HomeMy WebLinkAboutMillman, Saul & Janet . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 DEe 2 91986 '1'_ ~,.."" <.......... December 29, 1986 TO: Judith Terry Town Clerk . ! . Victor Lessard 't..(c".; Exec. Admin. Millman unsafe building FROM: SUBJECT: Please notify the Town Board, an inspection has been made on the property of Mr. Saul Millman and the building has been removed. The unsafe building condition no longer exists and I recommend this file be closed. TEL. 765-1802 ';:,Juht-/3~~ COpy FOR Y8UI INFORMATION . . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 December 18, 1986 Saul & Janet P.O. Box 355 Peconic, New Millman York 11958 Dear Saul & Janet: Action taken by the Town Board on December 16th, has extended the time on removing the building until January I, 1987. This is the second time it has been extended. I strongly suggest this problem be satisfied as soon as possible to avoid any conditions that would develop if the present situation remains. z~z~ Victor Lessard Executive Administrator Southold Town Building Dept. VL:gar cc to: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Curtis Horton REGISTERED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED . . TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 JUDITH T. TERRY REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 16,1986: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold granted Saul and Janet Millman an extension to December 12,1986 to remove their building located on Horton Lane, Southold by a controlled burning of same by the Southold Fire Department, and WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Board of Health has refused to issue the requi red permits to permit the building to be burned, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Saul and Janet Millman be granted additional time up to January 1, 1987 to remove said' structure from their premises on Horton Lane, Southold. 2. That the Building Inspector be and he hereby is 'instructed to notify Saul and Janet Millman, in writing, Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, that the Town Board has granted an extension of time for the removal of said building up to January 1,1987. 3. That in the event that Saul and Janet Millman refuse to remove the building as provided by the Town Board. that the Town Board shall take such action it' 'deems necessary, as provided for in Section 90'-9 of the Code of the Town of Southold. and the cost for removal of the building or structure and expenses for same shall be collected by the Town of Southold. 1I. That the Building Inspector shall send a certified copy of this resolution to Saul and Janet Mi IIman. * ** . 1 ---'~ kL~~~~' ,,;7i7udith T. Terry c7 Southold Town Clerk December 17,1986 ., . ~:B-~ /7'/~ TEL. 76S-18oy€j) '1fR) _,5. & ~.,2) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 December 15, 1986 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Town Board Members Curtis Horton Saul and Janet Millman This is to report that as of this date, the building on Horton's Lane, Southold owned by Saul and Janet Millman, has not been removed as ordered by the Town Board. The date that the building was to be removed by was Dec.. 12, 1986. ~~ /ef~- Curtis W. Horton Senior Building Inspector . . JUDITII T. TERRY TOWN CLER to.: REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 18,1986: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold at a regular meeting held on October 21, :1986, adopted a resolution determining and ordering that Saul and Janet Milhnan, the owners of a building on Horton Lane, Southold, shall erect a six' (6) foot high chain link fence around the immediate area of the building, acceptable and approved by the Building Inspector, within fifteen days from October 21, .1986, and the owners of the building or structure on said' premises shall make safe, to the approval of the Building Inspector, or remove the build- ing or structure on said' premises on or before the 21st day of November, 1986, and WHEREAS, Saul Mi IIman appeared before the Southold Town Board at their' regular meeting held on November 18,1986 and requested additional time to allow the Southold Fire Department to obtain the necessary permits to conduct a controlled burning of the building in question, now, therefore, be it' RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants Saul and Janet Millman until December 12, 1986 to remove the building or structure on their' property at Horton Lane, Southold, and be it further RESOLVED that on and after December 12,1986 all of the conditions of the resolution of the Southold Town Board adopted on October 21, :1986, and mailed to Saul and Janet Millinan by registered mail, return receipt. shall become effective and the Supervisor and the Town Board shall take the necessary steps to remove the build- ing or structure and the cost and expenses for same shall be collected by the Town of Southold in the manner provided for in Section 90-9 of the Code of the Town of Southold. dd~~f' . ~Judith T. Terry Southold Town Cler November 19, :1986 . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLFRK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REGISTERED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Saul Millman and Janet Millman P. O. Box 355 Peconic. New York r1958 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Millman: Novemberl9,1986 . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Enclosed herewith is a certified resolution of the Southold Town Board. adopted at their'regular meeting held on November 18.1986, granting Mr. Millman's request for an extension of time to remove the unsafe building. Very truly yours. .'l' _, L' __--:' Reg. Fee $ 3. S5 11 . C Q. .!::!.9 Handling $ f E.!! Charge ~ ~ ~ Postage i5 0..0 R 0. , ,.. NIIIU.aII !III. I ~ !" :"x!"x!" IJ f~ Special $ Delivery Return $ ReceIpt Restricted $ Delivery .. '" .: . "' I- C CI.I .S! i .[_:!: .~ E'=; 0 C ~~ ~ w .' e.2 0"- t;~ , o Inti o With lnsur $25,( Customer must declare Full value $ None Judith T. Te~_Soutt Town Hall. 53095 Main Southold. New York Saul Millman and Janet. ---~ <: ~ P. O. Box 355 Peconic. New York PS FORM RECEIPT FOR REGISTEREL .~~?I July 1983 3806 (S('e Information on Rel'ersC) lle-m _l.....U. 'll"tlCl)W 8~E.i 2.. 1>>" !lg'~f Z)(~ ~ III :E W::J UI~8 -<111.... ~ . ~ I ~ i d: g: ="",... -, - CO ,.","",-"v ~~....... "":~.~ .', ~"""" - "",~ ." .I ... . . JUDITII T. TERRY TOWN CLl~R" REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 22, 1986 REG ISTERED MAl L RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Saul Millman and Janet Millman 435 Highwood Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Millman: Enclosed herewith is the decision of the Southold Town Board, adopted at their regular meeting held on October 21, 1986, relative to the matter of a violation of Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold. i Reg, Fee $ Q. eve ____ ;:... ~ ,2 Handling J- 0 i Charge $ i; ~ a E POstage $0 '0 Q.u ~ '- Q. Received by----- Very truly yours, ~d:~~ Judith T. Terry SouthnlcLT-"'- ,-,,L...1. ( , Special Delivery $ Return Receipt $ -"0 -; Restricted J?_elJvery $ "'r / .-r-:;>- WIl)ItI MlCU3l1 DCJe;J: ~ III l" " ,. ~I fll ! i . ~ I, D,! ~; fl. ~. 0 ~ iIIt DO.., _ &3 !='C S- II J' i 01 ~ ~... . I c-I ~ ~li .. ~f~ ~ I. .11:> i ~ ~ = I ~ '.~ wi .' \? Q::l ..~ \ L.". _. "(~"''''.'' ...~.~~ ~~~t~;;:~$must deClare O'~l .... With Po e __-!!O'2e Insuran( !!i.~ JUdith T --- -E~_ :i! 0. ~ :i! . Terrjf S .~ at ~ Sou thOI;;r.--- -'----O'lI.t/:1.QIQ. .E :' ~ "- -----g~!1__Ha/l M' n Southold N -----L_~'_'2 Ii --0 2~ ' ew York J Sau~l/man and o !j35 Hi9h---------J<lIl~t Mi/lm ... -',\'~ Road ------ Southold N -------------------- Ps FORM . ew York - July 1983 3806 RECEIPT FOR RE G1STERED M - (See I"fol'rn~~t) ( n .n, I'l evel'se) ",.,,,., ( . ....~,'~L,<'~';_:.:-;...::,; . . . JUDITH 1. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road p.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOllOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOlD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 21, 1986: WHEREAS, the Building Inspector of the Town of Southold has made a formal inspection of the premises owned by Saul Millman and Janet Millman, premises descri bed in a deed dated August 21, 1984 from Adolph H. Westerlund and Theresa A. Westerlund, recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on Aug- ust 29, 1984 in Liber 9630, page 599, also referred to as: Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: District 1000, Section 054.00, Block 07.00, lot 023.007, and thereafter prepared a written report thereon and filed the same in his office, and WHEREAS, it was determined by the Building Inspector that the building or structure on said premises is dangerous or unsafe to the public, and WHEREAS, the Building Inspector promptly thereafter served a notice on the owner, their agent, or other persons having an interest in said property, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 90 of the Southold Town Code, and WHEREAS, said notice required that the owner of said premises either make the building on the premises safe and secure, or remove same, and secure the perimeter of the property to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the property, said work to commence within ten (10) days from the date of service of the notice and shall be completed within thi rty (30) days thereafter, and . WHEREAS, the owners of said premises has neglected or refused to comply with the- provisions of said notice within the time specified therein, and WHEREAS, a public hearing on said matter was held by this Board on the 21st day of October; 1986. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY DETERMINED AND ORDERED AS FOllOWS: 1. That based upon the written report prepared by the Building Inspector and filed in his office and upon the evidence given by said Building Inspector at the hearing held on October 21, 1986, this Board does hereby determine that the building or structure located on said premises is unsafe or .dangerous to the public. 2. That this Board does hereby determine and order that the owners of the building or structure on said premises shall erect a six (6) foot high chain link fence around the immediate area of the building, acceptable and approved by the Building Inspector, within fifteen (15) days from this date, and the owners of the building or structure on said premises shall make safe, to the approval of the Build- ing Inspector, or remove the building or structure on said premises on or before the 21st day of November, 1986. 3. In the event that the owners shall neglect or refuse to fence and secure or take Clown and remove said structure from said premises within the time specified in the preceeding paragraph, then and in that event the Supervisor be and he here- by is authorized and directed to procure estimates for the removal of the building or structure on said premises and submit the same to this Board for its consideration as soon thereafter as possible. . Page 2 - Saul Millman at Janet Millman . 4. That thereafter this Board shall, based upon such estimate, provide for the letting of a contract for the taking down and removal of the building or structure on said premises. 5. That the cost and expenses of the taking down and removal of the building or structure on said premises shall be collected by the Town of Southold in the manner provided for in Section 90-9 of the Code of the Town of Southold. 6. It is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be sent by the Town Clerk to the owner of said premises by registered mail, return receipt requested, within three days of the date hereof. * * * "~/U~~~ /f'fudith T. Terry (/ Southold Town Clerk . " . . PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OCTOBER 21. 1986 10:00 A.M. IN THE MATTER OF A VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 90 (UNSAFE BUILDING & COLLAPSED STRUCTURE LAW) OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY SAUL MILLMAN AND JANET MILLMAN (PROPERTY AT HORTON LA..SOUTHOLD) Present: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy Justice Raymond W. Edwards Councilman Paul Stoutenburgh Councilman James A. Schondebare Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran Councilman George L. Penny IV * * * Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Special Attorney Richard F. Lark SUPERVISOR MURPHY: This is a hearing on an unsafe building violation of Saul Millman and Janet Millman. At this time I would like to turn the meeting over to our Special Counsel Dick Lark. Richard? RICHARD F. LARK: Thank you. Mr. Murphy. Town Board members. this is a scheduled hearing pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold. The Town basically will probably just have one witness. Curtis Horton. and at this time I would like to have you have him sworn in if you would. please. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Curt. raise your right hand. I promise to tell the whole truth and nothing else but the truth. so help me God. CURTIS HORTON: I do. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. DIRECT EXAMINATION OF CURTIS W. HOR rON BY RICHARD F. LARK. ESQ.: Q. Mr. Horton. for the record. could you please give your name and address. please? A. My name is Curtis Horton. I live on Mason Drive. Cutchogue. New York. Q. Are you employed by the Town of Southold? A. Yes. Q. And in what capacity? A. As a Building Inspector. Q. And how long have you been so employed? .Page 2 - Millman Unsafe. . A. Approximately nine years. Q. Okay, and in your capacity as a Building Inspector did you have occasion to inspect the property owned by Saul Millman and Janet Millman, his wife? A. Yes, I did. Q. And was that property here in the Town of Southold? A. Yes. Q. And could you tell the Board where the property is located? A. I t's on Hortons Lane as you go up over 48, just past where there's an auction house, just past that you'll see a building out in the middle of the lot on the left hand side. Q. Okay. Hortons Lane runs basically north and south? A. North and south. Q. And this property is either then on the east or westerly side? A. It's on the westerly side. Q. Okay. And what was your---first of all, when did you first inspect the premises, if you recall from your records? A. After receiving numerous complaints, 1986, approximately 2:30 P.M. inspected the above premises on July 16th, Q. Okay, and what was---could you tell the Board the nature of the complaints and the purpose of your inspection? A. Well the nature of the complaints was that this place was wide open. There was a vehicle on the property. There was a mess. It was overgrown with grass and weeds and everything else, and there was no roof on this place. There was just a shambles, and the children have been playing in and out and there's been complaints. They all stated they figure it was a dangerous condition, unsafe condition. Q. Okay, and you say that you did inspect it on that day, is that correct? A. Yes, I did. Q. And that date was what? Just so I have it straight for the record. A. July 16th, 1986. Q. Okay. Now could you just tell the Board generally the dimensions and the size and shape of the property, if you can? Are there any surveys or any maps in your files? A. I have no surveys, but it's approximately 20 foot by 30. Q. The lot is 20 foot---- 'Page 3 - Millman unsafe. . A. No, no, not the lot. The building. Q. No, want to know about the lot first of all, the property itself. A. It's a very funny shaped piece. It's like a piece of pie almost. Q. Would that be triangular in shape then? A. Basically, yes. On the one side it's 835--that's the easterly side7-southerly side. On the northerly side it's 917 feet. The side facing Hortons Lane is 133 feet, goes to a point, then it turns a little bit toward the west and that's 66 feet. On the rear of this property it's only 51 feet. It's a very odd shaped piece of property. Q. Okay. Are there any structures or buildings on this property? A. Just this one. Q. Now, when you say "this one", could you just generally describe what is the building that is on the property? A. It's a building that's been moved from somewhere. I don't know where. It was supposed to have been an accessory building, but they tried to turn it into a principal structure. Q. Well, could you tell us the size of this building? A. I t's approximately 20 by 30. Q. Is it a one story, or two story? A. Two stories. Q. Okay. All right. And from your inspection of the property, could you tell the Board approximately how old this structure is, if you're able to? A. I would say approximately this building must be a hundred years old. Q. Okay. And could you tell the Board what you did when you went to the property on July 16th? A. I went around and I found the following: I found the building was just sitting on cement blocks. There was no cement between the top courses. I don't know if there's a footing in the ground underneath, it doesn't look like there is. Maybe in parts there is, I couldn't tell you that, there's so much grass and everything. The top course is definitely not cemented at all. The lower part--- Q. When you say the top course, the top course of what? A. The cement blocks. It's on piers. Q. This is the foundation, you're talking about? A. The foundation. Correct. Q. All right, fine. .Page 4 - Millman Unsafe. . A. There's a chimney in the rear that's been broke off about half way up, and this is sitting on two or three cement blocks and a couple chocks of wood under- neath it. No footing or anything underneath this chimney. The gable ends of the building--there is no gable ends. There's no studs, there's no sheathing, there's no nothing. It's wide open right on through from one end to the other. In fact, there's places where windows used to be it's just wide open. I have pictures that you can have to look at afterwards. There is plywood and some sheathing boards nailed on the roof. They do not go to the top of the ridge. They're open about eight inches approximately on each side, and there's no covering of any way, shape or form on top of this roof. It's just to the elements every time it rains it goes right through it and causes it to rot and like that. On the inside, when I went there, the doors were wide open. This time in July 16th, and everything was rotten and wet. Q. Okay. After you---- A. Can I? Q. Go ahead. Sure, I'm sorry. Q. As I inspected this I found out there had been a building permit issued for this. and no work had been done on this building in over two years and the permit was revoked on December 11th, 1985, and I, after checking this all out and every- thing else, I--it's a hazard to safety, this building is. It's inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, abandonment, making this an unsafe building. Q. Okay. And after you performed your inspection, did you determine who the owners of this property was? A. Y(es, I did. Q. And how did }'lou do that? A. I checked the tax records. Q. Okay, and what did you find when you checked the tax records? A. I found that it was owned by a Saul and Janet Millman, 435 Highwood Road, Southold, New York. Q. Okay. And as a result of your inspection did you cause a report to be filed in the Office of the Building Inspector? A. Yes, I did. Q. Okay. And do you have a copy of that report with you? A. Yes, I do. Q. Okay, and I'm showing you--which I'll later mark as an exhibit, a report that bears the date of July 16,1986, is that the report? A. Yes, it is, Q. Okay. Now, as a result of that report and your inspection, did you cause any type of notice or communication to be sent to the owners of the property as you found them? - Page 5 - Millman Unsafe. . A. Yes, I did. Q. And what was that notice? A. Yes, I filed a Chapter 90 and the date of this was September 2nd, 1986. mailed this Registered Mail on 9/4/86. I posted it 9/3/86. Q. When you said "posted it", could you be a little bit more specific? A. I went up there and I tacked one right on the front of the building. It lasted about one day. Q. Okay. And I'm showing you an affidavit. Is that affidavit, which is sworn to on September 19th, is that the affidavit bearing your signature? A. Yes, it is. Q. Okay. At this time, with permission of the Supervisor, so we could get caught up on some of the paperwork, I'd like to introduce some exhibits then if I could. The Town's Exhibit I - I wish to file with the Town Clerk. The original inspection report bearing the date of July 16th, 1986, which the Building Inspector testifies that he did. WeIll call that Exhibit I. Exhibit II, and I'll put them in as one, will be the notice that he testified to which bears the date of September 2nd, 1986, and attached to it is an Affidavit of Service sending it by Registered Mail to the purported owners of the property, Saul Millman and Janet Millman, and that is sworn to on September 19th, 1986, which also refers to his posting of the property on the 3rd day of September, and attached to that are the mailing receipts that the Building Inspector received from the Southold Post Office, as well as the receipt from a P. Millman on 9/8/86 indicating that they received that notice. I put that all in as one exhibit, which will be Exhibit II. Q. Mr. Horton, I'm showing you a copy of a deed dated August 21, 1984. Are you fami liar with that? A. Yes, I am. Q. And is that a copy of the deed that you got from the Town Tax Offices indicating the owners of the property? A. Yes, it is. Q. Okay. I'll put that in as Town's Exhibit III, the photocopy of that deed. Now, early in your testimony you testified to a survey of the property, and I show you a survey for Saul and Janet Millman, dated July 30th, 1984, performed by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C., and ask you if you're familiar with that survey? A. Yes, I am. Q. Where did you receive a print of that survey? A. This is the original Mr. Millman brought into our office. Q. Okay. So the Building Department received that from the owner, Mr. Millman. I s that correct? A. That is correct. .Page 6 - Millman Unsafe. . Q. Okay. Now, that survey shows the outline of the property that you had testified to before the Town Board, and it also shows on that survey what they call a proposed house. Is that correct? A. Correct. Q. Now, so I show this to the Board. I s that proposed house on the property? A. No. Q. All right. This building that you testified--this two-story structure that you determined was unsafe, is that in the location of that proposed building? A. No. Yes, it's right in that location. I'm sorry. It is. Q. It is in what I'll refer to as the footprint of what's show on the survey? A. Correct. Correct. Q. So when the Board is looking at that, and eventually go to the property, they'll have this for thei r reference, is that correct? A. Correct. Q. And that is accurate? A. That is right. Q. Okay. .1'11 put that in as Town's Exhibit IV, survey of the property, and also it shows the proposed house on there and the Building Inspector has testified that the building that he inspected this last summer, on July 16th, is in that location. Okay. Now, Mr. Horton, you also testified what when you were there on July 16th you took some photographs of the premises. A. This is correct. Q. I'm showing you a group of four photographs, and ask if you can identify them? A. These are the photos I took July 16th, 1986. Q. Okay. And do they fairly and accurately represent the building, the two-story structure that you've just testified to; as it existed on that date? A. Yes. Q. I'll put that in as Town's Exhibit V, and will be called (AL (BL (CL (D) for a reference to your record, photographs taken by the Building Inspector of this building on July 16,1986. Okay. Mr. Horton, moving along procedurally. After you sent out the notice to Mr. and Mrs. Millman, had you ever--or the Building Department, to your knowledge, ever received any communication back from them? A. I understand, I was not in the office at the time, that Mr. Millman came in to see Mr. Lessard. Q. 0 kay, but no one has contacted you? A. Absolutely nobody. .Page 7 - Millman Unsafe. . Q. Okay. And have you been back to these premises since that July 16th day? A. Yes, I was there approximately 9:30 this morning. Q. Okay. And in your visit to the property this morning, did you cause any pictures to be taken of it? A. Yes, I think I took eight pictures. Q. Okay. Those eight pictures that you took I'm showing you know and ask if these are the pictures? A. Correct. Q. And those were taken this morning? A. Yes, they were, with Mr. Fisher. Q. And do they fairly and accurately describe the building? A. Yes, they do. Q. As it is today? A. Yes. Q. Thank you. I put this in as Town's Exhibit VI, (A). (B). (C). (0). (E). (F). (G). (H) (photographs of the subject property). Okay. In your testimony you referred that the Millman's had applied for a building permit, which was subsequently revoked, is that right? A. Correct. Q. Do you have the Town records on the building permit application with you? A. Yes, I do. Q. Okay. Could you just briefly, so we can c1arifly this and it doesn't become an issue later on, could you explain to the Town Board what the owner, Millman, applied for? For this property, of course. A. He applied to construct a one-family dwelling with accessory building as applied for. Q. Okay. And was the building permit issued? A. A building permit was issued. Q. And what date was that issued? A. November 9th, 1984. Q. All right. and the document you're referring to, is that a copy of that building permi t ? . Page 8 - Milhnan unsafe. . A. No, this is the original. Q. All right. Is that the original of the building permit? A. Y,es, it is. Q. Okay. Can I have that please? And attached with that--I realize from your testimony before, of the survey of the property is in evidence before the Board, is that correct? A. Correct. Q. All right. Now, were any plans attached to that building permit? A. Yes, there is. Q. Do you have a copy of those? A. I've got the originals they supplied. Q. All right. Now, those plans--would you look at them, please--the building plans that are submitted there, was that dwelling ever constructed on the property? A. No. Q. It was not. Okay. Now, you also alluded that the building permit, which is dated November 9th, 1984, was revoked, is that correct? A. That is correct. Q. Do you have a copy of that revocation from the Building Department file? A. Yes, I do. That is a copy of it. Q. Now, the other questiol!l ,that I want to ask you--was the building permit, other than plans, was an application submitted with it? A. Yes, there was. Q. And what was the date of that application? A. October 11, 1984. Q. And do you have a copy of that, or the original of that with you? A. This is the copy. Q. Okay. Can I have that? A. Yes, you can. Q. Okay. Now, as Town's Exhibit VII, I want to introduce a Building Permit Application, dated 10/4/84, attached therewith the plans and specifications, and attached therewith is the Building Permit itself, dated November 9th, 1984, number 135262, issued to a Saul Millman at the 435 Highwood Road, Southold, and also as part of the same exhibit, a copy of a letter dated December 11th,1985, signed by . Page 9 - Millman unsafe. . a Mr. Victor Lessard, revoking that permit for these premises. Put that in as just one exhibit so the Board has it for its file. Okay. Mr. Horton, at this point you old us pretty much about what the situation is on the property. I have two specific questions I want to ask you before I turn it over to the Town Board. Could you tell us why or how in your determination of your inspection on July 16th, you determined that the building was structurally unsafe and dangerous. You can take it part by part if you want. What went into your decision to determine that this structure--keep in mind now the Board now knows where the property is, the condition of the property both today and back on July 16th, and have heard generally what you did when you did your inspection, but what I need to know from you now is how do you determine that it was structurally unsafe and dangerous, as you indicate in your record? A. Well, I will say this, gentlemen, first off when I first arrived there in July the doors and everything were wide open. I t was completely accessible to everybody. There was an old car in the rear, which since then has been removed. It was dragged in front of the building, but somehow somebody removed it now and I don't know where that's gone, but that is gone. But I was in that building the other day. I looked inside of it again today. The ceilings are coming down. The walls are going. The floors are buckled and there's no way possible somebody can save this building. This building has been open to the elements for well over two years--approximately three years I think, and I mean the weather--every time it rained, snowed and everything else you get water that lays inside of a building with no attempt to cover it, you can't save it once the wood starts rotting. Now it's wide open at the top, approximately eight inches open, and the water pours in there. There's no gable end. There's not even a stud up there. The windows are out up to the top as you can see by the pictures. Now, this chimney in the rear, it's just got a couple cement blocks with a couple old pieces of wood stuck underneath there. That chimney could fall off there at any time. The house could blow over. It's just sitting there. The State Code says a building will be anchored and like that. This building is not anchored. It's just sitting there. Any kind of severe wind storm could really take this over if somebody's around. There has been reports of children playing in there and different people, and there were signs on the inside, because I saw it myself. I saw bottles and cans of soda and everything else, and I know people have been there doing who knows what. It's an eyesore, there's no question about. Anybody that goes up and down that road. Q. No, no, I'm not interested in the eyesore. unsafe and hazardous. interested why it's structurally A. Well, for various reasons. The foundation, the chimney, the gable ends, the roof, and doors are rotten and it's just completely--- Q. Is it your opinion that the building is beyond repair at the present state? A. I would say, yes, you couldn't save anything out of it. Q. Okay. In your notice of September 2nd that you sent to the owner, which he has received, as we have in the affidavit that are submitted before the Town Board, what exactly did you request or order him to do? A. Well, we ordered him to close it up. Put a--fence it off, or remove it. Somebody did close it up. The lower story, not the upper story. Q. Now, when you say "close it up", could you be specific? A. Nailed the doors shut and like that. Somebody did put a piece of plywood--- '.Page 10 - Millman Unsaf. . well, it didn't take me very long to open that plywood today. there and opened it and pulled it right apart and then nailed again. There's two nails it right back up Q. All right. Did you also order him to secure the perimeter of the property to prevent outsiders from entering? A. Correct. Fence it or secure the property. Q. Has he done that? A. No. Q. Okay. Does the Board have any questions for Mr. Horton based on the exhibits that you have before you at the present time? I will probably--just so you know where we're going--call Mr. Lessard. I believe he's here. Solely for the purpose to find out what the communication was between Mr. Milhnan and Mr. Lessard in response to this notice. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Ray, do you have any questions? JUSTICE EDWARDS: No questions. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Jean? COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Nothing at this time. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Paul? COUNCILMAN STOUTENBURGH: Why was the permit revoked? May I ask that one? MR. LARK: Yes, absolutely. Anything that you have that's relevant because I want to give you the whole picture. COU NCI LMAN STOUTENBURGH: Why was the permit revoked? The building permit. MR. HORTON: It had expired. COUNCILMAN STOUT EN BURGH : It had expired. MR. HORTON: Yes. And for various reasons there was no more permit. He couldn't continue fixing until he came back and he was told to come back in and take out a permit and like that, ifhe wanted to continue working on the place. COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: What was that date again? When the permit was revoked? MR. HORTON: December 11,1985. MR. LARK: The permit, though, was for not the building that's there, it's for another building. MR. HORTON: Correct. It was for a house which you have the plans. There was also a permit given for accessory building which was going to be located somewhere in the rear of the property. , Page 11 - Mi 11m an U nsaftt . MR. LARK: Now, is this building that you have testified to as unsafe, was that the intended accessory building on the property? MR. HORTON: That's what we were told originally, yes. MR. LARK: Oh, okay, fine. So we have that clear. So the accessory building was put on the property--you said it was removed the other location. MR. HORTON: It was removed from somewhere else and brought to this property to be an accessory building. MR. LARK: And am I correct in understanding you that no work was done pursuant to the building permit? On the house that was intended to be built there? MR. HORTON: No. No. None at all. I mean, you would build a foundation--- cellar, foundation. MR. LARK: That's what I'm getting at. Nothing was done? MR. HORTON: No. MR. LARK: Okay. I hope that clarifies that point. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Jay, do you have any questions? COUNCILMAN SCHONDEBARE: Nothing, Frank. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: George? COUNCILMAN PENNY: No. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: I have nothing further. MR. LARK: So, to sum up with Mr. Horton, it is your opinion that this building that you testified to, that the Board has pictures of, is structurally unsafe and dangerous. I s that correct? MR. HORTON: Yes, it is. MR. LARK: And it is also your opinion that the present status of the building-- that it should be removed in its entirety? MR. HORTON: This is what I think, yes. MR. LARK: That's your opinion? MR. HORTON: That's my opinion. MR. LARK: Okay, thank you. I guess Vic Lessard now. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Vic, do you want to come up? MR. LARK: You have to be sworn in, Mr. Lessard. . Page 12 - Millman Unsaf. . SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Want to raise your right hand? Do you swear that the information you're about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing else but the truth, so help you God? VICTOR LESSARD: I do. DIRECT EXAMINATION OF VICTOR G. LESSARD BY RICHARD F. LARK, ESQ.: Q. Mr. Lessard, could you just give your name and address for the record? A. Victor Lessard. 1800 Westphalia Road, Mattituck. Q. And you are employed by the Town of Southold? A. That's correct. Q. And in what capacity? A. Administrator and Inspector. Q. What kind of Inspector? A. Building Inspector. Q. Thank you. Now, were you present when Mr. Horton testified before the Board? A. Yes, was. Q. Okay. He testified that after he sent out his notice in early September to Mr. and Mrs. Millman that his file indicated that the Millmans contacted the Building Department and talked to you. I s that correct? A. That's right. Q. Was it Mr. Millman or Mrs. Millman? A. Mr. Millman. Q. Okay. And could you tell the Board the nature of that conversation? A. He wanted to know what all the papers were about and 1---- Q. "All the papers': specifically referring to the notice sent by Mr. Horton? A. That's right. Q. Okay, fine. A. I explained to him what it meant, and what would have to make decisions on---- Q. What did you tell him that he would be required to do by the Building Department? Could you be specific to the Board? , Page 13 - Millman Unsaf. . A. That he would have to make the building safe and inaccessible from people on the outside, or remove it. Q. Did he understand what you--- A. Yes, he understood perfectly. Q. Did he indicate what, if anything, he intended to do? A. He said he was in a bind at the moment, but that he would make a decision down the road. He never contacted me after that. I asked him why he hadn't started his house, and he had said he had gone to the Board of Appeals to try to get a two-family house, because he had three point three acres, and the Board of Appeals turned him down and I guess that kind of took the wind out of him and apparently he didn't do anything from that point on. Q. Okay. And you've heard nothing from him since that time? A. No. Q. Could you'tell the Board approximately when that conversation with him took place? A. After the notice. Shortly after the notice. I don't know what date it was. Q. Okay. But it was after the notice had been sent to him? A. After the July notice. Q. That was in September, I believe. A. ---September notice that Curt sent him. Q. Okay. I have nothing further. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Anyone have any questions of Victor? (No response.) Thank you, Victor. MR. LARK: Thank you, Mr. Lessard. Okay. I would request that the Board, at its earliest convenience, take a look at the property based on the exhibits and the testimony, and then based on the testimony I would request that the Town Board declare this structure unsafe and dangerous to the public and order it removed in a reasonable period of time pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 90 in the Code. After you make your own inspection based on the evidence that you have before you. I have nothing further. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay. We'll try to get down there today. Okay, we'll adjourn. Thank you, Richard. * * * ~~c(d~~~ v I Judith T. Terry C/ Southold Town Clerk . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD. N.Y. 11971 Saul Millman 435 Highwood Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Dear Mr. Millman: December 11, 1985 This is to notify you that Building Permit #135262 is now void. You must begin construction within one year of the date of the permit or it is void. You must remove the accessory building clnd apply for a new permit if you still wish to build. VL:hdv Yours truly, Victor Lessard TEL. 765-1802 ~;;nd- z:;L:"~ ///1 . . 'FORM NO.1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 "- TEL.~1802 Examined. N ~~ 1,19 Jtw " Approved .,0. ~~. .~ .', 19 ~ Y. Permit No.1 ~ ~ ~.~. ~ , IO~L "C Recelved... .1./.....,,,,cr.f." ................................:::~~:~~..... (Building Inspector) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Disapproved alc ..................................... Date .Qc1;o1>.er. n . . . . ., 1984. INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector, with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this appli- cation. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issued a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessa~ectio. G . ~.....................,...........,..... (Signatu of applicant, or name, if a corporation) .435. .f~~g~~qqc;l. J't.o.~g. . . .1:!Q\l~hQ1(i.. Jf. 'I... . . . . (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. Owner- Builder ....... .... ................. ...... ... .......... ....... ... ... ...... ...., ................... ...... :>;ame of owner of premises ... .~~1;1~. .~ J~!l:~~ . ~.1.l;~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . .. (as on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer. ................ ...... ............ ... ..... .... (Name and title of corporate officer) Builder's License No. .......................... Plumber's License No. ........ ............... J~77/~rJ/ Electrician's License No. ....................... .' ~_,.i.:" Other Trade's License " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' :t,So I. LocalIon of land on which proposed work will be done. Horton Lane ..... .... ............... ...... ,... ........ ....... ... . .[.~ I:: ", .~1 1'1 em. Nt ~l'. ~.44. ':If ~~~'Ye ....8'R-J.:l House Number Street $ ~'n~l~ ~9a~ S~.t~old . ... ... ..... ... J,.. ..,.......... .. ........ '" Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section .... ~54 . . . . . . . . .. Block .. ~ . . . J. . . . . . .. Lot. .;1.,~ !.7. . . . .. . .. . Subdivision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filed Map No. .............. Lot.......:....:.. (Name) ,. 50", ,,',,',' ,. "d "'"p"" of prem'., .,d '7d'" "d "":"'" 0; ~~trol". . .. .. &;"',' ,. "d o~,p"'y .... .V/.'!.~1t. . . . . ~ !Y.~. . . .1rt':. .Qrk. . .;. . . . ~~ . b. Intended use and occupancy .... .'l!~f..l.~ ~Y. .~~~~~~.~~. .. . . ~~.. ................. L~ ~ :JTcJ"?-4rgE: c'f Pt. -"1 V I-Ictc/~'. '~:':';, .' ~,> 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building... .:. ... . Addition. ... ...... Alteration .......... Repair .............. Removal, . . . . . . . . . . . .. Demolition .............. Other Work .atllp'q~1:"p.ll. . 4. Estimated Cost.. M9~............................... Fee . .#.!~ .~.............. .(~~~~~~~i~~~.. ... (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dweIling, number of dweIling units. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Number of dwelling units on each floor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If garage, number of cars ....................................;................................... 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use .... ................... 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear .............. Depth............... Height ................ Number of Stories. . .. . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ................. Rear.................. Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Height. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of Stories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front. . .:1.4.! ..9. . . . . .. Rear. .J.4! :-.9. . . . . . . . Depth .30.'........... Height .... ~~.'. . . . . . . . Number of Stories. . .l:"t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Size oflot: Front.. .255'............... Rear.... .S?!.............. Depth.. 9~~.'................ 10. Date of Purchase . .August,. .1984............. Name of Former Owner .~."'';I'... .'~1ll!l.t.~,,:j.\lA4......... 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated ~: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1~. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: ................................ 13. Will lot be regraded .. Xe.ll.. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Will e'4ess fill be removed from premises: Yes X No 14. Name of Owner of premises . .1'tJ.U!I1AA.. . . . .. . . Address. )$. ~.l.gl?-~?~.~. J:1?-.oPhone No. . 7p5~9?93. .... Name of Architect ........................... Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone No. ............... Name of Contractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone No. ............... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and, indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or comer lot. ..-._ I' ~ l'S To Q~ f2..o\..OC-4\,..z..... F-12....<.>.-^.A ~(J.--'-iH-o'-i:::> '-\l-.._\.C- ~9l..\ 'L~ 'i--u~ --==--vr.'_'JG--rv';"'2-- \~.. - \. C' 1<-\~AC?oIL t-..:lv---c-t;;;0 'S\-r-e, .:c'"\ '~t~ ~ g.,!:..&~,g ~0 c.c.....~c.. ~'1";''':.'1-T.1 <:::v =' v'1e"-..D AS ~ ---- -~4....AC.z- 'Q.v"'l-'~}jGr__ .-r....\~ &-rf<-~~"'''-~ \~---r-o 12>"'- '5-~, "'14 E.lC.H\.c"'-<.J 7' "'~3 COd'>'.s-;-,,"'( oF- C6..l OZ-G-,-L- F''''J_J~ 10-1 ,0-\<0.. ~Q.o...~ <"'To APG>f20'''-\'''-V\~---r-44.,t..L ""'~( ~'-4W G"p.1>... en-I ~A'-~ t:=-t-, II 'r .~. -...1\..,.'-1. -''''';0 C"M':'~'$_..,.iZ- ~L"c;l<:... V\l"-.J<...7\""O",-,iL. c;.~O'00-= '>>"'j"yOR..\ ~L. 'l:u~;j'f ~.-"<:..~o./.?t;},- I'-1t"'1~~. -ll-\C- .s-vz.uc-:-...rv>'- M:&.....\St\'/.LS SEE ATTACHED SHEET .......\'-'- \?>\i.';.. ..0,......::;\->.::>",-.;;.:..:;:::, I ~Tc> 1>-i Q:...., c"..., <..1G~(~ p.~o "i~s "-'I'T'-\ Co0.4\I;..\U~"::' -rL..\'Z.\;~~ ~D A-....c.u.a"-~ AT 02A-L\-l of l~~ c.."...Cf;...E:...."L 7i:..-L ~,-'~~, STA TE OF NEW YORK, S S COUNTY OF .. . . .~\ltt.Q~\C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saul. ML1lman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named. lie is the. . . . . . . . . . . Owner,. .Bul1dar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and fIle this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this . .'..... .Ila........ .day of..... . ()c.t.ober. .......1984. NotaryPUblic~......~.%...o~.t!&.. County 0 ()Lkzt _ . ---- HELEN It DE VOE .~ . .-r: .~..................... ;-0--..,. .. . . . . . MOTARY FUGlie. St.t, "tl.!e", Ynrk . (Signature of applicant) \ No. 0170/87. 3. ~l(Jlk ("'.:1,\.1._- .~ lijllll f.:.qf;'~<'; .M".~~h 30, l~ . . POBII NO. . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N. Y. BUILDING PERMIT <THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) N~ 13526 Z Dote .....J.~.b.....1..........., 19.~.~ Permission is hereby gron~~.~~~..~....\n...~~.~........ .....':!:.~~....~.h.~......l4...,....... ..clS.~.L.....:Q.~':I.:.....!.l.~J..J.... to "'~'~""'~"h~....U.~.~::9t.~.......~.....~s;..~........ '~'~"""'~""'~~'~"':::P""""""""""''''''''....................................... at premises located at ...;tt~.Q......... . ......... .... ...(!).~........s..~............... ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................. County Tax Map No. 1000 Section .......9..~..':f..... Block .........J......... Lot No. .....~.~.:.J...... pursuant to opplicatlon dated ....Q..~....ll..................., 19.t~., and approved by the Building Inspector. ,co.~~ Fee $........................ -->> I D O"'C"C"..-....1 J.,j'eJ ~1I0.~.g I :1 - c..O.'!. ~ ~~ J} <a.vL. .........~...............~..................................... Building Inspector c--/~ c:~ y// Rev. 6/30/80 f I oJ rJ-} ff () 1iz#Y-J T~ w: (Z[) o~;v eft: '/ ~SC;4~k~ 7lZC!D . - -- -- -----., OJc7;t'6 ~~z;d.:-w JLcg) , Orfj2~$G 1'~~ ~:ft-7 :JZL@ l I I O~;2; 5f6 ~~Z'4Y_JIX!) I O~c?-~t16 ~~ C~L-k/.J!Lr#) , I .- - -- - oJf;2!- /'6 ~~~~.4?~0 -, ] o-r/fJ-jq {; ~~y,{;L;/ JL @ -, I I ~ I l ' ", " '" "1'~' .# I _"i' I! /,~, \ :"';",' .. ~-~ l"; ~~. .~~'-:_.--,--;i""" I~ '/ 1l7~ z:;t/~-a- (1) I cj:;l.-, I ; J' ,r'.r " Y 1-- ;,"" '""-~I "-" ',,"'1' tC''/' "p' . ./ p- '-"' ~c5'~YCV ~ ~ " "J'; I " /' .:. / t,.. L> ,<, """"J ~, '~f' &' ~ ..... 'l?r~~~ X@) -r'" ! ! /. ,Jr~' " " ',' I '.'/ ~; ~2?]Z(!) . . . u'" ~ i.,.t\ PM~n\Dfl 01' nt,;-c ' OE R\Vf\:W' , , SUFF"OLIl. COUNTY.' DEPT., ~ 141!'A.L1"H SIO~ V ICES, - !""Ole. ,JldI'PEOV....L.. 0" . CQNSrl2UC~ GNLy. DATE' ' '""2- 9 -4- '1 H..S.2EJt' WI). -lJ" ~ ~l ~.d.t_VED; r --... ~ N I LII 0- r- N ~llFFOLK COUNTY 'TAX ..E~JCXE1... lOOQ-OS-4-7-PT. QE 23. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ONLY or' o ~ ~ 'B~ /'/ '\S>~ . ,~r\ ~, vf;<J- 19~ / ! 4 1l'2. ({~~--, ,. -"~"'A,_ ) "'".t: SL..J&;roU~. CO.I-lEALTH .tZPr..APPJiDYAl- H.:S; HI:>. 13b6 1.3 f bO , rONW"''i 00') ,l..... olZ-' -z.o !-l"f' F . C~ ~_._.~ .J!'4AU'"IJII,uu ~ 1\...1'1 .... MJUUlOIl ro !th5 iUl'l 1$ A '1IOLAftofl Of If..:TIOH 7:l OF THE HEW YOU: STAn (DlJl:ATIO fl.1N. ~O;i~S_ fl1lS ~iJk"E-' .......il' ~T lRMlNG tHf l.f. ~.,"::"~Yf,,:{,_:; (;;~~") ;;'U,1.01 ~J.1.65';~n _-;r~,~ .,:;J."L ~/-r rt, CO~I,~ l<l fi . ,.ce', "{i. n. ~" .,.v".,....... '''''' "''' I ,N\.Y TO ,"" ,', '_,,^ TTlf 1i'0Jit..~, / C$ P.:tFt,:.,,-:) ~:-:^'5 ,.:> fHt /',/ ~::~~~~l~~~~'~,<y; ,j,_' ;,';..:.:;;;;;.~.:,_..H I.: [0 rKE AS.~!,iHi:.-'; OJ -H- ,":,,-='li.'4G IN,';T' / / wrIOM.:3UJ..5',~.lIfl~i':l> ?':~;:...uT T!l.A.a"",",l>"'~ //1' 51A~~~~',~,r:.;~: ~, >0"'''' / / A.l2EA'2.~~2g Ac.. Gl'MONUMENT I f":"CCf.2)( TOWE:~ " '/.'/ Ii/, ------------ -- -------" ---------- ------' - (--- .\ -~ ~ ..,. ,),.--- ......- 0,. f: b.' ~Ol ' \ .oi;We. . I ~l.. , ~. ~ . ""'--".". ;-&J'] rw:i m \A .--.--"\:.,."..""- ". -.-".-__. r iIl,._~~.R.. LONG ISI..t,JoW LIG~t~ "'::;:-- - -. -'''- p - - ..-----.- ~ """"', . s:59"O:.(1QW_. . i--lO. -" 'Iv. \. """"-Ii" \ " .. -. . --- - - - ~ - - . . - - ~ -. .. .-----.-.,. -- ...~---",.- .- ...~~~':l:.:'.;. .m$,67 9' OAVIDS , '(VAcAI.J r) IIILt: l.;{tE~~,~.6.r ~ - .'..". , ---._-- s:r~ DE IMe-NT nlE\o'A.~1J\lQ.-''''''''''''''~ SYS~F'OR. 'nus:.' -==~E ,'.tlIIu.. ~~'8Efi} Nl"Ol2M TO 1}(e5r~A12D5 OF me: 5U~~)~~F= ~~~1~5. MAP OF PQOPEf2TY 'SUQVEYED FOQ . TEST 4- HOLe fSt,\UL rt JANET lv1fLLMAf',j _..,..~.~_._-_.~-*._- - AT 11'&' !;DAM 5' .......~, -:-ltW. GrU.l . 9' ~ II' r;UAJ<:'ANTEED 'TO ::ENrLJi~V /-\~:Dn<'!,LT:'012 P _t.TCT'HE $iJTHOLO SAVINGS !3.AJ'lk:. . ~~_24igY~'fEJ.) ~_ ,oJ.,;L.Y39..f2@rt r:rr'l--r"fr,." '4'.: .,., 1\/; n- lC:vU,,-I<~:\.....i~'/"'\;\'_ : L 1;"" r(l_ __.._____ ....__.... .... _.__. - .' _n_..._--'-..._._ Sew) twJ~ . e<xJTHOLD TOWN OF 5i:,)UTHOLD NY. ____ .' I _ 2. V..........- -r=---r ( -_._--- .-" -.-.-..----.---.--. ---~ OWNElZS APOI2:ES'S 1 . 4~IiIGH\t'iIO:JQ.~. .. 5:l1.JJl.jQL.Q, N.Y.IJ9'7!" 765'-929'$. .' , ' ~. -:::u liib)(el. 1<4' t.\C LAND SUR,VEYOQS ,'";Ci.E.EhIPOQ{"-J.Y _.- ----.---.-----.---- f'CJr~, , ~ ~ (J'kF' /~ ff CL.EVATlONS 12EFEf4IDMEN\l SEAL.EVE'L , ~~ ~- - -.-......--. _. _~-. ~_.AMEfJQEQ' ~:l5o,l,l!;o16,1qaa,. -_. l '~o. 0-0 , ... DIST. 1000 SECT. 054.00 BLOCK CJ7.00 LOTS 023.001 ?i~~~~ G) 3.- ~ \ () IY) -...... I \' - . \a.... , ,,' (IR[P' i'AGt' - , !tf.IIlJ.1I ,r I ,u, JUIIIl lllllf.l-:lOM _Hilln ..,ul ~.It' Ut'l'll, will, (:unmllll. ilKilllll1 {"..IIIIIt', "'It-Iud CONSULT YOUR LAWYER I.P 51&NIN& THIS INSTRUMENT. THIS INSTRU u.al UI c...:uq..oal"'". I,illxlc ~hct'I' SHOULD II USED IT LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 21st. day of August ,nineleen hundred and eighty four BETVVEEN ADOLPH H. WESTERLUND and THERESA A. WESTERLUND, his wife, both residing at (no number) Main Road, peconic, New York, 11958, . 3834 Aw" -s-\\",(,\ tJ\\\.I.tJ\I\..:\, "" ....f.. ........ party of the first part, and SAUL MILLMAN" residing at 435 Highwood Road, Southold, New York, 11971, DtSTR1CT ;: r:.- r! .-:~' ~ 01:1i ; ;0 8 12 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, lying and beingXNlrlK at Southold, in the Town of Southold, folk and State of New YorJe, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Horton Lane distant 1005.77 feet northerly from the northerly end of the curve connecting the northerly side of Middle Road with the westerly side of Horbon Lanel THENCE South 59 04' 10" West along land now or formerly .of Davids 835.67 feeb to land now or formerly of Damianosl THENCE North 36 24' 40" West along last mentioned land 51.60 feet to land ngw or formerly of J. ConwaYl THENCE North 47 03' 20" East along last mentioned land 917.77 feet to the w~sterly side of Horton Lane; THENCE South 38 24' 10" East along the westerly side of Horton Lane, 66.32 f~etl THENCE South 10 31' 50" East still along the westerly side of Horton Lane 188.51 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BLOCK lOT "h' "".'-. '1..:.,/31 rT'1h1 i..i] I ioj ~ L..J.++I 1/ 21 28 , situate, County of Suf- bounded and BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as that conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated April 1, 1975 and re- corded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on April 3, 1975 in Liber 7819 cp 356 and deed dated August 4, 1976 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on August 5, 1976 in Liber 8082 cp 322. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the .party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of thc party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid, AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improveml'llt before using any part of the tolal of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indentpre ~o requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. 383..1 I N PRESENCE OF: ~/!~~:&~- AdOlph H. Westerlund EI ED $.....l~9.~ REAL ESTATE AUG 291984. TRANSFER Ill.- 'AUG 29 1984 J Ie JULlETIE A. WmLLA .;Ji..tLl L.lcfZ Clerk of Suffolk ClJuntv -. - - ,- - .l.uCJ..~od ii. westerlund RECORDED ," .",' . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 . TEL. 765-1802 NOTICE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date: September 2, 1986 TO: Saul Millman and Janet Millman, his wife 435 Highwood Road Southold, New York 11971 A. The last Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold shows that you are the owner of the following described premises: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Horton Lane distant 1005.77 feet northerly from the northerly end of the curve connecting the northerly side of Middle Road with the westerly side of Horton Lane; thence South 590 04' 10" West along land now or formerly of Davids 835.67 feet to land now or formerly of Damianos; thence North 360 24' 40" West along last mentioned land 51. 60 feet to land now or formerly of J. Conway; thence North 470 03' 20" East along last mentioned land 917.77 feet to the westerly side of Horton Lane; thence South 380 24' 10" East along the westerly side of Horton Lane, 66.32 feet; thence South 100 31' 50" East still along the westerly side of Horton Lane 188.51 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: District 1000, Section 054.00, Block 07.00, Lot 023.007. B. The building on your premises is structurally unsafe and dangerous and as such constitutes a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation and aban- . donment, in particular: the foundation upon which the building is located is improper in that it is on loose cement blocks without proper footings; chimney is not pro- perly supported; the plywood roofing sheathing is unpro- tected and as a result water has been allowed to enter the building deteriorating the roof sheathing and rafters; the gable ends of the building are not finished and are open, exposing the interior to the weather which has allowed damage and rotting of the interior structure. J~~ z:~~ // '. ~ . . NOTICE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Page 2 Date: September 2, 1986 TO: Saul Millman and Janet Millman B. (continued): The property is not adequately fenced and secured, and the building has been left exposed allowing the public to enter the property at will which is dangerous to their health and safety. C. You are hereby ordered to either make the building on your premises safe and secure or remove same. Further, you are ordered to secure the perimeter of the property to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the property. D. The above work shall commence within ten (10) days from the date of service of this notice and shall be completed within thirty (30) days thereafter. Please be advised that before beginning any restoration work, removing the building or fencing of the perimeter of the property you will have to obtain the necessary permits for this purpose from the Building Department of the Town of Southold. E. In the event you fail to comply with the above, a hearing will be held before the Southold Town Board concerning same at 10:00 A.M. prevailing time on October 21, 1986. F. If the Southold Town Board after the aforementioned hearing shall determine that the building is unsafe or dangerous to the public, the Southold Town Board may order the building taken down and removed, and the property secured. G. In the event the building shall be determined by the Southold Town Board to be unsafe or dangerous and in the event of your neglect or refusal to remove or correct same within the time provided, the Southold Town Board may remove such building and secure the property by whatever means it deems appropriate and assess all costs and ex- penses incurred by the Town of Southold in connection with the proceedings to remove and secure same, including the cost of actually removing the building from the premises, against the land on which the building is located. e~~ Curtis W. H rton Building Inspector , . . '" STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X In the Matter of a Violation of Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold by COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING & POSTING SAUL MILLMAN and JANET MILLMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X STATE OF NEW YORK: ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: CURTIS W. HORTON, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Deponent is a Building Inspector of the Town of Southold, is over the age of 18 years, and resides at Mason Drive, Cutchogue, New York. 2. On the 4th day of September, 1986, deponent served a copy of Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold (The Unsafe Building and Collapsed Structure Law of the Town of Southold) upon SAUL MILLMAN and JANET MILLMAN, his wife, 435 Highwood Road, Southold, New York 11971, that being the address designated for that purpose, by depositing a true copy of the same enclosed in a postpaid properly addressed wrapper in an official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Postal Service at Southold, New York. Said Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold was mailed to SAUL MILLMAN and JANET MILLMAN, his wife, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested. 3. On the 3rd day of September, 1986, at 4:30 P.M. , deponent posted a true copy of the Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold (The Unsafe Building and Collapsed Structure Law of the Town of Southold) in a conspicuous place on . . the premises owned by Saul Millman and Janet Millman, his wife, at 3930 Horton Lane, Southold, New York (Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: District 1000, Section 054.00, Block 07.00, Lot 023.007. Curtis W. Horton Sworn to before me this # Ie:; day of September, 1986 7l(t2~4i~J NO~ bHc 1UBT L:r~~~~W!oal I'OfIUft'S2.=' - SUITO' Y;, ~:~~et.1 Ho. v eVp,Pl" M/h~~ . COIIlM' "I u ' ,I D AIRMAIL " /~I: '1- -~~,~ 1&~0 I ~ Z FULL VALUES .- 0 ~ g ~ :l ....EO ~ ~el; II: .1 ~{" ~ ~~ ae ~ l:! u \00 --' '" ZIP COOE 435 HIGHWOOD RD. SOUTHOLD N.Y PS FORM . S.pt. ,.7. 3806 RECEIPT FOR REGISTERED MAIL Z! f~011 (CusI.omJ1r Copy) l}STMARK OF A, ~.'_....... . '......, t"~ . ". /',:c'". \ !:,,,, ~eci81 Delivery · Return Receipt $ stricted slivery $ Reg. Fee S I ~~ Handling .... ii:F Charge $ ~ ~~ postage $ l i~ RECEIVED BY .S U o ... .-\ " ''"'~\ J D AIRMAIL G OFFICE ~ Z FULL VALUE $ .- 0 ~ g ~ :l ~'E i ~ 8el;'" .1 ffi~ w ~~ ae III e :l U TN BL DEPT-C. HORTON P BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD N.Y. JANET MILLMAN 435 HIGHWOOD ROAD SOUTHOLD, N.Y. z~f~~l ~~:'O,Rr,. 3806 RECEIPT FOR REGISTERED MAIL (CusI.omJ1r Copy) ~W~i " " "t! (/) ci' · SENDER: Comp1ele Hems 1 2 3 and 4 _~. Add your addlaa'lII ihi "RETIiRNTO" (Xl space on reverse. I. L (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) ~ "1{3 TIl&fo_g_breq_~,(cbodl.ne). ijl Show to1Vlmm and dale deli'lered fU Show ............... Iowllom, dale. 8lllIadaress of_ 2. 0, RESTRICTED lJB.IVEllV' ry .. ITMmttlcl8tJdIJWIry fee ~.."""~'''''''''''. .,tbIft1t11m ,,"*,,"'.J Qedbllddirlon ~ . r,"'__' II ,; "', ,.,,':, ,\ " 'oil,' _e 'l\n; TOTAL $ ~=-,.. 3. AllTICLE ADDRESSED TO: SAUL MILLMAN 435 ,HIGHWOOD ROAD 4. TYPE OF SERVICE: . lOWGISTERED 0 'ARTICLE HUMSER o ' IHSUAfD K O CERTIFIED DCDD .?>?:, oLl <j. 5:7 EXPRESS MAIL (Always obtain IlgRatu" 01 ilddm I have receive~ the ani"", descrlbell soo or IgoAl) SIGNA~ O_ss.. ~. 5. DA ' DEL ' 7 Authorized agent rosW.ARK (may bean revorse side) J lD '!!I <: .'lD '" .;; 7. UHA8LE TO DELIVER SECAUSE: g ';; 7a. EI!.Pi,!ll'q'S I 1"'Jfr ill ... . SBlDEB: eompIel8 Hems 1. 2, 3. and 4. o Add your address In the "RETURN TO" 3 It space on reverse. ;:: (COIISULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) ~ 1. TbIl',toIIoWIn9soMcobrequostecl(_....). 'C =. ii "",,,_lOwhOmanddall--' ............... · Iii 0._10 whOm. dati. andaddrO&S 01 doIMlY .. " 2. ORESmCTEDDElIV!'RY........................... · 1T>t__"'b......"'- .""-_..., mAL $ 3. MlIlC\.E AIIOftESSBllO: JANET MILLMAN 435 HIGHWOOD ROAD Aill1ClE NUMBEIl OIHSURED I? Ocoo 1\ 330<./'1-5'1/0 4. ~ OCERTlFlBl o EXPRESS MAIL (AIwQIIbtIIIl...... 01""- or IQIIllI _.........ItIO_~. ~. ,~RE D~ /,,\~agIIII .' ~. ~ I. POSTIIARIl ....._IIdo) ---- , , ~ I :II 7. UNABLE TD IlEUYER BECAUSE: i ~. . GPO: ... 31f 693 . , . . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTBOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 RE: SAUL MILLMAN and JANET MILLMAN District 1000, Section 054.00, Block 07.00, Lot 023.007 Dates of Inspection: July 16, 1986 2:30 P.M. RESULTS OF INSPECTION: 1. Building just sitting on loose cement blocks with no cement between joints - improper footing. 2. Chimney is not properly supported. 3. Gable ends are wide open, no woodsheathing or studs. 4. Plywood is nailed to the rafters, no protection from this material for over 2 years. The plywood is rotting and so are the rafters. Due to exposure to weather elements rafters have deteriorated. 5. Inside rotten and wet. 6. Property is not fenced and is open to the public. No work has been done on this building in over two years. Permit was revoked on December 11, 1985. I, Curtis W. Horton do hereby deem this building a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, aban- donment, making this an unsafe building. RECOMMENDATIONS: I hereby order this building be made safe and secure or be removed. This work shall start within 10 days and he completed in 30 days. You cannot make this building safe and secure or remove it until you obtain the necessary building permits. G~~ ;7/r4;;- ~~~/ . . LAW OFFICES RICHARD F. LARK MAIN ROAD - P. O. BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 1193!5 TELEPHONE 516 734-6807 RICHARD F. LARK WILLIAM D. MOORE September 29, 1986 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Main Road - Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 RE: Saul Millman & Janet Hillman Violation of Chapter 90 of Code of the Town of Southold Dear Mrs. Terry: Pursuant to conversations with your office, the above- captioned matter has been scheduled for a hearing before the Town Board on October 21, 1986 at 10:00 A.M. In connec- tion therewith I am enclosing the following: 1. Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold, dated September 2, 1986. 2. Affidavit of Service by Mailing & Posting of Curtis W. Horton, with registered mail receipts attached. 3. Original Report of Curtis W. Horton dated July 16, 1986. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please give me a call. very.....truly you.r.s, V.' '7" '1 . ./ /f~.t!/~L Richard F. LarK: RFL/mld Enclosures . . LAW OFFICES RICHARD F. LARK MAl N ROAD _ P. O. BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 1 t 93!5 TELEPHONE !516 734-6807 RICHARD F. LARK WILLIAM D. MOORE September 29, 1986 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Main Road - Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 RE: Saul Millman & Janet Millman Violation of Chapter 90 of Code of the Town of Southold Dear Mrs. Terry: Pursuant to conversations with your office, the above- captioned matter has been scheduled for a hearing before the Town Board on October 21, 1986 at 10:00 A.M. In connec- tion therewith I am enclosing the following: 1. Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold, dated September 2, 1986. 2. Affidavit of Service by Nailing & Posting of CUrtis W. Horton, with registered mail receipts attached. 3. Original Report of Curtis W. Horton dated July 16, 1986. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please give me a call. Very truly yours, (// 7 / I / //1'/"'" /..f" )5~i.v~1 ?:CkL I I J' . / Richard F. ~arK RFL/mld Enclosures ,,,,., ." .:1 . . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 NOTICE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date: September 2, 1986 TO: Saul Millman and Janet Millman, his wife 435 Highwood Road Southold, New York 11971 A. The last Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold shows that you are the owner of the following described premises: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Horton Lane distant 1005.77 feet northerly from the northerly end of the curve connecting the northerly side of Middle Road with the westerly side of Horton Lane; thence South 590 04' 10" West along land now or formerly of Davids 835.67 feet to land now or formerly of Damianos; thence North 360 24' 40" West along last mentioned land 51. 60 feet to land now or formerly of J. Conway; thence North 470 03' 20" East along last mentioned land 917.77 feet to the westerly side of Horton Lane; thence South 380 24' 10" East along the westerly side of Horton Lane, 66.32 feet; thence South 100 31' 50" East still along the westerly side of Horton Lane 188.51 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: District 1000, Section 054.00, Block 07.00, Lot 023.007. B. The building on your premises is structurally unsafe and dangerous and as such constitutes a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation and aban- . donment, in particular: the foundation upon which the building is located is improper in that it is on loose cement blocks without proper footings; chimney is not pro- perly supported; the plywood roofing sheathing is unpro- tected and as a result water has been allowed to enter the building deteriorating the roof sheathing and rafters; the gable ends of the building are not finished and are open, exposing the interior to the weather which has allowed damage and rotting of the interior structure. ., ,) . . NOTICE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Page 2 Date: September 2, 1986 TO: Saul Millman and Janet Millman B. (continued): The property is not adequately fenced and secured, and the building has been left exposed allowing the public to enter the property at will which is dangerous to their health and safety. C. You are hereby ordered to either make the building on your premises safe and secure or remove same. Further, you are ordered to secure the perimeter of the property to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the property. D. The above work shall commence within ten (10) days from the date of service of this notice and shall be completed within thirty (30) days thereafter. Please be advised that before beginning any restoration work, removing the building or fencing of the perimeter of the property you will have to obtain the necessary permits for this purpose from the Building Department of the Town of Southold. E. In the event you fail to comply with the above, a hearing will be held before the Southold Town Board concerning same at 10:00 A.M. prevailing time on October 21, 1986. F. If the Southold Town Board after the aforementioned hearing shall determine that the building is unsafe or dangerous to the public, the Southold Town Board may order the building taken down and removed, and the property secured. G. In the event the building shall be determined by the Southold Town Board to be unsafe or dangerous and in the event of your neglect or refusal to remove or correct same within the time provided, the Southold Town Board may remove such building and secure the property by whatever means it deems appropriate and assess all costs and ex- penses incurred by the Town of Southold in connection with the proceedings to remove and secure same, including the cost of actually removing the building from the premises, against the land on which the building is located. c~~ Curtis W. H rton Building Inspector . . " STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK - - - - - - - - - - X In the Matter of a Violation of Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold by AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING & POSTING i II SAUL MILLMAN and JANET MILLMAN II I' i " II , II II i! :1 II 'I Ii Ii : - - - X STATE OF NEW YORK: ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: CURTIS W. HORTON, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Deponent is a Building Inspector of the Town of Southoldi' 'i is over the age of 18 years, and resides at Mason Drive, Cutchogue, New York. 2. On the 4th day of September, 1986, deponent served a copy of Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of I Southold (The Unsafe Building and Collapsed Structure Law of the ,I :: Town of Southold) upon SAUL MILLMAN and JANET MILLMAN, his wife, 435 Highwood Road, Southold, New York 11971, that being the address designated for that purpose, by depositing a true copy of the same enclosed in a postpaid properly addressed wrapper in an official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the " United States Postal Service at Southold, New York. Said Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold was mailed to SAUL MILLMAN and JANET MILLMAN, his wife, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested. 3. On the 3rd day of September, 1986, at 4:30 P,M.,deponent posted a true copy of the Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold (The Unsafe Building and Collapsed Structure Law of the Town of Southold) in a conspicuous place on . . . , the premises owned by Saul Millman and Janet Millman, his wife, at 3930 Horton Lane, Southold, New York (Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: District 1000, Section 054.00, Block 07.00, Lot 023.007. (1~ :J/~, Curt1s W. Horton Sworn to before me this .ft lel day of i' '/)J (I/)t/ i 'NotA-rye " 1/ :1 v " Ii I,! MAllY LOV J)Og~s:k T01lIt NOfJUtf pU5lJC. S~~J;'), l~OU1lTY" /I '; No. 52.1nnU~f,ll'I'-:" Mktu:.1< 30. 19.......1 II COMM;SS.lu'V t\t'(I1 t. " !! :! 'I " : c z FULL VALUE $ 'rY'"l .,-" '-0 ~'- ~ t :f H. TN BL DEPT C " ~'1! ~ - . HORTON :f 0"- .. 0 BOX 1179 . 0 ~ f ffi~ SOUTHOLD N. Y . w :f~ il l2 JANET MILLMAN 8 l2 435 HIGHWOOD ROAD PS FORM SOU'l'HOLD, N. Y . Sept 1979 3806 RECEIPT FOR REGISTERED MAIL $ "l' D AIRMAIL i c z FULL VALUE $ .- 0 ~ S :f ~ ~.~ ~ :f 0"-" . O~ f ffil w :f~ ill2 l/) l2 " o \00 ---.-' 435 HIGHWOOD RD. SOUTHOLD N.Y. PS FORM Sept, 1979 3806 RECEIPT FOR REGISTERED MAIL i Reg. Fee $ .~ ~~ Handling f- it,; Charge $ ~ ..~ i ea. Postage $ Q. l/):f RECEIVED BY woo .6 a.u ~ Special $ Delivery Return Receipt $ estricted elivery $ D AIRMAIL . ~POSTMARK OF >J-"-'~:';' _.-~ : y, ,- ;'r,V" . ,ft' ,',;',\, ~ ;~-::;..,;;:-; -J . '.-" :_l> ,0 1,~;!';>;/ !.1l ~t'.. G OFFICE ,./.., " . m zr f~D11 (CUB/mner CfYPII) [3STMARK OF' '; '. ..,....... " MAIUNG OFFICE rW~i zngllfl (CUB/mner CfYPII) . .., ~ . SENDER: Complet8 Items 1, 2, 3. and 4. o Add your address In the "REJURN TO" 3 space on reverse. ~. (CmlSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) ~ 1. The fo:towlng servICe Is reqt:ested (cheCk cr.e). '" ~ ... Sh:nYto\Vt:Qm3,nddal;ldel~/ered ............... '" ~ Show to whom. data. and;:addross ofdeUvel"J.. 2,0 RESTRICTED DEliVERY"".:"""".."."""" . tTlle f9sltfcl6d del/wry fee is dldrgBd In sddit/oJl IDlllel'8turnreC:/pIfet.) -$, ---,-$ -$ TOTAL $ 3. Al>lICLE ADDRESSED TO: SAUL MILLMAN 435 HIGHWOOD ROAD ARTICLE NUMBER ,0INSURED f:. 1../.4K7 ocoo , \~'?:. 0 4, TYPE bf SERVICE: fiREGlSTEREO oCERTlflEO o EXPRESS M,~IL . (Alwa~s obl.ln slgn.lure 0' addres..e 0' ag.nI) I have received the article descnbed b . SIGNATURE oAddressoe Authorized .gent (//fJ2. 5, OAT 9 . POSTMARK (maybeODfevoreeslde) ,.::<~~~. . u " '!!J c ." i 7',U~B~E.TOOELI~ER.BE~US~:..... /; )~~'S_,. Cll ... . SENDBI: Complete nems 1. 2. 3. and 4. ~' Add your address In the .. RETURN TO" Ill' space on reverse. :: (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) :: 1. TIIo:followlng urvlco Is reqUOS1Od (check llIIll). '" J:']. il l<.XS1IowlOwI1omanddato_ ............... N 0 Show 10 wI1om. date, anti address 01 doIIvory .. 2. o RESTRICTED DELNERY........................... fT/If--''''cIIIrpsd''- . .Ule....._...) ~ . . -. . TOTAL $ 3. ARTIClE ADDRESSED TO: JANET MILLMAN 435 HIGHWOOD ROAD ARTICLE NUMBER 4. KXlEGISTEREO oCERTlflED o EXPRESS MAIL (Alwlys oblll. signature 01 addrelSee o'lQInll I have _1110 ar1IcIe d"'ri~. ;. S!GHATURE 0_..... /\Autho'~ed agent .~~!t", . 5. ' U olNSURED OCOO f; 3 3oi.J'/S.1/[' .--- POSTMARK (may \JO.. ""'" aIdo) " 2 " ~ 7. UNABLE TO OELNER BECAUSE: m n m ~ 7a. EMPLOY . GPO: 1982-379-693 . . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 RE: SAUL MILLMAN and JANET MILLMAN District 1000, Section 054.00, Block 07.00, Lot 023.007 Dates of Inspection: July 16, 1986 2:30 P.M. RESULTS OF INSPECTION: 1. Building just sitting on loose cement blocks with no cement between joints - improper footing. 2. Chimney is not properly supported. 3. Gable ends are wide open, no woodsheathing or studs. 4. Plywood is nailed to the rafters, no protection from this material for over 2 years. The plywood is rotting and so are the rafters. Due to exposure to weather elements rafters have deteriorated. 5. Inside rotten and wet. 6. Property is not fenced and is open to the public. No work has been done on this building in over two years. Permit was revoked on December 11, 1985. I, Curtis W. Horton do hereby deem this building a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, aban- donment, making this an unsafe building. RECOMMENDATIONS: I hereby order this building be made safe and secure or be removed. This work shall start within 10 days and he completed in 30 days. You cannot make this building safe and secure or remove it until you obtain the necessary building permits. (!~~ 7/r4;:;- . . LAW OFFICES RICHARD F. LARK MAIN ROAD - P. O. BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 1193!S TELEPHONE 516 734-6807 RICHARD F. LARK WILLIAM D. MOORE September 29, 1986 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Main Road - Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 RE: Saul Millman & Janet Millman Violation of Chapter 90 of Code of the Town of Southold Dear Mrs. Terry: Pursuant to conversations with your office, the above- captioned matter has been scheduled for a hearing before the Town Board on Octooer 21, 1986 at 10:00 A.M. In connec- tion therewith I am enclosing the following: 1. Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold, dated September 2, 1986. 2. Affidavit of Service by Mailing & Posting of Curtis W. Horton, with registered mail receipts attached. 3. Original Report of Curtis W. Horton dated July 16, 1986. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please give me a call. ver.ytrUlY yours, // /.>l ~ / .-; / //5~~L& / I.c//>~L i/ '/ . r / Richard F. LarK RFL/mld Enclosures ..., ... ,\ . . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 NOTICE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date: September 2, 1986 TO: Saul Millman and Janet Millman, his wife 435 Highwood Road Southold, New York 11971 A. The last Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold shows that you are the owner of the following described premises: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Horton Lane distant 1005.77 feet northerly from the northerly end of the curve connecting the northerly side of Middle Road with the westerly side of Horton Lane; thence South 590 04' 10" West along land now or formerly of Davids. 835.67 feet to land now or formerly of Damianos; thence North 36024' 40" West along last mentioned land 51.60 feet to land now or formerly of J. Conway; thence North 470 03' 20" East along last mentioned land 917.77 feet to the westerly side of Horton Lane; thence South 380 24' 10" East along the westerly side of Horton Lane, 66.32 feet; thence South 100 31' 50" East still along the westerly side of Horton Lane 188.51 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: District 1000, Section 054.00, Block 07.00, Lot 023.007. B. The building on your premises is structurally unsafe and dangerous and as such constitutes a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation and aban- . donment, in particular: the foundation upon which the building is located is improper in that it is on loose cement blocks without proper footings; chimney is not pro- perly supported; the plywood roofing sheathing is unpro- tected and as a result water has been allowed to enter the building deteriorating the roof sheathing and rafters; the gable ends of the building are not finished and are open, exposing the interior to the weather which has allowed damage and rotting of the interior structure. ~, , :; . ., . NOTICE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Page 2 Date: September 2, 1986 TO: Saul Millman and Janet Millman B. (continued): The property is not adequately fenced and secured, and the building has been left exposed allowing the public to enter the property at will which is dangerous to their health and safety. C. You are hereby ordered to either make the building on your premises safe and secure or remove same. Further, you are ordered to secure the perimeter of the property to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the property. D. The above work shall commence within ten (10) days from the date of service of this notice and shall be completed within thirty (30) days thereafter. Please be advised that before beginning any restoration work, removing the building or fencing of the perimeter of the property you will have to obtain the necessary permits for this purpose from the Building Department of the Town of Southold. E. In the event you fail to comply with the above, a hearing will be held before the Southold Town Board concerning same at 10:00 A.M. prevailing time on October 21, 1986. F. If the Southold Town Board after the aforementioned hearing shall determine that the building is unsafe or dangerous to the public, the Southold Town Board may order the building taken down and removed, and the property secured. G. In the event the building shall be determined by the Southold Town Board to be unsafe or dangerous and in the event of your neglect or refusal to remove or correct same within the time provided, the Southold Town Board may remove such building and secure the property by whatever means it deems appropriate and assess all costs and ex- penses incurred by the Town of Southold in connection with the proceedings to remove and secure same, including the cost of actually removing the building from the premises, against the land on which the building is located. c~~ Curtis W. H rton Building Inspector . . '. STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK - - - - - - - - - - X In the Matter of a Violation of Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold by AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING & POSTING SAUL MILLMAN and JANET MILLMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X STATE OF NEW YORK: ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: CURTIS W. HORTON, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Deponent is a Building Inspector of the Town of Southold, is over the age of 18 years, and resides at Mason Drive, Cutchogue, New York. 2. On the 4th day of September, 1986, deponent served a copy of Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of , Southold (The Unsafe Building and Collapsed Structure Law of the Town of Southold) upon SAUL MILLMAN and JANET MILLMAN, his wife, 435 Highwood Road, Southold, New York 11971, that being the !i address designated for that purpose, by depositing a true copy of :! ,. the same enclosed in a postpaid properly addressed wrapper in an I' ;! official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the Ii United States Postal Service at Southold, New York. Said Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold was mailed to SAUL MILLMAN and JANET MILLMAN, his wife, by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested. 3. On the 3rd day of September, 1986, at 4:30 P.M., deponent posted a true copy of the Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold (The Unsafe Building and Collapsed Structure Law of the Town of Southold) in a conspicuous place on . . j: " 'I !i " the premises owned by Saul Millman and Janet Millman, his wife, !I ;i , at 3930 Horton Lane, Southold, New York <Suffolk County Tax Map Ii iI I Designation: II I' 023.007. ~ i Ii , ii " " Ii " " I !i I, District 1000, Section 054.00, Block 07.00, Lot d,~ :?/~, CurtJ.S W. Horton Ii !I Sworn to before me this Ii ,pI Ii /e; day of " q , I! '--}J7 /L/??j i f ?/r.J. {-'-" I, 'No~r v I I, 'I [, Ii 'I II " " ii September, 1986 , ttft-:P/(- MAllY LOU DOllO~ tod NOTAtn pU51JC. Si~J;,)~~,oumY 1/ 1 No. 52.1nr,n~~ ~ ,-no';;. M./rtu.:H 30. 19.froo COM}.f:~~_1 (j ,v t\(fl . Reg. Fee 9. i ~~ Handling ... ii:~ Charge $ ~ lL i ~... Postage $ ~ lS~ RECE ,0 BY ._ A.U i. cfOSTMARK OF .j~,;.--~--'-.':'. -- .Ir,~" f~- ~,~' t ~ .",~, o 1:...': tJl ~l>_' J G OFFICE .', .; c Z FULL VALUE $ ,- 0 ~ ~ :I; ~ ~,~ g :I; 00.; lL ,! ~~ c w[f: w :I;~ a~ ., ~ :;) t) \ro ---' o AIRMAIL .. m 435 HIGHWOOD RD. SOUTHOLD N.Y. PS FORM Sept, 1979 3B06 RECEIPT FOR REGISTERED MAIL ---- ZT f~D11 (CWIImner C<rpy) [JSTMARK OF . $ <, ..Y' ~' , < . $ '. 0 " AIRMAIL MAILING OFFICE H. TN BL DEPT C - . HORTON P BOX 11 79 SOUTHOLD N.Y. JANET MILLMAN 435 HIGHWOOD ROAD SOUTHOLD N Y ZrfQ~l PS FOAM ' .. ~ I Sept 1979 3B06 RECEIPT FOR REGISTERED MAIL (CUBWmer C<rpy) i Reg. Fee $ ~ ~~ Handling ~ U:,.. Charge $ ~ lL~ i ~~ Postage s ... .,:1; RECEIVED BY wOO .511.0 i. .. IZI ,e ~ FULL VALUE s '00 ~,. .!Ii; Ii;~;! :I; :;) :I;'r g :I; 00.; lL ! ~~ c w[f: w :I;~ ~~ ~ ~ t) fi ~D~i . ." ~ 0 SENDER: f.3:~~~~ ~~.;';~ 'I~i;'; ~~qURN TO" 3 space on reverse. ~' (COtISUlT POSTMASTER FOR mS) ~ 1. The to:lowlng service is req\.'tIsted (check or.e). ~ ~ Sh~to\Vi1Omanddaladel~'tred ........;...... !ll N Show to whom. date. andoodrass otdeUverJ .. 2. D RESTRICTED DEliVERY........................... 'The ffslrk;l6d dBJlwry fu ~ elIafged lIladd;t/oll fOllI,returnrec..-ipltet.) ~$' --'-$ -$ TOTAL $ 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: SAUL MILLMAN 435 HIGHWOOD ROAD ARTltlE NUMBER .' 4. TYPE ~f SERVICE: lCXREGISTERED DCERTlflED DEXPRESS M,~IL : (A1wa~. ott.ln .Ign.ture 01 .ddre.... or .g.nl) I have received - the article described SIGNATURE DAddressllO (j/fJ2. 1 DINSURED DCOD f\'?>~ 044C7 Authorlzed agent :..J ,::~. , POSTMARK (m3ybeOllrevorseslde) :D '!!l c: .:D Z 7 UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: 7a. EM~'S :D . - I I ~ ____d'''' _H ,'''' LJ1: -' <ll ." . SENDBl: Complete Rams 1. 2. 3. and 4. o Add your address In the "RETURN TO" 3. space on revsrse. - ~ (CONSULT POSTMAStER FOR FEES) ~ 1. Th8:foIIowIng stMce Is requested (check one). -< =. i """S1IowlOwI1on1anddata_ ............... N 0 S1Iow 10 wI1on1. data, and _ 01 deIIWly .. 2. DRESTRICTEDDELNERV........................... /TIIf_-,"~chIrp<<IlIl- . .........._,..) .-, , , TOTAL I 3. ARTICLE AOORES5Bl TO: JANET MILLMAN 435 HIGHWOOD ROAD ARTICLE NUMBER ,;..- 4. E lDeeGISTERED DCERTIRID D EXPRESS MAIL (Ahnys obtltnstgnatull 01 addrlUle or IgtRtl I.........._thearllde~. S!6NATURE DAdd~ /\Aulhll<Ized agenl . ~l.iM - '.,/ LUC/} ,~ 5. Of 0 DINSUllED DCOD f\ 330'-1'/..5'1/0 POSTMARK tnyllelAl'MI'$OsId8) .. 2 .. z 7. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: .. In n In :ii 11 GPO: 1982-319-693 . . TEL. 765-1802 o. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 RE: SAUL MILLMAN and JANET MILLMAN District 1000, Section 054.00, Block 07.00, Lot 023.007 Dates of Inspection: July 16, 1986 2:30 P.M. RESULTS OF INSPECTION: 1. Building just sitting on loose cement blocks with no cement between joints - improper footing. 2. Chimney is not properly supported. 3. Gable ends are wide open, no woodsheathing or studs. 4. Plywood is nailed to the rafters, no protection from this material for over 2 years. The plywood is rotting and so are the rafters. Due to exposure to weather elements rafters have deteriorated. 5. Inside rotten and wet. 6. property is not fenced and is open to the public. No work has been done on this building in over two years. Permit was revoked on December 11, 1985. I, Curtis W. Horton do hereby deem this building a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, aban- donment, making this an unsafe building. BECOMMENDATIONS: I hereby order this building be made safe and secure or be removed. This work shall start within 10 days and he completed in 30 days. You cannot make this building safe and secure or remove it until you obtain the necessary building permits. (]~~ 7/~ . . . . October or Earlv November 1984: Mr. Millman moved building to Hortons Lane, Southold with no permit. (Building sits on cement blocks) November 9. 1984: Permit issued for building as a secondary structure to be used as a storage shed or garage. November 9. 1985: Letters written to Town Board Members concerning state of this building. (Copies attatched) December 5, 1985: Received letters from Supervisor Murphy stating that Building Dept. is aware of the problem and will take care of it. (Copies attatched) From November 1985 until June 1986 (7 Months) I have been into the Building Dept. at least once a month asking about progress on this matter. Every time I went in I was assured that it was being taken care of by Mr. Lessard, while nothing was being done. June 3. 1986: Mr. Lessard advises me that on Friday, June 6, 1986 unsafe building procedures will definitely be started by Mr. Horton. June 6. 1986: Mr. Horton advises me that unsafe building procedures may not be started that day and he wants to try Section 45 first. June 13. 1986: Spoke to Mr. Murphy about finding out what was really happening with the Millman property, and was told that he would get back to me. June 18. 1986: In Mr. Murphys outer office in front of Mrs. Hogan, Mr. Lessard tells me that all papers have been given to Mr. Lark for con- demnation procedures. August 11, 1986: Went to Building Dept. to find out progress on condemna- tion. Building Dept. secretaries advised me to call Mr. Larks office, since they knew nothing about it. August 14, 1986: Spoke with Marylou from Mr. Larks office and was told that the name and problem did not ring a bell but sqe would look into it further. August 15. 1986: Morning: Curt Horton tells me everything is being taken care of and that they know all about the problem in Mr. Larks office. . . August 15. 1986: Afternoon: Mr. Larks office calls and tells me they know nothing about the problem and have no paperwork on Mr. Millmans property. Au~ust 18, 1986: Spoke to Mr. Horton and he assures me he will find out the problem in Mr. Larks office by Friday. August 22, 1986. Au~ust 22. 1986: Absolutely ~ satisfaction, Mr. Horton has found out nothing. Spoke to Mr. Murphy about going before the Town Board, since I can get no satisfaction from the Building Dept. Au~ust 26. 1986: Meeting with Town Board, 10:30 a.m. r ~ ....-. " . . _ -.-........;,.,;. ,.:,,:/! -____._ -,..". I --~ , ~ . j..... ["".',0 " :: '-'.-:-----:-' ~!O"2J J I ~ ~? If'i'" . "'", , u Ie IIU;(,....-:-:--. ' :1 I ('If/t;rn rfa/'rU . '~I 1...1 Tl. ,0 .) 6 in:: '~"".1 ')'? 'cr';;, . II. '-'(j Ubh<.,L- L(~ (,. . ;! nUV ,-' "- 1....0...; - '11k u ~~tn'". It~l;nW}( juo:~ /' row-we ,- I"U . ., . v ._~~ o ~JpltR /;tc~{Ja.d'::f~, f <1.. ~ . .,7 r (j. Uu- a..&1<</ Oyt -to -Pfu ~V- vV'1 (S71 /() A,(/" "r>kt. rJ') ).1'1/1 tc^-~ h.(~t,(/I.L ()/"'-r-.n' U .. b y "-J ~ ~1'lE fd~/J-~ ad u~ oz; 7FlA I /11 ~(!Awt -.b ov<-eLd tfYl It tfV!cm t MlZ J,:{ JAJ W1'l ~ JJn~ (/IAt.( cl fi<-.Lp; f JfY'-~1 ~~Ii cvJ-t;t, UUtILJ' .-01. t~ rLM- cjii ~1 ,ft O?~, ::1. 7 Ai.d4 .~l t;;li.vt, . is {Il Ob..eA Q. Q..<:O~ /l1 (!k) Cu~ ~ cTZ 0., 6~/L .~~J ---f{ u-J ?.(une ./to .~17 ( 4JYHe~ vC."l/vL5<f./J r..(.{/t .nivLe... . '. w Q-~~r ~~) --I!&11c/ (5Urf1:YL ,==.3 vVULn,.jJ~ -f.J~~ h k p+/. ^ -I(j f/rI1-l-(UVlCr d/ CJ7lZ a.i.7C>-L-<1 ,/-3 I --~/JL fJ.YJ~{;2.1 I ...Ii! (( /i) )~. Cj\.v~f~JI. 1;, L ~:~>J~ ~~'-b. C cr-n-"<~r . ~~~r.~~? ,{V -\1\ I ;..'J..i~ n-":" (/.s.;; 0'';''''''''." . "~,,~ ";~"" ., ..~<' ~ ::J :::':.-.iI, _ .-",:" . ,:.- ~&...... '-j ~ ;,: (_""~(~h "__ :.-; , OFFICE bSF: T~.":E.~'~:'.~~RVISOR '~'?? ':: ),. -.;;/.- ... '.:y' ....: -,,~ ~ -,,~).) TOWN bF SOUJ'HOLD ~.. ., ..4 "c;v '-"l,.,,-,./ <~ . . FRANCIS J. MURPHY SuPERVISOR MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (5161 765., 939 December 5, 1985 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Conway Hortons Lane Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Conway: I am in receipt of your letter in reference to the Mobile Home on Horton's Lane. I have discussed this problem with our Building Admin- istrator, Mr. Victor Lessard, and he has informed me that the owners permit has expired and he's been notified that he is to come into the Building Department. Hopefully, this matter will be finalized in the very near future. Thank you for bringing this matter to may attention and for your interest and concern. FJM: jmr cc: V. Lessard yours, Murphy .. .- ~~ ~-r:r~r~;;J-(io ~~"A.t..---- ..,,... '''. -'--~':_""'~'~"'\''''''''''':: ....... ~.' -- -". _.....,..._._~ , . ." ;,0/ :: 7 !S35 j 1 U :'1___ ;j I 70\....I/;IJ Cp;':: 1-.' , . -.4i.-:J .....vuJilOLD ~,"~'> , ',../, ~".".-..,. yfit::".' , ^ lJ.. ,r.J.J2d/j .1 .; , f}:.c.:,)},-k~<L pi! . I'J / ~ ,1 - --.--7 .' ~~u.-d~ /~-,,-,~ J ~<:Y ; ;J k::rn~ , ~~p V]/"f1L--- ~ (J-d- ~'2.U ,p.u-{rz;{ 7) 0 ( y! c:JJid!ct / ~c- / u-JLt ~ cr ~ If -1-) ..0 !riL.- r-m~L- ,0. .}; .c0'-L ./ , , , IJ- ,L-... L...:L~ .\ ---rf- /~ ,i....- " /". ' t~"l-Lij1.. '1 -'-1. ~'Ci... <:,-1;) / ci 0; /) Z LC')~<,{jC,-"l,( ,- /1 '..J { ...-i---" UJ;--''-'1 . v<-.~~C.!-- t'Vl-2-J (S 'J (: ~f f[)' t1 ~'-- \ d- lavv{;""-. . ~. :: # :0 '_~____J-'-'.~";;) i;~"r:"1-......' ~ .- . f; ., " ...... .-, e._,,~... .....'\...,.....- ./J C~,. . f i ..../---"...,@?-^--- c.Y...,..<Y , ./) . r; I) ~~l.'!V! &L -'-- /")/'1 ,y/ tJl . L . i .' 1--, ' " -\,..C,...'-""\, /::0/U/v(...' /tL ;:, ,,() , (2.-~ t~-1 ."'\ I: ''--.1. j. C)-C \i . . FRANCIS J. MUR~HY suPE RVISOR MAIN ROAO SOUTHOLO. L.I.. N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1S00 (516) 765.1939 December 5, 1985 Mr. Robert L: Corwin Jennings Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Corwin: I am in receipt of your letter in reference to the Mobile Home on Horton's Lane in Southold. I have discussed this problem with our Building Adminis- trator, Mr. victor Lessard, and found out that the permit has expired and the owner has been notified to come into the Build- ing Department. Mr. Lessard is well aware of the situation and will take care of the problem. Hopefully, this matter will be finalized in the very near future. Thank you for your cooperation, interest and concern. FJM: jmr cc: .v. Lessard yours, Murphy . . \ November 21, -'"" 1985 Southold Town Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 D rn: (f: & [iW'/E '"I iilJV 21 '!!5 tn I I'U TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Dear Members of the Town Board: I am writing this letter in reference to the building on the Millman property on Hortons Lane, Southold. Since I have been unable to get any satisfaction from the Building Dept. on this matter I have been ad- vised to notify the Town Board for action. In October or early November of 1986 Mr. Millman moved a building to his property on Hortons Lane. After moving the building I was informed by a member of the Building Dept. that this move was made without a permit. Then on November 9, 1984 a permit was issued for the building as a second- ary structure to be used as a storage shed or garage. When we complain- ed to the Building Dept. we were told that Mr. Millman had one year to put up a primary structure in front of the structure he has there now, even though they were aware the structure was an eyesore. Approximately 2-3 days before Mr. Millmans' permit was to have run out I returned to the Building Dept. to bring the matter to the attention of Mr. Lessard. I was told by Mr. Lessard that since Mr. Millman had not even started the primary structure yet he would either have to renew and pay for a new permit or get rid of the building. I returned again to the Building Dept. on the 19th of November to see if anything had been done or had changed on Mr. Millmans' permit. I was then told by a mem- ber of the Building Dept. that they were very backed up and hadn't yet gotten in touch with Mr. Millman. When I asked them when they thought they would be able to get to it they informed me that maybe by the end of the week they would have things caught up and that it would be some- time after that, but that they were not going to push it. The surrounding neighbors and I have been concerned about this problem for over a year. Mr. Millmans' building is indeed an eyesore, a dis- grace, and moreover dangerous, as it appears to be sitting only on ce- ment blocks. If you are not familiar with this situation already, I am requesting that you view it and then make a decision. I would appreciate hearing from you in the near future. I can be reached at 765-5680. Sincerely Yours, j{1\..L ~..J o..L-~~ Lori E. Salmon "'- - . . FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR' MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD. L.I.. N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765.1800 (516) 765-1939 " December 5, 1985 Mrs. Lori E. Salmon Hortons Lane Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mrs. Salmon: I am in receipt of your letter in reference to the building on the Millman property on Hortons Land, Southold. -- I have discussed this problem with our Building Administrator, Mr. Victor Lesszrd, and found out that his permit has expired and the owner has been notified to come into the building Depart- ment. Mr. Lessard is well aware of the situation and will take care of the problem. Hopefully, this matter will be finalized in the very near future. Thank you for your cooperation, interest and concern. FJM: jmr cc: V. Lessard