HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12502 P 890NY ~ · B ~G'~lin nnd 5nle Deed · ~ C~ve~am a~mst G :'a nl~"~, ACLq, Individual ur Coqxuaaen t$i~k saeell INYBTU S002] CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE $1(; NI.~G TILLS INSTR UMI~'qT · THLq [N.qTRI~t &Yf SlIOULD BE t Lq F.D BY LAWYER,~ ONLY Tills INDEbrrURE, mnde the o~, '7'/k day of ff fl~RZ ~ BETWEEN ~NNA A. CHINGOS. (now k~ ~ ~NNA A. M ERTL) , in the year 2007 975 Victoria Drive Soulhold, NY 11971 proxy of Ihe first pan, and I' DONNA A. MERKEL and JOSEPH MERKEI.. us Tennnts by the Entiret)'. 975 Victo~a Drive Southold, NY 11971 paxy of the ~cond pan. wI'r~I.L~.~ I,:TII, thru the puny of the first part, in consideration of Tun Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the paxy of the second pax, don~ hereby 8r, ml nnd mleasa unto the party or the second part, the heirs or successors and asaillns of Ihe party of the second puff forever. AI.L that certain ploL pi~'e m parcel of land, with the buildings and impmvemenm thereon ere~,_~_ situstc, lyin~ and being in ~e SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED Donna A. Ching~a is now knowt~ n.~ Donna A. Merkul pu~.~tmra to Divorce Decree dated ! IZ'I IS~, Suffolk County and .'dnninge Cenifificate dated I, I'/q Town of~ea41w~a~.~only of Snffulk TOGETHER with nil right, title and interest, it' any, of the pony nf the first pan o1'. in nnd to any sueecq and roads nbuttinn the above-described premises to the center lines thereof: TOCI*.'rlIER with the nppunennnces and all the estate nnd fights of the paxy of the first pan in nmi to said premises; TO IIAVE AND TO IIOLD the premises hereto granted unto the pasty of the second pan, the heirs or succe.~o~ and nssil~ns of the party of the r~econd pan fore,,'er. AND the puny of the first pun covenants thet the party of the tint pan h-',, not done or suffered anything whereby the said x'emises here been incumben~d in uny way whatever, except ns afore~tid. AND the paxy of thc first pax, in compliance with Section 13 of thc Lien Law. covenants that the party of the I'u~t purl will receive the considerntion for this conveynnce and will hold the right to receive such consideration us n I~st fund to he applied first for Ihe purpo~ of paying the co~l of the improvement nnd will apply the snnu: first t. the payment of the cost of the ~mprovemont before using any part of the total of the same for any other purlmse. The word 'puny" shall he construed ns if il rend "panie~" wheanver the ~ense of ~is indenture so requires. IN WITNE,S~ WllEREOF, the puny oi'the firsi part has duly executed this deed thc duy and year first above written. I.~ PR F.q F.~qC E OF:. ALL thai cerlni~i plot, piece or j~rcel ~]( I~ml, wi~h Iht I;~ildi~l~$ ~nd improvem~l~ hir~ ~ml b~m~ itl~ Bt 8syv~ew nest Sau~hold, Town of Southald, Rounty of and S~ste o~ New York, bounded end deac~ibed ss [alLows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Victoria Drive, distant 817.88 feet northerly from the corne~ farmed by the intersection of the westerly side of Victoria Drive with the northerly side of Main Bayview Drzve: RUNNING THENCE North 64 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds West, 149.68 feet; THENCE North 25 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds East, 100.00 feet; THENCE South 64 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds East, 149.68 feet ~o The westerly side of Victoria Orive; THENCE sJong the westerly side of Victoria Orive, South 25 degrees ~inutes 50 seconds West, 100.00 feet to the point or place of BEG!NNTNG. Said premises known as 975 Victoria Drive, Southold, New York. ~ISEACIINOWI. EDG&f&~,? FORM BFJ. OW RI~IIN N~'~ Y~E ~A ~ O, YLY: S~Y~y~ Suffolk }~: ~m A. Ching~ n~' ~o~ as ~ M~kel , ~ly ~ m ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~e.~is.o~f~ ~in i~ ~ ~ to me ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ in ~ ~(~). ~ ht ~ h~ir ~~.i~g ~ i~v~J, ~ ~ ~ u~n ~~N~A~Y PUBUO, bTA~ OF N~ YOPJ( - [ ~ NO. 4~3~, EU~ COUH~ ~ ~;v;~lSSl~ ~IRE8 DEC. 2~ 200~ ~}$EACK,~,'OWLFd~Y, fFd*TFORMIH.'J. OWRITIIIA'NEwy~K~A~O.¥L)? ~de of New York, County of ] ~.: On die d~y of in Ibc )'ca' Ixl'u~c mc. d~ undct~igned, pcnK~lly ~ personally' .known to me or proved to me on lie ~ of misf~"to~ evidence to be d~e indJvidual(s),.,.'hose nnme(s) is (nmi subscfib~,l Io ~e within ir~,nnoent and ncknowk'd~d to me dml ~ ux~'utod t~e same in hi.~m'/their c-,q~ncity(k:a), nnd thnt by his/her/tl~ir sigmtu~(s) on thc in~rumcnk the individunl(s), or the perMn upon betmlf of which the individw, d(s) ~.'ted. e x ~'tot'd the instmmenL (Ituen dw city or other political subdis~ien and tla, ~mtr or coual~, or ~ARGAIN & SALE DEED TflT. E NO. DONNA A. CIIINGOS (now known as Donna Merkel) TO JOSEPH E. MERKEL & DONNA A. MERKEL FII}ELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE OCOMPANY OF NKW YORK DlSllliCr 1000 SF. CTIOI~ 078.00 BLOCK 0~.00 LOT 057.000 COUNTY OR TOWN SulTollEsouthold ItA*COItDEOAritr.~llA:~l'OF I,]delity National '~tle Insurance Cempaay ~ New York RATUR~/#F MAJL TO Donna A. Mcrkel 975 Victoria Drive Soulhold, NY 11971 Number of pages This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. Deed / Mortgage Instrument 31 Handling 5. O0 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State') R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5. O0 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Other Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Sub Total Sub Total Grand Total 200~ Rpr 27 01.'47:02 Sudi th ~. Pascale Q. EI~ OF L I~0012~02 Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAsslt. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town Dtml County Held for Appointmen£ Transfer Tax -,,'x~ Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be imlxoved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, ~e appropriate tax clause on page # __ of this instrument. 4 Commuaity Pm~tio~ gu.nd Real Pr~ Tax Se, Agen Verific: Satisf~tions/Di~har~e.'~/Rel~s List Proporty O~er.s Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due S - O-- Improved Vacant Land TD lC) TD M~ 7 Title Corn an Information ~7:;C"-""' Co..am. ° Suffolk Coun Recordln & Endorsement Pa e fSPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premiss herein is situated in s~,~L, cou~r~. NEw YOR~. i.,~TOWNor In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU S MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) SUFFOLK COUHTY CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE RBCORDTNG PA~E T~pe o£ Tnmtz~ment: DEEDS/DDD l~mher O£ Pages: 4 Roceipt l~,Mher : 07-00416ll TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-31492 DSst=ict: Z000 Deed Amount: Recorded~ LIBER: PAGE: Section,: Block: 078.00 09.00 ~2~M~NEDAHDC~d~F~AS FOLLOWS $0.00 04/27/2007 01~47~02 PM D00012502 890 Lot: 057.000 Received the Following Feee For Above Instz~ment Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYB BRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TF-584 $5.00 NO Cert,Copiem RPT $30.00 NO S~A'i ?=au~e~er ta~ $0.00 NO C'~--,Pres Fees Paid 06-31492 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $152.00 NO NO NO NO NO NO Judith A. Pascals County Clerk, Suf£oZk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~! www. orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNT~ USE ONLY . ~ ' '" RP - 5217 6. ~Mbr 1. Ch#k 1ho box W wlddt most emumtdy dMGrib# Z'n. UU d the WOpefly it tM ~ d M: 9. New CQnsb3Jction on Vdac~ nt L,sfld [] I ~nlflcam ChlinOe ~ Prope~v BMween Taxd)~ ~ lad Sale On,ms Other Ueg?,d FKIO(S Affec~blg Safe Prtce (S~lcl/y Below) 16. Ymr M AmmmwM Roi fremI/~ ~A I ! .O.'O.O./o.2.'5'. o I J ,iocx.~ O'~90 oqoo O~"'iOCx3, L I I ] I c.~F,r~o. I BUYER SELLER BUYEWS A'f'rl~RNqV I I NEW YORK STATE COPY