~. .~.Qr~.. W t:hll!. "Y;~~~ . . ....,.., .."~"..".._;,, ,__.,-. __6."~,-4~"r.. 'U1.oat.. of Ucorpo:r:aUOD. all4 t:hat DO pnvL01.ia'.~,~. the approval ot ~e certificate by &ny JWlt1ce ot the' 8u~"-""~- . .~-.., Court bAe ever been made. . J ~{f~~~ Sworn t.Q before me this 11th Clay of JWle, 19~3. ?J~Oh.t3~ MADlL YN M. BAKER HOT ARY PUl:iLl(, Slote Of New York No. Sl-Ol :10:100 - SuI/oIl<. CU~ T Mlm 1:.xpifld Motw jO. .l.~ . ~ , , ~<. ,. Ji: ~ ~ ~ \ , , ^ . . ,- NYS DEPARTMENT OF STATE -1 ) . ~ ~ ~ m ~ fIlHG RcCtIPT )- CH.PURPOSES L POwE~S . CORPORATION NAME ~0~TH FU~~ A~IMAl ~ELFARE lLAGUE, Ihe. l DATE FILED DURATION & COUNTY CODE FILM NUMBER CASH NUMBER oJb/.:.4/BJ suFF Ab765bi!-;, , >.. .. I) 17 71" -. NUMBER AND KIND OF SHARES LOCATION OF PRINCI""L OFFICE' . . . , ' , ." . , . . . .. "" , ~ ) ) /'. , COMMENTS: TV h:: b GW ADDRESS FOR PROCESS REGISTERED AOijw/ , It.. ) . } }. ')r . I. ). - FEES ANDIOR TAX PAID AS FOLLOWS: AMOUNT OF CHECK . b,J;:) J&: . Q g AMOUNT OF MONEY ORDER' AMOUN' 'OF CASH' . . . . . DOLlAR FEE TO COUNTY FlUNG u~v. JU TAX CERTIFIED COPY CERTIFICATE v.ao .1 FILER NAME AND ADDRESS GElS FORMAN SCHULZE COOKS L ~ACH 100 MERRICK RDm TOTAL PAYMENT . OOOl.)U..lO.OO RJCKVIllE C.U,Tf<c REFUND OF . NY 1151u , . TO FOLLOW G~18 (1178) BASIL A PATERSOh - SECRETAKY OF ~TATt ~- ) .~ . / . . - C.::ItLj,'ICATB OF M-'.aI~Wl'l' OF 'Ul.t: C~~'.Ll'ICA'I'E OF INCORPOM'l'ION OF UOHTH l'ORK AMINAL WELlI'ARE LEAGUE, tHe. 1lUnS~'1' TO SECTION 803 OP '!'HE NOT-P'OR- PlOFI'!' CORPOR2'\'1'ION Li\W. WE, the under::.iigned. being the Pre.Jiaent and Secretary, respectively of NOR'l'H FOlu{ ANIMAL WELF.i'J':J,:; LEJ"GUL, INC., hereby ccrti fy: 1. The nellle of the corporation is I NORTH PORK l\NIMI.L WELPARE LEAGUE, I!I1C. 2. 'lbe Certificate of Incorporation was filed by the Department of State on the 19th day of July, 1913, pursuant to the Membership COrporations Law. 3. This corporation i3 . corporation as defined in subparagraph (a) (5) of Section 102 of the JiIOt-For-Profi~Corpora- tion Law and is a Type B corporation, purlluant to S.x:tion 201 of the Nut-For-Profit COrporation Law and continue to be Much . Type B corporation upon the a<loption of the Amendment aet forth below. 4. The Post Office Address within the state to which the ;!cretary of Stilt. lllay mail lU'ly notice required by 1_ is: Box 87 Southho1d. N.Y. 11971 . . - 5. The purpose.l of said corporation a(; flet forth in paragraph .~q of the aaid Certificate of Incorpo~ation is amended to read as followsl , "2. The purpose,; for which it is to be forrl1ed are to provide, promote and advance humane and other protective care and trE'<1bnenL of alunal ; by any and all proper and effective meano throughout the terri- tory in which it LI authori~ed to operate: to foster kindneJs to animals and to promote animal welfare ny humane education and otherwise, to purchase, print, publi;h and circulate literature relating to kind- nes.. to animals and the work of the League, to act aa a dog protective association in the protection of dogs and particularly in the protection, care and disposition of lost, strayed or homele3s dogs and as a part of or incident to such dog protect- ive purposes to establish and provide by purchase or otherwise and to maintain a shelter or shelters for dogs or other animals and other neceHary buildinq~, lands and equipment therefor and to op- erate the same and to perform all Buch acts as may _:1. . . . be customary or advisable in the operation of an animal shelter, to contract under Sections 114 and 115 of the Agriculture and Markets Law or under any other law providing for contracts for similar purposeJ and to perform such contract or contracts and to provide for destruction or oUwr :lisposition of seized dogJ as ther~in provided and in general to do any and all prOper acts relating \:0 the humane hI and animal protective purposeJ of the League.~ The League is not incorporated as a Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, but rather as a d~J protective animal welfare and humane society.- 6. The above Amendment to the Certificate of Incorp- oration was authorized by a vote of the majority of members entit- led to vote thereon at a meeting of the members. 7. No approvals or consents were endorsed on, or an- nexed to the original Certificate of Incorporation. except the ap- proval of a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Bw York and that such approval of a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York will be endorsed upon, or annxed to the within Certificate of Amendment. "'L _ _ ~ . . ."-...... - -- ~. -- - ."'- _. ;1:............ __. .'_~ .~ ~~ .......- -.~ - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this certificate has been subscribed . this /14 day of June, 1980 by the undersigned who affirm that " ii "the statements made herein are true under the penalties of perjury. I r \\NAME CAPACITY IN WHICH SIGNED SIGNATURE , i , I I MARIA TEJO President Q -- j r;:;-: r:i~ ~~ J,Hi /1., ./ t:JJJ". .-- ANN ARCHER Secretary it P " I: d I'i STATE OF NEW YORK ) ii COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss: j! " .1 Ii 11 that she is the Secretary ,of NORTH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE Ii ,t ANN ARCHER being duly sworn, deposes and s,ys , 'the corporation and one of the persons who " II Certificate of Amendment, thatSte has read signed the LEAGUE, INC. i I I foregoing I I I the Certificate of l! Amendment and knows the :i I, II to her own knowledge. Ii ,I Ii Sworn to before me this r!~ :i :1 U Ii il Ii II I i ! i .1L. ___ __ _ _ ._.____~_ contents thereof and that the same is true . Aft ()AlA'U tZu JJA Ann Archer ./ . 4. . . . . - -. .....,.......~ .. 1:.-..... ~'""""" .,,:...... .~.. ......,......... ...,.'....~..... ~...._. ""~ .~_. .......~# ,....,..,. ,~ _. .. .~ . I, ~,# -;p. Q,,f6tJ , a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Tenth Judicial District, Ii hereby approve the foregoing Amendment to the Certificate of II I, Incorporation of 1llQl1.TH FORK ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE, INC. I I Dated: ~u,,~ /1; /',. Court " ,. .' ,. , :1 ,: '1 I. ii ,: " :: . ., II ,I I, " " " , , i I' I, Ii Ii . I' ,I 5 . 1