HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/11/1960 _.....m l $;--._..__.. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COID~ISSIONERS OF THE FISBERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRI CT Oot. 11, 1960 A speoial meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called by the Chairman and held in the office of the Justice of the Peace, October 11, 1960 at 5:00 P.M. Present were H. Lee Ferguson, Jr., A. R. Grebe, L. ~. Baldwin, Polly Edmonds, L. O. Lamb and W. C. Sinclair, Manager - Secretary. Chairman Ferguson opened the meeting called for the following purposes: 1. Marine Insurance Renewals. 2. F. I. Teachers Association's letter regarding the elimination of the 7:30 P.M. Sundays on the proposed winter schedule. Regarding the Marine Insurance the firm of Allen, Russel & Allen quoted the following: Hull Insurance, limits of $200,000, rate 1 7/8, Annual Premium $3750, Increased Walue Insurance, limits of $50,000, rate .75, Annual Premium $375. On these two covera~es, Griswold & Co. quoted as follows, Hull Insurance, limits of $200,000 rate 1 15/16 at Annual Premium $3875, Increased Value Insurance, limits of.$50,OOO, rate .875, Annual premium $437.50. Chairman Ferguson feels we should consider two aspects of the insurance renewals: 1. Griswold & C~mpany's service to this District in the past. 2. The dollar saving represented by Allen Russell & allen's quotation. Comma Grebe tee1s that the time is too short and it would be better to let this go for a year and then seek bids on all coverages. Comma Edmonds feels it isn't fair at this time to consider the quotation of Allen Russell & Allen. She feels that Griswold & Co. , Cleveland, Allen Russell & Allen and the McMann Price of Long Island should be permitted to bid and it should be done this coming year. Comma Baldwin feels we have had excellent service from Griswold &. Company. Comma Edmonds stated that Allen Russell & Allen has insuranee with such public institutions as the local School District, and the Fire District so it isn't as if they were not represented on the local bisis. Comma Lamb stated that it would be better next year to have all intereste. parties bid for the coverages. Chairman Ferguson stated that that there is also the point as regards the rest of the various coverages as to whether all coverages should go to bid and also have one broker handle all insurances of the District. Motion by Baldwin and Grebe that innsmuch as the proposals of Allen Russell & Allen and Griswold & Company have been reviewed that the Ferry Vistrict accept Griswold & Company~s quotations for Marine Coverages as per their letter of September 23, 1960 as being in the best interest of the Fishers Island Ferry District. Motion uaanimous 1y oarried. The Board directed the Manager to write to the firm of Allen Russell & Allen stating that Griswold & Co. will continue to carry the Marine Coverages for the period Oct. 10, 1960 through Oot. 10, 1961. He was directed to inform them that due to the lack of time and in fairness to other interests involved that it was impossible to thoroughly evaluate the situation regarding the coverage' at this time. The District requests their continued interests and that for renewal of coverages next year, the Board will seek quotations from all interest= ed ~ parties at a time well in advance of policy expiration dates. In regard to the winter schedule Chairman ~erguson stated that each member of the Board had received a letter from the F. I. Teachers Association regardinf the winter schedule and the elimination of the 7:30 p.N. trip on.Sunday. The feachers Assoc. feels it creates a hardship for them. General disoussion ensued pro.. and oon., on the matter and also on changi~ the 4:30 P.M. departure from New London to 5:30 P.M. Motion by Edmonds and rebe to maintain ~inter sbhedu1e as is. Posit've votes were A. R. Grebe, Polly Edmonds, L. . Baldwin, H. Lee Ferguson, Jr Negatives votes were L. O. Lamb. ~otion carried by majority vote. The Board directed the Manager to acknowledge this letter of the Teachers Association and to point out that the Board of Commissioners is of a mind to continue with the existing schedule. - -2- (Oct. 11, 1960) Commissioner Baldwin Iltated that he :l.s f.irmly oonvlnoed that it would be in our h interest to obtain a 311 generator for the Mystio sle. He requested authoriz- ation to inspeot one at J)avisville, Hhode Island, The Board authorized this. The Board of Commissioners then disollssed the haul out of the Mystio Isle. It was agreed that the Board should ins~eot the vessel while in the yard. General disoussion then ennued on possible hLll repairs if it is fOUQd by inspeotion to be neoessary. Inasmuch as Chairmal'.Ferguson will be away for the period Oot. 14. - 25, 196J, he instruoted the ~.~nager to onll a speoial meeting if neoessary in the event the Mystic Isle is in the Shipyard and hull repairs are indioated. Aotion made to adjourn an~ unanimoualy oarried at 6:10 p.M. i W. C, Sinclair, Mgr.-Seo. APPROVED: ~i. H. Lee T"drgus n, Jr., Chairman Boa"''- of Commissioners