HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-45.-6-3 . '. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr" Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTI L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (516) 765-1823 May 14, 1991 Paul Dinizio Flint Street Corporation 637 Brown Street Greenport, NY 11944 Requirement for site plan Flint Street Corporation Greenport SCTM* 1000-45-6-3 Dear Mr. Dinizio: The Planning Board has received your revised survey showing the parking spaces and calculations, on the above referenced property, as requested by the Planning Board at a public meeting held on April 22, 1991. The parking as shown on the revised site plan is satisfactory. This waiver of site plan approval will remain in effect only for as long as the conditions contained in your letter of April 17, 1991, (copy enclosed) are in effect. If you wish to make any changes in the use, or on the site, the Board will determine whether an amended site plan is needed. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~~;~Vs.- Bennett Orlowski, Jr. /r Chairman cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector .' ..4 't - ~ ! :1 f , "1 .,\( Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 12, 1990 Robert A. Celic Main Road, Celic Center P.O. Box 786 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Celic Real Estate Office Greenport SCTMi 1000-45-6-3 Dear Mr. Celic: The Planning Board has reviewed your letter of March 1, 1990 requesting a waiver of site plan review. The Board has determined that the proposed use of your real estate office as a plumbing/heating sales and supply business is not a more intensive use of the property. A plumbing/heating business is a permitted use in this Light Industrial (LI) District, and as such the Board waives the site plan requirements. If you have any questions or require additional information please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~~;,f---4:. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman / . . .., ",.- J~ Sl,:'orlL.: 1'15> .~,/ 1---1'- FLINT STREET CORP. 637 Brown Street P.O. Box 591 Greenport, N. Y. 11944 April 17, 1991 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman and Members of the Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Re: Premises sls Main R03d ( Route 25) Greenport, New York Gentlemen: We write with reference to the above-captioned premises. You may recall it was formerly Celi~ Real Estate office and when we purchased same Mr. Celic procured a Certiflcate of Occupancy for retail use. The wife of the u~dersigned is presently running a small retail business selling children's clothing and equipment such as carriages, etc. This use is certainly less intensive than all prior uses with usually not more than two vehicles present on the premises at one time. The premises cannot be pbysically changed althcugh it is 50 feet in width on the Main Road by approximately 600 feet depth. Only the front 50 feet in width and in depth can be utilized. The back portion of the property cannot be used at all at the present time. It is very important to note that the premises in their present state cannot become a busy place since physically it would not be able to handle it. Acc~rdingly, it is presently a one person business with infrequent sales and run by the under- signed's wife presently as a part-time retail business and usually not even open six days a week. To require a full site plan review and approval in this situation will place an unduly harsh burden on a small business and a small property owner especially to require same each time It'o I'" I . . Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman and Members of the Planning Board April 17, 1991 the business character changes. It is respectfully submitted that retail business is retail business whether it be children's clothing or plumbing supplies. Accordingly, request is respectfully made that you waive under the circumstances a site plan in this matter. . Very truly yours, FLIN~REET CORP. By (d/($~4~_ t~._- Paul Dinizio , - 2 - 5~e' C114c~f !; i/1'1.i <1 r-- c llJ:."j e-5 . . '/f'll -, ' (!./ j( J'~ / . /,J/' d. .'l- .:) c.' ) r.../- 1/ . '~'I eeli'v f? eel I lot 5 i77~ /ytly i/ ..._-_.) oil SlY"'" r , I 1< / c! s all () (/ {' f'- i . (/ ,J '{k'dl u/qf Y'77/{/i?;J- , (IJ e i1) SI} 11../ ! Sa,n e fb Ie 'I- t(}()() rfJ !3cu. 1.1/11 ' 'J (I sf ftJ'e iN feu'....-r c-2)t:./)lb" C'-f' hI/I"!';''') okl - ye//t' Ur iVill, tfr'e?W,t.- ?;<,,'1. /Vel.V - /;v)..!f-r tNlfl.. r?~cI ;;',';1'l . . /~ " Q '<( a l:r. 4J l:r. 4J ~ l:r. Lu :::,. -.J if) MAIN ROAD ':::~~'~~""UU ... ,.o"f. ___ NO',. ~llOll'::'n:__ ,.." .-- \ ,.~...' "_"11 '"' ,~ ,ani -Q 2~ u , i : \( i ~ (SR, 25 ) 7&.~ Ifi 10- ,'~ (, 7rh: .; SURVEY OF PROPERTY AT GREENPOR T TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNT~ N Y 1000 - 45 - 06 - 03 Scale 1" = 50' Feb, 20, 1990 ~ "< ~ \ NIOIF / \\, 125-r27 MAIN STREET _ CORPORA. nON , "- "<-' " NIOIF THOMAS & FLORENCE JURZENlA ARPA" 29.1715q tr ~J:, ..... .....- "(, ... . l , " / v ~ . ~~ ~ Q ~ ~ ..~ ji ~~ /~\ "'''' jS::( "';:, t ".. " "< ~r., "''' ~ti '.... "'. , CERTIFIED TO, FLINT STREET CORPORA nON TRW TITLE INS/JHANCE COMPANY Pr..,ed.. .OfUI#d__ wi'" ,,............. .'wtd.,d. IfH ,/tI. ."".,.,. .. ."~.".tI b, rh. L.J..A.LS. AlJd ~lNfU'." ~ -opf.d lur ..,cJt...... b, r,.. New Yw. :;,.,. tam' TI,I.A..",,",1Qrtl '"' ::''''- 140.0.E,'_ _---:..:...0- -- '::&. S. Lie. NO, of'UJdll S. p,C. I I I '27 .," _ ~"-""IIIml::._ .1l!.-' --'-- -~""6.g~'8."JO'''O''W ISLAND RAIL ROAD NIOIF LONG . -II'<: ?;'" 4 <: _. ~ \ \ ..,,~ """, ? _. -.... .::: <Go <<J \ \ IF & ?ZENlA ~ ~ CI) /' ~ ~"lI5= .' - , . - "".99 . 10' 40" W 5 B4 ISLAND RAIL ROAD LONG , " · -'i~;.<ii~Jl~;L.. ... ~ t. \ t.,... ~ . . . O' ~ ...0 10 . II) ..... PI;; / .-- . 0(; ~~ /t:l... ...~ ...::::. - J Q~ 'l; ..0 .oJN -- :OIF . -._.ir'~ ..J . ,~" - :...--- PLANTER BOX ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 <:> '" ... ~ . '" ~ ... '" " . . \(; - 0 CI) CI) "'Q ~ .... ....~ Q t) <0:: .. '" :. ~ ... ... ~ :l; .. ,.) ~~~ ~ " SURVEY OF PROPERTY AT GREENPORT TO WN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY N. Y. 7000 45 - 06 -' 03 Scale 1" = 50' Feb. 20, 1990 " , -pAl' K /". G " / 'i "1 ...,. ,:;; /lo':; S I tJ ,; ",?.;J)<.) b /..,... . '._ I I ,I I DC> r:fJ STO/cH r.:;,= ). ~;t tJrJ TIt S)-I :f. G,?"s-s 1':1,.:-,.',/1':- N/O/F 725-727 MAIN STREET CORPORA TlON ) ~;;;'I -: ;;"ca =.:2. r: 1 P II S S frlc /,' ,d :: C2 . '~ i' , i 'I \,1. , CERTIFIED TO, FLINT STREET CORPORA TlON TRW TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ."" E P"'p.red in accordance with the minimum <l atond.rda for title aurve ya aa ea tllbliahed by the U.A,L.S. and approved and adopted for such uae by The New York State Land Title A..oei."on. . . "'''' Q)"" ~~ 'Z ... I'" ~ '-- ... , . 1- ..... -"'w --- FNO P1PF:.- ... 140.0!!-'_ _ - .,""""."'''i.....+',_ 49668 ','.; . RANNING BOARD .? MAY 13, 1991.' )",' " ( Mr. Breslin: I'll get it to you. I appreciate your time and I'm sorry to get excited but if you were going through this all these years that I was and having these things back and forth, I think you would feel the same way. I appreciate your concern, I think I do understand what you are looking for and I think I can probably lay it out. Thank you very much. Mr. Orlowski: O.K., we have a request for a six month extension, a preliminary. I'll entertain a motion. Mr. Ward: So moved. Mr. Latham: Second. Mr. McDonald: What is the expiration date? Mr. Orlowski: October 1988. Mr. McDonald: So we are going to grant a retroactive? Mr. Chairman, I make a motion that we grant a six month extension on the Cornfield subdivision. The present expiration date is May 1, 1991 so please add six months to that. Mr. Ward: Second. ( Mr. Orlowski: on the motion? O.K., motion made and seconded. All those in favor? Any questions Ayes: Mr. Ward, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Orlowski, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Latham. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. **************************************** Mr. Orlowski: O.K., again I have nothing left on my agenda. Does,anyone else have any questions or comments? Mr. Dinizio: I'm from Greenport and I was told that the Board would possibly have a letter for me on the dealings on Route 25 in Greenport. Mr. Orlowski: Yes, I don't think the staff has reviewed it yet. The site plan has been reviewed and the preliminary is in order so on those grounds we will probably waive the site plan requirement. Mr. Dinizio: Will you waive it tonight? Mr. Ward: It's not waived by resolution, we will just send you a letter. '- Mr. Dinizio: Can you tell me if it has been waived tonight? ( ( l ll-LANNING BOARD .8 MAY 13, 1991. Mr. McDonald: It hasn't been reviewed. Mr. Orlowski: We haven't seen it. Mr. McDonald: There is no problem. Mr. Dinizio: The sketch was submitted two days after the last meeting with the parking places provided on the sketch as you wanted and now I don't see what the big deal is, the parking places are there, it is the only place they can be. Mr. Orlowski: I talked to Bob this afternoon and there wasn't any problem and I believe he will have the letter out tomorrow morning. You don't need a motion from the Board, we are just going to waive it. We won't do it in a motion. Mr. Dinizio: Well, in that case I am taking that as an approval then. Mr. McDonald: It's a waiver, take it anyway you want it. It is allover with, it's done. Mr. Dinizio: Well, then I assume that is going to resolve all my problems with this Board. Mr. Ward: We hope so. Mr. Dinizio: I mean, can the Board guarantee me this, that my wife can operate her business as she has to date? Mr. Orlowski: Are you going to open up a plumber shop next? Mr. Dinizio: Hey, I might. As far as I'm concerned my seal says retail sales so that means I can sell anything out of it O.K.? No more problems with this Planning Board or any other department in the Town of Southold. Mr. Orlowski: I'm not guaranteeing. Everybody would like that. Mr. Dinizio: I've got another question. Are you members paid by the Town of Southold? Mr. Orlowski: Yes. Mr. Dinizio: You are. Well, g1v1ng people a hard time as far as I'm concerned, what I have been through, is something I don't like to see my tax dollars spent on. I have a statement to read here that I think will cover it all if I have the permission from the Board to read the statement. It is in my opinion, that, if our forefathers who have fought and died for this country two hundred years ago for this democracy were to see this process in action that I just went "''1 ../"', I ( ( l ...,. " P.LANNING BOARD 1991 . 'J .9 MAY 13, through they would probably would be sick to their stomach's like I am. This is not planning, this is not a government by the people or for the people, in my opinion, it is enslavement. You people on this Board have more control over my property then I do and I pay the taxes and the mortgage. Not the Board. As Planning Board members you should be changing the laws so that the taxpayer who pays your salaries, has more control on his land, not giving them unfair and unjust treatment and wasting their valuable time and money on matters that should not concern this Board in the first place. I say it again, we pay the taxes and the mortgage, not you. I would like to know exactly how many tax dollars were spent in dealing with this unnecessary problem you have caused my wife and I. Whatever the amount, it could have been invested in some other way that could have been more beneficial to the taxpayers of Southold Town. I wonder what the logic is in not granting me a waiver of site plan approval, but now I have it as I take it from the Board, as you did Mr. Celic the properties former owner, when I have the necessary c.o. for retail sales. The property or building itself was not changed except for lettering, the lettering on the sign, and the color of the building. It is pretty obvious from the survey, that it cannot be changed because the Main Road, Route 25 in the front of the building and the water in the back of the building. I hope in the future if the same circumstances exist between myself and this Board that I have the money and funds available to me to sue you for discrimination as my lawyer first recommended. Since I do not have these things available to myself, I will stand and speak my mind because being a citizen and veteran of this country, is my right to do so. Thank you for the time to make this statement. Mr. Orlowski: O.K.. Anyone else have any comments? Hearing none, I'll entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Ward: So moved. Mr. Latham: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. Ward, Mr. McDonald, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Latham, Mr. Orlowski. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. **************************************** Being there was no further business to be brought before the Town Board the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.. Re~ectfu~fY submitted, ~Ft.I d/:c.J<!U,"- Jae Rousseau , . . Su6vlLE teJ<-. - ~ SUBMISSION WITHOUT COVER LETTER SUBJECT: IMd 'b/~ ~ 51cf\P t.f 5- - r;, - 3 SENDER: SCTMII: COMMENTS: (~ Y-2j-?1 APR 2 9 1991 ,. , . ,-,_,1 , .~ ". .:,.):r;'~.':,'?/~,' . ~r ' .-:~.;.~...~;..~.:"';'S{;""..;.f.-..;: ;'~~i:':"\'~~;,':'.4'..,,,~.~.Goir..'::~'>:"<,-,, ."::,~,..:..c,..'.,_,~.",~;,~_',, ': ;~..D", .:.i~'~'::;"I~~"_~-i._-z.i....1j:JtI~iJ...~~"~~';i'j:>~;;:~gf:; ';,/2i'~ . '."c'-:',' " { "'-_~ ""''-~;~~~'~'''':!:~~t; :,,,,_~,"._p~' (.. ~;"",,}l!C .':~:?_:!"J~~.J::;:'n,..;' "".-,~/.., ;- ,0' -":-t,. .. .~J {,;': '~':'~:,; , PLANNING BOARD . 14 APRIL 22, .1 ( Mr. Dinizio: Today, I brought in a letter requesting a waiver of site plan approval for the premise on the Main Road (Route 25) in Greenport. If the Board has looked over the papers, as you can see on the survey, nothing much can be done with the land except what has been done already. The changes to the land have been minimal as indicated. I would like to know if the Board would act on it? Mr. Orlowski: Do we have any comments or questions? Mr. McDonald: Your letter says the back portion of your property cannot be used at the present time. Does that indicate that it can or will be used at sometime in the future. Mr. Dinizio: I requested a waiver from th€' Board of Trustees to build the land and I was denied. Mr. McDonald: Has it been declared wetlands or something? Mr. Dinizio: No, it hasn't been declared nothing.. I would have to go through the whole process to build the land if I wanted to. They denied me a waiver. Mr. McDonald: O.K., so there is no determination at all. ( Mr. Dinizio: Right. If I want to proceed it would be with a normal application. Mr. McDonald: Did they indicate to you that there were any maps or anything thing that would designate that as wetlands? I mean there must be a reason you went there to ask for a waiver to fill it in.. Mr. Dinizio: Well, there is water on the property so I would assume that I would end up getting arrested by just taking a dump truck and dumping fill on the land. Mr. McDonald: It is your intention, if it were possible, to increase your coverage on the site. Mr. Dinizio: If I could, sure. I mean I am not in the position to be spending thousands of dollars on lawyers and time filling out applications where I am a self-employed person and I really don't have the time to do that stuff. I requested a waiver to fill it and I was denied so I will probably leave it at that unless I hit the lottery or something. Mr. McDonald: How do you handle parking in there? Mr. Dinizio: Well, it is a fifty foot wide lot and the whole front of the lot is blacktopped. i '. Mr. McDonald: You pull in, I assume you pull in, do you have to back out into the road to get out? PLANNING BOARD . 15 APRIL 22, .1 ( Mr. Dinizio; the west side for a U-turn. It depends how you pull in. If you pull in on of the property or the east side, there is room Mr. McDonald: The sign sort of divides the property. Mr. Dinizio: There is room between the sign and the property line to get a car through. Mr. McDonald: Between the sign and the building? Mr. Dinizio: Between the sign and the property line. Mr. McDonald: This is showing almost nothing between the sign and th~ property line. Mr. Dinizio: Well, probably if you had a scale ruler, there would probably be about twelve to fifteen feet between the sign and the property line. Mr. McDonald: Showing about thirty-eight to the sign from the building? Oh, I'm sorry, that is what I meant, you pull in on the east side and go between the building and the sign and then you don't go back out. That is what you were talking about right? ( Mr. Dinizio: Yeah, you can do that. The point I am trying to get at is' that the property can't be changed as far as I can see. If you grant me permission to fill in 200 feet of land tonight, I'll fill in 200 feet of land and I'll move to build in back. Mr. Ward: Mr. Chairman, I recommend that we have Mr. Dinizio show the parking on this particular map and show where it is and show that it's in conformance with the code in terms of the parking requirements that we accept that as a site plan. Mr. McDonald: We would accept from his hand rather than an engineers sketch showing the layout. Mr. Dinizio: Could I just interrupt you for a minute? If you took from the front of the building to Route 25 from lot line to lot line, it is all blacktop. It is all parking. Do you want me to draw a line across the front of the building? Mr. Ward: What I am asking, is two things. One is that you show the parking, show the lines where the parking should be, where it is and secondly, put the calculations on this map as to why you have that many spaces that it shows that it meets the code. I Mr. Dinizio: Alright, the code is one parking place per 200 \.. square foot? PLl\NNING BOARD 16 APRIL 22, lacH Wl ~ ( Mr. McDonald: You have been talking to Mr. Kassner on this? Mr. Dinizio: Yeah, a little bit. Mr. McDonald: Then I refer to the staff as to what the code says. I don't have my book in front of me so I am certainly not qualified off the top of my head to tell you among the two hundred things in that code. Mr. Dinizio: O.K., well, I guess my next question would be if the Board doesn't find that the parking is sufficient, what am I to do about it. Are there any recommendations? Mr. Orlowski: Basically, we are just asking right now to show us wha~ is existing so we can put something in the file and talk with Mr. Kassner and I guess we will act on it by the next meeting. Mr. Ward: How much square footage is in the building? Mr. Dinizio: Six to seven hundred square feet. The dimensions of the building are on the survey. Mr. McDonald: Is all of that floor space or is some of that storage? ~ Mr. Dinizio: Some storage room. Mr. Orlowski: O.K.. Mr. Dinizio: If you want lines, we'll give you lines. Are there any other things that I should know about? Mr. McDonald: The only other things would be things that have already been mentioned. Mr. Dinizio: You are not going to leave me no room for growth. Mr. McDonald: What I am saying is, if it gets more intense, we are going to reserve our right to review it, just like the code says now, that we have that right. You are subject to the same conditions that everybody else in the town is. Mr. Dinizio: That is where I tend to disagree with you. I'm sorry, because there are places in this town that are already approved, site plans such as Feather Hill, Mattituck Shopping Plaza, I mentioned, there are many of them in Southold Town that the use or the intensity of the use could change at a moments notice and I am wondering if everybody who changes a use of a building has to stand up here in front of this Board as I am. It seems to me it would be open every night if that were the case. Mr. McDonald: That is what the code says. .' , . FLINT STREET CORP. 637 Brown Street P.O. Box 591 Greenport, N. Y. 11944 S-tfIN::i uf f'b ,elL April 17, 1991 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman and Members of the Planning Board Town of Southold Main Road Southold, N. Y. 11971 Re: Premises sls Main Road ( Route 25) Greenport, New York Gentlemen: We write with reference to the above-captioned premises. You may recall it was formerly Celie Real Estate office and when we purchased same Mr. Celie procured a Certificate of Occupancy for retail use. The wife of the undersigned is presently running a small retail business selling children's clothing and equipment such as carriages, etc. This use is certainly less intensive than all prior uses with usually not more than two vehicles present on the premises at one time. The premises cannot be prysically changed althcugh it is 50 feet in width on the Main Road by approximately 600 feet depth. Only the front 50 feet in width and in depth can be utilized. The back portion of the property cannot be used at all at the present time. It is very important to note that the premises in their present state cannot become a busy place since physically it would not be able to handle it. Accordingly, it is presently a one person business with infrequent sales and run by the under- signed's wife presently as a part-time retail business and usually not even open six days a week. To require a full site plan review and approval in this situation will place an unduly harsh burden on a small business and a small property owner especially to require same each time J.,F'K 2. 2. lS;:~'1 j&clre I \A 1 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman and Members of the Planning Board April 17, 1991 the business character changes. It is respectfully submitted that retail business is retail business whether it be children's clothing or plumbing supplies. Accordingly, request is respectfully made that you waive under the circumstances a site plan in this matter. Very truly yours, 'm~" '''~. By , IlL ,,~. k Paul ~ - 2 - 22 i99! 5<< ClI4cI..uf t- e t~"1 ~5 5' I.//'V <1 c. ( l PLANNING BOARD , . 21 APRII., 1991 inclusion of and its accessory uses, structures and facilities as the amendment. Mr. Latham: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. Any questions on the motion? All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. Latham, Mr. Ward, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Orlowski. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. **************************************** Mr. Orlowski: Any other comments or questions for the Board? ys.-- b - 3 Mr. Paul Dinizio: President of Flint Street Corp., resident of Southold Town and Greenport. I was sent an envelope certified mail from the Planning Board. I assume it is an application for a site plan on a piece of property which has a Certificate of Occupancy for a business office and retail sales. Number one, I would like to know what the purpose of this is when I already have a c.o. and I am using the building as stated in the Certificate of Occupancy. Mr. Orlowski: Well, we noticed there was a change of use. When that was granted the Building Inspector told us that was for a plumbing shop. Mr. Dinizio: What is the difference between, I am selling retail items out of there. Mr. Orlowski: We feel the use is more intense than a plumber's shop. Mr. Dinizio: Have you ever been to any local plumber's shops during the day in Town? Mr. Orlowski: Should we have gotten a site plan for that too? Mr. Dinizio: I would assume, I mean, if I have to. That was another question I have. If I have to, how come Mr. Celie didn't? Also, how come every store in Southold Town that changes its use, why don't they need a site Plan? Such as, Feather Hills or Mattituck Shopping Plaza or any of your stores, vacant stores downtown, that would be vacated and a new tenant or owner move in? Mr. Orlowski: Well, in most instances, if there is a significant change of use to a greater intensity, and we feel this one was, we will require a site plan. Otherwise, the site plan would be waived if it was going to be a less intense use. Shopping centers that have approved site plans have the square footage usually laid out and mapped out with the parking and PLANNING BOARD . . 22 APRI., 1991 ( everything else so the Building Department monitors that. If there is some kind of a change of use that upsets the balance of parking and sales area, or anything like that the Building Department should be notified of that. Mr. Dinizio: Who determines that it is a more intensive use? Mr. Orlowski: The Planning Board. The Building Department will sometimes note it but if the Planning Board notes it also , we'll make that determination. Mr. Dinizio: What I don't understand, having a Certificate of Occupancy for retail sales, I'm sorry, but I just can't comprehend. What is the difference between a faucet or a baby carriage or a widget or a bagel, I mean, what is the difference? I can't understand that. If people are going up to a register and paying money for an item whether it be a faucet or a doll? Mr. Orlowski: We think, at least I did, interpret that a plumbing shop would have a counter with a sales area very small especially in that building. Here we are looking at a sales area much larger, with the clothing store so it would set off more parking and we would just like to see it. ( Mr. Dinizio: Well, if I was to open up a plumbing store there, it would be kind of foolish not to use the same amount of space to sell things to the public. I don't know why I would just say it's going to be a counter and have some parts behind the counter. I would use the whole store to its fullest ability. Mr. Orlowski: Then I misinterpeted it and should have asked for a site plan then. Mr. Dinizio: I mean, I already have the C.O. in hand, this is what I don't understand? Mr. Orlowski: But, I asked the Building Inspector, the office, and you came in and requested it for a plumbing supply shop. Mr. Dinizio: I didn't, Mr. Celie did and I was very specific with Mr. Celie. The man that I bought the property from. I not only wanted a use of a plumbing and heating store but I would like to have the use of retail sales. I mean, I don't want to limit my avenue's, to one road. I also requested from my lawyer that he get a Certificate of Occupancy for retail sales. Had I known, I would have had to go through this process, I probably would not have bought the property. l Mr. Orlowski: Any change of use requires a site plan. We'll waive it if we think it is less intense. In this case, we don't think it is less intense and you have that permitted use but you have to do it with a site plan. ( ( l PLANNING BOARD . 23 APRI~, 1991 Mr. Dinizio: In other words, I have to spend my money and my time filling out these and I also read in here that there is a big sheet of paper in there that I possibly might spend my money and waste my time, which is valuable to me since I work for myself, filling out these forms and it might be null and void because of lawsuits against the town. Mr. Orlowski: What suits are they? Mr. Dinizio: I don't know what suits they are, but here's a notice right here from the Town of Southold. Mr. Ward: How much square footage is in the building for retail? Mr. Dinizio: I would say it is probably about 400 square foot. Mr. Ward: Do you know what the requirement is for parking? Mr. Dinizio: One space per every 200 square foot? Ms. Scopaz: One for every 100 square feet of retail floor area. Not storage. Mr. Ward: You would have to show four cars. Mr. Dinizio: Which, the property is fifty foot wide across the front and I am guessing at this, thirty to thirty five foot set back off the road, which I would say would be ample parking. Mr. Ward: that there asking. It looking at. What we are after is for you to show this and to is parking. In other words, that is what we are is primarily a parking requirement that we are show Mr. Dinizio: Well, can I show you that without having to pay a fee? Mr. Ward: You mean because of the review of the site plan? Mr. Dinizio: don't like to of paper with Yes. We all work hard for our money and we see it wasted just for somebody to look at a four lines drawn on it. piece Mr. Ward: Well, there is more to a site plan than four lines shown for parking. We are looking for something pre-existing here for the most part but we are concerned primarily about parking. If you would like we can start to look at that but I can't promise that that will be the end of it. Mr. Dinizio: Well, what else is involved in the site plan. Mr. Ward: Well, I don't know if you got everything. ( ( l PLANNING BOARD . 24 APRI., 1991 . Mr. Dinizio: Well, I mean in other words if it is denied, I've wasted my money on the property then? Am I correct in assuming that? Wasted money buying it? My lawyer specifically got me a Certificate of Occupancy for.retail sales and that is the thing I have a hard time understanding, maybe I'm thick, I don't know. Mr. Orlowski: I think your lawyer should realize that a C.O. and a site plan are two different items and if you are changing the building or changed the use to a more intense use, you know, you are saying why doesn't someone else have to do it, well, you know how many people might have come in and said, where is your site plan? And you change the use in the building. I mean, everybody does it to everybody and we try to keep it fair. Mr. Dinizio: Well, Mr. Celic did it with a waiver, can I do it with a waiver? Mr. Orlowski: At the time he put in a plumber shop he requested it. Mr. Dinizio: Right, but he changed it from a real estate to a plumbing and heating shop with re~ail sales. I wish my wife had the customers that Clinton Hummel has, I would have my lawyer standing up here taking care of this. I wouldn't be here myself. Mr. Orlowski: I think he is in Greenport Village. Mr. Dinizio: Regardless, C. P. Tuthill in Cutchogue. Mr. Orlowski: Well, in this case we recently had a change of use and the Code specifically states that we have to require a site plan and this change of use we feel is more intense. Mr. Dinizio: Alright, then my last question is, I am formerly requesting the Board approve what I have here now. Is this denied? In other words, what I am using the building for now, I would like the Board to approve it tonight. Mr. Orlowski: Approve it tonight without a site plan? Mr. Ward: I don't think we have any objections to the use of it, it's just a question of showing the proper site facilities to support it, that is all we are asking for. Mr. Dinizio: O.K., can I do that without paying a fee? Mr. Ward: A site plan fee? Mr. Dinizio: Right. Mr. Ward: What is our site plan fee? Generally no, you will have to file an application and you are going to have to pay a fee. Town Board would have to waiver that. ( ( c PLANNING BOARD 25 . APRIJ., 1991 . Mr. Dinizio: Oh, Town Board would have to waiver that? Mr. Ward: Yes. Mr. Dinizio: O.K., thank you. Mr. Orlowski: Any other questions or comments here tonight? **************************************** Nancy Sawastynowicz: Remember the Flanklyn Blachly project next to my families farm? Well, they called him the next day about renting the farm, and the owner of the property informed Mike that he has no intensions with following throught with what the lawyer said that night about how he is going to come out and retire and all that and his whole plan was changing. He is not going to rent the land so I would like the Board to be aware that this guy isn't going to follow through with what his lawyer was saying that night. I don't know if he is letting you know or not, but we did call the next day. That is all I want to say. Thank you. Mr. Orlowski: O.K., I guess there are no other comments or questions out there? Any questions from the Board? Board: No questions. Mr. Orlowski: Being there are no further questions, I'll entertain a motion. Mr. Latham: So moved. Mr. Edwards: Second. Mr. Orlowski: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor? Ayes: Mr. Edwards, Mr. Latham, Mr. Orlowski, Mr. Ward. Mr. Orlowski: Opposed? So ordered. **************************************** ---:- ,~ ../ "--T Up HI ro- j~ - (. 70(: 'i (s.R. 25 ) ROAD MAIN v..trrrot.C- .. N'fU. 1.1J4...0..~o.r_ ~ ,..../ol1 ~o .?:::--- ,~ ...._nll ,., ,~ u" 2 ,.24' a "'( a Q:: Lu Q:: Lu ~ Q:: Lu ~ -.l - l.J) :l: :l: SURVEY OF PROPERTY AT GREENPOR T TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. 1000 - 45 - 06 - 03 Scale 7" = 50' Feb. 20, 7990 ~ i , t_, \( ~ ~ ~ ., j\ \ N/OIF 125-127 MAIN STREET CORPORA. TION NIO/F THOMAS & FLORENCE JURZENJA ", " <' CERTIFIED TO, FLINT SrREET CORPORATION TRW TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY " ARPA" 29.l11sq(t v ~ . fIT.".," it ....,.,.,... wI,1t ",. ....... .'MkI.,tlo ,. fI,,. ewro,. .. ..f....,... ., fA. LlAL.S. and ."",.rod ~ fJ40prtul I., lHoICJJ MI.., rho,.. Y.t .s'.,.l.arn/ n,,. A..HMfNd, ...... , , "., "", , ... .,;; ~ ~ ., \ . . ()(i "'''' /2~ ..." . Qi'? u "I(,.~ ~,fc.- ~ 121.~ _ -~=-""--"'''DHm:__ _ -.:-. -- --"04i.a;,U_'O' 40'" W ISLAND RAil ROAD NIOIF LONG . ....f-. .... ~ti "".. '. " 2 L !.,c, . 140.0.E.'_ - - _::.:...- ~~ n ..........- . S. LlC. NO. oflUldM p.C. (j) 5t J'~ '( ~ . CAtJ.fl-J~3 . eel/v R ect! lotS i77~ iCjI1Y 0/1 S''l'V /( / cis all () (j ,( tI'- '1htrf! SZ V77 /~d- //)e W >/JIV Same ~/e 'I- t(J~~J ;5a CJ.ifl-~21991 'IllS! Nt w /a;,v7- aIel - ye//() IN ""'/1-/.. /f,.."u~ ?';o''''t IV e I.V- w/.. ,Ir /,AI iI'/... I? ~ eI ;;. I "n r (;)&/)/".1' o.f bll,I4j,'1 ~ ~ N/O/F CIl l\ 125-127 MAIN STREET CORPORA TION iF ) & , ...... j ?ZENIA 'I \1-. " t. I'JI'J , , , o ' ...0 on , ....~ "'... . . -- 00 ~~ /~~ J Cl ~ U "l: . . \0 0 CIlCll -.lq ~ I&j. ...::1 tl . ~ " iI :,; ~ I- ... ~ :; .. .~ ~ ..., \ '. Ii l- i'; ---- . --------,- ." SURVEY OF PROPERTY A T GREENPOR T TO WN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY N. Y. , 1000 - 45 - 06 - 03 Scale 1" = 50' Feb. 20, 1990 "'-. _ptitf K I" G 6 If 1 rf. G'I!.o:; s (Ii el'/)~"') jDO rjJ STu/friGtl; ,,2~ rt rJ;'jTli S)-I :jJ G,f"S's I("~//! i,>- S'"d--I -=. ;;"'00 = 2.'< j' P k" s 'S pl"lc ;,' - "0 ~ . CERTIFIED TO, FLINT STREET CORPORA TlON TRW TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Pr"p.,,,d in .ccordanc" with th" minimum .tand.,d. for titl" .urv"y. .. ".t.J>li.h"d by the U.A.L.S. and ."proved and .dopted for .uch u.e by The New YOI'k St.te Land Title A..oci.t,on. ~ ~ CIl / ." C - ~ ..0 uDH FND PIP,- /' 140.00'_ - - --a --- _ -m. - - ..:.. 4i.9f 84' 10' 40" W ISLAND RAIL ROAD rQIF LONa - NO. 49668 . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTI L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED March 21, 1991 Flint Street Corporation 637 Brown Street Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Requirement for site plan Flint Street Corporation SCTM# 1000-45-6-3 Dear Sir: A recent inspection of the above referenced property showed a retail sales business of children's clothes in operation. This business activity is in violation of the site plan waiver given to the previous owner, Rpbert A. Celie, (copy enclosed) . Enclosed for your use is a site plan application, please complete this application and return it to the Planning Board for review. If the Planning Board does not hear from you within two weeks from the date of this letter regarding your intention to file a site plan, the matter will be turned over to the Code Enforcement Officer for further action. ~,"',; J . If you have any questions or require further assistance please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~~/r/~ Bennett Orlowski Jr. ~ Chairman Enc!. cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Vicent Wiecent Wieczorek, Code Enforcement Officer Matthew Kiernan, Assistant Town Attorney !' "F,-.,.J._ > ~'i~ .;..., Ii f I .. f . \( s... ,f . '.... Town Hall, 53095 Main Road .,:, P.O. Box 1179 .:/ Soulhold, New York "" 11971 scon L. HARRIS Supervisor Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 l . PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD . " March 12, 1990 Robert A. Celic Main Road, Celic Center P.O. Box 786 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Celic Real Estate Office Greenport SCTM# 1000-45-6-3 Dear Mr. Celic: The Planning Board has reviewed your letter of March 1, 1990 requesting a waiver of site plan review. The Board has determined that the proposed use of your real estate office as a plumbing/heating sales and supply business is not a more intensive use of the property. A plumbing/heating business is a permitted use in this Light Industrial (LI) District, and as such the Board waives the site plan requirements. If you have any questions or require additional information please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~~~..~;{s Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman i "- l ." . . : ," ~ :',.:';', .......:;)~i....."'.::,;.... . ~r.,..~"1.;.;:~:>;"._.,',., "', .....:.;";;.i;,,.~',. ....,. ~'''':'iiii "":~Gi;i:~t:~~s,.~...~.~., ,.;:I~~~-._..-,\,!--, it1t. . po~lf1f~ ce~c s/r& --- - October 3, 1990 Flint Street Corporation 637 Brown Street Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Requirement for site plan Flint Street Corporation SCTM# 1000-45-6-3 Dear Sir: A recent inspection of the above referenced property showed a retail sales business of children's clothes in operation. This business activity is in violation of the site plan waiver given to the previous owner, Robert A. Celie, (copy enclosed) . Enclosed for your use is a site plan application, please complete this application and return it to the Planning Board for review. If you have any questions or require further assistance please contact this office. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski Jr. Chairman cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr.. Chainnan George Ritchie Latham. Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards . 4( ro /.J/;c/w4M KLE7;S/t~/') /0/. ;tj~44 scoti'i:~~~ Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 MEMORANDUM TO: Vincent Wieczorek, Code Enforcement Inspector FROM: Bennett Orlowski Jr., Chairman'13.0. t'l Js September 20, 1990 DATE: RE: Business located on S/S SR 25, East of Silvermere Road, Greenport (formerly known as Celie Real Estate) . SCTM# 1000-45-6-3 The Planning Board in a March 12,1990, letter to Mr. Robert A. Celie, (copy enclosed), waived site plan approval for the change of use of the real estate office to a plumbing/heating sales and supply business. This determination by the Planning Board was based on the premise that a plumbing/heating sales and supply business was not a more intensive use of the property. A recent inspection revealed that the property is presently being used to sell children's clothes and baby strollers. This retail business is considered by the Board to be a more intensive use of the property. The current business is in violation of the Board's waiver of approval. Please notify this Board of your response. Encl. . /' cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Matthew Kiernen, Assistant Town Attorney Torn Wickham, Chairman, Planning and Zoning Committee rfi/70~ f3d1-e-G~ f~ B~J u - /M..d-JL ~- Ou.:.{V , . (' PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS Bennett Orlowski, Jr,. Chairman George Ritchie Latham, Jr. Richard G. Ward Mark S. McDonald Kenneth L. Edwards SCOTI L. HARRIS Supervisor Telephone (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soulhold. New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 MEMORANDUM TO: Vincent Wieczorek, Code Enforcement Inspector FROM: Bennett Orlowski Jr., Chairman13.0.t'IJS September 20, 1990 DATE: RE: Business located on S/S SR 25, East of Silvermere Road, Greenport (formerly known as Celie Real Estate) . SCTM# 1000-45-6-3 The Planning Board in a March 12,1990, letter to Mr. Robert A. Celie, (copy enclosed), waived site plan approval for the change of use of the real estate office to a plumbing/heating sales and supply business. This determination by the Planning Board was based on the premise that a plumbing/heating sales and supply business was not a more intensive use of the property. A recent inspection revealed that the property is presently being used to sell children's clothes and baby strollers. This retail business is considered by the Board to be a more intensive use of the property. The current business is in violation of the Board's waiver of approval. Please notify this Board of your response. Encl. cc: Victor Lessard, Principal Building Inspector Matthew Kiernen, Assistant Town Attorney Tom Wickham, Chairman, Planning and Zoning Committee " .; --- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - NON-CONFORMING PREMISES UPDATED THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PRE CO # Z-18912 DATE ;XI Land L!7 Building (s) ~,:, :;U~! '.'lil located at 74000 MAIN ROAD STREET GREENPORT, NEW YORK HAMLET shown on County Tax Map as District 1000, Section 45 , Block 06 Lot 003 , does not conform to the present Building Zone Code of the Town of Southold for the following reasons: NON CONFORHING PRE EXISTING. SAID PREMISES NOW IN LIO ZONE UNDER NEW MASTER PLAN On the basis of information presented to the Building Inspectors Office, it has been determined that the above non-conforming /XT Land, I .'1. { Building (s)"' "..J!liIUL;,;e;.;f_~~.t"",-",,"~resent ,- "',,w~if!lt'l_;j;t,:1i~:m!>:;;f~;j~i&.Ii'i'w,~J.;;]IDlW_'R'~i~t,;,. ~ ,. ~ Bullf 1~r.l'!Ji;,NlfllMWl~lL..~ il!l!l'll..,~~t.J"""~~1,_~j"~illt;:~~~a n,t,. '''-''11,,:_'j.:t~.fii.!~lfiI!IP'''''tIlll;_~.J.. t.J,_;~~~:~.,' ..- IT IS FURTHER CERTIFIED that, based upon information presented to the Building Inspector's Certificate is issued as Office, the occupancy and use for which this . -'. .., '0' _ -. ";'\,,,,~... ,.... ~ji,.,J follows: ~~~Ii,.".~IL:.I' ~.. Building Permit I1J3026-Z CO Z~.15690 for addition dated April 24, 1987. .......;'Era_ .,;- "r,.._""..,,,,_,..~ ,.,c . .... . .'. ..."~'t. ~,.,,, '.~'1- . ...' ,~'-","_"'.' , Fowner, k..~~ ~) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT. OF HEALTH APPROVAL: NO RECORD PRE EXISTING UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. NO RECORD PRE EXISTING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the owner of the above premises HAS CONSENTED TO AN INSPECTION of the premises by the Building Inspector to determine if the premises comply with all applicable codes and ordinances. This Certificate, therefore, does not, and is not intende~ to certify that the premises comply with all other applicable codes and regulations, other than total area of lot. ~""-'::..p~ 'i~~~~\ Building Inspector ' HOTE: THIS PRE CO UPDATES PRE CO Z-11464 DATED FEB. 7, 1983. :;i< .'~;t?':~ ft'~~,)~n~"i;.itf~l~f"W -:r ;------- -__ r- \ \. Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 12, 1990 Robert A. Celic Main Road, Celic Center P.O. Box 786 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Celic Real Estate Office Greenport SCTM~ 1000-45-6-3 Dear Mr. Celic: The Planning Board has reviewed your letter of March 1, 1990 requesting a waiver of site plan review. The Board has determined that the proposed use of your real estate office as a plumbing/heating sales and supply business is not a more intensive use of the property. A plumbing/heating business is a permitted use in this Light Industrial (LI) District, and as such the Board waives the site plan requirements. If you have any questions or require additional information please contact this office. Very truly yours, ~ ~/f.-16 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman " -, . $(.!6PIL6' r; K ~s"$h) ILS - ~.. -' -@ ,,- / \ Realtora Main Road/Celic Center. PO Box 786, Mattituck. New York 11952 (516) 298-3000, FAX 298-8133 ~iarch 1,1990 Southold Town Planning Southold Town Hall Southold. NY 11971 2 PageslFAX 765-1823 311/90...3:30 PM approx. ATTN: VALERIE SCOPAZ Board Dear Gentlemen, I am herein requesting a WAIVER OF SITE PLAN REVIEW by the Southold Town Planning Board. My Greenport real estate branch office located at Main Road, Greenport (045-6-3) is cvrrently under contract of sale with Flint Street Corporation (Mr. Paul Oinizio) of Greenport, NY 11944. The building has been used for many years as a non-conforming retail and sales office and as a real estate sales office since my purchase in February, 1983. Please see attached C.O. signed by Ed Hindermann dated 2/7/83 permitting aforementioned uses. Your department has all site plan information in your files as per examination by Valerie earlier today. Mr. Oinizio plans to use the building fer a plumbing/heating sales and supplies office. He does not intend to change the building nor the site in any way. Vic Lessard has rendered that the proposed use is permissible under Section 100-101, Article A, Number (4), page 10080. The property is zoned LIO and was formerly zoned Light Industry which, I believe, also permitted the same use. We (Cel ic Realtors) have used the buii ding continuously for real estate sales but now have decided that a sale is a "must" in light of the "less-than-bubbling" real estate market! It should be noted that I have had several other proposed buyers whose ultimate plans for the building were contrary to permissible use as well as personally unacceptable to me. ~1r, Dinizio has a good rep..taticn and his intended use is in total conformity with both the zone and the adjOIning land uses. The total floor area of the building is approximately 592 sq. ft.. He wishes to use approximately half this space for storage and half for office & sales display area. As a real estate office, we have easily had room for ten or so cars in the front and rear paved parking areas.. .especially during the heydays of 1986! There appears to be far more spaces presently existing than the current parking code requires for this use. Your prompt response regarding this waiver request would be "greatly appreciated since the sale is "subject to" your favorable approval and 'Nould arpreciably ,'"lieve some of my own current fin~"~s;.i..a.L..c"-I\cerns! Th an k you ve r y mu ell. :"-~-~" (~ f;'? fj n ".',P ," i) !, ,', . . c el!:-.-", 'lz~ ff"h:-p<(. C~-<-. Ro5ertA. Celic O\vner (045-6-3) "'~ - 2 loon MEMlH;kS Of:. SUHOLK COUl\'TY :Z:.EAL ESTATE BOARD EASTERN 'SUFFOlK HOARD OF REA1.TORS L"lTER~~A'nONAL REAL ESTATE FEDERATION A~!ERlCAN ASSOCIATION OF CERTIRED APPRAISERS REALTORS LAND INSTiTUTE ~:,\-I JU:-.;AL AS::;OClAT10:-': OF REALTORS ~F.\\' YORK AS.:;UCiA"l10N Of rEALl'ORS :-.'AI ;o;.';AL :J\Sl Tl:r~ OF FARM &; LAND BROKJ;:RS :\:--.'....' )0~.K ~TA'...E $\;Co;TY OF REAL [HAlT: APr..t\~S~:RS ;-",\'11(1;.;^~ i\5i$,)CIATlON OF REAL ~STATt AI'i'~AISERS h". T, \9&3 .j,'i:ld'l II =4t Lo"'''''' 06 -.J r Z<<oII CoOl'" Ole .at ~.. 1& p4Tettt&4 .4 11\ & C Li.s;tot. ~u.t./!;. :b.t:: lMpz-ctU"1 arf1ce_ (11.-' OBo~') ~ t.ClM CG6e ~ ..., u4 I\lb"ct to Qtl swU- ..r--.aUo= pt...:a4 tlI ill" tor whUh 1h1a Corti;ii.. ~~1~8' lJlC.n _ ~.~ur'~ !.2-t'6<:ord nD ".l":ord lr! th.. &tc~ Ik..n;laea N.S ~.m1M' by tba B1lil4la& Jat.pec" lllWl."-ablc cf.I:k1 and dID'" M...ru:'#. .., pc'll LM~ ., tu, DC" aD4" aa ....... a-- .' . !r'~n...- , \ ,,~',,\ .. '," :-.' \ \ \ \ I , .. " . -_._---~_.~- / \' \ \ ,._'}'V.;;< . . """'''' "v. It '- TOYlN OF SOUTHuLl) BUilDING OEPAnlo1(NT OffiU .r the Baildini I'''pettof' Town H...n Saulhold. N.Y. \ CertiliCiile Of Occupancy No. " ..z~! ~.~.9.~ .... , &.tc; . .~p~.i.~. ~~"" ! ~~.7.............., llJl.SCERTlFtES U\IIt the buiWin.. .. .A:~~ kt.i.'!~. .I..~. ~t...~. ~~.t.I!~'. !Hf fF.-....... "'. t.oc.liorl of Property .. ?~.O.~<<? ~... i. ~. ,R.D;~~. . . . ......... ~.~~!!1.P.<!! ~... .~'!~. .l'.~!~....".. Houw"o. ~f"'''''. ~ Count)' Tn: Map No. 1000 S:ction .. !:~~? .. .. . .sl~ ..!'.......... ..1:)( . . . : , ~ . . . . . . .. . . . Subdivision.............................. .filtdi.i1pNo. .... ....~ I'leo. ............. conforms substanlially to the Application r"l &w.ildini PtmUJ beretCifau; fUed in th~ orncc d!ted ~.e.~~,:...~~. ~.9... ..1 ?8.~ p~nt to whiCh 81oOildin& Parmit~. . .I.~??~. -,~.. ';........ ct.tcd _. .~~~.i.l...l ~.'..! ?~.4......... was w*,ifU! ccwrCk'lUS lei &l.i .;rw J,.'IQw'~U I of the .pplitab1e provisions of the law. 1bc occ"pancy Cos wbld~ thiI cc.rtifgie iliIJI-JlIod II ... -. . . . . . .... ~~.D.~~~~.M. .~~. .~~~7. .E:~,!~~E. .~!?I.~~. !'.5. .~~.l'.l:;~~. .~C?~...................... . . . ROnFR1" A. eEl. Ie n.cl;:crufloCait,s.,.ucd to ............... .... -...... 'J7yyV'I1Y"_'YVJ.' ................ ... t~.""'~. o! Uot dOf~ bl..lile1ing. u.. ,_. "'A SuflQlkCout'lty D6partmenl of .--u..Uh I..p.p,ro,.--.. .......................................... IDIDERWRITEKS CERTIfiCATE NO, ..._......... !,~.~~??5........ ~;..... ............. "'0 PLUMRERS CERTIPICATIOM DATED: .... rbA~.J..U............ ..... ,.. J. ''U-.18l.1iidi.n' In.J>"1M ".11C1 . ~ . ~ ":.:- ;-,;,. .....:.J..H.. ,-'.,.. ...._\~.;~i Ai. -.--..- ----- -~ ~. , .' '~'! ! ;'f''':....;_~-, 1" "" . FORM NO.1 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL.: 765.1802 Examined. .G.p",\. .I.'l:-.., 19d. Approved . .C)~~. .. I. ~., 19~t Permit No.I.~.l? ..:t.~ .~ Received. . .... . . . . . ,19. . Disapproved alc ................................: :0~~k: ~~~........ (Building Inspector) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date ~.~~:~a.rx. ~.9.'.. ~ ~~~.. INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector, with sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public street or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this appl cation. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issued a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permi shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupanc shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to th Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws. Ordinances 0 Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinanc , udding co e, housing cod nd regulations, and t, admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for nece ary inspe ti .. ."... ~~. . . . . Signature of applicant, r name, if a corporation) . . . ~9.X, . ? !)P... .~?!:.t.~ 1;:1,1}:,k., .1:')'. .1195.2. . . . . . . (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Owner .........................................................................,.................... . Name of owner of premises . R9.b.~ r 1=. .A '. . (:~.1. ~ 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (as on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer. ....,.......................,................ . (Name and title of corporate officer) Builder's License No. .... .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plumber's License No. ...:-:................... Electrician's License No. . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Trade's License No. :':................... 1. Location oflanu on which proposed work will be done.Dis.tric.t .1000... .Sec.tion. .Q45,. .Block..6,. L.o.t.: .?~9.qo .~ai.n.~9.a,q............................. .~o~.tl,!c?~~. .<.q;,~.enp9r.t. .~,!lJ;n.1.e.q).......... House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 045 6 3 Block ......... . . . . . . . .. Lot.................. Subdivision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filed Map No. .............. Lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name) 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy. . . R~9L .E.'lt;:?!:.e. .Qf;f.i.~~!. .s.~Y~!1. .<\'1-Y9. .p.~r. ~.e.~~:.. . ... .... . . " . . . . b. Intended use and occupancy .......... .1F1!l1.e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14\1 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): N!Building . ... . . .. .. Addition.. Ji:. .~.. Alteration ......... Repair .............. Removal . . . . . , . . . . . . .. Demolition .............. Other Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Description) 4. Estimated Cost. . . . . .$.4, 99.Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (to be paid on filing this application) S. If dwelling, number of dwelling units. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Number of dwelling units on each floor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If garage, number of cars ....................................................................... 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use . .JO~?l. .E!~~.a.~E!. ~.f~- 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear .............. Depth............ . . Height ............... Number of Stories. . . . P.Lli:ASE .SEE. .ATTACHIUl. &UI1D.I.NG. PLANS. . . . . . . . . . Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ................. Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Height. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of Stories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... J@12'6" 12'0" 8. DimensIOns of entire new construction: Front. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rear................ Depth ............ . . Height .6! i'(}'!+. . . . . . . Number of Stories. . . . .1. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Size of lot: Front SEE. .ATTACHEDtP.LOT. .PRMt .. .. .... ........ . ..... Depth ..................... Date of Purchase ~1ar.ch. 1.9.83. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Name of Former Owner . ~.q ~j l<P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d. . t' h' h . . d "c" Zone or use lstnc In w IC premises are situate .................................................... Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: .Of. CQur se. .Not.!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Will lot be regraded .... no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Will excess fill be removed from premises: Yes Nt Name of Owner of premises R,. Ce.lic.......... Address .t1a.ttit:u.cJ~....... Phone No.2,98~B.QQO..:-:-:- Name of Architect r;... .E':isherlP.gnuy. L~Il1be.r. Address. Cr.e.eupp.r.t. . .. . . . Phone No. .4 77.-.Q400. . . . Name of Contractor . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phone No. ..... . . . . . . . . . PLOT DIAGPv\M Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and, indicate all set-back dimensions frorr property lines. Give street and block number or description according to ~eed, and show street names and indicate whetheJ interior or corner lot. SEE ATTACHED PLOT PLAN STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF .Suff.Qlk. _ . .. ... S.S . . . . . ROBERT. .A. . !:.EL I C. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named. He is the. . . OWNER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . !~.<.=; J9.day of.. Y~pn.-!Slry. . ... .. . ., 19 .8.~ C-~. Q%:: (] " L- ..s~ Notary Public~Jw. .~~.. . .. C6u~ty ~ ~~~D~~ ' Notary Public. Statl' or New y~ . . . . . ,No. ~J4II?~~S~ffol!,. cm~~!~~1 ...........~:.. (Signature of applicant) """""",",_,,:,:'., '''~i''.':.~ ,,'Y':' .. r""__ , Vi ~ .s:dic <<state lIgents. .:Jn44AR 1r.~, Ji G:~Ii' lt~(lltors ~.., MAIN ROAO and MARLENE LANE MAIN ROAD ~ P.O. BOX 786 P.O. BOX 640 MAlTITUGK. NEW YORK 11952 GREENPORT, NEW YORK 11944 516 _ 298-8000 516 - 477-9400 ..- ...._ 1:1 TO: Southold Planning Board DATI February 28, 1984 SUB :EeT: Si te plan approval for extension to existing building. Dear Henry: Attached please find three copies of site plan for our Greenport Branch office. I am also enclosing the $50 fee and a copy of the "very small" proposed addition plan. I have submitted the plans to the building department and they are awaiting the planning boards site determination. We are really cramped for space at this office and I would sincerely appreciate a push on this application (if possible!) 60 we can proceed ' with construction. ~ If I can do anything to speed things along, please inform me. Thank you! ,',., S~y, ~~ ;: ~ ~ . . IOSII NO. . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N. Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) N? 13026 Z Dote ...Q~......!..?:;;:................... 19.~..~ Permission is hereby gron~~~t....A..:.....~~~.i,.,.................... ....~.~.9..~..:..!.1.~................................................ ...~~~.dl.....~:.~.:....\~.:\?;.h......... "\ to ...Q.&.J.......g~......k....2p.~.....f::.i1a:b.......~.{~.....9.~....r&ffQ;,.!c.~....i1{)J-:......... ................................................................................................................................................................ at premises located at ...J.':i..Q.g.Q.....h\.~..'1~.,........G.M.P.:r.\f~t............................... ................................................................................................................................................................ ~n1..gr;t~..q}i.&................................................................................................................ County Tax Mop No. 1000 Section .....9...~.~....... Block .......k........... Lot No. ......;;t.............. pursuant to application doted ..ct~....6~............. 191~., and approved by the BuildIng Inspector. rl\ .----- Fee $...:;;;>.11..1............. i~<~~-~.rL..._.. Building Inspector i..t<. '7~0--Y\ ~~J" "'f~Q, _ i I"'^ In^ i On'~'<",~~:':):',~ ~.\.\S ~.h~'1\'rrO h." 1\'':i'~"Q '"'\ f.:'~M ~ ~~'~C-- (F ~ ~~~~, ~ it~~:-;?;O'Y~"~iY-o . '~~cf1-"" "nA->L_",~_ 0 \. ~\ '"",,^, flO5'NHOr oq- 'liVe., ' ,,~, """ co "2 CjI'WI70 va l ,.~JS ~ 0')]0 OfS/9) ~ 0 0311 . I' :'/Uj-''-''~'' rZ'SI9 \l. .L-i- ' _.-.' . - -',--- ~"r ,tfds~ r-- ~ \J :7 U;) ~ 0 -8~ ~ 03jH~.! '~~~ .... U) u... I . ..~..~I "., - / ~.l"'1t lli~.ll I _ ....-If / <<;:_.~-t ',~ .... - ..~.-.:- _.~... ~ o c 6 &oJ) . ~ '" a~ ct~ u.l I- '2.: ... '> . ~z 'l ':1 '3 " / -~ ~ 1 (,.) C. IL ~ ~ ow Q:'=. ...,~ -- ~~ IJ) ~.. Q $;' ... ..~~ ~o~ ...., <on - diN J:: . ... '.;, , , , I ""'C~ ,..t11M01 J:i1/Yt ! ~' '.------_._---~~" ... ,;;..-: ,.....,'.. ~,1 ,I ~-....-,.."" .. '?--7?','- ':--- --...., ,",~.-..." \, .__.~~ -..,,~~ v, I T..... ~ ,.,.::1 I r,., .:..c-' -sr '\ \, \ ~ Q~.c..;"""" " '<:,. ~,\. 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CERT/FICA TlOIiS INOICATFD HEREOH SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSDN '.1'''''''. A .,.,,~ ~",.v~v ,,., ",,,,.,,"'''t,, ...,,, ,..0.1 lilt'" It""", r '1"'" ~,,~ 'P'?,,, ,.."....""..0./ ,...,.."..,.......,........, "",....,,..v "'0" I t:~"',,,,,, ",,.~ ...".,..,..... .,...... ",......."., ".... -.. -..... ~..... .....,....,.. "... .....- ~ ~ c..D CIO c-I \' - \II a.. ii:. '& ....-s:::---. - .,.,c-o -s::- 38311V1/31111 avoH ~ 'Z Q ..J ~ "0 <.:l :::r., cu ::. t.... :::> CI') ,-1<5 I t ':::I) ',IQ..) <.0::' <: ... I ~ t.U :::> I "=> ::. "":) .y;~ '<c ~i '= 0 ~ ~IC'Cl: :r~'I:~ I- 't- 1 t:5 '0 -ll::'llJ ~ I.~~ tI) I~c I~~ 10 Ik I I :)... I- Q: la.J a.. o l ~ Q: ~~.... Q. Q:--.J~ ;-A.OO~ l&..~~~~Q: rO~ ~:::> ~~ ~~O...J ~~ ~ U) c:>;;: l.aJ cO YJ lJ.. t:: LA. i ~ U.lo::,~ Q: :, Q: ~ tI) . t'" ~ ::) ~e ,..... '.. RO~O tt/lA,N rE, Z5 N.V.S, (.{ o 4~40"E "'11-E .7'" '" Pipe . FP' \ \-" J'I , ~"'"J. , ... ~ \ ....."\ Oit \ c> 0.. \b ,~c> ~ ',00 " \ -:J, '- , "'-.._---~.- , , \ 1'.' ", '~uf' "') '. -----.----\~1~ ~ ~,:~~~ ~ ..... ,.- , .., ~ . il {,.. · '" "" '.., I I ... , III : $ I I I ',}~ \I' I:, .~~ \)\\\~~~~~~/'_/ .,( "l~" "vI"') 'i)'J ,,/,' '." ,,'l.'t~\ ", \\X)~,,~ ~\'))\{~~ ./' "("~,, , . ,,, ~I/ 10, 00"- '.. w- v~ --- , , , ... ':......... 48.99 5 84 ~ to! 40" tV fP.oli. O:-6"1f FD.",OM- COMPANt . O'b"W D RAILROAD lONG ISLAN 66' l<}IDE ) VEY F PROPERTY Situated at .- lEENPORT V OF SOUTflOlD SUFFOLK COUNTY NFW VOPIl 1"- I ""_ pIP6 ...---.... ........... -"", \ . , \ \ \ . . , I , \ \ , Q ~ a Q: llJ <.J ~ ~ <::> ~ \.ij a: \.U' ~ Q: ~ ~ ..., .... '(l,. ~ ~ ~ 'V- <q: ... ~ /J.J I'\l ~ /J.J lLJ ~ ~ , , 0 Q: ~ <:) .., Lr "" N) 'lo- 0, ~ ..... q; ~ ~ ~ ... ~ RECEIVED BY SOUTHOLD TOWN Pl}J~N\NG nO~RD MAR 1 19S4 DATE MAY' 1984 50.00 ",ON Fll , \ r co ~ II> - ~ .,. ",co ~< (I.. ; -, '-.u t'C)~ C\J"" . ~ \l)~ " - 'O~ ~~ ';(l'0 t;~ <:l III ~ .. ... ... " " III ... ... " '" . . Q ~ III ~ ti ..., .., ~ ~ ~ <.0 0, lU " .., ~ "J !lj Llj l.l " ~ ~, 0.11: '~ ,,/. , ' Surveyed by SMITH ~ JUN6 ~-III!J : -Pro~~io~/~n~sur~~r- I:Jn Mr=nr=nfJn AV': ~ ...........,.,.-.........,.,.,.,.,. - _....-.~_.~-..-.--.~._._._._._.. TO~ CLERK , TOWN OF SOUTIIOLll , Suffolk Counly. New York 5]6 . 765.1801 NO 11807' i . i So hold, N. Y. 1197 'aI<<.k I 19~i :.~tff~;~ &~~~~r4 Judi! T. Terry, Tow Clerk. I !~.SJ. ~h:~,~~ t!.D},....._ By ! . ~- '.1- - - , ~ -~ LASER FICHE FORM Planning Board Site Plans and Amended Site Plans SCANNED SPFile Type: Proiect Type: Site Plans Status: Final Approval SCTM #: 1000 - 45.-6-3 Proiect Name: Flint Street Corp./Dinizio Address: Hamlet: Greenport Applicant Name: Paul Dinizio. Flint Street Corporation Owner Name: Flint Street Corp. Zone 1: Approval Date: WA,'VGte.-bteA..i:ill::;.V .5)14/9\ JUN 2 5 2007 Records Management OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information End SP Date: Zone 2: Zone 3: Location: s/s/o NYS Route 25. Greenport SC Filinq Date: C and R's : Home Assoc: Rand M Aqreement: SCAN Date: