HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-05/15/2007
Minutes of Regular Meeting held
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
John Sepenoski , Chairman Michelle Zaloom Lillian Ball
Chris Baiz Ray Huntington Monica Harbes
Members Absent:
Eric Keil
Also present:
Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator
Dan Ross, Town Board Liaison
Tim Caufield, Vice President Peconic Land Trust, Inc. (attended part of meeting)
The meeting began at 7:05 p.m. with six LPC members present.
Adoption of Meeting Minutes:
Adoption of LPC meeting minutes from and April 10, April 19, and May 1, 2007
made by Ray Huntington, seconded by Lillian Ball to accept the minutes of a Land
Preservation Committee meeting held on April 19, 2007.
Motion carried: 6/0
No motion made for acceptance of meeting minutes of April 10 and May 1, 2007 as minutes not
completed in time for meeting.
DEERKOSKI PROPERTY [executive session]
SCTM #: 1000-101-1-2.3 PDR Acreage: 18.9 acres
Location: 4600 Elijah’s Lane, Mattituck Zoned: A-C
Total Acreage: 20.9 acres CPF: Yes
PDR: ±17 acres Reserved Area: 3-4 acres
Update re: status
Melissa Spiro gave update of status. Contract has been signed by landowners. Town Board hearing
to be set on 5/22/07 for 6/5/07. Reserve area around existing house is proposed to be 80,000 instead
of 1.5 acres. Easement language has been “tweaked” to allow for horseback riding instruction
primarily within Reserve Area and secondarily within the easement. Contract describes that at closing
a covenant & restriction will be placed on the vacant Reserve Area prohibiting any residence or
dwelling other than for farm related housing. A 25 foot access way to vacant Reserve Area will be
undefined, but within easement. access way area will be excluded from payment.
SCTM #: 1000-81-2-5 Zoned: A-C
Location: 695 Paradise Pt Rd, Southold CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 19.95 acres Subdividable: Yes
Update re: status
Melissa gave update of status on this project. Planning staff (Anthony Trezza) has been notified of
LPC’s discussion at 5/1/07 LPC meeting re: 60% subdivision over space (SOS) required land and trail
easement. (LPC in favor of recommending to Town Board that Town take SOS area, but LPC feels
that park and playground fees should be required.)
Inquiries have been made about total preservation of the property.
LPC had lengthy discussion in regard to total preservation of the property. It is assumed that since
the landowner is so far along in the subdivision process, that any purchase price to the Town would
be based on the proposal that is for 5 lots. LPC decided that a LPC member should contact
landowner to see if there is any interest in total preservation and, if so, at what cost to the Town.
SCTM #: 1000-69-3-11 Zoned: A-C
Location: 702 Ackerly Pond La, Southold CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 7.7 acres (GIS 7.86 acres) Subdividable: Yes
New application for open space preservation.
Several LPC members had inspected the property and inspections were discussed. Parcel is
accessed via a r-o-w from Main Road that goes over and near existing residential parcel. Parcel use,
both full fee and with development rights easement, is limited due to the r-o-w. LPC would like to
recommend preservation of the property, but due to the r-o-w limits, LPC feels that this is a low
priority for fee title preservation.
made by Lillian Ball, seconded by Ray Huntington, that LPC not interested in pursuing fee
title application due to the limits presented to the property by the r-o-w. LPC may recommend to Town
Board the purchase of a development rights easement at a concept purchase price estimated at one
development right purchase price, subject to Town Board approval.
Motion carried: 6/0
SCTM #: 1000-117-8-18 Zoned: MII
Location: 650 First St, New Suffolk CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 3.25 acres (GIS 3.48 acres) Subdividable: Yes
Status update by Tim Caufield of Peconic Land Trust [executive session].
Tim Caufield gave LPC an updated on status of some concept proposals for potential purchase of
property. LPC generally in favor of some type of purchase, perhaps with partners, for preservation
Addition to Agenda by Timothy Caufield:
SCTM #: 1000-63-1-25 Zoned: R-80
Location: 3005 Young Ave, Southold CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 23.5 acres (23.27 GIS) Subdividable: Yes
Update of meetings with Charnews Family by Tim Caufield.
Tim Caufield (PLT) gave LPC an update on meetings he had with members of the Charnews family.
Father, who is now deceased, entered into contract to sell property to developer. Contract is currently
in litigation. Family members are interested in potential preservation of the property. Sense of
committee is that interested in preservation; however, assuming that no action can occur while
property in litigation.
Return to Agenda Applications:
SCTM #: 1000-108-4-1.1 Zoned: A-C, R-40
Location: 18625 Rt 25, Mattituck CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 23.8 acres (GIS 23.8 acres) Subdividable: Yes
Retroactive motion of e-mail purchase offer determination [executive session]
The members entered into
made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Michelle Zaloom, to authorize offer made after
Melissa Spiro received comments from LPC member via e-mail.
Motion carried 5/0/1 (Lillian Ball absent from room at time of vote)
Melissa gave LPC update re: meeting she had earlier in the day with landowner. Landowner
originally request a one-acre Reserve Area. Landowner would like to increase land area within
Reserve Area to 3 acres as he has a potential purchaser interested in creating a winery in addition to
the existing residential dwelling. Landowner advised of minimum Code requirements for each use.
LPC discussed and accepted the revision to the Reserve Area.
SCTM #: 1000-122-7-8.8 Zoned: R-80
Location: 1150 Old Main Rd, Mattituck CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 47.80 acres (GIS 51.53 acres) Subdividable: Yes
Update re: Town Board executive session [executive session].
The members entered into
Melissa, Lillian and Ray gave committee update re: their executive session meeting with Town Board
in regard to potential preservation of Lomangino property and Perino property (see next agenda
item). Town Board, after a lengthy discussion, agreed that they were not in favor of pursuing
preservation unless significant Bargain Sale, reduction in density and layout acceptable to LPC, Town
Board and Planning Board. If landowners address these elements, Town Board will review again to
see if Town Board wishes to proceed.
SCTM #: 1000-122-7-9 Zoned: R-80
Location: 9300 Rt 25, Mattituck CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 20.82 acres (GIS 20.83 acres) Subdividable: Yes
Update re: Town Board executive session [executive session].
Melissa, Lillian and Ray gave committee update re: their executive session meeting with Town Board
in regard to potential preservation of Lomangino property (see agenda above agenda item) and
Perino property. Town Board, after a lengthy discussion, agreed that they were not in favor of
pursuing preservation unless significant Bargain Sale, reduction in density and layout acceptable to
LPC, Town Board and Planning Board. If landowners address these elements, Town Board will
review again to see if Town Board wishes to proceed.
SCTM #: 1000-54-3-24.1 Zoned: A-C
Location: 1655 Old North Rd, Southold CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 53.9 acres (GIS 53.83 acres) Subdividable: Yes
Appraisal reviewed [executive session].
John Sepenoski recused himself and left the meeting prior to any discussions on this property.
Melissa reviewed appraisal with LPC and the two scenarios were presented.
made by Lillian Ball, seconded by Ray Huntington, to authorize and direct Melissa Spiro to
present purchase offers to landowners based upon each scenario.
Motion carried 5/0/1 (John Sepenoski recused himself)
Agricultural Structures Application:
SCTM #: 1000-83-2-9.3 Zoned: A-C
Location: 13945 Oregon Rd, Cutchogue CPF: Yes
Total Acreage: 25.79 acres Development Rights: 17.02 acres
Request for Ag Structures on development rights easement.
Ray, John & Melissa would set up meeting with applicant to discuss request further.
Addition to Agenda by Dan Ross:
Request for Dog Run on Town Owned Land
Request made by Councilman Dan Ross and Park/Rec Committee to review use of Town-owned land
for dog run. Dan updated LPC re: existing dog run in Peconic. He said that a second dog run is
needed to take pressure off existing dog run.
LPC discussed whether or not a dog run is acceptable use on Town-owned open space property.
LPC consensus is that use would be allowed; however, it must be on appropriate property. Fox
example, environmentally sensitive parcel would not be appropriate. LPC was still unclear whether or
not a dog run is considered passive recreation. It was decided that Dan and others interested in
creating a second dog run would review for potential sites and would then come back to LPC for
further review.
AgPDD – FYI re: Town Board Public Hearing
Meeting scheduled for May 18, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. Chris and John plan on attending
Small Lot Policy – HOLD
until next LPC meeting
Financial Status –
Melissa told LPC that she was keeping financial spreadsheet
Farmland Bond –
did not discuss
– Melissa told LPC that latest tracking report completed. Copy given to Ray Huntington.
Melissa Spiro’s confidential status report [executive session re: status of offers]
Not prepared for meeting.
Addition to Agenda by Lillian Ball:
Field Inspection Sign –
Lillian suggested that LPC get sign for use when field inspecting.
Next Regular Meeting:
Tuesday, May 29, 2007, at 7:00 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be held on in the Town Hall
Conference Room.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p.m. by the five remaining members. John Sepenoski had left
prior to meeting adjournment.
Respectfully submitted by Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator