HomeMy WebLinkAboutKoroleski, Rose (2) .' . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 RECEIVED JAN 2 91985 Town Clerlc Southold January 28, 1985 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Judith Terry, Town Clerk V ' Victor Lessard, Exec. Admin.~.~ Rose Koroleski Unsafe building has been removed. All req- uirements have been met and satisfied. File on this matter can now be closed. Charges never filed on burnt motel on Anchor Inn property, (Albert Cooke) owner informed and all removed except two loads of debris. Will com- plete today. VL:hd . . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 21, 1984 Rose Koroleski Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mrs. Koroleski: In response to your letter of November 19, 1984 requesting an extension of time on your unsafe building violation, it is the decision of the Southold Town Board not to grant such an extension, and the sixty (60) day time limit, which expires on November 25, 1984, stands for the structure to be taken down and removed from the premises. Very truly yours, ~~;r-- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: C~Horton, Building Dept. Richard F. Lark, Esq. . . . OFF "NDA - FOR DISCUSSION November 20, 1984 REC!lVm INOV 1 9 1984 /ltf(/ JC//liP; Town Cieri( SoutIIoId J; dl 7;W1\ \~~ } jRsz4 G' /~A-Q~ cI?>V ~hi~;~7 . / jv ;CN- 7A-;/U. kJ, J7L- ~I ~K -1~ I / 'J, cJJ~ / JS1--o /0 ~ {tJ -~ j",7'J ~.~. ~ V"cr J'f{ . / --KaA ~.,iir "?71':''&'; '7A.k'. d.a-zJi.... J ~7"- a-z/, ,,f (". / i' ;/ r; a ~ / /~~::: ~fi ~. ~~' -~ 1tc?' 8 cE /)-8 (l: () L 2- S /;--(J ~-+/r1J~~ /y/~~~/ ~~~ / JlIlJlTIl T. TERRY TmVN CLERK RI"(;!STRAR 01" VIIAL S'[ AilS-lies Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 27, 1984 REGISTERED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Rose Koroleski Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mrs. Koroleski: Enclosed herewith is the decision of the Southold Town Board adopted at their regular meeting held on September 25, 1984 relative to the matter of a violation of Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold by Rose Koroleski. Very truly yours, ~~~r- Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk I I I I Enclosure + j hv 111 J mr:s- .. '" ~-rg ~ > .. .. (; b ~d(S'r:P i' ~ :; m .,. II c ~ ::Sr"o .0 il .. t I i II I .. .:0: cI.. ! 1 ;; "' Customer- must declare j~ . i Ii i Ii .. i i .E Full value $ 0 51 . No Value >- '" ~~ lli ... "0 .. c Southol .- 41 ~ ~8 I '" . Judith T. Terry, !Ii ~ ! t i IF .:0:;341 DO 11 ::J :i.... :E :;; .. III Z ..- 0 outhold Town Hall, Main eQlc _I 5 .! e-;:: a:: 51-41 .. .0.. ... III i i tIlt. ",e>.:o:~ ~Ji u" c . ~ Southold New York I 0< U i I ~..! '" w .~ ~-g~"'>1lill ill i'! E~ ! ir'" I .. ;CI.. Rose KoroleskL I ~ ~ ; d ! "'~~ ijlll;3"~illlt\- ~ u 0 ~~~r; DO ~!!! Sound Avenue I ~ DO .. " .. ,,; '" .. . _ U> Mattituck, New York . -' .. RETURH RECEIPT PS FORM RECEIPT FOR REGISTEREO M PS Form"3811, July 1a82 July 1983 3806 lSi:e In/om ~ ,. . . JUDITII T TERRY TOWN CLERK RrClSTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 25, 1984: WHEREAS, the Building Inspector of the Town of Southold has made a formal inspection of the premises owned by Rose Koroleski, and shown and designated on Suffolk County Tax Map as: District 1000, Section 113.00, Block 002.00; Lot 017.00, and thereafter prepared a written report thereof and filed the same in his office, and WHEREAS, it was determined by the Building Inspector that the building or structure on said premises is dangerous or unsafe to the public, and WHEREAS, the Building Inspector promptly thereafter served a notice on the owner or other persons having an interested in said property, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 90 of the Southold Town Code, and WHEREAS, said notice required that the owner of said premises secure or remove the building or structure, securing or removal to commence within ten days from the date of the service of said notice and that the same be completed within sixty days thereafter, and WHEREAS, the owners of said premises has neglected or refused to comply with the provisions of said notice within the time specified therein, and WHEREAS, a public hearing on said matter was held by this Board on the 25th day of September,,1984., NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY DETERMINED AND ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That based upon the written report prepared by the Building Inspector and filed in his office and upon the evidence given by said Building Inspector at the hearing held on September 25, 1984, this Board does hereby determine that the building or structure located on said premises is unsafe or dangerous to the public. 2. That this 'Board does hereby order that the building or structure located on said' premises is in such a dilapidated' condition that the same cannot be repaired and secured and therefore directs and orders that the same be taken down and removed. 3. That it is further determined and ordered that the owners of the building or structure on said premises shall take down and remove the building or structure on said premises on or before the 25th day of November ,1984. 4. In the event that the owners shall neglect or refuse to take down and remove said structure from said premises within the time provided by the preceeding paragraph, then and in that event the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to procure estimates for the removal of the building or structure on said premises and submit the same to this Board for its consideration as soon there- after as possible. 5. That thereafter this Board shall, based upon such estimate, provide for , the letting of a contract for the taking down and removal of the building or structure on said premises. " Page 2 - Rose Korole . 6. That the cost and expenses of the taking down and removal of the building or structure on said premises shall be collected by the Town of Southold in the manner provided for in Section 90-9 of the Code of the Town of Southold. 7. It is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be sent by the Town Clerk to the owner of said premises by registered mail, return receipt requested, within three days of the date hereof. * * * STATE OF NEW YORK I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 55: Office of the Clerk of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD '- This is to certify that I, Judith T. Terry, Clerk of the Town of Sauthold, in the said County of Suffolk, hove compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the originol resolution now on file in this office, and which wos passed . by the Town Boord of the town of Southold in said County of Suffolk, on the ...~~~.~..... day of ........~.~p.~~.'.l:'.~~..~..... 19.~~..., and that the some is o correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. (SEALI - In Witness Whereof, I hove hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ...J?~~.... day of ........~~p..~~~~.~............. 19.~.~... L.R,-~~~ ~a:.......z.<,:......L~ Clerk of the Town Boord, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk<?N. y . . HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD September 25, 1984 9: 45 A.M. IN THE MATTER OF A VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 90 ("UNSAFE BUILDING AND COLLAPSED STRUCTURES LAW OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD") OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY ROSE KOROLESKI. Present: Supervisor Francis J. Murphy Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Justice Raymond W. Edwards Councilman James A. Schondebare Councilwoman Jean W. Cochran * * * Town Clerk Judith T. Terry SUPERVISOR MURPHY: property, on an unsafe to take over. This is a hearing concerning Rose Koroleski, Mattituck building and I'd like to ask our Attorney, Richard Lark, SPECIAL ATTORNEY RICHARD F. LARK: Okay, if you would swear in tlile witness on this hearing, Mr. Curtis Horton. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Curt, could you stand up? Raise your right hand. Do you swear that the information you are about to give is the whole truth and nothing else but the truth, so help you God? BUILDING INSPECTOR CURTIS HORTON: I do. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Thank you. MR. LARK: hearing is a and address Mr. Horton, please bear with me, I'll be a little redundant, but each separate one, it's like we have to do it again. So, give your name to the Town Clerk for the record. MR. HORTON: My name is Curtis W. Horton. I live on Mason Drive, Cutchogue. MR. LARK: Are you employed by the Town of Southold? MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: And in what capacity? MR. HORTON: As Building Inspector. MR. LARK: And how long have you been so employed? MR. HORTON: Approximately seven years. MR. LARK: Okay. and in your capacity as Building Inspector, did you have occasion to inspect the premises owned by Rose Koroleski, the respondent in this hearing? Page 2 - Rose Korol. . MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: All right. At the outset, could you tell us where Mrs. Korleski's premises are that you inspected, because I understand she owns other property in the Town, so I just want you to describe where you're talking about for purposes of this hearing. MR. HORTON: This is in the subdivision of Roseland--Rosewood, Rosewood, up in Mattituck, right off Cox Neck Lane. MR. LARK: Okay. And that's a realty subdivision? MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: Okay, and is this property one of the lots on this map, or is it bounded and described property, if you know? MR. HORTON: This is a bounded and described property. MR. LARK: All right. What street is it on so you that you can reference the Board? MR. HORTON: I think the name of the street is Rosewood, it bounds right off Cox Neck Lane, or it's on a curve. MR. LARK: Okay, all right, that's fine. And could you tell us the approximate size of the property? MR. HORTON: The approximate size? MR. LARK: Yes, if you know. MR. HORTON: I would say this is approximately two acres. MR. LARK: Okay. And is there any structures on this property? MR. HORTON: Yes, there is. MR. LARK: Okay. And could you tell us what the structures are on the property? MR. HORTON: There's a house and a barn to the rear by the street. MR. LARK: Okay. Now, for purposes of this hearing are you going to be talking about the house at all? MR. HORTON: No. MR. LARK: Is the house--what is the condition of the house, just so we can dispose of that? MR. HORTON: Looks like it's livable, I see cars there every so often. MR. LARK: Okay. And what's the other structure did you say on the property? MR. HORTON: It's an old dilapidated barn. MR. LARK: All right. And where does the barn sit--where is the barn located Page 3 - Rose Korole. . in relationship to the house? MR. HORTON: The barn is westerly of the house, closer to the road. MR. LARK: About how far from the house is the barn? MR. HORTON: Oh, I would say at least 150 feet. MR. LARK: Okay. And it's the barn that you're addressing the Board's attention to? MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: Okay. And could you tell us the approximately size of this barn? You can refer to your pictures or anything you might have. MR. HORTON: I would approximately say it's probably about 25 by 30 feet--40 feet long. MR. LARK: Is it one story or two stories? MR. HORTON: Well, it's--on the inside you can't tell now, I think there was another story in there, it might have been for storage or hay or something, because the whole inside is collapsed. MR. LARK: Is it a wooden structure or masonry structure? MR. HORTON: All wood. MR. LARK: Okay. And when was the occasion that you had to inspect that? What date was that? MR. HORTON: July 5th, 1984. MR. LARK: Okay, and what was your occasion for going and directing your attention for inspection of this particular barn? MR. HORTON: Many complaints from the development up there. It seems like the last previous storm the roof fell in and the children were playing inside this building. MR. LARK: When you say the development, you mean people residing in this Rosewood development? MR. HORTON: Correct. There are associations and like that. MR. LARK: All right. So as a result of the complaints you performed an inspection on what date? MR. HORTON: July 5th, 1984. MR. LARK: Okay. And could you tell the Board what you found when you went there. on July 5th? MR. HORTON: I found a whole--the easterly side--southeasterly side was--- MR. LARK: This is the barn you're talking about? Page q - Rose Koroh. . MR. HORTON: The barn. strictly the barn. Was no doors or nothing. The whole roof had collapsed inside the building and the sidewalls are up but the inside is all gone. There was no floor in this building. looked like it had been removed in the past and it was just like a building just collapsed and went in. MR. LARK: Did you have occasion to look inside this barn? MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: And where were the roof rafters when you-- MR. HORTON: Laying inside the barn. Where the ridge was it was down right inside the center of the barn. MR. LARK: When you say down. was it on the floor of the barn? MR. HORTON: There is no floor in the barn. it's gone. MR. LARK: Well. does it have a dirt floor? MR. HORTON: Dirt floor. MR. LARK: And that's where the--- MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: ---ridge and the roof rafters were? MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: All right. MR. HORTON: I don't think there was a ridge on this--probably roof rafters. no ridge. MR. LARK: Okay. Had they fallen down. or had they been knocked down. MR. HORTON: They tell me the wind storm did it. MR. LARK: Okay. Did you inspect these roof rafters? MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: And what were they're condition? MR. HORTON: Just elements of rot that made this eventually just broke. MR. LARK: Were they rotted? MR. HORTON: Rotted. dry rotted. weather got them. Yes. MR. LARK: Okay. Could you tell us about the--did you walk around the building-- the barn? MR. HORTON: Yes. Page 5 - Rose Korole. . MR. LARK: And could you tell us about the exterior walls, was there anything unusual about them? MR. HORTON: Well, the gables face east and west, gable ends of the building. The other walls are north and south. The south side are doors. This is actually leaning toward the north and the north side has a large bulge, which you can see from the pictures, bulging out approximately maybe two feet, the top part, where the plate would be. MR. LARK: Had any of the exterior walls collapsed? MR. HORTON: On the front, a spot in the front, yes. MR. LARK: Did they have holes or anything? MR. HORTON: Yes, yes. MR. LARK: And were inside exposed to the weather and the elements? MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: Okay. Now, as a result of this inspection, did you cause a report, a formal report, to be filed in your office, the office of the Building Inspector? MR. HORTON: Well, first thing, yes, I did, and 1--- MR, LARK: As a result of that inspection? MR, HORTON: Then I wrote on July 6th an Order to Remedy Violation. MR. LARK: Okay. I'm drawing your attention now to your report. You said your report was filed? MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: All right. And in filing of that report had you made a determination that this building was unsafe or dangerous to the public? MR. HORTON: Yes, I had. MR. LARK: Okay. And what was the reason for your determination? MR. HORTON: Being that children could get inside and play and the rafters leaning, the building was ready to fall in at any time, another wind storm or anything it could have fallen and these complaints--I did not personally see any children playing there but the neighbors did sign complaints that their children were in there playing and they couldn't control them. MR. LARK: So you had determined that this was a--this structure was unsafe, is that correct? MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: Okay. opinion that it could talked about? On your inspection of the structure at that time is it your be repaired, particularly the roof and the side walls as you Page 6 - Rose Korole. . MR. HORTON: Beyond repair. MR. LARK: In your opinion? MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: From your experience, how would you say how old this barn was or is rather? MR. HORTON: I couldn't tell you that. I would say early 1900's. A lot of these barns were built in that time like this. MR. LARK: All right. Now, after you filed your report in the Building Inspector's Office, what, if anything, did you do? MR. HORTON: I wrote an Ol'd1er to Remedy Violation. MR. LARK: Okay, and who was that directed to? MR. HORTON: Rose Koroleski--John and Rose Koroleski, whose names were on the tax records. MR. LARK: Is John Koroleski still alive? MR. HORTON: No. MR. LARK: Was that eventually given to Rose Koroleski? MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: Okay. Did you do anything else other than do this Notice of Violation? MR. HORTON: I went back and took more pictures. I was contacted and they told me they were going to fence it in. This is inJ uly. MR. LARK: And did they fence it in? MR. HORTON: No, not then. MR. LARK: Okay. What if anything did you do then? MR. HORTON: I reinspected on August 10th. MR. LARK: Okay. And very briefly could you tell us the result of your August 10tm inspection? MR. HORTON: The conditions were just like they were before. So then I wrote an order--- MR. LARK: The ,same as on July 5th? MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: All right, so what, if anything, did you do then? MR. HORTON: I then wrote Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold violation notice. Page 7 - Rose Korola . MR. LARK: And did you cause that notice to be sent to the respondent, Rose Koroleski? MR. HORTON: Yes, I did. MR. LARK: And how was that accomplished? MR. HORTON: Through a registered mail. MR. LARK: Okay. And did you cause the property to be posted? MR. HORTON: Yes, I did. MR. LARK: And when did you cause the property to be posted? MR. HORTON: The 17th day of August, 1984. MR. LARK: And when did you sendtihe notice to Mrs. Koroleski by registered mail? MR. HORTON: 21st day of August, 1984. MR. LARK: Okay. After you had accomplished these things of sending the notices and posting the property, what, if anything, did you hear from the respondent or any of her agents? MR. HORTON: I didn't hear anything personally, but Mr. Lessard had contact with I think one of the agents or a relation or somebody. MR. LARK: What was the result--what were you informed? MR. HORTON: That they were going to fence it in. MR. LARK: And as a result of those conversations did there ever come a time when they fenced it in? MR. HORTON: Yes, I went up there today and I did find a fence across closing up the openings into the barn. I took pictures of it this morning. MR. LARK: You say you were there today? MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: Is your opinion changed of the barn today from when you inspected it in early August and July of this year? MR. HORTON: I will say it's not a hazard right now to the public, I mean children in there, because they did fence up the entire openings, but the building is still unsafe and the building will collapse. MR. LARK: Okay. So is it your opinion that the building could not be repaired? MR. HORTON: That is correct. MR. LARK: All ri.ght. Is it still of your opinion that the building should be demolished? Page 8 - Rose Korole. . MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: Okay. In your notice that you sent out to her on August 21 and which was posted on the property on August 17th, did you direct the respondent, Rose Koroleski to do anything? MR. HORTON: Ordered it demolished and remove the remains of this structure. MR. LARK: And did you give her any time to do that? MR. HORTON: Commence within ten days from date of service and finish by thirty days thereafter. MR. LARK: Okay. Now, you said you were at the property today, so none of that has been accomplished, is that correct? MR. HORTON: That is correct. MR. LARK: Okay. What, if anything, are you asking the Town Board to do as a result of this hearing? MR. HORTON: think the building should be removed. MR. LARK: And the reason for it? MR. HORTON: It's structurally unsafe and it's beyond repair. MR. LARK: Okay. I'm going to ask you if you have copies of your notice that you sent out and everything? Thank you. All right, you're handing me a notice dated August 10th, 1984. That is the notice that you have sent out? MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: Okay. You also testified that prior thereto you sent an Order to Remedy Violation to her by certified mail dated July 6th, is that correct? MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: And is that the notice that you sent to her--originally you sent her a copy? MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: Okay. And you have your affidavit of posting and mailing? MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: Does that have a return receipt with it too? MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: This is the affidavit that you swore to and that is your signature on August 29th,1984? MR. HORTON: Correct. Page 9 - Rose Korole. . MR. LARK: Okay, and attached thereto is the registered return receipt? MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: Now, you mentioned when you were testifying before the Board that you took some photographs. Do you have those photographs with you? MR. HORTON: Yes, I do. MR. LARK: Okay. Now, these photographs have various dates in July--July 9th to be precise and also today's date, which is September 25th, is that correct? MR. HORTON: Correct. MR. LARK: Okay, and do these photographs fairly and accurately depict this barn that you testified to? MR. HORTON: Yes, they do. MR. LARK: At this time as the Town's Exhibit I, I put in Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90, dated August 10th and signed by Mr. Horton on that date. As Exhibit II will be his Affidavit of Service of Mailing & Posting dated August 29th, with the return receipt--registered return receipt by the U. S. Post Office signed there, and then also by way of background, the original of his Order to Remedy Violation, his meaning the Building Inspector's, dated July 6th, with the return receipt of the United States Post Office on there going to the respondent, and then a series of eleven photographs which would be Exhibit IV, on three different dates--they're all marked on there, of the building that he testified to on July 9th and on August 17th and on September 25th, and I will note for the record that the only difference in the September 25th one is it does show the building having some fence attached-- looks like a snow or picket fence attached thereto-- MR. HORTON: It's a show fence. MR. LARK: A snow fence? MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: Okay, but it shows the other elevations of the building. That can go in as the next Exhibit. Okay. I have nothing further of this witness at this time. I f any of the Board members or the Supervisor would like to ask him any questions, go ahead. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Jean, do you have any? (Nothing.) Ray? (Nothing, thank you.) Jay? (No.) Joseph? (No.) I have nothing. MR. LARK: I have just one further question. You're asking this Board to declare this building unsafe and have it demolished. All right, from your contact through the Building Department, Mr. Lessard, what would be your opinion as to how much time this respondent would need to accomplish that if the Board declared this barn unsafe? MR. HORTON: like I say it is you could give I've been told there's a sickness in the family and like that and fenced up now. and as long as the fencing is kept there, I think them sixty days. Page 10 - Rase KaraAi . MR. LARK: a sixty day carrect? Okay. Sa if the Baard finds that the building is unsafe yau're requesting periad then far the respandent, Mrs. Karaleski, to' remove same, is that MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: Okay. And that's due to' persanal reasans that have come to' yaur attentian? MR. HORTON: Yes. MR. LARK: Okay. have nathing further. Again, I understand this is in that subdivisian called Rasewaad. I think it's very visible fram the raad, if my recallectian is carrect, and the Baard, befare it makes it final determinatian wauld at least take a look at it, especially since there have been numeraus complaints af kids playing in the thing, be fare they make their final determinatian. Thank yau. SUPERVISOR MURPHY: Okay, is there anyane else have any camments an Mrs. Karaleski? Any questians? (NO' response.) If nat, we'll c1ase this hearing. Thank yau. * * * //' /1-~~{/-- ~'f. Terry (/ Sauithald Tawn Clerk . FORM NO. 5 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTH OLD, N. Y. ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION Dote ........;r~.1.y......9.................................., 19..~.~.. TO J.>? .1)..\\. .J. ..13. >?!?~.. ..~. >?r:.~ .J,..~.!'!.~. ~...... ...... ........ ..... (owner or authorized agent of owner) ............. ~ .C? ~::. ~.. .~.:: .':.:..!... ~ .~. ~ .~. ~.~ .'!. ~.~.................. (oddress of owner or authorized agent of owner) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists 0 violation of: Zoning Ordinance Other Applicable Laws, Ordinances'or Regulations .<;.\1.. .9. R.7.2.Q..,..:1.................... at premises hereinafter described in that ..?~.::!!...~.s....,?.~.r.u.~.~.!-!.r:.~.~.~y....u..r:.::'.!':X.::.I....t~~.r:.~.~.?':.... (state character of violation) . ~ );'. >! .9-. j; .:i.." g...n iJ..~. iJ..r. 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Failure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and to comply with the applicable provisions of low . moy constitute an offense punishoble by fine or imprisonment or both. . .e~..r.r!:......~~.. Building Inspector ~7Z ~ j/c9~q POSTMARK OF lL ft__. ~R...~_~ RECEIPTFOAHlJilan;Amll.a.IL l~rAnllJ ~""""2,."3" AU va-....In ihe "llE:TU1lH ro..... ~ ........ 1. The followlnc _II ..quested (chock _.) o S- "'_ oa4 4ate ddive<ed............_. o Show towh_4ate0n4addreuof<ku...y..._. o RESIlUCTED DELt'"ERY ., S- to whOlll0a4 _._...._......_. o RESTR1CTEIlDEllVERY. Show "'~ _. and addKss of <Mivuy.S_ ; ~ (CONSUU'1'OS11d.ASIER POR FJ'.ES) - 2. ARTlCU ADDRaHD TO: = ::r ~11 'f- (Co.s~ Ko rd {ef kl ' ..$o.....,d AVf...n...c... ", .. (ho... tH'-k<-u, NY ({9S.< 1'1 a. A!mCLE"'_, ~ ~5;.2~'1 :::::=*' I ~N<l ~__nof..... 1_"- the artic:lo detcn"be4 tJlGNATUM Q" j"" ~U3~9IlIty 1INMiU'1006UVR ~:1N'1OG.. ------------------------------~~~ UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OF.ICIAL _INas SEN!>ER INSTRUCTIONS Print your Mm', Ill"" IIId ZI' Cod,lri thl....,.... . Compl... item. 1. Z. tnd 3 on the ...,.,., . AttlchUlfrontofaticlllf....perm.... __to boIll oIorlic1o. . &0_ __ "R_ R..... R....-" to ..mblr. PENAL TV 'Of' PNVAlI ....TOAYOIJOM'tIriIPf C?' POAAQL ~ (IJ A-f+: ~w--f ~RN " . ~~o If ~~~!J$/r11};).y>e~ ; .t<.l71 Cl . . . Po. B~ 7~~ orP. Ilc:l!c:. $ 0 It-tt$!1.J17.IP~X. 1/97/ . . STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK - - - - - - - - - -X In the Matter of a Violation of Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold by AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAILING & POSTING JOHN and ROSE KOROLESKI - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X STATE OF NEW YORK: ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: CURTIS W. HORTON, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. Deponent is a Building Inspector of the Town of Southold, is over the age of 18 years, and resides at Mason Drive, Cutchogue, New York. 2. On the 21st day of August, 1984, deponent served a copy of Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold (The Unsafe Building and Collapsed Structure Law of the Town of Southold) upon Rose Koroleski, Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New York 11952, that being the address designated by said individual for that purpose, by depositing a true copy of the same enclosed in a postpaid properly addressed wrapper in an official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Postal Service at Southold, New York. Said Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold was mailed to Rose Koroleski by Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested (Copy of said Receipt is attached hereto) . 3. On the 17th day of August, 1984, at 3:30 P.M. deponent posted a true copy of the Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold (The Unsafe Building and Collapsed C:~iZL- ~~JY . . Structure Law of the Town of Southold) in a conspicuous place on the premises owned by Rose Koroleski on the northerly side of Bergen Avenue, Mattituck, New York (Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: District 1000, Section 113.00, Block 002.00: Lot 017.00). (Y~~ 7i'~ Curtis W. Horton Sworn to before me this 29th day of August, 1984. ~~ Notary Public IABITTE CORNINI NOTARY PUBLIC. 5'0'. of New Yo,k Suffolk Coun.y No. S2-S7~2800 t'c:, CommilliDn Expires March 30, 19_ . SENDER: Complete Items 1. 2. 3. and 4. . Add your address In the "RETUl\IllO" space on reverse. \COIlSULl POS1MAsnn FOR FEES} t 1. llle to1lOWIR\I servl<8 Is reqllllSled (Che<:k one). '< ... <e 101 ShOW to whOm and d:lte delIWred ............... -$ 13 D ShOW to "",om. date, and address 01 deIIve<Y .. 2. D RES1RIC1EOORIVERY........................... fTMl'8$IIi:CeddeIIW8IJ fee'ls chifP8d /fI.addllWn IOlbBrelUm~f'Ie8.) ." 0> .. o 3 Ii :: -' -$ lOlAL $ 3. AAlICLE ADDRESSED 10: ROSE KOROLESKI SOUND AVENUE ICLE llU\l8ER DINSURED DCOD " !!l c ~ " rl I!! ~ ,; "GPG: -........ . . ~.. o Vl <.. iOg 23i: ~ i " m n m 'i ... .. o " " m C'l <;;~ om 0" "m ~o "i: ~J> :!.j= ~-- ,,, :l ~. "':::. , 0 < ~ 3~ ~% . . All Entries MUST be in Ball P . Oint or Typed Customer Completion (Please Prilll 10 FROM . . Ul '" 0 0 C Ul Z '" t::J '" "" 0 <: '" '" 0 z r"' \~ c lih '" '''' IH I I~ i '"0 >-'l I (") N ::r: .. 0 " :Xl 0 >-'l 0 0 m Z N .. " o o m - . . . TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 NOTICE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 90 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date: August 10, 1984 TO: John Koroleski and Rose Koroleski Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 A. The last Assessment Roll of the Town of Southold shows that you are the owner of the following described premises: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set at the intersection of the northerly line of Bergen Avenue and the westerly line of Cox Neck Road and from said point of beginning running thence along the northerly line of Bergen Ave- nue South 750 36' 30" West 440.55 feet to a monument and lands of Charles Murphy, formerly of William Lindsay running thence along said lands of Murphy, the following eight (8) courses and.distances: (1) North 220 57' 30" West 684.47 feet; (2) North 230 03' 40" West 200.05 feet; (3) North 180 36' 30" West 100.15 feet; (4) North 220 28' 40" West 200.40 feet; (5) North 190 45' 20" West 100.06 feet; (6) North 210 45' 40" West 99.79 feet; (7) North 200 30' 20" West 190.06 feet; (8) North 20 17' 50" West 59.64 feet to a monument and lands of J. Sledjeski; running thence along said lands of Sledjeski the following four (4) courses and dis- tances: (1) North 740 42' 10" East 373.56 feet to a point; (2) South 230 23' 30" East 727.52 feet to a monument; (3) South 230 16' 30" East 179.70 feet to a monument; and (4) South 160 16' 30" East 142.30 feet to a monument and lands of pausewang; running thence along said lands of pausewang the following two (2) courses and distances: (1) South 100 11' 20" East 189.08 feet to a monument; and (2) South 860 IS' 00" East 206.55 feet to a monument set on the westerly line ~r~s/~ . . . of Cox Neck Road; running thence along the westerly line of Cox Neck Road South 200 13' 30" West 28.28 feet to an angle point in said Road; continuing thence along the westerly line of Cox Neck Road South 40 56 I 30" East 224.50 feet to the monument set at the point or place of BEGINNING. Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: District 1000, Section 113.00; Block 002.00; Lot 017.00. B. The barn on your premises is structurally unsafe and dangerous and as such constitutes a hazard to safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obso- lescence, and abandonment. This structure is beyond repair and should be demolished and removed from the pre- mises. In particular the roof rafters have rotted out thereby causing the roof to collapse; large sections of the southerly exterior walls have collapsed exposing the interior portions of the building to weather and dampness. C. You are hereby ordered to demolish and remove the remains of this structure. D. The above work shall commence within ten (10) days from the date of service of this notice and shall be completed within thirty (30) days thereafter. Please be advised that before commencing any demolition work, you will have to obtain a permit for this purpose. E. In the event you fail to comply with the above, a hearing will be held before the Southold Town Board concerning same at 9:45 P.M. prevailing time on September 25, 1984. , F. If the Southold Town Board after the aforementioned hearing shall determine that the remains of the structure is unsafe or dangerous to the public, the Southold Town Board may order the remains of the structure taken down and removed. G. In the event that the remains of the structure~hall be determined by the Southold Town Board to be unsafe or dangerous and in the event of your neglect or refusal to remove or correct same within the time provided, the Southold Town Board may remove such structure by whatever means it deems appropriate and assess all costs and ex- penses incurred by the Town of Southold in connection with the proceedings to remove and secure same, including the cost of actually removing the structure from the premises, against the land on which the said structure is located. (U ~ "1#. fl/~ Curtis W. Horton Building Inspector . . RECEIVED. AU6299M RICHARD F. LARK ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ROAD. P. O. BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 TELEPHONE 516 734.6807 T_ a.Ic fl~"'II~ August 29, 1984 Town of Southold 53095 Main Road - Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 RE: Rose Koroleski - Mattituck, Property ATT: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Dear Mrs. Terry: As you know from talking with my secretary, a Town Board hearing has been scheduled on the above-captioned matter for Tuesday, September 25, 1984, at 9:45 A.M. and accordingly, I am enclosing the following: 1. Notice Pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold dated August 10, 1984, signed by Curtis W. Horton. 2. Affidavit of Service by Mailing and Posting sworn to by Curtis W. Horton on August 29, 1984. If you require any further information or have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. RFL:bc Enclosures , :::.;;-, cf I:! .f/ ,97' \\ ,I" .,~-- -'." 1 ~:_ ~... :"- ~ " ~ l<l.~, .,,....;i:,~." . '!'r~ ;,,,"j -\..;11,..-;>)..., .!A"~'; I .'.. "'l." .r,.,; , ~ -, - . <~: ,'~~'''':1., . Uvl- q -elf/' .:--. . . -4,41 I ~ , , .....~,/ 9~ fJ ~ ~- - - -- 9( eJ.~ J/9?' Cf/ "lS / By ,.---- Jv I - 9- 9 'f --.. - Cf-llt( ~~_.~- .....-~.-