HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12499 P 153REFEREE'S DEED THIS REFEREE'S DEED made on Dccember 28, 2006, between: Danicllc I. Schwager, Esq. havin8 an office ~_,~P. O..Box 5874, Hauppaugc, NY 11788, and being duly appointed Referee in the foreclosure acUon hereinafter mentioned, a.s grantor and FREMONT INVESTMENT & LOAN, as ,grantee. WITNESSETH, that DImielle I. Schwnger, Esq., being the Referee appointed in an action between MOR'FG.~GE ELECTRONIC RF. GISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR FREMONT INVESTMENT & LOAN, plaintiff, and EVE GOLDWASSER RANDALL, et al. defandams, bearing Index Number 23268/05, foreclosing the mort~ge recorded on February 18, 2005, in the Office of the Clerk o.r Register of SUFFOLK County, in Reel or Liher 20983 of mort~o~ at pa~e 936, pu~stum.t to the Judipnent entered at a Special Tcrm of Ihe Supreme Court of said county, on April 28, 2006, and; In consideration of the sum of(S100.00) Dollars paid by FREMONT INVESTMENT & LOAN, being the highest sum bid at the sale under such Judgment. does hereby grant and convey unto FREMONT INVESTMENT & LOAN, its successors and assigns the following described p~mises: SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED HERETO Known u 1765 MAIN BAY VIEW, SOUI'HOLD, NEW YORK11971. located in the County of SUFFOLK and State of New York, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said p~mises hereby conveyed unto FREMONT INVESTMENT & LOAN. and its successors and assigns forever. SUI~IECT TO all unpaid taxes, assessments and water rates which are now a lien on the premises and to any prior mortgages of record. IN WITNE~q WHEREOF Danielle I. Schwager, Esq., as Referee, has hereunto set his/her hand the day and year first nbove written. LI ABSTRACT, INC. TITLE NO. LI-FC-14595 Client No.: 14595 SCHEDULE A LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Bayview near Southhold, Town of Southhold, County of Su?olk and State of New York bounded and. described as follows: BEGINNING at the point on the EASTERLY line of main Bayview Road which point 16 distant 117 feet SOUTHERLY from a monument set at the intemection of the EASTERLY line of Main Bayview Road with the SOUTHERLY line of Clearview Avenue; FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING RUNNING South 76 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East 199.1'4 feet to the land of Bauer; THENCE along said Bauer South 12 degrees 25 minutes 40 seconds West 99.5 feet to an iron pipe and land of part; THENCE along said land of Dart and along land of Musto North 76 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West 210.49 feet to a monument on said EASTERLY line of Bayview Road; THENCE along said EASTERLY line, North 18 degrees 56 minutes 50 seconds East 100 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: Premises also known as: Section: 070.00 1765 Main Bay View Southhold, New York Block: 08.00 11971 Lot: 053.000 STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) .ss.: On tl~ I~" da), o£'-~*/~do~*t--c/ of year ~O~-, beforc thc undcrsigned, a No.fy Public in and for thc Smtc of blew York, personally appcarcd Danicllc !. Schwagcr, Esq., Rrfcrcc, Imown to mc or provcd m mc on ~hc basis of satisfactory cvidcnc~ m be the individual whose name is subscrihed to thc within Rcfcrcc's Dced and acknowledged to me flm~ the .,u~rnc was executed in the capacity of Referee, and that by such signature on ~his Referee's Deed, the individual cxccuted thc instrumcnt. Notard PubUr.. State of New Yodt No. 4M5249 ~ueltfled In 8ulfolk County ,~,-~ Number of pagos ~erial # Certificate # Prior Cfi. # TORRENS Deed / Morgag~ lasm~mem 3 Handling Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Ccrtilied Copy NYS Surcharge 200? Ror ~ 12.'59:22 · Judith IL Pa~cale CLERK OF ~UFFOU4 C(I.~V L 000012499 13 1~ I)T# 06-2~36 Deed / Mo~ga~e Tax Slump , J Recording / Filing Stamps Mort~ase Amc 1. Bnslc Tax 2. Additional Tax · " Sub Total Spec./Assit. Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX 1his documentwd~ be public, ~oo 'reco~d. Please remove all -- Social Secu~y Numb~f~ -- prior to recording. Sub Total ~2~ 5. O0 15. 00 Sub Toud Dual Town . Dual County Held for Appotnlment ~ /7~ Th~ property covcrcd by this mortgage is or ~ be improved by u one or two family dwcllina only. YES or NO ~ To~ ]'~ ~'.. '1 If NO, see appropriate tax ~laa~e on ' -- /~'~ |pa~o#__ofthisim~.t~e~t. .... : ~ I /P ~-~6 ¢ 10oo o~ooo oaoo g~3ooo"" ' [ Con~d~ ~t $ . Vacant Land TD 6 I Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List ~ ~ Mailing Address l~"n# ~p- O~q~f Suffolk Count Recordin &.Endorsement Pa e (SPECIFY TYPE OF ~U~ S~LK COUP, NEW YO~ mad~ b~: REDA'S ATTORNEY SERVICE - 631 331-0700 or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over'} SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDIN~ PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt ~er : 07-0032131 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 06-28636 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At~ LIBER: PAGE Section s Block s 070.00 08.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $431,203.34 04/03/2007 12~59s22 PM D00012499 153 Lots 053.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Pace/FiXing $12.00 NO Handling COg $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart. Copies RPT $30.00 NO SC'I'M Transfer tax $1,726.00 NO Co~a. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-28636 THIS P~GE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $5,624.07 NO $7,502.07 Judith A. Pascals County Clerk, Su£folk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:/! www. orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 Roll iwnb lmt~l~d ~1 the dwd · ~ P~t of · Porcel M. Ramdng Board w~th -~;- _~n Author~y E~bta I 7. Chad[ the bo~ below wl~d4 mo~t ~.-i(My demab# the uN of the propln'y et 1he dm· of 1411c Fimlly R~der~ll 2 or 3 Fa~ly R#idmtMI Vacant Lind Non-lb~lid Vlc4r4 Lied I 1~. I~t~ of 8nb I Tmdm 13, Full bb Pd# [ , , HI IEntert~inmemlAmuNment I,I IFo~wt Chdd I~,t t----- bdow m Ihw apldy: .... ! ! · (FuiJ bli R~oe i~ h totd MnOLrOt pakl for the propwty Indudiq pa,mhd pnq~y, Tide paP/mere may be In the hrm of uah, (xhaw p~operty or ooods, o~ the uaurnpl]on o! I J l&"a;--'"ffm~tlmdP~tm~l I , , , 0 , 0 I INFORMATION - hm shooed tef[ect tM latest Final ~ueurnefit Roil and TIx B[II [ I CErnF=A ON I I L I I NEW YORK STATE COPY mJYER I cffdry tlul d Qi' dU' "'m( d' k]~afnMiaa a]k. red at Ibis rofln m M]~ ud tornd ilo tin bed d m~ Mkd~ ud bt~dJ snd I .-~4~ b b makh~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY