HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12506 P 656COI~ULT YC)t~ LAWYER BEFOR~ 8k3~lNG THI~ INSTRUMENT--THIS IN81~UMENT SHOULD BE ~ BY LAWYERS ONLY. ~HIS INDENTURF. q made the~ ~ day oft'via),, in the y~tr 2007 RETWEF. N ALDO A. DAMIANO, $ Con,mod l~__~s_d~ Eastc, hes~er, NY party ofthe first pa~ and ALDO A. DA.*M],ANO AND DIANA DAMIANO, his wile, { Corwcod Road, ~er, NY pray of the second ps~, WITNE,.~qETH, that the party of'the first part, in consideration of TEN dolh~ (S10.00) and other good and valuable ~onsidoration dollars pa~d by the party of the --,~?-nd part, does hereby gr~nt and release unto the party ol'the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the pa~y of'the second part R~'eve~, ALL that certain plnt~ piece or parod of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon e~enteck, situate, lying and being in the SCHEDULE TOG~ with all right, lido s~d inter~, if any, or' the pray of' the first pa~t in and to any stre~s and roads ,hutting the ,hove described premises to the ~enu~ lin~ thereo~, TOGETHER with the nppuflen~ and all the estste and ~,hts of the party or' the fi~t pm1 in and to said promises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the promises heroin i~anted unto the i~ny of the second pa~ th~ heirs o~ ~s and ualgns of the I~rty of the second ~ AND the party o~the first pan covenants that the pnrty of the first Fan hu not done or sulT~nd anything whereby the said premise~ have been encumbered in any v~y whatever, except ns aforesaid. AND the party of tho first part. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, ~ovexmnts thet the pmly oftl~ fi~ p~t will receive the consideration ~or this conveyance and will hold the ~ to receive such co~idoration ns n m~ ~und to be ~pllnd first for tho purpose of'puying ~e cost ortho iml~ovement and will apply the same first m, the payment orthe cost ot' the improvement bet*om using any part of'the to,al of the same for any other puq)ose. The word "pray" shall he construed ns irit read '*pmins" whenever the sense or'this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ the pa~y of the fh~ p~t has duly execumd this deed the dsy and year firs -hove written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~ ALDO A. DAMIANO "ALL .th'at' 'certain plot~\ i~i~ce: or ravel,of land situate, lying and being in the Town of $~outhol. d, County. of SuffoJ.k and'~te of Ne~ York known, and designat&l as Lot 39 as ..OM,,.. ,,~ o~.. ,-,,__,. I_p, .. tl~, Map o.f...H.i.gi~oomt Meadows, Sec. 2 and filed in the ; . . ~ ~OUOW$. ' BBOINNINO .at a l~in~ on the.~uthe~,~erl¥ side of Oriole Drive distant Il0..00 feet southwesterly ~.om me extreme westerly e? of an arc of a curve connecting ,he southweaterly side of Tuthi]l Road t~xte~on with ~he southeasterly side of Oriole Drive; . .. RUNNING t~en~ South, 22 de~ree~ 01' ~0" F~t 1S0.82 feet; THF. NC]~ $o2th $3 de~'ec~.$§' 20~ West 74.~? feet; THBNCB South ~ de~recs 00' 40" W~t 34.46.feet; North .THBNCB North 15 de~ecs 3~.' 30" West 213.:29 feet to'the so-themerlyside of Oriole Drive; TI-IF.~CB n~nheas~erl¥ alon~, the southesste~17 side of Oriole Courses ~,~d di~: Northeasterly aloag an arc of a'curv~ ~)e~u-iag to the l¢~'having a radius of S09.1'/feet, a length of 9l.'/~ feet to a monument;.. North ~? de~-ees $~' 30" East 22.'/? re.et to the point o~ place of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE SIJI~ of New Yedr~ Courdy of Westr~, ss: ALDO A. DAMIANO A~KNOWLEDGEMENT BY SU~BING WITN~ TAK~ IN NF.W YOR~ ~ATE State of'New YodL County or , ss: On de day of' in thc ycar , , bel'~ me. the undcrsigned, a Nota~' Public in and for said State. personally sukcribinA witness to ti~ f'erqins instnuncnt, with whom I nm per,~nnally ~'~ -i-'~ v.~o, bein~ by m~ dui)' s~n~ did depoe and ~ ~ ~ ~vM~ ~ h m~ w~ c'/~c~ th~ feecpina b~nn~ ~ nM ~ wime~ was ~um ~ saw snM Bargain and Sale Deed With Covenants ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK ~rATE St-'~ of N~w York, County of ,ss: On tho day of in the year undersigned, pasmally nape, ired ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE *State of , County of , n; °(Of ~ D~ (~ CiD[~ T~'fi[~l, Pt~te~__~9_rl Ol' County) und=i~n~d p=onaZly nppcm'e.d Peuceily knov;n to mc or proved to m~ on tl~ buis of ntisfnc~:~, e,.idncc to be the individual(s) wlKsc umc(s) is (are) ~u__h~_'b~d to Silpaturch) off ~ inemfncnt, the individual(s) or thc ixua upon behlfof which tl~ ~ivMun~s) ~ ~e~ ~ instnnenL and (add thc city or political subdivislen ud II~ ~-_t__-- or country or odler Title No. ALDO A. DAMIANO TO ALOO A. DAMIANO AND DIANA DAMIANO YOUI TITLE ElPlITl T~ Ju~l T~e Insurane, o Ap~y ~ ~t-~T~ ~) FAX: ~AX43~ SF. CTION: 56 BLOCK: 6 LOT: 14.2 (X)U~Y OR TOWN: Sulblk RETURN BY MAIL TO: ITHONY J..CAPUTO Z2 WEST FIRST STREET lieU. NT VERNON, NY 1Qr fo Number of pages Serial # Certificate # Pdor Ctf. # TORRENS Deed / Mortgnne Instrument 31 Page I Filing Fe~ Handling TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES This document will be public .~. oo 'record. Please. remove all Social Security Numbers -- prior to recording. Sub Toml EA.5217 {State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of ;Ed. Affidavil Certified CAmpy NYS Surcharge Other 41 Dist. Real Property Tax Service Agency Verificalion 15. tOO SubTotal Grand Tmal 07015885 ~ooo ossoo osoo o:tso42 I Satisfaction...qDighargea/Relcascs List lbropeny Owner~ Mailing Addrc.~ 6 I RECORD & RETURN TO: 2007 H~ 24 01;04:50 PH JudiCa R. Pascala $OFFOLK (~V L 000012506 P6.~, t,T# 06-34'~40 Recording I Filing Stampz Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County __ Held for Appoint~,~t Transfer Tax ~ Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or ~wo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate lax clau~ tm page # of this instrument. S Dommnnity Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ ~ CPF Tax Due S ~ Improved ~ Vacant Land __ TD TD The promises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of SC~ ~,."~0 ~'~ In the VILLAGE ur l IAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR'PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. rover) This page forms p~fl of the attached ~ made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Znstrument= DE'EDS/DDD Receipt Number : 07-0050145 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-34340 Districts 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: LIBER: PAGE: Sections Blocks 055.00 06.00 ~Y~MIh~,, AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo 05/24/200? 01:04:50 P~ D00012506 656 Lot: 015.042 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling cee $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG · A-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies L~T $30.00 NO SCT~ Transfer tax $0.00 NO Corm. Pres Fees P&id TP~LNSFER TAX NUMBER= 06-34340 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $152.00 Exen~t NO NO NO NO NO NO Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suf£olk County FOR COUNI'Y USE ONLY I ~~ =.~t,~--~ I ~ I~ql~l =.~l/,'~,~,~,~l~.,~l'~,~ ~ , I PL~S-E-~f~I~ OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCRONS: http:/! v,~,~t.orpt~tat~.ny.u$ or ~-IONE (518} 473-722~ REAl. PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP -5217 :~ROPERTY INFORMATION I 1. p,~v 1580 I Oriole Drive I Southold ~ I z. ~ I Damiano I Diana Addmii I~, I ~~~ I ~ I Iofh~lI ~ ~ofIP~ ~nD~~nA~~ 5gI I=1 , , ,~, · ~.,~~~ ~ I INFORIt, ek'TlON I I 5 / i o7I 13, Fdl hl~ Prb I I I I I I , O I 0 , O. 0 , 0 ! 14'incllnutlmv'k'eMP4'~] I ] , r [ ~ , O, o, o I I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION * Data should reflect the I~ta~t FIMI Assessment Roll and Tax Bill I ltl,,rol~w~y,',--,- 12,1 .0 I-I Ile, ehodm~N~n, I Southold 20, Tu IAap IdirdJflidiI I Rdl identlhrb) gf me. alii hut, Itta~h dteIt with Idddonal i(kntifiIdIil 100~-56-16-14-2 I J I J BUYER Diana Dam/anD Eastchester I "Y I _10708 BUYER'~ ATfORNEY Caputo [ 914 I 664-2002 Anthony J. I NEW YORK STATE COPY