HomeMy WebLinkAboutMattituck Shores Associates Town Clerli . ......... , ......... ....., . . TEL. 765-1802 " TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECfOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 February 19, 1982 , -" Southold Town Board Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Unsafe Buildings, Chapter 90 Gentlemen: This is to report the status of the buildings which were in violation of the Unsafe Buildings Ordinance, Chapter 90. Nicholas Schick (Orient Point Inn). Area has been cleared, fence erected. Building has not been shored up yet. Harold Reese & Frederick Reese (Mallard Inn). Some win- dows have been boarded up. Porch has not been cleared away or shored up yet. I do not approve of the way that the windows are boarded up. Mattituck Shores Association. dwelling on Oregon Road & buildlng on Sound View Avenue. Both of these buildings have been removed to my satisfaction. Anastasios Parianos (cellar hole, Sigsbee Road). Area has been fenced in and he has applied to us for a Building Permit to build a new dwelling. Simeone & Macari (burned out dwelling, Bergen Avenue). Building has been removed and cellar area filled in. Cutchogue Joint Venture, Main Rd., Cutchogue. Heard from Mr. Kessler and he requested a 30 day extension of this order. Yesterday I received a phone call from a Mr. Barry D. Pincus. He informed me that Serpentine Real Estate Corp. had just pur- chased the property. They (Serpentine R. E. Corp.) requested an extension of time. I granted them until 11:00 o'clock, April 20, 1982. I have enclosed their letter which explains the situation. . ~ RECEIVED HB 1 9 1982 . . T~ CleIl( ~outhold TOIm Board 2/19/82 Unsafe Buildings, Chap. 90 Page 2 Marlake Associates (unsafe dwelling, North Road, Cutchogue). I have been in touch with a Mr. I. S. Friedman of Marlake Asso- ciates. He said that the problem will be taken care of. The dwelling has been sold and will be moved away by mid April. I gave them until 11:15 o'clock A.M., April 20, 1982 to accomp- lish this. A letter in regard to this is enclosed. Very truly yours, (!~t:; 1'(?I~ Curtis W. Horton Building Inspector CWH:ec Enclosures -- ; ..... '" _"":"-"'"'1.0:' :~, ... '~"l:". .;''''"' ,,~,~',W;:"''''''.;, a.......' ;.-' ."l......--'"~._~;;j,:;\.:iII .{.,,':... . . , The Southold Town Board made the following decision on January 19, 1982 in the matter of Mattituck Shores Associates, Unsafe Building Hearing: WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board held a hearing at 11:30 A.M., January 19, 1982 in the matter of Notice to 1mttituck Shores Associates pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold relative to two structures located on the southerly side of Sound View Avenue, Mattituck, New York, which have been determined to be structurally unsafe and dangerous by Building Inspector Curtis W. Horton, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that as a result of said hearing on January 19, 1982, the Southold Town Board agrees with Building Inspector Horton that the house and the barracks building owned by Mattituck Shores Associates on the southerly side of Sound View Avenue, Mattituck, New York are unsafe and dangerous and as such constitute a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation and abandonment. In particular, large sections of the roof of the house have been removed, windows and dooras have been removed and are broken, sections of standing walls have been removed leaving the interior of the building exposed to the elements and there are numerous holes in the floors. Large sections of the roof of the barracks building have been removed, windows and doors have been removed leaving the interior of the building exposed to the elements and there are numerous holes in the floors, and be it further RESOLVED that within 30 days from the date of the hearing, January 19, 1982, the buildings must be demolished and the debris removed, and the foundation hole filled in. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. . . . , . . HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD 11:30 A.M., TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1982, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, "UNSAFE BUILDINGS", RE: MATTITUCK SHORES ASSOCIATES. Present: Supervisor William R. Pell, III Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman Francis J. Murphy Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Justice Raymond W. Edwards * * * Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Special Attorney Richard F. Lark SUPERVISOR PELL: Mr. Horton, raise your right hand. Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give will be the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? MR. CURTIS W. HORTON: I do. SUPERVISOR PELL: Have a seat, please. Mr. Lark, is anybody here representing Mattituck Shores Associates? SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: I was told by Mr. Horton as I walked into the hearing room that Howard Wells a contractor in Mattituck, would be here on behalf of the owners, Mattituck Shores. SUPERVISOR PELL: Mr. Wells is here. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: I don't know who the principles are except that it is on the tax rolls as Mattituck Shores Associates. SUPERVISOR PELL: Continue, Mr. Lark. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: inspector, did you have Shores in Mattituck? Mr. Horton, in your capacity as the building occasion to inspect property owned by Mattituck MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Not all the Board members might be familiar-- could you tell the Board where this property is. Just start off and explain to them where it's at. MR. HORTON: The first place is on Oregon Road, just opposite, off Mill Lane. It's a burned out tenant house, I guess, pretty well all burned out and everything else. We have a letter here from the Mattituck Fire Department requesting something be done. The other building, on the same piece of property, which I think was all referred to as the old firing point or old barracks building or what- ever it was up there, was burnt in one section and there were several , PAGE 2 - UNSAFE B~DING - MATTI TUCK SHORES AttOCIATES fires up there and now it's beyond repair, in dispair, because it's collapsed, holes have been kicked in the walls and everything else. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Are these buildings, are they on a larger tract of land? MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: What would you describe the larger tract of land? MR. HORTON: Well, it's a tract of land that extends from Oregon Road to Soundview Avenue. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And is it farm land? MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Is it a working farm today? MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Are these buildings presently occupied? MR. HORTON: No. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: In your capacity as building inspector, you caused an inspection to be done on December 18th, 1981? MR. HORTON: Yes, I did. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And could you specifically tell the Board what you found as a result of your inspection? MR. HORTON: The tenant house on Oregon Road is completely gone. I have several pictures here. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: When you say gone, be a little more specific. MR. HORTON: It is burnt throughout. The roof is all charred. It's just charred rafters up there and like that. They made no attempt to repair this or anything else, it's just what you called a burned out building, 100% destroyed. The other building up there on Sound- view Avenue--- SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Is that what you refer to as the barracks? MR. HORTON: The barracks. The west section has been burned and it dropped and the rafters are laying there, the trusses and like that and the other section is still standing. Now, I have been in--the man, Mr. Conston has written us a letter and he has also called Mr. Fisher and he tells us he has hired a contractor to remove both these buildings. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Now, as a result of the inspection, did you PAGE 3 - UNSAFE B~DING - MATTI TUCK SHORES AttOCIATES cause a Notice to be sent to the owner? MR. HORTON: Yes, I did. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And how did you determine who the owner was of this property? MR. HORTON: By our tax rolls. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And do you have copies of the Notice and the Affidavit where you did send it? MR. HORTON: Yes, I do. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: What you handed me was a Notice dated December 18th with an Affidavit of Service saying that you served and posted it on that day, is that correct? MR. HORTON: Yes. (Notice, Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold to: Mattituck Shores Associates, c/o H. Conston, dated December 18, 1981, was entered as the Town's Exhibit I. Affidavit of Service by Mail & Posting, The Town of Southold against Mattituck Shores Associa- tes, signed by Curtis W. Horton and sworn to on December 31, 1981 was entered as the Town's Exhibit II.) SUPERVISOR PELL: Mr. Lark, you are doing both hearings at the same time? SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: There are two buildings on one property and we are doing both of them as one application. On the 18th of December, did you have cause to take any pictures of this house and this building? MR. HORTON: Yes, I did. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Do you have them with you? MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Give me the ones with the house first, Mr. Horton, so we don't get confused with the records. As I understood, Mr. Horton, the house is on the southerly portion of this tract of land, whereas what you refer to as the barracks is on the northerly toward the Sound, is that correct? MR. HORTON: Correct. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: So the property runs from Oregon Road toward Long Island Sound. Now, the two pictures that you are giving me, which I'll have introduced as Exhibit III, are of the burned our house that you referred to? MR. HORTON: That's correct. PAGE 4 - UNSAFE B~ING - MATTITUCK SHORES A4ItOCIATES (Two photographs dated December 18, 1981 were entered into the record as the Town's Exhibit III.--the house.) SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Do you have pictures of this barracks building you described in your notice and that you just talked about? MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: You've just handed me two photos--- MR. HORTON: They're not the best. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: But this is what you told about of roofing collapsed and stuff like that, this is what you're trying to show in the photographs? This is of the barracks building? MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And both these photographs which will be Exhibit IV, and Exhibit III fairly and accurately represent what you saw there on December 18th? MR. HORTON: Yes. (Two photographs dated December 18, 1981 were entered into the record as the Town's Exhibit IV.--the barracks.) SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: As a result of your inspection of the property on December 18th, did you make a determination as to the condition--as to the buildings condition as involves the structural safety? MR. HORTON: Yes, I did. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Let's take the house on the southerly portion which is subject to fire. What was your determination about that? MR. HORTON: It was definitely unsafe. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And let's talk about the barracks which is on the northerly portion. MR. HORTON: Same conditions. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: That the building is structurally unsafe? MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Now, you said that you received complaints from Mattituck Fire Department, is that correct? MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Do you have a copy of that complaint? PAGE 5 - UNSAFE B8IlDING - MATTITUCK SHORES AttOCIATES MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And this was a copy of a letter that was received by you from a Mr. Harrison of the fire department? MR. HORTON: It was sent to our Building Department. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And that is dated November 28, 1981? MR. HORTON: Correct. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And it was in response to this letter that you started to do your inspections of the property? MR. HORTON: Correct. (Letter from the Mattituck Fire Department, John C. Harrison, dated November 28, 1981 was entered in the record as the Town's Exhbiit V.) SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: You also say that the owner sent you a letter. Do you have a copy of that letter? MR. HORTON: I do. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: I think that will be helpful to the Board. Is that the original letter? MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Now, this letter is dated December 22nd, is that correct? MR. HORTON: Correct. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: This letter was sent in response to the Notice that you had mailed out on the 18th of December, is that right? MR. HORTON: Correct. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: he realizes he will be the house? This is the letter wherein he says that away but he has every intention of removing MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Have you had any discussions with this owner Mr. Conston concerning when he would remove these structures? MR. HORTON: All I know is--I didn't talk to him directly. He wrote this here and then he called the Building Department. I was not in and he talked to Mr. Fisher. He said he intended to remove these structures. In had, in the meantime, found out Mr. Wells here had called me on Sunday and wanted to know what he had to do up to the different jobs to remove and what had to be done. He wanted to know PAGE 6 - UNSAFE BtIlDING - MATTI TUCK SHORES AtltOCIATES about the slab up there. I told him the slab did not have to be removed, if they wanted to build on it or something like that some day, because it is a beautiful cement slab and there is no reason to remove the slab, it is not a danger. He was also asking about the chimney up there and I said the chimney didn't have to be removed, that could be a landmark, because if anybody has ever been up there and looked at this chimney, it is solid, it's not going to fall down. Made like the Rock of Gibralter. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Board, which I am going by the landower of your to do something? But that letter that I just handed to the to mark as Exhibit VI, is an acknowledgement Notice and the conversation that he intended MR. HORTON: Correct. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Now, since the time you sent the Notice until today, have you inspected the property again? MR. HORTON: Yes, I have. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: When? MR. HORTON: Several times. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: When was the last time you inspected it? MR. HORTON: Yesterday morning. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And yesterday morning had anything been done? MR. HORTON: No. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: So the only acknowledgement other than conversations you might have had with Mr. Wells who is going to talk in a minute, is with this letter that the owner acknowledged it and planned sometime in the future to do something about it, is that correct? MR. HORTON: Correct. (Letter from Henry S. Conston, dated December 22, 1981, to the Town of Southold, Office of Building Inspector, Attn: Mr. Curtis W. Horton, was entered in the record as the Town's Exhibit VI.) SPECIAL ATTORNEY LkRK: And did you take any pictures yesterday when you were at the buildings? MR. HORTON: Yes, I did. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Are there any different exposures than you had before? Which is the burned out house? (Mr. Horton indicated.) (Photograph dated January 18, 1982, 11:15, front of building, Oregon Road was entered in the record as the Town's Exhibit VII.) PAGE 7 - UNSAFE B8IlDING - MATTITUCK SHORES A~OCIATES (Photograph dated January 18, 1982, 11:25, inside, Soundview Avenue was entered in the record as the Town's Exhibit VIII.) SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: so on and so forth you of these buildings? And as a result of these inspections and had made the determination as to the safety MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And could you tell us what that determination is? MR. HORTON: The house needs to be removed and the foundation filled in like that. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: In your opinion, is that structurally unsafe? MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Is the property in any way fenced? MR. HORTON: No. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Okay, now let's talk about the barracks building. Have you rendered an opinion as to the structural condition of that building? MR. HORTON: Yes, it is structurally unsafe too. conditions I would like to see done. There is a right next to it, a pump house I guess, needs a no one will be running into that. If they tear and leave the slab there and the chimney there, fine. There are several cement block building door put on it so down this building everything will be SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And is that property where this barracks building is, is that fenced? MR. HORTON: No. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: It's not secured in any way? MR. HORTON: No. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: I have no other questions at this time. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Councilman Murdock. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Was not that barracks building the scene of a recent fire that's under investigation? MR. HORTON: Correct. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I was going to ask you if you had inspected that cement block building also, because I do feel that as part of this hearing it should be closed solidly. PAGE 8 - UNSAFE BtIlDING - MATTITUCK SHORES A~OCIATES MR. HORTON: That's what I think too. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Where is this cement block building in relationship to the barracks building? MR. HORTON: Just a little bit to the northeast of it. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: What is it, an accessory building? MR. HORTON: Yes. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: What does it contain, if you know? MR. HORTON: I really don't know. I think it used to be a pump house. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Oh, a pump house for the barracks? COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: In the last recent years that I used to rent stall space up there, I kept a horse in the so-called barracks building and at one time they had kept horses in that cement block building also. That's the last use I know of it. It has been used as a stable. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: How long ago was that? COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Five years or a period, of somewheres--I lost track of exactly when it had stopped being used as a stable, but five years ago I rented a portion of that barracks. But of course it has been abandoned and the big problem is it is a subject of arson. That attracts people as most all of these abandoned buildings do and now it has gotten to the point where they're setting them on fire. SUPERVISOR PELL: Would any other Councilman like to ask Mr. Horton anything while he's on the stand? (No response.) SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Mr. Wells, do you have anything you would like to ask Mr. Horton? MR. HOWARD WELLS: No. SUPERVISOR PELL: Mr. Wells, do you represent the owner? MR. WELLS: I guess so. SUPERVISOR PELL: Mr. Wells, please stand and raise your right hand. Do you swear that the testimony that you are about to give will be the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? MR. WELLS: I do. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Have a seat and bring us up to date. MR. WELLS: I received telephone confirmation of the job maybe two weeks ago. I had some excavating work to finish up and I planned to get at it as soon as possible. " PAGE 9 - UNSAFE BtltDING - MATTI TUCK SHORES A4ItOCIATES SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Tell the Board what you were hired to do. MR. WELLS: Demolish the buildings. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Both of them? MR. WELLS: Both. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: And you agreed to do that? MR. WELLS: Yes. I didn't know there was a time limit on it. But with a demolition job you wait until you can't dig anymore and the last few days have been so cold I won't run a machine in less than 20 degrees. The one house on Oregon Road we can have out i- about half a day. The other one maybe two days. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: When would you contemplate on doing this work, Mr. Wells? MR. WELLS: Can you guarantee the weather? I could do it tomorrow if the weather-- SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: I mean if you got a break in the weather. I understand. It's about a three day jOb from what you are telling us. MR. WELLS: If I got a break in the weather it will be done this week. SUPERVISOR PELL: Let me just clarify this. You were engaged by the owner Mr. Conston to demolish and clean up both buildings and you will do that as soon as the weather permits? MR. WELLS: Right. SUPERVISOR PELL: ask Mr. Wells? Any Councilmen have anything they would like to Mr. Murdock. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Is that take down and remove or just take down? MR. WELLS: And remove. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: I do have one question on behalf of the Town. The subject came of this accessory building which was maybe used as a pump house. Did the owner talk to you about that or have you looked at that? MR. WELLS: No, as far as I know there was no sticker nor no complaint on that. It might need a door but otherwise I think it's safe. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Is that your assessment of it? MR. HORTON: It needs a door put on it, closed up. MR. WELLS: It's a cement block building and has a good roof on it. It should have a door. PAGE 10 - UNSAFE ~LDING - MATTITUCK SHORES~SOCIATES SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: Other than that, the building appears to be in good shape? MR. WELLS: I think so. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: But the other one you are going to remove? MR. WELLS: Yes. SUPERVISOR PELL: Councilman Murdock. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: it upon yourself to this contract? Do you think the owner would object if you took secure that opening in that building as part of MR. WELLS: No. He wouldn't object if I was to do it for nothing. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I wouldn't object if you did work for me for nothing either, but--- MR. WELLS: If there is a door there I can nail it on. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I think the door has been removed. It would probably require a piece of plywood. MR. WELLS: There might be a piece on the other building. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: efforts a little bit from being called. If you would, while you are there, extend your in that direction it might keep another hearing SUPERVISOR PELL: Coun dlman Nickles. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I was just going to raise the question--I don't think that building is part of the issue. SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: No, that wasn't subject to his inspection. This just came up during the course of the hearing and I just thought maybe to clarify it, just to find out what the condition was to prevent anything in the future. But you're correct, it's not per se the subject. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: And because the door is open and the building is in sound condition doesn't necessarily mean that it's an unsafe build- ing. We can't assume all the liabilities for private property in this can we? Howard, how much time do you need to do this, what do you call a reasonable length of time? MR. WELLS: half day. to salvage As I say, we can have that down and out in less than a The other one--there's not that much material but I hope some. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I'm trying to find out from you--do you need 30 days as a reasonable length of time allowing for vagaries of the weatherman and so forth? Or two weeks or what would you say is a reasonable length of time to accomplish what you've been asked to to do? I PAGE 11 - UNSAFE B~ILDING - MATTI TUCK SHORES ASSOCIATES MR. WELLS: I'd like to see thirty days. That should give us some time for decent weather. SUPERVISOR PELL: The January thaw is going to come. man have anything they would like to ask Mr. Wells? Any summation by either party? Any Council- (No response.) SPECIAL ATTORNEY LARK: I don't think so. to take them down, it's just a question of you want to give them to do it. I think they're going time, how much, if any SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. The Board will make a decision before the day is up I hope. Thank you, Mr. Wells. * * * ~cUd~~~ Judith T. Terry 0' Southold Town Clerk The Southold Town Board made the following decision on January 19, 1982 in the matter of Mattituck Shores Associates, Unsafe Building Hearing: WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board held a hearing at 11:30 A.M., January 19, 1982 in the matter of Notice to Mattituck Shores Associates pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold relative to two structures located on the southerly side of Sound View Avenue, Mattituck, New York, which have been determined to be structurally unsafe and dangerous by Building Inspector Curtis W. Horton, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that as a result of said hearing on January 19, 1982, the Southold Town Board agrees with Building Inspector Horton that the house and the barracks building owned by Mattituck Shores Associates on the southerly side of Sound View Avenue, Mattituck, New York are unsafe and dangerous and as such constitute a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation and abandonment. In particular, large sections of the roof of the house have been removed, windows and dooras have been removed and are broken, sections of standing walls have been removed leaving the interior of the building exposed to the elements and there are numerous holes in the floors. Large sections of the roof of the barracks building have been removed, windows and doors have been removed leaving the interior of the building exposed to the elements and there are numerous holes in the floors, and be it further RESOLVED that within 30 days from the date of the hearing, January 19, 1982, the buildings must be demolished and the debris removed, and the foundation hole filled in. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Edwards, Councilman Townsend, Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. . . ~ .".~ '. .~ \~ Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL SLHISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 'of: January 27, 1982 Mr. Curtis W. Horton Building Inspector Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Horton: The Southold Town Board made the following decision with relation to the Unsafe Building hearing held in the matter of Mattituck Shores Association on January 19, 1982: Within 30 days from the date of the hearing, the buildings must be demolished and the debris removed, and the foundation hole filled in. Very truly yours, ~~7. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk . , . . HENRY S. CONSTON 21 FLOWER LANE KINGS POINT, N. Y. 11024 Town of Southold Office of Building Inspector TownHall P. O. Box 728 Southold, L.I.,N.Y. 11971 Attn: Mr. Curtis W. Horton December 22/ 1981 Re: Mattituck Shores Associates Dear Mr. Horton, I acknowledge receipt of your notice dated December 18, 1981, which requires me to remove certain structures from the property. Under item B., you refer to a house and a "barracks building". Does the reference to the "barracks building" mean the barn facing the southern side of Soundview Avenue? I have every intention of removing the house which, I know, has been in bad condition for some time. I have not, however, been aware that there is a problem with any building on the property and intend to visit the property as soon as I can to inspect it. In view of the fact that I am planning a two-week trip and since I do not live close to the property, I would appreciate having a reasonable extension to complete the work. I would expect to be able to take care of the matter by the end of March by which time I ex- pect the problems of inclement winter weather to be over. Very truly yours, HSC:cn tcyl ~,<//&~/L) nY1 :; / /..)- ~'t~ t!:d~:e4C l7T Chief NORMAN A. REILLY SR. 298-8692 . . Secretary JOHN A. KEOGH "/_____k.,,) , ~-. \L.... . !1"J~.-<,.?-, , ., f9s~~~ISO~N ~" /. '/ .1,' . / 5- ,'\ .---- j of . ':R cr', JYY " ~ ~~' -"" <Jt1 ~It~./;/'pl"vl ) /,-C1\~ATTITUCK IRE DEPARTMENT 'I, '( I ~ ~ / 1--::: P.O. Box 13 Phone 298.8833 \ lY 1~(tI"1J.'6(\'\ 1p1J.i' 4 . Wickha Avenue and Pike Street .J. I" A'L et}J- v ;:'Y: a. / ~ MAT. ITUCK, N.Y. 11952 ~jV ~/J" Q vrr' R/"'~' '\ , .1\ q 1 \..t: q \,\~ ~H (") I (l..fuYl t~tJ" 'f??' C~A' )/..rfI At' -;// ~4:I ~-^I II", Mt 1=i ~ei. ' ) --- \~\') \~ 1"'0. 1t4A:>.el--'\ '-<""'-' c::.t::: N-t..T AA\J€' PIV...IA.L.~'-\. O~l\?o<.\d) 61 l t:l1'JT~'c:::T. o-..l t-l04l:M(X){. lOui-..I::lil".J,,^S \A,1J! I '<fa I l=',1Zk 1\.lE DIN i'-l(;r lJ..i\\,llt-J'=t p"J "-ALl b.. T i\.tE' CAt--iP TrHlUrer THOMAS WOODHULL : .~-"' Sergeant-at-Arm. FRANK TYLER, Ch8PIoln CARL E. STELZER ~c..r~ 28,''18\ cT.-;! (~r -J~ 119j~1; '1\1....1<:>. ~~...E f:1~-::' l~ 1\+E: iAA;irll\X..lC... .f t)O'l'ta'lt!) r; t>. 1=1& ::1)1.Po,)J) ~~b:::It. 1I11\~) FAClulv\ Ot-J I2'OC' O.J:.:~ '-JOIl~e.\.lZ Z"li I ,'\e.l A.F'\~ . b. ~ E:L.TlcN l3u CJ..l~~ 6i= t.. \b"\'-I:>Ir--l~ 0...... 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",. ~:'-~"";"~~~~"!S'~~:~:-~:-:::~'=:=:7~:I;';J-C'~'tW,~~~~ I I [ IN 5" d -<.... .:}J- -rl ! fj - [I ;L , 'J --- I tl.~J .' t./ ,j ,,~r~~: V, ._~...-v' 1";; , n\f'(. ~ - - - ~ -- -- -.----' r 7- r'fig 'Y, !J .J:' I . iJ'. . l.. ;;. ~~. ,"y : /J i . / //' ./ .~, I. r../ II /J , '. ,";. J /). t't . ~I " ~ if;' I,j o r.~ t. CJ.,(I....n , (~.. -- , J [ r:...... l~i 1'/1 i. / L, I ~ ,'/ / ~~,,'t- IY - ,/1'IIR.:l- . II) '0 r"; {:. / ~I- ~ .'~; / r~' ~~~E- fI,p r \ r i," , ."; F~' (".- (...'j".. 1/;, y.:./ r~/~2lL '/1'11'~. , [J '-':/ "1 _ .(" -C ; --v / 'Zl.. ~~4"t!~.11L- Y,,/F.. --- --- '- . . - - - - - - - - - - - - -x THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD against AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL & POSTING ~~TTITUCK SHORES ASSOCIATES - - - - - - - - - -X STATE OF NEW YORK: ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: CURTIS W. HORTON, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Deponent is a Building Inspector of the Town of Southold, is over the age of 18 years, and resides at Mason Drive, Cutchogue, New York. 2. On the 18th day of December, 1981, deponent served a copy of Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold (The Unsafe Building and Collapsed Structure Law of the Town of Southold) upon Mattituck Shores Associates, c/o H. Conston, 21 Flower Lane, Kings Point, New York 11024, that being the address designated by the partnership for that purpose by de- positing a true copy of same enclosed in a postpaid properly addressed wrapper in an official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the united States Postal Service at Cutchogue, New York. Said Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold was mailed to Mattituck Shores Associates by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. 3. On the 18th day of December, 1981, at J.(J. II{ deponent posted a true copy of the Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold {The Unsafe Building and Collapsed Strucutre Law of the Town of Southold in a conspicuous place ~ / ~ tp.7-Z~7~ ~J:/ // P Yf'.l- - . . . . on the premises owned by Mattituck Shores Associates located on the southerly side of Sound View Avenue, Mattituck, New York. ~/0/J~d ?i:cd/Y"l Curtis W. Horton 0- Sworn to before me this 31st. day of December, 1981. Jp.r!&;o.' , u '-, r'~:~,.:C. ~,~t(> <of t -,w York ",,,",, ~ :'1 '1:;Q6 . ~uf:oll< C~'Jnty ''';<'0 hl'i".. MM~ll 30, 19 'l~ . . TEL. 765.1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 NOTICE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date: December 18, 1981 TO: Mattituck Shores Associates c/o H. Conston 21 Flower Lane Kings Point, New York 11024 A. The last Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold shows that you are the owner of the following described premises: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being in Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument in the southerly side of Sound View Avenue where the easterly line of the hereinafter described premises and the westerly line of land now or formerly of Joseph F. Krupski inter- sects said southerly side of Sound View Avenue, said point of beginning being distant 1,384.57 feet easterly when measured along the southerly side of Sound View Avenue from the extreme easterly end of the arc of a curve connecting the said southerly side of Sound View Avenue with the easterly side of Saltaire Way as shown on Subdivision "Saltaire Estates" File No. 4682; running thence South 200 24' 40" East along las men- tioned line 99.89 feet to a monument; thence South 190 52' 30" East still along last mentioned line and pas- sing through a monument 3,715.68 feet to a pipe in the northwesterly side of Oregon Road; thence South 450 57' 20" West along the northwesterly side of Oregon Road and passing through a monument, 658.90 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of John Cybulski; thence North 180 18' 30" West along last mentioned land and passing through a post and a monument, 4,015.53 feet to a monu- ment in the southerly side of Sound View Avenue; thence North 610 51' East along the southerly side of Sound View Avenue, 495.58 feet to the monument, at the point of place of BEGINNING. J ;h~ c~L/ I YYf~ . . Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: District 1000, Section 100, Block 2, Lot 2. B. The house located on your property is structurally unsafe and dangerous and as such constitutes a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, and abandonment. In particular large sections of the roof have been removed, windows and doors have been removed and are broken, sections of standing walls have been removed leaving the interior of the building exposed to the elements and there are numerous holes in the floors. As a result of not properly fencing and securing the area around the house the same has been left exposed resulting in unauthorized persons entering the property and fires being set in or about the building. The barracks building located on your property is structurally unsafe and dangerous and as such con- stitutes a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, and abandonment. In par- ticular large sections of the roof have been removed, windows and doors have been removed leaving the in- terior of the building exposed to the elements and there are numerous holes in the floors. As a result of not properly fencing and securing the area around the barracks building, the same has been left exposed resulting in unauthorized persons entering the property and fires being set in or about the building. C. You are hereby ordered to either: demolish and remove the remains of both structures or immediately board them up in order to prevent any further deterioration and properly fence and secure the area of the property around these buildings to prevent unauthorized people from entering upon the property. After this is ac- complished, if you choose to rebuild and refurbish these buildings, you will have to obtain a Building Permit from the Southold Town Building Department. D. The above work shall commence within ten (10) days from the date of service of this notice and shall be completed within thirty (30) days thereafter. E. In the event you fail to comply with the above, a hearing will be held before the Southold Town Board concerning same at 11:30 o'clock on January 19, 1981. F. If the Southold Town Board after the aforementioned hearing shall determine that the remains of the struc- ture is unsafe or dangerous to the public, the Southold Town Board may order the remains of the structures taken down and removed. . . .. G. In the event that the remains of the structures shall be determined by the Southold Town Board to be unsafe or dangerous and in the event of your neglect or refusal to remove or correct same within the time provided, the Southold Town Board may remove such structures by whatever means it deems appropriate and assess all costs and expenses incurred by the Town of Southold in connection with the proceedings to remove and secure same, including the cost of actually removing the structures from the premises against the land on which the said structures are located. c~w 7zf~ Curt~s W. Horton Building Inspector . . - TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 NOTICE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date: December 18, 1981 TO: Mattituck Shores Associates c/o H. Conston 21 Flower Lane Kings Point, New York 11024 A. The last Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold shows that you are the owner of the following described premises: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being in Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument in the southerly side of Sound View Avenue where the easterly line of the hereinafter described premises and the westerly line of land now or formerly of Joseph F. Krupski inter- sects said southerly side of Sound View Avenue, said point of beginning being distant 1,384.57 feet easterly when measured along the southerly side of Sound View Avenue from the extreme easterly end of the arc of a curve connecting the said southerly side of Sound View Avenue with the easterly side of Saltaire Way as shown on Subdivision "Saltaire Estates" File No. 4682; running thence South 200 24' 40" East along las men- tioned line 99.89 feet to a monument; thence South 190 52' 30" East still along last mentioned line and pas- sing through a monument 3,715.68 feet to a pipe in the northwesterly side of Oregon Road; thence South 450 57' 20" West along the northwesterly side of Oregon Road and passing through a monument, 658.90 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of John Cybulski; thence North 180 18' 30" West along last mentioned land and passing through a post and a monument, 4,015.53 feet to a monu- ment in the southerly side of Sound View Avenue; thence North 610 51' East along the southerly side of Sound View Avenue, 495.58 feet to the monument, at the point of place of BEGINNING. . . Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: District 1000, Section 100, Block 2, Lot 2. B. The house located on your property is structurally unsafe and dangerous and as such constitutes a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, and abandonment. In particular large sections of the roof have been removed, windows and doors have been removed and are broken, sections of standing walls have been removed leaving the interior of the building exposed to the elements and there are numerous holes in the floors. As a result of not properly fencing and securing the area around the house the same has been left exposed resulting in unauthorized persons entering the property and fires being set in or about the building. The barracks building located on your property is structurally unsafe and dangerous and as such con- stitutes a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, and abandonment. In par- ticular large sections of the roof have been removed, windows and doors have been removed leaving the in- terior of the building exposed to the elements and there are numerous holes in the floors. As a result of not properly fencing and securing the area around the barracks building, the same has been left exposed resulting in unauthorized persons entering the property and fires being set in or about the building. C. You are hereby ordered to either: demolish and remove the remains of both structures or immediately board them up in order to prevent any further deterioration and properly fence and secure the area of the property around these buildings to prevent unauthorized people from entering upon the property. After this is ac- complished, if you choose to rebuild and refurbish these buildings, you will have to obtain a Building Permit from the Southold Town Building Department. D. The above work shall commence within ten (10) days from the date of service of this notice and shall be completed within thirty (30) days thereafter. E. In the event you fail to comply with the above, a hearing will be held before the Southold Town Board concerning same at 11:30 o'clock on January 19, 19~ F. If the Southold Town Board after the aforementioned hearing shall determine that the remains of the struc- ture is unsafe or dangerous to the public, the Southold Town Board may order the remains of the structures taken down and removed. . . G. In the event that the remains of the structures shall be determined by the Southold Town Board to be unsafe or dangerous and in the event of your neglect or refusal to remove or correct same within the time provided, the Southold Town Board may remove such structures by whatever means it deems appropriate and assess all costs and expenses incurred by the Town of Southold in connection with the proceedings to remove and secure same, including the cost of actually removing the structures from the premises against the land on which the said structures are located. c~v ~~ CurtJ.s W. Horton Building Inspector