HomeMy WebLinkAboutReese, Christine . e':'" ,~f'U~~' , v~... ',.. ""I?" 'f' ,> i"""" ~,'k ',..", . ",t .y, ! ",., -::;-, (.::~..,;:. i\;-',>, ",:(%>- _<." ,'1"- ;,;",,,,;.",,;~~ .. ~! ;a''''' '~. ""',7-;. ;. t:-"3 .:-f "":,,,p.i'~":' ~ 1> ._"<".P)(<'; ,:,c"''',",,,,.-.. ___tl ;J ;.. ".. -;?'7' , " ,";")>~'~: ." ~ /'1 ;1..~..;..:;'l 'i1;~_~':M~,;:' ',~~" '," : ',' , .,.....,'.'. " .,,'- ' , \ "'~j(t,' ,."~ ",,,,." ';;l."<l1'fJ'--.,..,,,;;;:v, ""'~'1~I';'V/ ':0...''''-'1 ',.{ ~ .. ~>7-<rr ,.~ . ~,~ ,,~ JUDITH T, TERRY Tow\; CLERK RUilSTRAI{ 0]-- VITAl. S I \ lIS r1CS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1!97! TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 8, 1982 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ms. Christine Reese 641 South Federal Highway Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 Mr. Harold Reese, Jr. 855 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, New York 11563 Mr. Ronald Reese Washington Street P. O. Box 1447 Lexington, Virginia 24450 Re: Unsafe Building Violation, Orient, New York Dear Madam and Sirs: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on July 7, 1982, with respect to the decision in the matter of the Unsafe Building Violation on property owned by you at Orient, New York: "WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board held a hearing at 11: 00 A.M., July 7, 1982 in the matter of Notice to Christine Reese, Ronald Reese and Harold Reese, Jr. pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold relative to a structure located on the northerly side of Main (State) Road, Orient, New York, which was determined to be structurally unsafe and dangerous by Building Inspector Edward F. Hindermann, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that as a result of said hearing on July 7, 1982, the Southold Town Board has determined that the structure owned by Christine Reese, Ronald Reese and Harold Reese, Jr. has been made structurally safe and is no longer dangerous or constitutes a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, and abandonment. In particular, the aforesaid owners have caused the windows, doors and roof of the building to be boarded up and as such does not constitute an attractive or dangerous situation to health and safety, and it is further ;)I . SENDER: Complete I ~ Add YOW' 0 . revene. ~ I. The followinl-l servic" ~ o Show to whom a m [Xl Show to whom, d ~ o RESTRICTED ~ Show to whom a 0 RESTRICTED Show to whom, d (CONSlllT P 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSE Mr. Ronald 2- -- :II Washington :Mr. Harol m Lexington, -I ~855 Sunri c: :II = Lynbrook, z 3. ARTICLE DESeRIPTI :II REGISTERED NO. m .. " ~ 3. ARTICLE 0 m ~ REGISTERED NO. ;; 0-1 .::; :II m " !'j m :II m ." e. UNABLE TO ;)I . S ~ o . ~ I. R: Complete lpo,.... I 2~..~ 1, Add your address in e 'RETURN TO" space on revene. The followin~ service is requested (check one). o Show to whom and date delivered. .. .. .-r;. [}: Show.to whom, date, and address of delivery. .-4 o RESTRICTED DELIVERY Show to whom and date delivered. o RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of delivery. $_ (CONSlllT POSTMASTER FOR FEE,S) ~ is ~ ._~ '';' I NSURED NO. .'. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Ms. Christine Reese :II 641 So. Federal Highway m ~ Pompano Beach, FLA. 33060 :II z 3. ARTICLE OESCRIPTION: :II a REGISTERED NO. I PO'JIIFIED NO. ~ .. 0345934 (AI_VI obtain Iignatu... of add,.... or eaant) I have te e' cd the' article ~describe above. SIGNAT 0 'zed e 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: CLERK'S INITIALS * G~Q: ,.7a-ua-uz cnc.., <: o ~ CD ~o. Cj <+ ,.... '< 0"<+ <+ o 0" >-' Cj 0.., ~ >-' ., '< o ., '< :E CD ::< Cj 0 Cj ~ 0'< Cj >-' UJ CD Cj ~ :ECjCDttl ""0 III >1 0 <+UJ III I" ::r f-lo 0 t1 f-lo 0. rt 0- ::<Illlll ::ll ::>0.0t'1 <+<+ Cj(n III UJ 00.0 ::< ::> CD t"' o CjUJ <: -I-bPJ t::tj .... ::< t1 0<+0.<+ "-"::r' ~c+ 101"1"0" 0. Cj<+1" 1".,0 <+ ,<O~I" UJ :E::< I" ::< 0. UJ UJ H, ~ CjO<+H,1" OH,O"H, 3 Ill""o 0 cn 00 <+00',....::< O"~~CDo. f-lo rt f-l. ~ f-lo UJO">-'<+<+ o 0. ""0 0. >-,""0::< 0 I" 0.::< ~ ::< <+ - (JQ 3 CD 0' 0 I"I"CDH, ::< UJ >1 c..,o. <+ ~ 1"00" f-IfjJ I-bf-lo '<1"3 UJ ""0 CD ..;Jo.l"Zo. UJ 0 CD UJ~ <+ .... ""0 Cj ., CD <'o(JQ III Cj Cj 00::< CD 3 NUJ 0 UJ""o H, '1:l ::< = UJ I" I" O"UJUJ<+ I" I" UJ ,.... I--l f-b f-lo 0 >-'CD::<::< <+aq- 0''< . III <+ H,UJO" III 0 ,.... CD CjCj(JQ CD ::<., 0<+UJO <+ 0" :E CD CD 0'::< 0. 10 ,...-".. ......~.- Cj .., UJ '0 I" aq CD N :;I:::110 1"00" >1::> >1 01"""0 >-'>-'UJ 0.0.<+ ""0 ::ll::ll::> III CD III CD CD UJUJ::ll CD III CD III UJ c.., III Cj c.., ~ >-' '< (Y' .... <.0 00 N . f ... . . HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD 11:00 A.M., WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1982, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, "UNSAFE BUILDINGS", RE: CHRISTINE REESE, HAROLD REESE,JR., RONALD REESE, PROPERTY AT ORIENT, N.Y. Present: Supervisor William R. Pell, III Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman Francis J. Murphy Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Justice Raymond W. Edwards * * * Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Special Attorney Richard F. Lark SUPERVISOR PELL: This is a hearing against Mr. Harold Reese, Jr. by the Town of Southold, Unsafe Building violation. Mr. Lark on behalf of the Town. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: If you would swear in, Mr. Supervisor, Mr. Edward Hindermann, Building Inspector for the Town of Southold. SUPERVISOR PELL: Please stand and raise your right hand. Do you swear that the testimony that you are about to give will be the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I do. SUPERVISOR PELL: Be seated. Thank you. Mr. Lark. Mr. Hindermann are you Christine Reese, Harold Town of Southold? familiar Reese, Jr. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Thank you. with property owned by respondents and Ronald Reese situated Orient, BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I am. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Could you generally describe the property and improvements there on to the Board? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: It's a parcel of land situated just east of Brown Hill Road and north of the Main Road. The property runs--a portion of the property runs from the Main Road to the Sound, and there's one building, as far as I can ascertain, on the property and it's the building in question today. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Could you generally describe the building to the Board? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: It's a cement block building, roughly twelve by sixteen in size, with a wood frame roof. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Could you tell the Board what the building 18 Page 2 - Unsafe ~lding Hearing - Reese - dltent used for, if anything? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: It's not used for anything. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Is it vacant? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: It's vacant. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And do you know approximately when the building was constructed? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I have no idea. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: How did you first come in contact or have occasion to see the building? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: There was a compainant come in to our department relative to the building and questioned whether the building was a safe building or unsafe building, and the person who brought it to our attention gave us a picture that he had taken of the interior of the building. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Do you have a copy of that picture? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And is that a copy of the picture that was presented to you? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: That is the picture that first brought this to my attention. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And as a result of receiving this picture, what did you do, if anything? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I went down to visit the site and to make an inspection of the building. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Okay, and after viewing the site did you have occasion to write a report up? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes, I did. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: I hand you a yellow sheet of paper and ask you if you can identify that? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Is that a copy of your report? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: It's a report I made of the building. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And did you file that in the Buildin~ Depart- ment's files? Page 3 - Unsafe ~lding Hearing - Reese - dltent BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes, I did. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And what did you do to determine who owns this property. BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I checked the tax records and got a copy of the deed. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And I show you this document dated 8, July, a photo copy. Is that a copy of the deed that you obtained? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And then--what was the date of your inspection, by the way, Mr. Hindermann? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: April 12th. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Of what ye~r? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: 1982, it was in the P.M. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And because of doing that inspection, did you cause any pictures to be made? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I took some pictures myself with a camera that wasn't as well---didn't take as Rood pictures as--- SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Do you have those pictures with you? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes, but it does give a pretty good idea of what it looks like. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And do those pictures fairly and accurately depict what was present on April 12th? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: That's correct. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And after you obtained a copy of the deed to determine the owners--determine who the owners was--a copy of any kind of a map or anything to generally show the layout of the property? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes, I did. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And I show you this, and is that a copy of the map? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: It's a copy I made of the tax map. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: In other words that's a diagram of the property. BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Right. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: That you traced from the tax map. BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: That's right. Page 4 - Unsafe ~lding Hearing - Reese - dltent SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Mr. Supervisor, at this time, for orderly procedure, with the exhibits Mr. Hindermann has talked about, if I could get th~m marked and put in before we go on. The first one I guess we'll mark as Exhibit I, Mrs. Terry, will be the photograph given to him--- Mr. Hindermann, who was the gentleman or lady who came in and registered an inquiry with you regarding this particular building? BUILDING INSPECTOR RINDERMANN: Paul Demery. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And this is the photograph that he gave you? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: That's right. (Special Attorney Lark entered photograph of Reese building given to Building Inspector Hindermann by Paul Demery as Town's Exhibit I.) (Special Attorney Lark entered the original of Building Inspector Hindermann's inspection report dated 4(12(82, the time he did inspect the premises, as Town's Exhibit II.) (Special Attorney Lark entered a series of three photographs taken by Building Inspector Hindermann of the Reese building as Town's Exhibit III, (a), (b) and (c). These photographs were taken on 4(12(82. ) (Special Attorney Lark entered the photocopy of the deed of the Reese property obtained by Building Inspector Hindermann from the Southold Town Assessor's Office as Town's Exhibit IV.) (Special Attorney Lark entered the sketch of the Reese property obtained by Building Inspector Hindermann from the Southold Town Tax Map and showing the approximate location of the building in question as Town's Exhibit V.) SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Mr. Hindermann, as a result of your inspection on April 12th that you told the Board, did you make any kind of finding as a result of this inspection? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And what was that finding? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I found that the building was structurally put up and wasn't completed in that the floor joists were not installed and the doors were not installed. The frames-- the two door openings of the building, one on the north side and one on the south side--the door jams were in place but the doors were not installed, and this created a dangerous situation in that if anybody were to walk through the doors they couldn't step on the floor because there was no floor there and they could conceivably fall to a depth of probably ten feet, to the depth of the foundation of the structure. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: So your initial determination, if I under- stand you, was that there was a dangerous condition--- Page 5 - Unsafe ttilding Hearing - Reese - dltent BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: That someone, if they were unaware of the situation that existed inside, could fall and injure themselves. In addition to that the incompleteness of the building is such that the roof had two framed openings that were not covered over and this allowed the weather to get into the building and cause destruction. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: As a result of your inspection and the conclusion, did you cause a notice to be--or the owners, the Reese family, which is Christine, Ronald and Harold Reese, Jr. to be notfied as a result of your report? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And I show you a copy dated April 16th. Is that the notice that you caused to be sent to them? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes, it is. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And how did you cause that to be sent to them? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Christine Reese, Harold Reese, notices out by registered mail. I sent them out to the three principals, Jr. and Ronald Reese. I sent the SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And as a result of that did you receive back certain mailing receipts from them? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And is that a copy of the mailing receipts? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Right. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And at my request after you did this, did you cause an Affidavit of Service to be executed? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And is that your signature on an affidavit dated April 26th? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: That's right. (Special Attorney Lark entered Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold that was sent to Christine Reese, Harold Reese, Jr. and Ronald Reese dated April 16, 1982 as Town's Exhibit VI. ) (Special Attorney Lark entered the Affidavit of Service by Mail & Postingto Christine Reese, Harold Reese, Jr. and Ronald Reese dated April 26, 1982 and receipt's for certified mail signed by Christine Reese, Harold Reese, Jr. and Ronald Reese as Town's Exhibit VII.) SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: owners of this property Building Inspector? Mr. Hindermann, what did you inform the to do as a result of your inspection as a Page 6 - Unsafe ttilding Hearing - Reese - ~ent BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I informed them to cover up the openings in the roof and make the building weather tight, cover the doors and window opening, and brace the foundation which had evidence of cracks, vertical cracks due to ground pressure. There was nothing to support it. They're not retaining walls, they're foundation walls and it does need support either by floor joists or by some means of bracing, and to post the property with No Trespassing signs because I have seen it and there is evidence of trail bikes being used on the property. I felt it would be better off due to the condition of the building and the property was being used without authorization. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: no the property owners, or hear from them? As a result of your notice of April 16th did you ever hear anything about the property BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: When was the first time you heard anything from them? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Well, while I was on vacation and when I got back there was a note given to me by one of the other inspectors, Curtis Horton, who said that he had made the inspection based on a call that came into the office that repair work had been done and he went down to determine what they had done to the building. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Did he render a report of what had been done? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: They said the building had been boarded up. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Now, did there come a time when you got back from vacation"- BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: And I went down and I checked---- SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: No, answer the question. Did there come a time when you got back from vacation? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Right. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And when you got back did you cause an inspection to be made yourself? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And what was the result of that inspection? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I sent a letter to--- SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: What was the result of the inspection, what did you find? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I found that the only thing that had been done is just as the building inspector said, it had been boarded . Page 7 - Unsafe tltilding Hearing - Reese- o~nt up, but the roof had not been repaired or made weather tight and there was no way of determining whether the foundation was braced and there was no No Trespassing signs put up. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Did you cause a notice to be sent or correspondence to be sent to the owners of this? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And when did you cause that to be done? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: On May 20th. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: What did you advise him that you wanted done? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I indicated that I had followed up with the inspection of the structure and I found that the door and window openings were boarded up and as much as no visual inspection was able to be made of the interior there was no way of determining whether the foundation had been properly braced. I also requested that the property be posted with No Trespassing signs. That had to be done. And I referred them to paragraph C of the notice that was dated--that was sent to them on April 16th and stated if there was any reason why they couldn't comply with all the conditions within the time that they should contact me at my office and give me the reasons for not doing so. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And did you ever receive a contact from the owners? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDER1MNN: I had been contacted by Gerry McLean. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Who is Gerry McLean? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: She represents Mr. Reese. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: In what capacity? Is she an attorney, a broker-- BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I don't know. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Did you receive a letter or anything of that nature? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Well, she contacted me personally and then I asked her to send me a letter so I could keep it in the file. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Did she send such a letter? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And when was that? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: The letter was not dated. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: When was it postmarked? Page 8 - Unsafe ~lding Hearing - Reese- orttnt BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: It was hand delivered, I believe. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And do you know approximately when it--- BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: It was hand delivered June 1st. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: owners request of you, And what did the representative of the if anything? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: They requested additional time, stating that the---Mr. Reese would personally do the job on or about June 23rd. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And as a result of that request did you grant them any additional time? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. Also, she wanted to have the help of her son who would be out of school at that time. That was one of the reasons why they wanted the 23rd, the boy would be out of school. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And as a result-- BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I sent them a letter. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: When did you send them the letter? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: June 1st. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Since June 1st when you sent the letter--- what did you grant them in the way of an extension of time? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I granted the time extension to June 30th. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Since June 30th have you had occasion to inspect the Reese property at Orient? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: This building in particular? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Right. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And when was that that you recall, the inspection? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Friday of last week. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Of July? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: July. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: That would be the 1st or 2nd of July? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Uh huh. Page 9 - Unsafe ~lding Hearing - Reese - dltent SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And as a result of your inspection, what did you find? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I found that the windows were still boarded up so there was no way of inspecting the interior. The roof had been boarded up but there was no roof covering over the openings to prevent the weather from getting in. They just used plywood. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: or Friday, did you come ing was still unsafe as the Town of Southold? As a result of your inspection on last Thursday to a conclusion as to whether or not the build- defined in the Unsafe Building Ordinance of Or in fact come to a conclusion? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And could you tell us what that conclusion was? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: The conclusion is that the building has been made safe from the standpoint of preventing anybody from accidently walking in and falling into the foundation. The roof was made reasonably safe--offers some protection but it's not a permanent thing unless some roof covering of some waterproof material is used. It is my understanding that the foundation has not been braced and there are vertical ~racks in it. It's not an immediate problem but if it's let go it's going to develop into a more serious condition and that building could collapse if it's let go too long. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: So, if I understand you correctly, the main thing that the owners have not complied with from your initial determination back on April 12th which you sent to them on April 16th, was the bracing of this foundation, is that correct? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: That's right and no posting of No Trespassing signs. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And they did not post any signs and they have not braced the foundation. BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Right. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Am I correct, is it my understanding that since this foundation has not been braced that the building is unsafe? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: It's--- SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: From a structural point of view. BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: From a structural point if it is given time it will be unsafe, it could collapse, the walls cave in. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And what could be done to make it safe from a structural point of view? What remedy could the owner take, if anything? I there any options to him to do? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: He could brace it with timbers, construction timbers. . Page 10 - Unsafettuilding Hearing - Reese- tltent SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Would that be externally or internally, sir? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Internally. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And how would he do that? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: They'd have to support the--put a piece of timber acr@ss the two walls and some bracing from the top of it down to the base of it so that it would stand any ground pressure. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And in your opinion then the foundation would be structurally safe? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Right. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Is there anything else that you want to tell the Board about the building as a result of your initial or your subsequent inspection in July? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I don't think there is anything. (Special Attorney Lark entered the letter senti by Building Inspector Hindermann, dated May 20, 1982, to Christine Reese, Harold Reese, Jr., and Ronald Reese as Town's Exhibit VIII.) (Special Attorney Lark entered letter from Gerry Davis McLean hand delivered June 1, 1982 to the Building Department, Edward Hindermann, as Town's Exhibit IX.) (Special Attorney Lark entered the letter sent by Building Inspector Hindermann, dated June 1, 1982, to Christine Reese, Harold Reese, Jr., and Ronald Reese as Town's Exhibit X.) SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Now, the hearing, as I understand it, was originally scheduled for yesterday. The owners were so notified by the BuiJding Department's office by a letter of June 24th, 1982, certified mail, return receipt, and I'll put in as Exhibit XI the adjournment notice from yesterday until today at 11:00 o'clock and the copies of the certified along with the receipt of each one of the owners that they did receive notice that in fact the hearing was adjourned for one day. (Special Attorney Lark entered letter from Edward F. Hindermann by Eileen Carey, Clerk-Typist, Building Dept. dated June 24, 1982, notifying Christine Reese, Harold Reese, Jr. and Ronald Reese of the adjournment of the hearing from July 6, 1982 to July 7, 1982 and certified mail/return receipts of said mailing as Town's Exhibit XI.) SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: I have no other questions of Mr. Hindermann. If the Board has any before we sum up? SUPERVISOR PELL: I'd like to see if Mr. Reese's representative here--- SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: I'm sorry, I thought you asked that initially. Excuse me. Page 11 - unsafe4llilding Hearing - Reese - ttient SUPERVISOR PELL: You represent Mr. Reese, is that right? MRS. GERRY McLEAN: Yes, I do, I'm Gerry McLean SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Do you want to ask Mr. Hindermann anything? SUPERVISOR PELL: Do you have any cross examination you would like to do at this time of Mr. Hindermann? MRS. McBEAN: Well, I have a few things I'd like to say. SUPERVISOR PELL: Right now, is there anything directed at the examination you just heard? MRS. McLEAN: Well, first of,',all, there's just one question. When you originally asked Mr. Reese to board up the building you said nothing about bracing the building and we boarded up the windows and the doors and then the skylight and then you told him about the bracing. Do you realize how hard it is to get in after boarding up a cement block building? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: It was in the original notice, Mrs. McLean. MRS. McLEAN: It was? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: Yes. MRS. McLEAN: I didn't know that. SUPERVISOR PELL: When we refer to it we will go back to the original notice sent out and make sure. Any other questions you want to ask him? MRS. McLEAN: No. SUPERVISOR PELL: Does any Board member have anything before Mr. Hindermann steps down? COUNCILMAN NICKLES: condition is unsafe in the future? I'm not certain if Ed is saying that the foundation at this time or it's going to be unsafe at some time BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDER1MNN: At fue moment it's not a critical situation, but I feel as though if I'm going to look at a building and make it safe, I feel that that is something that should be done to make it safe against any future development. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Then right now it's not unsafe? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: No, but there is evidence--- COUNCILMAN NICKLES: If there's further deterioration--- BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: There is evidence of structural failure and deformation. Page 12 - unsafe4ltilding Hearing - Reese - ttient SUPERVISOR PELL: Any other questions any Board member has for Mr. Reese and Mr. Hindermann? Thank you. Mrs. McLean, on behalf of Mr. Reese? MRS. McLEAN: I'm Mr. Reese's right hand man out here. The building is in the middle of a 64 acre tract of land, about 800 feet from the nearest road. Right now there's grass about 5! feet high and I don't think anybody would venture in there. There's poison ivy allover the building, poison ivy, poison oak, sumac, everything, and I've got scars to prove it. Mr. Reese couldn't get anybody to board up the building. It seems that the carpenters like a bigger job and you can't blame them. They're not going to take a morning or afternoon to do something like that when they have houses. Well, we had originally boarded up the windows and the doors and the skylight and after this he told us about the bracing, at least that's what I understood, to brace the building. It just seems to me--I wish you all could go out there and see the building--it's like the Rock of Gibralta. I don't think it will tumble down. And furthermore, the building is going to be torn down eventually, as soon as the roads are put in which should be six months. The build- ing is going to be torn down. Well, we just seem to think, or rather I think, it's a form of harassment. First it was the Mallard Inn, then the property in Southold Shores on Tarpon Drive. They wouldn't give a person who bought a lot there a C.O. and if Junie Albertson hadn't threatened to sue I don't know what would have happened, I don't think they--they would have just neglected to give the C.O. to the person. SUPERVISOR PELL: Mrs. McLean, could I ask you a question. They mentioned No Trespassing signs which was in the original request---- MRS. McLEAN: I tried to get them and Mr. Reese tried to get them and the hardware stores were all out of them. Of course we didn't hit every store from here to Riverhead, but we did try and he's getting them and he's going to post them over the building, allover the building and on the various trees in the area. SUPERVISOR PELL: What time frame would be required to get those up? MRS. McLEAN: Well, he expects to be our tomorrow, hopefully. If he doesn't do it my son will do it. SUPERVISOR PELL: They will be up within a few days? MRS. McLEAN: Oh, yes. SUPERVISOR PELL: You have access to them now? MRS. McLEAN: Yes. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anything else you want to address the Board with? MRS. McLEAN: I don't think so, except that I don't think the--I wish you all could go out there. I don't think the building is unsafe now and I don't think the kids will be going through now with their motor cycles since the grass is about this high. I was just out there the other day again. SUPERVISOR PELL: I did not put you under oath, which I should have. . Page 13 - unsafe&ilding Hearing - Reese - eient MRS. McLEAN: I'm sorry, I will do it now. I'll start allover again if you want me to. SUPERVISOR PELL: No. MRS. McLEAN: I swear to you this is the truth. I swear before God, really. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. Mr. Lark? SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: I just have one question to ask Mrs. McLean if I could. Could you tell the Board just what the building is used for and how old it is and what its purpose is. I realize it's in the middle of a large tract. Just tell the Board what its purpose is. MRS. McLEAN: It's an old pump house. I think they had a water pump in there or something and were going to have pipes. The person that originally bought the land were developers and ran out of money I guess. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Is it used for anything now? MRS. McLEAN: No. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: It's just a vacant structure then? MRS. McLEAN: Yes. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anything else Mr. Lark? SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: That's all. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anything you would like to say in summation? MRS. McLEAN: that would be quite a job. I'd just like to know if we posted the signs whether sufficient because to get back into the building is SUPERVISOR PELL: The Board will, after the hearing today, we will close it in a few minutes and then the Board, sometime this after- noon, will deliberate and you can contact the Town Clerk I would say tomorrow and the finding of the Board will be made known. Councilman Murdock? COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: You take the building down. as his representative as mentioned that Mr. Could we have some when that building Reese's intention to sort of a time frame will come down? MRS. McLEAN: I couldn't give you that. I know he's anxious the roads in there. He wants to get over with the project. imagine within six months. Before the winter hopefully. to get I COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I would like to see that building down--- MRS. McLEAN: I can't really SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Now, if Mr. Reese the owner doesn't intend Page 14 - Unsafettuilding Hearing - Reese -~ient to have any future plans for this building, I think that's what Mr. Murdock is getting at. In other words, it is his intention in due course to tear it down anyway. I think that is what he was asking. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK; What I was getting at is that I would like due course to be moved forward and that building removed as quickly as possible. As long as Mr. Reese intends to remove it at a future time I would appreciate it,-it would be my opinion I would like it down as soon as possible rather than delay it for two or three years. MRS. McLEAN: Oh,' he isn't going to delay it that long I know that. SUPERVISOR PELL: Councilman Townsend? COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I'd like to ask Mr. Hindermann a question. SUPERVISOR PELL: You're still under oath Ed. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: How long, in your opinion, would that building hold up under normal pressures of wind and time given the structural flaws you mentioned, without--what could happen? Could a hurricane knock it over, a flood, what could cause that building to collapse? BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I think the problem with the developing of the crack in the foundation is the heaving of the earth in the winter months when you get frost in the ground and it starts to heave. It probably would be several years, yes, but I feel that prior to making a determination on the safety of the building certainly if the foundation isn't braced it is not a safe condition, but I didn't want to give the Board the idea that it's something that is imperative, that has to be done right away, but I think that eventually if this building is going to remain it should be done, yes. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: If we were--and if Mr. Reese says that he plans to remove the building within six months, which would bring us to December or January, would you say it would be safe if we had the building to be either removed or braced by January 1st. Do you think that would be safe, would that satisfy---- BUILDING INSPECTOR HINDERMANN: I think so, yes. SUPERVISOR PELL: Any other Board member wish to ask questions? COUNCILMAN NICKLES: How old is the building? MRS. McLEAN: I'm not sure. About ten years I would say. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: It was built by the Wilsbergs? MRS. McLEAN: Wilsberg bought it from a person by the name of Young. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: The building was there when he bought it? MRS. McLEAN: Yes. I'd say roughtly ten years. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anybody else have anything they would like to ask? , Page 15 - unsafe4ltuilding Hearing - Reese -~ient SPECIAL A~mORNEY LARK: Just basically you've heard what Mr. Hindermann said, he made an inspection--I just want to clarify one point for the record--he made an inspection back in April and as a result rendered a report and then notified the owner. It is clear in paragraph C what he asked the owner to do and the very first words of it was to "brace the foundation wall with suitable bracing or install floor joists and floor- ing to prevent collapsing," and I think if you will look at the photograph that--I realize we're not talking about a monumental structure here--but when he did go out and he did this--he received a complaint and in the process he went out and checked it out as to what the story was on the building and did find it--it had foundation cracks in it and after checking into it and looking at it he felt the reason for it was because the building had sat there for a long time not braced. He's not trying to make a federal case out of this. It's brought here for the hearing today. He had to do something about it initially to follow the procedures under our Ordinance because it was uncovered, it was exposed and kids CQuld have gotten in there. It's like you see from the photograph, it was an open pit and attractive nuisance and there is evidence of dirt bikes so he had no choice but to notify the owner. I think Mr. Hindermann's point to you is as long as he had to get the building secured he wanted say, okay, you can secure it, that will take care of the immediate problem, but you've got a longer range problem here with is the unsafe foundation and as he testified here before you today, it's something we shouldn't just forget about, it should be addressed in your determination. The only reason we're here today is he did secure the building. Mr. Hindermann said that. I realize they didn't post the trespassing signs. So he did secure the building but since he had the outstanding notice he just couldn't say, well, everything is fine. So it had to come before you for a determination.. Now, if the owner is voluntarily going to enter into some kind of arrangement with the Board that within six months they'll either decide to keep the building, brace it so they won't have a problem in the future, and keep it sure, or tear it down. I think that's a reasonable determination and considering the totality of the circumstances is the reason why we're here. It isn't something in the normal course you would probably ever see this building. As you see on the sketch there it's in the middle of the property but it was drawn to his attention by a citizen and he had no choice and so I think that's something. If Mrs. McLean representing the owner will agree to that I think that would be a reasonable solution as far as the Town Building Department is concerned, that we don't have the imminent danger problem that Mr. Hindermann in the spring of the year was faced with. MRS. McLEAN: Well, I have a crack in my foundation and I imagine all around Southold Town there are cracks in all kinds of foundations, does the Building Inspector go around--you know, it could be unsafe for all of us. I think the building is going to collapse after hearing all of this. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anything else you would like to say in your summation? MRS. McLEAN: Board says. No, except that I'm sure Mr. Reese will do whatever the He really doesn't want to cause any trouble. . Page 16 - Unsafe tilding Hearing - Reese - tient SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you very much. Hearing closed. * * * ~~~ Judith ~;erry Southold Town Clerk . TEL. 765.1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 June 1, 1982 Ms. Christine Reese 641 South Federal Highway Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 Mr. Harold Reese, Jr. 855 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, N.Y. 11563 Mr. Ronald Reese Washington Street P.O. Box 1447 Lexington, VA 24450 Re: Unsafe Building Violation, Orient, N.Y. Dear Madam and Sirs: We have received your letter requesting additional time to comply with the "Unsafe Building Notice", dated April 16, 1982. This is to inform you that we are granting the additional time you requested. The compliance date for completion of the following is set for June 30, 1982: 1. Brace foundation walls, make provisions for visual inspection 2. Cover openings in roof so that building is weather- tight 3. Post property with "No Trespassing" signs. Failure to comply will result in the hearing before the Southold Town Board, relative to same, to be moved ahead to 11:00 o'clock A.M. on July 6, 1982. Yours truly, Edward F. Hindermann Building & Housing Inspector EFH:ec xc: Town Board members J-~ f~ l/7//~ -X- & . . . Harold A. Reese, Sr. 855 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, New York Town of Southold Building Department Southold, New York Attnl Mr. Edward Hindermann Gentlemen I Pursuant to a recent telephone conversation with your Mr. Hindermann concerning the abandoned stone building on Hillcrest Estates, Browns Hills Road, Orient, we have boarded up all windows and doors. We have contacted several people to board up the two openings in the roof, however after many promises, we find the work has not been done. Mr. Reese will personally do the job on or about June 23, 1982, at which time he will have the help of my son who will be out of school. I trust this meets with your approval. I am Thanking you, ~ 1 o 1/ '1Iv I iL, ,\\1 () ~JY ,Q (, . Very truly yours, ~I ~~)n~ ~avis McLean Secretary to Harold A. Reese, Sr. GDMI ~ f~~ 'lj/f~ 6~/c?Q{- ~....e~ -IX . . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 May 20, 1982 Ms. Christine Reese 641 South Federal Highway Pompano Beach, Fla. 33060 Mr. Harold Reese, Jr. 855 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, N.Y. 11563 Mr. Ronald Reese Washington St., P.O. Box 1447 LeXington, Va. 24450 Re: Unsafe Building Violation, Orient, N.Y. Dear Madam and Sirs: Garry McLean notified our office that the subject bUilding of this violation had been repaired and made safe. I followed up with an inspection of the structure and found that the door and window openings were boarded up. The openings in the roof were not covered, and since windows and doors were boarded up a visual inspection was not possible to determine if the foundation has been braced. The notice you received also requested that property be posted with "No Trespassing" signs; this has not been done. Please refer to paragraph C of the notice dated April 16, 1982. If there is any reason why you can not comply with all the conditions within the time frame stated in paragraph D, con- tact our office stating reasons why. Non-compliance will result in a hearing before the Town Board as stated in paragraph E of notice. I yeS ;~' / ~~ ( flll/ ... . a/1-l-~lal-(/tuCttak Edward F. Hindermann Building & Housing Inspector EFH:ec xc Town Board members ~L-._!... '-f!' / # j '/ ~rrv~ ~ _VIII 7/7/d~) .. .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - x THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL & POSTING against CHRISTINE REESE, HAROLD REESE, JR. and RONALD REESE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X STATE OF NEW YORK: ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: EDWARD F. HINDERMANN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Deponent is a Building Inspector of the Town of Southold, is over the age of 18 years, and resides at Vanston Road, Nassau Point, Cutchogue, New York. 2. On the 21st day of April, 1982, deponent served a copy of Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold (The Unsafe Building and Collapsed Strcture Law of the Town of Southold) upon: Christine Reese, 641 South Federal Highway, Pompano Beach, Florida 33060; Harold Reese, Jr., 855 Sunrise Highway, Lynbrook, New York 11563 and Ronald Reese, Washington Street, P. O. Box 1447, Lexington, Virginia 24450, those being the addresses designated by said individuals for that purpose by depositing a true copy of same enclosed in a postpaid properly addressed wrapper in an official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Postal Service at Southold, New York. Said Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold was mailed to Christine Reese, Harold Reese, Jr., and Ronald Reese by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested. 3. On the 21st day of April, 1982, at 9:30 A.M. deponent posted a true copy of the Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the ~~V// 7/7/ f-S) . .. .. Code of the Town of Southold (The Unsafe Building and Collapsed Structure Law of the Town of Southold) in a conspicuous place on the premises owned by Christine Reese, Harold Reese, Jr., and Ronald Reese located ly side of Road, at Orient, New York. Sworn to before me this a2(~ day of April, 1982. r0J~~~~~~j~ flllAll$"H ANN MYllI, ""'RY PUBliC. St.II of """ .,." No. 5"2-81258S0. Suffolk ~I T"m fk:Dj'e~ MarlJh 30. U~1Li REGISTERED NO. ~ Reg. Fee . 2 1 ~z Handling ~ _0 Cherge . ~ .~~ Postage . l tiJi RECilVEDt ~ 28 WA. ~ Z FUll V~LUE . .- 0 ! 5 Ji ., ";J;1l 0 ::l Ji .. Ji 8 ... ! ;i :ii ~ e ::l U " special De:ivery Return $ Receipt Restricted ;).0 Delivery . REGISTERED NO. Reg. Fee s.3.;1. I ~z Handling - ... u::~ Charge $ ~ ... o o~ Postage s J1.. 0 l tiJi RECEIVED Bid E 20 i U ~ Z FUll VALUE s -0 ~ 5 Ji ::l ";J;1l0 ~Ji .. co'" I ffil w Ji~ -0 c~ e~/s; U ZIP CO~ 0 (CUfJImner CfY11/I) :4 RECEIPT FOR REGISTERED MAlL REGISTERED NO. is' . Dilliwry Return $ Receipt Restricted o Delivery s Reg. Fee s I ~~ Handling ... U::e Charge $ ~ l!sjt Postage s ll;;~ RECEIVE Y E 2u i ~ Z FUll VALUE s -0 .a I" I- ~1l Ji !l ";J; 0 ~Ji .. l1li: o. u.. I ~I w I~ :iie ., e ::l U .... REGISTERED NO. Reg. Fee . S ~~a~ . I wz Handling Retu~n $ ~ 20 Charge . Receipt 15 ttt:i Restricted 0" Postage S ;).0 Delivery S l ti~ REl(jCEIVED BY ~ ~8 . ;e - . ;; ~ Z FUll VALUE S .- 0 ~~.. 2 ~ ....J: 0 22", II: ,2 ~~... ~ ...!l! .D 2-- ae .. e ::;) tl o'lW 'W W NlltIU .. ~'.,.. .'~ "'I" ~; 0 opoil II ~;! irnuu- " ~I! ~i ~ ~~~ ~~tl J!l ji h! I hhhi i! ~ If\ ~\'\~ i:<t-<Hg, ~! . ~, ~ a i il"'t { ~ ~ a, r ~ : ," ~ ; ,,1\ $ ~ ! J- : 1. ~. .... ,. 1;::, " -<.. I ~ "'\ I II 8 q . .. , I '" E' il I " I 1 . Co g. ~ ~ ~ Ii l t' I Co I! (p t J ! t o AIRMAIL .. Q ~ ~ " '" i - :..t;"--""~Q I Y RPP" e( 22. e'" sl~~~/~ * ~ i ~ ,. : ii i I I . f ::: I I\) t : i II f 1 ~ ~ ~ I ,~ If'! : ~ If ( ~ -. J ;. '" jl j I ~I . <a III 'i 'fiiIfi i;J~~~i: 1 i i ~!fgj~.' ~.~~~ ! I! J 111 flt~J;'i 8/' ~ \ \~ I 'lilli'itiIIJ~~~m; I: I .!ooo O",M't',J~ .f j. .. ~ ; ';/~ ~ '::i;f~'r !. RI1'\IliN R If'T, REO.ST I i l ,) . ..... " " ~ 'P~~'l, j , ~.. /" -'\ S i I .. I ~ I '" .....EDM4'L ',.< , " 11....141...)1.. Nil .. I~ . "'nr " ~ f ~.. t il,r~e .t~~ ~. S~~'~~~ f ~~l"> ~~~ !:; a f d ~~ II ~ t ( ;;'~ /1-' (1, ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~'I ~ ll. 8. ~ ~ ~ffI ." Ii ~'1~~ ~ ~ ! ~f Ii REGISTERED NO. OLe 'II WJOi -~ -e o ODOr ~ gJ~gli"'f9f '" ~ ~~ h.., 1!' g~g.g~ j>'" t "~ r:l ~ ~ Ji:o j ih el.h II i1"~l~ll'l.. t 'i~;jn ;~ ~ i t ~ - ,cle; ~ !" U! ~. i: i f 11 1: i' . '- a ~. . J . i :: f ... . .' H I I I I i .. .... " Special . Delivery Return $ Receipt Restricted Delivery $ Reg. Fee . .3 J. 1 ~z Handling . ~ iL~ Charge $ . "'w o Oit Poslege S ,;).., 0 l ti2 RECEIVED Btd ~ ~O .= (J ~ .. ~ Z FUll VALUE S -0 ~~ 2ft, .. lL" 0 ::;) 2'J: II: 20'" ... . tl. 'h~ ... 2~ a~ e~/ tl ~ ~ il ., ~ r <: ; .} Ii ! .IIi f' a I v o AIRMAil ~.. . . TEL. 765.1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD. N.Y. 11971 NOTICE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE: April 16, 1982 TO: Christine Reese 641 South Federal Highway Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 Harold Reese, Jr. 855 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, New York 11563 Ronald Reese Washington Street, P. O. Box 1447 Lexington, Virginia 24450 A. The last A~sessment Roll of the Town of Southold shows you are the owners of the following described premises: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Main (State) Road at the southwest corner of land of G. Kyrkostas; running thence along the northerly side of Main Road, South 780 34' 40" West 190.28 feet to land of George L. Young, Jr., thence along said land and along land of Howard L. Young the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) North 140 41' 50" West 382.24 feet; (2) North 230 28' 50" West 79.86 feet; thence still along land of Howard L. Young, South 780 34' 40" West 743.26 feet to the easterly side of Brown's Hill Road (a private roadway); thence along the easterly side of Brown's Hill Road, the following four (4) courses and distances: (1) North 420 37' 50" West 1337.95 feet; (2) North 450 17' 20" West 376.00 feet; (3) North 390 22' West 170.68 feet; (4) North 430 45' 10" West 245.00 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence along the ordinary high waterk of Long Island Sound, the following three (3) tie line courses and distances: (1) North 700 48' 30" East 429.97 feet; (2) North 640 53' East 353.42 feet; (3) South 870 48' 50" East 373.98 feet to land formerly of Florence Cumming; thence along said land of Florence Cumming, the following seven (7) courses and distances: (1) South 150 08' East 570.00 feet; (2) North 890 31' East 70.00 feet; (3) South 230 02' 50" East 203.00 feet; (4) North 720 57' 20" East 340.00 feet; (5) North ~ z;:. 7- Y/-J }lI . . 230 28' 50" West 54.00 feet; (6) North 150 36' West 332.48 feet; (7) North 170 37' 30" West 362.00 feet to the aforesaid ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence along said ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound, the following two (2) tie line courses and distances: (1) South 850 58' 30" East 224.03 feet; (2) North 730 38' East 308.87 feet to land of G. Kyrkostas; thence along said land the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) South 150 46' 30" East 665.00 feet; (2) North 720 57' 20" East 175.00 feet to land of H. Demarest; thence along said land of H. Demarest the following three (3) courses and distances: (1) South 80 04' 50" East'50.09 feet; (2) South 100 21' 10" East 836.16 feet; (3) South 150 06' 40" East 337.03 feet to other land of G. Kyrkostas; thence along said land the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) South 720 57' 20" West 236.00 feet; (2) South 150 09' 40" East 400.90 feet to the northerly side of Main Road; the point or place of BEGINNING. Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: District 1000, Section 13, Block 2, Lot 8.1. B. The structure located on your property is structurally unsafe and dangerous and as such constitutes a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapida- tion and abandonment. In particular: the doors and windows have been removed, the roof has two framed openings leaving the interior of the building exposed and unprotected against the elements; the building has no floor within the building at grade level and the depth of the foundation from the door sills is approximately ten and one-half (10-1/2) feet which in essence leaves an unprotected open foundation; the founda- tion walls under the doorways have developed a vertical crack and the walls are being forced inward from the ground pressure. C. You are hereby ordered to: Brace the foundation walls with suitable bracing or install floor joists and flooring to prevent collapsing; board up the doors and windows and cover the openings in roof so the building is weather tight to prevent further deterioration and unauthorized people from entering the building; or demolish and remove the remains of this structure and enclose the exposed foundation by covering it with a floor or fill the founda- tion hole to ground level; post the property with "No Trespassing" signs. D. The work shall commence within ten (10) days from the date of service of this notice and shall be completed within thirty (30) days thereafter. ~ . . . E. F. G. . . In the event you fail to comply with the above, a hearing will be held before the Southold Town Board concerning same at 11:30 o'clock A.M. on June 8, 1982 at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, southold, New York 11971. In the event that the Southold Town Board after the hearing herein shall determine that the building or structure is unsafe or dangerous to the public, the Town Board may order the building or structure to be repaired and secured or taken down and removed. In the event that the building or structure shall be determined by the Town to be unsafe or dangerous and in the event of the neglect or refusal of the owner to repair or remove the same within the time provided, the Town may remove such building or structure by what- ever means it deems appropriate and assess all costs and expenses incurred by the Town in connection with the proceedings to remove or secure, including the cost of actually rimoving said building or structure, against the land on which said bU~ding o~ structu is located. 6k~ Edward F. H ndermann Building Inspector ')@lY--1(P<-- -"f -- -. '!: Ix/l . , ~ /JjJ t. ;0 . .0 de 00 .00 J ~ 'J ) \\ 'l '. :-. "-3/7."'::-TT, 2J -.nt.:; JSi ?j.,-- PF30 (en7) Stan.rd N.Y.I.T.U. .'007 ..,galn and 5.1. Deed. with Coven.nt against .tor'. Acts-lndlvkfu.1 Of' Corporation 3.r.J>NPUl! Ill'R LAWYER B E SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRU.,- SHOULD BEUSED BY LAWYERS ONLY, I rAGE ;)'1.1 ----- THIS INDENTURE. made the 8th day of July, nineteen hundred and eighty-one, \ 35'" ')']1 .. .t.....C'" BEnNEEN ERNEST E. WILSBERG, residing at Olejule Lane (no street number), Mattituck, New York, and HAROLD W. WILSBERG, residing at Kraus Road (no street number), Mattituck, New York, c' I I ~~ ~? i J-- ': ~"';"-'_W--~1 I l L_l__1 J ...j ~, " party of the first part, and CHRISTINE REESE, residing at 641 South Federal Highway, Pompano Beach, Florida; HAROLD REESE, JR., residing at 855 Sunrise Hi~w1Q.I ~rdnbryOk , ) New York, and RONALD REESE, residing at j4;o, ~ 710/111 ....,. Ale. ,~"7";,^,C. AP, . ox ~ 7, eX1ngton, Virginia, as tenants in common and not as joint tenants with right of survivorship, party of the second part, WITNESSETH. that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten and 00/100----------- -------------------------------($10,00)------------------------d~~~ lawful money of the United States, and other good and va luab Ie consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs, or successors and assigns 'for the party of tha second part forever, All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being IIlIXIIaK at Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, Sta te of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Main (State) Road at the southwest corner of land of G. Kyrkostas; running thence along the northerly side of Main Road, South 780 34' 40" West 190.28 feet to land of George L. Young, Jr.; thence along said land and along land of Howard L. Young the follow- ing two (2) courses and distances: 1. North 140 41' 50" Wes t 382.24 feet; 2. North 230 28' 50" West 79.86 feet; thence still along land of Howard L. Young, South 780 34' 40" West 743.26 feet'to the easterly side of Brown's Hill Road (a private roadway) ; thence along the easterly side of said Brown's Hill Road, the follow- ing four (4) courses and distances: 1. North 420 37' 50" West 1337.95 feet; 2. North 450 17' 20" West 376.00 feet; 3. North 390 22' West 170.68 feet; 4. North 430 45' 10" West 245.00 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence along said ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound, the following three (3) tie line:courses and distances: 1. North 700 48' 30" East 429.9-7 feet; 2. North 640 53' East 353.42 feet; 3. South 870 48' 50" East 373.98 feet to land formerly of Florence Cumming; thence along said land of Florence Cumming, the courses and distances: 1. South 150 08' East 570.00 feet; 2. North 890 31' East 70.00 feet; 3. South 230 02' 50" East 203.00 feet; ". 7~ ~/V 7/7/f'~ /;/vRFCORDF.D following seven (7) R~"'tIVED $_.,.:)l?.IQQ... REAL ESTATE JUl 21 1981 m/.r~SFER TAX SUfFOLK COUI'HY ARTHUR J, fElICE ~ rhrk 01 Sdfolk County . JUl 21 19B1 "\ --------.---,-- ..,:~.....- . . . '&fW9037 PAGE 542 4. 5. . 6. 7. thence along said 1. South 150 46' 2. North 720 57' , thence alongflaid land of H. Demarest the following three (3) courses and distances: 1. South 80004' 50" East 50.09 feet; 2. South 100 21' lO"-East 836.16 feet; 3. South 150 06' 40" East 337.03 feettD thence along said land the following two 1. South 720 57' 20" West 236.00 feet; 2. South 150 09' 40" East 400.90 feet to therortherly side of Main Road, the point or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT to covenants, restrictions and agreements of record including the following rights-of-way, to wit: North 720 57' 20" East 340.00 feet; North 230,28' 50" West 54.00 feet; North 150 36' West 332.48 feet; North 170 37' 30" West 362.00 feet to the aforesaid ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence along said ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound, the following two (2) tie line courses and distances: 1. South 850 58' 30" Eas t 224.03 feet; 2. North 730 38' East 308.87 feet to land of G. Kyrkostas; . I , . '. land the following two (2) coursea and distancea: 30" East 665.00 feet; 20" East 175.00 feet to land of H. Demarest; other land of G. Kyrkostas; (2) courses and distances: (1) A right-of-way running along the easterly boundary line of the premises herein described, said right-of-way being described in a certain deed recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on April 1, 1929, in Liber 1423 of deeds, page 327; and (2) Rights-of-way granted in favor of the premises now owned by Florence Cumming and through the premises herein described. Said rights-of-way may be released in accordance with Agreement dated June 14, 1972, recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 7181, page 129. (3) Together with and subjectto rights of ways as set forth in Libers 1093 p. 247, 2427 p. 252 amended by 7181 p. 129, 8578 p. 389, and 1423 p. 327 more particularly located in Liber 6183 p. 278. . , '.' . 'lI RECORDED JUL 21 I93l ARTHUR J. FElICE Clerk of Suffolk County. . ~r~~ ~~ YO lL"<!7 h~~r~ $,- ~ Qd~ ~/' 0/1/ ~ -;;t,~ ~f ~ ~ 1/ ~~ ~.~~~ f ~~, ~, / . ;y/c///d ~ .d~ ..tf7~~ ~ . , ~ ~ -t:w-o ~. /7LL- n-L . I ~I- ~ eJ-eA-'- ~ ~ ~ 7&--- zp;:'~dA . . - 'E ( ~ L5 ~~/ .M /'-z.,L. a:.., ~ P~. /~~;{J.L~) J /O~6"~. J~~ ~ /l(..f. ~~f';/' f d ?~ ~~ ~~<6 dnH-- ~U;5 . ~ . Jr ?; Yd~ --/ dv)4d/ ~ - 9o-C ~. ~~. - r-~ c~-1lZ-/l 7/7 j.f",;L f [ 7~~///.-c.. 7/7/?.,;t 7~~JZz:-e5 ~7/r~ ~~T ;/;;/f,z -.!(.. . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 1I971 June 24, 1982 CERTIFIED MAIL--RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ms. Christine Reese 641 South Federal Highway Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 Mr. Harold Reese, Jr. 855 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, N.Y. 11563 Mr. Ronald Reese Washington Street P.O. Box 1447 Lexington, VA 24450 Re: Unsafe Building Violation, Orient, N.Y. Dear Madam and Sirs: In the June 1, 1982 letter to you, the date for the Town Board hearing was scheduled for July 6, 1982. This is to inform you that this Town Board meeting originally scheduled for July 6, 1982 has been re-scheduled for July 7, 1982. Should a hearing be necessary, pursuant to the Unsafe Building Violation, it will be held at 11 :00 o'clock A.M. on July 7, 1982. Yours truly, Edward F. Hindermann Building & Housing Inspector {}lu-J-(uul ~ Hr/;LtlOVJ'llMfA'L @; by Eileen Carey, Clerk-Typist Building Dept. xc: Town Board members . . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 June 1, 1982 Ms. Christine Reese 641 South Federal Highway Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 Mr. Harold Reese, Jr. 855 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, N.Y. 11563 Mr. Ronald Reese Washington Street P.O. Box 1447 Lexington, VA 24450 Re: Unsafe Building Violation, Orient, N.Y. Dear Madam and Sirs: We have received your letter requesting additional time to comply with the "Unsafe Building Notice", dated April 16, 1982. This is to inform you that we are granting the additional time you requested. The compliance date for completion of the following is set for June 30, 1982: 1. Brace foundation walls, make provisions for visual inspection 2. Cover openings in roof so that building is weather- tight 3. Post property with "No Trespassing" signs. Failure to comply will result in the hearing before the Southold Town Board, relative to same, to be moved ahead to 11:00 o'clock A.M. on July 6, 1982. Edwa d . Hindermann Building & Housing Inspector EFH:ec xc: Town Board members ]i " I . . TEL. 765.1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 May 20, 1982 Ms. Christine Reese 641 South Federal Highway Pompano Beach, Fla. 33060 Mr. Harold Reese, Jr. 855 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, N.Y. 11563 Mr. Ronald Reese Washington St., P.O. Box 1447 Lexington, Va. 24450 Re: Unsafe Building Violation, Orient, N.Y. Dear Madam and Sirs: Garry McLean notified our office that the subject building of this violation had been repaired and made safe. I followed up with an inspection of the structure and found that the door and window openings were boarded up. The openings in the roof were not covered, and since windows and doors were boarded up a visual inspection was not possible to determine if the foundation has been braced. The notice you received also requested that property be posted with "No Trespassing" signs; this has not been done. Please refer to paragraph C of the notice dated April 16, 1982. If there is any reason why you can not comply with all the conditions within the time frame stated in paragraph D, con- tact our office stating reasons why. Non-compliance will result in a hearing before the Town Board as stated in paragraph E of notice. / yeS /~'I // ;' I/;! /'. a;;~HUiut('iLt&<:<< Edward F. Hindermann Building & Housing Inspector EFH:ec xc Town Board members . . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 NOTICE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE: April 16, 1982 TO: Christine Reese 641 South Federal Highway Pompano Beach, Florida 33060 Harold Reese, Jr. 855 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook, New York 11563 Ronald Reese Washington Street, P. O. Box 1447 Lexington, Virginia 24450 A. The last Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold shows you are the owners of the following described premises: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Main (State) Road at the southwest corner of land of G. Kyrkostas; running thence along the northerly side of Main Road, South 780 34' 40" West 190.28 feet to land of George L. Young, Jr., thence along said land and along land of Howard L. Young the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) North 140 41' 50" West 382.24 feet; (2) North 230 28' 50" West 79.86 feet; thence still along land of Howard L. Young, South 780 34' 40" West 743.26 feet to the easterly side of Brown's Hill Road (a private roadway); thence along the easterly side of Brown's Hill Road, the following four (4) courses and distances: (1) North 420 37' 50" West 1337.95 feet; (2) North 450 17' 20" West 376.00 feet; (3) North 390 22' West 170.68 feet; (4) North 430 45' 10" West 245.00 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence along the ordinary high waterk of Long Island Sound, the following three (3) tie line courses and distances: (1) North 700 48' 30" East 429.97 feet; (2) North 640 53' East 353.42 feet; (3) South 870 48' 50" East 373.98 feet to land formerly of Florence Cumming; thence along said land of Florence Cumming, the following seven (7) courses and distances: (1) South 150 08' East 570.00 feet; (2) North 890 31' East 70.00 feet; (3) South 230 02' 50" East 203.00 feet; (4) North 720 57' 20" East 340.00 feet; (5) North . . 230 28' 50" West 54.00 feet; (6) North 150 36' West 332.48 feet; (7) North 170 37' 30" West 362.00 feet to the aforesaid ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound; thence along said ordinary high water mark of Long Island Sound, the following two (2) tie line courses and distances: (1) South 850 58' 30" East 224.03 feet; (2) North 730 38' East 308.87 feet to land of G. Kyrkostas; thence along said land the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) South 150 46' 30" East 665.00 feet; (2) North 720 57' 20" East 175.00 feet to land of H. Demarest; thence along said land of H. Demarest the following three (3) courses and distances: (1) South 80 04' 50" East 50.09 feet; (2) South 100 21' 10" East 836.16 feet; (3) South 150 06' 40" East 337.03 feet to other land of G. Kyrkostas; thence along said land the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) South 720 57' 20" West 236.00 feet; (2) South 150 09' 40" East 400.90 feet to the northerly side of Main Road; the point or place of BEGINNING. Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: District 1000, Section 13, Block 2, Lot 8.1. B. The structure located on your property is structurally unsafe and dangerous and as such constitutes a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapida- tion and abandonment. In particular: the doors and windows have been removed, the roof has two framed openings leaving the interior of the building exposed and unprotected against the elements; the building has no floor within the building at grade level and the depth of the foundation from the door sills is approximately ten and one-half (10-1/2) feet which in essence leaves an unprotected open foundation; the founda- tion walls under the doorways have developed a vertical crack and the walls are being forced inward from the ground pressure. C. You are hereby ordered to: Brace the foundation walls with suitable bracing or install floor joists and flooring to prevent collapsing; board up the doors and windows and cover the openings in roof so the building is weather tight to prevent further deterioration and unauthorized people from entering the building; or demolish and remove the remains of this structure and enclose the exposed foundation by covering it with a floor or fill the founda- tion hole to ground level; post the property with "No Trespassing" signs. D. The work shall commence within ten (10) days from the date of service of this notice and shall be completed within thirty (30) days thereafter. ~ . . . . E. In the event you fail to comply with the above, a hearing will be held before the Southold Town Board concerning same at 11:30 o'clock A.M. on June 8, 1982 at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. F. In the event that the Southold Town Board after the hearing herein shall determine that the building or structure is unsafe or dangerous to the public, the Town Board may order the building or structure to be repaired and secured or taken down and removed. G. In the event that the building or structure shall be determined by the Town to be unsafe or dangerous and in the event of the neglect or refusal of the owner to repair or remove the same within the time provided, the Town may remove such building or structure by what- ever means it deems appropriate and asses's all costs and expenses incurred by the Town in Gonnection with the proceedings to remove or secure, including the cost of actually removing said building or structure, against the land on which said bUil~g or ~truct~re is located. &&d Edward F. H1n ermann Building Inspector