HomeMy WebLinkAboutWastewater Disposal District Scavenger Waste Treatment FacilityINDEX l-~_j~ HO~ 7MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. CONTRACT NO. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY RECEIVED SOUTHOLD, N~ YORK FEB 2 7 1984 FEDERAL PROJEC'L' NO. C-36-1120-03 ~own Clerk Southold 1 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & MECHANICAL WORK INDEX NOTICE TO BIDDERS INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS i~NSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDERS CERTIFICATION FOR NON-SEGREGATED FACILITIES MBE REQUIREMENTS £~BOR STANDARDS EPA 5700-41 FORM CONTRACT PROVISIONS OF THE F.W.P.C.A. MODIFICATION NO. 1 MODIFICATION NO. 2 ARTICLE 29 SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS'- BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS GENERAL CONDITIONS-~ GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS PROPOSAL METHOD OF PAYMENT CONTRACT PAGE DESIGNATION I - 3 pages NB - 1 page IB - 20 pages IFB - 1 page CNSF -- 1 page MBER - 26 pages LS 4 pages EF 2 pages CP - 1 page M1 - 1 page M2 - 24 pages A29 - 2 Fages SR - 1 page BRI - 1 page QB - 1 page GC - 9 pages GS - 6 pages P-A thru P-D - 8 pages MOP - 1 page C - 28 pages TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - CONTRACT NO. 1 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & MECHANICAL WORK SCOPE OF WORK - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & MECHANICAL WORK SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING AND GRADING DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - SITE WORK- EXCAVATION,EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING AND GRADING SITE WORK - CLEARING & GRUBBING SITE WORK - TOPSOIL SPREADING & FINE G~G~DING SITE WORK - SOIL PREPARATION & SEEDING PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION ~ I 1 of 3 SOW-GC&MW - 2 pages EEB&G - 8 pages DS-EEB&G - 2 pages C&G - 2 pages TSFG - 2 pages SP&S - 4 pages PR&R - 2 pages PVT - 9 pages INDEM (CONT'D.) ~1~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL P.C. TECHNICAL SPECIFYCATIONS - CONTRACT NO. 1 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND MEC~LkNICAL WORK (CONT'D.) SITE WORK - PRECAST LEACHING POOLS PS - 6 pages SITE WORK - REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE RCP - 9 pages SITE WORK - PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB PCCC - 5 pages SITE WORK - CHAIN LINK FENCE CLF - 5 pages DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - SITE WORK - CHAIN LINK FENCE i ., DS-CLF - 2 pages EPA CONSTRUCTION SIGN EPACS ~ 2 pages SUPERSTRUCTURE S -. 48ipages STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS METAL WORK SS&MM - 13 pages STEEL REINFORCEMENT SR , 4 pages CONCRETE C - 19 pages BAR SCREEN BS ~ 1 page GRIT COLLECTION SYSTEM AND ACCESSORIES GCSA - 3 pages ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM OCS - 9 pages ACCESSORIES FOR EQUALIZATION TANK AET - 9 pages DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - EQUALIZATION TANK AERATION SYSTEM DS-ETAS - 9 pages BLOWER SYSTEM AND CONTROLS BS&C - 5 pages ACCESSORIES FOR MIXING CHAMBERS AMC - 2 pages FLOCCULATOR EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES FEA - 3 pages FERRIC CHLORIDE FEED AND CONTROL SYSTEM FCFCS - 3 pages LIME FEEDER AND CONTROL SYSTEM LFS - 2 pages HYDROCHLORIC ACID FEED AND pH CONTROL SYSTEMS HCFPCS - 5 pages FIBERGLASS STORAGE TANKS FST - 3 pages DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - FIBERGLASS STORAGE TANKS DS-FT - 2 pages ACCESSORIES FOR CIRCULAR SETTLING TANK ACST - 5 pages ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS RBD - 13 pages EiFFLUENT WET WELL ACCESSORIES EWWA - 3 pages SLUDGE/SCUM WET WELL ACCESSORIES SMWA - 3 pages ~ETERING SYSTEM MS - 4 pages A~IAEROBIC DIGESTER ACCESSORIES ADA - 6 pages AN AEROBIC DIGESTER GAS MIXING SYSTEM ADGMS - 5 pages ANAEROBIC DIGESTER SPIRAL GUIDED GAS HOLDER ADSGGH - 5 pages ,~AEROBIC DIGESTER HEAT & HEAT EXCHANGER ADH&HE - 7 pages DI - 3 pages DIGESTER INSTRUMENTATION DIGESTER RECIRCULATION PUMPS SRPi- 3 pages ~LUDGE TRANSFER PUMPS STP - 2 pages UEL OIL STORAGE TANK FOST - 21pages I - 2 of 3 INDEX ~CONT'D.) ~Z.~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ~ .~"_ECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - CONTRACT NO.~ 1 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & ~'ECHANICAL WORK (CONT'D.) COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BED TREATMENT 'AREA AND MECHANICAL WORK - PIPING, VALVES AND ACCESSORIES DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - PIPING, VALVES AND ACCESSORIES SANITARY SEWERS - TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND GENERAL PIPE LAYING DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - SkNITARY SEWERS TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND GENERAL PIPE LAYING SANITARY SEWERS - FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS SANITARY SEWERS FURNISHING ~ND INSTALLATION OF PIPE SHEETING AND BRACING DEWATERING PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING SLUDGE TRANSPORT VEHICLE & SLUDGE SCRAPER MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT SPARE PARTS START-UP AND TESTING FLOATING AERATORS CONTINGENCY NO. GC-1 - SPARE ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM PAGE DESIGNATION CSDB 6 pages PV&A - 9 pages DS-PV&A - 2 pages SS-TE&GPL - 8 pages DS-SS-TE&GPL - 1 page SS-FIP - 9 pages DS-SS-FIP - 3 pages S&B - 3 pages D - 4 pages PCS - ~ 1 page P - 2 pages DS-P - il pages STV-SS - 2 pages ME - 4 pages SP - 2 pages S&T - 3 pages FMA - 2 pages SOCS - 1 page I - 3 of 3 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C NOTICE TO BIDDERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that sealed bids will be received by the Town Board, Town of Southold, on behalf of the Southo[d Wastewater Disposal District, in Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, 11971, not later than 11:00 A.M. prevailing time on Tuesday, February 21, 1984, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud, for the following project: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY GREENPORT, NEW YORK FEDERAL PROJECT NO. C-36-1129-03 The work includes furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment necessary for construction of the treatment facility, which consists of the following: CONTRACT NO. CONTRACT NO. CONTRACT NO. CONTRACT NO. 1 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND MECHANICAL WORK 2 HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 3 PLUMBING 4 ELECTRICAL (HVAC) A deposit of quired for a set of Invitation for Bids, Conditions, Form of seen at or procured Southold, New York, McLendon & Murrell, York, 1984. $100.00 payable to the Town of Southold will be re- Plans and Specifications. Information to Bidders, Instructions to Bidders, Form of Proposal, Bid Contract, Plans and Specifications, etc., may be from the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, 11971, or the Office of the Engineer, Holzmacher, P.C., 125 Baylis Road, Suite 140, Melville, New 11747, after 11:00 A.M. prevailing time on Thursday, January 19, Bidders on this work shall be required to comply with the Presi- dent's Executive Order Nos. 11,246 and 11,375. The requirements for bidders and contractors under this order, which contains non-discrim- ination in employment, and prohibits discrimination in employment regarding race, creed, color, sex or national original are explained in the Specifications. A Contract awarded under this Notice for Bids is expected to be funded in part by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Neither the United States nor any of its departments agencies or employees are or will be a party to this Notice for Bids or any resulting Contract. This procurement will be subject to regulations contained in 40 CFR 33.295, Subparts F and G. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK BOARD NB - 1 of 1 I_t~.j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS BIDS ~OR PROJECT The Town of Southold will receive SEALED PROPOSALS for the Southold Wastewater Disposal District - Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility. TIME AND PLACE OF BID Bids are to be submitted in opaque envelopes and will be received by the Town of Southold at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, not later than 11:00 A.M. prevailing time on Tuesday, February 21, 1984, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Use of the mails shall be at the Bidder's own risk, and the Bidder shall be responsible for physical delivery of the Bid at the time and place set for opening of Bids. BID ENVELOPE Ail proposals and either the certified check or bid bond must be placed in a sealed envelope bearing the Bidder's firm name and address, marked "Contract No. (Name of Contract) , Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment Facilityl Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York", but otherwise unmarked. If mailed, this envelope shall be placed in another envelope addressed to Town Clerk Judith T. Terry, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Use of the mails is at the Bidder's risk. lB - 1 IN[.'O:RNAT[ON FOR II[DOERS (CON']"D.) SPECIFICATION DEPOSITS (a) Deposits for specifications will be completely refunded to Bidders who return same in good condition within ten (10) days after r..ceipt of bids. Bidders will receive one-half of the deposit amount [ur specfications returned after ten (10) days and before thirty (30) days following the bid date. (b) Deposits for specifications will be completely refunded to non-bidders who return same in good condition within 48 hours of receipt of said specifications- Non-bidders will receive one-half the deposit amount for specifications returned in good condition within ten (10) days following the bid date. No deposit for specifica- tions will be refunded to non-bidders after ten (]0) days following the bid date. I IN?ORMATION FOR BIDDERS (CONT'D.) SPECIFICATIONS Complete sets of specifications for the inspection of prospective bidders will be found on file with the Town Clerk, Town of Southold0 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, and at the office of Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. Consulting Engineers, 125 Baylis Road, Suite 140, Melville, New York. Ail contractors must leave their names, phone numbers and correct mailing addresses upon receipt of the specifications. VERBAL ANSWERS The Town, its.agents, servants'or employees, or the Engineer, will not be responsible in any manner for verbal answers to any in- quiries regarding the meaning of the contract specifications given prior to the awarding of the contract. EXAMINATION OF SITE Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal examination of the location of the proposed work and of the actual conditions and require- ments of the work, and shall not, at any time after the submission of a proposal, dispute or complain of' such estimate or assert there was any misunderstanding in regard to the scope of work. The Contractor shall inspect the site and existing conditions be- fore submitting his bid. PROPOSAL The Form of Proposal contained herein shall bids. Any proposal not in accordance with these taining bids not asked for, may be rejected. be used in making out instructions, or con- On those items in this contract for which there is a stated maximum and/or minimum allowable bid price, each bidder shall be responsible for making sure that his bid falls within the stated limits. When the price bid is lower than the minimum allowed, the bid price will be ad- justed upward to the minimum allowable price and when the price bid is higher than the maximum allowed, the bid price will be adjusted downward to the maximum allowable price. ~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C INFOS~ATION FOR BIDDERS (CONT'D.' AS the estimates of quantities of items stated in the proposal are approximate only, bidders are required to submit their proposal upon and in the following express conditions, which shall apply and become a part of every proposal received. Each bidder shall fill out, in ink, in both words and figures, in the spaces provided, his unit or lump sum bid, as the case may be, for each item in said Form of Proposal for which he is submitting a bid. No bid will be considered which does not include bids for all items; in the proposal, including time of completion. If the bid is not accepted by the Town within forty-five (45) days after the receipt of bids, the obligation of the bidder under this proposal may terminate at his option and he shall thereupon be entitled to a refund of his certified check or release of his bid bond furnished by him as security with his proposal. BID 6OND OR CERTIFIED CHECK Each proposal from a contractor shall be accompanied by a bid bond or certified check on a solvent bank of the State of New York, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid. Such check shall be made payable to Francis J. Murphy, Supervisor, Town of Southold, New York, and the amount thereof shall be the measure of liquidated damages which the Town will sustain by the failure, neglect or refusal of the bidder to execute and deliver the contract, should the contract be awarded to him. The checks of all unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon the rejection of bids and the execution of the contract by the parties; also, the check of the successful bidder will be returned upon the execution of the contract and the furnishing of the required bond. NAME OF BIDDER Each bidder must state in his proposal his full name and business address, and the full name of every person, firm or corporation inter- ested, in the same, and the address of every person or firm or presi- dent and secretary of every corporation interested with him. If IB-4 INF(H,'I, IATION 1:01~ IIIIHH{R no other person be so interested, be .mst distinctly state that fact, also that bis proposal is made without -',ny conuection directly or in- di,'ectly with any other bidder for the work imvticularly mentioned in his proposal; that it is in all respects without I'raud or collu:;iou, and that no person acting for or employed by tile Town is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies of i~ork to which it relates, or in any portion of tile prospective profits thereof. QUAL,[FICATIONS OF BIDDERS (I) The Tot~n reserves the right to waive any informalities in, or reject any and all bids. The Town reserves the right to ject any and all bids which do not conform to the proposals, or upon which the bidders do not comply with the requirements of the Town as to their quali£ications. (2) All bidders must prove to tile satisfaction of tile Town that they nrc reputable, reliable and responsible, and that they pos- sess tile necessary qualifications to successfnlly deliver the proposed equipment, and that they have performed and completed successfully similar work to an extent which, in the opinion of the Town, tvill qualify thegn by experience to perform the work which is proposed. (3) In determining tile qualifications of a bid,lo,', the q'oml will consider bis record in the performance of any contracts entered into by him for the work contemplated or of similar nature, may make such investigation as it deems necessary to determine the ability of tile bidder to perform the work, and the bidder shall furnish to the Town all such in£ormation and data for this purpose as thc Town may 'request. (4) The Town shall be the sole judge o£ the qualifications of the bidders and of tile merits thereof and reserves the right to reject any bid if the record of the bidder in the performance of coutracts, payment of bills and meeting of obligations to subcontractors, material men nr employees is not satisfactory to the Town, or if the evidence sub,liitted by or tile investigation of such bidders fails to satisfy tile Town that he is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete tile work contemplated therein. (5) onsible 103. The contract award will be made to the low, responsive, resp- bidder in accordance with N.Y.S. General. Municipal Law, Section PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND Simultaneously with his delivery of the executed contract, the succ~,ggful biddor must deliver to the Town executed bonds in the INI:OI~HA'I'ION I:(}1~ I[IIIIII[R [CONT D) amount of one hundred percent (100%) each of the accepted bid as a security for the faithful performance of his contract and for the pay- ment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in con- nection therewith, prepared on the Standard Form of Bond of American Institute of Architects A-311 and having as surety thereon such surety company or companies as are acceptable to the Town and as are author- ized to transact business in the State of New York. S [GNA'I'URI~ OF CONTRACTOR Tile bidder to whom a contract may be awarded shall ;,trend at the office of the Town, with the surettes offered h~t him, ~ithis ten (10) days, Sunday excel)ted, after the date of no,tlr;cation I,)' In:~il of the acceptance of his proposal, illld there sign the contract in quadruo]i cate for the work. In case of failure to do so, the bidder shall be considered as hnving abandoned the same, and the check accoml)an)'ing his proposal shall be forfeited to the Town, or the penalty of the bid bond sh:~ll be invoked. CiiNTI',ACTOR ' S INSHRANCE The contractor shall not commence uny work until he has ohtained and had approved hy the Town ill[ o£ tile insurance specified and required in tile contract. i~'AIVI]R OF [HHIINI'rY ,~ttention o£ tile bidder is hereby directed to tile i-equiremcnts of the Genernl Hunicipal L, aw of th.e State of New York and in particular to Section 103-a of the General Hunicipal Law regarding "Naiver of Immunity", as indicated on Page C-8 of the contract. llESPONSIBII.ITY I:OP, BII)IJER Attention is hereby particularl)' directed to the provisious of tile contract whereby the contractor will be responsible for ally' loss or damage that may happen to tile material or illqy part thereo¢ during its delivery; and also whereby tile contractor shall make good any defects or faults due to materials or ~oorkmanship within twelve (12) months nfter its delivery, placement, and acceptance. II~- 6 ~,~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS (CONT'D.) In order to secure the performance of the covenant of the con- tractor, the Town shall require a Maintenance Bond during the period of one (1) year from the date of the Engineer's final payment request. 'Work is required to be completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer and in substantial accordance with the specifications hereunto annexed. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK IB-7 State of New York Oepartment of Labor Bmeau of Public Work State Office Building Campus Albany. N.Y. 12240 CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS Each public work contract to which the State, a public benefit corporation, a municipal corporation or a commission is a party and which may involve the employment of laborers, workmen or mechanics, shall comply with the requirements of Article 8 (Sections 220-223) of the New York State Labor Law: 1. No laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work contemplated by the contract shall be permitted or required to work more than eight hours in any one calendar day or more than five days in any one week except in the extraordinary emergencies set forth in the Labor Law or where a dispensation is granted by the Commissioner of Labor. (See Section 220.2) 2. Each laborer, workman or mechanic employed by the contractor or subcontractor shall be paid not less than the prevailing rate of wages at the time the work is performed, and shall be paid or provided not less than the prevailing supplements at the time the work is performed, as determined by the fiscal officer. If the prevailing rate of wages or l he prevailing supplements change after the contract is let, eaci~ workman, laborer or mechanic shall be paid or provided not less than the new rates. (See Section 220.3) The contractor and every subcontractor shall post tn a prominent and accessible place at the work site a statement of the current prevailing wage rates and supplements for the various classes of mechanics, workmen or laborers. (See Section 220.3-a) No employee shall be deemed to be an apprentice unless individually registered in a program registered with the New York State Department of Labor. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor as to his work force on any job under the registered prog~anr. Any employee who is not registered as above, shall be paid the prevailing wage rate fo[ the classification of work he actually performed. The contractor or subcontractor will be required to furnish written evidence of the registration of his program and apprentices as well as of the appropriate ratios and wage rates for the area of construction, prior to using any apprentices on Ihe contract work. ( See Section 220.3) (a) No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on his behalf, shall by reason of race, creed, color, disability, sex or national origin discriminate against any citizen of the State of New York who is qualified and availableto perform the work to which tile employment relates. (See Section 220-e (a)) (bi No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person acting on his behalf shall, tn ~my manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee on account of race, creed, color, disability, sex or national origin. (See Section 220-e (b)) NOTE: Tile Human Ri~ts Law also prohibits discrimination in employment because of age. marital status or religion. (c) There may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor under the contract a penalty of five dollars for each calendar day during which sucln person was discriminated against or intimidated in violation of tire provisions of the contract. (See Section 220-e (c)) (d) The contract may be cancelled or tenninated by the State or municipality, and all moneys due or to become due thereunder may be forfeited, for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or condition of the anti-discrimination sections of the contract. (See Section 220-e (d)) IB-8 OCCUPATIONS IB-9 ZB-iO OCCUPATIONS IB-11 OCCUPATIONS 200 200 IB-12 IB-13 3.22 3.22 io ,04 I INSTRUCTION FOR BIDDERS NONS~Rf~TF~D FACILITIgS (a) A Cert£fi~atlon of Nonsegregated Facilities, as required by the M~y 9, 1967, order (32 F. R. 7439, May 19, 1967) on Elimination of Segregated Facilities, by the Secretary of Labor, must be ~ubetitted prior to rte award of a Federally assisted construction contract ex- ce eding $10,OOO. (b) Contractors receiving FederaLly assisted construction con- tract awards exce~ding .$10,000 will be required to provide for the forwarding of th~ following notice to prospective subcontractors for supplies and construction contracts whcre the subcontracts exceed $10,OOO~ NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTORS OF REQUIRf~ENT FOR CERTIFICATIONS OF NONSE~RM]ATED FAC~JTIES (a) A C~rt~ficatton of Nonsegregated Facilities, as required by the May 9, 1967, order (32 F. R. 7439, Ma.v 19, 1967) on Elimtn-tlon of Segregated Facilities, by the %cretary of Labor, must be sub. bitted prior to the awa_-d of a subcontract exceeding (b) Contractors receiving subcontract a~rd~ exceeding $10,000 will be required to provide for the forwarding of %his Notice to prospective subcontractors for supplies and construction contracts where the subcon- tracts exceed ~10,000. U. $. ~NVIRONM~NTAL, P~OT~CTION AG~NC~ CERTIFICATION OF NONSEGREGATKD FACILITIES (Applicable to federally assisted construction contracts and related subcontracts exceedlng $10,000 which are not exempt from the Equ~l Opportunity clause). The federally assisted construction contractor certifies that he does not main- tain or provide for his employees any segregate~ facilities at ,ny of his establish- meats, and that he does not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under his control, where segregated facilities are maintained. The fed- eral2[y ~ssisted construction contractor certifies further that he will not maintain or provide for his employees any segregated facilities at any of his establishments, and that he will not permit his employees to perform their services at any location, under his control, where segregated facilities are maintained. The federa/ly assisted construction contractor a~rees that a breach of this certification is a violation of the Equ~l Opportunity clause in this contract. Aa used in this certification, the term "segrcsated facilities" means any waiting rooms, work areas, rest rooms and wash room.,;, restaurants and other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storr~e or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertain- meat areas, transportation, sad housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit directive or are in fact segregated on the b~sis of race, - creed., color, or nations/ origin, because of habit, loc~,l custom, or otherwise. The £ederall¥ assisted construction contractor agrees that (except ~here he has obtained identical certifications from proposed subcontractors for specific time periods) he ',~ill obtain identical certifications from proposed subcontractors prior to the ~ard of subcontracts exceeding ~10,0OO which are not exempt from the provisions of the Egu~I Opportunity clause, an¢I that he will retain such certifications in his files. Signature ~/i~'~ Date N~me and Title of Signer (Please NOTE: The penalty for making fo/se statements in offers is prescribed in 18 U.S.C. 1OO1. CNSF-1 ~t: 1 (EPA, Region I1, 2/24/75) U. S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION II GUIDANCE AND PROCEDURES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE REQUIREMENTS PART I Introduction The purpose of this guidance is to outline procedures for use by the grantees, A/E consultants and construction contractors in complying with the Environmental Protection Agency, Region II, Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Program for the Implementation of the EPA policy pub- lished in the Federal Register on December 26, 1978 (copy attached). The purpose of this Program is to raise the level of MBE participation in EPA funded projects to a level commensurate with their capabilities and availability. These procedures are designed to implement EPA Policy which requires affirmative steps, including goals to be achieved through a result-oriented program. The EPA regulations 40 CFR 35.936-7, 40 CFR 35.937-12(b), 40 CFR 35.938- 9(b)(2), Appendix C-l{14}, and Appendix C-2{9) require grantees and construction contractors to take affirmative steps to utilize minority- owned businesses in the procurement of engineering and construction services and supplies. The EPA, and in particular, its Regional Administrators, have the duty under 40 CFR, Parts 30 and 35 to insure compliance with all grant regulations, requirements and conditions. The Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy has the responsibility for establishing an MBE program in coordination with the Director of the Water Division. The Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy will determine compliance with Minority Business Enterprise requirements. The grantee in its role as a public trustee assumes primary responsi- bility to achieve an acceptable level of MBE use. This primary responsi- bility is a basic condition of its grant award. All applicants/grantees are required to take positive efforts to use MBE. As an aid to the grantee, A/E consultants and construction contractors, the U. S. Department of Co~nerce has locally funded offices of the Office of Minority Business Enterprise, which will provide MBE resource lists, technical assistance and on-going information. Additional -2- infomation may be obtained from the Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy and the Water Division, Region II. The Civill Rights Director and his/her MBE coordinators are also available for consultation and advice regarding the utilization of minority business enterprises. Applicability All grantees receiving financial grant assistance on EPA funded projects involving architectural and engineering consulting services and con- struction contractors are subject to the policy and procedures described herein. Definitions Minority Business Enterprise. A business at least 51 percent of which is owned and controlled by minority group members, or in the case of a publicly-owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned and controlled by minority group members. The minority owner- ship must exercise actual day-to-day management. Minority Group Members. Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, American Indians, American Eskimos, and American Aleuts. EPA Region II will conduct reviews in cooperation with other Federal, State, local, and private agencies to verify that an MBE contractor or supplier performs a comnercially useful function and is not dominated "sham" by nonminority sources of supply. Discovery of the use of a MBE firm or a legitimate MBE firm being used to subvert the purposes of the program will require corrective or enforcement action. PART II Policy Staten~nt The applicant/grantee's policy-making body (Authority, Board, Council, etc.) or Chief Executive Officer {e.g., Mayor} is required to issue a policy statenmnt which expresses c~itment to the MBE program and which utilizes the Regional goals or such goals as may be established by the grantee to express the percentage MBE participation which the applicant shall strive to achieve. The statement must clutline the levels of 2tB~I{ - 2 o~ 26 -3- responsibility, beginning with the Chief Executive Officer who will be responsible and accountable for carrying out the program. The policy statement shall be circulated to tlhe applicant's managers, supervisors, and employees, as well as to minority economic development agencies ~nd organizations, contractors' associations (both minority and non-minority)~ and newspapers, magazines,, and other appropriate media (both minority and non-minority). The policy statement should be conspicuously posted in all offices where minority entrepreneurs and employees may have occasion to visit. A copy of the policy statement and a list of the organizations, asso- ciations and communications media to which it is to be distributed, shall be supplied to the Director, Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy, USEPA, Region II, at the time of grant application. B. Identification of an MBE Person An "MBE Officer" shall be designated by the grantee's Chief Executive Officer. In order to achieve maximum program efficiency, it is essen- tial that the individual(s) selected must be: Familiar with and capable of communicatir~g and interpreting the applicant's procurement procedures and requirements, as well as EPA contracting and subcontracting procedures and requirements. 2. Understanding of small and minority business problems. 3. Capable of communicating effectively with minority businesses and management. 4. Able to maintain a good rapport with the minority community. 5. Familiar with local resources and services available to aid Minority Business Enterprises. The name, address, and telephone number of tile designated MBE Officer shall be included with the application supplied to the Director, Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy, USEPA, Region II, at the time of grant application submission. MBE Percentage Goals* EPA Region II has determined that h~tween 10-25% of the doll ar amount . of all contracts awarded for A/E consultant services and the construction *So as not to distort the regional picture the above range of numbers as a goal has been comnuted not to include Puerto Rico which is being cal- culated as a separate case. -4- and supply services required in the plans and specifications are to be committed to minority-owned businesses. The grantee in its role as a public trustee assumes primary responsibility to achieve an acceptable level of MBE participation. Each grantee may establish a numerical goal or goals under V, B, (2), (lb) of the EPA policy statement~ The EPA Region II goal is based on the minority consistuency in the geographical areas genuinely accepted as demarking the reasonable limits of local labor markets, such as the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) as currently defined by the U.S. Office of Statistical Standards. Some EPA Regions have chosen to set as a goal a percentage of the total dollar value of all A/E contracts approved and to set as a separate qoal a percentage of the total dollar value of all construc- tion contracts and service approved. Region II's goal-oriented program involves establishing an MBE goal which represents a percent- age of the total dollar value of all contracts approved. Where the project is already underway, any Invitation for Bids (IFB) or Request for Proposals (RFP) issued by the grantee and procurement of subagreements on or after February 1, 1979 are subject to this policy and the grantee must take steps to implement procedures necessary to establish a goal-oriented MBE program (including the issuance of addenda to current IFB's and RFP's). Achievement of specified MBE goals by A/E consultant, prime contractor or subcontractor goals or adequate documentation or justification of failure to meet goals must be required by grantee for submission to the Director of Civil Rights and Urban Policy for review and appropriate action. Adequate planning is critical to insure that MBEs have an equitable opportunity to participate in A/E consultaing, design and construction contracts and subcontracts. The applicant/grantee may establish its own goals for each of the 3 steps of the grant process based on the availability and capability of MBEs to do the work. Such goals are not ,expected to be lower than I0% minimum level. EPA Region II requires an Affirmative Action Plan type methodology to be followed in setting goals. The following outline is recommended: -5- 1. The goal must reflect a cognizance of the current percentage of minority population in the area. 2. The goal must be based on projections of contract and subcontract awards. 3. The goal must be related to the availability of MBEs. The goal must reflect the full range of A/E consulting and con- structton activities anticipated by the plans and specifications and should, to some extent, be directed at expanding minority participation in those areas of A/E consulting and construction contracting and subcontracting where past participation has been minimal or non-existent. The setting of goals is a method of matching projected A/E consulting, contracting and subcontracting opportunities with available MBEs. The geographic basis for assessing MBE availability will vary with the type of work to be performed or the type of supplies to be procured. In general, in defining the geographical boundaries for determining the availability of MBEs in specific A/E consulting, construction contract- ing or subcontracting areas, the grantee will follow a common sense approach and should apply the same criteria that the applicant generally has applied to non-minority firms. It should be kept in mind that if the data collected to develop grantee goals particularly MBE availability, is inadequate or is assessed to be superficial, EPA Region II may find the goal unacceptable and impose an appropriate goal. An MBE program, including the percentage goal, and the steps the grantee will take to achieve the goal must be submitted to the Director, Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy, USEPA, Region II, at the time of application. Specific goals established after application but prior to the issuance of solicitation document shall also be promptly submitted. PART III Procedures by Applicant/Grantee to Ensure MBE Participation Once the goal has been set, affirmative action techniques should be developed to meet the goal. The techniques must include but not be limited to: MBER - S off 26 -6- a. Designing the project and the bidding package to provide MBEs access to meaningful prime contracting and subcontracting opportunities by trade discipline and by separable units. b. Designing specific plans and specifications designed to increase potential MBE participation. This can take the form of breaking down large contracts into smaller ones, and of designing facilities taking into consideration the type of work for which minority firms are available and capable. c. Using the MBEs in construction management contracts. d. Encouraging the formation of joint ventures among MBEs and between minority and majority firms which provide opportunity for MBEs to gain experience. e. Providing plans and specifications to the State and local minority busi- ness organizations an~ associations, including the State OMBE offices. These must be provided in a timely manner in order to allow MBEs adequate time to develop responsive and responsible bids for contracts or proposals for subcontracts. f. Establishing payment and delivery schedules so as to minimize cash flow problems faced by minority firms. g. Providing a source list of minority A/E consulting and construction con- tractors and suppliers to those firms who have received the bid or proposal package. h. Informing all prospective bidders and proposers in writing of the EPA policy concerning the utilization of minority firms when announcements for Invitation for Bids {IFB) or Requests for Proposals {RFP) are issued by the grantee. i. Including the appropriate MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PARTICIPATION SPECIFICATIONS set out in Appendix I and Appendix II of this guidance in all RFPs and bid specifications or such other solicitation pro- visions as may be approved by EPA making certain that the appropriate percentage goal figure is included in all specifications and requests for bids or proposals. j. Keeping EPA, Region II, Office of Civil RigJhts and Urban Policy in- formed of all contract awards or changes in plans for awards of approved proposed contracts. MBiCR 6 of 26 -7- The applicant must take affirmative steps to insure equitable oppor- tunity for minority firms to participate in EPA assisted projects. The name and addresses of all minority consulting firms contacted and their response and the names of those intended to be utilized must be promptly submitted by the applicant to be forwarded to Region II's Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy for review and approval prior to grant offer or prior to contract appreval. The applicant should contact ten (10) or more minority firms to ascertain their interest, capability and availability to serve as prime consultants, Joint venturers, or as subconsultants in the facilities planning, design service, contract management and environ- mental impact statement process under consideration. Documentation of the MBEs' response must be made available to the EPA, Region II Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy upon request. Applicants/ grantees will contact out-of-state minority finns if none can be obtained in-state to meet requirements. Consulting and subcontracting possibilities include, but are not limited to the following: a. Step 1 (Facility Planning). (1) Engineering report. (2) Environmental assessment statement. (3) Infiltration/Inflow analysis. b. Step 2 (Design) (1) Design (a) Pump station force main. (b) Sewage treatment plant. {c) Interceptor. (d) Collection system. (2) 0 & M Manual development c. Step 3 (Construction), (1) Site preparation. (2) Foundation. -8- (3) Shell. (4) Roof. (5) Walls. (6) Electrical. (7) Plumbing and mechanical. (8) Finish interior. (9) Exterior appurtenances. (10) Site completion/landscaping. (11) Test/start-up operation. In order for the applicant/grantee to assure its compliance with EPA regulations, the applicant should include, as part of its responsibility evaluation criteria, affirmative efforts taken for the utilization of minority firms for facilities planning, design and construction services to be required by the applicant/grantee. In addition, the applicant/ grantee must notify all prospective contractors and consultants by announcement that approval of contract award may be withheld unless it can be shown to the applicant/grantee that positive affirmative efforts as described herein have been or will be taken to utilize minority A/E firms either as joint venturer~ or subcontractors. Because many minority firms are small operations, the capabili- ties of such firms are especially unique in facilities planning and design services, contract management services, and environmental impact statement services. Since there may be certain labor and over- head cost advantages realized by the applicant/grantee in utilizing a small firm in these situations, applicant/grantees are expected to aggressively pursue the utilization of such minority firms as prime consultants. EPA will monitor projects on a "random sample" basis. Documentation of efforts made to utilize minority firms must be maintained by all applicant/grantees and their contractors for review by the Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy. MBER - 8 of 26 -9- 7. For reference, applicants/qrantees will be provided with a list by EPA, Region II of minority rims experienced in architectural, engineering, construction and other nrofessional services. The list is intended as a resource reference only, and not intended to re- strict or limit contact with other minority firms not listed. 8. The applicant/qrantee's MBE pro~ram should assist MBEs in overcominq barriers to program participation. This assistance should be offered directly by the applicant, as well as by referral to other assistance agencies. 9. The applicant/grantee should work closely with financial institutions, insurance and bondfne companies, and prime contractors in an effort to alleviate financial barriers to nrogram participation. PART IV MBE Set-Asides While not required by EPA policy, a proaram to implement MBE set-asides may be established. A set-aside is a procurement technique which limits solicitation of bids or proposals to certain types of firms, for example, minority business firms. In every case adequate competition must be · e obtained with award beinq made to the lowest, respons~v , responsible bidder or to the proposer in non-advertised orocurement submittinq the most advantageous proposal. PART V MBE Responsibilities for Prime Contractors. Within 15 days after contract award the prime contractors are required to submit to the grantee a detailed MBE partici~ation-plan containino an MBE goal and procedures for achievinq that qoal.. This submission must also include a detailed list of all MBE firms to be utilized in achiev- ing the goal. All prime contractors on EPA construction qrant projects are exnected to make the following efforts to achi~-ve the use of minority-owned firms to the maximum extent practical on the project: ?IBEI,> 9 of 26 -lO- Extend opportunities for joint arrangements or subcontracting and purchasing to minority-owned firms. Comply with MI~IORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PARTICIPATION BID SPECI- FICATION (See Appendix I and Appendix Take affirmative steps to ensure compliance with the EPA regula- tions. These steps include, but are not limited to: a. Compiling and submitting to the grantee for submission to the Director, Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy, USEPA, Region II, a list of minority engineering and construction contractors to be utilized through joint arrangement or sub- contracting. Preparing a list of minority contractors contacted and awards made to minority-owned firms, and setting forth specific ef- forts made to identify and award contracts to such firms. Full documentation of such efforts must be made available to the grantee for submission to the Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy upon request. Require subcontractors under the contract to comply with the pro- visions of the contract and the affirmative steps for goal achieve- ment stated in these procedures. 5. Maintain records showing procedures which have been adopted to comply with EPA policy. e Keep grantee's MBE Officer informed of all contracts and subcon- tracts awarded to MBEs or changes in plans to award previously reported subcontracts. The actual attainment of the established goal shall be prima facie evidence of positive efforts and shall release the contractor from any further burden of proof of positive efforts. Contractors are, however, cautioned to nevertheless maintain adequate records because the subsequent withdrawal of a minority firm from a subcontract could reduce the con- tractor's HBE participation below an acceptable level and subject him to a requirement of objective demonstration of positive efforts. Where a contractor is unable to meet the required MBE goal, objective demon- stration of positive efforts must include, but are not limited to the following five (5) steps, inclusive of the requirements for records which must be maintained to docunll~nt the contractor's efforts: MBER - i0 of 26 -ll- The contractor must extend opportunities to MBEs, such as by adver- tising in minority trade association newsletters and minority-owned media. The bid due date and reasonable MBE response due date must be specified in the advertisement. The publications chosen must be distributed within reasonable proximity of the location of the con- struction project. The advertisement must be for sJDecific sub- contracts which are described in reasonable detail. TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE - Have available for grantee's MBE Officer copies of all written efforts to extend opportunities to MBEs including all advertisements which appeared in minority publications, including the name and address of the publication, the date on which the advertisement appeared, and the audience at which the publica- tion is directed (i.e., whether general audience publication or special MBE contractor publication). The contractor must notify all minority contractor associations known to him of the available subcontracting opportunities. The minority associations so notified shall include as a minimum the local Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE) and Minority Contractor Assistance Center (HCAC), and all contractor associations identified to the contractor by the USEPA, Region II, Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy. The notification must be by certi- fied mail and should be received by the addressee associations in time to permit effective MBE participation. The MBE response due date must be specified in the notifications. The solicitation must be for specific subcontracts and the work to be done must be described' as ac~rately as possible and in reasonable detail. TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE - Have available for grantee's MBE Officer copies of all letters or other communications, including enclosures and attachments which were sent to minority contractor associations. Include name, address, and date of mailin§~ for each letter sent. Have available copies of all correspondence and a record (e.g., log) of all telephone replies received in response to the solicitations. The record of telephone responses should include the date and time of the incoming call and the date(s) and time(s) it was returned. Contractors must respond promptly to both telephone and mail responses from MBE associations and firms as protracted delays in responding -12- will be interpreted by the Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy as an attempt to discourage MBE participation. Be able to document follow-up steps taken by contractor. Where technically feasible, the contractor should segment the work to be contracted to accommodate the size and capabilities of avail- able minority subcontractors. This procedure is essential to assure that MBEs are provided equitable s~bcontracting opportunities. TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE - Have available for grantee's MBE Officer documentation which objectively demonstrates the capabilities of available minority business enterprise construction subcontractors in the general area of the location of the construction project Or in areas reasonably proximate thereto. The contractor must be knowledgeable concerning information regarding MBE capabilities which is readily available from local minority contractor associa- tions, local OMBE Office, local MCAC Office, and the EPA, Region II, Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy. Objectively demonstrate by appropriate documentation that a concerted attempt was made by the contractor to segment the subcontract work in ways that accom- modated the size and capabilities of the known available MBEs. The contractor must send solicitation letters by certified mail inviting quotes or proposals from individual minority business enterprises. The solicitation letter must reference specifically segmented portions of work to be subcontracted. The portions of work must be described as specifically and accurately as possible. Inquiries for further details should be encouraged. Letters that are general and do not describe specific:ally the portions of work for which quotes are desired are not acceptable, as such letters do not generally bring responses. The solicitation letter must be sent in a timely manner so as to allow minority firms sufficient opportunity to develop quotes or proposals for the work described. In general, such solicitation letters must be postmarked no later than fifteen (15) days before proposals are due, whether the solicitation is being made before bids or proposals are submitted or during the performance of the prime contract. All solicitation letters should include the bid date and a response due date for the information of the addressee. Contractors are also strongly encouraged to follow up such letters with telephone calls to determine the degree of interest the minority firms have in the work. ~ DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE - Have available for grantee's MBE Officer copies of all soliciation lel~jlers and a list of all parties to whom MI~ER - )2 of 26 -13- each letter was sent, including name, mailing address, and type of business in which the company is known to be engaged. Have available all reply letters and log of all reply telephone calls. Be able to demonstrate objectively what action contractor took in response to each reply. Also, have available a log of any follow-up telephone calls by contractors to letter recipients who did not respond. e Where an MBE submits a proposal for a subcontract to a contractor, and the MBE proposal is deemed unreasonably high and is rejectea for that reason, then, to demonstrate good faith, the contractor must engage in direct negotiations with the MBE in an attempt to reach a mutually acceptable price. This requirement is not appli- cable to those cases where an MBE proposal is rejected in favor of another MBE. TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE - Have available for grantee's MBE Officer Fecords which show that negotiation meetings took place, including time, date and place of each conversation and meeting; name and address of MBE; specific and accurate description of the segment of work which was the subject of the negotiation; and approximate estimated dollar value of the subcontract segment. Where the MBE negotiation was unsuccessful due to failure to agree on price, the contractor must be able to demonstrate, by the production of appro- priate document, that the subcontractor selected for the segment was lower than the MBE and that the work segment so contracted was the same work segment under negotiation with the MBE, and not a reduced portion thereof. The degree of goal attainment by minority-majority joint ventures, minority contractors, and minority suppliers should be calculated as follows: A joint venture consisting of minority and majority business enterprises, functioning as a prime contractor, will be credited with minority parti- cipation on the basis of percentage of the dollar amount of the work to be performed by the MBE. For example, if a minority-majority joint venture proposes to perform 50% of a project quoted at $500,000 and 50% of the work is to be performed by the minority partner in the joint venture, minority participation will be credited as 25% of'the work or $125,000. MBE contractors will be credited with minority participation for that portion of the contract which they.l!erform and that portion subcontracted to minority firms. For example, if an MBE contractor proposes to perform 50% of a project quoted at $500,000 and subcontracts an additional 25% to a minority firm, minority participation will be credited at 75% or $375,OO0. MBER - 13 of 26 PROPOSAL SPECIFICATION MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PARTICIPATION APPENDIX I CONSULTANT FIRM RESPONSIBILITIES The following notice must be included in all solicitations for pro- posals for architectural and engineering work on all projects that receive EPA funding for the construction or,upgrading of wastewater treatment facilities or adjuncts thereto. Goals for MBE Program. It is the policy of the Federal Government that minority businesses shall have the maximum feasible opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts performed under Federal grants-in-aid program. The consultant agrees to use his best efforts to carry out this policy through award of contracts and subcontracts to minority business enter- prises to the fullest extent, consistent with the efficient performance of this contract. As used in this contract, the term "minority busi- ness'' means a business at least 51 percent of which is owned and controlled by minority group members, or, in the case of a publicly- owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is owned and controlled by minority group members. For the purpose of this definition, minority group members are Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, American Indians, ~nerican Eskimos, and American Aleuts. The minority ownership must exercise actual day- to-day management. Each consultant must fully comply with the requirements, terms and conditions of the attached U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region II Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) requirements and the attached statement of EPA policy of December 26, 1978 (43 Federal Register 60220-60224) including the goals established for minority business participation during the performance of this contract. The consultant commits himself to the.performance of positive efforts to achieve the goals for minority business participation contained therein and:all other requirements, terms and conditions of the bid specifications by submitting a properly signed bid or proposal. MBEN 14 of 26 I-2 A consultant who does not objectively demonstrate in his proposal the required positive efforts (i.e., attempted to achieve the Region II goals by contacting minority consultants in an effort to engage them) will not, for this reason alone, have his contract proposal rejected as non-responsive. In the event such a consultant is recommended for contract award by the grantee, the Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy (OCRUP) will inform the grantee, in writing, of the prospective consultant's non-compliance and the basis for such determination. The consultant will be given an opportunity to explain in writing, or at a conference, if requested, the reasons for non-compliance with the required positive efforts. If the reasons for non-compliance are unsatisfactory, the consultant will be requested, in writing, to make additional positive efforts to utilize minority firms prior to contract award. The determination of compliance or non-compliance with the positive efforts requirement will include consideration of the following: 1. Whether the goal has been met on a given contract. 2. If the goal has not been met, the extent to which the consultant attempted to: a. Identify candidate Minority Business Enterprises. b. Contact candidate Minority Business Enterprises. Solicit proposals from candidate Minority Business Enterprises and any response thereto, and the basis of evaluation of any Minority Business Enterprise proposals received. 3. Any other evidence relevant to the good faith efforts of the consultant to comply. Consultant Firm Non-Compliance If after fifteen (15) days of contract award the consultant's efforts remain unsatisfactory to the grantee and/or the Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy, either of the following steps must be taken: Documentation to the grantee and the Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy explaining the reasons for non-utilization of MBEs. MBEI~ 15 <)~ 2G I-3 2. Request a conference with the grantee and the Regional Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy for guidance on possible corrective actions which may be taken in order to comply with MBE obligations. Thirty days after the consultant has been notifiied to make additional positive efforts, such consultants may after documentation procedures or opportunity for conference, be subject to appropriate sanctions, in accordance with the attached EPA policy. Consultant will %e required to execute and submit to the grantee's MBE Officer copies of all subcontracts and purchase orders with minority-owned firms within fifteen (15) days after contract award. ~n the event a consultant fails to utilize the minority-owned firms indicated in his proposal and/or in the subcontracts and purchase orders, he will be expected to explain the reasons for non-utilization to the grantee and the EPA Region II, OCRUP. If there is non-utilization without good cause, the grantee will be expected to require corrective efforts by the consultant. Failure on the part of the grantee to require such efforts or failure to enforce these procedures may result in the refusal of EPA to make contract payment. In very limited situations where circumstances otherwise justify approval of a contract to a consultant which has not satisfactorily complied with the positive efforts requirements {e.g., sole consultant, where delay incident to resolicitation will cause substantial harm to the grantee), the EPA in its discretion may concur in the recommended award conditioned upon the inclusion of satisfactory contract pro- visions which require: 1. Specific and defined positive efforts toward minority business utilization during contract performance; and/or 2. The withholding of progress payments until such time as the positive effort requirements have been satisfactorily complied with and approved by the grantee and the Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy, Region II. MBER - 16 of 26 BID SPECIFICATION MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PARTICIPATION APPENDIX II PRIME CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES The following notice must be included in all invitations and other solicitations for bids and proposals for construction work on all projects that receive EPA funding for the construction or upgrading of wastewater treatment facilities or adjuncts thereto. Goals for MBE Program. It is the policy of the Federal Government that minority businesses shall have the maximum feasible opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts performed under Federal grants-in-aid program. The contractor agrees to use his best efforts to carry out this policy through award of contracts and subcontracts to minority business enter- prises to the fullest extent, consistent with the efficient performance of this contract. As used in this contract, the term "minority business" means a business at least 51 percent of which is owned and controlled by minority group members; or, in the case of a publicly-owned business, at least 51 percent of the stock of which is .owned and controlled by minority group members. For the purpose of this definition, minority group members are Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, American Indians, American Eskimos, and American Aleuts. The minority ownership must exercise actual day-to-day management. Each contractor must fully comply with the requirements, terms and conditions of the attached U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region II Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) requirements and the attached statement of EPA policy of December 26, 1978 (43 Federal Register 60220-60224) including the goals established for minority business participation during the performance of this contract. The contractor commits himself to the performance of positive efforts to achieve the goals for minority business participation contained there- in and all other requirements, terms and conditions of the bid specifications by submitting ~ properly signed bid. The contractor will appoint a company executive to assume the responsi- bility for the implementation of stnsh requirements, terms and conditions. MBEI{ 17 of 26 II-£ The prime contractor agrees that he will make good faith efforts to subcontract at least tel.(lO) percent of the total value of this contract to minority business. Failure to attain this percentage or demonstrate positive efforts to do so may lead to withholding of contract payment, a finding of non-responsibility or other sanctions, in accordance with the attached EPA policy. For the purpose of this program, the term "subcontract" includes all agree- ments for construction, modification and service work and supplies contracted ~or by the prime contractor in the prosecution of the work under his contract. Although it is not made a requirement herein for EPA approval of a contract that a contractor in fact meet or exceed these goals in its contracting, the contractor will be required to objectively demonstrate to the grantee and to EPA, Region II, Civil Rights and Urban Policy Director prior to contract approval and also during contract performance that he has exerted positive efforts to meet these goals. Notwithstanding the fact that a contractor may have the capability to complete the total project with his own work- force and without the use of subcontractors, each contractor will still be required to take positive efforts to subcontract to minority firms a share of the work consistent with the goals. These require- ments are also applicable to bidders who are themselves minority- owned enterprises. MBE Studies, Surve~ and ~eports The contractor shall cooperate with the grantee and the EPA Region II, Civil Rights and Urban Policy Director in studies and surveys of the contractor's minority business procedures and practices. The contractor shall maintain records showing, (a) awards to minority businesses; and (b) specific efforts to identify and award subcontracts to minority businesses. The contractor shall submit periodic reports of subcontract- ing to known minority businesses in such form and manner and at such time (not more often than quarterly) as the grantee or the EPA, Region II, Civil Rights and Urban Policy Director may prescribe. Specific Good Faith Efforts The contractor shall be deemed to be in compliance with the require- ments, terms and conditions of the U.S. Environmental Protection A~ency, Region II, Minority Business Enterprise Policy and Program i~ he meets or exceeds its commitment to the goals for minority business participation in its subcontracts and subagreements. ~'iBER - 18 of 26 II-3 The contractor's commitment to the goals for minority business partici- pation as required b~ the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region II, Minority 'Business Enterprise Policy and Program, constitutes a commitment that he will make every good faith effort to meet such goals. No con- tractor shall be found to be in noncompliance solely on account of the contractor's failure to meet his goals. But he shall be given the opportunity to objectively demonstrate to the grantee and the EPA, Region II, Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy Director, that he has instituted all the specific affirn~tive action steps specified in the USEPA, Region II, MBE Policy and Program and made every good faith effort to make these steps work toward the attainment of.his designated goals of allowing minority business; en~erpri, ses_maxlmum _ feasible opportunity to participate in subcontracts ano suDagreemen~s under this EPA funded project. Contractors who fail to achieve the goal and fail to institute the good faith effort steps specified in this appendix may be found non-responsible or be subject to contractual sanctions. Where the Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Urban Policy makes such a determination, the grantee will be informed that EPA will withhold grant payment if the non-responsible contractor fails to take corrective action on deficiencies or to explain satis- factorily why such action cannot be taken. Contractor Non-Compliance Contractors who fail to achieve their commitments to the goals for minority business participation must have engaged in affirmative participation, which is supported by documentation at least as extensive as the following: I. Documentation of efforts to extend opportunities to MBEs such as advertisement in minority trade association newsletters and minority-owned media no less than fifteen (15) days before MBE responses are due for specific subcontracting that would be anticipated to result at least in a degree of MBE partici- pation equal to the percentage goal for MBE utilization specified for the contract. 2. Documentation showing that minority contractor associations, including the local OMBE Office were notified in writing no less than fifteen {15) days before MBE responses are due. 3. Documentation showing that the work to be subcontracted was segmented to the extent consistent with the size and capa- bility of minority~owned firms in order to provide reasonable subcontracting opportunities.~ II-4 Copies of solicitation letters inviting quotes or proposals from minority business enterprise, segmenting portions of the work and specifically describing, as accurately as possible, the portions of the work for which quotes or pro- posals are solicited from minroity firms and encouraging inquiries for further details. Letters that are general and do not describe specifically the portions of work for which quotes or proposals are desired are not acceptable, as such letters generally do not bring responses. Such letters will be sent in a timely manner so as to allow minority firms sufficient opportunity to develop quotes or proposals for the work described. In general, such solicitation letters shouldbe postmarked no later than fifteen, (15) days before MBE responses are due. Documentation of good faith negotiation with those MBEs from whom responses were received in an effort: to reach a mutually acceptable price. Where the MBE participation was unsuccessful due to failure to agree on price, the bidder must document that the subcontractor selected for the work segment was lower than the MBE and that the work segment sc, contracted was the same work segment under negotiations with the MBE, and not a reduced portion thereof. The foregoing documentation should be provided on or as an addition to Form 4700-5 attached hereto. i'q B E]I~ 20 c>f: II-5 W[NOR[T¥ BU$[NF$$ FNTERPR[$£ INFOR~a~T[ON CHECK PRIME CONTRACTOR INFORMATION SUBCOHTRACTOR OR JOINT YENTURE INFORMATION I CONTRACT NO. I I CONTRACT NOt MBER - 2] of 26 00220 NOTICES Qualified applicsnts will trtrmmlt n.ppllcations directly to the f.~TA Re- 8;Ionsl Office. with · copy to the EPA Regional Office In order to expedite grant review ~d preening. Appll- c~n~ will follow ~pplic~Clon pr~e- dur~ sn~lfled in U~A Ci~ul~r C. 8t~.t. "Appltcttlon ~ur~ for T~hnical SLudles Or~' and the EPA-DOT ~nc R~zs~ noUce on Urb~ Air Quality Plann~g Or~. the appllc~C ~ M~ady the of ~ U~A ~tion 9 ~t. tlofl may ~ in the fo~ o~ ~ ~end- merit ~ ~ ex.ting ~L Whe~ ~ sible, a single appt~aUon for ~A ~tlon 9 fun~ ~d ~A ~tlon ~e U~A ~onM Office ~H review the'appli~tinn ~ i~ure that I~TA g~t appllcttlon p~edures have ~n folinw~ ~A ~d ~A will ~vlew the pro~ ~ of wo~ ~d budget ~ ~ure ~nfo~ity with the cu~ent ~. the ~A/DOT q~r~tion/A~ Qu~lty Piing Ouldelin~. ~d the EPA/DOT z,h ~ls~ on Urb~ ~r Query l'l~ning. ~A will a~ send · cooy of the a0plicatlon ~ the Inte~od~ Pl~lng Group (I~). in th~ re- gio~ whe~ such ~ ~gement desire. In order ~ p~de other on the ~nfo~ity of the ~t appli- cation with the ~. EPA will ~ r~lble for the fol- lowin~ I. ~bl~h~g aOpH~t eH~b[Hty for ~lon 1~5 f~ (A l~t of ell~- 2. ~blhhing ~e level of [~5 f~di~[ for e~h ~ip[en~ ~r the a~ve ~e~ the ~A ]te~ional A~i~t~r ~H notify the stating the iollow~ r~tve ~lon 175 f~. 2. The p~ work qu~ifies for funding ~der the ~A-~T ~L R~t~ notice on Urb~ ~ Qu~lty 3. ~e wo~ pro~ in the 4. ~e ~ount of ~tion 175 f~ autO,ed for obli~ation ~ the appli- U~n ~lpt of the letter. U~A autho~ ~ p~ ~th no~ ~t avo~v~ ~d ~in~t~tive ~t management ~t[o~ incinding audit. No fu~her concu~ences ~ll required by ~A. U~A's z~t administ~tton te- l. Reviewing for compli~ce with 2. Reviewing fino. ncial sLatus report~ smd requlsitlor~ and providing for such audit~ ~s may be required ~ cord~ce with UMTA st~dar~; 3. Executing re[e~e of gr~t func- tion. including Congre~ional clear- ,ce. Sp~tftc c~rdlnating pr~edures will be worked out by the resp~tlve U~A-EPA Offices of Public Affair; 4. Perfo~ln~ su~uent leg~ review ~ may ~ nece~ during the gr~ ~pproval ~d z~inlstmtion ~u~ for ~v DZSBO~ U~A will pay ~es for r~u~l- ~o~ in ~ ~ e~g ~A ~ent p~ ~1~ ~Oon 9 ~d s~tion 1~5 ~ will ~A ~ives p~of no~l~tion f~m ~A ~ s~p p~en~. ~A m~y s~p payment of ~tion 1~5 f~ only ~h app~v~ of the ~A ~on~ A~tm~r. ~ ~a ~c~ or ~uarterly pro~e~ revo~ sho~n~ s~tion 1~5 work expenditu~ w~ sim~t~eo~ly t~mltted by the ~tee ~ the U~A ~d ~A ~e- ~io~ Offices. ~ re~ ~H ~n- fo~ ~ repo~ ~ul~men~ fl~ ~ ~A's Guidel~ for A~ht~tion ~d ~ the ~A-D~ ~c R~ts~ notice on Urb~ ~u~lty ~A will ~ r~tble, for out of the ~t u~n ~n~n~ of the ~A ~e~on~ A~r. ~A ~ll ~b~ ~A for ~r- ~ u~n sep~ly. ~h ~ment w~ ~m~ ~ eff~ ~tfl c~lled ~ ~tl~ by either ~a~y. Either p~y may m~l/y th~ ~eement u~n w~t~n notff[~tlon ~d ~Pv~v~ of the other p~y. ~1~ thM 3rd ~y of Novem~r 1~8. of Air. No~e a~d R~talio~ E~n~t~ ~teetto~ Actin~ Admin~tmtor. M~ T~ation Admint~. t~ttom Admin~i~tto~. [6560-01-M] The Environmental Protect ion A~ency encouraee~ increased partici- pation of minority business enterprise (MBE) in the supply of goods and services in work performed under the EI~A ~r~nts progrs, m contained in Title II of the Cie~n Water Act of 197'/ (Pub. L. 95-917). This publlcs, tion con- solldates the policies and procedures published for architect and engineer (A~E) con,sult&nts in 42 F~ 10'109 (February 23, 1977) and the proposed poUctes a~d procedures publL~hed far construction cona-actor~ in {3 24908 (June 8, t9'/3). A goai-oriezd~d system Is provided to. m&xlml~ MT{E pa~tlcfp·tJop. ~ received numerous written co~,~- merits from the pubUc ~u~d interested pa~-t, ies within ~PA on the proposed policy for the use of ~BE contract: ~. ~A ca~e~uUy corrsldered these c.~m- me~t~ and ~[opted s number of them. '1*he polic~ pub]lshed ~or A&E con- sultan[s, on ~ebrua~- 23, 19'/'7. did not specify · go~-orten~-d policy like that proposal for ~or[ty cop~t, ruction ~ont. rn~m on .Tune 8. 1978. A~ the two policle~ would be ·pplictble to the · ~me projects and iwsntees. EPA bined the~e polities into a Ko·l-orient- ed · pproach. EPA will be ~tudying the effect~ of · go~l-oriented ·pproach to increase MBE p~'tictp·tlon. Public cormment is invited, on a continuing buis, on ail element~ of the EPA progrmn, Includ* lng Its ~lministr~tinn. Comments should be ~ddressed to the Director. Office of Civil Rights IA-10S) Environ* ment~J l~otectlon Agency, ton, D.C. 20460. TAuit~tions for bicis (~FB) or req, .5 or ·fief Februaz? 1, 19'/9. ~'e subject to this policy. Prior implementation the MBE policies will continue, where tinuity. HBER - 22 of 26 NOTICES 60221 cludlng Lite eifects o{ discrimitmtlon; C. Methods used to remedy the un- derutilization of M. BE have not been business. The consta'uction Industry. a tr~Utional conduit for economic upward mobility, reflects this tsck of minority Involvement. Allied proles- show a similar ethnic imbal~Jlce. 'The Iow level of MBE p&rticipation /nclude. at leut. the Inability of MBE eraJ ~nd federally assisted contracts. which provide a m~Jor source of work for construction. ~nd In the related received only 1.2% of federeJ constru~ L/on procurement cont4m:ts in 19~'*~. [;[ecogl~g this problem, Congresa m~d the Executive Br~nch trove InltJ~t~ a/d the MBE In shazing the effects of federal expendltt~re~ In dh'ecl procurement, the Small t~usIne~s AdnlInist~atiml e~lmtulsters tile C~ection 8(al progrtm whereby cef- tin work may b~ subcon~ed t~ fi~m~ owned by ~lly a~d e~onom~- ~¥ dlr~dv~ed Indlvidu&iso This ~ener~l¥ ~ovides that ~ le~ ~0 pe~- ~B~. Title VI of the Civil l~.l~hts &ct of 19~4 ~rovides a remed~ ~uthorlLy merit O. publ~hed ~ 43 ~ 5~203 (~- cember 6. ~lon 8.b., · ~tee's ~s~nstbtl- iti~ ~ ~ minimum of ~en ~ ~e that MBE ~e utl~ when ~[ble ~ ~llcy ~en~ whl~ wo~ ~fom~ by ~E under ~e~ Ur~ ~li~. ~he ~ident that ~ Feder~ The policy of EPA is to encourRge Increased MBE participation tn con- under EPA ~-~nts for construction of work~. This implements the OMB positive effort~ standard, conforms to Presidential direction, and Curthers the requirements of Title VI of the EPA wilt encourage opportunities will involve increased use of wholly- the unique ~A-gr-~ntee relationship. desired result of Increa.~ed MBE pe.r- ticipatlon within the EPA £r~nt proc- ess ~nd al~s in the development of a via. hie minority cor~ultant ~nd con- tr~ct~ colrun~Lrt it y. The policy describes the minimum positive efforts responsibilities that MBEI~ 23 of 26 60222 to conform to their responsibilities. EPA normally will not review whether each MBE performs or Is intended to perform a "commercially useful ftmc. the construction industry pracUce or consults~t community that Involves substantial responsibility), or Is domi- nated by nonminortty control. The I/;PA regional Offlee of Civil Rights end Urban Affairs (OCRUAL when re- mined to be In the Government's best OCRUA will review each proposed use of MBE which is baced upon · newly fnrmed 1V/BE source of supply. In the event EPA finds ch&t will not contribute, or bus not cont. rib- & manner consistent with accepted In- dustry practice, the MBE will not be cousidered ~s ~n MBE under that pro- derway, the ~r~ntee must tsice steps to dem,.nd correction action, termiru~te the contract, or initiate other reme- dies available under State or local law. The ~rantee or. where appropriate. F:egional Administrator. may also take steps to determine the busine~ concernCs) nonresponsible end lneli/d- hie for future contract awards on EPA grant-a~sIsted projects. A minority is a member pi one or more of the following groups: Black Americaz~, Hispanic Amertcar~, Asian Americans, American IndlLn. S. Ameri- can Eskimos. and American Aleuts. The categories of minority group members ire intended to focus the beneficial effects of this program on those ethnic groups'of American ciO- zeos which historically have not ade- quately sh~ved in opportunitie~ to tlcipate in work on Federal or/edersJ- ly assisted projects. Some' a~encies have chosen to define minority group members or IV[BE in terms of their sociad or economic dlsa~ivantA~e. The E'PA categories sicalflC~Lntly corre- spond to those who are, in fact, cultur- ally. socially and economically df·ad. El~oexs Townao Usz oe MBE The basic obligation of an EPA grantee concerning MBE use is set forth in Title 40. Code of Federal ~eg- ulatior~s, e.s a minimum federsJ pro. curement standard end grent require- NOTICES The standard is equally applicable In A&E services. Sections 35.937-2(a.) a~d 35.937-4¢c). The standard concerns the respor~slblllty of both a grantee and bidder or offeror. Sections s. nd 30.340-2(gi. This MBE pro~rarn is principally implemented through the efforts of each EPA grantee to ad. vance the goals of increased MBF. par- ticipation in each element of work to be performed under an EPA The positive efforts obligation ts · re- quired clause in each consulting en~i- neerin~ agreement (Appendix C-1. para. 14 to 40 t;l~'~ Subparg E) end construction contract (Appendls: C-2, pad's. 9 to 40 CFR Subpart E). The stands, rd ts · continuing obllg~t~ion In · ward of all subtler subs~reeraents. Sections 35,937-t2(b)(2) end 35.938- 9(bX2). There is en .identical c,bllga- tlon for non-construction contract su- ba~reements. §33.135. In order to im- plement these obl|~atlons, EPA has es- tablished the following goal-oriented a. THE GOAL-ORIEI'/~D The goal-oriented system involves estAblishing end implementing a goal for IVIBE use appropriate to thc type of work involved. The gpm shall be es- tablished prior to taking procurement action under a Ci-~nt (i.e., prior [o the lssuence'of · request for propo.~[ts for A&E consultant selection on a ~tep and II &-rent end the issuance of s.n in- vitation for bids for construction con- tracts under a Step III ira_ut). The goal will be set in accordance with the procedure below:. il) The OCRUA and Water Dl'visinn, with the ~pDrov·l of the Regional Ad- ministrator, shall establish end ~rmu- ally review · goal for A&E and s goaJ for construction procurement in re,ton. Each goal should be expressed as a percent of the total dollar ~=ount of all contracts approved. Each goal should contain en explen·tion of its basis including the reidon's esUmate of MBE p~rticipation attainable in the region, given the available end poten- tially available MBE resources. (2) The re·tonal goal will be imple- mented by each ~u-~ntee in cooperation with OCRUA in one of the roi]lowing (al The re,tonal ~oal may be inciud- solicitation; or (bi The grentee, prior to the issu- ance of any solicitation documents end in cooperation with the OCRU.~ may establish a goal appropriate to the type of work to be performed for in- clusion in the procurement solicita- tion. This goal may differ from the stances merit, e.g., a project specific goal may be ]es~ than the regional goal where a minority source of serv- ice. supply or manufacture Ls not rea- sonabl¥ available; or a project specific goal may be in excess of a regional goal where competent minority re- sources are manifest; or ¢c) A grantee may use [ts own system for MBE utilization where it is demon- strafed to the s~tisfaction of the OCRUA that the grentee's system will result in an acceptable level of MBE psxticipatior, (3) The solicitAtion documents must contain the following information to implement the goal-oriented system: (&) Clear notice of the goal, which will be · number or range of number~. (bi The manner in which the bidder or offeror may coniorm to its obliga- tlor~ prior to contract award; icl The nmnner by which positive ef- forts of the bidder or offeror will be evaluated; id) A notice of s~nctinns for failure to comply with the positive efforts re- quirement in the solicitation docu- ments; end (el Acopy of this MBE policy. (4) Solicitation documents should be reviewed end approved by OCRUA In conjunction with the program review of the Water Division for conformance with this goal-oriented system. The i-r~ntee or OCI~UA may identify in the solicitation documents further positive efforts which may be tsJcen to comply with this policy. c. ~zs~o~s rs [Lrrir. s The /rantee. in Its role as a public trustee, assumes primary achninistra- tire responsibility toward ms.xtmizin¢ MBE use. Sections 30.120. 30.600 et seq. ~Lnd 35.936-5. Bidders ~nd offerors · t the pre-contr~t stA~e, and those under contra~t with EPA ~rsntees ~ independently responsible, to the ~rantee and EPA, to exercise positive efforts to con/peru to this policy. MBE must take steps to actively participate In the cr~ntee's procurement procur- es. EPA ts ultimately responsible for determining compliance with the posi- tive efforts requirements. Within EPA, the following are the respective prom'.aromatic responsibil- ities: (1) Enui;-onmenfaJ Prolecfion Agency (Heo. dq~nrfer~), fa) An Mr~E Progr~n ts established in the Offk ,~i Civil Rights. (b) The Dh-ector of the'Office pi Civil Rlghtz shall be the Agency Direc. tot for Minority Busine.~ Enterprl~ and will work in coordination with th( Office of Water Program Operation.· to Implement this policy. (c) The Db-ector of the Office o] Civil Hlghts shall designate a Minorit~ Business Enterprise Officer. id) The Minority Buzine.~ Enter prise Officer. working in conjunct/or NBER - 24 of 26 (b) The ReglonaJ Director of 0CRUA shall be the reglonaJ Minority Business Enteroriae Officer. (cl E~ch EPA region shall monitm' the OCRUA ~nd the W~er Division. may be withheld until the deficiencies (vi Review end determine the ade- quacy of the ~ositive efforts after a (vi) Where the review disclo~e~ f~tl- ,~re on the part of the consultant or contract~or to take po~lUve efforts, the regiot~l MBE Officer shMl inform the grantee that failure on the pazl. of the f~ction of the MBE Officer Lnd the cannot be taken, would le~l ~o the ini- tiation of proceedings for imposition of sanction~ which could include with- holding of gr~.nt payments; end MBE. (3) Grantee Responsibilities. The NOT1CES (bi including MDE on solicitation Iis~ and making pla~.s and spe~:ifica- MBE in sullicient time for review: tel AIIowinE sulficient thue to fac/ll- tRte Che p~icipatlon of MBE; id) Notifying the minority a~i- atio~, within the general biddin~ area. of the work to be solicited and the time frame ior submi~ion bi~ or (el ~oviding a source list pi MBE Ilrt~ W all p~sp~tive co~ultan~ or contr~W~: if) ~aking a 1St of proactive sul~M ~td p~me contrac~ bte ~ ail MBE A&E and su~ontrac:- tnt ~[~ expr~ing an in,rest in the ~A-~ted project; (gl [~o~[ng pr~oective co~ul- ~ and contr~to~ of Lhe EPA policy conce~ng ~E p~lclpat!on; ih) Maintain~g r~or~ showin~ ~E con,ted. ~d awar~ to (il Reviewing participation of ~BE (J) ~clud~g In all p~cu~ment d~- umcn~ the etcmen~ of the goal-off- ented system (Section V.B. of this policy): (k) ~aking · I~t of p~nholdem pt J~ avMlable upon request; (Il U~n request pi the pla~tolde~ tm) I~o~g ~1 prospective biG- de~. during ~y p~-b[d ~nie~nces. pt the ~A ooIic~ con~l~ tn) Keep~g OCRUA thieved of (o) [~lng t~[ the ~qul~men~ of [h~ ~Iicy are ~ed ~ ~w~i~ ( i) Co~uliing Fi~ Rea~Rtibttitie~ ~ con,ting f~ ~e exp~:~d ~e ~sittve effor~ to ~e ~ ~e positive effor~ ~clude at leMt the ioI- (~) Extend~ op~unity to tot su~on~t~g or Jo~t (bi [mplement~ the goM~den~ sys~m; (c) ~vi~ the gr~tee wit:5 a I~: pi the MBE pro~d to be ~d (~- clung the ~t~e pt the ~n~:~t ~d the doU~ v~. or ~ no av&Dable MBE w~ be ~. furn~n& the gr~e and [he regional ~E ~ why: (d) Main~ln8 recor~ pi ~BE con- ~ted. including negoti~tion effor~ re~h competl~ve puce leve~ ~d aw~ Lo (el Requiring that each su~:on~- 60223 MBE. 'ed to take positive efiort~ to use MBE. These positive efforL~ include at le.x~t tile following: (a) Extending opportunities to MBE (c) P~vlding the grantee with a I~t pi MBE prop~ed to ~ ~d {[ncludin~ the ~t~ of the ~n~t ~d thd dollar value); or if no ~vailable MBE will ~ ~. [urn~hlng the grantee and the teOonal MBE oificer rc~ wh~ id) Maintaining r~or~ of MBE con- re~h com~tiOve price leve~. ~d awar~ ~ (f} K~ping EPA regional offices in- MB~ (6) MBE ~ib~ilie~ All MBE ~e ex~ ~: ts) B~ome ~volv~ in the State and 1~ p~j~t pla~ing pr~e~; Sta~ and I~M gover~en~; .icl Maintain li~on with the ~ OCRU~ id) tenet ~d mgint[in Iia~on with ~ ~d l~al O/lice of M/nor- ity B~ Enterp~e (OMBE: f~ded ~dty ~ce org~- tio~ ~d ~tlo~ tel ~k ~ce [rom fund~ ~t~ce org~tio~ In fL n~c~g. ~tima~. bid ~n~g ~d ~lc~ ~[~ce ~- t~ il} ~po~i~iity Dete~i~t~o~[ the ev~t · bidder or offeror f~l~ obJ~lve[y demo~[rg~ ~sitive w~ting, t~t Ute bidder of o/fete- ei ~tive eggor~ or ~ held u~n the ~vice of the OCRUA j~ review of the bi~ or offem ch~ge o~er. HBER - 25 of 26 60224 NOTICES §35.939. including appropriate proce- dural requirements. A timely fIl~l pro- test will defer the challenged procure- A finding of nonresvonsiblllty on a contract shall not prejudice the right bids or ptovo.~ls on other E~A funded proJect~. The OCRUA~ upon review of any under this policy the EPA may decl~e the applicant nonresponsible under § 30.340 et seq. or initiate action under where a bidder or offeror has not dem- pie, where delay incident to resulicita- t/on wig cause substantial harm to the of the following provisions is included fined positive efforts for IV~E p~tici- agreed upon liquidated danu~es, for failure to undertake and complete these effort~ or (3) the withholding of pro~'ess payments until such time ~ the positive effotta requirements trove been complied with to the satisfaction of EPA ~nd the grantee. (3) Post Contrv~ct Award Compli- bagreementz within fifteen (15) days after contrzct award, and,-from time OCRUA of the status of its compll- tot fails to con/orm to its MBE obllga- tion, it will be expected to explain, in writing, to the grantee and OCRUA, posing more stringent MBE require- men[s in work procured under EPA grants or procurement obligations which pertain to bid responsiveness. where provided [or by State or local law or ordinances. Dated: December t8. 1978. Oepuiy Adminiztralor. [PR Doc. '/8-35704 Flied t2-22-78; 8:45 ~rn] [6560-01-M] OKLAHOMA DEPAKT~NI' OF AGglCgLTURE The ~viro~en~ ~o~ctlon Agency (EPA) h~ ~d [ s~iflc exemption to the Oklahom~ Depot- sublet to. the prov~io~ pi 40 C~ P~ 166. which pre~bes requ~ ~ ~fo~tion ~u~ by re~- lation ~ be ~clud~ ~ the notice. For mo~ de.led info~atio~ ~te~ p~l~ ~e ~fer~d ~ the appll~tlon on file wi:h the Re~tion Dt~ton ~ ~ 401 M ~tr~t, 8.W. ~m ~e~ ~e ~bout ~ s~ies of whl~ ~. ~me ~mplet~g their life cycle ~ one ye~ ~d some ~ four, with n. ~ ove~nter in the soil. ~th ~: · dul~ ~d ~ l~ae. The latter f~d ~ r~ and ~der~o~d p~ of ~e the~ work their w~y do~ into the sou ~ually ~low the frusC l~e. Adult, ~ the spiny ~d feed on the foliage pl~ted with wheat tn ~alf~ BI.ne,, square loot are common. The cant also claimed that it will be neces- sary to replant a considerable amount of acreage in the affected counties due to damage already inflicted. The acre- age involved has the potential of pro- ducing over 5.3'/5.000 bushels ol hard red winter wheat that has a current value of $16,931,250. There is no other pesticide registered for the control of this pest. The Applicant proposes to use two formulations of Diazinon (0.0-dlethyl 0-( 2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrlmidinyl } phosphorothioatel. A tetsJ of 430.000 pounds active ingredient Ca.i.) will be applied by ground equipment Lnd in- corpo~ted into the soil. The Appli- cant states that chemical treatment with Di~zinon of white grub. infested wheat land must be made prior to planting winter wheat. No detectable residues (less than 0.03 pa~'t per million (ppm). method sens[tivity) a~e anticipated from the proposed use. Since this pesticide is extremely toxic to wildlife and fish. its use is restricted to ground application only and it must be kept out o[ bodies of water. A/ter reviewing the application and other available information, EPA has determined that la) a pest outbreak of white grub h~s occurred; (bi there Ls no ~esticide presently registered and av~.ilabie for use to control the white grub in Oklahoma; ici there are no al- ternative me~ns of control taking into account the efficacy and ha~.rd; id) significant economic problerns may result if the white grub is not con- trolled; and ie) the time available for action to mitigate the problems posed is insufficient for & pesticide to be reg- istered for this u.~e. Accordingly. the Applic~.nt ha~ been gr~nted a specific exemption to use the pesticide noted above until December 15, 1978. The sl~-'clflc exemption is a~o subject to the followh~ conditions: 1. A total of 430,000 pounds ~.L of the producta Dlszinon 14~ and Dia- z/non AOS00 may be used: 2. Dlaztnon may be applied in the counties mentioned above; 3. The dosage rate shall not exceed 7 to 14 pounds per acre of Dlazinon 140, or IR quarts :~er acre of DJ~zinon AOS00; 4. A single &pplic~tion may be made; 5. Applications must be restricted to ~'ound equipment only; 6. Diazinon must be soil incor~Srat- ed hnmediately after application; ?. Turn areas or row ends must be soil incorporated; 8, Recently Di~zton-treated area~ may not be retreated. Infested area~ may be treated only once; 9. Granules wttich are spilled during loading or application must be covered or soil Incor~orated; MBER - 26 of ~3 LABOR STANDARDS PROVISIONS FOR FEDERALLY ASSISTED CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS DAVIS-BACON ACT (4ti U $C'. hy Ibc Contractor at Iht ~ile n( Ihe work in a prominent place vide.; an ahernulive fringe ~ncfi[. ~ shall furnish informalion LS-1 and Ta'ainees clause below. CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS ACT--OVER'rIME COMPENSATION (40 U.S.C. mechanic, including apptenlices, Irainees. walchmen, and guard,, in any workweek in which he i~ employed on any work (a). the Cnnltaclor ~hall be liah~ Io any affecled employee each individual laP,ret o~ mechanic, including an apprenlice. ~cl forth in paragraph tdl training. ~herc fca~hle, Feu~ihilily here inv~dvcx a ¢on~idcru. (.1) The Contraclor ~hall. during Ihe pcrfmmancc of Iht tk:e~,. Iraine~. and j(~urne~, n~.,n. In addit~t~n, thc ('~)ntractor who following i hn,,e ohjec tic. es: {il The Cmltrac tm' empkw,, u~r {d) of this cluu~. ~ (till thc C~tract~ lA) tkeship c~mmittce~, the ~al U.S. Em~y~,l {dl Thc Sc,:rctary ~ ~h~ hu~ det~min~d thug thc ap~icuh~ ~. for thc applicabk area; (~l f~ any ~cu~tl~m k~r ~h~ch no f~ e~ety li~e j~mey~fl. IrAYROLLS AND BASIC RECORDS LS-2 of 4 leo (h~ C'umr~¢[ing ()ffi¢¢r. The I'nme ('on[raclor ,hz, Ii h~ r¢,pon- ~h~: t'.r'th~ ~*hmi,,ii)n ,,f cl~ic~ .f p~yrufl, uf all ~uhc,mlrac. ;d~o h c,~p) ~f hn) upproval h) thc ~¢crc[~ry ~f I.ahor ~itll re- COMPLIANCE WITH COPELAND REGULATIONS thc f~¢cr¢lary of Labor (.~V CFR Part ~) ~hich are WlTHOLDING OF FUNDS SUBCONTRACTS CONTRACT TERMINATION---DEBAR ME NT CFR .~.6. NONDISCRIMINATION PROVISIONS (I) Thc c~mtru¢[*, will not di~limina[~: a~ain~t an)* cmpluy- religion. ~. or nuliunal migin. Ruth ~lJ(to ~hall ineh~dc, hut thc pro~ i~tm~ of thk nondi~iminati,m cEm~c. ~in. ~equired by E~eemive O~der I 1~46 of September 24. 1~5. and nundi*criminali~m cluu~ of thi~ Cunlr~Cl or ~ilh an~ uf Ibc ~ald ~ dec,,red i,ncligihle fm [ur[her Guvcrnm~nl c~)nlr;ich ~ [cdcr- dure~ auth(tfi~ed hz Executive Order 11~46 o~ S~pIcmhcr ~4. . in~uLed a~ provblcd i~ Execmke Order I 1~4b of Scplcm~cr 24. LS-3 of 4 ~$AFETY ANO HEALTH f40 U.$.C, .t27..1JJ) Act (.1(I U.S.C. 327 et ~eq.L LS-4 of 4 COST OR PRICE SUMMARY FORMAT FOR SUBAGREEMENTS UNDER U.S. EP GRANT (.See accoz~snylr~ instruct;OhS before completinl~ Ihls fOt~l) · PARTt. GEHERAL ~,, N ,&Iii O~'.GD#Tfl&C?OIII OR Form, Approved OHB No. 158-R0144 PART fi-COST SUI~IARY TRAVEL SUI. TOTA L: EQUIPHEXT SUBTOTAL: : ~UBCONTRACTSSUBTOTAL: OTH£R SUBTOTAL: e.'OTHER DIRECT COSTS TOTAL: ID. TOTAL ESTIMa.TED COST '~Z. TOTAL PRICE :EPa. F~, ~700-41 (2-76) EF-1 of 2 ;,oc ~c~ ~- PART Ill -PRICE $UI~ARY PART IV.CERTIFICATIONS This p~sal is s~l:ar~tted for ese i~ conoectiotl ~itb amd i~ ~s~nse to . ~is is t; c~ to tM ~st of my knowl~ge and ~lief ~et t~ cost ~ pricing data summarizeg ~ir,'are complete, ~ent, ~d accurate as of (2)~ . a~ ~at · ~ci~ m~em~t c~ability ezists to ~]y mt&ly ~t [ort~ ~n~ci~ trans~ti~s ~der t~s pmj~t. I fu~er ca.fy ~al I ~de~tanfl ~at ~e Su~{ p~ mai' ~ subj~ to down~d r~e~a~on and/or ~coupm~nt w~ ~e a~ve ~st ~d ~c~g ~e ~ave ~ Mte~, es i ~ult of la~t, ~ to ~ve ~n com~e~, cunent and acc~a~ as M ~ date e~. - I certify t~at I have re~-iewed the cost/price summa~ set fott~ herein m~d the proposed costs/price appear acceptable (oz ~,ubagreemen! awe~l. ; EF-2 of 2 r~,G[2or CONTRACT PROVISIONS REQUIRED BY TERMS OF FEDERAL PARTICIPA- TION UNDER THE FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT, AS AMENDED 'The provisions contained herein are to apply to this contract and supersede any conflicting pro- visions appearing elsewhere in the contract documents except where bond or insurance coverages are greater than ttmounts indicated herein in which case the greater amounts are applicable. 1. Contract Security.-'The successful bidder must de- liver to the Owner an executed Performance Bond in an amount at least erlual to fifty percent (S0'~) of the sspe-co~ ~%~--"~-~"'~$0%~ of the aseepted bid as ?e~_un~.~=~"~.rnishi~f materials in eonneotmn with this contract. The sureties of -ii bonds shall be such surety compunY or comp~'deo &sure approved b~' the Ow~cr, and ss are author~xod to trunsact busincsl in tho State be o~provod by tho Owns formal contract. On contracts for materials ~nd equip- m~nt only. involvlnK no labor on the s re, performance and Payment Bonds will not be required unless expressly no ~. Contractor's and Suheontroctor'~ Insurance.~id) tract untll he has obtained all the insurance required hereunder and such insurance has been approved by the msurance required of the subcontractor has been obt.~ned ~d approved- Approval of the insurance by the Owner shall not relieve or decrease the liability of t~e ~ontr~ter hereunder, The C~ntr~ctor shall take out and maintain dm'lng the nation and Employer's Liability ]'nsura.nce for. all of .his employees to be engaged in work on the IDroJect unner ama rontr2ot nnd in ease an}' such work ~s sub'et, the Ca~tr~r eboll require the subcontractor slmil~rl~,to ~d~ Workmen's Compensation and Kmployers bih~y Insurance for all of the loafer's employees t~ be entaled in such work. &,~.~The contrnctor shall take out And ~aintaln d~"'.t th~ life of this contract such Bodily Injury Lin- ~-~y and Property Damage Liability Insurance nnd A~o~obil, Boaily Injury Liability and property Dam- ~ L~bthty insurance as shall protect him and any ~a. ee.tr~rt.~r performing work covered by this contract ~ el~tms for damages for personal injury, including n~e~e~tal d~n'.h n.t well as from cla~mn for property ~s~.e~,, ~'he:her such operatinv, s be by himself or by n~y s~a~n:.'act, nr or by anyone directly or indirectly mn~x~ by ex%her of them. and the amounts of such haywire shall not b~ ]ess tha.~-- (I) ~odlly la jury Liability Insurance. in an amount ~t k.s, than One Hundred Thousand ($100.0o0.00) for injuries, Including wrongful on, pe ,. and ,hject to the ~ in~.n Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ~laO0,00~.O0) en account of one a~cident. ~ ~.tn Fifty Thousand Dollars ~l~ma~ss on astotmt of un}, one acoident, m ~ ~no~nt not lens th~n One Hundred ~ ~1~1 (llO0,O00.O0) for dm2z&gas ma ~t ~ nil ~'cident~ (~) O~'~ p~t~t;ff Li~&//it~ lst~,~u~.~The Con- tractor shall take out .~nd furnish to the Oxencr and maintain du~ng the llf~ of this ~ ~mple~ Owner's p~tective Liability lasu~n~ in amounts ~ .~ified in Paragraph 2(c). G~ve, for ~1~ lfl~ury Li~illty Innur~ ~d for ~o~f17 D~ip ~iabdity ~ount ~u~ ~ the bid ~ico of ~e ~ 3. S,b~tltuli-n Clauss~W~erever in t~ planJ xed epecification.~ any tern of equipment or material ia deslt~flated by reference to a pa~ieular brand, m~u- f~tu~r, or trade name. it is unde~ ~8t an s~ p~v~ ~ual p~act, n~ep~ble ~ ~ ~n~n~r may ~ substltuZed by the Bidder or ~n~r. 4. I ~spectMn.--I eprosentatives of the U. S. Depart- ment of Health. ~duent on and We fare and of the Stat~ shall have access to the work wherever it ~s in prepa- ration or progress ~nd the Contr~tor ~all p~ p~r faciliZien for such ~cm 5. Time for Completlon.~The time to be allo~'od for completion fir thi~ contract from the date of the order to begin work is ,~pecified by the Owner to be: ....... calendar days ~. La~+~r ,~lsndarda.--(d) The C~ntroctor and ~1 enntracto~ ~h:dl comply with ~e ~litionl of Act of June 30. 1~0, 40 U.~- ~bte) anu ~ .m men~ or m~ifications the~. ~e ~r ~d su~ontracta~ Shall furnish the O~r ~ith Statements ~f C, mplla~e. In ca~ of su~atr~ Contr~tor shall cauae ipp~pfi&te p~visions ~ ~od on any sul~ont~ct~ for ~e w~r~.~ie~ let ~ insu~ ~mplianco with .~ Antt-KteZOiCX A~ u7 all su~ontraetors sub,ct ~e~to. ~d ~e ~nt~r shall ~ ~s~nsib,le for the submi~ion of ill S~men~ of Compliance ~,qui~d of su~nt~ b7 said Anti- Kickback Act except ~ tbe ~re~ of .~bor m~y s~ifically p~vlde fac ~a~n~le limi~tton., vaca- tions and exemptions f~m ~e ~ui~en~ ~?~f. ~ose Re~lations a~ p~ of this cannot ~a are i~luded in ~e~ (&) ~ Contractor ~d all ~u~nt~cto~ Shall ~T to a I la~,r~r~ and m~anics employed for the con$t~etion eove~d by ~ a eontriet ~e mimmum ~tea of pay ~ de~tin~ by the ~ of ~r in .~- eordGnce with the Act of Ma~ 3, 1~1. u ~, kno~ as the Da~s-B~on Act (40 U~.~ ~6& th~vgh 2~Gs-SL Furbelow, ~e Contr~r ~d su~ontrac- to~ s~all adhe~ to the sti~ulatioas and ~ovisIons ~bli~ed by the ~reta~ of Heal~, ~uci~ogj ~d e~&~ in "Labor Steadies (~er~ WA~r rolm~on ~nZ~l Act).' ~ Wage ~ ~uk ~ spee.~ co,ion& CP-1 of I ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. MODIFICATION NO. 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK CONTRACT NO. CONTRACT NO. CONTRACT NO. CONTRACT NO. 1 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND MECHANICAL WORK 2 - HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING 3 - PLUMBING 4 - ELECTRICAL (H.V.A.C.) (FEDERAL PROJECT NO. C-36-1120--03) CONTRACT PROVISIONS REQUIRED BY TERMS OF FEDERAL PARTICIPATION UNDER FEDERAL WATER QUALITY POLLUTION CONTROL ACT~, AS AMENDED. PARA. 2(c) (1) BODILY INJURY LIABILITY INSURANCE IS AMENDED AND WILL NOT BE LESS THAN ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.) FOR INJURIES, INCLUDING WRONGFUL DEATH TO ANY ONE PERSON, AND SUBJECT TO THE SAME LIMIT FOR EACH PERSON IN AN AMOUNT NOT LESS THAN THREE MILLION DOLLARS ($3,000,000.) ON ACCOUNT OF ONE ACCIDENT. PARA. 2(c) (2) CONTRACTOR'S PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE IS AMENDED AND WILL NOT BE LESS THAN FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000.) FOR DAMAGES ON ACCOUNT OF ANY ONE ACCIDENT, AND IN AN AMOUNT NOT LESS THAN ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($11,000,000.) FOR DAMAGES ON ACCOUNT OF ALL ACCIDENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NAME THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND INC. VILLAGE OF GREENPORT AS INSURED PARTIES IN ALL POLICIES. Mi 1 of 1 MODIFICATION NO. 2 I_l~_j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL, P.C. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK CONTRACT NO. CONTRACT NO. CONTRACT NO. CONTRACT NO. I - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND MECHANICAL WORK 2 - HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING (H.V.A.C.) 3- PLUMBING 4- ELECTRICAL (FEDERAL PROJECT NO. C-36-1120-03-0) The contract is amended herewith as follows: (A) Builder's "All-Risk" Insurance - The contractor shall pro- cure and maintain during the life of this contract "All-Risk" Insurance in an amount equal to the Total Bid price of the contract. (B) Local~ Town~ County and State Ordinances - The Contractor shall abide by all Local, Town, County and State. Ordinances to the extent that such requirements'do not conflict with Federal Laws or Regulations. (C) Federal Grant Regulations - The Grant Regulations of Public Law 35.938 and 35.939 are appended herewith to the contract and are attached. (D) Prime and Subcontractor Certification Forms - The prime and subcontractor certification forms are appended herewith. These forms or facsimilies thereof shall be completed and submitted with each bid for each and every prime and subcontract. (E) Tax Exemption - (1) The Town of iSouthold is exempt from the payment of New York State Sales Tax and Compensating Use Taxes under Section 1116 of Article 28 of the Tax Law of the State of New York, and is exempt from the payment of Suffolk County Sales and Use Taxes under Section 7, Ordinance 404-C-1968, enacted pursuant to Section 1210 of Article 29 of the Tax Law of the State of New York. (2) The contractor and any of his subcontractors approved to perform work on this contract, are hereby advised that this is a lump sum contract for furnishing labor and material for which bids M2 - 1 of 24 I.-~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. MODIFICATION NO. 2 (CONT'D.) should not include any sales and compensating use taxes on materials which are to be incorporated into the contract work. Materials are to be aepmrateZy sold by the contractor to the Town prior to incor- poration into the contract work. (F) Performance & Payment Bond Requirements - Performance & Payment Bond Requirements for Water Quality Improvement Rroject Construction Con- tracts and Performance Bond Information Form are iherewith appended to the contract. The contractor shall submit two bonds. One shall be for full performance of work under the contract and the second shall be for all claims for labor, material, etc. The Performance & Payment Bonds shall each be for 100% of the contract amount. (G) Pre-construction Conference - After contract award and sign- ing, but prior to the start of construction, a pre-construction con- ference will be held. This meeting will include representatives of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Engineer, Contractor and Town of South- old . The purpose of this meeting will be generally administrative, to acquaint the contractor with Federal and State requirements, use of subcontractors, contractor submissions and approvals required prior to construction, construction procedures, payment criteria, schedule and completion times and other-criteria relating to contract require- ments and performance. (H) Monthly Progress Schedule - The contractor shall submit a work progress schedule to the Engineer within ten (10) days of award of the contract. This schedule shall be updated monthly and submitted monthly to the Engineer. (I)~ Safety and Health Regulations - The contractor shall comply with the Dept. of Labor, Safety and Health Regulations for construc- tion promulgated under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (PL 91-596) and under Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (PL 91-54). (J) Access to Records - The contractor shall maintain books, re- cords, documents and other evidence, in accordance with appropriate accounting procedures and practices, directly pertinent to the perform- ance of the work under this contract until the expiration of three (3) years from the date of final payment. The Owner, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, the State Pollution Control Agency or any of their duly autho- rized representatives shall have access to any such books, documents, papers and records for the purpose of making audit, examination, ex- cerpts and transcriptions. The Contractor shall preserve and make such records available during said three (3) year period. The M2 - 2 of 24 ~j~ HOI. ZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL, P.C. MODIFICATION NO. 2 (CONT'D.) contractor's facilities and records shall also be subject at all rea- sonable times to inspection and audit by said agencies or representa- tives during the period of performance of the contract work. (K) Agency Access to Construction Site - Whenever construction work is in progress or preparation, the contractor shall permit access and inspection and shall provide proper and necessary facilities for inspection to representatives of the Town, Engineer, County, State and Federal representatives of participating or approving agencies which shall include but not be limited to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the New York State Dept. of Environmental Conserva- tion, the Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services, the Town of Southold and the Engineer. (L) Federal Affirmative Action Requirements - The contractor and subcontractors shall be bound by the Federal Affirmative Action Require- ments appended to this Modification. (M) Estimates and Payments - "Prompt Payment" - (Page C-12, Par. a and b are modified by the addition of the following Federal requirement) - The grantee agrees to make payment to its contractor promptly after receipt of Federal sums due under this grant and to retain only such amounts as ma~ be justified by specific circumstances and provisions of this grant or the construction contract. Retained amounts shall be limited, except where greater retention is necessary under specific circumstances specifically provided for in the construction contract, to the following schedule: (a) Retention of up to 10% of payments claimed until construction is 50% complete; (b) After construction is 50% complete, reduction of the total retainage to 5% of payments claimed, provided that the contractor is making satis- factory progress and there is no specific cause for greater withholding; (c) When the project is substantially complete (opera- tional or beneficial occupancy)~ the retained amount shall be further reduced below 5% to only that a~ount necessary to assure completion of the contract work; (d) An appropriate State Bond shall be accepted in lieu of all or part of the cash retatnage under (b) or (c), above. M2 - 3 of 24 12930 Fader',l Reeist~r / VoL 40 ~'~, Part 35, Subtxrt~ n end i i~ conteirmd in ! 33.~0.~ [~J To foster ~tter ~no~ and e~en~, ~A ~m~s ~eo~ tu inte~ove~ a~en~ ~ ~ p~t ~ ns· o~ ~ ~d ~ ~) ~ ~t~ve~ a~ ~ ant eubj~t to ~e ~ui~ments ~ ~fs pe~ all No. 00 / Mood·y, March Z8, 19~3 / Rules and Res~latfous procurements under lntar~)vemmental agreements M'e subject to the requirements in this part except for procurements that ere: (1) incident~d to the pm'pose of the assistance agreement, end {2} Made thrn~gh a central public procurement unlJ. (al These requirements apply only to recipients and contractors with suhagrnements for construction. (1} For construction subagreements of $100.000 or less, the recipient shell fuUow its own requirements relatir~ to h!d guarantees, performance bonds and payment bonds. {2) For those subagreements more than $'100,000. the award official may accept the t~-'cipient's bonding policy and requirements provided the award official makes a determination that the Federal Government's interest is adequately protected. If the award official docs not make that deterc~aQo~ the minlrfl, um bondi~ rcquirements for suba~r~ements more than $11X).000 are: (i) A "bid guarantee" from each bidder equivale~.t in fi,re percent of the bid prlce. The '?old ~uarantae" shall consist of · ~Lr'm commitment such as · bid bond, certi~ed check or other negotiable inslrument ·ceom, panyin~ s bid as assiirance that the bidder will upon acceptance of the bid. execute such contractual documents ·s the EPA recipient may require within the time specffied. (ii) A "perteormence bond" for I00 percent of the subagreement pt,ice. A "performance bond" is one that the contractor executes in connection with · sube~reement to secure fulfillment of all its obligations under such suba~reemenL (iii) A "payment bond" for ,¥10 percent of the subagr~ement price. A' payment bond" is one that the contractor e~ecutes in connection with · subalp'eement to assure payment as required by [aw. to all persons supplyin~ labor and material In the execution of the work provided for in the suba~reemenL {3] Whero bonds ere required in the situations described sbov~, bidders and con~'acturs shall obtain them from comp·alas huldL,~ certJflceties of authority as acceptable sureties {31 [b) Recipients end contractors mull fo~Jow the flood hazard area requirements d the Flood Disaster Prntecflon Act of tS'/3 contained in 40 CFR Pad 30. (el Recipients shall maintain · written code or standards of conduct which shall govern the performance of its offcers, employees, or a~ents engaged in the awa~ arid edminlmtratinn of subasreemeuts supported by EPA funds. No employee, officer or agent of the recipient shall participate in the selection. ·ward or Sdmini,ltretiOn O~" a subasreement supported by EPA funds a conflict of ~terest. reel or sppereoL would be involved. (b) Such s conPdct would arise when: [1) Any employee, offcer or agent of the recipient, any member of their immediate families, or their partners have a finendal ar other interest in the firm selected for award, or (2) An orgenizat~un which may receive or has been awarded s subegreement employs, or is about to employ, any person under parngreph (b){l~ of this section. lc) The recipient's offcers, employee· or .gents shall neither solicit nor accept ~atuities. favors or anything of monetary value ~'om contractors. potential contractors or other pa.,'~es to subagreements. {d) Recipients may set mmimum rules where the f'mancisl interest is not substantial or the gift is an unsolicited item of nominal in~nsic value. (el To the extent pst'mitred by State or local law or regulations, the rec~pient's code of condcct shall provide for penalties, sanctions or other disciplina~. actions fur violations of the code by the recipient's officers, employees or agent~ or by contractors or their agents. § 33.27S Federal celt prlncWles. The fnlhiq~ng cost principles apply to assistance a~reements and sube~reements: (e) State and local governments must comply with O~,a~ Circular A-~? to determine allowable costs. (b} Educational institutions must comply with OMB Circular A=ll to determine allowable costs and with OMB Circular A.-,B8 for incLirect cost (c} Nonprofit institutions must comply with OMB Circular A-I,I2 to determine allowable costs. {d} AU other recipients, centrectore and subcontractors must comply with the cost principles contained in the Fede~l Procurement Regulations CFR 1-15.2 end. ff apprnprlate. 1-15.4) to determine allowable coats. {e) For all EPA nsslstunc~ a~rnem~nta. EPA ~ limit its partlcipetJoll in the s.laz'y rate (excluding overhead) paid to inc~vtdual con·nit·ets retained by recipients or by a recJpient's contractors or subcontractors to the maxiranm deity rgte f~ a GS-18. (Recipients may. however, pay contractors and su~or, U'actors more then ll~s amount.l T~is Ihmtation applies to consultation ser','ices of designated individuals w~th spe~lized sidlls who ere paid nt · daily or bo~ly rate. 'this rate does not include trgn.~portatJon and subsistence costs for crsvel pe~ormed: recipients will pay these in accordance with their normal travel reimbursement practical (hi Subngreements with ~ f~ semoe, s which s. re awarded using the procurement requirements in this pa~t ~re not ~ffected hy this limitation. § 33.2~ Pr~'gblted types of The cost-plus-parentage-of-cost (e.8.. ~ m,.~hi~i:er which includes profit) and the pe ~e nt nge--ot'-cons truct~on-coe t t'/~es of subsets·meats shall not be ~33.2~0 Cost and price ~ {.~} T~e recipient shall conduct a cost ~*.nsiTsis of all negotiated change orders and ~ll n .e~otiated sob·er·em·uts estimated !o exceed S10,000. (hi '[~e recipient shall conduct · pace analy~s of all form·ely advertised procm'ements estimated to exceed !;10.000 tf there are fewer then three bidders. lc) For n,,gotiated procurement, c:ontrsctors and subcontractors shall submit cost or pricing data in support of thc,ir proposals to the recipient. §33395 Sutmgrsements awarded by · A cont.-~ctor must comply with the following provisions in its award of subaRreements. (This section doe~ not apply to a suppller's procurement of materials to produce equlpmenL materials and catalog, off-the-shelf, or n'mnufnctulred items,) {a} 40 CFR Part 3'~ {Debarment and Stlspension Under EPA Assistance {b} 'l~e limitations on suba~reement · ,ward in § :13.2Z0 (e)(l) through [c] The profit requirements in I 33 M2 4 of 24 Federal Register / Vol, 46. No. C~t / Monday. March Z0, 1983 / Rules end Regulations 129,11 (d) The requirements for small. minority, women's and labor surplus area businesses in § .13.240; {el The speciflcetion reqein, ments of § 33.:'55; (f} The requiremenls of Sol,part C o1' this Part. if appropriah,; (8) The Federal cost principles in J 33.Z/5; th) The prohibited types of subegreements In § 33.285; (il The cost and price considerations in § 33.2~3. ami (j} The apphceble subai4reement provisions in Subparl F of this part Small Purchases § 33.305 S."nall purchase procurement. If the aggregate amount involved in an:,' one p:'ocurement transaction does not exceed S10.000. inc!uding e.~limated handl!ng end freight charges, overhead and profit, the recipient may use sm,Il purchase procedures. ~ 33.310 Small purchase procudures- relatively simple procurement methods other property costin~ in the aggregate not more than (a) Recipients sha,~! not divide a thc dot:a: i~mitation for competitixe (bl R(,cipienLs shall obtain price or n~-nber of qualified sources. Fomsal Advertising (al The requirements in §§ 33.405 through 33.430 apply to all formal!y $3.0,000 Formal advertising means the public solicitation of sealed bids end the award of a subugreement based on a fixed pric~ (lump sum. u~it price, or a combination of the two) to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder. ~) Fonaal advertising requires at a (1) A complete, adequate end realistic speclficaUon or purchase description of what ia ~equlred: {2) Two or more rosponsthle bidden which are wiOin8 and able to compete effectively for the recipient's business: ~3] A procurement that lends itself in the award of a fixed-price subeareement: and {4) That the selection of the successful bidder be made principally on the basis of price. § 33.410 PulMIc notice end ~olk~qtstlofl of bids, The recipient th,II 8ire adequate p,~hlic nohce of the solictlatlon, iht Sting bids and stating when and how the biddtug documents ma~ be obtuined or e~amined The ~cipient must allow adequate time between the date ~e public notice is fi~t published and the date by which bids musl be submitted. ~ ~.~ Ad~u~te ~ddl~g Recipient's bidding documents shall include: Ia} A complete slatemer2 be performed inctud~, where appropriate, desiga ~a~as and specifications and ~e required ~ormance schedule: Ih} The terms and con&~ons of the subagreement to be awaked, including pa~ent, delive~ s~edules, point of delayeD' ~d accept~ ~teria: lc} A clear explanation of ~e ~:cipient's method of biding and the method ef evaluatL~ bid prices, and its basis and me~od for awaking the subagreement: ~dl Any other mspons:bdtty ~quirements or evaluauon ~iteria - wkiO~ the recipient w~[I usc m evaluating bidders; {el The p~va~ wage deterw~atior., made ~cer the Davis- Bacon Act. if appli~ble: and ffi The deadline and place to submit bids and a copy of ~ ~. Subpa~s F ~d G ~d. if approF~ate. ~A Fora 57~ "~bor St~dard ~ovisions for Federally Assisted Cco~Kts." j~425 ~of ~e ~pient *~U pub~y o~n bids at ~e p~ace, date ~d ~e ~o~ced in · e bid~ doc~e~. ~ 33.~ Aw~ to ~ ~L ~e. (a} ~e recipient sh=~ ew]u~{e bids in acco~ence wi~ ~e me'ods ~d cfite~a in ~e bi~ do~ents. (bi The recipient sb~ aw=rd a fixed- p~ce suba~ement ~ ~e ]owe*t. ~sponsive. ~=sibJe ~dder. Where ~QEed m ~e biddln~ ~pien~ Ih~U ~id~ facto. ~de ~8~ to de~ ~e Iow ~d. Pa)~ ~s~ my ~ used to de~t~e ~e ~w ~d ~y wh~ prior · al it generally nc~p~ su~ {cJ ~e ~plent may ~ ody when it bas s~ ~um~d ~mess ~eMno ~ ~ ~ ~e ~t ~l~st of ~e p~m fm which assistance is awarded {see § 33.2~t "Documentation"). Competitive Negotiation { 33.505 Competitive negotistion (a) ']'he requirements in §§ 33.505 through 33.52.5 apply to ell competitiw'!y negotiated subeBroements in excess S10,000. (b) Recipients may use competitive negotiation only if conditions are not epptopriata for the use of the format edverlising method of procuremeal § 33.40s1. (a) The recipient must give adeqca:, public notice for compe:itiveb (bi The notice of e reques! for associated documents, includi.~g a car of § 33.2g$. Subparts F and G. the bas:s for subugreement award, and. if appropriate. EPA Form 5720-4 "La,or Standard Provisions for FederMiy Assisted Contracts." {c} Requests for propcsal~ must h'-' proposal contain aU evaluation cnter~ and the relative importance attacheJ. each, and cleazly state '~.e de~:dline place to submit proposals. Is) Recipients must ,~iform.!y objectively evaluate ell proposals proposals. {'bi Recipients must base the~' determinations of quthfied offerors and acceptable proposals sold} on the evaluation criteria stated in the request for proposals. lublgreement. (s} Unless the request for proposa's states that award ma.',' be based initial offers alone, the recipient taus' the best qualLqed offerers w~!h acceptable proposals wil.bi~ the competitive tense, and pe:'rmt rev~s;or.s to obtain best and ~ ofiet~. The bes~ qualified offerors must have equal opportunities to aegotiate or revise thai? proposals. IC~ nqoliations, the recipient must not diadcoe th~ inden~ib OF competin8 of Yerors or any information (b) The recipient must sword the sobea~enuat to the responsible offeror whose proposal ia determined in writing to be the most edvant~eous to the recipient~ *s~n~ into considerabon prsc- M2 - 5 of 24 it 12932 Federal Register ! VoL 48, No. 80 ! Monde),. March 28. 198,1 / Rules and Regulations and other evaluation criteria set forth in the request for proposal. (c) The redpfent must promptly notify unaucoeHfui offerors that their propo..ls were rejected. (dj The ~ciplent must document its procurement file to Indicate how propoHls were evaluated, whet factors were used to determine the best qualified offeror, within the competitive range, and whet racism were used to determine the subagreement award. t 33.5~S eegoUItSo~ and award of eel)~greefl~n~ tat er~Reetu~i ~cl e~glee~ng ~,n~.ea. {al The recipient may evaluate and se]ecS an ~reh~tect or engineer using the procedures in this section in place of the procedures in ! 33.520, "Negotiation and award of subegreements." fbi The recipient may use either a prequalified list developed in accordance with § 33.Z30(c) or responses to requests for statement of qualifications to determine the most technically qualified architects or (c) After selecting and rank]cg the most qualified architects or engineers. the recipient will request technical proposals [rom those architects or enfineers and irdorm them of the evaluation crfferia the recipient wig use to rank the proposals. (dj The recipient shall then select and determine, in ~ting. the best technical proposal. fei ..M'ter selecting the beat proposal. the recipient shall attempt to negotiate fair and reasnnab]e compensation with that oferor. (fl [f the recipient and the oferor of the best propose] cannot a~.ree on the amount of compensation, the recipient shall formally terminate negotiations with that oferor. The recipient shall then negotiate with the offeror with the next best proposal. This process will continue until the recipient reaches agreement on compenaatlon with an otferor with an acceptable proposal. Once the recipient terminates negotiations with an oferor, the recipient cannot go back and renegntiate with that offeror. Noncompetitive Negotiation procur~teot mmhod. Recipients may use noncompetitive Onegotiation to award a suhngreement if the other three procurement methods are inappropriate becau~: (al The item is available only from a single source; {bi A public exigency or eme~ency exisis and the ~w~ency for the requirement Mil not permit a delay incident to competitive procuroment: (c] After solicitation/rom a number of source., compeUUon ia inadequate; or (d) The EPA award officinl authorizes noncompetitive fleaotiatinn, subject to the Ib~iteHon LQ J 33.715(e)(2). J 33.7O5 Appicebglty and ~ of Recipients of assistance agreements awarded under 40 CFR P~t 35. Subparts E e~d ! must comply with the following requirements. § 33.?t0 feW Amer~lfl. Section 21.5 of the Clean Water Act roquires that conU'ectors five preference for the use of domestic material in the construction of EPA ~unded t. reatrflent works. fa) Contractors must use domestic construction material in preference to nnedomestic material if it is priced us more than 5 percent higher ~sfl the bid or ofered price of the nondnmes~c material, indudin8 alt costs of deliver7 to the construction site arid any applicable duST. whether ur not assessed. The recipient wig r. urmally base the computations on prices and costs iff effect on the date of opening of bids or proposals. (b) The swami official may waive the Buy Americun provision based upon factors he considet~ relevant, including: (1) Such use is not in the public interest: (:9 The cost is um'easnnable: (3} The A~enc¥*s available resou~es are not sufficient to implement the provision, subject to the Deputy AdminisU'ator's concurrence: (4) The articles, materials o~ supplies of the class or kind to be used or the articles, materials or supplies r'rom which they are manufactured are not mined, produced or manufactured in the Un, ted States L~ su~cieot and reasonably available comme~ial quantities or satishctory quality for the pu'~colsr project: or the architect or engineer who provided any or all of the facilities planning or design services for the project and wishes to retain that firm or individual during construction of the project, ft my do so without further public notice .nd evalutinn of queliflcntinnL provided: {1) The recipient received i facilities planning (Step 1l or design 8rnnt (Step 2]. and selected the architect or engineer in accordance with EPA's procurement regulations (n effect when EPA awarded the grant; or {2) The award official appros'ea noncompetitive procurement under § 33.6o5(d} for reasons other than sL, nply using the same individual or firm that provided facilities planning or design services for the project; or {3} The recipient attests that: (i) The initial request for proposals clearly stated the possibility that the ~rm or individual selected could be awarded a subagreement for services during construction; and (iii The firm or individual was selected for facilities planning or design services in accordance with procedm'es in: {Al Section 33230 "Competition."and {BI Section 33.ZSO(a)(l}. (a){2} & (a)(3). and (b} "Documentation." and one of the following: {C} Section 33.305 through 33.315 "Small Purch~ises." or ID) Section 33.405 through 33.430 "Formal Advertising:"or IE) Section 33.505 through 33.525 "Competitive Negotiation." {iii) No employee, officer or agent of the recipient, any member of their immediate families, or their paflnem have financial or other interest in the firm selected for award: and (iv] None of the recipient's officers, employees or agents solicited or accepted gratuities, favors or anything o:[ monetary value f~om contractors or o~lher parties to subagreements. fbi However, if the recipient uses the procedures in paragraph (al to retain an architect or engineer, any Step 3 subagreements betweeo the architect or engineer and the recipient must meet aU of the other procurement provtalona in (5) Application of Ibis provision ia this part. contrary to mu]fflateral fovemment /~r -- ~ procur~nent agreements, subject to the [ Subpart D---Requlreamat~ foe* ~ [)eput~ AdmJnislrator*s cnncorrence. [ institutions of Higher Education and ] (c} All biddin~ documents. Ik,~her Nonpeoflt O~lanlZ~l / subegreements, and. if appropriate. requests for proposals must contain the "Buy Amedcan" provision in § 33.1030. 133.711 Use of Ihs lame arctllt~.ct ot. {al [f the recipient ia satisified with the qualifications and performance of § 33.10s Ap~bRIIy ~nd ~'~ope of lids Recipients who a~ subj~t to ~e pru~sione of O~ Ci~ar A-11~ "Grants and ~ements wi~ Institutions of Higher Educatiom M2 - 6 of 24 Federal Rn$ister / Vol, 4~. No. 00 / Monday, March 20. t983 / Rules and Regulations 12933 Orgimizations" are not aul)jcct to ill of ~'~Subpart E-4:lequlramanta for ~ the re(lui~ments in this part. ~ R~ipl~nts of RemedMI Act,s ~ ~ C~pe~t]ve Ag~ementa U~er ~e ~ ! 15110 NoMp~ lu~mem ~ Comp~henllve Environmental ~[ I Res~nse. C~penMtlo~ .nd LlaMlitv ) ~e followi~ c]au,e~ in Subpert F of ~of 1980 · ls po~ do oot apply to ~stitution~ o~ ~ 33.~5 Ap~llty ~d ~ of ~1~ bigbot education and other nonprofit orpnication~: (al Energy efficiency (§ 33.1024l; (1)) Changes (§ 33.1030.3); (c) Differing site condit]oos (J 33.1030.4~ and (d) Price reciucUofl for defective co.<? or pricing datu (§ 33.1030.8), J 33.815 Nonlpp#clbie procurement The following procurement provi::o::s do not apply to institutions of higher education and other nonprofit organizations: (al Subparts C and F.: [b} Sections 33,405 through 33.430 "Formal advertising:" · [c) Sections 33,505 tlu'ough 33.525 'Competitive negotiation;" (d} Section 33.60.5 "Noncompet]th'e negotiation" (see § 33.820(bJ): [e} The requirement in § "Code o[ conduct" to have a written code of conduct; [fl The provisions of § 33.240 "Srn~.:. minority, women's, and labor surplc.< area businesses" which' md)part. (al The requirements In H 33.910 through 33.915 apply only to remedial actions which 'EPA funds as part of a cooperative agreement under the Comprehensive Environmental Response. Compensation. and Lial. qli.'y A:I of 1980 {Superfund}. (bi Studies. investigations, or engineering activities which precede a remedial action activity are not sabject to the requirements in §§ 33.910 through 3.3.915, bul are subiect to the requirements in Subparts ^. B. F and G or this part. § ~3~9t0 Preference tm' ~ odverUsl~g. [fa recipient wants to use a procurement method other than formal . advertising, it must receive the EPA award official*s conc~rence with de:ermina:ion. § 33.915 Award official approvaL The award official shall approve the rec]pient*s use of a procurement method o'~; than formal advertising only aher · e recipient has completed planning re=edial a:tb,~ties and selected a cost- effect.;ve alternative. (1) Encouro8e the award of a fair '~S~bpart F--SubagC~m~nt Provis~on~ share of con.acts to women's and la~ surplus area businesses: (2} Require the lpecLfic affirmative acU0n steps i~ § 33.240(al(1) through {a)(6}: however, nonprofit organizations are ~qufred to make positive efforts to use small businesses nd minority owned businesses as sou~es of supp.~!e.~ and services: (8) Subpefl G **Protests." § 33J20 AddltkmM p~urement (al Recipients must exclude cont~actor~ that develop or cb'aft epectficatinue, teclUiruments, statements of work. invitaUun for bids. or requests for proposals from eompotin~ for awe*ds (b) POt all p~sed sole un.ce lubngr~Bements and whor~ only one b~d or propozal Is r~-ceived, the recipient must request the awtKI official's pHor approval to award the subigreement ff' the aagregute expenditure is expected to exceed Sl 0.000. §33.1005 Appllcabl#ty sfld scope of tt~s m~arL (a) This subpart applies to all EPA recipients and describes the minimum content of each subagreement (contract and subconttectl. {b) Noth~8 in this subpart prohibits a recipient from requir~g more asstu"imces, guarantees, or indemnity or ot~er con~'actural requirements from any party to 8 subasreement. § 33.1010 Requtreme~t~/~- lubagf~,~me~ Recipients shall include clauses that meet the requiremunts o! § § 33.1015 thruugh 33Jo~. and the appropriate clauses in § 33.1030. ia each procurement labagzaemenL § ~3.1ots W pro~doM Each subasteement must include pcoviaions defining a sound and complete ngroemenL inclodi~ the: (a) Nature, scope, nod extent of work to be performed: (b) Timeframe for performance; (c) Total cost of the subagreemenl; and (d) Payment provisions. § 33.1016 Labor ataflderda provisions, Recipients shall incl,de a copy of EPA Form 572.0-4 "Labor Standards Provisions for Federally Assisted Construction Contracts" in each subngreement for construction {as defined by the Secrotat7 of Labor}. Th~, form contains the Davis-Bacon requirements (40 U.S.C. 276a--~'76a-7}; the Copeland Regulations (gO CFR Part 3J; the Contract Work Hours and Safe:~, Standards Act---Overtime Compensation {940 U.S.C. 327-333~ and the nondiscrimination provisions in Executive Order 11~4B. as amended § 33.1019 Pete~t.~ data end copyrights chute. Except for construction grant subagreements, tli subngteements shah include notice of EPA requirements and regulations pertaining to reporting and patent rights under any subngreem~mt involving research, developmental. experimental or demonstration wot with respect to any discovery or invention which arises or is developed in the conduct of work under a subngreement. Th~s notice shall also include EPA. requirements and regulations pertaL,'dn8 to copyri;h!s rights in data contained in 40 CFR P~rt 30. § 33,102~ V'K)~lat~g t aclltt]e s ch us e. Subngreements in excess of $'100.000 shall contain a provision which requires contractor compliance with all applicable stimdnrds, orders or requirements issued under Sect]on 306 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. S~ction 508 of the Claim Water Act (33 U.S.C. !~68). ExecuUve Order 11738, and EPA regulations (40 CI~ Part 15) which prohibit the use under nonexempt Federal contrncts. 8rants or loans of fec.~ties included on the EPA llst of Violating FaciLities. §33.1021 Enow a~ Saute. Suba8reements shall comply with mimdatur7 standards and policies on ener~' e~ciency contained in the State's enorgY conservation pisa issued in compUanoe wtth ~e Energy Policy and Conseevat~n Act (Pub. L. § ~t. lO3Q ~ aubeg~m~t douses. Recipients must include, when appropriate, the following clauses or their equivalent in aadt aub~teement Redptents may saint]tote other terms for "~ctpiont end" 'contzactor" in their subqruemen~ M2 7 of 24 12934 Federal Register / Vol. 48, No. ~0 / Monday. March Zg, 1983 / Rules and Regulalions 1. Superyt·doa ti) o~ the tarsi·hiM of · whiten notice under contractor ·hall promptly. ·od before such 33.1030 apply to this work elifible for EPA assistance to be performed under this · ubep~.ement end that them clause supereede uny coafllcti~ provisions of this ,ubngroement. Thie ·ubegreemeat i, ,xp~cted to be /vAdud in port with filade f~om the U.S. Enviromnuntll Pmteclton A~ency. Neither agencies or employMs ~ or wiU be. · party subegr~ement. This ·ubagreement is subject this project. g. C~eoge~ subng~ements /or con$~r~ction, ti) The ind~c~led to be · cha~e order, make oFiy change in the work within the general sco~e ti) in the sPeCSfication· (iFicludir.8 drawiMs and desisns): (ii) [Fi the time. method or manner of performance of the work: pedof~aFice of the work. (2) A chime order sh011 also he aFiy other regirds the order a· a chafl~e order. {3} Except as pmv~dod in this clause, no odjustmunL (tS If any chun~e under this clluse c~use· of the work under this contcecL whether or make an equit3ble adjustment ·nd modify the for any chaMe under porngraph (a)(:J shove which the recipient is respoasihieo the equitable adjustment ·belt include any incur.od in ittemptlng to comply with those defective speclficetinoL of a written chaMe order under plragraph peragraph (si (2). submit · w~itten statement to the recipient setting forth the general nature end mofletaf-/extent of such claim. The recipient may extend' the 30-.dey period. The contractor may include the ·tatmnent of claim in the notice under paragraph (gl of this cba~ (e! No claim by dm contrtctor for en equlteble edJustmea! ehelt be allowed if made after flaol pe~flnunt under ltd· ·ubeg~ment. (b) The /o//ow/~ c/=uee opp//ef only au/M&.s~emenfs ~r MA/cee. (IS The mcipiunt may et coy time. by written order mike change~ within the grnerel scope of this · subegreement in the MI'Vines or work to be performed, ff such changes cause an incmaM or deoreese in the contractor's cost or time required lo pedorm uny Mrvine, under thfs subegrMmeflt, whether or not changed by any order, the recipient ·hill mike co equitable adjustment end modal/ suhoKteement in wrifing. The contractor must assail any claim for adjustment under this clause in wriring within 30 days fxom the d.~te it receives the recipieflt's notification of change, unless the recipient gran~s additional time before the date of final pe~.'meFit. (2) No services for which the contraclor will charge an additional compensetioFi shall be furnished without the wrltteFi authorizitioFi of the recipient. [c/ The fo/lowing clause applies only to subagreements for s.pplies. (11 The recipient may at any time, by wHnen order and without notice to the sureties, change the general scope of this subagreement in any one or mom of the following: la) Drawings, designs or specificatioFis where the supplies to be fia'nishod are specifically manufactured for the recipient (ii) Method of shipment, or packin~ [iii) Place of deliver,/. (gl ff any change causes aa increase or decreo·e in [he cost or the time required to perform any part of the work under this aubagreement, whether or not changed by any ~uch order, the recipient ·hilt make aa equitable odjuetment ~ the ·ube~eement agreement price or delive~ schedule, or both. and modifi/the subng~..ement in w~tin8. The contractor must assert coy claim for adjustment under this cleu~e within 30 days from the date the contractor receive· the recipient's notification of change. If the recipieFit decide· that the flcts justify such acHon, the recipient may ~eceive and act upon any such claim asserted at any time before tiaa[ payment under this subegreement. Where the cost of property mdde obsolete or excess as a result of ChaM· is included in the contractor's claim for odjustmeFiL the recipient has the H~ht to prescribe the sinner of da·position of such pmpe~y. Nothing In this clause ·hall excuse the contrlctol' f'~om pl. oceedtil~ with the sub·~.emunt is chonged. 4. Differlnl Silo Coadltioao The/~i/owin8 clause applies en/y to const.-~sc~con su~M~reement·. [aI The cooditimu are diltorbed, noti~/the recipi~..ut iff writing of: (I) Siblorrlc~e or latent phys~n~ ti ~e site ~efl~ mete~aUy ~m thom iedicst~ in ~i, eube~menL or elto. ~ tn ~ulunl flits, di~ mat~y ~m ~m o~naHly e~t~ und ~ ~ pmdd~ ~h suba~m~L (b) ~e ~piunt sbu p~pdy ~ves~ ~ ~fl~o~ K il finds that ~n~ltuns materially diff~ and ~ ~use u in~aN time ~ui~ to ~ any p~ of ~e w~ under this suba~munt wbe~er or not ch,~ as a ~sult ols~ ~n~tiunL ~e .~pient shaO mab an ~table odjus~eot end m~ ~e suba~ment ~ ~ng. . (el No claim of ~e ~ntmOor ~der ~U ,clau~ ·hall ~ ellow~ unless ~e conveyor has ~ven ~e notice ~ui~ in pirasraph ext~d the time p~ ~ p~a~aph ~a). (d) ~ cla~ by the ~ctor for an .~uitable adjustment shall ~ aOowed ff issefl~ after final pe)~eflt under this 5. Sus~ioa of Wo~ The fol/e.'iM clause applies oMy to ~s~pefl~ delay or iflte~pt aU Gr any pa~ of ~:he wo~ Esr su~ pe~od of time as ~e trecipieflt may determine to be approp~a~e for ~e con<'enience of the recipie~ ~] ff ~%e peffo~ance of aO or any pa~ ,:he wo~ is suspende~ delayed or inte~upt~ for afl u~asonabie pe~od of a~inis~aboo o[ ~is suba~ement, or ~y the ~pient's hil~ to act wi~ the . s~fi~ in ~is suba~ement (or i~ un t~me is s~fi~, within a ~tsoflable ~me). recipiem shall make afl adjustment for any in~a~ ~ ~e ~st of pe~o~M o[ ~ smb~ment (exdu~ pMfit) ne~e~y cau~ by s~ u~a~bb suspunsio~ delay or !flte~ptinn end m~5' ~e con,ct w~ti~ However. no ~djustment shall ~ ~edo~ance would have been so delayed ~,r iflte~pe~ by afl~ c:her i:adodiM ~e faall or flMii8ence of the con~a~oF, or [2) for whi~ ~ eq~lab[e adjustment is prodded for or excluded ueder Icj No c)aim under thil claus~ shaU be aTlow~ (~) for an) Cost; iacu~ed mo~ ~ r~piunt in wHU~ of the a~. or (uilum to a~ involv~ (~l ~meM d~l not to a duim ~t~ f~ a suspension o~L and (2} unless ~e ~o~t da~ed is i~ w~ti~ as s~a as pM~i~ble a~er ~e M2 - 8 of 24 Fedaral Raglstor / Vol. 40, No. eO ] Monday. },larch 2.8, 1983 ,! Rules and Regulations 12935 t T~tiun (il This lUbag~eamenl may be terminated In whole or In pitt In wrffing by e~thet pa~y M the event al iu~tantial hilure by tbs oth~.t ~y to ~ffill Its obl~itton~ ~der this lu~mement ~ ~ hull of the ~ ~, ~d~ ~t no . . ~atl~ ~y ~ eE~ed ~luss toe othe~ ~ b ~ ~) ~( b~ ~n ton (~0).. ~r da~ ~1~ ~ (dellve~o oy ~ mall ~ ~1~ ~sted] ~ hl~t ~ ~lnito. nad (Z} in ~nlty for ~ulM~ ~ ~e t~lni~s po~ prior ~l~ is Biven (t] not ices ~an ten (~0) Milder days' ~Uan noti~ (delive~ by ~lfl~ mai~ Nt~ ~ipt ~uns:~J of (c] ~ to~i~on f~ defauZt ii effected by ~ ~pinnt. a. equable odjus~em ~ ~e palm p~ded for ~ ~l lube~ement shall ~ rode. but (l] no amo~t ihl~ ~ allowed ce~Mi or o~ wo~ and (~] uny ~ymen( re.nation may ~ odjusted to ~ver any te~i~o~ tot ~ve~an~ is effected by ~e ~ip~ent. ~e equi~ble adJus~ent shall o~er work ~do~zed. ~ equita~Ye hl~ ~e ~ pKor ~ ~e te~naUon. (d} U~n ~ipt of a te~l~on Icttofl ~der pa~aphl {al ur {b) i~ve. ~e ~n~a~ shall (1) ~0y ~lC~Ue i~ ~ec~ w~ {~uss ~e not~ di~s o~}. und[2) ~liver ~ o~ise mi~e syllable to ~e ~piant ~ ~to. s~tions. ~. es~atus, s~i~us and s~ o~r ~o~(i~ a~ mater,s ne my bye ~ a~ited by ~e ~actor ~ pedo~ ~s su~ement. ~e~er ~mple~d or ~ p~us. {el U~n to~ und, pa~aphs ~ ~) a~ve. ~e ~pient may Mke over ~e w~ a~ may ,w,~ *no~ ~ · ~s ,u~ment. (~ K. afar ~s~n for faH~ of ~e Is ~ ~at ~ ~n~a~ ~d not fi~ed to ~ ~1 obligate. ~e ~on s~ ~ ~ to ha~ ~ fur ~ ~u~. aHsin8 out of. or saluting to. this sube~reemcnt or the breach of It wiU be decided by arbitration if the ~dlus mutually within tbs S~nte in which ~e ~pienl is ~ Data any au~nt ~o~o~ ~lpJenf and i~ cont~t~ ~.~* (2J n~oHa~ tu~mant e~men~J or cha~e o~e~ Jn ex~ ~.~ a~ect/n~ the pri~ su~g~ment or pu~has$ o,~er [o~/ly ndve~ise~ com~t:::ve/y [ixed pri~ subog~eme~t rhi~ clause d~ not apply ~ subogteemccts ~is of eff~tire pace ~omplroZler General of the United States. the United States Department or Labor. the recipient, and [the Slate) or any Of their authorized representatives cheil have access Io ill such book), teco~dl, dounment~ and o~her evidence fat the p~qmer of inlpection audit and copy~m~ duri~ normal business hour~ The cunltactof wU] I~ov~de proper facUJtior for such accuse and inspection. (b) I1' ems is a formally adverbed. _ _~tMvely awltd~l. Ilxed price aubig~ment, ~e conUIctot a~cee to make applicable to oil negot~ted dmn~e orders and eube~'eement amendments ~factL,~ thc luba~eemant price. In lbs caus of aU other typos of p~ne eube~'cements, the conUacto~ a~'ees to make pere~'aphs (al through (81 applicable to all sober'cements he awards in excess of ~0.0oo. at any tier. and to make peragmphs (8) tl~x~ (8) of t~s clause applicable to all d~an~e arden ditecdy related to project pedmmance. [c) Auditl cooducted under t~s provision shall be In accordance with lanetally pricing data submitted for evaluation w~th accepted auditin~ etendurdn and ml~t to negoUaUun of p~MI for negoUnt~ er~bUsh~ sub--meats, lower fief ~b~ ~a~e o~e~ is based on ~nt. l~ite (dj ~e ~n~or i~ to ~scl~e ell a~ complete da~a suppofled by the~ ~oks ~o~8~ ~d ~ ~o~ ~m ac~ss 8nd ~co~,. ~ ~e ~pient or ~A to ~s ~der pe~ap~s {a) ~d ~} of datelines ~ot ~y p~ {~u~ ne~o~ated in con~e=~on ~th ~s . in pere~aph (a). sube~ement, lower ~er s=b~ement or {e) Re~s ~der p~phs {~] an~(bJ amendment thereu.,~der was increased by any sigificant sums because ~e (btu provided wis incomplete, inaccu,-a~e ct not con. enO at the time of submission. '-'~.~ sue?, price or cost or profit shall be re::uce-~ sccord~gly and the recipient shaII m,:,~5.' subagteement in ~T~tin~ to re.~ect such lb} Failu. re to a~ee or. a rec!::ction shall be subject to the remedies clause o~ t~s [Note.--,~/nce zAe $=b~.-e~.:tent 1o ~educt/on under ~5~ de/active cost or pric/n~ data ~ eacA/owes I/er #u~.'eeatenl in~eami~/ tAe ~n~ct~r. fl ~ n/~o ex~ct~ ~al ~y lower ~;er ju~n~r ]ower Ear Ia) ~e con,actor s~a~ ma~ b~ks. ~ wo~ ~der ~is ~enl in e~ p~dplce and pro~a m~te~ ~e ~n~al ~U~ e~ ~ ~e p~mUan ny neso~eted sub~t above shall be maintained by the contzactor during performance on EPA assisted work under this subagreement-and lot ~e t~e periods specLqed in 40 ~ F.:."t 30. In sd~ition, those records whtch relate to any controversy arising under an EPA assistance agreemenL Utigation. the ~e~e~ent of clai~ a~sin8 out of such ped'ormance or to casts or items to wl'dch In lUdit exception baa been taken shall be maintetoed by the con~'aclor for the Ume periods specked in 40 CFR 30. {O Accuss to records ts not ~i~tod to the required retention periods. The authorized representatives deri~ated in I~taStap~ {al of thin douse sbaIt have access to i%-cords it any reasunable time fur as lor.~ es the reunrds &re maintained. (8} This rifht of access clause oppUus to financ4al records pert-Gnt~g to subafreemants (except rof~y adver~sed. competitively awerdod. Fused p~ce subegreemants] and all subei~e~ent change orders regardless of the type of subagreement, and Ill sube~eenent tmand~ents reSurdiess of the t:..qpe of subefreement, in addition this Fi~t of accel*+ applies to ~I1 reco~b per~-s~ to all subesreemants, subqreement cboe orders and aubup~emant amendments: (1] To the extent ~he t~oMs peflain di~ctly to svbe~an~nt pedoflannce: (~) If tbe~ is ~ny indic~on that freud. pous abuse or ccm~pt pmct~m may be ($) If tim ~t ts te~ainatod for default m' fee ~onvuntonce. la, Covenant ~ ~t Feus Tbs contractor oerurus bt no pet~on or la]Iisi alencY bee been m.nployod OF retained M2 - 9 of 24 12936 Federal Registet / Vol 48. No. ~0 / Monday. Match 28. 1983 I Rules and Re,aliens hi. de.lies, dtiwinp..p~lltcattunL ~ and other ur.,Icet (ZJ The cont~ctor .hah pad'orm the professesal #trice4 n~.(t#ary to .ube~,emeat in .~mdanua with thl. subqrormuat and applicable I~A requi~me~te In off~'~ on trio date of amount M such ~,--,--4lua. broharaoe ~ ~t f~ he,~ ~l ~ ~n~ o~ciaL mploy~ ~ ~nt of ~e ~pi~k the S~ate or ~A ~ ~ atta~ ~ ~ a subo~e~ ~ by.bi. twa~ ~ · is .ub~en~ b ~nt my. by ~tten no~ M b ~. this euba~m~L or ~s su~mnt pm~deL Hewers. bases su~ ~, sb~ ~ ~ is~ ~ may he ~viewed ~ p~e~s ~der Remedies ~ac~ of ~s s~b~menL {bi ~ ~e event · e event of a b~a~ of ~e sub~eement by · e contractor. ~d ~ t ~. ~ ad~on to any o~ ~s enO~od by ~nw. be en~Oed ~ ex~ll~ ~mages m ~ ~o~t con,actor ~ ~ pm~ ~y su~ sratui~es to ~y .u~ o~ ~ ~o~. z t 5 of tbs ~e~ Water ~ (33 U.S.~ ~1 et seq.] and i~plemen~ ~A ~afl~ ~e given to ~e=esfic It~t""~N' .hah not in any way relieve the contractor of rcaFomihill~ for the tedmical adequacy of his wore Neither the owner's not' EPA's mew. appmv-I i~.~ance or payment hr any of the ,ervice~ shall be 4~ocat~4C[ Il i waiver of any r~ti under this qroemeut or of any cam for co~ton er~sblg out of the parfoflnanua of this s~bos~emem, (4} 'lb contructor .hah be, and .hell remain, Gable in accordance with applicable law fa* all damages In the owner or EPA caused by b coet~ctor*, negligent padrormanor of ny of the ~ervtces f~m~shed .~1~ this subogreement, except for omJsdoca or other dellctencins to the extent at~4butable to the owner, own~sbod data or an)' third paJ'ty. Tbs contractor shah not be responllbhi for any Inns delays In the project cetuod by c~ro'4fl'dtances bayard the {5) The contractor's oblioations under d;.J:~h~sh ituy o~.her ri~tl that the owner racy hove as~inJt the cc~t~or for faulty ~u/H~h,-emeets/'or co,ed-oct/cm. (1) The this suba81wemeflt In accordance with this .peci~uattonL (Z) The contractor 8.arantee. for a period of .t least one {t} year bm the date of .ubetondal completion of the work that th completed work is f~e f~om all defe~ts due to faulty tutorials, eq~pment or wor4noecahtp and that he shall promptly make whatever odjcatments er cm'rectioes which may be fleceH~7 to ~u~ any defects. Includin~ system resulri~ from such dafects. The owner shall prompOy ~tve notice to the that th contractor fails to make odjus~nentL Incurt~L Th~ pedor~ance bond shall remaIn In ~ll foroe end effect ~ the ~uerantoe period. (si The ~mtrac~r's obll~ation~ under ~ o~hor expm~ or Implied aisoreflces under condition before final peytca~ under thl. subeo~ef~-.ut or H a termination rattiest under this suhegeemem the con~'actor shall execute and deliver In th owuer i release of all clahu qainst th ~ all.ln~ under. by virtu et this .ubegreemuat. except claims which ar~ speclfinillf exampled by the contrlct~ In be art forth threln. Uolca~ othorwi~ pro~ddod in thb lubaf~n~nt, by State law or odm~v~ ex~B#ly ao~ed In by the pafftca to lids subeor~ne~ floei settlement upon tennlnaflua of thb subeoreement sh~ll not coestitoIn · weaver of the owner', clem q~a.t th contractor or Ids sureties under Lhis subqreement or ~payment bo~d~ 133.115 App~.-'---h~'Y- Ifld I~ oft~In This so,part sets forth EPA's administrative process for the rapid resolndon of protest appeals filed v~th the award official. §33.1110 ne~-ip~ pmt~lt p~ {a) Recipients m~t eslablieh their own procedures for prompt conside~r~oz~ of init~oJ protests concert~z'~ their solicitations or con,'oct awards. A "protest" ~ a ~,~ritten comFieSt concemin8 the recLpient*s soficite~=n or award of a subaoreernent. It must ~e filed ~ith the recipient by a par~/with e d~'ect §na~ciaJ i~terest adversely a~ected by · recipieot's procutezcem action {see ~ "EeY~ew of protest appeal']. ~h} The recipient should ~view each protest received to determ~e whether it is approp~ate to defer the protesled proc~ement action. {c] Lf the recipient does not defer the ~roc~re~ent action, it assumes the r~sk et the award official may disallow the cost of the protested procurement ecllon if the protest appeal is upheld. §33,1115 I~otuat appead. [d) A pdrty With fl financial iflteFest which is adversely affected by the recipient's decision on the initial protest may Hie a "protest appeal" with the award official. {b) ^ "protest appeal" is · written complaint filed with the award official regardin~ the recipient's determination of a protest. {uS ~ iward oflTciel Ihnll not uccept · p~oteit appeal until the protesteF e,~acated ell adiRInistFitive remedieI at the reciFient level. (hi A ~roteet uppeal ia limited to the following. Ill lesuae a~sinll under the procurement provisions of this Pail, or M2 - 10 of 24 Federal Register / Vol. 48. No. 00 / Monday. K4arch 26. 1983 / Rules and ReaL' lions 12937 (2] Alleged violations of State or local law or ordinnnces where the award official determines that there is an overriding Federal requirement. lc) A reciplen: of a lower tier sub.gr.,meat {subcontract) may only file a protest appeal for issues which relate to the award of a subegreement by a contractor (see J 33.295 -Subasreement~ awarded by a contractor"J. la} Protest appeals must be filed with the Assistant General Counsel for Grants for Headquarters'-awarded assistance agreements and with the Office of Regional Coonsel for regionally awarded assistance agreements (bi A protest appeal must: (I] Be written: {~') Include a copy of the reclpient's determination of the protest; {3} State the basis for the appeal: and (4) Request a determination ondet this subpart (c} Upon fiiifl8 a protest appeal v..ith the Regional Counsel or Assistant General Counsel for Grants. as appropriate, the party filing the protest appeal must concurrently transmit a copy of all protest documents and any attachments to all other parties with a direct financial interest which may be adversely affected by the determination of the protest appeal. (d} TEe award official will only consider written protest appea'.,s received by the appropriate Coonsel's office within seven calendar days after the adversely affected party receives the recipient's determination of protest. However. the edver~ely affected party can meet the seven-day notice 'requfremtlnt by telegraphing the ~.. u~. e.l within the .even-calendar-day penon ot its intent to file a pro,est appeal provided the adversely affected party submits e complete protest appeal within seven calendar days of the date it .ends the telegram, tf the seventh day falls on e Saturday. Sonday or holiday, the next workin8 day ahaH be the last day to lubmit I protest appeal. {e} Any party which submit~ a document to the award of~cial dm'tn8 the course of a protest appeal must simultaneously furoiah all other affected parties with a ~opy of the document. (e) U the recipient does not ~,,ceiv.e., the inldal protest before bid opening or me ClOli~ date for receipt of proposal& the award o~dal may dismiss .e untimely any protest appeal hoed upon alleged improprieties in the collcitetinn which were clearly apparant before bid openin8 or before the deadline for [receipt of Initial proposals, la negotiated procurements, protests of alleged Improprieties which were incorporated in a new solicitation must have been received by the recipient by the closing date for receipt of proposals for the new solicitation. (bi In cases not involving improprieties in the solicitation, the award o~cial may distain, as unthuel3~ a protest appeal if the .dyer. ely affected perry did not file the initial protest with the recipient within .even calendar dey, of the date the b.eis for the protest was known or should have been known, whichever is earlier. § 33.1540 Deferral of procurement When the award official receives a protest appeal and the recipient has not defened the procurement action onder i 33.1110(b), the award official must promptly request that the recipient defer the protested procurement action until the award official notifies the recipient of the formal or informal resolution of the appeal. The request shah be limited to the award of the subegreement or subitem which is the basis of the protest appeal. {Q TEe award official shall review record considered by t~e recipient and an)' other documents or arguments presented by the partier to determine whether the recipient has complied wi:!. the procurement requirements al thir pen ~d has a rational basis for its dete~afion of protest. ~} ~e aw~ o~cial's dele~nation s~H ~ns~te final ~A action from ~hi~ ~e~ ~all ~ no ~er a~i~s~ve appel No pe~y ma~ appel an awa~ official's dete~inatio~, of appeal to ~e EPA Board of ~si~tance [bi ~o~ m this subpa~ precludt.~ ~e awa~ o~cia] f~m reviewing the ~pient's p~men~ action {See ~ 33.~5 ) (ii Nonco=rhan~ ~qth ~e awa:~ o~a]'s dete~natio~ of protes~ ~ ~use fat ~ action against ~e ~pient ~de= ~ ~ Pa~ ~ or 32. 0) E ~ apda] ~vo]vus legal issues not e~li~y ed~s~d by ~is pa~. ~e aw~ o~ shah ~solve ~e issue by ~fe~ to ether protest dete~nat~ ~dur ~s ~:~on an~ decisions of ~mp~oUe~ ~netal of ~e U~ted States or of ~e Federa~ ad~ss~ Federal teq~ments . §33.1145 Awardofliclararev~ew. comparable toprocu~ment (al The award official may estabUsh require~ t rides of rocedures or deadlines for the '-'-- - a Reciplent~ M.%-o Do Not C~rti~ Theb arrangement of protest appe' / i~m~u~,tD~emNk°torC~o~ Recip!ea!, (b] TEe award o~icml may summanty L~,~ s~ [~A . dismiss an appeal without proceed~egs {e~) Tee f~lic~-b'~ procedural requ~em~r.~ under this subpart if: appl:.' to ~ec~ents who: [1) TEe protest appeal is not (1} Do not ~e.-~ to EPA that their reriewable, see § 33.1130, ur addresses procu~ment r~rtem meets the minimG~. issues other than thos~ allowed under procurement requirememr in thir part or § 33.1120(b]; (Z] Have ~eO' procurement c~rfification (2) The protester substantially fails to evoked by the award of~ciaL ar stated m comply with the procedural i [bi Tho~e i~tpientr must comply with the requiremen~ of this subpert; at ,equil. meats in th~ part plus the foliowL~g [3) The protester does not qree to t:he procedural wquirements. The~e procedural recipianrs request for a reasonable ~-qu~meuU supplement the teqmrements extension of the bid and bond pefio<L the secttous {c} TEe award ot~cial may ,-.~-.~ily (1l To eoe.~t~ with ! deny a protest appeal'without ..Docmnenta.~on.# the te~pient must rub .m~t to the awa..d a~cial the records required b.~ proceedings onder this subport if. after thir considering the facts in · light most {21 To eo~.al~ with J X3.Z9O. "Cos'. and favorable to the protester, the award p~oe ~oMideta~on.." the mcipient's official believes that the protest leclo~ u~t~c~ars .~d rub~Uacto~ must meriL the~' emi et pt~ce data on E~A Form (dj The award offietal wit[ give both 'T_~it ur P[~t Semmm7 Fo~nat fat the rodpient and the prat.stat, as wall Subqtennenta Under U.S. EPA Greats." or SO may other petty with · Bnandal In .nethe~ ;-.at which .~.~.dus interest which may be advm'~.ly .lnilat e that [mph'ed b~ EPA fern (nj To"-'.'l~ with 1 la.erS.'time all, ted by the determination of pro,est. ~ bids." b f~ple~t musl allow al an opportunity to pro.eat er8umcots In bust ]0 dap beW~en the data when it ru~: ,epport of th,it view, in writing ur at: a ~ the public notre, and the date by conference, vds~:h bids must be m3badtted. (e! After the announced date for (,il To .amply with J S3.41& *~ubUc receipt Of written argumonin, the reonrd ~nd eollcita~m of bids.' the es~pient .hall be closed, t--kl~-k the notice in professloa~ M2 - 11 of 24 Feder~ Re~ater / VoL 48, No. GO / Monday. March 28. 1~1 / RuPee ~lltl~ ~ · m~b~ ~e ~r at le~t M2 - 12 of 24 U.S. ENV[RONNENTAL PROTECTION ACENCY C.E.%T_I.F.!.CAT. I_O.~..~.Y. ~TnnF. R REC^RDING RQ.U_A!.__L~mn'I~'Y~£NT OPPORTUNITY Name of Bidder / Project XNSTRUCTIONS This certification is required pursuant to Executive Order llZ&6, Part Section 203(b), (30 F.R. 12319-25). Each bidder is.required to state in his bid whether he has participated in any previous contract or subcontract sub- Ject to the equal opportunity clause; and, if so, ~ether he has filed compliance reports due under applicable fllinE requirements. CONTRACTOR' S CERTIFICATION Bidder has par~lcipated in a previous con~rac~ or subcontract subject Co ~he Equ~ Oppor~uni~y C~use. YES / NO Compliance reports were required to be filed in connection with such contract or subcontract. YES ~/ NO If YES, state what reports were filed and with what agency. Bidder has filed all compliance reports due nnder applicable instructions, 'including SF-iO0. YES ~ NO If answer to item 3 ts "NO", please explain in detail on reverse side of this certification. Certification - The in formation above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. A willfully false statement ts punishable by law. (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001). / (NANE AND TITLE OF SIGNER - PLEASE TYPE) (Rev. 5/7/75) M2 - 13 of 24 (EPA, Region II, Z/24/75'~ NEW YORK S'I. DIVISION OF BUKEAU OF SEt,';.(;C ,t, SEl,~ .TtO.l ?crformauco Bond Rt.c;.treme-ts For ~/ater quality Improvement Project Construction Contracts Chapter 617 of the l.=~s of t!e~ York State for 197~. ree. uires that, "k~enewr a aecur~_l;y bond is posted by a s~ccessfu~ ht~der for the [atth[u~ pc.t~orma.ce a ~ntctl~l project, lot vhtch st~Ce atd Is approved, the n=me ~nd ~dds'ess the b~ndt~g c~pnny or ~rso. tssutng the security bgnd, the number of such bond. and such oth=r tn~o~tton as ~y be requtred by the State departne.r. or age~cy responsthl, e for sur~rvisin~ the aid pro,ram re~ardtn~ the pro~ect', shall be transmitted to such tk. partment or agency t.:hc, re it shall, be ravia, wed to dateline rcs auchenctc[Cy i~rLor to auard o~ such. concrac[." ~tt order :o carry our the provis.tons of ~his ~ and ~.mtg State revtm~ yer[orn.~nce ~ond ]nfotm=tion prior co the auard o[ the contract tc ts necc~:,ary that' the s~ct~tcatio:ts loc a[l t~'acer Qua[icy [np~'ovement Project Construction Con:racLs contain the article [tared bolo? ~nd that a cm~pteted ~ond ]n[on.~a:ton rom be sub=tit, cd to th~ ~urcCu o[ Sclc=ge Pro,rams as p~t*c of' the ~id Muterta~ for each consCtuctJc., conCrccL. (A sample [ot~ac o[ Cite Per[oruance 0ond Info~cton 1'o~ ts attached.) I~ the pei'fo~ance ~o~d [n[ort.:=ctun For=, cannut be su~.plied as p~rC o~ th~. Bid CLare=tn1 tn tt~. place the n:,:~e and acNh'ecs o[ th.. nu~eCy c~::p=ny from uh~, Ll,e co~t:ractnt' I,ropose~ :o obtain ti,c- t,o,d shot, Id :,~ suhmtt:~,~. (5t8) a57;585[ or ~57-5959. The Joj. fit S:ate-redcr~t Approva[ Lo Avard uitl n~L 5e issued untt[ thcs ~rfor~,;bnce bond jn[o~natton has been st,hint:ted Lo Lho Neu York State ~rt~::nt o~ Envtrom~nLa[ Conservation and vert[i.ed. ~ne bidder to uho= the nun~ci~',ltty p~ope~es to award the contract as soon ns posstble buc not [.q[cr than thirty (30) d',ys [r~ the o[ bids furnish to the ~uniclp=[tty a bond equnt 1~o one hundred per cent o[ the am~nt o~ the contrncc~ conditioned lot Lhe :[;:/th[u[ perfor~nce al[ ter~s~ covenan[s cad condittons o~ snmc., ~Lth u cucoCy c~pnny auChort:ced to ~o business in thc State o[ ~e~ York, as surety, l~ tt ts hOC posstb[e. posatbte but hOC Inter th~n thirty (30) days ~rom the op~ntn& ~ btds ~urntah to the muntctpaltty the na~e and nddres~ el the aure~y authorlted to do business tn the Scare of Eew York whtch vt~t provtde the b~d~ and ~orty-etl:ht (68) ho:~r~ before the award of Lhe contract ~urntsh to the ~ntet~tty a bond eql~;~t to one hundred p~r cent o~ the amount the contract~ conditioned lot I.he ~atth~ul i~'c~oczattce o( all cevennnti and eondtctunl el s.:ae, utth a sut~'cy c~pRtly authori, zed to do bustnein I.n the S:~t~, of geu y~ck, as surer)a. The bond shaX/ be ~tntatned the work attains fr~ tmptol,~r or defecttve ~.orl:ma,ahtp or matet iala ~htch ~y appear' durtng that ~riod." M2 - 14 of 24 Project C-36- Perforn--.~ce l~nd lnfor~:ation Fomn Co;:,'-tructloil Contract ]]u.-dber Ilamo of Contract ~.,,nCing Cc:;l-,"'ly or Person Issuing Security Bpnd __ Add]'e=s llondin~ Co:,p~n7 A,Idrc"-c imr~lo, of Bond Pron ldcn%t£1e,,Lion l{~mb.-r o1' Bont M2 15 of 24 ~.~FIRMATIVE ACTIO:] RECL~[E'--5~IT£ OF ?'~':~ NA-cSAU-,~t~FFOLK PLA~! ~he foll~v~ng "Affirmative Action Requirements of the Nassau-Suffolk Flan" is hereby made a p~rt of the Contr~ Documents. All bidders, umder t~ls plan, shall receive ~d submit vith his bid the l~equired certificates s~ated on Pa~es 11 through 12 of the Affirmative ~ctton require~ents. ~dders vho omit the proper ce.-~ific~tion v~ll be ccn~sidered non-responsive ~, therefore, not eligible for avar~. AI~ bidders ,~howiih to receive ~ltional ~nfcrmaticn :~y c~ll (212-~6~-9300) the D~rector, Office of ~lw~l Rights .and Urban &flairs. A pre-hid conference ~' ~lso be held this Office prior to the set bid openin~ date, so 'that bid conditions :~ybe made clear to all parties involved. AFFIB.'.~ATIVE ACTION EqU~ E~LO~.~;T O~F~R~%IITY For all Non-Exempt Fe!er~.l ami FeCarally-A~:is~i Construction C~ntracts to be Awarded in ".'= .... :uC Scffc!k Cz~nz~3, ~;ew York Part I: ~he prcvi.-.icn~ o: thi: ?ar: I &pp!y to bidders, contr--ctors ~z.~ subcon;ra:tors %'lib ra~ge~:t ;.? i.b:~s,~ c':~:ru~ti~, trade3 for which they ~e parties to collective ~argainin3 efreenents vith a labor org~tzaticn :~ the [la~au-Suff~lk ~c= C:n:tru:tizn frcSran for equal cpport~ity (~ut on~ as ~o those t~'ades a~ Lo which ther~ ~re cc,:mitm~n~s ~y labor :r~anizations to s~cif!c Go,lc cf n!:;~r~ty :~npcwer ~tlli:atton) be:ween the'loc~ gener~ co-tractors and gener=l ccntrmc~cr's ~sscciat!~n~, ~he s~bc~n~ractor= end ~ubc=n~rzc:~-rs a~scci~tl:,:s, ~nd the Coali:lc=, together v~tb a~ i=plenentln,A a3re~n~n:.z th~% have b=*en ~'~loped purgu~t there:o, all =f ~'hich doc~r, cn=s are Incorporated herein ~f reference ~d are h~reinafter c~,~atively referr~d to as the ~assau- ~'affolk Pi~. ~ bidder, contractor or s~bccn~ra=tor u~ing one or more trades of ~:nstructlon e~loyees must comply ~%th either P~ I er P~r~ II of ~hese ~t Condltion~ ~ to each such tra~e. THUS, a ~id'~er, contractor or sub- ?'ntractor ~ be in ccnpl~n:e with thece cond1~ic::~; ~y ~ts ~nclusicn, · ;Ih ~ts ~ton, tn ~he ~:mssau-Juffolk P!~ ~ %o tr :de "A", provided ~.'re Is set f~rth in the ;:::.:=..:;-Su:'.=!k P!mn a =y::ific cc=Etment by "*~t ~lon to a go~ of minori=y m~cwer uttllz~lon for such trade "A", ~ere~ meeting the prn~slons of thls P=~ ~, ~d ~y 1ts c~tment to ;~ IX In regard to trade "B" In the imnt~nce In which it ~ not incl~ed := the . ~aseau-Suffolk PI~ ~, therefore, c~Ot ~et the provletons To be eligible for ~w~rd of · contr=~t un"er ~zrt I of this invitation, · kl~'~r or subcontractor must execu:e the cer=if£cz;icn require,~ by Pert M2 - 16 of 24 ~: A. Coverace. The prov4-sions of this ]~?art ~ sh~ '~'~'~ those const~ctlon tra~es to be uttlt:e& on :he project to ~f~t~e,e bid conditions ~..c 1. ~e n~ or hereafter cede to be signatories to the Nassau- .[~ ~1~ refaced to in ~ I hereof; ~. ~e signatories to :~e .~ess~u-S=ff~ ~lan but ~e not ;~tie~ to collective bar&~inin~ 3. ~e signatories to ~e ~a~sau-~uffo[k Fl~n but ~e parties collective b~&aini~& E&r~e~cs vtth labor or~qizattons ~o ~e not hereafter cede to Be si~atories to the .Nassau-SuffoLk ~. ~e st~atories to the Nassau-Suffo~ ~lan but as to v~ich ~pecific cc~tnen~ to ~o~s of =~n~r~ty n~o,;er utili:~tton by :~:or or&~ization have been ex~cute~ p~su~q= to the 2~=ss=u-Suffol~ ~; or 5. ~e no longer participating in an ~ffi=~tivc ~ctic~ tn~l ..... ~ the ::a~;sau-Suffolk Plan. ~:ceptable to the Director, OFCC, - B. Requirement--~-n Affir=:tive Action Plan. ~e bidders, ::ntractors ~d subcontractors descriBe~ in parser:pas 1 through 5 %%ove ~ill not be eligible for a~ard of a contract ~der ~:his Invit~tion for ~:~, ~less It cerzific~ ss prescribed In p~ra~reph 2% of the certification ,;~-ctf~ed in Part III hereof ~h~t it ado:ts the m:r. im~ g~als ~ t~n.t~b._~ ............ ' "' ...... i/ ,:,,i specific ,fricative acttcn ~teps set fort~ in Secticn P. 1 and 2 of this P~t II :~rccted at increasinE ninority =a~po~-cr utilizauic:a by Deans of applying ~ed faith efforts to carryin.~ out such step;; cr i~ de~r.=d to have adopted ,-~ch a progr~ pursuant to Eecticn b. 3 of this P~rt II. 1. ~als and Ti~c~fcles. ~c goals of ~ncrity ~anp~er utilizaticn :c~red of the bigd~r ~ud su~ccn;r~ctors ere euo!icr, tlc to ezch trade :.~t othe~ise bo~d ky thc prcvi~i~ns of Part I hereof vhich ~'i%1 be used the project in ~a~seu-Euffclk Counties, Ne'~ York 'ttreinafter referred to as :h~ U~ttl P~S~&ct ,f.c ?ce- to Completion Goals of Minority M~npover Utilization E~re~sed in Percentese 10% to -;'~-"Minority" is Refined as including ::e.._-roe.'., e-r:'-qi~h Orieat~ls a.nd A~eric"-n Ing/e.ns, and includes M2 - 17 of 24 In the event that unaer a contract which is subject %o these Bid ..;.qdlt~onS any york ~ perfo~e~ In a year later th~ the lates~ ~icb eccepteble goals of ninority ~po'~er utilization h~ve been ~ete~ne~ herein, ~he go~s for 197~ sb,ll be a~pkicable to such york.' ~e percentage ~o~s of ~inority ~-~p~'er uti~[ization aBo~e are e~re~sed In te~ off ~o~s off trai~n~ ~d e~',~o~ent as a propo~ton the tot~ ~o~s to be vorked by ~e bidder's, contractor~ ...~;tr~ctor's entire york force tn that trade o~ ~ll projects {both fsder~ ~n~ ~-feder~) in the ~;~ss~u=Suffo~ ~e~ d~ln~ the ~erfo~ce ::~ contract or subcontract. ~c .~.-~o~s for c~ncrity v~r~ ~d tra~nin~ ~.$t be sub~t~tial~ ~ifc~ thro,~out the len~l~ of th~ co~tr~ct, on tll projects and for each of ~e ~rades. ~rther, the transfer of :=~l~eeS or trainees frc~ e=plo>-er-t~loYer or fr~ project-to-project f~r the sole p~ose of ~eettn~ the contractor~s o:r subcontractor~s ~=~1 be a ~ola~ion of these conditions. In reachin~ ~he ~o~s ~eori~Y man~ver utilization required off bidders, contractors ~d suB- :~tractors p~su~ to this ~t II, eYe~y cffor~ ~hall Be ~ade to fi~ ~d e~ploy qu~lified Jo~ne>~en. Pro~de~, hoverer, ~nd ~s~nt to the requirements of Depart=~nt of L~bor re~atio~, 2~ CFB ~, trainccs sh~l ~e e~lcyed o~ ~!1 proJect~ su2J~ct to ~he requiren~nts these Bid ~cnditions snd, ~nere f~si~le, ~ percent of ~pprentices or :rainees c~ployed on e~ch ~roJect sha~ Be in their first y~r of ~lp or training. In order ~h~t the non-vor~in~ tra!nin~ hours of trainees ~ co~ted in ~ecti~ the go~, s~ch trainees ~.nst bc e=p~cyed By the con- tractor durin~ the ~r~inin~ ~ericd, the cc=trs~toz' ~t k~ve ~ade a co~- =trent to cnplo7 the trainees at the cc~letion of their tr=inin~ subject the ~v~ila~ili~Y of c=plo~=:~t c. ppcr~it!cs ,=~d th~ trainees must be trdned purser to established tr~[nin~ ~rc~r~ ~hich r~t be ~be e~va- l~nt of the train!n~ ~ro~r~s now or ~cr~ftcr ~rovide~ for in the · ::ssau-Suffolk Plan '~ith respect to the n~t~e, e~ent &nd d~ation of ::aini~ offered. A contractor or subcontractor sh~l be deemed to ~e iu co~li~ce ~th the t~s ~d rcq~re=ents of this Part ii by the es..plo~ent and traln~n~ of minorities in t~e a~prcprlate percent~ of his ~G~re~ate w:rk force In the :.:a~sau-Suffclk . ;u-ea for each :)r~e for vhich it .c~tted to a'~o~ ~der this P~t II. Hoverer, no contr,:tot or sub:outfitter sh~ll be foun~ to ~e ~n non- :~liance sole~ on ~cco~t of its faille to :~et its ~o~ls ~thin tt=etables, but such c~ntractor sh~ll be ~iven the c~crt~qit~ to ~tr~te that it h~ i~stitute~ ali of the specific affira~tive ~ction · ;ecified In this ~art II ~d ha~ ~de eve~ ~oo~ faitl~ effort to t~.ese steps vor~ t~ard the attai~en~ of its ~o~ls ~bin its ti~.atables, · 1~ to the ~ose of e~din~ ~inority ~qpo~'er utili=~tion on ~ of %'m projects in the Ilasmau-~uffolk ~rea. In ~1 cases, the c~pli~ce off a bidder, contrsctor or mubcor, tr~ctor will ~ dete~ned In sccord~ce vith its respective obli~ations ~der the te~ of these Bid Conditions. ~ereffore, contractors or subcontractors · ';~ ~e ~overned by the pro~sion$ of ~his ~ II sb~ be ~ubJect to the r'luire~ents of tbst ~srt re22r3~e~s off the cblis:~ti:n~ cf ~t~ pr~e con- tractor or lc'~er tier M2 - 18 of 24[ a. ~he contractor shall notify co~unity organizations t.t~t the contractor has employment oppo~tunities ~va~lable ~d ~ln~n recor~ of ~he or6~lzat~ons~ respo~e. b. ~e contractcr shall n~ntain a f~le of the n~es ~d t~esses of each n~nor[t~ vcr2er refer~ed to h~ and ~t ac~on vas t~.en vl~h respec~ to each suc~ referred yorker, ~nd iff the yorker v~ r.o~ enployed, the re~scns ~h~reffor. Iff such ~rker v~ not sent to the =:.ion h~r[n6 h~l flor referral cr ~f svch yorker v=~ not e~plcyed by ~he ccntr~ctcr, the contr~ctcr'~ f~le sb~l do~en~ ~his ~ th~ r~a~ons therefor · c. ~e contr~ctcr skil pro~ not~f the Enviro~ent~ Frotection ~en~ when the ~n!on or ~ic.',s with vhon ~he con~ractor a collective bar~inin~ ~recn~n~ h~s not referred to ~he contractor =lnorit~ yorker sent ~y t~e ccztr~ctor or the contractor h~ other fo~tion that ~he ~,icn ref~rr~ pro~e~ h~s i~eded him in hi~ to meet his goal. d. ~e contr~ct:r sh~ll ~rticip~te in training pro~ In the srea, especially thcse f=~ed by the Depart=est of L~bor. e. ~e contr~:~ ~h~ dis~=fn~te hi~ [~0 policy within his o~ or~lz~tion by lncl~=; i~ in ~ polic7 =~nual; ~ publicizin~ it ~n c~p~ nc.~pa~ers, ~nu=l re~:rts, etc., by ccn~u:tin~ e~ployee ~d ~lon represen~t~ws' ~e~ti~s to e~lnin ~d di~c~s the ~li~; ~ pos~n~ of the polio/; ~d by sf~cif~c review of the policy ~th ~inorl~ employees. f. ~e contr~c~cr shall dtt~c~n~e bis ~O policy tern~ly ~ ~nfo~ ~d ~scussin~ it ~th ~! rec~itnent ao~ces; 17 advertisinE in news ~e~, specific~ly includin~ ~inority ne~ ~d by notl~n~ ~d disc~sinS it ~h all subcontract°rs ~d suppliers. [. ~e contractor sh~l --~e specific ~ const~t ~on~ {both w~tten ~d oral) racet=est effc~s directcd at a~ crg~itttions, schools ~d ~norl~y students, ~nority rec~t~nt or~- t~tion~ ~d ~nority tral~ or~izations, ~thin the contractor's re- cf~tment h. ~e contractor sh~l ~e s~cl~ic effo~ to enc~e tresent ~nority enployees to rec~t their ffriend~ ~d relatives. M2 19 of 24 I. The contractor shall validate all man specifications, selectiOn reqUirements'' te~ts, etc. J. The contractor shall mc.kc e~e.'? ,:ffo-~c to promote &fter- j:~oOl, sur~mer ~d vacation e=plo'y~ent :o minority youth. k. The contrac:or shell develop on-the-Job training oppor- :._~ltieS and participate ~nd e~sis: in ~.--.Y assOCiation or e_-plc~yer-~roup ::stniUg progr~s relevant to the con~r~c:or's e-_ployee needs consistent ~.:%h its obligatio'-s ur. der this Pax: 1. The contractor shall continually .inventory cad evaluate all ~lnori:y personnel for ~:c=o:lon opportunities and encourage minori:y employees to seek such opportunities. m. The ccntr&c:or shall m~ke sure that seniorit)' practices .,,ob classifications, etc., do no~ have a d~scri~lnatory, effect. n. The co~trac:or shall n~ke certain tha: ~ll factl~ties and cCc~pany ~ctivities nrc non-seEreEated. o. The contractor shall ~:tivities to ensUre that his EEO ~olicy is being c-_rric~ ou~-. p. The con:factor shall solicit hi~.[", for subcontracts frc. m ~v~llable minority subcontractor"- en~--.-.ed ~" the %rag-es covered by the~e ~ld Conditions, including cir:u!ati:n of minerity con:factor association"-. eligible under Part I of :he--e Ei.~ Cc~-~iticns, is no longer partied-pa:lng ~n an affirm~tfve action pl~.n azcept-~ble to the Director of the Office of Fc~er~ Contract Compliance, inzi'a~.in~ zhe ft~.~s'~%..Suffs![: Plan, he shall .~ deemed ~o be cc:mitred to ~art i! of these Bid Conditions, he shall be ~1 of the mini~ ranse for th~% %rads for ~he appropriate ye~. ~. Subsequent St~n:'tory to :he ~:~.ssau-C-uffc'!'-': Pl--n. kny contrector ~r subcontrac:or subject to thc requi.-cmen~$ of %!.~ls P~r: Ii for ~ trade ~t the time of the submi:zicn of his bid vho together vi~h ~he labor or~lzation vith ~hcn it ha~ · c~lle:t!ve ~rc~inin~ agreement sub- :~qucntly bec~s a siCn~to~' %o the i~-:s~u-~uffc!k F!~n, ~i~her in~i,~dually cr throu6h ~ a~soctmtion, nay meet its requirame'nts ~nder these Bid Con- d[t[ons for such trade, if such contractor or subcontractor executes ~d ~ubmits a new ce~lfication co~n~:in~ hi.elf to P~ I of these Bid foaditioas, N~ con~ractor or subcontractor sh:ll be deezed to be subject to the requirem~nZs of Pa~ I ~til such ce~fication Is executed ~d svbmit~ed. ~. Non-discrimln.:ion. In no even: ma~' a contrac:or or subcontrac:or u~llize the goals, t~u~uble~ or affir~..at~ve ~ction s:~ required by this ~aft II in such a manner as to cuu:e or result l~ ~lscr~.~ination agninat person on &ccoun: of race, color, religioa, sex or national origin. M2 20 of 24 part III: CertificatiOnS A. Bidders' Ccrtiflcattons. A bidder viii not be eligible f~r award of a contract ~er %his Invitation for t;id~ ~less such bidder ~ mub=itted as a part of its bid the follc'~iug certification, which viii dec=ed a part of the resu~%in~ contract: BIDDER9' CERTIFICATIOI{ ~~ ~/~/-~~ ~ .certifies that -- (Bid.~er) / 1. It intends to use th~ follOWing li~ted co:{struct!on t.rades in 2. (a) as to thos.- tr?-:~ set forth ~n th~ l~::c.:-:~r.."- ~ .... .~.creof for which it is ~licibl% n.%~r,.~rz I cf tn~=s~ 5id Con2iticns for [crticipation~in.~he, ~/~,~)J~ Pl~:n, .it rill cc=ply v.~th ., ~/zL-.. . /~/ "/-//~ / O~an Cn a~con-~:'et~o" '~c":' (bc~h federal coverage of tha~ Plan,' {Wose %~-des bezng: ' (b) as to those trades for which it is required by these Bid Conditions to comply '~£th Part !1 of thes~ Bid Con:tit]on;, it adopts the ~nim~ ~nortty mmnp='zer u=ili:~ion C=a]~ =~ she specific affi~z~ve action step~ contained in said Part~I~,, fo~ all co,~%ruction york (both federal ~d nc~-federa[) in %hc~ cr~a subject to tbc~e Bid Con~:icr.~, those trades W~n&: ; ~d 3. it will obtain fr~u each of its sub:~ntr~=tors an2 sub.it to the ~,der this contract the subccntractor cert~fication required by these Bid Conditions B. Sub~entr~ctcr:' ~rtifi::ticn~. ~rior to the ~-~r~ of ~ subcontr~c~ ~der ~hi~ Inv~t~tion for ~ds, re~r~e~s of tier, the ~roepective subcontractor must execute ~d sub~t to the Prine Contractor the follo~ing codification, which viii be de~ued a p~r= of th~ re~ultin~ ~ubcont tact: M2 - 21 of 24 SUBCONTRAL~ORS' cERTIFICATION ~) certifies that: (Subcontractor / I. it intends to use the following listed construction trades in tbs work ~der the subcontract ~2. (~) as to those trades set forth in the prc~edin.-, p%rs6r, aph one t.creOf for which it is eligible under Part ! of these Bid Conditions for PI~, it rill co~ vith the f.~icipatio~ tn the ~1~ on ~1 con~truc%ion york (~oth fe~er~ ~ea subJec~ ~o these ~ non-feRer~) in the . - gid Conditio=s, those ~ades be~n~: (b) as to those trades for which it is require~ by these Bid Conditions to co~ly with Part I1 of th~s~ Bid C:ndi:icn~, i~ e~pts the minimum minority mcmpo~ur utilization Goals ~nd the specific affirmative action steps contained in said Part II for all construction york (both federal and non-federal) in the ~iatsau-Suf£olk, ares subject to these )~id Conditions, those trades hein~: ~. it viii obtain from each of its subcontractor~ prior to the avard of any subcontract under this subcontract the subconlractor cer~ification required by these Bid Conditions. (Signature of authorized rapre~;entative of bidder) In order to ensure that the said ~ub~ontractor"s certification bmoc=es · part of a11 subcontracts under the prime contract., no zubcontract shall ~e exccuted until an authorized rcpresentative of the U.$.E.P.A. has determined, in writin3, %hat the ·aid certification has been incorporated in such subcontract, regardless Of tier. Any ·ubcontraat executed without euch vritten approval ·h~ll he void. C. Materiality and Resoonstveness. 'l'ne certifications required %o be elude by the bidder pursuant to these Bid Conditiong is :sterial, ~nd will govern the bidders parlor-ar, ce o:n the proJec~ end -ill be made a part of his bid. Failure to submit the certification ~tll render the bid nonrasponsive. M2 - 22 of 24 par?~__~: Co~lian:e and ~nfcrcement- Con~ract, ors ~re responsible for l~forming their subcon:ractor (r~r6.less of tier) as to their re- ~ct£Ve obligations under Parts I e.n.d II hereof (ax; applicable). Bidders, coutractors and subcontractors hereby a~ree to refrain frcu entering into ~qy contract or contract =o~ft:a:icn ~ubJec: :o ~xecutive Crd~r ~ ~aded, of Septe~er ~2, ~9~, v~:h a contractor deb~red fro~, or who is detained not to be a "respcnsiblea bidder for, Oover~ent con- tracts ~& federally ass~s~ed cons:~:tion contract,s ~su~t to the ~ccuttve Order. ~e b~dder, contractor or s:bcontr:ctor shall out such s~:ttons ~n~ p~nal~s fcr viol~tcn of the equa~ clause includEn~ ~us~ens~on, te ...... subcontracts as ~Y be impcsed or ordered by the u~:i:ist~r~nG O.,.c. of Federal Contr~:t Co=~it~ce the contract~n~ ~ency or th8 ~ ' pu~nt to the ~ecutive Order. ~y b~dder or con:Factor or subcoutractor ~o sh~l f~l ~o c~ out such s~ctions ~d penalties sh~l be dee~d to be in nonconpl~ce with these Bid Conditions ~n~ Executive ~er ~ ~nded. Nothing here~n ~s int:n~e~ to r~li~ve ar~ contr~cto~ or subccntractor :~e te~ of tt~ contract on this groJ~ct ftc= c~n~li~nc~ yeah ~xecutz e Order 112~6, ~s m~.en~, ~nd ch' ~u:l C~pcrt'mltY Cl=us~ of its contract, vtth r~5~e:t ~o =~t:cr~ not c~vere~ In the ~1~ or in P~=: II of these Rid Violation of ~ny substantial r~q:[renen: In the Nassau-Suffolk Plan by a contractor o~ ~ubcontr~:tor covere~ by Pa~ I o~th~se Bid Cond[:icns ~nclu~n6 the f~il~e of such contractor or subcontractor to =~e a faith effo~ to n~et its ~aEr ~ha~e of the trad~'s ~o~ls of ninority znn- ro~er util[:~:icn, or of the r~cuir~=~n:~ of ~art I! hereof bY ~ con- c_n.r ..... C.r - ' aoncompli~nce by such ~ · ~+-- s;:b~entractor ,...h the E~u~l ~oor- t~ity Clause of the C~ntract, and sh=ll be ~ro~d:; for inl~ositicn of ~he s~ctio~s ~d pez=ities provide~ ~= Section ~09(=) of ~der 11~6, us e~nded. ~ch ~ency shall re~e~ its contractors' an5 subcontractors' cmplo~ent pta=rices d~in: ~he =erforn:~cc of tL~ cc::~ract. If the ~en~ dete~nes thmt the ;:.-~rz~u-culfcl,: PI~n no lcn~cr r,prem~nts effective affi~ive ~c%ion, i~ ~k~l lo n~ti~ the Offi:e of Co~trac~ Cozpli~ce ~hich shall ~e sole~ respcnsib!e fcr any fin~ :e~nation of ~h~t question and the consequences %hereof. In retort %o Pa~ II of these conditions if the contractor or sub- con~rac~or meets l~s foals or if the con%rac~or or subcontractor can demonstrate that it has made ev?~' ~oo~ faith effort to meet %hose ~o~ls, ~e contractor or subcontractor shall be utes=rd to be in compliance w~th ~ecutive Order 11226, a~ ~en~ed, t~e in9!ez:~ntin6 ref~ations and its obll~ations ~der %he:e :'~ Con~ionm ~n~[ no fo~a~l ~anc~ions or pr~eedings lemdin8 toward ~ctions sh~l be instituted ~less the ~en~ otherwise demesnes that the contractor or suBcontrn:tor lo not providing equ~ emplo~cnt op~r:~ities. In Jud~lin~ whether a contractor or subcontractor h~ me: its g:als, the agency will consider ea:h con- tractor's or subcontr~ctor's =incrity aanr~*r utili:aticn an~ v~ll not take into consideration the ~tnority :~np~er utili:~ttcn of its sub- cOntractcrs. ~re th* m~eacy fin~m that :he contrc:tcr cr subccn:rmctor M2 23 of 24 has failed to co=ply uith the requirements of Executive Order 112~6, as a.-ended, t~-e implenentin~ refDcla+-lons and its oblicaticns under these tionS as may be appropriate under the Executive Order and the re~,.Zions. ~e~ the agency procee~ vi~h such focal action it hcs ~he burden of prolog ~h~t ~e con~ractor has no~ met the req~rement~ of these ~id Conditions, but ~e contractor's f~ilure to ~ee~ his go~s ~h~ shift to h~ the requiremen~ to co~ ~ ~e "good faith" require=~nts of these Bid Con~l~icns by ln~tituting e~ g~d f~ith effcr~ ~o n~e 'those s~ep~ york .~o'~ the ~t~lr~n~ of its Ko~s vithin its Zi:ezables. ~e pendan~/ of such fc~ proceedings ihall be t~en into consideration by Federal ~e%her such contractor or s~ocon:ractor c~ cctV)' vith ~he re~uire~ent8 of Executive Order 1~Z26, ~ ~;ended, ~d is therefore a "rem~nsible pros~ctive con%rac%or" ~thin ~he ~in~ of the Federal proc~ezent re~ations. It shall ~e no exc~e ~hat the ~icn vith vhich %he contractor has ~ collective barc~ining a~reem~nt provi~nG for excl'~ive referral failed ~o refer minority ezplcyees. The procedures set forth in these conditions =hail not apply to ~ny contract vhen the head of the contracting or adninisterin~ s~ency de- termines that zuch contract is essential to the national sec'~rft¥ a~.d that its a'~ard vithout follo'zin& such proccl'ures i~ nece~s~.ry to the national security. Upon zaking such a deter=inaticn, the a~ency head ~lll notify, in writing, the Director of the Office of Federal Con:tact Conplience vithin thirty d~ys. Reque:ts for e::erpt~ons frcz these Bid Conditions must be n~d~ in writing, vith Justification, to the Director, Office cf ?~deral Contract Coupliance, U.S. Depar:ment of L~fcor, U&shin.lton, D.C. 29~10, ,-".d shall 'be for~ar~ed through and ~ith the end~rsenen~ of the e~n:y hea~. Contractors and subcontractors :ust keep suclh re:or~s ~nd file such reports rel~tinE to the provisions of th~se Bid C~ndit~ons a~ shell be required by the contrnctin~ or a~~nisterin6 c~ency cr the Office of Federal Contract Compliance. For the info~ntion of bidders, a co~y of the !!ms~eu-Suffolk PI=u m~Y be obtained from the contractin~ officer. M2 24 of 24 A~TICLE 29 - ^DDITIONS - DEJ)UCT!/)NS - D},¥IATIONS 155. The value of any change shall be determined by )ne >r more ~f the following methods: (a) By prices specifically named in the specifications or proposals. (b) By acceptance of agreed unit prices based on estimated cost plus overhead and profit as applicable. (c) By estimate of the actual cost of labor and ~terials plus ove..~head and profit, cost to be determined as the work progresses. (d) By actual cost of labor and materials plus overhead and profit, cost to be determined as the work progresses. (e) By estimate of the value as deducible from the approved detailed estimate. 156. Overhead shall be defined as an allowance to 9ompensate for all costs, charges and expenses, direct or indirect, except for the actual cost of labor and material as defined by Para~3aph No. 157. Overhead shall be considered to include, but not be limited to insurance (other than as mentioned in Paragraph 157) bond or bonds, field and office superviso_'s and assistants above the level of foreman, use of small tools and minor equipment, incidental job burdens, general office expense, etc. 157. Actual cost of labor and material shall be defined as the amount paid for the following items, to the extent dete?mined reasonable and necessary: Item 1 - Cost of materials delivered to the job site for incorporation into the contract work. Item 2 - Wage paid to workmen and foremen and wage supplements paid to labor organizations in accordance with current labor agreements. Item 5 - Premiums or taxes paid by the contractor for workmen's compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, FICA tax and other payroll taxes as required by law, net of actual and anticipated refunds ~nd rebates. Item ~ - Sales taxes paid as required by law. Item 5 - Allowance for use of construction equipment (exclusive ~f hand tools and minor equipment), as approved for use by the Engineer-in-charge. The rate on self-owned equipment used for periods of under one week will be the Associated Equipment Distributor's published monthly rate divided by 22 days to establish a daily rate and divided again . by eight hours to establish an hourly rate. Equipment used for periods of 5 days or more will be billed at a late equal to 45% of the published monthly rate. In the alternative, the Engineer-in- charge may approve for reimbursement a rate representing the allocable costs of ownership. Self-owned equipment is defined to include equipment rented from controlled or affiliated companies. Rented equipment will be paid for at the actual rental cost. Gasoline, oil and grease required for operation and maintenance will be paid for at the actual cost. When, in the opinion of the A29 - 1 of 2 contractor, and as approved by th~~ ~nglneer-in-Charg~, suitable )quipment is not available 3n the site, the moving of said equipment to and from the site will be paid for at ~ctual cost. Item 6 - When the material furnished under item (1) is used material, its value shall be pro-rated to the value of new material, but should be no more than its cost. When, in the opinion of the State Architect, the salvage value of salvable material furnished under Item 1 exceeds the cost of salvage, a suitable credit shall be given the State. 158. Regardless of the method used to determine the w~lue of any change, the Contractor will be required to submit evidence satisfactory to the State Architect to substantiate each and every item that constitutes his proposal of the value of the change. The amounts allowed for overhead and profit shall not exceed the applicable percentages as established in the two following paragraphs. 159. If the work is done directly by the contractor, overhead in an amount of 1~ may be added if method (b), (c) or (d) is used, and to the cost of the labor and materials plus overhead there may be added 1~ for profit. The percentages for over- head and profit may vary according to the nature, extent and complexity of the work involved, but in no case shall exceed the percentages se% forth in this paragraph. No percentages for overhead and profit will be allowed on payroll taxes or on %he premium portion of overtime pay. 160. If the work is done by a subcontractor, subcont~ctor's overhead in the amount of 5~ may be added to cost of labor and materials if method (b), (c) or (d) is used and to the cost of labor and materials plus overhead there may be added 1~'~ for the subcontractor's profit. To this amount there ray be added 1~ for the contractor's colnbined overhead and profit. No percentage for overhead and profit will be allowed on payroll taxes or on the premium portion of overtime pay. A29 - 2 of 2 I.J{~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS CHANGE ORDERS New York State Department of Environmental Conservation requires that the percentages for overhead and profit be subject to negotiation for change orders over $100,000. SR - 1 of 1 ~ HOL.ZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRE~.L, P.C. BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE, INDEMNITY, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 1. BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE The Contractor shall purchase and maintain during the course of construction, until issuance of the FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST, an "ALL RISK" Builder's Risk coverage insurance policy in the full amount of the Contract. The policy shall name as co-insureds the CONTRACTOR, the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, INC. VILLAGE OF GREENPORT, GREENPORT VILLAGE BOARD, HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C., and each of their officers, employees and agents. The original copy of the policy shall be de- livered to the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, stamped "PREMIUM PAID". 2. INDEMNITY The Contractor and all Subcontractors performing work in con- nection with this Contract shall HOLD - HARMLESS, INDEMNIFY and defend the TOWN and ENGINEER, their consultants, and each of their officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, losses or damage arising out of or alleged to arise from the Con- tractor's or Subcontractor's negligence or intentional torts in the performance of the work described in the Contract Documents, but not including liability that may be due to the sole negligence of the TOWN, ENGINEER, or their officers, agents and employees. The Contractor agrees to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the TOWN and the ENGINEER, their consultants, and each of their officers, agents and employees from any and all liability for any intentional torts committed by the Contractor, his Subcontractors or his agent. 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The Contractor and all Subcontractors agree to limit the liability of the TOWN and ENGINEER, due to the Engineer's professional negligent acts, errors, or omissions, such that the total .aggregate liability of the Engineer to those named shall not exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.) or 5% of the Contract award amount, wlhichever is greater. BRI 1 of 1 ~ ~IOI..ZMACHER. McLIFNOON & MURI:IELL. PC QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY~ NEW YORK The following is a list showing the name of the Owner, the Location, the Date of Construction and/or Performance, a General Description of the Work, and the Amount of the Contract of Work of a similar nature constructed and/or performed by the undersigned, and which has been com- pleted and in operation for a period of not less than one (1) year, (minimum of five such projects). QB-1 ~_j~ HOi 7MACHER,McLENOON & MURRELL. P.C GENERAL CONDITIONS ].. GENERAL CONDITIONS The "General Conditions" are hereby made a part of these Specifi- cations and are attached herein. Where any article of the General Conditions is supplemented hereby, the provisions of such article shall remain in effect. All the supple- mental provisions shall be considered as added thereto. Where any such article is amended, voided or superseded thereby, the provisions of such article not so specifically amended, voided or superseded shall remain in effect. Work, materials~ plant, labor, and other requirements of the General Conditions shall be furnished by the Contractor. No direct payment shall be made for these General Conditions, and payment shall be deemed to be included in the Contract price or various items of the entire Contract. 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents include, but are not limited to, the General Conditions, General Specifications, Detailed Specifications, Plans, Proposal Form, Contract and other sections as either cited on the Index page(s) or actually included in the bound documents. Each section of the Contract Documents is intended to be comple- mentary to the other sections. It is intended that they include all items of labor amd materials and everything required and necessary to complete the work, even though some items of work or materials may not be particularly men- tioned in every section or may have been omitted 'from the Drawings or Specifications, or both. APPROVAL OF SUBCONTRACTORS AND MATERIALS Prior to commencing any work under this Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a list of all the subcon- tractors and material suppliers it proposes to use for this Contract. No subcontractor or material materials or perform any work on approved by the Engineer. supplier will be permitted to deliver this Contract until it has been Award of subcontracts is specifically forbidden to any firm listed on USEPA's Master List of Debarments~ Suspensions and Involuntary Ex- clusions. Contractor should contact owner/engineer to determine if a firm is currently listed. N/S GC - 1 of 9 ~1~ HOLZMACHER,McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) INTERPRETATION OF DRAWINGS~ ETC. In the event of discrepancies between the Drawings and the Speci- fications, the following order shall be given preference when making interpretations: a. Addenda (later dates to take precedence over earlier dates) b. Drawings (schedules or notes to take precedence over other data shown on Drawings) c. Detailed Specifications d. General Specifications e. General Conditions On all Plans, Drawings, etc., the figure dimensions shall govern in the case of discrepancy between the scales and figures. The Contractor shall take no advantage of any error or omission in the Plans, or of any discrepancy between the Plans and Specifications, and the Engineer shall make such corrections and interpretations as may be deemed necessary for the fulfillment of the intent of the Speci- fications and of the Plans as construed by him, and his decision shall he final. Ail work that may be called for in the Specifications and not shown on the Plans, or shown on the Plans and not called for in the Specifications, shall be furnished and executed by the Contractor as if designated in both. Should any work or material be required which is not denoted in the Plans and Specificatiohs, either directly or indirectly, but which is, nevertheless, necessary for the proper car- rying out of the intent thereof, it is understood and agreed that the same is implied and required, and that the Contractor shall perform such work and furnish such materials as if they were completely de- lineated and described. .ADDITIONAL WORK Additional work, if required to be performed under this Contract, will be in accordance with the applicable paragraphs of the Contract. The Engineer shall be the sole judge as to whether such work was intended as part of the Contract or is in addition thereto. N/S GC - 2 of 9 i._t~;~ HO~ 7MACHER,McLENOON & MURRELL, P.C GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) 6. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT The Contractor shall meet all standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and subsequent revisions. This shall include, but not be limited to the following areas: Sanitation, noise, radiation, gases, vapors, fumes, mists, dust, illumination, ventilation, protective equipment, fire protection, waste disposal, electrical hazards, scaffolds and ladders, floor holes and wall openings, and heavy equipment. All specific requirements of the Act shall be adhered to. 7. SAFETY PROVISIONS The Contractor shall take every precaution and shall provide such equipment and facilities as are necessary or required for the safety of its employees. In case of an accident, first aid shall be adminis- tered to any who may be injured in the progress of the work. In addi- tion, the Contractor shall also be prepared for the removal to the hospital for treatment of any employee either seriously injured or ill. 8. SANITARY REGULATIONS In addition to compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Contractor shall erect and maintain necessary sanitary con- veniences for the use of employees on the work. Such conveniences shall be properly secluded from observation, and their use shall be strictly enforced. Such sanitary convenienc%s shall be constructed in compliance with all laws, ordinances or regulations governing these facilities. The contents of the same shall be removed, with sufficient frequency to prevent nuisance, and disposed of to the .satisfaction of the Engineer. The ContractOr shall obey and enforce such other sanitary regu- lations and orders and shall take such precautions against infectious diseases as may be deemed necessary. In case any infectious diseases occur among its employees, it shall arrange for the immediate removal of the patient from the work and his isolation from all persons con- nected with the work. The building of shanties or other structures for housing the men, tools, machinery or supplies will be permitted only at approved places, and the sanitary condition of the grounds in and at such shan- ties or other structures must, at all times, be maintained in a satis- factory manner. GC - 3 of 9 i_j[~j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRE[LL. P.C. GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) RESPONSIBILITY OF ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR DURING CONSTRUCTION The Engineer is responsible solely for the general and/or detailed inspection of the work being performed. Such inspection will be perio- dic and strictly to assure conformance of the Contractor with the Plans and Specifications, such that the end product will conform to the Plans and Specifications. The Contractor is responsible for complete conformance to the Plans and Specifications, proper construction procedures; coordination with subcontractors, other contractors, and utilities, and safe working conditions for its employees. 10. LABOR All contractors and subcontractors employed upon the work shall and will be required to conform to the Labor Laws of the State of New York and the various acts amendatory and supplementary thereto, and to all other laws, ordinances and legal requirements applicable thereto. All labor shall be performed in the best and most workmanlike manner by mechanics skilled in their respective trades. The standards of the work required throughout shall be of such grade as will bring results of the first class only. CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE The Contractor, in case of its absence from the work, shall have a competent representative or foreman present, who shall follow without delay all instructions of the Engineer or his assistants in the pro- secution and completion of the work in conformity with this Contract, and shall have full authority to supply labor and material immediately. The Contractor shall also have a competent representative available to receive telephone messages and provide a reasonable reply as soon as possible, but not later than 24 hours. N/S GC - 4 of 9 I..1~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) 12. INCOMPETENT EMPLOYEES The Contractor shall employ only competent, skilled and faithful men to do the work. Upon request of the Engineer in writing, the Con- tractor shall suspend or discharge from the work any disobedient, disorderly or incompetent person or persons employed thereon, and will not again employ any person so suspended or discharged without the consent of the Engineer. This requirement shall not be made on the basis of any claim for compensation or damages against the Town or any of its officers or agents. 13. CLAIMS OR PROTESTS If the Contractor considers any work required of it to be outside the requirements of the Contract or considers any record or ruling of the Engineers or Inspectors as unfair, it shall file a written protest with the Town within 5 days of said ruling. A protest properly filed with the Town shall result in a hearing before a duly designated repre- sentative of the Town Board who shall make Findings of Fact and Conclu- sions of Law. The Findings will then be forwarded to the Town Board for their ultimate decision. Such decision will be binding. ~4. NOTIFICATIONt INTERFERENCE AND INJURY TO UTILITIES The Contractor shall cooperate in every way with the utility companies. The utility companies shall be notified in accordance with Section 1918 of the Penal Law of the State of New York entitled "Construction or Blasting Near Pipes Conveying Combustible Gas," and with Article 20, Section 322-a of the New York State General Business Law. Ail conduits, water mains and gas mains encountered in the con- struction shall be properly and safely taken care of by the Contractor, who shall, upon encountering same, notify the public corporation to whom they belong in order that they may be changed in such a manner as not to interfere with the final construction. In case any damage shall result to any service pipe for water or gas, or any private or public sewer or conduit, by reason of negli- gence on the part of the Contractor, it shall, without delay and at its own expense, repair the same to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and in case such repairs are not made promptly or satisfactorily, the Town may have the repairs made by another Contractor, or otherwise, and deduct the cost of same from any monies due or to become due the Contractor. GC 5 of 9 ~_.j~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. 'GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) 15. INFRINGEMENT OF PATENTS The Contractor further agrees to hold itself responsible for any claims made against the Town for any infringement of patents by the use of patented articles in any one phase of construction of the work and the completion of same, or any process connected with the work agreed to be performed under this Contract or of any materials used upon the said work, and to save harmless and indemnify the Town from all costs, expenses and damages which the Town shall be obliged to pay by reason of any infringement of patents used in the construction and completion of the work. 2L6. DAMAGES Ail damage, direct or indirect, of whatever nature resulting from either the performance of, or resulting to, the work under this Contract during its progress from whatever cause, shall be borne and sustained by the Contractor, and all work shall be solely at its risk until the date of the Final Payment Request as issued by the Engineer. _17,. G.O.A N?EE W, AR ANTY This Contractor shall guarantee and warrant its work and that of :its subcontractors against defects in workmanship and/or material for a period of one (1) year from the date of the Final Payment Request issued by the Engineer, except as otherwise specified. Upon written notification from the Engineer, the Contractor shall repair, replace or reconstruct such defects to the satisfaction of the Engineer, at no cost to the Town. 18. STANDARDIZATION The DETAILED and GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS indicate specific manufac- turers and/or catalog numbers, etc., for the purpose of standardization with the Town in order to minimize stockpiling of replacement parts. t9. DEFINITIONS The words "or approved equal" shall refer to an approved equal which has in fact been approved by the Town after inspection by the engineer that such approval is satisfactory. In the event that there is a dispute between the contractor and the engineer as to whether the item is equal, a hearing will be had before the Town Board or its duly authorized representative who shall make findings of fact and conclusions of law after a hearing which would then be forwarded to the Town Board for their ultimate decision and that such decision would be binding. The word "Engineer" refers to HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C., Consulting Engineer for the Town. GC - 6 of g I..t~ HOI. ZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL P.C. GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) 20. SHOP DRAWING SCHEDULE If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit a shop drawing schedule fixing the dates for the submission of shop drawings for the beginning of manufacture and installation of materials and for tlhe completion of the various parts of the work. This schedule shall be coordinated with the progress schedule. 21. SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall submit for approval of the Engineer all shop drawings called for under the Contract or requested by the Engineer or required for the performance of the work, and no work shall be fabricated by the Contractor, save at his own risk, until such approval has been given. The shop drawings shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of construction requirements to allow ample time for checking, correcting, re-submitting and re-checking. Submission of shop drawings and samples shall be accompanied by transmittal letter in duplicate. Shop drawings and transmittal letters shall be dated and contain the project name, name of the Contractor, the applicable section and page number of the specification, and the applicable drawing numbers and detail numbers of the Contract Drawings. If the item is resubmitted, the number and date of each revision shall be included. Shop drawings prepared by Subcontractors shall be accompanied by a transmittal letter from the Subcontractor to the Contractor requesting Contractor's review and Engineer's review. After the Contractor has stamped and reviewed each shop drawing in accordance with the afore- mentioned requirements, the Contractor shall forward the shop drawings to the Engineer accompanied by a transmittal letter requesting Engineer's review. The transmittal from the Contractor to the Engineer and the transmittal from the Subcontractor to the Contractor shall set forth the information outlined above. Shop drawings are drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, brochures, cuts, or other written, printed or graphic information furnished by the Contractor to describe in detail the Contractor's intention concerning the visual characteristics of the construction, or the physical arrangement of some part of the work, for the review of the Engineer. Shop drawings shall show the design, dimension, connections, and other details necessary to insure that the shop drawings accurately interpret the Contract Documents, and shall also show adjoining work in such detail as required to provide proper connections with said adjoining work. Where adjoining work of more ithan one trade occurs, the Contractor shall be responsible for coor- dinating shop drawing submissions so that they are received simul- taneously for review. Shop drawings shall amplify design details of mechanical and electrical equipment in proper relation to physical spaces in the structure; and incorporate minor changes of design or GC - 7 of 9 I-~_j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL. P.C. GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) construction to suit actual conditions. Ail shop drawings and samples shall be thoroughly checked by the Contractor for compliance with the Contract Documents before submitting them to the Engineer for approval, and all shop drawings shall bear the Contractor's stamp of approval certifying that they h~ve been so checked. Any shop drawings submitted without this stamp of approval and certification, and shop drawings which, in the Engineer's opinion, are incomplete, contain numerous errors or have not been checked or only checked superficially, will be returned u~nchecked by the Engineer for resubmission by the Contractor. In checking shop drawings, the Contractor shall verify all dimensions and field conditions and shall check and coordinate the shop drawings of any section or trade with the requirements of all other sections or trades whose work is related thereto, as required for proper and com- plete installation of the work. By submitting shop drawings, the Contractor confirms that he has determined and verified all materials, field measurements and field construction criteria related thereto, that he has checked the shop drawings for complete dimensional accuracy, that he has checked to insure that work contiguous with and having bearing on the work shown on the shop drawings against the composite drawings, that the work has been coordinated, that the equipment will fit into the assigned spaces, and that he has checked and coordinated the information contained within such submittals with the requirements of the work and of the Contract Documents. Measurements not available prior to submission of shop drawings shall be noted on the shop drawings as not available and such measurements shall be obtained prior to fabrication. The Contractor shall submit five copies of all shop drawings to the Engineer for approval. After the review of a shop drawing sub- mission, the Engineer will retain two copies, and send the remaining copies to the Contractor. If the Contractor should alter any information on previously submitted shop drawings other than the notations called for by the Engineer, he must circle this new information to bring it to the Engineer's attention. In submitting shop drawings for approval, all associated drawings relating to a complete assembly shall be submitted at the same time so that each may be checked in relation to the entire proposed assembly. The Engineer's review of shop drawings shall be given as assistance to the Contractor in interpreting the requirements of the Contract Doc- =ments, and in no way shall it relieve the Contractor of any respon- sibilities under this Contract. Any fabrication, erection, setting, or other work performed in advance of the receipt of drawings marked "No Exception Taken" or "Make Corrections Noted" shall be done entirely at tlhe Contractor's risk. GC - 8 of 9 I-I~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. GENERAL CONDITIONS (CONT'D.) The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the shop d~rawings, and for the conformity of documents unless the Contractor has notified the Engineer of the deviation in writing at the time of submission, and has received from the Engineer written acceptance by separate letter of the specified deviations. The Engineer's review shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings, product data, or samples. The approval of shop drawings shall not be construed: 1. As permitting any departure from the Contract requirements. As relieving the Contractor of the responsibility for any error in details, dimensions, or otherwise that may exist. As approving departures from additional details or written instructions previously furnished by the Engineer/Owner. As part of the shop drawing submittal, the Contractor or his ~ents are required to indicate that the proposed piece of equipment meets all requirements of the Specifications with the following ex- ceptions. The exceptions shall be listed by the Contractor in detail. Failure to provide this information is sufficient grounds for rejection of the entire submittal. GC - 9 of 9 I-~ HOLZMACHER, McLI:NDON & MURRELL, PC GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 - GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (a) The "General Specifications" of the contract are hereby made a part of this specification and are attached herein. (b) Where any article of the "General Specifications" is supplemented hereby, the provision of such article shall remain in effect. All the supplemental provisions shall be considered as added thereto. Where any such article is amended, voided, or superseded thereby, the provisions of such article not so speci- fically amended, voided, or superseded shall remain in effect. 2.0 COOPERATION The General Contractor, all other contractors, and all sub- contractors shall coordinate their work with all adjacent work and shall coordinate with all other trades so as to facilitate the general progress of the work. The General Contractor shall De responsible for coordinating the work of all Contractors. Each trade shall afford all other trades every reasonable opportunity for the installation of their work and for the storage of their material. In order to facilitate and insure proper coordination be- tween contractors, each contractor and subcontractor shall pro- vide a supervisory representative to attend such 3ob and progress meetings as the Engineer shall schedule. Meeting may be held at the work site or the Engineer's office (Melville, New York). ~ The Owner or his designated representative shall be respon- sible for coordination of work progress. 3.0 - PERMITS AND REGULATIONS The General Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits necessary to conduct the work and complete this contract. He shall obtain the Building Permit and Certificate of Occupancy. All work shall be performed in strict accordance with the regu- lations and requirements of the various civil agencies having jurisdiction thereof. Upon completion of the work provided for in this contract, and before final payment shall be made, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with any necessary certif- icates of approval issued by these various agencies. GS - 1 of 6 GE~ERAL SF["CIPI(;ATIO~!S (COHT'D.) 4.0 - SIG~S The General Contractor shall construct a project si~n as detailed on the drawings and described ]n the specifications. 5.0 - GRAD._.S~ LINES~ LEVELS AND (a) The major axial building lines, measurements~ ~rsdes, lines and a bench mark shall be established by the General Contractor. (b) All other grades, lines, elevations and bench marks shall be ~ established and maintained by the ~eneral Contracto]~ who shall be re- sponsible for same. (c) The Contractor shall verify al! grades, lines, levels and di- mensions as shown on the drawin~s) and he shall report any errors or in- consistencies in the above to the EnFineer before coF~mencin~ work. (d) The Contractor shall provide and maintain well-built batter- boards at all corners; he shall establish bench marks in not ]ess than two widely separated places. As the work progresses, he shall establish bench marks at each floor, giving exact levels of' the various floors. (e) As the work progresses, the Contractor shall lay out (on the forms or rouKh floorin~) the exact location of all partitions as a guide to all trades. 6.0 _ TEMPORARY ENCLOSURES The Contractor shall provide t~mpo¥~ry weather-tight enclosures for all exterior openings as soon as walls and roof are built so as to protect all work from the weather. 7.0 TEMPORARY LIGHT, WATER, ETC. The Electrical Contractor shall furnish a system of temporary lightin~ and convenience outlets throughout the buildings conforming to NEC, OSHA, and Union Minimum requirements. The work shall include all fees by the utility Company and energy charges for the work on this project. Service shall be 200 Amp minimum. In addition, the Electrical Contractor shall be available for power turn-on for all hours of regular trades. Water is available via the Village of Greenport water supply system. ll water used shall be metered by the Village and paid for by the General ontractor. All temporary piping and appurtenances are to be provided by this General Contractor. The meter will be provided by the Village. GS-2 of 6 i_j~_j~ HO~ 7MACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL. P.C G. ENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONT'D.) Temporary Heat - The General Contractor shall protect his work from freezing and maintain temperatures suitable for the progress of the work in its various parts by means of approved salamanders, stoves, vents for same. He will be held responsible for smoke damage to walls, ceilings and other parts. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all damage due to frost and freezing. 8.0 - TEMPORARY SHEDS (FOR STORAGE) The General Contractor shall provide and maintain on the premises, where directed, watertight storage sheds for storage of all materials, which might be damaged by weather, and shall remove them from the site at the completion of the work. 9.0 - GENERAL PROTECTION The Contractor shall place a sufficiency of red lights on or near any work accessible to the public and keep them burning sunset to sun- rise; he shall erect suitable railings or barriers, and shall provide watchmen on the work by day or night, as required and deemed necessary for the safety of the work on public or adjoining property. The Municipality reserves the right to remedy any neglect on the part of the Contractor as regards the protection of the work which may come to its attention, after 24-hours notice in writing; except that in cases of emergency, it shall have the right to remedy any neglect with- out notice, and in either case to deduct the cost of such remedy from money due the Contractor. 10.0 PROTECTION OF EXISTING WORKS Under no conditions shall the operation of the existing treatment plant be impaired. The treatment plant shall remain in continuous opera- tion throughout the entire construction period. All costs, labor mate- rials and equipment required to meet this requirement shall be borne by the Contractor. The Town reserves the right to halt the Contractor's work, with no renumeration, therefore, when in the opinion of the Town, the operation of the treatment plant is or may be impaired by the Con- tractor. In addition, should the Contractor impair, halt or otherwise stop tlne operation of the treatment plant, the Town shall immediately take all necessary measures to restore operation; and the costs thereof shall De charged to and paid for by the Contractor. Any by-pass necessary for completion of the work outlined under Contract must be approved by and coordinated with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Region I, Stony Brook, New York. this GS - 3 of 6 11.0 - IfECL....,At,Y DETAILS I'!OT SPI~CIR[CALLY [!E?!S'IOtiED Ail work that may be called for in the specifications ond not sho~'m on the plans, or shown on the plans and not called for in the spec~ tions, sha] I. be furnished nnd executed by the Contractor, as if desi,,.~ua- ted In both these wa.¥s, and sboult~ any %.,ork or material be Pc(~uired wl,ich is not denoted in the plans and specifications, either directly or indi- rectly, but which is nevertheless, r~ecessary for the proper caPPyinF. of the intent thereof, it is understood and oureed that the sai~le is im- plied and required and that the Contractor si~all perfor,~ such work and furnish such materials as if they v~t~r¢ cor~pletely ¢tel~neated and de~ scribed. 1:2.0 _ CASII ALLOI'ANCE The ilunicipality reserves the ri~ht to deduct any or all cash allow- ance hereafter mentioned and pl,rchase such material referred to, deliver- ing same to the Contractor who shall instal], sar.:e complete. The Con- tractor will be reimbursed when these allowances are exceeded or will be required to ~ive a deduction when the purchases do not equal the allol.~- ances. Cash allo%.;ances referred to do not include installation unless specifically mentioned, but the Contractor shall be required te install same. 13.0 PLA!!S /IND ~PE(.I, ICA~I0,.., This Contractor will be furnished six (g) sets of the plans and specifications of his contract and one (1) set of plans for the other contracts. Additional sets wiI1 be furnished at cost or reproduction. One complete set of plans and specifications shall be kept in a shelter- ed place on the site. 1,t.O - CLF. A~!I,..'G UP The Contractor shall remove all debris and ~ubbish from the site aa. fast as it accumulates durinK tb~ course of construction. On com- pletion of the contract, and at the time of final inspection by the Municipalitlv, the premises shall be ].eft in a clean, presentable con- dition, includinK but not limited to tile foliowinK items: (a) General broom cleaning. (b) Remove all mortar dron~r~inKz from f~oors, walls, doors, windows, louvers, etc. (c) Remove putty stains from iX]ass. :'fa:;h and polish glass inside and outside. (d) Clean all floor.s of spot.~, Da!hr, stains, raarks,etc. GS-4 of 6 GEMER^L ° · ...... ~" · (e) Remove mnrl's, stMrm, ['~nl~erorlnt~, dirt and oLher soil £ror. I p~£nted an,~ othe;. F~nished surfaces. 1.5.0 _ VISIT TO t!ORK SITE PRIOR TO BID CHEI, iISSIOil The Contractor shall visit the site and: (1) Confirm the locations, dimensions, utilities present, soil conditions, %.tater levels. (2) Confirm all dimensions whether shoo-in on the dra,;~ln[.~s or not that pertain directly to the proposed work. B. I£ the Contractor requests the Town prior to receipt of bids, he may, at his own expense, excavate and backfill for test holes. C. I~o claims shall be made by the Contractor durln[r construction that he was una~,rare of certain di~ensions, locations, so!l or .~tater conditions, utilities and that additional work is, therefore, required. 1.6.0 __ SLEEVE.q AIID OPEI'!I.UG.q The Contractor shall be responsible for providin~ openings and/or installing all sleeves furnished hy other contractors into the construc- tion work and for installing ail open]nfs called for on the drawings. Tile Contractor shall close all openings instolled by him after materials have been inserted. 1.7.0_ SC;!EDULE OF 1'!OR!~ Within ten (10) days after signing of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit, for a~Droval to the Engineer a detailed construction schedu]~ of the bar graph type. This schedule shall be corrected by the Contractoz as required by the Engineer in order to plan the progress of the work %nde: the several Contracts. When approved, the schedule shall be strictly adhered to. The Contractor shall expedite equipment, provide additional labor, work overtime, as may be required to complete the work on schedule. The General Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the schedu2n¢ of all work to be performed under the remainin~ contracts. 18.0_ ~.~A'PF.I?IGIiT .~., ,,;, ~o S.,.RUC~!! ..... It is the intet~t of these plans and spectficatio~s to obtain water- tight structures and the Contractop shall prosecute the %.~ork in such a manner as to obtain this end. In the event of leakage, the Contractor shall make a]l mecessary repairs to tile complete satisfactio~ of the Engineer. GM - 5 of 6 I_1¥~ HOLZMACH£R, McLENDON & MURRIELL. P.C GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (CONT~D.) :L9 0 r.I^I~!TAIHI.:(, FLO~" OF ... BP,,. r - - ' ~'' ':'~ " ~-!ATER LIflBS AND DR^If:.'.; The Contractor shall, at hi,'; own cost and expense, provide for and n'ot allo~.~ the contents cC any sewer~ drain or inlet connection to flow into trenches, sewers or other structures to be constructed under the contract, except where written permiss:lcn is given by the EnEineer and :shall, at his own expense, immediately remove and cart away from the vicinity of the work all offensive r?atter, usin~ su.Jh precautions in so doing as may be directed by the gn~rzneer. The Contractor shall, at his own cost and expense, provide for and maintain the flow in all water malns or laterals which may be met with .durin~ the pro~ress of the wor~. Ir: case of an accidental breakin~ of water line, the repairs of such bre~!, shall have priority over all other operations. 20.0 - CLtA,,[I,IO A'~D PR0'?i::CTIOM ..:hal~ be properly and effectively pro- All materials arid equipment" ~ ~ected, at least as follows: (1) Equipment shall remain in their crates and/or cartons and be covered with a waterproof tarpaulin untJ 1 tile Contractor is ready 'bo install same and should thereafter be protected adequately by similar means to prevent any dama[;e du]',inf~ construction. (2) All pipe openings shall be temporarily closed so as to ]prevent obstruction and damaFe. Upon completion of insta].]ation, all equipment shall be uncovered, ~horoughly cleaned, ~nd be in peri, et condition. :21.0 - TEMPORARY OFFICE In addition to the requirements of the General Conditions of the specifications, the General Contractor shall provide a separate office for the Engineer, of at least 120 square feet. The of~lce snail include a desk, chair and filing cabinet. Suitable heat (70° during winter ]months) and light shall be provided. The Contractor shall also maintain on the site at all times a telephone available to the Engineer. All 'telephone bills shall be paid by the Contractor. The Engineer's office and telephone shall remain at the site until all major work including fine grading has been completed. The General Contractor shall provide separate electrical service for the trailer, and pay all energy charges. 22.0 - NOISE CONTROL Noise control measures including the use of shall be utilized on machinery. GS - 6 of · adequate mufflers HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. I H21~I CORP. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND ENVIRONMENTAl_ SCIENTISI'S PROPOSAL - BIDDER'S DECLARATION TO THE TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, STATE OF NEW YORK: BIDDER'S DECLARATION: The undersigned, as Bidder, declares that the only person or persons interested in this Bid or Proposal as prin- cipal or principals is or are named herein and tlhat no other person than herein named has any interest in this Proposal or in the Contract proposed to be taken; that this Bid or Proposal is made without any connection with any other person or persons making a Bid or Proposal for the same purpose; the Bid or Proposal is in all respects without fraud or collusion, that he has examined the site of the work, the Form of Contract and Specifications, and the Dra%~ings therein referred to, and has read the Notice to Bidders, Information for Bidders and General Conditions hereto attached and fully understands all the same; that he proposes and agrees, if this Proposal is accepted, that he will contract with the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD in the Form of Contract accompanying this Bid, to perform all the work re- quired in accordance with the Plans and as mentioned in said Form of Contract, Specifications, Notice to Bidders, Information to Bidders and General Conditions, and he will accept in full payment, therefore, the following sums to wit: P-A ~ HOLZNIACHER, McLENOON & MURRIFLL. P.C PROPOSAL (CONT'D.) WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK BID DATE: FEBRUARY 21, 1984 BASE BID The undersigned further understands and agrees that he is to fur- nish all labor, material, equipment, supplies and other facilities necessary and required for the execution and completion of: FEDERAL PROJECT NO. C-36-1120-03 (STATE CONTRACT AND CONTRACT NO.) in strict accordance with the Contract Documents for the lump sum price of: (WRITTEN IN WORDS) (WRITTEN IN FIGURES) , which is the Base Bid. P-B - 1 I.-l~j~ HOI 7MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. F'.C PROPOSAL (CONT'D.) WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK BID DATE: FEBRUARY 21, 1984 CONTINGENCIES The undersigned proposes to perform Contingency Item(s) as set forth in the drawing and specifications for the listed lump sum prices. The Engineer/Owner hereby reserves the right to accept or reject any combination of contingencies listed which constitute a part of this proposal. ADDITION CONTRACT NO. 1 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & MECHANICAL WORK Contingency Item GC-1 Spare Odor Control System P-B - 2 ~ HOI-ZMAGHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. PC. PROPOSAL (CONT'D.) WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK BID DATE: FEBRUARY 21~ 1984 UNIT PRICES The Contract shall include unit prices as herein stated. Should the amount of work required by Contract Documents be increased or de- creased, the undersigned agrees the following unit prices shall be used as a basis for computing the cost to the Owner, or the credit due the Owner, as the case may be, for such increases or decreases in the work. The listed unit prices shall also be used for deter- mining the value of quantities included in the specifications. Prices shall be on the basis for furnishing all labor, material, equipment and other related items necessary for completion of work (in place). The quoted figure shall include the Contractor's over- head and profit. The amount of unit prices for additions shall not vary by more than 15 per cent from the prices inserted by the bidd. er for deductions. The Owner/Engineer may adjust the deductions or additions inserted by the bidder so that it conforms to this requirement. The Owner/Engineer hereby reserves the right to order any addi- tion or deduction of materials on the basis of unit cost figures quoted. The Town of Southold and/or the Engineer hereby reserves the right to reject a bid if a contractor's stated unit prices are evaluated as inflationary and unreasonable. P-B - 3 I-J~ HO~ 7MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. F'.C PROPOSAL (CONT' D. ) WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY CONTRACT NO. 1 - GENERAL CON- STRUCTION & MECHANICAL WORK 1. Split Concrete Block Work $ 2. Concrete Block Work (filled with mortar) $ 3. Painting, Floor Slabs $ 4. Painting, Process Piping $ 5. Cement Lined Ductile Iron Pipe, 4-inch (0-10 feet deep) $ 6. Cement Lined Ductile Iron Pipe, 6-inch (0-10 feet deep) $ 7. Cement Lined Ductile Iron Pipe, 8-inch (0-20 feet deep) $ 8. Cement Lined Ductile Iron Pipe, 12-inch (0-10 feet deep) $ 9. Cement Lined Ductile Iron Pipe, 16-inch (0-10 feet deep) $ 10. Excavation, by hand $ 11. Backfilling, by hand $ 12. Excavation, by machine $ 13. Backfilling, by machine $ 14. Chain Link Fencing $ 15. 3,000 p.s.i. Concrete $ 16. 4,000 p.s.i. Concrete $ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS sq.ft. $ sq.ft. sq.ft. $ sq. ft. sq. ft. $ sq. ft. sq. ft. $ sq. ft. lin.ft. $ lin.ft. lin.ft. $ lin.ft. lin.ft. $ lin.ft. lin.ft. $ lin.ft. lin.ft. $ cu.yd. $ cu.yd. $ cu.yd, i $ cu.yd. $ lin.ft. $ cu.yd. $ cu.yd. $ lin.ft. cu.yd. cu.yd. cu.yd. cu.yd. lin.ft cu.yd. cu.yd. P-B - 4 I.-t~ HOI..ZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. PROPOSAL (CONT'D.) WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 455 CALENDAR DAYS (1-1/4 YEARS) (SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS INCLUDED) FROM THE DATE OF SIGNING OF THE CONTRACT. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAY BEYOND THE COMPLETION DATE SHALL BE THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($350.00) PER DAY FOR EACH AND EVERY CALEN- DAR DAY (SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS INCLUDED). CONTRACTOR: ADDRES, S: DATE: P-B - 5 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C PROPOSAL - CONT'D. - BIDDER'S DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Enclose certified check or bid bond for fiw~ percent (5%) of the total bid, as stipulated in the Foregoing Information for Bidders. The Bidder hereby agrees to enter into a contract within seven (7) days after due notice from the Town Board, Town of Southold that the contract has been awarded to him and is ready for signature, such notice to be given in writing within forty-five (45) days of the date of opening of the bids, and on the signing of such contract by him to furnish the indemnifying bonds as prow[ded in the Contract. And the Bidder hereby futher agrees that in the event of his failure or refusal to enter into a contract in accordance with this bid within seven (?) days after due notice from the said T~n Board that the con- tract has been awarded to him and is ready for signature, as given in accordance with the Information for Bidder, and/or his failure to execute and deliver the bond for the full amount of the contract price as provided in said Information for Bidders, that the bidder's check which is herewith deposited with the Town Board :shall, at the option of the said Board, become due and payable as ascertained and liquidated damages for such default, otherwise the said check shall be returned to the undersigned. The full name and residences of all persons and parties interested in the foregoing bid as principals are as follows: NAME / ADDRESS NAME OF BIDDER: P-C ~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL P.C PROPOSAL - CONT'D. - NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE By submission of this bid, each bidder and each person signing on behalf of any bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief: 1. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication, or agreement, for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor; 2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by the bidder prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any com- petitor; and 3. No attempt has been made or will be mad. e by the bidder to induce any other person, partnership, or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition. Dated: Southold, New York BY: / If this' bidder cannot make foregoing.certification, a statement signed by the bidder is attached setting forth in detail the reasons therefore: P-D ~[~j~ HOLZMACHER, McL£N[)ON & MURRELL, P.C METHOD OF PAYMENT (CONT'D.) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY FEDERAL PROJECT NO. C-36-1120-03 CONTRACT NO. 1 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND MECHANICAL WOP~K This Contract is a lump sum contract requiring the complete con- struction of a waste water treatment plant as called for in the specifications and shown on the contract drawings. The Base Bid shall include all work, equipment, labor and material insurances required by the plans, specifications, Technical Specifica- tions - General & Detailed, General Conditions, Contract and Addendums, or otherwise required for the proper completion of the Contract. The Contractor shall receive the Base Bid for the completion of ALL work in accordance with the plans and specifications and as approved by the Engineer. Under Contingency Item GC-1 the Contractor shall sum bid. for supplying a spare odor control system, as the section entitled "Spare Odor Contrel Unit." receive the lump specified under MOP - 1 of 1 CONTIIACT CONTRACT IN QUADRUPLICATE FOR AT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, dated , 19 , BY AND BETWEEN THE 1~WN BOARD OF THE TOWN C)F SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, (herein called the "Town," and (herein called the "Contractor"). WITNESSETH, that the Town and the Contractor, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants, considerations and agreements herein contained, agree as follows: This Contract is hereby awarded to the Contractor for the work and material called for under his bid in the Proposal section of the Contract and designated as Items: and if required by tile Consulting Engineer, Items: for tile sum of: Dollars for the unit and/or lump-sum price(s) as listed ($ ) in tile Proposal herein. C-I HOLZIdACHERo McLENOON & MURRIT. LL P.C. / H2M CORP. CON'I'I{^CT - CONT'I). 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND DEFINITIONS The Notice to Bidders, Information for Bidders, Proposal, General Conditions, Co,ltract, Specifications and Plans, together with any Adde,lda, shall form part of this Coutract, and tile pro- visions tl,ereof shall be as binding upon the parties hereto as if they were herein fully set forth. The titles, headings, head- lines and marginal notes contained herein are solely to facilitate reference to various provisions of tile Contract Documents and in no way affect, limit or cast light upou tile interpretatio,i of the provisions to which they refer. Whenever the term "Contract Docu- a~,lts" is used, it shall mean a,ld include this Contract, tile Plans, Specifications, a,ly Addenda, and tile Notice to Bidders, Information for Bidders, General Conditions and Proposal. I,i case of any con- flict or inconsistency between the provisions of Lhe Contract and those of the Specifications, the provisions of the Contract shall govern. WORK: The'term "Work", as used herein, refers to all of the work proposed to be accomplished at tile site of the project and all such other work as is in any manner required to accomplisil the completed project, and iucludes all plant, labor, materials, supplies, equipment and other facilities and acts necessary or proper for or incidental to tile carrying out and complet£on of the terms of this Contract. Tile term "work performed" shall be construed to include material delivered to and suitably stored at the site of tile project. EXTRA WORK: The term,"Extra Work", as used herein, refers to and includes all work required by tile Town which, in the judgment of the Engineer, 2nvolves changes in or additions to work required by the Plans, Specifications and ally Addenda in their present form. SUBCONTRACTOR: The term "Subcontractor", as used herein, shall mean any person, firm or corporation applying labor and :material for work at the site of the project, but not including tile parties to this Contract. ENGINEER: In tile performance of tile work, the Town shall {be represented by its Consulting Engineer HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C., (herein called tile "Engineer"). C-2 ~ MCI[NOON & MIJRR£LL, P.C. ! Ft2M CORP. CONTRACT - CONT'I). NO, iCE - The term "NoLice", as used hereJu, shall mean and incJude written notice. Written notice shall be deemed Lo have been duly served when delivered to, or at the last known business address of, the person, firm or corporation for whom intended or to bis, their, or its duly authorized agents, representatives or officers, or when enclosed ill a postage prepaid wrapper or enve- lope addressed to such person, firm or corporat£on at his, their, or its last known business address and deposited in a United States Mail Box. DIRECTED, RE_QUIRED, APPROVED, ACCEPTABLE - Whenever they refer to tile work, or its performance, "directed", "required", "permitted", "ordered", "designated", "prescribed", and words of like import shall imply the direction, requirement, permission, order, desig,la- tion or prescription of the Engineer, and "approved", "satisfied", or "satisfactory", "iu the jndgment of", and words of like import, shall mean approved or acceptable to, or satisfactory to, ill tl~e judgment of tile Engineer. 2. SCOPE OF THE WORK Tile Contractor will furnish all plant, labor, material, supplies, equipment and other facilities and tilings necessary or proper for or incidental to, the work contemplated by this Contract as required by, and in strict accordance with, the applicable Plans, Specifications and Addenda prepared by the Engineer and/or required by and in strict accordance with, such changes as are ordered and approved pursuant to this ContraCt, and will ~erform all other obligations imposed on him by the Contract. 3. COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO THE CONTRACTOR (a) Agreed Prices: It is understood and agreed that the Con- tractor will accept as payment in full the summation of products, of the actual quan~itLes in place upon the completion of tile work, as determined by the Engineer's measurements by the unit prices bid, no allowance being made for anticipated profit or for reason of variations from the estimated quantities set forth in tire Proposal. (b) Extra Work and/or Changes: The Town may, at any time, by a written order, and without notice to the sureties, require the performance of such extra work or changes in the work as it may find necessary or desirable. Tl~e amount of compensation to be paid to the Contractor for any extra work, as so ordered, shall be determined as follows: C-3 HOLZMACHER, McLF~OO~I & MURRELI., P.C. / H2M CORP. CONTRACt - CONT'D. (1) By such applicable unit: prices, if any, as set fortlt in tile contract, or (2) If no such unit prices are set forth, then by u,lit prices or by a lump sum mutually agreed upon by tile Town and the Con- tractor, or (3) If no such unit prices are set forth, and if tile parties cannot agree upon unit prices or a lump sum, then by actual net cost in money to the Contractor of the materials, permits, wages, or applied labor, premiums for Workmen's Compensation Insurance, payroll taxes required by law, rental for plant and equlp~nt used (excluding small tools) to which total cost will be added twenty percent (20%) as full compensation for all other items of profit, costs and expenses, including administration, overhead, superintendence, insurance, insurance other than Workmen's Compen- sation Insurance, material used in temporary structures, allowances made by the Contractor to subcontractors, additional premiums upon the Performance Bond of the Contractor and tile use of small tools. 4. TIME OF ESSENCE Inasmuch as the provisions of this Contract relating to the time for performance and completion of the work are for the purpose of enabling the Town to proceed with the construction of a public improvement, in accordance with a predetermined program, such pro- visions are of the essence of this Contract. 5. COMMENCEMENT OF WORK The Contractor agrees that he will commence work within ten (].0) consecutive calendar days after signing this Contract, and that the day he commences work shall constitute the first of the consecutive calendar days allowed for completion of the work. C-4 HCg. ZMACHF. Ro MGLENDON & MURRF. LL, P.C. / H2M C(~RP. CONTRACT - CONT'D. 6. TIME FOR COMPLETION The time for completion of this Contract shall be within the number of calendar days stated in the Bid Proposal and the date of such completion shall be the date of the certificate of com- pletion hereinafter specified. The Town reserves the right to order the Contractor to suspend operations when, in the opinion of the Engineer, impro- per weather conditions make such action advisable, and to order the Contractor to resume operations when weather and ground con- ditions permit. The days during which such suspension of work is in force are not chargeable against the specified completion time. 7. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR DELAY The time limit being essential to and of the essence of this Contract, the Contractor hereby agrees that the Town shall be, and is hereby'authorized to deduct and retain out of the money which may be due or may become due to said Contractor under this agreement,the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars _($350.00) per day is hereby agreed upon, fixed and determined by the parties hereto as the liquidated damages, including overhead charges, services, inspector's wages, and interest on the money invested, that the Town will suffer by reason of such default, for each and every day during which the aforesaid work may be incomplete over and beyond the time herein stipulated for its completion, provided, however, that the Town shall have the right to extend the time for the.completion of said work. 8. EXTENSIONS OF TIME - NO WAIVER If the Contractor shall be delayed in the completiqn of his work by reason of unforeseeable causes beyond his control a~d with- out his fault, or negligence, including but not restricted to Acts .of God or of any public enemy, acts or neglect of the Town~ acts or neglect of any other Contractor, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, riots, civil commotion or freight embargoes, the period herein above specified for completion of his work shall be extended by such time as shall be fixed by the Town. No such extension of time shall be considered a waiver by the Town of its right to terminate the Contract for abandonment or delay by the Contractor as hereinafter provided or relieve the Contractor from full responsibility for performance Of his ~bliga~ tions hereunder. C-5 RT ~CONTRACT - CONT' D. ~j~ HOLZMACHER, McLEHOON & MURRELL, P.C. 9'. CONTRACT SECURITY (a) The Contractor shall deliver to the Town executed bonds in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) each of the accepted bid as a security for the faithful performance of his contract and for the pay- ment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in con- nection therewith, prepared on the Standard Form of Bond of American Institute of Architects A-311 and having as surety thereon such surety company or companies as are acceptable to the Town and as are authorized to transact business in the State of New York. (b) Additional or Substitute Bond(s): If, at any time, the Town shall be or become dissatisfied with any surety or sureties, then upon the Performance Bond or Payment Bond, or if, for any other reason, such bond shall cease to be adequate security to the Town, the Contractor shall, within five (5) days after notice from the Town, substitute an acceptable bond(s) in such form and sum, and signed by such other surety as may be satisfactory to the Town. The premiums on such bonds shall be paid by the Contractor. No further payments shall be deemed due, nor shall be made, until the new surety shall have been qualified. (c) Prior to release of the Performance Bond, the Contractor shall deliver to the Town a Maintenance Bond equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total Contract price, including all extras. This Main- tenance Bond shall remain in full force and effect for a period of one (1) year after the date of the final payment request prepared by the Engineer, and such bond, which shall be executed by the Contractor and issued by a reliable, solvent surety company authorized to do business in the State of New York shall guarantee to the Town that the Contractor shall promptly remedy any defects or faults that may occur within twelve (12) months after completion and acceptance of the work performed by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract. ],0. CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE The Contractor shall not commence any work until he has obtained and had approved by the Town all of the insurance required under this Contract, as enumerated herein: Compensation Insurance Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Contractor's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance Owner's (Town of Southold) and Engineer's Pro- tective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Automobile Public Liability and Property Damage SOHT8206-FED C-6 HO~T..MACH~.R, McL~NDO~ & MURREL~ P,C, / H2M CORP. CONTI{ACT - CONT' I). The Contractor shall name the Town of Southold and the Inc. Village of Greenport as the insured parties in all policies. The Contractor shall not permit any subcontractor to co~uuence any operation on the site until satisfactory proof of carriage of the above required insurance has been posted with, and approved by, the Town. (a) Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain, during the life of this Contract, Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of his employees employed at the site of tile pro- ject, and in any case of any of the work being sublet, time Contractor shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Workmen's Com- pensation Insurance for ail of the latter's employees, unless such eatployees are covered by the protection afforded by the Co~ltractor. (b) Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Con- tractor shall take out and mailltain during the life of this Contract such Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance as shall pro- tect him and ahy subcontractor performing work covered by this Contract for claims for damages for personal in3ury, including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under this Contract, whether such opera- tions be by himself or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: Public Liability Insurance in the amount not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.) for bodily in3uries, including wrongful death to any one person, and sub3ect to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.) on account 'of one accident. Property Damage Insurance in an amount not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.) for damages on account of any one accident and in an amount of not less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,000,000.) for damages on account of all accidents. The Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance shall include as additional named insureds: The Town of Southold and The Inc. Village of Greenport. (c) Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The above policies for public liability and property damage insurance must be so written as to include Contractor's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance to protect the Contractor against claims arising from the operations of any subcontractor. C-7 HO~ZMACH[R, Mc[.~r..N00~I & MURR[U., P.C, / H2M CORP, CO~3UI~TING ENOINr~J~I ANO [~IVI/IONM~TAt. ~CIO*~ITIST~ CONTRACT - CONT'D. (d) Owner's and/or Engineers Protective Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: (Towu and/or Town Board, Town of Southold and/or ilolzmacber, McLendon & Murrell, P.C.) The Con- .tractor shall furnish to tile Town with respect to the operations he or any of his subcontractors perform, a regular Protective Public Liability Insurance Policy for and in behalf of tile Town and/or Town Board, Town of Southold and/or Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C., providing for a limit of not less than $1,000,000. for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to, or death of one person and subject to that limit for each person, a total limit of $3,000,000. for all damages arising out of bodily inju- ries to, or death of, two or more persons in any one accident; and regular Protective Property Damage Insurauce providing for a limit of not less than $500,000. for all damages arising out of injury to, or destruction of, property in any one accident and subject to that limit per accident a total (or aggregate) limit of $1,000,000. for all damages arising out of injury to, or des- truction of property during tile policy period. Tile insurance must fully cover th~ legal liability of the Town and/or Town Board, Town of Southold as owner and/or Holzmacher, McLendon & ~urrell, P.C. The coverage provided under this policy must not be affected if the Town and/or Engineer performs work in counection with the project either for, or ill cooperation with, the Contractor or as an aid there- to, whether the same be a part of the Contract or separate there- from~ by means of its own employees or agents, or if the Town and/or Engineer directs or supervises the work to be performed by the Contractor. (e) Automobile iUublic Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Contractor shall rake';out and~maintain during the life of the Contract such automobile public liability and property damage insurance as shall protect him and any subcontractor performing work covered by this contract from claims for damages for personal injury, including accidental death as well as from claims for property damage which may arise from operations under this Con- tract~ whether such operations be by himself or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them and the amounts of such insurance shal[ be as follows: HO~ZMACH£R, MCI ~'N~ & MURR~I., P.C. ! H2M CORP. CON'FIt^CT - CON T ' D. Automobile Public Liability Iusurance iu an amount not less than Five Ilundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.) for bodily injuries, including wrongful death by any one person, and subject to tile same limit for each person in an amount not less than One ~4illiou Dollars ($1,000,000.) on account of one accident. Automobile Property Damage Insurance in an amount oi not less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.) for damages on account of any one accident and in an amount of not less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.) for damages on account of all accidents. 11. PROOF OF CARRIAGE OF INSURANCE The Contractor shall furnish tile Town with certificates of each insurer insuring the Contractor or any subcontractor under this Contract, except with respect to subdivision (d) of Paragraph 10. In respect to this paragraph, the Contractor shall furnish the Town with the original insurance policy and a copy to the Engineer. Both certificates, as furnished, arfl the insurance policy, as required, shall hear the policy uumbers, the expiration date of the policy and the limit or limits of liabil£ty thereunder. Both the certificates and the policy shall be further endorsed to provide tile Town and Engineer with any notice of cancella~on at least five (5) days prior to the actual date of such cancellation. C-9 HOLZMACH£R0 MCLF. J~X~Iq & MURRrr. LL. P.C. CON~ULTINO ENO~N~/J~a AND r~waON~ao~rAt CONTI1ACT - CONT' D. 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LABOR AND PENAL LAWS The Contractor hereby expressly agrees to comply with all the provisions of the Labor Law and any and all amendments thereto, insofar as the same are applicable to this Contract. The Labor Laws, as amended, provide that no laborer, workman or mechanic in the employ of the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or a part of the work con- templated by this Contract, shall be permitted or required to work more than eight (8) hours in any oue calendar day, except in cases of extraordinary emergency caused by flre, flood, or danger to life or property; that no such person shall be employed more than eight (8) hours in any day or more than five (5) days in any week, except in such emergency; that the wages to be paid for a legal day's work as hereinbefore defined, to laborers, workmen, or mechanics upon the work called for under this Con- tract, or for any materials used upon or in coanection therewith, shall not be less than the prevailing rate for a day's work in the same trade'or occupation in the locality within the State where such work is to be done and each laborer, workman or mechanic employed by the Contractor, subcontractor, or other person about or upon the work shall be paid the wages herein provided; that employees engaged in the construction outside the limits of cities and villages are no longer exempt from the pro- visions of the Labor Law which required the payment of the pre- vailing rate of wages and the eight (8) hour day. Section 222 of the Imbor Law, as amended by Chapters 556 and 557 of the Laws of 1933, provides that preference in employ- ment shall be given to citizens o,f the State of New York who have been residents of Suffolk County for at least six (6) consecutive months immediately prior to the commencement of their employment. Each person so employed shall furnish satis- factory proof of residence, in accordance with rules adopted by the Industrial Commissioner. Persons other than citizens of the State of New York shall be employed only when such citizens are not available. Section 222 further provides that upon the demand of the State Industrial Commissioner, the Con- tractor shall furnish a list of names and addresses of all his subcontractors and further provides ~at a violation of this sermon shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not less than thirty (30) days nor more than ninety (90) days, or both fine and imprisonment. C-10 HCX_ZMACH£R. McLENKX)~ & MURRF..Li.. i".C. / tt2M CONTRACT - CONT'D. Section 220A of the Labor Law, as amended by Chapter 472 of tile Laws of 1932, provides that before payment is made by or on behalf of the State or any City, County, Town or Village or other civil division of tile State, of any sums due on account of a contract for a public improvement, it ~ the duty of the Comptroller o~ the financial officer of the Municipal Corporation to require the Contractor and each and every sub- contractor to file a certified statement in writing, in satis- factory form, certifying to the amounts then due and owing to any and all laborers for daily or weekly wages on account of labor performed upon the work of the Contract, setting forth therein the names of the persons whose wages are unpaid and the amount due each, respectively. Section 220-B of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides that any interested person who shall have previously filed a protest in writing objecting to the payment to any Contractor or subcontractor to the extent of the amount or amounts due or become due to him for daily or weekly wages for labor performed on tile public improvement for which the Contract was entered into, or if, for any other reason, it may be deemed advisable, the Comptroller of the State or other financial officer of the Municipal Corporation may deduct from tl~e whole amount of any payment on account thereof the sum or sums admitted by any Contractor or subcontractor in such statement or statements so filed to be due and owing by him on account of labor per- formed and may withhold the amount so deducted for the benefit of the laborers for daily or weekly wages, whose wages are unpaid as shown by the verified statements filed by any Con- tractor~or subcontractor and may pay directly to any person the amount or amounts so ,shown to.be due for such wages. to Section 220-C of the Labor Law, as so amended, provides the penalty for making of a false oath or verification. Section 220-D of the Labor Law provides that the advertised specifications for every Contract for the construction, recon- struction, maintenance and/or repair of highways to which the State, County, Town and/or Village is a party shall contain the provision stating the minimum rate of hourly wage that can be paid, as shall be designated by the Industrial Commissioner, to the laborers employed in the performance of the Contract, either by the Contractor, subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do the whole or part of the work contemplated by the Contract, and the Contract shall contain a stipulation that such laborers shall be paid not less than such hourly minimum rate of wage. Any person or corpora tbn that willfully pays C-Il HCX.ZMACHER, McLENDOiN & MURRF.~ P.C. / H2M CORP. CONTII^C~I' - CONT'D. after entering into such contract less thau such stipulated minimum hourly wage scale shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished for a first offense by a fine of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, or by both fine and imprisonment for a second offense by a fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and, in addition thereto, the Contract on which the violation has occurred shall be forfeited; and no such person or corporation shall be entitled to receive any sum or nor shall any officer, agent or employee of tile State pay the same or authorize its payment from tie funds under his charge or control to any person or corporation for work done upon any contract, on which tile Contractor has been convicted of second offense in violation of tile provisions of this Section. The minimum wage rates established by tile Industrial Com- missioner, State of New York, for this Contract, are as set forth in tile Information for Bidders. Section 1918 of the Penal Law, as amended, provides that no person shall discharge explosives in the ground, nor shall any person other than a state or county employee regularly engaged in the maintenance and repair thereof excavate in any then existing street, highway, or public place, unless notice thereof in writing shall have been given at least'seventy-two hours in advance to the person, corporation or municipality engaged in the distribution of gas in such territory. The person having direction or control of such work shall give such notice and further, he shall ascertain whether there is within one hundred feet of such street, highway or public place, or in the case of a proposed discharge of explosives within a radius of two hundred feet of such discharge, any pipe of any person, corporation or municipality conveying combustible gas, and if any emergency involving danger to life, health or property, it shall be lawful to excavate without using explosives if the notices prescribed herein are given as soon as reasonably possible, and to disharge explosives to protect a person or persons from an immediate and substantial danger of death or serious personal in- jury if such notices are given before any such discharge is under- taken. Any such work shall be performed in such manner as to avoid damage to pipe conveying combustible gas. Any violation of the provisions of this Section shall be a misdemeanor. C-12 HOLZMACH£R, McLENDON & MURRELL P.C. I H2M CORP. CO~SULYINO [~4QIN[g~q& AND CNVi~ONMEN?AL CONTRACT - CONT' I). 13. qUALIFICATIONS I.~R EMPLOYMENT No person under the age of sixteen (16) years, and no person 'currently serving sentence in a penal or correctional institution shall be emptoyed to perform any work on the project under this Contract. No person whose age or physical condition is such as to make his employment dangerous to his health or safety, or the health and safety of others, shall be employed to perform any work on this project; provided, however, that such restriction shall not operate against the employment of physically h~ndi- cgpped persons, otherwise employable, where each person may be safely assigned to work which they can ably perform. 14. NON-DISCRIMINAT[O~ There sha~] be no discrimination because of race, creed or color in the employment of persons for work under this Contract, whether performed by the Contractor or any subcontractor. Neither shall the Contractor or any subcontractor discriminate in any manner against or intimidate any employee hired for the perform- ance of work under this Contract on account of race, creed or Color. There may be deducted from the amount payable to the Con- tractor by the Town under this Contract a penalty of Five Dollars ($5.00)~ for each person for each calendar day during which such person was discrimin~ted against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of this paragraph;.provided that for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms of this paragraph, this Con- tract may be canceled or terminated by the Town and all monies due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited. 15. pAYmENT OF EMPLOYEES The Contractor and each of his subcontractors shall pay each of his employees engaged in work on this project under this Contract in full (less deductions made mandatory by law) in cash and not less often than once each week. C-13 I.J~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. CONTRACT - CONT'D.) 16. ESTIMATES AND PAYMENTS (a) Monthly: At the end of each calendar month during the progress of the work,.the Engineer shall make up an approximate estimate of the work done and the materials furnished, based upon the prices set forth in the Proposal. In consideration of the work done and the materials furnished, the Town will pay or cause to be paid to the Contractor the amount estimated by the Engineer as due him, less a sum equal to ten percent (10%) of such amount up to the 50% completion point, five percent (5%) thereafter, to satisfy any claims, liens or judgments against the Contractor which have not been suitably discharged. The making of any such estimate or payment made thereon shall not be taken or construed as an acceptance by the Engineer or the Town of any work so estimated and paid for. The amount of the monthly estimate remaining unpaid will be retained by the Town as a guarantee that the Contractor will faithfully and completely ful- fill all obligations imposed by the Contract and Specifications, and against any damages incurred by the Town by reason of any failure on the part of the Contractor to fulfill all conditions and obligations herein contained. All partial payments are subject to correction in any sub- sequent payment. The retained amounts shall be paid as set forth in 16 (b). (b) Final Payment Request: Thirty (30) days after the Contractor slhall have substantially completed the work required of it under the Contract, the Engineer will prepare a final payment request of all work done. Thereafter, the Town will pay to the Contractor the remaining amount of the Contract balance, less a sum equal to two (2) times the walue of any remaining items to be completed, and less an amount necessar, to satisfy any claims, liens or judgments against the Contractor which have not been suitably discharged. As the remaining items of work are satisfactorily completed or corrected, the Town shall promptly pay, upon receipt of a requisition for these items less an amount necessary to satisfy any claims, liens or judgments against the Contractor which have not been suitably discharged. Any claims, liens and judgments referred to in this section shall pertain to the project and shall be filed in accordance with the terms of the applicable contract and/or applicable laws. (c) In order to secure the performance of the covenant of the Contractor, prior to release of the Performance and Payment Bonds, the Contractor shall deliver to the Town a Maintenance Bond equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract price, including all extras. This Maintenance Bond shall remain in full force and effect for a period of one (1) year after the date of the final payment request and such bond, which shall be executed by the Contractor and issued by a reliable, solvent surety company authorized to do business in the State of New York shall guarantee to the Town that the Contractor shall promptly remedy any defects or faults that may occur within twelve (12) months after completion and acceptance of the work performed by the Contractor pur- suant to this Contract. C-14 ttOCZM^CH£R, McLENOOt¢ & MURR~LL, P.C. I H2M CORP. CONTRACT - CONT'D. (d) Measurements for Payment: The Engineer shall make due measurement of the work done during the progress of the work and his estimate shall be final and conclusive evidence of the amounts of work ~erformed by the Contractor under, and by virtue of, this agreement, and shall be taken as the full measure of compensation to be received by the Contractor. When requested by the Contractor, the Engineer shall measure, re-measure or re-estimate any portion of the work; but the expense of such remeasurement or re-estimating shall, unless material error be proved, be paid for by the Contractor. 17. ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL PAYMENT CONSTITUTES RELEASE The acceptance by the Contractor of the £ina]. payment shall be, and shall operate as a release to the Town from all claims and all liabilities to the Contractor for all things done or furnished in connection with this work and for every act and neglect of the Town and other relating to, or arising out of, this work, excepting the Contractor's claims for interest upon the final payment, if this payments be improperly delayed. No payment, however, final or otherwise, shall operate to release the Contractor or his sureties from any obligations under this Contract or the Performance Bond. 18. CONSTRUCTION REPORTS The Contractor shall, submit to the Engineer prior to the commencing of any work under this Contract a detailed schedule and plan of operation, indicating the-manner in which the Contractor proposes to prosecute the work, and a time schedule therefore. Such schedules are not intended to bind the Contractor to a pre- determined plan or procedure, but rather to enable the Engineer to coordinate the work of the Contractor with work required of and to be 'performed by others. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with periodic esti- mates for pkrtial payments as required elsewhere in the Contract documents and, Jn addition thereto, will furnish the Engineer with a detailed estimate for final payment. Prior to being eligible to receive final payment under this Contract, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with substantial proof that all bills for services rendered and materials supplied have been paid. The enumeration of the above reports in no way relieves the Contractor of his responsibility under existing Federal or State laws of filing such other reports with agencies other than the Town as may be required by such existing laws or regulations. C-15 ttOLZMACH£R, IvlcLENC(h~l & tdUt~I~£LL P.C. / li21vl CO~P. CONTIIACT - CONT'I). 19. INSPECTION AND TESTS Ail material and workmanship shall be subject to inspection, · examination and test by the Engineer and other representatives of tile Town at any time during the construction and at any and all places where manufacturing of materials used and/or construct- tion is carried on. Without additional charge, the Contractor shall furnish promptly all reasonable facilities, labor and materials neces- sary to make tests so required safe and convenient. Ii, at any time, before final acceptance of the entire work, the Engineer considers necessary or advisable an examin- ation of any portion of the work already completed, by removing or tearing out the same, the Contractor shall, upon request, furnish promptly all necessary facilities,,labor and materials for such examination. If such work is found to be defective in any material respect, due to the fault of the Contractor or any subcontractor, or if any work shall be covered over without the approval or consent of the Engineer, whether or not the same shall be defective, the Contractor shall be liable for the expenses of or such examination and of satisfactory reconstruction. If, however, such approval and consent shall have been given, and such work is found to meet the requirements of this Contract, the Contractor shall be recompensed for the expense of such examin- ation and reconstruction in the manner herein provided for the payment of costs of extra work. The selection of laboratories and/or agencies for the in- spection and tests of supplies, materials or equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Satisfactory documen- tary evidence that the material has passed the required inspec- tion and test must be furnished the Engineer prior to the incor- poration of the material in the work. Any rejected work shall be removed from the site of the project completely at the expense of the Contractor. C-16 UOL~MACH£R, McL~NOO~I & MuRRrd. L. P.C. ! H2M CX~RP. CONTIt^C'F - CONT'I). 20. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - INTERPRETATIONS The ContracLor shall keep at tile site of the work one copy of the Plans and Specifications signed and identified by tile Engineer. · Anything shown on the Plans and not mentioned in the Specifications or mentioned in the Specifications and not shown on the Plans shall have the same effect.as if shown or mentioned respectively in both. In case of any conflict or inconsistency between the Plans and Specifications, the Plans shall govern. Any discrepancy between the figures and specifications shall be submitted to the Engineer, whose decision therein shall be conclusive. 21. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS FOUND DIFFERENT Should the Contractor encounter subsurface conditions at the site materially differing from those shown on the Plans or indi- cated in the Specifications, he shall immediately give notice to the Enginee¥ of such conditions before they are disturbed; the Engineer shall thereupon promptly investigate the oonditions and if he finds that they materially differ from those shown on tl~e Plans or indicated on the Specifications, he shall at once make such changes in the Plans and/or Specifications as he may find necessary. Any increase or decrease of cost resulting from such changes will be adjusted i'n the manner provided herein for adjustment as to extra and/or additional work and changes. 22. CO~'tRACTOR'S TITLE TO MATERIALS No material or supplies for the work shall be purchased by the Contractor or by any subcontractor subject to any chattel mortgage or under a conditional sale or other agreement by which an interest is retained by the seller. The Contractor warrants that he has good title to all materials and supplies used by him in the work. 23. SUPERINTENDENCE BY CONTRACTOR At tile site of the work the Contractor shall employ a Con- struction Superintendent or foreman who shall have full authority to act for the Contractor. It is understood tllat such represen- tative shall be acceptable to the Engineer and shall be one who can be continued in that capacity for tile particular job involved unless he ceases to be on the Contractor's payroll. C-17 HOLZMACHER, McLENDCXN & MURR£LL. P.C. / tt2M CO~P. CO~.3uL'rlNo [~4OlNF~J~II A~O ~,4VIf~ONM~:FIIrAL 0C1~'~1r11111 CON'I'II ACT CONT' I). 24. PROTECTION OF WORK~ PERSONS AND PROPERTY Precaution shall be exercised at all times for the proper protection of all persons, property and work. The safety pro- visions of applicable laws, building and construction codes shall be observed. Machinery equipment and all hazards shall be guarded or eliminated in accordance with the safety provisions of the Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction, published by the Associated General Contractors of America, to the extent that such provisions are not in contravention of applicable law. The Contractor shall furnish entirely at his own expense any and all additional safety measures deemed necessary by the Town or its Engineer to adequately safeguard the traveling public. Tile Contractor shall give notice to the owners of all utilities which may serve the area and request their assistance in pre- determining the location and depth of the various pipes, conducts, manholes and other underground facilities. The Contractor shall, at all hours of the day, safely guard and protect his own work and adjacent property from any damage and shall replace or make good any such damage, loss or injury unless such be caused directly by errors contained in the Contract documents, or by the Town or its duly authorized representatives. The Contractor shall provide and maintain such watchmen, barriers, lights, flares and other signals, at his own expense, as will effectively prevent any accident in consequence of his work for which the Town might be liable. The Contractor shall ~e liable for all injury or damage caused by his act or neglect, or that of his employees; 25. PATENT RIGHTS, As part of his obligation hereunder and without any ad- ditional compensation, the Contractor will pay for any patent fees or royalties required in respect to the work or any part thereof and will fully indemnify the Town for any loss on account of any infringement of any patent rights, unless prior to [lis use in the work of a particular process or a product of a particular manufacturer, he notifies tile Town in writing that such process or product is an infringement of a patent. C-18 H0~ZIdAC:H£R, M¢[.F..NDO~ & MURRF. L~ P.C. I )-t2M CONSUtnNO ENO;NF.~q~ A~O rj~¥t#ONML~rat. CONTRACT - CONT'I). 26. REPRESENTATIONS OF CONTRACTOR The Contractor represents and warrants: (a) That he is financially solvent and that he is experienced in and competent to perfrom the type of work involved under this Contract and able to furnish the plant materials, supplies and/or equipment to be furnished for the work; and (b) that he is familiar with all Federal, State and Municipal Laws, ordinances and regulations which may in any way affect the work of O~ose employed hereunder, including but not limited to any special acts relating to tile work; and (c) that such work required by these Contract Documents as is to be done by him can be satisfactorily constructed and used for tile purpose for which it is intended and that such construc- tion will not injure any person or damage any property: and (d) that he has carefully examined the Plans, Specifications, and the site of tile work, and that from his own investigation he has satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work, the character, location, quality and quantity of surface and sub- surface materials, structures and utilities likely to be encountered, the character of equipment, and other facilities needed for the performance of the work, the general local conditions which may in any way affect the work or its performance. '27. AUTHORITY OF TIlE ENGINEER In the performance of the work, the Contractor shall abide by all orders and directions and requirements of the Engineer and shall perform all work to the satisfaction of the Engineer, at such time and places, by such methods, and in such manner and sequence as he may require. The Engineer shall determine tile amount, quality, acceptability and fitness of all parts of the work, shall interpret the plans, specifications, contract documents and any extra work orders and shall decide all.her questions in connection with the work. Upon request, the Engineer shall confirm in writing any oral orders, directions, requirements or determinations. The enumera~m herein or elsewhere in the contract documents of particular instances in which the opinion, judgment, discretion or determination of the Engineer shall control, or in which work shall be performed to his satisfaction or subject to his approval, or inspection, shall not imply that only matters similar to those enumerated shall be so governed and so performed, but without exception all tl~e work shall be governed a~so performed. C-19 CONTRACT - CONT'D 28. SURVEYS The Engineer will furnish the Contractor with the benGhm~rks necessary to complete the work. All further layout of lines and grades will be the responsibility of the Contractor, 29. CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS The Town reserves the right to make alterations iR the location, line, grade, plans, form or dimensions of the work~ or any part thereof, either before or after the commencement of the construction. If such alterations diminish the amount of work to be done, no claim for damages or anticipated pmof'its will he warranted on the work which may be dispensed with. If such alterations increase the amount of work, sudh increases shall be paid for according to the quantity of work actually done and at the prices for such work as contained in the schedule of prices. 30. CORRECTION OF WORK Ail work and all materials, whether incorporated into the work or not, all processes of manufacture and all methods of con- struction shall be, at all times and places, subject to the in- spection of the Engineer who shall be the final judge of quality, materials, processes of manufacture and methods of construction suitable for the purpose for which they are used. Should they fail to meet his approval they shall be forthwith reconstructed, made good and repla~ed and/or correcte~ as the case may be, by the Contractor at his own expense. Re3ected materials shall im- mediately be removed from the site. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is not desirable to replace any defective or damaged materials or to reconstruct or correct any portion of the work injured or not performed in accordance with the Contract Documents, the compensation to be paid to the Contractor hereunder shall be reduced by such amount as, in the judgment of the Engineer, shall be equitable. The Contractor expressly warrants that his work shall be free from any defects in materials or workmanship, and agrees to correct any defects, breakdowns or adjustments which may appear within one year following the date of the final payment r~quest. Neither the acceptance of the completed work nor SOHT C-20 81-01 H<3LZMACH£R, McI.F..NOO~ & MURR[LL, P.C. / tt2M C.D,qP. ~SULTINO [~IGINr..~II .~NO [~IVIRONME~TAL ~I[~TII]~ CONTItACq' - CONT' D. payment therefor shall operate to release the Contractor or his sureties from any obligations under or upon this Contract or the Performance Bond. 31. WEATHER CONDITION~ In the event of temporary suspension of the work, or during inclement weather, or whenever the Engineer shall direct, the Contractor will and will cause his subcontractors to protect carefully his and their work and materials against damage or injury from the weather. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, any work or materials shall have been damaged or injured by reason of tile failure on the part of the Contractor or any of his subcontractors to protect his, or their work, such work and materials shall be removed and replaced at tile expense of the Contractor. 32. THE TOWN'S RIGt~ TO WITHHOLD PAYMENTS The Town may w£thhold from the Contractor so much of any approved payments due him as may, in the judgment of the Town, be necessary: (a) To assure the payment of just claims then due and unpaid of any persons supplying labor or mate~als for the work; (b)To protect the-~own frqm loss due to defec- tive work not remedied, or (c) To protect the Town from loss due to injury to persons or damage to the work or property of other contractors or subcontractors or others, caused by t~ act or neglect of the Contractor or any of his subcontractors. The Town shall have the right, as agent for the Contractor, to apply any such amounts so withheld in such manner as the Town may deem proper to satisfy such claims or to secure such protection. Such application of such money shall be deemed payments for the account of the Contractor. C-21 HOI_ZMACHER, McLf..NOO~l & MURREU, P.C. I HiM CORP. CONTRACT - CONT' I). 33. TIlE TOWN'S RIGIIT TO STOP WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT: IF, (a) The Contractor shaH. be adjudged bankrupt or make all assignment for the benefit of creditors, or (b) A receiver or liquidator shall be appointed for the Contractor for any of his property and shall not be dismissed within 20 days after such appointment, or the proceedings in connection therewith shall not be stayed on appeal within the said 20 days, or (c) The Contractor shall refuse or fail, after notice or warning from tile Engineer, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materialsl or (d) The Contractor shall refuse or fail to prosecute the work or any part thereof witit such diligence as will insure its completion within the period herein specified (or any duly authorized extension thereof) or shall fail to complete the work within said period, or (e) The Contractor shall fail to make prompt payment to persons supplying labor or materials for tile work, or (f) The Contractor shall fail or refuse to regard laws, ordinances, or the instructions of the Engineer or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of this Contract, then, and in any such event, the Town, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy it may have, may by seven (7) days notice to' the Contractor, terminate the employ- ment of the Contractor and-his rights to proceed either as to the entire work or (at the option of the Town) as to any portion thereof as to which delay shall have occurred, and may take possession of the work and complete the work by contract or otherwise, as the Town may deem expedient. In such case, the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of tbe Compensation to be paid the Contractor hereunder shall exceed the expense of so completing the work (including compensation for additional managerial, administrative and inspection services and any damages for delay), such excess shall be paid to tile Contractor. C-22 CONTItACT - CONT'D. If such expense shall exceed the unpaid balance, the Contractor and his sureties shall be liable to the Town for such excess. If the right of the Contractor to proceed with the work is so · termina'ted, tlx~ Town may take possession of and utilize in completing the work such materials, appliances, supplies, plant and equipment as may be on the site of the work and necessary thereof. If Lbe Town does not so terminate the right of the Contractor to proceed, the Contractor shall continue the work. 34. CONTRACTOR'S RIGBT TO STOP WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT If the work shall be stopped by order of the Court or any other public authority, for a period of three months without act or fault of the Contractor or of any of his agents, servants, em- ployees or subcontractors, tile Contractor, may, upon ten (10) days notice to tile Town, discontinue his performance of the work and/or terminate the Contract, in which event the liability of the Town to the Contractor shall be determined as provided in the paragraphs immediately preceding, except that the Contractor shall not be obligated to pay to the Town any excess of the expense of completing the work over the unpaid balance of the compensation to be paid to the Contractor hereunder. 35. RESPONSIBILITY OF WORK Th~ Contractor agrees to be responsible for the entire work embraced in this Contract until its completion and final acceptance, and that any unfaithful or imperfect work that may become damaged from any cause, either by act of coauaission or omission to properly guard and protect the work that may be dis- covered at any time before, the completion and acceptance shall be removed and replaced by good and satisfactory work without any charge to the Town and that such removal and replacement will be performed immediately on the requirement of the Engineer, notwithstanding the fact that it may have been overlooked by tile proper inspector, and partial payment made thereon. It is fully understood by the Contractor that the inspection of the work shall not relieve him of any obligation to do sound and reliable work as herein prescribed, and that any omission to disapprove of any work by the Engineer at or before the time of a partial payment .or other estimate shall not be construed to be an acceptance of any defective work. C-23 HOCZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C, / H2M CORP. C(.)NTll^CT - CON'I'~ D. 36. USES OF PREMISES AND REMOVAL OF DEBRIS The Contractor expressly undertakes at his own expense: (a) to take every precaution against injury to persons or damages to property; '(b) to store his apparatus, materials, supplies and equip- ment in such orderly fashion at tile site of tile work as will not unduly interfere with time progress of his work or the work of any of his subcontractors; or other contractors; (c) to place upon any of the completed work only such super- imposed loads as are consistent with the safety of that portion of the work; (d) to frequently clean up all refuse, rubbish, scrap materials and debris caused by the operations to the end that at all times the site of the work shall present a neat and orderly and workmanlike appearance; (e) before final payment request is issued, to remove all surplus material, temporary structures, plants of any description and debris of any and every nature resulting from his operations and to put the site in a neat and orderly condition. 37. POWER OF THE CONTRAC?OR TO ACT IN AN EMERGENCY In case of an emergepcy which threatens loss or injury to property and/or, safety to life,the Contractor will be permitted to act as he sees fit without previous instructions from the En- gineer. He shall notify the Engineer thereof immediately there- after and any compensation claimed by the Contractor due to extra work made necessary because of his acts in such emergency shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Where the Contractor has not taken action but has notified the Eugineer of an emergency indicating injury to persons or damage to adjoining property or to the work being accomplished under this Contract, then upon authorization from the Engineer to prevent such threatened injury or damage, he sl~a11 act as in- structed by the Engineer. The amount of reimbursement claimed by the Contractor on account of any such action shall be determined in the manner provided herein for the payment of extra work. C-24 CONTIIA~I' - CONI I . 38. SUITS AT LAW The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Town from and against all st, its, claims, demands or actions for any injury sustained or alleged to be sustained by auy party or parties ill connection with tile construction of the work or any part tllereof, or any commission or omission of the Contractor, his employees or agents or any subcontractors and in case any such action shall be brought against the Town, tile Contractor shall immediately take care of and defend tile same at his own cost and expense. 39. PROVISIONS REQUIRED BY LAW DEEMED INSERTED Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in this Contract shall be deemed to be inserted I~erein and the Contract shall be read and e,lforced as though it were included herein, and, if through mistake or otherwise, any sucl~ provisio,l is not inserted or is not correctly inserted, then upon tile application of eitller party, the Contract sim11 forthwith be physically amended to make suci~ insertion. 40. SUBLETTING, SUCCESSOR AND ASSIGNS The Contractor shall not sublet any part of the work under this Contract, nor assign any ~oney due him hereunder without first obtain- ing the~written consent of the Town. This Contract shall endure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereunder and upon their respective Successors and assigns, but neither party shall assign or transfer his interest herein in whole or in part without consent of the other. 41. WAIVER OF IMMUNITY If any person, corporation, or body contracting witl~ the Town, who when called before a grand jury, head of a city department, or other agency, which is empowered to compel the attendance of wit- ness and examine them under oath, to testify in un investigation concerning any transaction or contract had with the state, any polit- ical subdivision thereof, a public authority or with any public department, agency or official of the state or of any political sub- division thereof or of a public authority, refuses to sign a waiver of i~uuunity against subsequent criminal prosecution or to answer any relevant question concerning sucl~ transaction or contract, then C-25 CONTRACT - CONT'I). (a) such person, and any firm, part. nership or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer shall be disqual- ified from thereafter selling to or submitting bids to or receiving awards from or entering into any contracts with ally municipal corp- oration or fire district, or any public department, agency or official thereo~, for goods, work or services, for a period of iive years after such refusal (b) any and all contracts made with the Town or any agency or official thereof, by such person, and by any firm, partnership, or corporation of which he is a member, partner, director or officer may be cancelled or terminated by the Town without incurring any penalty or damages ou account of such cancellation or termination. but auy monies owing by the municipal corporation for goods delivered or work done prior to the cancellation or termination shall be paid. C-26 CON'I.'RAC'[' - CONT' 1) · IN WITNESS WlIEREOF, seals the day and year first TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY: the parties hereto have set thei~ hands above written. (TOWN SEAL) Francis J. Murphy, Supervisor Contracto~ and (SEAL) BY: TITLE: STATE OF NEW YORK) ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the came Francis J. depose and say ss: day of Murphy, that he , 19___, before me personally to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did is the duly elected Supervisor of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York, and that at a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, duly held on the day of , 19 , the said Board, authorized the said Super- visor to execute all and any contracts on behalf of the Board; that he knows the seal of the said Town, that the Seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is its corporate seal; that it was affixed thereto by order of the said Board, and that he signed his name thereto and executed the said instrument on behalf of the said Town by like order and authority. NOTARY PUBLIC C-27 CONTRACT - CONT'I). ACKNOWLEIK~MENT OF CONTRAC~I'OR, IF A CORPORATION STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF ) On this day of , 19 ., before me personally came and appeared , to me known, who by me being duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at that he is tile of , tile Corporation described in and which executed the foregoing in- strument, that he knows the seal of said corporation, that one of the seals affixed to said instrument is such seal, that it was so affixed by order of the Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CONTRACTOR, STATE OF NEW YORK) ) COUNTY OF ) SS: On this day of personally came and appeared and known to me to be one of NOTARY PUBLIC IF A PARTNERSHIP , 19 , before me , to me known, the members of the firm of described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he ex- ecuted the same as and for the act and deed of said form. NOTARY PUBLIC C-28 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT HO, ! GENERAL CONSTRUCTIONANI) I~ECI~ANICALWORK I-J~ HO~ 7MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. SCOPE OF WORK - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & MECHANICAL WORK DL.O - WORK INCLUDED The work includes all labor, materials, equipment and appliances required for the complete execution of all work in conjunction with the general construction of the Treatment Facility, Treatment Buildings, Treatment Area Facilities and Site Complex, as shown on the contract drawings, specified herein or as directed by the Engineer, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) Clearing, grubbing and stripping of the entire site; stock- piling of all stripped usable material in designated areas is also included. (b) Ail necessary excavation, earthwork, backfilling, rough and fine grading, dewatering, and sheeting and bracing. (c) Ail site drainage, including curb and gutter inlet, grates, reinforced concrete pipe, precast leaching pools, and all associated site drainage, miscellaneous work and accessories. (d) Ail site landscaping work, including topsoil spreading and fine grading, soil preparation and seeding, and all miscellaneous work included for site landscaping. (e) Asphaltic concrete pavement construction, as called for, including stone blend base, tack coat, sawcutting existing pavements, and miscellaneous work as required. (f) Construction of Portland cement concrete curb, installation of chain link fence and gate, and painting of existing chain link fence, as required, including miscellaneous work and accessories. (g) General construction of Treatment Building. (h) General construction of entire Treatment Plant and remainder of the site, including bar screen, aerated grit chamber, chemical feed systems, odor control system, blower units, equalization tank, Process pumps and wells, head box system, chemical mix tanks, flocculation sys- tem, underground chemical storage tanks, aeration equipment, primary and secondary settling tanks, rotating biological disc units, including tanks and covering systems, metering system, sludge/scum wet well, an- aerobic digester system, covered and open sludge drying beds, all pump- ing equipment, and all associated work and incidentals necessary for a complete working treatment system as intended by these specifications. (i) Construction of all mechanical systems in the treatment are~, on-site buildings and remainder of the site, including sewer lines, force mains, sampling lines, all treatment process lines, valves and accessories, process tanks and piping, and all associated work and incidentals necessary for a complete working treatment system as intended by these specifications. SOW-GC&MW - 1 of 2 ~{~i HOL~MACHER, M~LENDON & MURRELL, P.C. SCOPE OF WORK - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & MECHANICAL WORK (CONT'D.) (j) Ail architectural items. (k) Ail miscellaneous equipment. (1) All startup and testing of the Treatment Facility, as required herein or directed by the design engineer. (m) Complete "as-built" drawings of all piping and equipment installed. (n) Connection to existing services, such as Imhoff tank chamber and sludge distribution manhole. (o) Provide sludge transport vehicle and sludge scraper, as detailed in the specifications. (p) Provide office furniture for the Administration Room, as detailed in the specifications. 2.0 - INSTALLATION Ail work must be done in a neat, workmanlike manner, and be care- fully planned so that ~he number and length of time of shutdowns shall be kept at a minimum. In the case of cut-ins to the existing services, the Contractor shall coordinate all work with the Village of Greenport's Superintendent of utilities, so as to minimize the Treatment Facility's interruption of normal operation. These cut-ins include, but are not limited to, connection to the existing Imhoff tank, existing sludge distribution manhole and existing filtrate manhOle. The Contractor shall notify the Superintendent of Utilities and the Engineer forty-eight (48) hours in advance of his intent to connect to the existing services. ' The successful bidder for Contract No. 1 will be responsible for coordination of subcontractors, contractors awarded Contract Nos. 2, 3, and 4, and utilities. The Contractor shall schedule operations so as to cause minimum interference with the overall project operations, as determined by the Engineer. SOW-GC&MW - 2 of 2 SITE ~ORK - EXCAVATION, EART~VORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING ~, S~OPE The work includes all labor, materials, equipment and appliances required for the complete execution of all excavation~ backfilling and grading work required by the drawings, the General ipecifications~ thc conditions of the si~e, and as directed by the Engineer, including but not limited to the following: (a) Excavation for all building footings~ foundations,. slabs, platforms, trenches, pits, septic tank, leaching pools and all other storm and sewer structures and piping and all other items under this contract for which excavation is required. (b) Excavation of all unsuitable material in construction areas under this contract. (c) Fill~ rough and fine grading o£ sub-grade tn accordancb with the proposed finish grades as shown on the drawings, due allowance being made for the thickness of topsoil in lawn areas and for the thickness of pavement and side- walks. (d) Shore~ brace and sheetpile~ where necessary, for pro- per support of excavated banks. (e) Backfilling against foundations and of excavated areas as required. (f) Compaction of soils in fill areas. (g) Mixing soils as required. 2. WORK NOT INCLUDED Work not included under this contract, which will be performed under separate contracts, is as follows: (a) Trenching and backfilling for all other work under separate contracts, such as electrical work, site work, etc. 3. TOPOGRAPHIC DATA Topography has been made and is included in the Contract Documents for reference by the General Contractor. EEB&G - i of 8 SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING - CONT~D. This information is for general information of the Contractor and neither the Owner nor the Engineer will assume responsibility for variations of existing conditions. The Contractor shall use his own iud§meat as to the actual conditions by inspectiOn of the site, the existing grades and conditions. 4, ~ENERAL All necessary precautions shall be taken to preservo the material below and beyond the lines of all excavation in the soundest possible condition. Any damage to the work due to the Contractor's operations shall be repaired at the expense of and by the Contractor. Any and all excess excavation for the convenience of the Contractor or over-excavation performed by the Contractor for any reason or purpose, except as may be ordered in writing by the Engineer, and whether or not due to the fault of the Contractor, shall be at the expense of the Contractor. Where required to cOm- plete the work, all such excess excavation and over-excavation shall be refilled with materials furnished and placed at the ex- pense of and by the Contractor. Due allowance shall be made by this Contractor to allow other Contractors to install their work so that excavation and/or back- filling will not be substantially disturbed by other Contractors once it has been completed. All site excavation and excavation for all structures and improvements shall include the removal of earth, rock, less than one cubic yard, masonry and other materials of any nature whatso- ever that may be encountered. Excavation lines shall be such as to provide sufficient clearance for the proper performance of the work~ and unless otherwise required, such clearance shall be not less than one foot outside the footings. Excavation shall not be made below proposed grades except where boulders are encountered or where removal of unstable material is directed by the Engineer. Material removed below grade shall be replaced with approved material thoroughly compacted or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. Sub-surface rock excavation shall include the removal of boulders larger than one cubic yard in volume. Boulders shall be removed to a minimum depth of 12-inches below subgrade. The cost of sub-surface rock excavatXon shall be paid for separately. -I EEB&G - 2 of 8 SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING - CONT*D. When the excavations have been carried to the required depth as shown on the drawings, the Contractor shall do no more work until after inspection by the Engineer, who shall order the founda- tion or other work to proceed, o~. further excavation as the conditions indicate. No further work shall be done until the excavations therefor have been approved by the Engineer. Excavations shall be kept dry and free from frost. No excavations shall be made in frozen materials without written approval. No additional allowance or payment shall be made on account of any materials being wet or frozen. BORROW AREAS If designated on the drawings or on the "DETAIl.Eh SPECIFICATIONS" the Contractor shall utilize borrow pits for the construction of fill areas. The depth of cut in borrow pits shall be as designated on the drawings or in the "DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS" and the cuts shall be made to such designated depths. The Contractor shall be allowed no additional payment for extracting materials from the borrow pit and incorporating it into the work. Excavated surfaces of borrow pits above the ground water surface shall be graded to slopes not steeper than shown in the "DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS". The surfaces of wasted material shall be left in a reasonably smooth nnd even condition. Excessive moisture encountered in borrow pits shall be re- duced by the Contractor by: excavating drainage ditches; by allowing adequate time for curing or drying; or by any other approved means. The Contractor shall receive no additional pay- ment for delays due to poor trafficability in or near the borrow area, or any other difficulties due to overly wet conditions resulting from excessive moisture in or near the borrow pit. To avoid the formation of pools in borrow pits during the excavation operations, drainage ditches from borrow pits to the nearest outlets shall be excavated by the Contractor. No direct payment shall be made for excavating drainage ditches. EEB&G - 3 of 8 - SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING - CONT'D. ?, FILLS AND EMBANKMENTS A. General - Fills and embankments shall be constructed to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. B. Fills shall not be started until the area has been spected and approved by the Engineer. Fill material shall be free from frost, stumps, trees~ roots~ sod or muck. Only approved material from excavation areas shall be used. Additional fill material required in excess of that available from the cuts shall be provided as specified under the section entitled, "FILL". Haterial shall not be placed on frozen ground. C. The fills and embankments for each portion shall be main- tained approximately level throughout the entire length of each lsyer. D. Foundation Preparation - the foundation for the earth- fill shall be prepared by leveling and rolling sc that the surface materials of the foundation will be as compact and well bonded with the first layer of the earthfill as herein specified for subsequent lsyers of earthfill. E. ~lacin~ - The combined excavation and placing operation shall be such that the materials when compacted in the earthfill will be blended sufficiently to secure the best practicable degree of compaction and stability. 3cbb~- and rock fragments having maximum dimensions of more than 5-inches shall not be placed the earthfill. The material shall be placed in the earthfill continuous approximately horizontal layers not more than six (6) inches in thickness after being rolled, If in the opinion of the Engineer the surface of the prepared foundation or rolled surface of a,~y layer of earthfill is too dry or smooth to bond properly with the layer of ~terial to be placed thereon, it shall be moistened and/or worked with harrow, scarifier~ or other suitable equipment to sui£icient depth ~o provide satis- factory bonding. If in the opinion of the Engineer the rolled surface of any layer of earthftll is too wet for proper compaction of the layer of fill to be placed thereon, it shall be removed; allowed to dry; or be worked with harrow, scarifler or other suitable equipment to reduce the water content to the proper amount; and then it shall be recompacted. Tamping rollers shall be used for compacting earthfill. Rollers shall be furnished by the Contractor. .............. SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK~ BACKFILLINg GRADING - CONT* Sandy soils shall be placed in 4-inch lo 6-inch layers and compacted with caterpillar type tractor, taaping roller, smooth- wheel roller weighing 8 to 10 tons, or app:oved pneumatic roller. Clay soils shall be placed in 6-inch maxiwm layers and compacted with light tamping roller. Glacial fill Ihall be placed in 8-inch maximum layers and compacted with heavy tlmping roller. The Con- tractor may use other equipment if approved. Places inaccessible to roller shall be compacted with mechan;cal or hand tampers. Stones in earthfill shall be well distributed. No stones over 4-inches in diameter shall be left within 12-inches of finished subgrade. Each layer shall be free of ruts and shall meet ~om- paction requirements before the succeeding layer is placed. At least the top 12-inches of subgrade for pavement, sidewalk, slabs, retaining walls, footings and all other structures, shall be of selected granular material. OperatiOn of equipment shall be dis- tributed to avoid rutting and unequal cOepaction. When the Engineer orders loam or heavy material to be mixed and graded with sandy or light material for sufficient bonding . and compaction, the Contractor shall perfor~ this work to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer. 8. ~HORING AND DRAINING Whenever necessary to maintain the banks of excavation in a safe and stable condition, the Contractor shall furnish and install temporary sheet piling or planks~ braces and shores of good sound timber of adequate strength and shall remove such piling or shoring as the foundation work progresses. Excavations and the job site~ in general, shall be kept free fro~ water, ice and snow during construction. This shall include the excavation am/ ~aintenance of temporary ditches, and the furnishing and operation of pumps or other equipment needs to ~roperly drain the work. Remove shor£ng and p~l~ng before backfilling is completed, but not until permanent supports have been placed, or as directed. No additional payment shall be made for shoring and draining. After inspection and approval of foundations and other work which is to be covered by backfill, the excavated areas shall be backfilled with clean selected material previously excavated, free from organic matter and frozen lmaps, and approved by the SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING - CONT'D. Engineer. Material shall be backfilled in 12-inch layers and thoroughly tamped between layers. Mechanical tampers shall be used wherever possible. If directed by the Engineer, the back- fill shall be thoroughly saturated with water as it is placed. If backfilling is required beneath footings, whether due to Contractor's excavating error or otherwise, this shall be accOm- plished using 2500 psi concrete, mixed and placed in accordance with the Article entitled ,,CONCRETE WORK" of the Specifications. Do not backfill walls or foundations until concrete has attained adequate strength and/or adequate shoring is provided. A minimum of forty-eight (48) hours is required after applying the second coat of waterproofing, in addition to the strength requirements. Backfill for each layer shall be thoroughly com- pacted to attain 95% of maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by AASHTO T-99, Method C. The Contractor shall perform compaction testing to the extent considered necessary by the Engineer, to attain specified results, and the cost of all such testing shall be borne by this Contractor. 10. COMPACTION REOUIREMENTS - PAVED AREAS & FO~DATION AREAS In construction of fill areas and preparation of subgrades in areas to be paved or where other permanent structures are to be built, all soils shall be compacted to 95% of maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by AASHTO T-99, Method C, except that soils for a depth of 9-inches below pavement and structure subgrades in both cuts and embankments shall be compacted to not less than 100%. Soils which have a maximum density less than 100 lbs. per cubic foot as determined by A.S.T.M. D1557, Method C shall be wasted or mixed with heavier soils to obtain the required weight. When material varies frOm optimum moisture content, it shall be treated as follows: when wet, it shall be drained or worked until optimum moisture content is attainedl when dry, it shall be watered. 11. COI~ACTION REOUI~E~ENTS - UI~PATEDAREAS In construction of fill areas in areas to remain unpaved, and where no structures will be built, all filled soils to what- ever depth is required below finished grade shall be compacted to 90% of maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by A.S.ToM. D1557, Method C. Underweight soil and moisture content shall be controlled in accordance with Paragraph 10. EEB&G - 6 of 8 SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING - CONT'D. Subgrades shall be formed and compacted in accordance with plans and specifications to within ~ tolerance of + or - 1/2-inch. FINISHING SLOPES AND SURFACES All slopes shall be finished to smooth, compact surfaces in conformity with the plans. Blade grader or scraper finish will be allowed on slopes. !4. DISPOSAL OF EXCESS )/ATERIAL All excess or unsuitable excavated material over and above the quantity required for fill areas shall be hauled from the site. The Contractor is responsible to load and haul away all excavated material deemed surplus to the needs of this project by the Engineer. Excess or unsuitable material hauled away from the site shall be paid for as specified in the "DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS". The Contractor sh~ll be held to slightly above water level truck loads to insure against spillage on the public streets, and for cleaning such spillage should it occur. 15. )/AINTAINING ROUGH GRADES Considering that fine grading with topsoil, as specified in the section "TOPSOIL SPREADING & FINE GRADING" under this Contract, will not begin until some time after completion of the rough grading work under this Contract, the subgrades may be disturbed by weather and erosion. It will then become the responsibility of this Con- tractor to restore and regrade ~!1 portions of the work which are not within s tolerance of + or - 1/2-inch of the required elevations. This will include but not be limited to washed out embankments, gorges, ruts and valleys and deposits of material on lower levels of the work. The Contractor shall include the cost of this work in his lump sum price bid for excavation and grading even though the time lapse is several months. The Contractor will not, however, be held responsible for portions of the completed work which may be disturbed by equipment used by other Contractors. 16, pAYmENT i. Estimated quantities of excavation, fills, etc., required for the construction of facilities, establishment of proposed grades, etc., is as specified in the "DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS". ]/~g~ - 7 of 8 SITE ~/ORK - ~XCAVATION, EAETIfi¥ORK, BACKFILLING & GP~ADING - CONT'D. This estimated quantity is for informational purposes only. The exact amount of excavation required for all Construction, shall be computed by the Contractor for bidding purpOSeS. Any difference between computed quantities and EngineertS estimated quantities shall be furnished~ installed and payment for same shall be made as specified in the ,,DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS". B. Disposal of excavated, excees or unsuitable material shall be as specified in the "DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS"- The estimated quantity of material to be disposed is as specified in the"DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS"- C. For sub-surface rock excavation, that is~ rocks, boulders and masonry structures larger than one (1) cubic yard, payment shall be made as specified in the ,,DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS" at the contract pmiCe per cubic yard as measured by the Engineer. Sub- surface rock excavation shall be removed by drilling, wedging, sledging or barring, or breaking up with a po~er hand tool. No blasting shall be permitted. The price bid for this item shali include all the costs of labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work as specified. Disposal of rocks or masonry removed shall be included under this Item. ~8 ~l HOLZidACHE~ M~LENDON · DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING AND GRADING 2. WORK NOT INCLUDED DELETE this section. requited by this project. The Contractor is responsible for all work 6. BORROW AREAS Borrow pits on the site are not permitted for this project. 7. FILLS AND EMBANKMENT DELETE fourth sentence of paragraph B. ADD, Additional fill material shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The material is to be clean, well graded, sandy soil containing not more than 8% of fine material. Fine material is defined as that which passes a No. 200 sieve. 9~ BACKFILLING Concrete backfilling shall be in accordance with section entitled · STRUCTURAL CONCRETE" of the specifications. 10. COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS - PAVED AREAS AND FOUNDATION AREA~ All soils to be backfilled that provide support for footings, foundation slabs and other load bearing structures shall be compacted tO 100% of maximum density at the optimum moisture content as deter- mined by AASHTO T-99, Method C. Compaction of backfill shall take place in layers of 6-inch maximum thickness with clean selected material previously excavated and shall be performed by means of mechanical tampers wherever possible. Field tests to verify specified compaction are to be performed on various samples at each backfilled and compacted layer as determined by Engineer. Compaction tests shall be performed by a certified testing laboratory and approved by the Engineer. Method of field testing compacted layers is to be in accordance with A.S.T.N. D1556, and results ate to be submitted simul- taneously to the Contractor and Engineer. No backfilling ia to be performed until the previous backfilled layer is properly compacted as specified above. The Contractor shall make every effort to allow for possible provisions in order to enable a second independent soils testing laboratory to perform compaction tests at the discretion of the Owner/En~inee£. Results of these tests will De available to the Contractor upon request. Expenses for soil testing borne by the Contractor are limited to those tests whereby results are submitted simultaneously to the Contractor and Engineer. The Owner will bear the cost of the second independent testing. DS - EEB&G - 1 of 2 HOI.ZMACHER. ~LENDON · MURRELL, I~.C. I H~4 CO~P. DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - SITE WORK - EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING AND GRADING - CONT'D. 14. DISPOSAL OF EXCESS iMATERIAL The Contractor shall cover trucks to further insure against spillage on Village or any other property. Excess material shall be disposed of at the Town of Southold - Cutchogue landfill site. However, material may be used by the Contractor at other locations subject to the approval of NYSDEC. The following office shall be notified prior to removal of excess material to locations other than the designated landfill site: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation c/o Mr. A1 Kellar State University of New York Building 40 Stony Brook, New York 11794 Tel. No.: (516) 751-7900 16. PAYMENT Payment shall be made for "Additional Excavation" and "Additional Backfill", as ordered by the Engineer, at the unit price bid per cubic yard for each of the respective items. All subsurface "rock excavation" shall be included in the "Additional Excavation" item. DS EEB&G - 2 of 2 ~I~ULTING ~JGINrr, F,~ /d*JD E~tlRONME~I'A~ SITE WORK - CLEARING AND GRUBBING 1.0 - SCOPE The work includes furnishing all labor,materials, equipment, and appliances required for the complete execution of clearing and grubbing work, as shown on the drawings, specified herein and as required by con- ditions at the site and as directed by the Engineer. Work shall include, but not be limited to: 1. The project site shall be cleared and grubbed within the limits shown on the plans. 2. Disposal of, away from the site, all trees, logs, stumps, brush, vegetation, rubbish, rubble, junk, and other perishable or ob- jectionable matter. 3. No claims shall be allowed for unexpected work as It is the requirement of this section of the contract that the Contractor shall visually inspect and walk through all areas of the site and re- view the test boring data available at the Engineer's office prior to submitting a bid. 2.0 - CLEARING AND GRUBBING The limits of areas to be cleared and grubbed are as shown on the drawings. The areas designated shall be cleared of trees, logs, stumps, shrubs, vegetation, brush, rubbish, rubble and all other objectionable or perishable matter, as determined by the Engineer. All roots and stumps shall be grubbed and excavated unless otherwise specified or approved. The Contractor shall be responsible for removing the whole tree and stump and backfilling the stump hole with suitable material taken from the site to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 3.0 BURNING OF MATERIALS NOT PERMITTED Burning of materials on the site shall NOT be permitted. Disposal of materials at the Town Landfill shall be in accordance with any local ordinances in effect and any fees for disposal shall be waived by the Town. HOLZMACHER. McL[NDON & MURRE, LL. I~.C. / H2M CORP. SITE WORK - CLEARING AND GRUBBING - CONT'D. 4.0 BASIS OF PAYMENT NO separate payment shall be made for clearing and grubbing. Payment shall be included in the base bid for this contract for all labor, material, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work under this item. C&G - 2 of 2 SITE I,'ORK - TOPSOIL SPR¥.ADING AND FINE GRADING 1. SCOPE The work includes a]l Iai)or, material, equipment and appliances required for the co'llpletc execution of all Topsoil Spreading and Fine Grading Work, required o) the drawings, these Specifications, the "DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS", conditions at tile site and as directed by the Engineer. 2. TOPSOIL~ SI~EADING A}~ FI~g GRADING A. All stripping and stockpiking of existing usable topsoil on the site shall be done by this Contractor. B.. Before completion of this; Contract, after a].l rough grading 'work has been completed to establish new grades, as shown on the drawings, in accordance with the section of the specifications entitled "EXCAVATION, BACKFILLING & GRADING", this Contractor shall spread and fine grade, to provide a minimum top soil depth of 6,,, all stockpiled topscil and all approved furnished topsoil within the cleared an~ ;stripped area and within the area of the proposed new finished grades. C. Fine gracing shall be done with topsoil to bring the sub-grade to the proposed finished:elevations, as shown on the drawings. D. All topsoil brought to the site shall be free of an admixture of subsoil and shall be reasonably free of stones, lumps, clods of hard earth, plants, or their roots, sticks and other extraneous matter. The topsoil shall be fertile, friable, a natural loam containing a liberal amount of humus and shall be capable of sustaining vigorous ]plant and grass seed growth. All topsoil shall be approved by the Engineer prior to delivery to the site. E. Grading of the subgrade within the areas to be covered by topsoil shall be in accordance with the section of the specifications entitled, "EXCAVATION, BACKFILLING AND GRADING". Subgrade shall be 6" below finished grade elevation. F. This Contractor shall either sod or seed, or both, the entire area where topsoil is placed in accordance with the section of the specifications entitled, "SOIL PREPARATION AND SEEDING", and/or "SOD & SODDING". G. If a sufficient amount of topsoil is not avaiIable from the stockpile areas to provide the required minimum depth, the Contractor shall furnish the remaining topsoil from a source off the site which shall be approved by the Engineer at the source, prior to delivery at the site and at no additional cost to the Owner. TSFG - 1 of 2 H2M CORP. / H~F.,R, McL, F..NDON & MURRF..I.L, P.C. CONSULTINQ ~GIN~.J~ AND ENVtRONM[NTAI. SITE WORK - TOPSOIL SPREADING AND FINE GRADING - CONT'D. 3. BASIS OF PAYMENT The cost for furnishing all applicances required to complete SPREADING AND FINE GRADING shall this Contract. labor, materials, equipment and the execution of ali. TOPSOIL be included in the base bid for TSFG - 2 of 2 SI~E WORK - SOIL PREPARATION AND SEEDING SCOPE The work includes a!l labor, material~ equipment mid ap- pliances required for furnishing and soY;iai; seed .on ;~reas shown on the plans and maintaining %york ms specified. This item also includes furnishinE an.] incorporating soil con- ditioners, lime and fertilizer~ prepaying ground surface for seeding and fu:nishin~ mulch and mulching, as sp.ecified. 2~ ZIATERIALS 2.1 - Grass Seed - The ~rass seed ~:~::ture shall consist of: Grass ..'~Inximum ~ Purity I,laximum ~ Germination 30,% Merion l[entucky Blue Graso 90 CO 60% Xentucky 31 95 90 Fescue 10% Redtop 95 05 Grass seed shall be fresh, re-cleaned seed of 'the latest crop, mixed in the above proportions by weizht and meeting the above standards of pure live seed content. Grass seed shall be delivered to the site in the original, unopened containers. All seed and seed labels shall be in accordance ~ith State and Federal Laws, Rules and Regulations as each is in effect on the date of invitation of bids. The seeds shall meet the minimum specified r~quirements regardless of the guarantee of qualities or dates of testing. Seeds, packing and labeling not meeting ~he specifications ~ill be rejected, Seed which has become ~et, mouldy or other~ ~ise damaged in transit or storage ~ill no~ be acceptable. 2.2 - Fertilizer Superphosphnte - Superphosphate shall contain a minimum of 20% available phosphoric acid, The guaranteed percentage of available phosphoric acid shall be stated as n part of the name. 10-6-4 Fertilzzer - The fertilizer shall be standard quality commgrcial carriers of available plant food elements. It shall consist of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash in the ratio of 10% nitrogen, ~ phosphoric acid and 4,% potash. At least 50% of the available nitrogen shall be present in an organic form. SPaS -- ! of 4 SITE WORK - SOIL PREPARATION AND SEEDING - CONT'D. ~- .......... be ~ound ~.3 Limes'~one - A~ricultural limes'tone shall dolomltic limestone containin~ a minimum of 90% of calcium and magnesium carbonates. 100% shall pass tile 10 mesh screen ~nd ~ minimum of 50% the 100 mesh screen. ~.4 - Topsoil - Necessary topsoil for seeded areas shall be from existinZ stockpiles on site and/or topsoil broH~ht to the site in accordance with the section of the specifications entitled, "TOPSOIL, SPREADING AND FINE GRADING". ~,$ - iYater - T;ater shall be free from oils, acids, alkalis, salt and chemicals which may inhibit crass growth. 2_~_~_I.Iulch - ~ulch shall be lo~-§rade, musty, spoiled, partially rotted hay or straw. ~!ulch th:t contains detrimental seeds or noxious weeds will be rejected. ~,7 - Physical Soil Conditions - Peat moss shall have a minimum organic matter content of 90% ."nd moisture absorptive capacity of 450 to 500~. ~1 - Season - Grass seed shall be sown in the fall during September and not later than October 15th, or at such other times as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance of the time he intends to begin sowing seed and shall not proceed with such ~ork until permission to do so has been obtained from the Engineer. ~hen delays in operations carry the vwrk beyond the dates specified, or when high rinds, excessive moisture or ice are such that satisfactory results are not likely to be obtained for any stage of ~he work, the E;%=ineer will stop the v~rk. The ~ork shall be resumed only r;hen the desired results are likely to be obtained or ~hen corrective measures and procedures are. adopted. T~eu sodding is to be done in the same general areas, the sodding shall be done before the seed is sown and equipment used during seeding shall cause no damage to the sodded areas. 3.2 - Preparation of Soi~ - Areas to be seeded shall be ~lntained at approved grades and irregu!nrities which form low places which hold water shall be eliminated. Areas to be seeded shall be harrowed, disced or othervise completely pul- verized to a state of tillage to a depth of four (4) inches. Ail stone or other unsuitable material over two (2) inches in greatest dimension shall be removed from the site. After the soil has been tilled to the satisfaction of the Engineer, SP&S - 2 of 4 HOLZMACHER, McLEN~ON & MURRELI,. P.C. SITE WORK - SOIL PREPARATION AND SEEDING - CONT'D. superphosphate (20%), at the rate of 2,000 lbs. per acre, agricultural limestone at the rate of 4,000 lbs. per acre, and peat moss at the rate of 43 cubic yards per acre ~hall be applied and thoroughly disced into the soil to a depth of at least four (4) inches. 3.3 - Sowing Seed and Fertilizing - Any method of distribution by ~chanical distributor will be acceptable except that seed shall not ~ injured in the process of spreading. The 10-6-4 fertilizer shall be incorporated into the upper two (2) inches of the soil prior to seeding, at the rate of 900 lbs. per acre. ~e distributor shall be run over the ground to sow the seed at the rate of 160 lbs. per acre. No seedlng shall be done in windy weather or when the ground ts wet or otherwise unttllable. After sowing, the seeded areas shall be lightly rolled, with a roller weighing not more tlhan 100 lbs. per foot of width. Ail gechanlcal equipment for seeding and rollers shall be as approved and shall pass parallel to the contours unless 'otherwise approved to obtain uniform coverage of all materials. 3.4 - Uulch - After seeding, mulch at the rate of two (2) tons dry welght per acre shall be ~pread in a continuous blanket over the seeded areas. The mulch may be spread by hand or machinery approved by the Engineer. ~ulching shall be performed not later than three days after seeding. ~ulch shall be anchored on all slope areas. Anchorage to hold mulch in place shall be by a method approved by the Engineer. 3.5 - Uaterin~ - Ail seeded areas shall be watered lightly upon completion of seeding and mulching in such a manner that the soil does not wash. 4. MAINTENANCE 4.1 - General - The Contractor shall maintain the seeded and mulched areas from the time of planting until one year after date of Final Cer- tificate. ~aintenance shall consist of repairing any areas damaged i~ollowtng the seeding and mulchlng operations due to wind, fire, water, vaterlng, mulch removal and cutting. Damaged areas shall be repaired to re-establish the condition and grade of the area prior to seeding and shall then be referttltzed, reseeded and remulched as specified herein, SPaS - 3 of 4 SITE WORK - SOIL PREPARATION AND SEEDING - CONT'D. In addition to the foregoing requirements, the Contractor shall be responsible for the following operations: 4.2 - Watering - The Contractor shall be responsible for any necessary irrigation to secure adequate germination and initial establishment of the grass to the time of the first cutting. 4.3 - Mulch Removal - Mulch shall be removed from the seeded areas by the contractor at any time prior to the first cutting or when requested by the Engineer. 4.4 - Cutting - The Contractor shall be responsible for the first cutting of the grass only. Clippings shall be to a height of 1-1/2 inches when the grass has attained an average height of 2-1/2 inches. All clippings shall be removed. 5. METHOD OF PAYMENT Payment for the Work included under this item shall be included in the base bid for this Contract. The work includes all labor, material, equipment and applicances required for furnishing and sowing seed on areas shown on the plans and maintaining work as specified. This item also includes furnishing and incorporating soil conditioners, lime fertilizer, preparing ground surface for seeding and furnishing mulch and mulching as specified. SP&S -4 of 4 I_.~_j~ HOL.ZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REMOVAL & RESTORATION 1.O SCOPE under the section of the specifications the Contractor shall :remove, dispose of and perform the subsequent restoration of all areas ,where portland cement concrete pavements are disturbed or destroyed .as a result of the work under this Contract. 2.0 GENERAL All work shall be in accordance with all applicable portions in accordance with all applicable portions of Section 500 through Section 503 of the Standard Specifications, Construction and Materials, New York State Department of Transportation (~SDOT), January 2, 1981, as amendcd~ All pavement to be removed shall be sawcut. The purpose of the sawcuts is to provide a neat and true joint line between the abutting pavement to remain and the subsequent pavement placed as part of this Contract. The Engineer will mark with paint all locations where sawcutting of concrete pavements is required. The Contractor, prior to cutting existing pavements, shall mark the cutting lines by ]means of a "snap line" to assure a uniform and even cut. Concrete shall be cut with a concrete saw to a minimum depth of at least two (2) inches for all pavements. In the event that a deeper cut is required to obtain a neat edge it shall be performed as part of this Contract- 3.0 LIMITS OF pAVEMENT RESTORATION Any concrete pavement disturbed or destroyed by the Contractor shall be restored between the two existing adjacent longitudinal joints. In the event that a trench or excavation extends to within ten (10) feet of a transverse joint in an existing concrete pavement, that portion of the roadway shall, be restored completely to the affected transverse joint. 4.0 SUBGRADE AND FINE GRADING The subgrade shall be of granular material and shall be cleaned of all loose or foreion material, reshaped if rutted, and otherwise pre- pared so as to provide unifo~-m support for the pavement. All soft or unsuitable material such as loam shall be removed to a depth of at least twelve (12) inches, or as may be directed by the Engineer, and replaced with suitable material approved by the Engineer and compacted in four (4) inch layers to the pavement base. The costs for any addi- tional excavation and backfill shall be included in the lump sum price bid for this Contract. PR&R 1 of $ /. ~_j~ HO~ 7MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, PC PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEmeNT REMOVAL & RESTORATION (CONT'D.) Shaping and compaction of the subgrade shall be .accomplished by blade grading, where applicable and by rolling with an approved two wheel or pneumatic roller. All equipment for preparation of sub- grade shall be in first class working order and shall be subject to any inspection the Engineer may desire prior to being placed in use. After the subgrade has been prepared and compacted to the required uniform density and to the required elevation, alignment and cross- section, it shall be maintained in that condition until the pavement is placed thereon. Pavement will not be placed upon any frozen sub- grade or upon any material which, in the opinion of the Engineer, is unsuitable as a pavement foundation. The subgrade to be consolidated shall be compacted to 90 percent (90%) of maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by A.A.S.H.T.O ~-99, except that soils for a depth of 9 inches below the bottom edge of the pavements in both cuts and embankments shall be compacted to not less than 95 percent (95%). Soils which have a maximum density less than 100 pounds per cubic foot, as determined by A.A.S.H.T.O. T-99, shall be was- ted or mixed with heavier soils to obtain the required weight. 5.0 PAVEMENT RESTORATION The concrete used for all pavement restoration shall conform in all respects to Type C Unreinforced Concrete Pavement as outlined in Section 501 of the aforementioned N.Y.S.D.O.T. specifications. The actual construction of all unreinforced concrete pavement shall be in accordance with Section 502 of the N.Y.S.D.O.T. specifications. ~6.0 BASIS OF PAYMENT The payment for all work included under this Section, such as removing and disposing Of all existing concrete pavements, furnishing and constructing all new concrete pavements and performing all incidental work necessary to complete the required pavement restoration shall be included in the lump sum price bid for this contract. PR&R 2 of 2 ~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION 1.0 SCOPE Under this work, the Contractor shall remove and dispose of all existing paved roadways where required, and shall compact and shape the subgrade, fine grade the earth surface and construct thereon an asphaltic concrete pavement on a dense graded crushed stone blend base to the thickness specified on the plans, as ordered by and to the approval of the Engineer. Any tem.Dorary pavement placed by this or any other contractor shall be removed under this work. All work shall be in accordance with these specifications and those of the Highway Department of the Town of Southold. 2.0 SUBGRADE AND FINE GRADING The subgrade shall be cleaned of all loose or foreign material, reshaped if rutted, and otherwise prepared so as to provide uniform support for the pavement. All soft or unsuitable material such as loam or clay shall be removed to a depth of at least 12 inches, or as may be directed by the Engineer, and replaced with suitable material approved by the Engineer and rolled in 4-inch layers to subgrade. Granular material if ordered by the Engineer, shall be used to replace suitable soil. Excavation and removal of unsuitable material, however, shall be included in the base bid. Shaping and compaction of the subgrade shall be accomplished by blade grading, where applicable, and by rolling with an approved two wheel or pneumatic roller. All equipment for preparation of subgrade and for placing and finishing of pavement shall be in first class working order and shall be subject to any inspection the Engineer may desire ]prior to being placed in use. After the subgrade has been prepared and compacted to the required uniform density and to the required elevation, alignment and cross-section, it shall be maintained in that condition until the pavement is placed thereon. Pavement will not be placed upon any frozen subgrade or upon any material which, in the opinion of the Engineer, is unsuitable as a pavement foundation. The subgrade to be consolidated shall be compacted to 90 percent (90%) of maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by A.A.S.H.T.O T-99, Method C, except that soils for a depth of 9 inches below pave- ment subgrades, in both cuts and embankments, shall be compacted to not less than 95 percent (95%). Soils which have a maximum density less than 100 pounds per cubic foot, as determined by A.A.S.H.T.O. T-99, shall be wasted or mixed with heavier soils to obtain the required weight. PVT - 1 of 9 I-~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL P.C. SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) The Contractor shall perform compaction testing to the extent considered necessary by the Engineer, to verify compaction has been achieved in accordance with these specifications. The cost of such testing shall be borne by this Contractor. 3.0 DENSE GRADED STONE BLEND BASE COURSE Upon a properly stabilized, compacted, finely graded and shaped subgrade, a dense graded crushed stone blend base course shall be [)laced, graded and compacted to the minimum depths indicated on the plans. 3.1 - Material The base course blend shall consist of crushed stone blended with crushed stone screenings and shall be such as to provide a mini- mum dry density of 145 pounds per cubic foot when compacted at optimum moisture content when tested in conformance with A.S.T.M. D-1557, Method D. The sample shall contain all of the coarse aggregate sizes. That portion of the stone blend that passes the #40 screen shall have a plasticity index of zero. Crushed stone shall consist of clean, durable, sharp angled fragments of rock. Of that material retained on the 1/2" square sieve, not more than 10 percent (10%) by weight, shall consist of flat or elongated pieces. A flat or elongated piece is defined as one whose greatest dimension is more than three times its least dimension. Coarse aggregate when subject to five cycles of the soundness test shall have a weight loss of not more than 5 percent (5%) with sodium sulphate or 10 percent (10%) with manganesium sulphate. The base course blend of crushed stone and crushed stone screenings shall conform to the gradation as follows: SCREEN SIZE % PASSING 1-1/2" 100% 1" 90-100 1/2" 65-85 3/8" 55-75 ~4 40-55 #8 30-45 ~16 22-36 #30 16-27 ~50 12-19 #100 7-13 {200 3-7 PVT - 2 of 9 SITE WORK ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) 3.2 - Method The base course blend shall be spread with approved mechanical spreader equipment. No material shall be spread from piles dumped on the site. No segregation of large or fine particles will be permitted. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to prepare the sub- grade to a dense, stabilized, compacted and unyielding state; and to place, grade and compact the base course blend to the minimum thickness specified (approximately 1-1/2" below finished grade for pavements without binder course and approximately 3" below finished grade in those areas where a binder course will be utilized). After the base course blend has been laid loose and shaped, it :shall be rolled with an approved steel wheel roller. During rolling, 'the base course shall be kept in a moist condition to allow compaction to maximum density (approximately 6 percent (6%) moisture). In 'lieu of the moisture requirement for compaction, an approved vibratory .compactor may be used to obtain initial keying and to permit rolling .with the required steel wheel roller. If the base course is left for an extended length of time before placing the asphalt wearing or binder course, the Contractor shall add additional base course blended stone, and shall zeshape, reroll and recompact the base course to the prescribed grade. Before placing any asphalt, the base course shall be checked in the presence of the Engineer and any irregularities shall be properly corrected to receive the required asphalt thickness to the correct finished grade. 4.0 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BINDER COURSE After satisfactory completion of the base course construction, the Contractor shall construct a one layer binder course (where specified) of asphaltic concrete placed and compacted to a minimum thickness of 1-1/2". The rate of asphalt placement shall be such that the yield shall never exceed 12.6 square yards/ton and the average yeild shall not be more than 12.0 square yards/ton. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to maintain checks on the actual rate of placement as the work progresses and make such adjustments as are required to insure the proper yield. The surface of the finished asphalt course shall be tested with a 16-foot straight ed9e (furnished by the Contractor), where applicable. Any variation of more than 1/4" shall be corrected in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. In those areas where resurfacing existing pavement has been specified bVm - ~ n~ q I-~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL P.C. SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) on the plans, binder course shall be placed at the direction of the ]Engineer to provide a uniform surface on which the proposed wearing course can be placed. In those areas where binder is to be placed as a truing and/or leveling course the existing pavement shall receive a tack coat prior to the installation of the binder material. Tack coat :shall be applied in accordance with the section of these Specifications entitled "TACK COAT". !5.0 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE WEARING COURSE After satisfactory completion of base course construction (or binder course, where applicable) the Contractor shall construct a one layer wearing course of asphaltic concrete placed and compacted to a minimum depth of 1-1/2". The rate of asphalt placement shall be such that the yield shall never exceed 12.6 square yards/ton and the average yield shall not be more than 12 square yards/ton. It shall be the Con- tractor's responsibility to maintain checks on the actual rate of place- ment as the work progresses and make such adjustments as are required to insure the final yield factor. The surface of the finished asphalt course shall be tested with a 16-foot straight edge, where applicable, furnished by the Contractor, and shall be observed after rains. Any variation or puddles of more than 1/4" shall be corrected in a manner :satisfactory to the Engineer. In those areas where existing pavements are to be resurfaced, the entire area to be resurfaced shall receive a tack coat prior to the installation of the new wearing course. Tack .coat shall be applied in accordance with the section of these Specifications entitled, "TACK COAT." 6.0 MATERIALS FOR ASPHALTIC CONCRETE COURSES 6.1 - Asphaltic Concrete - The asphaltic concrete mixtures shall conform to those specified by the New York State Department of Trans- portation in the Standard Specifications dated January 2, 1981. BINDER COURSE COMPOSITION (TYPE 3) GENERAL LIMITS JOB MIX SCREEN SIZE % PASS % TOL. 1-1/2" 100 - 1" 95-100 ~6 1/2" 70-90 ~7 1/4" 48-74 ~7 1/8" 32-62 ~7 20 ].5-39 ~7 40 8-27 ~4 80 4-16 200 2-8 PVT - 4 of 9 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) MATERIAL % Asphalt Cement Content Mixing and Placing Temp. Range (Degrees F.) Asphalt Cement Grade RANG E 4.5-6.5 250o-325© AC-20 JOB MIX % TOL. -+0.4 TOP COURSE COMPOSITION (TYPE 6) SCREEN SIZE GENERAL LIMITS JOB MIX % PASS % TOL. 1" 100 +0 1/2" 90-100 $5 1/4" 65-85 -7 1/8" 36-65 -+7 -+7 20 15-39 + 40 8-27 ~7 80 4-16 -~ 200 3-6 ~ % Asphalt Cement 5.8-7.0 -+0.4 Mixing & Placing Temp. Range (Degrees F.) 250o-325° Asphalt Cement Grade AC-20 6.2 Coarse Aggregates - Coarse aggregate shall consist of crushed stone, crushed gravel, screened gravel or crushed air-cooled blast furnace slag, conforming to the requirements for NYSDOT Type 6. 6.3 - Fine A99regates - Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand from the Long Island, New York area. All fine aggregate shall consist of hard, strong, durable particles which are free from a coating or any injurious amounts of clay, loam or other deleterious substances. 6.4 - Mineral Filler - Mineral filler shall be limestone dust or material dust approved by the Engineer, shall be thoroughly dry and, when delivered to the mixer, it shall be free from lumps and loosely bonded aggregations. PVT - 5 of 9 I--I~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) 6.5 - Asphalt.Cement - The asphalt shall be prepared by refining crude petroleum by suitable methods. The asphalt cement shall be homogeneous, free from water and shall not foam when heated to 347 degrees F. Silicone additives will be permitted in paving asphalts. Silicone may be introduced into the asphalt in accordance with the manufacturer"s recommendations either at the refinery, terminal or at a mixing plant storage tank. Asphalt treated with silicone shall conform to the specifications for untreated asphalt. 7.0 - TRANSPORTATION The mixture shall be transported from the paving plant to the job site in tight vehicles with metal bottoms previously cleaned.of all foreign materials. When directed by the Engineer, the vehicles shall be suitably insulated and each load shall be covered with canvas or other suitable material of sufficient ~ize to protect it from weather conditions. The inside surface of all vehicles used for hauling the plant mix must be lightly lubricated with a thin oil or soap solution just before loading, but excess lubricant will not be permitted. No loads shall be sent out so late in the day as to prevent the spreading and compaction of the mixture during daylight hours unless artificial light approved by the Enginee~ is provided. 8.0 MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT FOR PLACING ASPHALTIC CONCRETE Spreading and finishing machines of an approved type may be used where the quantity of pavement and local conditions are suitable. Where the area of pavement exceeds 1,500 square yards, asphalt finishing machines shall be used. Machines shall be equipped with easily adjus- table strike-off plates. Rollers used to compact asphaltic concrete binder and/or wearing course shall weigh not less than ten (10) tons, or shall be a vibratory type roller with a minimum weight of two (2) tons, and providing a compactive effort equal to that of a ten (10) ton roller. The wheels of rollers and paving machines shall be kept clean at all times. Water or a mixture of water and ten percent (10%) lubri- cating oil may be used to wet the wheels. ~ot water, gasoline, grease or oil shall not be permitted to drip from machines onto the pavement. Dump plates shall not be coated with oil. Soap solution, white- wash or other approved material shall be used. ~,. · ~_ PVT - 6 of 9 !-~1~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) 9.0 - BUYING ASPHALT MIXTURE The Contractor shall state in a letter form, the name and location of the plant from which he proposes to obtain the asphaltic concrete mix. If this source of material is approved by the Engineer, then this source of supply shall not be changed without the written consent of the Engineer. 10.0 - INSTALLATION OF ASPHALTIC CONCRETE Prior to the arrival of the mixture on the job, the foundation course shall be cleaned of all foreign material. Foundations shall be dry and clean at the time the asphaltic concrete is placed and in a condition satisfactory to the Engineer. Contact surfaces of curb and gutters and other structures shall be painted with a thin, uniform coating of asphalt material before the course is placed. The pavement shall then be deposited by a mechanical spreader. Areas totaling more than 1,500 square yards shall be laid with asphalt finishing machines and rolled to specified compacted thickness by a two-wheel roller. Rolling shall continue until all roller marks disappear and the surface shows no further compressibility. Rolling shall be performed by not less than one roller for each 25 tons/ hour of asphalt laid. All pavement not accessible to the roller shall be tamped with hot tampers weighing not less than 25 pounds and having an area not exceeding 48 square inches. Care shall be exercised in joint forming with a minimum of one raker with a finishing machine forming joints. Adjacent asphalt shall be made with joint temperature at a minimum of 200 degrees F. To this end, joint heaters and hot irons will be employed to maintain joint temperatures. Materials shall not be placed on wet foundation or placed while rain or snow is falling. When temperature is below 35 degrees F., work shall proceed only if directed by the Engineer. 11.0 - INSPECTION AND TESTS The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with satisfactory evidence that the asphaltic materials, mixes and base course gradation supplied under this contract comply with the specifications. The services of i.-~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C F SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) a testing laboratory of recognized standing, approved by the Engineer, shall be engaged by the Contractor to make daily tests of mixtures supplied and shall furnish the Engineer with reports promptly upon completion of such tests. Tests for aspahlt conformance will be made by extraction from the hopper of the asphalt finishing machine. The cost of such testing service shall be included in the base bid for this Contract. One set of tests shall be made for each 2,000 square yards or less of pavement laid in one day. 12.0 - JOB MIX FORMULA No asphaltic concrete shall be laid on the project, nor any mixture accepted therefore, until the Contractor has submitted and received approval from the Engineer for his intended job mix formula, indicating in writing the single definite percentage for each sieve fraction of aggregate and for asphaltic cement which he chooses as a fixed mean in each instance, also the intended temperature of completed mixture at the time it is discharged from the mixer. If a change in the mate- rials is made and approved by the Engineer, the job mix formula shall be readjusted as necessary. 13.0 - MISCELLANEOUS Payment will not be made for pavement disturbed or broken by the Contractor due to his own negligence or for pavements removed to facilit~ the construction where specific authorization has not been given by the Engineer. 14.0 - MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEE After pavement construction, the Contractor will. be responsible for his work and will have to make any necessary repairs immediately after notification from the Engineer, to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the Town of Southold ~Highway Department, for a period of one (1) year after date of final certificate. e PVT 8 of 9 I--~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL P.C. ;SITE WORK - PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION (CONT'D.) 15.0 - BASIS OF PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for pavement which is constructed lin accordance with the specifications and so ordered by and to the approval of the Engineer. Payment for all pavement construction shall be included in the base bid. Such payment will include all material, labor, equipment, testing and incidentals required to complete the work as specified. In addition, such payment shall include all costs to alter any utility castings so that they conform to the proposed pavement grades, all costs to maintain the existing traffic flow at the treatment plant, and all costs to remove and dispose of any existing structures or other objects required to construct the proposed pavement or resurface the existing pavement. PVT 9 of 9 I~.j~ HOLZMACHER. I~4cLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ~ITE WORK - PRECAST LEACHING POOLS SCOPE The work includes all labor, materials and appliances required to furnish and install precast concrete storm drainage leaching pools; including excavation, dewatering (if required), sheeting, backfilling, trench compaction and temporary pavement, in accordance with the specifications and to the dimensions and at the locations detailed by the plans or as directed by and to the approval of the Engineer. 21.0 _ MATERIAL BUILT INTO WORK The Contractor shall furnish and incorporate all necessary inlet and outlet connections, manhole steps (if indicated on the plans), frames and covers, and concrete base slabs or foundation mats (if indicated on the plans) into the leaching pool structures. The materials shall be incorporated in a substantial and workmanlike manner. 3.0 - MATERIALS Leaching pools shall be constructed of precast reinforced con- crete sections as shown on the contract drawings. Precast structures shall be manufactured by Boccard, Carlson, or approved equal. Shop drawings of precast sections shall be requried for review prior to ordering such sections. Five (5) copies of shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer. Precast structures shall be of sizes shown on the plans and con- structed of precast reinforced concrete with a minimum 28 day compres- sive strength of 4,000 p.s.i. All sections shall be aged at least two (2) weeks before shipment and shall be cured sufficiently to meet specified strength requirements. No cracked or otherwise defective precast sections will be permitted. The Contractor shall have the pre- cast supplier notify the Engineer at least 48 hours prior to pouring the precast concrete sections. Minimum thickness for walls and top slabs shall be as shown on the plans. Diffusion slots shall be spaced to give a minimum opening area of eight (8) square inches per square foot of wall area. PS - 1 of 6 SITE WORK - PRECAST LEACHING POOLS - (CONT'D.) 4.0 __ FRAMES AND COVERS {FOR LEACHING POOLS) 4.1 - Manhole Frames - Manhole covers shall be set to the grade given by the Engineer. Manhole frames and covers shall be of the form, material and dimensions shown on the plans. Manhole frames and covers shall be as manufactured by Flockhart Foundry Co., Neenah Foundry Co., Campbell Foundry Co., or approved equal. Cast iron castings for manhole frames and covers shall be of tough g:ray iron free from cracks, holes and faults, unless otherwise speci- fied. The quality shall be such that a blow from a hsmmer will produce au indentation on a rectangular edge of the casting without flaking the metal. All castings shall be made accurately to dimensions and shall be machined to provide even hearing surfaces. Covers must flt the frames in any position, and if found to rattle under traffic, shall be re- placed. Filling to obtain tight covers will not be permitted. No p]Lugging, burning in or filling will be allowed. The frame shall be thoroughly bedded in mortar. All castings shall be carefully coated inside and out with coal tar pitch varnish of approved quality. 4.2 - Inlet Frames and Castings - Inlet frames and castings shall be as manufactured by Flockhart Foundry Co., Neenah Foundry Co., Camp- bell Foundry Co., or approved equal. Inlet frame and casting shall be set am; shown on the plans. Casting shall be black asphalt paint coated. --5.0- MANHOLE STEPS All manhole steps shall be as shown on the plans. The manhole steps shall be set tn place on the inside of the manhole, beginning 18-inches above the bottom, and spaced not more than 12-inches center to. center, or as shown on the plans, and shall be properly embedded in the wall. 6.0- EXCAVATION Excavation shall include the removal of all earth, rock less than one-half cubic yard, masonry, existing drainage pipe and structures, tr,ee stumps and other materials of any nature whatsoever that may be encountered. Excavation for structures shall be of a minimum width to prevent excessive pavement replacement. PS - 2 of 6 I-~;~_..~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL P.C SITE WORK PRECAST LEACHING POOLS - (CCNT'D.) 6.0 - EXCAVATION - (CONT'D.) Excavation for leaching pools shall equal of the structure plus two (2) feet minimum and on each side. the outside dimension three (3) feet maximum Excavation shall not be made below the proposed grades except wlhere boulders or rocks are encountered or where removal of unstable material is directed by the Engineer. Excavations shall be kept dry and free from frost. No excavations Shall be made in frozen materials without written approval. No addi- tion~ allowance or payment shall be made on account of any materials bei~ wet or frozen. Under this Item, the Contractor shall furnish, put in place and maintain sheeting and bracing as may be necessary or requried to Sup- port thoroughly the sides of the excavation to prevent any movement which might damage existing structures or utilities. Sheeting and brac- ing shall be in accordance with the section of the specifications entitled, 'SHEETING AND BP~ACING". All sewers, telephone poles and utilities must be supported and protected by this Contractor. Work under this Contract shall be performed during the normal sea- sonal working conditions. This Contractor will be required to break frozen ground from zero to 4-inches under this Item. This Contractor shall be required to keep the excavation dry by dewatering or other approved means while the leaching pools are being installed. Dewatering (if required) will be included under this Item, and will be in accordance with the section of the specifications en- titled "DEWATERING". The materials excavated and those used in construction shall be so placed as not to endanger the work, and so that easy access may be had at any time at all parts of the trenches and to all hydrants and gate valves in the vicinity. They shall be kept neatly piled and trimmed so as to inconvenience as little as possible the public travel or the adjoining tenants. All streets, roads and private ways shall be kept open for the usual travel, and the materials excavated shall be handled and placed so as not to interfere therewith. The Contractor will be required to backfill the leaching pool excavations with coarse gravel, in the annulus surrounding the structure. Gravel shall be a minimum of 2-inches in diameter. Stockpiling of precast sections, etc., will be permitted ohly in areas approved by the Engineer. PS 3 of 6 HOLZIdACFtLR, McLENDO~I & IdUflR£LL P C / H2M CO~P. SITE WORK - PRECAST LEACHING POOLS - (CONT'D.) 7.0 - BACKFILl,lNG After the structure has been installed, backfilling shall i,~medi- ately occur. The backfill shall be solidly compacted with mechanical tampers or other proper tools designed for the purpose. Tile tamping siiall not be excessive. The Engineer may, at his discretion, direct the Contractor to add, at no extra cost, sufficient water during tamping to assure a complete consolidation of the backfilled earth. For leaching structures the backfill shall be coarse gravel,2" diametez minimum, as indicated on tile plans. Cost for furnishiag anti install-. lng stone, temporary sheeting and other miscellany shall be included under this Item. 8.0- COMPACTION The soil in all trenches to be consolidated shall be compacted to 90 percent of maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by A.A.S.H.T.O. T-99, except that soils for a depth of 9-inches below pavement subsrades, in both cuts and embankments, shall be compacted to not less than 95 percent. Soils which have a maximum density less than 100 pounds per cubic foot, as determined by A.A.S.H.T.O. T299, shall be wasted or mixed with heavier soils to obtain the required weight. 8.1 - Mec~anical Tamping - Compaction shall be by means of me- chanical tamping on approval of the Engineer. An approved mechanical tamper shall be used to tamp the backfill in 6-inch maximum layers. Riding the ~heels of equipm~nt over the trench area is not considered mechanical tamping. 8.2 - Repair of Sunken Excavations - Where the excavations are compacted under this Item, this Contractor shall be responsible for sunken excavations (before and after repaying) for a period of one (1) year after date of final certificate and shall repair same to the satis- faction of ~he Engineer and/or proper road authority at tile expense of the Contractor. Repairs consisting of additional compacted backfill and, if necessary, repaving damaged pavement or other restoration, shall com- me~ce within seven (7) consecutive calendar days after notice from the 'Enl~lneer and/or proper road authority to repair such excavations. Tem- pol~ary repair in the form of temporary pavement must be performed wi%bin 24 hours of notification by the Engineer. PS - 4 of 6 H(X. ZMACHER, McL.[NDON & MURRain. P.C. / H2M ~. SITE WORK - PRECAST LEACHING POOLS (CONT'D.) 9.0 - TEMPORARY PAVING Immediately upon completion of refilling and compaction of the ex- cavation, the Contractor shall place a temporary pavement over all dis- turbed areas of the street, paved driveways, alleys and other traveled places where the original surface has been disturbed by his operations. The temporary pavement shall be of a character satisfactory in all respects and safe for public travel. Tile temporary surfacing may con- sist of "Coldpatch" or of compacted broken stone at such a depth as is necessary to withstand the traffic to which it is subjected. Suffi- cient oil or other material shall be spread to hold the stone in place to prevent ravelings. If fill or temporary pavement settles, new stone and binder must be added and compacted. The surface of all temporary repaying shall conform to the street grades. Mounding up of the material over the trench and covering ~he sa~e with loose, broken stone will not be considered a,s compliance with the above requirements. 10.0_ UNFINISHED WORK When; for any reason, the work is left unfinished:, all excavations shall be filled and all roadways and driveways left unobstructed with their surfaces in a safe and satisfactory condition. il.O- WORKMANSHIP All workmanship shall conform to the best standard practice. · Mortar shall be of 750 p.s.i, minimum strength, conforming to Mortar Type "N" of A.S.T.M. Specifications C-270, or it shall be com- posed of one part cement, one part hydrated lime or lime putty and six parts sand by volume. One part of masonry cement to three parts sand by volume (1:3) will be considered equivalent to the 1:1:6 mix mentioned above. Hydrated lime shall be soaked for at least 24 hours before mixing with cement and sand to make sure that all particles are thoroughly hydrated with no lime oxide remaining. Mortar shall be mixed in a mechanical type batch mixer. The use of continuous mixers will not be permitted. Hand mixing will be per- mitted provided the quantities of materials and water are accurately , and the method of mixing receives the approval of the Engi- ~r. Retempering of mortar will not be allowed and any mortar which, n the opinion of the Engineer, is not satisfactory, shall be dumped. PS - 5 of 6 SITE WORK PRECAST LEACHING POOLS (CONT'D.) 12.0 - COMPLETION Leaching pools shall, in all cases, be completely built and fitted with their frames and covers as the work progresses and as each is reached. After final inspection and acceptance of the leaching pools by the Engineer, the Contractor shall seal all manhole covers with a fibrous compound as approved by the Engineer. 13.0 _ BLASTING No blasting will be permitted. 14.Q - DEFINITION OF ROCK EXCAVATION Rock excavation shall be classified as boulders, hard and soild ledge rock and other similar materials of more than one-half cubic yard (1/2 C.Y.). 15.0 - BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment for the furnishing and installation of the various types of precast leaching pools shall be included in the base bid. Payment in the base bid shall include the cost of excavation, sheeting and bracing, dewatering (if required), furnishing and install- ing the leaching pools, backfilling, compaction, temporary pavement, over-excavation and stone backfill for leaching structures; and all labor, material, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. PS - 6 of 6 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURREU., P.C. / H2M CORP. SITE WORK - REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 1.0 - SCOPE The work includes furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and appliances necessary for the excavation, dewatering (if required), sheeting, furnishing and installing reinforced concrete pipe, backfill- lng, trench compaction, and temporary pavement for reinforced concrete pipe of the various sizes in accordance with the specification at the locations shown on the plans and as directed by and to the approval of the Engineer. 2.0 - MATERIALS 2.1 - Reinforced Concrete Pipe - Reinforced concrete pipe shall be manufactured by a member of the American Concrete Pipe Association and approved by the Engineer. All reinforced concrete pipe shall be of the Size, Class and Wall as shown on the plans. Circular pipe shall conform to A.S.T.M. Designation C-76-76 or the latest revision and ellip- tical pipe shall conform to A.S.T.M. Designation C-507-75 or the latest revision. Ail pipe furnished shall be clearly marked on each section with the following information: 1. The pipe class and diameter and size 2. The date of manufacture 3. The name or trademark of the manufacturer Circular reinforced concrete pipe shall be manufactured from con- crete with a minimum strength of 4,000 p.s.i, for sizes up to and in- cluding 54-inch diameter and 5,000 p.s.i, for sizes greater than 54-inch diameter. Elliptical reinforced concrete pipe shall have a minimum strength of 4,000 p.s.i, unless noted otherwise on the plans. The D-load in pounds per linear foot per foot of diameter (circular) or inside span (elliptical) shall correspond to the Class of the pipe shown on the plans as follows: CLASS D-LOAD D-LOAD CIRCULAR ELLIPTICAL 0.01" CRACK ULTIMATE I HE-I 800 1,200 II HE-Il 1,000 1,500 III HE-III 1,350 2,000 IV HE-IV 2,000 3,000 V -- 3,000 3~750 RCP - 1 of 9 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRFJ. L, P.C. / H2M CORP. C~'NSU[.TINa [~GINF~.R~ AND r[.NVIRONM~I?A[. SITE WORK - REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CONT'm. 2.0 _ MATERIALS (CONT'D.) 2.2 - Manufacturer's certificate indicating Type, Class and Ulti- mate Strength of Pipe supplied shall be presented to tlhe Engineer before installation. Ail pipe supplied shall be straight, true to size and form, and free from cracks, checks or other physical defects. Pipe shall be subject to rejection because of any of the follow- lng: (a) Fractures or cracks passing through the wall. (b) Defects that indicate imperfect proportioning, mixing or molding. (c) Surface defects indicating honeycombed or open texture. (d) Damaged ends where such damage would prevent making' a satisfactory joint. 3.0 - TRENCH EXCAVATION Excavation shall include the removal of all earth., rock and boul- ders (less than one cubic yard), masonry, existing pipe, existing drainage structures, tree stumps and other materials of any nature whatsoever that may be encountered. Pipe trenches shall be of minimum width and allow 4-inches on each side of the pipe with sufficient width to allow straight alignment of pipe and provide sufficient room for jointing as required with a maximum width equal to the outside diameter or width of the pipe plus 16-inches tel prevent excessive pavement replacement. They shall be on the lines and in the locations as established or as directed. Excavations shall be kept dry and free from frost.. No excavations shall be made in frozen materials without written approval. No addi- tional allowance or payment shall be made on account of any materials being wet or frozen. Under this Item, the Contractor shall furnish, put in place and maintain sheeting and bracing as may be necessary or required to sup- port thoroughly the sides of the excavation to prevent any movement which might injure the men or damage existing structures or utilities. RCP 2 of 9 H(X.~ER, MrLE. NDON & MuRRrr. JJ, FC. I H2M CORP, SITE WORK - REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CONT'D. 3.0 _ TRENCH EXCAVATION (CONT'D.) All drains, telephone poles and utilities must be supported and protec- ted by this Contractor. Sheeting and bracing shall be in accordance with the section of the specifications entitled, "SHEETING AND BRACING". The pipe shall be set in fine granular material in an earthy foundation careful].y shaped to fit the lower part of the pipe exterior for a width of at least 60 percent of the ouside diameter of the pipe for circular R.C.P. and 70 percent of the outside width for ellip- tical R.C.P. The remainder of the pipe is entirely covered to a height of at least one (1) foot above the pipe by granular material placed by hand to fill completely all spaces adjacent to the pipe. This fill material shall be thoroughly tamped and placed in layers not to exceed 6 inches. Backfill material shall be free from rocks, lumber or debris. No jetting will be permitted in clay soils. All excess material shall be disposed of and, if required, the Contractor shall truck excess material to the designated dump, in accordance with any local ordin- ance in effect. Trenches shall be inspected frequently, especially after storms, oz as directed. All holes shall be filled and trenches graded and put in a safe traffic condition satisfactory to the Engineer and other authorities. Work under this contract shall be performed during the normal seasonal working conditions. This Contractor will be required to break frozen ground from zero to 4 inches under this Item. This Contractor shall be required to keep water out of the trenches by approved means while pipe is being laid and away from the joints until they have set. Dewatering will be required under this Item, and will be in accordance with the section of the specifications entitled, "DEWATERING". 4.0 - LINE AND GRADE OF PIPE Pipe shall be laid to a grade as required on the drawings as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be res[~nsible for maintaining grade. Deviation from line or grade shall not exceed one inch (1") on alignment and one-quarter inch (1/4") on grade. 16~ The Contractor shall verify all grades, lines, levels and dimen- ions as shown on the drawings, and he shall report any errors or nconsistencies in the above to the Engineer before commencing work. RCP - 3 of 9 H~CHER. MCLF..NDON & MURRFJ. L. P.C. I H2M CORP. SITE WORK REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CONT'D. 4.0 LINE AND GRADE OF PIPE (CONT'D.) The Contractor shall be responsible for re-establishing any bench marks, grade stakes, lines, etc., that are damaged or removed in any way until final acceptance of the work by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for any errors that may oc- cur and proceed to correct such errors at his own expense. The Engi- neer reserves the right to check any stakes re-established or corrected by the Contractor and may order the Contractor to correct any mistakes in the work as a result of the Contractor's errors or omissions. The Contractor shall utilize approved equipment for storm drain lines and grades. 5.0 - INSTALLATION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE The intent of these specifications is to require first-class work by the use of proper, implements, tools, facilities and workman- ship, in accordance with the Installation Manual of the American Con- crete Pipe Association, latest revision. Ail pipe, etc., shall be carefully lowered into the trench by piece, by means of crane, backhoe, or other approved means, to prevent damage to pipe or other appurtenances. Before lowering the pipe, but while suspended, the pipe shall be inspected for defects. Any defective, damaged or unsound pipe shall be rejected and immediately removed from the job. Ail foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the inside of the pipe before it is lowered into its position in the trench. 6.0 - JOINTS Concrete pipe joints shall be sealed with flexible watertight elastomeric gaskets, approved bituminous sealers or plastic sealers. Bituminous or plastic sealants shall be applied at the time the pipe is being laid to line and grade. Such sealants shall be installed so that the joint is completely filled with the sealant. When concrete pipe is inch is left when sections of separation in the joint of such design that a gap greater than 3/8- are laid together, based upon the measurement at the inner surface of the pipe barrel, oakum RCP - 4 of 9 HOCZMACHER, MCI. ENDON & MURRIr!I~ P.C. I H2M CORP. SITE WORK - REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CONT'D. 6.0 - JOINTS (CONT'D.) shall be used as a joint filler in conjunction with the bituminous or plastic sealant. The exterior gap between the barrel and the bell in a bell and spigot pipe joint is not required to be filled with either oakum and/or a sealant. When joints are sealed with approved bitumin- ous sealants, the mating surfaces of the pipe joint shall be wiped clean and dry before applying the bituminous sealer. 7.0 BACKFILLING TRENCHES AND PITS After the storm drains and appurtenances have been installed, backfilling shall immediately occur. The backfill shall be solidly compacted under and around the pipe with mechanical tampers or other proper tools designed for the purpose. The tamping shall not be ex- cessive so as to raise the pipe, however, it shall provide a firm, continuous support for the pipe. The backfill, to a height of 1 foot above the top of the pipe, shall be selected materials carefully de- posited by hand shoveling and tamping and not pushed into the trench by heavy equipment. Where the material removed from the trench shall not be con- sidered suitable to serve as select material to support the pipe, the opinion of the Engineer, select material shall be imported to the job site at the Engineer's direction. in The remainder of the trench shall be backfilled with select material deposited in not over 6 inch layers and solidly tamped with mechanical tampers or proper tools designed for the purpose. T]he Engineer may, at his discretion, direct the Contractor to add, at no extra cost, sufficient water during tamping to assure a com- plete consolidation of the backfilled earth. 8.0 - COMPACTION Trenches to be compacted shall be mechanically tamped. The soil in all trenches to be consolidated shall be compacted to 90 percent (90%) of maximum density at optimum moisture, as de- termined by A.A.S.H.T.O. T-99, except that soils for a depth of 9 inches below pavement subgrades, in both cuts and embankments, shall be compacted to not less than 95 percent (95%). Soils which have a maximum density less than 100 pounds per cubic foot, as de- termined by A.A.S.H.T.O. T-99, shall be wasted or mixed with r soils to obtain the required weight. RCP - 5 of 9 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. I H2M CORP. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS SITE WORK - REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CONT'D. ~{..0 - COMPACTION (CONT'D.) 8.1 - Mechanical Tamping Compaction shall be by means of mechanical tamping on approval of the Engineer. An approved mechan- ical tamper shall be used to tamp the backfill in not over 6 inch layers. Riding the wheels of equipment over the trench area is not considered mechanical tamping. 8.2 - Repair of Sunken Trenches - Where the trenches are com- pacted under this Item, this Contractor shall be responsible for sunken trenches (before and after repaying) for a period of ()ne (1) year after date of final certificate and shall repair same to the satisfaction of the Engineer and/or proper road authority at the Contractor's expense. Repairs consisting of additional compacted backfill and, if necessary, repaying damaged pavement or other restoration, shall commence within seven (7) consecutive calendar days after notice from the Engineer and/or proper road authority to repair such trenches. Temporary repair in the form of temporary pavement must be performed within 24 hours of notification by the Engineer. 8.3 - Compaction Testing - In order to verify that trenches are adequately compacted, the Contractor shall be required to have an in- dependent testin~ laboratory (approved by the Engineer) perform in- place density tests, to verify the degree of compaction attained. The locations of the in-place density tests shall be designated by the Engineer during construction. These tests shall be required at the minimum rate of one test for every two pipe connections between struc- tures. Failure of any one (1) test will require that the rate of testing be increased, at the Engineer's discretion. 9.0 _ EXCAVATION IN THOROUGHFARES Traffic shall be maintained by the Contractor so as to provide at least one lane for travel at all times. The Contractor shall remove at his own cost and expense, as soon as excavated, material from the first 100 feet of any opening, or from such additional length as may be required. The material subsequently excavated shall be used to r,efill the trench where the pipe or sewer has been built, provided it be of suitable character. In case more material is excavated from any trench or pit than can be refilled over the completed work or stored on the street leav- i~ space for traffic, as herein provided, or within the limits of the right-of-way, the excess material shall be spoiled at such loca- tion as the Engineer may direct. When the storm drain shall have RCP - 6 of 9 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRE/L, P,C. I H2M CORP. CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND ENvfRONMENlrAL SCIENTISTS SITE WORK - REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CONT'D. 9.0 - EXCAVATION IN THOROUGHFARES (CONT'D.) been built, the Contractor shall; at his own cost and expense, bring back as much of the material so removed as may be required to properly £efill the trenches or pits, if of the proper kind and quality, or if so directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish as much other suitable material as may be necessary. ].0.0 - SITE CONDITIONS AND PROTECTION Ail traffic shall be maintained as directed by the Engineer and as required by the proper road authority. Water or wood chips shall be spread for dust control in areas as directed by the Engineer. The use of calcium chloride on petroleum products for dust control is prohibited. Suitable barriers an~ caution signs shall be placed and main- tained around all excavation and parked equipment, and[ sufficient warning lights are to be maintained at night as precaution against accidents. ]1.0 - STORAGE OF MATERIAL The materials excavated and those used in the construction shall be so placed as not to endanger the work, and so that easy access may be had at any time to all parts of the trenches and to all hydrants and gate valves in the vicinity. They shall be kept neatly piled and trimmed so as to inconvenience as little as possible the public travel or the adjoining tenants. All streets, roads, and private ways shall be kept open for the usual travel, and the materials excavated shall be handled and placed so as not to interfere therewith. Residents should be notified 24 hours prior to the temporary closing of any street, road or private way. The Contractor will be required to backfill the trenches with suitable material taken from the trenches. Stockpiling of pipe, manholes, etc., will only be permitted in areas approved by the Engineer. RT RCP - 7 of 9 HOI..ZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. I H2M CORP. CONSUL'~ING ENGINEERS AN[~ ENVIHONMENTAL SCIENTISTS SITE WORK - REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CONT'D. 12.0 - TEMPORARY PAVING Immediately upon completion of refilling and compaction of the trench or excavation, the Contracto~ shall place a temporary pavement over all disturbed areas of the street, paved driveways, alleys and other traveled places where the original surface has been disturbed by his operations.. The temporary pavement shall be of a character satisfactory in all respects and safe for public travel. The temporary surfacing may con- sist of "Coldpatch" or of compacted broken stone at such a depth as is necessary to withstand the traffic to which it is subjected. Suffi- cient oil or other material shall be spread to hold the stone in place to prevent ravelings. If fill or temporary pavement settles, new stone and binder must be added and compacted. The surface of all temporary repaying shall conform to the street grades. Mounding up of the material over the trench and covering .the same with loose, broken stone will not be considered as compliance with the above requirements. The temporary repavement shall be placed and maintained by the Contractor, in a satisfactory condition, until such time as the per- manent repaying is completed. The Contractor shall immediately re- move and replace, in a satisfactory condition, any and all such re- pavement as shall become unsatisfactory and not in accordance with the terms and intent of the specifications. 13.0 _ UNFINISHED WORK When, for any reason, the work is left unfinished, all trenches and excavations shall be filled and all roadways and driveways left un- obstructed with their surfaces in a safe and satisfactory condition. 14.0 _ BLASTING No blasting shall be permitted. 15.0 _ DEFINITION OF ROCK EXCAVATION Rock excavation shall be classified as boulders, hard and solid ledge rock and other similar materials of more than one cubic yard w31ume, per piece. RT RCP - 8 of 9 HO~ZMACHER, Mcl...F. NDON & MURRELL, P.C. ! H2M CORP. CONSULTING I~IGINI~.R~ AND ~N¥1RONM~ITA~ 5C1~15'T"3 SITE WORK REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CONT'D. 16.0 BASIS OF PAYMENT The base bid for this Contract shall include furnishing and installing various Types, Sizes and Classes of Reinforced Concrete Pipe, including trenching, excavation, removing existing pipe and drainage structures, dewatering (if required), sheeting, backfilling, compaction, temporary pavement, compaction testing, and connecting to existing structures and all labor, material, equipment and inci- dentals necessary to complete the work. RCP - 9 of 9 HOL.ZMACHER, McLE. NDON & MURRI:'II: P.C. / H2M P.,~P. SITE WORK - PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB 1.0 - SCOPE The work includes furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and applicances necessary for the excavation, construction of Portland Cement Concrete Curb, backfilling, compaction and temporary pavement in accordance with the specifications, at the locations and to the nimensions shown on the plans and as directed by and to the approval of the Eng~neer~ 2.0 - MATERIALS 2.1 - Cement - Cement shall be Portland Cement and shall con- form to A.S.T.M. Designation C-150-77, Type IA, Air Entrained. 2.2 - Sand - Sand shall consist of clean, sound durable grains free from dirt, dust, clay or harmful substances. Sand shall be uni- formly graded from 100 percent passing No. 4 sieve to not more than 10 percent passing No. 100 sieve. 2.3 - Aggregate - Stone or gravel aggregate shall be of hard crystalline rock or gravel free from shale or decomposed pieces. It shall be uncoated and clean. The gradation shall be uniform and be- tween the limits of 1-1/2 inches and 1/4 inch in size. 2.4 - Water - Water shall be clean and free from oil and salt or injurious substances. 2.5 - Expansion Joint Material Expansion joint filler shall be pre-formed bituminous fiber. 2.6 - Reinforcing Bars - Ail. reinforcing bars shall meet physical properties and tests of A.S.T.M. Designation A615-76A latest revision, for intermediate or hard grade. Minimum requirements for deformed steel bars for concrete reinforcement shall be Grade 40. 3.0 - CONCRETE The concrete shall consist of Portland Cement and fine and coarse aggregates in the proportionate quantities necessary to produce a concrete which shall attain a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 p.s.i, in 28 days. The total water content shall not exceed 5 gallons per sack of cement. The air content should be 4-1/2 percent and the cement content shall be a minimum of 560 pounds per cubic yard. RT PCCC - 1 of 5 I-J{~/~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL PC SITE WORK - PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB - CONT'D. 4.0 - TESTING Ail costs of the concrete tests shall be borne by the Contractor. Two concrete test cylinders shall be taken for each truck load. All cylinders shall be tested for compression strength by an approved testin laboratory. One (1) specimen shall be tested after 28 days. One (1) cylinder shall be saved for testing at 45 days, if the 28 day tests are unsatisfactory. Test cylinders shall be made and stored in accordance with A.S.T.M. Designation C-31, latest revision. The method of sampling fresh con- crete shall be in accordance with A.S.T.M. Designation C-172, latest revision. Results of the test shall be sent directly to the Engineer by the testing laboratory. The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing all labor and material including cylinders for the tests. FAILURE TO SUPPLY THE RE- QUIRED CYLINDERS WILL BE SUFFICIENT CAUSE TO PREVENT THE DAY'S CONCRETE POUR. 5.0 - SUBGRADE The subGrade shall be excavated or graded to the proper elevation and thoroughly compacted by rolling or tamping to a firm surface. Sod, organic matter and other unsuitable materials in the subgrade shall be removed and replaced with suitable fill material. The subgrade shall be wetted to a penetration of at least 1/2-inch before placing concrete thereon. RT PCCC - 2 of 5 HOi. ZMACHER, MCI..F..NDO~N & MURRE.U, P.C. I H2M CORP. I S]ETE WORK - PORTLkND CE~ENT CONCRETE CURB - CONT'D. 6,,0 - FORMS 6.1 - Alignment - All forms shall be set true to line and grade and held rigidly in place by proper pin or stakes in such a manner that the curb, when completed, will have the required thickness. No abrupt changes in alignment either vertical or horizontal shall be allowed. Particular care shall be used where vertical and/or horizontal curves are called for. 6.2 - Materials - All forms shall be constructed of steel or wood. If wood forms are used, they shall be composed of first quality timber. They shall not be less than 2 inches wide by 18 inches deep. Wood forms shall be maintained in excellent condition at all times. Any warped, bent or otherwise damaged pieces shall be immediately dis- carded. All forms shall be kept thoroughly cleaned and oiled before placing concrete against them. 7.0 - MIXING CONCRETE Concrete shall be mixed in a batch mixer of standard type with a drum speed of 200 to 225 peripheral feet per minute. Mixing time shall be one minute for batches of one cubic yard or under and shall be increased 15 seconds for each additional 1/2 yard or fraction. Retempering concrete will not be allowed. Air-slaked or lumpy cement shall not be used. The contents of the mixer shall be com- pletely discharged before each new batch is loaded. Transit-Mix concrete may be used, provided that it conforms to the specifications herein described and further provided that the central plant producing the concrete and equipment and the transport- ing of it are, in the opinion of the Engineer, suitable for the pro- duction and transportation of the specified concrete. 8.0- PLACING OF CONCRETE Concrete shall not be placed until the subgrade is prepared and forms are set. Concrete shall be deposited with minimum rehandling and in one layer. Spading or vibrating shall be done adjacent to forms and joints. PCCC - 3 of 5 SITE WORK - PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB - CONT'D. 9.0 - EXPANSION JOINTS Expansion joints of specified thickness shall be spaced 20 feet on center. Expansion joint material shall be cut to tine exact cross- section of the curb except that it shall be set back 1./4 inch from the front and top faces. This material shall be held in place by means of a bulkhead, such bulkhead being removed immediately after the concrete is placed on both sides of the joint. 10.0 - FINISHING Before the forms are removed able, the outer top face shall be finished with the required edging and while compacted tools. the concrete is still work- with a wood float and The forms shall be left in place until the concrete has set suffi- ciently so the front form (pavement side) can be removed without injury to the surface finish. Immediately upon removal of the front form, the surface shall be wood floated and brushed. All "fins" and pro- jections shall be removed. Plastering shall not be allowed. 11.0 - CURING Immediately after all the surface water has evaporated and the concrete has set sufficiently so as not to be marred by the operations, the surface shall be covered with a layer of waterproof paper, and sufficient sand placed along the edges thereof to hold the paper in intimate contact with the surface of the curb. Any joints in the paper shall lap at least 8 inches, and shall be held in place by sand placed thereon. Any paper which has become ripped or torn, or in any other way rendered unfit for use, shall be discarded and replaced by new paper. The concrete shall be kept moist for at least 60 hours. 12.0 - FILL BEHIND CURB The Contractor shall furnish and place fill behind the new curb to provide a smooth transition to the new curb as directed by the Town or Engineer. The material used for fill be- hind the curbs shall be topsoil which shall be fertile, friable, a natural loam containing a liberal amount of humus and shall be cap- able of sustaining vigorous plant and grass seed growth. Topsoil shall be reasonably free of stones, lumps, clods of hard earth, sticks and other extraneous matter. Reseeding shall be in accordance with the "TOPSOIL, SPREADING AND SEEDING" specification. Topsoil be placed to a minimum depth of Six (6) inches. RT PCCC - 4 of 5 SITE WORK - HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELI.. P.C. I H2M CORP. PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB - CONT'D. 13.0 - BASIS OF PAYMENT The lump sum price bid for this contract shall include all costs for labor, materials and equipment necessary to construct the Portland Cement Concrete Curb outlined on the plans; including excavation, fill material behind the curb, compaction and sampling and testing of the concrete. PCCC - 5 of 5 SITE WORK - CHAIN LINK FENCE 1.0 - Scope The work includes all materials, labor and equipment necessary to erect a Chain Link Fence in accordance with the General and "DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS" as indicated on the plans and as directed by the Engineer. 2.0 _ Fence Height The fence around the property line is to be the total height and fabric height as indicated in the "DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS~, with pressed steel arms set outward at top of posts at an angle of 45' to carry three (3) strands of galvanized barbed wire. 3.0 _ Fabric The fabric, as indicated in be one of the following: A. Galvanized Steel Fabric Fabric shall in a 2-inch mesh, the "DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS", 'shall be No. 9 gauge copper bearing steel wire woven hot-dip galvanized after weaving. B. Aluminized Steel Fabric Fabric shall be woven 2" mesh, No. 9 (0.148") steel wire. Fabric shall be woven from commercial wire with the following chemical analysis: aluminized grade steel Carbon 0.18 to 0.31; manganese 0.60 to 0.90; phosphorus 0.040 maximum; sulfur 0.050 maximum; minimum tensile strength of wire to be 80,000 lbs. per square inch. Ci,F- 1 SITE WORK - CHAIN LINK FENCE - CONT'D. ", C. Altunlnum Fabric Fabric shall be %~oven 2" mesh chain link, of alloy 5052-H28 or 6061-T94, 9 gauge 0.1;18 inch diameter ~lre, as manufactured by the Reynolds Metal Company, or approved equal~ inter%.~oven to form a contlnuot~s fabric with no splices. Top and bottom selvages to be twisted and barbed. Fabric to be cleaned of all grease and foreign matter before shipping. D. Vinyl-Clad Galvanized Steel Fabric Fabric shall be vinyl-clad on No. 9 gauge copper bearing steel wire ~oven in a 2 inch mesh, hot-dip galvanize[[ before vinyl coating operation. Fabric shall be No. 6 gauge after vinyl coating and shall be Forest Green (medium) in color as designated by the Colorguard Corporation. Vinyl coating to be plasticized polyvinylchloride (P.V.C.) with suitable non-migratory low temperature plasticizer. The vinyl coating shall be of a self-extinguishing character and have an average tensfle strength of 3,300 p.s.i., elongation of 2755, high abrasion resistance, maximum deformation of 15% at 120oC. under 500 gram load, and compression cut-through of 1800 p.s.l. In addition, the vinyl covering shall resist attack from prolonged ,exposure to: (a) Sea water at 100°F; (b) Salt solutions: NH4C1, (NH4)S04, NH4NOR, NaC1, KAL(SOn)p, CuC12' CuSOa, ZnCl2, KCL, and others; .( ) AIkalls. Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Barium, Ammonium Hydroxide; (d) Acids: Dilute Sulphuric, Nitric, Hydrochloric, Acetic, Boric, Carbonic, and Citrus Acids; (e) Petroleum Products, Mineral Oils and Fats; (f) Fungus Inducing Atmospheres. Color shall be stabilized and shall uithstand a minimum weatherometer exposure test of 1000 hours without visible fading or discoloration. The vinyl shall be bonded to hot-dipped galvanized steel wire by the molten extrusion process unde~ pressure of 5000 p.s.i. before weaving. Fabric shall be smooth, reasonably free from roughnes~ blisters, spots, bruises and discolorations. CLF-2 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRFII; P.C. / H2M CORP. SITE WORK - CHAIN LINK FENCE CONT'D. 4.0 - Posts Line, corner, end and gate posts shall be a minimum of 2'-8" greater in length than the fabric height in order to be embedded in 36 inches deep concrete footings. Line Pos. ts Line posts at intervals of not more than 10 feet on centers shall be 2-1/2 inch O.D. steel pipe, weight 3.652 lbs. per foot or approved equivalent, copper bearing and hot-dipped galvanized; complete with ali. necessary fittings including barbed wire arm for carrying 3 strands of barbed wire at 45v angle. B. Terminal Posts End and corner posts shall be 3 inch O.D. steel pipe, weight 5.79 lbs. per foot or approved equivalent, copper bearing~ and hot-dipped galvanized complete with all necessary fittings including barbed wire arms for carrying 3 strands of barbed wire at 45° angle. C. Gate Posts Gate posts shall be copper bearing steel 4 inch O.D., weight 9.109 lbs. per foot for 16" and 20' opening double swing gates. Gate posts shall be heavily hot-dip galvanized, complete with all necessary fittings including barbed wire arms for carrying 3 strands of barbed wire. Gate posts for 4' single swing gate shall be copper bearing 3 inch O.D., weight 5.79 lbs.. per foot. 570 - Post Footinqs Line, corner', end and gate posts shall be set 32 inches in 36 inches depth of concrete. Diameter of footings for line posts not less than 10 inches; for corner, end and gate posts not less than 12 inches. All concrete footings to be 1:2:4 mix crowned to shed water and protect posts at ground line. 6.Q - Gates Gate frames shall be 2 inch O.D. copper bearing steel pipe, hot-dip galvanized, weight 2.717 lbs. per foot, welded corner construction, with fabric to match the fence line. All gates to be provided with necessary hinges, gate padlock fXttings and gate hold back. CLF-3 SITE WORK - CHAIN LINK FENCE - CO~T'D. Locking device shall be constructed so as to lock both leaves of the double swing gate together in addition to keeping the locking bar in a fixed position. Any locking device not meeting these re- quirements will be rejected. On double swing gates provide a gate center rest. 7.0 - Bracinq Braces not less than 1-5/8 inch O.D., weighing not less than 2.272 lbs. per foot or approved equivalent section, complete with 3/8" galvanized truss rod and turnbuckle shall be installed at all corners, end and gate posts and as required at changes of vertical grade. 8.0 - Post Tops All posts shall be fitted with heavy malleable steel tops. iron or pressed 9.0 - Top Rail The top rail, as indicated in the Detailed Specifications, shall be one of the following: A. Galvanized Steel Top rail shall be 1-5/8 inch O.D. copper bearing steel pipe, hot-dip galvanized, weight 2.272 lbs. per foot. Top rail shall pass thru the base of the line post toDs and form a continuous brace from end to end of each run of fence. Couplinqs shall be outside sleeve type and at least 7 inches long; one coupling in every five (5) shall contain a heavy spring to take up expansion and contraction of the top rail. B. Aluminum Top rail shall be alloy 6063-T6 1-1/4" A.S.A. Schedule 40 pipe having a nominal outside diameter of 1.660 inches and weiohing 0.786 pounds per foot. Aluminum alloy to be as manufactured by the Reynolds Metal Company, or approved equal. Top rail shall be furnished in approximately 20-foot lengths. CLF-4 SITE WORK - CHAIN LINK FENCE - CONT'D. 10.0 - Tension Wire Bottom tension %~re of Number 7 gauge, high carbon, coiled spring wire shall be used. The tension wire shall be securely fastened to posts. Aluminum fabric ties to be attached to wires at 2 foot intervals. 11.0 _ Barbed %~ire The top one foot of the fence shall consist of three rows of barbed wire attached to 45 degree angle arms. A. ALUMINUM FENCES - Barbed wire shall consist of two strands of :110 diameter wire with .080 diameter, 4 point barbs spaced approximately 5" apart. The wire shall be alloy 5052-H38. B. STEEL FENCES - Barbed wire shall consist of two strands of 12-1/2 gauge coppe~ bearing hot dipped galvanized wire with 14 gauge barbs in a four point pattern on 5-inch centers. 12.0- Grounding of Chain Link Fence The Contractor shall furnish and install one (1) 3/4" diameter x 10' steel or iron pipe or one (1) 5/8" diameter x lO' steel on iron rod at each gate post. Where any section of fence is less than 50 feet between gates, the grounding rod will be required on only one of the adjoining gate posts. If steel pipe is used as a ground, ~he outer surface .shall be gal- vanized or otherwise metal-coated for corrosion protection. Connection shall be made between the gate post and ground rod or pipe using #6 copper wire conductor. The grounding conductor shall be attached to the gate post and ground rod by means of a bolted clamp to which the conductor shall be soldered. The con- nections shall be made as close to the-earth as practicable. CLF-5 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P C DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - SITE WORK - CHAIN LINK FENCE 2.0 - FENCE HEIGHT The fence height shall be six (6) feet. 3.0 - FABRIC The fabric shall be galvanized steel fabric. 4.0 - POSTS C. Gate Posts Gate posts shall be copper bearing steel 6-inch O.D., weight 18.97 lb. per foot for 26' opening double swing gates. 6.0 - GATES The Contractor shall furnish and install Aluminum Cantilever Slide Gates in openings as shown on drawings and shall conform to the following specifications: Gate frames shall be made of 2" square aluminum tubing alloy 6063-T6 weighing .94 pounds per lineal foot and shall be welded at all corners so as to form a rigid one piece unit. Fabric shall be securely stretched and held in the center of the 2" square tubing by use of hook b61ts and tension rods on all four sides of the gate opening frame. Ail cantilever overhang frames shall have 3/8" brace rods. The track shall be a combined track and rail aluminum extrusion having a total weight of 3.72 pounds per foot and designed to withstand a reaction load of 1,200 pounds. Two swivel type zinc die cast trucks having four sealed lubricant ball bearing wheels 2" in diameter by 9/16" in width with two side rolling wheels to insure alignment of truck in track shall be provided for each gate leaf. Trucks shall be held to post brackets by 7/8" dia- meter ball bolts with 1/2" shank. Truck assembly shall be designed to take the same reaction load as the track. For gate leaf sizes 23'0" to 30'0" one additional 2" square lateral support raul shall be welded adjacent to top horizontal rail. The bot- tom rail will be 2" x 4" tubing weighing 1.71 pounds per foot. These gates may be installed on aluminum or galvanized steel posts. Three gate posts 4"od shall be installed for each single slide gate o2 four for each double slide gate. Galvanized 4"od posts shall weigh 9.1 pounds per foot. Aluminum 4" od posts shall be of alloy 6063-T6 weigh-~ ing 3.15 pounds per foot. DS-CLF-1 DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - SITE WORK - CHAIN LINK FENCE - CONT'D. Guide whell assemblies shall be provided for each supporting post. Each assembly shall consist of two rubber wheels 4" in diameter with oil impregnated bearings and shall be attached to post so that the bottom 2" square horizontal member will roll between the wheels which can be adjusted to maintain plumb gate frames and proper aligmnent. A positive latch shall be provided with provisions for padlocking. Ail gate hangers, latches, brackets, guide assemblies and stops shall be galvanized malleable iron or steel. The aluminum cantilever slide gate shall be manufactured by Anchor Fence Inc., Balt., Maryland, or approved equal. 9.0 - TOP RAIL The top rail shall be galvanized steel. BASIS OF PAYMENT Ail costs for the furnishing and installation of the chain link fence indicated on the plans shall be included in the base bid. The base bid shall include the cost to provide the necessary labor, materials and equipment necessary to perform the work under this item. DS-CLF-2 ~EPA CONSTRUCTION SIGN 1. SCOPE The work includes all labor, materials, equipment and appliances required to construct a construction sil:n as sho~.m on the drawinKs, de- tailed in the specifications or as directed by thE: Engineer. 2. GENERAL The Contractor shall erect a sign at the project site identifying the project and indicating that the State of New York and the Federal Government are particioating in the construction of the project. The sign shall be erected Within t~enty-one (21) days after the contract is signed. It shall be furnished, erected and maintained by the Contrac- tor and the location shown on the contract drawings. 3. MATERIALS Ail lumber shall be air dries ~ell seasoned and shall bear the grade and trademark under whose rules it is produced and a mark of mill identification. All lumber shall be of a grade at least No. I Douglas Fir, or equal. SIGN PANEL The sign panel shall be constructed of 3/4-inch minimum thickness marine plywood rabbeted into a 1¼-inch by 4-inch frame. All fasteners used in the construction of the sign shall be of a rustproof nature. 5. !.~ORKMAIISIlIP All carpentry work shall be first class in all respects. Fasten- ings shall be concealed where possible. Ail m~terials shall be accurate- ly fitted and securely f~stened. Care must be tal-~en in cutting and fit- ting so that structural members are not ~.$eakened. 6. SIGN FACE 6.1 - Back,round - The sign face back,round shall consist of at least one prime and two finish coats of white paint. 6.2 - Letterln~ - All lettering except for nn the emblem shall be i royal blue paint. 6.3 - Emblem - The "Pur~ I'aters" emblem shall be duplicated using serifed, thick-thin lettertnf~, similar to that shovm on the contract EPA COMST[(UCTION oIG,I (COIIT'D.) drawings. "Pure" shall be painted in light; blue on a white background and "Waters" shall be painted in white on a light blue background. The emblem shall be rigidly installed on the edge trim, as shown on the con- tract drawings. 7. PAINTING All supports, trim and the back of the sign panel, shall be painted with at least one prime and two finish coats of the same white paint used for the sign face. All paint used shall be exterior grade paint, suitable for use on such signs. 8. SIGN SUPPORTS The sign shall be 9ounted on three (3) ~-inch by 4-inch fir posts. Posts shall be embedded in the ground a minimum of 4-feet and suitably braced to prevent overturning of the sign. All embedded portions of the posts shall be creosoted. 9. MAIHTE~ANCE The project sign shall be maintained by the Contractor, in good condition, at all times, for the°duration of the construction. 10. RE~IOVAL OF SIGN The removal of the project sign from the construction site shall be by the Contractor at the completion of construction, %?hen ordered by the Engineer. EPACS - 2 ,~f 2 ~j~ h~LZMAC~4E~ McL~NOON & MURREL~ PC. SUPERSTRUCTURE 1.0 SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools and appurtenances and shall construct the superstructures complete, as shown, specified or required. 2.0 MATERIALS 2.1 Unit Masonry Work 2.2 Architectural Metals 2.3 Architectural Louvers 2.4 Carpentry 2.5 Thermal [nsulation 2.6 Roofing 2.7 Joint Sealers 2.8 Glass and Glazing 2.9 Aluminum '#indows 2.10 Aluminum Doors & Frames 2.11 Rolling Doors 2.12 Hardware 2.13 Acoustic Ceiling Systems 2.14 Resilient Flooring 2.15 Painting 2.16 T oiler Accessories 2.17 Removable Partitions 2.18 Abrasive Anti-Slip Flooring Superstructure work shall conform to the requirements of General Sppcifications, Sections S2, S3, S5 and S7, with respect to concrete, steel reinforcement, structural steel and mice]Llaneous metalwork, and painting; and all, other applicable provisions of the General Specifications insofar as they do not conflict with this Section of the Specifications. All work in existing structures shall be govern by existing corresponding work. Newly exposed, previously concealed, existing work or surfaces, shall match existing corresponding exposed work or surfaces. 2.1 UNIT MASONRY WORK 2.1.1 Masonry Units: The Contractor shall obtain masonry units from one manufacturer, of uniform texture and color for each kind required, for each continuous area and visually related areas. a. Brick: Unless otherwise show or specified, the Contractor shall provide standard size brick (8" long by 9.~,, high by 3~" wide) for exposed vertical brickwork. S-1 I-,~ HOLZMACH~R, McLENDON & MURRELL PC SUPERSTRUCTURE - CON'r'D 2.1.2 a. 2. The Contractor shall provide special molded shapes where shown and for applications which cannot be s~,wn from standard brick sizes. 3. At the Contractor's option, he shall provide solid or cored brick for vertical brickwork. Cored brick, with net cross-sectional area less than ?55 of gross area in the same plane or with core holes closer than ~" from any edge, shall not be used. b. Facing Brick: 1. Quality Standard: ASTM C216. 2. Grade S W for exterior exposures. 3. Texture and Color shall match existing Administration Building. c. Concrete Masonry Units (CMU), General: i. The Contractor shall provide manufacturer's standard units with nominal face dimensions of 16" long by 8" high (15-5/8" by 7- 5/8" actual), unless otherwise shown. 2. The Contractor shall provide special shapes where shown and where required for lintels, corners, jambs, sash, control joints, headers, bonding and other special conditions. 3. The Contractor shall provide lightweight units using ASTM: C331 aggregate for a dry net weight of not more than 105 lbs. per cu. ft. 4. Units shall be cured by atmospheric drying for not less than 30 days before installation, to comply with ASTM: C90 Type I. d. Hollow Non-Load-Bearing CMU. The Contractor shall provide units complying with ASTM: C129 where shown. e. Hollow Load-Bearing C~U. Units shall comply with ASTM: C90 Grade N. f. Exposed Face (Interior): The Contractor shall provide manufacturer's standard color and texture, unless otherwise indicated. Mortar Materials and Epoxy Grout: Portland cement shall conform to ASTM: C150 Type I, except that Type III may be used for cold weather protection. Provide natural color or white cement as required to produce the required mortar color. S-2 I.J~:~.~ HOt..,ZMACH~R, McLENDON & MURRE. LL, PC SUPERSTRUCTURE - CONT'D b. Hydrated Lime shall conform to ASTM: C207, type S. c. Sand shall conform to AST.M: C144, except for joints less than 3", with an aggregate graded with 100% passing No. 16 sieve. d. Epoxy grout shall conform to the requirements of General specifications, Section S2. 2.1.3 a. Masony Accessories: Continuous Wire Reinforcing and Ties for Masonry: The Contractor shall provide welded wire units prefabricated in straight lengths of not less than 10 feet, with matching corner and tee units. Fabrics shall be fabricated from cold- drawn steel wire complying with ASTI{: A82, with deformed continuous side rods and plain cross-rods crimped for cavity wall construction and a unit width of 1½" to 2" less than thickness of wall or partition. 2. Units shall be fabricated as follows: Truss type fabricated with singlr pair of 9 gauge side rods and 9 gauge continuous diagonal cross-rods spaced not more than 16" o.c. For exterior cavity walls with concrete masonry backup, fabricate units with additional rod spaced for embedment in face of brick with drip ties. For interior walls, fabricate from mill galvanized wire. For exterior walls, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication with 0.8 oz. zinc coating in accordance with ASTM: All6, Class 3. b. Concrete Inserts for Masonry: Dovetail Slots: The Contractor shall furnish dovetail anchor slots with filler strips, where shown. Dovetail anchor slots shall be Heckmann, No. 100; Hohman Barnard Co.; or equal. Where dovetail slots interfere with bottom reinforcing, dovetail slots shall not be used. Slots shall be 24 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel unless otherwise indicated. Dovetail Anchors: The Contractor shall furnish dovetail anchors where shown, specified or required. Anchors shall be 12 gauge, hot dipped galvanized steel and shall be Hackmann. No. 108; Hohman Barnard Co.; or equal. S-3 I.,~ HO[.ZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P SUPERSTRUCTURE - CONT'D 3. Concrete Inserts: For installation of concrete inserts, see General Specifications, CONCRETE. Flexible Anchors: Where masonry is shown or specified to be anchored to structural framework with f].exible auchors, provide two piece anchors which will permit horizontal aud vertical movement of masonry but will provide lateral restraint· For exterior walls, provide hop-dip galvanized anchors. Flashings for Masonry: The Contractor shall provide concealed flashings as shown, to be built into masonry. Concealed flashings shall be virgin polyvinyl chloride with plasticizers and other motif!ers, formed into uniform flexible sheets not less than 20 mils thick and bl~ck in color, unless otherwise indicated. c. Micellaneous Masonry Accessories: Bond breaker strips shall be 15 lb,, asphalt roofing felt complying with AST~.!: D226, or 15 lb. coal-tar roofing felt complying with AST~I: D227. ~- Premolded control joint strips shall be solid rubber strips with a Shore A durometer hardness of 60 to 80, designed t-o fit standard sash block and maintain lateral suability in masonry wall, size and configuration ms indicated. 2.1.4 Installation: The Contractor shall build masonry construction to the full t~ickness shown, except, build single-wythe walls to the actual thickness of the masonry units, using units of nominal thickness as shown or specified. The Contractor shall build chases and recesses as shown and as required for the work of other trades. The Contractor shall provide not less than 8" of masonry between chase or recess and jamb of openings, and between adjacent chases and recesses. Masonry units shall be cut with motor-driven saw designed to cut masonry with clean, sharp, unchipped edges. Units shall be cut as required to provide pattern shown and to fit adjoining work neatly. Full units shall be used, without cutting, wherever possible. Wet brick having AST!~: C67 absorption rates greater than 0.025 oz. per sq. in. per minute shall not be used. Concrete masonry units shall not be wetted. S-4 I-~_/~ HOLZMACHER. McLENC)ON & MURRELL, PC SUPERSTRUCTURE - CONT'D The Contractor shall not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost. For masonry which is specified to be wetted, the Contractor shall comply with the BIA recommendations. The Contractor shall not build on frozen work. masonry work damaged by frost or freezing shall be removed and replaced. The Contractor shall not lower the freezing point of mortar by use of admixtures or anti-freeze agents. The Contractor shall not use calcium chloride in mortar where metal reinforcing ties or flashing will be embedded. If used in other applications, the amount shall be limited to not more than 2% by weight of t~e Portland cement and add to mixing water. Calcium chloride shall not be used in mortar or grout. The Contractor shall lay exposed masonry in the bond pattern shown, or if not shown, in running bond with vertic~[1 joint in each course centered on units in courses above and below. Concealed masonry shall De placed with all units in a wythe bonded by lapping not less than 2". The Contractor shall bond and interlock each course of each wythe at corners, unless otherwise shown. The Contractor shall layout walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond patterns, with uniform joint widths and to properly locate openings, movement-type joints, returns and offsets. The use of less than half size units at corners, jambs and whenever possible at other locations shall be avoided. · The Contractor shall lay-up walls plumb and true and with courses level, accurately spaced and coordinated with other work. When stopping and resuming work, the Contractor shall rack back ~ masonry unit length in each course; do not tooth. Exposed surfaces of set masonry shall be cleaned. The Contractor shall wet units lightly (if specified to be wetted), and remove loose masonry units and mortar prior to laying fresh masonry. As the work progresses, the Contractor shall build all required items. Fill in solidly with m~sonry around built-in items. The Contractor shall fill space between hollow metal frames and masonry solidly with mortar. Where built-in items are to be em bedded in cores of hollow masonry units, the Contractor shall place a layer of metal, lath in the joint below and rod mortar or grout into core. S-5 ~ HOI..ZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL, P.(,~. SUPERSTRUCTURE - CONT'D At intersecting load-bearing walls which are carried up separately, the Contractor shall block vertical joints with 8" maximum offsets and provide rigid steel anchors spaced not more than 4'-0" o.c. vertically, or blocking shall be omitted and provided rigid steel anchors at not more than 2'-0" o.c. vertically. Anchors shall be formed of galvanized steel not less than II" by ~" by 2'-0" long with ends turned up not less than 2" or with cross-pins. If used with hollow masonry units, ends shall be embedded in mortar filled cores. Non-bearing interior partition Walls shall be built full height of story to underside of structure above, unless otherwise shown. Mortar mixes shall conform to ASTM: C-270, Proportion Specifications, and shall be of the following type: (1) Type S for exterior work. (2) Type N for interior work. Mortar ingredients shall be mixed for a minimum of 5 minutes in a mechanical batch mixer. ,Water shall be clear and free of deleterious materials which would impair the work. Mortar shall not be used, which has begun to set, or if more than 1 ~ hours has elapsed since initial mixing. Retemper mortar during 2i hour period as required to restore ~orkabilit y. The Contractor shall lay brLck and other solid masonry units with completely filled bed and head joint; and butter ends with sufficient mortar to fill head joints and shove into place. The Contractor shall not. slush head joints. The Contractor shall lay hollow concrete masonry units full mortar coverage on horizontal and vertical face shells; and also bed webs in mortar in starting course on footings and foundation walls and in all courses of piers, columns and pilasters, and adjacent to cells or cavities to be reinforced or to be filled with concrete or grout. Joint widths shall be maintained as shown, except for minor variations required to maint~in bond alignment. If not shown, the Contractor shall lay walls with 3/8" joints. The Contractor shall cut joints flush for masonry walls which are to be concealed or to be covered by other materials. The Contractor shall tool ,exposed joints slightly concave. The Contractor shall rake out mortar in preparation for application of caulking or sealants where shown. The Contractor shall remove masonry units disturbed after laying; and clean and relay in fresh mortar. The Contractor shall not pound corners at jambs to fit stretcher units which have been set tn position. if adjustments are required, units shall be removed, mortar cleaned off, and reset in fresh mortar. S-6 I_~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON · MURRIFLL. PC. SUPERSTRUCTURE CONT'D Cavities shall be kept clean of mortar droppings during construction. Joints facing cavity shall be struck flush. The Contractor shall tie exterior wythe to back-up with continuous horizontal joint reinforcing embedded in mortar joints at not more than 16" n.c. vertically. The Contractor shall provide weep holes in exterior wythe of cavity wall located immediately above ledges and flashing spaced 2'-0" n.c., unless otherwise shown and shall be Holmann & Barnard, #342; Heckman; (3/8" x 1½" x 3½") or equal. The Contractor shall reinforce masonry openings greater than 1'-0" wide, with horizontal joint reinforcing placed in 2 horizontal joints approximately 8" apart, both immediately above the lintel and im mediately below the sill. Extend reinforcing a minimum of 2'-0" beyond jambs of the opening, bridging control joints where provided. The Contractor shall provide anchoring devices of the type shown or specified. If not shown or specified, the standard type for facing and bacK-up involved shall be provided. The Contractor shall ~nchor masonry to structural members where masonry abutts or faces members with dovetail, anchors. The Contractor shall install loose lintels of aluminum or steel where shown, noted, specified or required. Unless otherwise shown, the Contractor shall provide minimum bearing at each jamb, of 4" for openings less than 4'-0" wide, and 8" for wider openings. The Contractor shall provide vertical control and isolation joints in masonry where shown or required. Related masonry accessory items shall be built-in as the masonry work progresses. The Contractor shall rake out mortar in preparation for application of sealants. Sealants to comply with the requirements of Section 2.7, JOINT SEALERS. Flashing of ~{asonry Work: The Contractor shall install flashings and other related work where shown to be built into masonry work, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 2.1.5 Repair, Pointing and Cleaning: The Contractor shall remove and replace masonry units which are loose, chipped, broken, stained or otherwise damaged, or if units do not match adjoining units as intended. New units shall be provided to match adjoining units, and installed in fresh mortar or grout, pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement. S-7 I--~ HOLZMACHER. McLE. NOON& MURRELL. PC SUPERSTRUCTURE CONT'D During the tooling of joints, the Contractor shall enlarge any voids or holes, except weep holes, and completely fill voids with mortar. The Contractor shall point-up all joints at corners, openings and adjacent work to provide & neat, uniform appearance, properly prepared for application of caulking or sealant compounds. The Contractor shall clean exposed brick masonry surfaces as recommended by BIA Technical Notes 9,0 "(;leaning Clay Products Masonry". The Contractor shall clean exposed CMU masonry by dry brushing at the end of each day's work and after final pointing to remove mortar spots and droppings. 2.2 ARCHITECTURAL METALS For fabrication of architectural metal work which will be exposed to view, the Contractor shall use only materials which are smooth and free of surface blemishes including pitting, seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names and roughness. 2.2.1 Fasteners: The Contractor shall provide zinc-coated fasteners for exterior use or where built into exfierior walls. Fasteners shall be selected for the type, grade and class required. The Contractor shall form exposed connection ~/ith hairline joints, caulked, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners wherever possible. Exposed fasteners of type shown shall be used or, if not shown, Phillips flat-head (countersunk) screws or bolts. Masonry anchorage devices shall be expansion shields, FS-FF-S-325. Toggle Bolts shall be tumble-wing type, FS FY-B-588, type, class and style as required. Lag Bolts shall be square head type, FS FF-B-561. Machine screws shall be c~%dmium plated steel, FS FY-S-92. Wood Screws shall be flat head carbon steel, FS FY-S-Ill. Plain Washers shall be round, carbon steel. FS FY-W-92. Lock Washers shall be helical spring type carbon steel FS FF-W- 84. Section All other fastening devices shall conform to General Specifications, S 5. S-8 I-~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL P.C SUPERSTRUCTURE - CONT'D ARCHITECTURAL LOUVERS 2.3.1 Materials: a. Aluminum Extrusion: Alloy 6063-T52. be Screws & Fastenings: All screws and fastenings shall be stainless steel. The Contractor shall use Phillips flat-head machine screws for exposed fasteners, unless otherwise shown or specified. Drill anchors and expansion anchors shall be as specified in STRUCTURAL STEEL AND ,qISCELLANEOUS METALWORK, Anchors & Inserts: The Contractor shall use non-ferrous metal anchors and inserts for exterior installa~;ions and elsewhere as required for corrosion resistance. Inserts, as required, shall be set into concrete or masonry work. Laquer: Laquer shall be clear methacrylate, as recommended by metal producer for finished metal protection. 2.3.2 Extended Aluminum Louvers: The Contractor shall provide extruded horizontal louvers, stationary type, 4" deep, with extrusions not less than 0.08" thick, of sizes shown. Where shown, the Contractor shall provide motorized louvers equal to Architecturfl Line Dual Combination Louver Model 0945E-Electrical as manufactured by Construction Specialitie, Inc.; Cyclops Corp., ~{odel 0-E820; or equal. Heads, sills and jambs shall be one piece structural members with integrel caulking slot and retaining beads. Recessed mullions shall be slideable interlock type with a minimum wall thickness of 0.125" and shall have provision for expansion and construction. Frame shall be 6063-T52 alloy 0.125" thick. Fixed blades shall be 0.081" thick with three reinforcing bosses. Electrical motor shall be 120 Volts. Operating blade shall be 0.125" thick. Pivots shall be ~" diameter zamac alloy pinions operating in self-lubricating nylon bearings. Operating louver blades shall be operated by concealed drive arms at each jamb and assembled with steel shoulder rivets. Drive arms shall be interconnected by a 5/8" diameter torsion bar. Ail louver blades and sills shall be equipped with vinyl gaskets. Louver blades shall also be equipped with jamb gaskets riveted co blade ends. When closed, air leakage through the louver shall not exceed 1.0 cfm per sq. ft. of face area at a wind velocity of 30 mph. All fasteners shall be stainless steel or aluminum. Structural supports shall be designed to carry a wind load of not less than 30 psf. All louvers shall be furnished with ].8 by 24 mesh, anodized aluminum *ire insect screen secured on inside face of louver, within a 12 S&S gauge extruded ~luminum frame. Screen shall be replaceable within extruded frame. Louvers shall be free of scratches and blemishes. Aluminum louvers shall be manufactured by the Airolite Co.; Construction Specialities, Inc.; Industrial Acous~Sic Co.; the Ventilouvre Co.; or equal. S-9 ~{ t~OLZMACHER. MICLIFNDON · Mt~RRE{-}., P~C RUPERSTRUCT[IRF CONT'D 2.3.2 Shop Finishing: Shop finishing shall comply with N A AM M "Metal Finishes Manual" for finish designations and application recommendations, except as otherwise shown and specified. The Contractor shall protect chemical and electrolitic finishes on exposed surfaces by spraying with at least two, coats of clear lacquer to a dry film thickness of not less than 0.5 mils, prior to shipment. The Contractor shall provide the following color anodized aluminum finish to all aluminum louvers, screens and exterior panel face sheets: AA-MIOC21A42RIZ (0.7 mil minimum thick, fine matte integral color finish, medium bronze). 2.3.4 Preparation: The Contractor shall coordinate setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instruc=ions and directions for the installation of anchorages which are to be embedded in concrete or masonry construction, and shall coordinate the delivery of such items to the project site. 2.3.5 Installation: The Contractor shall locate and place louver' units plumb, level and in proper alignment with adjacent work. ' Concealed anchorages shall be used wherever possible. The Contractor shall provide brass or lead washers fitted to screws where required to protect metal surfaces and to make a weathertight con nection. The Contractor shall form accurately fit together. The openings for sealants and joint tight joints with exposed connections Contractor shall provide reveals and fillers, as shown. The Contractor shall repair finishes damaged by cutting, welding, soldering and grinding operations required for fitting and jointing. The Contractor shall restore finishes and prime coats of paint so that there is no evidence of corrective work. The Contractor shall return items which cannot be refinished in the field to the shop, make the required alterations, and refinish the entire unit. The Contractor shall conform to Section 2.7, JOINT SEALERS, for sealants in connection with the installation of louvers. 2.4 CARPENTRY 2.4.1 Materials: S-10 ,cUpER?TRUCT{IRE - CONT'D Nominal lumber sizes are indicated, except as shown by detail dimensions. The Contractor shall provide actual sizes as required by PS 9.0, for the moisture content specified for each use. The Contractor shall provide dressed lumber, S4S, unless otherwise shown or specified. The Contractor shall provide seasoned lumber with 19% maximum moisture content at time of dressing. Framing Lumber (2" through 4" thick) shall be construction grade, any species. b. Micellaneous Materials: The Contractor sh~ll provide size and type of fasteners and anchorages as indicated and as recom mended by applicable standards, complying with applicable Federal Specifica~ions for nails, staples, screws, bolts, nuts washers and anchoring devices. 2.4.2 Wood Treatment: Where lumber or ply'#ood is indicated as "Trt-Wd" or "Treated", or is specified herein to be treated, the Contractor shall comply with the applicable requirements of the American Wood Preservers Bureau (AWPB). Each treated item shall De marked to comply with the AWPB Quality Mark requirements for the specified requirements. · The Contractor shall pressure-treat above-ground items with water- borne preservatives complying with AWPB LP-2. After treatment, the items shall be ~ln-dry to a maximum moisture content of 15%. Treat indicated items and the following: Wood cants, nailers, blocking, stripping, and similar members in connectionwith roofing, flashing, vaop barriers and waterproofing, and other members in contact with concrete or masonry. Complete fabrication of treated items shall be accomplished prior to treatment, wherever possible. If cut after treatment, the Contractor shall coat cut surfaces ~ith heavy brush coat of same chemical used for treatment. The Contractor shall inspect each piece of lumber or plywood after drying and discard or defective pieces. S-Il I.~ 14OLZ~&~ER. Id~LENOON · MURRELL. PC SUPE?,c .-R UCTIIR E CONT'D 2.4.3 Installation: The Contractor shall dicard units of materials with defects which might impair the quality of the work, and units which are too small to fabricate the work wi~h minimum joints o,r the optimum joint arrangement. The Contractor shall sez carpentry levels and lines, with members plumb and fitted. work accurately to required true and accurately cut and The Contractor shall securely attach carpentry work to substrates by anchoring and fastening as shown and as required by recognized standards. Nail heads shall be countersunk on exposed carpentry work and fill holes. The Contractor shall use common wire nails, except as otherwise indicated. Use finishing nails for finish work. The Contractor shall select fasteners of size that will not penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. The Contractor shall make .-.ight connections between members. Fasteners shall be installed withou-~ splitting of wood; pre-drill as required. The Contractor shall provide wood grounds:, nailers, blocking and sleepers wherever shown and where required for screeding or attachment of other work. The Contractor shall form to shapes as shown and cut as required for true line :{nd level of work to be attached. The Contractor shall a~ach to substrates as required to support applied loading. Bolts and nuts shall be countersunk flush with surfaces, unless otherwise shown. ?Ne Contractor shall build into masonry during installation of masonry work. '#here possible, anchor to formwork before concrete placement. The Contractor shall provide permanent grounds of dressed, preservative treated, key-bevelled lumber not ].ess than 1½" wide and of finish material involved. The Contractor shall remove temporary grounds when no longer required. 2.5 THERMAL INSULATION FOR BUILDINGS 2.5.1 Quality Assurance: The thicknesses shown are for the thermal conductivity (k-value at 75' F)specified for each mateFial. The Contractor shall provide adjusted thicknesses as directed for the use of material having a different thermal conductivity. The Contractor shall comply with the fire-resistance, flammability and insurance ratings indicated and comply with code interpretations by governing authorities. S-12 I,_~_j~ HO~71,La, CHER. M<;LENC)(~q & MURRELL. SUPERS.~RUCTURE CONT'D For roof decks, the Contractor shall provide insulation which is rated "Fire - Acceptable" by UL for conditions of "Roof Deck Construction". 2.5.2 ~aterials: a. Extruded Polystyrene Plastic Board Insulation (PlB-Ins): For perimeter and cavity wall insulation, the Contractor shall provide rigid, closed-cell, expanded polystyrene board complying with FS HH-I-524, Type II, Class B; 30 psi compressive strength; 1.0 permin, maximum vapor transmission; 0.10~ maximum water absorption; manufacturer's standard sizes,, Except as otherwise indicated, the Contractor shall provide manufacturer's standard type extruded with integral high-density skin, with thermal conductivity (k-value at 75' F) of 0.20. The Contractor shall provide "Styrofoam SM", (Dow Chemical); Dylite Board, Sinclair-Koppers; Dyfoam, Zonolite/Grace; or equal. b. Glass Fiber Board Roof insulation (GFB-RI): Glass fibers and water-resistant binders shall be formed into rigid, non-combustible boards with asphalt-saturated top surface and complying with FS HH-I-526; thermal conductivity (k-value at 75' F) of 0.27; capable of rapid transmission of vapor (highly permeable); manufaczure'rs standard sizes. The Contractor sh~ll provide "Roof Insulation" Owens-Corning Fiberglass; Tempcheck, Philip Carey/Celotex; Urethane Roof [nsul; Grefco Inc.; or equal. c. Mineral Fiber Blanket Insulation: Glass or other inorganic fibers and resinous binders formed into flexible blankets or semi-rigid sheets, complying with FS HH-I- 521E-74; Type I; density of not less than 1.5 lbs. per cu. ft.; thermal conductivity (k-value at 75' F) of 0.27; manufacturer's standard sizes. Kraft Faced Blanket: .~sphalt and Kraft paper' vapor barrier laminated to one face, with 1.0 inch flanges on long edges. Products offered by manufacturers to comply with the requirements include the following: (1) Fiber Glass Home Insul.; Johns-Manville. (2) Fiberglass Bldg. [nsul.; O~ens-Corning. Fiberglass Corp. (3) Thermafiber Blanket; U.S. Gypsum. (4) Zonolite Glass Fiber; Zonolite/Grace. d. Miscellaneous materials: S-13 ~ HOLZt~I, CHIE]~- ~ac~ I:NOON & MURRELL. P.C. SUPERe?Ry"TURF. - CONT'D The Contractor shall proviJe adhesive for bonding insulation of the type recommended by the insulation manufacturer, and complying with fire-resistance requirements and insurance requirements. The Contractor shall provide mechanical anchors of the type and size shown or, if not shown, ~s recommended by the insulation manufacturer for the type of application shown, and condition of substrate, and for compliance with insurance requirements. Wherever preformed cant strips of insulation material are shown, the Contractor shall provide 'anits supplied by the manufacturer of the associated roof and dec~ insulation, and formed of the same material. If such units ~re not produced by the roof and deck insulation manufacturer, ~ne Contractor shall provide units formed of asphalt impregnated organic fiber insulation material, unless otherwise shown. The Contractor shall provide !~astic Sealer of the type recommended by insulation manufacture-- for bonding edge joints between units and filling voids in the 2.5.3 Preparation of Substra~e insulation: The Contractor shall comply with manufacturer's instructions for tae particular conditions of znstall~tion in each case. If printed instructions are not available or Jo not apply to the project conditions, consult the manufacturer's ~echnical repre.~e n t ative for specific rec'ommendations before proceeding with the work. The Contractor shall extend insulation full thickness as shown over entire area to be insulated. The Contractor shall cut and fit tightly around obstructions, and fill voids with insulation. Projections which interfere with placement shall '~e removed. The Contractor shall apply a single layer of insulation of the required thickness, unless o~her~ise shown or required to make up the total thickness. Perimeter Insulation: On vertical surfaces units shall be set in adhesive applied in accordance ~ith manufacturer's instructions. The Contractor shall use type adhesive recommended by manufacturer. b. Roof and Deck Insulation: The Contractor shall not insr~ll more insul~tion each day than will be covered by waterproofing by end of same day. SUPERSTRUCTURE - CONT'D The Contractor shall apply a single layer of insulation of the required thickness, unless otherwise shown or required to make up the total thickness. Joints shall be staggered one direction as recommended by the manufacturer. The Contractor shall set units in adhesive, applied in accordance with the requirements of the applicable fire and insurance rating, and applied in accordance with the'recommendations of the manufacturers of both the insulation and ~dhesive. ROOFING Quality Assurance: UL Rating: The Contractor shall provide materials and roofing systems which have been tested, listed and labeled by UL for the following Class or Rating as roofing: b. ~.lanufacturer of BUR Mase~i.{ls: The Contractor shall obtain primary BUR materials from a single manufacturer, who publishes complete information on the required "BUR System", ~Lnd offers to guanrantee or bond the completed roofing installation as required. Secondary materials shall be obs~ined from sources acceptable to the manufacturer of the przm~ry BUR materials. c. Manufacturer's Guarantee, Roofing: The Contractor shall provide standard manufacturer's service or maintenance guarantee with all available options and flashing endorsement, signed by an authorized representative of the manufacturer. The guarantee shall be in effect for five (5) years after the date of final acceptance. 2.6.2 Materials: Aluminum Fascias Aluminum fasicas sa~{ll be extruded of 6063 T-42 aluminum alloy. Fasci~%s shall be made to match existing flat roof buildings. Corner sections shall be fabricated with welded or brazed miters, with welded or brazed joints ground to a smooth finish on exposed s~rfaces. Facias shall be given a Kalcolor medium bronze finish. Before shipment from the f.%ctory all exposed surfaces shall be given two coats of a clear meth&crylate lacquer. All surfaces coming in contact with concrete, masonry or steel work shall be given one M0-9.4 mil thick coat of coal tar pitch paint equal to Porter Coatlng Division of Porter Paint Co. Tarmasitc 103; Koppers Co., Inc. Bitumastic No. 50; or equal. Gravel stops shall be set level and to proper and true planes, with 4" wide concealed cover plates at joints. S-15 I._1~ HOLZMACHER, t~LENOON · IdURRELL. PCm. SUPERS~NUCTURE CONT'D b. Built-Up Roofing Systems: Coal-Tar BUR on Roof Insulation Over Plywood Contractor shall provide manufacturer's standard composition flashing, one of the following: Deck: The roofing and Spec. No. 220wi-4 ply, Koppers Co., Inc.; Celotex, Spec. No. 140-W; or equal. Coal-Tar BUR on Plywood Deck: Roofing shall be equal to Koppers Co., Inc. Spec. No. 210 wi-4 ply; Celotex, Spec. No. 140-W; or equal, coal tar pitch and gravel built up roof. 2.6.3 Preparation of Substrate: The Contractor shall clean the substrate of projections and substances detrimental to the work. The Contractor shall install cant strips and similar accessories as shown, in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Insulation under roofing shall be as specified in Section 2.5. The Contractor shall not advance the installation of roof insulation excessively ahead of roofing. The Contractor shall not install roofing over wet insulation and shall remove and replace with dry insulation before proceeding. The Contractor shall not apply hot bitumen under a condition which causes foaming (due to substrate moisture). Substrate shall be tested at beginning of each day and at each new roof area, by applying steep ashalt at 400' F. 8ubstrate is too wet if ashalt foams, or can be easily stripped after cooling. The Contractor shall prime the substrate as recommended by the roofing materials manufacturer; complying with the manufacturer's recom mendations. The Contractor shall place on the plywood deck one layer of approved rosin-sized sheathing paper weighing approximately 5 pounds per 100 square feet. Sheathing paper shall be lapped 2" and secured to deck by nailing. Two full thicknesses of tarred felt shall be laid over the sheathing paper (lapping each sheet 19") and nailed on 8½" centers (one inch from each edge lap). The Contractor shall coordinate roofing with flashing and other adjoining work to ensure proper sequencing of the entire work. 8-16 ~.j~ ~MACHER. Id~t. ENOON & uURREL[. P C. SUPERSTRUCTURE CONT'D Where roof drains occur, the roofing for a, distance of 18" in all directions from the drain shall be sloped toward same by reducing the thickness of the insulation and by omitting It close to the drain and applying extra moppings of pitch and felt to produce a uniform slope. The Contractor shall flash all work of this and other contracts that may pass through the roof with metal flashings, unless otherwise shown. Substrate shall be prepared to prevent hot; bitumen from dripping into the building or drains, and from saturating insulation, and from damaging vapor barriers. 2.6.4 Installation: The Contractor shall comply with the instructions and recommendations of the roofing materials manufacturer, except to the extent more stringent requirements are specified herein. The Contractor shall not allow fluid and plastic materials to spill or migrate beyond surfaces of intended application. It is required that roofing work be watertight for normal weather exposures, and not deteriorate in excess of normal weathering. The Contractor shall comply with instructions for installation of the primary BUR materials manufacturer, and comply with the requirements for bonding or guaranteeing by the manufacturer, including flashing endorsement. 2.6.6 Protection: The Contractor shall provide protection for roofing during the remainer of the construction period, so that tile work will be without damage or deterioration at t~e time of acceptance. 2.6.7 Repair of Defects: For a period of 2 years after acceptance of the work, the Contractor shall be responsible for the repair of all defects, leaks, or failures occuring in the roofing and flashing and all damage resulting therefrom due to any cause whatsoever, except where these are due to negligence by the Owner or acts of third parties, as determined by the Engineer. 2.7 JOINT SEALERS 2.7.1 Guarantee: The Contractor shall submit two copies of written guarantee agreeing to repair or replace joint sealers which fail to perform as air-tight and watertight joints; or fail in joint adhesion, cohesion, abrasion resistance, weather resistance, extrusion resistance, migration resistance, stain resistance, or general durability; or appear to S-17 ~{~_j~ HOLZMACHER, McL.ENOON · MuIq~ELL. P.C SUPER,qTRUCTURE - CnNT'P deteriorate in any other manner not clearly specified by submitted manufacturer's data as an inherent quality of the material for the exposure indicated. The guarantee shall be signed by the Contractor. Guarantee period shall be two years. 2.7.2 Materials, General: For exposed materials, the Contractor shall provide color as indicated or, if not indicated, as selected by Engineer from manufacturer's standard colors. For concealed materials, the natural color which has the best overall performance characteristics shall be provided. Hardness shall be as recommended by manufacturer for application shown, unless otherwise indicated. The Contractor shall provide the lowest available modulus of elasticity which is consistent with exposure to weathering, identation, vandalism, abrasion, support of loading, and other requirements. Before purchase of each required material, the Contractor shall confirm its compatibility with each other material it will be exposed to in the joint system. Sizes and shapes shall be as shown or. not shown, as-recommended by the manufacturer for the type and condition of joint, and for the indicated joint performance or movement. 2.7.3 · Elastometric Sealants: Exterior Silicon Rubber Sealant, (E-SR-S): Silicon rubber-based, one-part elastometric sealant shall comply with iFS TT-S-O01543, Class A; recommended by manufacturer for exterior joints. The Contractor shall provide non-acid type wherever one or both joint faces are masonry, stone, concrete or other porous materials. The Contractor shall provide acid-type wherever both joint faces are metal, glass plastic or other non-porous material. Interior Silicon Rubber Sealant, (I-SR-S): Silicon rubber-based, one-part elastometric sealant shall comply with FS T T-~-001543, Class A; compounded specifically for mildew resistance and recommended by manufacturer for interior joints in wet areas; acid-type for non-porous joint surfaces, and non-acid type where one or both joint surfaces are porous. Bituminous and Fiber Joint Filler (BF-JF): The Contractor shall provide resilient and non-extruding type premolded bituminous impregnated fiberboard units complying with AST~(: D 1751, FS HH-F- 341, Type I and AASHTO: ,~ 213. S-IS I--[;~./~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRI~LL. P' C SUPERSTRUCTURE - CC~T'D Closed-Cell Neoprene Joint Filler (CN-JF): The Contractor shall provide expanded neoprene complying with AST.~[: D 1056, Class SC (oil- resistant and medium swell), of 2 to 5 psi compression deflection (Grade SCE 41); except where filler is applied under sealant exposed to traffic, 13 to 17 psi compression deflection (Grade SC:E 44) shall be used. 2.7.4 Miscellaneous .~aterials: Joint Primer/Sealer: The Contractor shall provide the type of joint primer/sealer recom mended by the sealant manufacturer for the joint surfaces to be primed or sealed. be Bond Breaker Tape (BB-Tp): Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape as recommended by the sealant manufacturer shall be applied to sealant-contact surfaces where bond to the substrate or joint filler must be avoided for proper performance of sealant. The Contractor shall provide self-adhesive tape wherever applicable. Sealant Backer Rod (S-BR): The Contractor shall provide compressible rod stock of polyethylene foam polyethylene jacketed polyurethane foam, butyl rubber foam, neoprene foam or other flexible, permanent, durable non-absorptive material as recommended for compatibility with sealant by the sealan% manufacturer. 2.7.5 Manufacturer's Instructions: The Contractor shall provide comply with manufacturer's printed ins{ructions except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified, and except where manufacturer's technical representative directs otherwise. 2.7.6 Joint Preparation: Joint surfaces shall be cleaned immedi%tely before installation of sealant or caulking compound. The Contractor shall remove dirt, insecure coatings, moisture and other substances which would interfere with bond of sealant or caulking compound. Concrete and masonry joint surfaces shall be etched as recommended by sealant manufacturer. The Contractor shall roughen viterousor glazed joint surfaces as recommended by sealant manufacturer. The Contractor shall prime or seal the joint surfaces wherever shown or recommended by the sealant manufacturer. The Contractor shall not allow primer/sealer to spill or migrate onto adjioning surfaces. 2.7.7 Installation: The Contractor shall set Joint filler at proper depth or position in the joint to coordinate with other work, including the installation of bond brakers, backer rods and sealants. Voids or gaps shall not be left between the ends of oint filler units. S-19 {../~C~ER. M~LENOON · MURREt.~ P~C. SUPFRST~{'CTURE CONT'D 2.7.8 The Contractor shall install sealant backer rod for liquid elastomeric sealants, except where shown to be omitted or re~-ommended to be omitted by sealant manufacturer for the application shown. The Contractor shall install bond breaker tape wherever shown and wherever required by manufacturer's recommendations to insure that elastometric sealants will perform properly. The Contractor shall employ only proven installation techniques, which will ensure that sealants will be deposited in uniform, continuous ribbons without gaps or air pockets, with complete "wetting" of the joint bond surfaces equally on opposite sides. Except as otherwise indicated, sealant rabbet shall be filled to a slightly concave surface, slightly below adjoining surfaces. Where horizontal joints are between a horizontal surface and vertical surface, joints shall be filled to form a slight cove, so that joint will not trap moisture and dirt. The Contractor shall install sealants to depths as shown or, if not shown, as recpmmended by the sealant manufacturer but within the following general limitations, measured at the center (thin) section of the bead: For sidewalks, pavements and similar joints sealed with elastomeric sealants and subject to traffic and other abrasion and indentation exposures, the Contractor shall fill joints to a depth equal to 75% of joint width, but neither more than 5/8" deep nor less than 3/8" deep. For normal moving joints sealed with elastomeric sealants but not subject to traffic, the Contractor shall fill to a depth equal to 50% of joint width, but neither more than ½" deep nor less than ~' deep. For joints with non-elastomeric sealants or compounds to overflow or spill onto adjoining surfaces, or to a migrate into the voids of adjoining surfaces. Adjoining surfaces shall, be cleaned by whatever means may be necessary to eliminate evidence of spillage. Cure and Protection: The Contractor shall cure sealants and caulking compounds in compliance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations, to obtain high early bond strength, internal cohesive strength and surface durability. The manufacturer shall advise the Contractor of procedures required for the cure and protection of joint sealers during the construction period, so that they will be without deterioration or damage (other than normal wear and weathering) at the time of acceptance. $-20 ~__j~ t.tOLZ~AGH£R, ~LENDO~ & WURRELL P C SUPERSTRI'C'TURE - CO';T'D 2.8 GLASS AND GLAZING 2.8.1 Glass: Fused-glass edged insulating glass (FG E-lnG) shall be manufacturer's standard units of 2 sheets of "B" quality, clear sheet glass (FS DD-G-4§I. Type II, Class 1. Quality g6) fused-glass weld, to provide a dehydrated air space 3/16" thick with minus 60' F. dew point and fabricated to the sizes and shapes indicated. Units shall be fabricated from singe-strength sheet glass, unless double-strength is indicated or required by manufacturer for fabrication of sizes indicated. 2.8.2 Cast Acrylic Glazing Plastic (CAGP): Cast sheets of the thickness indicated (not: extruded or continous cast), of acrylic plastic, of color xnd light transraittance indicated, with impact resistance to withstand A 18 foot drop of a ½ lb. steel ball on a 12" x 12" x }" edge-supported sheet, modulus of elasticity of approximately 450,000 psi, flexural strength of 16,000 psi, 180' F. allowable continuous service temperature. Thickness: Provide 1/8" thick sheets, except: asother'#ise indicated. b. Color: Clear transparent sheets 92% transmittance for i/8" sheet. c. Products offered by manufacturers to comply with the requirements include the following: (1) Polyglass/Evr-Kleer; Aero-Shield Plas~ics Corp. (9.) Plexiglas; Rohm and Hass Co. ';-.8.3 Glazing Sealants/Compounds: The Contractor shall provide black exposed glazing materials, unless another color is indicated, or unless another color' is selected by Engineer from manufacturer's standard colors. The Contractor shall provide hardness of materials as recommended by the manufacturer for the required application and condition of installation in each case. Only compounds which are known (proven) to be fully compatible with surfaces contacted shall be provided. Acrylic-latex glazing sealanE (AcL-GS) shall be modified latex rubber and acrylic emulsion-polymer, compounded specifically as a glazing sealant with permanent flexibility (uon-hardening), non-staining and non-bleeding. Preformed butyl rubber glazing sealant (PBur-GS) shall be tape or ribbon (coiled on release paper) or polymerized butyl, or mixture of butyl and polyisobutylene, compounded with inert filler and pigments, solvent-based with minimum of ~'~ solids, with thread or fabric reinforcement, tack-free within 24 hours, paintable, non-staining. ~/~ HOL~ER. MCLENOON · &ILIRRI:LL- P C. SUPE~RTOUCTURF CONT'D T~e Contractor shall provide combination tape and encased continuous rubber shim, of approximately 50 durometer hardness. 2.8.4 Glazing Gaskets: ~{iscellaneous glazing gaskets in assembled units (such as door glazing), as well as for drive-in wedges for compression glazing shall be polyvinyl chloride glazing gaskets (PVC-GG), extruded, flexible PVC gaskets of the profile and hardness shown, or as required for watertight construction, and shall comply with ASTM: D 2287. Vinyl foam glazing tape (V F-G T) shall be closed cell, flexible, self- adhesive, non-extruding, polyvinyl chloride foam tape; recommended by manufacturer for exterior, exposed, watertight installation of glass, with only nominal pressure in the glazing channel, and shall comply with AST~: D 1667. 2.8.5 ~iscellaneous Glazing ~{~terials; Setting blocks shall be neoprene, 70 to 90 durometer hardness, with proven compatibility with sealants used. Spacers shall be neoprene, 40 to 50 durometer hardness, ~'ith proven compatibility with sealants used. Compressible filler rod (Cp-FR) shall be closed-cell or ~'aterproof- jacketed rod stock of synthetic rubber or plastic foam, proven to be compatiOle with sealants used, flexible and resilient, with 5 to 10 psi compression strength for 251 deflection. Cleaners, primer and sealers shall be the type recommended by sealant or gasket manufacturer. 2.8.6 Standards and Performance: Watertight and airtight installation of each piece of glass is required, except as otherwise shown. Each installation must withstand normal temperature changes, ~ind loading, impact loading (for operating sash and doors) without failure of any kind including loss or breakage of glass, failure of sealants or gaskets to remain watertight and airtight, deterioration of glazing materials and other defects in the work. The Contractor shall protect glass from edge damage at all times during handling, installation and operation of the building. Glazing channel dimensions as shown are intended to provide for necessary minimum bite on the glass, minimum edge clearance and adequate sealant thicknesses, with reasonable tolerances. The Contractor is responsible for correct glass size for each opening within the tolerances and necessary dimensions established. S-22 i-~,~ HOL.ZMAC~ER. M<;LENDON & MURRI~LL. P C SUPERSTRUCTURE CONT'D The Contractor shall comply with corn bined recom mendations of glass manufacturer and manufacturer of sealants and other materials used in glazing, except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified and except where manufacturer's technical representatives direct otherwise. The Contractor shall inspect each piece of glass immediately before installation, and eliminate any which have observable edge damage or face imperfections. The Contractor shall install sealants as recom mended by the sealant manufacturer. 2.8.7 Preparation For Glazing: The Contractor shall clean the glazing channel, or other framing members to recieve glass, immediately before, glazing. Coatings which are not firmly bonded to the substrate, and lacquer from metal surfaces wherever elast0meric sealants are used shall be removed. b. The Contractor shall apply primer or sealer to joint surfaces wherever recommended by sealant m~-nufacturer. 2.5.$ Glazing: Fhe Contractor shallins{all setting blocks of proper size at quarter points of sill rabbet. Blocks shall be set in thin course of the heel- bead compound, if any. The Contractor shall provide spacers inside and out, and of proper size and spacing, for all glass sizes larger thar~ 50 united inches. The Contractor shall provide 1/8" minimum bite of spacers on glass and use thickness equal to sealant width, except with sealant tape use thickness slightly less than final compressed thickness of tape. Exudation of sealant or compound shall be prevented by forming voids or installing filler rods in the channel at the heel jambs and head (do not leave voids in the sill channels) except as otherwise indicated, depending on light size, thickness and type of glass, and complying with manufacturer's recommendations. The Contractor shall not attempt to cut, seam, nip or abrade glass which is tempered. The Contractor shall force sealants into channels to eliminate voids and to ensure complete "wetting" or bond of sealant to glass and channel surfaces. The Contractor shall tool exposed surfaces of glazing liquids and compounds to provide a substantial "w~sh" away from the glass. Pressurized tapes and gaskets shall be installed to protrude slightly out of the channel, so as to eliminate dirt ;tnd moisture )ockets S-23 SUPERSTRUCTI'RF CO'~T'D The Contractor shall clean and trim excess glazing materials from the glass and stops or frames promptly after installation, and eliminate stains and discolorations. 2.8.9 Cure, Protection and Cleaning: The Contractor shall cure glazing sealants and compounds in compliance with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations, to obtain high early bond strength, internal cohesive strength and surface durability. The Contractor shall protect exterior glass from breakage immediately upon installation. The Contractor shall remove and replace glass which is broken, chipped, cracked, abraded or damaged in other ways during the construction period, including natural causes, accidents and vandalism. The Contractor shall maintain glass in a reasonably clean condition during construction, so that it will not be damage by corrosive action and will not contribute (by wash-off) to the deteriorxtion of glazing materials and other work. The Contractor shall wash and polish glass on both faces not more than 4 days prior to acceptance of the work, complying with the glass manufacturer's recommendations. 2.9 ALUMINUM V/INOO ~S The standards shall be ANSI: A134.1, the Contractor shall comply with applicable requirements except as otherwise indicated. The Contractor shall submit manufacturer's data, including half- size details of each typical section, showing glazing detail; specific information and operating parts, hardware, weatherstripping and finishes for aluminum; and elevations, details and anchorages. Aluminum window units sh~{i1 be z~s manufactured by: (1) Alenco Div., Redman; (2) Armcor Industries, Inc.; (3) Bell-View, Inc.; (4) Capital Products Corp.; (5) Elco Corp.; (6) Hope's Windows Div., Roblin; (7) ~awneer Co., Inc.; (8) Trio Industries, [nc.; (9) United States Metals & Mfg. Co.; (10) Winco Ventilator Co.; or equal. Drawings indicate locations of sash of following types: S-24 I-.~ HOLZMACHER, M<:LENDO~d & MURRI[LL P C SUPER~TRUCTURF CONT'D 2.10 2.10.l (1) Fixed units (2) Double Hung Units (3) Slide Units Except as otherwise indicated, the Contractor shall provide window units of the following classification: (1) Commerical A2.5 (Where shown) (2) Monumental A3. (Where shown) The Contractor shall provide manufacturer's standard hardware of type (operational function) indicated, for required type and classification of window units. The Contractor shall provide manufacturer's standard weatherstripping at each edge of each operable sash (vent). The Contractor shall fabricate units to comply with requirements and performances as indicated: (1) Design wind velocity at pro3ect is lO0 mph. (2) Comply with "High Performance" requirements of ANSi: A134.1. (3) Provide improved construction tolerances and weatherstripping to limit air infiltration to 0.10 cu. ft. per minute per foot of crack at edge of operable sash; tested by AST M: E 283, for 20% of pressure resulting from design wind loading. Mullions shall be extruded or rolled-formed aluminum, of welded fabrication where possible. Aluminum finish (new buildings) shall be heavy integral color anodized, NAAMM AA-C22A42 or AA-C22A44, standard industry color, Medium Bronze, selected by the Engineer. ALUMINUM DOORS AND FRAMES Quality Assurance: The Contractor shall comply with the requirements and recommendations in applicable specifications and standards by NAAMM, AA.MA and AA, including the terminology definitions, and specifically including the "Entrance Manual" by N AAMM, except to the extent more stringent requirements are indicated. The manufacturer for aluminum doors and frames shall be: (l) Cline Aluminum Doors, Inc.; (2) Cupples Products Div.; S-25 SUPERSTRUCTURE - CONT'D (3) Endure-A-Lifetime Products, Inc.; (4) Gem Aluminum Products, Inc.;Kawneer Co., Inc. (5) PPG; (6) Miller Industries, Inc.; (7) United States Metal ~ Mfg. Corp.; or equal. In addition to other requirements as indicated herein, the Contractor shall fabricate materials and components of door' units to withstand the anticipated traffic for the life of the building (40 years), with normal maintenance. The Contractor shall fabricate exterior door and frame units to withstand the wind pressure loading shown or, if not shown, 30 psf on the gross area of the frame, doors, panels and glass, acting inward and acting outward. The Contractor shall fabricate exterior door and frame units, including weatherstripping and thresholds to prevent the uncontrolled penetration of air and water under normal severe weather conditions: be Uncontrolled penetration of water is defined as the interior accumulation in any one hour of more than 0.01 gallon of water per linear foot of operable door perimeter, during heavy rain (1 gal/sf/hr) with wind velocity of 25 mph. Uncontrolled penetration of air is defined as the infiltration of air at a rate in excess of 0.05 cu. ft. per minute per linear foot of operable door perimeter, during direct exposure to a wind wind velocity of 25 mph. The Contractor shall submit two copies of written guarantee signed by the manufacturer and Contractor, agreeing to replace aluminum doors and frames which will fail in materials or workmanship within three years of the date of acceptance. Failure of materials or workmanship shall include (but not be limited to) failures in ,operation of doors and hardware, excessive leakage or air infiltration, excessive deflections, delamination of panels, deterioration of finish or metal in excess of normal weathering, and defects in accessories, weatherstripping, and other components of the work. 2.10.2 ~,laterials and Accessories: The Contractor shall provide and temper aluminum extrusions as recomended by manufacturer for strength, corrosion resistance, application of required finish and control of color, but less than 22,000 psi ultimate tensile strength. The Contractor shall provide main extrusions of not less than 0.125" wall thickness, except as otherwise indicated. The Contractor shall provide extruded glazing stops and other applied trim extrusions with minimum wall thickness of 0.62". $-26 RUPE R,~T RI. TCTI'R E The Contractor shall provide alloy and temper aluminum sheets as recommended by the manufacturer for strength, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, application of required finish and control of color. For exposed sheets of flush doors and flush panels, the Contractor shall provide sheets of not less than 0.081" thickness, except as otherwise indicated. The Contractor shall provide vertically ribbed sheet, of manufacturer's standard pattern, for exposed faces of flush doors and panels, except as otherwise indicated. Fasteners shall be aluminum . non-magnetic stainless steel or other non-corrosive metal fasteners guaranteed by 1;he manufacturer to be compatible with the doors, frames, stops, panels, hardware, anchors and other items being fastened. For exposed fasteners (if any), the Contractor shall provide Phillips flat-head screws with finish matching the item fastened. The Contractor shall not use exposed fasteners except where unavoidable for the assembly of units, and unavoidable for the app~cation of hardware. The Concr~ctor shall provide only concealed screws in glazing stops, acessible only from the inside face of the door. Steel reinforcement and brackets sh~%ll be manufacturer's standard formed or fabricated steel units, of shapes, plates or bars; with 2.0 oz. hot-dip zinc coating complying with ASTSI: A 123 applied after fabrication. For required anchorage into concrete ,or masonry work, the Contractor shall furnish inserts of cast iron, malleable iron or 12 gauge steel hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. Expansion anchor devices shall be drill and Expansion anchors as specified in Section 2.2, ARCHITECTURAL :{ETALS. Protective lacquer shall be yellowing lacquer, compounded coatings during construction. manufacturer's standard, clear, non- specifically for protection of anodic The Contractor shall provide manufacturer's standard replaceable compressive weatherstripping of either molded neoprene gaskets complying with AST.~: Dg. 000, Designation 2BC415 to 3BCCBO, or molded PVC gaskets complying with AST~{: D2287. Compression gaskets shall include gaskets in bottom rails of doors (sill gaskets) and bumper-type gaskets at doors stops and laps. The Contractor shall provide manufacturer's standard replaceable sliding weatherstripping of wool, polypropylene or nylon woven pile, with nylon fabric and aluminum strip backing, complying with AA~{A 701.1. Sliding weatherstripping includes stripping wherever there is no stop or lap to receive compression weatherstripping (wiping action as well as sliding action). S-27 SUPERSTRUCT['~£ T he Contractor shall provide sealants and gaskets in the fabrication, assembly and installation of the work, which are recommended and guaranteed by the manufacturer to remain permanently elastic, non- shrinking, non-migrating and weatherproof for the life of the bui~lding. For glazing factory installed glass and panels, and for gaskets which are factory installed in a "captive" assembly of glazing stops, the Contractor shall provide manufacturer's standard stripping of molded neoprene complying with ASTM: D2000, Designation 2BC415 to 3BC620, or molded PVC complying with AST~{: D2287, or molded closed-cell neoprene complying with AST.~: C509, Grade 4. Gaskets and sealants required for the installation of glass and "glazed" panels at the project site are specified in SECTION 2.8, GLASS AND GLAZING. 2.10.3 Hardware: Except as indicated otherwise herein, hardware is specified in SECT[ON 2.12 HARDWARE, and in the frame, door and hardware schedules and details. The Contractor shall cut, reinforce, drill and t~p frames and doors as required to receive hardware, except for surface-mounted items shall not be drilled and tapped unitl the time of installation. The Contractor shall comply with hardware manufacturer's instructions and template requirements. Concealed fasteners shall be used wherever possible. The Contractor shall install all hardware, except surface-mounted hardware, at the fabrication plant. Hardware shall be removed only as required for final finishing operations, and for delivery and installation of the work at the site. 2.10.4 Fabrication: The required sizes for doors and frame units, and the profile requirements are shown. Variable dimensions (if .%ny) are indicated along with maximum and minimum dimensions ~s required to achieve design requirements and coordination with other work. The details shown are based upon standard details by one or more manufacturers. It is intended that similar details by other manufacturer will be acceptable, provided they comply with the size requirements, and with minimum/maximum profile requirements as shown. The Contractor shall check the actual frame or door openings in the construction work by accurate field measurement before fabrication, and show recorded measurements on final shop dra~ings. S-28 i_~./~ HOLZMACHI:R, McLENOON & MU~I~U.,. P C. SUPER~TRUCTURF - Except as otherwise indicated, the Contractor shall provide each continuous unit of framework, doors, side lights, transom panels, hardware, and all accessory items, as a "pack&ged entrance" unit. The Contractor shall complete the fabrication, assembly, finishing, application of hardware and all other work, before shipment to the project site, to the greatest extent possible. The unit shall be disassembled only to the extent necessary for shipment and installation. The Contractor shall preglaze door and frame units ty the greatest extent possible, in coordination with installation and hardware application requirements. The Contractor shall complete the cutting, forming, drilling and grinding of all metal work prior to cleaning, finishing, treatment and application of coatings. The Contractor shall remove arrises from cut edges and ease edges and corners to a radius of approximately 1/$4". The Contractor shall weld by methods recommended by the manufacturer and AWS to avoid discoloration at welds. Exposed welds shall be ground smooth and restore mechanical finish. The Contractor shall conceal fasteners, wherever possible, except as otherwise shown. The Contractor shall m~in[.ain continuity' of Line and accurate relation of planes and anlges. The Contractor shall provide secure attachments and support at mechanical joints, with hairline fit of contacting members. The Contractor shall reinforce the work as necessary for performance requirements, and for support to the structure. Dissimilar metals shall be separated with bituminous paint or preformed separators which will prevent corrosion. Metal surfaces at moving joints shall be separated with non-metallic separators to prevent "freeze-up" of joints. Where exterior doors stiles or head rails do not closes against fixed stops equipped with compression weatherstripping, the Contractor shall provide sliding weatherstripping, retained in an adjustable strip in a mortise cenetered in the edge of the door. The Contractor weatherstripping in threshold. shall provide heavy-duty, hollow, compression the bottom-rail, adjustablLe for contact with the Except as otherwise shown or scheduled, the Contractor shall provide door units 1]" thick and of the indicated style, as described in the NAAMM "Entrance ~anual". Doors shall be fabricated to facilitate replacement of glass or panels (from inside only) without disassembly of door stiles and rails. Provide snap-on extruded aluminum glazing stops, with exterior stops anchored for non-removal. S-29 HOLZMACHE~. I~LEN[X~N & MURR~ELL* P C CONT'D For flush type aluminum doors, the Contractor shall provide tubular frame members, fabricated with reinforced mechanical or welded Joints in accordance with manufacturer's standard fabric&tion methods. gxposurure of frame shall be limited to the following: There shall be edge exposure only and no exposure of frames will be permitted. The Contractor shall provide glazed openings:in doors as shown, with manufacturer's standard aluminum moldings and stops, with removable glazing stops on inside only. Glazing gaskets shall be provided. The Contractor shall fabricate flush doors with cores laiminated between two sheets of aluminum with waterproof glue to form a door thickness of 1]", except as otherwise shown. The Contractor shall provide cores of one of the following constructions unless otherwise specified: (i) Resin-impregnated Kraft paper honeycomb, laminated with waterproof glue between two sheets of 1/8" thick tempered hardboard. (2) Rigid, closed-cell polyurethane insulation board. (3) Rigid, molded, expanded polystyrene insulmtion board. · (4) Rigid, non-combustible mineral insulation board. For aluminum door frames, the Contractor shall fabricate tubular and channel frames assemblies, as shown, with either welded or mechanical joints in accordance with manufacturer's standards, with concealed fasteners wherever possible. The Contractor shall provide non-removable door stops for single- acting doors (except pivoted doors), applied with fasteners which are concealed when door is closed. The Contractor shall provide compression weatherstripping on the door-contact face of door stop for exterior door frames, and on other frames where indicated. Where weatherstripping is not provided, the Contractor shall install silencers on door stops to prevent metal-to metal contact between doors and stops. The Contractor shall provide glazing system for frames to receive lights or panels. Design system for replacement of glass, but for non- removal of glass or panels from the exterior. S-30 ,~OI. ZMACHER, M~ I=NOON · MURRELL P C SUPERSTRUCTURE - CONT'D The Contractor shall provide manufacturer's standard "flush glazing" system of recessed channels and captive glazing gaskets. The Contractor shall fabricate frames assemblies for exterior walls with flashing and weeps to drain penetrating moisture to exterior. Provide anchorage and alignment brackets for concealed support of assembly from the building structure. Allow for thermal expansion of exterior units. 2.10.5 Aluminum Finishes: After fabrication of doors and frames, but before lamination of panels, the aluminum surfaces shall be prepared for finishing in accordance with the aluminum producer's recommendations and standards of the finisher or processor. All components of each assembly shall be process simultaneously to attain complete uniformity of color. The Contractor shall match the Engineer's samples for color and texture requirements, except for finishes which are indicated to comply with industry standard colors and texture samples. The Contractor shall establish samples of the required finish, for Engineer's acceptance, prior to fabrication of the work. The Engineer reserves the right to reject material finishes with objectionable variations from the established sa m ples. The Contractor shall prepare project samples on extrusions and sheets of the exact alloys to be used for the work, and show range of natural variations to be expected in finished work, by duplicate samples of,varying color and texture. Colored anodized .~.l 21C22 A42, (minimum finish as follows: finish for new buildings shall be NAAMM AA- thickness of 0.7 mils), integral color anodized The Contractor shall provide standard aluminum industry color medium bronze. The Contractor shall provide protective lacquer coating of not less than 0.5 mils drl film thickness over anodized finishes, applied promptly after immersion of anodized units in boiling-water bath to seal anodization (and after surfaces are dry). Ce The Contractor shall provide the following natural anodized finish for all aluminum doors in existing buildings and additions where required to match existing work, unless othe]Twise specified, NAA,%{M AA-M2ICg~2A41 (minimum thickness of 0.7 ,nils), natural aluminum color. The Contractor shall provide a full strength I<ynar 500; DeSoto Inc.; or equal finish for all exterior aluminum doors. Color shall be as selected by the Engineer. S-31 I-,~_~ HOL.ZMACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL P (3 StlPER$?RI:CTURE CONT'D 2.10.8 Installation: The Contractor shall comply with manufacturer's specifications and recommendations for the installation of aluminum doors and frames. The Contractor shall set units plumb, level and true to line, without warp or rack of frames, doors or panels, anchored securely in place. Aluminum and other corrodible metal surfaces ..;hall be separated from sources of corrosion or electrolytic action at points of contact with other materials. The surfaces of contact shall be thoroughly insulated with one coat of coal-tar pitch paint equal to Porter Coating Division of Porter Paint Co., Tarmastic 103; Koppers Co., Inc., Bitumastic No. SO; or equal. The Contractor shall set sill members and other members in a bed of compound as shown, or with joint fillers or gaskets as shown to provide aeathertight construction. Corn pounds, fillers and gaskets to be installed during installation of doors and frames are specified in SECT[ON 2.7 .JOINT SEALERS. Compounds, joint fillers and g~skets (if any) to be installed after installation of frame assemblies are specified in SECTION 2.7 JOINT SEALERS. installation of glass and other panels shown to be "Glazed" into doors and frames, and not preglazed by manufacturer are specified in SECTION 2.8, GLASS AND GLAZING. The Contractor shall clean aluminum surfaces promptly after installation of frames ~nd doors, exercising care to avoid damage of the protective coating (if any). Excess glazing and sealant compounds, dirt and other substances shall be removed. Where protective coating has been damaged, the remove coating completely as soon as the completion activities no longer requires its retention. Contractor shall of construction 2.11 ROLLING DOORS ';.. 11.1 Quality Assurance: The Contractor shall provide each rollins door ~s a complete unit produced by one manufacturer, including hardware, accessories, mounting and installation components. The Contractor shall furnish and install inserts and anchoring devices which must be set in concrete or built into masonry for the installation of tae units. The Contractor shall provide setting drawings, templates, instructions and directions for installation of anchorage devices. Coordinate delivery ~ith other ~ork to avoid delay. The Contractor shall design and reinforce rolling doors to withstand ~ind loading pressure of 30 psf. S-32 HO[..ZMACHER, MCLENOON & MURR~LL P C ,q[~pE R.qT p U('T I~ R E - 2.11.2 Door Curtain ~iaterials and Construction: The Contractor shall fabricate rolling door curtain of interlocking slats designed to withstand the specified wind loading, of continuous length for the width of the door without splices. Unless otherwise shown or specified, the Contractor shall provide slats of the material gauge recommended by the door manufacturer for the size and type of door required, and as follows: Aluminum Door Curtain Slats: be flat slot profile furnished otherwise shown or specified. Aluminum door curtain slats Shall with standard mill finish, unless be Endlocks: Endlocks shall be heavy aluminum castings, secured to curtain slats with two stainless steel rivets. The Contractor shall provide locks on alternate curtain slats for curtain alignment and resistance against lateral movement. Windlocks: Windlocks shall be heavy alumLnum castins secured to curtain slats with stainless steel riw~ts. Unless otherwise recommended by door manufacturerd, the Contractor shall provide windlocks on doors exceeding 1~ ft. wide· Space windlocks approximately 24" D.C. on both edges of curtain. Bottom bar shall consist of 2 aluminum angles, each not less than 1 ~," by 1½" by 1/8" thick. The Contractor shall provide a replaceable gasket of flexible vinyl or .neoprene between angles as · weather seal and cushion bumper. The Contractor shall fabricate curtain jamb guide of aluminum shapes with sufficient depth and strength to retain the curtain against specified wind loading. The Contractor shall build-up units with minimum 3/8" thick sections, and slot bolt holes for track adjustment. T,~e Contractor shall secure continuous wall angle to wall framing by minimum 3/8" stainless steel bolts at not mo]re than 30" o.c., unless otherwise recommended by door manufacturer. %¥all angles shall extend above door opening head to support coil brackets, unless otherwise shown. Anchor bolts shall be placed on exterior wall guides so that they are concealed when door is in closed position. The Contractor sh&ll provide removable stops on guides to prevent over-travel of curtain, and a continuous bar for holding windlocks, if any. The Contractor shall provide natural rubber or neoprene rubber weatherstripping for exterior exposed doors, ,except where otherwise noted. The Contractor shall secure weather seals with continuous sheet shall be used secured to the inside of the curtain coil hood. At door jambs, a 1/8" thick continuous strip secured to the exterior side of the jamb guide shall be used. ~ HOLZMACHER. k4~LENDON & ~4URRELL. P.C ,RUPERSTRUCTUNE - C¢)NI"D 2.11.3 Counterbalancing ~{echanism: The Contractor shall counterbalance doors by means of an adjustable steel helical torsion spring, mounted around a steel shaft and mounted in a spring barrel and connected to the door curtain with the required barrel rings. Grease-sealed ball bearings or self-lubricating graphite bearings for all rotating members shall be used. The Contractor shall fabricated spring barrel of hot-formed structural quality carbon steel, welded or seamless pipe, of sufficient diameter and wall thickness to support the roll-up of curtain without distortion of slats and limits barrel deflection to not more than 0.03" per foot of span under full load. The Contractor shall provide spring balance of one or more oil- tampered, heat-treated steel ilelical torsion springs. Springs shall be sized to counterbalance the weight of the curtain, with uniform adjustment accessible from outside barrel. The Contractor shall provide cast steel barrel plugs to secure ends of springs to the barrel and the shaft. The Contractor shall fabricate torszon rod for counterbalance shaft of case-hardened steel, of required size to hold the fixed spring ends and carry the torsional load. The Contractor shall provide mounting brackets of manufacturer's standard design, of cast iron with bell-mouth guide groove for curtain. The hood shall be formed to entirely enclose coiled curtain and operating mechanism at opening [lead, and act as a weather seal. The hood shall be contoured to suit end brackets to which hood is attached. The top and bottom edges shall be rolled and reinforced for stiffness. The Contractor shall provide closed ends for surface-mounted hoods, and any portion of between-jamb ,nounti~lg projecting beyond wall face. The Contractor shall provide intermediate support 10rackets as required to prevent sag. Ail materials sRall be fabricated from aluminum. The Contractor shall fabricate aluminum hoods for aluminum doors of Alloy 3003 aluminum sheet not less than 0.032" thick, mill finish. The Contractor shall fabricate aluminum hood fascia panel from 0.081" thick sheet material to size and shape as shown or required. The Contractor shall complete the cutting, fitting, forming, drilling and grinding of all metal work prior to cleaning, finishing, and application of coatings. The Contractor shall weld by methods recommended by the manufacturer and the AWS to avoid d~scoloration at welds. Exposed welds shall be ground smooth and mechanical finishes restored. The Contractor shall conceal fastenings wherever possible and finish all exposed aluminum fasteners to match aluminum fascia. The Contractor shall use Phillips flat-head screws where exposed. The Contractor shall reinforce the work as necessary for performance requirements, alignment and support. The Contractor shall provide hairline fit for cont:*cting members ~[~_./~ ~ 7MACHIFR. McLENOON & MURRIFLL, P C SUPF, R.~TR UCTU ~ F CONT'D and dissimilar metals shall be separated with bituminous paint or preformed separators which will prevent corrosion. 2.1 1.4 Painting: The Contractor shall shop clean and prepare all exterior metal surfaces, in accordance with paint manufacturer's standards. All exposed exterior surfaces shall be finished with a full strength Kynar 500; DeSoto Inc.; or equal fluorocarbon coating system consisting of a prime coat and finish coat, each baked on separately in accordance with manufacturer's standards. Color shall be medium bronze. The Contractor shall supply standard 20 year guarantee against failure of the Kynar 500; DeSoto Inc.; or equal finish. 2.11.5 Installation: The Contractor shall install door and operating equipment complete with necessary hardware, in accordance with final shop drawings, manufacturer's instructions, and as specified herein. Upon completion of installation, the Contractor shall test and adjust doors to operate easily, free from warp, twist or distortion. 2.12 HARDWARE 2.12.1 Description of Work: The work under this Section includes the complete furnishing and delivery of all hardware necessary for all doors, also all hardware as specified herein and as enumerated in the "Set Numbers" and as indicated and required by actual conditions at the BuildJ.~g. The hardware shall include the furnishing of all necessary screws, special screws, bolts, special bolts, expansion shields and ali other devices necessary for the proper application of the hardware. 2.12.2 Related Work Specified In Other Sections of The Contract: Work specified in other Sections of the Specifications includes but is not limited to the following: The installation of all hardware furnished under this Section of the Specifications, is called for and described under various other Sections of the Specifications. S-35 I.-~j~ HOL.ZMACHER. M<:LENDON & MUI~RELL. P C .~UPERSTRUCTUI~F - CONT'D 2.12.3 General Requirements: The c&t~logue numbers for the various items of hardware are given as a means of describing the requirements as to type, quality, weight, mechanical construction and operation to which such hardware shall conform. All locks, including latches, exist devices and door closers shall be the product of one manufacturer. All hardware shall be uniform in color and free from any imperfections affecting serviceability or marring its appearance. The hardware shall be the proper kind for its required use and shall fit its intended location perfectly. Should any hardware as specified fail to meet the intended requirements or require any modification to suit the intended location this matter or any other necessary advance information, shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer for correction or advice in ample time to avoid delaying in the manufacture and delivery of the hardware. Hardware shall be carefully packed and assorted and accurately labeled as to location. The hardware supplier shall guarantee all finishing hardware furnished under this Section to be and remain free from defects of any Kind as to material and workmanship in every respect, for a period of one year from date of acceptance thereof and he shall repair and replace · ny and all defective work at any time or times during that period to the' complete satisfaction of the Owner. 2.12.4 Materials and Finish: a. Exterior Door Butts: Bronze - satin chrome plated b. Interior Door Butts: Bronze of steel as specified - satin chrome plated Door Closers - cast iron; Closer Arms - forged steel; Closer Covers Plastic (in treatment areas); Closer Bodies and Arms to be zinc plated- US2G d. Kick mop plates - Plastic; e. Overhead Holders & Door Stops: plated; Extruded bronze - satin chrome f. All other exposed finish hardware; US26D as specified. ge All exposed screws, bolts, nuts and washers required for the application or adjustment of hardware shall be of the same materials and finish to match items which they secure. S-36 SUPERMTRUCTURE - CONT'D 2.12.5 Butt Hinges: All but binges, unless otherwise scheduled shall be full mortise template, ball bearing type, nonrising, loose pins. Exterior hinges shall have nonremovable pins by use of & set screw in barrel, identified as NRP. Interior hinges shall be bronze, satin chrome plated FBB191 or FBB179 as specified. Exterior hinges shall be completely nonferrous with ball bearing, raceways, jackets and pins formed of stainless steel equal to FBB191, FBBI08, and FBB98. 2.12.6 Locks and Latches: All locks and latches shall have standardized cutouts so that locks may be interchanged without further mortising. All locks and latches shall be Russwin; St:Llemaker Line; design; or equal. Locks in treatment area shall, be furnished nonferrous parts as indicated by prefix "SS". Belmont with all Strikes for all locks and latches shall have only the minimum lip projection as reqRired to protect the trim. The corners of exposed lips shall be rounded and smooth to the touch. 2.12.7 ·Ooor Closers: Ail door closers shall have cast iron cases with nonferrous covers minimum 0.0§0". Arms shall be of forged steel. Closer bodies and arms shall be zinc plated (US2G) as specified. All exterior doors shall have adjustable spring to increase spring power 50% plus reversible foot to boost latching power. The Contractor shall supply parallel arms or corner brackets, as required, to suit details. Where wall conditions permit, all door closers shall swing 180 degrees. Closers shall be available in sizes two through six. It shall be the hardware supplier's responsibility to furnish door closer sizes to comply with manufacturer's recommendations for individual door sizes and locations. 2.12.8 Overhead Door Holders and Overhead Door Stops: Concealed overhead door holders and overhead door stops, where specified, shall limit door opening to 90 degrees unless otherwise specified. S-37 HOITMAGHER, ~LENOON · IdURR~.LL. PC SUPER~TRU~TtIRE - CONT'D Where devices have parts of the assembly regularly furnished in either steel or bronze matel, the bronze metal shall be furnished. All overhead door holders not otherwise specified shall be Russwin, 2750; Sargent 590 or equal as specified. 2.12.9 Door Silencers: All interior doors with metal frames shall be provided with three door silencers for single swing doors and two for head of frame for pairs of swing doors. Door silencer shall be Ives No. ',20; Glynn-Johnson, No. G J64; or equal. 2.12.10 Key Control System and Cabinet: The Contractor shall provide a complete visible index control system consisting of one RWC 75S complete with accessories as manufactured by Telkee; Lurid Equipment Co., No. C90; or equal. The finish of the cabinet shall be baked on enamel. 2.12.11 Keys and Keying: All cylinder key locks shall be master and/or grand master keyed to the existing system established by the lock manufacturer. Also keyed in groups as directed by the Engineer and/or Owners. The Contractor shall furnish: (1) 3 keys each lock (2) 6 master keys each lock, (3) 4 grand master keys. A Master Keying Schedule, clearly indicating the keys and keying arrangement by which each lock shall operate, shall be prepared and approved before the locks are manufactured. The ~{aster Keying Schedule shall be a separate Schedule, independent of the Hardware Schedule or other Schedules. Each key shall be stamped with its respective key change number. All Master Keys shall be delivered by hand to the Owner. 2.12.12 Samples: Samples of any items as required by the Engineer shall be submitted for approval. Samples will remain the property of Hardware Supplier and at completion and acceptance of the work samples will be returned to the Hardware Supplier. 2.12.13 Schedules: S-38 I._~/~ HOt ZMACHER. McLENOION & MURRF. LL. PC SUPERSTRUCTURE CONT'D Immediately after the award of the Contract, the Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval, three copies of a complete hardware schedule listing all hardware to be provided giving catalog references, type numbers, finish and location of each item identified with door, etc. for which intended. Manufacturers shall be listed for various types of items. Lists not complying with the above, will be considered incomplete and will be returned for revision before checking. Approval of the Hardware Schedule shall not relieve the Contractor of the necessity of furnishing all hardware designated to be furnished. 2.12.14 Templates: All necessary templates required for the accurate setting and fitting of the hardware shall be furnished in ample time to facilitate the progress of the work. 2.12:.15 Hardware Supplier's Responsibility: The finishing hardware listed herein shall not be construed as a complete hardware schedule and shall only be considered as an indication of the hardware requirements desired. It shall be the Contractor responsibility to examine the Drawings and Door Schedule and provide all necessary or additional hardware as required but not scheduled herein. Such items of hardware shall be the same type, quality and quantity as that sceduled for similar doors, or parts of the building used for similar purposes. Schedule of fabrication and delivery shall be executed to avoid any delay. 2.13 2.13.1 ACOUSTIC CEILING SYSTEMS Description of Work: The extent of each type of acoustic ceiling is shown and in scedules. The types of acoustic ceilings required include acoustic panels in exposed grid suspension systems, and acoustic tile in concealed suspension systems. S-39 I--~ HOLZMACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL. P lC ,RUPERSTRUCTURF - CONT'D The Contractor shall coordinate layout of other work which penetrates or is supported systems. acoustic ceilings with by ceiling suspension 2.13.2 Maintenance Instructions, Accoustic Ceiling System: The Contractor shall submit manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning and refinishing each type of acoustic unit used in the work, including precautions against materials and methods which may be detrimental to finishes and acoustic efficiency. When work is completed, the Contractor shall deliver stock of replacement material to Owner for each type of acoustic unit used in the work. The Contractor shall furnish full size units, matching installed materials, packaged and marked for identification. The Contractor shall furnish not less than 1% of the total amount of each type of acoustic unit installed. 2.13.3 Product Delivery, Storage and Handling: The Contractor shall deliver acoustic ceiling materials to the site in orginal, unopened packages, bearing manufacturer's name and label identifying each type of acoustic unit. The Contractor shall comply with acoustic material manufacturer's recommendations for storage of units to be used in the work. Z.13.4 Suspension System .~iaterials and Components: Where non-fire-rated, suspended acoustic ceilings are shown or scheduled, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements of ASTM: C635 and as further specified. Hangers shall be as recommended, shall be not less than 12 gauge (0.106" diam.), galvanized, soft annealed, mild[ steel wire. Where hanger wires cannot be directly wire-tied to structur~l or intermediate framing members, the Contractor shall provide attachment devices designed for the type of construction used in the work and with a carrying capacity of not less than 5 times the design loads involved. Protective Coatings and Finishes shall be manufacturer's standard coatings and finishes for normal use environments (AS TM: C635), except as otherwise indicated. Manufacturers for suspension systems shall be: (i) Chicago Metallic; (2) Oonn Products; (3) Eastern Products; (4) Flangeklam p; S-40 ~ ~OLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. F~ C SUPERSTRUCT[~RE - CONT'D (5) National Rolling Mills/Bundy; or equal. Structural classification for concealed suspension systems shall comply with the following ASTM: C 635 minimum load-carrying capability for applicable type of main runners. The Contractor shall provide special components as required for access areas sceduled. The Contractor shall provide direct hung suspension systems as required to comply with specified requirements. The Contractor shall provide all components recommended by manufacturer for the type of system used in the work. Moldings shall be channel type with smootln matte white finish on exposed leg. The Contractor shall provide spacer clips as required to hold tile field in compression. 2.13.5 Acoustic Unit Materials: Performance requirements shall be as publ:ished in the Acoustical and Insulating Materials Association AI~IA "Performance Data Bulletin" for the specified products. Surface design will be selected by Engineer from standards designs produced by manufacturer. Finish shall be manufacturer's standard factory-applied white paint finish, except where shown as "Scrubbable", the Contractor shall provide panels with factory applied finlsh capable of scrubbing with a brush and detergent for not less than 1000 cycles (2:000 strokes) without deterioration of finish (AIMI Tech. Spec. IB No. 7). ~{anufacturers for acoustic ceiling units shall be: (1) Armstrong; (2) Celotex; (3) Johns-Manville; (4) Kaiser; (5) National Gypsum; (6) U.S. Gypsum; or equal. For suspended installations, the Contractor' shall provide acoustic tile with joints designed to fit concealed suspension system used in the work and complying with general requirements for acoustic ceiling unit materials and as further specified. Size shall be as scheduled, not less than 5/8" thick. Edges shall be square. S-41 ~.~ t-K~ZMACHER, Mc[.ENOON & MURR~LL, P C SUPEESTNI}CT[IRE - CONI"D Type [ ceilings shall be concealed suspension; 2'-0" x 4'-0" x ]" mineral tile, square edged, non-directional with standard white vinyl paint finish. The Contractor shall provide for ;~4" x 48" access units; access units shall be Johns-Manville, Temper-Tone 720; Armstrong; or eq ual. 2.13.6 Installation of Suspension Systems: The Contractor shall install suspension systems which are part of non-fire-rated assemblies in accordance with manufacturer's instructions; the requirements of Article 2 "Installation of Components" of "Standard Recommended Practice for Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panels" ASTM: C 636; and as further specified. Hangers shall be spaced not more than 6" from each end and not more than 4'-0" o.c. between ends of members to be supported. The Contractor shall provide additional hangers for support of fixtures and other items to be supported by the ceiling suspension system, as required to prevent eccentric deflection or rotation of supporting runners. Moldings shall be provided where ceilings meet walls, partitions and other vertical elements. Corners shall have miter cut inside and outside corners. Supporting members of concealed suspension sys[ems shall not bear on walls or partitions. The Contractor shall install cross runners and splines in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Cross runners shall be interlocked with either main runners or cross runners structurally classified as main runners. The Contractor shall install moldings with exposed leg in same plane as bottom fl&nge or runners. Direct hung suspension systems shall support main runners directly from hangers. The Contractor shall space main runners and cross components to support acoustic tile and other work resting in, or on, ceilings. The Contractor shall install lateral stablizing components in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2.13.7 Installation of Acoustic Ceiling Units: The Contractor shall not install acoustic units until installation areas meet the following requirements: exterior openings have been closed and roofs are weathertight; mechanical, electric~l ~nd other work above ceilings has been completed; wet ~ork has been installed; and temperature and relative humidity have reached levels which comply with acoustic material manufacturer's recommendations for the unit to be used in the work. The Contractor shall install materials in manufacturer's printed instruction and other applicable to the work. accordance ~ith recom mendations, S-42 I-,~,~ HOLZMACH~R. McLENDON & MURRELL I) C SUPERSTRUCTURE - CONT'D The Contractor shall balance border areas to avoid units of less than ~ unit width wherever possible. Wherever ceiling area is a multiple of full size acoustic units in the work, the Contractor shall balance alignment to be square and true and install only full size units for entire ceiling including borders. The Contractor shall install tiles progressively by inserting edge of tile into bottom flange of main runners. The Contractor shall provide cross runners as required by spacing of main runners, and type and size of tile used in the spacing of main runners, and type and size of tile used in the work. The Contractor shall install, cross runners at right angles to main runners inserting flanges into joints not occupied by main of cross runners. The Contractor shall align joints in adjacent; courses to form uniform straight joints parallel to room axis in both directions, unless otherwise shown. The Contractor shall fit adjoining tile to :form flush tight joints. The Contractor shall scribe and cut for accurate fit at borders and around work which penetrates ceiling. The Contractor shall hold tile field in compression by inserting spring steel spacers between tile and moldings at 12" o.c. 2.13.8 Clean-Up and Protection: The Contractor shall clean surfaces of acoustic units and comply with manufacturer's instructions. The Contractor shall remove and replace units and members which are damaged or cannot be cleaned. 2.14 RESILIENT FLOORING Colors and pattern for resilient flooring shall be as selected by Engineer form manufacturer's standard colors. Vinyl asbestos tile shall be FS SS-T-312, Type IV; 12" x 12" size; 1/8" gauge. Vinyl base shall be FS SS-W-40, Type II; 4" high; 1/8" gauge; with matching stops and preformed corner units. Resilient edge strips shall be not less than 1" thick; 1/8" gauge; tapered bullnose edge, color to match flooring or as selected by Engineer. For installation, the Contractor shall comply with flooring manufacturer's recom mendations for type of materials, project conditions, and intended use. S-43 I--~/~ HOLZMACHER. McLIFNDON & MURRELL P' C S[~PERSTRUCTURE - CONT'D The Contractor shall apply substrate primer in accordance with flooring manufacturer's instructions to patch and clean floors. The Contractor shall lay tile flooring from (:enter marks established with principal walls; adjust as required to avoid use of cut units less than 3" wide at perimeters. Match tiles for color and pattern by using in manufactured and packaged sequence. Lay tile in "checkerboard" pattern with grain reversed in alternate tile. The Contractor shall apply resilient base in as long lengths as practicable to walls and all permanent fixtures. The Contractor shall install resilient edge strips at all unprotected edges of flooring. The Contractor shall clean floors and accessories after installation and apply protective wax coatings in accordance with flooring manufacturer's instructions. 2.15 PAINTING Except as otherwise specified hereinafter, all painting shall conform to General Specifications, Section S17. The Con-tractor shall paint all exposed surfaces whether or not colors are designated in "schedules", except where the.natural finish of the material is obviously intended and specifically noted as a surface not be painted. '#here items or surfzces are not specifically mentioned, paint these the same as adjacent similar materials o]7 areas. If color finish is not designated, the Engineer will select these from standard colors available for the materials systems as specified. Unless otherwise indicated, painting is not required on surfaces such as walls or ceilings in concealed areas and inaccessible areas, foundation spaces, furred areas, pipe spaces and duct shafts. The Contractor shall paint all piping, equipment and other such items in concealed spaces, unless otherwise indicated. Those portions of aluminum coming in contact with concrete or masonry shall, prior to their erection, be painted with one 20-24 mil thick coat of bituminous paint, which shall be a coal-tar pitch paint equal to Porter Coating Division of Porter Paint Co. Tarmastic 103; Koppers Co., Inc. Bitumastic No. 50; or equal. Where aluminum materials come in contact with other metals, the surfaces of contact shall be thoroughly insulated with the same approved bituminous material. 2.16 TOILET ACCESSORIES Description of Work: S-44 ~.-J~_~ HOLZMACH£R. McLENOON & MURRELL. P C SUPERSTRUCTURE - CONT'D The extend of each type of toilet accessory is shown, unless otherwise indicated. The type of toilet accessories required include the following: (1) Multi-purpose units (2) Waste receptacles (3) Toilet Tissue dispensers The Contractor shall furnish inserts and anchoring devices which shall be set in concrete or built into masonry for ;he installation of toilet accessories. The Contractor shall coordinate delivery with other work to avoid delay. See concrete and masonry Sections for installation of inserts and anchorage devices. The Contractor shall provide products of the same manufacturer for each type of accessory unit and for units exposed in the same areas, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Stamped names or labels on exposed faces of units shall not be permitted, except where other,~ise indicated. The Contractor shall provide locks where indicated, with the same keying for each type accessory units in the pro,ject 'wherever possible. Two keys for each lock shall be furnished. .%{anufacturers offering products to comply with the requirements for toilet accessories include the following: (1) Accessory Specialties, Inc. (2) American Oispenser Co., Inc. (3) Bobrick Washroom Equip., Inc. (4) Bradley Corp. (5) G.M. Ketcham Co., Inc. (6) Moore Dispensers, Inc. (7) The Charles Parker Co. (8) Ponoco Metal Prod. Co. (9) Watrus Inc.; or equal. The Contractor shall submit copies of manufacturer's technical data &nd install&tion instructions for each toilet accessory. The Contractor shall provide setting Drawings, templates, instructions and directions for installation of anchorage devices in other work. 2.16.2 Materials: S-45 ~"J~ HOLZMACI4~R. McLENDON & MURRIFLL. P ~"~ ,RUPERSTRUCTURE CONT'D a. Stainless Steel: AIS[: Type 302/304, with polished No. 4 finish, unless otherwise indicated. b. Sheet Steel: Cold rolled, commercial quality, ASTM: A366. Surface preparation and metal pretreatment as requJired for applied finish. 2.16.3 Multi-Purpose Units: The Contractor shall provide recessed stainless steel units with mirror, adjustable towel dispener, utility shelf, recess shelf and soap dispenser, similar to Bobrick Model B-3302; American Dispenser Co., Model 750; or equal. .Mirror shall be on locked cabinet door. Soap dispenser shall have a liquid soap valve. The Contractor shall provide one unit above each lavatory, unless otherwise indicated. 2.16.4 Waste Receptacles: The Contractor shall provide surface mounted stainless steel units, 12 gallon capacity with a piano-hinged stainless steel cover with a self- closing panel lettered "PUSH", similar to Bobrick ~lodel 3-36448 American Dispenser Co., Model 978; or equal. The Contractor shall provide a stainless steel skirt for surface mounting. 2.16.5 Toilet Tissue Dispenser: The Contractor shall provide in each toilet and toilet compartments, one surface mounted roll toilet tissue dispenser to hold two 2,000 sheet rolls, in tandem, similar to 8obrick ,%todel B-274; American Dispenser Co.', Model 814; or equal. Units shall be heavy duty aluminum castings with stain finish, and molded plastic spindles with concealed locking device. Units shall have controlled delivery. 2.16.6 Installation: The Contractor shall use concealed fastenings wherever possible. The Contractor shall provide anchors, bolts and other necessary anchorages, and attach accessories securely to walls and partitions in locations as shown or directed. The Contractor shall install concealed mounting devices and fasteners fabricated of the same material as the accessories, or of galvanized steel, as recommended by manufacturer. The Contractor shall install exposed mounting devices and fasteners finished to match the accessories. The Contractor shall provide theft-resistant fasteners for all accessory mounting. S-46 ./HOLZMACH~R, McLENOON & MURRELL PC SUPER,qTRUCTUHE - CONT'D The Contractor shall secure toilet room accessories in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for each item and each type of substrate construction. 2.17 RE~{OV ABLE PARTITIONS Removable partitions are not required under this contract. 2.18 ABRASIVE ANTI-SLIP FLOORING 2.18.1 Quality Assurance: In addition to specified requirements, the Contractor shall comply with resin manufacturer's instructions and recommendations, including preparation of substrate, storing, mixing and applying materials, finishing, and curing of abrasive anti-slip finishes. 2.18.2 Certification: Abrasive Anti-Slip Flooring: The Contractor shall submit two copies of manufacturer's written certification that abrasive anti-slip floor finish materials meet or exceed specified properties. For abrasive anti-slip floor finishes, the Contractor shall submit five copies of written instructions for periodic maintenance of each type of floor finish. 2.18.3 Troweled Composition Resin Floor Finish: The Contractor shall provide products specially formulated for the intended purpose, meeting the manufacturer's published literature covering physical.and technical data. S-47 SUPERSTRUCTUB'E CONT'D Troweled composition resin flooring shall be Martex Safety Products, Ferrox; Wooster Products, Inc. Epoxy WP-70; or' equal. The Contractor shall provide two coats of troweled or squeegee application. 2.18.4 Properties: a. Viscousity: 5,000 to 15,000 cps (77' F) b. Weight per gal. (net): 12 lbs. (approx.) c. Setting Time: 4 hours (at 77' F) d. Hard dry: 12 hours (at 77' F) e. Cure time: 4 to 6 days (at 77' F) Flash point: 38' F Coverage: 35 to 60 sq. ft. per gal. de:pending on method of application. h. Thickness of finished coating: 0.030 to 0.050 inches i. Weight of finished coating: 4.5 ounces per' sq. ft. 2.18.5 Installation: The Contractor shall match Engineer's sample for type, color, pattern and finish. Pigments shall be thoroughly mixed prior to application. The Contractor shall comply with manufacturer's specifications and recommendations for preparation of substrate, proportioning mixes, and for placing, troweling, curbing, grinding, grouting and finishing. The Contractor shall provide bases and thresholds, shown or scheduled, without interruptions or seams, except where control joints and expansion joints are shown or required. The Contractor shall place and finish around obstructions to achieve contiuous color, pattern and finish. The Contractor shall provide protection for finished abrasive anti- slip flooring work until building ie ready for occupancy. The Contractor shall clean and final finish as; required when building is ready for occupancy. S-48 I,-~,,~ HOLZMACH~R. McLIFNDON · MURRELt PC. STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK 1.0 2.0 SCOPE T~e work includes all labor, materials, equipment and appliances required to furnish and install all structural steel and miscellaneous metalwork in accordance with Contract Documents aud as ordered by the Engineer. MATERIALS Except where specifically materials for structural steel conform to the latest revision of ~letal Carbon Steel Shapes Carbon Steel Plates Steel Joists Carbon Steel Pipe S rainless Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Cast Iron Ductile Iron Steel Castings Shapes Plates Extrusions Carbon Steel Nuts and Bolts High Strength Steel Nuts and Bolts Stainless Steel Bolts Stainless Steel Nuts indicated or specified otherwise, and miscellaneous metalwork shall the following schedules: Standard Class or Alloy ASTM: A 36 - ASTM: A 283 - ASTS{: A 242 or or A 441 - AST.~t: A 139 Grade B ASTM: A ~L67 304 AA F214 ASTM: B 308 6061-T6 ASTM: B 209 6061-T6 ASTM: B 221 6063-T5 ASTM: A 't8 30 AS'r',l: A 536 60-45-10 AST~I: A 307 - AST~t: A 325 - AST~I: A 167 304 AST.~I: A 1.67 316 SS~IIM-1 of t3 ~[~ ~LZMACHI[R. McLENOON · MUI=IREL[-, P.C. STRUCTUEAL STEEL AND ~IISCELLANEOUS ~{ETALWORK CONT'D Stainless Steel Screws Aluminum Nuts and Bolts AST~: A 1.67 305 ASTM: B 221 2024-T4 (i) Bronze Nuts and Bolts AST~{: B 98 655 Galvanizing Steel Shapes and Plates Galvanizing Steel Nuts and Bolts ASTM: A ].23 Notes: ASTM: A 153 (1)shall have an AA-~.{lOC23A31 anodized finish treatment. An acceptable finish is Alcoa Alumilite Clear 204; Kaiser Aluminum Alodine; or equal. Where sizes of metal elements are not shown minimum thicknesses shall be 5/16" for steel, ½" for cast iron and ductile iron. or specified, the for aluminum and Welding electrodes for manually shielded metal-arc welding shall conform to the requirements of the Specifications for Mild Steel Covered Arc-Welding Electrodes, AWS: 5.l: Classification Numbers E6011, E6012, E6013 and E0020. Certified test-reports shall be submitted to the Engineer for structural steel to indicate conformity with the Specifications. 3ffanufacturer's certification for bolts and nuts and filler metal for welding shall be submitted to tee Engineer to show compliance with the Specifications. All iron castings shall be smooth and free from blow holes and other defects, and shall conform to the dimensions shown. Ail castings shall be true and, where required, shall fit properly together. The contact surfaces of the frames and covers for manholes and floor openings shall be cEipped and machined, if necessary, in order to give ~n even bearing for tee cover on the frame, and to provide a tight fit. Where required, the surfaces of plates and covers shall be cast with suitable checkering or other raised pattern and lettering'. All other metal materials shall conform to the requirements of other sections of tee General Specifications or of the Contract Item Specifications, as such apply. 3.0 STANDARDS Design, fabrication and erection of metalwork shall be in accordance with the following standards applicable to the character of the work performed. ,SS&~-2 of 1 3 STRUCTURAL STEEL ANO MISCELLANEOUS MET;~LWORK CONT'D Structural Steel - AISC Specification for Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings and Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges Steel Joists - Steel Joist Institute Standard Specifications for Open Web Steel Joists Structural Aluminum - AA Specifications for Aluminum Structures Welding - AWS Code and AISC Specifications 4.0 CONNECTIONS 4.1 General: Except as otherwise shown and specified, fasteners shall be made of the metals listed in the following table, at the intersection of the column and line headed by the respective metals to be joined: Metals Joined Cast Iron Stainless or Steel Ductile Iron Carbon Steel Aluminum Stainless Aluminum Steel Stainless Stainless ~luminum or Steel Steel S rainless Steel Carbon Stainless Steel Steel Stainless Stainless Steel, Steel, Bronze or Bronze or Galvanized Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Cast Iron or Ouctile Iron Stainless Steel Stainless Steel, Bronze or G alvanized Carbon Steel Stainless Stainless Steel Steel Bolts shall have a minimum otherwise noted or specified. diameter of 5/8", except here SS~.~.~{-3 of 1 3 ~j~ HOLZMACH£R. McL£NDON & MURR~LL. P C STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWOEK - CONT'D Carbon steel and galvanized carbon steel bo[ts shall be dipped in paint to cover entire bolt prior to assembly of parts. Pior to dipping in paint, galvanized carbon steel bolts shall be pretreated in conformance with requirements of SSPC: PT 2 or SSPC: PT 3. All bolts and nuts shall conform to the United States Standard sizes, and shall be clean cut and have well-fitting threads. Anchor bolts for bolting steel, cast steel, or cast iron to concrete shall be made of steel conforming to ASTM: A 307 latest revision. Anchor bolts for bolting aluminum and other non-ferrous metals to concrete shall be made of Type 304 stainless steel conforming to ASTM: A 167 latest revision. Other anchor bolt requirements are specified in CONCRETE 26.0, BUILT-IN-WORK. Drill anchors shall be Phillips Drill Co., Inc., red Head Self Drilling Anchors; The Rawlplug Co., Inc., Saber-Tooth Self Drilling Anchors; or equal. Expansion anchors shall be The Rawlplug Co., Inc., Multi-Calk Threaded Style; Diamond Expansion Bolt Co., a Division of General Cable Corp., Keystone Double Expansion Shield; or equal. The number of units used per expansion anchor shall be adequate to develop the ultimate tensile strength of the bolt. Drill anchors shall he used for fastening materials and equipment to concrete. Expansion anchors shall be used for fastening materials and equipment to masonry. Where hollow block masonry makes the use of expansion anchors unsuitable, toggle bolts or other suitable fastening devices, as approved, shall be provided. 4.2 Structural Steel Connections Bolting: a) 'All shop and field connections strength steel bolts or welded, directed, specified or approved. shall be either bolted with high unless otherwise shown, noted, h) Where structural joints are made using high strength bolts, hardened washers and nuts tightened to a high tension; the materials, methods of installation and tension control, type of wrenches to be used, and inspection methods shall conform to Specifications for "Structural Joints Using ASTM: A 325 latest revision, or A 490 latest revision, Bolts". The surfaces of the bolted parts in contact with the bolt head and nut shall be parallel. Shear resisting joints shall be of the friction-type. When assembled, all joint surfaces, including tlnose adjacent to the ~tasher, shall be free of paint, oil, lacquer, dirt, loose scale, galvanizing, burrs or other defects that would prevent solid seating of the parts. The high strength bolts used shall have a suitable identifying mark placed on top of the head before leaving the factory. Tightening of nuts shall be done with properly calibrated wrenches or by the turn-of-nut method. The minimum bolt tension for the size of bolt used shall be in accordance ~tith the table listed in the above reference standards. When calibrated wrenches are SS&~l-4 of 13 STRUCTUHAL STEEL AND ~IISCELLANEOUS ~{ETALWORK - CONT'O used, each wrench shall be checked for accuracy at least once daily for actual conditions of application. 8olts that have been completely tightened shall be marked with an identifying symbol. The Contractor shall provide two calibrated torque wrenches for the use of the Engineer in inspecting bolts installed in the structure. c) Holes for high strength steel bolts shall be drilled or subpunched and reamed not more than 1/16" larger than the diameter of the bolts to be used. d) Drift pins shall be used only for bringing members into position and not to enlarge or distort holes. Burning of holes to admit bolts will not be permitted. e) Ali rolled beams and girders shall be connected by means of standard beam connections of Series as noted or as approved, and as detailed in the latest edition of of the Steel Construction ~,{anual of the AISC. 5.0 WELDING OF STRUCTURAL STEEL Electric arc welding may be used where welding is called for in the Drawings or as approved. Where structural joints are made by welding, the details of all joints, the technique of welding employed, the 8~ppearance and quality of welds made, and the methods used in correcting defective work shall conform to requirements of AISC: "Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings" and the A WS: "Code for Arc and Gas Welding in Building Construction". In addition, welds shall be made only by operators who have been previously qualified by tests as described in the AWS: "Standard Qualification Procedure" to perform the type of work required. Welding equipment shall be of a type which will produce proper current so that the operator may produce satisfactory welds. The welding machines shall be of 200-400 amp, 25-40 volt capacity. Electrodes shall be suitable for positions and other conditions of intended use in accordance with the instructions with each container. Field welding shall be done by direct current. Surfaces to be welded shall be free of loose scale, rust, grease, paint, and other foreign material except that mill scale that withstands vigorous wire brushing may remain. A light film of linseed oil likewise may be disregarded. Joint surfaces shall be free from fins and tears. No welding shall be done when the temperature of the base metal is lower than O' F. At temperatures between 3'.' F. and O' F. the surfaces of all areas within 3" of a point where a weld is started shall be heated to 180' F or higher before welding is started. Finished members shall he true to line and free from twists, bends and open 3oints. SS~%~-5 of 13 ~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS ~IETKLWORK - CONT'D 6.0 STRUCTURAL STEEL FABRICATION Unless otllerwise shown, noted or specified, the fabrication of structural steeI shall be in accordance with AISC: "Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings". Steel shall be punched and drilled for attachment of wood nailers and other materials indicated or specified to be attached to the steel. Bearing surfaces, except the bottom surfaces of plates on grout beds, shall be planed to true beds. Abutting surfaces shall be closely fitted. 7.0 STORING OF STRUCTURAL STEEL All structural steel shall be stored properly on substantial timbers and blockings so placed that the steel shall be free from the ground, and ail surfaces shall be drained to prevent any accumulation of water. 8.0 ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL Except as otherwise indicated on the DrawJ~ngs or specified, the erection of structural steel shall be in accordance with the latest edition of AISC: "Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings", "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges"; and with Steel Joist Institute: "Standard Specifications for Open Web Steel Joists"; and with modifications and other specific requirements described herein. .Templates shall be furnished for setting tl%e anchor bolts. Before erecting any steel, the Contractor shall verify the location and elevation of all anchor bolts to determine that the foundations are at the proper elevation and suitably leveled-off, ready to recieve base plates. The Contractor shall immediately correct any inaccuracies which come to bis attention and which might affect steel erection. The number of bolts used for erection purposes shall not be less than iO~ of the number of high strength steel bolts to be used. Ail structural steel shall be accurately erected to lines and grades shown. All steel shall be level and plumb within a tolerance of 1:500 before permanent connections are made. The Contractor shall provide all necessary temporary bracing required for steel erection. Sufficient temporary bolts shall be used to insure safety of the structure until final completion. Ail necessary cribbing on concrete work shall be provided to properly distribute work loads of erection equipment so as not to cause damage to any completed concrete structure. SS~{-~ of 13 ~[~.]~ ~iOLZMA(~H~-R, McLENOON & MURRELL. P C STHUC'I'URAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWOEK CONT'D 9.0 FABRICATION OF ~iSCELLANEOUS STEEL METALWORK Fabrication of requirements of METALWORK. all laiscellaneous metalwork shall conform to the STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS 10.0 ALUMINUM FABRICATION Whenever aluminum members are not specifically sized or detailed, the design shall be based on AA: "Specific~tions for Aluminum Structures". All fabrication of aluminum members shall be done as called for in the above AA specification. Where welding of aluminum is required or allowed, all preparation for and welding of parts shall be done according to the requirements of the A WS Welding Handbook adopted by the AA. Parts shall be welded with an arc or resistance welding process. No welding process that requires tile use of a welding flux shall be used. The filler metal shall be aluminum alloy designated for use in tae AWS Welding Handbook. Welds shall be free of porosity, cracks or blow holes, and shall be finished to match adjacent surfaces. Whenever welding is specified or allowed, the strength of the member is reduced locally by heat, and the members shall be designed accordingly and in alignment with the above AA specification. Unless otherwise specified, all aluminum work shall be given an anodized finish treatment equal to AA-MlOC23A41. An acceptable finish is Alcoa or Kaiser Aluminum Alumilite 215R1. Aluminum members such as lintels that abut doors and louvers shall be color anodized to match same. Bolting of aluminum work shall be with stainless steel unless otherwise specified or shown. 11.O METALLIC COATINGS Galvanizing, where specified, shall be done by the hot-dip process in accordance with ASTM A 123 latest revision, o]? ASTM: A 153, latest revision. Nuts and bolts may be sherardized in lieu of galvanizing. All metal to be galvanized shall be thoroughly cleaned by immersion in pickling liquors prior to dipping in [he hot zinc bath. All galvanized articles shall be handled, shipped and erected in such a manner as to preclude any damage to the zinc coating. Galvanized materials shall be painted in accordance with the requirements of SURFACE FINISH PAINTING. SF~MM-7 of 13 STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS M~TALWORK CONT'D Cadmium plating will not be permitted as a substitute for galvanizing, nor as a decorative finish. lw~.O PAINTING Insofar as they apply, all of the requirements of the Specifications for Painting, under SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING are hereby made a part of the Specifications for STRUCTURAL STERn AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK. The Standard shop paint for steel joist shall conform to Steel Structures Painting Council specification 15-67T, Type 2 (black asphalt). Steel that is to be encased in concrete shall not be painted, but all other steel shall be cleaned in accordance with the requirements of SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING and given one heavy coat of primer as specified thereunder. Surfaces that are to be field welded or bolted shall not be shop painted. After erection, all exposed-steel which will become inaccessible after masonry is erected, shall be given a second coat of red lead primer and two coats of aluminum paint. After erection, all field bolt heads and nuts, and field welds shall be field primed with same primer that was applied in the shop. Shop primer shall be applied to a minimum dry film thickness as specified under SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING. Those portions of aluminum coming in contact with concrete or masonry shall, prior to their erection, be painted with one 20-24 mil thick coat of coal-tar pitch paint equal to Porter Coating Division of Porter Paint Co., Tarmastic 103; Koppers Co. [nc., Bitumastic No. $0; or equal. Where aluminum materials come in contact with other metals, the surfaces of contact shall be thoroughly insulated with the same ~pproved bituminous material. 13.0 GRATING lJ.1 ~{aterials: a) GratLng shall be of non-skid type, extruded from 6063-T6 aluminum alloy, and shall be Washington Aluminum Co., Type B Heavy Duty Grating; Borden Metal Products Co., Aluminum Plank; or equal. Individual extruded panels shall be fastened together into the fabricated panels by welding. SS&MM-8 of 13 ~.j~ HOLZMACHER, MCLLNDON & MURR~.LL. P C S['RUCTUI{AL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS .qETALWORK CONT'O 13.W a) b) c) 13.3 a) b) c) d) Fabrication: Where the required for passage of pipe, valve stems or other devices, openings shall be left in the gratings. All openings for pipes, valve stems or other devices which require the cutting of more than three main bars or members shallbe finished with banding strips. The ends of all gratings shall also be provided with banding strips. The banding strips shall be of the same depth as the grating and not less than 1/8" thick. The banding strips shall be welded to the main bars and neatly finished at the intersections with the bars. All grating sections shall be easily removable. Grating tolerances and clearance requirements shall conform to the applicable standards of the Metal Grating ]institute. Gratings shall be sized that a live load of 300 psf will not produce a fibre stress exceeding the maximum allowable with a factor of safety of three. No grating shall be less than 1" in depth. The longest dimension of individual grating sections shall not be greater than 6'-0" and they shall weigh not more than 150 lbs. Grating Supports: Where gratings are to be erected with the bearing upon concrete slabs, beams or floors, an anchored aluminum angle bearing support, as detailed on the Drawings, shall be placed in the concrete to receive the gratings. If bearing supports are not detailed on the Drawings, extruded aluminum frames equal to Type GF aluminum grating frames as manufactured by Architectural Art Mfg., Inc.; Flush Grating Frames as manufactured by Construction Specialties, '['nc.; or equal shall be provided. Unless otherwise approved, these bearing supports shall be constructed so as to make a continuous frame, having all corners mitered and welded or spliced, and having sufficient anchors attached for proper anchoring of the frame into the concrete. The anchors shall be spaced not less than 15" on centers. The frames shall be fabricated of 6061-T6 or 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. Where gratings are to be supported on structural steel or aluminum members other than the containing frames in the preceeding paragraph, the aluminum containing frames will not be required. Where joints occur normal to the direction of span, they shall enter on the structural supports, with a clear~uce of 1/16" between joints. Where pipe openings cause the cutting of more than three main bars, a galvanized steel angle support shall be clamped to the pipe. SS~}AM.-9 of 13 HOI...~MACHEiR. McL~NDON & MURR~_LL. P C SFRUCTURAL STEED AND M[$CEI,LANEOUS .¥1ET.tiL~OHK CONT'D 13.4 Erection: a) All gratings shall be properly erected in place, at the locations shown. Gratings shall be anchored to all structural supports, containing frames using four approved bolted anchors per section. After erection, all grating sections shall be absolutely flat and true so as to provide an even, uniform, non-rattling and non-rocking bearing on the supports. Large heavy duty hinges for hinged sections of grating shall be provided where indicated. 14.0 HANDRAIL 14.1 Scope: The Contractor shall furnish all the materials for and shall erect all handrails shown. Handrail shall be frabricated of aluminum. 14.2 .~,i a terials: Handrail and accessories shall be of the following aluminum alloys: Description Alloy Designation Pipe for Railings Cast Alloy Fittings Wrought Alloy Fittings Kick Plates 6061-T6 6063-T832 356-T6 and, 6061-T6 B214 a) Aluminum alloys specified herein shall conform alloys of the Aluminum Association and shall CM2A41 finish. to the designated be given an AA- b) Screws, nuts and bolts shall be of stainless steel. 14.3 Construction: a) Rails and stanchions shall be 1½" diameter standard pipe having a wall thickness of 0.145" and weighing 0.94 ihs. per ft. The rails shall be spaced from the floor as shown. b) The stanchions and rails shall be assembled wil:h flush type fittings and fastened by welding. Flush type fittings shall be Julius Blaum & Co., Inc., Connectorail System; J.G. Braun Co.. 11000 Series Pipe Rail fittings; or equal. Welded joints shall be made by inert-gas arc welding. Welding rod shall be aluminum alloy 5356. Ail welded joints shall be cleaned of flux and the weld bead shall be ground, rubbed and finished so as to produce a neat workmanlike finish equal to adjacent surfaces. SS&N~-IO of 13 ~TEUC'I'Ui{AL STEEL AND ,,,I[$CEL, LANE(3LI,~ ME'['ALWORK - CONT'D ¢) Spacin§ of stanchions shall be as indicated, but in all cases shall he uniform and shall not exceed 7 feet center to center. Shorter spacing shall be used where required to maintain the maximum spacing. Stanchions will be required on each side of an expansion joint in the structure. d) Ail railings shall be erected to line and plumb and fastened in a neat, substantial, workmanlike manner, equal to the best practice. Railing shall conform to the Standards of th,.= National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers except as may be otherwise specified herein. e) Where handrail is set into new concrete, the stanchions shall be set into 2 ~" aluminum sleeves and firmly caulked with A-H Products, a Division of Anti-Hydro Waterproofing Co., A-H Poly- Seal BF-gray polysulfide compound; Sonneborn Division of Contech, [nc., Sonolastic Polysulfide Sealant, gray in color; or equal. Floor cover flanges shall be placed on the stanchions and fastened in place with set screws on the side of the stanchions away from the walkway. Stanchions shall be placed so thai; the centerline is 3" from the edge of the concrete. f) Where handrail is set into existing concrete, floor cover flanges shall be placed on the stanchions and drill anchored into existing concrete with stainless steel bolts. g) Where handrail is supported from structural members, it shall be done by the use of approved sockets, flanges, brackets or other approved means which will provide neat and substantial support for the pipe railing. h) Where handrail is to be fastened to walls, the vails shall be provided with screwed wall flanges fastened to the walls with three 3/8" stainless steel flat head machine screws, anchored in accordance with STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK; 4.0 Con nections. i) Where handrails are supported with wall brackets, the wall brackets shall be Julius Blum ~ Co. [nc., Catalog No. 316; J.G. Braun Co., Catalog No. 4401; or equal. Ends of handrails supoported with wall brackets shall be finished with terminal caps and shall be Julius 81um ~ Co., inc., Catalog No. 716; J.G. Braun Co., Catalog No. 1106M; or equal. 15.0 SAFETY TREADS On all concrete stairs abrasive metal safety treads, conforming to the details shown, shall be cast integrally with the steps. Safety treads shall have hatched surfaces and cast-on anchors, and shall be American Abrasive Metals Co., Alumalun Style A treads; A. Nitt & Son ~004 Abrasive Safety Treads; or equal. SS~MM-11 of 13 I._t~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. PC; STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK CONT'D 16.0 THRESHOLDS Unless otherwise specified or noted, the Contractor shall furniHh and install thresholds for doors equal to American Abrasive ~letals Co., Alumalun Style T, recessed, abrasive aluminum threshold; A. Nitt & Son 2009 Abrasive Door Threshold; or equal. They shall be set in grout and anchored with flat head stainless steel anchors. 17.0 EYEBOLTS The Contractor shall furnish and install eyebolts where shown arid over every pump, motor and compressor, whether or not shown on the Orawings. Where noted, eyebolts shall be stainless steel. Unle~S otherwise show, eyebolts shall be located directly over the equipme~t on the ceiling above. Eyebolts which are not stainless steel shall r,e drop forged steel with weldless eyes and shall be Merrill Brother:~, Chicago Hardware & Fixture Co., or equal, eyebolts. Sizes anchorage for eyebolts shall be as detailed. Steel eyebolts anchorages shall be galvanized after fabrication. 18.0 WORKING DRAWINGS The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engine,;r detailed working drawings of all structural steel and miscellaneo,~S metalwork, based upon the Contract Drawings. These Working Drawings shall give all the necessary information for fabrication, erection painting and, except as otherwise provided herein, structural ste,;1 drawings shall be based on AISC: "Specification for the Design, Fabrication 2 Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings". Working drawings shall include information necessary for fabrication of the component parts of the structure. They sh&.l indicate size and weight of members, type and location of shop an'J field connections, the type, size and extent of all welds, and the welding sequence when required. The welding symbols used on working drawings shall be as adopted by the A No steel shall be fabricated until the Engineer's approval has be=:n recieved. Hung lintels and similar details shall include all punching, drilling, tapping and supports required to assure proper support a~.d anc{~orage for all masonry work to be placed. Structural steel connections and details shall not interfere wi%u architectural and mechanical clearances. Structural steel details shall be properly indexed and tabulated . n a form as shall De approved by the Engineer. Details shall be index~:d before being sent to the Engineer for approval. SS&MM-12 of [3 STRUCTURAL STEEL AND ~ISCELLANEOUS MET - ' No materials shall be fabricated until the Engineer's approval of the working drawings has been obtained. $S,~.MM-I::I ,of 13 I--~,/~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURR£LL. REINFORCEMENT' 1.0 SCOPE The work includes all labor, materials, equipment and appliances required to furnish and install all steel reinforcement in accordance with Contract Documents and as ordered by tine Engineer. 2.0 ~{ATERIALS 2.1 2.2 Ail bar reinforcement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM: A-615 latest revision, Grade 60. No re-rolled or high carbon steel bars shall be permitted in the work. All steel used for reinforcement purposes shall be of clean, new stock, free from defects and bends not required by the Drawings. All wire mesh reinforcement shall be mesh fabrication which meets the requirements of AST~{: A-185 latest revision, and shall be supplied in flat sheets. 3.0 STORAGE AND PROTECTION All steel reinforcement shall be delivered at the site, properly and securely bundled and substantially metal tagged, and without rust other than that which may have accummulated in normal transit. It shall be stored off the ground, and protected from the weather. All steel reinforcement shall be kept free of oil, grease, dirt or other objectionable adhering substances, and shall be satisfactorily cleaned of scale and heavy or flaky rust before being placed in the WO~k· If, after having been placed in the work, the concreting is delayed or interrupted for any considerable number of days, the steel reinforcement shall be protected from the weather. Any steel reinforcement which shows scaly rust after being placed shall be rendered wire brush clean immediately prior to the placing of concrete. Unless otherwise shown, steel reinforcement dowels intended for bending with future extensions or steel reinforcement that is to be left projecting for a considerable time, prior to being encased in concrete, shall be protected against corrosion by spray coating with a strippable plastic or by wrapping with a rubber base tape so as to form a waterproof coating. 8R-I of 4 HOLZMACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL. STEEL t[EINFORCE~4ENT - CONT'D 4.0 BENDING All steel reinforcement bars shall be bent cold to the shapes as shown or ordered. Bars of a single length shall be used in all cases, except where the length required is such that they cannot be so obtained, or shipping limitations prevent their being shipped, or where the Engineer grants permission to use shorter lengths or allow lapping. Unless otherwise shown or specified, all bending shall be in accordance with the recommended practice as set forth in ACI: 315 latest revision using "standard hook" dimensions. 5.0 PLACING AND LAPPING All steel reinforcement shall be carefully placed and fastened in position so as to maintain the proper spacing between adjacent bars and so as to prevent the bars from becoming displaced during the placing of concrete. Joints shall be wired with annealed iron wire of diameter not less than No. 16 U.S. Standard Gauge or by using acceptable clips. All reinforcement shall be firmly supported by the use of metal bars, bolsters, chairs, spacers or hangers, or by the use of precast concrete piers. Reinforcing bar supports shall be furnished in accordance with the latest specifications of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. The supports shall be sufficient in number and strength to carry the steel they support. Approved metal chairs shall be used to support steel reinforcement in all slabs. Concrete block piers shall be used where concrete is placed on rock or foundation material cushion covered with polyethylene film. Concrete block piers shall be made from the same material and of the same proportions of sand and cement as that of the concrete in which they are to be used. They shall be cast and properly cured for at least seven days before use. Nails shall not be driven into the outside forms to support reinforcement nor shall any other device for this purpose come in contact with the outside form except that wood strips may be inserted between the reinforcement and the forms at intervals to maintain the required clear distance between reinforcement and the inside and outside surfaces of the concrete. The strips shall be pulled up and removed from the wall as the level of the concrete rises. Where steel reinforcement crosses construction joints, openings in the forms shall be made tight. SR-2 of 4 .j~ HOi_ZMACHI:R. McLENDON & MURRELL. PC STEEL REINFORCEMENT CONT'D All lapped bars shall be fastened together securely. Laps, unless otherwise shown, shall not be less than 32 diameter. Where lapped bars are of different diameter the smaller diameter shall be used to determine the lap. At all wall intersections, steel reinforcement shall be made continuous with adequate splices and/or hooks as shown or ordered. Wherever it is necessary to splice reinforcement otherwise than as shown, the character of the splice shall be decided by the Engineer. Splicing shall not be made at points of maximum stress nor shall adjacent bars be spliced at the same point. Dowels shall never be placed during or after placing of concrete, nor shall they be disturbed in any way to injure the bond before the concrete is set. Welding of reinforcement shall conform to A WS D12.1 latest revision, or as approved. Unless otherwise shown or specified, all placing and lapping shall De in accordance with the recommended practice as set forth ia ACI: 315 latest revision, and ACI: 318 latest revision. 6.0 CONCRETE COVER Minimum concrete cover over the principal steel reinforcement shall be provided not less than indicated in the following table, unless larger cover dimensions are shown, noted or specified elsewhere: Concrete placed against rock or polyethylene covered foundation material such as bottom slabs, footings, walls without outside forms, etc. Formed concrete that will be in contact with earth or water, or over water, or exposed to weather i) All wall reinforcement; and 2) Reinforcement other than for walls; Larger than No. 5 bars 2" No. S or smaller bars 1 ½" Concrete not exposed to earth, water or weather: ails I ½" S11-3 of 4 ~[~_]~ HOLZMACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL. PC STEEL REINFORCE~IENT - CONT'D Beam and girder stirrups Column ties or spiral I ½" Slabs ] - 7.0 DOWELS INTO EXISTING CONCRETE Where dowels are to be anchored to existing concrete the reinforcement bars shall be anchored by grouting the dowels in place using an epoxy grout as specified in CONCRETF,. Holes into which to grout dowels shall be drilled ½" larger than the diameter of the dowel and 24 bar diameter in depth or as shown. 8.0 TESTS Reinforcement bars shall be inspected and tested by the manufacturer at the mill at which they are rolled. All tests shall be made on the full size, finished bars, and at least one tensile and one bending test shall be made for each lot of 10 tons or less from each melt of steel from which reirkforcement steel is furnished for this work. Two copies of certified mill tests shall be furnished to the Engineer for each lot of 10 tons or less of steel furnished. Whet] so ordered, the Contractor shall furnish, at no cost to the Owner, sample bars for testing by an approved independent laboratory. The expense for testing shall be borne by the Contractor. 9.0 WORKING DRAWINGS The Contractor shall submit sufficiently in advance of need, detailed placing and bending drawings and bar schedules to show number, size, length, bending and placing of the steel he proposes to furnish, and no steel reinforcing bars shall be delivered to the site of the work prior to the approval of the bending and placing diagrams. Bending diagrams and reinforcing details shall conform to ACI: 315 latest revision, and ACI: 318 latest revision, except as herein modified. All working drawings shall be made to a minimum scale of i" equals 8R-4 of 4 ; _j~ HOLZMACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL. P.C CONCRETE 1.O SCOPE The work includes all labor, materials, equipement and appliances required to mix, transport, form, place, test, finish and cure cast- in-place concrete in accordance with the Contract Documents and as ordered by the Engineer. 2.0 MATERIALS 2.1 Cement: All cement shall be Portland cement and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM: C 150 latest revision. Unless other types are required by these Specifications, or are authorized in writing, Type II cement shall be used. Only one brand of cement shall be used for exposed concrete surfaces of any individual structure. Cement shall be delivered in standard bags containing 94 lbs. net weight of cement, or may be delivered in bulk subject to proper conditions for handling and storage. 2.2 Air-Entraining Admixture: All concrete shall contain an air-entraining admixture conforming to the requirements of ASTM: C 260 lates:t revision, and shall be Sika Chemical Corp. Sika-AER, Master Builders MB-VR, Sonneborn Division of Contech, Inc., Aerolith, Euclid Chemical Co. Air-Mix, or equal. 2.3 Water-Reducing Admixture: Ail concrete shall contain a water-reducing admixture conforming to the requirements of ASTM: C 494 latest revision, Type A (normal) or Type D (retarding), and be an integral part of the design mix. The admixture shall be a hydroxylated carboxylic acid type admixture and shall be non-hygroscopic, concentrated liquid, and shall not contain more than one percent: chloride ions or air- entraining agents added during manufacture. The admixture shall be Sika Chemical Corp. Plastocrete (Type A) or Plastiment (Type D); Sonneborn Division of Contech, Inc., Master Builders MB-HCN (Type A) or MB-HC (Type D); Euclid Chemical Co. Eucon WR-75 (Type A) or Eucon Retarder-75 (Type D); or equal. b. The admixtures shall be used in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer and subject to the approval:of the Engineer. In general, the Type A admixture shall be used on all concrete placed at air temperatures be]ow 75' F. When temperatures exceed 75' F and/or placing conditions dictate, the engineer may require a change from the Type A admixture to the Type D admixture. C-1 of 19 HOL..ZMACHER, McL~;NDON & MURRiELL. P.C CONCRETE - CONT'D 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 The dosage rate or the Type D admixture ;shall vary as required to achieve setting characteristics similar to those experienced at 70' F. Other Admixtures. The use of admixtures to accelerate hardening for waterproofing will not be permitted. Aggregates. Aggregates shall conform to the requirements of ASTM: C 33 latest revision, modified as follows: a. Fine aggregates shall not contain more than 3 percent clay. Fine aggregates shall be capable of developing 100 percent of the compressive strength of Ottawa Sand when tested in accordance with ASTM: C 87 latest revision. c. Coarse aggregates shall not have an abrasion loss in excess of 35 percent. d. Coarse aggregates shall not have a loss greater than 5 percent when subjected to the soundness test. e. Deleterious substances in coarse aggregate.(; shall limit chert to one percent, and coal and lignite to 0.5 percent. Where the clear cover to the reinforcement is 2" or more, the maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be 1½"; where the clear cover is less than 2", the maximum size of coare aggregate shall be ~". .Water. Water shall be clear and free from injurious amounts of oil, acids, alkalis, organic materials or other deleterious substances. If there is any question as to the suitability of the water, it shall be tested in accordance with AASHTO: T-26. Forms: Form lumber shall be dressed on four sides and only selected boards shall be used for form surfaces in contact with concrete. Where a smooth surface is required, lined pressed wood, plywood or sheet metal forms shall be used. The pressed wood shall consist of nonwarping fiber board not less than 3/16" in thickness or not less than }" for plywood. The lining shall be securely nailed to the forms to produce a smooth concrete surface. Non -staining form release agents, that will not deleteriously affect concrete surfaces nor impair subsequent applications, shall be used. Form Fastenings. Form ties and form hangers shall be provided with a water seal and shall be of such type, that after forms are stripped, the ties can be broken back a minimum of 2" from the surface of the concrete, or after bolts are removed, the portion of the tie remaining in the concrete shall be no c. loser than 2" to the C-2 of 19 I,--~:;~ HOLZMACHER. McLIFNDON & MURRELL. P.C CONCRETE - CONT'D face of the concrete and shall be watertight. Ties shall not be fitted with lugs, cones, washers, or other devices within the form which will leave a hole larger than 7/8" in diameter or an excessive depression back of the exposed surface of the concrete. To assure a breakback of 2", the portion of the tie whic[i is removed from the concrete shall be coated with a material which will not prevent bond between the concrete and the mortar patch specified. 2.9 Curing Materials: a. Waterproof curing paper shall conform to the requirements of ASTM: C 171 latest revision. Curing and sealing compound shall conform to the requirements of Federal Specification TT-C-8OOA, minimum 30 percent solids content, having a pink fugitive dye, and shall be Master Builders Masterseal; Construction Products Division, W. R. Grace & Co. DeKote 800; Euclid Chemical Co. Super Floor Coat or Super Rez- Seal; or equal. Polyethylene sheeting shall be 6 mils (0.006") thick, VisQueen Division, Ethyl Corp. VisQueen Film, Monsanto GER-PAK Polyethylene Sheeting, or equal. 2.10 Epoxy Grout: Epoxy grout shall consist of a two component mineral filled, 100 percent solids thermosetting epoxy polysulfide compound, and shall be Toch Brothers Division, Carboline Co. Epotox 850 Grout; Construction Products Division, W. R. Grace & Co., Epoxtite 2391 Grout; Euclid Chemical Co. High Strength Epoxy Grout; or equal. The epoxy grout shall be used in st~ict accordance with the 'manufacture's recommendations. 2.11 Non-Shrink Grout and Non-Shrink Concrete: Non-shrink grout and non-shrink concrete shall consist of Type I or II Portland cement and fine sand for grout; and in addition 3/8" gravel for concrete. The grout and concrete shall contain a compound that will eliminate shrinkage, and shall be Sika Chemical Corp., Kemox-G (metallic); Construction Products Division, W. R. Grace & Co., Vibro-Foil Standard (metallic) and In-Pant (non-metallic); Euclid Chemical Co. Firmix (metallic) and Euco N-S (non-metallic); or equal. The non- shrink grout shall be pre-mixed, and non-shrink grout and non- shrink concrete shall be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. All exposed grout shall be of the non-metallic type. 2.12 Sealer and Dustproofer: The sealer and dustproofer shall be a second coat of the curing and sealing compound specified herein before. C-3 of 19 ~_/~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. PC. CONCRETE - CONT'D. 3.0 STORAGE 3.1 3.2 Cement: Packages received in a damaged condition will be rejected. Cement shall be stored in a watertight structure which will protect the cement from dampness. Cement shall be piled on dry raised floors to a height not exceeding 7 ft. Cement that has hardened or partially set shall be removed from storage and not used. Aggregates: Stock piles of aggregates shall be, placed on platforms and be kept well drained. Different types and sizes of aggregates shall be partitioned to prevent mixing. Ail aggregates shall be stockpiled a minimum of 24 hours. 4.0 FORM DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION All formwork shall conform to ACI: 347 latest revision. Forms shall be tight, adequately constructed, and securely held in place to withstand the load of the fresh concrete and the effects of the vibrating process and to prevent the leakage ,of mortar. Alignment of forms shall be carefully done and they shall be secured to the lines required. Forms shall be clean and shall be recleaned and repaired for each use. Form surfaces against which concrete is to be poured shall be treated with an approved material to prevent adhesion of the concrete. The material for treating form surfaces shall not stain or injure the concrete, or prevent bonding of required coatings. All corners, edges and arises shall be constructed with a ]" chamfer whether or not shown. Larger bevels and bullnoses shall be constructed as shown. ,The spacing of form ties and form hangers shall conform to the manufacturer's recommendtions. Wherever the shore height exceeds 14 fi, or the load on the forms exceeds 150 psf, or power buggies are used, or two stage shores are used the Contractor shall certify to the Engineer that the form design has been checked and approved as adequate and in accordance with existing laws and regulations by a professional engineer licensed in the State of New York, and that the forms have been constructed in accordance with the design which was checked and approved by said Engineer. Upon request of the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish design computations and substantiating data for review. A certification for design shall be submitted prior to placing any forms, and a certification for construction shall be submitted immediately after forms have been constructed. Forms shall be designed to withstand any and all vertical or lateral forces to which they might conceivably be subjected. C~i of 19 HOLZMACH~!R. McL£NDON & MURR£LL. PC CONCRETE - CONT'D. All surfaces with slopes steeper than one oa one shall be formed. At the request of the Contractor and the approval of the Engineer, various vertical surfaces beneath base slabs may be changed to slopes of one on one or flatter, or conversely, sloping surfaces changed to vertical surfaces. ~qhere vertical surfaces are used and no construction joint is provided below the slab, sheeting meeting the requirements for form work shall be left in place. 5.0 CONCRETE MIX REQUIREMENTS The concrete mix shall be proportioned by weight and shall be determined on the basis of obtaining a concrete having suitable workability, density, impermeability, durability and required strength characteristics, without using an excessive amount of cement. Concrete mixtures shall have the following characteristics: Specified 28 Day Maximum Air Content Compressive Strength Water-Cement Ratio (Percent Slump psi (Gal per ba~) .by Volume (In.) 4,000 5~ 3 to 5 2 to 3 2,500 5½ 3 to 5 2 to 5 The strength level of the concrete will be considered satisfactory, when the above specifications are met and as approved by the Engineer. 6.0 CL'ASSES OF CONCRETE Concrete having a 28 day compressive strength of 4,000 psi shall be used for all concrete, except as otherwise noted or specified. All interior exposed slabs shall have a maximum air content of 3 percent. Concrete having a 28 day compressive strength of 2,500 psi shall, in general, be used for all concrete masonry used in pipe supports and cradles, for concrete fill, for pipe thrust blocks, for the refill of trenches, for the refill of excavation below subgrades, and for all other similar construction as approved by 1;he Engineer. 7.0 MIX PROPORTIONS A minimum of 40 days in advance of incorporation in the work, the Contractor shall design concrete mixtures, and submit proposed mix proportions and proving test results for approval. The mix submitted shall be designed in accordance with ACI: 211 latest revision and ACI: 318 latest revision. C-5 of 19 ~ HO~TMACHER. McL£NDON & MURRELL. PC CONCRETE - CON'r'u. The concrete mixes submitted are subject to the approval of the Engineer who may have separate preliminary tests conducted by a laboratory employed by the Owner. If the submitted mixes do not meet the Specification requirements, the Contractor shall redesign the concrete mixtures and furnish required materials for additional preliminary tests until the concrete mixtures conform to the Specification requirements. All costs of redesign materials for additional tests, and additional tests shall be at the Contractor's expense and consideration for an extension of time will not be permitted because of any delays required by redesign and additional preliminary tests. 8.0 BATCHING AND MIXING Ready-mixed concrete conforming to ASTM: C 94 latest revision as modified herein shall be used. The plant shall be properly equipped for the accurate proportioning and proper mixing and delivery of the concrete including accurate water measurement and control. The plant shall have sufficient capacity and transportation equipment to deliver the concrete at the rate desired. Not less than 40 days in advance of the contemplated use of concrete, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for approval, the name and qualifications of the firm and plant from which he proposes to secure the concrete. During the progress of the work, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of concrete placement, so that the Engineer may provide the necessary inspection and sampling. 'Fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, and cement shall be weighed separately. Cement in standard bags need not be weighed. Admixtures shall be added separately in solution in a portion of the mixing water by means of a mechanical hatcher, in a manner that will insure uniform distribution of the agents throughout the hatch. The accuracy of all measuring devices shall be such that successive quantities can be measured to within one percent of the required amount. Mixers and agitators shall be operated within the limits of capac.ity and speed of rotation designated by the manufactures, and shall be capable of producing a homogeneous concrete mixture of uniform color. Upon cessation of mixing for more than 30 minutes, the mixer shall be thoroughly cleaned. The time elapsing between the introduction of the mixing water to the cement and aggregates, and discharge from mixer shall be completed within one-half hour. The first batch of concrete materials placed in the mixer shall contain an extra quantity of sand, cement and water sufficient to coat the inside surface of the drum without diiminishing the mortar C-~3 of 19 I-J~/~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P C CONCRE'~'E CONT'D. content of the mix. Once initial set has taken place, no attempt shall be made to temper the concrete by the addition of water. Any concrete so tempered will be rejected and shall be removed from the site. 9.0 PREPARATION FOR PLACING CONCRETE Concrete shall not be placed within the limits of the day's pour until all forms, embedded materials, steel reinforcement, and concrete surface preparations have been approved. Concrete shall not be placed in mud or water. Surfaces of forms, embedded materials, and steel reinforcement that have been encrusted with dried mortar or grout shall be cleaned, as approved, prior to placing concrete. To insure proper bonding, when new and previously placed concrete are jointed, the contact surfaces of the previously placed concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned by means of stiff [)rushes or other tools and by application of a stream of water under pressure to remove all laitance, loose or defective concrete, coatings, concrete accretions, and any other foreign material. The surface shall be damp and the bonding compound (epoxy or acrylic type) applied. The new concrete shall be placed before the bonding compound is dry. Where concrete slab is placed on existing grade, backfill or fill material, the Contractor shall furnish and place a layer of foundation material having a thickness of not less than 6", which shall be blanketed with a polyethylene covering. The covering shall be used in the widest practical widths and shall be lapped 6" and fastened at all edges to prevent loss of mortar from the concrete. All rock surfaces against which concrete is to be placed shall be clean and free from mud, dirt, oil, or other material which may prevent a tight bond between the rock and concrete. 10.0 PLACING CONCRETE Concreting operations shall be continuous until the placement is completed. Slabs shall be placed ia one lift and monolithically with beams and girders where construction joints are not shown. The maximum rate of placing concrete for walls to prevent movement of forms shall conform to the design requirements of the formwork. Concrete shall be handled from mixer to forms in such a manner that no segregation of ingredients will take place. Concrete shall be deposited in layers approximately level and not more than 18" deep. The placement shall be carried out at such a rate that the formation of cold joints will be prevented. Concrete shall be placed in such a manner that it will not drop freely more than 4 ft, and shall be placed as nearly as practicable in its final position to minimize segregation of ingredients. In slabs, concrete may be placed by C-7 of 19 i_~/~ HOt 7MACHER. McLICN~ON & MURRELL. P.C CONCt{ETE CONT'O. buggy, bucket, ready-mix truck, or pumping methods, provided that for the method selected the specified slump is not exceeded. If chutes are used, they shall be of metal or metal lined. In general, concrete in walls shall be placed by means of a rectangular metal drop chute with hoppers. Drop chutes shall be provided in several lengths so that the total length of chute can be adjusted as concreting operations progress. Under special conditions, for thin sections and sections that are heavily reinforced, concrete shall be deposited through temporary openings in the sides of wall forms by means of drop chutes outside of forms. While being placed, concrete shall be compacted with the aid of mechanical internal vibrators having a minimum of 3,600 impulses per minute, applied directly to the concrete in a vertical position, and by means of approved mechanical external vibrators. The intensity and duration of vibration shall be sufficient to cause concrete to flow, compact thoroughly, and embed completely the steel reinforcement, pipe, conduit, and similar work. Vibration shall be stopped immediately when a sheen of mortar first appears on the surface. Vibration shall be supplemented by [land spading, rodding or tamping in the corners and angles of forms while the concrete is still plastic and workable. The next layer of concrete shall not be placed until the previously placed layer has been thoroughly vibrated. Free water on the surface shall be removed by sponging or mopping. Under no circumstances shall such water accumulations be covered up with concrete nor shall dry cement be used to soak up excess water. .pumped concrete shall conform to the requirements of ACI Committee 304 Report latest revision. ll.O CONCRETING DURING COLD AND HOT WEATHER The Contractor shall have equipment and materials readily available to take protective measures for maintaining the specified temperatures of freshly placed concrete. The ambient temperature of the space adjacent to the concrete placement and the surface to receive the concrete placement, shall not be less than 50' F. Whenever the temperature is below 40' F or when it is evident that the temperature will drop below that point, concrete shall not be placed, except when approved. If such approval is given, special precautions shall be taken both in mixing and placing concrete. C-8 of 19 HOi ZMACHER, McLEN[:X:)N & MURRF. LL. P.C CONCRETE CONT'D. The Contractor shall provide equipment for heating concrete &ggregates and water, and for maintaining freshly placed concrete at a temperature of not less than 50' F nor more than 80' F. The temperature of the concrete shall not be permitted to fall below 50' F during the curing period, and the Contractor shall provide insulation, tents, temporary heat or take other approved measures to accomplish this. If the atmospheric temperature is expected to drop to 28' F or below, enclosures and temporary heat shall be provided to maintain the temperature of the concrete to at least 50' F. The heating methods shall not subject concrete surface to excessive concentrations of heat, as to cause rapid drying. The Contractor shall continuously operate heaters, provide men for continuous duty at the heaters, and provide adequate fire protection. When heating is discontinued, the drop in the temperature of the concrete shall not exceed 40' F in 24 hours. Whenever the temperature is above 85' F or when it is evident that the temperature will rise above that point, concrete shall not be placed, except when approved. If such approval is given, special precautions shall be taken both in mixing and placing concrete. The Contractor shall provide equipment for cooling concrete aggregates and water, and shall adjust the mix to retard the setting time of the concrete when directed. The cooling of the water and aggregates shall be such that the temperature of the fresh concrete is between 50'and 80' F. Sunshades and windbreaks shall be provided in an approved manner to maintain the required temperature and minimize excessive drying. Sunshades and windbreaks shall be left in place at least 7 days. 1.2.0 c'ONSTRUCTION JOINTS Construction joints shall be keyed unless otherwise noted to be roughened, and shall be installed where shown and specified. In addition to the construction joints shown, construction joints shall be provided so that the length and/or width of any one pour shall not be more than 40 feet, if the curing period is limited to 7 days. If the curing period is increased to 14 days, the spacing of these additional construction joints may be increased to 60 feet. The Contractor shall submit, for approval, working drawings showing the proposed locations of all construction joints and a pouring schedule. Construction joints shall conform to the details shown and shall be located where they will have the least effect upon the stability, strength, and watertightness of the concrete. Where roughened joints are to be installed, the Contractor shall roughen the surface of the concrete so that the coarse aggregate is exposed to an approximate depth of }" Roughening shall be C-9 of 19 I--t~_~ HO~ZMACHER. McLENDON & MURR£LL. PC CONCRETE - CONT'D. accomplished by either chipping the concrete or using a retardant coating. Retardant coating shall be Sika Chemical Corp., Rugasol; Sonneborn Division of Contech, Inc., Sonotex; Euclid Chemical Co. Surface Retarder; or equal. Before proceeding with the placing of any section of concrete, the joints shall be located and all forms and metal work, bulkheads, reinforcement, and other embedded materials for that section shall be in place. At horizontal construction joints, the top of all forms shall be erected only to the height of the joint for each placement throughout the entire work. Concrete surfaces shall be brought to a true level line at the top of every horizontal construction joints. The form for the construction key shall then be forced into place, and then the concrete surface rodded off to a true horizontal level. Should "watergain" be apparent as the concrete reaches the finished pour line, the water-cement ratio of concrete, for a depth of at least 12", shall be of a stiffer consistency as required by the Engineer. Unless otherwise indicated, all horizontal construction joints shall be made at well defined lines. Ail corners shall be monolithic. The ~'ork on each side shall extend to points shown or indicated. Whenever a stoppage of more than 30 minutes occurs in the placing of concrete, due to some emergency, construction joints shall be installed as approved. The Contractor shall have men and materials available to install these joints. .In order to promote watertightness of structures, concreting operations shall be so scheduled as to provide a delay between pours as follows: Placements Minimum Time Between Placements (days) Slab to Slab 3 Wall to Wall 3 Wall to Slab 3 Slab to Wall 1 To minimize delays in concrete construction operations, slab placements shall be made in a checkerboard pattern and wall placements shall be made alternately. All construction joints shall have a row of form ties located at a distance of approximately 6" from the joint to permit aligning and tightening of the forms for subsequent sections. C-10 of 19 I.-~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELI.. P.C CONCRETE - CONT'D The Contractor shall install waterstops in all construction joints in all exterior walls; in all walls of structures, tanks and channels that contain sewage or sludge; where indicated on the Drawings; and as specified. In liquid bearing structures, tanks and channels, waterstops shall be provided to a height of one foot above the maximum water level. Waterstops shall be furnished and installed in conformance with the requirements of Section S4. 13.0 EXPANSION JOINTS AND OTHER SPECIAL JOINTS Expansion joints shall conform to the requirements of EXPANSION JOINTS AND WATERSTOPS. 14.0 FOUNDATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT Concrete foundations for equipment shall be constructed as shown on the Drawings, except for such of those as it may be necessary to modify in order that they may conform to the equipment manufacturer's requirements, as shown on approved copies of their shop drawings. 15.0 FINISHING CONCRETE The classes of surface finishes described herein shall be applied to various parts of concrete structures as specified. i[5.1 Formed Surfaces: Immediately after the removal of forms, honeycombing, pockets and open spaces shall be cutout for Engineer's inspection. Patching shall not be done without Engineer's approval. When approved, cutout honeycombed areas, pockets and open spaces shall be thoroughly flushed with a high-pressure water jet while scrubbing with a wire brush to dislodge loose particles of concrete and aggregate and then shall be compactly filled with mortar consisting of one part Portland cement and two parts sand of the same type and quality as used in concrete. This shall be done on all surfaces even though they will afterwards be coated and/or covered with backfill. The mortar plaster shall be applied over a coating of epoxy bonding compound. Formed surfaces, including plastered surfaces shall be finished in accordance with their location, as specified below. ae Finish F1 - applies to formed surfaces which are more than one foot below finished grade. These surfaces require no treatment after form removal except for repair of defective concrete and filling of the rod holes and the specified curing. Correction of surface irregularities and removal of fins will be required. C-1! of 19 I--t~:;~ HOI..ZMACHER. McLENDON & IdURR£LL. PC CONCRETE - CONT'D Finish F2 - applies to all interior formed surfaces of buildings, tanks and channels, as well as all exterior surfaces above finished grade and to at least one foot below grade except where otherwise specified. These surfaces shall be rubbed with power tools until a smooth homogeneous surface is obtained. Hand rubbing will be permitted only when the final result is equivalent to that attained by mechanical means. The surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted and kept in that condition until the rubbing is completed. Corners, edges and arises shall be ground smooth and form offsets shall be leveled by power grinding. The surfaces shall be rubbed until all hollows, lines, form marks, and surplus materials have been removed. Grout or mortar shall not be used in the rubbing process except for filling defective places as specified herein before. 15.2 Unformed Surfaces: Unformed surfaces shall be sloped for drainage where stlown or directed. bo Finish U1 (screeded finish) applies to unformed surfaces that will be buried underground or covered by concrete or grout. Finish U1 shall also be used as the first stage of Finish U2. Finishing operations shall consist of sufficient leveling and screeding to produce even uniform surfaces. Finish U2 (floated finish) applies to unformed surfaces not buried underground or covered by concrete or grout and for which no higher class of finish is specified. As soon after screeding .{~nd the condition of the concrete permits and before concrete has hardened appreciably, all water, film and foreign material, which may work to the surface, shall be removed. Floating may be performed by use of hand or power driven equipment. Floating shall be held to the minimum necessary to produce a true and uniform surface free from screed marks with no coarse aggregate visible. Finish U3 (trowel finish) - applies to all floors within buildings, all top surfaces of curbs in buildings, and all exposed top surfaces of equipment foundation pads. Surfaces, which are to receive a U3 finish, shall first be given a U2 finish. This shall be followed by hand troweling with steel trowels to bring the surface to a uniform, smooth, hard, impervious surface free from marks and blemishes. Troweling shall not be started until all water has disappeared from the surface. Over-troweling shall be avoided. Dusting with dry cement or other mixtures or sprinkling with water will not be permitted during the finishing process. C-12 of 19 I.J~;~ HOLZMACHER, IdcLENDON & MURRELL. P C CONCRETE CONT'D Finish U4 (broom finish) - applies to walkways of tanks and exterior entrance slabs of buildings. Surfaces to receive a U4 finish shall first be given a U2 finish. As soon as this is completed, and before the concrete has hardened appreciably, it shall be lightly broomed with a hard bristle push broom. Brooming shall be a continuous operation with the broom passing over the concrete perpendicular to the direction of travel in smooth straight lines. After brooming has been completed, an edging tool shall be applied around the edge of the broomed surfaces. On the interior surfaces of manholes and chambers, all fins and pro3ections shall be ground smooth, but rubbing of entire areas will not be required except where the surface is required to be coated. 16.0 TESTING 16.1 General The Engineer reserves the right to make any tests he deems necessary or desirable on aggregates, cement, water and concrete. The Contractor shall provide complete cooperation to facilitate the sampling and performance of these tests. 16.2 Testing Frequent tests by an independent testing laboratory (as approved by Engineer) to determine the quality of concrete being produced. The tests will be conducted so as to interfere as little as possible with progress of the work and the Contractor shall cooperate in every way and facilitate the making of such tests so that concrete of the desired quality will be obtained. All costs of the concrete tests shall be borne by the Contractor. One concrete test cylinder shall be taken for each truck load poured (1 per each 8 ~ubic yards), with a minimum of 3 test cylinders for a day's pour, or at the discretion of the Engineer. All cylinders shall be tested for compresion strength by an approved testing laboratory (1 cylinder to be tested after 7 days, and 2 after 28 days). Concrete shall have a slump of between ~" and 5" for concrete placed in wall forms. Test cylinders shall be carefully handled and protected to assure valid test results. Each cylinder shall be identified by a tag, which may be obtained from the testing laboratory, and each tag filled out with the appropriate information. Test cylinders shall be made and stored in accordance with ASTM C-31 latest revision. The method of sampling fresh concrete shall be in accordance with ASTM C-172 latest revision. Results of the tests shall be sent directly to the Engineer by the testing laboratory. All testing shall be paid for by this Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. C-L3 of 19 I._~j~ HO~ 7MACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL. PC CONCRETE - CONT'O If any tests conclude that the specified requirements have not been met, concreting shall be stopped. Faulty concrete shall be removed and replaced with suitable concrete as specified herein, at the expense of the Contractor. 17.0 CURING CONCRETE Concrete shall be cured for a period of not less than 7 days, unless otherwise specified. Walls and slabs that will be in contact with sewage or sludge and substructures shall be cured by water curing or curing and sealing compound. All other surfaces, unless otherwise specified, shall be cured either by water, by curing and sealing compound or by waterproof paper curing. The Contractor shall have all equipment and materials needed for adequate curing and protection of the concrete on hand and ready to install before actual concrete placement begins. The curing medium and method, or combination of mediums and methods used, shall be approved in wrlting. 17.1 Water Curing: The concrete shall be kept wet by covering it with water- saturated material or a system of sprays, or by any other approved method that will keep all surfaces to be cured continuously (not periodically) wet. Vertical or steeply sloped surfaces shall be kept wet prior to form removal by applying water on the unformed top surfaces and allowing water to pass down between the forms and the formed concrete faces. Horizontal construction joints shall be covered with a minimum of 2" of sand, which shall be kept continuously saturated. These joints shall be cleaned and allowed to dry for 12 hours immediately prior to the placing of the following lift. 17.2Curing and Sealing Compound: All slabs shall be cured by power spraying compound. The curing compound shall be applied immediately after the final finishing operation in a continuous operation. Traffic and other operations shall be such as to avoid damage to the compound. Where it is impossible to avoid traffic over surfaces coated with curing solution, the membrane shall be protected by covering with a layer of waterproof curing paper or polyethylene sheeting, which shall be placed on the concrete with a 6" lap on all edges, and sealed with tape. C-14 of 19 CONCRETE - CONT'D. 18.0 PROTECTION Fresh concrete shall be protected from rains, flowing water and mechanical injury. The Contractor shall not permit walking upon or over the concrete until it has set for a sufficient length of time. Projecting steel reinforcement or inserts shall likewise be protected from disturbance until the concrete has hardened sufficiently. After the curing period, concrete in slabs, curbs and other similar surfaces shall be covered with waterproof curing paper. All seams of such paper shall be overlapped at least 6' and sealed with tape. Further protection, while erecting equipment, shall be provided by means of planking of sufficient size, and by such other protection as required. No fire or excessive heat shall be permitted near or in direct contact with concrete at any time. The slab protection shall not be removed sooner than 28 days after concrete has been placed. All concrete shall be protected at all times to prevent damage, staining or any other marring of concrete surfaces. Concrete steps shall be protected with lumber to prevent chipping or crazing. In the event of flooding, the Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent water from rising against any structure above any elevation at which flotation, or structural or other damage, could occur. Should the Contractor be unable to prevent water from rising against a structure above a safe elevation, such structure shall be flooded by the Contractor as approved by the Engineer, in order to prevent flotation, or structural' or other damage to the structure. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to determine the elevation at which flotation, or structural or other damage, could occur. 19.0 REMOVAL OF FORMS Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has hardened sufficiently to safely support its own load plus any superimposed loads that might be placed thereon. Unless otherwise ordered, forms shall be left in place the minimum number of days specified as follows, from the date of placing concrete: Mean Temperature (Degree F) 85-70 69-60 59-50 Walls and beam sides 2 3 4 C-15 of 19 ~.j~ HOLZMACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL. PC CO NCI{ E'[' E CO N'I."D. Beam soffits 5 6 7 Slabs 6 7 8 For temperatures not listed, the Contractor shall not remove forms until he receives permission from the Engineer to do so. Immediately after forms are removed, the Contractor shall place adequate reshores to prevent injury to the concrete by construction loads. Care shall be taken in removing forms, walers, shorings, supports, and form ties to avoid spalling or marring the concrete. Form ties shall be broken back immediately after removing forms. The holes left by such ties shall be immediately filled with mortar consisting of one part Portland cement and two parts sand, of the same type and quality as used in the concrete, and the surface shall be finished with a steel trowel. If, after removal of forms, honeycombing, pockets and open spaces exist, they shall be treated as specified in Section S15.0. 20.0 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES Variation in alignment, grade and dimensions of the structures from the established alignment, grade and dimensions shown on the Drawings shall be within the tolerances specified in the following table: Variation from the plumb; a. In the lines and sur- In 10 ft .................. ~' faces of walls and in but not more than ...... 1" streets Variation of the linear building lines from established position in plan and related position of walls and partitions partions 3o Variation in the sizes and locations of sleeves, floor openings, and wall openings ............................ ~" C-1G of 19 CONCRETE - CONT'D. 4. Variation in cross sectional dimensions of columns and beams and in the thickness Minus .............. ~" or slabs and walls Plus ................ ½" 5. Footings: a. Variation of demensions Minus .............. ~" in plan Plus ............... b. Misplacement of 2% of the footing width eccentricity in the direction of misplace- ment but not more than 2". 6. Footings and base slabs Minus ................. reduction in thickness of specified thickness 7. Variation in steps: Riser ............ 1/8" a. In a single step Tread ........... b. In two consecutive Riser ............ 1/16" steps Tread ............ 1/8" 21.0 DEFECTIVE CONCRETE Concrete damaged by freezing or by alternate freezing and thawing, or from any other cause, or any concrete work which shall be found defective at any time before the final completion of this Contract shall be removed and rebuilt or otherwise made good at the expense of the Contractor. The Engineer shall be notified before such repairs are made and methods shall be submitted for approval. If surfaces which are to be permanently exposed become stained or discolored, they shall be cleaned by a method which does not harm the concrete and which is approved by the Engineer. Surfaces not properly finished shall be ground to an acceptable finish with a power grinder. C-17 of 19 ~j~ HOLZMACHER, McL£NDON & MURR£LL. PC CONCRETE CONT'D. 22.0PLACING BACKFILL AND FILL Backfill and fill shall not be placed against concrete walls for a minimum of ? days after placing of concrete. 23.0 SEALER AND DUSTPROOFER A sealer and dustproofer, specified in Section 2.12 shall be applied to all slabs not specified to be painted. The application of the sealer and dustproofer shall be done in strict accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. The application shall 'be made just prior to the completion of construction. 24.0 CONCRETE STAIRS Concrete stairs shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown or approved. Stairs shall be poured in smooth forms for risers and all corners shall be well rounded. Safety treads, as specified in STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK shall be cast integrally with the steps. Concrete treads shall be given a U2 floated finish and protected as specified hereinbefore. 25.0 ANCHORS AND ACCESSORIES The Contractor shall furnish and place anchors for fastening equipment and materials to masonry, as shown, noted or specified. The Contractor shall coordinate between the mechanical, electrical, R.V.~A.C. and plumbing trades for all required anchors to be cast in the concrete. Anchors and accessories which are required to be cast with the concrete shall be accurately set and maintained in their required positions. Anchor bolts shall be set so as to provide not less than 1½ full threads above the nuts. Where the location of anchors can be determined before concrete is placed, anchor bolts shall be placed in the concrete as shown on the Drawings, and drill anchors shall not be used. Sleeves shall be filled temporarily with a plastic compound to prevent filling with water and freezing; the permanent filling shall be of non-shrink grout. Where some adjustment of anchor bolt location is required, malleable iron inserts shall be placed in the concrete. They shall be designed for the use of tee-head or square head bolts or nuts and shall not be threaded. They shall be ITT Grinnell Corp., CB- C-18 of 19 I-,~_./~ HOLZMACHER. McLIFNOON & MURR£LL, PC CONC~E'rE CONT'D. Universal Figure No. 282, Concrete Inserts; Hohmann and Barnard, Inc., Universal No. HU-N; or equal. Drill anchors as specified in STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK shall be used only where the use of pour-in-place anchor bolts or inserts are impractical. Drill anchors shall not be located so close to the edges or sides of concrete members as to cause spalling or other damage to the concrete. Expansion anchors shall not be used in concrete. 26.0 BUILT-IN WORK In addition to the steel reinforcement, there shall be built into, set in or attached to the concrete by the Contractor, wherever shown or directed, pipe, sleeves, wall castings, frames, manhole steps, eyebolts, electrical conduits, and other objects as shown, specified or ordered. These objects shall be accurately set and properly secured, and all necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent them from being displaced, broken or deformed. The Contractor shall place concrete only on one side of a pipe, pipe sleeve or a wall casting until it flushes under and comes up on the other side to a level well above the bottom of the pipe, sleeve or casting, after which it shall be placed on both sides. Concrete shall be compacted thoroughly around and against all built-in work so as to secure perfect adhesion. C-19 of 19 ~.j~ HOI. ZMACHER. McLENDON & MURREI.!... P.C. BAR SCREEN 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish and install one (1) bar screen rack in compliance with the following Specifications and as shown on the Contract Drawings. 2.0 - BAR RACK The bar rack shall consist of 2 x 1/4-inch rectangular mild steel bars fastened top and bottom to provide a clear.spacing of 1 inch bet~ ween the bars. The bars shall be straight and inclined at 45 degrees from the horizontal, and shall span the full width of the channel. The bar rack shall extend to 2' above the surface of the operating floor. The bar rack shall be firmly anchored to the channel floor and to the operating floor. 3.0 - RAKE The Contractor shall cleaning of the bar rack. also supply a rake suitable for the manual BS - 1 of 1 ~ ~j~ HOL.ZMACHER. McL£NOON & MURR£LL, P,C GRIT COLLECTION SYSTEM AND ACCESSORIES l.O - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equip- ment and incidentals necessary to construct and install the grit collec- tion system and accessories, as specified herein and shown on the contract drawings. Included shall be initial start-up and testing in the presence of the Engineer, Owner and Manufacturer's representative. 2.0 - GENERAL The system shall include an aerated grit chamber with aeration blower and pipinG, circulation baffle, grit collection equipment of the screw conveyor type, and all associated appurtenances for opera- tion, as specified herein and shown on the contract drawings. The grit collection system and accessories specified herein shall be supplied by one manufacturer for the purpose of standardization. iManufacturer shall be FMC Corp., Lansdale, Penn., or approved equal. 3.0 - GRIT COLLECTION MECHANISM The accumulated grit shall be washed, dewatered and elevated to the discharge point by a 12-inch diameter, half pitch, inclined screw mounted on a minimum 3-inch extra heavy steel pipe with 3/8-inch thick steel flighting. The screw trough shall be constructed of 1/4-inch thick steel, and covered with No. 12 Gauge steel plate above the top of the chamber. The screw conveyor drive unit shall consist of not less than a 1 HP motor equipped with an adjustable base mounted on top of the screw trough. A V-belt drive and guard shall connect the motor with the reducer. The reducer shall be of the helical gear type with oil-tight housing bolted to the screw trough. The output shaft of the reducer shall be direct connected to the upper end of the screw con- veyor. The screw shall revolve at a speed of approximately 20 R.P.M. The lower end of the screw shall be fitted with a bronze bushed, internal collar revolving in a special steel end bearing mounted in the screw conveyor trough. This bearing shall be furnished with grease Grooves and shall be lubricated by a copper tube with Alemite fitting above the water level. Hanger bearings shall be included as required and shall be a minimum of 2-7/16-inch diameter. Bearings located be- low liquid shall be water lubricated. Bearings located above liquid shall be grease lubricated and furnished with a copper extension tube if required for easy access. GCS&A - 1 of 3 ~j~ HO[.ZMACHIFR, McLI:NDON & MURRELL, P.C GRIT COLLECTION SYSTEM AND ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) 3.0 - GRIT COLLECTION MECHANISM (cont'd.) A 1/4-inch thick steel effluent trough with adjustable weirs shall be furnished by the Equipment Manufacturer and shall be installed over the screw as shown on the drawings. It shall be so constructed that through proper adjustment, effluent water and putrescible material can be conveyed away from the screw chamber. A 1/4-inch thick steel baffle shall be furnished by the Equipment Manufacturer and shall be located as shown on the drawings. Electrical current for the motors shall be 230/460 volts, 3 phase, 60 Hertz. Ail anchor bolts shall be galvanized and furnished with the equip- ment. All structural steel shall conform to "Standard Specifications for Structural Steel of the ASTM". All iron castings shall be tough, close grained gray iron, free of blow-holes, flaws, or excessive shrink- age. They shall conform to the "Standard Specifications for Gray Iron Castings of the ASTM". Ail parts of the mechanism shall be amply proportioned for all stresses which may occur during fabrication, erection and operation. Duplicate parts shall be interchangeable. The screw and trough shall be factory assembled and shipped as a unit by the manufacturer, ready to be grouted in place by the Contractor. 4.0 - AERATION EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall furnish two (2) Adjustair Diffuser units as manufactured by the FMC Corp., Environmental Equipment Div., or equal. The unit shall be made of Delrin Plastic with 3/4-inch pipe threads for mounting on the air header. The unit shall have twelve (12) 5/32- inch diameter holes and be so designed that the number of holes in use may be varied. A ball check shall be provided to prevent backflow of solids into the air header. The diffuser shall be readily disassembled for cleaning. The unit shall have a capacity of at least 10 cfm of air with a head loss not to exceed 0.4 p.s.i. GCS&A - 2 of 3 I_t~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C GRIT COLLECTION SYSTEM AND ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) 5.0 AIR BLOWER The Contractor shall furnish one (1) positive displacement blower rated to deliver not less than 20 cfm at an operating pressure of 4.1 p..s.i.g. Each blower shall have V-belt drive with weatherproof drive guard and shall be mounted on a common base. Drive motor shall be 0.75 HP, 1,750 R.P.M. for 460/230 volts, 3 phase, 60 Hertz current. Included with each blower shall be pressure weighted relief valve, flexible joint and combination intake filter silencer. Blower unit shall be Roots Whispair Max unit or approved equal. 6.0 - SHOP PAINT Ail steel work and machinery shall be painted with one (1) shop coat of high grade primer applied in a workmanlike manner by brush or spray. All surfaces to be painted shall be thoroughly dry and free from rust, Grease or dirt. 7.0 - SERVICE The manufacturer shall provide the services of a factory trained Service Engineer to check the equipment after installation, start-up the system and to instruct the Owner's representative for a total period of two (2) days. Five (5) copies of the Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual and Shop Drawings shall be provided to the Engineer. GCS&A - 3 of 3 ~_j~ HOL.ZMACHER. McLENDON & MURREL~ P.C. ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM 1.0 - scoP~ The Contractor shall furnish and install, complete, all sodium hypochlorite feed equipment, electrolytic module, scrubber tower with oxidant spray and recycle system, rectifier as a D.C. power source and automatic solution level control system for the gas odor control system as detailed in these specifications and as shown on the contract draw- ir~s. 2.0 - GENERAL The system shall be sized to destroy odors in a 1,000 CFM gas strea: containing oxidizable compounds having an average continuous oxidation demand equivalent to 20 ppm hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The system shall be capable of generating a minimum of 19.00 pounds of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) per day, equivalent to 0.500 pounds of oxidant per day, at rated output of the rectifier. The system shall be capable of generating a maximum of 29.0 pounds of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) per day, equivalent of 0.78 pounds equivalent of oxidents per day which shall be capable of handling a possible future contaminent level of 30 ppm H2S equivalent. The electrolytic unit shall have built-in redundancy such that it shall be capable of generating the full rated amount of sodium hypochlorite with one cell removed from service. The gas odor control system shall be manufactured by Pacific Engineering & Production Co. of Nevada (PEPCON), Henderson, Nevada; or equal, and shall be designed for indoor service. 3.0 - OPERATING CONDITIONS The system shall be designed to include continuous of the oxidizing solution for operating economy. regeneration The unreacted oxidant shall be retained in the system, and recir- culated so as to be immediately available for treating such periodic surges as may occur in the level of gas stream contamination. The system shall be designed to include both a spray area and a packing section to provide for maximum contact between the oxidizing solution and the gas stream being treated. The unit shall be a true oxidizing scrubber destroying odors pri- marily by conversion of malodorous contaminants to non-objectionable compounds. OCS - I of 9 ~_j~ HOLZMACHER. McLENOON & MURREI.I. ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 3.0 - OPERATING CONDITIONS (cont'd.) Spray nozzles (not perforated pipe) shall be used in the spray .area. The entire spray system within the scrubber tower shall be re- movable without dismantling the scrubber tower sections. 4.0 - DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 4.1 - Electrolytic Modules The electrolytic modules will be constructed of electrolytic cells which shall be self-contained and allow for individual replacement of servicing. In this installation one module with two cells connected electronically in series will be used. The cells shall be 500 amperes capacity type. These electrolytic cells shall be capable of handling a possible future contaminent level of 30 ppm H2S .equivalent in a 1000 cfm gas stream. The anodes shall have a high density electroplated active surface ,of metallic oxide, specially modified for operation in a low tempera- ture electrolyte. The anodes shall be of stable configuration, impermeable and abra- s'ion resistant. The anodes shall be stable in acid solutions including those containing free nitric, sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids. They shall be capable of producing oxidative reactions without the presence ,of metallic additives such as chromates. The anodes shall be capable of operation in a current density range of 0.1 ampere per square inch to at least 1.5 amperes per square inch. The anodes shall be of a "disposable" type designed for simple replacement in the same cathode at the treatment plant by regular main- tenance personnel. It shall not be necessary to replace the complete electrolytic cell in order to replace an anode and there shall be no requirement to return electrolytic cells to the manufacturer's plant for replating or exchange. The cathodes shall be of a properly conductive metal with corro- sion resistance to solution flows high in sodium chloride and sodium ihypochlorite. The cathode shall be so constructed as to serve as the .cell container as well as the cathode. Anode cathode spacing shall be minimized to allow for low voltage operation. The cell shall be completely sealed with a non-conductive material .and stainless steel allowing the unit to be operated as a flooded cell. OCS - 2 of 9 !.t~/~ ~MACHER. MGLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. :~DOR CONTROL SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 4i.0 - DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (cont'd.) The cells will be supported on a suitable frame to maintain them in proper relationship to the other elements of equipment. Fiberglass structural shapes will be used for the support structure. All fastenings used in the vicinity of the cells shall be corro- sion resistant. The bolts, washers, and nuts used to make the elec- trical connections to the cathodes and to the bus bar pieces shall be silicon bronze or brass. The positive electrical connection to the anode shall be by means of a threaded rod inserted directly into the anode substrate. Valves used to assist in making watertight connections at the cells shall be construction of stainless steel. Clamps to be utilized for making watertight connections will not be allowed. Hoses used to provide flexible connections between solution lines and the individual cells shall be constructed of material which is re- sistant to chemical attack of a brine-hypochlorite solution. Poly- vinylchloride and Tygon are suitable materials.. The electrolytic module shall be preassembled by the gas odor control system manufacturer. The pipe used within the electrolytic module circuit shall be Schedule 80 PVC-1220 (general usage) Type 1 (normal impact). The pipe fittings shall be Schedule 40 PVC Type 1 (normal impact) socket weld type in order to allow use of maximum amount'Of heavy duty, high solids content, quick setting type solvent weld solution in making up electrolytic module pipe joints. 4.2 - Bus Bar The bus bar electrical conductors within the cell unit shall be constructed of copper. The bus should be hard drawn copper of suffi- cient cross-section to conduct 500 amperes direct current without undue temperature rise. One bar 1/2-inch x 4-inch in cross-section is adequate. The copper bus bar surfaces at joints or connections shall be tinned to give a low resistance connection as well as a corrosion resistant surface. All holes punched or drilled in the bus bar for bolted connections shall have the edges deburred and reamed. Bus bar material used shall be of square edge type. All joints and con- connection surfaces shall be clean and free from dirt or grease when connection is made. OCS - 3 of 9 ~../~ HOI. ZMACHER, McLENOOH & MURREI. L, P.C. ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM (CONT'D.) ~.0 - DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. (cont'd.) The electrical conductors used to connect from the electrolytic cells to the rectifier terminals shall be constructed of copper. The runs shall be of sufficient cross-section to conducti500 amperes direct current without undue temperature rise. One bar 1/4-inch x 2-inch in cross-section is adequate. The bus bar support brackets shall be fabricated of fiberglass. 4.3 - Pipe and Pipe Fitting~ The gas odor control system manufacturer shall furnish flanged connections at the terminal point of the system components and com- panion flanges, gaskets and hardware. The PVC interconnecting pipe lines between system components are to be furnished and installed by the Contractor under this specification section. 4.4 - Rectifier/Control Panel/Motor Control Center The rectifier shall be a silicon rectifier direct current power supply. The unit shall have a continuous operating range output of 0 to1500 amperes D.C. at 0 to 12 volts D.C. The input shall be 460 :f 5% volts, 3 phase, 60 Hz alternating current. The control shall be capable of maintaining the preset current level to within + 1% of rated voltage and current. Regulation shall be by means of silicon controlled rectifiers. Cooling will be by updraft forced air. Temperature limitation will be 40 degrees C. ambient. The unit will contain the "stop-start" pushbuttons, "reset" button and the D.C. ammeter and voltmeter, with indicating lights for "current on" or "overload cut-out" necessary motor starters for the recycle pumps, caustic solution addition pump, exhaust fan, and interlocking relays for the pumps and exhaust fan. Also there will be contacts pro- vided for connection to the flow sensor and the temperature sensor in the cell discharge line for further interlock protection as well as for supplying power for sensor operation. The unit will be furnished with operating protective devices for "over-current", "over-temperature", "over-voltage" and rectifier fan operation. OCS - 4 of 9 ~_j~i HOL.ZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL, P.C. ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 4.0 - DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (cont'd.) The rectifier will include fuse protection for each SCR. Control and monitoring circuitry shall be provided for each replaceable plug-in type module. The A.C. disconnect switch for the rectifier shall be furnished by the odor control system manufacturer. 4.5 - Scrubber Tower and Tanks The scrubber tower sections, gas inlet transition, and the brine tank shall be fabricated of all fiberglass reinforced polyester. They shall conform to Department of Commerce Product Standard PS-15-69, "Custom Contact-Molded Reinforced Polyester Chemical Resistant Process Equipment" (hand lay-up) or ASTM D-3299 (filament wound), and shall be suitable for brine-hypochlorite solution environment with temperatures up to 45 degrees C. The scrubber tower shall have required connections as indicated on the contract drawings. The tower sections shall be provided with flanges bottom and top. Suitable gasketing material to prevent solution leaking at the joints will be provided. The packing for the scrubber towers shall be polypropylene. It shall be low weight with low resistance with a packing factor of at least 23. 1-inch and 2-inch saddles or pall rings shall be used. There shall be separate "main spray" and "demister" packing sections. Packing support grates shall be constructed of fiberglass. Packing hold-down grates shall be constructed of polystyrene louver panels and fastened in place with titanium wire. The spray nozzles shall be constructed of chemical resistant PVC. Perforated pipe shall not be used for solution distribution within the scrubber towers. The nozzles shall be of full cone pattern. Flanged openings shall be provided for spray nozzle headers. The flanged openings shall be sufficient in size to allow for insertion and removal of spray nozzle headers. Scrubber towers shall be shipped with all packing and all spray iozzles in place and shall not have temporary internal bracing or supports which must be removed in the field prior to final assembly. OCS - 5 of 9 ~(~.j~ HO~ZMACHER, Mc{.ENDON & MURREt.~, P.C. ,DOR CONTROL SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 4.0 - DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (cont'd.) The Gas odor control system manufacturer shall provide a flanged inlet transition for connection between the gas inlet opening at the bottom section of the scrubber tower and the exhaust fan discharge. The Gas inlet shall be through properly sized and located flanged nozzle with adequate baffling to provide uniform distribution of gas flow through the tower. TurninG vanes shall be located within the basin. There shall be necessary flanged connections for the pump suctions and for overflow and bleed-off in the tower basin. Outlets for sight glass attachment will be provided. The basin will have a hold-down flange or hold-down lugs for bolting to the skid or slab. The pressure drop through the packed tower shall not be Greater than 1.5 inches static water pressure at the rated capacity. Ail inlet ductinG, up to the inlet of the exhaust fan, complete with required dampers, etc., is to be furnished and field installed by the Contractor. Nominal dimensions for the scrubber tower shall bei2'6" diameter x nominal 8'6' high. It shall be capable of handling a 1,000 CFM Gas flow. Nominal dimensions for the brine tank shall be 2'0" diameter x 2'6" high (nominal capacitY48gallons). Brine tank' shall be complete with loose cover. Top transition piece (reducer) from scrubber tower to roof exhaust system.to be supplied by odor control system manufacturer. Roof exhaust system to be 14-inch diameter PVC Schedule 40 piping. PipinG to extend through roof and to terminate with rain cap as shown on the contract drawings. 4.6 - Pumps The cell circulating pump furnished shall be a centrifugal verti- cally mounted unit. Ail components in the wetted end shall be of CPVC material. The motor shall bei1HPTEFC, the power supply to the pump shall be 460 volt, 3 phase, 60 Hz. The pump motor starter shall be furnished by the odor control ~ystem manufacturer and located in the system control panel. This starter shall include a set of auxiliary contacts for interlocking with the rectifier. This interlock will insure that the rectifier power shuts off in case of failure of the circulatinG pump handling the solution to the cells. OCS - 6 of 9 I-~ HOLZMAC;HER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 4.0 - DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (cont'd.) The cell circulating pump pumps the solution from the basin through the cells to the main spray nozzles. The cell circulating pump shall be capable of pumping 25.01gallons per minute against a total dynamic head of 301 feet. 4.7 - Flow Sensor and Temperature Sensor A flow sensor constructed of corrosion resistant materials, shall be provided as a safety feature and located in the cell discharge line. This sensor shall automatically turn off main rectifier power to the electrolytic cells if solution flow through the cells is insufficient. 4.8 - Exhaust Fans Two (2) exhaust fans shall be furnished for the gas odor control system. They shall supply 1,000 cubic feet per minute, total minimum, at 3.00finches total static pressure to overcome 1.5-inches of scrubber tower static pressure drop plus 1.5~-inches of ductwork static pressure drop. The exhaust fans for the Treatment Building and Equalization Tank shall be rated at 700 and 300 CFM, respectively. Exhaust fans shall be centrifu~alltype and of fiberglass construc- tion, indoor service. The motor shall be explosion proof, 460 volt, 3 phase, 60 Hz~ 1HP~. The exhaust fan motor starter shall be furnished by the odor control system manufacturer and located in the system control panel. This starter shall include auxiliary contacts for interlocking with the rectifier to automatically turn off the entire gas odor control system in case of malfunction of the exhaust fan. 4.9 - Automatic Level Control System The unit will be equipped with an automatic level control to auto- matically maintain optimum solution level in the scrubber tower basin. The system consists of a PVC stilling well approximately 8-inches in diameter by 2 feet high, a strainer and a float valve and control. (SOHT) OCS - 7 of 9 ~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURREL.L,, P.C. CONTROL SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 4.0 - DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (cont'd.) 4.10 - Start-up Service The services of a qualified factory representative of the gas odor control system manufacturer, for inspection, start-up and instruction of operating personnel, shall be provided for a minimum of two (2) working days. Five (5) copies of the Operation & Maintenance Manual and Shop Drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval. 4.11 - Inlet Ductwork A 12-inch x 18-inch reducing elbow of PVC construction shall be installed at the inlet ductwork "TRUE Y" manifold system as shown on the contract drawings. The dampers shall be located at the discharge side of the exhaust fans and prior to the inlet transition "TRUE Y" manifold. The "TRUE Y" manifold system, exhaust fans and dampers are to be supplied by the odor control system manufacturer. The Contractor shall provide for inlet ductwork with required manual dampers~ to the inlet of the exhaust fans as shown on the contract draw- ings. The inlet ductwork will include a "TRUE Y" manifold connection to provide for the evacuation of odorous gas from separate structures as shown on the contract drawings. Dampers shall be provided for each of the two (2) inlet ductwork along with differential pressure intake switches for both. Manufacturer cuts for the differential pressure intake switches shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. 4.12 - Accessories The Contractor shall provide for the brine tank a brine mixer (agitator), clamp-on propellor type, for attachemnt to the brine tank for 115 volts, single phase, 60 Hz unit. T~e Contractor shall also furnish an Odormaster Automatic Con- troller for installation at the scrubber tower. The controller shall include an oxidation reduction potential (ORP) probe; a pH probe; a control panel with individual easily replaceable plug-in type controllers for ORP and pH and a digital process controller for driving the rectifier incrementally on a cyclical basis; all housed in a NEMA 12 fiberglass enclosure. Controllers shall be individual, easily replaceable, plug-in type. Digital Process Controller shall provide automatic D.C. amperage adjustment over full rectifier range, divided into 256 increments. ORP probe section shall be equipped with a turbine-type brush for continuous cleaning. OCS - 8 of 9 ~ HOt. ZMACHER~ McLENDON & MURRELL. P.G. O~X)R CONTROL SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 4.0 - DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (cont'd.) Also included shall be a solid-state electronic chemical metering pump, with D.C. solenoid and solid-state pulsing circuit, for 115 volt A.C.; output shall be adjustable by varying stroke length, stroke frequency, or both. Wetted parts shall be PVC, ceramic and teflon. By automatic adjustment of rectifier amperage to control NaOC1 generation, and automatic on-off operation of metering pump to control pH, the controller will maintain the scrubbing solution within a preselected optimum range for both NaOC1 concentration and pH over a wide range of fluctuation in the contamination level of the gas stream being treated. The solid-state electronic chemical metering pump will be installed with a caustic soda (50% NaOH) solution carboy from an approved chemical supplier for operation of the Odormaster Automatic Controller. 5.0 - ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Ail electrical components of the odor control system specified in this section shall be pre-wired. The Electrical Contractor shall only provide one power supply to the system control panel. R OCS - 9 of 9 ~d~_~ HOLZMACHER, McLFNDON & MURRELL, P.C ACCESSORIES FOR EQUALIZATION TANKS 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to construct and install miscellaneous acces- sories and equipment' for the two (2) equalization tanks, ready for use, as specified herein and as shown on the contract drawings. Included shall be initial start-up and testing in the presence of the Engineer, Owner and Manufacturer's representative. 2.0 SUBMERSIBLE INFLUENT PUMPS The Contractor shall furnish, install and place into operation two (2) submersible pumps as shown on the contract drawings. The pump shall be capable of delivering 40 GPM against a TDH ~f 11[.5 feet, including static lift and pipe friction. The motor is to be 0.9 HP, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 1,740 RPM, for operation on 460 volt A.C. The Contractor shall furnish 50 feet of approved cable with each pump. The pump shall be Model FA 45, impeller 100, submersible sewage pump, as manufactured by Davis-EMU, Thomasville, Georgia; or Model 52, by Wemco Division, an Envirotech Company, Sacramento, California; or equal. Pumps shall be capable of handling raw, unscreened sewage. The design shall be such that pumping units will be automatically connected to discharge piping when lowered into place on the discharge connec- tion. The pumps shall be easily removable for inspection of service requiring no bolts, nuts or other fastening to be removed for this purpose, and no need for personnel to enter equalization tanks. Each pump shall be fitted with a galvanized chain of adequate strength and length to permit raising the pump for inspection and removal. Pump construction shall be as follows: (A) Pump casings shall be constructed of ASTM A48 Class 25 or 30 grey iron material and shall be completely open from suction to dis- charge with no wearing rings or impeller faceplates required. All internal case clearances shall be equal to the discharge diameter so that all material which will pass through the discharge can pass through the pump. All exposed hardware to be corrosion-resistant stainless steel. (SOHT) AE~ - 1 of 9 ~'~ HOLZMACHER, McL£NDON & MURRIFLL. P.C ACCESSORIES FOR EQUALIZATION TANKS (CONT'D.) 2.0 - SUBMERSIBLE INFLUENT PUMPS cont'd.) (C) The motor shall be provided with thrust and radial bearings to carry the entire load which may be imposed upon it under all opera- ting conditions. All motors shall be of nationally known manufacture and shall be approved by Underwriters Laboratory for operation in a Class I, Group D, Division I hazardous location. (D) The motor shall have two mechanical seals - the lower one out- side the motor and protecting the upper one which is in an oil filled chamber. Moisture detector probes in the oil filled seal chamber shall be connected to a customer supplied alarm to indicate the presence of moisture in the seal chamber. Thermal overload protectors shall be imbedded in the motor windings and connected to the starter to discon- nect the motor in the event of overload. (E) The slide away couplings shall be designed such that the pump can be removed from a wet pit without entering the pit or disconnecting piping. The slide away coupling shall consist of a foot mounted discharge elbow and adapter, steel baseplate, upper and lower rail supports, lifting yoke and cable. All metal to metal interfaces where movement might occur shall be non-sparking. The foot mounted discharge elbow and adapter shall conform to ASTM A48 Class 25 or 30 grey iron. The slide away coupling gasket shall be the self-energizing U-cupped design to provide positive sealing under all conditions. The coupling halves shall be angled and the locking lugs shall be adjustable in order to eliminate any mechanical looseness that could cause leakage. The slide away coupling shall be designed for use with two (2) 1-1/2-inch Schedule 40 pipe guide rails to be provided by the Contractor. The baseplate shall be provided with adjustable stops to support the pump weight in order to eliminate unnecessary strain on the coupling. The slide away coupling shall be approved by Underwriters Laboratory for operation in a Class I, Group D, Division I hazardous location. (F) The motor is to be a totally submersible design with open windings and completely oil filled with Class B insulation. An air filled watertight casing for motor housing shall be acceptable. The motor shaft shall be stainless steel and designed for extremely dif- ficult sewage pumping service. Ail 3 phase motors shall be dual voltage. Pump motors shall have cooling characteristics suitable to permit continuous operation, in a totally, partially or non-submerged condition. The pump shall be (SOHT) AET - 2 of 9 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. ACCESSORIES FOR EQUALIZATION TANKS (CONT'D.) 2.0 - SUBMERSIBLE INFLUENT PUMPS (cont'd.) capable of running dry in a totally dry condition under full load with- ()ut damage, for extended periods. Before final acceptance, a field running test demonstrating this ability, with 24 hours of continuous operation under the above conditions, shall be performed for pumps being supplied. The Contractor shall provide a one year warranty from date of final certificate against defective workmanship and materials on all components supplied by the pump system manufacturer. For a period of five years from the date of manufacture, a five year exchange plan will be available on a brand new pump of same size HP. The Pump Manufacturer shall furnish certified laboratory pump curves for each pump after manufacture. Pump curves shall include: flow, total dynamic head, brake horsepower, efficiency and net posi- tive suction head required. Prior to each pump being installed, the Contractor all piping, valves, etc. on the site. Foundation bolts shown on the contract drawings. shall have shall be as Pump guide rails to be located so as not to interfere with re- moval of air header main and diffuser tubes. The manufacturer shall submit five (5) copies of a manual detail- lng the following information: Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Shop Drawings, Certified Curves, etc. The Contractor shall, at the request of the Engineer, perform a field performance test of each pump and motor to determine the actual characteristic curve. Failure of the pumps to perform based on the certified pump curves shall result in either replacement of the pumps or other corrective action deemed necessary by the Engineer at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall also supply six (6) liquid level float switches Model ENH-10 by Flygt Corp., or approved equal. 3.0 - HEADBOX The Contractor shall furnish and install a concrete headbox as shown on the contract drawings. Included shall be all interior baffles, adjustable weirs, cover, etc. The Contractor shall also furnish and install all piping connections as shown on the contract drawings. The headbox shall be painted in accordance with the specifications as detailed in the section entitled, "SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING". (SOHT) AET - 3 of 9 I-I('~ HOI 7MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C ACCESSORIES FOR EQUALIZATION TANKS (CONT'D.) 4.0 - EQUALIZATION TANK AERATION SYSTEM The Contractor shall furnish and install an aeration system in each equalization tank as shown on the contract drawings and as de- :scribed in the specifications. The aeration equipment will be comprised of air diffuser tubes mounted on an air diffuser header main line suspended by upper and lower hanger pipes from the feeder manifold air line. The upper .and lower hanger pipes are to be of the swing up diffuser type with a knee joint assembly for ease of maintenance. For the purpose of standardization and total system reliability, all of the aeration equipment specified in the section entitled "EQUALIZATION TANK AERA- TION SYSTEM" shall be supplied by one manufacturer and installed and guaranteed by the Contractor as specified herein. The Equipment Manufacturer's representative shall be present to supervise testing and start-up of the aeration equipment and shall provide any other assistance to the Contractor necessary to guarantee satisfactory performance of the equipment. Refer to the section en- titled, "DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - EQUALIZATION TANK AERATION SYSTEM" for details on the components of the system. 5.0 - LIQUID LEVEL INDICATOR The Contractor shall furnish and install for each equalization tank a liquid level indicator as specified herein and as shown on the contract drawings. Liquid level indicator to be Sensall Model 890 continuous level transmitter as manufactured by National Sonics, ]Division of Xertex Corporation, Hauppauge, N.Y., or equal. The system shall operate on the principle of ultrasonic sonar relection whereby signals are transmitted from the sensor suspended above the liquid and are returned as echoes. The information is digitally processed by a microprocessor which then provides an out- put level indication. Range of unit shall be 1 to 15 feet from the sensor face. The microprocessor shall allow the unit to perform its functions rapidly and accurately with a repeatability of 1/4-inch. Unit shall have accuracy of 1/2% of full scale for analog output with temperature compensation being automatic over the full range of sensor operating temperature (-22 to 160 degrees F.). (SOHT) AET - 4 of 9 ~ HO~MACHER, McL£NOON & MURRELL, P C ACCESSORIES FOR EQUALIZATION TANKS (CONT'D.) !5.0 - LIQUID LEVEL INDICATOR (cont'd.) The analog processor control unit/recorder shall be mounted on the outside tank railing as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide dual coaxial cable as required to install a complete and oper- able system. The unit shall operate on a 117 volt A.C., 60 Hz current with less than 40 watts power consumption. Unit output to be a 4-20 ma ]D.C. signal isolated into 0-1,000 ohms. Control unit and electronics to be in a NEMA-4 enclosure with con- duit hubs at bottom. Sensor to be of CPVC construction and to come equipped with sufficient length of 4-conductor cable to reach control unit. Control unit to contain read-out of 50 segment bargraph. Contractor to install ultrasonic sensor through fiberglass roof panel as shown on the contract drawings. Contractor to provide 3-inch diameter opening in roof panel for installation. Opening in roof to include suitable coupling for providing of removal of ultrasonic trans- mitter and sensor without removing roof panel. 6.0 - HANDRAIL, STANCHION AND SAFETY CHAIN The Contractor shall furnish and install handrail, stanchion and safety chain as described in these specifications and in the location as shown on the contract drawings. The handrail is to be 1-1/2-inch diameter fabricated of aluminum alloy and as specified in the section entitled, "STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS METALWORK". '7.0 - VALVES AND ACCESSORIES Miscellaneous valves (check and plug) are to be installed in the locations as shown on the contract drawings and as specified in the section entitled, "TREATMENT AREA AND MECHANICAL WORK - PIPING, VALVES AND ACCESSORIES". Handwheels and/or floorstands shall be installed where shown on the contract drawings for the required valves and as specified below. The Contractor is to furnish and install a 12-inch diameter knife gate valve as specified herein and as located in the contract drawings. The valve is to be as specified in the section entitled, "TREATMENT AREA AND MECHANICAL WORK - PIPING, VALVES AND ACCESSORIES". The valve ]package is to include extension stem, stem guide and valve floorstand with handwheel actuator. (SOHT) AET - 5 of 9 ~;~,~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURR~FLL, P C ACCESSORIES FOR EQUALIZATION TANKS (CONT'D.) 7.0 - VALVES AND ACCESSORIES (cont'd.) Extension stem to be Style 3801, as manufactured by Dresser In- dustries, or equal. Stem guide to be furnished and installed in "'wye wall" as located on the contract drawings. Stem guide to be Style 1035, as manufactured by Dresser Industries, or equal, with an adjustable stem guide extension dimension of 5-inches minimum to 32-inches maximum. The Contractor shall furnish and install the valve floorstand with handwheel for the operation of the knife gate valve. The floorstand is to be Style 36-Indicating, M & H floorstand, as manufactured by Dresser /industries, or equal. The floorstand is to be secured to the "wye wall" concrete base with 4-1/2-inch diameter anchor bolts extending through the floorstand base. The overall maximum floorstand height will be 36-inches. The concrete base for the floorstand is to be of the dimensions and location as shown on the contract drawings and as specified in the section entitled, "CONCRETE". Ail adaptors shall be Dresser, Style 127, or approved equal, for d[uctile iron pipe, suitable for working pressures specified under the respective pipe specifications. Adaptors shall be installed complete with all bolts, rings, gaskets and accessories, as shown on the con- tract drawings or as directed by the Engineer. 8.0 - ROOF SYSTEM 8.1 General Scope The Contractor shall furnish and install a roofing system as speci- fied herein and as shown on the contract drawings. The components of the fiberglass roofing system shall be supplied by one manufacturer for system compatability and standardization. The roof system shall be complete with support brackets, support beams, closure strips, hold-down strips, stainless steel closure bolts and inserts, anchor "Z" clips with slotted holes, gasketing and all stainless steel anchor bolts. The system shall be designed for 40 psf liveload with 1.85 safety factor and a deflection not to exceed L/240. The complete roof system and all accessories shall be as manufac- tured and supplied by J.M. Bush Company, Denver, CO, or equal. The manufacturer of the cover system must design and fabricate the complete insulated fiberglass cover system and supply all design data, engineering calculations, joint and closure strip details and (SOHT) AET - 6 of 9 ACCESSORIES FOR EQUALIZATION TANKS (CONT'D.) 81.0 - ROOF SYSTEM (cont'd.) anchorage details within three weeks after contract award. Ail system design calculations must be made and stamped by a registered Professional Engineer. A 15"x17" sample section that shows panel construction, panel edge seal, beams, joint strips and closure strip attachment must be in- cluded with the shop drawings. A full size panel shall be loaded and defections measured in the presence of a registered Professional Engi- neer. Pictures of the test loading and a signed and stamped statement from the witnessing engineer must be part of the submittals for approval. The statement must give deflection at design load. 8.2 - Fiberglass Roof Panels The fiberglass panels shall be 2-inch nominal thickness and fabri- cated in a flat configuration so as to meet design loading. All panels shall be of sandwich type construction with two molded exterior skins, each consisting of NPG gel coat, 2 ounces fiberglass mat reinforcing and bisphenol polyester corrosion-resistant resin, such as Koppers 6694, or equal. The inside structure of all panels must be fiberglass honey- comb using polyester resin. The honeycomb core must be penetration bonded to each skin with at least 72 psf pressure. Honeycomb made with paper will not be acceptable. All edges must be closed with three layers of 1-1/2 ounce mat and resin and gel coated after finishing and provide, alt least 150 psi edge compression. Panels shall not exceed 130 pounds in weight. Top surfaces shall be flat and be complete with PVC lined weep drainage holes as located on the contract drawings. PVC pipe 1/2- inch O.D. and 1/4-inch I.D. shall be bonded into the panels with both ends flush with the outside skins. The roof panels shall extend a mini- mum of 6-inches for bearing surface on the concrete wall in all directions Top surfaces shall be non-skid with grit completely encased in 6694 resin and sealed with engineer selected colored NPG gel coat. All panels shall be complete with four (4) recessed lifting handles fabricated from alu- minum and stainless steel. All panels must be capable of being field cut to fit and reclosed by the Contractor. 8.3 - Roof Support System The fiberglass beams shall be fabricated from the same type honey- comb panels and shall be of sufficient depth and thickness to meet the design conditions of load and deflection. Fiberglass beam to be wide flanged 8"x8"x3/8" thick as shown on the contract drawings. All support beam edges shall be sealed similar to the panels and all edges, bonding points and fillet joint reinforcements shall be completely coated with gel coat after fabrication. The joint closure strips shall be pro- truded solid fiberglass "T" shaped section 3-1/2" wide x 7/16" thick (SOHT) AET - 7 of 9 ~'"~_.~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, PC ACCESSORIES FOR EQUALIZATION TANKS (CONT'D.) 8.0 - ROOF SYSTEM (cont'd.) ,with slots on each side for 1/8"x3/8" seal gasket. Wall support brac- kets for beam ends shall be provided. Aluminum "Z" clip anchors with 3/8"x1-1/4" slotted anchor holes and inside gasketing shall be pro- vided for anchoring and located as shown on the contract drawings. All anchor bolts shall be stainless steel. The sample section for approval must show beam structure and bonding methods. The fiberglass beams shall be complete with stainless steel threaded inserts to receive the 1/4-inch bolts that anchor the 1/2-inch thick gasketed closure strips. Everything, including the beams, shall be easily removable. The "Z" anchor clips shall be gasketed and supplied ,with 3/8-inch stainless steel concrete anchor bolts. Perimeter gasket- lng shall be 1/4"x6". The strip closure bolts shall be on 12-inch centers and the "Z" clips shall be three (3) per panel end. 8.4 - Miscellaneous Metal Work The beam support brackets and center joint support angles shall be constructed as shown on the contract drawings and shall be coated as :specified in the section entitled, "SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING", to pro- vide a protective coating for corrosion resistance. The beam support bracket shall be secured to the wall with six 3/8-inch diameter ex- pansion bolts ramset, or equal. Expansion bolts to have pull out capa- city of 1,600 lbs. (safety factor of 4) and a shear capacity of 1,200 lbs. (safety factor of 4). 9.0 - FIBERGLASS GRATING The Contractor shall furnish and install fiberglass grating walk- 'ways as shown on the contract drawings and as specified herein. The grating shall be fiberglass woven reinforced polyester con- structed to provide complete wetting of the glass by the resin. The fiberglass shall be 1-1/2-inch thick and shall be suitable for a uni- form load of 194 pounds per square foot with a 1% midspan deflection when supported at 36-inches. The grating shall be made in a mold and of single piece construc- tion so the reinforcing glass of the bearing bars are interwoven with the glass of the cross bars. All cuts or sanded surfaces shall be coated with resin with air inhibiting additives. All exterior sur- faces shall be resin rich and free of fiber blemishes. The upper sur- faces shall be designed as a non-skid surface. Contractor shall submit five (5) copies of shop drawings covering layouts and details to the Engineer. (SOHT) AET - 8 of 9 ~/~ IdOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, PC ACCESSORIES FOR EQUALIZATION TANKS (CONT'D.) 9.0 - FIBERGLASS GRATING (cont'd.) Grating shall be Type CR, as manufactured by IMCO Reinforced Plastics, Morrsetown, NJ; Chemgrate Corporation, Woodinville, WA; or approved equal. Grating shall be field measured by the Contractor prior to order- ing same. Grating shall extend 1-inch into concrete wall for bearing surface in all directions. Grating is to fit into a shelf on concrete wall as shown on the contract drawings. Hold down clips or clamps shall be used at 4-foot maximum centers each direction. (SOHT) AET - 9 of 9 ~ HOLZMACHER, MCi. IFNOON & MURRELL P.C [)ETA[LED SPECIFICATIONS - EQUALIZATION TANK AERATION SYSTEM 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall install and furnish all labor, tools, mate- rials, equipment and incidentals necessary to provide an aeration system in each equalization tank as shown on the contract drawings and described in the specifications herein. The completed system shall be installed so as not to interfere with any other equipment of the equalization tank. 2.0 - EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall install and furnish equipment to provide the aeration system specified herein. The equipment includes air diffuser tubes, diffuser piping system and air supply header system. In addi- tion, Contractor shall supply air source for aeration system as de- tailed in the section entitled, "BLOWER SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS". The Contractor shall also provide Manufacturer's Acceptance and Inspection as herein specified. The diffuser aeration system and all of the equip- ment specified in this section shall be supplied by one manufacturer for the purpose of standardization and total system responsibility. Manufacturer to be FMC Corp., Lansdale, PA; or specifically approved equal. The Contractor shall submit five (5) copies of the detailed fabrication and installation drawings for the approval of the Owner prior to manufacture. Five (5) copies of the Operation & Maintenance Manuals and Shop Drawings shall be provided. 3.0 - AIR DIFFUSION UNITS The Contractor shall furnish four (4) air diffusion units for in- stallation in the equalization tanks as shown on the plans. The air diffusion units shall be Duplex Type B-1 Swingfuser Aerator as manufac- tured by FMC Corp., Material Handling Systems Div., Lansdale, PA; or equal Each air diffusion unit shall consist of (a) an air main fitting, (b) a feeder manifold, (c) a valve housing, (d) a swing joint assembly, (e) upper and lower hanger feed pipes, (f) a knee joiqt assembly, (g) an air diffuser header assembly, and (h) air diffuser tubes with proper connecting devices. The Contractor shall furnish one (1) mobile hoist for raising the Swing Diffuser Aerator units from the aeration tanks. The air diffusion units shall be constructed to permit the diffusers to be raised from the aeration tanks without drawing down the level of the liquid in the aeration tank. When in the raised position, all parts (SOHT) ~ DS-ETAS - 1 of 9 I-t~1~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C FDETAILEDSPECIFICATIONS - EQUALIZATION TANK AERATION SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 3.0 - AIR DIFFUSION UNITS (cont'd.) of the air diffusion units shall be accessible from the tank walkway and shall be removed completely out of the aeration tank with no part of the unit remaining inside the aeration tank. Each aerator shall have a head loss from the connection at the air main to the end of the header of not greater than 3.3 inches of water at a flow rate of 150 SCFM of free air and not greater than 13.0 inches of water at 300 SCFM of free air. 4.0 - AIR MAIN FITTINGS There shall be furnished two (2) mechanical joint manifold connec- tor fittings for ductile iron air main pipe, of the proper sizes, each equipped with a flanged and faced raised outlet to provide connection between the air mains and the feeder manifolds. Where air main pipe sizes change, the applicable fitting shall be of the eccentric, reducer type, designed for laying with the crown level and flanged manifold outlet located in the crown of the pipe fitting. 5.0 - FEEDER MANIFOLDS There shall be furnished one feeder manifold to serve two (2) air diffusion units where two units are located on opposite sides of the same tank coping wall in the aeration tanks. The feeder manifolds shall attach to the air main fittings by means of a flanged connection which shall be part of the feeder manifold assembly. There shall be furnished a neoprene "O" ring for insertion between the flange of the feeder manifold and the corresponding flange on the manifold outlet of the air main fitting. Manifold pipes shall be manufactured from 3-1/2-inch Schedule 40 steel pipe to ASTM Specification A120 and. shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication. The manifold pipes must be straight and the eccen- tricity of the center line of the free end shall not exceed 1/4-inch of the true center when the opposite end is assembled into the fitting on the opposite valve housing. (SOHT) DS-ETAS - 2 of 9 I.-~.~ HOLZMACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL, P.C. :DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - EQUALIZATION TANK AERATION SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 6.0 - VALVE HOUSING Each valve housing shall be mounted in the equalization tank coping wall as shown on the plans and shall serve both as the housing for a manually operated air shutoff valve and as the anchor for the swing .joint assembly. Valve housing shall be of cast iron in accordance with ASTM Speci- fication A48-62 Class 30. All flanges of the valve housings and mating flanges of the manifold assemblies shall be parallel to within zero de- grees 10 minutes. Reinforcing bars for insertion into the concrete to provide adhesion betwe~en concrete and final grout shall be fabricated of steel, ASTM Specification A107-61T and as specified in the section entitled, "STEEL REINFORCEMENT". Reinforcing bars shall be as per manufacturer's instal- lation recommendations. Each valve housing shall contain a valve seat manufactured from bronze, ASTM Specification B-145 ALY 4A, and a valve disc manufactured from Lexan. All nuts, valve stems, collars, and studs shall be manu- factured from brass, ASTM Specification B-16. Valve stems shall be packed with Garlock molded packing. The flange of the valve housing to which the stationary head of each swing joint assembly is attached shall be flat and parallel with the pivot shaft bore of the stationary head within zero degrees 10 mi- nutes. There shall be furnished a neoprene gasket for insertion be- tween the flange of the stationary head of the swing joint assembly and t!he mating flange of the valve housing. 7,.0 - SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY Each swing joint assembly shall be attached to the cast iron valve housing which shall service as an anchor for the swing joint. Each joint shall consist of a stationary head and a movable elbow which shall interlock with the stationary head. The stationary head and movable elbow shall be connected by means of a spring loaded stud to provide airtight connection. The stationary head and movable elbow shall be of cast iron, ASTM Specification A48-62 Class 30. The mounting face for the stationary head shall be parallel to the pivot shaft bore and 90 degrees to the elbow, mounting face. Seal rings between the stationary head and the movable elbow, shall be constructed of bronze, ASTM Specification B-144 ALY 3A and the sealing surfaces shall be flat and parallel. An oil-less stationary head bearing shall be provided. (SOHT) DS-ETAS - 3 of 9 DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - EQUALIZATION TANK AERATION SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 7.0 - SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY (cont'd.) The movable elbow shall be threaded with special gauge ASA threads to receive the upper hanger pipe and the center line of the pipe thread shall be parallel to the face of the seating surface. Elbow studs shall be equipped with a stud spring SAE Specification 1065 for spring loading the sealing faces, with a minimum torsional yield point of 85,000 pounds per square inch, electro-galvanized in accordance with ASTM Specification A164. The spring shall be not less than 3-1/2 total turns and shall be at least 1-1/2 active turns. Elbow springs shall be retained by 1-1/4-inch elastic, electro-galvanized steel stop nuts. Each stationary head assembly shall be furnished with a lubricated Sealing face assembly, retained by a hollow pin which ensures a continu- ous and adequate supply of lubricant for ease of rotation and proper seal. A bayonet type Zerk grease fitting shall be provided on the stationary head for lubrication of the moving parts. 8.0 HANGER FEED PIPES The hanger pipe shall serve as a support and air feed pipe to the diffuser headers. Each hanger pipe shall consist of an upper and lower section of galvanized Schedule 40 steel pipe, ASTM Specification A-53. Pipes must be straight, with camber not to exceed 1/16-inch, and the eccentricity of the center line of the free end not to exceed 1/4-inch from true center when the other end is assembled into a threaded fitting. The pipe shall be threaded to a special gauge with standard ASA threads. All screwed pipe connections shall be air tight in any position. 9.0 - KNEE JOINT ASSEMBLY The upper and lower sections of each knee joint assembly shall be interlocked in a manner similar to the method previously described for the elbow and stationary head assembly. Both sections of the knee joint shall be of cast iron, ASTM Specification A48-62 Class 30. Each knee joint section shall be equipped for connection to the upper and lower hanger pipes with special gauge, ASA threads. Cast bronze ring seals, ASTMSpecification B-144 ALY 3A shall be provided. The surfaces of the ringlshall be flat and parallel. (SOHT) DS-ETAS - 4 of 9 l-~4~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C 9.0 - KNEE JOINT ASSEMBLY (cont'd.) The knee studs shall be manufactured of SAE 1141 steel. Knee studs shall be equipped with a steel spring, SAE Specification 1065 for spring loading the sealing faces, with a minimum torsional yield point of 85,000 pounds per square inch, electro-galvanized in accordance with ASTM Speci- fication A164. The spring shall be not less than 3-1/2 total turns and shall be at least 1-1/2 active turns. Elbow springs shall be retained by 1-1/4-inch elastic, electro-galvanized steel stop nuts, and shall be enclosed by use of a square head pipe plug. Each knee joint shall be equipped with a bayonet type Zerk grease fitting for lubrication of the moving parts. The knee joint bearing shall be of the impregnated graphite oil- less type. 10.0 - LOCKING PIN A locking pin shall be furnished with each swing diffuser aerator to lock the unit in the raised position. The pin shall be permanently attached to the swing diffuser aerator with a nylon covered stainless steel cable. The pin shall be of cadmium plated carbon steel. A stow- age clip is provided on each stationary joint for the pin when not in use. 11.0 - AIR DIFFUSER HEADER The air headers shall consist of two lengths of 4-inch O.D. steel tubing, flange connected to a cast iron tee fitting which, in turn, shall be connected to the lower pipe by a screwed connection. The header tee shall be of cast iron, ASTM Specification A48-62 Class 30. The header tees shall be equipped with special flanges for connecting to the header flanges, and the face of the header tee flanges shall be parallel to each other. The air header shall be constructed in two halves, each consisting of a length of steel tubing flanged.on one end for connecting to the header tee. The flange shall be perpendicular to the center line of the h~ader tubing. The flange shall be welded onto the header half at ()ne eJnd with a removable steel end cap on the opposite end. (SOHT) DS-ETAS - 5 of 9 I--~_~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS EQUALIZATION TANK AERATION SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 11.0 - AIR DIFFUSER HEADER (cont'd.) Neoprene "O" ring gaskets shall be provided for the flange con- nections between the header tee and each header half. Flat neoprene gaske,ts shall be provided for the connection between the end cap and header half. Each header shall have bosses welded on the header tubing. The bosses shall be accurately drilled and tapped for 3/4-inch pipe threads to receive the diffusers. All bosses on each header half shall be welded on a common plane and shall be drilled and tapped in a fixture to provide level installation of diffusers on each header. For leveling purposes, all air headers shall be equipped with galvanized, hollow head, dog point set screws in the flanges. There shall be furnished for each air diffusion unit, one pipe mounted steel stop arm located at the tee. 12.0 - PROTECTIVE COATINGS Ail cast iron fittings included in the air diffusion units shall he internally and externally coated with a rust inhibitive universal primer finish. All steel pipe shall be hot dip galvanized. Headers shall be hot dip galvanized. Bolts and nuts shall be electro-galvanized or of brass or bronze as heretofore specified. The air main fittings shall be coated with bituminous coal tar or asphalt base paint. Ail protective coatings shall be applied as detailed in the sec- tion entitled, "SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING". 13.0 - HOIST There shall be furnished one (1) mobile hoist for raising the air diffusion units from the equalization tanks. The hoist shall engage the movable member of the swing joint and raise each air diffusion unit by exerting leverage on the movable member. Means shall be provided to hook the hoist in place before the hoisting operation is begun. The chassis of the hoist shall be welded tubular steel construction with the necessary fittings and brackets welded thereon. The chassis shall roll on casters, and shall be furnished with an operation handle to turn one caster for ease in maneuvering. The casters shall be spring supported to permit ease of connection and to permit locking of the unit so that a firm attachment may be positively achieved, and to allow for irregularities in the surface of the aeration tank walkways. ($OHT) DS-ETAS - 6 of 9 I-I~,~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C I~DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - EQUALIZATION TANK AERATION SYSTEM (CONT'D.) - HOIST (cont'd.) The hoists shall be designed to attach to the air diffusion unit without the use of tools and shall be when attached, automatically locked in position, and shall be easily removed when the air diffusion unit is in either the raised or lowered position. The hoists shall be hydraulic, manually operated, utilizing a hydraulic ram actuated by a hydraulic oil pump. 14.0 - DIFFUSER TUBES The diffuser tubes for the aeration system shall be as specified herein and as shown on the contract drawings. The diffuser tubes shall be Grade SP58 Pearlcomb Diffuser Tubes as manufactured by FMC Corp., Lsnsdale, PA; or equal. The diffuser tubes will be as located on the contract drawings and the lengths will be staggered. The length from center line of air diffuser header to the end of the diffuser tube will be approximately 12-inches and 24-inches (alternate each length). The diffuser tubes shall be of hollow cylindrical shape and shall have an inside diameter of 1-9/16-inches, an outside diameter of 2-3/4- inches. Opposite ends of the tubes shall be parallel and normal to the tube axis. The tube shall be composed of a modified acrylonitrile styrene copolymer material or modified acrylonitrile butadiene styrene terpolymer in the form of uniformly sized spheres linked to their points of con- tact and insure high structural stability. The tubes shall be free from any loose, unbonded material which may affect their normal and proper operation. The tubes shall be free of cracks, soft spots, chipping, spalling, or other defects. Tubes shall be uniform throughout their entire structure and free from holes and impervious material and have a maximum dry weight of 32 ounces. Each simplex diffuser assembly shall consist of: (a) One (1) tube adaptor manufactured from an ABS polymer pro- vided with a stainless steel insert suitable for connection to a 3/4- inch NPT thread and control orifice. (b) One (1) Grade SP58 Pearlcomb Diffuser Tube. (c) One (1) End Cap manufactured from an ABS polymer. (d) One (1) stainless steel rod threaded at both ends with a PVC nut (e) One (1) item of neoprene gaskets and polyethylene washers. (SOHT) DS-ETAS - 7 of 9 I"~)~ HOtZMACHER, NIcLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. )ETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - EQUALIZATION TANK AERATION SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 14.0 - DIFFUSER TUBES (cont'd.) The diffusers shall be assembled at the job site by the Contractor. The diffuser tubes shall have a pore size range limited to 30 to 50 microns, and a porosity range limited to 32 to 37%. The head loss through the diffuser assembly without orifice shall not exceed 13.0 inches of water at air flow rate of 8.30 SCFM per diffu- ser at a submergence of 6.6 feet. The diffuser assembly shall have an oxygen transfer efficiency of 11% at an air flow rate of 8.30 SCFM per diffuser and at a diffuser sub- mergence of 6.6 feet. The stated transfer efficiency shall have been determined by the unsteady state method in clear tap water at 20 degrees and zero dissolved oxygen in a full scale tank. 15.0 - FILTER REQUIREMENTS The diffuser shall be suitable for operation with air filtered conventional dry type filters without causing plugging. Filters shall be capable of removing 98% or more of 10 micron particles and absolute removal of 30 micron particles. by 16.0 - TESTING On receipt of an order, a certified laboratory test shall be per- formed on a random selection from stock of five (5) diffuser tubes. These diffusers shall be tested for pressure loss across the diffuser media without an orifice place in the pipe adaptor. The air rate from the diffuser shall be 6 CFM with 6-inches of water over the center line. Under these conditions, the head loss shall not be greater than 12- inches. In addition, certified laboratory tests shall be performed on the same diffusers for uniformity of air flow distribution along the length at 6 CFM. The flow shall be corrected by proportion to 6 CFM for the total full length of the tube. Tubes shall be rejected if the discharge from any 1/5 portion of the length is greater than 1.5 CFM or less than 0.9 CFM. The end adaptor of the tested tubes shall be clearly marked with a compound that will not readily be removed by the substances encountered in wastewater treatment environments. The tested diffusers will be as- sembled and shipped in a separate container with four (4) copies of the certified test reports packed in the container. (SOHT) DS-ETAS - 8 of 9 I.-~ HOLZMACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL. P.C DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - EQUALIZATION TANK AERATION SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 17.0 - SERVICE The manufacturer shall furnish the services of a competent field representative experienced in the operation of the equipment, to in- struct the plant personnel in the proper operation and maintenance of the air diffusion equipment for a period of one (1) day. (SOHT) DS-ETAS - 9 of 9 ~*'~ HO~MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C BLOWER SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to install three (3) blowers, complete with elec- tric motors, piping, valves and accessories, in accordance with these specifications, as indicated on the contract drawings and as directed by the Engineer. 2.0 ,air a nd PERFORMANCE AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Each blower shall be capable of compressing the following SCFM of to a discharge pressure as indicated, when operated at sea level 100 degrees F.: BLOWER NO. INLET VOLUME (SCFM) 1 3.0 100 2 4.0 205 3 4.0 205 The design ratings shall be guaranteed with at the stated inlet volume of + 4%. Exceptions to these requirements will DISCHARGE PRESSURE (PSIG) an allowable tolerance not be accepted. 13.0 - BLOWERS The blowers shall be of the two impeller, rotary positive displace- ment type. Blowers shall produce a maximum noise level of 90 dB at maximum flow and pressure at a distance of one meter from the blower. The blower casing shall be of one piece with separate headplates, and shall be made of close grained cast iron suitably ribbed to prvent distortion under the specified operating conditions. Each impeller and shaft shall be made from a common ductile iron casting. The impellers shall be of the straight, two lobe involute type and shall operate without rubbing or liquid seals or lubrication and shal be positively timed by a pair of accurately machined heat treated alloy steel, spur tooth, timing gears. The timing gears shall be mounted on th impeller shafts on a tapered fit and properly secured. Each impeller/ shaft shall be supported by cylindrical roller bearings sized for a minimum of 30,000 hours B-10 life. (SOHT) BS&C - 1 of 5 ~'"~_.~ HO~MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C BLOWER SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS (CONT'D.) 3.0 - BLOWERS (cont'd.) There will be provided a lip type oil seal at each bearing, de- signed to prevent lubricant from leading into the air stream. Rotary piston ring shaft seals shall be provided at the point where the shaft passes thru the headplate. Further provision shall be made to vent the impeller side of the oil seal to atmosphere to eliminate any poss- ible carry-over of lubricant into the aid stream. The timing gears and the bearings shall be splash oil lubricated from oil slingers mounted on the driven shaft and dipping in oil. The blowers will be shipped with openings sealed after injection of rust inhibiting powder and shall include copies of the instruction manual and parts list. The blowers shall be model Whispair Max Blower size 1707JV as manufactured by Roots Products Div. of Dresser Connersville, IA; or approved equal. 3505JV and Industries, Each blower shall be furnished with a V-belt drive, including guard and a fabricated steel base of sufficient size and rigidity to support and maintain alignment of the blower, motor and V-belt drive. Use of a two (2) speed motor and one (1) additional sheave arrange- ment for each blower shall be utilized to enable the blowers to operate over a range of 25% to 100% of design capacity without use of blowoff for turn-down capacity. 4.0 - BLOWER ACCESSORIES (1) Inlet Filter Silencer - Each blower shall be equipped with an inlet filter silencer of the dry element type, having a washable silen- cer filter media, equal in all respects to Dollinger Model AI. Inlet filter silencer shall be provided with a weather hood. (a) Inlet and Discharge Silencers - Each blower shall be equipped with an inlet and discharge silencer consisting of a combination pulse absorbing chamber and noise attenuating acoustically absorbent packing. Both the inlet and discharge silencer shall be equal in all respects to Burgess Manning Type BMSS. (3) Expansion Joints - Each blower shall have a flexible connec- tor at the inlet and the discharge connection to prevent transmission of forces and movements from the piping to the blower casing. The flexible connectors shall be the rubber spool type equal to U.S. Rubber Style 4169. The connector on the discharge must be restrained in the axial direction. (SOHT) BS&C - 2 of 5 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. PC BLOWER SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS (CONT'D.) 4.0 BLOWER ACCESSORIES (cont'd.) (4) Relief Valve - Each blower shall be equipped with a pressure weighted type pressure relief valve, equal in all respects to Roots Type PW, set a 1 PSIG above operating pressure. (5) Check Valve - Each blower shall have installed in its dis- charge line, a reliable, low pressure drop check valve equal to Duo Chek, as manufactured by Mission Manufacturing Company. (6) Manometers and Pressure Gau~es - Each blower shall be equipped with a discharge pressure gauge having a range of 0 to 10 p.s.i. (7) Electric Motor - The blowers shall be driven by a two speed constant torque 3600/1800 R.P.M., 3 phase, 60 cycle, 460 volt open drip- proof motor, Class B insulation, and suitable for continuous duty at full load. The larger blowers shall have a 7.5 HP motor. The smaller blower shall have a 3 HP motor. Ail motors shall be U.S. Motors, Westinghouse, G.E., Allis-Chalmers, or equal. (8) Tests - Each blower shall be given a factory mechanical test to assure mechanical integrity. If the test indicates that adjustments are necessary to insure conformance to the manufacturer's standards, such adjustments shall be made prior to shipment. Successful perfor- mance, as indicated by this test, shall be considered as the basis for acceptance by the Engineer. (9) Temperature and Pressure Controls - Each blower shall be equipped with a high discharge temperature, high discharge pressure and low lube oil pressure switch. Switches shall be double pole snap action, as manufactured by Mercoid Corporation, or equal. Temperature and pressure controls shall be furnished by this Contractor and wired by the Electrical Contractor. (10) Air Flow Meters - The Contractor shall furnish and install two (2) universal venturi tubes, corner tap, plastic insert type, Model 182, as manufactured by B-I-F (a Unit of General Signal); or approved equal, and as shown on the contract drawings. The air meters shall consist of a Venturi and a dry type read-out meter as hereinafter described. System shall be furnished by the Venturi tube Manufacturer. (A) Read-out Meter Each Venturi shall be provided with a wall mounted rate of flow indicator with a direct reading SCFM scale as listed under Venturi maximum flow. Case shall be weatherproof die cast aluminum. Scale (SOHT) BS&C - 3 of 5 ~ HO[.ZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C ~LOWER SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS (CONT'D.) 4.0 - BLOWER ACCESSORIES (cont'd.) shall be 6-inch diameter with 316 stainless steel bellows. Scale shall be black marking on satin white background. Meter shall be Meriam Instrument Div. Model 1126; or approved equal. (B) Air Venturi Tubes The metering primary shall be of the pressure differential produc- ing type designed for insertion within the pipe line and utilizing pure static pressure sensed at the throat section. The inlet section shall incorporate a hydraulic shape employing at least two vena contractae to condition the flow profile before it enters the throat section. The laying length of the throat shall be at least 0.5 times the throat diameter. The low pressure tap shall be included in this section. The outlet cone shall be truncated, having an included angle of 10 degrees. The tube coefficient shall be constant for pipe Reynolds number of about 75,000 and greater and independent of line size. The entire tube, inlet cone, outlet cone, throat section and integral holding flange shall be fabricated of thermo-setting polyester resin reinforced with riot less than 25% fiberglass by weight. Inlet and throat pressure con- nections shall terminate on the holding flange extends beyond the out- side diameter of the flange. Pressure connections shall be lined with Type 316 stainless steel, ASTM Designation A276. The 6-inch Venturi shall be designed for mounting between ASA flanges. The 4-inch Venturi shall be designed for butt mounting between ASA flanges. The metering element shall not have annular chambers, but shall have a single pres- sure connection at the inlet and throat. The approval data shall state and substantiate the value and tolerance of the coefficient, the effect of up and downstream piping configurations, the head loss in percent of pipe velocity head and shall provide proof that the coefficient is in- dependent of line size. The accuracy shall be +1% of actual rate of flow in the flow range indicated in the tabulation. This accuaracy shall be substantiated by a two times standard deviation calculation of at least 30 calibrated tube coefficients of different line size and beta ratio tubes. The Venturi shall be a B-I-F Model 182; or approved equal, and shall be sized as listed below: Size Service Max. Flow Max. Diff. Max. Loss 4 A" Air 250 SCFM 22" 2.14" 6 A" Air 800 SCFM 21" 2.00" Press./Temp. 3.5 PSIG/150°F. 6.5 PSIG/150°F. 5.0 - SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall furnish for approval to the Engineer, six (6) sets of complete submittals of blowers, motors, curves, shop drawings, dimensions, etc. No order shall be placed until these are approved. (SOHT) BS&C - 4 of 5 ~.j~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. PC BLOWER SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS (CONT'D.) 6.0 - MANUALS The manufacturer shall submit seven (7) copies of a manual de- tailing the following information: Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Shop Drawings, Certified Curves, etc. 7.0 - PERFORMANCE CURVES Each blower shall be tested and a certified laboratory performance curve showing flow and head shall be issued. Seven (7) copies of each curve shall be furnished. 8.0 - INSTALLATION Installation of blowers shall be as shown on the contract drawings. Each blower shall be furnished with suitable concrete bases to the ap- proval of the Engineer. Shop drawings of each blower, bases, anchoring and piping details will be required. Installation shall be in strict compliance with manufacturer's recommendations and shall include all pre-installation checks, anchoring details, base and alignment tests, etc. Blowers shall automatically shutdown upon low level condition in equalization tank. Electrical and control wiring to be done by the Electrical Contractor. 9.0 - PAINTING Ail surfaces requiring painting shall receive a minimum of one (1) coat of Koppers 654 Epoxy Primer. Prior to painting, all surfaces must be dry and free of oil and glrease. All mill scale and dust must be removed by sandblasting or pickling. {SOHT) BS&C - 5 of 5 ~j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL, P.C ACCESSORIES FOR MIXING CHAMBERS 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equipment and appliances necessary to construct and install miscellaneous acces- sories and equipment for the mixing chambers, ready for use, as speci- fied herein and shown on the contract drawings. Included shall be initial start-up and testing in the presence of the Engineer, Owner and Manufacturer's representative. 2.0 GENERAL The Contractor shall furnish and install complete and ready for use the equipment and necessary accessories for the two mixing chambers specified in this section and detailed at the following locations: LOCATION MATERIAL TO BE MIXED A. Flash Mix Tank Prior to primary clarifiers Lime and Ferric Chloride Hydrochloric Acid Mix Tank Prior to Rotating Biological Surface Units Hydrochloric Acid (HC1) 3.0 - FLASH MIXERS The Contractor shall furnish and install two (2) mechanical mixers with supporting structures in the mixing chambers. Mixers shall be of the propeller type design capable of continuous service in a corrosive environment. Equipment shall be designed for rapid flash mixing of Lime and ferric chloride for mixing Chamber "A" and for rapid flash mixing of hydrochloric acid for mixing Chambe~ "B". The mechanical mixers for each mixing chamber shall be of the same mechanical mixer manufacturer. The mechanical mixer shall be manufactured by Lightnin-Mixing Equipment Co., Inc., Rochester, NY; FMC Corp., Lansdale, PA; or equal. Model No. NLDG-75-FM gear drive, fixed mounted propeller, powered by a 3/4 HP, 1,75~ R.P.M. chemical plant type motor, wound for operation on 230/460 volt, 60 Hz, 3 phase current. The mixer shall be of integral construction, rigid coupling type design and MIXCO internal helical gears shall be used to provide a propeller output shaft speed of 350 R.P.M. (SOHT) AMC - 1 of 2 ~/~l HOt. ZMACHER, llkLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ACCESSORIES FOR MIXING CHAMBERS (CONT'D.) 3.0 - FLASH MIXERS (Cont'd.) The mixer will be supplied complete with a shaft measuring l%-inch diameter. The overall length of the shaft as measured from the underside of the mounting base for the flash mix tank and HC1 mix tank will be 50 inches and 54 inches, respectively. The shaft will be supplied with an ll.4-inch diameter, three blade, SuperPitch high flow blade propellers. The manufacturer shall furnish five (5) sets of maintenance manuals for the Owner's use. The wetted parts of the mechanical mixers (mixer shaft, propeller, rigid coupling) shall be of 316 stainless steel, rubber coated. The mixer for the Lime/Ferric Chloride Mix Tank (Model NLDG-75-FM) will be supplied complete with a variable frequency controller which will vary the speed through a built-in stop/start speed controller from 0 to 350 !R.P.M. The mixer for the Hydrochloric Acid Mix Tank (Model NLDG-75) ~S to be supplied as a constant speed unit with 350 R.P.M. shaft speed. The Contractor shall provide a suitable hood cover for the mixer motor to protect for outdoor installation conditions. The variable frequency controller shall be contained in a NEMA-4 enclosure. 4.0 - MANUALS Five (5) copies of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals and Shop Drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for his review. R AMC- 2 of 2 HOLZMACHER, McL~NDON & MURRELL, P.C FLOCCULATOR EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equip- ment and appliances necessary to construct miscellaneous accessories and equipment for flocculation tank, ready for use, as specified herein and shown on the contract drawings. Included shall be initial start-up and testing in the presence of the Engineer, Owner and Manufacturer's representative. 2.0 - GENERAL This system shall include the concrete flocculation tank, impeller, variable speed drive unit with reducer and motor, shafting with support bridge for unit, all associated attachment bolts and anchor bolts, shop primer, and all appurtenances as specified herein and shown on the con- tract drawings. Equipment to be manufactured by Lightnin-Mixing Equipment Co., Inc., Rochester, NY; or equal. Unit is to be Lightnin Model XLQ-100B heavy duty top entering double reduction agitator. 3.0 - DESIGN CRITERIA The Equipment Manufacturer shall select the flocculator components based upon design calculations incorporating the following criteria: (1) The vertical flocculator mechanism shall be designed for a 100 fps/ft maximum velocity gradient for a sewage water temperature application. (2) The speed for the mechanism shall be indefinitely variable over a 5:1 speed range. In no event shall the flocculator components or capabilities, be less than herein. 4..0 - IMPELLER A single flat bladed impeller of the axial flow type designed to provide the specified velocity gradient as indicated above, shall be bolted to the vertical shaft of the mechanism. Maximum tip speeds shall be less than 3.5 feet per second. The impeller shall consist of a circular steel disc, minimum 1/4- inch thick, which shall be fabricated in halves for field bolting to the shaft. Vertical steel blades, minimum 1/4-inch thick, shall bolt ~to each side of the circular steel disc. Each impeller shall be de- signed to maintain a suspension of all particles in respective zones of influence. (SOHT) FE&A - 1 of 3 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C FLOCCULATOR EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) 5.0 DRIVE UNIT The drive unit shall consist of a motor, variable speed unit, and a speed reducer, mounted on a common drive base. The drive motor shall be 1 HP minimum. The motor shall be rated at 1,750 R.P.M., squirrel cage, induction type, totally enclosed, fan cooled, ball bearing, of ample power for starting and continuously operating unit without overloading. The motor shall conform to NEMA standards and be nameplated for operation on 230/460 volt, 3 phase, 60 Hz current. The variable speed device shall be of the planetary type consist- ing of an oil sealed enclosed housing provided with a driving inner sun, a pair of stationary outer reaction rings, and disc-shaped planets. Power shall be transmitted to the output shaft through the planet car- rier with speed variation achieved by changing the relative position of the planets with respect to the inner sun assembly and the outer reaction rings. The double reduction fixed mounted mixer operates at an output shaft speed of 153 R.P.M. The unit shall be complete with a 2-inch diameter shaft by 4 foot long and will be fitted with a single 19-inch diameter A200 axial flow flat blade impeller. The shaft will lock securely to the drive by means of a rigid coupling construction. 6.0 - GENERAL ITEMS Ail appurtenances including chemicals, chemical feed equipment, clhemical piping, baffles, electrical controls, wiring of motor or controls, control panels of supports, valves, gates, piping, tools, lubricants, and all field work, including erection and final painting, shall be furnished by the General Contractor. Ail wetted parts in contact with the tank contents will be manu- factured in type 316 stainless steel. 7.0 - SURFACE PREPARATION AND PAINTING All surfaces will be prepared in accordance with titled, "SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING". the section en- (SOHT) FE&A - 2 of 3 ~_/~ HO~MACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, PC FLOCCULATOR EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) 8.0 - MANUALS Five (5) copies of the Shop Drawings and Operation & Maintenance Manuals shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval. (SOHT) FE&A - 3 of 3 ~_/~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, PC FERRIC CHLORIDE FEED AND CONTROL SYSTEM 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish and install feed and control system as described herein. a complete ferric chloride 2.0 - GENERAL The system shall include a storage tank installed in an underground vault complete with fill and vent lines, suction lines, access hatch, gauge and lines, chemical feeder with associated equipme.nt. Ferric chloride shall be discharged into the flash mix tank as shown on the contract drawings. Included in the scope of work is an initial fill of 439 gallons of ferric chloride (30 - 32% concentration) and all inter- connecting piping and electrical work. All other work and materials required shall be furnished to provide for a complete and operating system. 3.0 - FERRIC CHLORIDE STORAGE TANK AND ACCESSORIES 3.1 Storage Facility The ferric chloride storage tank shall be 439 gallon capacity of diameter and length shown on contract drawings. The tank shall be fiberglass above ground storage tank specifically designed for chemical storage and as specified in the section entitled, "FIBERGLASS STORAGE TANK". The fiberglass storage tank shall be installed in a below ground concrete vault as specified in the section entitled, "STRUCTURAL CONCRETE". The concrete vault shall be fitted with a 2.5 foot x 3.0 foot access door as manufactured by BILCO, Model Q or approved equal. 3.2 - Accessories (A) Provide a Uehling Type S Tank-O-Meter, or equal, with hand pump calibrated for ferric chloride and depth in inches. The gauge shall be constructed of corrosion resistant materials. Gauge shall be installed in the Treatment Building as shown on the contract drawings or as ordered by the Engineer. The range of the gauge shall be 0 to 4:39 gallons (0 to 100% filled). The Contractor shall install the plastic tube air line cables, as shown on the contract drawings, with a 2" dia- meter PVC conduit from the storage tank vault to the Treatment Building, aLS necessary for the operation of Tank-O-Meter. (SOHT) FCF&CS - 1 of 3 I-~"~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. PC FERRIC CHLORIDE FEED AND CONTROL SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 3.0 FERRIC CHLORIDE STORAGE TANK AND ACCESSORIES (cont'd.) (B) Furnish and install a fill line system as shown on contract drawings. Fill line shall be installed below grade in a fill box. Fill box shall be suitably painted with the words "FERRIC CHLORIDE" and fill line cap and fill box shall be painted as detailed in the section entitled, "SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING". (C) When the system is complete, furnish 439 gallons of ferric chloride. (D) Install ferric chloride discharge line of PVC Schedule 80. 4.0 - FERRIC CHLORIDE FEED PUMP The metering pump shall be paced as herein described and in the location as shown on the contract drawings. The pump shall deliver a maximum of 8.1 GPD in four capacity steps provided by two four-step cone pulleys against a maximum discharge pressure of 150 psig, and shall be Wallace & Tiernan 44 Series Diaphragm Type Solution Metering Pump single head, Model 44-111; B-I-F (a Unit of General Signal); or equal. An SCR variable speed drive for control shall be provided for con- tinuously adjustable feed rate settings over a 20 to 1 range. A D.C. motor is controlled by an SCR control unit containing a rate control knob, a meter reading out motor speed, stop-run switch and power on-off switch. Control to be located in the Treatment Building as located on the contract drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Meter is to be calibrated for 0-100% of pump speed. Suction and discharge valves are guided ball type and will be fitted for connection to 3/4-inch NPT. Suction and discharge valves are to be of PVC construction. The pump will be furnished with a 1/4 HP permanent magnet field, totally enclose~ direct current motor, two four-step pulleys, belt, belt guard, one set of gaskets per head, one quart of oil and instructions. Contractor shall also supply two spare brushsets for the motor. The feed pump shall be supplied with a control ~CR panel manu, factured by the pump supplier and as located on the contract drawings. Input to the control panel shall be 115 volts, 1-phase, 60 Hz. (SOHT) FCF&CS - 2 of 3 FERRIC CHLORIDE FEED AND CONTROL SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 5.0 - SERVICE The Contractor shall provide the services of a factory trained Service Engineer to check the equipment after installation, start-up tlhe system and to instruct the Owner's representative for a total period of one (1) day. 6.0 - MANUALS Five (5) copies of the Operation & Maintenance Manuals and Shop Drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval. (SOHT) FCF&CS - 3 of 3 ~ HOLZMACH~:R, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C LIME FEED SYSTEM 1.0 SCOPE The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials and equipment necessary to furnish and install a complete lime slurry feed system as specified herein, shown on the contract drawings and as directed by the Engineer. 2.0 EQUIPMENT 2.1 - Solution Tank The lime slurry feed system shall include a combination chemical solution tank and simplex metering pump system, Model 9391-40 as manu- factured by B-I-F Industries, West Warwick, Rhode Island, or approved equal. The chemical solution tank shall have a 100 gallon capacity and be constructed of 5/16-inch thick steel. The tank shall be manufactured with provisions for wall mounted mixer, 1-inch diameter drain line, 3/4-inch diameter return line, 3/4-inch diameter water fill line and a 3/4-inch diameter pump suction line. The tank shall also come fitted with a 27-inch diameter hinged cover constructed of 5/16-inch thick steel. 2.2 - Slurry Metering Pump The lime slurry pump shall be a B-I-F Series 1710 hydraulic dia- phragm metering pump, or equal, capable of delivering a 10% lime slurry at a maximum of 20 gallons per hour at a maximum discharge pressure of 400 psig. A manual micrometer type adjustment mechanism, to permit 0 to 100% capacity control while in motion, shall provide positive repeatable setting within +1% over the entire pump range. The pump motor shall be 1/4 HP, 1,750 R.P.M., 115/270 volt, single phase. A double ball type valve shall be provided on the suction and dis- charge, including a reversible seat and a replaceable ball guide. The pump shall be dry lift self-priming and capable of indefinite operation without process fluids. 2.3 - Mixer The lime feed system shall also include a tank wall mounted me- chanical mixer to continuously mix the lime slurry. The mixer shall be manufactured by Lightnin and shall be 1/4 HP, 115/270 volt, single phase with variable speed controls. (SOHT) LFS - l'of 2 ~--~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, PC I LIME FEED SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 3.0 - LIME SLURRY PIPING, VALVES AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES Ail lime slurry piping and fittings shall be PVC Schedule 80. Every 90 degree change in direction of the lime slurry piping will be accomplished by using plugged tees or crosses to facilitate cleaning of the lime lines. A line pressure relief valve shall be supplied to discharge back to the storage tank in case of blockages in the lime slurry line. A backpressure valve will also be required on the discharge piping. The water feed lime, being installed by the Plumbing Contractor, shall be fitted with a 3/4-inch diameter water meter. The meter shall be by Neptune, Type "S", or equal, which will allow metering of batch water for slurrying the lime. The Contractor shall supply as part of the scope of work an initial storage of 8,000 pounds of lime (calcium hydroxide at 85 standard strength) in 50 pound bags. to 95% 4.0 - SERVICE Five (5) copies of the Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual and Shop Drawings shall be provided to the Engineer. (SOHT) LFS - 2 of 2 I-J~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL P.C HYDROCHLORIC ACID FEED AND pH CONTROL SYSTEMS 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish and install complete hydrochloric acid feeding and control system as described herein. The acid neutralizing system shall consist of a pH transmitter cell, pH receiver, instrument-control panel and an electronically controlled hydrochloric acid feed pump. 2.0 - GENERAL The system shall include a storage tank stored in an underground vault complete with fill and vent lines, suction lines, access hatch, gauge and lines, a chemical feeder equipped with electric stroke posi- tioner, a pH probe, readout and control module, recorder, set point controller, and remote electronic speed controller. The feeder shall .discharge into the hydrochloric acid mix tank. Included in the scope of work is an initial fill of .of hydrochloric acid at 30 - 32% concentration, and all lng piping. All other work and materials required shall to provide for a complete and operable system. 1,000 gallons interconnect- be furnished 3.0 - HYDROCHLORIC ACID STORAGE TANK AND ACCESSORIES 3.1 - Storage Facility The hydrochloric acid storage tank shall be 1,000 gallons capacity of diameter and length shown on contract drawings. The tank shall be a fiberglass above ground tank specifically designed for chemical storage and as specified in the section entitled, "FIBERGLASS STORAGE TANKS". The fiberglass storage tank shall be installed in a below ground concrete vault as specified in the section entitled, "STRUCTURAL CON- CRETE." The concrete vault shall be fitted with a 2.5' x 3.0' access door as manufactured by BILCO, Model Q; or equal. Tank shall have all fittings shown on the contract drawings and/or required for connection of all lines. Fill line and vent line shall be Schedule 80 PVC piping. Test all lines and tank to a pressure of 5 p.s.i, for one hour. (SOHT) ,* HAF&PCS - 1 of 5 HYDROCHLORIC ACID FEED AND pH CONTROL SYSTEMS (CONT'D.) 3.0 HYDROCHLORIC ACID STORAGE TANK AND ACCESSORIES (cont'd.) 3.2 - Accessories (A) Provide a Uehling Type S-oelte Tank-O-Meter with hand pump calibrated for 30 32% hydrochloric acid and depth in inches. The gauge shall be constructed of corrosion resistant materials. Gauge shall be installed in the Treatment/Administration Building as shown on the contract drawings or as ordered by the Engineer. The range of the gauge shall be 0 to 1,000 gallons (0 to 100% filled). The Contractor shall install plastic tube air line cables, as shown on the contract drawings with a 2" diameter PVC conduit from the vault to the Treatment Building, as necessary for the operation for Tank-O-Meter. (B) Furnish and install a fill line system as shown on the con- tract drawings. Fill line shall be installed below grade in a ,fill box. Fill box shall be suitably painted with the words, "HYDROCHLORIC ACID". Fill line cap and fill box shall be painted as detailed in the section entitled, "SURFACE FINISH-PAINTING". (C) When system is completed, furnish 1,000 gallons of 30 hydrochloric acid. 32% (D) Install hydrochloric acid discharge line of Schedule 80 PVC pipe. 4.0 - HYDROCHLORIC ACID FEED PUMP The proportioning device shall be a positive displacement hydraulic actuated diaphragm pump driven by D.C. 1/4 HP, totally enclosed, foot mounted motor equal to Wallace & Tiernan 44 Series Tandem Diaphragm Type Metering Pump single head, Model 44-213; B-I-F (a Unit of General Signal); or equal. The metering pump shall be paced by the pH control system through a signal as herein described, hydrochloric acid metering pump shall de- liver from 0 to 3.83 GPH against 125 psig discharge pressure while hand- ling hydrochloric acid. The wetted parts of the pump to be of plastic. Diaphragm shall be hypalon. Single ball type valves shall be provided on the suction and discharge. The hydraulic system shall be positively vented on each stroke of the pump and no internal adjustable valves shall be required. The pump shall be dry lift self-priming and capable of indefinite operation without process fluid. Head shall have a built-in hydraulic relief valve. Head shall have a manual in motion capacity adjustment mechanism. Capacity control shall be 0 - 100% with delivery to be repeatable within plus or minus 1% accuracy over a 20:1 range. (SOHT) HAF&PCS - 2 of 5 HYDROCHLORIC ACID FEED AND pH CONTROL SYSTEMS (CONT'D.) 4.0 - HYDROCHLORIC ACID FEED PUMP (cont'd.) An SCR variable speed drive for control shall be provided for con- tinuously adjustable feed rate setting over a 20:1 range. A D.C. motor is controlled by an SCR control unit containing a rate control knob, meter read-out motor speed, stop-run switch, power on-off switch, and a switch to change from automatic control to local manual control to be located in the Treatment/Administration Building or as directed by the Engineer. Included with acid pump shall be: Plastic external backpressure and relief valves. Pump shall be floor-mounted as shown on the drawings. The Contractor shall also furnish and install 1-1/4-inch suction line of PVC Schedule 80 and 3/4-inch PVC Schedule 80 discharge line. Provide a relief bypass from relief valve to discharge back in the storage tank. A backpressure valve will also be required on the dis- charge piping. Furnish and install PVC ball valves and pump suction and discharge together with unions for ease of disconnections. Suc- tion and discharge valves are to be of PVC construction. 5.0 - pH CONTROL SYSTEM 5.1 - General The Contractor shall furnish and install complete including piping a pH control system consisting of the major elements listed herein. Included shall be the services of a Manufacturer's technician for equipment start-up and instruction of Owner's representative. Five (5) copies of detailed equipment tests, shop drawings and Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be provided. All piping connections for the operation of the pH control system shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Electrical interconnections shall be provided by Con- tractor No. 3. 5.2 - pH Probe and Analyzer - Transmitter The Contractor shall furnish and install one (1) submersible pH probe with mounting bracket, to be located on the outside wall of the influent chamber of the RBDU tank as shown on the contract drawings. The probe shall be furnished with sufficient connecting cable to directly connect it to the analyzer, transmitter and indicator installed in the Treatment/Administration Building as directed by the Engineer. The pH sensing system shall consist of an immersion-type electrode and preamplifier with polypropelene head and guard containing measuring reference and automatic temperature compensator electrodes, 316 stainless steel ultrasonic cleaner. A junction box, cable #22-34-28, hose (SOHT) HAF&PCS - 3 of 5 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL, P.C HYDROCHLORIC ACID FEED AND pH CONTROL SYSTEMS (CONT'D.) 5.0 pH CONTROL SYSTEM (cont'd.) clamps and hose adaptors, spare set of Buna-N-Grommets, glass plug to replace temperature compensator and one (1) tube of silicone grease. Provide maintenance kit ~324441. Unit shall be B-I-F Model 7773-12-2-31-4-208; or equal. 5.3 - Instrument Control Panel Contractor shall furnish and install an instrument control panel which shall house a pH receiver and indicator, pH controller, pH recorder and D.C. drives for the hydrochloric acid pump. The control shall be as described herein. The control panel shall be wall-mounted, epoxy or corrosion resis- tant painted steel, NEMA 12. The pH'control panel shall be approxi- mately 36" high x 24" wide x 15" deep. The panel shall have a front- hinged door. It shall be located as shown on the contract drawings. All components shall be mounted and pre-wired to terminal strips. Function nameplates as shown on the Contract Drawings shall be provided. A coordinated diagram shall be provided showing all internal and exter- nal connections as to form an integral system shall be included. The pH panel shall contain: (A) A pH Receiver housed in a plastic case with a range of 4 to 12 pH, B-I-F Model 7073-11-00-808-120-20-229-208; or equal. Meter shall receive a 117 volt, 60 Hertz input and shall output a 4-20 ma D.C. signal proportional to 4 to 12 pH. (B) pH Electronic Controller, B-I-F Model 0265-16-1-1-1-0-3-1; or equal. (C) The pH control circuit shall include an adjustable sampling period timer and an adjustable running period timer, both for use with a proportional plus reset controller specified hereinbefore. The sampling period timer shall lock up the output signal from the pro- portional plus reset controller for a period slightly exceeding the system dead time. This timer shall be adjustable from 0 - 30 minutes with automatic reset and a progress indicator indicating time remaining to the timed out position. The running time timer shall control the length of time for each corrective action period. The timer shall be adjustable from 0 15 seconds with automatic reset and progress indicator as described above. The timers shall be designed for front panel mounting. Output to acid pump shall be isolated 4-20 ma D.C. (SOHT) HAF&PCS 4 of 5 ~-~.j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURFIELL, P.C HYDROCHLORIC ACID FEED AND pH CONTROL SYSTEMS (CONT'Do) 6.0 SERVICE The Manufacturer shall provide the service of a factory trained Service Engineer to check the equipment after installation, start-up the system and to instruct the Owner's representative for a total of one (1) day. 7.0 MANUALS Five (5) copies of the Operation & Maintenance Manuals and Shop Drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval. (SOHT) HAF&PCS - 5 of 5 ~,~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P C FIBERGLASS STORAGE TANKS 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish and install, complete and ready for use the fiberglass storage tanks as detailed in this specification, in the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS and as shown on the contract drawings. 2.0 - GENERAL This specification covers those items of construction and instal- lation of fiberglass tanks that are common to all the fiberglass tanks to be used on this project. Other details such as size and location of fill, vent and outlet connections, tank capacity and accessories are specified elsewhere or shown on the contract drawings. Fiberglass underground storage tanks shall be as manufactured by Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp., Toledo, OH; Polyfibre, Bound Brook, NJ; or equal. Tank construction shall be by filament wound method per ASTM D-3299 Specifications with added features as detailed herein. 3.0 - SUBMITTALS (A) Shop Drawings: Contractor shall submit five (5) copies of shop drawings for each tank. Drawings shall include all critical dimensions and show locations of all fittings and accessories, i.e. manways, ladders, hold-down straps, heating coils, etc. (B) Installation Instructions: Contractor :shall submit five (5) copies of manufacturer's latest installation instructions. (C) Calibrated Charts: Contractor shall submit five (5) copies of manufacturer's latest calibration chart for each tank. 4.0 - LOADING CONDITIONS Tanks shall be designed to support accessory equipment such as heating coils, ladders, drop tubes, etc. when installed according to manufacturer's recommendations and limitations. (SOHT) FST - 1 of 3 I-J~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURR£LL. F'C FIBERGLASS STORAGE TANKS (CONT'D.) 5.0 - PRODUCT STORAGE REQUIREMENTS (A) Ail tanks must be vented as tank at atmospheric pressure only. (B) Tanks shall be capable of storing gravity up to 1.7. is designed for operation liquiLds with a specific (C) Tank shall be capable of storing liquids up to a maximum maintained temperature of 150 degrees F. at the tank interior surface. (D) Tanks shall be chemically inert to petroleum products and the chemicals for which the tank is intended. 6.0 - TESTING Prior to installation, tank shall be tested above ground at 5 p.s.i. pressure for a minimum of one hour. Fittings shall be soaped and checked for leaks. During the test, tanks are not to be left unattended. If the tank fails the test, it shall be replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. If tanks are dropped or impacted after initial test, retest tanks and soap areas of impact to check for tank damage. If damage has oc- curred, do not attempt repairs. Contact the tank manufacturer's repre- sentative. 7.0 - INSTALLATION Fiberglass above ground storage tanks must be installed according to the most recent issue of the manufacturer's written installation instructions. The Contractor shall comply with all local codes. Failure to follow these installation instructions may result in non-acceptance of the work. Fiberglass tanks shall be installed within an underground concrete vault as shown on the contract drawings. Details of the concrete vault shall be specified in the section entitled, "STRUCTURAL CONCRETE". (A) Handling: Tanks must not be dropped, rolled or impacted. Chock the tanks until ready for installation and tie them down if high winds are expected. Use minimum 1/2-inch diameter nylon or hemp rope over each tank end and tie to adequate size stakes driven into the ground. (SOHT) FST - 2 of 3 ~j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P C FIBERGLASS STORAGE TANKS (CONT'D.) 7.0 INSTALLATION (cont'd.) (B) Lifting Tanks: Use installed lift lugs to lift tanks; guide the tank with guidelines. Do not use chains or cables around tanks. If tanks have to be moved, they must be set on smooth ground free of rocks and foreign objects and rechecked. Capacity of lifting equipment should be checked before installation. (SOHT) FST - 3 of 3 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. I>.C DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - FIBERGLASS STORAGE TANKS 1~0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish and install complete and ready for use, the following fiberglass storage tanks within underground concrete vaults as shown on the contract drawings. Details of the concrete vaults shall be specified in the section entitled, "CONCRETE STRUCTURES". MATERIAL TO NOMINAL LOCATION BE STORED CAPACITY A~ Adjacent to Treatment Building Ferric Chloride 439 gals. B~ Adjacent to Treatment Building Hydrochloric Acid 1,000 gals. 240 - GENERAL The 1,000 gallon hydrochloric acid storage tank shall be a hori- zontal above ground fiberglass chemical storage tank furnished with the following accessories as shown on the contract drawings: (A) FILL LINE - 4-inch diameter flanged and conically gussetted nozzle by tank manufacturer. (B) VENT LINE - 4-inch diameter flanged tank vent and conically gUssetted nozzle with gooseneck by tank manufacturer. 4-inch diameter flanged vault vent with conically gussetted nozzle. (C) SUCTION LINE - 1-1/2-inch diameter threaded coupling and conically gussetted syphon drain nozzle by tank manufacturer. (D) CONSTRUCTION - Dow 411 Vinylester resin on inner 100 mils and i~ophthalic polyester exterior resin, or equal. : (E) MANHOLE - 24-inch side flanged manway as shown on the contract dEawings with 316 stainless steel bolt package and gasket as provided by the tank manufacturer. (F)' SUPPORT SADDLES - Two (2) rubber cushioned prime coated saddle: supplied by tank manufacturer. (G) MISCELLANEOUS - Contractor shall fill tanks with 1,000 gallons of hydrochloric acid (30 - 32% standard solution) after installation of tank is complete. (S0H~) DS-FST - 1 of 2 ] ] I-.~ HOI..ZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL PC DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS FIBERGLASS STORAGE TANKS (CONT'D.) -.GENERAL (cont'd.) The 439 gallon ferric chloride storage tank shall be an above grQund vertical fiberglass chemical storage tank and furnished with the following accessories as shown on the contract drawings: (A) FILL LINE - 4-inch flanged and conically gussetted nozzle byltank manufacturer. (B) VENT LINE - 4-inch flanged tank vent and conically gussetted nozzle with gooseneck by tank manufacturer. 4-inch diameter flanged vault vent with conically gussetted nozzle and gooseneck. (C) SUCTION LINE - 1-1/2-inch flanged and conically gussetted sYPhon drain nozzle by tank manufacturer. (D) CONSTRUCTION - Dow 411 vinylester resin on inner 100 mils and isophthalic polyester exterior resin, or equal. Flat ribbed top shall be provided in lieu of domed top for vertical flat bottom tanks. {E) MANHOLE - 24-inch side flanged manway as shown on the con- tract drawings with 316 stainless steel bolt package and gasket as provided by the tank manufacturer. (F) MISCELLANEOUS - Contractor shall fill tank with 439 gallons of ferric chloride (30 - 32% standard solution) after installation of tank is complete. 3.0 - SHOP DRAWINGS Five (5) copies of the shop drawings Engineer for his approval. shall be submitted to the (SOHT) DS-FST - 2 of 2 I-~_j~ HO~ 7MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL P.C. IACCESSORIES FOR CIRCULAR SETTLING TANKS 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equip- ment and appliances necessary to construct miscellaneous accessories and equipment for two (2) circular settling tanks, ready for use, as specified herein and as shown on the contract drawings. Included shall be initial start-up and testing in the presence of the Engineer, Owner and Manufacturer's representative. 2.0 - PIPE CONNECTIONS Piping connected to the tanks shall be glass lined ductile iron or cement lined ductile iron as specified under another section of these specifications. Underground piping shall be cement lined, duc- tile iron with mechanical joints and special locking type retainer glands as specified under another section of these specifications. Pipe, fittings and valves shall be installed as approved to first- class standards of workmanship. 3.0 - EQUIPMENT Each sludge collector shall include: Drive mechanism complete with reducer, motor and overload device. Center shaft assembly and scraper arms. Influent feedwell. Access bridge including handrailing and toe plate. Adjustable effluent weir. Surface skimmer with scum trough. All associated attachment bolts and anchor bolts for a com- plete installation. The liquid shall enter the tank from a center influent column and shall flow radially outward and over a weir around the periphery of the tank. The settled solids shall be conveyed by the collector mechanism to a central sludge hopper in the floor of the tank, from which it will be removed by sludge draw-off pipe. The scraper blades shall be arranged to sweep the entire floor twice per revolution of the collector mechanism. The tip speed of the truss arms shall not exceed l0 feet per minute. (SOHT ACST - 1 of 5 I._t~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ACCESSORIES FOR CIRCULAR SETTLING TANKS (CONT'D.) 3.0 - EQUIPMENT (cont'd.) The equipment for the primary settling tank shall be for the in- stallation in a circular concrete tank with a 12'--0" diameter x 8'-0" side wall depth as shown on the contract drawings.. The equipment for the secondary settling tank shall be for the installation in a circular concrete tank with a 10'-0" diameter x 8'-0" side wall depth as shown on the contract drawings. The floor of each tank shall be pitched at a constant slope of 1-inch per 12-inches. The sludge collectors and accessories for each tank shall be sup- plied by one manufacturer for the purpose of standardization and spare parts inventory. The equipment shall be as manufactured by FMC Corp., Environmental Equipment Division, Chicago, Illinois; or equal. 4.0 - CENTER SHAFT ASSEMBLY The center shaft assembly shall be designed to support the weight of the submerged structure suspended from it and to withstand the cut- out torque of the drive. The steel center shaft shall be solid or pipe construction with minimum thickness of 1/4-inch. 5.0 DRIVE UNIT The drive unit shall be designed to develop a running torque of 500 ft. lbs. and a cut-out torque of 750 ft. lbs. and shall con- sist of the following components: (A) Worm reducer unit shall be designed in accordance with AGMA standards and bear an AGMA nameplate. The unit shall feature drywell construction on the lower vertical shaft bearing. The worm gear shall be nickel bronze with a minimum of 50,000 p.s.i, ultimate. The worm shall be heat treated 4150 steel with a 130,000 p.s.i, ultimate. (B) A gearmotor with integrally mounted motor and an enclosed worm reducer drive mechanism connected by a roller chain drive. (C) A welded steel or cast iron baseplate for the worm reducer and gearmotor. The motor shall be of adequate horsepower to drive the machine and shall be a 1/2 HP for operation of 230/460 volts, 3 phase, 60 Hz. (SOHT) ACST - 2 of 5 I--t~/~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P,C. ACCESSORIES FOR CIRCULAR SETTLING TANKS (CONT'D.) 6.0 - OVERLOAD DEVICE The drive shall be equipped with a spring operated overload device mounted on the output shaft of the gearmotor. The overload device shall be equipped with a two-stage limit switch to sound an alarm at an adjus- table setting below the cutout torque, and to stop the drive motor at the cutout torque. 8.0 - BRIDGE WALKWAY A structural beam type bridge shall extend across the tank diameter and shall mount on the peripheral tank wall at each end. The walkway shall be 36-inches wide and 42-inches wide at the drive area and it shall be capable of supporting a live load of 50 pounds per square foot plus the weight of the submerged collector mechanism without undue de- flection. The walkway flooring shall extend from the tank edge to the center drive mechanism and shall be 3/16-inch thick checkered steel plate. The bridge shall be equipped with 1-1/2-inch O.D. double pipe handrails and toe boards. 9.0 - INFLUENT BAFFLE A rotating influent baffle of 3/16-inch thick steel plate shall be fastened to the center shaft. The baffle shall have a diameter of 4'-0" and a side wall depth of 2'-3". 10.0 - SCRAPER ARMS The unit shall be equipped with two structural steel scraper arms, designed in accordance with AISC recommendations. The arms shall be of adequate strength to withstand the cut-out torque of the drive. (SOHT) ACST - 3 of 5 I-.~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL P.C. ACCESSORIES FOR CIRCULAR SETTLING TANKS (CONT'D.) 11.0 - SCRAPER BLADES The scraper arms shall be equipped with 3/16-inch thick steel scraper blades 6-inches deep to convey the settled solids to the sludge hopper. The blades shall be equipped with adjustable squeegees of 1/8-inch thick steel. 12.0 - ADJUSTABLE EFFLUENT WEIR The effluent weir shall be 3/16-inch thick adjustable steel plate 9-inches deep mounted on the concrete with anchor' bolts. The weir shall have V-notches of adequate size and number to handle the maximum flow. Butt plates shall be used at the joints. Effluent troughs shall be arranged as shown on the contract drawings. 13.0 - SCUM SKIMMER AND BAFFLE A skimming device and scum hopper shall be furnished for the re- moval of floating scum. The scum shall be removed to the periphery of the tank where it shall be automatically deposited in the hopper. The skimming device shall consist of a skimmer blade at the water line extending from the influent baffle outward to the scum hopper. A plow blade with neoprene squeegees shall pick up the collected scum and convey it over a partly submerged shelf plate into the hopper with each revolution of the mechanism. A scum baffle shall be provided for use with the scum skimmer. It shall be of 1/4-inch thick steel plate 12-inches wide and supported by adjustable brackets anchored to the concrete. 14.0 - GENERAL ITEMS Ail equipment anchor bolts shall be galvanized steel, furnished by the Equipment Manufacturer, and of ample size and strength for the pur- pose intended. All anchor bolts shall be set by the General Contractor in accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions. Ail appurtenances, including weirs and scum baffles, electrical controls (other than specified herein), troughs and trough supports, influent pipe, wall sleeves, lubricants, tools, general piping, field painting, field erection, and field testing shall be furnished by the General Contractor as found in the specifications. (SOHT) ACST - 4 of 5 I.-~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, PC. ACCESSORIES FOR CIRCULAR SETTLING TANKS (CONT'D.) 15.0 - SURFACE PREPARATION AND PAINTING All surfaces shall be prepared in accordance with the section en- titled, "SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING". 16.0 - MANUALS Five (5) copies of the shop drawings and Operation Manuals shall be submitted to the Engineer. & Maintenance 17.0 - SERVICE The Contractor shall include with his bid the services of the Equipment Manufacturer's field service technician for a total period of five (5) days. This service shall be for the purposes of check-out, initial start-up, certification, and instruction of plant personnel. 18.0 - ACCEPTANCE TEST Sludge collector mechanisms shall be field tested, after erection, and in the presence of the Engineer, to confirm and verify the struc- tural and mechanical compliance to the torque requirements specified by loading each collector mechanism with 120% and 140% of rated con- tinuous torque specified. Also, this field test shall include checking the operation of warning and drive shutdown circuitry. Complete test procedures shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to testing; however, testing shall be accomplished with the machine in operation. Loads shall be applied to the mechanism's truss arms through cables or other means, anchored to the tank floor or wall. Load shall be applied by means of a hydraulic cylinder or springs or any means which allows the machine to rotate for a peripheral distance of at least 3 feet under load. Ail labor, materials and test apparatus necessary for conducting the above tests shall be furnished by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. (SOHT) ACST - 5 of 5 HOLZMACHER, McL~NDON & MURRELL, P C ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS 1.0 - SCOPE The work under this section includes all labor, materials, equip- ment and accessories required for the installation of rotating bio- logical disc units complete with tankage, media and drive units, as shown on the contract drawings, specified herein, or directed by the Engineer or Owner. 2.0 - GENERAL The unit shall have the surface loading rate,, media area, stages, and volumetric capacity, etc., as follows: 1. Surface Loading Rate (Avg. Daily Flow - 3?otalized) - not greater than 0.099 gpd/sf. 2. Media Area (Total) - not less than 200,000 sf Stages & Tanks - two (2) tanks and two Tank No. 1 - single stage Tank No. 2 - three stages by utilizing (2) shafts baffle system Dimensions of Tanks & Media Tank - each 14'-4" wide x 26'-4" (inside dimension) Media - 11'-10" diameter long x 5'-8" deep NOTE: Dimensions can vary as per manufacturer. Con- tractor is responsible for changes in tank dimensions to meet manufacturer's requirements. 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT A. General The Contractor shall furnish and install complete rotating biologicall disc unit tanks, rotatable high density polyethylene media mounted to center shafts, electrically powered mechanical drive system for each shaft, shaft support bearings, baseplates for drive and shaft bearings, electrical motors, baffles and weirs, insulated environmental covers, and individual air supply headers with diffusers. Included is all con- necting piping and bypass piping, valves, painting and miscellaneous work on the contract drawings. (SOHT) RBDU - 1 ~f 13 HO~Z~ACHFR, McLI:NDON 8, MURRELL, PC ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS (CONT'D.) 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT (cont'd.) Each RBD assembly shall be completely factory assembled and ship- ped in a condition suitable for direct installation without additional field assembly. B. Tankage The tankage configuration and hydraulic requirements shall be as specified in the contract drawings. Concrete tankage shall be as speci- fied in the section entitled, "STRUCTURAL CONCRETE". Provisions for tank baffling shall be provided for RBD Unit No. 2. Baffles shall be constructed of redwood, or other approved equal materials. If any de- viation in tank configuration from that shown on the plans is required to accommodate any particular RBD equipment, the Contractor will be re- sponsible for any additional changes in design at no additional cost to the Owner. C. RBD Media The media shall be manufactured of high density polyethylene. The diameter of the media shall be no less than 11 feet or more than 12 feet. Media configuration will be of the standard density arrangement with a surface area of 100,000 square feet per shaft. The media shall contain flow passages which shall be of adequate size and spacing for biological growth development. The flow passage configuration shall be such as to assure adequate flow of wastewater and air over all active biological surfaces. Methods of media attachment or support shall securely attach media to the central shaft and shall be designed to transmit all rotational forces developed by the central shaft. They shall be designed to fully support and carry the media under maximum load operating conditions. The entire media support system shall be designed to be maintenance free and corrosion resistant. Media configurations requiring maintenance will not be acceptable. In all cases, the media either by itself or through the use of tie rods, or structural framework, shall be capable of with- standing all anticipated loadings without permanent deformation or damage to the media. D. RBD Shaft A central steel shaft shall be employed to support the rotating media. The steel shaft shall consist of a structural tube extending approximately the full length of the media stack structurally attached to stub-end assemblies at each end. (SOHT) RBDU - 2 of 13 ~_./~ HO~.MACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS (CONT'D.) 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT (cont'd.) Stub-end assemblies shall be designed to make a smooth transition from the center shaft to a smaller diameter round stub shaft. The round stub shafts shall, in operation, be supported by the bearings at both ends of the RBD assembly. The stub shaft bearings shall be replaceable roller, self-aligning, split-housing pillow blocks, with a non-expansion bearing for the driven end and an expansion bearing for the idle end (total expansion capa- bility shall be at least 9/16-inch). The bearing housings shall be de- signed to accommodate grease lubrication. The bearings shall be com- pletely assembled, adjusted, sealed, and prelubricated at the factory to prevent dirt or dust from entering the bearing before or during installation. Bearing seals shall be located entirely within an inner housing. Bearings with seals held stationary in outer housings which cannot conform to shaft misalignment will be unacceptable. A baseplate shall be provided for each bearing. The above specification describes one particular design of a cen- tral steel shaft. Other main shaft designs may be used, and will be acceptable providing the structural integrity of such design is de- monstrated to the Engineer's satisfaction, in conformance with the AWS fatigue criteria defined in Section 8.0 of this specification. E. Drive System The intent of system and related located outside of the plans and specifications is to provide an RBD covers in which the drive motor and reducers are the RBD cover. The drive system shall be a factory-assembled unit, including electric motor and a speed reducer. The entire drive system shall be mounted outside the end gearing for ease of maintenance and in- specification. Appropriate guards for V-belt drive arrangements shall be required. Speed reducer shall be designed for Class II service according to specifications of the American Gear Manufacturers Association. This design shall be based on maximum anticipated service loading conditions. The speed reducer shall consist of helical gearing, sized to rotate the RBD unit at approximately 1.6 R.P.M. The reducer will be totally enclosed, with gears and bearings operated in a seal- ed oil bath and a lubricant sight gauge shall be provided. Seals shall be designed for high moisture, high humidity service. (SOHT) RBDU - 3 of 13 I-~_j~ HOL.ZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. FLC. ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS (CONT'D.) 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT (cont'd.) Motor shall be 7.5 HP minimum, 1,200 R.P.M., 230/460 volts, 3 phase, 60 Hertz with all totally enclosed, fan cooled enclosure. Motor shall have a normall starting torque characteristic meeting the requirements for NEMA Design B. Motors shall be sized not to be overloaded when starting up a loaded RBD unit. Motor insulation shall meet the requirements for NEMA Class F. Motor shall be of high efficiency, energy conserving design, with minimum efficiency at full load of 87.9% and minimum efficiency at half load of 87%. Motor shall have 1.15 service factor. F. Painting The main shaft shall be shop sandblasted to SSPC-SP10 specifica- tions followed by one (1) shop prime coat of Tnemec #66-1211 Hi-Build epoxoline at minimum 4.0 mils dry film thickness followed by two (2) shop finish coats of Tnemec 46,H413 Hi-Build Tneme-Tar coal tar epoxy at minimum 8.0 mils dry film thickness per coat, or equal. The drive system shall receive one (1) shop coat of Tnemec 37-77 Chem-Prime primer at 2.0 mils minimum dry film thickness (on previous- ly unpainted surfaces), followed by one (1) shop finish coat of Tneme 2-2050 No. 70 Tneme-Gloss enamel, at minimum 1.5 mils dry film thickness, or equal. G. Enclosures Each shaft assembly shall be covered or enclosed so as to protect the media and biological growth from direct sunlight exposure, low temperature and vandalism. RBD enclosures shall consist of a structure fiberglass reinforced plastic which shall be erected by the General Contractor. Panels shall be fabricated with radial ribs with the proper ccmposite material wall thickness to permit the enclosure to withstand all wind, snow, and weather loads expected under local service conditions. The enclosure shall not deflect more than 2-inches under the above loading conditions. Panels shall be designed to be interlocking, and still provide for sufficient air infiltration to assure ample oxygen supply to the bio- logical RBD process. The cover shall have sufficient thermal insulating capability to assure that the biological process will not be deleteriously affected. There should be no major opening in air circulation through the cover during perature. the cover which permits gross periods of low ambient tem- (SOHT) RBDU - 4 of 13 I-J~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS (CONT'D.) 3.0 - DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT (cont'd.) Ail coatings, resins, and fiberglass reinforcing materials shall be consistent with the environmental conditions and structural require- ments. All panels and components shall be formed on suitable molds to insure constant and accurate dimensions of the finished units. Molds shall be so designed that each panel can be made in one piece without joining of members by either bonding or bolting. The mold surface shall be coated with a 15 mil coat or gel coat before any glass is applied. Following the hardening of the final layer of glass laminate, a 15 mil resistant coating of isophthalic resin and corrosion fillers shall be applied to the panel to completely seal the interior surface. Ail anchorage to the curb shall be accomplished by setting suitable expanding anchor bolts in the concrete curb wall or bolts through any structural steel. Anchor bolts, nuts and washers shall be stainless steel. Access personnel doors shall be fiberglass reinforced plastic con- struction with comparable frame. Door hinges and latches shall be stainless steel. H. Shaft Lifting Device One (1) shaft lifting device shall be furnished with the RBD equip- ment. The shaft lifting device shall be fabricated of structural steel, and shall provide a mechanical lifting means for raising either end of the RBD shaft to the extent required to permit service of a bearing or to replace an entire pillow block assembly. The lifting device shall be designed to mount on the bearing baseplate. I. Electronic Shaftin~ Weightin~ Device and Read-Out Hardware The baseplates of the idler bearings of both shafts shall be pro- vided with a strain gauge type electronic load cell. The design shall be such that no horizontal movement of the RBD shaft is allowed. The load cells shall be furnished complete with mounting and shall be a low-profile compression type cell, hermetically sealed, rated 50,000 pounds, 100% of rated load side load, 150% overload capacity. Concrete support walls shall be equipped with a recess as ~equired to receive the load cell assembly. One (1) converter-readout unit shall be provided for use with the above load cells. Converter shall be Hardy-Scales Series 5, or equal, with three wire grounded A.C. cord and load cell cord for portable use. Unit shall provide a direct read-out in pounds and shall be calibrated for use with above load cells. Provisions shall be provided for plugging unit to the load cells to take load readings. Power input shall be 120 tvolts A.Co (SOHT) RBDU - 5 of 13 I.-~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS (CONT'D.) 4.0 - MANUFACTURER The RBD equipment specified herein shall be as manufactured by Walker Process Corporation, Aurora, Illinois; Lyco, Marlboro, New Jersey; or equal. Contractors are required to identify in their bids the name of the RBD manufacturer from which they intend to obtain the RBD equipment called for by this specification. 5.0 - SHOP DRAWINGS, MANUALS, ETC. The manufacturer shall submit five (5) sets of shop drawings, de- sign calculations, equipment lists, erection drawings, and assembly information to the Engineer for approval prior to manufacture. In addition, five (5) sets of Operation & Maintenance Manuals of all items furnished shall be submitted for approval. Operation & Mainten- ance Manuals shall fully describe the RBD process, normal operation, troubleshooting, maintenance, etc. 6.0 - SHIPPING AND INSTALLATION Each RBD assembly shall be shipped to the job site fully assembled with media and shaft bearings in place on the central steel shaft. Shipping schedules shall be so arranged as to minimize the crane rental and handling at the construction site. Each RBD assembly shall be off-loaded by means of a crane and suitable rigging. spreader beam or load leveler. and positioned in the tank Rigging shall include a RBD enclosures shall be shipped separately to the site in nested panel sections. Fittings and anchoring hardware shall be included in this shipment. Off-loading and installation of RBD assemblies shall be accom- plished in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Installation of equipment and piping shall be as shown on the con- tract drawings, as directed by the Engineer or Owner, and as recommended by the Equipment Manufacturer. All piping, bypass piping and valves shall be as specified elsewhere. (SOHT) RBDU - 6 of 13 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS (CONT'D.) 6.0 - SHIPPING AND INSTALLATION (cont'd.) The completed installation shall be the Contractor's responsibility and shall be neat and workmanlike in appearance to the complete satis- faction of the Engineer or Owner. Ail concrete support structures, where indicated on the contract drawings, shall be constructed. This shall be in accordance with appli- cable sections of the specifications. Ail work and materials shown on the drawings and described in the specifications shall be furnished. This shall include piping, bypass piping, valves, grading, excavating, backfilling, concrete work, and drainage. Valves and piping shall be as specified in the section en- titled, "TREATMENT AREA & MECHANICAL WORK". RBD concrete tanks shall be as specified in the section entitled, "STRUCTURAL CONCRETE". RBD units shall be protected from the elements prior to completion of their installation. 7.0 - GUARANTEE Performance Guarantee The manufacturer of the rotating biological disc unit shall fur- nish a written guarantee that the effluent from the unit shall not exceed the following concentrations of BOD-5 (soluble): (a) Soluble BOD-5 concentration not greater than 150 mg/1. The meters: guarantee shall be based on the followin.~ influent para- (a) Average Daily Flow (ADF) - (Totalized) 19,700 gpd (b) Peak Flow (hourly) 39,400 gpd (c) Media Surface Area - 200,000 sf (d) Minimum Flow Rate - 0 gpd; Sustained Period of No Flow (maximum) - 6 hours (e) Sustained Period of Maximum Flow - 4 hours (f) BOD-5 (soluble) - Avg. diurnal concentration based on 24-hour composite sample - 2,000 mg/1 or less (SOHT) RBDU - 7 of 13 I-~ HOI. ZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS (CONT'D.) 7.0 - GUARANTEE (cont'd.) (g) Temperature - 47 degrees F. minimum; 90 degrees F. maximum (h) The pH of the wastewater shall be between the range of 7.0 and 9.0, or as per manufacturer's recommendations (i) The wastewater shall be septic tank and cesspool pumpings and will not contain toxic or inhibiting substances (j) Surface loading rate based on average daily flow (total- ized) - 0.099 gpd/sf The rotating biological disc manufacturer shall guarantee that the rotating system shall meet or exceed the process performance based on the following conditions: 1. The RBD equipment is erected, operated and maintained in ac- cordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 2. The influent wastewater conditions, as given above, to the RBD system shall be met naturally or simulated. 3. The Owner, after establishing evidence that a steady-state bio- logical condition has been achieved, shall conduct performance tests to determine acceptance of the plant. 4. The manufacturer shall be notified of the steady-state condi- tion and shall be permitted to witness all performance tests. Final acceptance of the rotating biological disc shall take place after satisfactory completion of the tests, witnessed by repre- sentatives of the Owner and regulatory agencies. Testing for final acceptance shall take place within the first year of operation. 5. Process performance evaluation shall be based on the following: (a) 24-hour composite samples and maintained at 4 degrees C. during sampling for a period of 7 consecutive days. (b) Samples shall be analyzed within 24-hours after com- positing. (c) Analysis of the wastewater shall be ]performed in ac- cordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. (d) Performance evaluation shall be based on the arithmetic average of not less than 7 consecutive days of influent and effluent. (SOHT) RBDU - 8 of 13 I-.~.~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, ~ctC. ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS (CONT'D.) 7.0 - GUARANTEE (cont'd.) (e) Influent samples shall be taken from the influent trough to the RBD tankage. (f) Effluent samples from the secondary settling tank shall be analyzed. 8.0 - QUALIFICATION OF RBD EQUIPMENT A. General Each component of an RBD unit shall be designed with sufficient structural integrity to resist all static and dynamic loads which might be expected during a design life of minimum 25 years. The general design criteria are established to assure long term serviceability of the assembly and to provide a rotating structure with stress levels well below the fatigue endurance limit of the materials to avoid fatigue failure. Detailed certified calculations prepared by a Registered Profes- sional Engineer in the State (New York) the equipment will be installed and certified test data or catalogue information pertaining to the general criteria set forth below (Items a thru e) shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval along with submittal of detailed shop drawings. This submittal information must be complete in all details and must be directed to each of the general criteria (Items a thru e). Submittals that are incomplete or do not meet these general design criteria will be rejected. These criteria address general design, levels of stress, materials of fabrication and quality of workmanship of the rotating assembly, center shaft, stub shaft, media, and media- to-center shaft attachment. Submittal information shall be submitted to the Engineer within seven (7) days of the bid date. The following general design criteria shall apply to all RBC as- semblies furnished under this contract: (a) The maximum calculated stress range for the main central shaft, stub shaft, and all weldments to the shaft, including connections of the stub shaft to the center shaft shall not exceed the allowable values de- fined per AWS Dl.l-81, for a minimum fatigue life of 25 years. Stress range shall be determined using calculated dead loads, torsion loads, and live loads corrected for buoyancy using actual media percent (SOHT) RBDU - 9 of 13 I-~_/~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS (CONT'D.) 8.0 - QUALIFICATION OF RBC EQUIPMENT (cont'd.) submergences and the appropriate AWS projected curve category for tubu- lar structures (projected curves are herein defined as the existing AWS slope curves extended downward with no change in slope, in lieu of the curves becoming horizontal as currently defined by AWS), as outlined in AWS Dl.l-81, Chapter 10, Section 10.7. Live loads shall be based on a minimum biomass thickness of 0.125-inch. Design calculations shall be submitted to substantiate compliance. (b) Shaft materials shall have a nominal tensile strength of 35,000 to 40,000 p.s.i. Design calculations shall be submitted which substantiate the minimum required center shaft section modulus for compliance with the specified loading. (c) Media selection and attachment to the center shaft shall in- corporate safety factors to account for cyclic loading conditions on a long term basis, starting and stopping torques, and the possible long term creep or fatigue of the media. The plastic media when tested in accordance with ASTM D1693, con- dition A, shall exhibit an environmental stress cracking resistance (ESCR) of minimum 800 hours at 50% failure (F50) and shall have a minimum ten- sile/yield strength of 3,400 p.s.i, at 75 degrees F. To avoid exceeding the elastic limit of the plastic when tested at 1,000 p. soi. tension load for 18,000 hours at 25 degrees C., the elonga- tion shall not exceed 6.0%, which is defined as being well within the elastic limit of high density polyethylene. The imedia shall exhibit a minimum stiffness as per ASTM D747-70 of not less than 120,000 p.s.i. (d) Shaft bearings shall have a minimum AFBMA B-10 bearing life of 200,000 hours based on the specified loads and at a shaft speed of not less than 1.5 R.P.M. (e) The gear reducer shall be rated AGMA II, based on connected motor nameplate horsepower for 24-hour duty. Further, reducer bearings shall have a minimum AFBMA B-10 life of (100,000) hours at an output speed of 1.5 R.P.M. (SOHT) RBDU - 10 of 13 I-t~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, PC. BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS (CONT'D.) 9.0 - PATENT INFRINGEMENT The Contractor and Equipment Manufacturer shall agree to hold them- selves responsible for any claims made against the Owner and Engineer for any infringement of patents, by the use of patented articles in any one phase of construction of the work and the completion of same, or any process connected with the work agreed to be performed under this contract, or of any materials used on the said work and to save harmless and indemnify the Owner and Engineer from all costs, expenses and damages which the Owner shall be obliged to pay by reason of any infingement of patents used in the construction and completion of the work. Further, the manufacturer shall license the Owner for use of all patents with regard to equipment furnished herein. 10.0 - OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT 1970 (OSHA) The Contractor and Equipment Manufacturer shall meet all of OSHA and subsequent revisions {hereof. standards 11.0 MAINTENANCE BOND The manufacturer of the rotating biological disc unit shall pro- vide a Maintenance Bond equal to 100% of the equipment purchase price for five (5) years from date of start-up not to exceed 5-1/2 years from date of shipment, based on the following conditions: 1. On the disc media, steel shafts and sup~Drt structural members guarantee will be for five (5) years. 2. The bearings, motor, gears, drive assemblies shall be guaranteed for one (1) year from date of start-up. The Engineer shall issue a certificate certifying the start-up occurred. This certificate will be issued to the Contractor and the Equipment Manufacturer. date actual Owner, the (SOHT) RBDU - 11 of 13 l-~_j~ HO~ 7MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS (CONT'D.) 12.0 - PERFORMANCE BOND The manufacturer of the rotating biological disc unit shall provide a process performance bond equal to 100% .of the equipment purchase price and installation to guarantee the process/energy per- formance of the RBD system. Process/energy performance liability shall be based on the following: If the influent and effluent requirements are met, based on seven (7) consecutive days of sampling, the process performance bond and liability shall be null and void and the RBD system shall be acceptable by the Owner and Engineer. If the influent parameters are not in compliance after seven (7) consecutive days of sampling and testing, the Owner shall again, at his expense, follow the same per- formance evaluation for an additional seven (7) consecu- tive days. If the influent characteristics are again not in compliance as stated, the process performance of the RBD system shall be termed as meeting the effluent requirements and the performance bond shall no longer be in effect. If the influent wastewater characteristics are within the stated limits and the effluent parameters are not, the RBD manufacturer will make any changes to the existing RBD equipment and run the same testing parameters as previously described, at the manufacturer's expense. At the conclusion of this testing period, with the in- fluent conditions within the limits described and the effluent conditions not conforming to those specified, the RBD manufacturer shall have the option of running another seven (7) consecutive days of sampling and test- ing. If the option to test another seven (7) days is initiated and the effluent requirements are still not met, and the influent conditions are within limits, the manufacturer will provide and install additional square footage of media to meet the effluent requirements. Manufacturer shall also provide and install additional piping, valves, motors, shafts, tankage, concrete slabs, sidewalks, complete electrical installation, etc. An- other seven (7) consecutive day testing period will then be performed to verify the effluent characteristics at the manufacturer's expense. When the effluent parameters are met, with the described influent limits, the process performance bond and liability shall no longer be in effect and the RBD system shall be acceptable to the Owner and Engineer. (SOHT) RBDU - 12 of 13 I--t~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. PC. ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS (CONT'D.) 13.0 - START-UP AND SERVICES The manufacturer of the RBD units shall provide the services of an Engineer for a total of not more than five (5) working days for the purpose of instructing and assisting the Contractor and the Owner's personnel in the handling, installation, start-up, and pro- per operation of the process and equipment. (SOHT) RBDU - 13 of 13 ~'~_j~ HO~ 7MACHIFR, McLFNOON & MURRELL, P C EFFLUENT WET WELL ACCESSORIES 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equip- ment and incidentals necessary to construct and install miscellaneous accessories and equipment for the effluent wet well, ready for use, as specified herein and shown on the contract drawings. Included shall be initial start-up and testing in the presence of the Engineer, Owner and manufacturer's representatives. 2.0 - SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS The Contractor shall furnish, install and place into operation two (2) submersible pumps, as shown on the contract drawings. The pump shall be capable of delivering 60 GPM against a TDH of 17 feet, including static lift and pipe friction. The motor is to be 1/2 HP, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 1756 RPM, for operation on 460 volts AC. The Contractor shall furnish 50 feet of approved cable with each pump. The pumps shall be Model No. 3SE54-BAF, as manufactured by Peabody Barnes, Inc.; or equal. Pumps shall be capable of'handling raw, unscreened sewage. The design shall be such that pumping units will be automatically connected to discharge piping when lowered into place on the discharge connection. The pumps shall be easily removable for inspection or service, requiring no bolts, nuts or other fastening to be removed for this purpose, and no need for personnel to enter wet well. Each pump shall be fitted with a galvanized chain of adequate strength and length to permit raising the pump for inspection and removal. Pump construction shall be as follows: (a) The pump motor housing and impeller to be cast iron with all parts coated with a two-part epoxy and based at 350 degrees F. Finish. coat to be air dry enamel. All exposed hardware to be corrosion-re- sistant stainless steel. (b) The impeller shall be with either one or two vanes on back- side. Spherical solid handling of impeller shall be 2". (c) The seal shall be mechanical type running in oil ceramic and carbon faces with stainless steel metal parts, clusion lip seal in front of mechanical seal. filled chamber with an ex- ~ EWWA - 1 of 3 ~_/~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, PC EFFLUENT WET WELL ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) (d) A sliding guide bracket shall be an integral part of the pumping unit and the pump casing shall have a machined angle connection with yoke to connect with the cast iron discharge connection, which will be bolted to the floor of the wet well and so designed as to re- ceive the pump angle connection without the need ()f any bolts or nuts. (e) Sealing of' the pumping unit to the discharge connection shall be accomplished by a simple linear downward motion of the pump with the entire weight of the pumping unit guided to and wedged tightly against the angled discharge connection; no poriton of the pump shall bear directly .on the floor of the wet well and no rotary motion of the pump shall be required for sealing. Sealing at the discharge connection by means of a diaphragm or similar method of sealing will not be ac- cepted as an equal to a metal-to-metal contact of the pump discharge and mating discharge connection specified and req,~ired. (f) The motor is to be a totally submersibl.e design with open windings and completely oil filled with Class B insulation. An air filled watertight casing for motor housing shall De acceptable. The motor shaft shall be stainless steel and designed for extremely diffi- cult sewage pumping service. All three-phase motors shall be dual voltage. Pump motors shall have cooling characteristics, suitable to permit continuous operation, in a totally, partially or non-submerged condition. The pump shall be capable to running dry in a totally dry condition under full load with- out damage, for extended periods. Before final acceptance, a field running test demonstrating this ability, with 24 hours of continuous operation under the above conditions, shall be performed for pumps being supplied. The pump manufacturer shall provide a one-year warranty from date of final certificate, which will apply against defective workmanship and materials on all components supplied by Peabody Barnes, or equal. For a period of five (5) years from the date of manufacture, a five-year exchange plan will be available on a brand new pump of the same size HP. The pump manufacturer shall furnish certified laboratory pump curves for each pump after manufacture. Pump cu[ves shall include: flow, total dynamic head, brake horsepower, efficiency and net positive suction head required. Prior to each pump being installed, the Contractor shall have all piping, valves, etc. on the site. Foundation bo].ts shall be as shown on the contract drawings. EWWA - 2 of 3 ~{~_j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL, P.C. {EFFLUENT WET WELL ACCESSORIES (CONT'D) } The manufacturer shall submit five (5) copies of a manual detail- ing the following information: Installation, Operation, Maintenance, Shop Drawings, Certified Curves, etc. The Contractor-shall, at the request of the Engineer, perform a field performance test of each pump and motor to determine the actual characteristic curve. Failure of the pumps to perform, based on the certified pump curves, shall result in either replacement of the pumps or other corrective action deemed necessary by ~te Engineer at the Con- tractor's expense. R { E~VA - 3 of 3 SLUDGE/SCUM WELL ACCESSORIES 1.0 SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to construct and install miscellaneous acces- sories and equipment for the two (2) sludge well pumps, ready for use, as specified herein and shown on the Contract Drawings. Included shall be initial start-up and testing in the. presence of the Engineer, Owner and Manufacturer's Representatives. 2.0 - EQUIPMENT The equipment for the sludge well accessories shall consist of fur- nishing and installing the sludge well pumps. Sludge well pumps to be as manufactured by Moyno Pumps, Fluids Handling Division, Robbins and Myers, Inc.; or equal. The pumps shall be Moyno Model 1FOGSI or equal, and shall be rated for variable operating conditions as follows: NO. OF RPM MAX. HP FLANGED DIA. SUCTION UNITS GPM TDH MIN. MAX. MOTOR SUCTION DISCHARGE PRESSURE 2 150 27' 45 450 5 6" 6" Flooded The pumps shall be capable of delivering 100 gpm @ 27' TDH with a maximum operating speed of 300 rpm. Sludge well pumps to be in-line coupling arrangement located in sludge well as shown on the Contract Drawings with motor protector guard to be supplied. The motor is to be 5 HP, 3 phase, 60 cycle, for opera- tion on 230/460 volts A.C. The sludge well pumps shall be heavy duty, positive displacement, cradle-mounted, single stage progressing cavity type. Cradle-mounting will allow the normal vertical port to be rotated to any angle perpen- dicular to the center line of the pumps. The body castings of the pump shall be thick-walled cast iron. The suction housing shall incorporate two rectanglar inspection ports, 180 degrees apart and provide access to the universal joints within the suction housing. All cast parts will be smooth and free of sandholes, blowholes, and other defects. Suction and discharge connections shall be 150 degrees ANSI flat- face flanges. ~ SSWA - 1 of 3 · ~ HOi..ZMACHER, McLFNDON & MURRELL. P.~. SLUDGE/SCUM WELL ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) The rotor shall be machined and polished tool steel chrome-plated single helix. It shall have a nominal chrome plate of 020 for a maximum abrasion resistance. The stator shall be molded elastomeric, double helix, chemically bonded to a steel tube. The Buna N stator shall ~se 720 degrees clamp rings to fasten to the normal horizontal slange and suction housing, with sealed ends. The clamp rings will facilitate stator removal. The stator seals shall be designed to prevent the material being pumped from contacting the stator bonding and tube. The universal joints shall be of the grease lubricated, totally enclosed sealed and shielded, crowned gear type. The operating angle of these joints shall not exceed 1-1/2 degrees off center. They shall be of adequate design to transmit the required thrust and torque while allowing the rotor to move in its eccentric path. The joint seal shall be designed to prevent any liquid from contaminating the gear, while the shield shall be designed to prevent any foreign objects from rupturing the seal. The low angularity shall maximize universal joint life. A splined connecting rod shall connect the gear joints of the eccentrically moving rotor and the drive shaft. The connecting rod shall pass through the suction housing/shaft seal area within the hollow drive shaft quill so that no eccentric loads are imparted on the packed seal. This connecting rod shall be rigid and not. susceptible to chipping The drive shaft shall be of two-part design with the chromo-plated, hollow quill removable for repair. The quill will be replatable. It shall be removable without removing the bearings from the bearing housing or disconnecting the driver. The bearings will be of the grease lubricated ball type. Fittings shall be located in the bearing housing to permit: occasional re-lubri- cation, the B-10 life of the bearings shall exceed 30,000 hours under maximum operating conditions of this Specification. The bearing casting shall utilize a bearing cover plate held in place by a 720 degree retaining ring. 3.0 - SERVICE The Contractor shall include with his bid, the services of the Equipment Manufacturers field technician for a total period of two (2) days for start-up and to instruct the Owner's Representative on operational procedures. Five (5) copies of Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be submitted to the Engineer. SSWA - 2 o~ 3 ~-~ HOLZMACHIFR, McLENOON & MURRELL, PC SLUDGE/SCUM WELL ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) 4.0 - TELESCOPIC VALVES The Contractor shall furnish and install where shown on the Contract Drawings two (2) 6-inch diameter telescoping sludge control valves as manufactured by Walker Process Equipment Division of Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., Aurora, Ill; Dezurik Corp., Sartell Minn., or equal. Each valve unit shall be a complete assembly consisting of 3/4-inch brass non-rising stem, aluminum handwheel, cast iron valve stand with position indicator, 6-inch seamless drawn brass slip tube with cast bronze bail, and cast iron companion flange with rubber gasket sealing. Galvanized bolts shall be furnished for each unit.. The slip tube shall be designed to slip into a 6-inch glass lined ductile iron pipe which contains no rough projections or busters. The valve strands shall have one (1) shop coat of machinery enamel. A bronze graduated position scale shall be furnished for each valve. Each of the telescopic valves shall be mounted at the sludge/scum well as shown on the Contract Drawings within the wet well and each shall be equipped with a valve stand, handwheel and valve platform. Contractor shall submit five (5) copies of the Shop Drawings showing details of platform and mounting of valves to the Engineer. Five (5) copies of the Operation and Maintenance Manual shall also be provided. SSWA - 3 of 3 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, PC METERING SYSTEM 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to construct an effluent metering system for the scavenger waste treatment plant as specified herein, shown on the con- tract drawings and as directed by the Engineer. 2.0 - PROCESS METERING SYSTEM A. General The Contractor shall furnish and install one (1) 4-inch effluent flow meter at the location shown on the contract drawings. The metering system shall consist of a 4-inch universal venturi tube, a probe system and a flow transmitter which will meter solids bearing fluids and produce a 4-20 ma D.C. output signal proportional to flow. It shall be possible to field check ca][ibration of the ven- turi, without using any of the instrumentation, by use of an inverted U-tube manometer. It shall also be possible to check the calibration of the probes with a manometer without the use of the electronic por- tion of the system. Further it shall be possible to remove the probe assemblies for inspection or service without interruption of the flow in the pipe line. It shall also be possible to check the interior of the venturi without removing it from the line.. The probe assemblies and the venturi shall be submersible. B. Primary Flow Element The metering primary shall be of the pressure differential pro- ducing type utilizing pure static pressure sensed at the inlet and throat. Devices amplifying the differential by causing change in the direction of the flow at the cross-sections where inlet and/or throat static pressure is sensed shall not be considered. The inlet section shall be comprised of the cylindrical section of similar diameter as the pipe in which the high pressure tap is installed and shall incorporate a hydraulic shape employing at least two vena con- tractae to condition the flow pattern before it enters the throat tap section. The laying length of the throat shall be at least 0.6 times the throat diameter. The low pressure tap shall be installed in this section. The outlet cone shall be truncated having an in- cluded angle of 10 degrees. The differential pressure shall indi- cate flow change only. Devices employing entire or partial pitot effects, amplifying differential and introducing unwanted noise shall not be acceptable. The tube coefficient shall be constant for pipe Reynolds number of 75,000 and greater and independent of beta ratio. (SOHT) MS - 1 of 4 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, PC METERING SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 2.0 - PROCESS METERING SYSTEM (cont'd. The tube shall be constructed of cast iron A.S.T.M. Tentative Specifica- tion for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges and Pipe Fittings, De- signation A126-61T, Grade B. The ends of the tube shall be 125 pound flanged. The entire interior of the tube shall be coated with a non- stick finish. The metering element shall not have debris collecting cavities or annular chambers, but shall have single pressure connections at the inlet and throat on both sides; one set with corporation instru- ment cocks for the probe assemblies and the other for a manometer con- nection. In addition, vent ports and drains shall be included on a 90 degree plane to the metering tap. The manufacturer shall furnish a certified flow vs. differential curve to the Engineer for approval. The manufacturer shall furnish certified data substantiating tube pro- portions and performance. The data shall include coefficient values and tolerance; effects of upstream configurations; head loss as a function of the velocity head expended; and proof that the coefficient is independent of beta and line size. The outlet cone shall contain an inspection cover which shall permit internal inspection of the tube. C. Pressure Sensors The probe sensors shall operate on a 1:1 transfer of pressures, using a pure liquid on one side of the sensing membrane to oppose the contaminated fluid. The probes shall function on the nozzle-armature, null balance principle which operates to maintain within the probes a liquid pressure, changes in which are exactly equal to the pressure changes being sensed. Static pressure and temperature differences be- tween the two probes shall be automatically cancelled out such that the signal difference between the probes represents the true differential pressure produced by the venturi. The interface membrane shall be located at the inside diameter of the venturi tube at the two sensing points, thus no contaminated fluid shall leave the interior of the tube. The membranes shall be of Viton and the actuating liquid a hydraulic oil not susceptible to freezing. The liquid for the probes shall be cir- culated continuously by a small gear pump requiring 117 volt, 60 Hz, 150 watt power supply. The probes shall be inserted into the venturi openings through corporation cocks and the insertion depth shall be controlled by a location collar on the shank of the probes, factory set. Each pressure area of the probe assemblies shall be equipped with quick- disconnect poppet valves to permit field checkin9 by gauge or manometer. The probes shall be submersible to a depth not exceeding the static pressure in the line. D. Transmitter The transmitter shall be actuated by a liquid filled, nickel copper bellows assembly having seals which prohibit deformation of the bellows (SOHT) MS - 2 of 4 ~ HOLZMACHIFR, McLENDON & MURRELL, ,~ C METERING SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 2.0 - PROCESS METERING SYSTEM (cont'd.) due to overload. The bellows shall be contained in a forged brass hous- ing designed for working pressures up to 150 psig. The assembly shall have integral temperature compensation from 30 to 140 degrees F. The maximum scale differential pressure shall be 67-inches H20 at 150 GPM. The transmitter shall operate from power supplied through the double- conductor transmission line that carries the signal current. The motion of the bellows assembly shall be mechanically coupled to precision, linear differential transformer. The motor shall be recti-linear and there shall be no fulcrum points in or coupled to the moving assembly. The control system within the transmitter shall be of the null-balance type, and the signal current shall be developed by an integrated circuit containing reset action to insure positive null positioning of the LVDT core. The output signal shall be proportional to flow and shall be 4-20 ma D.C. into a load of 1,000 ohms or less. The electronic circuit board shall be contained in a casting form- ing a NEMA 3 enclosure. External zero adjustment shall be provided. The transmitter shall be furnished with a mounting flange for floor stand or wall mounting. The transmitter shall be finished in corrosion- resistant Twintex enamel. The system accuracy shall be +1% of scale reading over a 10:1 range with maximum capacity of 150 G~M and shall be B-I-F Model 185; or approved equal. E. Receiver The receiver shall be actuated by a 4-20 ma D.C. signal and shall be mounted in the motor control center which is to be supplied by the Electrical Contractor. The electronic circuitry shall be of solid state components. The electronic circuit shall include an I.C. (inte- grated circuit) amplifier which receives the D.C. input signal. The amplified D.C. signal shall drive a servo-positioner by means of a closed loop. The servo shall drive the read-out device. All components within the receiver shall be of modular construction with each circuit card plugged into a mother board which shall be wired directly to an internal terminal strip with color coded wire. The circuit shall be equipped with zero and span adjustments. The necessary D.C. power supply shall be an integral part of the receiver. The entire mechanism shall be mounted on a slide tray with all components completely ser- viceable from the front of the instrument. Internal wiring shall in- clude an "on-off" switch and fuse. The case shall be steel with molded plastic door bezel containing a clear plastic door and magnetic latch. The upper border of the window shall display the service legend and the lower border the function, both in engraved letters. The case shall be equipped with an integral mounting bracket for mounting to panels or consoles. (SOHT) MS - 3 of 4 ~,-~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, METERING SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 2.0 PROCESS METERING SYSTEM (cont'd.) The positioner shall drive 'a 270 degree indicator pointer over a dial length of approximately 6-inches. Dial graduations shall be silk screen processed to flow units of 0 to 150 GPM. The graduations shall be black on white background. The dial multiplie~, where required, shall be the addition of ciphers only. The accuracy shall be +0.5% of full scale over a 10:1 range. The case laying length shall--not exceed 20-1/4 inches. The receiver shall be a B-I-F Model 257-04; or approved equal. F. Totalizer The totalizer (receiver) shall be actuated by a 15 second time pulse signal having no signal at zero input. The input signal shall actuate a stepper motor to drive a seven digit, cyclometer type total- izer. The totalizer read-out multiplier shall consist of the addition of ciphers only. The unit shall be contained in a white high impact styrene enclosure serviceable from the front of the panel. The com- ponents shall be mounted on a cocoa colored filled plastic faceplate over an aluminum backplate with separate removable top and bottom ser- vice and function identification strips, engraved as indicated in the tabulation, all set in a black elastomeric raised bezel. The neces- sary 30 volt D.C. power supply shall be taken from the related re- ceiver or from a separate power supply as may be required. The accu- racy shall be ~0.5% of maximum rate over a 10:1 range. The extended accuracy shall be +0.5% of actual rate from 10% to 100%; +1% from 5% to 10%; and ~2% fr~m 3.3% to 5% range for 15 second cam cycles. The totalizer shall be a B-I-F Model 233-06; or approved equal. (SOHT) MS - 4 of 4 ~.~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, PC ANAEROBIC DIGESTER ACCESSORIES 1.0 SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to construct and install miscellaneous accessories and equipment for the Anaerobic Digester, ready for use, as specified herein and shown on the contract drawings. Included shall be initial startup and testing in the presence of the Engineer, Owner and manu- facturer's representatives. 2.0 - EQUIPMENT Under this section, the Contractor shall furnish and install an electric ignitor for the waste gas burner, overhead gas take-off piping system, sewage gas meters, low pressure digester gas filter, gas pres- sure indicating assembly, accumulators for condensate and sediment, waste gas burner, pilot line flame cell, flame t[ap, combined pressure relief-flame trap and manually operated low pressure drip trap, as speci- fied herein and as shown on the contract drawings, for the anaerobic digester system. Complete equipment shall be as manufactured by P.F.T. Products, En- virex, Inc., Waukesha, Wisconsin; or equal. 3.0 - ELECTRIC IGNITOR FOR WASTE GAS BURNER The waste gas burner shall be ready to receive a CSW-MM-SAT Ignitor. The burner pot bottom support plate shall be cut out, using supplied template to receive the electrodes which extend into the burner pot. The electric ignitor shall consist of electrode trough and control box; on the top of the trough the electrodes shall be mounted with copper buss rods, extending inside the trough from the electrodes down to and into the control box. Inside the control box shall be a transformer, timer, cam-operated switch, selector switch and terminal block. The buss wire trough dustrial Council (J.I.C.) writers Laboratories, Inc. and control box shall conform to Joint In- standards, and shall be listed by the Under- The operation of the ignitor shall be so that with the selector switch on "auto", sparking of the electrodes occurs, by means of the adjustable timer cams, at intervals of three to thirty seconds per minute, with selector switch on "hand", continuous sparking of the electrodes will occur. ? ADA- 1 of 6 ~_j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C ANAEROBIC DIGESTER ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) The transformer is to be designed for continuous duty, and may be used with selector switch on "hand" operation. 4.0 - OVERHEAD GAS TAKE-OFF There shall be supplied and installed, one (1) overhead 2" gas take- off piping system, as shown on the plans, to include piping, wall sup- ports, and swivel joints, all designed to accommodate the full range of floating cover~ operation. Detailed drawing shall be submitted for the Engineer's approval and the system shall be field tested after instal- lation and prior to the time the digester is placed into use. The gas take-off system shall be pressure tested to 20 psig for two hours. After testing, the system shall be painted and insulated with approved water- proof materials. 5.0 - SEWAGE GAS METERS The Contractor shall furnish and install completely, two (2) Model 3003R22S-MM Recording and Integrating Ring Balance Orifice Type Sewage Gas Meters. All parts of the meters in touch with sewage gas shall be of stainless steel, including the ring and three-valve manifold. (Each gas meter shall record the flows, as indicated below under the subject of orifice size. The meters shall be complete with meter-valve assembly of two and three-eighths inch (2-3/8") shut off, one and three-eighths inch (1-3/8") equalizing valve and charge sealin~l fluid.) Each meter shall include 100 charts for each size orifice, one (1) year's recorder ink supply, and one (1) set of check weights to test rings. The meter, recorder, and integrater shall be electric driven, 110 volt, 60 cycle, single phase current, all NEMA VII enclosed. Chart speed shall be 1 revolution per 7 days. The meter shall be pedestal mounted to place the center of the recorder approximately five feet (51'-0") above the floor and the back of the meter approximately one and one-half feet (1-1/2') from the wall. For each meter, there shall be furnished one (1) pair (300 psi) ' welding neck orifice tapped flanges for two-inch (2") diameter, Schedule 40, carbon steel pipe. For each of the welding neck flanges, there shall be furnished three (3) 1/8" thick stainless steel orifice plates. The orifice plates shall be rated at 1000 cfh; 2000 cfh; 3000 cfh, at 1/2" w.c. pressure loss. Each orifice plate shall be referenced stamped for its rated flow. The Contractor shall also provide and install 1/2" diameter rigid copper tubing or steel pipe (including unions) Pulse (static) lines between the welding neck tapped flanges and the meter connections. Each ADA - 2 of 6 ~'~..j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P C ANAEROBIC DIGESTER ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) pulse line shall include a gas shut-off cock near the main gas line and the pulse lines shall be laid in a neat manner sloped to insure condensate drainage to the main gas line. The Contractor shall be certain that there are no dips or low points in the pulse piping sys- tem that can collect water. Reducers and fittings shall be included as required to make up the connections at the meter and the tapped orifice flanges. The meter supplier shall include two (2) sets of repair parts lists, orifice and meter specification sheets, together with three (3) copies of instruction manuals. After go6d quality gas has been produced and burned for a period of not less than two (2) weeks, the supplier shall provide the ser- vices of an Engineer for a period not to exceed two (2) days, for the purpose of calibrating the meters and instructing the Owner regarding operation and maintenance. 6.0 - LOW PRESSURE DIGESTER GAS FILTER There shall be supplied, as shown on the contract drawings, (in addition to the gas accumulator), low pressure digester gas filters with 2" (screwed) connections. The filters shall serve as an aid in removing sediment and condensation. Each unit shall be constructed of 1/4" carbon steel and shall have a bolted access plate on one side to service the removable element. The element si~all be chemically bonded aluminum beads of a porosity to pass 9000 cfh of gas at minimum pressure drop. The filter element shall be a minimum of 2" thickness. A spare element shall be provided. Each side of the filter case shall be fitted with a one-inch (1") valved drain and each drain shall include a two quart manually operated drip trap. Also, the inlet and outlet of the casing shall be tapped for 1/2" pressure line connection to connect to a differential pressure gauge to be located on a bracket attached to the casing. The pressure lines shall be 1/2" rigid copper pipe reduced at the gauge connection. The units shall be supported as required. 7.0 - GAS PRESSURE INDICATING ASSEMBLY There shall be supplied at the indicated locations in the gas piping system, a four (4) scale gas pressure indicating gauge, suit- able for wall mounting and capable of accurately measuring gas pres- sures from 0 to 12 inches of water. The complete unit shall be mounted ADA - 3 of 6 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRIFLL. PC ANAEROBIC DIGESTER ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) on a single base and shall consist of 1/8" pipe traps for connecting to the gas piping system, individual fluid reservoirs, tubes, and ad- justable scales properly calibrated to read gas pressures directly in inches of water. Stop and vent cocks properly pinned to prevent pos- sibility of gas escaping into the room shall be provided for setting the zero position of the scales. The top of the tubes shall be mani- folded and provided'with a flame check with 3/8" male pipe threads for connecting to an outside atmospheric vent. Scales shall be titled as follows: WASTE DIGESTER BURNER BLANK 8.0 - ACCUMULATORS FOR CONDENSATE AND SEDIMENT There shall be supplied, as shown on the contract drawings at in- dicated locations in the gas piping system, galvanized steel accumula- tors for condensate and sediment with 2" screwed, connections. The ac- cumulators shall be arranged for installation in a horizontal section of piping, and shall be provided with suitable baffles, removable top cover plate, a sealed inspection pipe for safe determination of liquid level inside without closing the gas supply line, three (3) 1" plugged openings for sediment removal and a 1" manually-operated drip trap, complete with shutoff valve and connecting pipe and fittings. The capacity of the unit shall provide for 5 gallons of accumulated sedi- ment and 5 gallons of accumulated condensate. 9.0 - WASTE GAS BURNER There shall be supplied at indicated locations in the gas piping system, one (1) pedestal type waste gas burner having a 2" connection for the main burner supply and a 1" connection flor the pilot. (Flame traps must be interposed in the supply and pilot lines between the di- gester and the waste burner.) The complete waste gas burner shall include a separable base w fth anchor bolts for installation on a concrete foundation, removable sup- port pedestal of standard steel pipe filled with suitable insulating material and flanged for mounting and bolting to the base after the base is installed on the concrete foundation, removable burner bowl with window port for observing pilot flame, ignition ring, and pilot orifice. The waste gas burner shall be capable of passing 2000 cfh of sludge gas at a pressure drop not to exceed 1/2" water column. ADA - 4 of 6 ~.j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL. P.C ANAEROBIC DIGESTER ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) 10.0 - PILOT LINE FLAME CELL There shall be supplied at the indicated location in the gas piping system, one (1) pilot line flame cell with 1" connections. The flame cell shall consist of cover castings with a flame element compose~ of alternately smooth and crimped aluminum ribbon forming a series of ducts that will prevent passage of flame, but freely pass gas. The flame cell shall be installed in a vertical section of the gas piping system. 11.0 - FLAME TRAP There shall be supplied at the indicated locations in the gas piping system, flame trap assemblies provided with 2-inch screwed in- let and outlet connections. The flame trap element shall be of con- veniently replaceable nature and composed of alternately smooth and crimped aluminum ribbon forming a series of ducts for free passage of gas that will prevent a passage of flame. The unit shall also include a spring-actuated thermal shutoff valve held open by a thermal release as a further protection against burning mixtures. A feeler pin shall be provided to check the condition of the thermal unit. The flame trap shall be capable of passing 1500 cfh of sludge gas at a pressure drop not to exceed 1/2" w.c. 12.0 - COMBINED PRESSURE RELIEF-FLAME TRAP There shall be supplied at indicated locations in the gas piping system, one (1) combined pressure relief with flame trap assemblies provided with 2-inch screwed inlet and outlet connections. The relief valve shall be actuated by means of properly protected diaphragm of the adjustable weighted type to allow accurate control of the gas pressure. The lower side of the diaphragm shall be provided with a connection with a flame check for 1/2" OD tubing that shall be connected to the location in the gas piping system near the digesters ahead of the gas meters. The upper side of the diaphragm shall be furnished with a con- nection for 1/2" OD tubing that shall be connected to an outside at-' mospheric vent. The flame trap element shall be of conveniently replaceable nature and composed of alternately smooth and crimped a]~uminum ribbon forming a series of ducts for free passage of gas that will prevent a passage of flame. The unit shall also include actuated thermal shutoff valve held open by a thermal release as a further protection against burning mixtures. ADA - 5 of 6 ~_/~ HOtZMACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL, P.C ANAEROBIC DIGESTER ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) The combined pressure relief with ~lame trap shall be capable of passing 2350 cfh of sludge gas at a pressure increase not to exceed 1/2" w.c. Adjusting weights shall be provided fo~ relief pressure of 4-1/2" w.c. 13.0 - MANUALLY-OPERATED LOW PRESSURE DRIP TRAP There shall be supplied a 1-inch manually-operated low pressure drip trap at all low points in the gas piping system. Each drip trap shall have a capacity of 2 quarts. The drip traps consist of a pot casting, a gasketed cover and a rotary valve manually-operated so that when the connection to the gas line is opened, the drain line is auto- matically closed, and vice versa. The units shall be provided with 1" pipe threads arranged to connect by 1" vertical pipe nipples through service shutoff cocks to fittings in the gas piping system. 14.0 - SERVICE The Contractor shall include with his bid the services of the equipment manufacturer's field service technician for a total period of five (5) days for the purpose of check-out, initial start-up, certi- fication and instruction of plant personnel. Five (5) copies of the operation and maintenance manua~ and shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer. ADA - 6 of 6 ~_/~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C ANAEROBIC DIGESTER GAS MIXING SYSTEM 1.0 SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to construct and install1 miscellaneous acces- sories and equipment for the anaerobic digester gas mixing system, ready for use, as specified herein and shown on the contract drawings. In- cluded shall be initial start-up and testing in the presence of the En- gineer, Owner and manufacturer's representatives. sembly, gas discharge wells, gas discharge sediment trap and plug valve. Complete equipment shall be gas recirculation system, as manufactured by Envirex, Inc. Wisconsin; or equal. 2.0 EQUIPMENT Under this section, the Contractor shall furnish and deliver, ready for installation, digester gas mixing equipment for installation in one (1) new digestion tank, 25'-0" in diameter x 18'-0" side water depth. The gas mixing system shall include gas compressor and control as- lances and condensate drain, PFT-Pearth of Waukesha, 3.0 - GENERAL The gas recirculation system shall provide complete mixing of the digester contents, including intimate intermixing of the raw and di- gesting solids. For maximum intensity of mixinq, the full discharge volume of compressed gas shall be recirculated ~rom the gas dome to each discharge point individually in a controlled sequence program. The equipment shall be mounted on the new gas holder cover and comprise a compressor with all safety and operational controls taking suction from the gas dome and discharging through necessary piping and appurtenances to four (4) discharge points in the digester. The equip- ment shall be so arranged that, with the exception of the discharge well shells, installation, operation and maintenance are possible with- out interruption of the digestion process. 4.0 - COMPRESSOR AND CONTROLS The compressor and control assembly shall De completely wired and assembled in an insulated 1/8" steel plate housing, equipped with a fabricated 12-gauge steel removable cover for ease of maintenance anQ · ADGMS - 1 of 5 HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL PC ANAEROBIC DIGESTER GAS MIXING SYSTEM (CONT'D.) service. The housing shall have one (1) set of hinged access doors with latching door handle in addition to two (2) bolted access plates, there- by providing three-sided access to the equipment contained within the housing. Two (2) 6" mushroom type aluminum ventilators shall be pro- vided. The compressor shall be a positive displacement, rotary-lobe, air cooled gas pump driven by a drip-proof, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 230/460 volt motor~ with premium moisture resistant windings. The gas pump shall be capable of compressing 95 cfm of gas to 15 psi, and shall be driven by a 15 HP, 2900 RPM motor. A high pressure relief valve, discharging re) the gas dome, shall be provided on the compressor discharge line. A low pressure regulator, controlled by the gas dome pressure, shall be provided to bleed gas to the gas dome as required to maintain minimum pressure therein. Two (2) dial type pressure indicating gauges shall be flush mounted through the housing. One (1) gauge connected to the compressor dis- charge shall read from 0 psi to 20 psi; the other connected to the gas dome shall read from 0" to 15" w.c. An explosion-proof NEMA Type VII combination starter and circuit breaker with "Start-Stop" pushbutton in cover shall be provided for com- pressor control and be mounted on the outside of the compressor housing. 5.0 - AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING Equipment shall be provided to automatically program a predetermined discharge period through each of the discharge wells in sequence. The selection of point of discharge shall be through a rotary valve having multiport cast iron body with connections for thee supply lines to the discharge wells and an internal rotating single port sleeve which is ro- tated from port to port by means of an integrally connected gear motor. Individual mechanical valves shall not be acceptable. Adjustable timer shall be provided to allow discharge through each port for a definite, but predetermined, length of time, variable from 15 minutes to 3 hours. Selector switch shall be provided to allow se- lective discharge to any desired well. One and only one discharge point shall operate at a time such that each individual discharge point re- ceives the entire flow of the compressor insuring the thorough mixing of its respective zone. Multiple points of discharge operating simul- taneously thereby dividing the compressor flow, shall not be permitted. ADGMS - 2 of 5 ~../~ HOI.ZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL P.C ANAEROBIC DIGESTER GAS MIXING SYSTEM (CONT'D.) Pilot lights shall indicate the operating well for either automatic or manual operation. The rotary valve shall be mounted in the compressor housing and shall be readily accessible. 6.0 - DISCHARGE WELLS Three (3) peripheral and one (1) center discharge well shells, lo- cated as shown on the plans, shall be provided for the new floating cover. The well shells of 4" black steel pipe shall be installed through the 16wet chord of trusses, terminating a sufficient distance below the liquid level to provide a positive gas seal. The upper end of each well shell shall extend above the cover roof line and be pro- vided with a gas-tight, bolted cover plate with lifting handle. Each discharge well shell shall be equipped with a 2" inlet connection and an internal seat ring to receive the discharge pipe assembly. Removable discharge lances shall be provided for each well shell. The lances shall consist of 2" standard weight steel pipe arranged to screw into the well shell cover plate. The portion of the pipe within the well shell above the seat ring shall have openings for entrance of gas. A compression ring to receive rubber "O"-ring gasket shall be welded to the discharge pipe below the gas entrance section. When the cover plate is bolted down, the "O"-ring gasket shall compress against the seat ring as a gas seal. The discharge lance shall extend to the side wall base elevation (when the floating cover is resting on the corbels). The discharge lance shall be removable for replacement or change in depth of discharge without interrupting digester operation. 7.0 - GAS DOME CONNECTIONS One (1) 2" and one (1) 1" welding socket shall be provided in the gas dome for compressor return and control lines. A 3" coupling shall be provided in the gas dome above the roof plate line for compressor suction piping. 8.0 CONNECTING PIPING Two-inch (2") connecting piping with necessary welding fittings and supports shall be provided for installation between the welding sockets on the gas dome and the gas discharge well shells and the welding nipples on the mounting plate at the compressor housing. The ADGMS 3 of 5 ~_j~ HOLZMACH£R. McLIFNDON & MURRELL PC ANAEROBIC DIGESTER GAS MIXING SYSTEM (CONT'D.) mounting plate at the compressor housing shall be provided with 2" di- ameter nipples welded in place, gas-tight, with the upper end capped. A 3" capped condensate drain pipe shall be provided and welded in place (between the ceiling and roof). All piping (in the attic space of the floating cover) shall be welded gas-tight and pressure tested at 30 psi prior to the complete installation of the roofing. 9.0 - POWER CONNECTION There shall be provided a four-conductor, heavy-duty, neoprene covered cable, to be connected to compressor housing and power supply at top of tank wall, which shall be of sufficient length for entire cover travel. 10.0 - BALLAST In order to balance the cover, approximately 1500# of ballast, in the form of concrete ballast blocks, weighing approximately 300~ each, must be installed in the cover panel opposite the compressor housing prior to the complete installation of the roof. There shall be pro- vided two (2) 6", 12.5# I-beams for support of the ballast blocks. 11.0 - PAINTING The complete compressor housing assembly shall receive shop paint- ing inside and out on all surfaces, except those which are galvanized. Shop paint shall be one (1) coat of Koppers No. 621 Primer, followed by one (1) coat of Koppers No. 307 medium grey Glamortex enamel. 12.0 - GENERAL ITEMS Ail appurtenances, including electrical controls, other than speci- fied, wiring of motor or controls, control panels or supports, valves, piping, pipe railing, floor grating, tools, lubricants, templates or pipe, shall be furnished by this Contractor. ADGMS - 4 of 5 ~ HOLZMACHER. McLI~NOON & MURR~:LL. P.C ANAEROBIC DIGESTER GAS MIXING SYSTEM (CONT'D.) 13.0 - SERVICE The Contractor shall include with his bid the services of the equipment manufacturer's field service technicia,% for a total period of five (5) days. This service shall be for the purposes of check-out, initial start- up, certification, and instruction of plant personnel. A written report covering the technician's findings and installa~ inspections tion approval shall be submitted to the Engineer covering all and outlining in detail any deficiencies noted. Five (5) copies of the shop drawings and operation and manuals shall be submitted to the Engineer. maintenance ADGMS - 5 of 5 i._t~..~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C;. ANAEROBIC DIGESTER SPIRAL GUIDED GAS HOLDER 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equip- ment and incidentals necessary to construct and install miscellaneous accessories and equipment for the anaerobic digester spiral guided gas holder, ready for use, as specified herein and shown on the contract drawings. Included'shall be initial start-up and testing in the pres- ence of the Engineer, Owner and manufacturer'S representatives. 2.0 - EQUIPMEN? Under this section, the Contractor shall furnish and deliver, ready for installation, an anaerobic digester spiral guided gas holder, suitable for installation in the one (1) new digestion tank,!25'-0" in diameter x~18'-0'' side water depth. The spiral guided gas holder shall include the gas dome, gas pipe housing, rim assemblies with recessed spiral guides, main trusses, sam- pling well with quick opening cover, recessed wall roller assemblies, entrance hatch with bolted cover and 1/4" steel roof plates for duo- deck. In addition, the spiral guided gas holder shall include a pressure vacuum relief, manhole, ceiling plate sections, roofing support pur- lins, miscellaneous connection members and bracing, and drain sumps and access wells above. The spiral guided gas holder shall be as manufactured by Envirex, Inc., of Waukesha, Wisconsin; or equal. 3.0 - GENERAL The gas holder shall be arranged to permit floating directly upon the liquid contents of the tank, thereby providing positive submergence of all materials which tend to float. The gas holder shall be arranged so that gas can be stored merely increasing the gas pressure. The gas holder shall have an effective gas storage capacity oft 1960 cubic feet at an operating pressure of 11" w.c. The liquid level in the digester shall be variable over a 3' range, with minimum to maximum gas storage available over this entire range. The gas holder shall be designed to receive a 1/4" welded steel plate roof and shall[ be made up of fabri- cated assemblies which shall be piece marked fo]~ erection. ADSGGH - 1 of 5 ~/~,~ HOI..ZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL PC ANAEROBIC DIGESTER SPIRAL GUIDED GAS HOLDER (CONT'D.) The final location and elevation of the landing brackets shall by the equipment manufacturer. All structural steel used in the gas holder shall comply with ASTM No. A-36 specifications. be 4.0 - LOADS AND STRESSES All plates to be included in the gas holder shall be of 1/4" mini- mum thickness. All structural members shall be designed to provide for the gas holder to be self-supporting when resting in an empty tank, with maximum possible loadings as follows: Dead load and roof load. .60# per sq. ft. Live, snow and vacuum load .50# per sq. ft. 1t0# per sq. ft. Wind load on projected area. .15~ per sq. ft. Maximum allowable stresses shall not exceed the limiting stresses as set forth in AISC specifications for structural steel with 36,000 psi yield point (A-36). Because of possible corrosion, the ceiling plate shall not be con- sidered as a structural member in structural calculations. No struc- tural members shall come in direct contact with the digester contents. 5.0 - FABRICATED ASSEMBLIES Materials to form the complete spiral guided gas holder shall be shipped in sub-assemblies as large as practical. These shall consist of four (4) roller assemblies to be set in the tank wall, eight (8) rim plate assemblies (four (4) with recessed guides), eight (8) truss assemblies, and gas dome assembly. To assure proper alignment and to aid in welding fit-up, the trusses shall have bolted connection at the gas dome and rim skirt. Plate sections, roof support purlins, and miscellaneous connection members and appurtenances shall be unassem- bled. All rim sections shall be provided with splice bars to aid in the erection of the cover rim plates and to provide additional stiffness to the rim. Each truss shall comprise a lower and upper chord from the gas dome connection to the rim plate and include the required support- ing interconnecting members in the vertical plane. There shall be an ADSGGH 2 of 5 ~_j~ HOLZMACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL. PC ANAEROBIC DIGESTER SPIRAL GUIDED GAS HOLDER (CONT'D.) attic space between the upper chord and lower chord of the trusses for the full radius of the cover. 6.0 - SPIRAL GUIDES The gas holder shall be provided with spiral guides arranged to engage rollers set in the concrete wall of the tank. The spiral guides shall assure that the gas holder remains level under all operating con- ditions, preventing the gas holder from tilting or binding under any operating conditions. The spiral guides shall be recessed into the skirt plate of the gas holder, such that the load imposed by the roller is transferred into the skirt plate. Guides mounted on the surface of the skirt shall not be permitted. The rollers, guides, and skirt shall be arranged such that the clearance between the digester wall and the gas holder skirt does not exceed 4-1/2". 7.0 - APPURTENANCES There shall be provided, in addition to the main assemblies, a pressure equalization unit, a 30" diameter entrance hatch, a 48" di- ameter manhole with bolted and gasketed cover, two (2) drain sumps with 3" access well above with air-tight covers, two (2) 8" sampling wells with gas-tight, quick-opening covers (both sampling wells to extend to the bottom of the rim plate), a 24" gas pipe housing, and combination pressure and vacuum relief assembly of the unit weighted diaphragm operated type. The weights provided shall allow adjustment of the relief pressure in increments of 1/4" w.c. and shall provide a full 3" diameter opening. 8.0 - WELDING All shop welding shall be shielded arc welding and conform to the latest standards of the American Welding Society.. 9.0 - FLOTATION WEIGHT The operational weight of the gas holder, including the roof, digester mixing appurtenances and submerged ballast ring shall be suf- ficient to provide a static gas pressure of at least 9.5" w.c. Any ADSGGH - 3 of 5 ~j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ANAEROBIC DIGESTER SPIRAL GUIDED GAS HOLDER (CONT'D.) additional ballast required shall be provided by submerged concrete. The submerged concrete ballast shall also provide an increase in pres- sure of 11" w.c. to operate a gas pressure relief valve. A minimum 6" freeboard shall be maintained to the top of the upper rim angle under all conditions. 10%0 - GENERAL ITEMS Ail embedded items shall be set by the General Contractor in ac- cordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The digester tank shall not be constructed until all the digester equipment drawings have been approved by the Engineer. Ail appurtenances including electrical controls, other than speci- fied, wiring of motor or controls, control panels; or supports, valves, piping, pipe railing, floor grating, tools, lubricants, templates or pipe and sandblasting, primer, or final painting, shall be furnished by the General Contractor. 11.0 - SURFACE PREPARATION AND PAINTING Ail structural steel work shall be shipped unpainted for field sur- face preparation and painting after assembly by painting contractor. Refer to contract specificatio~ for field painting. 12.0 - SERVICE The Contractor shall include with his bid the services of the equip- ment manufacturer's field service technician for a total period of five (5) days. This service shall be for the purposes of check-out, initial start- up, certification, and instruction of plant personnel. A written report covering the technician's findings and installation approval shall be submitted to the Engineer covering all inspections and outlining in detail any deficiencies noted. 13.0 - ERECTION INFORMATION (ERECTION BY OTHERS) Welding - All field welding shall be shielded arc welding, con- forming to the latest standards of the American Welding Society. R ADSGGH - 4 of 5 t-~ HOLZMACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL. ANAEROBIC DIGESTER SPRIAL GUIDED GAS HOLDER (CONT'D.) 14.0 - TESTING After erecting the gas holder and welding the ceiling plates in place, the gas holder shall be tested for gas tightness by filling the tank with water and trapping air beneath the ceiling plate. All weld- ing seams shall be checked for leaks by means of a soapsuds solution and any leaks rewelded. After the air test, the cover shall be floated on liquid and all seams tested for water tightness. The necessary water for conducting the test shall be furnished by the Contractor. After testing the ceiling plates, the roof plates shall, be welded in place and tested for gas tightness by pressurizing the attic space to 6" w.c. All welded seams shall be checked for leaks by means of a soapsuds solu- tion and any leaks rewelded. 15.0 - WALKWAY A walkway shall be formed by spreading a coarse sand on the last coat of paint adjacent to the appurtenances requiring regular inspec- tion and maintenance. 16.0 - MANUALS Five (5) copies of the shop drawings and operation and maintenance manuals shall be submitted to the Engineer. ADSGGH - 5 of 5 ,~l HOI. ZMACHER, McLENDON & MURREt. I., p.C. ANAEROBIC DIGESTER HEATER AND HEAT EXCHANGER 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equip- ment and incidentals necessary to construct and install miscellaneous accessories and equipment for the anaerobic digester heater and heat exchanger, ready for use, as specified herein and shown on the con- tract drawings. Included shall be initial start-up and testing in the presence of the Engineer, Owner and manufacturer's representatives. 2.0 - GENERAL' Under this section, the Contractor shall furnish and deliver, ready for installation, one (%) digester heater and heat exchanger, having a sludge heating capacity ofi140,000 btu/hr, and boiler capa- city of 260,000 btu/hr. The digester heater and heat exchanger shall be an integral unit constructed by a single manufacturer, in accordance with Section IV (Heating Boiler) of the ASME Boiler Code. Both the boiler and heat exchanger shall be inspected, stamped, and registered with ASME by an inspector holding a valid National Board Commission. The eguipmen~ shall be as manufactured by Envirex, Inc. of Wau- kesha, Wisconsin; or equal. 3.0 - DESIGN CRITERIA The equipment manufacturer shall select the heater and heat changer ex- upon design calculations incorporating the following criteria: A. Minimum boiler output - 260,000 btu/hr.. B. Minimum sludge heating capacity -.140,000 btu/hr. C. Sludge recirculation flow of.75 GPM. D. Digester operating temperature of 95 degrees F. E. In accordance with Section IV (Heating Boiler) of the ASME- Boiler Code. F. Maximum operating pressure of 30 psi. G. Operation at approximatelyI16 feet above sea level. H. Minimum of 6.7 sq. ft. surface area per boiler horsepower. R ADH&HE - 1 of 7 I~"~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C ANAEROBIC DIGESTER HEATER AND HEAT EXCHANGER (CONT'D.) 4.0 - BOILER Ail surfaces exposed to fire, including the return back, shall be water cooled and readily accessible for inspection and maintenance. No refractory or non-water cooled steel will be allowed in areas of flame impingement or in the path of the hot gases. The fire tubes shall be .095" wall SA178 GBA steel boiler tubes rolled and flared in place. The exhaust breeching and water-cooled return back shall be readily removable for access for fire tube clean- ing. The furnace tube shall be a minimum of 16" O.D., Schedule 40 SA-53 GRB steel. The combined heating surface of the combustion chamber, water-cooled return back, and fire tubes shall not be less than 60 square feet. An exhaust stack temperature gauge shall be supplied to monitor the exhaust gas temperature. Ail plate used in construction of the boiler in contact with fire shall be firebox quality steel SA 285 GR "C" and of a minimum thick- ness of 1/4". The tube sheets shall have a minimum thickness of 5/8". 5.0 - SLUDGE TUBES The sludge tubes shall be standard weight steel pipe held in position by multiple gasket joints so arranged that leakage will be exposed to atmospheric pressure and detected by telltale holes in the gasket following ring, positively preventing contamination of the heat- ing water by any material circulated through the sludge tubes. The sludge return bends, gasket following rings, andi flanged connections shall be of cast iron construction. Sludge tube shall be completely removable for inspection, cleaning, or replacement. Return bends and 4" standard flanged sludge inlet and outlet con~.ections shall be re- movable for inspection or cleaning of the interior surface of the sludge tubes and return bends shall be large enough to pass a 4" sphere. The exterior heated surface of the sludge tubes shall be at least 14.6 sq. ft. To allow convenient access for inspection, cleaning, or replace- ment, the sludge tubes shall be located next to the boiler. Sludge tubes mounted beneath the boiler will not be permitted. A water cir- culation pump, adequately sized shall be provided, with discharge ar- ranged to produce turbulent transverse circulation across the sludge tubes. 6.0 - INDUCED DRAFT FAN The induced draft fan shall be provided to maintain a negative pressure in the furnace throughout boiler operation to prevent the leakage of combustion products to the surrounding room. Forced draft ADH&HE - 2 of 7 ~[~ HOI..ZMACHER, McLIFNDON & MURRELL, P.C ANAEROBIC DIGESTER HEATER AND HEAT EXCHANGER (CONT'D.) burners operating under positive pressure will not be permitted. The induced draft fan shall be of a capacity in excess of the maximum air requirements for combustion. The induced draft fan shall draw air at the burner inlet and at the top of the exhaust breach. The burner suction point shall permit the adjustment of c6mbustion air volume and the exhaust breach inlet shall be adjustable to provide fan cooling and room ventilation. The induced draft fan shall be belt driven to permit field ad- justment of the air capacity. The drive belts arid motor shall be enclosed in a removable housing. An air proving switch shall be pro- vided to shut down the boiler in the event of fan failure. 7.0 - CONTROL PANEL The electrical control panel, containing burner controller, branch circuit breakers and magnetic starters for water bath circulation pump and induced draft fan motor, and digester temperature controls shall be mounted and wired with rigid conduit and flexible water-tight con- nectors in accordance with NEC. The electrical control panel shall be mounted on the side of the unit so as not to interfere with access to the burner, return breech, sludge tubes, or gas piping. Burner mounted controls will not be acceptable. The control panel shall be a NEMA 12 enclosure with dual swing-out doors. The doors shall be lockable with disconnect switch and handle to insure the doors are closed during operation. The following switches and indicating lamps shall be provided on control panel doors: - Sludge heater (manual/on/off) switch - Fuel selection switch (provided with digester gas and oil firing only) - Constant water bath (on/off) switch - Exhaust fan (continuous/intermittent) switch - Sludge recirculation pump (continuous/intermittent) switch - Low boiler water indicator lamp - Flame failure alarm horn, alarm horn silencer, and flame failure indicator lamp Tagged outlets shall be provided to: - The main power, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 460 volt AC - The control circuit supply, single phase, 60 cycle, 115 - The minimum 2 HP, variable speed motor of the digester culation pump volt AC recir- ADH&HE - 3 of 7 HOLZMACHE[R, McLFNDON & MURRELL. P.C ANAEROBIC DIGESTER HEATER AND HEAT EXCHANGER (CONT'D.) - The normally open contact on the magnetic starter for the raw sludge pump, to insure operation of the digester recirculation pump when the raw sludge pump is operating 8.0 - BURNER CONTROLLER The flame safeguard and programming controller, with transistorized amplifier, shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories and approved by Factory Mutual. The controller shall provide a minimum of 30 second pre-purge and 15 second post-purge of the combustion chamber. An infrared scanning device shall sense pilot and main flame presence. The burner controller shall, upon flame failure, automatically close the main fuel and pilot valves ~ithin 4 seconds and sound an audible alarm in addition to lighting a visual indicator. The burner con- troller shall, after an interruption of power, recycle upon resumption of power. 9.0 - DIGESTER TEMPERATURE CONTROL Manual control of the digester the Manual/On/Off switch mounted on Automatic control of minus 1/2 degree F, shall inlet to the sludge tubes sludge heating and burner temperature shall be permitted by the control panel. the digester temperature, within plus or be by means of a thermostat located at the of the unit. The water circulation pump for equipment shall be automatically controlled by the temperature of the sludge passing the thermostat. A repeating cycle time switch shall be provided for periodic: starting of the di- gester recirculation pump, with controls arranged such that the re- circulation pump will continue to operate until the digester heating requirements are satisfied or shall stop after a short cycle in case heat is not required by the digester. Sludge indicating thermometers with a range from 0 degrees to 150 degrees F shall be placed in the sludge inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger. Each thermometer shall be provided with a mounting socket to enable the removal of the thermometer without: draining the sludge tubes. 10.0 - SAFETY CONTROLS The following safety controls shall be provided: ADH&HE - 4 of 7 ~_/~ HOLZMACHER. McL£NDON & MURRELL PC ANAEROBIC DIGESTER HEATER AND HEAT EXCHANGER (CONT'D.) - Operating temperature thermostat with high/low set points High temperature thermostat with manual reset for unit shutdown in the event of operating temperature thermostat failure - ASME pressure relief valve for both the boiler and heat exchanger set at 30 psi - Low water cutoff switch - Combination boiler temperature and pressure gauge 11.0 - BURNER'AND FUEL PIPING (Digester Gas and Oil Firing) The fuel burning equipment shall include the necessary accessories for burning either digester gas having a heat content of approximately 650 btu/cu.ft, and a specific gravity of 0.8 or ~2 fuel oil having a heat content of 140,000 btu/gal. The burner shall operate on digester gas until the pressure within the digester drops to 1-1/2" w.c., at which time the burner will refire on oil. The burner shall refire on digester gas once the pressure has reached a minimum of 3-1/2" w.c. The use of a gas booster pump to meet these pressure requirements will not be permitted. The selector switch mounted on the control panel shall permit operation on intermittent gas only, oil only, or auto- matic changeover as described above. The burner will be equipped with infrared flame detection. Ultra- violet or flame rod detection will not be allowed. Digester gas shall be ignited by a proven pilot and oil shall be direct spark ignited. Six thousand (6,000) volt and ten thousand (10,000) volt ignition trans- formers shall be provided at the burner. The gas feed line shall consist of an adjustable valve, shutoff valve, pressure regulator, motorized valve, pilot regulator, pilot solenoid valve, and pilot line shutoff. The oil line shall consist of a replaceable oil filter, oil pressure gauge, oil pump and motor, oil pump suction vacuum gauge and check valve. 12.0 - BUILDING HEAT A water circulating pump for building heating shall be provided by this contractor, mounted on the heater and heat exchanger. A line voltage thermostat for control of building heating shall be provided by this contractor for separate installation and connection to tagged terminals on the digester heater control panel. ADH&HE - 5 of 7 ~_/~ HO~MACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, PC ANAEROBIC DIGESTER HEATER AND HEAT EXCHANGER (CONT'D.) 13.0 - COMPRESSION TANK A compression tank of sufficient capacity shall be supplied with the unit. The tank shall have a water level gauge and drain. Con- nections shall be provided on the heater for building heat return, makeup water, and drainage. 14.0 - SHOP TEST The compieted heater and heat exchanger shall be shop fired and tested prior to shipment to insure proper operation and to adjust air and fuel flows. A report of the results of this test shall be sub- mitted to the Engineer at his request. The report shall include the following information: Manometer readings at the main gas regulator, pilot gas regulator, burner inlet, burner, and furnace - Amps drawn by all motors - Voltage of pilot and main flame controller signal - Flue gas reads including percent oxygen, percent carbon dioxide, temperature, efficiency, and smoke test results 15.0 - GENERAL ITEMS All anchor bolts shall be plated steel furnished by the equipment manufacturer and shall be of ample size and strength for the purpose intended. All anchor bolts shall be set by the .General Contractor in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. All appurtenances, including electrical controls, other than specified, wiring of motor or controls, control panels or supports, fuel supply tanks, pumps, valves, piping, pipe railing, floor grating, tools, lubricants, templates or pipe and final painting, shall be furnished by the General Contractor. 16.0 - PAINTING AND INSULATING The shell and internal framework shall be painted with a rust inhibiting primer before insulation is installed. The shell shall be insulated with a minimum of 2" of fiberglass having a density of 0.75# and an "R" factor of 5.26. The insulated sides shall be protected by removable 16 gauge sheet steel covering. ADH&HE - 6 of 7 ~_.j~ HO~ 7MACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C; ANAEROBIC DIGESTER HEATER AND HEAT EXCHANGER (CONT'D.) The top of the unit shall be protected by a removable 3/16" checkered floor plate. The entire exterior surface of the unit shall be shop cleaned and factory painted with two (2) coats of gray hammer- loid heat resistant paint (minimum of 4 mil d.f.t.). 17.0 - SERVICE The Contractor shall include with his bid the services of the equipment manufacturer's field service technician for a total period of two (2) days. Five (5) copies of shop drawings and operation and maintenance manuals shall be submitted to the Engineer. This service shall be for the purposes of check-out, initial start-up, certification, and instruction of plant personnel. A written report covering the technician's findings and in- stallation approval shall be submitted to the Engineer, covering all inspections and outlining in detail any deficiencies noted. ADH&HE - 7 of 7 ~_j~ HOI..ZMAGH£R. McLENDON & MUI~I~£LL. PC DIGESTER INSTRUMENTATION 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equip- ment and incidentals necessary to construct and install miscellaneous accessories and equipment for the anaerobic digester, ready for use, as specified herein and shown on the contract drawings. Included shall be initial start-up, and testing in the presence of the Engineer, Owner and manufacturer's representatives. 2.0 EQUIPMENT Under this section, the Contractor shall furnish and install a dial type liquid level indicator and a cover position indicator gauge board with alarms, as shown on the contract drawings, for the anaerobic di- gester system. Complete equipment shall be as manufactured by P.F.T. Produc~s, Envirex, Inc. of Waukesha, Wis.; or equal. 3.0 - DIAL TYPE LIQUID LEVEL INDICATOR There shall be supplied and installed, one (1) dial type indicator for indicating the liquid level in the sludge digestion tank. The indicator shall have a circular dial 12" in diameter with scale calibrated in increments of feet and inches for the full travel of the Gas Holder Cover Dial and mechanism shall be enclosed in a water and moisture-tight case of cast aluminum construction and shall be of the remote reading type. The dial shall be specifically designed for a SPIRAL GUIDED GAS HOLDER COVER. The indicator shall be actuated by a hydraulic transmitter, compensated for changes of temperature. The transmitter shall consist of a spring loaded reel arrangement with one end of the attached stainless steel or monel metal flexible cable at- tached to a float in the standpipe of suitable size and shape as shown on the contract drawings. The cable shall pass over the spring loaded reel, mechanically actuating the hydraulic transmitter. The gauging system must be completely automatic, affording continuous indication and independent of outside source of power for its operation (except for the alarm). Construction shall be of non-corrodible metal. The hydraulic tubing connecting the transmitter and indicator shall be laid in a 2-1/2" iron pipe conduit wherever it passes through concrete; where right angle bends are required, standard electricians' sweeps shall be used. DI - 1 of 3 ~l~ HO~ 7MACHER, McL£NDON & MURRELL, P ,C DIGESTER INSTRUMENTATION (CONT'D.) 4.0 - COVER POSITION INDICATOR There shall be supplied and installed, one (1) cover position in- dicator gauge board with alarms for indicating the cover position in the anaerobic sludge digestion tank. The indicator shall have a circular dial 12" in diameter with scale calibrated in increments of feet and inches for the full travel of the Gas Holder Cover Dial and mechanism shall be enclosed in a water and moisture-tight case of cast aluminum construction and shall be of the remote reading type. The dial shall be specifically designed for a SPIRAL GUIDED GAS HOLDER COVER. The indicator shall be actuated by a hydraulic transmitter, compensated for changes of temperature. The transmitter shall consist of a spring loaded reel arrangement with one end of the attached steel or monel metal flexible cable in contact with the Gas Holder Cover by a welded clip of suitable size and shape. The cable shall pass over the spring loaded reel, mechanically actuating the hydraulic transmitter. The gauging system must be completely auto- matic affording continuous of power for its operation be of non-corrodible metal. mitter and indicator shall wherever it passes through indication and independent of outside source (except for the alarm). Construction shall The hydraulic tubing connecting the trans- be laid in a 2-1/2" iron pipe conduit concrete; where right angle bends are re- quired, standard electricians' sweeps shall be used. A low-level alarm shall be provided consisting of a horn and red warning light which will automatically sound and light when the gas holder is lowered to within 6" of the landing brackets. A high level alarm shall be provided, consisting of a horn and green warning light which will automatically sound and light when the gas holder is raised to overflow level. They shall be actuated by a limit switch in the transmitter, posi- tively actuated by mechanical linkage. A pushbutton mounted by the light shall be provided for silencing the horn. Warning light shall remain on until cover position moves out of the alarm position at which time it shall go out and alarm system automatically reset. An instrument panel shall be provided of fabricated steel, enameled black, and shall have hinged cover. Horn, lights, pushbuttons and elec- trical equipment shall be mounted through the hinged cover and the posi- tion indicator shall be mounted on the outside surface. Provision shall be made to connect 110 volt, single phase, 60 cycle current to the dis- connect toggle switch mounted in the instrument panel and from thence to the limit switch in the transmitter assembly. All exterior wiring shall be enclosed in conduit. DI - 2 of 3 ~_j~ HOL.ZMACHER. McL£NOON & MURRELL, P.C DIGESTER INSTRUMENTATION (CONT'D.) 5.0 - SERVICE The Contractor shall include with his bid the services of the equipment manufacturer's field service technician, for a period of two (2) days for the purpose of check-out, initial start-up, certi- fication and instruction of plant personnel. Five (5) copies of shop drawings and operation and maintenance manuals shall be provided to the Engineer. DI - 3 of 3 ~ H OLZMACHER, MctENOON & MURRELI., P.C. SLUD~i~ RIg¢IRCULATION PUMPS 1.0 - scoP The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to construct and install, miscellaneous acces- sories and equipment for the two (2) sludge rectrculation pumps, ready for use, as specified herein and shown on the Contract Drawings. Included shall be the initial start-up and testing in the presence of the Engineer, Owner'and Manufacturer's Representative. 2.0 - EQUIPMEN~ Furnish and install two horizontal torque-flow vortex-type pumping units complete with motor and drive as manufactured by Wemco Division, Envirotech Corp., Sacramento, Calif.;l°r equal. Pumps shall be equipped with slotted raised face flanges to receive 125 lb. standard bolting and special case slots shall be cast in to retain bolts to fasten to the bearing housing and to the intake for easy case removal. All pumps shall be rated for variable operating conditions as follows: Pump Flange Diameter Discharge and Suction to be 3' No. GPM TDH RPM Minimum Units Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Impeller Dia. 2 75 200 10' 18' 610 720 13--7/8" Minimum HP Motor 2 Speed shall be adjustable by means of a stationary control variable speed drive as manufacturer by TB woods or approved equal. The pump shall be fully recessed impeller design, with the impeller mounted completely out of the flow path between the pump inlet and dis- charge connections, so that solids are not required to flow through the impeller. All flow path clearances within the pump shall be equal to or greater than the discharge diameter, so that all solids which will pass through the discharge will pass through the pumps. Pumps to be located in the primary digester control room, as shown on the Contraqt Drawings. The pump casing shall be of Ni-Hard, and the two-piece radially- split type, with a separate and removable suction designed so that the impeller can be withdrawn without the need to rentove the discharge casing or disturb the discharge piping. The casing shall be constructed so that it can be reversed for opposite rotation. The case thickness shall be a minimum of 9/16# with normal casting tolerances. The removable suction piece shall have a minimum thickness at the area of maximum wear of 1" with normal casting tolerance. R SRP - 1 of 3 ~-' ~, ~./~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL. SLUDGE RECIRCULATION PUMPS (CONT'D.) The impeller shall be of the cup-type design such that blade ends are surrounded by an integral rim which shall direct the flow to the replaceable suction piece, minimizing particle impact and reducing wear. The integral rim and impeller vanes shall be of the tapered de- sign, so that the area where the highest wear occurs corresponds to the thickest portion of the taper for both the rim and[ the vane. The rim shall taper from 7/8" to 1/2". The impeller vane shall taper from 1-1/8" to 1/2". A removable wearplate of Ni-Hard shall be provided back of the impeller designed to direct flow from behind the impeller to the center of the volute for maximum protection to the casingl. The packing housing shall be a separate piece bolted to the bearing housing for ease of r emo va 1. The parts exposed to abrasive wear - suction piece, case, and wearplate - shall have a minimum total weight of 340 lbs. detail shall be submitted so that weights can be determined. impeller Sufficient Ail Ni-Hard material shall conform to ASTM Designation A532, and be a minimum of 600 Brinell hardness for maximum wear resistance. The shaft shall be of ASTM A10E, Grade 1141 (or equal) steel, and shall be protected throughout the packing area by a removable, hardened stainless steel sleeve. The stuffing box shall contain graphite impre- gnated asbestos packing rings and teflon lantern ring arranged for either water or grease lubrication. The packing will be retained with a bronze split adjustable gland. Any leakage will be retained with a drainable reservoir integral with the bearing housing and tapped with a 3/4" NPT hole for connection of seal water drainage piping. Bearings shall be oil bath lubricated. The oil reservoir shall be sealed at both ends to prevent entrance of foreign matter. The thrust bearings shall consist of two angular contact ball. bearings mounted back-to-back preceded by a single row angular contact ball bearing for maximum protection from all thrust loads. The bearing housing will be equipped with a pressure venting device and oil fill, level and drain taps. The bearings shall be rated for a B10 life of 100,000 hours. The common pump and side-mounted motor base shall be fabricated steel, suitably constructed to support the full weight of pump and motor. Belts and sheaves shall be provided to drive the pump at a speed to meet rated conditions. An enclosed belt guard of fabricated steel or reinforced fiberglass shall be provided. SRP - 2 of 3 ~_.~ HOL~MACHIFR, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C SLUDGE RECIRCULATION PUMPS (CONT'D.) Pumps shall strictly conform with material and construction cequirements to give maximum wear life and performance in this abrasive application. 3.0 - SERVICE The Contractor shall include with his bid, the services of the Equipment Manufacturer's field service technician for a total period of two (2) days for start-up and to instruct the Owner's Representative on operational, procedures. Five (5) copies of the Operation and Main- tenance Manual shall be submitted to the Engineer. SRP - 3 of 3 ~/~ HOi. ZMACHIFR. McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. ;LUDGE TRANSFER PUMPS 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to construct and install miscellaneous acces- sories and equipment for the two (2) sludge transfer pumps, ready for use, as specified herein and shown on the Contract Drawings. Included shall be initial start-up and testing in the presence of the Engineer, Owner and Manufacture'r's Representatives. 2.0 - EQUIPMENT The equipment for the sludge transfer pumps shall consist of fur- nishing and installing the sludge transfer pumps, as manufactured by Moyno Pumps, Fluids Handling Division, Robbins and Meyers, Inc.; Passavant Corp., Birmingham, Ala., or equal. The Moyno Model 1FOGS1 or equal shall be rated for variable operating conditions as follows: NO. RPM MAX. HP FLA~GED DIA. SUCTION UNITS GPM TDH MIN. MAX. MOTOR SUCTION DISCHARGE PRESSURE 2 150 27' 45 450 5 6" 6" Flooded Sludge transfer pumps to be in-line coupling arrangement located in digester control building as shown on the Contract Drawings with motor protector guard to be supplied. The motor is to be 5 HP, 3 phase, 60 cycle, for operation on 230/460 volts AC. The sludge transfer pumps shall be heavy duty, positive displacement, cradle-mounted, single stage progressing cavity type. Cradle-mounting will allow the normal vertical port to be rotated to any angle perpen- dicular to the center line of the pump. The body castings of the pump shall be thick-walled cast iron. suction housing shall incorporate two rectangular inspection ports, 180 degrees apart and provide access to the universal joint(s) within the suction housing. All cast parts will be smooth and free of sand- holes, blowholes, and other defects. STP 1 of 2 ~_j~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. PC SLUDGE TRANSFER PUMPS (CONT'D.) Suction and discharge connections shall be face flanges. The rotor shall be a machined and polished tool steel single helix. It shall have a nominal chrome plate of 020 maximum abrasion resistance. 150 degrees ANSI flat- chrome-plated for a The stator shall be a molded elastomeric, double helix, chemically bonded to a steel tube. The Buna N stator shall use 720 degrees clamp rings to fasten to the normal horizontal flange and suction housing, with sealed ends. The clamp rings will facilitate stator removal. The stator seals shall be designed to prevent the material being pumped from contacting the stator bonding and tube. The universal joints shall be of the grease lubricated, totally enclosed sealed and shielded, crowned gear type. .The operating angle of these joints shall not exceed 1-1/2 degrees off center. They shall be of adequate design to transmit the required thrust and torque while allowing the rotor to move in its eccentric path. The joint seal shall be designed to prevent any liquid from contaminating the gear, while the shield shall be designed to prevent any foreign objects from rupturing the seal. The low angularity shall maximize universal joint life. The splined connecting rod shall connect the gear joints of the eccentrically moving rotor and the drive shaft. The connecting rod shall pass through the suction housing/shaft seal area within the hollow drive shaft quill so that no eccentric loads are imparted on the packed seal. This connecting rod shall be rigid and not susceptible to chipping. The drive shaft shall be the two-part design with the chrome-plated, hollow quill removable for repair. The quill will be replatable. It shall be removable without removing the bearings from the bearing housing or disconnecting the driver. The bearings will be of the grease lubricated ball type. Fittings shall be located in the bearing housing to permit occasional re-lub- rication. The bearing casting shall utilize a bearing cover plate held in place by a 720 degree retaining ring. 3.0 - SERVICE The Contractor shall include with his bid the services of the Equipment Manufacturer's field service technician for a total period of two (2) days for start-up and to instruct the Owner's Representative on operational procedures. Five (5) copies of the Operation and Main- tenance Manual shall be submitted to the Engineer. STP - 2 of 2 ~/~ HO~.ZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRFLL. P C FUEL OIL STORAGE TANK 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish and install complete and ready for use, the following fiberglass storage tank as shown on the Contract Drawings, as detailed in this Specification and as detailed in the Section entitled, "FIBERGLASS STORAGE TANKS." 2.0 - GENERAL The fuel oil storage system shall be in accordance with standards approved by the Commissioner of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services and all local ordinances and codes. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all permits and applications as required for the installation of the fuel oil storage system. The fiberglass underground storage tank shall De as manufactured by Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp., Toledo, Ohio; Polyfibre, Bound Brook, New Jersey or equal. 3.0 - EQUIPMENT The fiberglass storage tank shall be 548 gallon nominal capacity and shall be furnished with th~ following accessories as shown on the Contract Drawings: (A) Fill Line - 4" diameter flanged with cap by Tank Manufacturer. (B) Vent Line - 4" diameter flanged and with vent cap by Tank Manufacturer. (C) Suction and Return Lines - two 3/4" 80 PVC lines to engine generator unit. and conically gussetted nozzle conically gussetted nozzle diameter flanged schedule (D) Construction - Vinylester resin system to be used for inne~ and exterior resin shall be as supplied by the manufacturer for the storage of No. 2 fuel oil. (E) Certification Plate - Underwriters Laboratories (UL) shall be affixed to the tank. labels FOST- 1 of 2 ~-.~j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL, F'C FUEL OIL STORAGE TANK (CONT' P.) 4.0 - LOADING CONDITIONS The tank shall withstand 5 psi air pressure test with 5 to 1 safety factor. Test prior to installation since this design condition is to test for leakage. Tanks shall be capable of storing liquids with a specific gravity up to 1.0. 5.0 - LOCAL REGULATIONS The underground fuel oil storage tank will conform to all the provisions of Article 12 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code and shall be provided with the following method of leak detection as shown on the Contract Drawings. 6.0 - ACCESSORIES Concrete pads shall be provided as shown on the Contract Drawings at the fill pipe/vent pipe location. The fill pipe/vent concrete pad shall be provided with the words, "FUEL OIL" painted on the concrete pad in a manner approved by the Engineer and as dietailed in the Section entitled, "SURFACE FINISH-PAINTING." Provide a Uehling Type S Tank-O-Meter with hand pump calibrated for No. 2 Diesel Fuel and depth in inches. The gauge shall be constructed of corrosion resistance materials. Gauge shall be installed in the Treatment/Administration Building as shown on the Contract Drawings, or as ordered by the Engineer. The range of the gauge shall be 0 to 548 gallons (0 to 100% filled). The Contractor shall install plastic tube air line cable as shown on the Contract Drawings within a 2" diameter PVC conduit from the tank to the Treatment Building, as necessary for operation of Tank-O-Meter. 7.0 - SHOP DRAWINGS Five (5) copies of the Engineer for his approval. Shop Drawings shall be submitted to the FOST 2 of 2 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. J COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BED / 1.0 -ISCOPE e Contractor shall provide all materials, labor and equipment to furn~h and install a prefabricated aluminum framed, fiberglass covered sludge drying bed building at the Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility, as specified herein and as shown on the contract drawings. 2.0 - DESIGN 2.1 - Building The building shall be furnished and installed complete with all necessary component parts, including foundation anchors, two (2) over- head roll-up type access doors, as well as an exhaust fan and hinged fiberglass panels. All parts shall be new and free from defect or imperfections. The foundation wall shall be as shown on the contract drawings. The building shall be manufactured by Climatrol Corporation, Winterhaven, Florida; or specifically approved equal. 2.2 - Design The building shall be designed in accordance with the Aluminum Association's specifications for aluminum structures. All framing members shall be of aluminum alloy 6061-T6 and 6063-T6 high strength aluminum as outlined and in accordance with the latest editions of ASTM B308 and ASTM B221. Further, all aluminum parts shall be silver anodized or painted bronze for protection against corrosion. All fasteners shall be corrosion resistant, stainless steel, or approved equal. Design loads, in addition to the stationary weight of the building, shall be: (1) Vertical live load shall be 35 pounds per square foot mini- mum on horizontal projection of the roof. (2) Horizontal wind load shall be 15 pounds per square foot mini- mum. (SOHT) CSpB - 1 of 6 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BED (CONT'D.) 3.0 - ROOF AND EXTERIOR WALL PANELS 3.1 - General All roof and side wall glazing shall be acrylic modified polyester fiberglass panels as manufactured by Climatrol Corporation, or speci- fically approved equal. 3.2 - Roof and Wall Panel Design Roof and wall panels shall be ribbed fiberglass, and to be maximum possible lengths to extend between main structural rigid frames. Fiber- glass pane~s shall be fastened to each aluminum purlin with stainless steel tek screws with rubber back washers, placed 8-inches on center. Open ends of panels shall be closed with a continuous neoprene gasket corrugated to match corrugations in the fiberglass panels. 3.3 - Roof and Wall Panel Material Roof and wall panels shall be acrylic modified polyester corrugated fiberglass panels as manufactured by Climatrol Corporation, or specific- ally approved equal. These panels shall be 8 ounce fiberglass with a minimum 15 year guarantee. Fiberglass panels shall have a minimum of 25% virgin glass fibers made with superior quality resins, light stab- ilizers, and pigments, and must equal or exceed applicable require- ments of U.S. Department of Commerce N.B.S. voluntary product standard PS53-72. The fiberglass shall receive a chemically bonded factory coat- ing of DuPont Tedlar (or approved equal) for maximum retention of the original product performance standards. In addition, the fiberglass material must meet or exceed the latest edition of the applicable ASTM Standards for the following: Glass Con- tent (ASTM D2584); Barcol Hardness (ASTM D2583); Shear Strength (ASTM D732); Bearing Strength (ASTM D953); Bearing Load (ASTM D953); Flexural Load (ASTM D790); Tensile Strength (ASTM D638); Compression (ASTM D695); Impact Strength measured by ASTM D3841 modified method; Flame Spread (ASTM E84); and Burn Rate (ASTM D638). The minimum acceptable light transmittance for the fiberglass shall be 90%, with a color stability within 5% of the original color for 5 years elapsed time. (SOHT) CSDB - 2 of 6 l-~_j~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. F'.C. COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BED (CONT'D.) 4.0 - DOORS 4.1 - Overhead Doors The Contractor shall furnish and install two (2) 8' x 6' overhead doors as noted on the plans and approved by the Engineer. These shall be aluminum roll-up type doors capable of withstanding the minimum horizontal wind load of 15 pounds per square foot. 5.0 - VENTILATION 5.1 - Ventilation Fan The Contractor shall furnish and install a variable speed exhaust fan rated at a maximum of 3,000 CFM (cubic feet per minute) to obtain a minimum of five (5) air changes per hour. This shall be a direct drive exhaust fan with gravity louvers as recommended by the building manufacturer, and shall be installed as noted on the plans and as ap- proved by the Engineer. The fan shall be complete with frame, wall box, bird screen and guards. The Electrical Contractor shall elec- trically connect the ventilation fan and wall mounted controls. 5.2 - Louvered Ventilation Panel The Contractor shall furnish and install one ventilation louver as noted on the plans and as approved by the Engineer. This louvered panel shall have a minimum area of 9 square feet and shall also have 115 volts motorized louvers. 5.3 - Hinged Fiberglass Ventilation Panels The Contractor shall furnish and install four (4) multi-position hinged fiberglass ventilation panels within the side walls of the fiberglass panels as noted on the approved plans and as approved by the Engineer. 6.0 - SHOP DRAWINGS Before fabricating any material, contractors for this item shall submit five (5) copies of the shop drawings and details in accordance with the General Specifications to the Engineer for his approval. (SOHT) CSDB - 3 of 6 l.-~_j~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. I COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BED (CONT'D.) 7.0 - SLUDGE DRYING BED SYNTHETIC LINER The Contractor shall furnish all materials, labor and equipment necessary to install a polyvinylchloride (PVC) plastic lining in the sludge drying beds as shown on the drawings and directed by the Engineer. 7.1 - Liner Material The material supplied under this contract shall be first quality products and manufactured specifically for these purposes. The mate- rials shall be manufactured by Watersaver, Denver,, Colorado, or speci- fically approved equal. The PVC plastic lining shall be a minimum 20 mil thickness with the lining fabricated into one full section by means of special fac- tory-bonded seams, into single panels to minimize field seaming in each of the sludge drying beds. Lap joints with a minimum joint width of 1/2-inch shall be used. Factory made splices shall have a strength of 80% of the specified sheet strength. After fabrication, the lining shall be accordian-folded in both directions and packaged for minimum handling in the field. Shipping boxes shall be substantial enough to prevent damage to contents. 7.2 - Physical Characteristics of PVC The PVC materials shall have the following physical characteristics: Properties Value Test Method Color Black Thickness, mils, + 5% 20 ASTM D1593 Tensile Strength,--min psi 2400 ASTM D882 (lbs./in. width, min.) (48) Modulus at 100% Elongation min. psi 1000 ASTM D882 (lbs./in. width, min.) (20) Ultimate Elongation, % min. 300 ASTM D882 Tear Resistance: (a) Elmendorf, grams, min. 4000 ASTM D1922 (gms./mil., min.) (200) (b) Graves Tear, lbs. min. 5.5 ASTM D1004 (lbs./in. min.) (275) Low Temperature Impact, Pass, OF -20 ASTM D1790 Volatility, % loss, max. 1.0 ASTM D1203 Water Extraction (at 104 OF, 24 hrs.) % loss, max. 0.3 ASTM D1239 (SOHT) CSDB - 4 of 6 I.J~ HOI..ZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BED (CONT'D.) 7.0 - SLUDGE DRYING BED SYNTHETIC LINER (cont'd.) Properties Value Specific Gravity, min. 1.23 Dimensional Stability (at 212 oF, 15 min.) % max. change 5.0 Resistance to Soil Burial: Tensile Strength Loss, % max. 5.0 Elongation Loss, % max. 20.0 Test Method ASTM D792 ASTM D1204 ASTM D3083 ASTM D3083 The PVC materials shall be manufactured from domestic virgin poly- vinylchloride resin and specifically compounded for use in applications such as sludge drying beds. Reprocessed material shall not be used. The liner shall be neutral gray to black in color and produced in a standard minimum width of at least 76-inches. Thickness shall be 20 mils as shown on the contract drawings. Certification results showing that the sheeting meets the specifications shall be supplied by the manufac- turer. 7.3 Liner Installation Installation shall be performed by a Contractor that has previous experience with similar installations. The surface substrate) to receive the liner shall be compacted, stable, smooth, and free of sharp objects that could puncture the lining. All vegetation must be removed. A soil sterilant may be required at the discretion of the Engineer. The PVC lining shall be placed over the pre- pared surfaces to be lined in such a manner as to assure minimum handling. It shall be sealed to all concrete structures in accordance with the de- tails shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. All adhesives, sealants, etc., used to seal the PVC liner to the concrete shall be sup- plied and/or approved by the liner manufacturer and/or Engineer. Any portion of the lining damaged during installation shall be removed or repaired by using an additional piece of lining material as follows: (1) Field Joints - Lap joints will be used to seal factory fabri- cated panels of PVC together in the field. Lap joints shall be formed by lapping the edges of panels a minimum of 2-inches (50 mm). The con- tact surfaces of the panels shall be wiped clean to remove all direct, dust, moisture, or other foreign materials. Sufficient cold-applied vinyl to vinyl bonding adhesive shall be applied to the contact surfaces in the joint area, and the two surfaces pressed together immediately. Any wrinkles shall be smoothed out. Field made splices shall have a Istrength of 80% of the specified sheet strength. (SOHT) CSDB - 5 of 6 I..t~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C. COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BED (CONT'D.) 7.0 - SLUDGE DRYING BED SYNTHETIC LINER (cont'd.) (2) Joints to Structures - Ail curing compounds and coatings shall be completely removed from the joint area. Joining of PVC to concrete shall be made with vinyl to concrete adhesive and mechanically fastened with batten strips. The minimum width of concrete to PVC joint shall be 6-inches (20 cm) as shown on the plans. (3) Repairs to PVC - Any necessary repairs to the PVC shall be patched with the lining material itself and cold applied vinyl to vinyl splicing adhesive. The splicing adhesive shall be applied to contact surfaces of both the patch and lining to be repaired, ~nd the ,two sur- faces pressed together immediately. Any wrinkles shall be smoothed out. (4) Quality of Workmanship - Ail joints, on completion of work, shall be tightly bonded. Any lining surface showing injury due to scuffing, penetration of foreign objects or distress from rought sub- grade shall, as directed by the Engineer, be replaced or covered and sealed with an additional layer of PVC of the proper size. 7.4 - Covering of Liners The Contractor shall carefully install the cover of clean fill over the liner as soon as practicable to prevent unnecessary exposure to the PVC, and to provide protection for the liner. The fill material shall be either spread manually or with light duty equipment. A minimum of 6-inches of cover shall be installed over the liner and compacted as noted on the plans and specified by the Engineer. 7.5 - Provisions and Guidelines The Contractor shall conform to all recommended and/or mandatory provisions and guidelines whether written or implied for handling, installation, and voering of the liner material as specified by the manufacturer, manufacturer's representative, and/or Engineer. (SOHT) CSDB - 6 of 6 I_t~ HOL,ZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C TREATMENT AREA & MECHANICAL WORK - PIPING, VALVE-q & ACCESSORIES 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all materials, labor, equipment ana incidentals necessary to install all piping, fittings, valves and ac- cessories in accordance with the General and DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS, as indicated on the contract drawings and as directed by the Engineer. 2.0 - GENERAL Piping shall be concealed in chases and walls wherever possible. Piping shall be run as straight and direct as possible, either at right angles to or parallel with walls and floors. Exposed piping shall be run as close as practicable to ~×terimr walls and/or interior partitions. Reducing fittings shall be used wherever a change in size occurs. No bushings shall be allowed. Wherever possible, piping shall be run to avoid passing over elec- trical apparatus. Where this is not possible, drip pans shall be pro- vided. Unions and dresser sleeves' must be installed, whether shown on contract drawings or not, to permit the disconnecting of all valves used for control purposes and all pieces of equipment. This Contractor shall be jointly responsible with other contractors to coordinate all pipe and conduit runs so as to prevent interference. All small piping shall be run in locations so as to cause a minimum of obstruction to passage. Where short spool pieces of flanged piping are shown, they may be of heavy steel with slip-on welding flanges with interior covered with epoxy resin paint. Bolts and gaskets shall meet the approval of the Engineer. 3.0 - HANGERS AND SUPPORTS Piping shall be supported or hung in such a manner as to adequately secure pipe in position and maintain proper pitch, prevent vibration and permit expansion and contraction. PV&A - 1 of 9 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.~,~ TREATMENT AREA & MECHANICAL WORK PIPING, VALVES & ACCESSORIES (CONT'D. Hangers and supports shall be tervals of: 1. Cast Iron 2. Steel Piping 3. All Branches 4. Plastic Pipe (polyvinyl chloride) provided at least at horizontal in- 10 feet - 10 feet - 5 feet and over 7 feet Vertical supports shall be provided at least as follows: 1. Ail other piping, at base of all risers by either a hanger immediately adjacent or a base fitting. Supports and hangers shall be of material similar to that (except flor PVC) of the work they support and shall be similar and equal to: 1. Single Hangers - Grinnel No. 260 2. Multiple Hangers - Single or double angle iron, threaded suspension rods, nuts top and bottom 3. Brackets - Grinnel NO. 221 or NO. 222 4. Wall Hangers Grabler No. 62 Underground piping shall be adequately protected and prevent movement from backfilling. supported to 4.0 SLEEVES Ail pipes passing through building foundations shall be provided with long pattern cast iron wall sleeve fittings,, as manufactured by Clow Corporation. The wall sleeve fittings shal]L be set in the founda- t:ion prior to pouring of concrete. The space between the periphery of pipe and the wall sleeve fitting shall be made watertight by caulking with Anti-Hydro Waterproofing Co. A-H Poly-Seal-MT, installed in accor- dance with manufacturer's recommendations. PV&A - 2 of 9 ~{~,j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL, PC TREATMENT AREA & MECHANICAL WORK - PIPING, VALVES & ACCESSORIES (CONT'D. 5.0 - MATERIALS 5.1 - Ductile Iron Pip~ (A) Wherever the term "cast iron" is referred to in the speci- fications or on the drawings, it shall mean ductile iron pipe as speci- fied herein. (B) All underground piping 3-inches and larger in diameter shall be ductile iron mechanical joint pipe, unless specifically desig- nated centrifugally cast. Pipe shall be manufact~ared by U.S. Pipe & Foundry Co. or R.D. wood. Pipe shall be 60-42-10 grade with matrix pre- dominately ferrite and shall have a pipe barrel conforming to A.W.W.A. Specification C151-71 or A.N.S.I. Specification A21.51-1971, thickness class as shown on the drawings or listed in the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS. Pipe weight shall not vary more than 4 per cent below the standard weight per length of pipe for pipe more than 12-inches in di- ameter and 5 per cent for pipe 12-inches in diameter and smaller. Each length shall have the weight, class designation or nominal thickness, and manufacturer's mark, and the letters "DI" or "DUCTILE" cast or stamped on the pipe by the manufacturer. Mechanical joints shall conform to A.N.S.I. 21.11. Pipe shall be cement lined in accordance with A.N.S.I. 21.4, latest revision. The lining shall be centrifugally applied and bituminous sealed. The thickness of cement lining for pipe shall be nowhere less than the following for the respective diameters: 3 inches - 1/16 inch 4 to 12 inches - 1/8 inch Ail pipe shall contain a bituminous coating inside and outside. Pipe weight shall not vary more than 5 per cent below the standard weight per length. (C) All exposed piping, 3-inches in diameter and larger, in the treatment area and the building interior shall be ductile iron piping shall meet all requirements except that; flanges shall meet all 125. Pipe shall be cement lined flanged piping. Ductile iron flanged as described in paragraph 4.4 (a) 2., requirements of A.N.S.I. B16.1, Class and bituminous coated. (D) Fittings - Mechanical joint cast iron pipe fittings shall be used with mechanical joint pipe and shall conform to A.N.S.I. 21.10 and 21.11. Each fitting shall be complete with all joint accessories and have the class cast on the outside. All gaskets for mechanical joint fittings shall be lead tipped. PV&A - 3 of 9 ~"~j~ HOLZMACH£R. McL£NDON & MURRELL, PC TREATMENT AREA & MECHANICAL WORK PIPING, VALVES & ACCESSORIES (CONT'D. ) 125. Flanged fittings Ail fittings shall be cement lined A.N.S.I. 21.4. The thickness of the cement lining than the following for the respective diameters: shall conform to A.N.S.I. B16.1, Class in accordance with shall be nowhere less 3 inches - 1/16 inch outside of all 4 to 12 inches 1/8 inch A bituminous coating shall be applied fittings. to the inside and 5.2 - Asbestos Cement Pipin~ Asbestos cement piping, where designated, shall conform to A.S.T.M. Designation C428-63T, Type II, or latest revision. Pipe shall be of diameter and class indicated on the drawings. Laying lengths shall normally be 13-feet in length. Short lengths not exceeding 3'-3" shall be used in making connections to manholes or other rigid struc- tures. Pipe shall be manufactured by Johns-Manville, Orangeburg, or Certainteed. 5.3 - PVC Piping All PVC piping, where designated, shal3L be polyvinyl chloride, Type 1, Grade 1, Schedule 80, and shall conform to A.S.T.M. Specifica- tion 02241 and D1784, latest editions. Pipe shall be as manufactured by A.M. Beyers Company, or equal. All .fittings for PUC piping shall be threaded and shall be of the same schedule approved for use by the pipe manufacturer. Pipe shall bear trademark of the manufacturer. 5.4 - Galvanized Wrou_.qht Iron All galvanized wrought iron pipe, where designated, shall be genuine black wrought iron conforming to A.S.T.M. A-72, standard weight, hot dipped galvanized. 5.5 - Copper Piping All copper piping shall be Type "K', hard drawn copper tubing conforming to A.S.T.M. B16 with fittings per A.S.A. B16.22. All under- ground piping shall be soft annealed Type "K", A.N.S.I H23.1, fittings A.N.S.I. A40.2. PV&A - 4 of 9 ~'~ HO~MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C TREATMENT AREA & MECHANICAL WORK - PIPING, VALVES & ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) 6.0 - PIPING INSTALLATION The Contractor shall provide sufficient unions and couplings, whether shown on the drawings or not, to facilitate the dismantling of piping for the removal of valves, pumps, etc. (A) Joints - For joining mechanical joint pipe and fittings, lead tipped gaskets of high quality vulcanized crude rubber compound shall be used. The gaskets shall be smooth and free from defects of any nature. Before slipping the plain end of the pipe and the gasket into the socket, wash the socket's plain end and gasket with soapy water to provide easy entry of pipe and gasket into the bell. The plain end shall be inserted into the bell. The gasket shall be pushed tightly into position and Shall be evenly seated. When the follower gland is in position, insert bolts and tighten with ordinary ratchet wrench alternately on top and bottom. Special mechanical joint retainer glands shall be installed at all joints and shall be as manufactured by U.S. Pipe & Foundry Co. or equal. (B) Flanged Joints - Shall be made up with wrought iron nuts and bolts with a homogeneously compressed asbestos sheet packing gasket, 1/16-inch thick, placed between the flanges. (C) Joints Between PVC and Ductile Iron Pipe - (wherever neces- sary) - Shall be made with screwed fittings or screwed companion flanges. (D) Joints Between Steel and Ductile Iron Pipe (wherever neces- sary) - Shall be made with suitable couplings as manufactured by Dresser Industries or equal. (E) Pipe Installation - Underground (C.I.P. and A.C.P) - Horizontal pitch of the air header piping shall be a minimum of 1/4-inch per foot to the drain valves shown. All sewage lines shall be at the invert grades indicated. Pipe trenches for underground piping shall be not more than 3-feet wide and provide sufficient room for making up joints as required. All pipe shall be laid in a flat bottom trench, without blocks, with tamped backfill to meet laying condition "B" of A.S.A. Specification A21.1, unless indicated otherwise on the plans or ordgred by the Eng{- neet. Backfill material shall be free from rocks, lumber or debris. No jetting will be permitted. Exterior pipe shall be installed to provide a minimum cover of 4'-6" or to the inverts shown. (F) Small Piping (PVC) Installation - All pipe and fittings in vicinity of treatment equipment and at ends of runs shall have screw type joints. In all other locations, solvent welded slip type joints will be acceptable. PV&A - 5 of 9 ~--~(~,~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P C TREATMENT AREA & MECHANICAL WORK - PIPING, VALVES & ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) Threaded joints where specified shall be made using standard hand or machine pipe-threaded tools. Dies must be sharp and in good condition to assure a clean and smooth threading .operation from start to finish. Threads shall be full cut and perfect. Protective pads of leather, rubber or felt shall be employed to prevent damage to pipe walls by chuck and/or vise jaws. A slightly tapered wood plug shall be tapped snugly into the pipe for the length of thread to prevent distortion of the pipe wall by the. die. Joints shall be made up using Teflon base the pipe threads. DO not place compound on threads ING WILL BE PERMITTED. forced hers. with compounds placed on of fitting. NO WICK- The PVC pipe shall be installed in such a manner that it is out of line by pipe supports, hangers or other supporting mem- Pipe hangers shall be clevis or strap type. For anchoring pipe, use metal compression type hangers padded a compressible insert band. All fittings, except couplings, shall be supported and not valves complete shall be braced to resist torque during valve manipulation. All piping shall be free of traps and graded to permit drainage. (G) Copper Piping - All p~ping shall be cut square, burrs removed and reamed after cutting. Fitting sockets and tube ends shall be thoroughly cleaned to a bright finish. All solder joints shall be fluxed and soldered using 95-5 tin and antimony solder. (H) Drain Valves - Adequate drain valves shall be installed to per- mit complete drainage of systems whether shown on the drawings or not. 7.0 - VALVES Catalog cuts of all valves to be submitted to the Engineer for ap- proval. (A) Gate Valves - 3" diameter and larger: 1. Mechanical Joint - Mechanical joint valves shall be pro- vided for all buried exterior piping. Valves shall be A.W.W.A., iron body, bronze mounted with double disc seat, non-rising stems and "O" ring seats, Figure F-5227 by Eddy-Iowa Division of Clow Corp., or equal. Buried valves shall be provided with conventional operating nut and cast iron extension type box and cover. Valve box length shall be determined by valve depth below grade. Provide two (2) valve keys to operate buried valves. PV&A - 6 of 9 ~'~_j~ HOLZMACHER. McL£NDON & MURRELL, P.C TREATMENT AREA & MECHANICAL WORK - PIPING, VALVES & ACCESSORIES (CONT'D. ) 2. Flanged Valves - Flanged valves shall be provided within the treatment building and pump station building. Valves shall be A.W.W.A. iron body, bronze mounted with double disc seat, non-rising stems and "O" ring seals, Figure F-5227 by Eddy-Iowa Division of Clow Corp., or equal. Provide operating wheels and needle and slot type position indicators where designated on drawings. All valves shown without hand wheels shall be furnished with conventional operating nut or adaptor for extension stem. (B) Gate Valves - Small Diameter: 1. Gate valve of 2-1/2-inch diameter s]~all be wedge gate type, iron body, bronze trimmed, with non-rising stem and needle type position indicator, Walworth No. 719F, with flang.ed ends, or equal. 2. Gate valves, 2-inches and smaller, shall be line size solid wedge gate valves with rising spindle, malleable iron, all bronze, equal to Jenkins Figure 47 (threaded ends) or Figure 1242 (solder end), 200 p.s.i, non-shock water. (C) Check Valves: swing check, or equal. Check Valves - Small Diameter Check valves shall be all bronze, regrindable disc, solder ends, Walworth 406SJ, 2. Check Valves - Large Diameter Ail quiet closing, outside lever and weight type with stainless steel shaft, bronze seat and gate rings tight on closing. Check valves shall be set so that lever and weight are horizontal when valve is in the closed position wherever possible. Check valves shall be W & H Figure 50. Check valves on lift pump dis- charge shall be Model No. 108, APCO rubber flapper swin9 check valve, as manufactured by Valve and Primer Corporation, or equal. check valves shall be iron body, bronze or and shall be water- (O) Drain Valves: Drain valves shall be installed as required to properly drain piping systems. Drain valves shall be all bronze construction, wedge gate type, with 3/4-inch threaded connection for standard garden hose. Valves shall be furnished with cap and chain for protection of thread ends and shall be Walworth No. 24, or equal. (E) Curb Stop and Boxes: (where required) 1. Curb stop shall be of size shown on the drawings and shall be solid tee head with iron pipe threads inlet and outlet. Curd stop shall be Mueller H10257, or equal. PV&A 7 of 9 ~_j~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C TREATMENT AREA & MECHANICAL WORK - PIPING, VALVE;S & ACCESSORIES (CONT'D. 2. Curb boxes shall be complete with stationary rod, arch base pattern, foot piece and shall be Figure H10336, as manufactured by Mueller, or equal. 3. Contractor shall furnish two (2) valve keys for operating curb box. (F) Eccentric Valves (Plug Valves): Where shown on the drawings, the Contractor shall furnish and install eccentric valves of size indicated. Valves shall be mechanical joint ends for underground locations and flanged ends for interior lo- cations, lever operated with shaft extension, road box and floor stand for underground locations and wrench operated for interior locations. Valves shall be semi-steel (A.S.T.M. A126-66, latest revision) with Hi- resist plug Series 100, as manufactured by DeZurik Corporation, or equal. (G) Special Valves: Shall be as specified in the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS. 8.0 - DRESSER COUPLINGS Dresser couplings shall be provided as shown on the drawings or where required to assemble or disassemble piping, as previously described Couplings shall be Style 38 or Style 162 where piping of different out- side diameter must be joined. 9.0 - MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT (A) Pressure Gauges: Provide pressure gauges on the suction and discharge lines of each pump and where indicated on the drawings. Gauges shall be 4-inch diameter Ashcroft, or equal, with brass case, threaded glass holder with heavy glass, phosphor bronze single spring Bourdon type stainless st%el rotary precision movement, micrometer adjustment pointer and dial with range of 0 to 120 feet. Provide brass tee handle stop and waste cock with each gauge. Gauges on suction lines shall be of a range of -20 feet to 60 feet. (B) Snubbers: Snubbers for protection of pressure gauges shall have bronze body and have standard pipe thread tappings. Snubbers shall be mounted PV&A - 8 of 9 ~"~ HOI..ZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL, P.C. TREATMENT AREA & MECHANICAL WORK - PIPING, VALVES & ASSESSORIES (CONT'D.) in piping between pressure vessel and pressure gauge or switch. Snubbers shall be completely automatic and shall shut off entirely when pressure exceeds design conditions. Snubbers shall be Sprague Engineering Corp. Gauge Saver, Model S-214, or equal. (C) Air Vents: Vents in high points of water piping system shall be Hoffman No. 79 water vent valve, or equal. (D) Strainers: (where required) Strainers shall be "Y" type, of size indicated, galvanized iron body with metal cylindrical screen and shall be Mueller H9331. (E) Hydrants: Provide 3/4-inch anti-freezing, compression type hydrants, where shown on the drawings. Hydrants shall be M-75, Genuine Murdock Hydrants, Or equal, installed with 4-foot depth of bury and connected with wrought iron or copper piping to ductile iron supply main. A curb stop, curb box and rod shall be installed on each hydrant branch. (F) Flush Hydrants: Provide flush type fire hydrants for all flushing connections shown on contract drawings. Hydrant shall be complete with two (2) 2-1/2-inch hose nozzles with thread to match existing Fire Department threads. Hydrants shall be Dresser 229, or equal. R PV&A - 9 of 9 ~ HOI,.ZMAGHER, M~LENDON & MURRELI., P.C. DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS PIPING, VALVES & ACCESSORIES 1.0 - SCOPE These specifications shall be applicable for all site piping, valves and accessories between all treatment process structures and befween such treatment process structures and the treatment buildings. In!addition, the general method of installation of all interior piping, as described in these specifications, shall apply to all other sections of!the specifications as if written out in full. Materials of construc- tion mentioned in other sections of the specifications shall control fog those sections. Materials mentioned herein shall control only if no mention of same is made in other sections of the specifications. 5.Q -.MATERIALS ~ - S~udge Line Piping - Sludge line piping shall be ductile iron flanged piping. Pipe shall be SG-14 glass lined ductile iron (Class 2) pipe and installed in the following locations and as shown on the cOntract drawings: (1) Gravity sludge lines from one (1) primary settling tank and one (1) secondary settling tank to the sludge/scum wet well. Gravity scum lines from one (1) primary settling tank and one (1) secondary settling tank to the sludge/scum wet well. {3) Pressure sludge lines from sludge/scum wet well to the digester heater/heat exchanger. The coating shall consist of special glasses and inorganic materials applied in a minimum of two (2) coats, separately fired, to internal sur- faces prepared by blasting. Following application of the ground (base) coat, the items shall be exposed to an appropriate maturing temperature (above 1400 F) at which point the glass fuses to the base metal, forming an integral molecular bond with the metal. The resulting bond shall be sufficient to withstand a metal yield point of 0.001 inch/inch without damage to the glass. Subsequent coatings (finish coats) will be processed in a similar manner, forming an integral molecular bond with the base coat. The entire coating shall be from .008" to .012" thick. It shall have a hardness of from 5 to 6 on the Mohs Scale~. and a density of from 2.5 to 3.0 grams per cubic centimeter. The SG-14 green-glass lining shall be capable of withstanding a thermal shock of 350 degrees F. without crazing, blistering or spalling. It shall be resistant to (SOHTi) DS-PV&A - 1 of 2 ~_.~ HOLZMACHER, NIcLENOON & MURRELI., P~C. DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - PIPING, VALVES & ACCESSORIES (CONT'D.) 5.~ - MATERIALS (cont'do) corrosion by solutions of between PH-3 and PH-10 at 125 degrees F. There shall be no visible loss of surface gloss on the glass lining after immersion of a normal production run sample in an 8% sulphuric acid solution at 148 degrees F. for a period of ten (10) minutes. In addition, when tested according to ASTM Designation C283-54, it shall show a weight loss of not more than 3 milligrams per square inch. PIPING INSTALLATION (F) - Small Piping (PVC) Installation: Ail piping shall be pressure tested with air, prior to back- filling trenches. Ail joints shall be checked for leakage while under air p~essure by swabbing, utilizing a soap and water solution, and leaks found shall be repaired and rechecked. Pressure of air during testing shall be at least 50 percent higher than normal working pressure. The Cohtractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary to accomplish all testing and repairs. Chemical feed piping shall be Schediule 80 with screwed fittings, unless not otherwise available. 7.9 -~ VALVES (G) Special Valves: 1. Knife Gate Valve The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall one (1) 12-inch gate valve and accessories as shown on the con- tract drawings. The valve shall be a non-rising stem with an extension stem enabling valve operation from a M&H floorstand. The valve shall be manufactured by Dresser Manufacturing Div., Style 2067-02, Flanged End; or approved equal. Steel pipe extensions Style 3801 and stem guide Style 35 shall be installed as shown on the contract drawings. This connection shall be watertight so as to pre- vent sewage from entering the steel pipe extension. 2. Sluice Gate Valve - The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall one (1) 6-inch sluice gate valve within the headbox, as shown on. the contract drawings. The sluice gate shall be Model F-5350, Flanged by Eddy-Iowa; or approved equal. The valve shall be manu- ally operated by a M&H floorstand with handwheel and non-rising stem. (SOHT) DS-PV&A- 2 of 2 HOt. ZMACHER, Mc!..F-.NDON & MURRELI., P.C. I H2M CORP. CO~$UI~TING ~NGIN~-R~ ANO ~N¥1RONM~?AL $CI~TI~T$ SANITARY SEWERS TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND GENERAL PIPE LAYING 1.0 - DEFINITION Excavation shall include the following described work and detailed operations: trenching, excavation, dewatering (if required), backfilling~ trench compaction, tieing into existing facilities, grubbing, removing, storing and rehandling of all materials of every name and nature neces- sary to be removed for all purposes incidental to the construction and completion of all work Under this Contract; the refilling of trenches and pits and the furnishing of select material for pipe bedding (if required), and trench filling as required or directed; furnishing and placing of material over trenches and pits, refilling if settlement occurs to line and grade and as indicated on the contract drawings, to the approval of the Engineer. Work also includes the removing and disposing of all surplus materials from all excavations in the manner specified; the maintenance, accommodations and protection of travel, the supporting and protecting of all tracks, rails, building curbs, sidewalks, pavements, overhead wires, poles, trees, vines, shrubbery, pipes, sewers, conduits or other structures or property in the vicinity of the work, whether over or underground, or which appear within the excavations, and the restoration of the same in case of settlement or other injury. Included is all temporary bridging and fencing and the removing of same; the removing and clearing away of all rubbish, refuse, unused materials, plant and tools from the site cf the work, maintain- ing emergency access and fire protection to all buildings and all other incidental work specified or implied. All excavation for the sewers and their appurtenances shall be made in open trench except if otherwise shown on the contract drawings, or unless written permission to excavate in tunnel is given by the Engi- neer. 2.0 - TEST PIT AND CHARACTER OF MATERIAL Ground elevations are shown on the construction drawings. By in- spection of site, test pits or borings made by him or by other adequate methods, the Contractor shall satisfy himself regarding the character and amount of the various classes of material to be encountered in the work to be performed. Test pit in advance of trenching shall be constructed by the Con- tractor for the purpose of locating underground obstructions. No pay- ment shall be made for excavation or refilling of' test pits. 3.0 - TOPSOIL Topsoil shall be side for use in final areas excavated shall conserved and when removed shall be placed to one surfacing. Where no other surfacing is specified, be covered with this topsoil. SS-TE& GPL - 1 of 8 SANITARY SEWERS - TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND GENERAL PIPE LAYING (CONT'D.) 4.0 _ LAWN~ TREES AND SHRUBS Where the work is in easements located within privately owned lawn areas, rear yards, etc., the Contractor shall make every effort to mini- mize disturbance to the area. Sod shall be removed prior to excavation and stored during construction to preserve the grass growth, and replace in position upon completion of the work. If sod is not in suitable con- dition at time of removal, as determined by the ]Engineer, the area to be cut shall be surfaced with 6-inches of topsoil and seeded with a standard mixture of lawn grass seed. All trees or shrubs shall be boxed or. other- wise protected. Hand excavation shall be employed where necessary to preserve the shrubs, trees or roots. All disturbed lawns, trees, shrubs, planting, fences, walks, drive- ways, walkways, etc., shall be restored to the satisfaction of the Owner. Claims made by affected owners shall be withheld from payments due the Contractor until such claims are settled. It is suggested that the Con- tractor take "Before and After" photographs of all such areas. 5.0 - EXCAVATION~ CLEARAWCE AND TRIMMING All excavation for the sewers and their appurtenances shall be made in open trench except if othere;ise shown on the drawings, or unless written permission to excavate in tunnel is given by the Engineer. Excavation shall be of sufficient width to permit work to be done completely in the manner and of'the size specifisd and shown on the con- struction drawings. In general, unsheeted trenches shall not exceed 6-foot width at the surface. The width of the trench up to Just above the top of the pipe shall be maintained as narrow as possible, and, in general, shall not exceed the outside diameter of the bell of the pipe plus 2-feet. 6.0 - PIPE BEDDING Proper bedding conditions for all sewer pipe shall be the contract drawings, and as listed herein: as shown on 6.1 Type 1 - The bottom of trench shall be shaped to give substanti- ally uniform circumferential support to the lower third of each section of pipe. Recesses shall be excavated for bells and Joints. Each pipe shall be laid true to line and grade and in such manner as to form a close concentric Joint with the adjoining pipe and to prevent sudden offsets of the flo~ line. Carefully compacted material shall be placed around the pipe and over the pipe to a depth of 12-inches. Compaction shall be done by hand to insure that the pipe is firmly embedded. Con- tractor shall take special precaution to bed pipe on firm soil and have full load of backfill supported by the pipe barrel and none by the bell. SS-TE&GPL - 2 of 8 SANITARY SEWERS - TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND GENERAL PIPE LAYING (CONT'D.) 6.2 Type 2 - The trench shall be excavated 3 to 4-inches deeper than the bottom of the pipe. The pipe shall be bedded on compacted sand and gravel placed on a flat trench bottom. The granular material shall be sand and gravel of such size that not more than ?0% by weight shall pass the No. 40 mesh sieve and not more than 15~ by weight shall pass the No. 200 mesh sieve. Prior to use, the Contractor shall submit to the Ertl- neet, for approval, samples of the material. The bedding shall have a minimum thickness of 3-inches or one-third (1/3) of the outside pipe diameter, whichever is greater, and shall extend halfway up the pipe barrel at the sides. The remainder of the side fills and a minimum depth of 12-inches over the top of the pipe shall be filled with carefully com- pacted material. Suitable holes shall be provided to allow adequate bed- ding at bells or couplings. Payment for above sihall be included in the unit price bid for furnishing and installing sewer pipe. 7.0 _ SLIDES AND CAVE-INS All material from slides and cave-ins caused by the Contractor's negligence or delay in prosecution of work or for any reason whatsoever shall be removed and disposed of at his own expense and no compensation shall be made for such removal or disposal. 8.0 - ADDITIONAL EXCAVATION Wherever, in the opinion ~f the Engineer, t]he material found at the grade shown on the plans is not satisfactory, the Contractor shall make any additional excavation as directed by the Engineer and shall refill the same with selected material from the excavation which shall be broken tamped and hand graded. If the Engineer should order the refill to be made with "Special Backfill" or bank run sand and gravel as defined in the section entitled, SANITARY SEWERS - SPECIAL BACKFILL AND EARTH FILL, the Contractor shall be paid under that Item. 9.0 - UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION If any excavation is caused by the Contractor's error, or wherever the excavation is carried beyond or below the lines and grades given by the Engineer, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, refill all such excavated space with such material and in such manner as may be directed in order to insure the stability of the various structures. Beneath all structures, space excavated without authority shall be refilled with Class ,,B,, concrete by the Contractor at his own expense, unless directed otherwise. SS-TE&GPL - 3 of 8 SANITARY SEWERS - TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AHD GENERAL PIPE LAYING (CONT'D.) 10o0 - SPOIL Spoil shall consist of the surplus materials removed in excavations not required for filling, refilling or otherwise specified or required to be reserved and preserved for special use or purposes. Spoil shall be deposited at the locations and to the elevations and grade as directed. The surface of all spoil shall be graded and dressed, and no unsightly he~ps or mounds shall be left on completion of the work. The Contractor shall stockpile all materials that are excess from excavations that are suitable for reuse under this section of the speci- fications. The excess materials from excavations shall be stockpiled on property provided by and at the expense of the Contractor, to the ap- proval of the Engineer, or at specific locations shown on the contract drawings, if approved by the Engineer. When ordered by the Engineer to provide additional backfill, the Contractor shall utilize all of the material stockpiled prior to furnish- ing "Additional Backfill", for which separate payment will be made. At the completion of construction, all excess materials stockpiled will become the property of the Contractor. There shall be no payment for maintenance of the stockpile herein described nor shall there be payment for rehandling any materials in the stockpile to incorporate it into the work. Payment shall be made only for the additional excavation required, if any, to remove unsuitable or suitable materials from beneath normal excavation lines. 11.0 _ HAULING FL~TERIAL ON STREET When it is necessary to haul soft or wet material over the streets or pavement, the Contractor shall provide suitable tight vehicles so as to prevent deposits on the streets or pavements. In all cases where any materials are dropped from the vehicles of the Contractor, he shall clean up the same as often as directed and keep the crosswalks, street and pavement clean and free from dirt and mud. 2 1 12.0 - FLOODING AND OTHER DAMAGE Precautions shall be taken to protect uncompleted work from flood- ing during storms or from other causes. All pipe lines or structures not stable against uplift during construction or prior to completion shall be thoroughly braced or otherwise protected. SS-TE&GPL - ~ of 8 SANITARY SEWERS - TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND GENERAL PIPE LAYING (CONT'D.) 13.0 - LENGTH OF TRENCH OPENED 13.1 Installation of Sewers Under Dr~ Trench Conditions Trenches shall not be opened for more than two hundred feet (200') in advance of the completed pipe or sewer, nor left unfilled for more than one hundred feet (100') in the rear thereof. The excavation of the trench shall be fully completed at least twenty feet (20') in advance of the pipe. laying or the construction of the invert unless otherwise permitted. No more than one hundred feet (100') of trench shall be left open overnight, unless approved by the Engineer. 13.2 Installation of Sewers Below Ground Water Trench opening shall be as required to insure a properly con- structed sewer according to good construction methods. Allowable length of openings shall be to the approval of the Engineer. 14.0 - BACKFILLING TRENCHES AND PITS After the sewer and appurtenances have been installed, backfilling with select material as described under Paragraph No. 3 shall immediate- ly occur. The backfill shall be solidly compacted under and around the pipe with mechanical tampers or other proper tools designed for the pur- pose. The tamping shall not be excessive so as to raise the pipe, how- ever, it shall provide a firm, ~ontinuous support for the pipe. The backfill, to a height of one foot (l') above the top of the pipe, shall be selected materials carefully deposited by ham~ shoveling and tamping and not pushed into the trench by heavy equipment. Where the material removed from the trench shall not be considered suitable to serve as select material to support the pipe, in the opinion of the Engineer, select material, as described in the section entitled, ADDITIONAL BACKFILL, shall be used as directed by the Engineer. The remainder of the trench shall be backfilled with select mate- rial deposited in not over 8-inch layers and solidly tamped with mechani- cal tampers or proper tools designed for the purpose. The Engineer may, at his discretion, direct the contractor to add, at no extra cost, suf- ficient water during tamping to assure a complete consolidation of the backfilled earth. No stone weighing over 25-pounds shall be used in any portion of the refilling, and all stones shall be distributed and alternated with earth filling in such a manner that all interstices between them shall be filled with earth. Frozen earth shall not be used for refilling. In trenches and pits where backfilling can be compacted in a suit- able manner by flooding or puddling with water, ~he Contractor may be SS-TE&GPL - 5 of 8 SANITARY SEWERS - TRE}~CHING, EXCAVATION AIID GENERAL PIPE LAYING (CONT'D.) ~ermttted to employ this method after the first foot above the pipe has been placed and thoroughly compacted as provided above. Flooding or puddling w~ll not be permitted In trenches under street, roads or driveways. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages or injury done to structures on the ~urface or underground as a result of settlement of trenches or pits, or by lateral movement of the earth form- ing the sides of the excavation, or by other destructive movements. 15.0 __ EXCAVATIO]! IN THOROUGHFARES Traffic shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable sec- tions of the General and DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS. In streets designated on the drawings or in the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS, the Contractor shall remove at his own cost and expense, as soon as excavated, material from the first one hundred feet (100') of any opening, or from such additional length as may be required. The material subsequently excavated shall be used to refill the trench where the p!pe or sewer has been built, pro- vided it be of suitable character. In case more material is excavated from any trench or pit than can be refilled over the completed work or stored on the street leaving space for traffic, as herein provided, or within the limits of the right- of-way, the excess material shall be spoiled at such location as the 'Engineer may direct. When the pipe or sewer shall have been built, the Contractor shall, at his o~;n cost and expense, bring back as much of the material ~o removed as may be required to properly refill the trenches or pits, if of the proper kind and quality, or if so directed by the Engi- neer, the Contractor shall: at his o%~n expense, furnish as much other suitable material as may be necessary. The special backfill indicated for pavement base shall normally be one foot in depth, unless otherwise specified or ordered. Any special backfill material used for pavement base shall be paid for as defined in section entitled, SA~ITARY SEWERS - SPECIAL BACKFILL AND EARTH FILL". 16.0 - SITE CONDITIONS AND PROTECTIC~! This Contractor shall secure necessary Town,. County or State peF- mits to open trench and cut sidewalks and pavements. Ail traffic shall be maintained as directed by the Engineer and as required by the proper road authority. Calcium Chloride shall be spread for dust control in areas as di- rected by the Engineer and shall mee: the requirements of the standard specifications for calcium chloride, A.S.T.M. Designation D98. Suitable barriers and caution signs shall be placed and maintained around all excavation and parked equipment, and sufficient red lights are to be maintained at n:.ght as precaution against accidents. SS.-TE&OPL - 6 of 8 SANITARY SEWERS - TRENCNING, EXCAVATION AMD GENERAL PIPE LAYING (CONT'D.) 17.0 _ STORAGE OF MATERIAL The materials excavated and those used in the construction shall be so placed as not to endanger the work, and so that easy access may be had at any time to all parts of the trenches and to all hydrants and gate valves in the vicinity. They shall be kept neatly piled and trim- med so as to inconvenience as little as possible the public travel or the adjoining tenants. All streets, roads, park roadways, railroads and private ways shall be kept open for the usual travel, and the mate- rials excavated shall be handled and placed so as not to interfere there- with. The Contractor will be required to backfill the trenches with suit- able material taken from the trenches. Stockpiling of pipe, manholes, etc., will only be permitted in areas approved by the Engineer. 18.0 - TEMPORARY PAVING Immediately upon completion of refilling of the trench or excavation, the Contractor shall place a temporary pavement over all disturbed areas of the street, paved driveways, alleys and other traveled places where the original surface has been disturbed by his operations. The temporary pavement shall be of a characl~er satisfactory in all respects and safe for public t~avel. The temporary surfacing may con- sist of "Coldpatch" or of compacted broken stone at such a depth as is necessary to withstand the traffic to which it is subjected. Sufficient oil or other material shall be spread to hold the stone in place to pre- vent ravelings. If fill or temporary pavement settles, new stone and binder must be added and compacted. The surface of all temporary repaving shall conform to the street grades. Mounding up of the material over the trench and covering the same with loose, broken stone will not be considered as compliance with the above requirements. The temporary repavement shall be placed and maintained by the ~on- tractor, in a satisfactory condition, until such time as the permanent repaving is completed. The Contractor shall immediately remove and re- place, in a satisfactory condition, any and all such repavement aa shall become unsatisfactory and not in accordance with the terms and intent of the specifications. 19.0 _ UNFINISHED WORK When, for any reason, the work is left unfinished, all trenches and SS-TE&GPL - 7 of 8 SANITARY SEWERS - TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AIID GENERAL PIPE LAYING (CONT'D.) excavations shall be filled and all roadways and sidewalks left unob- structed with their surfaces in a safe and satisfactory condition. 20.0 - DEFINITION OF ROCK EXCAVATION Rock excavation shall be classified as boulders, hard and solid ledge rock and other similar materials of more than one-half cubic yard volume. 21.0 _ BLASTING No blasting will be per~tted. 22.0 _ PAYMENT - GENERAL EXCAVATION Payment for trenching, excavation and general pipe laying shall included in the various work which includes this operation. be 23.0 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT, EXCAVATION BELOW SUBGRADE The quantity of excavation of extra depth below subgrade for which payment will be made, shall be the number of cubic yards removed in ac- cordance with the drawings and orders. The price bid per cubic yard, under the unit price bid for additional excavation, for excavation below subgrade shall include and cover all costs incidental to exca- vation below subgrade of the sewers, manholes or other structures when ordered. 24.0 - EASUREMENT AND PAYMENT~ ROCK EXCAVATION The quantity of Rock Excavation for which pa!anent will be made, under the unit Price bid for additional excavation, is the nung~er of cubic yards of ledge rock or boulders in place, both in trenches for sewers and excavation for manholes, as measured before excavation, that would'have been removed if the excavation had been made ever~rwhere to a depth of 6-inches below the underside of the pipe or masonry and to a width of 12-inches greater on each side than the inside dimensions of said pipe or masonry. In the excavation for sewers and manholes, the unit price to be paid for the rock excavation shall be the additional cost per cubic yard for rock excavation. SS-TE&GPL - 8 of 8 I-~j~ HOLZMACHER. McLEN~X)N & MURflELL, F'.C. LED SPECIFICATIONS - SANITARY SEWERS - TRENCIIING, GEHERAL PIPE LAYING EXCAVATION AND 8,0 , ADDITIONAL EXCAVATION The definitions of "Special Backfill# such .as bank tun sand and gravel can be found in the section entitled, EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING. Payment shall be made for this item at the unit price bid for additional excavation on the proposed form. lq.0.- SPOIL No additional payment shall backfill. be made for additional excavation 14.0 - BACKFILLING TRENCHES AND PITS The definition of select backfill material can be found in the section entitled, EXCAVATION, EARTHWORK, BACKFILLING & GRADING. lq.0.- EXCAVATION IN THOROUGHFARES NO additional payment shall be made for used for payment base. special backfill material, DS - SS - TE&GPL - 1 of 1 SANITARY SEWERS - I.~./~ HOI..ZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE 1.0 - SCOPE The work covered by this section of the specification consists of furnishing all plant, labor, equipment and materials and in performing all operations in connection with the construction of sanitary sewers. 2.0 - EXCAVATION Trenching and excavation shall conform in all respects to the section of the specifications entitled, "SANITARY SEWERS - TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND GENERAL PiPE LAYING". 3.0 - PIPE 3.1 The type pipe specified for use for this project shall be as specified in the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS and as shown on the contract drawings. Sizes, quantity, manufacturers, class and other special items shall be as specified in the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS. 3.2 Pressure Pipe (A) Cement Lined Cast Iron Pipe The pipe shall be centrifugally cast iron pipe, with pipe barrel conforming to A.S.A. Specifications A21.6--1962 or A21.8-1962, or latest revisions thereunto, pressure class 50, thickness class, Joint and size as specified in the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS. The pipe weight shall not vary more than 5~ below the standard weight per length of pipe 12-inches or less in diameter and ~% for pipe more than 12-inches in diameter. Each lengl~h of pipe shall have the weight and class designation conspicuously painted on it. All pipe and special castings shall be supplied by the same approved manu- facturer as indicated in the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS. Pipe shall be cement lined, in accordance with A.S.A. 2].4-1964, or latest revisions thereunto. The li[,lng shall be centrifugally ap- [~lted and with bituminous seal. er. The thickness of cemen~ lining lot pipe shall be nowhere less than the following for the respective dia- meters: 4 to 12-inches 14 to 24-inches over 24-Inches - 1~8-Inch - 3/16-inch - 1/4-inch SS-FIP-lof9 S,'.NIT;RY SEIf;"-RS - FURNISHING ,'h'D INST/~.LI.ATION OF PIPE - CONT'D. "Tyton" Joint pipe shall be used unl~:ss otherwise provided in tho "DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS" and "Tyton" Joint shall conform to L.S.t.. 3pecifications A21.11-196.1, or lutest revisions. Tho "Tyton" bell shall liars cast or machined f;asket socket recess, a tapered annular opening and flared socket de~i~t; to provide a de£1ectton in each Joint of not less thigh 2°. Plain spii;ot ends shall be suitably beveled to permit easy entry into boll, cantering in ~asket and compression of gasket. .. No deflection between joints shall be permitted for gravity sewer lines. (B) Asbestos ~ement Pipe Asbestos Cement Pipe shall conform to A.S.T.U. Specifi- cation C296-63T or latest revision. Pipe shall, be of class and diameter indicated in tho '*DETAILE~ SPECIFICtT]:0NS'". All pipe of 8" diameter and larger shall be furnished in l~l-foot lengthSo Short len&ths not exceuding 3~-3'' ~hall be used in making connections to manholes or other rigid structures, llubl)er rings for joints shall conform to 2.S.T.~0 Desiffnation D1869~ latest revision. Pipe manu- facturer shall be subject to approval by Engineer. (~ Cement lined Dec,ilo Cast Iron Pipe The pipe shall be centrifugally cast ductile iron pipe~ with pipe barrel conforming td i.S.~. Specification ~21o50-1965 or latest revisions thereunto, pressure class 50, thickness class, Joint and size as specified in the '*DET(ILL~ 3PECIFIC~TXOH$". Otherwise, ductile cast iron pipe shall conform to ~octlon 3.2 ~) above. 3.3 Sewer, Pipe (Hen.Pressure) (A) Lsbestos Cement Pipe furnished shall conform to t.S.T.H. Designation C428-63T, Type Il, or latest revision. Pipe shall be of class and diameter indicated tn "DETail,ED SPECIFICATIONS". Laying lengths sh~ll normally be 13 feet in length. Short lengths not exceeding 3'-3" shall be used in making connections to manholes or other rigid structures. Pipe manufacturer flhall bo. subject to approval by Engineer. SS-FlY - 2 of 9 SEWERS - FURN1SIIIN~, AND IIISTALLATIOII OF PIPE - COHT'D. (B) Vitrified ClaN l'lpe Vitrified Clay Pipe shall conform to one or more of the following NCPI Designations, or .latest r~vislon thereunto, as described in the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS: STANDARD STRENGTH AND EXTRA STRENGTH CLAY PIPE [!CPI ER4-6? CLASS 3300 CLAY PIPE NCPI ER3300 Vitrified clay pipe shall be of size and designation and length called for in the DETAILED SPECIPICATIOHS arid/or :shown on the drawings. Pipe manufacturer shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. Joints for vitrified clay pipe shall conform to the requirements of A.S.T.M. Designation C425, Type I, Type I1 or 'rype III as called for in the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS. (C) Cast Iron Soil Pipe Cast Iron Soil Pipe shall conform to A.S.T.M. Speciflca- ;ion A-74-~2 or latest revision. Suil pipe shall be of size and manu- facturer called for in the DETAILED SPECIFiCATIOHS. (D) Pol~-Vin~l Chloride iq.pc Poly-Vinyl Chloride Pipe shall be of tile size shown on the drawings. Pipe material shall be made fron~ clean, virgin, Type I, Grade I, PVC compound conforming to A.S.T.M. Dl?8~, Class Designation 12~5~A. Piping shall conform to A.S.T.N. D3034-73, Extra Strength SDR35. Coup- lings shall be an integral part of the pipe barrel and be furnished with a rubber compression ring meetinj requiruments of A.S.T.M. D1869. Manufacturer shall test piping as required heroin and certify such conformance to the End!neet. Tests requirt.:a shall include: (t) Pipe Stiffness A.S.T.U.. D2412, stiffness shall be 45 at 55 deflectl,m. (2) Joint Tl!:hUness, zero leakage for one hour at pres- sure of 25 psi. (3) Flattening, no evidence of splitting, cracking or breaktn~ when uniformly compressed within two to five minutes to ~0~ of the outside diameter. (4) Drop Impact, A.S.T.M. D244q with 100 ft.-lbs, shall shou Ilo shatter.inK or splitting. SS-FliP - 3 ,,f 9 SANITARY SEWEI{S - FUHNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE - COMT'D. Acetone Immersion Te.qt, no upallinK or crack2ng after two hours l~nmei,sien per A.S,,T.M. 2152. 4.0 - NYE BRANCHES Mhere designated in tho drn~.tinl::{, the Contractor shall furtflsb install t.tye Branches. I-lye's oball be of the same material class, and manufactu~e~ as the pipe specified. Each wye shall be furnished with a suitable cap or plul~. Payment shall be mi{de fey wye branches and caps, however, the cost of furnishing and Installation shall be eluded in the linear foot cost of ~e~pective size pipe. 5.0 _ TESTING All of the physical tests required by A.S.T.,M. and A.$.A. must be conducted in North America. These tests m:~y be (~arried out in the manu- facturer's plant and ~hall be at the Contractor's or manufacturer's ex- pense. If the pipe mLrlufaetut',>r does not have test facilities approved by the Engineer, the test~ shall be conducted In certified private test- ln~ laboratories, approved' by ti~e Enl~Jneel'~ at tile Contractor's or manu- facturer's expense, 6.0 - INSPECTION All pipe will be inspected on delivery arid immediately before belns placed in the work, and such as does not conform with the requirements shall be rejected. All rejected pipe shall be removed from.the site of the work by the Contractor who shall furnish all labor necessary to as- sist in the inspection and handling. Rejected pipe shall not be offered for inspection a~ain under this Contract. 7.0 _ INSPECTION AMD I,%YIN~, All pipes and ape:tala shall be carefully inspected immediately be- fore being lowered int ~ tile trench and no cr'acked, broken or defective pipe shall be set Int {e work. The plpes shall be laid t~lie to line and ~rade established by tte I*'nglneer and have a un/form bearin~ throughout the length of eacil plp.~ u[on the foundetlon provided. A unti'orm beauin~ for all pipes shall be assured by rdethods outlined In detail unde~ the section entitled, SANI'3ARY SEI,;ERS - TRENCHING, EXCAVATIOH AND GENERAl., PIPE LAYING. All branch connee':lons where called for on the drawing, s, shall be adequately supported a~ld protected by enca:~emellt 1ri 2500 ps]. concrete as shown or directed. I o,~ 4 of 9 ..... FIP- SANITARY SEWERS - FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE - CONT'D. 8.0 _ JOINTS For Joining "Slip-On" Joint pipe, gaskets of suitably formed high- quality vulcanized rubber, made to exact dimensions, and in the form of a solid ring, shall be used. The composition of the rubber, its hardness and other properties, and the design of the gasket recess shall be such that the Joint is llquid-ti~t under all pressure ranges from a vacuum up to the maximum rating of the pipe. A thin coat of lubricant shall be applied to each spigot end of each piece of pipe or rubber gasket, in accordance with pipe manufac- turer's recommendation. The lubricant shall be non-toxic, shall impart no taste or odor to the conveyed liquid and shall have no deleterious effect on the rubber gasket. The lubricant shall be of such consistency that it can be easily applied to the pipe or rubber gasket in hot. or cold weather and shall adhere to either wet or dry pipe. For joining "Slip-On" Joint pipe to mechanical Joint fittings, gaskets of suitably high vulcanized crude rubber .compound shall be used. The gaskets shall be smooth and free from .defects of any nature. Before slipping the plain end of the pipe and the gasket into the bell of the fitting, a thin coat'of lubricant shall be applied to the spigot .~nd, and the annular recess of the bell to provide easy entry of pipe and gasket into the bell. 9.0 - JOINTING Pipe shall be carefully Jointed in conformity with the best prac- tices and the detailed instructions of the manufacturer. All pipe ends shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to and during the Jointing operation. Actual details of required Jointing practice will depend upon the particular type adopted, but shall, in all cases, involve approved prac- tices and shall be-such as to produce the required results, particularly with regard to flexibility and watertightness under pressure. 10.0 - LEAKAGE AND TESTING The initial section between the manholes of the sewer constructed shall be tested for leakage prior to backfilling before the Contractor will be allowed to continue laying additional sewer pipe. Other inter- mediate leakage tests during construction shall be made as required by the Engineer. Prior to final acceptance of the completed work of any · ewer, pipe line or manhole, it shall be tested for watertiEhtness and .~hall meet the requirements set forth below. SS-FIP - 5 of 9 SANITARY SEWERS - FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE - CONT'D. Tests shall be made by filling the sewer with water furnished by the Contracto;. and the quantity of leakage from the sewer measured. The head of water during the test shall be maintained at least two feet above the highest section of the sewer being tested. Where the sewer being tested has been constructed in water-bearing soil leakage tests may, at the discretion of the Engineer, be made by measuring the quantity of infiltration into the sewer or structure. Plugs required for sealinE the ends of the pipe shall be supplied by the Contractor at his expense. The allowable leakage or infiltration shall not exceed th~ require- ments of the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS. The localized or spurting leaks of any volume detected in sewers shall be permanently stopped. The completed sewers shall be tested for smoothness of invert, freedom from obstructions and straightness of line. The invert shall reveal no sags in which pools of water may develop, A visual inspec- tion of each section of the sewer shall show no substantial curves or bulges. The pipe line shall be sufficiently free and clear to pass a ball one inch less in diameter than the size of ti.e pipe through the finished sewer line. Should any leaks, def~ctive Joints or defective construction be found, they shall be promptly made good, and should any defective pipes or specials be discovered, they shall be removed and replaced with sound pipes or specials in a satisfactory manner and without additional com- pensation. The Contractor shall furnish and convey all water required for testing. 11~0 _ PRESSURE AND LEAKAGE TEST Ail mains shall be tested for pressure and leakaEe in accordance with A.W.W.A. Specification C600, latest revision. This Contractor shall furnish the pump, pipe connections, gauges and all necessary apparatus for the proper conducting of all pressure and leakage tests. All air shall be'expelled from the pipe before making tests. Under the pressure test, the hydrostatic pressure shall be set at least 50 percent above the normal operating pressure, but in no case less than 100 p.s.i., based on the elevation of the lowest point on the line or section, under test, and corrected to the elevation of the test gauge. SS-FIP - 6 of 9 %ANITARY SEWERS - FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE - CONT'D. The pressure tests shall be for at least one (1) hour, and shall preferably be made prior to the complete backfilling of the pipe line wi]an the Joints are exposed. Ail visible leaks, any cracked or de- fective pipe, fittings, valves or hydrants discow:red during perform- ance of the pressure test shall be removed and replaced by the Con- tractor with sound material, and the test shall be repeated until satisfactory to the E~gineer. The leakage test shall be conducted after the pressure tes6 has been satisfactorily completed. Under the leakage test, the hydrostatic pressure shall be set at ]east 50 percent above normal operating pressure, but in no case less than 100 p.s.i, for the particular location and the duration of the test shall be at least two (2) hours. No pipe installation will be accepted until the leakage is less than the number of gallons per hour, as determined by the formula: L = NDe/ P 37O0 in which L is the allowable leakage in gallons per hour, N iS the nu~er of joints in the length of pipe lineltested, D is the nominal diameter of the pipe in inches, and P is the average test pressure during the leakage test, in pounds per square inch gauge. (The allow- able leakage, according to the formula, is equivalent to 23.3 U.S. gallons per 2~ hours per raile of pipe per inch nominal diameter, for pipe ia 18-foot lengths, evaluated on a pressure basis of 150 p.s.i.) This Contractor, at his own expense, shall repair the defective Joints until the leakage is within the specified allowance. At the Engineer's option, where it is possible to leave the pipe and all Joints'uncovered until it is tested, the main shall be filled with water and pressure tested under maximum design operating precs~,re. Ail Joints shall be inspected by the Engineer and the Contractor shall tighten or replace ail leaking Joints, as directed, a~ the Contractor's own expense. 12.0 - PI,UOOING PIPE Every open plpe night. end shall be plugged or closed before leaving work SS-FIP - ? of 9 SANITARY SEWERS - PURNISIIING AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE - CONT'D. 13.0 _ CONCRETE CRADLE For each sewer pipe as is to be surrounded or par~:lally surrounded with concrete, the enveloping concrete, of the thickness shown on the plans, shall be placed immediately on completion of the Joint; where forms are required, they shall be set prior to the laying of the pipe and must not be remo,~ed until the conrete has thoroug~ly set. 14.0 _ MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The payment for furnishing and installing pipe for each separate type of pipe, blass and diameter specified, shall include the excava- tion, backfill and grading at the price bid per linear foot for in- stalling pipe at the trench depths shown and will also include permits, mai~:taining te,~orary pavements on trenches, dust control, leakage or infiltration test, cleaning up and all other work and materials not specifically included in other items which are required to complete the installation. Separate payment shall be made for each type and class of pipe furnished. 15.0 __ ALIGNMENT OF SEWERS All sewers shall be laid to the lines and grades shown on the con- struction plans. No sewer shall be laid below the minimum specified or allowed slopes. Slopes shall ~e constant between manholes with man- hole inverts shaped to make smooth transitions. Manhole inverts shall be smooth and offer no impediment to flew. 16.0 _ SITE CONDITIONS AND PROTECTION This Contractor shall secure necessary Town, County or State per- mits to open trench and cut sidewalks and pavements. All traffic shall be maintained as directed by the Engineer and as required by the proper road authority. Calcium chloride shall be spread for dust control in areas as di- rected by the Engl~eer and shall meet the requirements of the standard' specifications for calcium chloride, A.S.T.M. Designation D98. Any damage by th~s Contractor to adjacent curbs, sidewalks, lawn areas, shrubs, etc., must be repaired or replaced and maintained by this Co,~tractor at his ~,wn expense, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. SS-FIP - 8 of 9 SANI't'AI{Y ~EWEI{S I,'III{NI;;IIING AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE - CONT'D. b'ultable harriet's arid caution signs shall be placed and maintained :~l'ot,~H :ill exc;lvatlt~n Slid parked equipment, and suf£lclen: red lights a~,e t,: be malntal~t(n! at nlt,,h~ as precautl(:.n agalns~ accidents. 17.0 - 'I'EMPOHAI(Y PAVING 'l'empora~,E pav[nf'_, shall be placed on trenches a~ stl~*~et crossings, dr~uew.~ys, in sidewalk areas or at locations as directed to p~ovlde I',U' t;'al'f~c safety, :utd shall, be m;]J.~tairted until permanent pavSn~ or sl~ew:~lk ls replaceH. All excess m;~te~al :~hall be d~aposed o~ as dl r'ectcd. SS-FI? - 9 of 9 I.-~_~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. 3{. 0 - PIPE 3.1. The type pipe specified for use in constructing all force mains shall be Cement Lined Ductile Iron Pipe. The type pipe specified for use in constructing all gravity filow sewer lines shall be as specified herein and as shown on the contract drawings. 3.2. Pressure Pipe (A) Ductile Iron: Pipe shall be centrifugally cast iron pipe cast with primary graphite in nodular or spherulitic form. Pipe shall be 60-42-10 grade with matrix predominately ferrite and shall have a p~pe barrel conforming to A.W.W.A. Specification C151-76 or latest revision and A.N.S.I. Specification A21.51-1976 or latest revision, w~th thickness class as tabulated below unless otherwise indicated oh the drawings. PIPE SIZE (INCHES) MINUS THICKNESS THICKNESS TOLERANCE CLASS (INCHES) (INCHES) 4 52 0.29 0.05 6 52 0.31 0.05 8 52 0.33 0.05 12 52 0.37 0.06 24 52 0.44 0.07 Pipe weight shall not vary more than 5 percent below the standard welight per length for pipe more than 12-inches in diameter and 6 per- c~nt for pipe 12-inches in diameter and smaller. Each length of pipe shall have the weight, class or nominal thickness, and manufacturer's mairk, and the letters #D--~-~r "D~ Cast or 6tamped on the pipe by th~ manufacturer. All pipe and fittings shall be supplied by the same approved manufacturer. Manufacturer shall be U.S. PIPE & FOUNDRY CO., GRIFFIN PIPE PRODUCTS CO., or specifically approved equal. All ductile iron pipe shall be cement lined, in accordance with A.W.W.A. Specification C104-74 or latest revision, or A.N.S.I. Speci- fication A21.4-1974 or latest revisionl Tge lining shall be ce~trifugall a[:~;~l~ed and.shall be complete with a b~tumlnous sealer. The thickness o~cement lining for pipe shall be DOUBLE thickness and nowhere less than l/8-inch. DS - SS-FIP - 1 of 3 ~(~./~ HOI. ZMACHEF~. McLENDON & MURREL~.. P,C. fLED SPECIFICATIONS - SANITARY SEWERS - FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE - CONT'D. A bituminous coating shall be applied to the outside and i~side of all pipe by the manufacturer. 3.3. Sewer Pipe (Non-pressure) (A) Ductile Iron: The Cement Lined Ductile Iron Pipe specified for use in constructing the Gravity flow sewer lines shall b~ as specified in Section 3.2 (A) Ductile Iron and in the locations as s~own on the contract drawings. (B) Asbestos Cement: Ail asbestos cement pipe shall be of t~e size and class indicated on the plans. All asbestos cement pipe shall conform to ASTM C-428 or latest revision (Standard specification f~r non-pressure sewer pipe). Rubber ring gaskets conforming to ASTM D-1869, or latest revision, shall be used. The crushinG strength in pounds per linear foot shall corres- pond to ASTM 3-Edge Bearing method per ASTM C-500 Section 11.1.1, W6oden Bearing Surfaces. 8i0 - JOINTS Mechanical joints, bolts, nuts and Gaskets shall conform to A~N.S.I. Specification A21.11-1979 or latest revision, or A.W.W.A. specification Cl11-79 or latest revision. Lead--tipped Gaskets shall be used at each end for joining mechanical joint pipe. 10.0 - LEAKAGE AND TESTING A, continuous twenty-four (24) hour test period will be required except where in the opinion of the Engineer, a shorter test period i~ acceptable. The maximum allowable quantity of infiltration or lea~aGe in a section of sewer shall be 50 Gallons per inch-mile per day. i~.Q - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment for furnishing and installing all ]pipe and appurtenances shall be included as part of the base bid. 18.Q --CLEANOUTS The Contractor shall furnish and install cleanouts as shown on t~e contract drawings. l~.O - CONCRETE BLOCKING , Concrete blocking shall be applied on all pressure pipe lines 3" ih diameter or larger at all tees, plugs, and at bends deflecting 2~-I/2"or more2 BlockinG shall be of concrete of a mix having a cQmpressive strength of not less than 2,000 psi, and blocking shall be plac~d between solid ground and the fitting to be anchored. DS SS-FIP - 2 of 3 ~,~HO~MACHER, McLENOON&MURRELL, P.C ILED SPECIFICATIONS - SANITARY SEWERS - FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE The square foot bearing area of the blocking on solid ground shall b~ as indicated in the table following or as directed by the Engineer: DEAD END 90° 45~' 22-1/2" PIPE SIZE OR TEE BEND BEND BEND 3" 1 1 · 5 3/'4 1/2 4" 1 1.5 3/4 1/2 6" 2 3 1-1/2 3/4 8" 3-1/2 5 2-3/'4 1-1/2 10" 5-1/2 7-3/4 4-1/'4 · 2-1/4 12" 7-3/4 11 6 3-1/4 16" 13-1/2 19-1/2 10-1/'2 5-1/2 The blocking shall be so placed that the pipe and fitting joints will be accessible for repair. DS - SS-FIP - 3 of 3, CO~SUI. TIN(~ DI(~INU..ql MO O(YtltONMO~T~t. IOD~TIITI SITE WORK - SHEETING AND BRACING 1.0 - SCOPE Under the work in this contract, the Contractor shall fur- nish, drive, maintain and remove new and used sheeting, as required by soil conditions, depth of excavation and O.S.H.A.. requirements, in ac- cordance with the plans, specifications and as directed by and to the approval of the Engineer. 2.0 - MATERIALS 2.1 - Responsibility and Design - The selection of materials, their arrangement and the details shall be the Contractor's option and responsibility, subject to the approval of the Engineer. Five (5) copies of detailed installation drawings of the pro- posed sheeting shall be submitted to the Engineer for review. The submission shall include design calculation to show the sheeting can sustain the anticipated trench loads. The Contractor shall be re- sponsible for providing adequately designed sheeting, and shall be held solely responsible for any failure of the Sheeting to meet field loading conditions. 2.~. Wood Sheeting - Wood sheeting shall be of any species of woodwhic~ will satisfactorily stand driving. It shall be free from wormholes, wind shakes, loose knots, decayed or unsound portions or other defects which might impair its strength or tightness. Fram- ing and bracing shall be of adequate size and dimensions and shall be properly spaced to prevent bulging or protruding of sheeting. Wood sheeting shall be a minimum of 2" thick. The tongue and groove sheet- ing used must be structurally sound to the approval of the Engineer. 2.3 - Steel Sheet Piling - Steel sheet piling shall be corru- gated of "Z" shape cross section, of adequate thickness and weights to resist soil pressures encountered during construction. Steel sheet piling may be new or used, but must be structura].ly sound to the ap- proval of the Engineer. Special shapes shall be provided at corners or transition points to insure continuous sheeting. .2.4 - Sheeting Boxes - Steel sheeting boxes of a proper size and design will be approved by the Engineer as art alternate method of sheeting. RT S&B - 1 of 3 SITE WORK - SHEETING AND BRACING - CONT'D. 3.0 - SHEETING AND BRACING 3.1 : - Construction Details - The initial section of trench shall be excavated to a depth not to exceed 4 feet from existing grade and the sheeting shall be assembled and driven with a sheeting hammer in advance of excavation. The sheeting shall be of adequate cross section and shall be braced to protect workers against the hazard of falling or sliding material. The Contractor shall be responsible for meeting all requirements of the Occupational Safety and R[ealth Act (O.S.H.A.) of 1970. 3.2 - Wood Sheeting - Wood sheeting shall be driven in place to thoroughly support both sides of the trench and the bottom of the sheet, ing shall be a minimum of 24" below the bottom of any and all excavation at all times. Its final depth shall be a minimum of 24# below the ex- cavated trench bottom. Water jetting of sheeting shall not be permitted. Care shall be taken not to loosen adjacent ground which might result in collapse. Sheeting shall be held in place with wales and braces or shores and shall be properly nailed and wedged to the approval of the Engineer to insure tightness. All work to be in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Wood sheeting must be driven with a sheeting hammer in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Under no circumstances shall sheeting be driven with construction equipment not specifica]Lly designed for driv-- lng sheeting. 3.3 - Steel Piling - Sheet piling shall be driven plumb and tight against adjacent sheets in a manner to thoroughly support both sides of the trench. The bottom of the Sheeting shall be a minimum of 24# below the bottom of the excavation or at such depths to insure adequate support. Water jetting of sheeting will not be permitted. Care shall be taken not to loosen adjacent ground ~--~ch might result in pavement subsidence or trench collapse. Sheet piling shall be held in place with wales and braces or shores and properly installed to the approval of the Engineer. All work to be in a workmanlike manner in compliance with all safety regulations, labor laws or requirements, etc. Sheeting shall be driven with a steam or pneumatic hammer in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. Under no circumstances shall sheet- ing be driven with construction equipment, not specifically designed for driving steel sheet piling. RT Sg~B - 2 of 3 SITE WORK - SHEETING AND BRACING - CONT'D. 3.0 - SHEETING AND BRACING (CONT'D.) 3.4 ~ - Removal of Sheeting and Bracing -In general, all sheet- ing and bracing, either steel or timber, usea to support the sides of the trenches or other excavations shall be withdrawn as the trenches or excavations are being refilled. The vacancies left by the sheeting shall be carefully refilled by ramming with tools especially adapted to the purpose, or otherwise as may be directed.. No sheeting shall be pulled in advance of backfilling. Unless otherwise shown on the contract drawings, all sheeting is to be completely removed from the trench. 4.0 - CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE If, to serve any purpose of the Contractor in supporting and pro- tecting structures which he has herein agreed to support and protect, he desires and requests permission to leave shee~ing or bracing in the trench, the Engineer may grant such permission on the condition that the cost of sheeting and bracing be assumed by the Contractor. 5.0 - BASIS OF PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for of sheeting and bracing, where required, bid. sheeting and bracing. The cost shall be included in the base RT S&B - 3 of 3 I-~_j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C DEWATERING 1.0 - SCOPE Under the work in this Contract, the Contractor shall do all the work necessary in dewatering trenches when ground or surface water is encountered, and shall continue the dewatering operation until all trenches where ground or surface water is encountered have been back- filled. 2.0 - INSTALLATION AND OPERATION This Contractor shall furnish all piping, pumps and well pointing equipment required to properly well point or sump the trench and adja- cent area in order to eliminate ground and surface water or precipita- tion from entering the trench area during construction. The method of dewatering to be used will depend upon subsoil con- ditions and the depth of water encountered. In general, a well point system will be required where sandy soils are encountered and water depths are such that subsurface soils either run or boil into trench areas. Sumping of trenches will be allowed where subsoils contain considerable silts or clays which prevent well pointing. Where such exist and where subsoil stability in the vicinity of the excavation can be maintained, the Engineer may approve the Contractor to sump the excavation provided proper and adequate stone is placed in the trench and spacing of sumps and pumps°is provided. All costs of stone, addi- tional sump excavation, pumps, etc., shall be included under the re- spective item. In all cases, no mater what system is selected of what type of soil conditions are encountered, the Contractor shall be responsible for adequately and properly dewatering the trenches. Ail costs for preliminary test borings, if any, shall be included. Any permits required by regulatory agencies, all costs to obtain the permits, including reports, plans, applications, etc., shall be in- cluded under the base bid. Water removed from trenches and excavation shall be discharged in compliance with the requirements of State, County and Municipal agencies as well as to the approval of the Engineer. The proposed dewatering operation must be carried out by duly registered Well Drillers in accordance with Section 15-1525, of the Environmental Conservation Law. D - 1 of 4 ~'"~_/~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL, DEWATERING (CONT'D.) The Contractor is responsible for notifying the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation prior to the proposed starting date of the dewatering operation, giving the following de- tails in full: the name of the Registered Well Driller, the details of the dewatering system to be installed, including the size, the number and the spacing of the Well Points, the pump capacity, the pumping rate and the expected volume of water to be withdrawn. Also to be included, will be the amount of water table drawdown, the final disposition of the water and the expected duration of the operation. Before any dewatering operation is to begin, approval of all the aforementioned items is required. If any unforeseen emergency construction arises, the Contractor must notify the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation as soon as possible, that dewatering under such circumstances has been started. Notification will be made of the following: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation c/o Mr. Anthony Candela Building No. 40, SUNY Stony Brook, New York 11794 Telephone - 751-7900 The entire dewatering operation and the apparatus connected therewit must at all reasonable hours be open to inspection, and test by duly accredited representatives of ~he Department of Environmental Conserva- tion. Any water removed from the trenches or excavations shall be dis- posed of to avoid interference with business, residences, pedestrian and vehicular traffic and so as to prevent damage to property, to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall not discharge groundwater directly into creeks, ponds or lakes waterways without first obtaining proper permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Before dischargi into surface waters, dewatering effluents must be filtered through hay bales or detained settling basins to avoid sedimentation to the receiving waters. If necessary, baffling devices shall be used to prevent the scouring of the bed or banks of any receiving stream. Every effort shall be made to discharge groundwater into existing recharge basins. No Contractor is permitted to dump spoil onto those areas desig- nated as wetlands or waterways. Further, the Contractor shall not stockpile or store spoil, materials, tools or equipment on wetlands. D - 2 of 4 ~_j~ HOLZMACHER. McL~:NDON & MURRELL, F'.C DEWATE R[NG (CONT' D. ) Upon completion of all work, the Contractor shall remove from tile gutters, catch basins, drains and manholes all debris and other accu- mulations. He shall be responsible for leaving them in a condition equal to or better than that which existed prior to his work. 3.0 - GROUNDWATER LEVELS The Contractor shall be solely responsible to ascertain the exact level of groundwater. Water levels, if shown on the Contract Drawings, soley represent the levels obtained at the time and specific location of levels to be found at locations other than that shown. No separate payment shall be made for the cost of ascertaining groundwater or sur- face water levels. 4.0 - SUBSOIL CONDITIONS The Contractor shall be solely responsible to ascertain the exact nature of subsoils in the vicinity of the excavation, as it affects the design of the dewatering conditions. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the proposed layout of the dewatering system together with any subsoil explorations, tests or studies conducted by the dewatering equipment suppliers for evaluation. The Engineer will evaluate the submission and advise the Contractor on the particular type of system to be utilized. 5.0 - NOISE CONTROL When dewatering systems utilizing central pumping stations are used, these stations will be acoustically shielded from neighboring residences. Styrofoam or other sound absorbing material will be used on the inside of the enclosure surrounding the pump. In addition, an exhaust stack extension will be provided when required by the Engineer. The use of old pumps generating excessive emissions and/or noise will not be per.- mitted by the Engineer. Noise produced by any dewatering equipment measured at a distance of twenty-five feet in any direction from a major surface of the equip- ment shall not exceed: a. a continuous sound level of 60 dBA, or, b. one or more of the following octave band sound pressure levels, as listed as follows: D - 3 of 4 ~_/~ HOLZMACHER, McLIFNDON & MURRELL. P.C DEWATERING (CON~'D.) FREQUENCY (HZ) dB 63 77 125 68 250 60 500 56 1000 53 2000 50 4000 48 8000 46 It is common practice to use sound level meters meeting ANSI- Type II Specifications for noise regulation enforcement with a measurement tolerance of +2dB. The United States Environmental Pro- tection Agency will have The option of monitoring noise levels of dewatering equipment and Type II equipment will be considered ade- quate for such monitoring. 6.0 - BASIS OF PAYMENT NO separate payment will be made for dewatering. dewatering shall be included in the base bid. The costs of D - 4 of 4 ~--~1~,~ HOLZ~ACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, PC PRECAST CONCRETE STRUCTURES 1.0 - SCOPE The work includes all labor, materials and equipment as required to install precast concrete structures as specified herein, shown on the contract drawings and as directed by the Engineer. 2.0 MATERIALS (1) Ail precast sections shall be constructed of 4,000 p.s.i. concrete, using cement, sand and pea gravel. Minimum wall thickness of all sections shall be 4-inches. All sections shall be suitably reinforced with wire mesh or reinforcing rods to the approval of the Engineer. Sections shall be as manufactured by Andrew Carlson & Sons, Inc.; W.D. Boccard & Sons, Inc.; or approved equal. Precast concrete bottoms and covers shall be provided when required on the contract drawings. (2) Ail structures shall be watertight. 3.0 INSTALLATION Bottoms of all sections shall be solidly and evenly bedded. Walls shall be constructed plumb with all sections fitting snugly. Necessary openings in sections for connecting piping shall be filled with cement mortar. 4.0 - SHOP DRAWINGS Five (5) copies of shop drawings shall be provided or Owner for approval of all precast sections. to the Engineer (SOHT) PCS - 1 of 1 ~./~ HOLZMACHIFR, McL£NDON & MURRELL. P.C SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING 1.0 - SCOPE The work includes required for painting, fications and DETAILED all labor, materials, equipment and appliances as shown on the drawings, detailed in the speci- SPECIFICATIONS, or as directed by the Engineer. 2.0 - MATERIALS 2.1 - Manufacturer - Paint shall be Sherwin-Williams, Pratt & Lam- bert, Pittsburgh, or equal, delivered in sealed cans of type recommended by manufacturer and applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommen- dations. 2.2 - Colors - Ail colors shall be selected and directed by the En- gineer. Samples shall be mixed for and approved by the Engineer before any painting is started. 2.3 - Delivery - Storage (a) All material shall be delivered to the building in the original containers, with labels intact and seals unbroken. (b) with the exception of ready mixed material, all mixing shall be done at the job site. (c) Storage space floor shall be adequately protected from damage. Paints shall be kept covered at all times and safeguards taken to pre- vent fire. 3.0 - WORKMANSHIP 3.1 - Inspection of Surfaces - Before starting, inspect all sur- faces to be painted or decorated and report all defects therein to the Engineer in writing. The commencing of work by this Contractor indi- cates his acceptance of the surfaces. 3.2 - Preparation of Surfaces (a) All spaces shall be broom clean before painting is started and all surfaces to be painted shall be dry. (b) Temperature of spaces in building where painting is being done or where it is drying shall be maintained above 50 degrees F. p 1 of 2 SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING (CONT'D.) (C) Before painting, all dust, direct plaster, grease and other extraneous matter which would affect the finished work shall be removed. (d) After priming coat has dried, knots, pitch and sapwood, and putty all and other defects. touch up with shellac, all nail holes, cracks, open joints 3.3 - Painting (a) Ail work shall be done by skilled mechanics in a workmanlike manner. All material shall be evenly applied so as to be free from sags, runs, crawls or other defects. All coats shall be of proper con- sistency and well brushed out, so as to show the minimum of brush marks, except varnish and enamel, which shall be uniformly flowed on. All brushes shall be clean and in good condition. (b) Ail coats shall be thoroughly dry before the succeeding coat is applied. Allow at least 24 hours between coats, unless special paint is used that requires more or less time fo[' drying, according to manufacturer's specifications. (c) Painting coats as specified are intended to cover surfaces perfectly; if surfaces are not covered, further coats shall be applied. (d) Ail metal surfaces to be solvent cleaned to remove grease and oil. Where rust or scale is present, it must be removed prior to paint- ing. Wire brush or sand to bright metal. All damage to shop prime coat caused by cleaning, repairing and erection to be spot primed with the same material used for the shop coat. (e) Ail galvanized metal surfaces to be chemically treated with a phosphate acid solution prior to priming, according to manufacturer's directions. (f) Ail exposed exterior woodwork and exposed interior woodwork in contact with exterior masonry walls or with floor slabs shall be back primed before being installed. Prime all cuts made after prime coat is applied. 3.4 - Cleaning Up - This Contractor shall, upon completion, remove all paint where it has been spilled, splashed or splattered on surfaces, including fixtures, glass, fittings, etc. 3.5 - Painting Schedule - The painting schedule shall be as speci- fied in the DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS. P - 2 of 2 I-~_~ HOLZMACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL. PC DE~AI~ED SPECIFICATIONS - SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING 2.~ -iMATERIAL~ 2.1 - Manufacturer DELETE Faragraph 2.1. ADD: "Ail materials specified herein are to be manufactured by the Tn4meC ~ompany, Inc~ North Kansas Citv, Missouri.; Carboline Company, St~ LOuis, Missouri;'Koppers, Inc., Pi%tsburgh, Pennsylvania, or equal. Noirequest for substitution shall be considered that wou%d ~crease . film {hickne~s and/o{ number of coa~s 9r offer a change in the generaz tyOe Pf coating speclfied [n the Painting Schedule. If the.manufa~- "s literature of the product being offered calls fo{ higher film tu~er · thick~ess, the Contractor must apply the greater film thickness. ~.3 - Delivery - Storage (c) Coatings, thinners and solvents shall he stored in weather- tight enclosures at the site in an approved location and manner. ~,~ -i WORKMANSHIP 3.2 - Preparation of Surfaces Ail ferrous metal surface~, including pipe, pips supports, equip- me~t ian4 structural steel shall be properly cleaned and prepared for pa{n~ing. i ~Cleaning methods specified for surfacp.prepa[ation.~pall~[e~°~= al~ 4irt, rust, scale, loose rust, loose mxil sca~, we£olng r~ u.u scal~, oil, grea~e, and all o~her detrimental foreign mat~er whxch may ~m6a~r the adhesion of the paint to ? a~plied, we? pro~ections or ~r~e~ular portions of welds, which will interfere w~th the proper coat- ln~ Shall be ground smooth, as approved. Surfaces shall receive surface preparation prior to coatings ac- co~ding to the requirements of the SSPC specification as hereinafter specified. Removal of grease, oil, wax, tar, and other organic contaminants sh~l~ be b~ solvent cleaning conforming to the requirements of SSPC-SP Sp~cification No. 1. I Ferrous metal surfaces shall be shop primed in accordance with the appl*cable coating system specified, even when such, prime 9om} }9 ~ot so~c{ficall¥ included in the coating system. The.shop co~t.snal~_oe c~s~rued a~ meaning the primer, or if no primer is calleo £or, the fi~st coat of the finish paint. DS - P - 1 of 11 i_t~.~ HOL.ZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. P.'C. DE~AILED SPECIFICATIONS - SURFACE FINISH PAINTING (CONT'D.) Primed ferrous metal surfaces damaged by handling, field assembly, or lwe~ding shall be reprimed in conformance with the painting system specified for the surface after blast cleaning or wire brushing the damaged area, as approved. ~.3 - Paint,n9 . ~he paint application requirements of SSPC-PA S~gif~gation No: ~, sh'lllgovern on procedures and requirements.not specifically covereu Dy manufacturer's instructions and shall constitute the minimum.standards fo~ painting of ferrous metal ~urfaces. Ail paints and co~t~ng shal~ be~applied by expert workmen with the coating systems specified here~n. ~aints shall be applied by brushing or spraying or a combina,tion of th~se methods, unless otherwise specified. iEach coat of paint shall be applied as a continuous film of uni- form !thickness, free 9f por~s, tO the ~aximum extent practi~a~l~. ~ny thln.ispots or areas missed in the application shall be repainte~ an~ pe~miitted to dry before the next co~t is applied.. If the paint material has thickened and must be diluted for appli- cation by spray gun, the coating shall be built up to the same film th~ckiness achieved with undiluted material (i.e., one gallon of paint asior!iginally furnishe? must not cover a greater surface area w~en sp~aYed than when applied unthinned by brush). ~here thinning is neCeSsary, only the products o~ the manufacturer furnishing the paint, an~ for the particular purpose, shall be used, and such thinning shall be[d~ne with the manufacturer's knowledge, in accordance with his in- structions. (A) All surfaces to be coated shall be finish coated in the field, except as otherwise specified. The color of the final coats shall be as!selected by the Engineer. No finish coating shall be applied until all marred surfaces have been repaired or repainted- (B) Prime and successive finish coats shall be cleaned, sand- pa~e~ed, or otherwise treated, before the next coat is applied, in ac- coirdance with the recommendations of the coating manufacturer, and as apPrOVed b~ the Engineer. ~11 ~oats shall be inspected and approved' byFthe Engineer before application of any succeeding co~ts. All coats sh~ll be applied to the dry film thickness (dft) specified. 3.5 Painting Schedule A. All exposed miscellaneous ferrous metals, steel plates, lintel, cold, its, pipes, checkered steel plates, miscellaneous equipment, frames an~ meters, etc. shall be prepared and coated as follows: DS - P - 2 of 11 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL. PC DET~IbED SPECIFICATIONS - SURFACE FINISH PAINTING (CONT'D.) Fer~ogs Metal Surfaces~ Exterior Suriface Preparation: Car~oline Primer: - Non-Submerged SSPC-SP 6, Commercial 230 Rustcon, one coat, dft Blast Cleaned 2.5-3.5 mils Finish: 1) 190 H.B., one coat, 4.0-5.0 mils dft 2) 1302-52 polyurethane, one coat, 1.5-2.5 mils dft OR Tn~mec Primer: Finish: 77 Chem-Prime, one coat, 2.5-3.5 mils dft 1) 66 Epoxoline, one coat, 4-5 mils dft 2) 71 Endura-Shield, one coat, 1.5-2.5 mils dft OR iEQUAL Fe~rogs Metal Surfaces th~ Water Line SurfaCe Preparation: Ko'pets Primer: Finish: Subject to Immersion and Up to 5 Feet Above SSPC-SP 10 Near White Pug Primer, orle coat, 2.5-3.5 mils dft 200 HB Epoxy, two coats, 4-6 mils dft, each OR~ Tneme¢ Primer: 37-77 Chem-Prime, one coat, 2.5-3.5 mils dft FiBish: 66 Epoxoline, two coats, 4-6 mils dft, each ORiEQUAL (N~TE!: If blasting is done in field, finish coats immediately) eliminate 'the "primer" and apply DS - P - 3 of 11 ~l HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, PC LED SPECIFICATIONS - SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING (CONT'D.) etd. Shall be prepared and coated as follows: Feiro~s Metal Surfacesf Interior SurfaCe Preparation: Tnemec Primer: Ail miscellaneous ferrous metals - immersion, pumps, piping, - Non-Submerged SSPC-SP 6, Commercial Blast Cleaned 37-77 Chem-Prime, one coat, 2.5-3.5 mils dft Finish: 66 Epoxoline, two coats, 3-4 mils dft, each OR Ca~boline Primer: Finish: OR!EQUAL Fe{roius Metals Encased in Concrete Sukfaice Preparation: Tnemeic Primer: FiniSh: OR~ Ko,pets Primer: ORi EQUAL C. Galvanized metals shall Galvanized Surfaces Suirface Preparation: Tn~mec Primer: 230 Rustcon, ()ne coat, 2.5-3.5 mils dft 190 H.B. two (:oats, 3-4 mils dft, each SSPC-SP 2 Hand Cleaning 99 Red Metal Primer, one coat, mils dft 2.0 None 626 Primer, one coat, 2.0 mils dft be prepared and coated as follows: SSPC-SP 1 Solvent Cleaned None 66 Bpoxoline, two coats, 2.5-3.5 dft, each mils DS - P - 4 of 11 ~ HOI_Z, MACHER. McLENOON & MURRELL. P.C ILED SPECIFICATIONS - SURFACE FINISH - FAINTING (CONT'D.) Ca~bo[ine Primer: None Fiaish: 190 HB Finish, mils dft, each tWO coats, 2.5-3.5 ORiEQUAL . Galvanizing shall be done by the hot dip process, in accordance with ithe specifications of the AHDGA. Zinc coatings shall not be less th~n itwo ounces per square foot of surface. Galvanizing shall be done in a plant having AHDA-approved facili- ties for producing quality coatings and ample capacity for the work re- quired. ~ iAll galvanized articles, after galvanizing, shall be handled, sh~pPed, ~nd erected in such a manner as to preclude any damage to the zinc coatlng until such time as the entire work is accepted by the Owner. Sh0u~d any coa~ing be damaged before said time, it shall be repaired by thbrOugh cleaning and application of one coat of 90-93 Tnemec-Zinc, wh~re deemed necessary by the Engineer. : D. Interior Walls - Concrete lows: Concrete Ceilings S~irface Preparation: shall be prepared and coated as fol- Allow to cure 28 days, if new. Re- move all foreign matter. Leave dust free and dry. Moisture level below manufacturer's requirements. Tniemec Primer: FiiniSh: None 66 Epoxoline, dft, each two coats, 3-4 mils K~ppers Primer: F~n[Sh: None 200 H.B. Epoxy, dft, each two coats, 3-4 mils EOU r. DS - P - 5 of 11 I_~ HOLZMACHI;R, McLENOON & MURRELL, DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS - SURFACE FINISH PAINTING (CONT'D.) Inter,or Surfaces of Concrete Buildin9 Walls (Excludin~ Concrete Block) Suriface Preparation: Allow to cure 28 days, if new. Re- ' move all foreign matter. Leave dust free and dry. Moisture level below manufacturer's requirements. Tn~me¢ Primer: 66 Epoxoline, one coat, 3.0-4.0 mils dft FiAish: 66 Epoxoline, one coat, 5-6 mils der OR Ko,pets Primer: 200 H.B. Epoxy', one coat, 3.0-4.0 mils dft Finish: 200 H.B. Epoxy', one coat, 5-6 mils dft OR{EQUAL In,error Block Masonry Su{face Preparation: Tnemec Primer: Fxn~sh. General Cleaning 560 Block Filler - 60/120 sq ft/gal. 66 Epoxoline, two coats, 3.0-4.0 mils dft, each OR~ KoPpe!rs Primer: FiniSh: Surfacer, Koppers 60/120 sq ft/gal. 200 H.B. Epoxy, two coats, 3.0-4.0 mil dft, each OR{ EQUAL In~e~i~r Concrete Surfaces Below Grade and Concrete Surface Subject Im~e~slon and Splash and up to five (5) feet above the water line. Surface Preparation: Brush off blast Tn~mec Primer: Finish: to 66 Epoxoline, one coat, 4-6 mils dft 66 Epoxoline, two coats, 4-6 mils dft, each DS - P - 6 of 11 i_l~_j~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & IdURRELL. P.C %I~ED SPECIFICATIONS - SURFACE FINISH PAINTIHG (CONT'D.) Kop~e~s Primer: 200 H.B. Epoxy, one coat, 4-6 mils dft Finiish: 200 H.B. Epoxy, two coats, 4-6 mils dft, each OR SQu~n ~ B. Interior flo~s: ConCrqte Floors SurlfaCe Preparation: Floors - Concrete shall be prepared and coated as fol- Etch with muriatic acid. Flush thoroughly with clean water. Dry for a minimum of 72 hours. Concrete floors to be repainted shall first have all loose paint scraped off, edges feathered by sanding and then acid-washed. Tn~mec Primer: 66 Epoxoline, one coat, 2.0-3.0 mils dft Finish: 66 Epoxoline, two coats, 3.0-4.0 mils dft, each OR Koppers Primer: 200 H.B. EpOXy, mils dft one coat, 2.0-3.0 Finish: 200 H.B. Epoxy, two coats, 3.0-4.0 mils dft, each OR i EQUAL F. Woodwork - woodwork shall be prepared and coated as follows: Wo~wprk - Interior Surface Preparation: Theme= Primer: Fihisih: Sand smooth and wipe clean of all dust. Coat all knots, pitch and sapwood with an approved knotsealer. After primings, fill all holes, cracks, open joints and other holes with an approved spackling putty. 66 Epoxoline, one coat, 2.0-3.0 mils dft 66 Epoxoline, one coat, 2.0-3.0 mils dft DS - P - 7 of 11 ~1(~ HOLZMACHER~ McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C DE~AILED SPECIFICATIONS - Eo~pers Primer: SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING (CONT'D.) Glamorglaze, one coat, 2.0,3.0 mils dft Glamorglaze, one coat, 2.0-3.0 mils dft OR iEQU . WO~dwgc k Exterior · SurfaCe Preparation: Tnemec Primer: Finish: Sand smooth and wipe clean of all dust, coat all knots, pitch, sap- wood with approved knot sealer. After priming, fill all holes, cracks, and open joints with spackling putty. 603 Primer, one coat, 2.0 mils dft 23 Enduratone, two coats, 1.5-2.5 mils dft, each OR¸ Koppers Primer: Finish: 625 Undercoat, 501 Glamortex,. mils dft, each one coat, 2.0 mils dft two coats, 1.5-2.5 ORiEQUAL ' Water service support posts material to be pressure treated (C.C.A.) with !two coats, 1.0-2.0 mils dft each, of creosote waterproofing liquid finish. ' G. Concrete - Concrete surfaces below grade and concrete surfaces subject to immersion and up to five (5) feet above the water line shall be!prepared and coated as follows: Ex~eriior Concrete Surfaces Below Grade and up to one (1) foot above grade. SurfaCe Preparation: Tn~me,c Pr freer/Finish: OR1 Ko~peirs Primer/Finish: Brush off Blast 46H - 413, one coat, Hi-Build Theme Tar at 16 to 120 mils dft 300 - M, two coats, 8-10 mils dft, each DS - P - 8 of 11 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENOON & MURRELL. P.C bED SPECIFICATIONS - SUEFACE FINISH - PAINTING (CONT'D.) H. Aluminum - Aluminum doors and coated as follows: ~l~mipum (Includin9 Ductwork~ Su~faOe Preparation: and miscellaneous shall be prepared SSPC-SP 1, Solvent Cleaned None Same as ferrous metal, interior or exterior oRJBojUAL j iAluminum in contact with concrete, masonry, or dissimilar metals sh~ll be thoroughly protected cathodically by means of a heavy appli- cation ~hereon of an approved permanent bituminous material or ~nSulJatlng product. ii. Plaster Surfaces - Plaster surfaces shall be prepared asl f~llows: Plaster Surfaces Sukface Preparation: approved and coated All holes filled with an approved spackling co~)ound. Sandpaper dull and smooth. Age in accordance with manufacturer's requirements. All surfaces clean and dry. Tn~mec Primer: 51-792, Vina-Cryl Primer Sealer, 1 mil dft F~nlsh: 66 Epoxoline, two coats, 2.0-2.5 mils dft, each oR! CafbOline Primer: FiniSh: 3300 Primer/Sealer 1.0 mil dft 190 H.B., two coats, 2.0-2.5 mils dft, each oR! i J. Buried Pipe and ~ittings - Buried prepared and coated as follows: pipe and fittings shall be DS - P - 9 of 11 ~..~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, ~ED SPECIFICATIONS - SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING (CONT'D.) Bu~ie~ Pipe and Fittings SurfaCe Preparation: Tn~mec Primer Only: OR Ko,pets Primer Only: OR !SQU&L SSPC-SP 10, near White 66 Epoxoline, 5-6 mils dft 200 H.B. Epoxy, 5-6 mils dft ~.6 - Color Coding of Process Piping - The Contractor shall color code all exposed process piping-and identify the piping with stencil markings. Lettering for markings shall be 2-inches high and spaced at no!greater than 10-feet between identifying markings. Color coding and id~nt!ification markings shall be as follows: ANSI & ASTM COLOR DESIG. MARKINGS SERVICE Sl~dg~ Brown 2006 SL Potab{le Water - Cold Blue 2044 C.W. ; Hot Blue 2044 H.W. SeWagle Co~rJessed Air Ch~miical - Ferric Chloride - Hydrochlo- ric Acid - Lime Ca(OH)2 Gray 2050 S Green 2036 A Orange 2016 Yellow 2025 Orange 2016 FoC, H.A. LZ DS - P - 10 of 11 ~"~,~ HOi. ZMACHER, McLENOON & MURREL~, PC. AILED SPECIFICATIONS - SURFACE FINISH - PAINTING (CONT'D.) i..~/ - Repaintin.~[ - Where speci, fied, existing equipment shall be entirely repainted ~n accordance with the procedures of SSP-PA 1. Coating systems shall be as previously specified. ~ d Ail concrete, masonry, ferrous, and o.ther surf.ace, s damage by the Co~tractor shall be restored to their original, cond~txons. The paint- in~ system shall be.tha~ of the original coating. .~ o ~,~. ~,~r,m~nts - The coating spe¢.ifications include J !f'-" - ~'~-~'{-'-"~i2~-~r hazardous, and necessary safety require- matertla-s w~x~, e~= uu^ . . _ me ts. shal. 1 be observed as dxrected by the paxnt manufactu, rer and con foim~ing w~th the safety precautions of SSPC-PA SpecificatiOn No. 1, and OSHA. ! :3.9 - Failures - Any failures or breakdowns~, loosening of the paint orlcoiatings within a year after acceptance of work, shall be rectified bylthie Contractor regardless of the paint systems used. This wlll re- quire removal of.the entire coating where failure occurs. Patch work w~l !not be permltted. DS - P - 11 of 11 ~ I-tOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, PC SLUDGE TRANSPORT VEHICLE AND SLUDGE SCRAPER 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish one (1) sludge one (1) sludge scraper to the Town of Southold. transport vehicle and 2.0 - CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS (A) Sludge Transport Vehicle The truck shall be manufactured by General ~[otors Corp.; Dodge; or Ford; and shall meet the following specifications: Component Specifications Axles Wheel Base Body Length Payload Vehicle Width Maximum Vehicle Width Engine - V8 Tran sm i ss ion Tires Brakes two (2) 141-inches (+ 12-inches) 9 feet (10 f~et maximum) 7,000 pounds (minimum) + 78-inches ~4-inches 318 - 370 cubic inches 4 speed synchronous front and drives 8.25/20 PR Power assisted[, split brakinG system rear The truck shall meet all U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) safety requirements and federal emission control requirements. Chassis shall be fully undercoated, equipped with dual side mirrors, heater, and all standard accessories normally furnished by the manufacturer. (B) Sludge Scraper The sludge scraper shall be a skid steer loader as manufactured by the Clark Equipment Company, Melrve Division, Fargo, ND, Bobcat loader Model 310; or specifically approved equal. The sludge scraper shall meet the followinG specifications: Component Specifications Axles Scraper Width Scraper Length Scraper Height Height to Bucket Pin two (2) 36-inches (+ 12-inches without tires) 73-inches (~ 12-inches without bucket) 72-inches (~ 12-inches) 90-inches (~ 12-inches) (SOHT) STV&SS - 1 of 2 ~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRIFLL, P.C SLUDGE TRANSPORT VEHICLE AND SLUDGE SCRAPER (CONT'D.) 2.0 - CHASSIS SPECIFICATIONS (cont'd.) and Component Specifications Fuel Tires Bucket Tipping Load gasoline flotation 36-inches minimum 1,200 pounds (~ 100 pounds) The sludge scraper shall meet or exceed all NIOSH safety standards federal emission control requirements as applicable. 3.0 - BODY SPECIFICATIONS (A) Sludge Transport Vehicle A dump body with double acting tailgrate shall be provided. Body shall be sized to fit the truck body (9 - 10 feet), shall have a mini- mum capacity of 5 cubic yards. Body width shall be 6'-6". Dump body shall be equipped with hoists suitable for a 3.5 ton minimum payload and shall be complete with hydraulic accessories and power takeoffs, fully connected and assembled. Truck body and hoist shall be manu- factured by the Heil Company, or equal. 4.0 MISCELLANEOUS (A) Truck and body shall be of 1985 model. (B) Guarantees shall be the standard guarantees furnished by the manufacturers. (C) Contractor shall perform all administrative tasks necessary to register and inspect the vehicles in the name of the Owner. (D) Vehicles shall be delivered with a full. fuel tank to the Town at the Treatment Plant. (SOHT) STV&SS - 2 of 2 ~{~.j~ HOI. ZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 1.0 - PORTABLE SUMP PUMP AND HOSE The Contractor shall supply the Owner with a portable, submersible sump pump, Model 1250-2, as manufactured by Enpo-Cornell Pump Co., or equal. Motor shall be 115 volt, 60 cycle, single phase. shall be 8 feet. Power cord length Pump shall be guaranteed for one (1) year from date of final cer- tificate against defective workmanship and/or materials. Contractor shall also supply two (2) lengths of 50 feet of 1-1/4- inch canvas hose. 2.0 - GRATING The grating shall be fiberglass roving reinforced polyester, con- structed to provide complete wetting of the glass by the resin. The fiberglass shall be 2-1/2-inches thick and shall be suitable for a uni- form load of 194 pounds per square foot, with a 1% midspan deflection when supported at 36-inches. Grating to be located in the Aerated Grit Chamber Room and Cover Sludge Drying Beds Building as shown on the contract drawings. The grating shall be made in a mold and of single piece construc- tion, so the reinforcing glass of the bearing bars are interwoven with the glass of the cross bars. All custs or sanded surfaces shall be coated with resin with air inhibiting additives. All exterior surfaces shall be resin rich and free of fiber blemishes. The upper surfaces shall be designed as a non-skid surface. Contractor shall submit five (5) copies of shop drawings covering layouts and details to the Engineer. Grating shall be Type CR, as manufactured by IMCO Reinforced Plas- tics, Moorestown, N.Jo; Chemgrate Corporation, Woodinville, Washington; or equal. Grating shall be field measured and installed after all equipment and appurtenances have been installed, unless otherwise directed or approved by the Engineer. Hold-down clips or clamps shall be used at 4 feet maximum centers in each direction (minimum one per side). (SOHT) ME - 1 of 4 ~-~ HO~MACHER, McLENOON & MURRFLL, PC MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT (CONT'D.) 3.0 - TREATMENT BUILDING FURNITURE The Contractor shall supply Treatment Building furniture, includ- ing, but not limited to, desk, four drawer file, chair, and lockers, as specified herein and as called for in the furniture schedule. Furniture shall be delivered to the treatment facility site and located in the Treatment Building, as required by the Owner. The Contractor shall repair any damage to the building or property caused by the in- stallation of furniture. The following furniture schedule designates the quality, type, size, color, manufacturer and other criteria for the furniture required for the work under this section. The Contractor may provide furniture that is equal to that listed. FURNITURE SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY MANUFACTURER G.F. BUSINESS SHAW-WALKER CO. EQUIPMENT CO. MODEL NO. MODEL NO. Desk (Center 1 74-6030 9922 Drawer & Lock) Desk Chair 1 163 6051-A 4 Drawer File 1 F-1070F 94RL 4.0 - FIRST AID EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall supply one (1) standard industrial first aid kit for wall mounting application in the Treatment Building. The Con- tractor is to supply wall bracket for indoor use for kit. Kit to be installed at a location within the building that is acceptable to the Engineer/Owner. First aid kit to be 12-15/16" x 9-1/4" x 2-1/2". Kit to be weather- proof, dustproof, rust resistant, rounded corners, in a 24 gauge steel container. Kit to be manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, or equal, and must contain adequate first aid supplies to administer first aid for 15 to 20 people. (SOHT) ME - 2 of 4 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, P.C MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT (CONT'D.) 4.0 - FIRST AID EQUIPMENT (cont'd.) First aid kit to meet minimum standards for state and federal regu- lations and are to contain as a minimum the following contents: 50 BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages - 3/4-inch 10 STERI-PAD Sterile pads, medium 10 STERI-PAD Sterile pads, large 2 FLEXIBLE GAUZE Bandages, 2" x 126" (3.5 yards) 1 FLEXIBLE GAUZE Bandage, 4" x 126" (3.5 yards) 1 DERMICEL First Aid Tape, 1/2" x 180" (5 yards) 10 Cleansing Wipes 10 AMOPLY ammonia inhalants 0.4 cc for temporary dizziness relief 1 JOHNSON & JOHNSON Triangular Bandage 2 ADAPTIC Non-Adhering Dressing 3" x 3" 1 JOHNSON & JOHNSON First Aid Cream, 8 oz. 1 Eye Irrigating Solution (1/2 fl. oz.) 1 JOHNSON & JOHNSON Tourniquet 10 PREPTIC Antiseptic Swabs 1 Scissors 1 Tweezers 1 First Aid Guide Booklet 5.0 - GAS MASKS The Contractor is to supply the Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility with two (2) large canister gas masks. Gas mask is to be chest style as manufactured by McMaster-Carr Supply Co., Chicago, Illinois, Model No. 5519T14; or equal. Gas masks to contain rubber facepiece which is resistent to chemicals, polycarbonate lens for viewing, speak- lng diaphragm and outlet valve. Each gas mask to come equipped with two (2) cansisters, sturdy nylon harness and carry and storage case. Canister to be capable of protecting from methane gases and organic vapors/acid gases. 6.0 - GAS DETECTORS The Contractor is to supply the Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility with one (1) portable combustible gas/oxygen detector, Model No. 1137T15 with battery charger and calibration kit, as manufactured by McMaster-Carr Supply Co., Chicago, Illinois; or equal. Portable (SOHT) ME - 3 of 4 I.-Id~_~ HO[ 7MACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL, F'.C MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT (CONT'D.) 6.0 - GAS DETECTORS (cont'd.) detector to be equipped with ceramitized gas sensing elements with no moving parts. Portable gas detector must be capable of 0% to 40% oxygen read-out, 0% to 5% methane read-out, and 0% to 100% lower explosive limit (LEL). Portable detector will be equipped with an alarm. 7.0 - STEEL LOCKERS The Contractor shall furnish and install three (3) standard steel lockers as manufactured by Republic Steel Corp., Canton, Ohio; or equal. The lockers shall be single tier construction with dimensions of: width - 12-inches; depth - 18-inches; and height - 72-inches. Lockers shall be installed as shown on the contract drawings. (SOHT) ME - 4 of 4 !-~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C. ISPARE PARTS 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish a complete set of spare parts for all the mechanical equipment installed under this contract. Spare parts shall be supplied for the following systems or equipment: 6 7 8 9 (10 (11 (12 Air blowers Rotating biological disc units Circular settling tanks Odor control system Raw sewage pumps Anaerobic digester Metering system Aerated grit chamber Mechanical mixers Chemical feed pumps Mixing systems Equalization tank aeration system 2.0 - GENERAL The spare parts which shall be supplied include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) A 12 months supply of all oils, greases and lubricants in their original unopened containers for all equipment provided. (2) Two (2) complete sets of gaskets, if applicable, for all equipment. Impeller for each raw sewage pump supplied. A dozen (12) shear pins for applicable equipment. Five (5) diffusers for equalization tanks. (3) (4) (5) (6) Two (2) sets of wear rings, two (2) shaft sleeves, one (1) set of radial bearings, one (1) set of thrust bearings and six (6) sets of packing for all the pumps (submersible and non-submersible) and blowers supplied, if applicable. (7) One (1) pH probe. (8) A set of parts for clarifier equipment, including one (1) one (1) main bearing, and two (2) adjustable squeegees. (SOHT) SP - 1 of 2 SPARE PARTS (CONT'D.) 2.0 - GENERAL (cont'd.) (9) A set of spare parts, other than those enumerated above, as recommended by the manufacturer for new installations for all equip- ment supplied by the Contractor. (10) One (1) submersible lift pump as specified for the equaliza- tion tanks complete with accessories. See respective section of the specifications for spare pieces of equipment required. SOHT) SP - 2 of 2 ~.~ HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. PC STARTUP AND TESTING 1.0 - SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equip- meat and incidentals necessary for startup of all equipment, and is responsible for the initial operation of all equipment installed under this contract. In addition, the Contractor shall do all testing of piping, tanks, controls, etc., as specified herein and instruct the Owner's personnel in the operation of the equipment. Where startup and testing is specified in other sections of the specifications, it should be done as specified in the manner described therein. 2.0 - STARTUP AND OPERATION Initial startup shall be with all tanks filled with potable water. After all tanks are checked for watertightness, all pumps are tested, and all major items of process equipment are tested for operation, the Contractor shall proceed with on-site deliveries from approved scaven- ger waste haulers for initial operation. The Contractor shall provide the services of his personnel and service personnel of the equipment manufacturer for initial startup of all equipment. In addition, the Contractor shall provide the services of his personnel and the manufacturer's service personnel for a minimum of one (1) 8-hour day at any time during the guarantee period of the contract to instruct the Owner's personnel in equipment operation and preventive maintenance requirements. Costs of call backs for ad]ust- ments, repairs and maintenance to the equipment shall be borne by the Contractor during the guarantee period of the contract. All requests by the Owner for service personnel to return and repair or adjust mai- functioning equipment (call backs) shall be promptly fulfilled by the Contractor within 24 hours of such requests, whenever practically possible. The Contractor shall startup and initiate operation o~ the treat- ment process and include the following: (a) Initial startup, testing and operation of the treatment plant processes for two (2) full consecutive 5-day work weeks. (b) During this period of time, all equipment shall be inspected by the service personnel of the equipment manufacturers to insure proper installation, final adjustments and operations. S&T - 1 of 3 ~..~ HO~ 7MACHER, McLI:NOON & MURRELL, P.C STARTUP AND TESTING (CONT'D.) 3.0 - TESTING The Contractor shall perform and bear all costs for all tests specified herein, in other sections of the contract specifications, and those directed by the Engineer. All testing shall be performed and completed in the presence of the Engineer or Owner and to the satis- faction of the Engineer or Owner prior to final acceptance of the work. The Engineer or Owner or his representative, shall be the sole judge(s) of the acceptability of the tests. The Engineer may direct the performance of any additional tests as he deems necessary in order to determine the acceptability of the systems, equipment, material and workmanship. No allowance will be made for any test required by the Engineer. Ail safety devices and other devices shall be actuated in a manner that clearly demonstrates their workability and operation. The Contractor shall perform any and all tests that may be ~equired by local municipality, utility or other governing bodies, board of agency having jurisdiction. The following testing shall be performed: A. Sewage, Sludge and Drain Piping - Ail mains and pipes shall oe tested for pressure and leakage at a pressure of 50 psi where possible. This Contractor shall furnish the pump, pipe connections plug all open lines and furnish all other necessary apparatus proper conducting of all pressure and leakage tests. All air expelled from the pipe before making tests. and gauges, for the shall De Each pressure test shall be for at least two (2) hours and shall be made both before and after backfilling (but before concrete work). All visible leaks, cracked or defective piping, fittings, valves, etc. discovered during performance of the pressure test shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor with sound materials, and the test shall be repeated until satisfactory to the Engineer. B. Pressure and Chemical Solution Piping - Ail spray water, other pressure water, and chemical solution piping shall be tested hydrostati- cally to 100 psi for a period of two (2) hours each in the presence of the Engineer or his representatives. Chemical solution piping shall include, but not be limited to, Hydrochloric Acid, Methanol, Ferric Chloride and Lime Solution piping. C. Concrete Tanks - Each of the concrete tanks shall be tested individually for watertightness by filling each with clean water to the maximum elevation possible. Tanks shall be considered watertight when S&T - 2 of 3 I-~ HOLZMACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. PC STARTUP AND TESTING (CONT'D.) the drop or increase in water level is 0.01 feet per 24 hours or less. If the tank leakage exceeds the above rate, the Contractor shall make all corrections required to achieve the specified rate at no expense to the Owner. Only after acceptance by the Engineer as to watertightness of the concrete tanks shall the waterproofing, detailed in the section entitled, "Surface Finish - Painting" be applied. All water required for the test- ing shall be provided for by the Contractor at no expense. Water shall be disposed of properly by the Contractor. D. Air Mains - Air mains shall be plugged and tested for leakage with compressed air to a pressure of 25 psi for a period of one (1) hour. Leaks will be repaired and the test repeated until no leaks appear dur- ing the test. E. Gravity Sewers (1) Leakage or Infiltration - Sewers shall be tested by ex- filtration tests or other approved means. Sewers shall be rejected, repaired and retested when the exfiltration exceeds an allowance of 250 gallons per day, per inch diameter, per mile. Such allowance shall in- clude all piping and manholes. Tests shall be performed by filling a manhole and plugging a downstream end. Test duration shall be a minimum of 24 hours. Where possible, tests shall separately and simultaneously be conducted on piping and manholes. All sections shall be tested un- less otherwise stipulated by the Engineer. (2) Alignment - Alignment and grade shall be tested by lamp- lng. G.rade alignment shall be true. Deviations in grade shall not be permitted. Alignment deviations beyond those listed below shall be cause for rejection. DIAMETER MINIMUM VISIBLE PORTION OF FULL CIRCLE* 8" 3/4 10" 3/4 12" or larger f,~ll opening *as seen over a distance of 300 feet F. Controls and Electrical Work - The Contractor shall, in the presence of the engineer, or his representative, make such tests as are necessary to clearly demonstrate that all controls are operating in the manner described herein and shown on the drawings. S&T - 3 of 3 HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL. P.C FLOATING MECHANICAL AERATORS 1. SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish and install aerators within the existing aerated lagoons. four (4) floating 2. GENERAL Each aerator shall consist of a motor, drive shaft, impeller directly driven at constant speed, and of integral floatation unit, which shall support the weight of any accessories that may be added. 3. MOTOR Motors shall be a minimum of 10 H.P., 255/460 volts, three-phase, 60-cycle. Ail motors furnished shall be TEFC, of weatherproof chemical service, suitable for continuous operation at the full load with ambient temperatures ranging from -10°F to 100°F. Motor windings shall be moisture resistant of Class B insulation, with non-hygroscopic treatment. 4. FLOATATION UNIT The float shall be internally reinforced and completely sealed from the external environment. It shall be equipped with no less than four (4) stainless steel mooring eyes. 5. IMPELLERS Impellers shall be stainless steel or other specifically approved material. Blades shall be of anti-fou~Ling design. 6. PERFORMANCE AND TESTING Aerator manufacturer shall furnish reports of transfer rate tests on the units to be furnished under this contract. Tests shall be performed in a basin not less than 10' deep with a minimum volume of 100,000 gallons according to the generally accepted non- steady state procedure in tap water on one of the units to be furnished under this contract, or on an exact duplicate. The transfer rate shall be reported in terms of oxygen transferred per nameplate horsepower per hour, or in terms of oxygen delivered per kilowatt hour of drawn electrical power. In addition, each unit furnished shall be electrically and mechanically tested while operating before shipment and certification of such test shall accompany each unit. FMA - 1 of 2 ~/~ HOLZMACHER, McLFNDON & MURRELL. p.c FLOATING MECHANICAL AERATORS (CONT'D.) 6. PERFORMANCE AND TESTING (CONT'D.) Manufacturer shall stand ready to perform tests in the presence of the Engineer and/or Owner at the place of manufacture. Manufacturer shall provide four weeks notice of tests. 7. INSTALLATION Units shall be installed by the Contractor in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. All units shall be provided with lifting eyes capable of supporting the weight of the entire unit together with any accessories which may be specJ, fied, all in a wet condition. Lifting eyes shall be of such size and so arranged to provide for easy attachment of cable slings for lifting. The existing mooring cables shall be utilized. 8. MANUFACTURER Equipment specified herein shall be manufactured by Wells Products Corp. FLTM Series; Lightnin; or Ashbro¢)k. 9. GUARANTEES A. The manufacturer shall guarantee the oxygen transfer capacity specified above. B. The manufacturer shall fully guarantee for a period of one year from date of the Engineer's final certificate, the performance and operation of the aerators. C. The manufacturer shall fully guarantee and repair or replace, including parts, labor and shipping costs, any aerator and motor that is not stable under all operating conditions, including winter icing, for a period of five years from date of delivery of such aerators. FMA- 2 of 2 I_.~ HO~ 7MACHER. McLENDON & MURRELL. PC. CONTINGENCY NO. GC-i: SPARE ODOR CONTROL SYST~'~ 1.0 SCOPE The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner spare parts for the odor control unit, as listed below and further described in these specifications under the Section entitled "ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM." The spare parts shall consist of the following: (1) Complete Electrolytic Cell - One (1) required. (2) Disposable Anodes - Two (2) required. (3) Cell Circulatory Pump - One (1) required. SOCS - 1 of 1 ~.LIST OF CONTRACTS CONTRACT N°1- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & MECHANICAL CONTRACT HEATING, 'VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACT N~ 3- PLUMBING CONTRACT N~?4-- ELECTRICAL COUNTY W YORK GRANT I.D. No. C- 36-1120 SOHT-82-06 NI Parker Rock PROJECT LO{ , / TOWN BOARD SUPERVISOR FRANCIS J. MURPHY COUNCIL MEMBERS JAMES A. SCHONDEBARE 'PAUL STOUTENBURGH JOSEPH ~. TOWNSEND,,JR. TOWN JUSTICE RAYMOND W~ EDWARDS~ JR. /TOWN LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1"= 800' HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL ,P.C. / H2M CORP · CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS & PLANNERS MELVILLE ,NEW YORK FARMINGDALE , NEW YORK RIVERHEAD , HEW YORK CLERK JUDITH TERRY ,FRAME SECTION A - A ' .I ELEVATIO,N TYPIC~A~..CURB D ETA I I.~S '" ' "' ;' ,,:~:,' ~ :* i B "' ' ' ' "~; ~ '~ ~ ~ PROPOSED PA_VEMENT CRoss ~ECTION ~., ////////////////////////////~ . . ....... , .......... . ........ . ....~.~..~%%- " SLAB PI.:.ANr~ ',C-.~ ~ 1 r I '' ' ~ :: .'"NO SCA'EE_ SECTION B-B OL W/OO~BINATION INL PROPOSED P~VEMENT AT OPEN SLUDGE DRYING BEDS r TREATMENT BUILDING LEACHING POOL TYPICAL FENCE DETAIL R.S.M./S,J.H, SOHT 82-Q61 I ',..,, vv ~4 J.A.M 7 I ~EWA~DIS,~OSAL DIS~ ~ AS SHOWN ~ .A.. ,,~ SCAVENGER WASTE ,'~ TREATMENT FACILIT I ~~ I /;?;~4'. ';;- ~ ~,,,, ~¢:{;/;~lHoizmacher, McLondon & Murre,l, P.C. ~. ~J¢~ -',~ I MeivlHe, N Y ~tve~ead, N Y ' Farmln dlle ~ I Sheet Title. ' L Sheet ,,/ 8ITEWORK - DETAIES EXISTING COVERE~ '" SLUDGE DRYING BEE~S EXISTING GARAGE . ,. b ,, , ,:; .',EX~S,~rlNG IMHOFF TANKS -- ~ :X¢S¥ ,I~G,e~EMICAL ' ' , / ~T~A~¢ ~Akl~,-, r EXIS,T,ING INFLUENT / ' / - "~'-- '~-~" ~ ?' C~'A~-¢ / r ,' ,' ' . WASTE FEED ~,AN~ '- / r , . -I'-~ EXISTING CHLORINE STORAGE BUILDING EXISTING FLE(;TRICAL GEN'ERATOR SET X 56.Q' 54.0' SECONDARY SETTLING 28.4' ROTA' DIGESTEIq BUILDING __ 34,75' ' METER 52.0' LORIDE STORAGE VAULT ,UENT WET WELL 25.0' INFLUENT PORTS i 6,{3' 80.0' HYDROCHLORIC ACID STORAGE VAULT TREATMENT BUILDING. 4,0~ 50.0' (29.0' ;QuA'~ZATION TANKS SLUDGE,~SCUM wET WELL ~ __~7,0" ( UNDE~'R THIS~ CONTRACT, ).~ L-PRIMARY 'ACID MIX TANK BOX, FL. ASH MIX& FLOCCULATI0~N TANKS SETTLING TANS( SIT'E, PLAN Consu'itll En Plant i XI'STI~{3' PLrNCE ,: 6. LOAD BEARING hOLLOW CGNCRETE BLOCK SH~LL CONFORM TO ASTMC80~ GRA~N N. WITH A MINIMEM 28 DAY CQMPRESSIVE STRENGTN OF 1000 PSI ON GROSS SECTION. ?. ALL L~BER SHALL HA~EAMZNIMUM ALLOWABLE BENDING STRESS OF 1200 PSI MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF 1,600,000 PSI SHEAR 95 PSI. /9 L/o" 9t6', -- 1 J I I FOUNDATION PLAN t Ir¸ % i,S'ECTIO'N 5~ 5 '1 I ,'SEC'T,O" 6 ,~' 61,,SECTION 7" 7, ?ECTiON 8'7 8) 7. - . ISECTION 9 9 '!TYPICAL' REINFORCING DETAILS 'oF GRi~' CHAMBER R.S.M. SHOWN 'E_,N4 4' iJ~. :CT'O ' ~ "SECTION[ :1 1:~11, N.Yo consulting Eng neers. , ' ." Environmental. Sc entlsts , , Planners '," ". ' ~'~:~'~"~sl.~..t0"' .~" Rlverhead~ N;Y BAR :SCREEN DETAILS SECTION_ ,,. Z"~ ~T££L 7'0 ~OM~/~eT 7'0 Z"~5 191~ ~PLAN -" r~e~ 4o) SEC?ION A , A SOHT 82-06 114"= I'- 0" FEB, Consulting Engineers Environmenla iSiS': ,, P Ho!zmacher, McLendOn Melville,' N~Y. Rlverheld , :,~OR :cONTINUATiON OF PIPING SEE: SHEET ,10 O'F 41 ) j ~' · 'LCENTER JOINT'DETAIL t,,. EHD'vIEW~ , ", .SIDE vIEW ' !/BEAM SUPPORT' BRACKET DLETAIL l ,' : ,: ~c~¥../'./'-~' ' ' ' EQUALIZATION TANK. PLAN SECTION B-B ~2PATIIIO W/bYH '~tA~S SECTI B ' FIBERGLASS COVER PLAN SECTION A'A ,' ~'C/¢EE'.' / "-- LW~JL.J..~. SOHT~-06 J :l ~VVl~ .~/ ~/~.1~,.; . - _ : I WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM G.~O./LA E. AS SHOWN ' ]' ' rr "" AVE WAST, J TREATMENT FACI,LI ',,, ~ J ~ ~ ~ j Consulting Engineers .~f..~ ~%~L It J~ ~ ~ ~ EnvirOnmental Scientists :]~= >-<2' ' ~%::: & ' ?"=-- :~-,'/ ~,-'~ x j~,l~ V' I Planners ' [~[ :~..:~ ~,~r~.~../Holzmacher, Mc. Lendon & MUrre'll,:P~C. / ' S E'CV~ON ~ r' O T ,¢1~' d~//-/-4/sEk' E~. /5.5 -' FI, L< .I NOTE: I. PLAN VALVE PIT /,e'~ ~-z, il. e5 j a~. WATERTIGHT TESTi-N~ OF CONCRETE TANKS: I 1. EAcH OF THE CONCRETE TANKS SHALL BE TES;TED INDIVID- UALLY BY FILLING WITH CLEAN WATER TO THE MAXIMU]M ELEVATION ~0SSIBLE~' TANKSHALL BE CONSIDERED WATERTIGHT IWHHN THE DROP OR INCREASE IN WATER LEVEL IS 0.01 FEET PE~R 24 HOURS OR LESS~ TYPICA ING .DETAILS' SOHT"82- O &l S.,' 16 MAR. :i WASTEWATER DISPOSAE' SCAVENG ~. T~ ?~K LEAEAGE EXCHE~S THE A~OVE RATE, THE CDNT~CTO. Consulting E,ginsOrs-' , ~ S~L M~E ALL CORRECTION~ REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE 'THE SPECIFIED r' SECTION E - E , ~ ~ .o ~x~s~ ~o ~.~ o~. Environmental Scientists Melville, N.Y. , 3, ONLY AFTER ACCEPTANCE BY THE ENGINEER A~S TO WATER- TIGHTNESS 0~ T~E COHCRETE TA~×S SHALL TEE ~N THE, S~EeIFICAT~ON ~E A*F~IED. "~ 4. ALL WATER REQUIRED FOR TESTING SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CONTRACTOR AT NO'EXPENSE. ~WATER SHALL BE DIISPOSED OF PROPERLY BY THE CONTRACTOR. Planners Mr/ endon & Murrell Rlverhead, ~.y~ ' r ~6 'of 43 FLAS__H..M[~t~,.Q~'CULATIO'N TANK PLAN . E& IZ.'~5 ~*zT~srop(rr?r9 -- PI, ) FL TA,VK SECTION B B H£AD SOHT-8:~-06 0 ,,-o,, 'sCAVENGER' FEB. 1983 N~F { ~ v'r n · ,~)~'~ IHolzmacher McLendon &'Murrell,:P:C ~ ,',~," I Melville N.Y. Rlve~ead N,Y. Flrmlngdill NN, :':2~ / VMECH,'HEAD BOX, FLA H::M~-~C II "' ' ~'v~u: ~ PLAN r ~ , . ,.~.__~.., ~.. FERRIC. CHLORIDE, S :TAN: , " ~"6 ~/LL CTIO , ", ,SECTION B' B FiLL LINDE DE-TA t L J_ P'-o" I 11 I :FUEL OIL STORAGE "'"'"'""'" ""'""'"' I . /T 0:4 ~ 0~: ,, , G.W.D./L.J.£. $OHT 82~06 ' . ?,"~:r-~: ........ FEB. ,198~ i ~ ~,, ~ I , ,, ,' ",- ,]' , '' ~~, J'~ ~ , i : Consulting, E~gineer~,~ ," ,',,~,~.~:l:,' ' ,~m~'~- ~ ~>~ ,, -, [~ ' · · ' ,' '", ~e~ ~ ,'~ ~ :-,~, . ~ - . ~ - . .: ......, , ~,x, ~r% tHolzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P ~ ~:~, J"~LI ./'~* · ' ', . :,,~ - ' .,' -"':,.:'~" TANK- :HOPPER DE DETAIL OF WALL .AT SLABi ~ 80 rro~3 "sECTION B L , . . 'T£ 1. CONTRACTOR WEIRs TO SHALL M~KE FINAL ADJUSTMENTs TO THE SATISFACTION OF ~HE ENGINEER. ,~ NOTES 2. PAINTING OF INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR OF TANK~ SHALL'BE AS SPECIFIED. 3. TWO INCHES OF GROUT SHALL HE SCREED IN PLACE WITH SCRAPER MECHANISM FOR BOTH CLARIFIHRs. ' , ELEVATION A ' '- -": ' ""' ,;.A.M. 19 , AS' SH~ FEB. RADIAL :STEEL 'DETAIL TOWN ' CPnsulting Engineers Environmental scientis~ts Panners " Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, Melville, N.Y, Rlverhead, N.Y. Sheet Title: yAZFL UE~ T A/-~ I /SECTION A,~,A_'',, SCALE://¢%lCO* ' , /PLO" II A'SD m.I ,PLAN ~c~er ( rvp.3 L o' J '1 ~ 4z b,,o.~aoe., s . DIFFUSER PiPE SUPPORT AiR NEADER ,PIPING CONNECTION AIR PIP|NG T;RIIINATION 1.AIR P I P I N G D ET A,I L'S, (,~.4~-.~z.~ He/,~r= 4-'479 ..... ,' ~ .......... SECTION B.~B' ,! ' 'IOT'ES ' - ~'",~" -77--77:~'"': L .-..,. .. . .... ,.:, ~ ~', . , ,:, ,.PLATES - ('I~'~ 15 OELON/ /HFLUEMT CHAWII~L ' ~ ,' PLAN ABOVE INFI,' IdS SeAL ~ PrO, m~ No:, /LJ.E. SHOWN MAR. Consult, lng Eng~lneerS r ' rltiSts Environmental S°ie Planners ' : Mc:Lendon,&' AIR PIPING E~ DISC sEcTION ' 8c,4Lc, /~". I'-0" Melville, ~LY. S~eetr TltleL / PROPOSED COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BEDS ~ -- ~EX~SiN~ N~ ~ LUENT WET ~ '~ ~ STORAGE VA T ACCESS ROAD7 O,L EXISTING SLUDGI DRYIN~ BEDS -EXIISTING CHEMICAL STORAGE 3rANK CONTROL ,, , , AND PUMP BUILDING l EXISTING (~) ~ ~ ~ ~) ,'~ DtGESTER ' TANKS ~ ELECTRICAL TANI~ [] GENERATOR SET EXISTING CHLO)RINE , :~ , CONTACT TANK PHOTOOIRCUITS , WASTE FEED TANK DIGESTER BUILDING' I kTMENT -EXISTING ,NFLUENT METER CRAMSERSECO.DARV I SLUDGE/SCUMISUlLDmG SETTLING T~ ~PRIMARY SETTLING TANK EXISTING AERATED LAGOON 0 0 CONSTRUCTION SIGN L 0 CA TION' INFLUENT PORTS HYDROCHLORIC ACID STORAGE VAULT PROPOSED SOUTHOLD SCAVENGER WASTE .... ~ ..... "~*"~'"" ~*'~% " .... TREATMENT FACILITY =~ ~~'l'hDatk ...... green ~D'MIx' EXISTING AERATED LAGOON ~ ' ~ ~ PR01 0 0 ~ ~ POLLUTION ~ CONTROL PROJECT o, Environmental Protection for Town 9f Southold-- ~ New M;IJJon Dollar Wuste Treutment Works / ~ Fe eru our$ ~ $ute Do urs ~- $ d I D II St II GENERAL NOTES ,., ............... -... ................. THE CONSULTING ~GIN~RS DO NOT GU~TEE OR ACCEPT ( FURNISHED UNDER CONTRACT NO. 2-CC. &-MECH.) -~ ~SPONSIBILITY ~R ~y D~GE TO SUCH FACILITIE~ D~ : SECTION"A-A,, ~- ~o~ w~ ~ c~,~,~o. ~ ~ ,o ~.~ co~,~ CONSTRUCTION SIGN E~ISTiNG GREENPORT SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Fo~ ~ ~co~.~.c~ C~OS~D .~. ~ ~cO~,~.~N~ CORRECTLY SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ~ 2. EXPANSION OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE TO AP/EAS NOT D&,;~.,.dSy: PmJm=tNo: DESIGNATED WITHIN THS L~MI~S ON TH~S ~, WILL NOT B~r ~'~'~m SO"~ S~--O~ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD PEp~V/ITTED UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE OWNER AND/OR ENGINEER. ~ Drawing.o: WASTEWATER DISPOSALDISTRICT SITE PLAN 3. ALL UNDERGROUND PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLEID TO C,~:., s=.l,= AS SHOWN SCALE 1" -- 40' OTHERWISEPROVIEE ~'-0" "I[~INTd')'~ COVER TO FINISHED GRADES'SHOWN. UNLESS Revl..,_~ F~-R.Dat': I'SS~ SCAVENGERWASTE 4. THE CONTRACTORS SHALL PERFORM DAILY CLEA%N-UP OPERATIONS WHICH INCLUDE SWEEPING OF ROADWAYS, ~TC., REMOVAL OF DEBRIS AND EXCESS CONSTRUCTION MATERI[AL, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER AND ENGINEER. TREATMENT FACILITY Consulting Engineers Environmental Scientists Planners acher, McLendon & Murrell, Melvlile, N.Y. Rlverhead, N.Y. , Farming.dale, N.Y. Sheet Title: SITE PLAN- PROPOSED '& EXlSTING STRUCTURES Sheet" 2 Of ' (.r yx3 -, HOPPER DETAIL ' I L J ? DETAIL OF. WALL AT SLAB SECTION A ' A ,dC/gE: I/z~l'-o" : I 'EFFiLUENT WEI:R PLATE SPLICE JOIINT DETAIL',, "L ELEVATIOiN A ¸%. NOTES ,)~,%& ~ ~ 'I I i. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE FINAL ADJUSTM~ENTS TO ADJUISTAB~E ~ WEIRS TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEERI I, 2. PAINTING OF INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR OF T~NKS SHALL~E~, ~: AS SPECIFIED. 3. TWO INCHES OF GROUT SHALL BE SCREEOiINIpLACE WIT~~'l~ I [ SCRAPER MECHANISM FOR BOTH CLARIFIERS. ' .i SECTION B - B ~, ,s. i ~ WASTEWATER Df ~O8'A~L~'DtSTRIGi t . TREAT~ [EN T FACILIT~:~:,, ~;~'~ ~.;~ /~ '~ FA~ L Enwronmenta: Scientists I I I .? '~ A / i I EFFLUENT WET WELL PLAN, .? SECTION A - Al! ~ pH PROBE DETAIL B HYDROCHLORIC ACID MIXING TANK PLAN! SECTION B - B Dellgned By: I ProJeol No: D.M.K./L.J.E.I SOHT 82-O( .S.M./F.W. I ~ /As TOWN OF ~OUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE 'T'REATMENT FA CILITY Consulting Engineers s~e.752.~o. Environmental Scientists 516.694.3040 s?e.727.34110 Planners ~1e.,,,4.~0 Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. Melville, N.Y. Rlverhead. N.Y. Fermlngdele, N.Y. Sheet Title: Sheet MECH,- EFFLUENT WET WELL PLAN & eECTION... HYDROCHLORIC ACID MIXING TANK PLAN & SECTION 2,2 Of 41 1 BLOWER N-~ 2 C C ,LIME ROOM L_JME ROOM (6~E BLOWER Ns 3 'AIR BLOWER ASSEMBLY, PLAN 8C,4tE~' 8?8 % I'-o" LEGEND LIME FEED Rr99M PLAN $£CTI~,N ~-C NO~ES o'c.q~¢-.. ,~/~ = ! -o PIPE 1. MINIMUM HEADROOM ON OVERHEAD PIPING' SHALL BE 7'0". 2. ALL ABOVE GROUND PIPING TO BE FLANGED STEEL PIPE. 3, STEEL PIPING TO DUCTILE IRON TRANSITION TO BE MADE ON VERTICAL DROP W/TKANSITION COUPLINGS BY DRESSER STYLE 162, OR APPROVED EQU~-L, ; 4. ALL VALVES MORE THAN 5' ABOVE THE FLOOR SHALL BE FURNISHED WITH CHAIN OPERATORS. S. ALL AIR INLET FILTERS TO BE HATED AT FULL BLOWER CAPACITY. 6. CONCRETE PAD DETAILS FOR BLOWER ASSEMBLERS SHOWN ON SEEBT.I20F4h 7. BLOWER PIPING TO BE SCHEDULE 40 STEEL. ARE TYPICAL REI'NFORCING AT?NTERSECTiON SLUDGE / SCUM WET WELL PLAN I TYPICAL' REINFORCING, AT CORNERS, It/O T6 : SECTION B - lBI , SECTION A - A 8 ~,; z~. m. (rrm) I o.,.~,~.~.= I ~o,~-~-o~1 TOWN OFSOUTHOLD I R,S,M I 24 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT -~'~I K w~'= ~'- o" . ,,. --'"'" SCAVENGER WAST Consulting Engln.eers sle.?s2.~so · Environmental Scientists s~o.,~.ao. [] $16.727-3480 [] Planners $1&6B4.3410 [] Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. Mel¥111e, N.Y. Rlverhead, N.Y. Farmlngdale, N.Y. Sheet Title: I Sheet MECH. -qI_I_I_n~E/SCUM WET WElL PLAN & SECTIONalI 2~. Of 41 , EAST ELEVATION 3BIC DIGESTER HEAD JAMB FLOOR PLAN SILL DOOR' DETAIL NORTH ELEVATION ANAEROBIC DIGESTER. J ANAEROBIC ,DIGESTER / FOUNDATION PLAN SECTION A-A' SECTION B-B ROOF OPENING PLAN SUMP DETAIL DOOR SCHEDULE SIZE TYPE JAMB CLOSER LINTELS REMARKS 3-0" x 7'-2" X 1 3/4" Flush Hollow Metal Metal Yes B Panic LINTEL SCHEDULE INTERIOR ANGLE EXTERIOR ANGLE RE,lARKS 5" x 3 1/2" x 5/16" 5" x ~2"x 5/16" D-12 ~ D-13 ProJec! No: SOHT-82-06 Drawn By: Drllwln ,~0: J. AM 'TOWN OF S~'RO'LD WK~TEW'ATER DISPOSAL DiSTRiCT' AS SHOWN FEB, SCAVENGER WASTE' TREATMENT FACILITY Consulting Engineers s~.;s2.,o~o · Environmental Scientists 5~,...~, [] 516.727-3480 [] Planners 9!6-"94-3410 [] Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C Melville, N.Y. Riverhead, N.Y. Farmlngdale, N.Y. Sheet Title: Sheet 25 Of 41 A DIGESTER TANK PLAN BASE RADIAL STEEL DETAIL IEAT ~ ROC T~-£ ;AS EQUIPMENT ROOM A To SEICTION A - A %.. ~ ~o "~=, ~" 3 "cc. 50HT-82-O6 Drawing No: 26 AS SHOWN Date: FEB, TOWN OF $OUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY GAS HOLDER PLAN Consulting Engineers - s~g. Tsg.~o~o · Environmental Scientists 5~e-g~4.3o40 [] 516.727.3480 [] Planners 5~-.~..34~g [] Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. M®lvllle, N.Y. Rlverhead, N.Y. Farmlngdalm, N,Y. Sheet Title: Sheet - DIGEST'ER TANK PLAN~, SECTION & DETAIL 26 Of 4t I> '¢f C~D.Z PIP~ OPEN SLUDGE DRYING BEDS PLAN SCALE: 1116% 1;0' .-I A SECTION.A - A SCALE: 1)8"= 1'-0' CROSS SECTION SLUDGE BED MEDIA DETAIL~ SCALE: 3/4'= 1L0" CROSS SECTION DETAIL "B" SCALE: 1/2'= 1'-0" SECTION B-B. DETAIL "C" SCALE: 1/2'= f-O' SECTION C,C p/PS D.M.K,SOHT82-061 , '[OWN OF SOUTHC3/n ' DrawnBy:Dmwln .o- ' WAST ' "------ , ~.,.s. %' I ~ EWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT c.~ ~'~"~.o~. ~ :.. -' . "'-- -: ' SCAVENGER WAST ' :~.,.,::,. ,,,- E ~ r TREATMENT FACILITy i "~"' 1 .Melville, N.Y.. Rlverhead, N.Y,' Farmlngdale, N,Y. urrell U'""S~';~F%%~,%[~,%~.~I~,[~¢,,~ ';PLAN, SECTION & DETAILS 28 Of 4t ~l , ,",,' "?"', m ~" ~ , Consulting, Engineers ~..,,~..o,o · D ~.¢ 1' urr Sheet Title' , I ' · MECH,- OPEN SLUDGE DRYING BEDS- Sheet .~[~%~,~,~.~I~f2~[2,,I ';PLAN) SECTmN & DETailS 28 Of 4~ TOP OF CO~fpACT~'D ., ... ,. ,e4,.,.lz~'r FXG?£/V~'5 comP. qcr~-.o .... (1~" o. ~). C~&=A~/F/~ --SEE DETAIL "'B" / DETAIL "B" SECTION A - ,A p, vu4 E~. -0# SECTION B - B TYPICAL REINFORCING DETAIL · ~F/66T q OF' 'COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BED PLAN ~.,.~/~.~.~ S0.T-82-O61 'TOWN .OF SOUTHOLD J'l S. /rJ.A.M. ' z~ I WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT c..~,~ ms.ow, I SCAVENGER --_,, [ TREATMENT FACILITY ' '-' "' ' "'"" ~i~ Co.sulfing Engineers s,s.,s,.,,..,,,.n,.,. : ,-, . , . ,~' ,' ~ [ Environmental Scientists 5,.-.,.3o~ ~ Planners 5~*~s~.~o ~ /~ Sheet Title: MECH.~ COVERED SLUDGE DRYIffG BEDS Sheet ,,~[~g,~g~%~,~,~.~1~t~[~,~,,[ PLAN, SECTION~ & DETAILS 29 Of 41 '-- ' 1 ~ , fo_6~,~.~'~Z~_- -, ~~ ~.~ L. _ L~ , ~ ~,~.~__ ~;~ :SOU~ ~A~ON ,,,: ,~ " · /¢,,co~c w~z4 PLAN ~¢~4 ~.'~/¢ ~/~o~ TYPICAL ANCHORAGE DETAIL ~NORTH ~ON II iI II l" SECTION B - B , " " ' '~ ~'~ TO GREENPORT S T P WEST ELE~ATIOH (EAST ELEVATIpN TYPICAL) A~ ~" ~" '~': ,.(~ '~gTIO~ Ofi~TIO~ ~-~ ACCESS RAMP DETAILS -' I PLAN /ZO SECTION , FLOW METER PiT DETAIL -TYPICAL CLEAN-OUT DETAIL.] ProJI~l No: SOHT-i Orewn B: Orawlng No: J.A M', ~v,~. I .S. 30 SHOWN TOWN OF WASTE'WATER DISPOSAL 'DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY Consulting Engineers s~a.?s2.~oeo · Environmental Scientists s~e..~4.~o4o [] Planners Ma-sg4-3410 [] acher, McLendOn & Murrell, P.C. Sheet Title: MECH.~ COVERED SI:UDGE DRYING Shest ELEVATION~ A DETAILS AND MiSC~ DETA,IL~ 30 Of 41 It B-I B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 (EL 9?54) GROUND SURFACE I (OL) (I 1-65) ~ SRN SAND,TR, GRAVEL 2 8~ (SP) (8-65) ~ RED BEN SRAVELLY SAND 5 3 ~ (SP) (7-65) RED BRN. SAND~ TR, GRAVEL, COBBLE (SP) (7-65) (CL) (9- 65) s° s~ SO ~ (SW/ (6-651 ENB OF BORING BO' ?oI SBI CLASG,F,CAT ON GWT B-7 (EL,91.58) GROUND SURFACE I SAND, SILT, SRAVEL ~ (FILL)(I 1-65) B (CL) (9- 65} (SW) (8- 65) o o ~ o /× s,p..,. {CL) (G-651 /,/ G5 ~ (SM) (7-65) o o END OF BORING 25' ,oIsB I OLASS,F,CAT,ON GWT (EL 9302} GROUND SURFACE (EL 95 18} GROUND SURFACE (EL 9~55) GROUND SURFACE (EL,92 $9) GROUND SURFACE (EL.92,22) ORGANIC I /,~ BRN, ORGANIC LOAM(OL}(I I-tM I GRAY 8RN SAND LOAM ' GRAY 8RN SILT LOAM J! ,~ (OL) (I 1-65) /4 (OL) (r a-65) (OL) (I 1-65) (SW/ (6-65) o // (CL) (9- 65) SRN SAND ISP){8-65) JmN' SILTY SANDY CLAY ~ (CL) (9-65) END OF BORING 25' I OLASSIEI6ATION ,.6/~40 (SM) (7-65) 5 ~ BEN. GRAVELLY SAND,TR. SILl B (SW} (6-65) I0 TB SAND, TR GRAVEL 4 ~ (CL) (9-65) END OF 50RING 20' : !NOI SGI CLASSIFICAT,ON 'B-8 GWt I A ~' BRR ORGANIC LOAM(OL)(I 1-65) -- I LT GRN, SILT LOAM (OL) (I 1-65) LT BRN SAND -- E · (SP) (B 65) ~ RED BRN GRAVELLY SAND · · 5 COBBLE · (SP) (8-65) · · % · · GWT (SM) (6-65} · -- BRN SILTY CLAY, TR. SAND,TR GRAVEL ~ (CE) (9-65) (CL) (9-65) so 25 (SW) (8-65) ~0 ~ (SP) (8- 65) · · END OF BORING 30' END Of BORING 30' CLASSIFICATION ~ NOI se I CLASSIFICATION ;, B-9 (El, 90,51 } GBOUND SURFACE {EL 9035) GROUND SURFACE I {6L) (I 1-65) 6//¢ (gl) (9- 65) (CL) (9-65) '° END OF BORING 20' NoI SBI CLASS,F,CAT,ON I ~ / (OL) (I 1-65) ~ (CL) (9-65) 3 ~ SRN SILTY CLAY, (Cl) (9- 65) NOTES SOIL DESCRIPTIONS ARE BY VISUAL EXAMINATION O)F SOIL SAMPLES RECOVERED DURING DRILLING OPERATtONS, SOIL DESCRIPTIONS ARE IN ACCORD WITH THE Uh~IIFIED SOILS CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM , GROUND WATER WAS MEASURED INSIDE THE DRfLL CASING AT THE COMPLETION OF EACH BOREHOLE ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE REFERENCED TO 6 M. A,% SHOWN ON PLAN; ASSUMED ELEVATION I00.00' . BORING LOCATIONS AS STAKED OUT BY OTHER~ . END GROUND SURFACE GRAY BRN SILT LOAM (OL) (I 1-65) __ ~BRN, SILTY GRAVELLY SAND~ COBBLE (SM) (6-65) BRN SILTY CLAY, TR, SAND,TR SRAVEL {CL) (9-65) OF BORING 20' CLASSIFICATION A(CTUAL ELEVATIONS Bo~ing Actual Actual ~o. Grade Ei. G.Wt. E1. B-3 11.7 4.2 B-5 10.9 5.9 B-6 10.7 3.2 B-8 B-9 SLUDGE DRYING BED CHEMICAL BUILDING AERATED LAGOON AERATED LAGOON B M IS FLOOR, ASSUMED ELEVATION I00.00' ,/ B-3 15' RELOCATION B-2 B-I B-6 b-5 B-4 NOTES BY 1. i ACTUAL ELE~ATION~ OF B.M. (CHEMICAL STORAGE BLD6. F~OOR) iS EL. 18.5. ENGINEER: GROUNDWATER LEVE~LS WERE MEASURED MARCH 1-4, 1983.. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE AWARE OF SEAS~O~AL FLUCTUATION OF GROUNDWATER T?ABLE. LONG RANGE VARIATION IS UNPIREDICTABLE. GWT, 7L6' SOIL GROUPS GW GP GM GC Sw SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH Pt ALLOWABLE CLASS OF MATERIAL COMPACTION SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION TYPICAL NAMES AND SOIL SYMBOLS WELL GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL SAND MIK1URE'~ LITTLE 0R1'40 FINES SOIL BEARING PRESSURES,NYC Bt_DC CODE C26-1103 '~ILOW~BLE DESCRIPTION SOFT ROC' _ RELATED TO SPOON BLOWS PER FOOT SILT & CLAY LOOSE MEDIUM DENSE PER FOOT t5 OR LESS SOFT 40 OR MORE HAH[ 30 OR MURE STANDARD PENETRATION T'EST(z"SPOON,140'bHAMMER. 50"FALL ' SPOON BLOWCOUNTfS GENERALLY SHOV~N TO OBTAIN BLOWS PER FOOT(N)USE THE 2ND & DR6~ O' ;NCRf MEN f ROTARY CASING HE&V'r GAMPLF ~,PO)N SIZES, INCHES 25 ,'IMER WEIGHT, POUNDS HAMMER FALL, INCHES 50 CB - CASING BLOWS PER I FOOT DRIVE UD - UN[~ISTIJRBED ql HL %~MRL.? SB - SPOON BLOWS PER 6 INCH DRIVE NO - SAMPLE NUMBer' HOLZMACHER, McLENDON rind MURRELL, PC. ENGINEERS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS ond PLANNERS 125 BAYLIS ROAD, SUITE 140 MELVILLE, N.Y. SOIL 3770 MECHANICS DRILLING subsoil investigations MERRICK ROAD · SEAFORD, NEW YORK 11783/ · SCAVENGER CORP. 516 221 - 2333 WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION SOUTHOLD, N.Y. TEST BORING SITE PLAN & CLASSIFICATIONS I/~" = I'- 0" APRIL ~', ,96B 83R0669 MARCH I TO MARCH S,198B '$HEETB1 OF 4~ '1 ~ ~OOM, I/e:o" FLOOR, PLAN.; SECTION SECT!ONi /PLAN!:. DETAIL, A' Ceowr.) SECTION D-D AirBlo~er Room ,Dual Combinption ~,N m ~ ~ , , t Consulting Engineers' - ' ~-~ I~ ~d F~ ~ ~ ~virOnme~al ScleOtlsts ",.*n*'~'E ,,~:'~:r3~:~'~ ...., ,~L., olzmacher, McLe~,on & Murrell, ~'~; .... I Sheet Title: ......... , ~ ' . , r I .~T~A~MENT ~ '~D~NI~aA~ ON'~a~P.· ~ ' ,.' _....o,.,.,._,.,,.4 ~.~,~...~ ,, r~ SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YO GRANT I.D. No. C- 36-1120 .SOHT-82-06 CONTRACT NO 4 EL TRICAL ~HEET NO, OF //SHEET NO, 3s=OF :~:1- ELECTRICAL- SI~E PLAN & DETAILS SHEET NO, ~'~-~l' ELECTRICAL - TRiEATMENT BUILDING?T; DIGESTER BUILDING ~!~QUIPMENT ELECTRICAL - MATIN ONE-LINE DIAGRAM & SCHEDULE ELECTRICAL- DIGESTER ONE-LINE DIAGRAM & DETAILS HOLZMACHER , McLENDON & MURRELL ,P.C. / H2M CORP CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS & PLANNERS MELVILLE ,NEW YORK FARMINGDALE , NEW YORK RIVERHEAD , NEW YORK 37 OF41 ~TOr~A~E ?,AU LT / ~,AOTo¢, C0~T&oL X x x F-AT~ ~dT ~Lb~,4 to_. ', ALAgM Aa I I,Z, I~ FZ ~P ,' up-I~' // ~.~T~,A ~ C ~ 4/~, 1-: /"~T a pLA k.l~ T.re ~ATMEIJT X X MGC..A~ Jp-o 3 ~TT~R. ~0oN'r o~1/ IsoH-r 82-06 / Drawing No: AS SHOWN dp-? ;~oVIO£ ALL GLk~D TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WA S T b_. TREATMENT FACILITY Con. suiting Engineers ~'e'?~'""~ · I Environmental Scientists ~SmS~4.~o~o [] I Planners ' :11:1~:741:4~:~ I · Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell P.C. ) ' ~.lvlll., ..f. Riverhead, NmY. Fnrmlngdnl., N.Y. Sheet Title: r Sheet I ELECTR CAL SITE PLAN & DETAIL~ ~ I FoP. (-Roll pLATE ~4~LJnLl~:ATl~ TAdK i ,~ ~ pcvd~.R FAILURE :LcAT ~w~Tcd ~vJ~ Ted C+~ EFFLO E~T V,] ¢- LL FLOAT LEVEL ToP T~ ~o'TTo~, HCL FE~D Ph ~OtC~ZO~- ~ pL~T ~ Reco~oeA LQ, Tifl~ ~ I LEVEL ¢ E~. ~A~K ¢ ~ LEVEL pu~p e ,z r-, - e--- - - - EL EL-Pi DEVICE LOAD DEVICE LOAD LOAD DESIGNATION FEEDER LOAD DESIGNATION FEEDER ~#1£'~1~" ~--~RtT AooM -GATT E O EVIC E NEL-UP LOAD LOAD DESIGNATION FEEDER 5~FEED UP, S~cT ~ TYPE: BOLT <~r.__ TYPE: BOLT ON SURF. VOLT O ~-~Op SOHT 82-06 Drawn By: ~ c~. Driwln~ No: AS SHOWN MAR, 1983 '"1¢O?¢N OF SofJTR-O~LD WA-b*TEW-A~T'ER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT, FACILITY Consulting Engineers Environmental Scientists Planners Melville, N.Y. Riverhead, N.Y. Farmlngdale, N.Y. Sheet Title: ELECTRICAL TREATMENT BLDG' I Sheet & DIGESTER BLDG. I 39'Of 41 Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. ~ w~rz~ \ MOTOR CON"TROL C ENTER ,SCH EDUL E 'A I'fEM CUBICLE HP E,B IONI~ CONTROLOEVlCBS MONITOR CONTH /ToA - THERMAL-MAG C 8. Te~T/OFF/AUTO 5~hTC¢/~p¢,l~G R~¥of~ FRO~ / HOR - HAND-OFF-RE~OT£ SWITCH L ~MERATO~ AT ~ C-C, ]j- - _ '_L.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'~- sc,l~.odceS dP. PP. J?D ~ ~ ~,.p ' __ $OHT 82-06 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I 40 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT _., D,~-,, ,.,,.w., .,: " ,.v,.,_ ,,... '"": D.,.: ., ,.ow, ""'il SCAVENGER wAsTE I i ~ i J Co~sultmng Eng~n~ers ~,.~s~.,o,. I ~ c, ~A v , Env,ronmental Sc,entists ,,....*,oe / 8h~t Title: Sh~t / ELECTRICAL MAIN ONE-LINE "ALY~TIONOFTMISOOCU~NT'~XCEPTBY&'J DIAGRAM & SCHEDULE 40 Of 4l. '~"F~tAs~% CM ~""-'"'-'~ -- , ~ /4-8~ VoLT 'swm~\ OTOR CONTROL C ENT ER $C1-1 EDU,IL E OL3.//(oooA / (4) qd-Lm~Lup~ pu~F~)~ 15ce~*~.~*~ ~"~ . ' ~-.STE~-~ MOTOP, COXTP, OLx ~C8~ ' C°~ E'CT To ExI~TId4 t'2oVoc. T 5dppL¥- '5*1 [ - · ..... I WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DIST.IC~ /.'*'*.,....*~*,..x ~ SCAVENGER wAsTE ~ I ¢ ** *=0 * "r m JHolzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. J ~---- "-';" Melv e NY Rve~ead NY > r' m,, JSheetTi,l.: ELECTRICAL DIGESTER ON"-L NE I s...t I SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK 1 ,,,GRANT I.D. No. C- 36-1120 _SOHT- 82-06 ,~~.O'.F~ ~CONTRACTS CONTRACT N~ 1- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & MECHANICAL CONTRACT N°2- HEATING,, VENTILATION, & AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACT PLUMBING ~'~_~ELECTRICAL__~~ Parker Rock Bl~e County Park ~P 0 ' R JECT LOCATR:)I ,a~d, ..I=OCATION MAP SCALE: 1"= 800' HOLZMACHER , McLENDON & MURRELL ,P.C. / H2M CORP CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS & PLANNERS MELVILLE ~NEW YDRK FARMINGDALE , NEW YORK RIYERHEAD , NEW YORK TOWN BOARD SUPERVISOR FRANCIS J. MURPHY COUNCIL MEMBERS JAMES A. SCHONDEBARE PAUL STOUTENBURGH JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND, JR. TOWN JUSTICE RAYMOND W. EDWARDS, JR. TOWN CLERK JUDITH TERRY SHEET I OF 41 -- PROPOSED COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BEDS /* . . ~ ~ -~~/ ~ .... ~ ~2~/~ ~XISTING GARAGE ' ' '-% ........... r ~¢ J EX ST NG COVERED / EXISTING CHLORINE % I ~' '~ ~ ~ SLUgGE DRYING BEDS ~, / ~TORAGE BUILDING ~ t ~ ~ IIC CHLORIDI / ~ / ~ / t ~STO)RAGE TANK ¢ ~EXISTING CONTROL [ % /~/' / . _ _~ ~ ~ ~ EXISTING IMHO J I ~ ~ J' -' / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JJ ,'~~ ul ~ LOCATION ~ EXISTING OHLO~INE - ~, ~ , , I ~ ~:~J~/ ~ ~ I k ~NFLUENT PORT~ co,~,c~ ~, ..... f ~ ~ ~~ ~_~.~~ ............... . ~ ~ ~ EXISTINGPHOTOCIRCUITS % ~ ~~.¢~ ~? 1%2 I I -- '~nfu~U~HLORIC ACID) ~ ~ ~ ~ WASTE FEED TANK , v - - ~ -- / J l /CHAMBER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~%d~. [' ~ [BUI~G~ I II I EXISTING AERATED LAGOON I I II ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ -- -- ¢ - "~EAD BO~H, MI~ & ~1/ ',,~ .... ~ ................... Z ........ _ ....... ~ TREATMENT FA ILITY EXISTING AERATED LAGOON O O POLLUTION, CONTROL PROJECT Environmental Protection for Town _of Southold-- Z'~", .... New Million Dollar Waste Treatment Works $ Federal Dollars $_ State Dollars ( FURNISHED UNDER CONTRACT NO. 2~GC. &-MECH.) CONSTRUCTION SIGN NO SCALE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT E)~IST~iNG GREENPORT SEW'AGE TREATMENT PLANT ~ LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, ET.',w. CTRIC AND TELEPHONE CONDUITS, STORM DRAINS ~ UNDEBGRO)UND PIPING WERE OBTAINED FROM EITHER OLD MAPS, SURVEy,rs, DRAWINGS AND RECORDS SUPPLIED BY OTHERS. THE OWN]ER AND THE CONSULTING ENGINEERS DO NOT GUARANTEE OR ACCE:PT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY D~4AGE TO SUC~{ FACILITIES ]DUE TO DISCREPANCIES IN LOCATION AND SIZE SHOWN ON TH]E PLANS, NOR WILL ANy COMPENSATION BE MADE TO THE CONTRACTfOR FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE CAUSED HIM BY ENCOUNTERING ~THE AFOREMENTIONED UTILITIES WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN, OR ;IN~ CORRECTLY SHOWN ON THE PLA.NS. ~ EXPANSION OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE TO AREA/S NOT DESIGNATED WITHIN THE LIMITS ON THIS PLAN, WILL N(OT BE' PERMITTED UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE OWNER AND/OR E1NGINEER. d~ ALL UNDERGROUND PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED TO PROVIDE 4'-0" MINIMUM COVER TO FINISHED GRADES, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. ~ THE CONTRACTORS SHALL PERFORM DAILY CLEA/~-UP OPERATIONS WHICH INCLUDE SWEEPING OF ROADWAYS, ETC., REMOVAL OF DEBRIS AND EXCESS CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER AND ENGINEER. Project NO: AS SHOWN SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY Consulting Engineers 516.752.9060 · Environmental Scientists 516-694.304a [] 516-727.3480 [] Planners 516.694-3410 [] Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C Melville, N.Y. Riverhead, N.Y. Farmingdale, N.Y. Sheet 2Of 41 Sheet Title: SITE PLAN- PROPOSED & EXISTING STRUCTURES I HYDROCHLORIC FERRIC CHLORIDE I ACID ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM STORAGE TANK LIME FEED SYSTEM J STORAGE TANK J SCREENINGS WASHED GRIT I I' TO LANDFILL "% _ - ~ ~ I~/~ T PRIMARY/~ I I ROTATING SECONDARY ~ ~ ~ o EXiSTInG TANK I .~.. I DISC UNITS I TANK / I '~ T TREAT.ENTPLANT'S ALIZATION ' I ~,u ~ I / I I IMHOFF TANK TANK ~ ~ LOCCULATION ~ TANK ' ' . / I ~ ~ r ~ ~BOx M'xTANK ~'ANK ~ SLUDGE L'N~ ~ SCUM ~'NE ~ r T L-- __--__ ~~ ~ SC~W"~" W~S~ ......: ..... :..: : : ; (Two INFLUE.T A=.A/=U ....... :' ~1 : .................. ~EQUALiZATiON J I I SLUDGE STATIONARYBAR SCREEN GRIT CHAMBER ~ '[ PUMPS ~----~-- ; -- -- l ~Am.EADE,S4 ~~,'~'''~'~'" "=' "=~ ; SLUDGEPUMPS ~,ow~.s [ _ ~1 ~ ~-- - ~ -~ ~.~.oa~c KEY PROCESS PIPING SLUDGE/SCUM PIPING y SLUDGE I ~r._~~j TRANSFER L ~UMPS L~~ HEAT EXCHANGER SLUDGE RECIRCULATION PUMPS MIXER FLOW DIAGRAM NO SCALE ~ 30 RECEIVING AREA AERATED GRIT EQUALIZATION TANK HEAD FLASH FLOCCULATION PRIMARY SETTLING ACID MIX ROTATING BIOLOGICAL SECONDARY EFFLUENT CHAMBER BOX MIX TANK TANK · TANK DISC UNITS SETTLING WET ~. TANK :. TANK · WELL L.L EL. 18.OO L.L. EL. 15.50---~ ~- L.L. EL. 18.67~ L.L. EL. 17.30-- L.L. EL. 16 L.L. El_ 16.20 ~, r~/ ~,x~ L.L. EL. 16o40~ 30 25 2C 15 FORCE MAIN TO GREENPORT SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT DaslgnadSy: ProJe~tNo:TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DrawnBy: DrawlngNo:WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT Ch~: Scale: AS SHOWN TREATMENT FACILITY 0 Consulting Engineers 516.752.9060 · Environmental Scientists HYDRAULIC PROFILE , , Planners SCALE: 1~= 4* VERT, * .o.E.o.,z. IHolzmacher, McLend0n & Murrell, P.C ~Melville, N.Y. Riverhead, N.Y. --~tFarmlngdale' N.Y. I''ALTEI[ATI°N°FTHIsDoCUMEflT,EXcEPT"YA I . FLOW DIAGRAM & HYDRAULIC PROFILE SUFF COUNTY, NEW YORK '1 REA GRANT I.D. No. C- 36-1120 SOHT-82-06 CONTRACT NO 2 HEATI, NG, V. NTILATION AND .AIR CONDITIONING (H V A C.) LIST' OF' D~AWING8 SHEET NO. 32 OF" ~1 -TITLE SHE{~ - HEAT~IN~.,VEN~iLATIOF~-AND AIR CONDITIONING, CH,V.A.C.] SHEET NO~, 33 OP 4! - H;V;A.C;-~ TREATMEN~BJ~DG, & DIGEST~ER BLDG,. HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL ,P.C. / H2M CORP CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS & PLANNERS MELVI,LLE ,NEW YORK FARMINGDALE , NEW YORK RIVERI~EAD , NEW YORK 32 OF 41 LIME ROOM L-3 STORAGE ROOM AIR BLOWER ROOM H-4-- L-2 I'C- 1 ADMINISTRATION ROOM LAVATORY H'8 ~ .4; r~" ODOR CONTROL H-1 L-1 AERATED GRIT CHAMBtER TREATMENT BUILDING SCALE, I/4": I'-0" ILG IND. CAPACITy QUANTITY UNIT NO. LOCATION MODEL NO. CFM al .125" S.P. R~QUIRED RPM MOTOR HP E-1 Aerated Grit CRF 100 565 1 1250 1/10 E-2 Blower Room CRF 150 1707 1 925 1/3 E-3 Blower Room CRF 100 565 1 1250 1/10 E-4 Bath Room CRF 82 214 1 1250 1/25 E-5 Storage Room CRF 82 214 1 1250 1/25 E-6 Lime Room CRF 82 214 1 1250 1/25 E-7 Gas Equipment CRF 82 216 1 1250 1/8~ Room E-8 Digester Room CRF 100 214 1 1250 1/25 15 Vo~s - ~lngle Sp ~All Units (except E-7) shall be equipped with IAT, PRC & GS. IAT - ILG - A - Tronic Solid State Speed Control with capability to redL%ce Speed up to 50%. Also includes all wall mounted on-off switch. PRC - Prefabricated roof curb, galvanized steel welder construction with fiberglass insulation. GS - Gravity,' Shutter, All alunlinum construction design to locate in standard curbs. GAll units shall be direct drive centrifugal roof ventilators manufactured by ILG Industries, Inc., Chicago, Ill., or approved equal. ~Unit E-7 shall be NE~IA Class I, Group D - Explosion Proof. GAS EQUIPMENT ROOM E-7 H-9 ANAEROBIC DIGESTER H-10 S-1 DIGESTER EQUIPMENT ROOM UNIT NO. IC-1 INCREMENTAL CONDITIONER SCHEDULE SINGER QUANTITY CA~PACITY (BTU/HR) LOCATION MODEL NO. P~EQUIRED COOLING HEA~ING Administration RS-14 1 Room 13,800 16,400 SUPPY,ROOF FAN SCHEDULE ILG IND. CAPACITY QUANTITY UNIT NO. LOCATION MODE~L NO. CFM @ 1/8" S.P. REQUiReD S-1 Digester Room SRQ-163 1395 1 RPM MOTOR HP 1140 1/4 Unit shall include prefabricated roof curb, automatic gravity type shutter and two speed remote controller. DIGESTER BUILDING SINGER QUANTITY CAPACITY VOLTAGE AMPS UNIT NO. LOCATION CATALOG NO. P~EQUIRED _ (KW) (V) (Al BTU/HR TYPE / H-1 Aerated Grit EUH 10K 1 10.0 480 12.0 34,130 Wall Mount Chamber Forced Air Unit Heater H-2 & Aerated Grit EUH 05K 2 5.0 480 6.0 17,075 Wall Mount H-3 Chamber Forced Air Unit Heater H-4 & Blower Room EUH 05K 2 5.0 480 6.0 17,075 Wall Mount Forced Air Unit Heater H-6 Lime Room EUH 05K 1 5.0 480 6.0 17,075 Wall Mount Unit Heater D,M.K,/R,S.I H-7 Storage Room 8751 1 1.25 120 4,269 Automatic OrmwnBy: Model WJA-12 Wall Heater I ~ ~ H-8 Bath Room 8751 i 1.25 120 4,269 Automatic ~. : Model WJA-12 Wall Heater ~ H-9 Gas Equipment 81152 Room Model HL3-6 The Heating, Ventilati~on.. and Air Conditionin HV ((Electrical installation' to ~--- ~ - -- q (HVAC) Contractor shall furnls .t.l-~-aators, ele~ ~if, h~=+~P~e-r=r°rme.~,bY ~he el~ctrlca~coD~tractor ~ ahl~an_d__ln~stall fled mn the specifications andros sho-~n on the plans. All .h..eat. lng, gnits shall be furnis~,] w~e~ - ~ . ~er the general, construction ' act (zf required) and sh---~a '1 be b~, ~"~2f[--n-q~ac~chl~q line voltage_~t~ermostats and coCn°~atcr ProJ.ct No: SOHT 82-06 Drmwlng No: AS SHOWN TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT "'": SCAVENGER WASTE 1 6.0 480 6.8 19,209 I~pl°si°n ~s~ , MAE,1983 Proof, Class It Group D Wall Moun{ ~ H-10 Digester RoomE HOS i s.0 .0 ,.0 i7,025 TREATMENT FACILITY Forced Air v/ H-11 Sludge/Scum Well (Not Shown) SEE SPECS. Unit Heater NOTE: Units H-7 & H-8 to be sinqle phase, all other units shall be 3 phasa Consulting Engineers 5~s.?~=..0~0 Environmental Scientists $16.~94.3040 Planners 016'727-34a0 516-694.3410 :macher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C Melville, N.Y. Riverhead, N.Y. Farmingdale, N.Y. Sheet Title: Sheet H.V.A.C, - TREATMENT BLDG. & DIGESTER BLDG. ~3 Of 41 SECTION B, -,B D 'E'TAILSI (FILL o · LOLIVEI~ ~SrE(~-~O Ni THRU HEADi :JAM, SI ::SILL i'W.i.~ D 0 W: DIETAIL,, [DETAIL..OF. CONC'RETEr PADi ILL HEA,DI JAMI~ IDOOR DETAIL SILL i~." ~o~c. stock Final l iNTERIOR DOOR DETAIL~ R.S.M. SOHT 82-06 ""'""o "o= EWATER Oi~ ,R.S.M.13 , '~*: WASTE . s.ow. / SCAVENGER JAN. .198 .EATMEN~ ..... : .., ,.onsu~Un_ ~n-~neers ,, / ~!', ,,//,,,f * ,\ I m Planners , ,~,.~,.~i, ~,';~, Zi !{L,i:y '/ I Melville, N.Y. Rlverhead, N.Y, : Farmingdllpe! N.Y. ...... "' .AL?ERA?iON OF THiS DOCLiMEI~T, EXCEle7 By A SUFFO COUNTY NEW YO GRANT I.D, No. C- $6-1120 SOHT- 82-06 TRACT NO 3 PLUMBING LiS3~ OF DRAWINGS SHEET NO,-3~FOF ~1;: TITLE SHEET - PLUMBING SHEET NO, 35OFi4~ -PLUMBING - SITE WATER FEED PLAN & DETAILS SHEET NO; 36OF:~T- PLUMBING - FLOOR DRAIN & SANITARY PIPING PLANS ~, ~ DIAGRAMS HOLZMACHER, McLENDON & MURRELL ,P.O. / H2M CORP CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS & PLANNERS MELVILLE ,NEW YDRK FARMINGDALE , NEW YORK RIVERHEAD , NEW YORK 3~- OF 41 PROPOSED COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BEDS I I EXISTING COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BEDS EXISTING CONTROL AND PUMP BUILDING EXISTING IMHOFF rANKS I I EXISTING GARAGE hEXISTING CHLORINE STORAGE BUILDING WASTE FEED T~NK ~EXISTING CHEMICAL STORAGE TANK ~ LGENERATOR EXISTING AERATED LAGOON EX IGTING HYDRANT COPPER $/4~HEATER-HEAT EXCHANGER- S/4~SAMPLE SINK DIGEBTER TANK BUILDING FOR DIGESTER BUILDING WATER SERVICE I~ PLUMBING DETAILS SEE SHEET 360F4/ SERVICE CUT-IN TO EXIST 4"¢ C I, WATER MAIN (PROVIDE 2"¢ TAPPING SADDLE[ NOTE= THIS CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESTORATION OF EXIST CONCRETE ROAD DAMAGED DURING TAPPING OF WATER MAIN POLYETHYLENE LINE E/4"¢ POLYETHYLENE SE/ __ ~-~-- EXISTING CONCRETE ROADWAY (8'xS'CONCRETE PANELS) EXIST, 4"¢ C I. WATER MAIN ~)CHLORIC ACID 'STORAGE VAULT COPPER SERVICE CURB STOP & BO) PORTS .~ CHLORIDE STORAGE VAULT OIL SITORAGE TANK, WET WELL METER S/4"¢ SLOP SINK HOOK-UP ATER METER (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET) DUCED PRESSURE BACKPLOW PREVENTER (SEE DETAIL-THIS SHEET) B/4'~NOSE BIBB DETAIL OF LAVATORY SHEET BGOF 4[ SLUDGE/SCUM WET WELL ROTATING BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS SITE pLAN. WATER METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTER OUTSIDE HOOK-UP WATER SERVICE LIME [LIME FEED ROOM) ;~/4" ¢I COPPER SERVICE EQUALIZATION TANKS D. M.K. SOHT 8P-06 EW, 35 Ch edBy: AS SHOWN MAR, 1983 --HEAD BOX, FL~ASH MIX & FLOCCULATIO'N TANKS PRIMARY sETTLING TANK[, , ACID MIX TANK -- FOR TREATMENT BUILDING WATER SERVICE ~ PLUMBING DETAILS~ GEE SHEET B6 OF 41 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAl_ DISTRICT :SCAVENGER WASTE LEGEND INDICATES CURB STOP INDICATES HOSE BIBB OUT'SlOE HOOK-UP W/DRAIN VALVE (SEE DE~AIL-THIS SHEET} INDICATES CONNECTION TfO UNIT TREATMENT FACILITY Consulting Engineers Environmental Scientists Planners 516-752-9060 · 516.$94-3040E~ 516.727.3480 [] 516.694.3410 [] Sheet Title: Sheet PLUMBING - SITE WATER FEED PLAN & DETAILS 35 Of 4.1 Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. AA/A£RO~IC D/G£3TE~ £1~£ ~oo~ Dr'WI A/loc T~A TI OAI COO. t? L A VA oDo~° £Z, GRIT CM, b, MB£R (/,vv, 6:~, /?.5 )- RoO,~I (~,"~ OVa~FLow RaTd~M Z.I,'J~ TO 'DIGESTER BUILDING' PLUMBING PLAN '1' TREATMENT BUILDING WATER FEED & PLUMBING PLAN / Roo~ \ // % I~ /'/~--~-x,.X O,M.K./G.W, D, SOHT 82-0 E W. 36 ~m/~ NO SCALE MAR, ~1983 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRICT SCAVENGER WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY Consulting Engineers 516-752.9060 · TREATMENT BUILDING ~ ~/ Environmental Scientists 516'69413°4° [] $16-727,3480 [~ DIGESTER'BUILDING , ' Planners $:~-~a.~4:o [] FLOOR DRAIN RISER DIAGRAMS ~; ~ ~/ Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P. ~ Rlverhead, N.Y. Farmingdale, N.Y. 3 ISheetTitlp:' _ ~LUMBING- FLOOR DRAIN~/ ~UCENS=Dp.O~,ONAk~8m==..,S,CC.a~U'I =ANITARY PIPING PLANS & DIAGRAMS I Ob Ur ~1 ~ ,,i I I I I EL ' ON EVATI L I I -% 'L NOTE: I I -I '[ , I_ I I I I I · i;, R.S.M., ~o AS.~HOW~I JAN. KEY I HYDROCHLO-RiC: FERRIC CHLORIDE ........ . J ~ ACID ~ ~ ~~r~'~ ~ 'r W~ ~ ~ ~ ¢~1~ ;ODORi~~~-''~:~x '~TCONTROL S Y'STrEM, ~ STORAGE[_~ ~~1~ I r'~'~TANK " c~LIME FEED sYSTEM ~ p~ METEriNG r" , PRIMARY~ , ET WEI L M~ , , TO ~IS~NQ I ~S~IrNG ~ ~ .~B~OGt~AL~ SET-T~iNG-~ ~'~REENPO~T~E~AGE:' QUALi~TION, I .: ~ . E TANK ,' -, TANK ,~ / T~NK~. ~ H~AD FLASH' ~FLOCCULATI N: ~ ~~ . ~ . aox '.~x~ ~TANK~ ~ --. / , , TANK - & 4 AIR 4 4 ~'~' ~J ~ ~ ~ EQUALIZATION, / ~ I SLUD~ LmE~ ~1~ ~ ~,.g~ -n I I r- - ~ --, :_ ~... A ~ ~PUMPS M!XFF! ESS, prlPI~G' ' E/SCUM PI: ' FLOW DIAGRAM ":'--'-',A'R HE~eERS-" <~. FLOCCULATION PRIMARY SETTLING ',::ACID MIX ' ROTATING, BIOLOGICAL TANK, ' TANK.... ~ TANK . ., DIS~=,UNITS SLUDGE/SCUM WET WELl BLOWERS ; E~UALIZATION TANK ~' HEADIi,~, : ::':: - TANK IL. EL. L.L. EL. 16.20 -- SECONDARY EFFLUENT' Ia° SETTLING WET '~. , TANK WEILL SLUDGE PUMPS' ANAEROBIC, , . L.~ El:, 25 ,HYD~~ILE- :. NONE ·HORIZ~ ! HEAT EXCHANGER 3E MAIN TO,~REENPORT S£~AGE YREATMENT PLANT: Drawn By:. Drawing No: AS SHOWN FEB. WASTEWATER ,DISTRICT SCAVENG":"R _WAS i!E TREATMENt: FACILITY1 Consulting Engineers Environmental ~clentists Planners Holzmacher, McLendO,n & Murrell,, Melville, N,Y. Rlverhead, N.Y. Farrnlngdlle, N.~: Sheet Title: Sheet ~ FLOV~ DIAGRAM & HYbRAULic ~ROFILa', ~ 31 ' Of 41 I,.p _EL__ LtL, EL? 18.67 -- 110 2O CONTR T SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK GRANT I.D. No. C-36-1120 SOHT-82-06 NO.1 G CONSTRUCTION AND SHEET NO, 4 OF 41 LIST Of DRAWINGS . TITLE SHEET - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & MECHANICAL SHEET NO. 5 OF 41 SHEET NO, 6 OF 41 SHEET NO. 7 OF 41 SITE PLAN 'GRADING & PAVING SITE LANDSCAPING PLAN SHEET NO. 10 OF 41 . SHEET NO. 1.1OF 4.-~ - SHEET NO, SHEET NO. SHEET NO. SHEET NO,45 OF 41 SHEET NO, !6 OF ~1 - SHEET NO. '1,7 OF41.- SHEET NO, 18 OF ~,1 - SITE WORK DETAILS SHEET Nb 81~ 41' BUILDinG g STRUCTURES LOCATION PLAN SHEcT NO.~9 OF 41- SITE iREA'~hENT & MECHANICAL PIPING PLAN C.C. - TREATMENT/ADMINIST,RATION BUILDING ELEVATIONS ~.C. - TREATMENT/ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FLOOR PLAN~ SECTIONS ; DETAILS 12 OF 41 - G.C. - TREATMENT/ADMINISTRATION BUIIJ)ING ~fION PLAN, SECTION & DETAILS 13 OF 41 - G.C. - TREATMENT/ADMINISTRATION BUILDING DETAILS t4'OF 4i - MECH. - INFLUENT PORTS, BAR SCREEN, GRI~'CHAMBER& ODOR CONTROL UNIT PLAN & SECTION - MECH. - EQUALIZATION TANK- PLAN, SECTIONS ~ DETAILS MECH.- EQUALIZATION TANK - SECTION & DETAILS MECH.- HEAD BOX, FLASH MIX & FLOCCULATION TANK PLAN & SECTIONS MECH. - HYDROCHLORIC ACID, FERRIC CHLORIDE g FUEL- OIL STORAGE TANK PLANS, SECTIONS & DETAILS SHEET NO. SHEET NO. l~ OF,~I~- MECH. - PRIMARY SETTLING TANK PLAN, SECTIONS g DETAILS ~0 OF 41- MECH.- ROT/~TING BIOLOGICAL DISCS PLAN, SECTION & D ETA ILS SHEET NO,~ OF 41 SHEET NO, 22 OF 41 SHEET NO, 23 OF 4t SHEET NO. 24 OF 41 SHEET NO, Z5 OF 41 - SHEET NO, 26~ OF 41 _ SHEET NO,2? OF 41 - SHEET NO, 28 OF 41 - SHEET NO. 29 OF 41 - SHEET NO, 30 OF 41 - SHEET NO, 31 OF 41 - LIST OF DRAWINGS - MECH~SECONDARY SETTLING TANK PLAN,, SECTIONS & DETAILS - MECH. - EFFLUENT WET WELL PLAN & SECTION, HYDROCHLORIC ACID MIXING TANK PLAN & SECTION - MECH. - AIR BLOWER ASSEMBLY PLAN & SECTION, LIME FEED ROOM PLAN & SECTION - MECH. - SLUDGE/SCUM WET WELL PLAN ~ SECTIONS G.C.-DIGESTER BUILDING PLAN, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS & DETAILS MECH, - MECH. - MECH, - DETAILS MECH, - DETAILS DIGESTER TANK PLAN. SECTION & DETAILS DIGESTER PIPING PLAN ~ SECTIONS OPEN SLUDGE DRYING BEDS PLAN, SECTIONS & COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BE~S, PI_AN, SECTIONS & MECH. - COVERED SLUDGE D~YING BEDS, ELEVATIONS & DETAILS AND MISC. DETAILS TEST BORIN~ SITE PLAN & CLASSIFICATIONS HOLZMACHER , McLENDON & MURRELL ,P.C. / H2M CORP CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS & PLANNERS MELVILLE ,NEW YORK FARMINGDALE , NEW YORK RIVERHEAD , NEW YORK HANICAL 4 OF 4l OPEN SLUDGE DRYING BEDS EXIST.;.. ~ SLUDGE DI~YING BEDS' SEE SHEET 7 FOR PROPOSED SLUDGE DRYING BEDS ACCESS ROADWAY CROSS SECTION DETAIL .sTguc~u~.~o.,, -, TYPE. 1 ~, ,~'-.0" ~,~ ~e'aching, ~ool 3 lO'lO'! ~'Le~chin~ Pool, ~ 4 ~, ,:, ~0,'-0" ~ Leaching Pool : , 5 8!-0" ~ Leaching Pool N,.,_E:q. His~T CONTRACTOFR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF ACCESS ROADWA PAVEMENT AND SrrEDIN6 IN AREA AROUND BEDS. ',OPEN SLUDG'E : DR !I,_No G__ BEDS, ,AREA ~: SCALE: I~ :- , ! ,'.' '."STRUCTURE SCHEDULE : ' INLET/CONC~TE covBR , Combination Inlet Concrete Cover Concrete-Cover Combination Inlet LEGEND' Concrete Cover -EXISTING EFFECTIVE DEPTH 4' 4' 6' 6' PROPOSED NOTE: LEACHING POOl I0 LF-12"0 Cl ~ RCP NOTEAL,LL ELEVATIONS REFER TO USGS VERTIGAL DATUM(SANDY HOOK, N,J. 1929] NQ -- EXTEND CONCRETE CURB TO · I0' PAST INLET CASTING lNG POOl Ns I-GRATE EL.12.87 SEE STRUCTURE ~CNEDULE THIS SHEET FOR EFFECTIVE DEPTHS OF ALL LEACHING POOLS NOTE~SEE SPECS FOR DETAILS OF PAVEMENT RESTORATION AT LEACHING POOLS NeI EXISTING UTILITY POLES TO BE RELOCATED UNDER CONTRACT .EACBll 0' CANTILEVER SLIDE GATE AT ENTRANCE TO AND EXIT FROM TREATMENT FACILITY, EE SPECS)( 2 REQUIRED) ~ , POOL N-"4-GRATE EL. 15,1E PROPOSED 6'-0'* CHAIN LINK FENCE· (SEE DETAILS ON SHEET 7,) ENTRANCE~AY WALL -INV.9. IO- EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE PROPOSED 6'- 0" CHAIN LINK FENCE. SEE DETAILS ON SHEET 7. FOR EXACT LOCATIONS OF PAVING AND CURBING DIGESTER TANK BUILDING~ TT. EL28D EL. TRE MENT i SE -- ~ EE ED. 17.5 e ~ SETTLING I: EL. 17.7 XISTING ~ WOODED ,%"~ A.EA TO REMAINL_/ I LANDSCAPING PLAN ON I EGUALIZATIOI~ TANKS / ROTATING T.T EL.IT. 45 BIOLOGICAL '. DISC UNITS ' , T.T. EL. 16.97 HEAD BOX, FLASH MIX/& FL, OCCULATI,ON TANKS \%~T.T. EL. 20.0 . AND DIMENSION / ~/ /x% SEE SHEET 8 OF 41. / PRIMARY SEi, TLING TANK/T,T. EL. IS.B \\ T.T ELfISh%ANK ( / ,PARTIAL SITE PLAN SCALE'I"=20' ABBREVIATIONS E.P. - Edge'of Pavement T%T. - Top of.Tank EL. - Elevation ~RI ~GE VAuLTACI_D/ R.S.M./S.J.H. JAM/RSM POOL N~5 aE/SCUM WET WELL EL. 19.7 ' ' EXISTING WOODED ¸.1 AREA TO REMAIN. SEE SITE LANDSCAPIng PLAN ON SHEET 6.7~---- / SHEET 7 FOR PROPOSED PAVEMENT CROSS SECTION AT ENTRANCE CIRCLE~ ACCESS ROADS AND PARKING AREAS. EXIST. CHAIN LINK FENCE Project No:. SOHT 82-06 Drawing NO: 5 I 1985 QWN OF ~OL]" HOLD' SCAVENGER WASTE: TREATMENT FACILITY Consulting Engineers Environmental Scientists Planners 51 $.694.3410 i~ Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C Melville, N.Y. Rlvorhead, N,Y. FArmlnodale, N.Y, Sheet Title: ~, ' Sheet SiTE PLAN -'GRADING AND PAvINGi 5 Of'41 PROPOSED COVERED ',S0JDGE b~'~fl~-O B'EDs I I EXISTING COVERED SLUDGE DRYING BEDS ~N~H AREA BE TO - ,~E-EO~D EXISTING IMHOFF TANKS EXISTING STORAGE TANK EXISTING INFLUENT CHAMBER EXISTING ,PHQTOCIRCUITS WASTE FEED TANK ~XISTING AERATED LAGOON EXISTING GARAGE EXISTING CHLORINE STORAGE BUILDING EXISTING CONTROL AND PUMP BUILDING ELECTRICAL RATOR SET RESTORATION OF TRENCH AREA TO INCLUDE SEEDING. .=XISTING AREA TO REMAIN-- PROPOSED SEEDED EXISTING TREES~)' DIGESTER TANK 'BUILDING' PROPOSED SEEDED SECONDARY SETTLING TANK~ :.XISTING WOODEr i,~REA TO REMAI~ _ 15' _ ROTATING / BIOLOGICAL DISC UNITS SITE PLAN ,,/ PROPC EXISTING CONCRETE ENTRANCE ROADWAY EXISTING "PROPOSED ~ CHLORIDE STORAGE VAULT GIL STORA/GE TANK UENT WET WELL SEEDED AREA-- 1 TREATMENT BUILDING HYDROCHLORIC ACID "STORAGE VAULT PORTS SLUJ GE/SCUM WET WELL ;~,,PROPOSED SEEDED AREA EQUALIZATION TANKS I R.S.M. I R.S.M. i ch?t ,..v,._~// ~,;:. / IX, FLASH MIX & ~ FLOCCULATIION TANKS LPRIMARY SETTLING TANIK ACID MIX TANK APPROX. DESIGNATED SEEDED AREA=O,80, ACRES*- '~ (INCLUDES AREA AROUND PROPOSED SLUDGE DRYING BEDS'SHOWN oN SHEET5 OF 41) PmJ~t No: SOHT 82-06 EXISTING WOODED AREA TO REMAIN Drlwlng No: 6 -- [I~TING TREATMENT/ P'L ANT ENTRA HCE ,1983 "'~ I I~ L'A'R'S" &' 3f~'A ~ L SCAVENGER WAST TREATMENT FACILITY' Consulting Engineers Environmental Scientists Planners ~h.~.~ IHolzmacher, McLen~on & Murrell,. P.C. I ,.. ~ Rlverhead~' N.Y; ~ - ~: I Sheet Title: ~~ -- [ Sheet I ,,.,.,.,,o.o..,,.o--.,,,,...,. I - - G,TE ~A..G~A,,.G FLA. I . -';,;--., I i GAS EQUIPMENT ROOM /¢;8" ANAEROBIC DIGESTER PIPING PLAN SECTION A-A EXCHANGER',, w~r~r ~___~ ............ I I I GAS PIPING SCHEMATIC V SECTION B-B SECTION C-C SECTION D-D DeMgned By: PmJ~t No: I I D.M.K, SOHT-82-061 ,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD , Drawn By:. 3/8 =1'-0' J.A.M, Dr,wingiNg: WASTEWATER DISPOSAL DISTRi'CT ..v?~ ~'~, ,,,~ SCAVENGER WASTE "'"'""" 'TREATMENT FACILITY ~ .... ~ '" ~ ~ ~ i Consulting Engineers. . , ,. r,...,.. I ~ [~ P~V ~ Environmental Scientmts 'l/~.~{l'.r~'''':,~'"'/ I Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P. C . I Melville, N.Y. Rlverhead, N,Y. FArmlngd~le, N.Y. I Sheet Title: Sheet "ACTERATIOHOFTHISOOCUMENT,~CE"TIYAI MECH. - DIGESTER*PIPING PLAN & SECTIONS' 27 Of