HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Funding Resources KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL FUNDING National Center for Small Communities 444 N. Capitol Street, NW, Suite 397 Washington, DC 20001-1202 Phone: (202) 624-3550 Fax: (202) 624-3554 http://www.natat.orglncscl This is the Introduction from the publication K e v - t 0 - 5 u c c e s s f u 1- Fun din g, "Americans are rediscovering small town America. Surveys consistently find that three out of four city dwellers would rather live in a small town, if they could find a good job or move their current business to a small town setting. At the same time, young people and families who live in rural America are anxious to stay where they are deeply rooted, even as farming, timber, mining and manufacturing become less important as core industries in the rural economy. Not all small towns and rural areas have experienced the benefits of this "Rural Renaissance" to the same degree. But virtually all local governments are expected to provide more services and higher level services while relying on the same limited sources for funding. The pressure for new and better services may come from rapid growth, a changing economy, outdated infrastructure, the growing list of federal environmental mandates andlor local concern with quality of life issues. Perhaps rural leaders have not faced so many challenges since days of the Depression. Yet the opportunities for elected officials to shape a community's future and to locate the resources to achieve common goals have never been brighter. Keys to Successful Funding documents programs, strategies and success stories that can help small town leaders bring the kind of change that make communities better places to live, not just bigger or more prosperous places to live. It starts with the premise that any successful effort to attract outside assistance (financial or technical) must be grounded in "a community's idea of what it wants to be." Local governments have unique access to the federal and foundation funding programs profiled in this guidebook. But the authors believe strongly that communities should apply for grants and loans because they will serve long term, widely supported community goals, not simply because they are available. Seeking outside funding may be a new role for many, if not most, small town and rural leaders. Eighty six percent of all local governments are less than 10, 000 in population and nearly half are less than 1,000 in population. The elected and appointed decision-makers that keep small towns going generally serve on a volunteer or part-time basis. The traditions of home grown solutions for homegrown problems and rigorously maintaining a tight and balanced local budget have often kept small towns from competing as aggressively as they might for funding intended to address rural problems. Keys to Successful Funding will make local leaders familiar with the playing field and rules that apply to federal and foundation funding and will point the way for help when limitations on local time and information require outside assistance. Chapter I outlines the five keys to successful funding: . planning . eligibility . afford ability . fundability . manageability These elements must be addressed in some form or another in virtually all public and private source grant and loan proposals. Understanding how these factors contribute to an effective, overall proposal will help even the first time grant applicants think positively about their project and their community's chance for success. Chapter II features interview with the federal administrators of five major small town and rural programs. The programs were chosen for their record of consistently providing communities under 25,000 with substantial dollars for meaningful projects. Most have been funded for a number of years, have broad bi-partisan support in Congress and promise to remain a reliable source of small town and rural funding in the foreseeable future. Without exception, the administration and staff of these programs are committed to broad rural participation in their programs and have worked for years with the National Center for Small Communities to improve the flow of information and level of technical assistance for rural leaders. The Chapter, appropriately, is called, "The Buck Starts Here." Chapter III, explores a funding strategy that may be new to even experienced grant seekers- foundation funding for public sector purposes. In 1997, America's 42,000 foundations awarded over $15.5 billion to private, public and individual beneficiaries. The amount represented a 12 percent increase over the year before and seem certain to continue with the long term strength of the national economy and the focus on distribution of individual and corporate wealth. Successful projects should never be measured only by the amount or percentage of dollars obtained from other sources. Most potential funders, in fact, look for an applicant to commit matching funds that confirm the importance of the project and the support that it enjoys within the community. Chapter IV examines options for the raising own source revenues that will be required to leverage much of the private and public funds described in Keys. The chapter concludes with a review of a broad range of resource materials and organizations that can provide low -cost or no-cost assistance in writing your successful proposal and in managing a project once it has been awarded." This Publication may be ordered on line at the address above. Funding Publications FUNDING KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL FUNDING: RESOURCES FOR SMALL COMMUNITIES 64 pages $14.95 NCSC members $24.95 non-members http://www.sma1lcommunities.orglncsclPubslFunding2.htm Site Name Web Address Arts & Business Council www.artsandbusiness-ny.org Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Foundation Center http://www.c1pgh.org/clp/Foundation *Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) http://www.cfda.gov Community & Economic Development Toolbox http://www.cardi.comell.edu/cd toolbox 2/edindex.cfm Environmental Protection Agency http://epa.gov/ogd Federal Government Funding http://www.fedmoneV.com Federal Register http://fr.cos.com *Finding the Funds You Need http://www.cedev.aers.psu.edu/qrantwritinq Fire Department Funding http://www.usfa.dhs.qov Foundation Center Online (Grantwriting) http://www.fdncenter.orq Foundations Online http://www.foundations.orq Fund Net Services http://www.fundsnetservices.com/grantwri.htm Grants and Related Resources http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/grants/federal.htm GrantsNet http://www.hhs.qov/qrantsnet Internet Resources for Grants & Foundations http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/reference/grantsref.htm National Volunteer Fire Council http://www.nvfc.org/federalfunding.html *USA.GOV (State & Local Gov Funding) http://www.usa.qov *Non Profit Guides http://www.npquides.org Notices of Funding Available http://www.rurdev.usda.qov/nofa.htm NY Main Street http://www.nymainstreet.org NYS Assembly Grants Action Newsletter http://www.assembly.state.ny.us/gan NYS Cofunding Initiative http://www.nycofunding.org/newcofund/ NYS Empire State Development http://www.empire.state.ny.us NYS Energy Research & Development Authority http://www.nyserda.orq NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation http://www.nysefc.orq NYS Governor's Office for Small Cities http://www.nysmallcities.com NYS Office of Historic Preservation http://nysparks.state.nY.us/field Rural Community Assistance Program http://www.rcap.orq *Rurallnformation Center - USDA - http://www.nal.usda.qov/ric The Grantsmanship Center (Grant writing) http://www.tgcLcom Thompson Publishing Group (Grantwriting) http://www.thompson.com USFA Fire Service Grants http://www.usfa.dhs.gov/fireservice/grants/index.shtm FedWorld Gateway http://www.fedworld.qov Thomas (Library of Congress) http://www.thomas.gov Finding the Funds You Need: A Guide for Grantseekers PENNSrATE .. Page 1 of1 Community and Economic Development Home Master's Program Certificate Program ApplV Program Contacts Finding the Funds You Need: A Guide For Grantseekers* Read or print this document in pdf format. (131 k) Table of Contents . Introduction o Understandina the GrantEf!lJ<ess o Preoerina the OraanizationJor Fund Seekina o Ensurina Readiness o Choosina a FundilJ9...$.!nllmli' . Understandina Foundations o Foundations in Pennsvlvania . COrPorate Givina . Investiaatina Public Sources of Assistance . Knowina the Research Tools and Methods o Locatina Basic References o Doina Preliminarv Research o Aoolvina a Research Method . Writina Effective Prooosals o Gatherina Backaroum!JnformaliolJ o Comoonents of a Proposal o What Haooens Next? . ADoendix A Plannina Worksheet . Glossarv . References . Recommended Readina . Intemet Resources . Foundation Center Pub.[i(;ations and Information Additional Internet Resources: o Foundation Center Excellent site detailing the many resources and services of the Foundation Center. o COrPorate Grantmakers on the Internet Has a good list of hotlinks for corporate foundations and a grantmakers search engine to browse annotated foundations using keywords. . Grants Information Center-University of Wisconsin at Madison Information on grants and funding opportunities for both nonprofits and individuals. Has a special section for nonprofit organizations and a listing of subject-specific websites. . FEDIX: Federal Research and Education Oooortunities An outreach tool providing grant information from participating federal agencies. You can search the agency sites or sign up for free email notices. o Federal Monev Retriever: One Stop Guide to All Federal Grants Has searchable database and complete index offederal, state and local sources. Special sections for minority groups, small business and non-profit organzations. *This information was prepared by Walt Whitmer, Community Development Agent, Penn State Cooperative Extension, 1997, (717) 436-7744, .w.e.\v~@ru;.4.edu. While the infonnation in this document is derived from a number of sources, particular acknowledgment is owed to ~'The Fundseeking Process: A Guide for Grantseekers" (University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service, 1987) and the "Guide to Proposal Writing" (The Foundation Center, 1993). Additional references are provided where appropriate. For CEDEV information, email CEDEVlnfo@psu.edu I Home I ~ I Deoartment Contacts I I Aaricultural Economics andB.VI!l!Socioloav I Colleae of Aaricullural Sciences I Penn State I Copyright@2006. The Pennsylvania State UniverSity. All rights reserved. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. http:// cedev .aers. pSU. edu/ grantwri ling! 4/27/2007 Using the Internet for Grant Research Eileen Weishan Community Assistance Specialist Southern Tier West RPDB May 2, 2007 For New York State Town Clerks Association Search Engines Directory [Subiect Searchl YAHOO Search Enaine [Kevword Searchl ALTA VISTA GOOGLE _ Multi-Enaine [Meta Searchl DOGPILE EXCITE METACRAWLER Google is probably the most popular and is easy to use. GooglelUncleSam narrows searching to topics and sites dealing with government From "How to Search the World Wide Web" David P. Habib & Robert L. Balliot (More detailed Information In handouts) 1 Refming the Search ~Use quotes in the Search box when looking for something specific such as "Infrastructure Funding" ~Go to bottom of Google results page to "search within results" ~Narrow the search by using New York water systems funding Search within Results: ......, ~ w.b Im.agu. liuWl l:WIli MaQI. J:lah1lm D1.IlUU. 1;"""~"'C1...refu"din"N....y.,n.lnf....ruct!'"'.flni'- ;;;;,;;;;..---- IS_I w.i:t- Rn;"lt51 _10 oIllboU!1.540,ooofur fJuJ.d1wI~I_-''''''~''fwuIIna.{O.32..econd.~ Top, S...,time by hitting lhe ..-tum key in.-r..d ckinllO" "se.td>w WAIP-r and SeINer Infrastructure Co TIle .....V_ &.I" WlIIet """ Sewer 1,,"'_" Co-h.o....ing Inili_;" h...... 10 help NewV..... et.t. comrnunit_s find souoc_ <If Il"",,",menf IundlngfClr _._ _.fl)'t:....ndlng.orgI_Sk_~.!';i"'B,.."""..~ __ ()Y@rview- FY 2007 Infr..tructure Protection P,oaram ~ FllOft'l.: PDF/Adob. AcI1l~ _ vi...., ".. HTMI Tn. DHS Inrno.wu.:.... 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New . .: ='~:::~~~I~:~::~~R~.=.j~~1~=~~.:.C,""h<wI.~milov.'-.... . . .:d "........ .....,.,..~"".~ -;':';l'~.,i~-mS-'_.M--..I.IDacurn.IIZ,.j.o~n:._~~'!-"~'t - -.~------ _____.".__' 2 Google Search Searched for Internet Resources for Grants Searched within results for New York And came u with this ",;,';.~'-" :';':-;-iJ: ""'1ll """~"""" ;::.__ ""'10.....1...._ '...."..~,.,_.""',.... r...._IrIIntrnaI",nr.-m"" ........-_................__..._.O)"...f_ ~......._____.._Yo..." --,--'.....'--.-.- =.:~~..::=~=tr:::C=.1 _...I3t....IL_I_VoollIOt*-_..._ """."'............-...-_.Wt.liII:!I:Il.-..... :;::~1::".:.::._I. _.._.......oa. _.Oplaft- _v....1f'I' - CR)'~~' ~ :"=";':-'.7 ii'" '''''~;,... ~~ilI:' 1l.4l'.....IQ_~"''''''''__.'"''''" ......,...,.~".."....""',.,-,-.. . __..........~_'lU:.~.~ .... ....r_~......_. --..--.....,......".,.""......",..".,.'" --- t-=--=...:.%;S.:;:=."::.-,"",~~. 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It does not provide $el\llces to grant-seekers However, the site PfOYides an abundance of philanthropic background information. including a glossary of terms and an alphabetical list of Nnks fa Council members' Web sites ~:JiWWW.cof.org; The Foundahon Center The Foundation Center collects, organizes, analyzes and distribUl:es information on foundations. The .u~.. -"'-.;:'~~""~"'- ".. ..~,_...,,~-- ....:-:::~:j;iiriiiii_~A:-~....._....A- ~ . rj=ltfbMal.atPow...lt: ,.....,~,:;'.:i! !l ~~:;:~.:" ~t~.,..~,:;;,'''' d~,.;or) :,--r,:', http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/reference/grantsref.htm 3 Searches Continued. . . Also Look for "Notices of Funding Available" or "NOFAs" ~':L~__~~~___..~~,,~~__..~4. JIo..LUi::iIM~_l"'_!!'! \';,:{;:" ;~_--K;l_olF'"*v_'Ilootlo_ .... """" W.b _b ~ I:!ulll!liRt Q:ulaIIIIlliIfLI l'llllj:..o!F,",d"'liA:.~jlbit .!BI~ We' Ro.......1..0.._U,..molorlkltllcaatE1wdiu06DiIIlIllI1Om........, USDA Rural '#.iWlnmel1l__NoUc.. orFlInd. 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There might be other worthwhile sources of information. 4 Web Addresses Continued Ifthe address can't be found, it might have been typed in wrong or the page address may have been changed. http://www.assembly.state.ny.us/gtns Back up to the address "core": http://www.assembly.state.ny.us Web Addresses Continued OR go to Search and type in the name of the organization or detail with quotation marks: "Grants Action Newsletter" """' -mIOI:I.lIilIul'/e!lMllll~lIlI:m.L I'GlnI_u",,- ~~ Wtlb ~""'.1.1.or_JNfot"!illllloAdw:tIllm'.l'.x_~ ~, T,. ~'~"m'l:y"""'lII"""""'l<oy_""oldodli!lg",-__ new sial a 01 n 1....""".iP>'.~ Gnlnta.<:tIon_. r.,.v...SloteUwwyOlpblkNpPnljooo'.___'IlIIo,.__ _y."'.,_~._Goonl_Unhd___ _";'Sl"tlO<l~oan15!I5li7l..'_"....c.t!Ill.~ NoowYiYl<stRhll'_IYIl<ln......,nlftIroYrYllh ~_lIIlhoonlinoodl__....___io__ln_fSoo_ --__..-In__l_ _fl)'dO]'Hll_'Iib. /V !\I2joldo<_-!Il<-~_.smlIuiIIIa I....'....--.............-J - ~ .::J~.,~m~'..."..,.,..~T' 5 *** HINTS *** > Look at the home page for site maps and helpful links such as "How to Write the Grant" C. -.- -- .... .. ....- .. -.... The Catalog of r.cteral .DoJlle,tic. Assb EMl:em:&lllEllllllBll&hooool1oo"""".........1iIG cr. .,...ZlUl5.1_.... ~..'j4~'"ij;.'.~m~_~ :'.t,,~_ FNIllIM n..C...fIIFMerIl~AulItInafCFOAl T_.'"'..~~.n" ..........'M...._.'. ",,',;""r...n~,~.I. T~;",".'~I'" 11ll_CNlDgolF__-""'...._t.. ,:' .._l._....__-........tIiIfriol..~llel: loUI....-..lllllil_l"""fIOI_Old"l)oNG8I___'.;' pIJI>O........~.......-......~-----_. ""_...__lIdlho......._""_...ioII'.; ......... !liI!",",.u..to..; ~ Wllllllln-__..fot...... *** HINTS *** ~ If it's not really apparent where to find some information, use site maps. For Example: http://www.usfa.dhs.gov/ ."-"-- . ~-- ..._~~. ,....._.M._._ '~....n_._ Sitelnde:ll ,_..._..~.- - ~........_.- -~- "--,.~.. "_Fn.T'~" 11 " .~ . '".~~, -- .n.._"'""-_........, .~ .M...._...._.. . ..~_..... _'nH_. . .- .",,--_._--~- .- .,.,''1..,....,...... ......', .....".,.-r.....;~.~ :~',-" , , ' , , , .-.,_.;.~;>i:.'*...,_. 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"" ~~~c_"'. -'. -'-":'--',.~~~I!t:~". .. ~flj:Q/!l3 .u~.....lilIIN"_""_lm_tiiil:IlI~fll:pir~_Y- 7 Great Resources ~ "Finding the Funds You Need - A Guide for Grantseekers" : http:// cedev. aers. psu. edu/ grantwriting ~FedWorld Gateway: www.fedworld.gov/ ~First Gov now USA.gov: www.usa.gov ~Rural Information Center: www.nal.usda.gov/ric/ Great Resources Continued ~ Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance: http://www.cfda.gov/ ~ Foundation Center: http://www.foundationcenter.org/ ~ Federal Funding Tools & Links: http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/grants/index.htm ~ Non-Profit Guides: http://www .npguides.org 8 "Finding the Funds You Need" PENNSTArr .- - M_I"IProg..m ,--- --- Finding the Funds You ~eed: A Guide For Grantseekers'" ud 01 ~ lhi, do~"......r~ ,n fdlk",nal ':13'k~ TableolCon"'nll AddllloPcllllAtemetRnour_: _Irrt,aductlon . Understand,nul",,':;,antPloCe6& . PreoannatheO,o3n!ZJtionfofFundSHkino ~ EnsunnoRudinus ~ Chooe,no a FundmaSllate,w . UmhIJslandinuFoundalions _....~.R~...;~~~.R OAA~''''~~'A :;j Non-Profit Guides ~ http://www .npguides.org ~Use Site Ma s & Links 6-1Ilo........~......~ .... . . ""i:j,-:s.o.j..'~" . :.'~~~ -I -....-. - . ,..- "."."',.. [;"""""'''' ~---_._-----------_. "";','", I - CJ ..-,..-". -..-- ....- ---~....."..."'...--_..-...- -- _..._~-............._....._..- . ="..:,:::--"...,..._-""".....~_......_...- .-.....,................ ::=-~=..-=:..-..:::-..:.=.:.==:-..:..::: - .- . "'---- .- .~~""- 'U<lOJ<-., aw h~~~,:=~~~{~=.:-=::~~:~&iii =-~;~.:.7:~~::. ~ ~~~~ 9 C--- - - - - -. .-. . --- - -- - ~- ~ ~..._- ~_..... The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assis' fAg ~ IEUdbAct iAb'~;d-ThR Cf-DA WRb..~tsU.ib Featur.. The Catalog of F...... DomntIc Asslstlnu (CFDA) Tvn...n'A...lllt"nCf! AnohrlnafnrA",,15t1.nce Wrltln"r.t..rnP.-oDo....l< Ton10%PrQ;"....mli5! NAwPrannom5 The online Catalog 01 feoellll Domestic Assistance giwes you IlCel$S ta" dsle, ll':aileblelaState.,dlocalgovemments(lncludingtheDislridolCoIUlltlill):fer hibal gl1\'el1'Wlel'lls: Tenitories (and pIIsse:;sionsl of the Un~ed Slides: dDmeslk privlI!eprofitandnonplPlilorpnizlllillnslIf1dinstiMions,specializedgrllUpS:ar,'- lhe~..... you WIlIII, comElct the o'ke 111" adminislellllhe program end find'" HI_"""llo""" User's Guide ':>'llat this W9b$i1e ClIf1 do fill' you C:-:-:o..::. ". " :=-.,~ ~_. .-- , - - -- ., - -- - '""c.....,.flff........ ;;lrir.N""i'C'Iation ---- tlwm.IEMlI~I~IAbmItTh..t:FnAWflbRltltl~ t Time UMr"S Guide If ;lmetClth,s ~ltB IOnbn~fuf ,rriOOTll",on (It! Fed8rll1glll11tS, youh_ corr.-Iothe rightplac:s_ This ll~e deals Mh .1I1'r.R< nI ~'<r.!Rn^o natjuSffmilllcial aid Thtrefcq. this site uses ~A$$i=>lanceProgram'8s II generk t~ fiIlhe' Ihlll"l s~nH ~~"cificitlly ole grant !olin_ or oilier BOlt of PfOV<;I/n . " ':6; t ANobtFo.-tndiYidu!IIls M..y inde.,duBls com~ 1"II;,'f iX~i'Cllnll 10 f,nd",",ll ..-;oy'la appI'f lor a QGIIt or Iuan directly from 1m. Fel!ll:1ill Gll'.'5fllfninl Wh,lll Ihs,"ar8 lllimdQd r.umberofpl'lllJnlTlll6ring lIiI:KJ...llumito IrnWiduaIs. mast ptIl1'ilms pm"tlt; funds 10 "illS ilIllllocfll lIll'.mwnents or other .nizatioola marta(I8 the distributioo of assistancllllccofIhnlllo local n6elli Fer ellalTlpte: a VA or FHA loan c_from a financial irsIitulion Sllchnatank cr811nunion ormortgll\)llCOnlf8f1Y noIdirac:tlyfrumtheFedellllGlro9ft'ImsnI PIeaseS8fl the Freouenll,- A~k~rt ')"~SIIOI1~ llllC!lon 10f 1Tlllr8 inIol'lTllllion WhM. Thi. SIIe Can Do FOf You; Thiil'r-ebSit.g"l'll ,-ou ilCUllSlo a dalabaill of all Fedlralpl'Oflllll'flS_illbllloS!ats..d foc:ilII gtMImmsntll ilnelutlinll the: Distnet of Cnlumbiai: lederally.recognized lndi.n tribal go'o'8fT1merr\': TerritGTies (aIfld pos\lSuions: oflhll Unlllld Slates domestic public. qui1l~ic. and pfflalllproftand fIOf1profit nm~nj;lollliM~ ~nrl ;nt\M,~inM ~r...r.lali7..rJ rtrfUlM anrt iorIil'illuftlll ~~~,,"&'-\ ,", ",:,/-,}:,~~'iftl.~..... ;e~1i~'. :mJl...MiaodD....II.c.t....~~_~i'")_~1: 10 Results: EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA DOE DOE ED ED ED ED ED ED _ED SlM& Putlbe 'Niter ~t~...!~ Su~rvision jStatsUnderyround\,VaterSaull;:lIProtllctilJ/1 Water a~lIlijL!.la0<l9&m'~ Planning Capitall%~.~oi' ,S'rtl~S for Ck!~ Wilier Stete R8'1OMIIfI Fundi UOIlpoifll Source Im~lem~8tion Grants C~lI11lit<rtjon Grants for Drinking Water Stall RfMlMng funds State Gr~i~~~R!~l:urse O~ratDfS of Small Water Systems forTraining and Certification Costs (''1'IIt.rPrOltCllon Grantstottle Statell Hazaro~s-":,;',~-s1~-r:l~~agemet'll State Program Support S11l1e En,~gl'_~f~~riI_~~___ \','eatheri%s.I't1n AuiS!ilnce wr llw...encDme Persona Adult Edu~lio~""Sllne Grant Progrilfll ntls 1 Gr~nts.~:.~?.:;ll !=duCalionlll Agencies r.U"ralll Etlucatlon_&t8tll Grlll'lt PI1I{IIBm TItle I Prcll....m lor l-leu1eclerlllml Delinquent Children rS~ci~ EduC-~~~=~~~~~K lm~ct..~_ ',iCl1:ilIIOnlill E!luClllion Besic Grilnte 10. SllIIn_ ~'O:l:;'"-''' , . ..<~::t . C-- - . . - - -. .-- : :..:' :-:. TlloClt......afh...... _IW__ ~kln t.t"",naliDn !::iQmJ; I EAD I~ 1.EIi:dDicJs I Abol~ ThR CFOA W...hR~R I~ DevelopIng And Writing Grant Propo.al. PART ONE: DEVELOPING A GRANT PROPOSAL Preparation A Bueces$lul Dra1'l\ ~ro~~s~lls o~s ttoat II w..II'i'fI!pBrl~. Ihoughtlully plll1Md. and eoneisBlypackaged Thepat~rrtlilla~licarrtshcoldbsccrrleIBmiliar"'ithBlloftheperlinetltP!'Ogr....erilerillrellrtedlolha C'U"GlIllflI~l1Im lrom ,,-,tlieh ~it:liI"~cl is souDhT Refer 10 the InlclMlIllon eonl8CI pefiDlllillled In 1M ClIllllcg J:rol/l'am oucri~lion til/ore ~.'l!loptng s IlflIpolllllo cbIaln inlcrmlllon Itlch H v.tIIllhsrfunding is ll'\'Bilable, when a~"lleatlt; deatllillss occur lIndtlls poeua ustd t1ythelJlllnlorageroc:yfofaecepl:ing ~ljeJIjonlJ;.wlicantBshDUW('m'mberlhlllTheblllieftquittltTlllnl.IIflIllIC81ionfOfITJS_infDlmlliDnlW1d procsdurSS,fofjffihti'ltFsdsralll!lsncymskinglhegrllfllawarll Individullli wrthO\ll prior ~1Bn1 ~ropcBIlI wrilmll B~.pelience may find ~ uHlul 10 lIItsnd a granl5mllnihip HOIY-lhop AI<otirkshOj: un ,,",plil"ilhellllsieinlormllionprtl""'edhere AppIi!:anllint_lIedin adllilion~ lliilthntls 01'1 nnomsml<llshlc ~nd trtIt(lulllllwlolmtlll, shoullltOllNl,1he fIIeJentes Iiettcl,at ~"' If~fJ:"'" - "",'",,>mll!liUlUll!lt,,_ i !~~:~-mlrta.wicrooolto*.1 RiWbotdtl"tiWii.P.iLt"Q.~_~~,,~_.,llJlJtOl!lt.;.._=~' '_~_ 11 Grants.gov - ",1; 'l.1J ,; ~ GRANTS.GOV' ~.::::~;. -- -- -~- --- -- Find. Apply. Succeed. - ~ ~ -, ~ -~-~--::-"7~1;!-~!J] 1. :'.. . - , _ ~ _ ' ....".."',....""'.......,.~_.""_..__II'_T. .........,..."""''''1I'...'''..'''h..._V-__.,.. O'.,_"'_"'...._,.....~..$.............._,... ..................""""'"~".,,....."'lI..._............._ ............:.-.."...""P">"""'................_........_..... ..........._~...."'...- .'~._.....,'W..........''',.,..,'''..''..................,...-:~__~..........-_ _,.:;~'''''-:'.'-',''''' ,:" ',' 8......---'~':'~7~rch Grant Opportunltle.. ='.Ii_"--lr.:,,___ltIlJ___~,~ __ =: 0.;." __5jf .._..a__......_...-c....-......"'":.... ;:::"%-==.=;;::'~"""''''(A)O_' If' , , ~~"":::==:t."'::':.":"";:-""lIIIIbuIl"''' -- I -..- I - . USA Gov --- r --, I:IlIlI ~ ~ IIllilanandVat.ran. _...-.- -.,,___ .. C__T.."~~",,,,,,, .. R....w,.'"'m,..... ""'" .. '"'."...."~"_''''"n. . -"'" )-, ~.,........, ,... .G.'''R....''.P...,... . ...."'.,,;.._.nt.~.. CIuongRI""'Bila:eoA , Get It Done . Online! -- Se'''u:..... .F......~thiton_ .~ . Rotcto....,mdal~. hv.....,.il 'IL<;AnlWR..~<:;F_._ Government Information by TopiC ~~=:::Ioot.! 1le""lito.ndG,,,nt. lc...~, money fun~ing ~n~nci~I~.:l fDDtI~t.~s Job..ndFd.."..linn EmplOymtlnt,C8,'..workpl_.1ablIf school;tutlIlUlItC!Wf. NIwa_f_ .!iL:All__ODIIIIJloin&ioo ~i',"'>;",_'m_____- ",.:'~,')'~,~:l-<lJij~~~ I -- !~J)m .. w~._II!llN'IOIIlICIll_.lmD~11~_~~~,',! CO""'"..,...."ld.. Identity !hell frIowj sC"",~ "c~!Is conIUlTllrt'.d~,"bI Mo""".ndT.... Undllirnetlgovemmentmoney_cre<lil I...;n~,mi'ement lIB. ".-.-""-- _......_to, .eIenI..,.__'Y..... -- J!l '~p:,;,,~. _ ~ r."~, V)M :iE!" 12 Grants & related sources website: www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/rants/index.htm ner~lnfo Resources ReRarch Hdp How To Compulers c. ~ . MS.U..Ul!rlDn ~ I~n ,jam._. ...""'. "..... . GQntJ IInd ReI.ted RrI!'our~tf GRANTS AND RELATED RESOURCES . The fllndinn Cp.ntp.f' I a Foundation r...ntPr Affii;o.tp I What''!; Np.w) who Can 110;.. In I Wnr.re To; tt11 Wh..n t.. II AvRilahk> for II"",,') !'i.nPri,,1 ................ I A..... ThP.... nth.... FoolI......tion ("..nt.... ron_noti.... C.....rti.on..l . Grant.. fnr Nonnrnfit.. (By Subjec:1 categories) . ("'...an.... fo.. Individuak (B, Academic; levd, PoptAtkm Group, and SUbject) . funding for BII-.inf><;.. or Frnnmn...- n-.....nm....r . ~dr.ral fllndinn T ..nI.. and I in.... "~;,::;'."f..m"...'~':di.."';.." ._ ttSi.if,.Q!'Si! .,;)~,..III-.,.I -,,----- _It~~;i - -~ _ ' Rural Information Center: http://ric.nal.usda.gov H= ~-...='~ [ <-. .- ."","""",", l~...!._ ,""'-'- ............. I r......~......."""'.ti , l_......n...o.~, ~ .........-..-...... , '. .-.- ''''--''- -(p.; :,m, - --- ---' _. - "~ m..'..m."....._~ , A :=.......... ~,' - - '-, ',~ ... ..,.,~-~-~ ~.(.:j13~~--- "'-,~-.;;.,! ....-.--------- _.,' .- = -,,... 1