HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/1960 / MINUTES OF THE MEEl'ING OF. THE BOARD OF COMl~ISSIONERS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT o.ct. 5, 1960 A special meeting of the Bo~rd of Commissboners was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Ferry District ct. 5, 1960 at 7~30 P.M. Present were H. Lee Ferguson, Jr., Polly ~dmonds, L. S. Baldwin, A. R. Grebe and Lewis O. Lamb and W. C. Sinclai~, Manager - Secretary. The Minutes of the Meeting held Sept. 7 and Sept. 28, 1960 were read and approved as read. Mo~ion by Edmonds and Baldwin that vouchers #8359 through #8384 inclusive in the amount of $10636.38 representing the outstanding obligations of the Ferry District for the month of September 1960 be paid. Motion unanimously carried. Chairman Ferguson abstained from voting on the invoices of the Fishers ~sland Farms Inc. and the F. I. Electric Corporation. General discussion then ensued on the cash balance. Camm. Baldwin feels we should do everything to arrange weekend sohedu1es to encourage people to come to Fishers Island. The Board noted with regret that Senator Horton had died. The Board acknowledged that the Ferry District owed the late Senator a debt of gratitude for his work in the formation of this District. The Manager reported that $700.00 had been received from the F. I. Union Free School District #4 to cover the leass of building #62, theatre building. He then read a copy of a letter dated ctober 4, 1960 which he had sent to the County Executive requesting County financial aid for storm repairs at the airport. The Board directed the Manager to have ~~. A. J. Gada shut off and drain the water a t the airport apd winterize same. The Chairman suggested that a sign be placed on the telephone at the airport in order that it might be more readily seen. General discussion then ensued on a pay phone booth for the airport. Chairman Ferguson stated that this would be quite an expensive thing. In the listing of important telephone numbers in the out side telephone at the airport, the Chairman directed the ~anager to see that the Coast Guard number is included. The Board authorized the Manager to have the West End Land Company clean the furnaces a t buildings #50 and #239. Chairman Ferguson stated that he had been contacted by Mr. Oakes of Allen Russell & Allen Insurance Company who had requested that his Company be permitted to submit a fighre on the Ferry District's marine insurance coverages coming up for renewal. Comm. Grebe asked if Allen Russell & Allen are in the Marine field. Chairman Ferguson stated that they as agents would place the coverages with the proper marine underwriters. Comm. Baldwin stated that he feels it is rather late for this inasmuch as the renewal date is Oct. 10th, however he feels that no harm would come from letting them submit a figure if they can~ CODlInG ~dmonds stated tha t every year this comes up and usually at the last minute. Comm. Lamb stated that there is no harm in letting anyone submit a figure. Motion by Baldwin and Lamb that Allen Russell & Allen be permitted to submit a figure on the marine insurance renewals. Positive votes on this were Lamb, Baldwin, Grebe, and Ferguson. Comm. Edmonds did not vote. Motion carried by the majority. The Board directed the Manager to contact Griswold and Company and to advise them that the Board of Commissioners has granted permission to Allen Russell & Allen to su~t a quotation on the Marine coverages cominng up for renewal on Oct. 10, 1960. Regarding re1ocation,of the Ferry District office, Chairman Ferguson feels that it is not wise 'at this time to consider this inasmuch as we would only be duplicating expenses when the ~istrict moves to Westliarbor~ General discussion then ensued. on cleaninpup the office doing necessary painting and innstalling shelving to hold the paper supplies. The Board direcbed the Manager to dr, aw up exactly ,what S=:/OUld b done. l'!O~~.eAto adjo)fl'n .and unanimously carried at 9:1$ P.M.' .AL~~'I2t-'-- APfROVED: . ' W. . S nclair, Manage~_Secretary , H. Lee Ferguso , Jr. Chairman, Boar of Commissioners , ., '. . -.- ---~..-:~.:---_. , . '"--:~~~~ ...,~- --, -.-- ---::-7~""-~-:- -..:......~-, r:-'H-,. \; -.: .'-..--t'--. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY mSTRICT Fishers Island, New York Ootober 5. 1960 OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS OF THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIS'I'RICT RENDERED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 19bO Vouoher Noo 3 8360 8361 8362 8363 8364. 8365 8366 8367 8368 8369 8370 8371 8372 8373 8374. 8375 8376 8377 8378 8379 8380 8381 8382 8383 8384. Sept 0 1960 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 15 15, 16 27 27 27 27 27 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Ex lanation Amount nd uarter Audit 000 Airport=Water 7/29=8/31 10008 Airport - Lignt Bulbs 23052 Election Ballots 19000 Fuel = Mystio Isle 28904.3 Radar Maintenance 54000 Service 8/1=31/60 48094. Airport - Clear Runways Payroll 9/1-15/60 4.06.66 Fuel - Mystic Isle 307.04. Commissioner Meetings 4.0000 " " 50000 " " 50.00 " " 50.00 " " 50000 Excise Taxes 631.4.1 Petty Cash 16.00 Fuel - Mystic Isle 269.01 Mail Haulage Contract 115.00 Opero Mystic Isle 654.1.75 Misco Carpentry 59.00 Payroll 911-9/60 Porter 100.00 " 9/1-17/60 Airport 281.88 " 9/1=30/60 ClerIts 96.25 "9/16=30)60 4.06066 " 9/1-30/60 Maintenance 60.75 $10636038 Claimant son & ill 8mS F. I. Farms Inco United Electrio Supply Sullivan Printing Coo Mobil Oil Company Raytheon M1'go Company Folo Eleotric Corpo Ao John Gada FoI~ Ferry Distriot Mobil Oil Company Polly Edmonds Ho Lee Ferguson, Jr. Alfred Ro Grebe Lawrence So Baldwin Lewis D. Lamb Diso Diro Into Revenue F. 10 Ferry District Mobil Oil Oompan! Walter Griffin, 'ro Alfred S. Bioknell Anthony J. Cabral F.lo Ferry District " " " 11 " " " " " " " " FISlLERysLAIID FERRY DISi'RICT By: /U~ W. Co Sinclair, Manager 00: Town Supervisor Town Clerk File (2) Board of Commissioners (5) Minutes (2)