HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/16/1960 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLA~1D FERRY DISTRICT May 16, 1960 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called by the Chairman and held in the offioe of the FIshEll'S Island FIlli!~l\ .I.nc., May 16, 1960 at 5:00 Po'Mo Present were H. Lee Ferguson, "r., Polly Rdmonds, A. R. Q'rebe, L, So Baldwin, and Lo O. Lamb. Also present were W. C. Sinclair, Secretary and William Haines visitor. Chairman Ferguson opened the meeting, said meeting having been called to decide the question of the airport operation. He stated that he had requested Mr, Haines to be present inasmuch as Mr. Haines had further information to submit 'on his proposaL Chairman b'erguson stated that it was his under= standing that if Haines would go on an employee basis he wanted to bring in another pilot to operate on a 7 day basis. Haines told the Board that his Aunt and Uncle would work with him and that they are well qualified to keep the proper records, He said that if he couldn't lease the airport he would work as an employee at a figure of $1200 for the period June 17 through September 17, 1960 with the understanding that he could park his plane there without parking fees, but of course pay all landing feeso He also stated that he could rent out other aircraft for 75% of the ~ross revenues retaining 15% fqr himself and pay the District 10%, and 75% to the owner of the planeo On a lease arrangement he would be willing to pay 10% of the first $3000 gross and 25% of that above the $3000 to the District. He would however, like to separate items as follows:, 10% of each aircraft up to $3000 and 25% thereafter 10% of the airport operation up to $3000 and 25% thereafter. He then went on to say that insurance, gasoline and oil and regular check ups on his plane involves considerable money. Inspections costs $200 to $300, He would like to hire a full time flyer to fly 7 days a week. For the District he said that hours on the plane are recorded and this could be a check for the District. He said his books of course would be availahle to the District any time, He would like also to run on a year basis. If this could be arranged he would then pay 10% on the first $3000 and 20% thereafter, all utilities to be paid for a year and a minimum of $500 be guaranteed to the District. Comma Grebe asked if Haines flies to Waterford Airport how would he get his passengers to Town? Haines said they could use the public phone there. General discussion then ensued on general charges at other airports. Commissioners Grebe adnu Baldwin both asked how Haines would feel if he was to operate as an independent operator and lease the hangar space and not be in the pOSition of either an employee or an airport operator? Haines indicated that the business would not warnant it. Comm. Grebe said that Haines, Coastal Airways, New London Flying Service are in effect competitors and if Haines is on the payroll then it might give rise to charges of unfair competition. by the others. Chairman ~erg~son then stated that inasmuch as W. Haines has presented his side of the proposition it now behooves the Commissioners to make a decision one way or another. He pointed out to Mr, Haines that it would appear that the employe~ relationship is still the best way out financially for the District, William Haines stated that if he can lease the airport he wUl guarantee $1200 a year to the District and pay District 10% of income to $3000 and 20% thereafter. He then left the meeting at 6:30 P.M. ~ -2~ Commo Baldwin feels that Ho Guest has made the best offer. Commo ~rebe wanted to know if it is given to W. Haines will Ho Guest have any riphts to go to Civil Service and complaino Commo urehe favors h'ring Ho Guest and let Wo Haines operate as an independent operatoro Commo Lamb is not in favor of leasingo Commo Edmonds wants a lease arrangement and if it is with Wo Haines then it keeps the money on the Islando Chairman Ferguson feels that Haines has made a good offero Commo Edmonds is in favor of leasing to Wo Haineso Commo Edmonds then made a motion that Hflines be granted a lease to operate the airport. After discussion, Cowno Edmonds then withdrew her motiono The Manager reported that Town Attorney, Ho Tasker stated that the Board of Commissioners have a moral obligation to the people of the District to accept that proposal which offers the best return and renders the best serviceo The ~anager also raised a question on the procedure involved in reconsidering only one of the four rprposals instead of all four proposalso Chairman .l'"erguson maintains that the employee relationship is the best for the District. Mo~ion by Grebe and Baldwin that Ho Guest be hired on a year round basis as per his proposalo Positive votes on this motion WElre Commissioners Grebe and Baldwin; negative votes were Commissioners EdT),onds, Lamb and Fergusono Motion not carriedo Commo Baldwin feels that a lealle to either of the two lines will only promote friction between two lines who h~ve rendered valuable service to the islando He feels also the op~ratinn should be operated by the Districto Motion by Edmonds and Lamb that Wo Haines, tloOGrt Lo Haines and Anna Mae Haines be hired to operate the airport at a total co~t of $1200 per seasono Positive votes on this were Commissioners Edmonds, Lamb, Fergusono Negative votes were Commissioner's Baldwin and Grebeo Motion carri0d by majorityo The following resolution was introduced by Chairman Ferguson anct adopted by a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners as follows: Positive votes Commissioners Edmonds. Lamb and Ferguson; negative votes were Commissioners Baldwin and Grebeo WHEREAS: the Majority of the Board of Commissioners of the Fo 10 Ferry District desire t'J engage the services of William Bo Haines, "'obert .l.o Haines and Anna Mae hai71es in the capacities of airport attendents for the period June 17. 1960 througp September 17. 1960 at Elizabeth Airfield, Fishers Island, New York AND wr;EREAS Chapter 620 of the Laws of ~ew 10rk 19$1 provides that the ~own of So~thold has de1agated jurisdiction, control and supervision of said airport to the Board Qf Commissioners of the Fo I. Ferry District THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED:that William Bo Baines, nobert Lo Haines and Anna Mae Ha.ines be engaged effective June 17. 1960 for the period June 17. 1960 through September 17, 1960 inclusive AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that oompensation as airport attendants shall be payable to each on a monthly basis as follows: June 17~30, 1960 - $7$000; July 1=31, 1960 - $12$000; Augo 1-31, 1960 - $1.25000; Septo 1~17, 1960 - $7$0000 It was agreed that as an employee Wo Haines could fly when he was not on duty and that he would be responsible to the District for his landing and parking feeso The District of course would not be interested in his charter business. The Board directed the ~anager to see that the magnetic bearing be placed on the runway 0 The Board also directed the Manager to notify Co,sta1 Airways. the No 10 Flying Service and Ho Guest of the Board' decisiono Mo ion made to adjourn and unanimously carried at 7:20 P.Mo APPROVED: }/i ~ O'l~ Ho L~~F~~son, Jro Chairman. Board of Commissioners L l-<--- o Co Sinclair, Mgro=Seco