HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12503 P 900DISTRICT 10DO SECTION 031.00 5L0CK · 12.00 · - ~i hOT " 004. 000 ~ ~aniel K. ~cConlogus~ residin~ at 112 Portland Avenue, Reddin8 CT 06896, and ~,nes Ferro, f/k/a~lcConlogue, residing at 2 Hgyler Court, Setauket, NY 11733, and ,William ~cConlogue, residing st 900 Trvm~u's Path, Bast Farion, NY 11839, and~aureen Cordia, residing at 5904 San Bamo Way,.¥orba Lindn, CA 92686, as joint tenants with William McConlogue, as Joint tenants with the ~l~ht of su~ivo~p, C · ~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in ~ ~ -0- '-~ -- ~ ,'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ ~, d~ ~ g~l ~d ~ ~ ~a ~ of~d-p~ ~ingi~ at ~s[ ~r/on, Torn of Southold, County oE SuEfo[k and SCats o~ o~, ~unded and described as ~I~I~O at a point on the vesterly side o[a private road distant 367.2~ southerly from the l~d nov or io~rly o[ the Tuthill ~sta~; ~nni~ thence south 3t desreea 32 ~ntttes 20 beconds east, alon~ the vest~riy sl~e oi sa3~ private ~5136 feet t~ land n~ o~ focally o~ yos~l thence sou~h 6~ d~sr~es ~5. ai{g~ea t0 sicb~s vest, ilo~l said lied/ 238 iiet to'the shore line of ~r~on ~Ke. thence north 31 des~ees 32 ninnies 20 seconds west, aloes said s~re li~l. 7~.~6 Jest to lands nov or Eo~ly o[ Vo~t, thence north 64 de,revs 05 ~nutes 40 seconds east, all said land, 238 iett ~o the wsterly side o~ said private road, the point o~ place o[ B~iNNING. ~GETH~ wlth all ~f the rish[, t1=le and ~n[er~st~ if any, of the ~arti~s o~ ~lrst part of, tn and to the land under the waters of ~rlon Lake aa~acent to the ~rimtses~ ~E~i,wi~.~ of way over seid s~rip o~ land 25 ~2e~ or ~re in vidch~ alons ~h~ easCer~'~n~ ~re~a~s ex~endin~ southerly abou~ 650 ~ee~ b~yond -kou~heas~2~.~co~ne~of ~he premisea~ and thence southwesterly about 355 ~ee~ ~o 'La~, 'and 2x~endin~ northerly from the norcheas~erl~ corner o~ ~he premises ~hroush 'and~i~quSv~'~.~r~y o~ ~r[~[ns ~o ~[p ~aa, a~on~.~.~V- ~elch, and a~so wt~'a rt~ht of way a~o~ the wes~er~ ~ne o~_~ana nov p~ '~i Pecyko from the westerly end o! the aoove describet riiht or way southerly, a~ou~ z~0 fear to the~bay, said ri~hC, oz way being l0 feet in ~dth at the northerly end about 20 fee~ in vldth at the southerly end; and ' SG~E~ to the rilbts o[ o~hers ove~ and to the use of ~he 25 foot strip oi Land ~unn: alon the easterly side o[ the premises herein conveyed. B[I~ the.same p~emises as conveyed to the s~anCors ~y deed dated 12/23/96 and record, in L/bar tlS08 pg 600. [S~C~, hoverer, ~o the life esga~e retained in ghe premises and reserved in deed .~{id [2~t~96 tn Libir 11808 PS 600. ' ' "~"[,-- P:' [~'. [~ ~Jn grW un~ ~e ~ ~ b ~nd ~ m~ heJm or s~ and ~ of ~ pa~ of ~e ~d ~ ~r. AN{) 1~ pilaf of tim tirol pa~t ~ovenantl thai the patty of t.e first pail ha~ not do~e or suffered anything wltemby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whataver, except as aforesaid. AND the pafly oflh~ ~ pair, in complimnc~ with Section 13 of the Lien Law, coveeants [hat tho Mn'q/of tho flint peri MI resolve the (m~t~lemtion for ~ conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration Im· tnmt fund to be applied firm for the puQ=o~o of paying the co~t of the improvement and will apply the same fi.ret to the payment of the cost of ~e imlxovemant I=efom usMg any part of the total of tho .ams for sfl¥ other ,]:.Durpoee. The wo~ "pmty' shell be construed as if It read 'parties' when ever the sense of this Indeflt~re so WITNESS.WHEREOF. the party of the flint pan hm~l,uly eFecuted t~is, ,alleed, the day and year fimt t~ . P, aur sen ~.~ordt:a , ~OTARY PUBUC, ~TATE OE:~IEW YORK ,P, auraen Cordt:a '' f ,[ ] P QUALIFIED IN I~UFFOLK COUNIY. . ' . D&LIC D.' D&NI ELI COM MISSION ~~ u/l-~m a0o~. aamm efta sm ~d. ,~eh c.m~..~ .e.b-~ c~'.mr. Am - un~3m~ ~ ............... i'lrelkl ~ v~- ,:. .. ..:':. ,. IW~llllla0alelRaI,Kq,ll.1001 ~ BE I Illl~l'l ONLY ~,'~::~-*-' 'r~E ~CK~ IMMNT IS ~fl~ IN NEW Y~K BTA~ ~Willi~ ~Conlo ua, ~nes ~erro and . . ~ ~) ~ ~ ~ ~m~ .~.~- BARO~iN'AND SALE DEED WITH ,GOVENANT AGAINST. GRANTOR'B ACLU' Title J~. gani~.l K.. ~cConlosue, A~nes Ferzo, Vlllian llcConlosue and 14au~:e.i}~l CotdC8 Daniel Il, ltcConlosue, AKnes Ferro a~d Villi~n ~c¢onloSue. .TOPAZ CORPORATION SECTION' ' ' 031 BLOCK 12 LOT .00~, COUNTY OR TOWH S~TREET ADDRESS Suffolk, Tow~.of Southold '~Recorcled at Request of COMMONWEALTH LANO TITLE II~URAt~. COMPANY ~IJRN t~Y Id&IL ?0~ Num,ber of Iglges '~ TORRENS Sedal # Certificate # Prior Cfi. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Page ! Filing F~ .~_ __ Handling TP-584 ~'> Notation · EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (Sram) R.P.T.5.A. Comm. of Ed. NYS Surcharge Other Decd / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES 15. 00 SubTotal ~ Grand Total /~' Real Property 05036379 loo0 oazoo ~ibo"ob'4~6~' - ~ Tax Service ; %rificution ~'~ , ASatisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owne~ Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: RECORDF. I) 2007 Halj 04 12:12:12 PN Judith A. P~cale SUFFOLK C0~NTV L IXD0125G3 P 900 DT# 0E-32214 Recording / Filing Stamps 5 Consideration Amount $ Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./Assit. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County Held for Appointment Tnmsfer Tax Mansion Tax Thc property covered by this mortgage is or will bc improved by n ouc or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. ~ appropriate tax clause on page # __ of this in.slrument.~ Co~,~ty Preservation l~md CPF Tax Due $ Improved Vacant Land TD TD . 7- / ''f y 7 Title Corn ~ ~f~J~ ~ Name Suffolk County Recording & Endo ement Page This page fom:s part of the attached 4.,~'~..., made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of ~ H ~ffOB. IO~,.,~ In the VILLAGE ~{~'{~) or HAMLET of aox~q ~ T~IRU S ~us? B£ TYPED O~ PR,Wr~ IN BU<~ iNK ONlY PRIOR TO ~.CO~INa OR ~U~. (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type o~ Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~,mher of Pages: 3 Receipt ~,~her : 07-0043994 · £~u~NSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-32214 District: 1000 Deed Amoun=~ Recorded~ LIBER PAGE Sec tion: Block: 031.00 12.00 EXAMI~;m AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-~-rg $5.00 NO HA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~-.Pres Fees Pa~d TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-32214 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suf£olk County 05/04/2007 12~12~12 PM D00012503 900 Lot: 004.000 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $5.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $154.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~J www.orps.etate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IF OR COU,NTY USE ONLY -- ~ I Cl. SIMS Code ~ I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT · 1. "' . RP- 5217 900 [ Tzuman Path z ~ [ NcCor, lo~ue ~nlojue Rdli~nmktmm~m~Month~dNd II, , ~ I 75 Ixl 238 t sdte, [ Cordts [ NY t 11939 (Only If Pen of m Pmm~ ChKk ss emy .ppd~. ?. Chf.~ tim Ilox Imlf~ whl~ mgli m~uta~lly d~g~tibll lite Ull Of Ihl property ff~ ~h~ time of Ill~ a OwrurtNp T~a Is CamJominium 2 ~fl. Trot Map W I R~ lihmlll, ld (J .~,~a lhan ~mv, nRKh M web ndlMmd Idsmlll~)) I 'q'73RSC/ ..~J.-/~- ~r- I L I CERTIFICATION 900 ~l~.man Path ~ureen Cotdcs I I 14',iq I~UYER'S ATTORNEY