HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12506 P 631? TA~ MAP ESIG/~TION 1001 .~. 003.01 k. 01.00 · L(.)O04. o0C C4MdSULT YOifft LAWYlS BE~OIIB SIGNENG TNIS INSTRUMINY--THIS INST~ SHOI~O BI USED BY LAWYERS ONLY, puny of the .-~_ nd p~'t, .~A~'rl~-~tln~ri~, that the party o! the first part, in ~i~on ~ T~ ~llm and ~ ~u~le ~d~i~ ~d by the ~ of ~e ~d ~ d~s bevy g~ ~ ~l~ un~ ~ ~y o~ ~ s~nd ~, t~ h~rs or s~ ~d ~si~s of t~ ~ of ~e ~nd ~ four, See A~a~hed S~heduZe A 7 '~:.~oOe~h~'~i~ excZus~ve use o[ boa~ sZip n-~e~ ~rr~vocable restricted co~n el~ent as s~t forth in declaration ~'cove~a~ts~ restric%ions and by-laws recorded in Liber 97~1 CP TOGETHER with ull right, title -'*nd interest, if any, of the patty o! the first r~rt in and to any &tre.*~ n.d roads abuttin~ the a~x~ de~ri~ premi~ ~ the ~n~r ~n~ ~f; T~E~HER w~h the a~ u~ ..... and ~ ~ ~ ~d ~ghts of the ~ of t~ first ~ in ~d to ~id praise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD t~ premi~ ~in grant~ unto ~e ~ of ~e ~ ~, ~e h~rs or su~sors ~d ~gns of t~ ~ ~ the s~nd ~ foyer. AND the party of the first part cOvenants t~t the party of the first part has not done or' suffered anything ,:,.th, he,e o, id. ' .~, ~ me pmrty.,.ozme, nrst. ~.rt. ? ~n'l~llm'~e wt. th Section 13 o{ the. Lien Law, covenants tl~t the party o~ me nr~t part wm recesve me constderatmn for this conveyance and wdl hold the rzght to receive such consid- eration as a trust ~und to be ~pplied first ~or the ~purpo~.. oS peyln~ the cost of the improvement and w II apply. ten~h:~;utr~.e pJyment oS the cost of the unprovemen, before us ng ,ny pert o, t~ torn/of the same The ~,ord "party" shell be constrne~ ~s if it read 'pertles" whenever the sens~ of this indenture so requires. IN WITNF.~ ~IF.~.OF, the party o! the ~rst pert I~ duly ~x~cut~d this deed the da)' ~nd )'ear first ~bOve written. 'Title Number GE46S4S* Schedule A Description Page 1 ALL that certain unit of real property situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York known and designated as unit No. 4 building H as shown on condominium plan entitled "Map of Stiding Cove Condominium" and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk February 7, 1985 as Map number 106 together with an undivided 1.964% interest in common in the common elements of the condominium described in the declaration of condominium entitled 'Stiding Cove Condominium" recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 9731 cp. 65. The premises on which said condominium had been created Is situate, lying and being in the town of Southold, County of Suffolk and imcorporated Village of Greenport, State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Central Avenue said point being 687.21 feet Eastedy as measured along the northerly side of Central Avenue from the intemection thereof with.the easterly side of Carpenter Street; RUNNING THENCE along land now or formerly of Kenneth H. Bowden and land now or formerly of Giorgi the following four courses and distances: 1) North 14.degrees, 33 minutes, 10 seconds West 115.78 feet; 2) South 73 degrees, 44 minutes, 20 seconds West 57.98 feet; 3) North 14 degrees, 54 minutes, 40 seconds West 20.00 feet; 4) South 74 degrees, 31 minutes, 30 seconds West 123.54 feet to land now or formerly of Jean A and Gabdel F. Zillo; THENCE along said land the following two courses and distances: 1) North 14 degrees, 11 minutes, 40 seconds West 82.55 feet; 2) South 75 degrees, 44 minutes, 30 seconds West 11.25 feet to the easterly e. nd of Ludlam Place; THENCE along the easterly end of Ludlam Place and land now or formerly of Oceanic Oyster corp., North 17 degrees, 19 minutes, 40 seconds West 82.55 feet; THENCE still along PIW now or formerly of Oceanic Oyster Corp. and through the waters of Rackett's Basin the following four courses and distances: Continued On Next Page ~tle Number GF.46.54S Schedule A Description- continued Page 2 1) North 73 degrees, 18 minutes, 00 seconds East 136.00 feet; 2) North 76 degrees, 29 minutes, 30 seconds East 95.85 feet; 3) North 89 degrees, 44 minutes, 30 seconds East 62.00 feet; 4) North 40 degrees, 00 minutes, 00 seconds East 138.44 feet to the waters of Greenport Harbor; THENCE and along the ~vatere of Greenport Harbor the following 23 courses and distances: 1) South 59 degrees, 15 minutes, 40 seconds East 14.18 feet; 2) South 59 degrees, 15 minutes, 40 seconds East 142.27 feet; 3) North 30 degrees, 44 minutes, 20 seconds East 15.99 feet; 4) South 59 degrees, 15 mlputes, 26 seconds East 11.51 feet; 5) South 14 degrees, 15 minutes, 40 seconds East 111.63 feet; 6) South 04 degrees, 08 minutes, 12 seconds East 126.69 feet; 7) North 85 degrees, 51 minutes, 49 seconds East 2.00 feet; 8) South 0 degrees, 0 minutes, 0 seconds 04 Township 08 North, Range 11 East 25.75 feet; 9) South 75 degrees, 44 minutes, 20 seconds West 120.91 feet; 10) South 14 degrees, 15 minutes, 40 seconds East 46.50 feet; 11 ) North 75 degrees, 44 minutes, 20 seconds East 74.68 feet; 12) North 34 degrees, 21 minutes, 50 seconds East 38.04 feet; 13) South 77 degrees, 58 minutes, 10 seconds East 250.00 feet; 14) South 12 degrees, 01 minutes, 50 seconds West 60.00 feet; Continued On Next Page · Ti~e Number GE46S4S Schedule A Description- continued Page 3 15) North 77 degrees, 58 minutes, 10 seconds West 228.41 feet; 18) South 14 degrees, 16 minutes, 21 seconds East 25.77 feet; 17) South 75 degree~, 44 minutes, 20 seconds West 106.00 feet; 18) South 14 degrees, 15 minutes, 40 seconds East 152.43 feet; 19) North 75 degrees, 44 minutes, 20 seconds East 14.50 feet; 20) South 14 degrees, 15 minutes, 40 seconds East 16.01 feet; 21) South 30 degrees, 44 minutes, 20 seconds West 8.01 feet; 22) South 30 degrees, 44 minutes, 27 seconds West 128.51 feet; 23) South 45 degrees, 41 minutes, 50 seconds West 15.63 feet; THENCE still through the waters of Greenport Harbor and along the Easterly side of Bay Avenue North 56 degrees, 18 minutes, 10 seconds West 118.82 feet to the notherly side of Bay Avenue; THENCE along said road line south 74 degrees, 15 minutes, 50 seconds West 19.52 feet to land now or formerly of Rackett; THENCE along said land the following two courses and distances: 1) North 25 degrees, 05 minutes, 00 seconds East 25.00 feet; 2) North 15 degrees, 35 minutes, 00 seconds West 114.50 feet to land now or formerly of Joseph M and Lee W. Pupahl; THENCE along said land the folllowing three courses and distances: 1) North 74 degrees, 42 minutes, 50 seconds East 17.65. feet; 2) Nor{h 06 degrees, 57 m, inutes, 30 seconds West 24.68 feet; 3) North 14 degrees, 06 minutes, 30 seconds West 89.03 feet to the southerly side of Central Avenue; THENCE along the southerly, easterly and northerly sides of Central Avenue the Continued On Next Page ' ~UeNumb~ GE4654S. Schedule A Description- conUnued Page 4 following 3 course and distances: 1) North 75 degrees, 44 minutes, 20 seconds East 156.00 feet; 2) North 50 degrees, 09. minutes, 30 seconds West 61.11 feet; 3) South 75 degrees, 44 mir~utes 20 seconds West 94.93 feet to a 10 foot right of way; THENCE along said right of way the following three courses and distances: 1) Norlh 15 degrees, 07 minutes, 30 seconds West 117.39 feet; 2) South 73 degrees, 44 minutes, 20 seconds West 10.00 feet; 3) South 15 degrees, 07 minutes, 30 seconds East 117.04 feet to the northerly side of Central Avenue; THENCE along said road line south 75 degrees, 44 minutes, 20 seconds west* 36.97 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with the exclusive use of boat slip no. 39 as an irrevocable restricted common element as set fort in said declaration. STATE OP On the da7 of persoanliy c~me , be{ore me to me Imown to be the individual described in and who executed the Joregolng instrument, and nrl:nowled~ tlmt he executed the same. STAT! OIt ~ '/omi. COIJNIN' OP ': On the ~hy of . before me personally came to me known, who, being.by me duly sworn, did depose and ny that he resides at No. tl~t he is the o! , the corporation described in and which executed the !oregolng instrument; that he knows the send of said eorpor~ion; that the scsi aff'nted to said instrument is such eorpo~...te suni; that it was so a. ffJxed by order of the hoard of directors of said corpor~- Uon, and that he sijned h name thereto by h~e order. SYA~ OIS NEW YOgi(. On the day of ' 19 , before me personally came to me I~nown to be the individual described in and who exeeu~d the forgoing instrument, and aeknowlegged On the day of 19 , before me p~rsonnlly .e. ame ., · . ~ sub. scribing mtness to th.e fore.lng instrument, with whom t am personally g~:quMnted, who; beln~ by me duly sworn, did depose and- t~y tht be reszdes at No. that he lmows ' to be the individual described in and who executed the forejoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the nme: and tlmt he. said witness, at tim same tlme subsen'bed h name as wimess thereto. ACTS TICOR TITt GUARANTEE SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY Olt TOWN NO~yPubd~ SMM ~ I~wYo~ f~s,Jum 14. ~007 Numb,:r ,f paS~:s TORRENS Cenillcnk. Il Prior CIt; ~ i i I'nF / I:illl~ Fee . ._ I-lutldlitl[~ Tl'-Sg4 Nolalioft F.A-.~2 17 (County) I.~,,-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.^. Corem. of F. ti. ^l]idnvil L'crtillcd Copy Reg. G,py Otkr Ik. ed I M.rtgage'lax ,'~asmp FEES s I R., e.-.; ...... ~-- 1001 00301 0100 ' 07.004514 .. o I'kile ~ ?~,~/ I hlitials RECORD & RETURN 1'O: Richard Gluszaks, Esq. 400 South Oyster Bay Road, Suite 304 Hichsville, New York 11801 RECORDED 2G07 Ha~j 24 12-'12:00 PH Sudit, h ~. Pagale a.E~ OF L ~00012506 P 651 I)T{ Rttoedilig I ]']ling .~lalilw MunpF Amt. I. tia.~i¢ 'l':lX 2. Additio,al 'Fax Sub 'l'oUll Spo.'./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX . ~. Dual Town __ I~,ql (.:otalty [*[eld tlr,, Appo~ionmcnt ___. JVlnns~on 'lhx or wil be in,roved by .~ m~ or two I~mily ¥1.:S o~ __NO Fund 6 (Jommunil~' PR'~n'ali.n O, Impruv,:d ~ 'V'ac:ml ].and TD TI) 91 I ll I, Tide C.mpan,v Inf. rmadon Ct,. Narr~ GE ABSTRACT, INC. 'lltlc # GE4654S SUFI"OLK COLIN'IY RECI)RIHNG ~ ENIIOR,NF. MENT PAGI: 'l'ilis pat.',.' Ibrms pa. ut'th,: ;itt;idled Deed rmide h)= [$PI:CIFY 'rYPl-: OF IN.q'RUM ENI') John M. Speyer Judith Speyer 1'o 'll~c prcmi.,~es Nrcin is situated in . UH.(.)I.K t. OI.IN I Y, NEW YORK. Ill Ih~ hl ll~.' ¥11,1,^GI! ~ r HANI,E'I of. Soothhold BOXI,$ $ TilRU 9 ,qUST BE TVPKD OR Iq,II,N"I'EI) IN BLACK INK (}NIX PRIOR TO RF, CORI)ING OR FI LING. (OVERi SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DREDS/DDD ~m~er of Pages: 8 Receipt ~,~her = 07-0050104 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-34321 District= 1001 Deed Amount= Section= Block= 003.01 01.00 EXAMINED A~D CHA~GED AS FOLLOWS $699,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $24.00 NO H~ndllng COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCH~ EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $2,796.00 NO C~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-34321 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Recorded: Atl Judith A. Paacale County Clerk, Suffolk County 05/24/2007 12=12=00 PM LIBER= D00012506 PAGE= 631 Lot: 004.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $10,980.00 NO $13,940.00 PLE.~SE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHE~I-WRITING ON FoRM INSTRUCTIONS: httpff/www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY I I.~, -- .'". ~' I Cl. SWI~ Code .I ~/~.. '~'~U '~' ~,/~'~'t~ .I I ~' FIEALsTAi~PROPERTYno~RoSTATEOF REALoFTRA~FERNEWII~ORERTyYORK J~RVIcr~REPORT · -a I'tr' - =}/!/ - BIUlao Ifmhm'thmix~waddr~(~bottom~'form) I I ] dl of Par~eL~ OR F'~ Porl of · Pamel I [] C D F G I J 2t Ti~ Miip MlldiBedl) I Rell IdentlBe~l (# rome ~ four, attain m with addilfonal Idig~bdB)) BUYER BUYER'S A~RNEY SELLER I NEW YORK STATE COPY