HomeMy WebLinkAboutSolid Waste Haul and Disposal JUDITH T.TERRY r h� Gy�?' Town Hall, 53095 Main Road � TOWN CLERKw P.O. Box 1179 N Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS O ') Fax(516) 765-1823 MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER = Cj �aOf"✓ Telephone (516) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER I OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK j TOWN OF SOtiTHOLD June 13, 1997 Joe Rutigliano, Vice President RPS Environmental 854 Shepherd Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11208 Dear Mr. Rutigliano: The Southold Town Board, at a regular meeting held on June 10, 1997, accepted the bid of Trinity Transportation Corp. , at a unit bid price of $56.03 per ton, to Haul and Dispose of Municipal Solid Waste from the Southold Town Disposal Site. The Board also accepted Trinity's bid at a unit bid price of $56.03 per ton to Haul and Dispose of Construction and Demolition Debris. Thank you for submitting your bid for the haul and disposal services of MSW. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry 0 Southold Town Clerk BIDDER'S SOLICITATION SOLID WASTE HAUL AND DISPOSAL SERVICES AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Prepared by: Solid Waste Task Force Technical Committee 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 May, 1997 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services The Town of Southold will receive sealed bids for solid waste haul-disposal services until the time and at the location herein specified which will then be opened and publicly read aloud; PLACE: Office Of the Town Clerk Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 (516) 765-1800 DATE: Thursday, May 22, 1997 TIME: 1 00 P.M. EDST (LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE OPENED) The offer to be made in accordance with this Bid Solicitation shall include a bid on the following: A bid price per ton, to provide equipment and labor for hauling solid waste and disposing solid waste at the Contractor's Solid Waste Disposal Site. The term of this Agreement shall be three (3) years commencing on July 10, 1997. If the Town enters into an intermunicipal solid waste haul/disposal Agreement, the Town may terminate the Agreement at any time during Agreement years two (2) and three (3) by giving six (6) months written notice to the Contractor. The Town, at its sole discretion, shall have the option of renewing the Agreement for two additional one year terms by giving Contractor written notice of its intention to renew at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the term. Bids must be made in writing on the forms furnished and shall be accompanied by a Bid Guaranty in the Form of certified check, money order, bank draft or standard form letter of credit made payable to Town of Southold, or bid bond, in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) wherein the named obligee shall be the Town of Southold. The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a performance Bond, and insurance in accordance with the instructions in the Bid Solicitation. 2 The bid price shall not include any tax, Federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. A Bidder may not withdraw his bid within forty-five (45) days after the opening of the bids, but may withdraw his Bid at any time prior to the scheduled time for the opening of bids. The Town reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities, should this action be in the best interest of the Town of Southold. Bid Solicitation containing submission requirements, instructions, technical specifications, and bidding forms may be examined free of charge and at the following location on weekdays from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.: Office Of the Town Clerk Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Upon payment of non-refundable fifty dollars ($50.00) Bid Solicitation may be picked up at: Office of the Town Clerk Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Bidders will be allowed to ask questions regarding the Bid Solicitation during a pre-bid conference to be held at 9:00 A.M., Monday, May 12, 1997 at: Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 All bidders are encouraged to inspect the Southold Town Transfer Station prior to the bid conference. Appointments to do so may be scheduled by calling James Bunchuck at (516) 734-7685. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk For further information regarding bidding requirements, contact Judith T. Terry (516) 765-1800. For information regarding Town Of Southold waste program and haul- disposal operations, contact James Bunchuck (516) 734-7685. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS GLOSSARY OF TERMS 7 VECTION A - SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 10 1.0 Project Purpose 11 2.0 Schedule 11 3.0 Examination OF Agreement Documents 12 4.0 Information to be Submitted 13 4.1 Contractual Bid 13 4.2 Supplemental Information 14 5.0 Bid Format 15 5.1 Binding 15 5.2 Form Preparation 15 6.0 Submission of Bid 15 6.1 Withdrawal Of Bids 16 6.2 Questions & Addenda 16 7.0 Bid Guaranty 16 8.0 Execution Of Agreement 17 9.0 Consideration Of Bids 17 10.0 Selection Of Contractor 18 11.0 Acceptance of Bid 18 12.0 Assignment 18 13.0 Limitation Of Funds Available 19 14.0 Insurance and Bonds 19 14.1 Insurance 19 14.2 Bonds 20 15.0 Indemnity (Hold Harmless) 21 16.0 Payments 21 17.0 Default 22 18.0 Term of Agreement 22 19.0 Service Agreement 22 20.0 Subcontracts 22 21.0 Rights and Options 23 SECTION B - BID SPECIFICATION 24 t0 Requirements 25 2.0 Program Goals and Objectives 26 3.0 Potential Regulatory and Operational Changes 26 4.0 Character Of The Solid Waste 26 4.1 Quality and Characteristics 27 5.0 Program Activities 27 5.1 Collection 27 4 5.2 Loading Mode 28 5.3 Town of Southold Accident and Damage Policy 28 5.4 NYSDEC Part 360 Permit to Operate 28 6.0 Haul Services 29 6.1 Work Included 29 6.2 Equipment 29 6.3 Weighings 30 6.4 Routing Mode - Contractor's Responsibility 30 7.0 Disposal Services Program Activities 30 7.1 Work Included 31 7.2 Operational Capacity 31 7.3 Permit Requirements 31 7.3.1 Disposal Sites Inside State Of New York 32 7.3.2 Disposal Sites Outside State of New York 33 7.4 Weighings 35 8.0 Safety and Health Regulations 35 9.0 Operations and Procedures 36 9.1 Supporting Data 37 SECTION C - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOLID WASTE 38 HAUL/DISPOSAL SERVICES 1.0 Intent 39 2.0 General Bid Statement 39 3.0 Unit Price Bid Schedule 43 3.1 Compensation 43 3.2 Evaluation Unit Bid Price Formula 44 4.0 Bid Security Acknowledgment 45 5.0 Information Schedules 45 Information Schedule A Information Schedule B Information Schedule C Information Schedule D Information Schedule E Information Schedule F Information Schedule G Information Schedule H Information Schedule 1 Information Schedule J Information Schedule K Information Schedule L Information Schedule M 5 SECTION D - APPENDICES Appendix A Sample Operating Agreement Appendix B New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Permit Appendix C Accident Report Appendix D Town of Southold SWMP (Executive Summary) Appendix E Town of Southold Overview of Transfer Station Operations 6 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ADMINISTRATOR - Shall mean the Coordinator of municipal solid waste (or his agent) Of the Town of Southold, New York. AGREEMENT - Shall mean a Form operating agreement set forth by the Town and resulting from this Bid Solicitation between the Town of Southold and the successful Bidder to be executed in 1997. AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS - Shall include the notice to bidders, instructions, bid solicitation, bid Forms, information schedules, proposal, payment bond, bid bond, Agreement, performance bond, certificates of insurance, glossary of terms any general conditions or special conditions, and any addenda. The Agreement Documents will Form a part of the Agreement. AGREEMENT YEAR - Shall mean the period from July 10, of a calendar year to July 9, of the next calendar year. 131DDER - Shall mean any party or parties submitting in proper form a bid to perform the work as specified in the Agreement Documents. The successful Bidder selected by the Town to perform the specified work will thereafter be known as the Contractor. BID PRICE - Shall mean the unit cost to determine the ranking of bidders. BID SOLICITATION - Shall mean this document, specifications, and any bid addenda issued. COMMENCEMENT DATE - Shall mean July 10, 1997. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND/OR DEMOLITION DEBRIS (C&D) - Shall mean solid waste resulting from the construction, renovation, equipping, remodeling, repair and demolition of structures and roads. Such waste includes, but is not limited to, bricks, concrete and other masonry materials, soil, rock, wood, wall coverings, plaster, drywall, non-asbestos insulation and roofing shingles. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND/OR DEMOLITION DEBRIS (C&D) DISPOSAL SITES - Shall mean any site designated by the Contractor where construction and demolition debris is disposed of in a manner that minimizes environmental hazards and is permitted under the design and operation requirements of 6NYCRR Part 360 or ,alternatively outside the State of New York, is permitted under design and operation requirements meeting the requirements of 1) that jurisdiction's applicable regulatory ,agency and 2) Town of Southold's minimum standards. GLOSSARY - 1 7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - Shall have the same meaning as Agreement Documents. CONTRACT YEAR - Shall have the same meaning as Agreement Year. CONTRACTOR - Shall mean the party contracting to perform the work, or the heirs, executors, administrators, agents, or successors thereof. COORDINATOR - Shall mean the coordinator of municipal solid waste for the Town of Southold. COUNTY - Shall mean Suffolk County, State Of New York. DAILY - Sunday to Saturday, inclusive. EPA - Environmental Protection Agency (Federal). HAUL-DISPOSAL SERVICES UNIT PRICE - Shall mean the Contractor's compensation in dollars for each ton of solid waste actually hauled from the Town Of Iouthold Transfer Station to the Contractor-Designated Disposal Site and disposed of at the Contractor-Designated Disposal Site. HAZARDOUS WASTE - Shall mean (1) any "hazardous waste" as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et seq.• or "hazardous substance" as defined under the comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 9601 et seg., or "hazardous waste" as defined under New York Environmental Conservation Law Section 27-0901 et seg., as each such law may be amended from time to time, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, and any analogous or succeeding Federal, state or local law, rule or regulation and regulations promulgated thereunder and (2) any other material which any governmental agency or unit having appropriate jurisdiction shall determine from time to time cannot be processed at the facility because it harmful, toxic or dangerous. NOTICE OF AWARD - Shall mean written notice from the Town of Southold to the successful Bidder that the Town of Southold intends to award an Agreement to the successful Bidder, subject to compliance with all their terms and conditions of the ,Agreement Documents. NYSDEC - New York State Department Of Environmental Conservation. OSHA - Federal Williams-Steiger Occupations Safety & Health Act of 1970, plus subsequent revisions. GLOSSARY - 2 8 OWNER - Shall mean the Town Of Southold, New York. Also may be referred to as the Town. PERMIT - Shall mean any and all permits, licenses, approvals, certificates of public convenience and necessity, Franchises or authorizations which must be issued by any Governmental Body having jurisdiction thereof to legally enable the Contractor to transport and/or dispose Of construction and demolition debris. PERMITTEE - Shall mean any person issued a valid permit to haul construction and demolition debris or to construct, establish, maintain or operate a construction and demolition debris Disposal Site. RCRA - Resource Conservation Recovery Act (Federal). SOLID WASTE - Shall mean all putrescible and non-putrescible materials or substances, including but not limited to garbage, refuse, rubbish, ashes, agricultural wastes, and offal. (Solid Waste does not include C&D waste, recyclables, hazardous, or infectious waste). SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL SITE(S) - Shall mean any site designated by the Contractor where solid waste is disposed of in a manner that minimizes environmental hazards and Is permitted under the design and operation requirements of 6NYCRR Part 360 - Solid Waste Management Facilities, or alternatively outside of the State of New York, is permitted under design and operation requirements meeting the requirements of 1) that jurisdiction's applicable regulatory agency and 2) Town of Southold's minimum standards. Also may be referred to as Disposal Site(s). SUBCONTRACTOR - Shall mean an individual, firm or corporation having a direct contract with the Contractor for services, equipment, materials and/or labor. GLOSSARY - 3 9 SECTION A SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS BIDDERS INFORMATION, INSTRUCTIONS, AND AWARD BASIS 10 SECTION A SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 13IDDERS INFORMATION, INSTRUCTIONS AND AWARD BASIS 1.0 PROJECT PURPOSE The Town of Southold expects that it will receive and need to dispose of approximately 10,000 tons of solid waste during the agreement year. It is possible that the Town of Southold will contract with another town to receive and dispose of their solid wastes. If this happens the quantity of wastes to be hauled and disposed of under this Agreement will increase. This Bid Solicitation will ensure Town of Southold's solid waste will continue to be 1) hauled From the Town of Southold Transfer Station to Disposal Site(s) and 2) disposed of at permitted Disposal Site(s). 2.0 SCHEDULE The schedule below is an estimate of the time period leading up to the commencement of the Agreement. Its intent is to provide each Bidder with an idea of when certain events may occur. The dates given are guidelines and should not be construed as firm dates or deadlines due to the multiple parties involved in the decision making process. EVENT DATE Transfer Station Visits By Appointment Pre-Bid Conference May 12, 1997 Bid Opening May 22, 1997 Town Board Approval June 3, 1997 Agreement Executed On or Before June 25, 1997 Operations Commencement July 10, 1997 11 :3.0 EXAMINATION OF AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS, FAMILIARITY WITH THE WORK It is the responsibility of each Bidder before submitting a Bid to (a) examine the Sample Operating Agreement and Agreement Documents thoroughly; (b) visit the site of the Town of Southold Transfer Station; (c) attend and be familiar with the outcome of the pre-bid conference (d) become familiar with conditions at the Town of Southold Transfer Station and Disposal Sites that may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the work; (e) become familiar with and consider all federal, state and local laws, regulations ordinances, permits, approvals and orders that may effect the cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the work; (f) study and carefully correlate the Bidder's observations with the Agreement Documents; and (g) notify the Town Clerk of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Agreement Documents. Reference is made to the following Appendices which contain supplemental information which is attached to and made part of the Agreement Documents: Appendix A: Sample Operating Agreement Appendix B: NYSDEC Part 360 Operating Permit Appendix C: Town of Southold Accident Report Reference is made to the following Appendices which contain supplemental information which is attached to the Agreement Documents solely for the convenience of bidders: Appendix D: Solid Waste Management Plan Summary Appendix E: 1996 Cumulative Waste Summary Reference is made to the Following information which is available for review by Bidders at the Town Clerk's Office during normal business hours - 8:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. i. Pending conceptual plans for the proposed Town of Southold Transfer Station. ii. Town of Southold Solid Waste Management Plan. This information is presented solely for the convenience of the Bidders and does not constitute part of the Agreement Documents. Bidders shall form their own conclusions and opinions from this information and shall confirm any information 12 contained therein regarding facilities and equipment through site visits. The Town does not guarantee the accuracy of any information contained in these documents. Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder shall, at the Bidder's own expense, make or obtain any additional inspections, examinations, or studies and obtain any additional data and information which may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the work and which Bidder deems necessary to determine its bid for performing and furnishing the work in accordance with the time, price and other terms and conditions of the Agreement Documents. The failure or omission of the Bidder to receive and examine any form, instrument or document, or make required inquiries and inspections, shall not relieve the Bidder from any obligation contained in the Agreement Documents. The Town will be justified in rejecting any claim based on facts or conditions of which the Contractor should have been cognizant. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Bid Solicitation, that without exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the work required by the Agreement Documents, and that the Agreement Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the work. Bidders will be allowed to ask questions regarding the Bid Documents during the pre-bid conference to be held at: Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 May 12, 1997 at 9:00 A.M. 4.0 INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED WITH PROPOSAL 4.1 Contractual Bid For the purpose of assisting the Town in determining the responsible Bidders for this Bid Solicitation, the Bidder is required to submit the following minimum information with his bid: i. Contractor Bid Form ii. Bid Security or Bid Bond iii. Information Schedules A through M as applicable iv. Supplemental Information as described in 4.2 4.2 Supplemental Information 13 In addition to the aforementioned forms, the Bidder is required to submit the following supplemental information with his bid: i. Operational Plan: A plan describing the Bidder's assessment of the requested operation set forth in Exhibit M. This section shall be divided into the following subsections: o Haul A detailed summary of requirements for manpower, materials and supplies, mobile equipment, etc., shall be included to provide the Town with general anticipated guidelines for performance under the Agreement. o Disposal A detailed summary of requirements of site capacity, useful life, hours and days of the week, operation, etc., shall be included to provide the Town with general anticipated guidelines for performance under the Agreement. A copy of the current Permits to Construct and Permits to Operate shall be included. If the Solid Waste Disposal Site is located outside the State of New York, a copy of the current applicable laws and regulations governing the design, construction and operation of the Disposal Site shall additionally be included. ii. Litigation: A section briefly describing any current litigation which in any way may affect the Bidder's operational capability of useful life of the Solid Waste Disposal Sites. iii. Subcontractors: If the Bidder intends to use one or more subcontractors to complete any portion of the work, the Bidder must so indicate this intent in its Bid. The Bidder is advised that any Agreement awarded will be contingent upon the use of the subcontractor(s) so identified. In the event that the Bidder desires to change the number or identity of such subcontractor(s), the proposed change must be submitted to the Town for approval. No such change shall be made without the Town's approval. In addition, it is the policy of the Town of Southold to encourage the participation of Minority Business Enterprises (MBE's) and Women- Owned Business Enterprises (WBE's) on Town projects. For this reason, the Agreement will require Contractor to use its best efforts to include among its subcontractors MBE and WBE firms. In the event the successful Bidder intends to subcontract in excess of twenty-five percent (25%) of the work, the Bidder will be required to submit to the Town an MBE/WBE Utilization Plan acceptable to the Town prior to the Town's execution of the Agreement. 14 he iv. Disposal Site Subcontractor: In the event Bidder i der does h town the Disposal Site identified in its Bid, statement, signed by an authorized representative of theant i th ssal Site, which provides for Bidder's use of theit ent Documents. Bid Solicitation in accordance with the AgeBEMAY THE NCLUD NG A REFEORENCEE TIO REMENTS AN INFORMATION SATISFIED BPR SCHEDULE ( AND S INCLUDED ISN THE g AIDES THE INFORMATION REQUESTED 5 0 BID FORMAT 5.1 Binding The document(s) if bound shall be in a manner that will provide for easy evaluation access (to lie flat when opened). Printing on both sides of the sheets, provided a quality paper is utilized that will prevent the type from showing through, is acceptable. Paper with substantial recycled content is preferred- E.2 referred.G2 Form Preparation Bids shall be submitted in the form described in thiin both words and blank spaces for bid prices shall be properly filled in, in ink or typed, rds numerals for all bid in figures do not uag ee,lthe wrn the itten twords shall be bi dina price shown in wo g onnhes equivalent shown Bidder. BIDS SHALL NOT BE QUALIFIED, MODIFIED,s not caaLi shall e so indicated. I ANY WAY. In the eventnot bec ons decat ed ion I depending on the nature of the missing Incomplete bids may information. 6.0 SUBMISSION OF BID e complete sets of his Bid which Each Bidder shall submit six (6) separat ie envelope plainly marked on the outside with the shall be enclosed in a sealed op title of the won or befoee the time ndname and adat the place ress of the designated in he Notice t dBidders. unless filed o will be returned to Bidders unopened. Bids received after the time set for the opening When sent by mail, preferably registered, the sealed Bid, marked as above, should be enclosed in an additional envelope similarly marked and addressed to: Office of the Town Clerk Town of Southold 15 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Bids received prior to the time of opening will be kept securely unopened. No bid received thereafter will be considered. 6.1 Withdrawal of Bids Any Bidder will be given permission to withdraw its Bid upon receipt of a properly notarized written request made no later than the time set for opening. At the time of opening of the bids, if such Bid is included, it will be returned to the Bidder unopened. No bid may be withdrawn after opening until execution of the Agreement or rejection of all bids as provided herein. 6.2 Questions & Addenda All questions about this Bid Solicitation must be submitted in writing to the following: Town Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 No alterations to this Bid Solicitation will be considered valid unless in writing and issued as Addenda. All such addenda shall become part of the documents and all Bidders shall be bound by such addenda, whether or not received by the Bidders. All questions must be received at least ten (10) calendar days before bid opening in order to be answered. It shall be the Bidder's responsibility to make inquiries concerning any addenda issued. All addenda will be on file at the Town Clerk's office at least twenty-four (24) hours before bids are opened. The Town will not be bound by oral clarifications. 7.0 BID GUARANTY Each Bid must be accompanied by a bid guaranty (Section C, Schedule 5.0.K), without condition or qualification, which shall be in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00). The guaranty may be certified check, bank draft, money order, standard form irrevocable letter of credit, or a bid bond in the form attached. The bid bond shall be secured from a surety company authorized to do business in the State of New York 16 as a surety. No Bid will be considered unless it is accompanied by the required guaranty, certified check, money order or bank draft must be made payable to the order of the Town of Southold. The bid bond shall name the Town as the obligee. Cash deposits will not be accepted. The bid guaranty shall ensure the execution of the Agreement and the furnishing of the surety bond or other required bonds by the successful Bidder, all as required by the Agreement Documents. All guaranties will be returned within ten (10) days after the execution of the Agreement and required bonds, insurance and other Agreement Documents are received from the successful Bidder. 8.0 EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT, FURNISHING OF BONDS The successful Bidder, or its legally authorized representative, shall be required to appear in person within ten (10) days of the Notice of Award by the Town at the place and time designated by the Town to execute the Agreement and other Agreement Documents for Haul/disposal services. The successful Bidder shall, at its own cost and expense, procure, execute and deliver to the Town the following documents within ten (10) days of formal Notice of Award by the Town. Performance Bond - A Performance Bond shall be in an amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00). This bond (as shown by example in Section C, Schedule 5.01), shall be maintained at the Contractor's own expense for the term of the Agreement. Failure or refusal of the successful Bidder to execute and/or deliver such bond within the time designated, shall constitute a breach of such Bidder of the Agreement created by the Town's acceptance of the bid. In such event, the Town may determine that such Bidder has abandoned the Agreement and the Town shall be entitled to take action for any and all damages it may suffer as the result of such breach. The Town's rights in this regard shall include but not be limited to a claim against the bid bond provided. The Town specifically reserves any and all other rights against the Contractor as a result of his failure to perform as required by these documents. 9.0 CONSIDERATION OF BIDS The Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any/or all bids for haul and disposal services if such action is deemed to be in the best interests of the Town. To be considered responsive to this Bid Solicitation, each Bidder shall: A. Provide equipment, labor, maintenance and management services to haul and dispose of solid waste from the Town of Southold Transfer 17 Station to Contractor designated Solid Waste Disposal Site(s) as set forth in Section B - Bid Specifications. B. Reserve and provide a minimum available capacity of 15,000 tons (52 weeks/year) yearly, allowing for seasonal and other peak periods. C. Provide evidence of all current valid state and Federal permits, licenses, local ordinances, etc., required by law to receive solid waste at the designated Disposal Site(s). D. Provide evidence of physical and financial capability to perform services described in the bid specifications. 10.0 SELECTION OF CONTRACTOR Bids will be evaluated only if accompanied by the approved form of bid guaranty. Only bids solicited from firms or combinations thereof, who have sufficient management, engineering capabilities, operating, and maintenance experience to fulfill the Town's goals and comply with the applicable local, state, Federal laws, ordinances, regulations, e.g. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Resource Conservation Recovery Act and Federal Environmental Protection Agency guidelines will be accepted. The Town will review the bids and make a selection recommendation based on the evaluation criteria included in this Bid Solicitation or take such other action as it deems in its best interest. Any agreement awarded hereunder will be to the responsible Bidder whose Evaluation Unit Bid Price is the lowest. The Town of Southold reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject all bids submitted in response to this Bid Solicitation. 11.0 ACCEPTANCE OF BID The acceptance of a Bid will be a Notice of Award signed by a duly :authorized representative of the Town, and no other act of the Town shall constitute the acceptance of a Bid. The acceptance of a Bid shall bind the successful Bidder to execute the Agreement and other Agreement Documents. 12.0 ASSIGNMENT The successful Bidder to whom any Agreement shall be let, granted, or awarded shall not assign, transfer, convey, sublet, or otherwise dispose of the Agreement or of his right, title, or interest therein or his power to execute such ,Agreement, to any person or corporation without the prior written consent of the Town. 13.0 LIMITATION OF FUNDS AVAILABLE 18 The Contractor specifically agrees that any Agreement shall be deemed executory only to the extent of the funds appropriated for the purpose of the Agreement and that no liability shall be incurred by the Town beyond the funds appropriated on the date of execution of the Agreement by the Town for the said purpose. 14.0 INSURANCE AND BONDS 14.1 Insurance For the period from Agreement commencement date until one (1) year after Agreement termination date, Contractor must maintain insurance acceptable to the Town in the kinds and amounts set forth below. All such insurance coverage shall be provided by companies licensed to do business in New York State and the state in which the Disposal Site(s) is (are) located. The Town of Southold and its agent shall be named as an additional insured and coverage shall not be changed or cancelled until thirty (30) days written notice has been given to the Town. Within ten (10) days of the Notice of Award. Contractor shall fumish to the Town, certificates of insurance, in a form satisfactory to the Town Attorney, evidencing such insurance. The kinds and amounts of insurance are as follows: A. Contractor's Insurance - Insurance for liability for damage imposed by law of kinds and in the amounts hereinafter provided covering all work under the Agreement, whether performed by Contractor or his subcontractors. The kinds and amounts of insurance are as follows: (1) Worker's Compensation Insurance - A Policy covering the operations of the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 41 of the Laws of 1914 as amended, known as the Worker's Compensation Law, covering all operations Of the Contractor, whether performed by him or by his subcontractors. The Agreement shall be void and of no effect unless the person or corporation making or executing same shall secure compensation coverage for the benefit of, and keep insured during the life of said Agreement such employees in compliance with provisions of the Worker's Compensation Law. (2) General Liability (Comprehensive Form) Insurance - Contractor's liability insurance issued to and covering legal liability of the Contractor with respect to all work performed by him under the Agreement. The following insurance coverage shall be included: (a) Independent Contractor's Protective Liability - Covering work performed by subcontractors. 19 (b) Completed Operations or Product Liability. (c) Contractual Liability. (d) Broad Form Property Damage. (e) Personal Iniury. NOTE: If any of the rating classifications embody property damage exclusions C or U, coverage for eliminating such exclusions must be provided. Coverage for the above will be required in not less than the following amounts: SINGLE LIMITS OF LIABILITY: $ 1,000,000.00 AGGREGATE LIMITS OF LIABILITY: $10,000,000.00 (3) Automobile Liability Insurance - Policy shall include coverage for all owned as well as non-owned and hired vehicles, and limits shall not be less than the following amounts: BODILY INJURY LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY Aggregate: $3,000,000.00 Aggregate: $3,000,000.00 Each Person Each Occurrence Each Occurrence $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00 14.2 Bonds Prior to the execution Of the Agreement, the successful bidder shall furnish to the Town a Performance Bond wherein the named obligee is the Town of Southold. The Performance Bond's purpose is to secure the faithful performance of the Agreement. The bond amount shall be set forth in Section A-8.0. 'The bond shall be executed by a surety company approved by the Town authorized to do business in the State of New York and with an office or representative in Suffolk County, New York. The form shall be acceptable to the Town of Southold and shall have a term through the completion of services. As an alternative to the Performance Bond, the successful Bidder may furnish a certified check, bank draft, money order, or a standard form irrevocable letter of credit, certified check, bank draft or money order must be made payable to the order of the Town of Southold. The standard form irrevocable letter of credit shall be in a form acceptable to the Town of Southold. 20 In the event the Contractor secures a Performance Bond from any of its subcontractors, said bond shall also name the Town of Southold as a dual obligee. Should the Town designate another public or private gent of contract administrator, the same or others shall be added as additional named obligee at no added costs to the Town, upon written request from the Town. '15.0 INDEMNITY (HOLD HARMLESS) Contractor shall agree to defend, indemnify and save harmless the Town against any and all liability, loss, damage, detriment, suit, claim, demand, cost, charge, attorney's fees and expenses of whatever kind or nature which the Town may directly or indirectly incur, suffer or be required to pay by reason of or in consequence of the carrying out of or the performance of the terms of such Agreement, or the failure to carry out any of the revisions, duties, services or requirements of such Agreement, whether such losses and damages are suffered or sustained by the Town directly or its employees, licensees, agents, engineers, citizens or by other persons or corporations, including any of the Contractor's employees and agents who may seek to hold the Town liable therefor. This indemnity shall include any and all claims, penalties or other losses or damages incurred by the Town as a result of enforcement or other proceedings by Federal, state or local government agencies relating to Contractor's Disposal Site(s) operation. This obligation shall be ongoing, survive the term of the Agreement and include, but not be limited to, claims concerning non-sudden environmental impairments. The Bidder agrees to join in the commencement of any action or proceeding or in the defense of any action or proceeding which in the opinion of the Town constitutes actual or threatened interference or interruption with the Town's rights hereunder, including all necessary appeals which may be necessary, in the opinion of the Town. 16.0 PAYMENTS Contractor shall receive monthly payments for services performed during the prior calendar month upon submission of an invoice (with a Town voucher) that shall contain an itemized list of municipal solid waste haul trips from the Town of Southold Transfer Station including the tonnage of municipal solid waste and the manifest number for each load of municipal solid waste removed. Such payments shall be made within sixty (60) days of the Town's approval of Contractor's invoice. Contractor's monthly invoice shall include a daily summary of tonnage received by Contractor at the Transfer Station. The Town shall be entitled to deduct from any payment owing to Contractor any sums expended by the Town to cure any default or other non-compliance by Contractor. 21 117.0 DEFAULT In the event the Contractor fails to perform its obligations under the Agreement, the Town may terminate such Agreement, and the Town may procure the services from other sources and hold the Contractor responsible for any excess costs incurred and deduct from payments owing to the Contractor and/or draw upon the Performance Bond as full or partial reimbursement for such excess costs. The Town reserves the right to terminate the Agreement for just cause. '18.0 TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement shall be three (3) years commencing on July '10, 1997. If the Town enters into an intermunicipal solid waste haul/disposal agreement the Town may terminate the agreement at any time during years two (2) and three (3) by giving six (6) months written notice to the Contractor. The Town, at its sole discretion, shall have the option of renewing the Agreement for two (2) additional one (1 ) year terms by giving Contractor written notice of its intention to renew at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the term. 19.0 SERVICE AGREEMENT The Contractor shall be obligated to provide the Town with disposal services without regard to the permit status of its Disposal Site. In the event that Bidder wishes to submit a bid for a Disposal Site for which Bidder does not currently have all necessary federal and state permits, Bidder shall, at its sole risk and expense, be responsible for obtaining and/or renewing its permits or providing to the Town an alternate Solid Waste Disposal Site at no additional cost (disposal plus any additional hauling) to the Town. This is a full service Agreement and failure of the successful Bidder to provide the identified Disposal Site or acceptable alternative Disposal Site, on or after the commencement date for services under the Agreement Documents awarded hereunder shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. The Bidder accordingly shall not be excused from it obligations hereunder by reason of any failure to obtain or maintain its permits at the identified Disposal Site. 20.0 SUBCONTRACTS In the event Bidder does not own the Disposal Site identified in its bid prior to execution of the Agreement, Bidder shall: (1) furnish to the Town a copy of the signed Agreement between Bidder and the Disposal Site Contractor which provides for Bidder's use of the site pursuant to this Bid Solicitation in accordance with the Agreement Documents; 22 (2) require the Disposal Site Contractor to furnish to Contractor and the Town a performance bond guaranteeing the availability of the Disposal Site throughout the term of the Agreement; (3) require the certificates Contractor to provide insurance naming the Town as additional insureds on all policies maintained by Contractor. 21.0 RIGHTS AND OPTIONS The Town of Southold, New York, reserves and holds at its discretion the following rights and options upon issuing this Bid Solicitation: 1. To award an Agreement to the candidate whose bid is judged to be the lowest responsible bid pursuant to Section 103 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York. 2. To reject any and/or all bids. 3. To issue subsequent bid solicitations. 4. To issue additional and subsequent solicitations for statements of qualifications, and conduct investigations or interviews with respect to the qualifications of each Bidder. 5. To designate another public body, private or public agency, group, or authority to act in its behalf for evaluation and Agreement negotiations. 6. To designate another public body, private or public agency, group, or authority to act in its behalf for contract administration of this project at any time during the Agreement period. 23 SECTION B BID SPECIFICATIONS (TECH NICAUMANAGEMENT) 24 SECTION B BID SPECIFICATIONS TECHNICAL/MANAGEMENT 1'.0 REQUIREMENTS This request for bids is issued for the Town of Southold, State of New York, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, 11971 (Telephone (516) 765-1800) The effort, shall be known as the Town of Southold Solid Waste Haul Disposal Service. The Town of Southold desires to issue an Agreement with a qualified Contractor to haul and dispose of a portion of its Solid Waste. The Town will need to dispose of approximately 10,000 tons of solid waste during the agreement years. The Contractor will ensure the Town that solid waste will continue to be; 1) hauled from the Town of Southold's transfer Station to disposal site(s), and; 2) disposed at permitted disposal site(s). The following general services are sought in this request: . HAUL Provide equipment, labor, maintenance, management and policies to operate a transportation system for hauling solid waste from the Town of Southold transfer Station to Contractor designated disposal site(s) as set forth herein. Transportation equipment shall be in accordance with New York State Department of Transportation, Interstate Commerce Commission, United States Department of Transportation, as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, or other applicable state and federal regulatory requirements. • Disposal Reserve capacity and provide equipment, labor, maintenance, management and policies to receive and dispose of solid waste from the Town of Southold Transfer Station as set forth herein. The Contractor's New York State Solid Waste Disposal Site(s) must be in compliance with all State of New York Department Of Environmental Conservation's and U.S. Government's Regulatory requirements, e.g., 6NYCRR Part 360, Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA), Environmental Protection Agency - Subtitle D, et al. Disposal Sites outside New York State shall be permitted by applicable local, state and Federal laws including RCRA and 25 Subtitle D and regulations deemed by the Town to be no less protective of the environment than those outlined in this specification. Disposal alternatives that will be considered include land disposal, incineration, composting, etc., as long as they comply with regulatory requirements and environmental standards. 2:.0 PROGRAM GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The goal of this project is the continued safe and reliable hauling and disposal of the solid waste materials from the Town Of Southold Transfer Station at minimum cost to the citizenry. It is also the objective of the Town of Southold to ensure that the haul- disposal operations proceed according to the provisions of this document and subsequent agreements/amendments are upheld. 3.0 POTENTIAL REGULATORY AND OPERATIONAL CHANGES During the term of the Agreement, there may be a number of regulatory and operational changes which may Affect the quantities and types of solid waste received at the Town of Southold Transfer Station and delivered to the Disposal Site. This Agreement will not provide any guarantees with respect to the volume of waste to be hauled and/or disposed of by Contractor. The Town reserves the right to designate another public body, private or public agency, group or authority to act in its behalf for administration of the Agreement at any time during the term of Agreement. 4.0 CHARACTER OF THE SOLID WASTE The wastes which are to be hauled and disposed of under terms of this bid solicitation are to include typical municipal wastes from a rural community. This will include all waste types generated in private households, and, therefore, can include broken furniture, small appliances, and other wastes generated in a private home or apartment as allowed under 6NYCRR Part 360- 1.2(a) regulations and the Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse Law, Chapter 48 of the Code of the Town of Southold. Commercial waste may also be included in the solid waste stream. It may include any waste which is typically disposed of in dumpster or roll-off type container boxes at restaurants, small businesses, light industries, hospitals, office buildings etc. It should not include any wastes covered by special waste 26 permits Such as pathogenic or hazardous materials, but the Town cannot guarantee that the waste stream does not contain same. Special costs associated with handling noncompliance loads will be compensated under Forced Accounting (Appendix A-9). 4.1 Quality and Characteristics The Town Of Southold's historical solid waste quantities and characterization data are included in the Appendices. Bidders are cautioned that actual quantities may differ significantly from these data. Recycling programs may affect the quantity and characteristics of the waste received at the Town of Southold Transfer Station. If the Contractor discovers any non-compliance waste (hazardous, regulated medical or special wastes), the Contractor shall notify the Town and dispose of the noncompliance waste in accordance with local, state and Federal regulations. Compensation for such waste disposal services shall be provided for under Forced Accounting (Appendix A-9). The Town makes no specific representations in the foregoing disclosure. 5.0 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES 5.1 Collection The Town of Southold Transfer Station is open 7 days a week, except holidays, from 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. The Contractor will be expected to collect and remove solid waste from the Transfer Station during the following hours: Monday through Friday 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., The Transfer Station is closed on the following holidays: New Year's Day Columbus Day Martin Luther King Day Election Day Lincoln's Birthday Veterans Day Presidents Day 1/2 day before Thanksgiving Easter Sunday Thanksgiving Memorial Day 1/2 day before Christmas Independence Day Christmas Labor Day 1/2 day before New Year's Day The Contractor must make transfer containers available for loading seven days a week, if requested, between 7:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Removal of waste on 27 Sundays is frequently not required during the winter months. The Contractor will be expected to provide enough containers to empty the Transfer Station tipping floor on a daily basis, Station Staff as needed. a delivery adequate:,number of containers for this purpose will coordinated with Transfer 5.2 Loading Mode The Contractor shall fully prepare transfer containers for loading, including assuring that container covers or empty containers are left open. Solid Waste will be loaded by the Town at its Transfer Station using a front end wheel loader or backhoe. After loading, Contractor will bring transfer containers to the Town's truck scales for weighing to prevent overloading and to document haul and disposal tonnages. Contractor will then cover (tarp) his load prior to leaving the site. If required by any local, state or Federal regulations or law, the contractor shall provide sealed containers for loading. This service shall be at the Contractor's expense and included in the unit price bid. 5.3 Town Of Southold Accident and Damage Policy The Contractor shall be required to prepare an Accident Report (See Appendix C) Of any accidents and/or damage that occur while performing services under the term of the Agreement. The Town of Southold shall immediately be notified of any major occurrences such as bodily injury of structural damage to the Town's Transfer Station. An Accident Report will be submitted to the Town within twent -four 24 s containing the date, time, location, and complete description of all incidents. The offending ( ) hours parts or representative/e thereof shall also be recorded and required to sign-the accident/damage report prior to departing the Town of Southold Transfer Station. All accident and/or damage reports will be included in reports to the Town. 5.4 NYSDEC Part 360 Permit to Operate The Town Of Southold operates the Transfer Station under a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Part 360 Permit to Operate. A copy of NYSDEC Permit is included as Appendix B. 28 6.0 HAUL SERVICES For Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services Agreement, the following services will include the tasks, responsibilities and performance required as outlined herein. 6.1 Work Included The Contractor shall provide the following major essential services or equipment and any other nonspecified items, without limitations, to maintain a reliable haul services operation in a manner that will meet the needs of the Town of Southold. • Management and operation of a fleet to accommodate the transport of solid waste from the Town transfer Station to Solid Waste Disposal Site(s) in accordance with all local, state, and Federal regulations. • Financial liability and maintenance responsibility of transport equipment, i.e., dump trailers, transfer trailers bulk material containers, vehicles, personnel and services for open-top loading solid waste hauling activities. • Coordination of haul services with disposal services. 6.2 Equipment The Contractor shall provide reliable refuse handling and other essential ancillary equipment, along with personnel to operate and maintain a reliable haul services system in a manner that will satisfy the needs of the Town of Southold. The minimum level of haul services equipment acceptable to the Town to support the haul operation includes open-top trailers and bulk material containers. The Contractor will supply additional open-top trailers and containers, etc. The contractor must assure the Town that an adequate reserve supply of equipment exists to haul and dispose of the daily and seasonal solid waste including unpredictable surges or delays due to inclement weather and that transport equipment storage requirements will meet the Town of Southold Transfer Station requirements. Each bidder is therefore responsible for familiarizing itself with the Town of Southold Transfer Station site, solid waste, etc., to assure equipment compatibility. Transport equipment may be open-top bulk material containers, dump trailers, roll-off containers or opentop transfer trailers, provided that all such equipment is suitable for convenient loading given existing configurations of the Town of Southold Transfer Station. 29 Transport equipment shall be: 1) Registered with the State of New York Department of Motor Vehicles or equivalent agency; 2) designed to preclude spillage of waste; 3) loaded within their design capacity and New York State Department of Transportation regulations, 4) well maintained in good working order. Corroded, defective, bent, deformed or punctured trailers, roll-off boxes, or other containers of waste materials shall not be utilized at any time. Suitable covers shall be provided and used while transporting solid waste in open-top transport equipment. The bidder shall clearly indicate the quantity and type of transport equipment/vehicles it plans to use, their availability date, state of repair, and that such units are compatible with the Town of Southold Transfer Station scales and New York State DOT regulations, United States Department of Transportation, as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, or equivalent. The Contractor will promptly remove from use any transport equipment/vehicle that does not conform with these requirements and replace it with an acceptable unit. The Contractor shall maintain its own off-site maintenance shop facilities for servicing the transport equipmentand vehicle fleet, unless it elects to subcontract for these services. No major maintenance may be done at the Town of Southold Transfer Station site. 6.3 Weighings The Town of Southold will provide certified weighing at the Town of Southold Transfer Station. The Contractor will accept these weights for invoicing purposes. All weights will be generated on current certified weigh scales. 6.4 Routing Mode - Contractor's Responsibility Contractor will have the right to select the route(s) for travel from the Town of Southold transfer Station to the Disposal Site(s). Contractor warrants and guarantees that, in selecting and utilizing such route(s), Contractor will insure that it is not violating any applicable motor vehicle height (overpass clearance), motor vehicle weight restrictions, local ordinances or Interstate Commerce Commission regulations. Contractor will indemnify and hold the Town harmless from any claims, fines and other damages assessed upon or incurred by the Town as a result of any violations of applicable restrictions or regulations relating to the routes traveled by the Contractor. 7.0 DISPOSAL SERVICES PROGRAM ACTIVITIES 30 For Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Service Agreement, the following disposal services will include the tasks, responsibilities and performance requirements as outlined herein. 7.1 Work Included The Contractor shall provide the following major essential services or equipment and any other nonspecified items, without limitations, to maintain a reliable disposal services operation in a manner that will meet the needs of the Town Of Southold. • Liability insurance, performance and payment bonds. • Safety equipment. 7'.2 Operational Capacity The bidder shall identify in its proposal, the following information: • Disposal Site capacity. • Flexibility of Disposal Site capacity to allow for seasonal variances in waste generation and sufficient to permit service in the tonnages bid. • Hours and days of the week that the designated Disposal Site will be open for receiving solid waste from the Town of Southold, including weekends, holidays and special closure periods. 7.3 Permit Requirements Throughout the term of Agreement that may result from this Bid solicitation, the Contractor must maintain all current and valid local, state and Federal permits, licenses, or other authorizations, (either temporary and permanent) which are required by law to receive solid waste at any and all Disposal sites designated by the bidder. Because of the varying terms of Solid Waste Disposal Site permits, it is possible that a permit will expire during the term of Agreement. The responsibility of obtaining and/or renewing a permit to operate is solely upon the Contractor. In the event a Contractor fails to maintain or obtain any necessary current and valid local, state and Federal permits, licenses, or other authorizations, allowing the lawful use of its designated Disposal Site then the Contractor will be solely responsible for obtaining the utilization of an alternate Solid Waste Disposal Site 31 at no additional cost to the Town including any additional hauling cost because of the location of the alternate Disposal site. Under no circumstances shall such a change in Disposal Site or failure or inability to obtain permits by the Contractor be considered a change in conditions. In the event the Contractor is unable to find an alternate Disposal Site, it shall be deemed to be in default of the Agreement and liable for damages, bonds forfeitures and other expenses as provided in the Agreement. In the event the individual and/or entity submitting a bid in response to this bid solicitation is not the individual and/or entity named as the permit holder on any necessary current and valid local, state or federal permits, licenses or other authorizations, required by law to receive solid waste at any disposal site designated by the bidder or any alternate disposal site, the bidder is required to provide satisfactory evidence to the Town of Southold of a binding contractual relationship between the bidder and the permit holder which provides the bidder with the irrevocable right to utilize the solid waste disposal site during the term of Agreement, or portion thereof, in a manner which is in complete compliance with this bid solicitation and the bidder's bid submission. The agreement between the bidder and the permit holder shall include provisions that: 1. Provide Town with the right to discuss operational matters with the permit holder whenever necessary. 2. Require the permit holder to comply with directives of the Town which are consistent with and pursuant to the Agreement which shall result from this bid solicitation. 7.3.1 Disposal Sites Inside State of New York The Contractor's Solid Waste Disposal Sites, if located within the State of New York, must be in compliance with all State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation's and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulators requirements, e.g., 6NYCRR Part 360, Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA), Environmental Protection Agency - Subtitle D, et al. The Solid Waste Disposal Site must have valid construction and operating permits in accordance with all applicable laws in the jurisdiction in which it is located. It shall be permitted to accept Town of Southold solid waste without violating applicable law. It shall meet the design, construction and operating requirements of all applicable laws in the jurisdiction where the disposal site is operating. Disposal alternatives that will be considered include land disposal, incineration, composting, etc., as long as they comply with all the above governing regulators requirements and environmental standards. The use of 32 Solid Waste Disposal Sites shall be subject to the approval of the Town of Southold based upon review of information submitted with the bid describing in detail the nature of the disposal process and other information reasonably requested by the Town. No Disposal Site shall be acceptable unless it poses no significant threat to the environment and its design, construction and operation complies with all applicable laws. 7.3.2 Disposal Sites Outside State of New York The Contractor's Solid Waste Disposal Sites, if located outside the State of New York must be in compliance with all the applicable local, state and Federal laws and regulations and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulatory requirements, e.g. Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA), Environmental Protection Agency - Subtitle D, et al. The Solid Waste Disposal Sites must have valid construction and operation permits in accordance with all applicable laws in the jurisdiction in which it is located. It shall be permitted to accept Town of Southold solid waste without violating applicable law. It shall meet the design, construction and operating requirements of all applicable laws in the jurisdiction where the disposal site is operating. If the Solid Waste Disposal Site is a landfill, it must comply with the following minimum standards: • Liner System. All proposed landfills under the Agreement shall be provided with at least a single liner system to restrict the migration of leachate and prevent pollution of underling soil or groundwater. Liner systems shall consist of low permeability soil admixtures, clays or synthetic materials. Liners are at a minimum to consist of materials having a demonstrated hydraulic conductivity and chemical and physical resistance not adversely affected by waste emplacement or sanitary landfill leachate, including synthetic geomembranes and soils such as clay or other semiimpervious admixture. Liner systems may consist of an impervious liner composed of at least two feet of clay with demonstrated hydraulic conductivity of 1x 10-> cm/sec or a synthetic single lining system of a thickness of at least 60 mils. Thicknesses down to 40 mils may be acceptable for composite liners which include impervious clay. Foundation: The proposed landfill shall be designed and constructed on an appropriate foundation which provides firm, relatively unyielding planar surfaces to support the liner system and which is capable of providing support 33 to the liner and resistance to the pressure gradient above and below the liner resulting from settlement, compression or uplift. • Leachate Collection: The proposed landfill shall be equipped by a leachate drainage and removal system. The leachate drainage system shall consist of collection pipes and a drainage layer. The system shall be designed to ensure that the leachate head on the liner does not exceed one foot at any time. A leachate removal system shall be provided to remove leachate within the drainage system to a central collection point for treatment and disposal. • Leachate Treatment and Disposal: Leachate shall be treated and disposed of in accordance with all applicable laws, including applicable pretreatment standards and discharge limitations. • Gas Collection and Venting: The proposed landfill shall be equipped with a suitable gas collection and/or venting system which complies with all air pollution requirements and other applicable laws. • Surface Drainage Systems: The proposed landfill shall be designed with an appropriate surface drainage system which isolates the landfill from adjacent surface water drainage in a controlled manner, as well as controlling run-off from the landfill itself. • Monitoring System: The proposed landfill shall be equipped with appropriate systems to monitor groundwater quality, gas production, leachate volume, quantity, slope and settlement status. The number and location of ground water monitoring wells shall be sufficient to define and detect any potential migration of contaminants. However, no fewer than one upgradient monitoring well and two downgradient monitoring wells shall be provided in any event. A regular sampling and analysis program shall be in place to verify that no groundwater contamination results from the landfill. • Closure: The proposed landfill shall have in place a written closure plan which conforms to applicable laws and standard industry practice. The closure plan shall be designed to insure that contamination does not spread from the landfill during) the post closure period. Bidder must clearly specify their intended disposal alternatives and support same with copies of appropriate experience, site location, permits, agreements et al., as outlined in this bid solicitation. The use of Solid Waste Disposal Sites shall be subject to the approval of the Town of Southold based upon review of 34 information submitted with the bid describing in detail the nature of the disposal process and other information reasonably requested by the Town. The Contractor shall be solely and completely Responsible for any and all liability relative to contractor's failure to dispose of solid waste at an approved site. 7.4 Weighings The Town will compensate the Contractor for waste material hauled and disposed of on a net tonnage basis (short tons = 2000 pounds). The certified weighings will be made at the Southold Town Transfer Station. The Disposal Site will accept these weights for invoicing purposes. All weights will be generated on current certified weigh scales. In the event of any dispute over differences in net weights between the Town and Disposal Sites scales and weight records, the Town may make payment upon the weight it deems to be most correct, until the dispute is reconciled. Any claims for differences must be filed in writing within sixty (60) days of occurrence or the Town's calculation shall be deemed final and binding between the parties. 8.0 SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS The Contractor shall comply with all current Federal Department of Labor, Safety and Health Regulations under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1972 (PL 91-596) and Section 107, Agreement Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (PL 91-54). Specific consideration shall be given, but not limited to, the following major areas: a. Maintenance safety procedures - guards and Shields on dynamic equipment, guards, railings, electrical lockouts, vehicle wheelblocks, audio vehicle backup alarms, vehicle wheel chocks, etc. b. Employee safety orientation, education, teaching, first-aid training, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, etc. c. Noise and dust control, ear protection, respirators, hard-hats, safety shields, glasses, protective clothing, sanitary facilities, etc., d. Fire and explosion preventions, control, equipment (fire blankets, extinguishers, first aid, hoses, etc.) and personnel escape alternatives. e. Traffic flow control patterns. f. Accident or injury reporting system (the Town shall received copies of all reports and immediate verbal notification). 35 g. Employee health safeguards. h. Mechanic's lien safeguard against work interference. The Contractor shall comply with all local, state and Federal regulations, laws and statutes which apply to the work and to safety in particular. The Contractor shall comply with New York State Department of Labor current requirements. The Contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for operational safety during performance of the Agreement. The obligation exists twenty-four (24) hours a day, each and every day throughout the term of the Agreement. The Town of Southold shall not have any responsibility for means, methods, sequences of techniques selected by the Contractor for safety precautions and programs, or for any failure to comply with laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes or orders applicable to the Contractor furnishing and performing the services under the terms of the Agreement. 9.0 OPERATIONS AND PROCEDURES The Contractor will be required, prior to commencement of operations, to provide the following operational plans to the Town for review and acceptance. Revisions, modifications, and updates shall be forwarded to the Town throughout the term of the Agreement. • Organization personnel and structure, showing the chain of command, names and telephone numbers and staffing requirements. • Operational plan - shifts, hours, etc. • Safety, disaster, and emergency procedures. • Transportation plan, including available transport equipment, vehicle fleet and reserve capabilities. • Inclement Weather Plan - This shall describe the bidder's plan should inclement weather alter normal daily operations as described in the bidder's operations plan. The inclement weather plan shall include hauling operations and disposal operations. The bidder's means of assessing inclement weather conditions (weather and road conditions), method of reporting to the Town and the alternatives shall be described. 36 9.1 Supporting Data In the event the Town requires any information in support of Town held licenses and permits at the Town, County, State and Federal level, the Contractor will be required to furnish all licenses, permits and inspection reports regarding equipment and disposal sites which may be required by Town, County, State or Federal law. In the event the Contractor requires any information in support of Contractor held licenses and permits at the Town, County, State and Federal level, the Town will cooperate in furnishing such information as it applies to the Southold Town operations. Operating (hauling and disposal) records shall be considered essential to the operation. The Contractor shall keep these data in an organized fashion that allows for easy retrieval and analysis. The Town, or its designee, may upon 24 hours notice inspect the contractor's records. Such records shall he kept, available by Contractor for a period of two (2) years after termination of this Agreement. In the event the Town requires additional information for reporting purposes, the Contractor will supply same. The Town, or its designee, may call upon the Contractor at anytime for an oral review of any technical matter. The Contractor shall file and update the following information as specified herein. Items Due Haul Equipment (Schedule H) as changes occur Haul Accident Report (Appendix C) on occurrence Disposal Accident Reports on occurrence Licenses, Permits and Inspection Reports on occurrence Part 360 Permit as changes occur All Bid Information Schedules as changes occur 37 SECTION C TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOLID WASTE HAUL-DISPOSAL SERVICES CONTRACTOR BID FORM 1.0 INTENT The undersigned hereby recognizes that these documents are complementary and are intended to provide for uniformity in bid evaluations. The formal Agreements resulting from this Bid Solicitation shall be in a form provided by the Town. These documents are intended to depict complete Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services Agreement and therefore any discrepancies contained in the documents, of the omission from the documents of express reference to any work which obviously was intended under the Agreement, shall not excuse or relieve the Bidder from furnishing the same. No oral statement shall in any manner or degree modify of otherwise affect the terms of the Agreement. Work or materials described in words which have a well known technical or trade meaning, shall be interpreted by such meaning. :2.0 GENERAL BID STATEMENT TO: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STATE OF NEW YORK 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 Gentlemen: The undersigned Bidder has carefully examined the forms and content of the Bid Solicitation, including notice to bidders, bid bond, sample operating agreement, performance bond, certificates of insurance, general conditions, bid specifications, and addenda, has familiarized itself with the sites of work, and hereby proposes to furnish all necessary services, permits, labor, materials, equipment, vehicles, and tools required to perform and complete the work in strict accordance with all of the bid documents written by or on behalf of the Town of Southold for this project. The undersigned Bidder agrees to abide by all conditions stated, intended, or implied both particularly and generally by the terms of this Bid Solicitation, the Agreement to be provided by the Town, and the unit price Bid herein stated. 39 1 . The Undersigned Bidder also agrees as follows: FIRST: If this bid is accepted, to execute the Agreement and furnish to the Town a satisfactory performance bond, and insurance all within ten (10) calendar days. SECOND: To begin Solid Waste Haul-Disposal services operations on the commencement date of any Agreement awarded hereunder, having completed all necessary prior preparations of operational planning, personnel hiring, equipment procurement, subcontractor contractual agreements, and ancillary facilities, etc., to assure a smooth and orderly acceptance of these duties. THIRD: To pay the Town any and all damages it may incur as a result of the Contractor's failure to perform all acts necessary to the execution of the Agreement as provided in the Bid Solicitation. It is recognized and agreed that the Town has the unconditional right to utilize the funds provided by the bid bond posted by the Bidder as a means of obtaining indemnification or, payment of such damages. FOURTH: During the performance of this Agreement, the Contractor hereby agrees as follows: a. The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, creed, color, sex, marital status, national origin, physical disability, and shall take affirmative action to ensure that they are afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination because of age, race, creed, color-, sex, marital status, national origin or physical disability. Such action shall be taken with reference, but not be limited to: recruitment, employment, job assignment, promotion, upgrading, demotion, transfer, layoff, or termination, rates of pay, or other forms of compensation, and selection for training or retraining, including apprenticeship and on-the-job training. b. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 290 through 301 of the Executive Law, shall furnish all information and reports deemed necessary by the State Commission for Human Rights under these nondiscrimination clauses and such sections of the Executive Law, and shall permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the State Commission for Human Rights, the Attorney General, and the Industrial Commissioner for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with these nondiscrimination clauses and such sections of the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law. 40 c. This Agreement may be forthwith cancelled, terminated, or suspended, in whole or in part, by the Town upon the basis of a finding made by the State Commission for Human Rights that the Contractor has not complied with these nondiscrimination clauses, and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for future Agreements made by or on behalf of the state or public authority or agency of the state, until he satisfies to the State Commission for Human Rights that he has established and is carrying out a program in conformity with the provisions of these nondiscrimination clauses. Such findings shall be made by the State Commission for Human Rights after conciliation efforts by the Commission have failed to achieve compliance with these nondiscrimination clauses and after verified complaint has been filed with the Commission, notice thereof has been given to the Contractor, and an opportunity has been afforded to him to be heard publicly before three members of the Commission. Such sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked independently or in addition to sanctions and remedies otherwise provided by law. d. No laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the Contractor or subcontractor shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in any one calendar day, or more than five days in any one week except as otherwise provided in Labor Code Section 220. e. The Contractor shall include the provisions of clauses (a) through (e) in every subcontract or purchase order in such a manner that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor as to operations to be performed within the State of New York. The Contractor will take such action in enforcing such provisions of such subcontract or purchase order as the Town may direct, including sanctions and remedies. FIFTH: By submission of this bid, the Bidder and each person signing on behalf of any Bidder certifies, and in case of a joint bid each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury that to the best of his knowledge and belief: a. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other Bidder or with any competitor. b. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the Bidder and will not 41 knowingly be disclosed by the Bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly to any other Bidder or to any competitor. c. No attempt has been made nor will be made by the Bidder to induce any other person, partnership, or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. 2. The undersigned also declares that it has or they have carefully examined the Bid Solicitation requirements and sample operating agreement and that it has or they have personally inspected the actual location of work, together with the local sources of supply, has or have satisfied itself or themselves as to all the quantities and conditions, and waives all rights to claim any misunderstanding, omissions or errors regarding the same which such inspection and observation would have disclosed. The undersigned further understands and agrees that it is or they are to furnish and provide in return for the respective Evaluation Unit Bid Price, all the necessary materials, machinery, vehicles, implements, tools, labor services, and other items of whatever nature, and to do and perform all work necessary under the aforesaid conditions, to complete operations of the aforementioned Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services operations in accordance with the Bid Solicitation requirements, which requirements are a part of this response, and that it or they will accept in full compensation therefore, the compensation provided for in Section C-3. 3. The undersigned submits herewith a bid guaranty within the form provided by the applicable bid documents in the amount of $100,000.00 for any option or combination thereof. In the event this proposal is accepted, and the undersigned fails, within ten (10) calendar days after date of receipt of Notice Of Award from the Town to execute and deliver an Agreement in the form provided by the Town or fails to execute and deliver evidence of proper insurance coverage and performance bond in the amounts required and in the prescribed form within ten (10) days after Notice of Award, the bid guaranty shall be forfeited and be retained by the Town toward the satisfaction of liquidated damages and not as a penalty. Otherwise, the total amount of bid guaranty liquidated will be returned to the Bidder. 4. The undersigned acknowledges the receipt of the following addenda, but it agrees that it is bound by all addenda whether or not listed herein and whether or not actually received, it being the Bidder's responsibility to receive and have knowledge of all addenda. ADDENDUM NUMBER AND DATES 42 Number 1 - Dated: / _511 /91 Number 2 - Dated: Number 3 - Dated: Number 4 - Dated: Number 5 - Dated: 5. The Bidder has completed the Contract Bid Form and Unit Price Schedules in both words and numerals in accordance with these bid requirements. 3.0 UNIT PRICE BID SCHEDULE SOLID WASTE HAUL-DISPOSAL SERVICES SOUTHOLD TOWN, NEW YORK 3.1 COMPENSATION The undersigned hereby submits the following price bid to furnish Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services, to Southold Town, New York for the terms July 10, 1997 through July 9, 2002. HAUL-DISPOSAL SERVICES The Haul-Disposal Service applicable unit price per ton for agreement year 1997-1998 is dollars and �n cents ($ 5-q. 14 ). (Cl) The Haul-Disposal Service applicable unit price per ton for agreement year 1998-1999 is dollars and a NA-^tcents ($--5- L g ). (C2) The Haul-Disposal Service applicable unit price per ton for agreement year 1999-2000is %WC3 dollars and 43 1/ >/ cents ($ (o 2. (C3) r The Haul-Disposal Service applicable unit price per ton for agreement year 2000-2001 is _i x7T %Geo dollars and a ; -4 cents ($ 6)2 V (C4) The Haul-Disposal Service applicable unit price per ton for agreement year 2001-2002 is Si x-7- u-C _ dollars and Z� cents ($ (C5) 3.2 EVALUATION UNIT BID PRICE FORMULA Evaluation Unit Bid Price = (Cl )10,000+(C2)1 0000+(C3)10 000+ 5(C4)10 000+.5(C5)10,000 40,000 tons Evaluation Unit Bid Price = $ 3 The evaluation unit bid price formula is designed to evaluate years four and five at .5 the evaluate of each of the first three (3) years. Bidder: qPS ZN✓;a6^ m_,it)J WSy SqT:9 4c4— Firm-Corporation Address 1B, /C.004� ItAl /{2O� By P 5-kIZZ A thor ed Represe ive Date 44 4.0 BID SECURITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have attached the required bid security to this bid. 5.0 INFORMATION SCHEDULES I agree to furnish and include the following information schedules in addition to the information submitted with this proposal, as a part of this bid: A. Certification that the Bidder does not currently owe taxes, or other outstanding funds, or have pending or is currently involved in any litigation involving the Town of Southold, State of New York (Schedule A, attached hereto). B. Location and address of the Bidder's main office and the main office of parent companies (if applicable) and Certified Statements of Ownership (Schedule B, attached hereto). C. Identification of Surety Company and its Agent, and written certification from the Surety verifying the bond specified herein will be provided (Schedule C, attached hereto). D. Identification of all currently registered parent bidding subsidiary corporate officers, and their addresses, and identification and certification of offices authorized to execute an Agreement on behalf of the firm (Schedule D, attached hereto). E. Detailed financial statement for the Bidder, and if applicable, for parent companies (Schedule E, attached hereto). F. Statement of Bidder's Qualifications and related experiences (Schedule F, attached hereto). G. Major Subcontractors - (Schedule G, attached hereto). H. Equipment - (Schedule H, attached hereto). I. Maximum Specified Capacity - (Schedule I, attached hereto). J. Information on Bidder's Solid Waste Disposal Site(s) (Schedule J, attached hereto). K. Form of Bid Bond (Schedule K, attached hereto). 45 L. Performance Bond (Schedule L, attached hereto). M. Operation Plan (Schedule M, attached hereto). Dated: 5-1, 4 /g ' Name of Bidder: RyS Address of Bidder: j/Zpe By: l/ Si at a Title Corporate Seal (If a Corporation) Incorporated under the laws of the State of Names and addresses of officers of the corporation: geo2 2 K riq QRtiU �� 51a �2� (Preside t) NamQ1 Address :Tos 2�-�-T� 5 0 AtiU 238�Z t-)4-r ic9A A< ( VP Name Address (Treasurer) Name Address (If an individual or partnership) Names and addresses of all principals or partners INFORMATION SCHEDULE A Town of Southold Bid Project Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services This Bidder �YS ZA UO 49N "" herein certifies that as a (Bidder ' s legal name) Bidder , it does not currently owe delinquent taxes or other outstanding Funds, or having pending or currently involved in any litigation involving the Town of Southold, State of New York . Name Bi er By : dfi Date: (Akurized ignature) NOTE: ( 1) IF blank not applicable, Fill in with N/A (2) IF bidder owes the Town taxes or is involved in any litigation, a statement of ex;'_anation will be attached hereto . Tax/Litigation CertiFication Schedule 4- .O .A BID (PROPOSAL) FORM INFORMATION SCHEDULE B Town of Southold Bid Project Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services The following is information on the undersigned Bidder ' s office locations: Bidder ' s Parent Bidder 's Main Office Corporation Main Office 3sy sKQ-pkQ,& - 0E n - A•�o - Manager ' s a ((Contact) Manager ' s Name (Contact) 'r'' Legal Name Parent Firm 's Legal Name SSS Y S�kk--L_J _tA--C Street Address (Box Numbers) Street Address (Box Numbers) Citu tate 2ip City State Zip -7iFf" 9-51-b2yC - --- Telephone Number Telephone Number The Bidder herein certifies that the Firm is partially/wholly owned subsidiary of Parent Firm This is owned_ Parent Firm By or is a public/private stock corporation . SNL, rrLQy/L a Q - 6 C4,_ ZT7, Ridder OFfice Locations/Ownership Schedule S . O . B Certification Page 1 of 2 BID :PROPOSAL) FORM TN oRriAT1nN SCHFEDUL.Ep, - Name of Bidder : R P� �itiv lZe✓� µti4 a_ �I B.y : �a` - 1__- - -- L/ — Date: Note : ( 1 ) Any attachments or modiFications to this form shall be labeled Schedule S .C . S , and be property integrated into the Bid Form . (2) IF blank not applicable, Fill in with N/A Bidder OFFIce L.ocaticn/Quner=hiptic.hP:]u l , H CertiFication Page 2 of 2 BID (PROPOSAL) FORM iM INFORMATION SCHEDULE C Town of Southold Bid Project Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services This is identification that 0 �� L M6✓� /1 C9,ti 7fn�iL will be the Surety Company for the Bidder, on this project and that the named Surety Company herein provides written certification that the named Surety Company will provide the Performance Bond, specified in the µx Contract Documents, in the event the Bidder enters into an Agreement with the Town . The Surety Company herein certifies that such Company is licensed to do business in the State of New York . (L .S . ) v Principal (Seal) Surety Company By : J0 Evemmm National Indemnity Co. Daniel J. Clark too55 Sweet valley Dr. Sr.Vice President Cleveland.Ohiu 44121 (216)447-1969 Fu(216)447-92$2 ema�l: dldwkW [�uatrnm Surety Verification Schedule 5 .0 .0 BID (PROPOSAL) FORM iNFOPMATION SCHEDULE 0 Town of Southold Bid Project Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services The Bidder herein certifies that the below named individuals are the current registered corporate officers, along with their current permanent addresses, and designates their authority to execute an Agreement on behalf of the firm i0 A / Officer 's Name Officer ' s Name q2t-� 1t6F� C� Subsidiary Parent n Corporate Title Corporate Title PA A . Address Address�nS Ma-v�S c9ti. �DII ec.�� City City 20 we-cg--73 - ,/ State, Zip State, Zip n Officer ' s Name Officer ' s Name�e k /2T1 6 ANO Subsidiary Parent ✓ /� Corporate Title Corporate Title Y Address Address ?332, City City l3��UAJ State, Zip State, Zip � / / Z 3 y Officer 's Name Officer ' s Name Subsidiary Parent Corporate Title Corporate Title Address Address_ _ City City_ State, Zip __ State , Zip Current Corporate Officers Schedule 5 .0 .0 BIO (PROPOSAL) FORM Page 1 of 2 INFORMATION SCHEDULE 0 - (Continued) Officer 's Name Officer 's Name Subsidiary Parent Corporate Title Corporate Title Address Address City City State, Zip State, Zip Run Gan o �P pp STcX',t Name of Bidder: Q� �tivj C6,1Ya�. Corporate Seal 5—// F 41- z- Date: .. i 7 NCTE: If blank not applicable, Fill in with N/A C'�FTent Corporate OFFicer Schedule 5 .0 .0 BID (PROPOSAL) FORM Page 2 of 2 "'.w: INFORMATION SCHEDULE E Town of Southold Bid Project Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services STATEMENT OF BIDDER 'S FINANCIAL CONDITION 1 . This Bidder agrees to provide for any subsidiary and parent Firm, and hereto attaches a current or the most recent Audited financial StatementCs) including as a minimum the Firms opinions, notes, revenue/expense statements, conditions of cash, etc . The attached statement provided includes: Accounting Firm Name &4,114 C-U -Ck ( �- Address -)�5 kr", U a / Financial Period_ To Statement Date 2 . The bidder certifies that he currently has an available line of credit in the amount of $ 4, S00 Unc, — A supporting documentary evidence attached to' this form is supplied by : / Name 1d 4 C /% Address 3q 6ve Date 3 . The undersigned Bidder certifies to the validity of statement and agrees to furnish any other information upon request that may be required by the Town of Southold , New York . Bidder 's Financial Condition Schedule 5 .0 . E BIO (PROPOSAL) FORM Page 1 of 2 Q1/02/97 17:02 FAX 518 385 1915 S FARINELLA IM002 The CIT Gmup/ Industrial Finaneing - 39 Wendover Drive Huntington,NY 11743 January 2, 1997 ff", , I Len Rosenberg Rutigliano Paper Stock, Inc. 854 Shepherd Ave. Brooklyn,N.Y. 11208 Dear Lenny, I am pleased to inform you that The CIT Group has increased you line of credit. The additional line of S 750,000.00 is available for your use as required to cover any additional equipment purchases. Please contact me once you decide on your equipment requirements so that we may set up the required documents. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you fine organization. Very truly yours, The CIT Group/Equipment Financing, Inc. P Joseph D. Farinella District Manager A Lti p"of RUTIGLIANO PAPER STOCK, INC. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUGUST 31 , 1996 ABDALLA EL KADY C.P.A. 2462 GERRISTAN AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11229 The Board of Directors and Shareholders Rutigliano Paper Stock, Inc . 854 Shepherd Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11208 I have reviewed the accompanying balance sheet of Rutigliano Paper Stock, Inc. (an S Corporation) as of August 31 , 1996 and the related statements of income and retained earnings, and cash flows for the year then ended, in accordance with statements on standards for accounting and review services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants . All information included in these financial statements is the representation of the management Rutigliano Paper Stock Company. A review consists principally of inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data. It is substantially less in scope than an examination in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, I do not express such an opinion. Based on my review, I am not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying financial statements in order for them to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles . 9 Abdalla Elkady Brooklyn, N.Y. :o February 24, 1997 .y RUTIGLIANO PAPER STOCK, INC. BALANCE SHEET, AUGUST 31 , 1996 ASSETS Current Assets ' Cash in Banks $ 148, 337 Accounts Receivable 716, 385 Prepaid Expenses, Current Portion 57; 455 Inventory 131 , 400 Total Current Assets $ 1 , 053, 577 Property and Equipment net of Depreciation 3, 618, 598 Other Assets Deposits and Securities 62, 402 Prepaid Tax Deposits 172, 385 Goodwill 27, 375 Prepaid Expenses, Non Current Portion 143 . 562 Total Other Assets 404. 724 Total Assets $ 5 . 077. 899 J L See accompanying accountant ' s report -2- y RUTIGLIANO PAPER STOCK, INC. BALANCE SHEET, AUGUST 31 , 1996 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER EQUITY Current Liabilities Accounts Payable $ 2, 845, 367 Loans Payable, Current Maturities _ 678, 858 Total Current Liabilities $ 3, 524, 225 Other Liabilities -0- Loans Payable, Net of Current Maturities 2.378 . 597 Total other Liabilities 1 . 378. 597 Total Liabilities 4,902,822 Stockholder Equity Capital Stock (No Par Value) 200 Shares 2, 000 Authorized ( 10 Shares Issued and Outstanding) Treasury Stock ( 4, 017 ) Retained Earnings, August 31 , 1996 _ 177 . 094 Total Stockholder Equity 175 . 077 Total Liabilities and Stockholder Equity $ 5 . 077 . 899 s See accompanying accountant ' s report -3- O RUTIGLIANO PAPER STOCK, INC. STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31 , 1996 Revenue, Net $ 25, 201 ,742 Cost Of Operations Inventory, September 1 , 1995 $ 294, 620 Purchases, Freight, Customs, and Clearing Charges 6, 234, 843 Dumping fees 3, 598, 476 Factory, Supplies and Expenses 231 , 355 Labor 6, 142, 639 Trucking 1 , 859, 846 Outside Labor _ 198. 381 18, 560, 160 Less Inventory, August 31 , 1996 (_ 131 . 400) Total Cost Of Operations 18.428.760 Gross Profit 6,772,982 Operating Expenses 6. 048. 106 Net Income Before Officers Salaries 724, 876 Officers Salaries 286, 000 Income Before Other Income 438,876 Interest Income 109.995 a Net Income $ 548.871 See accompanying accountant ' s report -4- RUTIGLIANO PAPER STOCK, INC. OPERATING EXPENSES FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31 , 1996 Payroll Taxes $ 625, 115 New York State' Truck & New York City Rent Taxes 58, 864 • New York City General Corporation Taxes 65, 500 New York State Franchise Tax 28, 500 Employees Welfare and Benefits 187, 968 Rent 512, 876 Heat, Light and Power 348, 972 Maintenance and Repairs 815, 824 • Insurance 1 , 509, 665 Telephone 82, 614 Interest and Bank Charges 258, 698 Selling, Travel and Entertainment 66, 048 Professional Fees 326, 976 Advertising 2, 744 • Printing, Postage, and Stationery 117, 050 Depreciation 754, 239 Permits, Licenses and Fees 66, 248 Fines and Penalties 43, 409 Retirement Plans 87, 270 Contributions 23, 253 O Commission 12, 912 Computer Expense 15, 683 Equipment Rental 12, 270 Dues & Subscriptions 12, 491 Uniforms 12. 917 ® Total Operating Expenses $ 6 . 048. 106 • ® See accompanying accountant ' s report -5- RUTIGLIANO PAPER STOCK, INC:. STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS AUGUST 31 , 1996 Retained Earnings, September 1 , 1996 $ 2, 847, 435 Net Income from Operations for the year ended August 31 , 1996 548, 871 3, 396, 306 Less Distributions to Shareholders ( 3, 219 . 212) Retained Earnings, August 31 , 1996 $ 177 , 094 See accompanying accountant ' s report -6- v RUTIGLIANO PAPER STOCK, INC. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31 , 1996 CASH FLOWS PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES : Affect on Cash Flows Increase (Decrease) Net Income $ 548, 871 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation 754, 239 Changes in Operating Assets and Liabilities : Decrease in Receivables 287, 215 Decrease in Inventory 163, 220 Decrease in Prepaid Expense 5, 241 Increase in Accounts Payable 2. 026. 703 Net Cash provided by Operating Activities $3. 785 . 489 CASH FLOWS USED FOR INVESTING ACTIVITIES : Purchase of Property Equipment (1 , 273,909) Increase in other Assets ( 120. 616) Net Cash used for Investing Activities ( 1 , 394. 525) CASH FLOWS USED FOR/ OR PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES: Distributions to stockholders (3, 219, 212) Decrease in Current Debt (766, 713) Increase in Long-Term Debt ( 707. 206) Net Cash used for Financing Activities (3, 278, 719) NET DECREASE IN CASH (887, 755) a CASH, BEGINNING OF YEAR 1, 036. 092 CASH, END OF YEAR 148. 337 See accompanying accountant' s report y -7- RUTIGLIANO PAPER STOCK, INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SELECTED DISCLOSURES AUGUST 31 , 1996 1 . Oraanization and Nature of Business Rutigliano Paper Stock, Inc. (the "Company" ) is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York and had its ip Certificate of Incorporation filed by the Department of State of New York on September 14, 1971 . The principal office of the company is 854 Shepherd Ave. , Brooklyn, NY 11208. The company is engaged in waste paper recycling and rubbish removal . a 2 . Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Inventory Inventory consists of recyclable corrugated card board and J paper stated at the lower cost (first-in, first-out method) or market. Property and Equipment Property and equipment are recorded at cost. Maintenance and ^� repairs are expensed as incurred. When items of property or equipment are sold or retired, the related costs and accumulated depreciation are removed from the accounts and any gain or loss is included in income. Depreciation of property and equipment is provided using the ® straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the respective assets as follows: Fixtures and Equipment 5 - 10 years Transportation Equipment 3 - 10 years Leasehold Improvements 10 - 315 years See accompanying accountant' s :report ® -8- 6 IaSSte;c•... A ,jT RUTIGLIANO PAPER STOCK, INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SELECTED DISCLOSURES AUGUST 31 , 1996 Leases that meet certain criteria are classified as capital leases, and assets and liabilities are recorded at amounts _ generally equal to the fair cost value of the asset. Such _ assets are amortized evenly over the related lease terms. Leases that do not meet such criteria are classified as t'+ operating leases and related rentals are charged to expense as incurred. Revenue Recognition Revenue is recognized as goods are shipped or services are performed. Income Taxes The corporation has elected to be treated as a tax option corporation for the Federal and New York State purposes . Accordingly, the corporation is not liable for federal or New York State corporation income taxes, instead, the stockholders are liable for individual federal and New York State income taxes on the company ' s taxable income. Appropriate tax accruals have been made for New York City income taxes. 3. Accounts Receivable To properly reflect the realizable value of trade accounts receivable, the Company' s policy has been to charge off as bad debts on a current basis, uncollectible and doubtful accounts receivable. See accompanying accountant ' s report -9- Si-y.+ GaY� ff RUTIGLIANO PAPER STOCK, INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS , AND SELECTED DISCLOSURES AUGUST 31 , 1996 4. Property and Equipment The major categories of property and equipment, as of August 31 , 1996 are summarized as follows: Machinery and Equipment 3, 366, 843 Leasehold Improvements 1 , 322, 744 Auto and Truck Equipment 3. 141 . 845 7, 831 , 432 Accumulated Depreciation 4. 211 , 834 Property and Equipment net of Depreciation 3, 619 . 598, 9 See accompanying accountant ' s report -10- j I k A INFORMATION SCHEDULE E - (continued) `l . The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, Firm or corporation to furnish any information requested bg Town of Southold , New York in verification of the firms financial condition . Dated at 5­115157 This_LL day of 199V S v:� Name of Bidder Q PrA.{) �I/P State of New York , County of — I;FC PLA T1 � � /ANC) being duly sworn deposes and says that he is _V I Of Q PS `SNCJll�c9Y� � Title Name of Organization and that the answers to the foregoing questions and all statement therein contained are true and correct . Sworn to me this J5L day Of FRANCES B. PIAZZA Notary Public, State of New York No. 24-49603960398 Oualitipi in Kings Cou i Commission Expires r2-z-t-�'� ,,. Notary Pub^c Ply Commission expires NOTE: (1) (Bidder may submit additional information if desired as Schedule E attachments . ) C2) If blank not applicable, fill in with N/A Bidder ' s Financial Condition Schedule 50 , E BID (PROPOSAL) FORM ?age 2 of 2 i^a• INFORMATION SCHEDULE. F Town of Southold Bid Project Sclid Waste Haul-Disposal Services The Bidder herein certifies that it is qua'.iFied to perform the work covered by this proposal , and that it: is not acting as a broker on the behalf of others . To substantiate these qualifications, the Bidder offers the following related information and references in order that the Town may evaluate the Bidder 's qualifications and experience . 1 . Bidder 's Legal Name: Pu-nS��A'" ap-6, �,Oe% IA'PS ��/✓lam/ ""� 2 . Business Address: 9-5 V L<5 Street City Scar, — 2io 3 . State incorporated: `' Y Year incorp . I L New York State; Business License No . : �—Zo Z,5 1 S . No . years in contracting business under above name: A� uurs . G . Has Firm ever defaulted on a contract? Yes No 7 . Gross Value - work under current contract: $ /6 /", L B . Number of Current Contracts: 020 S . Brief description general work performed by Firm: Qualifications Summary Schedule S .O .F 810 (PROPOSAL) FORM Page 1 of INFORMATION SCHEDULE F - (Continued) / 10 . Has firm ever failed to complete work awarded? Yes_ No v If yes , attach support statement as to Circumstances . 11 . Related Experience Reference (within previous 5 years) 11 . 1 Project Title: �Q f tA✓ QL���/J9 Owner ' s Name: 70u� Address: Engineer: Address: Project Initial Start Dater _ Project Acceptance Date: Initial Bid Value: $ —0 Final Complete Project Value: $ Brief Project Description: N -e�p 7� 11 .2 Project Title: R4---t- Owner 's Name: /UQ�� -rlty ^s;,- 14'-L}4,�,e17l Address: LU-U, 70- ST Engineer: Address: _ Project Initial Start Date: I99 � Project Acceptance Date: Qualifications Summarg Sr_hedduir '; .O .F BID (PROPOSAL) FORM Page 2 of If INFORMATION SCHEDULE F - is Cont i nuen i Initial Bid Value: $ 31vM ((i &-✓-, i Final Complete Project Value:. s Q-0— ZO 600,600 Brief Project Description: _ U (�0 � T0-11 11 .3 Project Title: ka Owner 's Name: Address: _ 5v ` Lf Engineer: __ Address : _ Project Initial Start Date: 2 zS/9 Project Acceptance Date: Initial Bid Value: $ �- NLi �L Final Complete Project Value: s Brief Project Description: t { Qualifications Summary Schedule 5 .0 .F BID (PROPOSAL) FORM Page 3 of Li INFORMA?ION SCHEDULE F - (:Cor: snuedl 12 . Principal Firm Members ' Background'cxpe:-ience C_ members minimum) . Attach current resumes as Schedule 5 . 0 . 7 supplement or give concise description bg individual . Name o de r'V CA tho ie ig7atu.^e) NC'E: Any supplemental attachments Or modiFications to this Form shall be labeled Schedule S .C . 7 , and shall be properly integrated into this B'_d Form . blank not applicable, Fill in with N/A GualiFicatiors Summarg SchcdulE , . , . F BID (PROPOSAL) FORM Pace: OF Lf INFORMATION SCHP.DJLP 6 Town of Southold Bid Project Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services The Bidder hereby states that it proposes , if awarded an Agreement to use the following haul subcontractors on this project . Subcontractor/ Contract Trade/ Individual— Address � Phone-# Specialties ---- S . 7 . S . 0 10 . — -- - ---- Name of Bidder : By : _ _ Date (Authorized Signature) NOTE : if blank not applicable, fill in with N/A Subcontractors Schedule 5 .0 . 3 BID (PROPOSAL) FORM INFORMATION SCHEDULE H Town of Southold Bid Project Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services The Bidder states that it owns the following pieces of equipment that are available for use on the project , if awarded the agreement . Proposed Current Equipment Item �j Project Use Equipment Location AL79�1A j l/7�i/L(ALC A-)_ /()0C-'J-6__ Name of B' dder : S __ By : — Date: NOTE : Any supplemental at meij or modifications to this Form shall be labeled Schedule S .O . H and shall be properly integrated into the Bid Form . IF :blank not applicable , Fill in with N/A Construction Equipment Schedule S . O . H BID (PROPOSAL) FORM NFORMATICSN SCHFDUL Town OF Southold Bid Project Solid Waste Haul-Disposal Services The Bidder herebu states that it will be prepared to dispose of up to the Following Maximum Specified Yearlu Capacities in tons OF Town of Southold solid waste if awarded an Agreement Contract Year Maximum Tons per Contract Year 1997-1998 25, OOD 1998-1999 zsLC) 00 ------- 1999-2000 -LS (Do() 2000-2001 —Z$ 2001-2002 LJ/(�(�(� Name of Bidder : --- ---- --- ---- u a t e Fi n-. lilt t:1 r i F.tl t_7n=�_yri - a �chedul.e 5 .0 . I BIO 'PROPOSAL, FORM - INFORMATION SCHEDULE J Town oP Southold Bid Project Solid Waste Haul-Disposal. Services MOTE : IF A BIDDER INTENDS TO UTILIZE MORE THAN ONE SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL SITE, AN INFORMATION SCHEDULE J MUST BE COMPLETED FOR EACH DISPOSAL SITE . The Following is information on the undersigned Bidder ' s Solid Waste Disoosal Site: I . GENERAL A . Disposal ,Si-tte. Location Name: _ �'> J �j5%-01� . Address://_ d: Phone: B . Disposal Site mailing address ; ?: dire=rent than i ) Address: II . CURRENT OPERATIONS A . Operations Permit n A 1 . Permittee: 13 2 . No . : 3 . State: Date of Issue: 5 . Date of Expiration: S . Copy Enclosed: Yes : No: Bidder Solid Waste Disposal Site(s) Scheduie S .O .J BID (PROPOSAL) FORM Page I of 7 i =ORMA?ION SCHLDLJIL,r J - cntiniiec E . Hours of Operations 1 . What are the PERMITTED operat' ng hours? DAY A .M . P .M . MONDAY to -- Tuesday _ (o to - -7 _ Wednesday �_ to : _ Thursday —_� tc — 7 Friday _�— to _ -7 _ Saturday _(� tc Z Sunday — tc — E . Are there any 0ERMI7TED cicsure periods stipulated? --- ------------ 3 . What are the ACTUAL operating hours? DAY M . P , M , Monday _ t _ 7 uesday �_ tc T Wednesday _ — to _ 7 Thursday _ to Friday to Saturday tc —2— Sunday to H . What holiday or other period is the Disposal Site typically closed? DAY YES NO New Year 's to Memorial ✓ tc independence ✓ to Labor ✓ to Thanksgiving _ L11 to Christmas ___ to Other (SpeciFy ) tc Bidder Sciid Waste Disposal Site(s) Schedule S . O .J ETC CPRCPOSAL) FORM Page 2 of 7 INFORMATION SCHEDULE J - (continued) 5 . Will the ACTUAL operating hours in Question II . B . 3 be extended up to the PERMITTED operating hours in Question II . B . 1 in order to accommodate Town of Southold solid waste? / Yes No � . Are there any local agreements , ordinances, etc . which would prohibit extending the ACTUAL operating hours in Question II . B . 3 up to the PERMITTED operating hours in Question II . B . 1 .? Yes No C . What is the PERMITTED annual capacity in tons? 19983Go,LSO 0 1999 / I 2000 2001 1 ( 2002 D . At the PERMITTED levels in Question II . C . , what is the projected useful life in years? 25 E . What is the annual RECEIVING level today? Plod I/GO Bidder Solid Waste Disposal_ BID (PROPOSAL) FORMS Pace 3 of 7 1NJFfiFMAT tFIN S'HF:[tlR.r' i F . At the RECEIVING levels in Questic•- - : . E . , what is the Projected useFul life in years? G . How much of the RECEIVING level i- :uestion II . E • is committed to under contract in tons' 1998 1999 -------- 2000 2001 2002 H . Does the Disposal Site have specia: waste -estrictions For: Gate Yes No Fee (S) Construction/Demolition 2 . Asbestos OT - -- )O-r 3 . wastewater Treatment /i., Sludge --- - H . Hazardous Waste Bidder Solid waste Disposal SiteCs) Schedule S .O .T BID (PROPOSAL) FORM Page 4 of 7 INFORMATION SCHEDULE J - (Continued) I . Are there any existing Agreements with local municipalities which prohibit : Item Yes No 1 . Routing to site \/ 2 . Weight limits between ✓ state roads and site Number o: vehicles ✓ 4 . vehicle size Z S . Solid waste importation �- outside Jurisdictional area S . Host Community BeneFits iii . EXPANSION PLANS A . Application Permit 1 . Permittee: �� f 2 . No . : 3 . State: H . Date oP Submission: 5 . Copy Enclosed: Yes No 6 . Submission Status: a . Expansion of current site or new site b . Local Citizenry reaction Regulatory Bidder Solid Waste Disposal Site(s) Schedule 5 .0 .J BID (PROPOSAL) FORM Page 5 of 7 NFOF." el,7_f IN SCHEDULE J - (rn-,,r i ni 1=( i d . Litigation_ ___ e . Likelihood to succeed B . If you are successful in Question III . A . , what is the additional annual DESIGN ceoacity in tons (do not include Figures from Question II . C . )? 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 C . At the annual DESIGN levels in Question III . B . , what would be the projected useful ! -; Fe in years? D . Would you be willing to share with the Town of Southold engineering reports utilized For the preparation of the Operating Permits on Expansion Application? Yes No Bidder 's Disposal SiteCs) Engineer of Record Firm 's Name Firm 's Address Project Engineer Bidder Solid Waste Disposal Sltei:s:i Schedule S .O . J 610 CPROPOSAL) FORM Page 6 of 7 INFORMATION SCHEDULE J - (Continued) IV . ATTACHMENTS Attach copies of all permits required of the disocsal site(s) and a copy of the agreement , performance bond and insurance between bidder and permit holder to use the disocsal site(s) during the term of this Agreement . Are you willing to meet with the Town of Southoldt discuss your short and long term disposal capabilities? Yes_No --- The undersigned hereby certifies that services , material , or equipment to be furnished as a result of this bid will be in fu11 accordance with Town of Southold specifications applying thereto unless exceptions are indicated above and an explanat_on attached . D Bidding Company AddressS-5—y 5 -- --- /Obt Citu Statt_ tic By -Sb S � � (Please Prt or T ) NAME AND (TLE Signature 1 _ Phone No . Date 6-//2z9 CORPORATE SEAL Bidder Solid Waste Disposal Site s) SchedL.1a S . O .J BID (PROPOSAL) FORM Page 7 of 7 iNFORMAT10N SCHEDULE K FORM OF BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS , that we , the undersigned , as Principal , and ---- as Surety , are hereby held and Firmly bound unto — as Owner in the sum of -- —_ For the paument of which , will and truly be made , we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves , our heirs , executors , administrators , successors and assigns . Signed this —_ day of 19 The condition Of the above obligation is such teat whereas the Principal has submitted to the Town of Southold a certain Eid , attached heretc and herebu made a part hereof to enter in-c a contract in writing , For the hauling and disposal of solid waste ; NOW , THEREFORE , (a) If said Bid shall be rejected or in the alternate , (b) If said Bid shall be accepted , and the Principal shall execute and deliver an Agreement in the form of the Sample Operating Agreement attached hereto (properly completed in accordance with said Bid) and shall Furnish certificates of insurance and a bondfor this faithful performance of said Agreement, and for the payment of all persons 'performing labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith, and shail in all other respects perform the Agreement created by the acceptance of said Bid, then this obligation shall be void , otherwise the same shall remain in force and effect ; it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder shall , in no event , exceed the penal amount OF _pis obligation as herein stated . Form of Bid Bond Schedule S .O .K BID (PROPOSAL) FORM Page 1 of The Surety , For value received , herebu stipulates and agrees that the oblications of said Surety and its bond shall be in no way impaired or afFected by any extension OF the time within which the Owner may accept such Bid; and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension , Iii WITNESS WHEREOF , the Principal and the Surety have hereunto set their hands and seals , and such of them as are corporations have caused their corporate seals to be hereto aFFixed and these presents to be signed bg their proper oFFicers , the dau and year First set .Forth above . Principal Surety ------------------ By : Address cc Surety : _— SEAL (ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY CONTRACTOR , IF A CORPORATION) STATE OF : COUNTY _ — --_----_) SSN: On this day OF —_--_-- ___, 19 before me personally came to me known, who being duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in -- that he is the -- i _ of the cor poraton described in and which executed he Foregoing instrument ; that he knows the seal of the corporation; that the seal affixed to the instrument is such corporate seal ; that it was so aFFixed by the order of the Board cc Directors of the corporation; and that he signed his name thereto by like order . Notary Public --------- Form o: Bid Bond Schedule 5 . C . K BID (PROPOSAL) FORM Page E of 3 CACKNOWLEDGMENT BY CONTRACTOR , IF A PARTNERSHIP) SIATE OF: COUNTY OF : _—_---_ --- ) SSN: On this day of 1° before me personally came _ to me known, and known to me to be a member of the firm of ____ and known to me to be an individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument in the firm name °f-- and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and in the behalf of said firm for the uses and purposes mentioned therein , Notary Public CACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY INOIVIOUAL CONTRACTOR) STATE OF . COUNTY — -------- --- ---) SSN : On this day of —__--- lS— before me personally came to me known and known to be the person described in and who executes instrument and duly acknowledged that he execute ' the same .e. =ge �� executed e . Notary Public Form of Bid Bond Schedule 7 .O .K BID ( PROPOSAL) FORM Page 3 of 3 INFORMATION SCHEDULE L PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEa RE ---__— (hereinafter calledthe TS, that and -principal - ) ------ _Cnereinafter called the "Surety" ) are held and Firmly bound to the Town of Southold (hereinafter called the "Owner" ) in the full and ,lust sum of lawful money of the United States ----- dollars C$a , For the ) good and which sum of money , well and truly to be made and payment OF he Principal binds himself , done , the his heirs, executors , administrators and assigns and the Surety binds itself , its successors and assigns , jointly and severally , Firmly by these presents. WHEREAS the Principal has entered into artai Agreement bearing date on t.nce. _ n wr,ttOF day or with the Owner For the Town of Southold Soiid Waste Haul-Disposal Services , a copy OF which Agreement is annexed to and 'hereby made part OF thisbond as s though herein set Forth in Full . NOW , THEREFORE, the conditions of this Obligation are such that if the Principal , his or its representatives or assigns , shall well and faithfully comply with and perform all the terms , covenants and conditions of said Agreement or his Ctheir, its) part to be kept and performed and all modifications , amendments , additions and alterations thereto that may hereafter be made , according to the true intent and meaning of said Agreement , and shall Fully indemnify and save harmless the Owner From all cost and damage which it may suffer by reason of Failure so to do , and shall Fully reimburse and repay the Owner For all outlay and expense which the Owner may incur in making good any such default , and shall protect the said Owner against , and pay any and all amounts , damages , costs and judgments which may or shall be recovered against said Owner or its officers or agents or which the said Owner may be called upon to pay to any person or corporation by reason of any damages arising cr growing out of the doing of said work, or the repair of maintenance thereof, or the manner of doing the same , or the neglect of the said Principal , or his (their , its) agents or servants or the improper performance of the said work by the said -rincipa or his Ctheir , its) agents or servants , or the infringement of any Patent or patent rights by reason of the use OF any materials Furnished or work done as aforesaid or otherwise , :her this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise = remain in Full Force and eFFect ; i Performance Bond 3I0 CPROPOSAL) FORM Schedule S . O . L Page 1 of 2 t_t'i 11l Tit i__ !{f lli'�. -hF FQC '.'a lue Ce0e1`.:ed , 'n oreDy stipulates and ag-ee= r" requested UO do Sc bu the OWner , to Fullu perform and complete t.-le work mentioned and described in said Agreement , pursuant to the terms, condi::ions , and covenants thereof , iF For any cause the Principal Fails or neglects to so Fully perform and complete such work and the Surety further agrees to commence such work of completion within ten ( 10) calendar days after written notice thereof fromthe Owner and to complete such work within ten ( 10) calendar days from the expiration OF the time allowed the Principal in the Agreement For tine completion thereoF ; and Further PROVIDED HOWEVER, the Surety , For value received , For itselF and its successors and assigns , hereby stipulates and agrees that the cbligation of said Surety and its bond shall be in no way impaired Or affected by an extension of time , modiFication , work tc be perFormad thereunder , or by any payment thereunder beFore the n time required ereln, or by any waiver of any provisions t"lereoF , or by any assignment , subletting or other transFer or any wcrk to be performed or any monies due or to become due thereunder; and sa' Surety does herebu waive notice OF any and a.. l of such extensions , modifications , omissions , additions , c'r'anges , pauments , wavers, assignments , subcontracts and trznsFers, znd herebu expressly stipulates and agrees that any and all throes done and Omitted to be done by and in relation to assignee=_ , subcontractors , and other transFerees shall have the same eFfect as to said Surety as though done or omitted to be done by Or in relation to said Principal . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal has hereunto set his (their , its) hand and seal and the Surety has caused this instrument to be signed by its _ and its corporate seal to be hereunto aFFixed this dau OF CIF COrepration add Principal Seal and Attestation) By : Attest --------------------------- Add Corporate Seal By : Surety Attest Address CF Suretu Pec-Formance Ecnd Schedule - . ' PRCPOSA; ) �DRn m ,. Pace 2 INFORMATION SCHEDULE M OPERATIONAL PLAN The Bidder hereby states that it proposes to implement the following operational plan to haul and dispose of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) from the Town of Southold Landfill if awarded an Agreement. I. Haul Summarize the manpower and equipment you will make available to perform under this Agreement. a cis ���, � ✓.�.;�� � �,��ys s esu 7D 7-0 OL6 if. Disposal Summarize the identity and location of the primary and secondary sites you plan to use for disposal of the solid waste. Describe the arrangements between your company and the disposal site for use of the site. Describe any treatment the MSW will undergo during transport or upon arrival at the disposal site. Attach copies of the permits to construct and permits to operate the disposal site. Site No. 1 NAME OSc�9/,ti /l� %yiJ:p�A • LOCATION CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE NO. X7- /-. k� Operational Plan Schedule 5.O.M Bid (Proposal) Form 1 of 2 ARRANGEMENTS FOR USE SPaT TREATMENT OR UNUSUAL CONDITIONS Site No. 2n n c Q NAME 1`j (✓ J i/� yiC l T��ntiJ 7" LOCATION CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE NO. :TZ)E 2 -025 ARRANGEMENTS FOR USE TREATMENT OR UNUSUAL CONDITIONS OPERATIONAL PLAN Schedule 5.O.M Bid (Proposal) Form 2 of 2 THIS AGREEMENT, made on the day of , 1997, by and between the Town of Southold, a municipal corporation of the State of New York having its principal place of business at 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York hereinafter called the "Town" and hereinafter called the "Contractor." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Contractor has submitted to the Town a bid dated , 1997 ("Bid") in response to the Town's Bid Solicitation for Solid Waste Hauling-Disposal Services dated 1997, ("Solicitation"); and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold by resolution No. adopted on authorized the Town Supervisor to enter into an agreement with the Contractor to perform certain services in connection with the handling of solid waste, NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: I. DEFINITIONS - Terms defined in the Bid Solicitation shall have the some meaning as if defined herein. II. SCOPE OF SERVICES - The Contractor shall perform the services in accordance with the description of those services as set forth in the Solicitation. APPENDIX A-1 III . TERM OF AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement shall be Ihree (3) years commencing on July I IF the Town enters into an intermunicipal solid waste haul/disposal agreement the Town may terminate the agreement at any time during Agreement years two (2) and three C3) by giving six C6) months written notice to the Contractor . The Town, at its sale discretion, shall have the option of renewing the Agreement for two (2) additional one (1) year terms by giving Contractor written notice of its intention to renew at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the term . IV . PRICE SCHEDULE/COMPENSATION The unit bid price schedule far the services to be Furnished by Contractor is found in Section C - 3 . 1 , 3 .2 . , Contractor 's bid which is incorporated into this Agreement . V . PAYMENTS A . The Contractor shall receive monthly payments for services performed during the prior calendar month . The Contractor shall submit a request for payment an a Town approved voucher form along with Contractor 's invoice which shall include a daily summary of tonnage hauled by Contractor to a Disposal Site and disposed by Contractor at a Disposal Site as applicable . Such payments shall be made within sixty C6'0) days of the Town 's approval OF Contractor 's invoice . The Town shall be entitled to deduct From any payment owning to Contractor any sums expended by the Town to cure any default or other Agreement non-compliance by APPENDIX A-2 Contractor or to protect the Town From loss on account of ana claims Filed or reasonably anticipated to be filed . VI . CONTRACTOR 'S WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS Contractor makes the following warranties and representations: A . Contractor represents that the Town has made no commitment under this Agreement with respect to the volume of solid waste to be handled by Contractor during the term of this Agreement , B . Contractor warrants that Contractor shall comply with all federal , state and local laws , ordinances or regulations applicable to all of the services to be performed by Contractor . C. Contractor represents that the information furnished by Contractor in the equipment schedules included in the bid is accurate and complete and Contractor acknowledges that Town has relied upon the accuracy and completeness of that information in the selection of Contractor as the lowest responsible bidder . D . The Contractor represents that Contractor shall utilize its best efforts to insure that Minority and Women Owned Businesses (MBE 's and WBE 's) have the opportunity to participate as subcontractors under this Agreement . In the event the contractor subcontracts twenty—five percent C2S:) or more of its work hereunder, Contractor shall submit to the Town an MBE APPENDIX A-3 and a WBE Utilization Plan, prior to execution of this Agreement . E . In the event the Contractor 's Disposal Site is unable to receive and-dispose of the Town 's waste For any reason (including Failure to obtain or maintain necessary permits or licenses) , Contractor shall be responsible For providing to the Town an alternate Disposal Site For the Town 's use at no additional cost to the Town , and shall indemnify the Town against any additional hauling cost by the Town or its agent because of the location of the alternate Disposal Site . Under no circumstances shall a change in Disposal Sita(s) or Failure or inability to obtain or maintain necessary permits by the Contractor be considered a change in conditions . In the event the Contractor is unable to Find an alternate Disposal Site(s) , he shall be deemed to be in default of this Agreement and liable For damages, bond Forfeitures and other expenses as provided in the Agreement . VII . INDEMNIFICATION INSURANCE/BONDS A . Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify and save harmless the Town of Southold against any and all liability , :Loss , damage, detriment, suit , claim, demand, cost, charge, attorney 's Fees and expenses of what ever kind or nature which the Town may directly or indirectly incur, suffer or be required to pay by reason of or in consequence of the Contractor carrying out or performing under the terms of this Agreement, or Failure to carry out any of the provisions, duties, services or requirements of this Agreement, whether such losses and damages APPENDIX A" are suffered or sustained bg the Town directly or by its employees, licensees, agents , engineers, citizens or by• other persons or corporations, i-ncluding any of Contractor's employees or agents who may seek to hold the Town liable therefore . This obligation shall be ongoing, shall survive the term of this Agreement and include , but not be limited to, claims concerning non-sudden environmental impairments . The Contractor shall ,loin in the commencement of any action or proceeding or in the defense of any action or proceeding which in the opinion of the Town constitutes actual or threatened interference or interruption with the Town ' s rights hereunder, including all appeals which, in the opinion of the Town, may be necessary . B . Contractor shall procure and maintain the insurance described in Section A of the Solicitation for a period commencing on the date of this Agreement and terminating no earlier than one year following termination of services under this Agreement . All such insurance coverage shall name the Town as an additional insured and shall provide that the coverage shall not be changed or canceled until thirty C30) days written notice has been given to the Town . All such insurance shall be issued by a company duly authorized to transact business in the State of New York and acceptable to the Town and shall include all riders and additional coverage necessary to insure that Contractor will be financially able to meet its obligations under the foregoing indemnification. APPENDIX A-S C . Contractor shall , for the period of the performance of services hereunder, maintain a Performance Bond in the amount of one million—(51 , 000, 000 .00) dollars wherein named obligee is Town of Southold . The Bond shall be in a form acceptable to the Town Attorney and issued by a surety licensed to do business in New York as a surety . VIII . FORCE MAJEURE If either party is delayed or prevented from Fulfilling any of its obligations under this Agreement due to any act , event or condition, whether affecting the Town, the Contractor, the Oisposal Site or any of the Town 's or the Contractor 's respective subcontractors or suppliers, to the extent that it materially and adversely affects the ability of either party to perform any obligation hereunder (except for payment obligations) , and if such act, event or condition is beyond the reasonable control and is not also the result of the willful or negligent action, inaction, or fault of the party relying thereon as justification for not performing an obligation or complying with any condition required of such party under the Agreement, the time for fulfilling that obligation shall be extended day-by-day for the period of the uncontrollable circumstance; provided, however, that the contesting in good Faith or the failure in good faith to contest such action or in action shall not be construed as willful or negligent action or a lack of reasonable diligence of either party . Subject to the Foregoing, such acts or events shall include the following: APPENDIX A-S (1) an act of God (but not including reasonably anticipated weather conditions for the geographic area of the Town or Disposal Site) ,— hurricane, landslide, lightning , earthquake, fire, explosion, flood, sabotage or similar occurrence, acts of a public enemy , extortion, war, blockade or insurrection, riot or civil disturbance; C2) the failure of any appropriate federal , state, county , town or local public agency or private utility having .1urisdiction in the areas in which the Transfer Station or Disposal Site is located to provide and maintain utilities, services, water and sewer lines and power transmission lines which are required For the operation or maintenance of the Transfer Station or Disposal Site; (3) governmental pre-emption of materials or services in connection with a public emergency or any condemnation er other taking by eminent domain of any portion of the Transfer Station or Disposal Site; and (i) the presence of hazardous waste upon, beneath or migrating from the Transfer Station . It is specifically understood that none of the Following acts or conditions shall constitute uncontrollable circumstances: (a) general economic conditions, interest or inflation rates, or currency fluctuations ; (b) the financial condition of the Town, the Contractor, any of its affiliates or any subcontractor; (c) union work rules, requirements or demands which have the effect of increasing the number of employees APPENDIX A-7 employed otherwise increase the cost to the Contractor of operating its haul operation or the Disposal Site (d) equipment Failure; (e) any impact -CE prevailing wage law, customs or practices on the Con'tractor 's costs; (F) any act, event or circumstance occurring outside of the United States, or (g) any change in law or in the permit conditions or status of the Transfer Station Disposal Site or alternate Disposal Site . IX . SUBCONTRACTS Contractor shall not enter into any subcontracts in connection with the services to be performed by Contractor hereunder without the ❑rior written approval by the town of such subcontracts . Ali such subcontracts shall make express reference to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall obligate the subcontractor to comply with all applicable Federal , state and local laws, ordinances or regulations relating to the services to be performed under the subcontract . In the event the subcontractor is required to Furnish any insurance or bonds For the benefit of Contractor, the Town shall also be named as an additional insured or obligee . X . PREVAILING WAGE RATES Contractor agrees to comply with the provisions of the New York State Labor Law relating to the payment of prevailing wage rates to the extent applicable , or the applicable State Law in the state of disposal . In the event that at any time during performance under this Agreement the Contractor is required to increase the wages paid to any of its employees as a APPENDIX A-8 result of such requirement , all costs resulting there from shalt be borne exclusively by Contractor . XI . FORCED ACCOUNTING In the event the Town directs the Contractor, by written authorization signed either by the Town Supervisor or Town 's Solid Waste Coordinator, to perform additional services beyond the scope of those described in this Agreement, the Contractor shall be compensated for such additional services on the following basis: TOTAL COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES DIRECT LABOR COST + DIRECT MATERIAL COST + OVERHEAD + PROFIT For the purposes of this Section: A . DIRECT LABOR COST shall include hourly wages, including overtime premiums actually paid plus the following Fringe benefits associated with those wages - group medical , group life insurance, pensions, FICA, uniforms, safety equipment or special tools . These fringe benefits shall be separately identified and shall not duplicate fringe benefits paid in connection with work performed within the scope of the Agreement . 8 . DIRECT MATERIAL COST shall be those costs actually paid by Contractor for materials utilized by Contractor in performance of the additional services . The costs for such materials shall not include sales tax for any materials which constitute personal property incorporated into the structures, buildings, or real property of the Town since such personal APPENDIX A-9 property is exempt From taxation under Section 1115 of the New York State Tax Law . C . OVERHEAD shall be 10: of the total of the Direct Labor Costs and the Direct Material Costs . D . PROFIT shall be 5: of the total of the Direct Labor Costs, the Direct Material Costs and the Overhead . XII . CONTRACTOR 'S OPERATIONS AND PROCEDURES REPORTS Contractor will provide the Operating plan and supporting data listed in Sections A and B of the Solicitation to the Town For review and acceptance . Contractor will update the plan as necessary and Furnish copies of those updates to the Town . XIII . DEFAULT In the event the Contractor Fails to perform its obligations under the Agreement, the Town may terminate the Agreement , procure the services From other sources and hold the Contractor responsible For any costs incurred . The Town also may deduct such costs From payments owing to the Contractor and/or- draw nd/ordraw upon the Performance Bond as Full or partial reimbursement For such excess casts . The Town reserves the right to terminate the Agreement For dust cause . XIV . SERVICE AGREEMENT The Contractor shall be obligated to provide the Town with disposal services without regard to the permit status of its Disposal Site . In the event that Contractor submits a Bid APPENDIX A-10 For a Disposal Site for which Contractor does not currently have all necessary Federal and state permits, or which after the acceptance of the Bid loses its permitted status, Contractor, shall , at its sole risk and expense, be responsible For obtaining and/or renewing its permits or providing the Town an alternate Solid Waste Disposal Site at no additional cost (disposal plus any additional hauling) to the Town . The parties agree that this is a Full service Agreement and Failure of the Contractor to provide the identified Disposal Site or acceptable alternative Disposal Site , on or after the commencement date shall constitute a breach of this Agreement . The Contractor, accordingly shall not be excused From its obligations hereunder by reason of any Failure to obtain or maintain its permits at the identified Disposal Site . XV . LIMITATION OF FUNDS The Contractor agrees that this Agreement shall be deemed executory only to the extent of the Funds currently available For the purposes of this Agreement and that the Town incurs no liability beyond those available by authorization of the Town Board as of the date of this Agreement . XVI . DISPUTES/ARBITRATION Any disputes between the parties to this Agreement may be referred to arbitration by mutual agreement of the parties . Absent such an agreement, any actions or claims by either party hereto shall be commenced in Supreme Court, Suffolk County , New York . APPENDIX A-11 In the event the parties agree to arbitrate a dispute , such arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the American-Arbitration Association . In no event shall any demand For arbitration be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim or dispute would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations . An award rendered by arbitrators following any such arbitration shall be Final and ,judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any court having ,jurisdiction thereof . XVII . MISCELLANEOUS A . This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York . B . Contractor shall not assign, convey or otherwise transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Town . C . This Agreement, including all Exhibits and documents referred to herein, along with the Specifications, :solicitation and the Bid, and all Appendices and Exhibits thereto, represent the entire agreement between the Town and Contractor relating to the Services to be performed hereunder . This Agreement may be modified only by written agreement of Contractor and the Town . D . To the extent of any inconsistency among the documents constituting the agreement of the parties, the priority among those documents shall be: APPENDIX A-12 1 . This Agreement; 2 . Exhibits hereto; 3 . The Solicitation including Appendices; H . Contractor 's Bid . E . Without limiting any other right and/or remedy which the Town may have at law or under this Agreement, if the Contractor is adjudged bankrupt or makes an assignment For the benefit of creditors or a receiver is appointed For the Contractor or any insolvency arrangement proceedings are instituted by or against the Contractor, the Town may terminate this Agreement . F . Contractor agrees that it will conduct itself consistent with its status, said status being that of an independent contractor and , Contractor, its employees or agents will neither hold themselves cut nor claim to be an officer or employee of the Town of Southold nor make claim to any right accruing thereto including, but not limited to , Worker 's Compensation, Unemployment Benefits, Social Security or retirement membership or credit . G . If any provision of this Agreement shall For zany reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Agreement and this Agreement shall be enforced as if such invalid and unenforceable provision had not been contained herein . H . Contractor agrees that it shall not APPENDIX A-13 discriminate and that it shall cause there to be no discrimination against any employee who is employed in the work, or against any applicant For such employment , because of race , religion, color, sex, age, marital status, handicap or national origin in any manner prohibited by the laws of the United States or of the State of New York . These requirements shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment; upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other Forms of compensation; and selection for training . XVIII . NOTICES All nczices required to be given hereunder shall be made in writing by first class mail addressed as Follows: APPENDIX A-1L If to the Town: Supervisor of the Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 1 1971 With a copy to: Solid Waste Coordinator Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 If to the Contractor: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. TOWN OI: SOUTHOLD BY: Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor BY: APPENDIX A-15 APPENDIX B NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION PERMIT New York Sate Ceparment of Environmental Conseriataon Am Legal Affairs, Building to -SUNY, Stony Brook, NY 11 i°0-Z:56 Oftow Telephone: (516) 4.-0315' _ Facsimile: (516} isJ43AS lIIc424j D.72gan commiaioner The Honorable lean W. Cochr= Supervisor, Town of Southold Town Hall 309: Main Road Southold, New :-ork i 19 7 1 Re: Town of Soudicid!3 Tr nsfer Scauon Faciiiry ' :cernincauon Nc. := T Dear Suver'•isor Ccchr-n: °ursuant .o ILf=j of :e eo[zmce:'., Icet De cion =d Cr_-;-_-cfDepury Cocissoner c:d and O'Sullivan DEC No. =0, , :he T owe s -egLest of Sectember-, 1990. ter an :re.^.sion. :re Decat--tent herecv aporo�'es ocermon of :ae ;e^.poru i _=ser station at he Cutchcque site 'mrii iaY.:..r-;r '99" �e�ve Taesczy, Ocober 3. .11 6. Ocerauon at -he mciiry :siI be s demiied in:he _nQ*ee:,ng Ze=cr. :reeared by Dvirsa & Bartiiucci dated Seotember, 993, and in addition. --he Town MUST, ccrnpiv 1itil Zile toilowing operating conditions: 1. The Town must compiv with 5 vYCZLR Surs boa3 'Oererli ?rovisicnsj and 3o0-i I iT anser Statiorsl of 3`YCZ.Q°ar 300 (e e^ve Goober ?. `9931, -tett as specincailv -mcdlEed bv _,s authcr±,_ucn and me approved - _ rs Rept, nd D1ans. _. -he Town shad not izore wastes at :tie �c:iiCV .lore :ilu-1 _ .vL:— T.^.ii: a j:++e or acceciance of suca wase. 3 T,e - own shall miCZ °_l aecessaV/ _i2ps :C _ 11rCI Lisances SL'C:S DlOwiny saner.S. Yec:Ors. cL'sr. 'r:C "Cors (le Jwil :� 2.LI11GC=eIIio 1,perare :ne _Cllr! SC::S : e . seven (') days -per we``. __...__..._.__. .. APPENDIX B-1 1. The Town a prohibired sen receivinz at chis Facility, L waste as defined a 6 NYCRR Par, 371 or re;.rlaced medical waste as defined in 6 NYCRR Part 360. approval ;..ust be granted in advance, in writing, by the Regional Solid Waste Eag neer, co accept non-hazardous industrial waste at the Faciii(y. 6. The Town shall apply ,`or and receive a permit For the a-ansfer station before the expiration of this temporary authorization. 7. he Town must submit by December 31, 1996, to the Department either 1.)a request for Part 360 registration approval For the subject transfer facility, or, 2.)an implementation schedule for the preparation, iabmittal and obtaining of a decision by the Department on a permit for the subjec transfer facility. In the event the tarter is submitted, it may, if determined by the Department co be at) oriare, result in a Further a aension of this temporary authorizarion_ In no event, however, shall such extension exceed October 3, 1997. his authorization is conditioned upon the Town's strict adherence ro the conditions as outlined above and aiiure m do so :nav result in a revocation of this authorization. eery�l✓♦ours i RAY E. CObVEi, P.E. Re-zional Dire- or REC;ti1EC.'mhs ,..rC. cc: _. Riiev Cava �L Car-pentier e M. Eauen �c:;c:�carn+ao.ar APPENDIX B-2 x. W 1 1 APPENDIX C Town of Southold Accident Report TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ACCIDENT REPORT Date of Accident : —i_—/— Time of Accidenz— _—AM/PM Oral Report By : _ To: _ Date: ----/__—/-- Time: —___-. — AM/Prl Location of Accident : Brief Description of Accident : Check if continued on separate sheer Action Tzken : -------------- Additional Action Required & By Whom : Date of this Report: ____/_ —__ By : __.___ Department : ANY POLICE REPORT PREPARED REGARDING THIS ACCIDENT MUST BE ATTACHED . Forward Accident Report to Solid Waste Coordinator Southold Town Solid Waste District P . O . Box 962 Cutchogue, New York 11_935 APPENDIX - C S.0 SUXM RY This is a Summary of the update to the Solid waste Management Plan (SWMP) for the Town of Southold. The Town's initial draft SY7MP was adopted by the Town Board on September 25, 1990, and a final SWMP on January 22, 1991. Since the adoption of the SWMP, there have been a number of changes in solid waste management in Southold and on Long Island. The update to the SWMP has been necessitated by several factors, including changes in solid waste generation, recycling initiatives, regulatory constraints, and available capacity at other solid waste facilities combined with changes in the cost of out-of-Town handling and processing by the private sector. These factors have resulted in a change in the Town's preferred processing alternative for the residual waste remaining after reduction, reuse, and recycling. S.1 Town Setting The Town of Southold is a rural town of approximately 54 square miles located in eastern Suffolk County on Long Island. It is bordered by the Peconic Bays and Gardiners Bay to the south, and the Long Island Sound to the north. The Town, along with the Town of Riverhead to the west, comprises the North Fork of the "East End" of Long Island. It also includes the Hamlet of Fishers Island, a small island community covering approximately four square miles. The Town supports a large agricultural community, as well as a seasonal tourist population and a number of weekend/part-time residents. of the various communities in the Town, the larger residential areas are primarily located in Southold, Cutchogue, Greenport, and Mattituck. The Town possesses diverse ecological resources including beaches, bays, estuaries, lakes, freshwater and tidal wetlands, and the upland environment. These resources are the result of natural physiology and existing development patterns, and are important for their preservational, social, aesthetic, and recreational value. The Town comprises 5.31 of Suffolk County's land area, but only 1.5% of the County' s population. The largest single land use in the Town is vacant land 5':58R/4 _927 SWMP SUMMARY-1 APPENDIX D effort are: o Newspaper o Plastic containers o Major household appliances o Metal containers o Bulk Metals o Household hazardous waste o Clear glass o Waste oil o Leaves o Green glass o Old clothes o Brush o Brown glass o Batteries o Wood chips o Tires o Mixed Paper (other than cardboard) o Cardboard in accordance with its solid waste management planning efforts, the Town has implemented a mandatory curbside recyclable collection program for those residents whose solid waste is collected by carters. Residents that use carters are required to separate green, brown, and clear glass, plastic (HDPE #1 and 42) , tin and aluminum (commingled) , newspaper, and cardboard. Collection of recyclables from customers is currently performed once every other week. Collection by Town permitted carters is provided for residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial customers on an :individual contract basis. Commercial, institutional, and industrial waste generators can also deliver their own wastes to the landfill provided they are permitted by the Town. Residents may also drop off their wastes at the solid waste complex with a permit. it is estimated that approximately 107 tons per day of municipal solid waste was generated in the Town in 1992. This volume is based on 1992 scale house data from the solid waste complex and includes recyclables. Future waste stream projections have been formulated based on the 1992 data and weighted population estimates through the year 2015, and are as follows: Year Tons per day Tons per year 1989 123 44, 895 1992 107 .7 39,313 1995 126. 6 46, 194 2000 134.2 48, 995 2005 144.1 52, 583 2010 154.4 56,364 2015 165 .3 60, 348 61 �8R/4 sWMP SUMMARY-3 S.3 Alternatives In formulating the Town's original Plan (final SWMP January 1991) , a number of alternative processing methods and implementation alternatives had been evaluated. The alternatives have been reconsidered in terms of environmental soundness, applicability, effectiveness and cost, and are presented in this SWMP update. They include: o Waste Reduction o Land Clearing Debris Recycling o Household Hazardous Waste o Waste-to-Energy Reduction/Recovery Removal o Municipal Solid Waste Composting o Materials Recycling o Landfill Disposal o Agricultural and Yard Waste o Clean ?ill Disposal Composting o Methods of Processing/Disposal of o Construction and Demolition Other Wastes Debris (C&D) Recycling Although the State has set a goal of 508 reduction, reuse, and recycling as a benchmark for resource recovery systems, it has been concluded as part of the updated plan that, given the characteristics of its waste stream, the Town could target a reduction/reuse/recycling (including composting) goal of approximately 708. The alternatives that were previously evaluated in the original SWMP for long-term processing or disposal of the residual portion of the waste stream were: o Continued landfilling (no longer an alternative within the Town) o Use of a new, double-lined Town landfill adjacent to existing landfill (no longer a viable alternative) o Processing at the Brookhaven composting-energy recovery facility (has not been implemented at this time) o Processing at Huntington energy recovery facility c Processing at Babylon energy recovery facility o Processing at an in-Town mixed solid waste (MSW) composting facility (no longer a viable alternative) o Yard waste exchange arrangement with a town having an energy recovery facility (re-evaluated this past year with the towns of Huntington/Smithcown) o Private sector processing/disposal (including possible use of Hempstead' s existing energy recovery facility and recently proposed private sector facilities) o Long haul to another faci'--ity (component of temporary transfer omerations) ;:G8R/4 .02-1 SWMP SUMMARY-5 recovery system. Waste Reduction :haste reduction refers to the reduction of solid waste prior to disposal. This is an important consideration since it may affect the sizing or magnitude of individual operations and facilities. Reduction of the volume of waste could be achieved through Town support of legislation and ocher initiatives that aim to encourage residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments to reduce waste generation at the source or point of packaging. This would effectively reduce the volume of waste that the Town would need to make provisions for with regard to collection, processing, disposal, administration, and financing. Regarding the legislative aspects of waste reduction, the Town will continue to support laws proposed by the County, State, and Federal governments that strive to: o Reduce the volume and type of packaging materials, especially those constituted of plastics which are essentially nonbiodegradable, nonreusable, and nonrecyclable o Expand the current beverage container deposit law to include a wider array of containers 0 Encourage greater use of recycled materials, or products packaged in recycled or recyclable materials c Promote the development of household hazardous waste removal programs o assist and encourage industrial, commercial, and institutional generacors to undertake reduction and recycling programs o assist and encourage homeowners to undertake backyard composting and to leave grass clippings on the lawn The Town will continue to support legislative efforts to establish deposits on batteries as a means of reducing the concentration of metals in varicus products and residues of solid waste processing. Batteries constitute an easily removable source of potential contamination from the waste scream. In addition to legislative actions, all sectors of the Town (public, commercial, industrial, and institutional establishments) will be encouraged by the Town co reduce i'_58R/i :027 SMP SUMMARY-7 The materials targeted for source separation, curbside collection, and marketing include paper (newspaper and corrugated cardboard) , color segregated glass, tin and aluminum, plastics (PET and HDPE) , and ferrous and nonferrous metal containers. Leaves, brush and land clearing debris are also source separated for the purpose of composting. In addition, construction and demolition debris, white goods (major household appliances) , tires, and household hazardous waste are kept separate at the collection Center. As previously discussed, commercial/industrial toxic or hazardous waste is currently regulated for proper handling and disposal by Federal and State law. These materials should not be handled by the Tcwn and are recycled or processed at private sector ' facilities. ecvcl4no *Sa'or iousehc'� anol anees As with the initial SWN_P, the updated swmP's resource recovery system recommends that discarded ma;cr household appliances (also referred to as 'white goods') continue to be temporarily stockpiled and transferred on a regular basis to private recycling Facilities. white goods, comprising approximately 1% of tae waste stream, int'lude discarded refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, stoves, etc. Depending an markets, it is possible that revenues could be generated from this material. R cv t4nc• T;-os A designated portion of the solid waste complex is used to temporarily stockpile tires for shipment to appropriate reprocessing or recycling facilities. The temporary stockpile operacions should be sized to stockpile up to 1,000 tires at any given time. Using an assumed, generally accepted generation rate of one tire per person per year for the Town's population of 20,002, approximately 20,000 tires per year could require disposal. Alternatively, using an estimated factor for tires in the residential waste stream of 0. 64 tons per day (based on 1990 scale house data) , with an assumed weight of 25 pounds per tire, an average of approximately 19,000 tires per year would require proper disposal. Based on these estimates, it may be necessary to size a tare stockpile and transfer operation to handle between 19,000 and 20, 000 tires per year. This would correspond to an average annual transfer arrangement of approximately 20 shipments per year (1, 000 tires per shipment) , or approximately one shipment every 2 and 1/2 weeks, with a__owances for more frequent shipments during certain peak periods. .oZR/4 SWMP SUMMMY-9 Recvclinc: Household Hazardous '.taste (cont. ) o Gasoline o Spot Removers o Herbicides o Stain and Varnishes o Kerosene o Wood Preservatives o Paints o Unknown/Unlabeled Containers The resource recovery system in the Town's updated SWMP recommends that the Town work toward implementing an extensive public awareness, participation, and education program designed to provide information on the importance of properly disposing hazardous materials and the procedures to be followed. The Town's S.T.O.P. program is consistent with the New York State Solid Waste Management Plan guidelines since it can effectively help reduce the quantity of hazardous wastes entering the waste stream. Additionally, the S.T.O.?. program is expected to increase environmental consciousness and encourage residents to segregate and recycle wastes rather than discard them. Itis estimated that approximately 1% of the waste stream will be covered by this element. Recvcl na: Construction and Demolition Debris The development, planning, permitting, and capital. cost of a construction and demolition debris processing facility is cost-effective if it is handled by the private sector rather than the Town. Consequently, as with the initial SWMP it is recommended in the updated ?tan that this waste no longer be accepted at Town disposal facilities, except on a temporary basis. The recycling/processing of this waste should become the responsibility of the private sector, as is the case in most Towns on Long Island. This would 'help to maximize the efficiency of recycling this material. Concrete, rocks, bricks, asphalt, '-umber, and pallets are among the components of C&D debris that can be processed and recycled. It is estimated that approximately 15% of the waste stream is comprised of commercially generated construction and demolition debris that could be recovered by this Plan element. Construction and demolition wastes from residents and contractors are handled in the same manner. 6i68R/4 1027 4WMP SUMMARY-11 OVERVIEW OF TRANSFER STATION OPERATIONS 1. DESCRIPTION OF RESOURCES No changes to the District's funding mechanisms or management structure is anticipated at this time, although development of a long-range plan for the District is now underway. 2. WASTE RECEIVING AND TRANSFER The Town transfer station operates under a temporary permit from the DEC (pending approval of plans for a new/re-designed transfer station). It receives municipal solid waste generated within the Town by residential and commercial sources. Approximately 10,000 tons are received annually. The waste is delivered individually both by residents and small commercial contractors bringing their own waste (self-haulers) as well as by commercial garbage carters. All waste to be transferred is deposited into a cement pit, or trench, inside the existing collection building where it resides until the long-haul trailer(s) arrive to be "live-loaded." The trench can hold approximately 300 cubic yards of waste. Permit conditions require all waste to be removed within 48 hours of being received. Upon arrival and weighing at the scale, transfer trailers drive in a temporary loading "slot" located outside the collection building approximately 75 yards from the trench containing the waste to be loaded. The transfer trailers rest on an asphalt surface approximately 4 feet below the loading grade. All loading is done with a front end bucket loader fitted with hydraulic clamps to grab and hold the garbage. Waste is packed, or pressed down, into the trailer by the payloader bucket. Once filled with waste, the transfer vehicles pulls out of the slot and proceeds to the scale to be weighed. If too much weight is on the trailer, the truck will return to the loading slot where the payloader operator will remove enough waste to bring the truck to a legal weight. If more waste can be accepted, the operator will add it to the load. Upon being properly loaded, the truck will "scale out," receiving a weight ticket, and pull off to a convenient location where the driver will tarp the load. PLEASE NOTE: The New Transfer Station Currently Being Planned Will Allow for Indoor Loading and Tarping of the Waste. The Town Anticipates Construction of the New Station Will Be Completed Sometime in 1998. Appendix E 3. RECYCLING OPERATIONS a) Following is a description of key elements of Southold Town's source separation and recycling program. 1. Procedures for implementing the current program. Collection Methods. Recyclables are brought to the Collection Center in two ways: a) self-hauled by residents, and b) hauled from curbside by private carters. a) Self-hauled recvclables are accepted during the Collection Center's regular hours, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday through Sunday. Self-haulers deposit the following items at the recycling drop-off station: 1) glass bottles separated by color; 2) tin and aluminum cans into separate 2-cu. yard containers; 3) plastic containers; 4) polystyrene (PS)(#6 plastic); 5) mixed paper; and newspaper (ONP). Corrugated cardboard is also accepted, but at an outdoor "bunker" away from the main recycling drop-off station. The glass is deposited into 2-cu. yd containers. When full, the glass containers are carried via forklift from the drop off station to roll-off containers located at a below-grade storage area outdoors, approx. 60 feet to the north of the main collection building; the tin/aluminum cans are brought to an outdoor "bunker" (a 30' by 40' paved area enclosed on 3 sides by movable concrete block walls 4' in height); the plastic is hand-sorted to remove HDPE and PET containers, which are then baled in one of two small vertical downstroke balers. The remaining plastic consists of a mix of#2 color containers and other miscellaneous plastic. This mix is removed in a container via forklift and dumped in another outdoor bunker; the PS is placed into bags set up in one of two PVC frame bins at the drop-off station. There are separate PS bags for "peanuts" used in shipping packages, block used to pack electronic equipment, and food service containers. Mixed paper is dropped off into 4-cu. foot size gaylord boxes, which are then loaded via forklift into a van-type trailer for hauling to the recycler. Corrugated cardboard is deposited in an outdoor "bunker' to hold until there is enough to load an open-top trailer for hauling to the recycler. The corrugated bunker is shared with carters bringing in corrugated from curbside. ONP is deposited into small carts used to transport the paper to roll-off containers stationed at the outdoor storage area. The ONP is then hauled out under arrangement with a private firm. b) Private carters deliver source-separated curbside recyclables consisting of all the same items as self-haulers, with the exception of polystyrene (#6 plastic). The glass bottles (also separated by color) are delivered directly to the roll-off containers at the bi-level drop area, the tin/aluminum cans, plastic containers, and corrugated cardboard are brought directly to the outdoor "bunkers" that were mentioned above. the curbside plastic comes in at too fast a rate to allow it to be sorted to extract the valuable HDPE and PET. It is merely loaded loose into an open top trailer for hauling to the recycler. The haulers bring mixed paper to the same gaylord boxes used by the self-hauling public. They bring ONP directly to the roll-off in the bi-level area mentioned above. Processing Design/Description - The facility to which self-haulers bring their recyclables is a section of a large building (the Collection Center) that also houses an enclosed facility for the residential and commercial delivery of garbage, a mechanic workshop, and the Center's central office. The main residential self-hauler recycling drop-off area is on a covered concrete slab 50' by 25', open on one 50' side. It contains containers and bins for the drop off of glass (sorted into clear, green, and brown). plastic, tin and aluminum cans, and polystyrene. It also contains the vertical balers used to bale HDEP and PET plastic, which is separated from the mixed plastic stream by facility staff. The corrugated is deposited at an outdoor bunker that is also used by haulers delivering corrugated from curbside. Mixed paper is deposited, by both self-haulers and curbside haulers, to the gaylord boxes that are lined up along one wall of the residential garbage drop-off floor. Curbside glass and ONP are delivered to roll-offs located in the bi-level drop area; curbside cans, plastic, and corrugated are delivered to the outdoor bunkers. 4. ACCOMPLISHMENTS/NEW ISSUES a) The 1996 period saw several significant and unique developments that contribute towards the MSW management goals set out in the SWMP. 1) Acquisition of Yard Waste Processing Equipment. In anticipation of receiving ultimate approval of the Town's compost plan, the District acquired the necessary equipment to process and compost all of the yard waste currently generated within the Town. 2) Enhancement of Source-Separation Recycling Program. The Town adopted a design concept for a new transfer station that reinforces its ability to handle existing source-separated recyclabies from both self-haulers and carters, and which provides for future expansion of the source-separation program. This demonstrates the Town's commitment to source-separation as the operating principle behind all of its recycling efforts, and as the means to achieving the recycling rates envisioned in the SWMP. Southold is unique in this regard. 3) Addition of Polystyrene to Source-Separated Recycling Program. Southold became the first Town on Long Island to initiate a Town-wide polystyrene recycling program by participating in a pilot-project sponsored by the American Plastics Council (APC) and the County of Suffolk. Starting in May 1996, the recycling center collected and shipped to a Long Island vendor 3 grades of polystyrene (#6 plastic). Approximately 2 tons of this extremely light material (600 cu. Yds) were collected and moved. One of the grades, packaging "peanuts," were delivered directly to package shipping outlets for re-use. 4) "Cans for Kids" Program. The Town initiated a drop-off program to collect 5v deposit aluminum beverage cans for use by a local youth environmental organization. We estimate approximately $15,000 worth of these cans are delivered to the recycling center each year. The Town solicited and received the cooperation of local beverage distributors and sales outlets to accept cans delivered by youth group members who will use the income to fund group activities, which include nature area cleanups, ecosystem study sessions, and recreational camping and field trips. The drop off facility is designed to keep cans sorted into the required brand-name groupings, thus making it easier for the group to redeem them. b) Issues with a potential effect on MSW haul and disposal arrangements are listed below. Item Issue New Transfer Station Town plans to construct a new facility for receiving and transferring waste and recyciabies adjacent to the existing 4 transfer station. A conceptual design has been approved. Engineering specifications for the new station will be completed by early summer and submitted to the Town for approval and permit application to the DEC. Construction is expected to begin late in 1997. Existing loading patterns will be changed to accommodate construction activities. The Town will work with the contractor in advance to address any changes in loading arrangements, including any effects on the location where long-haul trailers are to be staged for loading or the time or days of week available for loading. • Permit for Full Scale Yard DEC approval of plan submitted in 1995. Waste Compost Facility (May depend on ultimate approval of Closure Plan). Town continues with previously approved small-scale composting program as well as volume reduction of excess yard waste (shredding and chipping) for give-away program or use on-site as ground cover or slope-stabilizing medium. • Capping and Closure of The Town is planning to begin capping and Landfill closure operations of the now inactive landfill (which is adjacent to the transfer station) within the next two years. This activity may have minor impacts on SW transfer operations due to increased traffic at the site or occasional diversion of resources to activities other than loading MSW. The Town will notify the contractor in advance if it appears that such impacts may result in delayed or postponed loading operations. ovvvtranf 5 1996 CUMULATIVE WASTE SUMMARY THRU - DECEMBER I - - DECEMBER 1996 1 YTD %Clary. I Tolal %CNaye %Clarye Fmm 1 TOTP1 From WD .IAN FEB MPR PPR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV i Ton Fmm NM DEC 1995 i TONS 1995 San aa,9e.5i. I I C dye Told NOW 4N./7 QOH 401." M8/5 W4.01 141.16 74882 M." 60!.01 o.12 EasN 25.4% 143% I W12234 11.1% T -1arbr 159.00 5770 119.17 IN 13 180.95 169.52 265.8 252.51 207.86 160.71 1"74 151.69 6.994 -16.7% I 207.97 -3.7% T _.byvai914 10.9] 38.02 47.97 7137 ]3.64 75.W 66.02 13548 222.37 111.11 48.63 56.25 24.8% 27.1% 9]366 56% T -Ml4iabe(alpya) 32181 317% 3W.47 NOW 2310s 229.19 39001 39.05 3]181 356.96 262.]5 I 358.40 35.6% 33.6% 3]9061 22.8% •gull 66.88 5098 ISOM 124081 9]8.31 431.61 365.43 318.21 254.99 31115 81861 I 481.3 J3.1% 811% I tN 31 116% 5 C&D IN% 18.25 376.13 458.85 52157 42493 312.33 38280 583.3 32.21 29352 I 21174 -25.8% X3.1% I INonO51 OM O9rpeM 1.40 8.27 ]991 418.98 M487 6784 19.46 16.1] 783 1315 2022 2.98 J95.1% 4111% I 98023 469.1% 13.10 085 15.71 10548 392 27.8 040 1.50 an ION 3775 1 437 R8.1% -22.]99 I 22894 -22% 2 921.82 1881 -13 21. T q�Wpp0(rps0) 83 a" 103.12 115.82 186.47 202.32 205.19 240.]1 188.00 172.83 199" 1 163.8 -8.2% 418.2% I 198915 186% 73 py{ypy 021 020 118 36.88 0.02 113 093 110 141 3864 146.8 I 194.15 32.9% 418.4% 125.12 179.1% Spay MMal 1].71 9.18 362 28." 8.00 41.14 3561 2095 22.]6 ]7 6% "M I 3180 10.9% Tim 1374 9]e 1861 12]5 12.85 41.88 12N 9" 12.12 1002 46 30.33 208% 1"B% I 193.98 31.6% T Caau 00 OW 0.17 1.50 24N 41.W 1961 1723 12.12 6.55 OW i OW ERR -1000% i 123.89 -27.1% TOTAL 801.99 795.82 1203.59 298.96 256105 172].]3 IM 87 1788.52 1848 1502.]5 231.20 i 170.11 -16.1% 30.4% i 2098055 19M I ranpal9e.Me I D •L.awN4IUl 45.70 1981 232.05 810.09 301.51 71.17 4753 1462 3.51 SOON ]35.43 I 83.51 -138% 312% I 2851.32 19.1% SartSay 305 28.24 11520 255.71 1]0.83 1310.15 262.8 58.78 725.21 5064 359 47tH 293% IW.0% I 43813 100% SIWBN 0.08 0.00 O W 0 428 9.O 5.10 1.31 23 8.64111 BSO 1 005 -881% -51 M 1 3789 130.094 1�� 703 4.43 0.19 7" 8.91 1N.00 29.N 21 T1 2.N 59.88 13.95 I 198.10 345.9% 1]51.]% I 547.17 13.5% rn Z R1KYdatlsl 368.45 3NA4 2]4.]1 448.16 4153 335.W 50876 480.11 o767 385.68 321.14 1 3N.45 210% ].1% 4714 B1 28.1% 0 NMY OI(bn) 1.22 1]i 761 7.03 591 8O 721 4.50 792 5.N 507 i 875 331% 11.3% I 42.)5 _3B.2% X TOTAL 129.8 115.16 ann IM..Q 9887 18]1.8 56t02 ON 05 Ini'm 1253.]0 147816 i 1598.3 15M 79.3% 1 12880WM .00 (9iPN0 TOTPL'. 1330.98 128.881099M 420.10 318892 360.81 2501.89 2393.88 3105.10 219615 30786 i 318.9 30% 510% 31580.8:9 53 M 0% N4W O (9e ) 1155 159 2065 1925 180 156` 185 1332 21]0 1475 139 i 1850M.1% 112% 1982 4.M Tw 11dSSI 16 ERR ERR 1 3i -59.0% yeleMla) 9 0 0 8 0 1s 0 21 0 0 0 j T- 9 IASWNJo0� Tlfymrbr4 'NOTE, Mb ofaet+ean02,5001onofdub bmlyli Inby 5- BNule0C6D 1aJUetl ulOer "F§O sy Dep�"Nft Sp9ya FYtlevep. STMm 903. Sopor: Sowok Toes Depamam of So10 Waae 1996 CUMULATIVE RECYCLING SUMMARY THRU DECEMBER I _____ -______----._._--._. I I DECEEMBEMBER 96 I -- .. I YTD Fran YTD I TOMI %CNrye %CNarge Fran TOTAL Fran YTD JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV Tan+ From NOV DEC 1985 I TONS 1995 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY -------------- ._._-...__ ..._._------...__ __-...._ I I HOUSEHOLD RECYCLING I 29.53 110% 180% I 38601 -16.8% Gba 280] 27.17 26.77 39]1 30.48 34.]3 3987 31W 38.26 2833 25.23 I 350 5.1% -59% 4801 -46.8% CM. 457 294 3.18 2.51 182 3.81 528 570 5.80 341 333 I 443 -85% -11.1% I 231.38 -17.2% Brom 15.24 12.88 12]5 15.39 17,43 22.53 26.88 2837 2545 2128 1865 Gran 1813 37.8% 3.1% I 18375 1.5% Ws& 2205 iB05 low 13.28 671 21.55 21.11 1042 043 1003 1013 220 10.13 I 0.13 00% WA I 125 WA Poly4rynn.' 23.00 1825 1B 19 1528 14.81 17,91 1949 37.80 3788 19.10 1484 I 22.41 51.0% 82% I 256.12 21.0% Can 91.38 5]22 58.01 ]043 118.1] 8089 121.80 133.81 13532 11313 96.3] 10203 8]% 28.3% I 1190.88 584% H.etM 131.83 132.53 88.74 140.10 132.31 9121 194.4) 128.35 11808 99.01 98.77 I 13).81 390% 30.3% I 117]32 )30% Carme.rd 1.50 0.0% 50.0% I 1800 352% 1.50 1.50 1.50 150 1.50 1.50 150 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.`A 100 0.0% 00% 1100 15.8% CM BaOaba 0.50 0.50 100 100 1.00 100 1.00 100 100 100 100 I 37.90 128% -519% I ]85.]3 7.5% HH Batlarbv 40.71 ]9.18 5858 13/.88 4828 36.90 5545 9186 85.81 St 89 3380 I 100 00% 1414% I 53.66 742% Muvd paps, 182 1.19 0.38 1.52 103 6.25 637 1.00 100 100 100 I 6)5 33.1% 413% I ]235 47% CbrWv 422 1.71 0W 703 591 804 721 4W 7.82 538 507 I 2.50 00% 2378% I 2775 23.3% W.%ON 030 000 0.61 3.52 4]] 2)9 323 2.50 250 250 250 D CMa6 Wood 388.15 210% 71% 472483 28.0% He18.ICM Ta 38845 351.14 274.71 446.16 41535 33500 508.]6 489.11 45767 38569 321.14 I Rl Zv Ha.rM. ypp . . . . i i 410% .a%of H.M385% 33% 316% 114% 4os% Gbs411% M4% 36. % 44]% 159% 114% 40]% I I XCOMMERCIAL RECYCLING I22)B 21.]] 2182 1881 -138% 25.4% 33474 100% Bcry Moss! 17.74 946 3562 2941 8090 41.14 3561 2005. 1 30.33 220.6% 517% I 191]5 180% m T". 43.59 978 1861 12.75 12.85 film 1284 944 12.12 10.02 0'� I 40.11 5).1% 404% I 526.48 12.6% m CabrcW Took 6133 1988 5223 41.18 73.75 5300 48.55 W30 31.88 31.78 3128 YARD WASTE RECYCLING I LNwa .70 Was 232 D5 61009 Waal 71.17 47W 2462 3551 204.38 43543 635.53 -138% 312% 1 296445 46.1% 45 188 1108 07.18 343.10 33825 20133 121.85 8325 738790.09 4288 i 11.30 -73.7% -51 B% I N23.15 118.5% I I Weed C" WM WpB 189.90 124084 97631 43181 36543 34821 25489 31145 64881 I 18335 -431% ]9.8% 5551.70 30.8% -000sob0 93• 407 10898 9345 13510 30482 0020 11444 32.13 54.13 100.11 i 30.36 4)9.8% B0.]% I 10]848 -16.2% --ranlowd 37283 28050 51583 1581.21 I 1118.88 -284% 48 B% 1 051522 38.1% VerdWnb Tact 112.58 ]082 40195 tew83 i2i6fi2 BD576 1„--'-e I I GRAND HECYCIING 1566.17 -19.8% 35.3% 1376].34 324% TOTAL 5123b 44372 72B tlB 2338 28 170792 6p37B B)D 57 697.33 ]8305 91331 1930.86 i I I I as%a ToW 457% WOM NO.: 401% 36.7% 38.4% 546% 510% 24.8% 315% ffi3% 25.2% 32]% 552% 1050 33.1% 11.2% 1 18822 U% WnMgllWenal 1155 1290 2085 1925 1820 1655 1875 1232 2V0 11)5 1380 i I 16 ERR ERR 89 -11.5% mmaUass o o I I pNtrvnsl B 0 0 8 0 15 0 21 0 L.._...._...-_.._._..._..--..-.--.-..-_....-..-._... •NOTE:Yard Wasb RecycSnB ca.4e Mewf utlwwdcM1pa COLLECTED. Leaves aM WeodcNps rartgwd ere rMvn to vtlormedonal g4potes oMy. Sova: Bo"M Tov Oeper o,t of Said Wasb