HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/05/1960 \-- -----.~- ...--_....~ , MINUTES OF THE MEErING OF THE B0ARD OF COI1MISSIONERS OF JI'HE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT July 5. 1960 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Ferry Vistrict, July 5, 1960 at 7: 30 P olll. Present :were Ho Lee F,erguson. Jr, La~ence S; Baldwin, Alfred R. Grebe, Lewis O. Lamb, Polly Edmonds and WO C. ~inclair. Secretary. The Minutes of the Meeting held June 23. 1960 were read and approved as read. Motion by Baldwin and Grebe that voucher #8259 through #8300, in~ elusive, in the amount of $17,964.31, representing the outstanding obligations of the Ferry Distriot for the month of June 1960 be paid. Chairman Ferguson read invoice of A. Co Construction Coo on the work at the airport. General discussion ensued on this. Chairman Ferguson abstained from voting on the F. I. Telephone Corp and the F. I. Electric Corporation invoices. Motion unanimously carried. The Man:"'ller reported that there will be a golf tournament Thursday on the Island and that extra trips of the ferr~ might be necessary. The Board authorized the Manager to work out the details. There must be a minimum guarantee of $100 for a trip at night and aL" . guanteed minimum of $75.00 for a trip wlring the day. The hanager presented prices on 2 types of wind indicators for the airport as follows: $99.50 and $59095. The ~anager was authorized to purchase the Ac6 windometer for $99.50 from Aircraft Components Ine., Benton Harbor 7, Michigan. The Board authorized the i'ianager to purohase two (2) 25 lb. C02 extinguishers for the airport from either Shipman Fire Equipment Co. of New London, Conn or the Hartford Fire Extinguisher Coo of nartford, Conn; whiohever Company quotes the best price. The ~~nager reported that the State Trooper is handling the automobile traffic at the F. I. Terminal very efficiently The Board of Commissioners went on reeord as endorsing the trooperus actions and reoommendations regarding the traffic situation at this terminal. The Board directed the Wanager to see if he could keep all trucks out of the en~ closed parking area over the weekends. The following resolution was introduced by the Chairman and adopted by the unanimous affirmative vote of the Board of Commissionerst WHEREAS William B. Haines and Robert B. Haines, airport attendants at Elizabeth Airfield have resigned effective June 24. 1960 AND WHEREAS Clarence Lo Dixon of Fishers ISland, N.Y. has applied for the position of airport attendant BE IT RESOLVED THAT Clarence L. Dixon be engaged by this District effective J~ly 5. 1960 through September 17. 1960 inclusive, in the capacity of airport attendant at a compensation of $1.25 per hour payable monthly. Commissioner Grebe suggested that chrome bolts for the rest rooms at the airport be purchased. The Board directed the hanager to do this. Chairman Fergusqn said that a water meter will be installed at the theatre building. Comm. urebe asked what the status of W. Hainesus plane is regarding parking in the hangar? The Manager stated that it is parked there at the descretion of the Board and that W. Haines has paid $50.00 to the District for seasonal parking. General discussion on thiso Comm. Lamb suggested getting some cable for the tie down area. The Manager stated he believes he has some cable in storage and would check this. ! "Ii( -".--,- ,......t -~--. " -2- (JulY 5. 1960) The Manager reported that he is attempting to get a machine broom to sweep the airport runways and the paved area from the Mystic Paving Company. He said he will have word on this tomorrow. The hanager reported that in Building #239 a toilet tank is cracked and that the fixtures are badly worn. The Board directed the kanager to have this taken care of. The Board directed the Manager to send a letter to Mr. Harold Price. Superintendent of Highways. thanking him for the paving work at the airport. Motion made to adjourn and unanimously carried at 8:47 P.M. APPROVED, ALU- (--\'.,-' ~ H. Lee Ferguson, Jr., Chairman Board of Commissioners /trJcA1M t-. ~ W. C. Sinclair, Mgr.-Sec. ,. \ .. tI'--'-":"'--'~'-'''--'.!.~ ----.--......... ",__r'-;-~'_ . OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS" OF THE' FISHERS" ISLAND ~~t DISTRICT RE~U~ FOR .JlrnE 1960 July 5, 1960 June V ouoher 1960 No. Claimant Explanation Amount 1 8259 Griswold & Company F & E.C. Airport Property $ 717.50 1 8260 Thames Shipyard Ino. Generator Bearing 75.13 1 8261 Shipman Fire Equip. Co. Fire Extinguishers 8262 Testing and Charging 42.20 1 Charl~s Parker Co. Fixtures - Airp'ort 47.50 1 8263 F.I. ~elephone Corp. Servioe 4'21-5720 ~.10 1 826~ Cummins Diesel Co. Housing - ystio Isle 0.50 1 826 Raytheon Mfg. Co. Radar Maintenanoe 54.00 1 8266 Sullivan Printing 80. Sohedules & Posters 73.50 1 826A Sullivan Z'rinting o. Cash and Pursers Reports 107.50 1 826 Waterford T.V. Airport Radio 660.75 1 8269 Diamond Gardner Cor.p. Material - Lifeboats 13.30 1 8270 Nat'l Cash rtegister Co. Repairs to Register 8.10 2 8271=: Mobil Oil Company Fuel Mystio Isle 313.84 6 8272 Griswold & ~o. Ino. Exoess p&I-Yankee 15.00 6 8273 Griswold & Co. Ino. P&I - Yankee 75.00 9 827~ Nat'l Cash Register Co. Detail Paper 2.~ 10 827 C & H Eleotrio Maohine Airport Light 19. 0 10 8276 Miner & AlexanderLBMber Material - Mystic Isle 7.36 13 8277 Apex Office Supply o. Supplies . 13.20 13 8278 A. John Gada Contract - ~ire Esoape 738.00 15 82A9 F. I. Ferry District Payroll 6/1-15/60 406.66 15 82 0 F. I. ~lectric Corp. Servioe 4/30-5/31/60 25.35 16 8281 Mobil Oil Co. Fuel - Mystic Isle 289.~ 17 8282 ArroQ Paper Supply Co. Supplies - Airport 43. 2 20 8283 Apex Office Supplies Co. Supplies - Airport 19.60 22 828~ Griswold & Co. Ino. F&E.C. - Hangar Bldg. 367.20 23 828 H. Lee Ferguson, Jr. Meetings . 60.00 23 8286 Polly Ednlonds " 60.00 23 828A Alfred R. Grebe " 60.00 23 828 L. O. Lamb " 60.00 ~~ 8289 Lawrence S. Baldwin " 60.00 8290 Schneider Hardware Supplies - Airport 65.63 28 8291 A. C. Construotion Coo Contract - Airport 4630.80 29 8292 F. I. Telephone Corp. Servioe 5/21 - 6/20/60 ~.05 30 8293 F. I. Ferr~ Distriot Petty Cash 1 052 30 8294 Alfred S. ioknell Oper. Mystic Isle 6581.50 30 8295 Dist. Bir. Internal rtev. Excise Taxes 954.41 30 8296 A. J. abral Mis. Carpentry 129000 30 829A Walter Griffin, Sr. Mail Haula~e Contract 115.00 30 829 F. I. Ferry Bistrict Payroll - irport 6/17-30 233.i' 30 8299 F. I. Ferry istrict Payroll 6/15-30 406. 6 30 8300 F. I. Ferry District Payroll 6/1-30 260000 $17964.31 FISHERS ISLA1'!D FERRY DISTRICT 00: Town Supervisor By: Aje .~ J.~ Town Clerk Minutes (2) W. C. Sinclair, ~anager File (2) Board (5)