HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-45.-6-4-I L ,. - APPROVED BY pl~,,INll'iG BOARD <i APR 2 2' 1986 ~qouthold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 September 1, 1987 Victor Lessard Executive Administrator Building Department Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 RE: Site Plan for William J. Mills At Greenport SCTM # 1000-45-6-3 Dear Mr. Lessard: The following action was taken by the,.Southold Town Plann'ing Board, Monday, August 6, 1987. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board, following a field inspection, recommend to the Building Department that a certificate of occupancy be issued to the site of William J. Mills and Co. located at Greenport based on the approved site plan. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary S~TY Southold, N.Y. 11971 (616) 765-1938 April 15, 1986 William J. Mills, III WM. J. Mills, Co 125-127 Main Street Corp. 125 Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 Company Re: Site Plan for Wm. J. Mills, Co. Dear Mr. Mills: The following actions were taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, April 14, 1986. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board refer the site plan of Wm. J. Mills,&Co. for an addition on an existing building located at Main Road, Greenport to the Building Department for certification. This proposal is for a canvas manufacturing operation with office and storage area. Site plan dated January 23, 1986. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board approve the site plan for Wm.J. Mills, & Co. for an addition on an existing building located at Main Road, Greenport. This proposal is for a canvas manufacturing operation with office and storage area. Site Plan dated January 23, 1986. This approval is subject to: 1. Certification by the Building Department 2. A one-year review by the Planning Board When this plan has been certified, the Chairman can endorse the site plans. Would you please forward three (3) site plan surveys to our office, so we may make a referral to the Building Department. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. William J. Mill, III Page 2 4/15/86 Very truly yours, cc: Building Department BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary Semon, Bruno To: Forrester, Ed Cc: Russell, Scott; PB Members, mt WM Mills SCTM 1000-45-6-~'Repavement Subject: Hi Ed, To follow up on the site plan research. The Site Plan File was found in the Assessors office. I reviewed the file and found the following information: On April 15, 1986, the Planning Board approved a site plan for two additions to the existing one story building. On January 24, 1986 the ZBA granted relief for Special Exception under Appeal No 3459. On September 1, 1987, the Planning Board recommended to the Building Department that a certificate of occupancy be issued. The site plan details existing pavement in the frontJnorth side of the property site, crushed stone surface on the west side of the building and existing vegetation on in the rear/south side of the property. At this time the file is available at my desk. If this file is not need I would like to send it to Stacy to be scanned in. Please give direction on what will be the next step? Thank You Bruno FRANK A. KUJAWSKI, JR., President ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR., Vice-President JOHN M. BREDEMEYER, III JOHN L. BEDNOSKI, JR. HENRY P. SMITH FROM: DATE: RE: BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 Bay Constable, Planning Board, Building Dep't. Frank A. Kujawski, Jr. August 23, 1989 Mills Company, Main Road, Greenport TELEPHONE (516) 765-1892 The Board of Trustees have inspected the above referenced site on August 22, 1989 and found that fill has been placed at the rear of the property. It appeared to the Trustees that fill had not been placed directly on wetlands but freshwater wetlands did exist nearby. We met with Mr. Mills and explained that no further fill should be deposited and that if more fill was brought in it would enter wetlands nearby. In regards to the 25' limit for activities, the fill deposited clearly exceeded 25' but the Trustees did not feel that a wetlands violation existed. 'APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC ACCESS TO RECORDS I~ ECEIYED TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SECTION I. TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Please complete Section I of this form. Give the form to the Agency Freedom of Information Officer. The Freedom of Information Officer will return one copy to you as a response to your request, or as an interim response. TO: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ~/~/~f ~/z~ AGENCY NAME: AGENCY ADDRESS: I HEREBY APPLY TO INSPECT THE FOLLOWING RECORD (Please describe the recorcl sought. If possible, supply a date, a file title and number, and any other informa- tion that will help locate the record desired): Signature of Applicant and Printed Applicant Represents: )~'~'~/F Applicant's Mailing Address: Date of Application: //~. SECTION I1. FOR USE BY AGENCY FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ONLY [ ~]~App roved [ ] Denied: (for the reason(s) checked below) Confidential Disclosure Part of Investigatory Files ,. Unwarranted Invasion of Privacy Record of Which This Agency is Legal Custodian Cannot be Found Record is Not Maintained by This Agency Exempted by Statute Other Than the Freedom of Information Act . Other (specify): [~Receipt of this request is acknowledged. There will be a delay in supplying the requested record until for the following reason: Siignat , e:.. ~,.~,~.,~¢.~ Title: 7-0.~,~._~~ Date: ///~--'7 /~  ;~ Freedom of Information Officer SECTION Ill. NOTICE TO APPLICANT YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO APPEAL A DENIAL OF THiS APPLICATION IN WRITING WITH- IN 30 DAYS OF THE DENIAL. INFORMATION AS TO THE PERSON TO CONTACT IS SHOWN'BELOW. THE CONTACTED PERSON MUST RESPOND TO YOU IN WRITING WITHIN SEVEN BUSINESS DAYS OF RECEIPT OF YOUR APPEAL. Name: Southold Town Board Business Address: 53095 Main Road Telephone: Southold, New York 516 765-1800 T L D Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 May 12, 1986 William J. Mills, III Wm. J.Mills, Co 125-127 Main Street Corp. Company 125 Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Site Plan for Wm. J. Mills, Co Dear Mr. Mills: Enclosed is a survey for the above mentioned approved proposal which has been endorsed by the Chairman. Also, enclosed, for your review, is a copy of the certification from the Building Department. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M.Schultze, Secretary enc. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR P.O. BOX 728 TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL. 765-1802 May 8, 1986 Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, N.Y. Subject: William J. Mills Co. (125-127 Main Street Corp.) Site plan dated 1-23-86 Gentlemen: This will certify the above site plan in meeting zoning regulations. EH:hdv Building Inspector oumo a own '~ NIAIN RI'tAD- -'~TATE; ROAD Board of Appeals 25 SnUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 3459 Application Dated January 24~ TO: 125-127 Main Street Corp. 125 Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 1986 (Public Hearing 3/]3/86) [Appellant (s) ] At a Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on April 3, ]986, the above appeal was considered, and the action indicated below was taken on your [ ] Request for Variance Due to Lack of Access to Property New York Town Law, Section 280-a [X] Request for Special Exception under the Zoning Ordinance Article VIII Section ]00-80(B) [ ] Request for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance Article , Section [ ] Request for Application of 125-127 MAIN ST. CORP. (MILLS & CO.) for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ord'inance, Article VIII, Section lO0-80(B) for permission to utilize premises and construct addition for the manu- facture of sails, canvas products and related items, and office and storage area incidental thereto, in this "C-Light" Industrial Zoning District. Location of Property: 74100 Main Road, Greenport, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-45-06-0061 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and concluded on March 13, 1986, in the Matter of the Application of 125-127 MAIN ST. CORP (MILLS & CO.) under Appeal No. 3459; and WHEREAS, the board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area~ and WHEREAS, the board has considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application; and it is noted for the record that no public opposition has been received; and WHEREAS, the board made the following findings of fact: l. The property in question is identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 45, Block 6, Lot 006, consists of an area of 1.966 acres with 140~ frontage along the south side of the Main Road, Greenport, and is zoned L'C-Light" Industrial. 2. By this application~ applicant requests a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VIII, Section lO0-80(B) for permis- sion to establish use of premises for the following various uses as noted by applicant's letter of March ]2, 1986: (a) manufacture of sails and canvas products, 16,400± sq. ft~ in area; (b) office space, 2,500 sq. ft., more or less, (c) trade display area, 450 sq. ft., (d) restrooms, utilities and storage areas, 1,100± sq. ft., all as more particularly shown by floor and site plans submitted under this application. (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) DATED: April ll, 1986. Form ZB4 (rev. 12/81) CHAIRMAN, SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Page 2 - Appeal No. 3459 Matter of MILLS & CO. Decision Rendered April 3, 1 986 3. The subject premises is presently improved with the follow- ing structures: (a) 50' by 40±' one-story building set back 39 feet from its front property line along the Main Road and nine feet at its closest point from the easterly property line; (b) 100' by 70±' one-story building set back 115± feet from its front property line and 10' at its closest point from the easterly side property line. 4. New construction is proposed as follows: (a) 50±' by 50' one-story addition connecting the two existing buildings and maintaining the established 10' sideyard setback, and (b) 85' by 100' one-story addition at the rear of the most southerly building also maintaining the established minimum setback at 10', (see site plan of January 23, 1986 prepared by Alfred K. Barteld, R.A.) 5. For the record., it is noted that there is a Certificate of Occupancy dated August 11, 1966, No. Z2505 issued to Andrew J. Campbell for occupancy as a business building - public garage. 6. To the best of this board's knowledge, been used for many years as a new and used car with office use incidental thereto. this property has sales dealership 7. By letter dated February ll, 1986, the Southold Town Planning Board has not commented on the site plan layout, parking, etc.; however, does agree with the use of manufacture of canvas products.* In considering this application, the board has determined: (1) the uses proposed will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use dis- tricts, (2) that the uses will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in this district, or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts; (3) that the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience, or order of the town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and ~ts location, (4) that the use will be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance. The board also has considered items (a) through (1) of Article XII,, Section 100-121[C](2) of the zoning code. Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Douglass, seconded by Messrs. Grigonis and Sawicki, it was RESOLVED, the the Application in the Matter of 125-127 Main St. Corp./Mills & Co. for a Special Exception as applied under No. 3459, BE AND HEREBY IS APPROVED for the uses as noted, supra, and SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDI'TIONS: *l. Any alteration of the plans under consideration herein or requested uses will require reapplication to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board for the necessary Special Exception and site plan amendments, etc. 2. There be no backing out onto the Main Road at any time. 3. Final site and parking approval by the Southold Town Planning Board in accordance with Article XIII. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass and Sawicki. This resolution was duly adopted. lk GERARD P. GOEHRI'NGER, CH~tRMAN April l], 1986 Tel. 516477-1500 Wm. J. Mills & Co. Sailmakers & Canvas Products Since 1880 A 125-127 MAIN STREET CORPORATION COMPANY 125 MAIN STREET GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 03/12/86 Mr. Bennett Orlmski, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Orl~ski: Pursuart our application presently before the board we hereby furnish the following information on the proposed square footage of various use areas: Manufature of Sails and Canvas Products Office Space Trade Display Area Utilites, Storage, Restrooms, etc. Total 16,369 Sq. Ft. 2,360 Sq. Ft. 450 Sq. Ft. 1,011 Sq. Ft. 20,190 Sq. Ft. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, William J. Mills,~ III WJM:ah Tel. 516-477-1500 Wm. J. Mills & Co. es:o Sailmakers & Canvas Products Since 1880 125 MAIN STREET A 125-127 MAIN STREET CORPORATION COMPANY GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 February 18, 1986 The Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Planning Board Members: Pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance #100-133, we hereby request approval of our site plan subject to Building Department certification and Board of Appeals special exception approval. The purpose of this request is, that due to the Zoning and Planning Boards schedules, a savings (in time) of several weeks could be achieved by taking this approach. Our intent is not to "push" the Board towards a hasty decision but rather to enable us to begin construction as soon as possible. In light of recent events associated with site plans and their subsequent rescission, we are willing to submit an affidavit stating that our site plan, as approved by the Planning Board, is or will be the same as the plan that the Building Department will certify, and will be the same plan that the Board of Appeals will use in making their determination. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Wm. J. Mills III WJM:jd Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 February 11, 1986 Mr. William J. Mills, III President WM. J. Mills, Co. 125-127 Main Street Co. 125 Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Site Plan Wm. J. Mills, at Greenport Dear Mr. Mills: Please let this confirm the action taken by the Southold Town Planning Board, Monday, February 10, 1986. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board forward to the Zoning Board of Appeals the following comments: The Planning Board is favor of this proposal for a facility for the manufacturing of canvas products. Please note, this recommendation is with regard to the proposed use, and the Board must still make a site plan review. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR., CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M.Schultze, Secretary cc: Board of Appeals FEB 10 1986 I, Robert Bro~, as an adjacent property owner to the Ballan Ford property, have reviewed the project as proposed by Wm. J. Mills & Co., aud am iu agreement with the design of the site plan a~d the proposed use. Signature: ~'~'/ ' Date: County of Suffolk ) State of New York ) On the ~r~ day of ~'~ in the year ] V~g before me personally came Robert Brown and signed his name. Notary PATRICIA A, H. FORREST NOTARY PUBLIC, Sickle of New York No. 30-6360110 Qualified in ~ufS~lk County Commission Exp:res/,:arch 30, 198~ ~FEB 10 1986 I, Norman R. Reich, as duly elected officer of M & N Auto, as an adjacent property owner to the Ballan Ford property, have reviewed the project as proposed by Wm. J. Millm & Co., and am in agreement with the design of the mite plan and the proposed use. ~ z '/ ~' / / Witness: Date: County of Suffolk ) State of New York ) the ~9~ day of ~ On me personally came Norman R. Reich in the year / ? BG and signed his name. before PA TRICIA A. H. FORRr-ST FIOTARY PUBLIC, State of New Yor~ No. 30-6360110 Qualified in Suf;~lk County COmmission Expires tAarcll 30, 198~' Notary FEB 10 1986 I, Robert Celic, as an adjacent prgperty owner to the Ballan Ford property, have reviewed the project as proposed by Wm. J. Mills & Co., a~ am in agreement with the design of the site plan au~the~p~zD~sed use. Witness: ~ ~_~ APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRiNGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, .IR, ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAW[CKI FF.I) 10 7986 Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. Ilo:J?] TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 February lO, 1986 125-127 Main Street Corp. 125 Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 Re: File No. 3459 (Special Exception) Dear Mr. Mills: This letter will acknowledge receipt of your recent appli- cation. The members of the Board of Appeals will be conducting field inspections and environmental reviews as may be required by State and local laws prior to scheduling your application for a public hearing. It is'requested in the interim that you nroceed with the [ X] Planning Board [ ] N.Y.S.D.E.C. [ ] in order that they may submit their written comments or recom- mendations as early as possible. Upon receipt of their input, your application will be scheduled for the next available hear ing date. If the above document(s) are submitted by March 4, 1986, it is expected that the public hearing would be held about the middle part of March. A copy of the notice of hearings as published in the Long Island Traveler-Watchman and the Suffolk Times will be sent to you as confirmation. Please feel free to call at any time if you have any questions. Yours very truly, Enclosure cc: Planning Board GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN By Linda Kowa]ski TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - PART ?ROJECT I~-F OP. MAT ION, Mfr. Facility ' 12_5-127 Main Street 'Corp. ~ffec: 3n ~e ~nvi~nmenc. Ple~a ca~laca ~ enc~re ~a~ S~c. ~sw~ ~ ~es% .lues~ons dj]] ~% ~nvalve n~ so. Yes, ~saa~ O~ investigation, if fnfa~:ton ~ut~ng su~ ~tCJQ~I ~rk to ffldicace a~d s-ecJ,~! facu {fls3ance. " Leo Sternltchtj J~. -, ': (a~) · ~. -.. C/0'~tve~head*~cogm, Iu~. "*'~' · O~ *. ~c. 58~ Atve~bead~ ~e~ ~o~k 11901" Greenpo~t, New York 11944 (P.,3.) (scrota) ~ ~ip{ : ' ' O?..'..~r~.O:: ~F oooJ~C.': (Sr~-.fNy descrtbe t~e af ~raJec'. 3r &C:~n) buildings. , AgrtculCu~ , O~er ·Vacant 4. What is or-.'.cm:flanC SOil P. yge(S) an .mrg,~ec:{,.m.~': {. 4. .ir-..::~'.--.. ~ecr~.cX :uc":'a:ot.~$. :fl 3r~ja:'. st:s.~ ~. What ($ ~...oc= :~ .~edr:cx! N.A. {1~.173 I r ~ac~r Sur~*.ac8 A~a '.Less thi~.~l AcreSacrm.: ear=~ ar ftlI~ '.5 ~cr~s 0 icr~ ~ca~m, ~cild~n~s 2~e~ (:Jm~ca:~ :yae] N.A {trim Nd~a..lcr~: San~ - Gravel.- Clp¥ $. Approximate p.ercencage of proposed project site with slopes: 8. ~at Js ~e depbh to ~e wate~ table? feet .. 9. ~ hunctn~ or lashing oppo~un~t~es presefltl~ ex;st tn the project area? Yes ~ ' "fro 100 ~es p~Ject s~te contain ~y spectes of plant or animal life ~ac Is MenC~f~ed u .~a~n~ oP en~zn~r~ - ,, Yes ,o, acceding co - ~denctf~ each 11. Are C.here an). unique or unusual land for~s on ~o project, stte? (t.e. c1~fl's, duffs, fo~Clons - . Yes ~ Ko. (Oescr~be 12. zs p~ acc s~te presen us ~e ~ or ne o~od es a en space · 13. ~es ~e present stte offe~ Or tnclu~ scenic v~s or vts~s ~ ~ be t~C ~ 14. St~ within o~ contiguous ~o p~ect a~a: ')' ~ .... ..... a. K~ Of st~e~ and fl~ of ~ver ~ vh~ch [~ ts tr~buca~ ~.A. 15. Lakes, ?onds, ~eCland a~as within or ~nttguous ~ proaecC ~i: a. H~ ~.A. T b, Size (tn acres) ~.A. ' 16. ~at ts the do~fnant lan~ use and zoning classt~tc~C~on vtthtn & 1/4 m~le radi~ of ~ ~ecC (e.g~ 1. Physic1 dtGenstuns ~d s~le o~ p~Je'~ {~11 Iff d~r~nstons as app~p~Y3~e) · Total c~tlguous acreage ~ed b~ p~JecC Sponsor 1.96' . ' t~es .... ~ '., ~." '" P~ec~ ~creage deveToped: 1 : ac~ tnJ~ta11~; 1 ac~ts ultt~ctl~ ..... . ,, .. d. Length of p~Jec~, tn miles: ~.A, (tf app~ri~te), ....... e. %f p~ecC ~ ~ ~panstan o~ existing, tndJcaCe percent of upanston p~sed: butldtng'squa~ age 124Z ; developed acre&ge 0' · ' ' fl~er of of~-sC~C p~rktflg spKes existtng NrA. I proposed '~0; ' ~ ' '"'"' ~xt~ veh~culzr trtps generated pe~ hou~ 25 (upon c~pleCfon of p~ect) ae If rostdenCta1: N~er and type of housing ~nlts: " · . One'Fa~ily Tw~ F=!l.v ~ult~ple F~ily Zn;t~al ~'~' ~.A. ' ~.A. "' Ulc~czce N.A. N.A, N.A. ~ndo~lntun N.A. I~: , Neifhborhood-Clt¥-~e~iooal Cc~arcial N .'~. Industrial City £sc~ted ~plo~en~. N.A.. 35 Total height of c~llest proposed structure -28 feet. J How much natu.'al material (l.e, rock, earth, etc.) will be removed tram the site., 0 tons 0 cubie..~a ga~ ~n~ ac~s or Vegetation (~rees, shahs, g~un~ covers) ~11 be re~ved fro~ s~Ce - acres. Less t~n .t0 ACres project? Yes y ~o Are t~ero any plans far re-vegetation to replace that removed during construction? X Yes ' if stngle phase project: Anticipated period of construction fl months, (Including demolition), a. Total n~ber of phases anticipated ~ 'aRa, "· If multi-phased project: - 8, gill blasting occur durtng const~dction? .~es X No ... ~. Number of Jobs generated: doing construction 15 : after proJsc~ ts complete ~) , 10. NurSer of Jobs ellmtnated, by this project O. - -' .~ -. 11. Vt11 project require relocation of ~ny projec:s or facilities? Yes X', No~ ~f ~es, explain.: 12. 13. 14. 17. 18. · 19. 20. Z1. ..... b. Anticipated date at' co~nce'~ent phase I ~.A..'~onth ~'~year J:tncludls- · demolition) ~. lpp~xtmaCe comp1~tton date final phase N.A. .moth~.A. ~r. ..- d. Zs phase 1 flnanct~11~ dependen~ on subsequent p~S~S? .~Yes ~ · : a. Is surface ar subsurface liquid waste 4tsposal tnvolvedT X Yes .Re. . . b, If yes. indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) Sewage c. Tf sur(ece disposal n~ at' stream into which effluent will be dtschsrged~_A..'. VJll surface are~ at' existing lakes, ponds, stre~s, bays ar other surfacs waterways be increased or decreased by proposal? Yes ~ Is p~oject or an~ por~ton of project located in the 100 ~ear flood plain? . X Yes . aoes project involve disposal of ~oltd wast.~? X Yes Re ' ' '" .r Yes X ae d. gill g111 ~ill ~ill gtll any wastes flat go inca a sewage disposal system or tnt~ a sanitary lafldft117 project use herbicides or pesticides? Yes X No : · project routinely produce ador~ (more th4n one'hour per day)? Yes x No project produce operating noise exceeding the local a~bience noise levels? project ~esul~ in an Increase tn'energy use? Yes X Yes X If yes, Indicate type(s) X! water supply is fTC= wells Indicate pu~ping capacity Total anticipated ~ater usage per day ~...,~als/day. Zoning: a. ghat Is dominant'zoning oJessi~i¢~ticn o( sift? b. Current s;eclftc zoning clzssificatiofl of site d. gals/minute. Light Industrial Light Industrial [s proposed use consisceflt with present zoning? ... Yes If no, Indicate desired zontn~ N.A. a. Is any Federal pemit required? Yes Z b. ~aes pmject involve State ar Federal funding or ¢. Lo~I and Regional appruvels: Approval Required City, To,m, ¥tllage 8oard Ct, t¥, TQwn, Vtllage Planning guard Yea City, County Heal~ Oepa~ Other local agencies (Suil~iaa Othe~ regional agenc~s * ~ ~ ~o Subm? ttal A~proval (oaf:e) (oace) Waiver 1/16/8~' '. 1/21/86 ,. · ' '..'~:.. '. St4te Agencies Federal Agencies .. DIFOP~ATIG~L DETAILS ...TITLe: .............. · 0AT~: adveme I~ac~ associated wt[h ~e'pmgasal, please discuss su~ i~¢~ ~d t~e ~uures ~t~ e. aa ~ ~efl ~ mitigate or avoid ~. - ?reside~ - i ~25-127 td. atn So,eeC Co~p. .1.~m~rv 2~'.' 1986 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Suffolk Courtly, New York 516 - 765-1801 17712' Southold, N. Y. 11971~.~&~ ~ 19~(~ ~-I~7 ~ Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk ~ F~/~- _~ ~ ~ ~ ..... :=_. JUDITII T. TERRY TOW'N CLERK OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 January 15, 1986 To: From: Re: Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department Elizabeth A. Neville, Deputy Town Clerk Request for a Waiver - Local Law No. 14 1985 Please submit all pertinent data in your files pertaining to the request of William J. Mills III at Route 25, Greenport for a Waiver from the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985. Attachment Teh 516.477-1500 Wm. J. Mill s & Co. Sailmakers & Canvas Products Since 1880 A 125-'127 MAIN STREET CORPORATION COMPANY 125 MAIN STREET GREENPORT, N.Y. 11944 JAN 15 1985 January 15, 1986 Mrs. Judith Terry, Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mrs. Terry: We hereby request the opportunity to meet with the Southold Town Board for the express purpose of asking for a waiver to local law #14, BUILDING MORATORIUM in cer- tain used districts. The requested release is for the purpose of allowing Wm. J. Mills & Co. to construct additions to the existing building located at Route 25, Greenport, NY formally known as the Ballan Ford property. The purpose of these additions is to create a facility to be used by Wm. J. Mills & Co. for the manufacturing of canvas products. Your swift action concerning this request would be appreciated, in view of other deadlines that have been imposed upon us. President WJM/mc Southold, N.Y. 11971 (516) 765-1938 January 16, 1986 Elizabeth A. Neville Deputy Town Clerk Southold Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: Request for Waiver William J. Mills III Dear Mrs. Neville: In accordance with your request, made a review of the files. We have not received an application for a site plan William J. Mills, Inc. the Planning Board has for Very truly yours, $OUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Diane M. Schultze, Secretary JUDITIt T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 January 24, 1986 To: F rom: Re: Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Waviers granted - January 21, 1986. The Southold Town Board, at their'regular meeting held on January 21, 1986, granted the following waivers under Local Law No. 14 - 1985- copies of whic~are attached hereto: ~l~liam J. Mills & Co, Helmut Hass JUDITIt T, TERRY TOWN CL~c:R K REGISTRAR OF ¥1TAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 1 t971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 21, 1986: WHEREAS, William J. Mills & Co. has requested that this Board waive the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985 with respect to their 'application presently pending before the Southold Town Building Inspector for a building permit,' and WHEREAS, this Board finds that the applicant proposes to construct additions to the existing building located at Route 25, Greenport, formerly known as the Ballan Ford property, and WHEREAS, this Board deems such use consistent with the uses in a Liglht Industrial Park/Planned Office Park (LIe) District~ as proposed by Raymond, Parish, Pine & Weiner, Inc.'s Master Plan Update Zoning Code revisions, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the applicant be and hereby is 'granted a waiver of the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985 to the extent of permitting such uses on said~premises as set forth in their application presently pending before the Southold Town Building Inspector for a building permit,~ subject, however, to the applicant obtaining any and all permits and approvals required by all Town and other governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof. Judith T. Terry ~/ Southold Town Clerk JUDITlt T. TERRY TOWN CLI~R K REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT TH~ FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A JREGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY :~1, 1986: WHEREAS, Samuel J. Glickman, Esq., on behalf of Helmut Hass, has requested that this 'Board waive the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985 with respect to permitting them to apply to the Board of Appeals and the Planning Board for a minor subdivision, and WHEREAS, this Board finds that the applicant proposes to subdivide his property located on the southerly side of County Route 48, Peconic, into three separate lots, and WHEREAS, this Board deems such use consistent with the uses inca Limited Business (LB) District, as proposed by Raymond, Parish, Pine & Weiner, Inc.'s Master Plan Update Zoning Code revisions, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the applicant be and hereby is granted a waiver of the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985 to the extent of permitting such uses on said'premises as set forth in'their application, subject, however, to the applicant obtaining any and all permits and approvals required by all Town and other governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof. Judith T. Terry ~ Southold Town Clerk SITE PLAN ELEMENTS Lot, block, and section number, if any, or the property taken from tax records Name and address of the owner of record -_ Name and address of the person preparing the map ~ Date, North arrow and written and graphic scale Sufficient description or information to precisely define the b~undaries of the property. All distances shall be in feet and tenths of a foot. Ail angles shall be given to the nearest ten seconds or closer. The error of closure shall not exceed one in ten thousand. The locations, name, and existing width of adjacent streets and curbline~ The location and owners of all adjoining lands, as shown on the latest tax records Location, width and purpose of all existing and proposed easements, setbz reservations, and areas dedicated to public use withinor adjoining proper A complete outline of existing deed restrictions or covenants applying ~c theproperty Existing zoning Existing contours at intervals of five or less, referred to a datum satisfactory to the Board Approximate boundaries of any areas subject to flooding or stormwater ow Location of existing watercourses, marshes, wooded areas, rock outcrops isolated trees with a diameter of eight inches or measured three feet above the base of the trunk and other significant existing features. Location of uses and outlines of structures, drawn to scale on and within one hundred (100) feet of the lots. Paved areas, sidewalks, and w~hicular access between the site and public streets Locations, dimensions, grades and flow direction of existing sewers, cul~ and waterlines as well as other underground and above ground utilities within and adjacent to the property. -Other existing development, i~cluding fences, landscaping and screening The location of proposed buildings or structural improvement The location and design ofall uses not requiring structures such as off street parking and loading areas. The location, direction, power and time of use of a~y proposed outdoor lighting or public address systems. The location of, and plans for, any outdoor signs The location and arrangement of proposed means of access and egress, including sidewalks,, driveways or other paved areas; profiles indicating grading and cross sections showing width of roadway, location and width of sidewalks and lcoation and size of water and sewer lines. :., OVER .... Site plan elements cont. '(§100-134) Any proposed grading, screening and other landscaping including types and locations of proposed street trees. The location of all proposed waterlines, valves and hydrants and of all ~ewer lines or alternate means of water supply and sewage disposal and treatment. An outline of any proposed deed retrictions and/or covenants. Any contemplted public improvements on or adjoining the property. If the site development plan indictes only a first stage, a supplementary plan shall indicate ultimate develoment. Any other information deemed by the Planning Board necessary to determine conformity of the site plan With the intent and regulations of this chapter. LASER FICHE FORM Planning Board Site Plans and Amended Site Plans SPFile Type: Approved Project Type: Site Plans Status: Final Approval SCTM #: 1000 - 45.-6-4 Proiect Name: William J. Mills Co. Address: 74100 NYS Route 25, Hamlet: Greenport Applicant Name: Owner Name: Zone 1: Approval Date: 5/9/1986 Greenpod __ SCANNED l JUN 2 5 2007 / _ Records Management OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information End SP Date: 5/9/1986 Zone 2: Zone 3: Location: SC Filing Date: C and R's: Home Assoc: R and M Agreement: SCAN Date: S'CR LE : Wm. J. Mills & ,Co- Sc~lmgk,¢¥s ond.C(~nvo.s rroducT~ since 18~0 A D~v~s~on ~ 126=1 2:7 ~Oin Sire'et C'o'~. .PRQPOSEE) ,.SIGN LOCATED OH ROOF Of ,/ CO. STREET ..L pr~Li