HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12504 P 3 ¥ IRual Estate [Transfer Tax 5 . no lo THIS INDENTURF~ m-~e~ 20th dayof April 2007 ~ BE[WEEN EDMUND E. zENESKI and JACOUELINE J. ZENESKI, as husband and · wife, residing at 2750 Glerun Road, Southold, New York 11971 partyofrhcfirstpar~.nnd ~, residing at (no #) Spinney Road, East Quogue, New York 11942 pray ~ the .~cond pan, WITN F,,T~ETH, ~st thc puny of ~e tim ~ in constitution of Ica dollam ~ ~r v~lc c~ ~d by ~ p~ of l~ ~co~ ~. d~s ~y ~t ~d ~1~ unto ~ ~y ~ ~e ~ ~, ALL I~ ~ain plm. ~e or pa~l of I~. with I~ ~il~n~ ~d im~mgn~ th~ e~, ~t~. ~i~.a~ ~i~,i;,lll. at Southold, T~ of Southol~, Suffolk Co~ty ann New.orK, ~o~ ~d desisted as Lot 25 ~ a certain ~p en~itled, "Map of Wes= Creek Estates", filed in the Suffolk Cowry Clerk's Office on Au~st 19, 1963 as Map No. 38~8; said lo= being more particularly ~ded ~d descried as follows: ~ BEGI~IN~ at a monument se~ at the co.er ~o~ed by =he intersection of t~e southerly side of Gle~ Road ~d the Westerly side of said Gle~ Road; ~ing ~hence South 15" 11' 30" East along the westerly side of ~le~ Road 218.91 feet ~o the ordina~ high water ~rk of West. Creek; thence westerly along said ordina~high water ~rk of West Creek, a tie distance of 127.06 feet to Lot No. ~4; thence North 12" 00' 0~" West alon~ the division line ~tween Lo~ Nos. 24 ~d 25 on said map, 244.00 feet to a ~n~ent ~d ~he southerly side of Gle~ Road; thence Sou~h East along the southerly side of Gle~ Road, 121.88 feet ~he point or place of BEGI~ING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated October 17, 1996 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on October 29, 1996 in Liber 11799 Page 234. TOGETHER with all riLd~t, title -'.nd interest, if uny. of the puny of thc first pun, in und to any streets and muds abutting the above-described prcmi~e.~ to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with Ihc uppurtcnunecs and all the estule und righls of thc parly of thc Iir~l pun in und to .~id premi.~e~: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thc premises herein granted unlo the purly of Ihe sec-nad purl. thc heirs or succes~orx and u~sism, of Ihe puny of the second part forever. AND the party of the fir~! purl covenants [hut Ibc p~rly of the fir~.! purl bu.,, sol done or suffe~d anylhing whe~by Ibc said p~mi~c~ huvc ~en encumbered in uny way whulever, except a~ AN D thc purly or' Ihe I'ir~l purl. in compliance with Scclion 13 of Ihc Lien Luw. co*gnunl~ Ihul Ihe party of ihe tirol pan will receive Iht considern6on for th~s conveyance and will hold ~he right m receive such consider- ation us a Ir~st fund lo be applied firs~ for Ihc purple of puyin8 Ihc cost of the improvement and will apply Ihe same first to thc paymen~ of the co~t of the improvement before using any pan of Iht tolal of the same for any other pur~. Thc ~rd "p~y" shall ~ om~trugd u~ if it read "parligs" whenever thc ~n~c of this indcmu~ so IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~he party of zhc first pan has duly ex~uted ~his deed the day and year fi~l u~*ve written. Pase 2 of 3 ~'&cqueline ~ Z~ Ackno~ ~ In N~w York St~ State of New York. County of Suffolk On the 20th duy of April , in ina year 2007, before me tbs undersigned, personally appeared EDHT..IND E, ZENESKI and JACQUELT~E J. ZENESKT pemonally known to me or provdd to me on the basis of satlafKtoP/evidence to be the Individual(s) whom name(a)-le (are) suheathdd to the within Inatmmaflt and aclmowiedged to me that -h~he/they auaculad the uame In hhD1m~/tbalr capKity(Iso), and that by #isfMf/theb signature(,,) on the instrument, the InclMdual(a) or the person upon pehell of which the individual(a) acted, executed the lnstnJmeflt. Yom Sim State of New York, County of , $s: On the day of , in the year the undersigned, personally appearnd , before me, the aubsafibing wituasa to the foregoing Ifl~tmment. with whom I Bm per~onally acquainted, who being by me duly ewom, did depose end lily, that hWsha/lhey rsakM($) in that he/aba~nay knew(s) lo be the individual dsacrihed'in end who ex~cuh~:l the foregoing instrument; that said subec~ing Minesa wsa present and saw said execute the uams; and that said witnesa at the same time mJbscribad histher/their name(s) as s w]'tness thereto. ~tleNo. L EDMUND E. ZENESKI and JACQUELINE J. ZENESKI ?O WAYNE OVERTON Stale M New York, County of . ! On the clay of , in the year , the undersigned, personally a~opemrdd / J personally known to me or proved to ma on tM basil IMIdac~ory evIcknce to be the Im:lMdual(a) MIMe A~me(a) (me) sulm:rlm(I Io the within insmmmnt and aWnewledged me thai he/she/they executed the uame in Ns/her/their capacity(lea), and that by his/her/their llgnature(a) on t~e Ins~ument, the IndMdual(a) ~ the pemon upon beha~ of whg-h the Individual(a) acted, ___ _nxecutdd the InStmm .~t. AcJmoMedgement toknn outside ~ewYork State · Stale of , County of . ss: · (or insert Dlslr~ct of Columbia, Territory, Po~essk~n or I Foreign Country) I On the day of . in the year , before m.~. the undersigned, personally appearbd personally known to me or proved to me on the basilIo. f satisfactory evickflce to be the Indtviclual(a) whose nmmKa) (sm) subscribed to the within instrument and KknoMedged ,to me that he/aha/they execulad the same In his/her/tbalr capacity(lea), that by his/bar/their signature(a) On instnJmeflt, the Inolv{dunl(a) of the person upon behllT of which the indivklualCa) I&'tdd, executed the inatnJmefll, and that mJ~h individual mack much appeamnua before the um~migned In (add the city or peli~cel subdivision and the state of coufltp/.~' other place the acknowledgement was SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAIL TO:. Page 3 of 3 MEYER MEYER & KENEALLY ESQS LLP 28 MANOR ROAD PO BOX 945 SMITHTOWN NY 11787-2715 Z~pNO. Number of page~ TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Page / ~ilin~ Fee Handling TP-$84 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.ET.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Afficlnvil Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other Deed / Mo~gage Tax Stamp This document will be public .~oo re,rd. Plea.se remove all Soaal Secu~ Numbers 200? Natj. 07 09t40--18 $odi ~h S~FOLK C01.g'OV L 000012~-o04 P 00~ OTt 06-$2~6 ~,- -- prior to recordi~A Sub Total 5. 00 15. 00 Sub Total ~ Gr:md Total /~ (~ Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Block 02.00 I Lot 0~,2.000 07013637 zooo o?goo 0200 042000 6._~ Saris fact ion~)i~.'harges/R ele-n ~es List RECORD & RETURN TO: MEYER MEYER & KENEA/..LY ESQS LLP 28 MANOE ROAD PO BOX 94S SMITETOWN NY 11787-2715 Property Owners Mailing Address Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Addition'.d Tax Sub Total Spec./Assit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appoimment Transfer 'lhx Mansion Tax The property cove.~d by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, ~c appropriate 'tax clause on page. of this in~.~..t~ Consideration Amount $ 998,500.00 CPF Tax Due $ 16,970.00 lmpmved .. X Vacant Land 'rD TD TD 7 ] Title Company Information Co, Name Safe Harbor Title Agency Ltd. Title # SH270110 Suffolk County Recording & F ndorsement P_nge This page ~m~panof~eatt~hed EDMUND E. ZENESKI and JACQUELINE J. ZENESK~ Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. made by: TO In thc Township of Southo].d WAYNE OV~.RTON in the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Sour:ho ld BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED QR PRIHTED IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Page 1 of 3 (over} SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instruments DEEDS/DDD ~er o£ Pegess 3 Receipt ~er ~ 07-0044276 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-32296 1000 Deed Amountz Sect£on: Blocks 078.00 02.00 ~NEDA,ND CHARGED A8 FOLLOWS $998,500.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument P&ge/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COS $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $3,994.00 NO Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-32296 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Recorded; Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County 05/07/2007 09t40s18 AM LIBER= PAGE= Lot= 042.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $16,970.00 $21,113.00 D00012504 003 NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ...., PflOrt:~¥Y INFORMAI~ON ,_.... I 2750 l, Southold a.~w,, [ Overton REAL PROFERTY TRANSFER REPORT STAIE OF NEW ST&~ BOARD OF REAL ~ RP- 5217 [ Glenn Road I [ Southold [ 11971 I I Wayne I 7. Cl'Jd the bJ¢ Seiow wlddt moji JCa~lIMy dl4ah4,s the uN of Ih4 pl.o#j, ly ,~r_jjle t jj,nj,.q~.l~.l~ B[__] 2 o~ Z Family Rr~dsmid F~ Commer=bl ~ Jndustrhl DU Non Se~onlhl V~anl Land iiCj Bale~,alnme~l/Amus~ment [-U ~t L~N.E INFORMAlION I I. Owne~lp 1ypa b Co~lomlnlum [] 1K Ch~d( o.~ ar n~m of the~ ccmGt&~om as q.~'-ddse 10 tmndA.,- . A ~ Ba~,~en Ridnd~l~ or Forrnmr RelaUv~ 12. Dllild~aleltlm11M~ I 4 J 20 / 07 J C D Ii. .F G H I Sale SeWmen ReJated Compank~ or Panne~ in 8uslnm~ Buyer o~ Seller b GovMnrn~m A~omy a~ Lending In~tutlon Deed Type ~ Wagrmlty or Bargain end ~ (Sfl~ Below) INFORMATION. ~1 ~1 · Data should (,~i the latost Final L ..... ,,u,,i Roll and Tax Bill J 1L~l~q~bdlM~/t/on~tl~fr~m [ 0 , 61 17. T~IAM~NdWiueIMd~M~II i;outholil 'ta. Prq~,mm, J 2.1,0 I-I I 1LBah0dDi~de~f~ I ~0- T&~ Idlp Idm41BaNll I RMI ~8) Iff maro titan loer, atmdj uluel with add~mul itbmfflm, l,d} ½ i .1 , 0.4 .0 .0 I ! L 78 - 2 - 42 I I j [ I I j BI, JYER Meyer I Terence X. 631 I 265-4500 I NEW YORK STATE COPY