HomeMy WebLinkAboutVersion 5.0 , MinuteTraq Version 5.0 Release Bulletin Table of Contents List of New Features... ........................................ ...................... ............................ ......3 List of Enhancements... ....................................... ....................... .................................3 Changes Made to the List Menu....................................................................................5 Changes Made to Departments and Groups ...................................................................6 Changes Made to Legislative Categories ........................................................................8 Changes Made to the Meeting List ..............................................................................10 Changes Made to the Meeting Type List ......................................................................11 Changes Made to the Legislative File Entry Screen........................................................ 12 Changes Made to User Account Entry Screen ...............................................................13 2 List of New Features Multiple Meeting Groups This is a major feature of this release. It gives you the ability hold meetings for departments or committees that have their own meetings, agendas, minutes, legislative files and so on. In addition, the Town Board and other meeting groups can route a document to meetings for review. Stage Based Work Flow The Approval/Review process has stage numbers allowing the document to be approved in steps. This gives you more control and flexibility as to when you want approving groups or users to receive the document for approval. For example, you may want department A and B to review the document before it goes to department D and C. Once A and B approves the document MinuteTraq will then send out an email to D and C notifying them for their approval. In this scenario, department A and B will be in stage 1 while D and C will be in stage 2 of the approving process. Work Items A new feature is added to the approval process called a work item. Work Item is a single approval item for a document; however the document can still have multiple work items at different or same stages. The work item allows you to include additional information for approvals such as description, instruction and action. List of Enhancements User Accounts - has been improved to include functionality for meeting groups as well as tabs for better organization and navigation. User Picture - you can now add picture of the user to his/her user account. Optional Sponsors - sponsors can be made optional through on each individual Legislative File Type. Add Approvals on the Fly - you are no longer limited to having approvals added through legislative categories alone; you can add approvals to a document when drafting. Add Initiator to the Work Flow - you can now specify on Legislative Category to add initiator to the Approval process. This is useful when the initiator is not the person actually drafting the document, but wants to review it once it is drafted. Add Users to Department - you now have the ability to directly add users to a department or group on the department entry screen. Better Grouping of Major Lists - major lists such as Meeting List, Department & Groups, Legislative Categories and Legislative File Type list are no longer listed in a linear fashion, instead they grouped for clarity and easy navigation. 3 Agenda Wizard - the legislative file tab displays all documents for the meeting. In addition, the documents are displayed in color code making it easier for the user to determine the status of the document. Legislative File Status - the legislative file status has been changed to Reviewed from Ready. Phone and Fax for Recipient - added Phone and Fax fields for recipients. Minutes Acceptance - The minutes to be accepted will now only auto fill on to the agenda if they have been Finalized. Also, if you are generating an agenda packet with an appendix the Full minutes that are being approved will now be included in the appendix like an attachment. 4 Changes Made to the List Menu The List Menu has the following changes. 1. Board Members are removed from the list. They are now merged with User Account with voting rights. 2. Content Files have been added. It stores pictures used for Logos and Clerk Portraits. 3. Organizational Group Types allows you to define custom groups that can be used to define meeting groups. Legislative Categories Save Reasons Functional Categories Templates Content Files Legislative File Types Define Vote Results Communication Types Organizational Group Types Legal Notice Types Other Document Types Recipients Distribution Lists Meetings Meeting Locations Meeting Types Budget Sources ReFresh Startup Data Ctrl+F5 5 Changes Made to Departments and Groups Department and Groups now allow you to define Meeting Groups, Sub Groups, Departments and custom defined groups. When you open Department and Groups you no longer see a linear list, instead you have Parent-Child list. o epartmenl Name Meeting". Assesor m.....EJ o o o o o o o o EJ o o o o ~ T~'NnB;;aid.... Animal Control Community Development Comptroller Daryland Department with No Approver Environmental FirePrevenlion :,,1 GeneralServfces Personnel Highway Human5erl'ices InformalionSystems JusliceCourl , General Tab Name: enter the name of the department or group. *Required Sub Group of: if part of another group check the box and select the parent group. Type: Select type of group. This is user defined data populating from Organizational and Group Types. Formal Name: enter formal name if needed. Address: enter address of the group or department. Phone: enter the phone for the department or group. Website Message: enter a message to be displayed on the website for the group. .,jj x H_ o M~"lM" Tffl C;;YiY;'!,.,vn4~.'" rwwilNMM Ai.!J;H; ""'~ 6 Members Tab Under this Tab you can add members to the department/group and set permissions. This can also be done from the User Manager for a user. Meeting Group: check meeting group if meeting are held for the department and give additional voting rights in the grid (not seen in diagram). Users & Votes: add users by selecting from the user drop down in the grid and set desired permissions with the check boxes. ""'" f\.lPk Wruk$!i i;f 0.~G1C(,flof: fCA'lhBQ.iV;J Gtfo91al H03if,.:JCiIl:>Jl' Uli1ld,t:,'{;iN, . '" M...~ ~ w eB 7 Changes Made to Legislative Categories Legislative Category List is no longer linear. All the categories are listed under its own Legislative File Type for easy management of your Category List. ii::' Resolutiom Agreements, Contracts,Leases Bidding NolicetoBidders N,w NoliceofAdoption Local Many Natura Parks Public Test TestN Testin Edit Ctrl+E Delete Category Ctrl+D Make Inactive Notice of Public Hearing Show All Categories Refresh List F5 l\\ Oldin Comm Ordinance Category Ordinance with Approval.s Print List Ctrl+P Tests Res Number Test iT) RaiTestVotes RTVCategory The Legislative Category entry screen now has tabs for easier navigation and grouping. 8 Rules & Defaults Information under this tab has not changed. It is same information for the previous version. Routina Tab Allows you to define default voting work flow for the category. Rules & Defaults [ I I Cancel OK Resolution Next Send Lettsls to: D Inactive Func. CategOlY None o rF.f~'q'~W.~.'.'F.I0.'~D.~!~IJ..~'F.i~'~'! ... o Cleate Public Hearing This option will ':lutomatj.;;-3lly create a Public Hearing record when a Legid':ltwe File of thit Category is adopted o Cleate legal Notice T his option indicatei that when a Legislative File of this C:ltegory is adopted a Legal Notice thould be cre.:l~.ed INith the selecled legal Notice T )lpe 9 Changes Made to the Meeting List The meeting list is now grouped under different time frames. In addition, Group drop down has been added to filter meetings for different meeting groups. D~~ ~. "---~~~!:~~.:~~==-~~r Group: TownBoard"" Mli'eting Ust Si:aliJii: 'Scheduled .xi !~FlefreshJ Meeting Date '*' Oldm Meeting GrouD TawnBo/lId Town Board N.w Edit Ctrl+E Delete Meeting Ctrl+D Open Agenda Wizard Open Minutes Make. Open Letter Factory ViawMinutes View Minute, (Public) Show Meetino Filters ReFresh List f5 Print List Ctrl+P Me.elingT~p.e ^""" MedIC Slalw Minutes Special Meeling Scheduled Regular Meeting Scheduled RegulalMee\inQ Scheduled SpdceMeeting Scheduled Space Meeting Scheduled Regula/Meetin.. Scheduled Regular Meeting SchedUed SpedalMeelinlJ Scheduled RegulClrMeeling Scheduled Space MeelinQ Scheduled Regular Meeling Scheduled Accepted Draft B/1712006 S:22 P Generated '3/14/2006 Generaled8l11/2006 Generaledl0/31/2006 GenelatedB/17/2006 Accepted Stalted Gel1elatedl1/2/20062 Dlaftll/8/20064:22P Two new fields, Meeting Group and Status, have been added to the meeting entry screen. The Meeting Group field allows you to pick meeting group for the meeting. The Status field allows you to change the status of the meeting. (Scheduled, Cancelled or Closed). 10/8/2006 12:00 AM 1200AM School 10 Changes Made to the Meeting Type List The Meeting Type entry screen has another field called Meeting Group, which allows you to select the meeting group for the meeting type. ;edit Meeting Type 5 ervices M eeling 11 Changes Made to the Legislative File Entry Screen There are few changes made to the entry of the legislative file. 1. The word Approval is replaced with Routing. 2. You can add Approval/Routing information on a fly by clicking on Add Work Item as shown below. 3. Sponsors can be setup under the Legislative File Type to be Optional instead of required. [M.l Routing Stage .. Add -'vl/olk item Reviewer Description Due Date Status la' 12 Changes Made to User Account Entry Screen User Account entry screen has tabs for easier navigation and organization. We have added a Login field that is used to login into MinuteTraq and User Name field is now used through out M i nuteTraq. General Tab: has basic user information as previous version. Permissions Tab: allows you to setup user permissions. Other Settings: allows you to setup meeting group and delegate information for the user. User Login Login '>> Password Confirm .......... Conlactlnlormation Salutation 1111;;1;; " I i ; FirstN.sme Middle Name Last Name Tille Phone ~ Fo< Email 13