HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Breakers at Lands End (2) TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FOR THE BREAKERS AT LANDS END TOWN OF SOUTH OLD NEW YORK PREPARED FOR W 0 LOW I T Z 0 R G A N I Z AT ION. BY , DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES MARCH 1988 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Topic Page INTRODUCTION . . . . . Purpose of Report Location Area Map Location Map Site Map 1 2 2 3 4 5 STUDY APPROACH 6 EXISTING ROADWAY NETWORK Roadway Descriptions Major Intersections . Grades and Sight Distances 9 10 10 11 EXISTING TRAFFIC FLOW CONDITIONS Traffic Volumes . Accident Records 12 13 14 EXISTING EMERGENCY SERVICES 16 SITE TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS 18 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS 21 TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT ANALYSIS 24 ROADWAY CAPACITY ANALYSIS 27 ACCESS EXAMINATION . . 31 ROADWAY MODIFICATIONS 33 CONCLUSIONS 35 APPENDIX . . Capacity Analyses Traffic Volume Counts 38 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PURPOSE OF REPORT This Traffic Impact Study contains the results of a traffic engineering ex- amination of the proposed development of The Breakers at Lands End. This re- port has been prepared to assess the impact of the proposed development of 350 condominium housing units and a two phase retail development with 13,910 square feet in the first stage and 6,600 square feet in the second stage for a total of 20,510 square feet. This report appraises the traffic aspects of the proposed development with particular emphasis on its impact on the surrounding street and highway network. LOCATION The Breakers at Lands End will be located on the north side of New York State Route 25, approximately 1,140 feet east of Sound Road in Greenport, within the Town of Southold in Suffolk County, New York. Figure 1, Area Map, indicates the location of the Town of Southold in the New York Metropolitan area. The project site is shown in Figure 2, Location Map, while Figure 3, Site Map, presents the boundaries of the property and the adjacent roadway network. At present, the property is undeveloped. -2- -- TOWN OF J? I I I I ROCKLAND I I I I I I I I I ~ICHMOND .Jr1 . i / ~ \ , , / , , / , '" CONN. LONG ISLAND SOUND -- WESTCHESTER - SUFFOLK N.J. FIGURE 1 AREA MAP DUNN ENGINEERING. P.C. SCALE:._ . DATE: IPAGE- 1 -7.4ml MAY 1986 3 I I I I I I I I N LON G /SL,'lNLY THE BREAKERS AT LANDS END I . - ~~ e---l __/~ r ",o~"TH j '2r---'J I r---~/ I /0 ~'" ) ~ -:::;-- I ~G~EENr> Fe I /"Ilf/nfdf'-'W '1! . A/,i.f7hb ~ L . S GREcNYORT /7'-,/ r?LJ A ~ I . '''-IPES . /' ~~ COVE I I I I I I ~ GOLF [ CWB!/~. ~~ ! w~\~1\... '-"" I'll(/' ~V . SHELTER DEAhVG HAI'f".!JQ/'? ,SLAND r-L .--i FIGURE LOCATION 2 MAP NOT TO SCALE .'sOUND ~AS7 N1A- "ION ()/?' / E.AJ T HARBOR 4 I ~ I ". ~<:) ~ I e:,O I I ~<:) J I ~ , e:," , , -- .. I ~e /( 0 " -" -" I I I ISLAND'S END SITE / GOLF AND / I ( COUNTRY CLUB' I \ 'O~ , I PROPOSED I CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT \ \ I I I I I I -(.S ~. I FIGURE 3 SITE MAP I NOT TO SCALE 5 --------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I As part of the preparation of this Traffic Impact Study, the following tasks were undertaken: 1. Several personal, on-site field observations were made to observe the traffic movements under various conditions. 2. A physical inventory was made of the adjacent street network. 3. An analysis was made of the traffic volume data obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation and the Suffolk County Department of Public Works. 4. An examination was made of the traffic flow on State Route 25. Also, the available capacity of the surrounding street network was determined. 5. An evaluation was made of the safety factors by reviewing sight dis- tances and available safe gaps in the traffic flow. 6. The availability of police and fire protection services was examined. 7. A trip generation analysis was performed to determine the additional traffic attributable to the proposed development of The Breakers at Lands End. 8. A directional distribution analysis was made to distribute the site- generated traffic onto the surrounding street network. 9. A trip assignment analysis was performed to examine the composite traf- fic volumes, that would result due to the addition of the site-generated traffic to the existing traffic volumes, in order to determine the traf- fic impacts on the surrounding roadways. 10. A review of the access arrangements was made. -7- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11. 12. Discussions were held with representatives of the New York State Depart- ment of Trans portation and the Town of Southold to review the traffic aspects of this project. Conclusions were made of the traffic impact of the development as a re- sult of the data and facts gathered in this study. -8- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . , EXISTING ROADWAY NETWORK -9- I I ROADWAY DESCRIPTIONS I I The major highway facility that provides access to the proposed development is New York State Route 25. New York State Route 25 is essentially an east/west route that consists of an undivided highway with one travel lane in each direction and no separate turning lanes. I I I New York State Route 25 is the only highway facility in close proximity to the site that will be impacted by site-generated traffic. It should be noted that County Road 48 ends on the west side of the intersection of Main Street (south leg of Route 25) at Route 25, North Road (on the east). I The lane configurations at the intersection approaches of Route 25 at the pro- posed access roads to the site consist of the following: I I 1. Eastbound Approach on Route 25: One thru lane. 2. Westbound Approach on Route 25: One thru lane. I I I I I MAJOR INTERSECTIONS There is one major intersection located in the vicinity of the site on which this project will have a traffic impact. This is the intersection is Route 25/County Road 48 at Main Street which is currently controlled by a flashing signal. The lane configurations at the intersection approaches of Route 25/County Road 48 at Main Street consist of the following: I 1. Eastbound Approach on County Road 48: One thru lane and a separate right turn lane. I I I -10- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. Westbound Approach on Route 25: A separate left turn lane and a thru lane. 3. Northbound Approach on Main Street: A separate left turn lane and a separate right turn lane. GRADES AND SIGHT DISTANCES The grades on Route 25 in the vicinity of the site are essentially flat and no horizontal curves exist that would limit sight distance. Thus, excellent sight distance will be available for traffic exiting the site. -11- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -12- .EXISTING TRAFFIC FLOW CONDITIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRAFFIC VOLUMES Available traffic flow information was obtained from the New York State De- partment of Transportation. The available information consisted of machine traffic counts for a coverage count station on Route 25 in the vicinity of the site that contains hourly volumes. According to the information obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation, the average daily traffic volumes on the roadways in the vicinity of the proposed site are listed below: - On Route 25, the average daily traffic is 4,300 vehicles. An examination of the traffic volume information reveals that the peak weekday traffic volumes occur between the hours of 5:00 to 6:00 PM., while the peak Saturday traffic volumes occur between the hours of 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. Intersection turning movement counts for the intersection of Route 25/County Road 48 at Main Street were also obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation. These counts were taken in September and October of 1987. In order to project these counts to simulate a summer condition, counts from a permanent count station on County Road 48 were obtained from the Suffolk County Department of Transportation for August and September of 1986. In addition, volume data from the Orient Point Cross Sound Ferry was obtained to analyze the effects increased ferry services may have had. As a result of this analyses the September data was increased by 22% to simulate August data and to simulate Saturday traffic conditions this data was increased by 14%. The available traffic volume information is contained in the section of the Appendix entitled "Traffic Volume Counts". -13- ACCIDENT RECORDS An accident history on New York State Route 25 in the vicinity of the site was obtained for the period 1983 through 1986 from the New York State Department of Transportation. This accident history is presented in Table 1. There are no "high accident" locations within the vicinity of the site and the current accident rate is considered low for a State highway facility. This low rate of accident occurence reflects the fact that there are few adverse driving conditions on New York State Route 25 in the vicinity of the site. -14- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL ACCIDENTS 1984 1985 1986 Route 25/County Road 48 at Main Street 1 2 2 Route 25 from Main Street to Bay 9 5 2 Avenue (1.7. miles) Route 25 at Bay Avenue 0 0 3 TABLE 1 ACCIDENT HISTORY -15- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . , EXISTING EMERGENCY SERVICES -16- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The availability of police protection and fire protection services in the vicinity of the proposed site is excellent. The Southold Town Police De- partment covers the area of the site. The closest firehouse of the Village of Greenport Fire Department is located within the Village, less than one mile from the site. Due to the excellent patrol coverage of the police and the close proximity of the firehouse, it should be recognized that excellent emergency services are available to service the site of The Breakers at Lands End. -17- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . , SITE TRIP GENERATION ANAL YSIS -18- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Information on trip generation rates for a) condominium housing complexes and b) retail shopping contained in the latest printing of the "ITE Trip Generation Manual" that is published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. The information contained in the ITE Trip Generation Manual is consistent with generation rates of similar developments in Suffolk County. Table 1, Site Generated Traffic, presents a breakdown of the anticipated entering and exiting traffic for the proposed development of The Breakers at Lands End for the peak hours on a weekday and on a Saturday. -19- - - - ----- - - - ----- - -- I N o I Average Trip Ends Per Hour Average Trip Ends Per Hour Average Peak Hour Trip Ends A.H. Peak Hours (7-9 A.H.) P.H. Pe ak Hour s (4-6 P.H.) Saturday A.H. (ll-Noon) Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exi t .._-~ 350 Condominium 25 130 130 63 91 77 Housing Units Shopping Center 37 16 128 133 138 133 Phase I (13,910 S.F.) 100 Seat Restaur ant 4 0 7 3 15 10 Shopping Center 51 20 158 160 191 179 Phase I & II (20,510 S.F.) TOTAL 76 150 288 223 282 256 (Condominiums and Shopping Center Phases I & II) TABLE 2 SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '. : -21- DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION ANAL YSIS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The directional distribution was estimated based on the anticipated location of work, shopping, and recreational destinations. It should be noted that due to the location of the site at the eastern end of the North Fork of Long Island, minor traffic volumes are expected from east of the site. Figure 4, Directional Distribution of Site Generated Traffic, indicates the percentage of the vehicles that will arrive at and exit from the proposed de- velopment via the existing roadways based on the provision of access points on Route 25. -22- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~'V c;,O-V ~'V ~ c;,V , .. ... vO~0 A .. I' ~ ~ / / ( \ \ I I I \ \ ISLAND'S END GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB' SITE 'O(J PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT \ \ \ \ ,...> ..... . \ p~;.OPOSED RETAIL, ~EVELOPMENT I \. ~ '2.6 OU"'\ ~'l S ~ FIGURE 4 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC NOT TO SCALE 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT ANAL YSIS -24- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , , TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT ANAL YSIS -24- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The site-generated traffic and the directional distribution were utilized to assign traffic volumes at the proposed access point and on the surrounding roadway network. Figure 5, Distribution of Site Generated Traffic, assigns the site-generated traffic during the peak weekday hour of 8:00 to 9:00 A.M., the peak weekday evening hour of 5:00 to 6:00 P.M., and the peak Saturday hour of 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. -25- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I + ~ ~<:) OV ~ ~<:) 'V,. ,~ -- 'VO~0 A .- ;' SITE I I I \ \ " / / ( ISLAND'S END GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB \ \ '?,1 PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT \ \ \ \ ~ "" \ p~;.OPOSED RETAIL, ~EVElOPMENT J " ~ '2.6 OU'l; ~'1S ~ = 8:00-9:00 A.M. (000) = 5:00-6:00 P.M. [0 0 O:J = 1 1 : 0 0 A. M . - N 0 0 N (SATURDAY) FIGURE 5 SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES NOT TO SCALE 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROADWAY CAPACITY ANALYSIS -27- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Unsignalized capacity analyses for the intersection of Route 25/County Road 48 at Main Street were performed using the new Highway Capacity Manual, "Transportation Research Board Special Report 209, 1985". First, intersection capacity analyses were performed for the future 1989 traffic conditions without the proposed development (the "No-Build Alternative") during the peak hours of the weekday and Saturday afternoon. This capacity analysis revealed that northbound left turning traffic from Main Street was encountering delays and this approach operated at level of service E. Then, the intersection capacity analyses were performed for these same time periods with the addition of the site-generated traffic from the fully developed Breakers at Lands End. A comparison of these conditions reveals that the level of service deteriorated as a result of the addition of the site-generated traffic. A signalized intersection analysis was then conducted at the intersection of Route 25/County Road 48 at Main Street to determine the potential benefits of signalization of this intersection. This analyses shows that if signalized this intersection would operate at excellent levels of service under both the "Build" and "No-Build" condition. It is therefore recommended that this intersection be signalized. A summary of these analyses is contained in the Appendix in the section enti tIed "Capaci ty Analyses". It is obvious from both of these analyses that the site-generated traffic will be easily accommoda ted with the implementation of the recommended roadway modifications and will have only a minimal impact on the surrounding highway network. As a result, the development of the proposed Breakers at Lands End will have no adverse traffic impact on the surrounding roadway network. Gap analyses were performed in accordance with the methodology set forth in the new Highway Capacity Manual at the intersection of both the easterly access dr i veway to the pr oposed condominium clevelopment and wes ter 1y acces s -28- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I driveway to the proposed shopping center from Route 25 to assess the ability of site-generated traffic to enter and exit the site safely. A summary of the results of the critical gap analyses are contained in Table 2. These critical gap analyses indicate that the future capacity of these driveways will more than accommodate the anticipated traffic that will enter and exit the proposed driveways. -29- ------------------- I w o I CRITICAL ANTICIPATED \}:JUNE roTENl'IAL CAPACITY G\P (VEHIClliS/HOUR) (VEHICllis/HOUR)* (SECDNL6 ) WEEKDAY WEEKDAY A.M. P.M. SATURIl<\.Y A.M. P.M. SATURIl<\.Y LOCATIONjt.KJVEt1lNT lEAK HOIR lEAK HOIR lEAK HOIR lEAK HOIR PEAK HOIR PEAK HOUR (8-9 A.M.) (5-6 P.M.) (12-1 P.M.) (8-9 A.M.) (5-6 P.M.) (l~l P.M.) Roote 25 @ The Westerly Site Access IX iveway -&llttbamd to Eastbamd 7.10 2 10 19 240 91 1I0 Left Tern Fran IXiveway -Boot tbound to Wes tbourrl 5.90 21 161 174 532 450 547 Right Turn Fran Driveway -Eastbamd to Northbamd 5.20 50 167 189 689 591 701 Left Tern Into IXiveway Roote 25 @ The Easterly Site Access IXiveway -Boot hbound to Eas tbourrl 7.10 15 7 9 328 125 167 Left Turn Fran Driveway -Boothbamd to Westbamd 5.90 134 65 79 620 478 51I Right Turn Fran IXiveway -Eas tbound to Nort hbourrl 5.20 21 140 98 794 623 658 Left Turn Into Driveway * VollJ1leS are in Passenger Car Equivalent. TABLE 3 CRITICAL CAP ANALYSIS crt1R)SITE 1989 'lRAFFIC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '. ACCESS EXAMINATION -31- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The pr opos ed development will be pr ovided wi th two separate access points, one for the proposed condominium development and one for the proposed shopping center development. In order to develop an access plan which will cause minimal interference to the flow of traffic on Route 25, both access points to the site were de- signed to permit right turns in, right turns out, left turns in, and left turns out. The access plan indicated on the site plan provides a separate entrance roadway and a separate exit roadway for the condominium site with the easterly roadway being the entrance and the westerly roadway being the exit. It is recommended that in order to minimize future congestion and delays on the exit roadway from The Breakers at Lands End, a separate right turn exit lane and a separate left turn exit lane should be provided. The access plan for the shopping center development will pr ovide one ingress lane, a separate right turn exit lane, and a separate left turn exit lane. The ingress lane and the egress lanes will be separated by a median. It is recommended that an eastbound to northbound left turn lane be provided on Route 25 to accommodate left turning vehicles that desire to enter both access points to this site. These separate left turn lanes will enhance the flow of traffic along Route 25 by minimizing disruptions and stops and delays to thru traffic that could otherwise be delayed by waiting behind the left turning traffic. In addition to the two major access points, road is also located along the westerly permitted only to emergency vehicles. a 20 foot wide pr operty line. emer gency acces s Access will be -32- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , -33- ROADWAY MODIFICA TIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It is recommended that eastbound to northbound left turn lanes on Route 25 be provided at both the entrance to the proposed shopping center and to the proposed condominium development. In order to provide these left turn lanes it will be necessary to widen and restripe with pavement markings the existing roadway. In addition, it is recommended that the existing flashing traffic signal at the intersection of Route 25/County Road 48 at Main Street be converted to a three color semi-actuated traffic signal. This signal should also be provided with a left turn arrow for westbound traffic turning south into Main Street. -34- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Our study and analysis have concluded that the construction of the proposed development will have minimal traffic impact on Route 25 and the adjacent roadways in the immediate area of the proposed development. Although the development of the condominium homes and shopping center will add traffic to the adjacent roadway network, the traffic impact will be minimal and the existing highway network will be able to easily accommodate this additional traffic with the implementation of the recommended roadway modifications. The following points should be recognized: 1. The location and design of the access points on Route 25 will provide the traffic service required with minimal disruption to traffic on Route 25. 2. It is recommended that eastbound to northbound left turn storage lanes be provided on Route 25 at both major access points to accommodate left turning vehicles desiring to enter the site. 3. Due to the excellent patrol coverage of the police department and the close proximity of the fire house, it should be recognized that excellent emergency services are available to service the site of The Breakers at Lands End. 4. There are sufficient available gaps on Route 25 to accommodate the safe ingress and egress of vehicles that will be generated by the proposed de- velopment. As a result, there is sufficient capacity on Route 25 to ac- commodate this additional site-generated traffic without creating a traf- fic operational problem. 5. The intersection capacity analysis performed at the intersection of Route 25/County Road 48 at Main Street revealed that in 1989, on the northbound Main Street approach, left turning traffic will experience some delays resulting in a level of service of E on that approach. With the addition of site-generated traffic this level of service will deteriorate to level of service F and the northbound right turning traffic will also -36- ------~_..__._-'--_.~--------'----------'-----._~.- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I experience difficulties. It is therefore recommended that the existing flashing signal operation be converted to a three color semi-actuated signal with a left turn arrow for westbound to southbound left turning traffic. 6. The vehicular entrances/exits to the site are clearly visible to traffic on Route 25. Thus, the sight distances in the vicinity of these points are adequate. No nearby adjacent driveways exist on Route 25 that will interfere with the operation of these access driveways. As a result, based on a traffic and safety standpoint, it is recommended that the proposed development of The Breakers at Lands End be approved. -37- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1989 'lllAFFIC 1989 aMroSITE 1989 aMroSITE LOCATIONtrlMl (NJ-BUIlD '!RAFFIC WIlli 'lRAFFIC WIlli ALTffiNATIVE ) SITE~ SITE~ '!RAFFIC '!RAFFIC & SIGNAIS Route 25/County Road 48 at Main Street - Weekday 8:00 - 9:00 A.M. C F B 5:00 - 6:00 P.M. E F B - Saturday 12:00 Noon - 1:00 P.M. D F B TABlE A SlM1ARY OF INlERSEcnON CAPACITY ANALYSIS lEVEL OF SERVICE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1988 TRAFFIC* (NO BUILD ALTERNATIVE) Includes: 1. Adjustment in traffic volumes to project 1989 summer traffic volumes. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-1 ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.............. 40 PEAK HOUR FACTOR................................. .9 AREA POPULATION.................................. 50000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET.... ........ ......... RT 25/ CR 48 NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET................... MAIN ST NAt1E OF THE ANALyST..... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. DUNN ENGINEERING DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy).......... ........ 3-1-88 TIt1E PERIOD ANALyZED............................. 8:00-9:00 AM OTHER INFORMATION: '89 NO 8UI LD INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: EAST/WEST CONTROL TYPE NORTH80UND: STOP SIGN TRAFF I C VOLUMES --------------------------------------------------------------------- EB WB NB SB LEFT o 159 89 THRU 120 195 o RIGHT 101 o 95 NUMBER OF LANES --------------------------------------------------------------------- EB WB NB SB LANES 2 2 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page-2 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS ------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------- EASTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N WESTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 30 N SOUTHBOUND VEHICLE COMPOSITION --------------------------------------------------------------------- % SU TRUCKS % COMBINATI ON AND RV'S VEHICLES ;~ t10TORCYCLES ----------- ------------- ------------- EASTBOUND 5 5 0 WESTBOUND 5 5 0 NORTHBOUND 5 5 0 SOUTHBOUND CR IT I CAL GAPS --------------------------------------------------------------------- TABULAR VALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL <Tabl e 10-2) VALUE ADJUSTt1ENT CRITI CAL GAP -------------- -------- ----------- ------------ MINOR RIGHTS NB 5.90 5.90 0.00 5.90 t1AJOR LEFTS WB 5.20 5.20 0.00 5.20 t11NOR LEFTS NB 7.10 7.10 0.00 7.10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF -SERV I CE Page-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- POTEN- ACTUAL FLOI,j- TIAL MOVEr1ENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEt1ENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS p M SH R SH ------- -------- --------- ------------ ------------ MINOR STREET NB LEFT 106 381 327 327 221 C RIGHT 113 806 806 806 692 A MAJOR STREET WB LEFT 190 942 942 942 752 A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-I ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.............. 40 PEAK HOUR FACTOR................................. .9 AREA POPULATIO~I.................................. 50000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET... ........ .......... RT 25/ CR 48 NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.. ........ ......... MAIN ST NAME OF THE ANALYST... ........................... DUNN ENGINEERING DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy)...... ............ 3-1-88 Tlt1E PERIOD ANALyZED............................. 5:00-6:00 PM OTHER INFORMATION: '89 NO BUILD INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: EAST/WEST CONTROL TYPE NORTHBOU~lD: STOP SI GN TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB SB NB LEFT 122 o 228 THRU 294 o 152 RIGHT o 222 88 NUt1BER OF LANES --------------------------------------------------------------------- EB I~B NB SB LANES 2 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RAD IUS (f t) ACCELERAT I ON LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS ------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------- EASTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N WESTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 30 N SOUTHBOUND VEHICLE COMPOSITION --------------------------------------------------------------------- % SU TRUCKS % COMBINATION AND RV'S VEHICLES % MOTORCYCLES ----------- ------------- ------------- EASTBOUND 5 5 0 WESTBOUND 5 5 0 NORTHBOUND 5 5 0 SOUTHBOUND CR IT I CAL GAPS --------------------------------------------------------------------- TABULAR VALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL (T ab 1 e 10-2) VALUE ADJUSTMENT CRITI CAL GAP -------------- -------- ----------- ------------ t1INOR RIGHTS NB 5.90 5.90 0.00 5.90 t1AJOR LEFTS I,o,/B 5.20 5.20 0.00 5.20 MINOR LEFTS NB 7.10 7.10 0.00 7.10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- PDTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL t10VEMENT SHARED RESER')E RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS p M SH R SH ------- -------- --------- ------------ ------------ MINOR STREET NB LEFT 146 266 206 206 60 E RIGHT 265 780 780 780 515 A ~JOR STREET WB LEFT 272 922 922 922 649 A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-I ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET......... ..... 40 PEAK HOUR FACTOR................................. .9 AREA POPULATI Ot~. . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . .. 50000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET.... ................. RT 25/ CR 48 NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET... ................ MAIN ST NAME OF THE ANALYST. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ... DUNN ENGINEERING DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy)....... ........... 3-1-88 TIME PERIOD ANALyZED............................. 12:00-1 :00 PM SAT. OTHER INFORMATION: '89 NO BUILD INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: EAST/WEST CONTROL TYPE NORTHBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFI C ',jOLUMES --------------------------------------------------------------------- LEFT THRU RIGHT EB o 181 123 SB WB 195 181 o NB 121 o 216 NUt1BER OF LANES --------------------------------------------------------------------- LANES EB I,JB ------- ------- 2 SB NB ------- 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- PEF:CENT RIGHT TUF:N CURB RAD] US (tt) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE A~'IGLE FOR RIGHT TUR~'IS FOR RIGHT TUF:~'IS ------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------- EASTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N WESTBOUND 0.00 NORTHBOUND 0 .00 SOUTHBOU~ID 90 90 20 ~'I N 30 VEHICLE COMPOSITION --------------------------------------------------------------------- ;~ SU TRUCKS ;~ COt1BINATION AND R'!' S \JEHI CLES ;~ ~10TORCYCLES ----------- ------------- ------------- EASTBOUND 5 5 5 5 o o o I.',IESTBOLND NORTHBOUi'lD ~ J ~ ,J SOUTH80Uj'iD CRITI CAL GAPS --------------------------------------------------------------------- TABULAR I,)ALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DI 81. FH-IAL <T ab 1 e 10-2) I.)ALUE ADclUST~1ENT CRITI CAL GAP -------------- -------- ----------- ------------ 11H-IOR RIGHTS NB 5.90 5.90 0.00 5.90 i'lA,JOR LEFTS I"B 5.20 5.20 0.00 5.20 ~m.IOR LEFTS NB 7.10 7.10 0.00 7 .10 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEt1ENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS P M SH R SH ------- -------- --------- ------------ ------------ MINOR STREET NB LEFT 145 324 258 258 114 D RIGHT 258 736 736 736 478 A MAJOR STREET WB LEFT 233 854 854 B54 621 A --..----.--.......:. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1989 COMPOSITE TRAFFIC* WITH THE BREAKERS AT LANDS END Includes: 1. Adjustments in traffic volumes to project 1989 summer traffic volumes. 2. Anticipated traffic generated by the fully developed and occupied Breakers at Lands End. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1985 HCM: UNSIGNAlIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-l ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET........... ... 40 PEAK HOUR FACTOR................................. .9 AREA POPUlATION.................................. 50000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET... ....... ...... ..... RT 25/ CR 48 NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET. ...... ...... ...... MAIN ST NAME OF THE ANALYST... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. DUNN ENGINEERING DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy). ....... .......... 3-1-88 TIME PERIOD ANAlyZED............................. 8:00-9:00 Ar1 OTHER INFORMATION: '89 W/ SITE INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: EAST/WEST CONTROL TYPE NORTH80UND: STOP SIGN TRAFFJ C VOLUMES --------------------------------------------------------------------- lEFT THRU RIGHT EB o 252 101 202 I,JB 371 NB 89 o 5B 454 o Nur1BER OF lANES --------------------------------------------------------------------- lANES EB I,JB ------- ------- 2 NB SB ------- ------- 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS ------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------- EASTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N WESTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 30 N SOUTHBOUND VEHICLE COMPOSITION --------------------------------------------------------------------- ./ SU TRUCKS ;.: COMBINATION /. AND RV'S VEHICLES :~ t10TORCYCLES ----------- ------------- ------------- EASTBOUND 5 5 0 WESTBOUND 5 5 0 NORTHBOUND 5 5 0 SOUTHBOUND CR I TI CAL GAPS --------------------------------------------------------------------- TABULAR VALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL (T ab 1 e 10-2) VALUE ADJUSTt1ENT CRITI CAL GAP -------------- -------- ----------- ------------ MINOR RIGHT S NB 5.90 5.90 0.00 5.90 t1AJOR LEFTS [,liB 5.20 5.20 0.00 5.20 MINOR LEFTS NB 7.10 7.10 0.00 7.10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPACITY AND LEVEL-DF-SERVICE Page-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- POTEN- ACTUAL FLOI,j- TIAL MOVEt1ENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MO\JEt1ENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS p M SH R SH ------- -------- --------- ------------ ------------ t1INOR STREET NB LEFT 106 131 69 69 -37 F RIGHT 241 678 678 678 436 A MAJOR STREET WB LEFT 443 B02 802 802 359 B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-l ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET. ............. 40 PEAK HOUR FACTOR................................. .9 AREA POPULATION.................................. 50000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET.. .... ...... ......... RT 25/ CR 48 NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.. ................. MAIN ST NAt1E OF THE ANALyST..................... . . . . .. . .. DUNN ENGINEERING DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (rnrn/dd/yy). ................. 3-1-88 Tlt1E PERI 00 ANALYZED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5: 00-6: 00 PM OTHER INFORMATION: '89 W/ SITE INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: EAST/WEST CONTROL TYPE NORTHBOUND: STOP SI GN TRAFF I C VOLUt1ES --------------------------------------------------------------------- LEFT THRU RIGHT EB o 348 88 NB 122 o 517 SB I,JB 489 612 o NUMBER OF LANES LANES EB WB ------- ------- 2 NB ------- 2 SB I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page-2 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOUND 0.00 WESTBOUt~D 0 .00 90 20 N 90 20 N NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 30 N SOUTHBOUND VEHICLE COMPOSITION /. SU TRUCKS /. COMBINATI ON AND RV'S VEHICLES /. MOTORCYCLES ----------- ------------- ------------- EASTBOUND 5 5 0 WESTBOUND 5 5 0 NORTHBOUND 5 5 0 SOUTHBOUND CR IT I CAL GAPS TABULAR VALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL (Tabl e 10-2) VALUE ADJUSTMENT CRIT I CAL GAP -------------- -------- ----------- ------------ MINOR RIGHTS NB 5.90 5.90 0.00 5.90 t1AJOR LEFTS WB 5.20 5.20 0.00 5.20 MINOR LEFTS NB 7.10 7.10 0.00 7.10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPACITY A~ID LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- POTEN- ACTUAL FLO~J- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RESER'JE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEt1ENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS p M SH R SH ------- -------- --------- ------------ ------------ MINOR STREET . NB LEFT 146 75 IB 18 -127 F RIGHT 618 595 595 595 -22 F MAJOR STREET WB LEFT 584 725 725 725 141 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page-l ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.............. 40 PEAK HOUR FACTOR................................. .9 AREA POPULATION.................................. 50000 NAME OF THE EAST /INEST STREET..................... RT 25 / CR 48 NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET............ ....... MAIN ST NAt1E OF THE ANALyST.............................. DUNN ENGINEERING DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy)... ............... 3-1-88 Tlt1E PERIOD ANALyZED............................. 12:00-1 :00 PM SAT. OTHER INFORMATION: '89 W/ SITE INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL --------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERSECT I ON TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: EAST/WEST CONTROL T'(PE NORTH80UND: STOP SIGN TRAFFI C VOLUt1ES LEFT THRU RIGHT EB o 401 123 WB 426 395 o SB NB 121 o 475 NUMBER OF LANES --------------------------------------------------------------------- LANES EB 1,.8 ------- ------- 2 SB NB ------- 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .'" ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS ------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------- EASTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N WESTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 30 N SOUTHBOUND VEHICLE COMPOSITION --------------------------------------------------------------------- EASTBOUND "/ SU TRUCKS % COMBINATION ,. AND RV'S' VEHICLES % MOTORCYCLES ----------- ------------- ------------- 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND CRITICAL GAPS --------------------------------------------------------------------- TABULAR VALUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL (T ab 1 e 10-2) l}ALUE ADJUSTt1EtH CRITI CAL GAP -------------- -------- ----------- ------------ MINOR RIGHTS NB 5.90 5.90 0.00 5.90 t1AJOR LEFTS WB 5.20 5.20 0.00 5.20 MINOR LEFTS NB 7.10 7.10 0.00 7.10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page-3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL t10'..)EM ENT SHARED RESER\!E RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEt1ENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS P M SH R SH ------- -------- --------- ------------ ------------ MINOR STREET NB LEFT 145 101 27 27 -118 F RIGHT 567 540 540 540 -27 F MAJOR STREET WB LEFT 509 645 645 645 136 D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1989 COMPOSITE TRAFFIC* WITH THE BREAKERS AT LANDS END AND PROPOSED TRAFFIC SIGNAL Includes: 1. Adjustments in traffic volumes to project 1989 summer traffic volumes. 2. Anticipated traffic generated by the fully developed and occupied Breakers at Lands End. IITERSECT I m,1 !i 48 ... r,IYS RT 25 ;J IIN ST EKDAY 8:00-9:00 AM ACTUATED SI GNAL ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VOL U MEA 0 JUS T MEN T tPROACH LANE GROUP FLOW RATE LANE UTIL ADJ FLOW r1'JM VOLUME H~ GROUP FACTOR RATE IGE 1 DUNN ENGINEERING, P.C. 3/9/1988 BREAKERS 2548A1 1989 W/ SITE CBD ? N PROP OF TURNS LT RT -------- ------ -------- ------ r TR 353 392 1.00 392 0.00 0.29 r L 371 412 1. 00 412 1. 00 0.00 T 454 504 1.00 504 0.00 0.00 r L 89 99 1. 00 99 1. 00 0.00 R 202 224 1. 00 224 0.00 1. 00 f------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAT U RAT ION F LOW . I DEAL # OF --------------ADJUSTr1ENT FACTORS--------------- ADJ. P MVM SAT FLOW LANES WIDTH H.V. GRADE PARK BUS AREA RT LT FLOW r TR 1800 I~B L 1800 1 I T 1800 1 NB L 1800 1 I R 1800 1 I I I I I I 1.10 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.86 1.00 1669 0.940.981. 1575 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1764 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 1499 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 1499 tGE 2 DUNN ENGINEERING, P.C. BREAKERS ~TERSECTION .48 :> NYS RT 25 :> IIN ST EKDAY 8:00-9:00 ~1 TUATED SIGNAL ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I L~, GR ADJ FLOW P~1SV ADJ SAT FLOW GREEN LN GR \)/C APP ~1')M RATE LT FLOI" FLvJ RT RATIO CRIT? RATIO CAPACITY RATIO J- TR t r 1989 1,)/ SITE CBD ? N CAPACITY ANALYSIS 392 o 1669 0.235 Y 0.400 668 L T 143 504 269 o 1575 0.091 1764 0.286 Y N 0.267 0.667 420 1176 L R 99 224 o o 1499 0.066 1499 0.149 N Y 0.250 0.517 375 774 I'ICLE LENGTH: 60.0 ass TIt1E PER CYCLE: 6 3/9/1988 2548Al 0.587 0.340 0.429 0.264 0.289 SUM OF CRITI CAL LANES' FLat, RATl OS : 0.475 INTERSECTI m, ')/C : 0.528 II----------------------~-;-c-;-~---~-~---;-;-;.-c-~-~-~-------------------------- I~~ EB IB 18 I I I I I I LN GR MV~1 V/C GREEN CYC 1st LN GR RATIO RATIO LH, DELAY CAP 2nd DELAY PF LN GR LN GR DELAY LOS TR 0.587 0.400 60 10.7 668 1.0 0.85 9.9 B L 0.340 0.267 60 13.5 420 0.2 1. 00 13.7 B T 0.429 0.667 60 3.5 1176 0.2 0.85 3.1 A L 0.264 0.250 60 13.7 375 0.1 1. 00 13.8 B R 0.289 0.517 60 6.3 774 0.1 0.85 5.4 B APP APP DELAY LOS 9.8 8 7.9 B 7.9 8 INTERSECTION DELAY 8.3 sec,j'.ieh LEVEL OF SERVICE : 8 I DUNN ENGINEERING, P.C. 3/9/1988 BREAKERS 2548A1 .HERSECTION IJ: 48 ;0 NYS RT 25 :> IIN ST EKDAY 8:00-9:00 AM TUATED SIGNAL 1989 W/ SITE CBD?N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I T R A F GRADE HV FIC & ROA ADJ. PKG LN. Y /N ~Im D WAY BUSES (Nb) CONDITIONS CONF. PEDS PED BUTTON (peds/hr) Y/N SEC ARR TYPE APP (;() (;~ ) f;~ 0 5 WB 0 5 INB 0 5 PHF --------- N 0 0 N 0 0 N 0 0 ---------- ---------- 0 N 0.0 3 0 N 0.0 3 0 N 0.0 3 0.90 0.90 0.90 II--------------------~-;-~-~-;-~-~-~-~-~--~--c:~:~-~:~:~:~---------------------- VOLU~1E 1 2 3 TH RT M\JM LNS WD MVM LNS WD MVi1 U~S WD ~---------------------~-~-~-~-~-~---;-~-~-~-~-~-~------------------------------ APP PHASE 1ST MV 2ND MV 3RD MV PROT PMSV G Y+R I-;~ I~B I WB NB ~~B I I I I I I I I ~~~ EB I WB ~'IB LT o 371 89 252 454 o 101 o 202 TR L L 15.0 10.0 12.0 T R 12.0 12.0 1 1 TR L L R L R L 24 24 16 16 15 36 T T 36 2 L R LR 44 44 45 2 3 R 13/9/1988 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DUt,IN Et.GINEERJt.IG, P. C. INTERSECTION 2548Al N I W -f- E I S NYS RT 25 E/W STREET ------------- ------------- --*) v CR 48 E/I;) STREET 252 n_n) EB TOTAL 353 101 v /\ \/ {* I I I MAIN ST N/S STREET 89 <. I I I I NB TOTAL 291 *) I I I 202 " ..' {n_ 1 *--- 1 v ------------- ------------- 454 {----- WB TOTAL 371 825 'J ITERSECTION 48 :> NYS RT 25 :> I'IN ST I EKDAY 5:00-6:00 PM ACTUATED SIGNAL IGE 1 DUt,N ENGINEERING I P. C. BREAKERS 3/9/1988 2548Pl 1989 W/ SITE CBD ? N 11------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VOL U MEA D JUS T MEN T IPROACH LAt'IE GROUP FLOW RATE LANE UTI L ADJ FLOI.. PROP OF TURNS t1Vt1 VOLUME IN GROUP FACTOR RATE LT RT -------- ------ -------- ------ I TR 436 484 1.00 484 0.00 0.20 I L 489 543 1.00 543 1.00 0.00 T 612 680 1.00 680 0.00 0.00 NB L 122 136 1.00 136 1. 00 0.00 I R 517 574 1. 00 574 0.00 1.00 1_----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAT U RAT ION F LOW I IDEAL n OF --------------ADJUSTMENT FACTORS--------------- __~ ~':~ ~~~_~:~~ LANES WI DTH H .\). GRADE PARK BUS AREA RT L T I TR 1800 WB L 1800 I T 1800 NB L 1800 I R 1800 I I I I I I AD,I. FLOl,j 1.10 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.87 1.00 1688 1 0.94 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1575 1 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1764 1 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 1499 1 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.85 1.00 1499 ITERSECTION 48 0) t,NS RT 25 0) IH'ST I EKDAY 5:00-6:00 Pt1 ACTUATED SIGNAL IJ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAP A C I T Y A N A L Y S I S I LN GR ADJ FLOW PMSV ADJ SAT FLOW GREEN LN GR V/C APP MVM RATE LT FLOW FLW RT RATIO CRIT? RATIO CAPACITY RATIO 1- TR I I IGE 2 DUNt, Et,IG WEER WG, P. C . BREAKERS 1989 1,)1 SITE CBD ? N 484 o 1688 0.287 Y 0.400 675 L T 299 680 244 o 1575 0.190 1764 0.385 Y N 0.267 0.667 420 1176 L R 136 574 o o 1499 1499 0.091 0.383 N Y 0.250 0.517 375 774 ICLE LENGTH: 60.0 SS TH1E PER CYCLE: 6 3/91 I 988 2548PI 0.717 0.712 0.578 0.363 0.742 SUt1 OF CRITICAL LAt,IES" FLOIIJ RATIOS: 0.860 INTERSECTION V/C : 0.956 .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEV E L 0 F S E R V ICE I~ EB I I,JB I I I I I I I LN GR t1'JM V/C GREEN CYC 1 s t LN GR 2n d RATIO RATIO LEN DELAY CAP DELAY PF LN GR LN GR APP APP DELAY LOS DELAY LOS TR 0.717 0.400 60 11.5 675 2.5 0.85 11.9 B L 0.712 0.267 60 15.1 420 3.8 I. 00 18.9 C T 0.578 0.667 60 4.1 1176 0.5 0.85 3.9 A L 0.363 0.250 60 14.1 375 0.3 1.00 14.4 B R 0.742 0.517 60 8.6 774 2.7 0.85 9.6 B 11.9 B 10.6 B 10.5 B INTERSECTION DELAY 10.8 secs/veh LEVEL OF SERVICE : B ITERSECT I m~ 48 :> NYS RT 25 :> IIN ST EKDAY 5:00-6:00 Pt1 ACTUATED SIGNAL Ir---------~-~-~-;-;-~-~--~--~-~-~-~-~-~-~---~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-;---------------- GRADE HV ADJ. PKG LN. BUSES CONF. PEDS PED BUTTON ARR C:) (/0) '(IN Nm (t~b) PHF (peds/hr) '(IN SEC TYPE Ir-------------------~-;-~-~-;-~-~-~-~-;--;--c-~-~-~-~-;-;---------------------- LANE GROUPS 2 t1'Jt1 L~IS WD ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S I G N ALP HAS I N G 1 ST t1'J 2ND MV 3RD t1'J PROT I r~~ EB WB INB IAPP EB I oJB NB I~~~ EB I~B II,'B NB NB I I I I I I I DUNN ENGINEERING, P. C. 3/9/1988 BREAKERS 2548PI 1989 WI SITE CBD?N --------- ---------- ---------- 0 5 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 0.0 3 0 5 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 0.0 3 0 5 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 0.0 3 LT VOLUt1E TH WD 1 LNS 3 LNS RT M'Jt1 WD MVt1 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- 0 348 88 TR 1 15.0 489 612 0 L 1 10.0 T 1 12.0 122 0 517 L 1 12.0 R 1 12.0 PHASE PMSI,) G Y+R ------ ------ ------ 1 TR R 24 36 1 L T L 24 36 2 L T L 16 44 2 R R 16 44 3 L R LR 15 45 13/9/1988 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ . . . DUNN ENGINEERING, P.C. INTERSECTION 2548PI N I W -f- E I S NYS RT 25 E/I,) STREET ------------- ------------- --if> v CR 48 E/W STREET 348 -----) EB TOTAL 436 88 '.J /\ \/ <* I I I MAIN ST N/S STREET 122 517 < . . :> I I NB TOTAL 639 *> I I I (--- if--- V ------------- ------------- 612 (----- I,"B TOTAL 489 1101 'J ITERSECTION , 48 ;0 NYS RT 25 ;0 tIN ST T, 12:00-1:00 PM ACTUATED SI GNAL IJ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VOL U MEA D JUS T MEN T IGE 1 DUNN ENGINEERING, P,C. 3/9/1988 BREAKERS 2548S1 1989 W/ SITE CBD ? t, IPROACH LANE GROUP FLOI,j RATE LANE UTI L ADJ FLOW PROP OF TURNS MVt1 VOLUt1E IN GROUP FACTOR RATE LT RT -------- ------ -------- ------ I TR 524 582 1. 00 582 0.00 0.23 I L 426 473 1. 00 473 1. 00 0.00 T 395 439 1.00 439 0.00 0.00 I L 121 134 1.00 134 1. 00 0,00 R 475 528 1.00 528 0.00 1. 00 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAT U RAT ION F LOW I I DEAL \I OF --------------ADJU5Tt1ENT FACTORS--------------- P MVM SAT FLOW LANES WIDTH H,V. GRADE PARK BUS AREA RT LT r TR 1800 I,jB L 1800 I T 1800 tlB L 1800 1 I R 1800 1 I I I I I I ADJ. FLOW 1.10 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.87 1.00 1688 0.940.981. 1575 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1764 1.000.981. 1499 1.00 0.98 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 0.85 1.00 1499 IGE 2 DUNN ENGINEERING, P.C. BREAKERS ITERSECTION .. 48 ;0 NYS RT 25 ;0 IIN ST T. 12:00-1 :00 PM ACTUATED SIGNAL 11------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAP A C I T Y A N A L Y S I S II LN GR ADJ FLOW PMSV ADJ SAT FLOW GREEN LN GR VIC APP MVM RATE LT FLOW FLW RT RATIO CRIT? RATIO CAPACITY RATIO 1- TR II I 1989 WI SITE CBD ? N 582 o 1688 0.345 Y 0.467 788 L T 269 439 204 o 1575 0 .171 1764 0.249 Y N 0.250 0.717 394 1264 L R 134 528 o o 1499 0.089 1499 0.352 N Y 0.200 0.450 300 675 ICLE LENGTH: 60.0 SS TIME PER CYCLE: 6 3/9/1988 2548S1 0.739 0.683 0.347 0.447 0.782 SUM OF CRITICAL LANES' FLOW RATIOS: 0.868 INTERSECTION VIC : 0.964 II---------------------~-;-c-;-~---~-;---;-~-~-c-~-~-~-------------------------- LN GR VIC GREEN CYC 1 st LN GR 2nd LN GR LN GR APP APP 'Il~ MVM RATIO RATIO LEN DELAY CAP DELAY PF DELAY LOS DELAY LOS EB II WB I II II II II II II TR 0.739 0.467 60 9.9 788 2.6 0.85 10.6 8 L 0.683 0.250 60 15.5 394 3.3 1.00 18.8 C T 0.347 0.717 60 2.4 1264 0.1 0.85 2.1 A L 0.447 0.200 60 16.0 300 0.7 1. 00 16.7 C R 0.782 0.450 60 10.6 675 4.1 0.85 12.5 B 10.6 B 10.7 B 13.3 B INTERSECTION DELAY 11.5 secs/l!eh LEVEL OF SERVICE: B a_,_ '.... ITERSECTION 48 ~ tflS RT 25 ~ I It,1 ST T. 12:00-1:00 PM ACTUATED SIGNAL Ir---------~-;-:-;-;-~-~--~--;-~-:-~-~-:-~---~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-;---------------- GRADE HV ADJ. PKG LN. BUSES CONF. PEDS PED BUTTON ARR C,) C,) Y.lN Nm (Nb) PHF (peds.lhr) Y.lN SEC TYPE Ir-------------------~-;-~-~-;-~-~-~-~-;--;--c-~-~-~-~-;-;---------------------- LANE GROUPS 2 MVM LNS WO ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S I G N ALP HAS I N G 1ST MV 2ND MV 3RD MV PROT I I~~ EB WB INB I~~~ EB I WB NB I ~~~ EB l,oB I toB NB NB I I I I I I I DUNN ENGINEERING, P.C. 3.19.11988 BREAKERS 2548S1 1989 W/ SITE CBD?N --------- ---------- ---------- 0 5 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 0.0 3 0 5 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 0.0 3 0 5 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 0.0 3 LT VOLUME TH WD 1 LNS 3 LNS RT MVM I;JO MVt1 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- 0 401 123 TR 1 15.0 426 395 0 L 1 10.0 T 1 12.0 121 0 475 L 1 12.0 R 1 12.0 PHASE PMSV G ,(+R ------ ------ ------ 1 TR R 28 32 1 L T L 28 32 2 L T L 15 45 2 R R 15 45 3 L R LR 12 48 13/9/1988 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DUNN ENGINEERING, P. C. INTERSECTI ot~ 2548S1 N I l~ -+ - E I S NYS RT 25 E/W STREET ------------- ------------- --n v CR 48 E/W STREET 401 ----- > EB TOTAL 524 123 ,.) /\ \/ {* n I I I r1AIN ST N/S STREET 121 475 < . , > I I NB TOTAL 596 {--- 1 *--- 1 v ------------- ------------ 395 .{----- WB TOTAL 426 821 '.) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . , Traffic Volume Counts I ~~ ~t'\'-~~~ C'~,........':)..~ 'a ?I O,h"<?.$ l"'~ .....'- " \ f\ )... \( l"- ~t-., ~ ii~~~ ~ .~ ~ t\\ t-- -- ~ \., ~~~~~.l~~ ~ \~, ti.) ~ ~ \.l ......... C) ..... \-:, '-l ~ :t ~ t-- t: ~ '4 .... ~ ........ tot ....... ~~ ~ "'> ~ ,...... ~ t-- ~ ~ ~ ~ - -- ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l'-- ~ '" ~ t-- ~ 'l) .~ ~ l:l--- r-\ \., ~ \ I~ \ ) I C' lb" ....... ~ ~ ~ /'1171111 1.- "" ~ "(\t ~~"- ~ \) \S ~"- ~ t- ~ l' t;D ~~~ I~~ ~ i. '- (1. ~~t 'i:('\l:'<... i='-- I SUFFOlK COUHTY DEPT. OF PlJEllIC WORKS I HOUR, 1 CHPNNEL VEHICLE COUNT CORRECTION FACTOR, 1.00 , SITE 110. , CONTROl FILE, CR48E-JO CR 48 E/O ELIJAH'S LAlli: EB IIEEK OF I'lil/OR'I OCTOBER 6, 1986 T------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUR IlONDAY TUESDAY IIEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY ~,(EKDAY SnrV7l'W1 SlNrAY 7 WI BEG INS 6 7 8 9 3 AVERAGE 4 5 A'IERI16E Ai'! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I 11 4J 43 59 60 '32 53 86 17 61 .-JIIl______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I TOTALS I ~ AIlS UKDHY ~ AI'S DAY I AK PEAK HR I PEAK FUJII PK PEAK HR I PEAK FlOW I I 12 1 2 3' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PI'I 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 10 238 261 230 203 214 215 238 245 283 324 323 1% 128 73 85 67 3594 1.00 1.00 7 298 4 324 18 9 5 5 8 4 4 7 17 88 298 264 190 15 % 221 240 2~2 250 240 286 34'3 332 1'35 149 '32 97 6S 36'39 1.00 1.00 7 298 4 349 21 5 353 264 226 251 293 284 279 278 328 346 353 224 163 '34 98 76 4133 1.00 1.00 7 353 5 3S3 29 6 7 6 3 24 89 4 20 83 310 2'36 240 212 263 281 267 307 31~ 357 363 251 154 90 98 83 4108 I 1.00 1.00 7 310 5 369 16 14 7 27 14 9 22 10 6 13 13 10 31 75 168 5 5 5 10 6 18 88 315 284 2'27 230 3'30 434 15 83 315 335 243 254 31 t 263 324 267 353 303 316 378 414 337 301 218 175 275 267 277 313 358 343 233 162 106 107 93 513 413 ~72 -,- J.J 352 317 2('6 184 lee N 159 102 168 102 4863 4079 5103 1.00 1.00 I.OO 8 JJS 11 434 4 414 12 513 43 57 31 23 13 13 3 3 13 8 8 7 20 82 268 260 240 264 15 63 134 147 231 311 401 310 SOl 474 341 323 325 -424 418 3"24 344 3"0 -"- 224 167 322 220 J25 160 \13 103 30 103 83 61 4360 4266 1.00 11 401 12 SOl I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I II 13 29 23 28 33 28 70 31 3~ JIl--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I ~- HOUR BESINS All 12 I 2 3 ,~ 5 6 7 8 '} 10 II PM 12 I 2 3 ~ 5 6 7 8 3 I(} TOTALS ~ fIIIG WKDAY' ~ AVG DAY A~ PEAK HR PEilK FUJII PM P€AK HR PEAK FLOW SUFFOUl COUIITY DEPT. OF PUBLI C WOOKS I HUJR, I CHfl'ma 'ol:HICLE COUNT CORRECTION FACTDA: 1.00 SITE NO. : COIHROl CR ~8 EtO ELIJr.If'S Lr.tiE we WEEK Cf I'IiNOO'/ OC10BER 6, 1386 . FILE: CR~8',j-JO -------------------------------------------------------- 3800 I.DO 1.00 HOlIDAY 6 12 10 2 J 15 ~2 156 JI1 332 236 23~ 260 210 233 280 232 3~O 3'25 208 IDO 78 n H 8 332 4 340 TUESDAY 7 6 10 5 I 6 33 155 237 311 25-0 204 213 186 253 2'30 331 325 238 138 13~ 60 50 42 3b3~ 1.00 I. DO 8 311 3 331 WEDNESDAY 8 5 8 2 6 6 ~o 125 323 3H 262 204 233 2~1 253 308 373 372 304 210 171 81 60 28 3337 1.00 1.00 8 3H 3 373 THURSDAY 3 15 12 3 4 12 43 137 323 371 235 255 238 260 262 310 365 348 314 233 163 63 51 35 410~ /'1.00 I. DO 8 371 3 365 FRIDAY 3 8 6 4 6 3 38 125 306 314 257 271 234 278 273 313 3% Jl8 331 245 147 33 9~ 57 426~ I.DO I.DO 8 314 3 3% WEEKDAY A'>'ERilGE 5ATURDA'1 4 '} 3 4 4 10 J3 140 312 18 14 8 3 11 3 51 1"< OJ 3"< OJ 173 280 316 292 243 234 248 235 257 301 353 347 314 316 343 378 356 J?2 317 3(~3 220 H~ 77 61 m 121 123 n 42 3372 ~381 1.00 10 316 4 3'32 SUNCAY ~1 3~ 11 10 13 13 26 74 142 188 271 307 415 446 536 562 612 552 ,<< 'JJ 343 292 10{) 56 5576 1.00 II 307 612 . J 7 DA'I A'JERi1C.f 15 13 6 6 10 31 III 253 28'+ 2~5 251 262 272 297 3\6 387 331 3'3 265 181 118 B2 43 ~253 ~ --1--.' I SUFFOLK COUNTY O,PT. (]I' PJBlI C WORKS I ~OUR. I CHANNEL VEH!CLE COUNT CORRECTION FACTOR: 1.00 I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I I I I I I 340 316 317 327 330 360 245 166 148 114 110 '11' , 45 TOTALS 4525 ~ AVG WKOAY ~ Ave DAY 1.00 1.00 A~ PEAK HR PEl1/{ FLOW 11 341 PM PEAK HR PEl1/{ FLOW 4 390 333 330 275 296 37" 383 235 219 158 127 127 70 4707 1.00 1.00 11 344 5 383 362 335 302 333 Jl8 'or 0'" 258 206 148 130 107 84 4745 1.00 1.00 11 322 4 338 348 357 337 365 428 403 228 200 178 146 145 93 4867 , ,. / 1.00 1.00 II 312 4 426 3li5 416 421 468 510 440 376 306 314 301 255 179 350 524 524 450 351 330 363 420 332 268 220 189 164 1\3 447 335 jc' ~ 273 .:.~':; L~L 183 147 151 113 95 6059 4981 5997 1.00 1.00 1. (10 II 313 II 530 4 510 12 524 ~ FILE: CR48;:-08 ," 51 21 16 10 12 33 106 246 284 273 317 377 438 433 404 37i 336 337 3SB ~h':' L.L 376 385 359 229 203 143 2&0 214 183 153 141 '32 1,. "" 104 94 51 4563 5066 1.00 11 415 1 493 I I SUFFOLK COUNTY OEPT. 0= PUBLI C \.IORKS 1 HOUR, 1 CHIINNEL VEHiCLE COUNT CORRECTION FReTOR, 1.00 . SITE MJ. , COIITROL FILE: CB46W-OS CR 48 EiO ELI JA'" S LP'iE ,6 WEEK OF MGNDiI'1 PUGeST 1, 1%6 t-----~ou;------~~;~---~;;~~:~~~~~;;;-~~;;~;-- FRI ;~---- WEEKDA:----~~~;I~;~----;~I~;~~---------;-~;.--;- BEGINS 4 5 6 7 1 AVERAGE 2 3 PVE,PJE --1Ir------~;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 32 1'3 17 16 22 21 43 56 23 1 16 1'3 16 17 20 18 i5 43 22 2 5 6 4 5 4 5 17 17 6 3 13 5 3 4 7 6 14 13 8 4 30 20 11 21 11 1'3 6 11 16 5 66 41 31 43 42 45 30 30 41 6 170 168 139 140 146 153 65 36 123 7 296 301 257 260 250 273 126 74 223 8 370 3\6 322 340 348 345 !'l(1 134 293 '3 347 248 315 266 280 2'31 3iO 226 236 10 328 236 317 283 330 312 356 277 313 11 328 268 304 315 320 307 324 349 315 PM I I I I I ~ 3 4 I ~ 7 I : 10 111_ ______________i_____________________________________________________________________________________________________---------------- I I ~ AVG WKDAY I ~ AI'6 OOY AM PEAK HR I PEi'I< FLOW I I I 12 TOTALS PM PEAK HR PERi< FLOW 281 339 362 357 431 391 291 242 218 103 62 34 5140 1.00 1.00 8 370 4 431 275 296 332 35'3 411 345 254 196 191 122 104 39 4661 1.00 1.00 8 346 4 411 225 309 367 361 433 367 278 216 151 137 106 73 4799 1.00 1.00 8 322 4 433 302 327 360 354 405 364 243 IS3 15B 116 82 42 4658 / / 1.00 1.00 8 340 405 316 338 s30 382 414 364 311 200 188 172 140 63 280 322 362 367 413 374 35fJ 4('6 371 365 q2 41(1 275 209 181 131 103 54 318 241 211 2\'5 l'J4 123 503S 5207 487l 1.00 1.00 1.00 8 316 9 330 4 4 412 4 414 401 441 309 351 586 :-88 335 3i8 434 416 314 532 G30 504 4~5 250 358 350 211 173 134 66 230 66 6416 5140 1.00 11 348 < o 630 --.- I TOTALS ~ AIIG WKDAY ~ AI'G DAY AM PEAK HR PEM FLDI/ PM PEAK HR PEM FLD\I SUFFOLK COUNTY DEpT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 1 HOUR, I CHIlNNEL VEHICLE COUNT CORRECTION FACTOR: 1.00 3856 :n".J2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7 296 7 335 4 35'3 373 4040 I "^ /1 .w 1.00 a 327 5 4 392 3793 1.00 1.00 7 2S8 4 3S2 p SITE NO. : mHROL FILE: CR4BE-()3 CR 48 EIO ELlJm!' S LAIIE E8 WEEK Of MDf40RY SHl E~BER 22, 1386 5052 4140 4543 I---~~UR ----~~~Y -~~SOAY -- I4E~SDAY ~~~y --;;~;---;EKD;-----;;;~;;;;;'~---;~I~~;~---;-;;;;- BEGINS 22 23 24 25 19 A',ER!16E . 20 21 A';EROOE lIr---------~--------::--------_::---------::--------::--------:~------------::-------------~~---------::--------------::--- I 12 3 " 9 10 10 42 33 13 I ; : ~ Ii ~ ~ ; ~~ ~~ l~ 4 2 3 5 2 3 3 12 2(1 7 I 5 28 14 16 16 22 13 51 28 25 6 38 105 35 M 103 38 31 65 32 7 296 335 312 2S8 307 310 lED 141 264 I 8 233 235 327 261 J08 237 224 1\5 265 3 216 210 217 210 236 218 261 133 220 10 224 202 225 182 215 210 335 311 242 I .'11 235 266 214 225 J03 261 385 381 236 PM 12 243 258 272 248 303 267 386 366 2'38 1 250 263 262 243 283 260 332 418 302 I 2 261 237 265 3DI 316 276 3il 368 303 3 317 308 288 324 413 330 325 356 333 4 353 341 3'32 352 483 385 334 301 366 I 5 334 373 3'60 330 380 355 277 238 3'27 6 206 217 214 224 303 233 226 172 223 7 163 178 160 143 299 183 192 136 182 I 8 85 36 83 33 214 115 125 112 116 3 84 101 84 34 2(13 113 33 87 107 10 76 63 73 68 183 35 38 5i 30 I 11 36 42 58 54 120 62 77: _________~~___ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- I I I I I I I 1.00 1.00 1.00 8 3'08 II 3B5 4 483 1 332 *t05~ 1.00 11 381 1 418 4185 1 1 1- SIHOI.J( ClllJNTY DEPT. OF PUBLI C WORHS 1 HM, 1 CHilNNEL II:HICLE COllNT CURRECTION FACTOR: 1.00 :.__-_-:.:,~'_______.....c=__._ ____~__ - SITE NO. . COtHR(l FILE. CR48W-()'J CR 48 E/O Ell JAfI' S LANE we WEEH Of Mlli~DAY SEPTEMBER 22, 1386 --------------------------------------------- HOUR MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY WEEKDAV SATURDAY SUNDAY 7 DAY BEGINS ~ 23 24 25 13 AI'ERASE 20 21 AVERffiE -111-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -. -----~~~:--------~15 ---- 3OJ:------~01 :------::~------:~-----------~:~-----------~::~ -------:::------------ 412 ~--- 1 1 lAM PEAl< HI! PEAH FLOW 1 PM PEAK HI! PEAH FUJII 1 1 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II PM 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e '3 10 II ~ AVG WHOAY ~ AV6 DAY 4 10 5 2 22 27 152 274 332 268 275 252 240 236 280 348 347 3SQ 167 166 81 78 53 26 1.00 1.00 8 332 5 350 5 8 1 3 6 33 133 300 325 244 183 227 187 229 248 320 370 292 17'3 122 67 66 70 19 1.00 1.00 8 325 4 370 7 8 5 2 II 30 130 291 340 256 211 248 24~ 249 301 372 355 322 231 155 80 88 56 27 1.00 1.00 8 340 3 372 14 7 7 3 8 34 139 320 344 247 233 212 ~5 235 271 368 335 310 224 180 102 77 73 27 j / 1.00 1.00 8 344 3 358 10 11 3 8 9 4 3 11 31 136 8 22 12 5 12 13 29 67 100 10 31 125 288 319 275 214 237 295 332 258 209 2'35 2sa 283 229 237 224 237 307 306 300 363 23B 180 86 105 55 29 224 237 281 343 341 327 208 161 83 83 63 26 304 301 308 4\X) 3(~ 332 335 223 163 107 104 38 1.00 1.00 1.00 8 319 9 235 5 36J 3 400 8 23 15 9 II 19 8 13 7 5 12 29 lJ1 233 282 252 29 << "" 102 181 260 2~2 336 253 472 271 270 303 374 3\5 3\2 2\8 188 118 8'1 75 400 408 5t15 400 \27 364 2'12 2\3 103 106 92 45 1.00 Jl 336 3 505 II---------~~~;--------~~~;;~----~~~;;;~---~~;~~;;;~---~~~;;;~~----~;~;~~--------~~~~~~~---------;~~~;;:~.---:~~;;~-.--------;-;;~-- BEGI\S 25 27 28 2, 23 AVERAG". ;\ cO AVE'Pc" 1If----------~;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------.--------- 12 33 25 . J . 23 i? E4 50 ! 10 14 J f * 12 ~n 36 25 2 10 15 . . . 13 "~5 2, 3 7 9 . . . 8 2" 25 18 4 4 11 . . . 8 t' 12 1') 5 39 29 * f * 34 E5 42 44 6 120 119 . . . 12') t':':." 9, 7 222 278 . . . 200 S<:J 113 2% B 247 271 . . . 239 353 i2, Sol 9 255 240 . . . 203 3:6 1'3 2"' 10 264 271 . . . 268 '51 132 S,5 11 287 . . . . 287 453 233 335 OM 12 338 . . . . 338 0"9 257 381 1 253 . . . . 233 517 254 358 2 306 . . . 376 341 ';\ 229 354 3 317 . . . 417 367 37; 215 332 4 384 . . . 484 434 ". ,-- 3:9 5 358 . * f 404 381 2=" 12S 325 6 254 f f . 344 239 E57 !~1 2%3 7 107 . . . 347 252>". 151 224 II 8 107 · · · 353 230 1;2 117 ie7 9 9" . . . 258 176 12' 55 1"2 10 71 . . f 232 152 !}: E\ 119 11 71 f f f 170 121 ._ ~~ ?S 11_----___------------------------------------------------------_____________________________________._________________-------------- II II II II PM PE:AK HR 4 . . . 4 II PEPK FLOW 384 . . . 484 II I I II II II II II II II SUF"OLK COUNTY OE:PT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 1 HOUR, 1 CHANNEL VEHICLE COUNT CORRECTION FACTOR: 1.00 SITE NO.: c~'~e-s::p =rL~: (I'i3-0EE CR48-6 !5(1("E ;:Ll}P"S cP'" :l. E8 WEE~ O~ MQI'1D~Y PI_'G~iST 2~i ! ~~5 TOTALS o 3385 eO!"': "743 4208 1282 o 4922 3155 '\ i)'. ~::;7 . ..~ -' ~ r -1_ ,. . i !' % AVG WKOAY % AVO DAY 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.':: t.r:'(1 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A~ PEAK HR PEAK FlOW 7 278 t1 4.S3 11 11 287 . . . . f 23~ . I:' Sl? 328 I I SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT. OF PUBLIC W~RKS 1 HOUR, I CHANNEL VEHiCLE COUNT CORRECTION FACTOR: 1.00 SITE N~. : CR'9-5 ;i? FILE: ('48-0EW CR4B 1500"E ELI!PCS cP' E CL HE WE::~ 0;: MO~J.rPl. P;_:S_lsr E~,. !'~e3 -1II--------~;~~--------~;~~~~----~~~~~~~---~~~~~~;~~---~~~~~;;~----~~I;;~--------~EEKDAy---------~;~l;~;~----~~~;;y----------7-D;Y-- BEG!~S 25 27 28 23 23 AVERPGE E' 25 PVERP"E -II---------~~-----------::---------~:----------:----------:----------:-------------:~--------------::---------~:--------------:~--- I 4 10 t t t 7 25 3" 20 2 18 4 . t t 11 I' 30 17 3 9 8 t . . 9 10 11 10 4 19 7 . . . 13 11, 13 13 5 52 33 . - _' . 43 E7 12 31 5 149 132 t t . 141 71 cc 37 7 281 278 . t . 280 117 53 126 8 300 294 . . . 297 184 119 224 9 341 250 t . . 295 364 180 274 10 335 263 t t . 299 313 272 E26 11 337 . . . . 337 3E9 3'6 337 PM 12 277 t . t t 277 ,,' 425 343 1 335 . . . . 335 3:5 4,4 322 2 355 f . * f 355 :'c 4:2 335 3 354 . . t 333 344 3', 40' 378 4 355 . t t 391 353 333 3iO 370 5 3S8 t t t 384 371 33i 33' 320 5 245 t t '211 269 3'2 ,:" 316 7 204 t . '228 216 26, co: 240 8 158 . t . 177 158 '0< ," 5,'1 I 9 120 · · · 187 154 16' ."4 1/3 10 88 t . . 138 113 !ei 131 135 11 41 f f f 95 68 1~0 5~ 75 JIIl-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTALS 4760 1298 o o 2214 4788 5'~'JS 43Ec 4344 ,0. ~7 , -', , -f--; :-)'~ '.'_' r. % AVO W,DAY % AVO DAY 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0(1 0.00 0.00 0.(10 l.':"" 1.':"-' A~ PEAK HR PEAK FLOW 9 341 8 294 :1 II . t . t 328 ~45 . . PM PEAK HR PERK FLOW 5 358 5 384 . . E . ,:8 ~5~ . . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1984 1985 1986 1987* CARS 'ffiUCKS CARS 'ffiUCKS CARS 'ffiUCKS CARS 'llUJCKS Jaruary 4500 3SO 4400 3SO 5100 410 6500 400 Febrwry 5000 330 4900 3SO 5500 410 7000 450 Mar d1 5500 710 6000 870 7900 820 7500 800 Arril 8000 830 10,250 860 10,000 1080 12,000 1080 May 11,000 690 15,000 750 16,000 850 19,000 1010 Jme 15,900 SOO 18,000 790 21,500 920 22,000 1100 July* 24,000 810 27,000 1100 29,000 1180 27,000*' 1030 Augus t* 30,000 1180 32,500 1340 32,800 1380 35,000 1270 Septanber 21,000 850 20,500**' 1100 22,000 1080 24,000 1120 October 12,000 740 15,000 950 18,000 1030 17,900 900 November 10,000 660 11,500 680 14,000 670 14,500 610 D=ceml:er 7,000 380 9,000 480 9,000 500 9,500 480 * Startirll in July ani August of 1986 2 boats were utilized duriIll these two roonths. ** Collision cut da.n on capacity. *** Hurricane Gloria. TABlE A mIDlLY CROOS:rn; \U.TJME ffiIENr Rlmr CROOS ISIAND FffiRY