HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/11/1960 1 , , ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COID4ISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Aug. 11, 1960 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Justice of the Peace. Fishers Island. New York, August 11. 1960 at 5:00 PoMo 0 Present were H 0 Lee Ferguson. Jr.. Lo S. Baldwin, Ao Ro Grebe. Polly Edmonds. Lo 00 Lamb, and W. Co Sinclair, Manager - Secretaryo Chairman Ferguson opened the meeting called for the following reasonsg 10 Labor Day Schedule of the Mystic Isle. 20 Purchase of a sweeper for the Airporto 30 Repair of landing lights at the airporto 40 Organizational meeting to elect a chairman for the ensuing yearo The Board discussed the schedule for the Labor Day weekendo It was noted that the printed schedule did not provide a workable schedule due to late depart- ures in the morningo Motion by Grebe and Edmonds that the revised schedule as presented by the Manager for the period September 5 through Septo 9. inclusive be acceptedo Motion unanimously earriedo Regarding the sweeper at the airport the Chairman read prices quoted by the Bleiler Equipment Coo for a new sWAeper. The sweeper originally for sale for $475 by this Company had been soldo .Prices quoted by the Bleiler Equipment Coo Inc. of 579 New Park Avenue. West Hartford. 10. Conno were as follows: Tractor and Truck mounted _._- 7 foot with 70), air cooled engine. delivered Connecticut 8 foot Ii iT Ii II IT Ii " Tractor Units #1 traction driven with 3 speed transmission, 7u............ Road Bird Model, 7 foot.oo.ooo.oeO$eo.oOG.o~ooaooooooooooooo 8 footo (> 0"60 G. ... ,,'O.... .. II .. .. .. .. .. " " .. ,,". e" .... 0 <> 0.... eo (both with 7.4 gas engine driven unit) Motion by Edmonds and Baldwin that the Manager ve authorized to purchase the tractor or truck mounted, 89 sweeper with a 7.4 H.P. air cooled engine. delivered Connecticut from the Bleiler Equipment Coo for the sum of $9000000 Motion unanimously carriedo The Manager read the results of the Annual Meeting of the Fishers Island Ferry District held August 9. 1960 as follows: $850000 $900000 $1250000 $1350000 $1450.00 19 votes for Lewis 00 Lamb 1 vote for John Pickett 2 ballots void ~total ballots cast. The M1.nutes of the meeting held August 3. 1960 were read and after several questions were accepted as reado General discussion then ensued on repairing the airport lights. and the installation of new lights as replacements for those which are inoperative. The following resolution was introduced by the Chair- man and adopted by the unanimous affirmative vote of the Board of Commissionersg t . =2- (Aug. II, 1960) WHEREAS as a result of storms, deterioration, and other factors there are always oertain situations at the Fishers Island Airport and the Fishers Island Ferry terminal, Fishers Island, New York which require immediate attention as to emergenoy repairs thereof so as to prevent inourring liability as a result thereof or the interruption of servioe operations AND WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners are of the opinion that it is in the best interest of the Fishers Island Ferry Distriot to have ava~lable two individuals whose servioes can be utilized immediately when referenoed emergenCY r",)"Iirs nnd maintenanoe problems exist AND WlJ.ErtEAS the Board of Commissioners unanimously agree that J. Ho Hartsfield and Ernest Middleton, Jr., of Fishers Island, New York are well qualified to fill this need THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that J. B. Hartsfield, Fishers ISland, New York and Ernest Middleton, Jr., of Fishers Island, New York be engaged as maintenanoe mem effeotive Au~ust 11, 1960 at a compensation of J2.25 per hour, said oompensation to be payable on a monthly basis. Chairman Ferguson then stated that it was in order for the eleotion of a Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the ensuing year. Motion by Grebe and Lamb that H. Lee Ferguson, Jr. be appointed Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for the ensuing year. Motion unanimously oarried. General disoussion then ensued on the budget as regards increasing the parking area at the New London terminal. Corom. Baldwin suggested asking Mr. Sharp of Whaling City Dredge and !Jook Corp. about an estimate for moving the rip rap out and also City hanager Henkle of bew ~ondon about filling the area with the brick, stone and rubble from the redevelopment project in New Londono The Board also unanimously agreed that Mro Dennison should be asked about the dredging and the construction of a bulkhead in WeBttHarbor at the annual town meeting on Fishers Island, August 23, 1960. Motion made to adjourn and unanimously oarried at 6:00 PoMo v.- ~ ::> Wo Co inclair, Mgro= eo. APPROVED: H ~.l~ ~1'. H. Lee Ferguson. Jr., Chairman Board of Commissioners