HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5517 P 254 &," ,oUBE1I5517 PAGE254 "1..._.,__"-.-"''''_......._, "...._ ,..... CIIlf.-,ca.. tw -..en d__ raI tItItL" w4ta lI1Wtuturt~ :des7:ty_tJ&ee ~ day of ~Lt"LtL~( irtmrrn . nineteen hundred ';\! "-'J' ..v, .~ .-:i ~ ~",":,; ! H ! 1 ~ll "'I ~!, 1-" L- '. ;; SERA3'FINO J. .J::)RAl~DI, EVELY~ l)R..AHDI I 918 5th Avenue, Greenpo~t, New York V his wife part i e sof the first part. lUld EVELYN H. HlliU~DI 618 5th Avenue, Gre~nportt New York . part Y of the second part lIitur1l.8t:ll1t that the parties of the Ant part, in eonsideratioD of $1.00 01~E................ ....... ..... ..~ ...and i~O/.lOO. ............DolJars. lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part does hereby grant and release unto the part y of the second Part. her heirs, execucors , administrstors and assigns forever, All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the villa~e of Greenport, 'i'OVffi of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of l'ieN York, bounded and described as rollows: .i::lEGli\lHi.,G at a point on the easterly side of Sixth Street, where the same is intersected b~- tile northerly line of land of Harry H. Reeve j running tilence in a general northerly direction along the easterly side of Sixth Street, one hundred thirtY-E:ight (138) feet more or less to land formerly or Cilarles Uo.cton; r1.U1lling thence in a general easterly direction along last mentioned lend a distance or about one hundc:'ed tvfentv-eii:-'llt reet; running thence in a generel southerly direction to lando-of I-iarr~r Lt. Reeve; r1.U1lling thence in a general westerly direction along land last mentioned to the point or place of beginninG. 1'.>iIS deed is lli8de oy the said Sereffino J. Hrandi .snd Bvelyn. l-i. brandi, iris '("'ife for the yurpose of conve:ring to t~.e said Evelyn n. bran6i all of the right, title aId interest into these :premises I b:c Sere__"fino J. ilrandi. .~..nd beiur,r tile same prelliises conveyed to S. J. .brctn.di and E.n. bra.."'1.di; his wife by l"lary Chng, and others by deed dated the 3rd day of J?ebruary,1940 &nd recorded in the office of the Suffolk County Clerk on the 27tJ clC:'o;:r of 1~cbruary,19~~O in :Giber 2088 of Deeds page 246. ~"...~ ~"'"=. "'2....';~~ "~