HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12506 P 194CO.SULT YOUR'LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INBTRUMENT-THJ8 INaIlq, UMENT BHOULD BE USED BY LAWYER8 ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 14 ch day of ~ebruary 20O7 BETWEEN TllOliAS J. Naatro and Hotra G, HAetro, his vile, both residtnS aC 24 Vrlsht Avenue, Malverne, Nay York 1L565 party of the f~t part. and RICEiil) KIRIKIIN and HARYAI/N i. KIRIKIAN, his vile, both restdtn8 at 67 Cove Road, Oyster Bay Cove, Ney York 11771 party of me second part, ~,/ · WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, In consideration,of ~'~r . · dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the patty of the second part forever, ALL thatcertaln Hot, piece orparcelofland, with the buildings and im~ove~ents thereon ersctad, situa~, lyingandbeingi9~/ at Laurel, To~n o£ Southold, County of Suffolk and State of Neu York, bounded and described as follows: SEE, Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof BEING'AND:INTENDED'TO.BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the f/rat by deed dated September 18, 1995 and [1led in the Office of the Clerk of the County of S~ffolk on September 29, 1995 in Liber of Deeds 1~743 at Pass 833. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and iD any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part fo~ver. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, except aB aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. In coml~iance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive th,,, consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration es a bust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the pal/meet 6f the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of Ihs same for any other purpose. The word 'party' shell bm consbued as if It mad 'parties' when evet' the sense of this indenture eD requires, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the ~lay and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: Thomas J. Hastro Hotra G. ~fastro 81anda~l N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8~02. - 8aaga/n and :Sale Dl~d, with Covan~l[ ~ C..~'~flt o¢~ A~ - U~lfoml AGknowiedgment Form 3290 FIDEI.ITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY POI.ICVNO.: 27-041-92-1372855 TrrL£NO.: 06-7406-16326SUFF SCHEDUI.E A- Part I DESCR! Itl'ION ALL that certain plot, piece or pamel of land, situate, lying and being at Laurel. Town of Snuthold. County of Suffolk and State of New York. bounded and described as follows: FIEGINNING at a point in the southerly side of Pccomc ['lay Boulevard ~id point being the division linc hctween land now or I'ornlcrly of Nmzz~:l and Iht t'astcrly lin~' of herein de~.'nbcd premises and Eom ~id poirn or pl:~c~, of hcginmng: RUNNING THENCE southerly along said land Soulh 20 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds -Fast. 318.57 to thc high ~,ater mark ot'Gr~at Peconic Bay; TI.IENCE alnng said high water mark of Great Peconic Bay. South 36 dcgrees 10 minutes 12 s~conds West. 115.52 ti. et to the westerly side of a right away: THENCE nnnhcrly along said right ufwav Norlh 21 dcgr~.~.s 39 minutes 21) seconds Wesl~ 342.93 feet Io thc .,a~ulh[-rly line of Pcconic Bay Boulr. vard: 'ITIENCE alone'thc south~.q'ly s~dc o1' P¢comc Bay Boulevard. North 4~ degrees 23 minutes 50 seconds Easl. 108.87 fi:et to the point or place of BEGINNING. $CIIEDIILE ~.l-I (DF~'CRIPTION) L0.41¥ POLICF PA¢;E 2 TO BE USI~ 0N/Y WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE StateofNewYor~. Countyof Suffolk ss: State of New Yon~. County of SS: On the 12thdayot' Feb,z~tary In theyear 2007 before me, the undamigned, personally appeared Hotra C. Nastro and Thomas J. Nastro personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Individual(s) whose name(s) is (am) subschbed to the within instrument and ac~nawiedged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his:~er/lhalr capacfly(M), and 'that by hisFnsr/thalr algnaturs(s) on the InatrumenL the th~Jvldual(8), or the pes~on upon behalf of which the IndlvldualCs~(ttpd, e<ed~ted U~lk~tmment. (signature and office of In~lvlduaJ/')~'mg acknowiedgmem) Notary Public · ' On the day of in the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personMy known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfacto;y e~donua to be the Individual(s) whose name(s) Is (ere) subEcdhed to the within Instrument end aclmowisdged to mo that. he/she/they executed tho same in his'her/their capac]lyOes), and that by higher/their algnatum(s) on the instrument, me Indlddua](s), or the person upon behalf of wh~J~ the Indh/~ual(s) =acted, executed the Instrument. (signature end office of indhddual tuklng acknowledgment) TO,,IBR U~ED ONLY WHEN TH~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT I$ MADE OUTSIDE NE~V YORK STATE State (or District et Columbia, Ten]tory. or Fondgn Country) of ss: On the day of In the year appeared before me, the undersigned, pemon~lly personally known to me or proved to me on the bests of nat~sfactory evldenna to be ~he Individual(s) whose nmos(s) Is (are) subscribed Io the within Instrument end acknowledged to ma that ha/she/they executed the same In hbtherffhalr capacity(isa), and that by hi. her/their algnatum(s) on the instrument, the IndMduaKs), or the person upon behe~ of which tho Individual(s) acted. executed the Instmmertt. and that such Individual made such appearance before the undersign'Id in the (insert the City or other political subdivision) (and Instal the State or Country or oth~ place the acknowladgmm~t was taken)' (signature and office of Individual taking acknowledgment) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED W~H COVENANT AGNNST GRANTOR'SACTS ~tle No. Thomas J. gas£ro and Matra G. HasCro TO Richard Ktrtktan and Haryann A. Ktrikfan ~r,M~DARD FORM ~F NEW YORK ~U~D OF ~ UNDERWRITERS Dist~13uta~ by ~ LandAmerica Commonwealth Commonwea~ L~nd 11se b~umnm C4mtpeny SECTION 126 BLOCK 11 LOT 3.1 COUNTY OR TOWN $outhold [000 STREET ADDRESS 6760 Peeontc Bay Blvd. Rec~de~e~ York 11948 COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO: Gary F. albert P.O. Box 706 CuLchoaue~ [*P/ 11935 RESERVE THIS SPACE FOR USE OF RECORDING OFFICE  RE~,ORD£D Nnmhcr,nfl~.ges ' 2'007 XaLj 22 10:561'50 ~ Judith A. Pascale I'U ItltEM,~ i C/.ERK OF ,~d.I # I ~FFOU( COUHT~ L P 194 DT# 06-~3992 Dee[I / Moll§age Tax Stamp ] Eecordin§ / Filing Stamps FF, I~ 2. Addiliulud Trix Sub Tolal ) TOT. MTG. TAX ..... i 'Hte lUOp~zly covcx~d by Ihis med~n~ is m' __ __ ,~/ will 5c i.nl,ruved hy a one ,,r hr. I,.ulily /~ ~ 0701~74 zooo 12600 1100 003001i ' ' ,~ v ', Cel tfltcut~"lf Deed I Mollgnge hlsll 4 1~-52 17 (County) EA-5217 Cnmm. (,r Ed. (;eflitk'd ('t,py R~, Cepy Gary F. Olsen P.O. B6x 706 TI) CutchoRue~ I~ 11935 I s ] 'l~'ille COmlllill}, hlfol'ili:llhHI c,,. - . Suffollc County Recording & 'Endorsement Page 'llds I~]ge rOlllL5 IroJ't ortho tdtauhcd __ Bargain & Sale Deed mmic h.v: {$PI [.II:Y '1 ~'1 +'. OF INSII{UMFil~[I') Tlmnmu J. Xastro 'lhe pmnises herein is sitmtud in ~n4 r~, c. ma~rro STJFFCII,K COUNI'Y, NEW YOIU~. 1'O hi Ihc 'l',wushil~ oF $outhold Richard Kirtklan hi Ibc VILLAGE, t/aryann A. Kiriklan or I[AMLEI'.f ~--~l UUXI~ 511 IIU. J 9 MU,S'[ BF. 'I'YI'IilJ OR I'IUhrI'EI.) IN UI ACK INK ON[ Y I'R O ~t '1'O Eli( I )R )lNG ()1 ' ' ....... . . ~HI.NU. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE · %~pe of Instant: DEEDS/DDD ~,m~er of Pages: 4 Receipt ~er : 07-0049197 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-33992 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block~ 126.00 11.00 ~MINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $1,600,000.00 05/22/200? 10:56:50 AM D00012506 194 003.001 Received ~he Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 COg $5.00 EA-CTY $5.00 TP-584 $5.00 RPT $30.00 Transfer tax $0.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-33992 Exempt NO Handling $5.00 NO NO NYS SHCH~ $15.00 NO NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO NO SCTM $0.00 NO · NO Coma. Pres $29,000.00 NO Fees Paid $29,152.00 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascals County Clerk, Suffolk County PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM ...... ...................... PEEASE'TYPE'OR ............ INSTRUCTIONS: http://www, orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518! 473-7222 IF-OR COUN'~ USE ONLY I nE I Southold [ Lau:el [ 11968 2. Bu~ I Kirtkian I Richard N~ne I Kiriktan I 14a.ryana A. 4. hdleate the numb~ d MW ~ IOnht ff Pa~ M · Pm) Chad( Bi they apply:. Rog~~l~ ] , [ I IoIPo~II OR PanolaPomLd ~mino~d~l~A~dw~ D#d Size 8oiM Nmne 4~, Subdivision App.41 was Paquimcl for Tramf~' [] I x I I OR I . . . I ~. Fa~,~ ~stro I Thomas J. I Hasr:o I ~oira G. [ B~ 2 or 3 Family Residential FL~.~ Coflweicid J ~ Indtmtriil c ~_] no,dmz' v.~t and oL_.l Ap...,.., XL...J P~ Df I Non-Res~de~biVacMt LJfld Ifil Erde,ulnmMt/AJ~Jsement LI I Forest SALE INFORMATION I 11.8aieCon~lctDate I 11 / 5 / 06 I 12, DmdSifolTransfer I 9 / IA / fi? [ C:lm~ tbe _~_-_--_ bebw as thw quay: 8. Ownership Ty~e i~ Condomif~um [] A H S~gnlflcam Change Ii1 Pro~erty Between Taxable Status and Safo Oa 10[her Unusual/:Gm Affecting Safo Price (S~ecJ~y ~elowl lz.r~us,-wt= I., r 1, ,6 (~ 0, ,0 O 0.0.01 ! ! · (Full hie Price Is ~ha toad ammJat Mid ~ the PmMrt¥ in~luging p~aoeal properly. [ lhls 9e~nmnl ~ be in the form of e~sh, ether proge~ mo~al or other obl[gB~ormJ P/nMe ~ ~O the ~#met v~ofo .,*..-, fo .. .fo i i ' ' ;o,o[ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Date ehould reflect the infest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill I-L__J la. ~.,Imol DiXIe( Name Hattttuck-Cutcho~ue I 1000 I I 126 I I ii I L 3.1 I I CEB ,CAT,O. I I cL'dif~' tbd .da M ~ bemb cd'i~l)m~ m~ ~ t~ ~m ~ m I~ ~ I~ Ih' ~ ~ my k~ ~ ~ ~ I u~ ~t I~ ~ BUYER I 2-L&-07 Richard Kirtkian fi7 I ~hv~ Rnnd Oyete= Bay Cove NY ~ I se.~.~qs j, HASTRO I 2-1&-07 BUYER'~ ATrORNEy 01sen Gary F, R~I I 7'~6-7RR& I NEW YORK STATE COPY