HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/28/1960 . ._--....se MINUTES OF THE MEEl'ING OF THE BOARD OF cororrssIoNERS OF THE FISHHRS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Sept. 28. 1960 A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the FiShers Island Airport. Sept. 28, 1960 at 5:00 P.M. Present were H. Lee Ferguson. Jr.. A. R. Grebe, L. S. Baldwin, Polly Edmonds L. 00 Lamb and W. Co Sinclair. Manager - Secretary. Chairman Ferguson stated that the meeting was called for the follow~ng purposes: 10 Sand and drbris on the Airport runways, 20 Office relocation (Ferry District Office) and 30 the winter ferry schedule. General discussion ensued on the office relocation. Commo Grebe suggested another sbory be added over the existing officeo Chair- man Ferguson suggested making an entrance through the freight agentDs office to discourage visitors. Comma Edmonds suggested adding another room at ground level. The manager was instructed to get a contractor to draw up plans for an office to be located over the existing officeo General discussion then ensued on the winter schedule. The Hoard reviewed last years scheduleo Suggestions were made for a trip to leave New London on Friday at 6:00 P.M. to continue through December 1960. Ano hher suggestion was made to have a noon rrip on monday. After consideration both suggestions were eliminated. ~he ~unday sched~le was discussed at great leng tho It was decided that on Sundays the schedule was to be as follows: TripS leaving New London are 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M.. trips leaving Fishers sland are to be 9:30 A.M. and 5:30 P.h. The Boa~d adopted the attached schedule to be effective Tuesday, October 18 and to continue through June 8, 1960. Tne jj~ard authori:jied the Manager to purcha~e a voltage regu~tor for the Mystic sle for the sum of $70000. Hegard the Airport and the hurricane damage, the Board directed the Manager to write to Mr. Denison, County Administrator, regarding the condition of the airport and seek some aid to protect the area from future storms. Chairman Ferguson stated that he thought it would be a good idea to drive piling along the shore to protect the area. The Manager said he had already sent a letter to the Department ~f Commerce requesting engineering recommendationso. On other matters Comma Grebe r~ised the point of uniforms for the crew of the Mystic Isle. General discussion ensued on this. Regarding West Harbor, Chairman Ferguson stated that the proposed transfer of the property to the Ferry District had been returned by Mr. Tas:ter due to the fact that the proposal must be put in proper form and also that it must be changed to show that it can be purchased for $4300 and not to be considered a gift. Comma Grebe stated he had spoke with Mr. Denison, COlmty Executive and that Nr. Denison had informally told him that whever the District decided to move there must be provisions for expansion of the area in the event it became necessary. The Board made it a matter of policy that if a trip is to be cancelled for reasons of weather then Captain Bicknell must be the party to make the decision. If another captain is on duty then the substiture captain must get Captain BicknellDs advice and decision. Motion made to adjourn and unanimously carried?f 6:15 P.M. 'i ~ d(iJe~~~ APPROVED: "PI", I:", I W. C. Sinclair. Manager - Secretary rJU Lv / ti". ( .... ~ (...~ H~ Lee Ferguson. Jr., Chairman Board of Commissioners . '. FERRY SERVICE BETWEEN NEW LONDON CONN.* AND FISHERS ISLAND, N. Y. WINTER SCHEDULE FISHERS ISLAFD FERRY DISTRICT Effective Tues., October 15, 1960 through Thurs., June 8, 1961 inolusive Mlv MYSTIC ISLE MAKES ALL TRIPS LEAVES NEW LONDON LF..AVES FISHERS ISLAND - '(:15 AoMo 3:45 PoM. ';:15 AoM. 11 : 15 AoM. 3:45 PoMo }lON., WED., AND THURSo SUNDAY 8:15 AoMo 4:45 P.Mo 8:15 AoMo 12:15 P.Mo 4:45 PoMe TUES., FRI., AND SAT. 8:)0 AoM. 9:)0 AoMo 4:30 PoM. 5:)0 PoMe The Sunday Schedule will prevail on the following Holidays: Thanksgiving Day - Thurso, Novo 24. 1960 Easter Sunday = ABril 2, 1961 No trips will be made on the following days Christmas Day. Sunday, Deco 25, 1960 New Years Day, Sunday, Jan. 1, 1961 Re~lar Monday Trips will be made on Deco 26, 1960 and Jan. 29 1961 , Regular Tuesday Schedule on Memorial Dal' Tueso, May 30, 1 61 NO CAR RESERVATION *New London Pier: Located at the Foot of State Street, across from the Railroad Station, New London, Connecticut 0 Trucks over 6 feet 6 inches must have reservationso Phone Fishers Island , New York #46) for information and truck res- tl!,~vationa e Schedule sub act to chan e without noticeo Time not uaranteed All cars and trucks must be atten ed by a driver and be at dock side 1 minutes before soheduled sailin 0 All reight shipments elivered to the ew ondon terminal for consignment to Fishers Island must be delivered no later than 3:)0 P.Mo daily to be accepted for immediate shipmento