HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 6130 P 449 F dl llSlvodaedN Y.B.Y.U.u.—mml R+,.i.vnd Sde Deed..,I ...I ti,ielL I-,la—In d.,dost u e La.p rein i I CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT—THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED ET LAWYERS ONLY. I �s ,.:. �IaEP 3p P4�E449 4 .3 jo TRIS INDENTURE,mad,the /7" d.y of March incmen handl cd Ind sixty-seven �.� BETWEEN HELEN S. RIVEL, residing at No. 516 Hillside Avenue, I Westfield, New Jersey; MARGARET B. BAYNE, formerly known as MARGARET B. STEWART, residing at No. 25 Terrace Avenue, Floral Park, New York and ROBERTA S. PAINTER, residing at No. 150 Meadow Street, Garden City, New York party of the first par,and MARGARET B. BAYNE, residing at No. 25 Terrace Avenue, Floral Park, New York and ROBERTA S. PAINTER, residing at No. 150 Meadow Street, Garden City, New York party of the second part, WITNESSETB,that the party of the tint part,in consideration of TEN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - do1L r, lawful money o[the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part,does hereby"u"and rehmsc unto the para-of the ecmnd prlrl.the heir=nr successor;and ac igns of the party of th,second part forocer. PARCEL 4 1 :- ALL that certain plot,pi,ce or parcel of land,with the buildings and improcem,n t,❑rereun ercn111, mi df Rgtbpa"lejogaiu DFx a part of the land and premises owned by Sandy Beach Association of Greenport, N. Y. , Inc., and situate , lying and being lin the Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New YorlS and which said lot hereby conveyed is more particularly bounded and described as follows:- I BEGINNING at the northeasterly corner of the premises hereby conveyed Ion the northerly line of a right of way hereinafter mentioned and de- i i! fined, which line is also the southerly line of land formerly of Herbert Fordham, and at a stake set in said corner, which stake is distant 830.18 feet westerly on a course of north 68 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds west from a locust post set in the westerly line of land of Inez Fordham, and running from said point of beginning westerly along E the said northerly line of said right of way north 68 decrees 53 minutes - 20 seconds west 30 feet to another stake in the northwesterly corner of the lot herein described and the northeasterly corner of another lot of land formerly owned by Sandy Beach Association of Greenport, and - now owned by Margaret B. Stewart; running thence southerly along the easterly line of said last mentioned land on a course of south 20 de- grees, 6 minutes 40 seconds west 100.30 feet more or less, to a point in the southerly line of land granted by The People of the State of ` New York to Sandy Beach Association of Greenport, N. Y. Inc., and which grant or patent is recorded in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York, and also recorded in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County, N. Y., and which point is the southwesterly corner of the premises herein described, and the southeasterly corner of said land of Sandy Beach Association of Greenport, N.Y. , INC.; running _ thence in an easterly direction and along the southerly line of said grant or patent on a course of south 66 degrees, 23 minutes 10 seconds east a distance of 30.03 feet to a point on said patent line distant 871.02 feet westerly measured along the same from the southeasterly corner of said grant or patent, and being the southeasterly corner of the lot herein described and the southwesterly corner of a Sot of land of Stoothoff; running thence in a northerly direction and along the westerly line of said lot of land of Stoothoff on a course of north 21 (degrees 6 minutes 40 seconds east 101.62 feet to the northeasterly 'LBFRV dYne'r Wth. lot herein described and the'noxthwesterly corner of said lot now of Stoothoff on the northerly line of said right of ay.at the point or place of BEGINNING. C The above mentioned bearing are according to the true north meridian. TOGETHER with the riparian rights in Greenport Harbor in front of and abutting the premises hereby conveyed. SUBJECT, however, to easements by way of right of way over and upon the northerly 30 feet of the premises herein, conveyed; and TOGETHER with easements by way of right of way over other portions of the right of way which embraces the northerly 30 feet of the premises of Sandy Beach Association of Greenport, N. Y., Inc. between the lands of Inez Fordham on the east thereof and the lands formerly of Herbert Fordham on the west thereof. ALSO, together with right of way, in common with others, upon, over and across a parcel of land adjoining said last above mentioned right of way on the nesth thereof, and which parcel of land is referred to as parcel "CIF in the interlocutory judgment of 1929 in the partition action in the County Court, Suffolk County, entitled Archibald N. Young, plaintiff against Nettie E. Hall and others, defendants, which said last mentioned right of way extends north to Manhanset Avenue. These premises herein granted are conveyed subject to any and all easements and restrictions contained in former 'deeds and agreements of record. BEING the same premises conveyed by GEORGE W. STEWART and MARGARET B. STEWART to HELEN S. RIVEL, MARGARET B. STEWART and ROBERTA S. PAINTER by deed dated May 19th, 1960 and.duly recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office in Liber 4817 of Conveyances at page 72 on May 31st, 1960. IT IS STIPULATED AND AGREED that the grantees herein shall be the owner of an absolute undivided one-half interest in the said premises, as tenants in common, and not as joint tenants. PARCEL# 2 dIXY7t1453�XXIRXAfB'%)CS'3'IrA[ % 3Efi�e$ZX$ i3Igt33C6b'�jfZXEbB�Z$E87.3dM£Mdffij6IfU(idl3$ZTd3BXST§NLab£LiSj6�Y8��Ng diSXaTd$. IBX BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of a certain right of way (being the right of way hen inabove described in Parcel # 1) which point is the northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of George W. Stewart (Parcel # 1 herein); running thence northerly at right angles to the northerly line of said right of way 100 feet; thence easterly and at right angles to the last mentioned line 30 feet; thence southerly and at right angles to the last mentioned line, 100 feet to the northerly line of said right of way; thence westerly along the northerly line of said right of way, 30 feet to the point or place of beginning. SAID PRE141SE5 includes lends under the waters of Sterling Creek adjacent thereto. BEING THE SANTE PREF:ISPS AS CONVEYED idH GEORGE W. STEWART to the grantors herein by deed dated October 17, 1963 and recorded October 18, 1963 in Liber 5435 of.. conveyances page 51-1.