HomeMy WebLinkAboutEntering Time Indexes 6 &
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MinuteTraq / MediaTraq Instructions
Entering Time Indexes after Meeting
During the Meeting
1. During the meeting you should write down the times that each item started including
the seconds if you want to be accurate. (There is also a live mode with the Minutes
Maker that will allow you to do this with MinuteTraq).
Prepare Minutes Maker
2. Open the Minutes Maker for the meeting within MinuteTraq.
3. The Tree outline should be populated before entering in Time indexes. If the tree is
empty or the Minutes have not been started then start by clicking Auto-fill from
Agenda on the Actions menu of the Minutes Maker. Then save the Minute Maker
before entering the time indexes.
Enter Start Times
4. Click the Time Dimensions button on the toolbar which is a picture of a clock with a
checkmark on it. Alternatively you can click the blue bar above the tree that says
Click for Timeline. This will open the time dimension grid where you can enter in the
start and stop times of the items.
5. Go down the "Start" column for each item that you have a time and enter in the start
time in the following format: HH:MM:SS PM (i.e. 6:13:15 PM).
You can use the down and up arrows and the Enter key to navigate the table without
using the mouse... simply enter in the time and hit enter or down to go to the next
6. After you have typed in all the start times as a precaution you should click the save
button. ---�
Enter Media Points
7. You must first find a reference point to the first item in the Minutes that you want to
index... this would be the first item that you have entered a start time for. From the
Actions menu select View Media. This will start the video of the meeting in a little
window in the upper left corner. The current time index of the video being displayed
in green numbers below the video.
8. Scroll to the point of the video where the first agenda item we are indexing starts in
the video. You can use the scrollbar below the video to move navigate the video or
use shortcut keys Ctrl+Left & Ctrl+Right. Once it has got to the start point of the
first indexed agenda item write down the time index in the green numbers.
9. Go back to the time dimensions grid and enter in the video time index (you just
wrote down) and enter it in the Media Point column for that agenda item. Hit enter
to be sure the time index is entered.
10.On the left side under the Tasks panel, click the Synch Time Indexes option. This
will automatically calculate all the other time indexes from the first one. If there
were any pauses in the video you will have to make manual adjustments to the
Media Point column.
11.Click the Save button on the toolbar.